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Name :Ni Kadek Ayu Diah Regina Patresia

Number :20
Class :XD


Puputan Margarana is a historical event of the struggle of the Indonesian people in

maintaining independence that occurred in Marga Village, Margarana District, Tabanan, Bali.
The Battle of Puputan Margarana is one of the battles between Indonesia and the Netherlands
during the Indonesian Independence War which occurred on Twenty November one thousand
nine hundred forty six. This battle was led by the Head of the Little Sunda Division Colonel I
Gusti Ngurah Rai.
The Puputan Margarana War in Bali began with the Dutch' desire to establish the
State of Eastern Indonesia or NIT. Lieutenant I Gusti Ngurah Rai, the official commander of
Nusa Tenggara, tried to defeat the formation of NIT by holding an attack on Tangsi NICA on
Eighteen December one thousand nine hundred forty six. At that time, I Gusti Ngurah Rai
and his troops ciung Wanana managed to win in the invasion of Tangsi NICA in Tabanan.
Because of the defeat of the Dutch in the first battle. The Netherlands attacked again on
Twenty November one thousand nine hundred forty six .when I Gusti Ngurah Rai and Ciung
Wanara's troops longmarch to Mount Agung, the eastern tip of the island of Bali.Suddenly, in
the middle of the journey, I Gusti Ngurah Rai's troops were intercepted by Dutch soldiers in
the village of Marga Tabanan Bali. In this second battle, I Gusti Ngurah Rai and the ciung
wanara troops were killed on Twenty November one thousand nine hundred forty six. For his
services he was given the title of national hero on Nine August one thousand nine hundred
seventy five.
Well, it can be concluded that this puputan is a term in Balinese that refers to war to
the last point of blood that is carried out during war rather than having to surrender to the

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