08) Explanation (Subject Verb Agreement)

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 Don’t forget: If the subject is {singular}, it takes one of the following: {is – was – has – verb + s}
 Don’t forget: If the subject is {plural}, it takes one of the following: {are – were – have – verb without s}
 Theses words: {as well as – together with – along with} link two subjects, but the verb agrees with the first subject.
 Maged, as well as his friends, (is – are) expected to come to the party on time.
 He together with his friends (go – goes) to school every day.

 Subject joined by {either…or… – neither…nor… – not only…but also…} the verb agrees with the second subject.
 Neither Ahmed nor his friends (is – are) going to travel to the North Coast.
 Not only the teachers but also the headmaster (is – are) hardworking.

 In sentence beginning with {here – there}the true subjects follows the verb.
 There (is – are) a tree near the school playground.
 There (is – are) two trees near my house.

 {someone – somebody – something} & {anyone – anybody – anything} & {everyone – everybody – everything} &
{no one – nobody – nothing} & {much – little – every – each of – one of} & {the importance of… – the influence of…}
These words must be followed by a singular verb.
 Nobody (gets – get) rich from writing nowadays.
 One of my friends (is – are) a football player.
 Each moment in history (is – are) a fleeting time, precious and unique.
 The important of bees (highlights – highlight) the potentially disastrous effects of an emerging, unexplained crisis.

 {many – few – several – both…and…} must be followed by a plural verb.

 Several villages (have – has) been isolated by the heavy snowfall.
 Very few students (learn – learns) Latin these days.

 Use a singular verb for expressions of {measurements – time – money – weight} when it is considered one unit.
 Fifty dollars (is – are) a reasonable price.
 Fifty minutes (is – are) a long time to wait for the bus.
 Fifty liters of petrol (fills – fill) my car.

 These words ends in {s} but they are considered singular nouns:
{news – athletics – physics – mathematics – classics – politics – economics – gymnastics – hepatitis – diabetes – measles}.
 Gymnastics (is – are) his favorite sport.
 The news of his father’s death (was – were) shocking to all the family.
 Measles (is – are) an infectious disease.

 Titles of single entities {books – organizations – countries} are always singular.

 Weathering Heights (is – are) an interesting novel.
 The United States of America (is – are) a very strong country.

 Subject {non-essential clause / fat} verb

 The bedrooms, which we painted during the summer, (look – looks) cheerful and bright.
 Omar, who studied hard, (get – gets) high score in every quiz.

 Subject {prepositional phrase} verb

A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition {in – on – over – from – to – of – with – etc.}
 Changes in the balance of trade (seems – seem) remote from everyday concerns.


 The works of artist Alan Chain have included elements inspired by the California gold rush.
 A drink that is popular in many Middle eastern countries is green tea with mint.
 Along the Loup Canal in Nebraska extend parks, lakes, and trails owned and operated by the Loup district.
 In recent years, there have been many questions raised about the safety of genetically modified foods.
 Playing video games is very popular among children nowadays.
 When anyone of the committee proposes a new regulation, the committee discusses it then takes a vote.
 Neither Yasmin nor Mariam has long hair.
 The distinction between science and pseudoscience remains controversial.


 Case:  if + present simple, present simple. (when you talk about a scientific fact)
 If you heat water at 100 degrees, it boils.
 Case:  if + present simple, will + inf. (when you talk about possibilities in the present or in the future)
 If he sleeps early, he will get up early.
 Case:  if + past simple, would + inf. (when you talk about imaginary situations in the present or in the future)
 If he took my advice, he wouldn’t get into troubles.
 Case:  if + past perfect, would have + p.p. (when you talk about imaginary situations in the past)
 If he had studied hard, he would have got a high score.

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