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THW guarantees basic income

Proposition points
Financial and economic stability
– alleviates poverty
– Basic standard/quality of life maintained/improved
– (R) it is not since inflation increases now that everyone can spend money, and if
everything is expensive, people will struggle to buy a piece of bread, let alone go to
the doctor or get an education (below I’ve written how you can counter opposition
on any inflation claims)
– People feel emboldened enough to take risks and entrepreneurship is encouraged
– People have more spending power, economy is stimulated, local businesses are supported
– (R) Inflation is increased
– (How you can counter the opposition on this) the extent of inflation depends
on various factors like the funding source behind the UBI program. If we
finance it through a revenue source, it will help redistribute wealth. Studies
and pilot programs have shown that inflation effect is not significant and
leads to positive effects e.g. increased consumer spending
– Small business owners can invest in themselves and GDP is promoted
– (R) there is no way of regulating or guaranteeing where the money is spent by these
people. Plus loans and other incentives are already provided to these people so a
UBI is unnecessary. Also, it is difficult to keep track of what people are doing w the
money since we don’t have the resources to keep an eye on em

Equality of wealth
– the wealth gap is reduced (money taken from rich to poor)
– (R) progressive taxation is a burden hence the elite class (which can invest and lead
the country to progress and innovation) will pack up and leave for a more favourable
tax country. So basically it disincentivises successful business owners and rich class

education and skill development

– poor students can afford a good information and general population can learn skills for

morality (only argue this point if you think ‘lack of money is the root cause of wrong in
– Evil/immortality is reduced (the though to snatch other’s wealth is eradicated)
– Snatching/street crimes reduced and hence more safety in the country
– (R) other crimes will be committed instead e.g. addiction, fraudulent businesses/
scams, abuse, etc. since people can use that money to do crimes
– Begging culture eliminated/reduced
– (R) no guarantee of this
addresses people who have lost jobs due to automation
– (R) Job creation programs are a better solution to this problem than UBI
– (How we can counter this) Job creation programs are time consuming and it takes
time and resources to mass produce new jobs. Hence, a UBI creates a basic safety
net for people

addresses vulnerable people in society

– Like women, retired/old people, disabled people (who are unable to find jobs) and helps
them achieve financial security
– (R) unfair to other people — again job creation is a better solution

child labour reduced

– bc small scale business owners (like farmers) usually can’t afford employees hence they
have their children do the labour work. As a result tariffs are imposed on Pakistan. If we
give Basic income, this issue would be resolved. Also, population growth will be controlled.
– (R) there is no guarantee people still won’t put their kids to work (and pocket the
extra money as well)

Opposition points with rebuttals we can use

Work disincentive rebuttals
– BI means to supplement income, not replace it entirely, hence it provides a financial
security net
– Gives incentive to pursue passion and encourage people to be risky - hence society has
more innovation and improved mental health
– Some jobs trap people (they can’t have other part time jobs or else they’ll lose the benefits
the main job provides), with basic income, this issue is resolved
– People can focus on community work and volunteering instead of part time jobs

Taxation puts a burden on the already demotivated working class (rebuttals)

– Exemptions and and deductions for working class people so their income remains
– Implement Targeted taxation -> on wealth, transactions and carbon emissions
– Set income thresholds so that as a persons net income increases, their basic income
phases out

Maintenance is not easy, and can’t be achieved with a mediocre bureaucracy

– corruption and bribery
– (R) if we give people money, they won’t be tempted to take bribes

All areas of life must first be improved before one can give people money to spend on those
things e.g. if education is terrible, it doesn’t make sense to give poor people money to send
their kids to school. One should spend that money on the school so that people can get
quality education for free

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