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ni USM SODA ADDON sosossnitiunesrnsSonatii Rosai iaaiaitasd aUASRUSSit SANE ; SECTION 102° DEFINITIONS : For the purpoce of this code, vertain trea, phimocs, words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in this chapter and elsewhere in this code where specific definitions are provided, Terms, phrases and words used in the singular include the plural and vice versa, ‘1erms, pluases and words used in the masculine genes inde the feminine and vice versa ‘The following terms are defined for use in this code: ALI of ALTERATIUN 15 any change, adaition or ‘modification in construction or occupancy. APPROVAL shall mean that the proposed work or completed work conforms to this code in the opinion of the Building Official APPROVED as to matorils and types of constructio relive to approval hy the Rusilding Oficial ae the result of investigation and tests conducted by the Building Official, o¥ by reason of accepted principles or tests by recognized authontes, technical or scenic organizations. AS GRADED jp the oxtont of surface conditions on completion of grading. AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION __is the organization, political subdivision, office ot individual Varged with die respousibiliy uF adminiswering and enforcing the provisions of this code. BEDROCK is in-place solid or altered rock BENCH 1s a relatively level step excavated into earth material on which fil is wo be placed. BORROW js earth material acquired from an off-site location for use in grading on a site. BUILDING 1s any structure usually enclosed by walls, and a roof, constuucied to provide support or shelter for an intendad ure or ocoupaney BUILDING, EXISTING isa building erected prior to the adoption of this code, or one for which a legal building permit has been issued, CHAPTER 1~ General Requitement 1-3, BUILDING OFFICIAL is the officer of other designated authority charged with the administration and enforremont of this code, or the Building Official's duly authorized representative. CIVIL ENGINEER isa professional enginces licensed to prvetion in the field of civil enginsering, CIVIL ENGINEERING is the science or profession in which a Knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences gained by study and practice is applied with Judgoment to uiliee naturel and man-made seaousves ain forces in the planning, design, management. construction, and maintenance of buildings, structures. facilities. and utilities in their totality, for the progressive well-being and for the benefit of mankind, enhancing the environment omuunity Hiving, industy, aud anspoxaion, wking into consideration such scpecte ac functionality, offieiency, economy, safety. and environmental quality. COMPACTION is the densification of a fill by ‘mechanical or chemical means. CONSTRUCTION FAILURE i a failure that occurs during construction and they are considered to he either 2 collapse or distress, of a structural system to such a degree that it eannot safely serve is intended purpose." CONTINUOUS STRUCTURAL INSPECTION is lnietieal inspection where the structural inspector ie on the site at all times observing the work requiring structural inspection. EARTH MATERIAL is any rock, natural soll or fill or any combination thereof: ENGINEER-OF-RECORD is a civil engineer responsible for the structural design, EROSION {5 the Wearing away of the ground surtace as a recult of the movernent of wind oF water. EXCAVATION jis the mechanical removal of earth material EXISTING GRADE Is the grade prior to grading. FAILURE ig defined ae an unacceptable difference between expected and observed performance. This definition includes eatastrophie structural collapse, but also Includes performance problems that are not necessarily vatasliophic or Tifechreatening, including “serviceability probloms euch aa diotronn, oxooasive deformation, premature deterioration of materials, leaking roofs and facades, and inadequate. interior environmental contol systems.” In the event of a significant failure, the parties ‘ypically retain experts to determine the cause of the perceived failure, Occasionally a fails results Gum a National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015

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