Art of Bedchamber Douglas Wile

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Art of the Bedchamber

The Chinese Sexual Yoga Classics

Women's Solo Meditation Texts

Douglas Wile

Sta t e Un i vers ity o f Ne w Yo rk Press

Published by
State University of New York press. Atbany
1992 state University of New York
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States Of America
No part Of this book may bc used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever without written permission except
in the case Of brief quotations embodied in critical
articles and reviews.
For information, address State University Of New York Press,
Washington Albany,
production by Dana Foote
Marketing by Theresa A. Swierzowski
Library of Congcss Catahging in Publication Data
Wile, Douglas.
Art Of the Be&hambcr : The Chinese Sexual Including
Women•s Solo Meditation Texts " Douglas Wile. p, cm.
and index.
ISBN 0-7914-WS-x (alk. papery—ISBN 0-7914-0886-8 (pbk. : alk.
I. l. •rttk.
306.7'09—dc20 90-2*707

10 9 8 7 6 s 4 3 2 1

Co n te n ts

L MOTIVE AND Focus [3]

The Empirical Ground 5
The Metaphysical Ground 10
The Individual and the Imperial Ideals / 13
lhc Bagle of!he Sexes / 14
The Cuir / 15
Sexual Practices and Ethics 16
Thc Sexology Classics as Literature / 18


The Position of Sexual Practices in Taoism / 24
The Vocabulary ofSexual Yoga 28
Sexual practices and Meditation / 36

The Pleasure Principle / 44

The Position of Women 44
Ejaculation Frequency and Control 46 Sexual
Energy / 47


Chinese Sludies / 51
Western Studies / 56


Art of the Bedchamber

Introduction / 77

' Uniting Yin and Yung" / 78

"Discourse on rhe Highest Tao under Heaven" 79
Introduction 83
The Classic of su Nü / 85
Prescriptions ofSu Nü / 94
Essentials af the Jade Chamber / 100
Secrets of the Jade Chamber 102
Tung }lsüan Izu 108


Introduction 113
" Health Benefits of'he Bedchamber" / 114
"The Dangers and Benefits of Intercourse with Women" 119
The Wondrous Discourse ofSu Nü / 122
True Classic of Perfect Union / 133
Exposition of Cui!ivuting the True Essence 136


Introduction / 146
Seeking Instruction on the Golden Elixir / 149
True Transmission of rhe Golden Elixir / 153
Summary Of Golden Ellxir/ 169
Secret Principles of Gathering the True Essence / 178
"The Rootless Tree" / 188


Introduction 1192
Queen Mother of the West's Ten Precepts / 193
Essentials of the Golden Eldrir Methodfor Women 202
Master Li Ni-wun's Precious Raft of Women's Dual Practice
204 Correct Methods for Women's Practice / 212

NOILS [221]
INDEX [2831


possible spectrum of primary sources,
L MOTIVE AN D the reader is able to witness the
evolution of sexual practices in China,
music. is considered something the key issues that divide its several
Ei•cesal language, but anyone who schools, and the relationship of the
"paired practices" (shuang-hsiu )
Chinese music will tell you la camp to its detractors. Additionally,
diférence can be. To sexual this broad base Of primary materials
sensibilities, the Western lied—two will give humanists, scientists, and the
souls striving to be tune their general reader a more complete picture
instruments to the make beautiful of Chinese sexual practices and a more
complex matrix of data for comparative
music toshort duet, share the glory studies. The section devoted to
crescendo, and console each ±Duzh a women's practices, though of the "solo"
languorous denouemuch adolescent rather than ' 'paired" persuasion, marks
thrashing. the Chinese ideal, for here the but of these texts in translation
zaie conductor rehearses each memi and highlights the importance of sexual
energy and the reproductive function in
female orchestra through the onlv to Chinese meditation. Finally, this
rest his baton as she zzscendo, retrospective Of traditional teachings
absorbing the exhilgave-s Of sound, attempts provide a baseline for
before he redressing room to count the assessing contemporary publications on
receipts. As Western culture beitself, Chinese sex techniques and to offer
new paradigmatic and practical
"Now that we can do want. what do possibilities at a turning point in
we want to Cynese sexual yoga Western sexuality
arrives with perspective that will Methodologically, this work is pri- 3
stimulate most seasoned sinologists An ofthe Bedchamber
and marily philological and historical
rather than anthropological or literary
Zits source book in Chinese sexual zo and, accordingly. is not concerned with
make a number of contribuit is the first erotic literature or art, sexual mores or
comprehensive colcf all published dcviance, prostitution, concubinagc,
primary material in any language, gay quarters Or harem life, venereal
disease, homosexuality, eunuchs,
including The translation itself aspires to
fetishism. or paraphenalia. Neither is it
sendard of accuracy and felicity, a systematic comparative study of

Focus Western and Chinese sexuality or of

the esoteric practices of China and
other non-Western traditions such as
and the annotations attempt India, Tibet or Japan. The focus of this
both to elucidate unfamiliar work, then, is chiefly the written
terminology in the text and be record of Chinese sexual yoga, which
fully accountable for may be defined for the present as the
differences between the present
practice Of sexual intercourse for the
translation and all previous
efforts- Emendations to the purpose of intergender harmony.
original texts are undertaken physical and psycholo@cal health, and
with full disclosure Of the ascended States or immortality. The
background to the reader. By introductory chapters attempt to place
presenting the broadest these sexual techniques in the larger
context Of medicine and confidence the task of understanding
esoteric macrobiotics and Chinese sexual self-cultivation trom very
provide the reader with the nearly its inception to the present.
conceptual tools necessary to These works, essentially instructional Inanuals,
crack the terminological code. may be analyzed from a number of different
Judging from the perspectives, but to judge them on their own terms
bibliographic catalogues of the would be simply to test them in the bedroom and
dynastic histories and ref. ercnces evaluate their contribution to health, happmess,
to sexual titles in secondary and enlightenment. To see these texts "through
sources_ the extant corpus is far Chinese eyes," of course, is not the same as
outnumbered by the missing in objectivity; and as the texts themselves reveal,
action. The various works in this there was more than one pair of "Chinese eyes."
anthology survived through The Ma Wang tui manuscripts, dating from the
different stratagies. The ••Unjting early Han, show no hint of defensiveness, though
Yin and Yang" and "Highest Tao" later authors sometimes were openly apologistic.
are time capsules recently Chinese detractors— Confucian, Buddhist, and
recovered trom a Han tomb after Taoist "pure both the
more than two millennia. The ethics and efficacy of sexual practices, and some
Ishimpö fragments, from which Western critics undoubtedly will take exception to
four Of the classics in the second them on physiological, psychological, or moral
section of this collection were grounds. Some will feel that Chinese sexual yoga
reconstructed, survived in the elevates sex to the level of spirituality, and others
Imperial Library of Japan and that it degrades meditation to the level of
returned to China at the beginning masturbation.
of the twentieth century after Open-minded Western scholars such as Robert
more than a thousand years in van Gulik have been sufficiently impressed with
exile. Another group Of texts, The the basic rationality Of Chinese sexual practices
Prescriptions of Su Nii, "Health to pronounce them 'Snot-mal and healthy." The
Benefits of the Bedchamber," and empiriCal observation and analysis of human
'The Dangers and Benefits of sexual response found in these documents sound
Intercourse with Women," were positively "modern," and paradoxically, the
granted asylum in the Chinese earliest texts are among the most strictly
medical sanctuary, but the True "scientific" in their outlook. However, to express
Classic of Perfec:l Onion, our admiration for Chinese sexual practices by
Exposition of Cultivating the 7hae appealing to Western scientific catcgories, as if
Essence, and Wondrous Discourse these represented an absolute and objective
of Su Nil again were lost in the standard of authority, is like praising Confucius or
land of their nativity, surviving Lao tzu on the basis oi their approximating Jesus.
only under Japanese pat. ronage. Issues of methodology and scholarly stance will
The sexual alchemy texts of Sun be discussed at length in Chapter VI of this
Ju-chung, Chang San-feng and Lu introduction, but suffice it to say here
Hsihsing. all Of them Wng,
needed to survive Only four
centuries of secret circulation to
be preserved for the present. The
sixteen 'Vaired practices"
documents in this translation,
spanning almost years, allow
us to approach with some

have done for sex what for the of nourishing new forms. Confucius said,
soybean. Taking zzzz-rial of "Eating and sex illtLstrate our intrinsic
biology beyond the sep•le stew, natures"; and it is clear that from the
point of view of East-West cultural
they have com•zioaned it into a
diffusion, food was first but sex may
wide variety well bc next.
*Leis and practices outlined • this of factors and values that
collection express by other ele.nents had an impact on the
in zee—medicine, metaphysics, and sexual sphere and gave
they have also contributzkrents; as these texts their language
Kristofer Schipper z -Science, and form.
Magic, and Mysti"Sexuality, far
from to a clandestine and sphere, is

found to be the 2nd activities." These
texts even esoteric, tradition— and
multiple belief in the dangers of and The Empirical
the benefits of what calls "mild Ground
continence" property of all clZNes, The empirical or inductive
the Chinese recipe for sophhowever, mode Of conceptualization js
we Cannot simply ingredient of very prominent in the sexual
ejaculation for this ignores the many literature, Scientific
that shaped the Chinese no attempt to observation in China, as
ascribe direct section explores elsewhere of course, takes
themes in ciues in the wider culture place through a cultural
filter, and then data are
the emergence in China and highly organized into a theoretical
developed set of framework that reiniprces
more fundamental values in
Schipper has identified the culture. This secti0n
three •i conceptualization attempts to analyze the
in Taoist —the empirical, experiential tOundations Of
symbolic and sexual practices in China and
Corresponding to the first the unique interpretation that
the '•Empirical" and the Chinese gave to them.
Experience and interpretation
sections of this chapter the
are difficult to separate, but
sexual literature for the ed insofar as possible, our
deductive ideas that inis purpose here is to identify
development, whereas the the Chinese response to the
resections examine some
The Ethos Chinese Sexual Practice

most objectifiablc aspects Of exhausted the flame expires";

sexual experience. however, if the semen is
The first formarive datum of retained, the sexual energy
experience encountered in these will support superior health.
classics is that encrW is lost Loss of any of the body's
through ejaculation. Postcoital substance, in fact, includ ing
enervation impressed the ancient breath, saliva, sweat,
Chinese more than any heights flatulence, and menstrual
achieved through orgasm. As the blood is regarded as depleting,
legendary P'eng Tsu states in the and even the religious saving
Classic of.Su Nü, '*When Ching and composting of fecal waste
is emitted the whole body feels Inay be seen as part of the
weary." Ejaculation brings same conservative mentality.
enervation not relaxation, The soporific state following
homeostatic holocaust not emission also may have
emotional catharsis. inspired the conceptual link in
Detumeseence of the penis is medical theory of Ching and
consistently analogized in these will (Chih , both
texts with death. In precisely associated with the urogenital
parallel passages, the "Shih wen" system (shen g) and of the
and Prescriptions of Su Nii ask, urogenital system and the
"'Why is it that the penis, which brain.
is born together with the Second, it was
Art Of Bedchumber observed that the activation
body, dies before it?" For of sexual energy (ching)
the Chinese sexual ideologues floods the entire system
there is no glory in fallen with positive vital energy
heroes. A paradigm of (ch'i). The Ma Wang tui
tensionrelease thus was text, '"Shih wen," calls this
rejected in favor of one Of energy "divinc wind' (shen-
suffciency-deficiency (hsii feng 14), and the sexual
shih tE%). Thc Yellow liturgy of the Shang-ch'ing
Emperor, summarizing the huang„shu kuo-!u i
lessons of his sexual initiation (Yellow book salvation
in the sic of Su Nit, ritual, a Shangch'ing
concludes, "The essential scripture) often repeats the
teaching is to refrain from formula, "Yin and yang
losing Ching and treasure unite harmoniously and
one's fluids." Because loss of living ch'i flows
semen depresses the body's throughout." The release of
entire energy economy, semen ching-ch 'i into the system
is seen as possessing a has a general tonic effect
material (ching-ye and and the power, as the
energetic (ching-ck'i aspect. "Uniting Yin and Yang"
To use the oil-lamp metaphor states, "to open closures
of the "Health Benefits of the and unblock obstructions."
Bedchamber "If the fuel is Because ch'i is fundamental

to the Chinese it was concluded that by suppressing

understanding of the nature the onset of puberty, the aging
of homeostatic health, it process itself could be defeated.
was natural that sex be Describing this state of suspended
given high points for its animation, the notes to the True
ability to promote ch'i Transmission say, '"At this moment
circulation. These positive [fifteen years], the ching-ch'i is
effects are immediately replete and the state of pure Ch'ien is
negated, however, if the realized. . If he receives enlightening
energy elevated through instruction from an adept, then his
sexual play is 6 lost foundation may be secured by
through ejaculation. It itself."
therefore was necessary to Fourth, it was observed that
make a yoga of sex, a ejaculation, although depleting
system of techniques for physical reserves, has the opposite
simultaneously stimulating effect on sexual desire. After an
and conserving sexual immediate postcoital letdown, there
energy. Therefore, The is a rapid psychological rebound and
Classic of Su Nü and an intensification of erotic interest.
Wondrous Discourse, in This sexual law of inertia, the
discussing the benefits of tendency of a body in motion to
sexual practice, both remain in motion, or sexual
employ the compound rao- addiction, is best expressed in the
yin *$1, the traditional term traditional medical metaphor of fire
for yoga. unchecked by watcr ( yin hsü huo
Third is the experience that sexual wang and the Taoist
potency declines with age. As the aphorism, "when the Ching is full
"Highest Tao" states, "By forty our one is free of lustful thoughts." It
sexual energy (yin-ch'i is halved." was noted that premature ejaculation
What ejaculation is to our short-term (tsuo-hsieh spermatorrhea
experience of Ching loss, age is to (hua-ching M and nocturnal
our long-term experience, and both emissions (meng•i ) were associated
demonstrate the dependent not with a high level of sexual
relationship between that which has energy but with deficiency, often
the power to create new life and our resulting from what the Classic of Su
own moment-to-moment state of Nik calls, '•expenditure without
vitality. This observation led the restraint.
physicians to conclude that sexual us sexual prowess camc to be
energy is a finite quantum in any defined not as the ability to expend
organism, hence, as the "Shih wen" semen but to save it _ Certain herbs,
states, '"What is lost must be yogic practices, and coitus rcservatus
supplemented." Taking this itself can all contriSute to
reasoning one step further, the inner "strengthening and stabilizing the
alchemists belicvcd that it is not age g" (ku ching [$16").
that causes sexual decline, but rather Fifth is the belief that sexual
sexual mismanagement that causes encrgv is capable of transfer from
aging. In the final stage of thinking, one organism to another, an
The Ethos Chinese Sexual Practice

opportunity to go beyond frequently changing

conservation to acquisition, as the partners." Women are
Sum. of the Golden Elixir depleted significantly by
states, "saving means saving orgasm and menses, but
one's own Ching; accumulating ch'i intolerably by childbirth; as
means accumulating your partner's the Essentials of the Jade
ch'i." When practicing Chamber states, "Choose
reservatus, as the '"Health Be.:fits" women who have not yet
points out, "Constant intercourse given birth."
the same women results in a Sixth is the observation
veakening Of her yin-ch'i_" It thus that the penod from infancy
was med that the sexual energy to puberty is characterized
released the fission reaction of by abundant yang energy
female m could be "drunk" (he (ching-ch'i) and an absence
08), "'con=med" (shih ft), Or Of seminal (Or menstrual)
"inhaled" (hsi QA) gh the penis leakage and sexual desire.
of the passive male r Who had This is the time of
learned the proper techof absorption. wholeness, of physiological
The logic of tradienergetics seemed integrity. If we would turn
to suggest, at to the sexual school, back the clock on aging
that energy lost h sexual activity (fan-lao huan-r'ung
could be replaced emciently only by we must take youth as our
sexual energy itas the commentary to model. 'lhs is expressed,
the True rr=smission states, "If perhaps, earliest in the Lao
bamboo breaks, is used LO Tzu, which states, "The
repair it; if a human suffers infant knows nothing of
injury, another human may be male and female, but its
used to repair the damage." L-e=r penis erects_ This is the
potencies of assimilable height of Ching." Herc then
supplezzzzation also may be is the innocent hardness
absorbed from the •s breath, (yang) that springs to life in
saliva, or breasts. Sex energy is the midst of supreme
considered a natural re , to softness (yin). The
Which, like other resources in alchemists, inner alchemists,
Chinese society, the elites en and sexual alchemists all
privileged access. Partners are pursued strategies of
then on the criteria of looks, supplementation to gain
feel, and taste—like fruit in sexual essence lost through
the racketplace. However, unlike the puberty and subsequent
energy from food, the only sexual activity; and the most
limit placed amount of ching- radical "pure practitioners"
ch'i that may be in a single (ch'inghsiu B) sought to
fueling session is the B:zÄSility of head off puberty itself. Ming
sources. For this reason, Secrets sexual alchemists became
of rhe Jade Chamber advises, increasingly focused on
greater benefits are reaped by capturing the partner's
of sexual essence just before

the "'flowers fall," and

female solo practitioncrs
declare in the words of thc
Cor. recl Methods of
Women's Practice, "Within
the human body, pubescent
essence is the source for
cultivating life _
Seventh, abstinence from
intercourse, whether voluntary
or enforced, was served to
produce both IFychological and
physiological aberrations-
Exceptions were very advanced
age or a high level of yogic
attainment. The Classic of Su
Nü explains, "By abstaining
from intercourse the spirit has
no opportunity for
expansiveness, and yin and yang
arc blocked and cut off from one
another. ' Physiologically,
abstainers were likely to find
their sexual energy "die in its
lair." as the Secrets of the Jade
Chamber puts it, resulting in a
general decline in vitality and
longevity. Psychologically,
frustrated sexual desire could
lead to what the "Dangers and
Benefits" "mental instability" (i
lung EE') or even seduction
The Ethos of Chinese Sexual practice
Of The importance of Ching is
experienced in a negative way in
by incubi (kuei-chiao and
the aftermath of its loss and in a
ultimately death. Abstinence, then,
positive way through the pleasure
is as dangerous as indulgence, It
of its stimulation and the strength
should be noted, however, that the
of its preservation. Its power is
harmful effects of abstinencc are
preeminently manifest, however,
attributed to deprivation of sexual
in its role in procreation. The link
contact and not of orgasm,
between procrea8 tive potential
although the early texts concede
and longevity is expressed as early
that repreßion in the face of
as the "Shih wen," which states,
repletion may be harmful as well.
"If the penile ch'i fails to develop,
Eighth, man's arousal time is
there can be no reproduction.
faster than woman's, but his own passion
Therefore, Ion life depends
is even faster than his physiology. Being
completely on the penis. Restating
yang, man is "easily moved and easily
this theme in the context of male-
stilled," as the Exposuion says; thus slow
female relations, the Exposinon
and complete arousal is as important
declares, man and woman have in-
when practicing coitus reservazus as on
tercourse, by practicing absorption long
the rare Occasions when one ejaculates.
life is gained, and by ejaculating the womb
Jf it is normally harmful to emit semen, it
is calmed and conception takes place."
is even more harmful before the whole
Through an inwardization of the concept
systern has warmed up. The "Highest
Of male fertility, there is a pro. gression
Tao's" ''three levels" and Classic Of Su
from the Ishimpös, "obtaining offspring" to
Nü'S '"four levels" correlate the size,
the "Dangers and Be. nefit's," "If the Ching
hardness, and temperature of the penis
goes forth, it creales new life, but if it is
during foreplay with the sequential
retained, it gives life to one's own body,"
arousal of such systems as skin, muscle,
until finally reaching in the sexual
and bone. The disastrous consequences of
alchemists the spiritual parthenogenesis of
incomplete arousal are among the sex
what the True Transmission calls "'forming
related disorders detailed in such standard
the holy fetus "
symptomology patterns as the "ten
exhaustions" and "seven injuries." Tenth, not surprisingly it was observed
Reservatus, then, cannot be practiced in a that sexual compatibility is the foundation
passive state, for only With full arousal is of conjugal harmony _ The Exposinon Of
the semen secure; as the Classic Of Su Cultivating the True Essence says,
Nii states, '"When the four ch'i (of "Without sexual intercourse there would be
arousal) have arrived, and they are no way for man and woman to harmonize
regulated by means of the tao, then their feelings." Harmony requires a
one will not foolishly release the detailed understanding Of the partner's
mechanism nor shed the ching." emotional state and arousal rate; therefore,
couples must monitor each other's
Ninth, the mingling of sexual
responses, pace their own level of excitw
essences has the power to create new
ment, and actively promote their partner's
life; as the commentary to the True
pleasure. At very least, the man must delay
Transmission says, human being is
his climax to adjust for the differential in
endowed with father's Ching and
arousal time betwecn "tire and water" and
mother's blood, and from this his
to ensure the woman's full satisfaction. For
body is formed." (hnception proves
the purpose Of preserving his own health
thc existence of prenatal essence
on most occasions the man should refrain
within the postnatal physical body.
from emission, but the Classic of Su Nii
A the
notcs that avoidance of satiety also contributes knowledge of the e rapid recovery time
to preserving long-term interest in a partner, associated with ent reservatus and
"Although exercising self-control and calming occasional emis or the necessity of full
the passion, love actually increases, and one arousal for *Zinal security may be
remains unsatiated." Sexual felicity is a accessible only to , borrowing Sivin's
precondition not only for personal pleasure phrase, 'Sin a Qightened state of
and mutual satisfaction, but for the family awareness. '7 Deter±ation of the optimal
fortunes and progeny as well. The "Benefits of davs of female -ty as the first five after
the Bedchamber" says, "1f couples have the last day menstruation would seem to
intercourse in the proper way, they will be be the uct of collective observation and
blessed with children who are fortunate, correspond quite closely with current
virtuous, wise and good. . . _ The of the Western thinking. Other beliefs, such as
family will be daily more —asperous ' the consequences of conception at times
these primarily andocentric experi of contraindicatcd by astrology, geomancy, or
sexual energetics, Chinese sexzizists added a meteorology (lightning produces insanity,
series of observations on female response. As thunder deafness, and so on) may be less a
early as the Wang tui era, and continuing case- of empiricism than biological
through -bling, the woman was said to love "pathetic fallacy.
" (hsü and "duration" (Chiu 'Ibe experiential crucible of
2nd abhor "haste" (chi Q.) and '"vio- Chinese sexual practices is best
(pao X); all of which. for better , have summarized by the legendary P'eng
far-reaching physiologiconsequences. The Tsu when he says in the Classic of
woman expresses desires through "sounds" Su Nü:
(yin % ) , ——z•ements" (tung E) and 'signs" When cking is emitted the whole
or ill). In her sexual re she is body feels weary. One suffers
compared to the element . -'slow to heat buzzing in the ears and drowsiness
and slow to cool," in her fertility to the in thc eyes: the throat is parched
moon, which its name, yüeh to the and the joints heavy. Although
menses -chins n ut, yr,eh-shih or ..ü±- there is brief pleasure, in the end
hsin G). Her sexual satisfaction considered there is discomfort. If, however,
Onc engages in sex without
an objective condition for conception emission, then the strength of our
and healthy offspring. —zi_.nged foreplay ch'i will be more than sufficient and
always is presented as necessary our bodies at case. One's hearing
precondition for orgasm, orgasm itself always will he acute and vision clear.
is accomSi:sSed through penile penetration. At Although exercising self-control
same time, she was subjected to rigor...s and calming the passion, love
scrutiny for the proper physical char-cs (ju actually increases, and onc remains
hsiang AAI]) and disqualas a sexual partner. in unsatiated. HOW can this be
some cases puberty, after childbirth in others, considcrcd unpleasurable?
certainly no later than menopause. The early sexual theorists
Tne language of the sexual literature concluded that orgasms past (and
not distinguish between "facts" t.zszd on the all orgasms are past in seconds) are
direct expericnce of the authe not so sweet as sweet ch'i present_
collective experience of generaor The whole of Chinese sexology
deductive extrapolations from may be seen in some sense as a
±zoretical models of traditional science Cr response to the trauma of
cosmology. That enervation follows ation postejaculatory betrayal. The
or that virility declines with may seem alternative esthetic of anticlimax
nearly universal experi of sexuality, but they propose offers a solution to
The Ethos of Chinese Sexual practice
the dilemma so vividly portrayed in
these texts as going to woman with a
hunger and coming away with a
hemorrhage, seeking to be full of her
but becoming empty of oneself. In a
passage in the "Shih wen" one might
style, '"the education Of the penis," the
Emperor Shun declares: "0né must
love it and please it; educate it and
reason with it, and give it food and
drink. Cause its peak to be strong and
employ it with slowness. It must be
fed but not spent; it must bc given
pleasure but not ejaculate. In this way
resources accumulate and ch'i is
garnered." Out of this developed a
peculiarly Chinese brand or sexual
epicureanism, requiring that one
'"know the white but maintain the
black"—in sexual terms, an attitude of
black yin coolness during the white
heat of yang sexual combustion.
The drive to '"plant one's seed" (Chung
A the Bedchamber

Of of climax, so much a part Of the

tzu as important as that was in traditional Western artistic, and even religious
Chincsc society. became for some, less esthetic, is replaced by a system of
compelling than the desire to live positive abstinenCC in which energy is
forever. Learning from nature came to valued over kinetic. An internal esthetic
mean not repeating natures mistakes, for of sustainable whole-body positive ch•i
if the e*oteric pnxess of nature is to bear replaces the localized and transient
fruit and die, then the esoteric reversal pleasure of erogenous titilation and
must be to withhold one's seed and thus muscular spasm. Is the practice of coitus
preserve one's own life. Procreation may reservatus 10 merely the logical
be nature's necessity, but immortality solution, as many have speculated, to
would be mankind's masterpiece. In the burdens Of polygamy? If this were
some texts, the archetype of immortality the case. we should expect to encounter
is taken from the perpetual motion Of countless cross-cultural paralleis.
the celestial spheres and in others from particularly in view of the prevalence of
the biological processes of conception, polygamy throughout history and in
gestation, and birth. In theory, the breach widely scattered societies around the
created by puberty could be repaired by world. Although the practice of
limiting future leakage and by reservatus may be found in other
supplementation through absorption of cultures, nowhere else is there
female essence. •rhe decision, then was comparable evidence for its independent
made to shift investment from orgasm to origination or is its theory SO
the more profitable and sustainable elaborated. In her counsel to the Yellow
feeling of strength and health associated Emperor, the goddess Su Nii teaches
with nonejaculation. Orgasm should not that the two-edged sword ot polygamous
be compared With our normal State but sex can cut either in the direction of
rather With our postcoital condition, not burden or opportunity. As a practical
the baseline of the curve with the peak matter, the techniques of reservatus may
but the baseline with the low point. be applied to satisfying the sexual needs
Coitus reservatus is then experienced not of many wives, but the motivation can
as an unbearable itch or pressure, but hardly have been altrui'0n Or even
fullness and vigor. Beyond this. the expedience. Aner all, why acquire more
Waters Of Ching, an unfailing source Of wives if there is not something to
primal sanguinity. could be used to gained for Oneself? Chinese landlords
irrigate the spirit, did not acquire more land simply to
increase their responsibilities, and
Consistent with Taoist yoga or the
certainly the anticipated rewards of
internal martial arts. the emphasis in sexual
polygamy tended to evaporate if it
practices is on arousing and circulating in.
merely increased the opportunities few
ternal energy without engaging in kinetic
loss. Somehow, theoretiCal dissonance
overkill or allowing the energy to
resulting from the dilemma that greater
There is an attempt to maximize the
consumption leads to greater loss had to
anabolic advantages of relaxation,
be resolved. Whether the origins of
oxygenalion and circulation as against the
polygamy can be explained by the
catabolic disadvantages of oxygen debt,
theory of •'absorbing sexual energy"
lactic acid build-up, and sweat. The concept
(Ls'ai.pu or whether the theory
A the Bedchamber

represents a resolution of contradictions

inherent in the institution itself is a question
best left for future studies.

The Metaphysical Ground

Were the sexual practitioners scientists in
search of a theory or metaphysicians in
Of a practice? In terms of their in•
tellectual orientation, the Ma Wang tui,
Ishimpö, medical and householder manuals
leaned toward the former, whereas the
sexual alchemists leaned toward the latter.
Both were interested in changing the
material conditions of life, and both
continually generated theory to account for
their experience and project new
possibilities. The general theory of yin and
yang was congenial to all sexual
practitioners and left plenty Of room to man.
A the Bedchamber
as they struggled to square their •e.--y heaven, and without the intervention of
with the facts of life and chang •eUectual religion or political authority. " Chinese
trends. Later, the Five h.ses_ trigrams and sexual theoreticians had the audacity to
hexagrams, Stems 3ranches, and so on, believe that any metaphysics worth its salt
provided addiintellectual leverage for the should be valid in the bedroom, and one
sexual in constructing their theory. practice as senses that much of Chinese metaphysics
an evolving system of will be analyzed in later itself was actually inspired by the mundane
sections ±.is Introduction, but here let us physics of sex.
exsone of the fundamental intellecsues It was all well and good to
confronting those who sought sex thc solution define man and woman as the
to the problems and salvation. How many microcosmic embodiment of
were to the sexual school by the force •i rs heaven and earth, and especially
theory and how many by personal thereby to place man in the
• is a question that may be asked 'i superior position, but the Classic
doctnne_ the beginning was not the "\ of Su Nü could not avoid
Vord,•' cosmic sex, the mating of Ch'ien (Thc confronting two disquieting
and K un (The Receptive), and earth. "One yin dissonances: female sexual
and one yang the rao," declares the Ching, and superiority and human mortality.
female mingle their Ching and :rztures are The Classic says, '"Woman is
born." It is no wonder, that echoing these superior to man in the same way
words, the Won. D'-qcourse reminds us, "The that water is superior to fire," and
sexual man and woman is the (ao Of yin Sex '"Because heaven and earth have
IS yin and yang in action; yang are sex writ attained the tao of union. thew arc
large. The sex= could no more enter the eternal; because man and women
Bcdfree of centuries Of cosmological could have lost the rao of intercourse.
the connoisseur of art a painting in a vacuum. they suffer the onset of Carly
The folof the sexual school of Taoism ed the death." Coitus reservalus
development of a sexual that invested every addressed the first crisis on a
act Of coiindeed, every organ, posture, and practical level by extending malc
with an indelible metaphysical Man and stamina and, later, by substituting
woman are heaven heart and genitals arc fire the trigram Li for fire, gave
and . sexual arousal is the rising sun. additional theoretical clarity to
configurations and celestial moveare reflected male "weakness in the middle,"
in the SCx act_ As a m.aration for their offcring a logiCal source of
mating, "the man the woman's left and supplementation in K'an, his
she on his for as the Tung Hsüan tzu mate.
con "heaven revolves to the left and Evening thc odds in the "battle of
spins to the right. thcrcfore, tie zan the sexes" was one thing; matching the
should revolve to the lett and the to the cosmic standard of longevity of
right. - - - What is above and what is heaven and earth was quite another.
below follows; this is the of all things." The Chuang tzu's gentle, "merging with the
processes of transformation of heaven,
individual's role is Larger than life, but one earth and all creation" might satisfy
could not forget (even beneath the quilt) that it the mystics, and the "'Dangers and
was certainly part of the larger life of the Benefits" homely, "The zao of heaven
universe. As Kristofer Schipper observes in and earth is to store its Ching in the
Le Cows Taoistc, "Its centrality in the winter; if man can emulate this he can
cosmological concepts of yin and yang live a long time," might satisfy thc
indicate. as Marcel Granct was fond of physicians. Hbwever, some like P'eng
saying, that it was 'more sacred than we regard Tsu, in the "Shih wen," envisioned an
it!' Each union was taken as sanctificd by immortality both literal and personal,
The Ethos of Chinese Sexual practice
'"Yin and yang do not thus are for this reason that sexual disciplines
men of the tao." In the are necessary.
of The beginning of the Wondrous
same work, fellow Immortal, Jung Discourse, echoing the Su wen, "Shang-
CWeng, further elaborates this theory ku t'ien.chen p'ien," speaks of a
of cosmic mimesis: prehistoric period when every sage was a
Methuselah, but even in the present age,
The gentleman Who desires long life immorality still is assumed to be a
must follow and•observe the tao Of universal birthright. The universe as a
heaven and carth. The ch'i Of heaven
waxes and Wanes with the phases Of
whole possesses thesc pre- and postnatal
the moon, and therefore it lives 12 aspects—one pure and permanent and
forever. The ch'i Of earth alteinates the other impure and impermanent—and
cold and hot with the seasons of the so does every human being. The
year; the diffcult and the easy emphasis on pre- and postnatal dualism,
supplement each other. In this way, which does not become prominent in the
the earth endures withOut corruption. extant sexual literature until the Ming,
The gentleman must study the nature helps finally to give theoretical
Of heaven and earth and put this into justification for seeming to "go against"
practice with his Own body nature. By making use of thc age-old
No one could dispute that nature was Taoist concept of •'reversal" (fan k), it
the proper model for humanity, but becomes possible to pull oneself
deciphering her secrets proved to be a upstream (ni against the current ot
bit like interpreting "God's will." postnatal nature and to soar with the
Somehow heaven and earth power of pure yang into the prenatal
conduct their relations so as to paradise of infinity (wu-chi The
demonstrate a perfect conservation of inner alchemist's theory of the etheric
matter and energy, or should we say fetus (sheng.t'ai æ,Aå), of course, was
ch'i, and thus achieve eternity. tailor-made for the sexual practitioners,
Human beings should expect no less who could now explain male absorption
of themselves- The spontaneity of of female yang essence as resulting in a
sexual response, its independence form Of spiritual pregnancy.
from conscious will, which so For the Taoist practitioner, the body is truly
disturbed St. Augustine, was taken by the laboratory ot the spirit. While the
thc Chinese as a sign of its Confucianists honored the body as an
naturalness, as the Tung Hsüan Tzu inheritance from the ancestors, the Taoists saw
says, "1t is a natural response without the body as a miniature heaven and earth. In
the need for human cliort." However, matters Of sex, both Confucianists and Taoists
emulation of nature could not mean were more rational than romantic, however,
simply "doing what comes naturally." although applying a strict cost-benefit
The urge to interact was natural; the analysis, they came to different conclusions.
urge to ejaculate was like overeating The Confucianists felt that marriage was too
—too much of a good thing. The fact important a social institution to confuse with
that heaven and earth "mated" love, and the Taoists felt that sex was too
without apparent loss to either side powerful a spiritual crucible to corrupt with
implied a kind Of cosmic coitus romance. The Confucian sexual mystery is
rcscrvatus. Human beings rarely immortality in one's progeny; to the Taoist it
arrive at this realization until well is the transformation of one's own body
past puberty, when sexually speaking, chemistry. The Confucianists take the family
they have already crossed into the as the microcosm; the Taoists take the body.
postnatal (hou-t'ien ) realm; and it is For the later Taoists, by a painstaking
technical process of self-transformation, one
A the Bedchamber
could become a god , whereas for the The early Taoists were content with spiritual
Confucianists, a reasonably righteous life and liberation in the midst of materiality, but the
filial descendants was sufficient to sccure sexual yogi's ambition, if you will. was to
one's comfort in the other world. Both aspired develop sufficient escape velocity to leave the
to another world. but the Taoists did not want material plane. This was to be accomplished
to die to get there. For the "paired practices" in a succession of booster phases by burning
school of Tao. ism, it seemed logical to seek cver more refined physiological fuels.
the source of life eternal in the "gate of birth" The Individual and the
(shengmen the female vagina- Imperial Ideals
Although there is a strong metaphysi-
cal Itsonance to Chinese esoteric sex, this The private Taoist citizen at times
should not be confused with sexual was tolerated and at other times
mysticism_ It may be possible to argue that persecuted for engaging in sexual
the conscious enactment Of the union Of yin practices; his writings were
and yang, like, for example, selfidentification sometimes more or less freely
with Shiva and Shakti, is mystical, but circulated and sometimes very
mysticism in the sense of experiencing the effectively censored. As late as
dissolution of self in other and bursting the early Republican period, Yeh
through to oneness with the divine does not Te-hui, in van Gulik's words, was
describe the Chinese scxual ethos. In fact, "'branded with the hic niger est,"
only onc expression of classical mystical for publishing the Ishimpö
experience is found in these texts, and it sexology classics, and the Ming
appears in the women:s section. Ts'ui O Hsien Tao tsang barred any works on
tru is quoted in a notc to the Queen Mother of sexual yoga. Mass religious
the West's Ten Precepts on Women's Practice movements, featuring sexual rites
as saying, forgot my own identity. as a means to health and
Suddenly I had another revelation and said, salvation. flourished during
'Heaven and earth are as onc body '*ith me.' " periods of popular unrest, but
In "paired practice" sexual cultivation, were generally stamped out with
however, over and over the man is warned to the reestablishment of strong
keep emotional distance from thc woman, for central authority. However,
what he is really seeking is fuel for his own whereas sex as a spilitual or
journey. As for orgasm, it is not a flash of religious practice always was on
ccstasy that reveals our divine nature or the defensive and often driven
potential for bliss, but a stupefying crash that underground, the public ideal of
leaves one dull and depleted. the Emperor, the embodiment of
The closest approximation of mystical Ch'ien on earth, nourishing his
longing in the sexual literature is a kind of yang energy through contact with
metaphysical memory of the prenatal state of countless ranks of wives and
wu-chi (infinity), which preceded the division consorts, was a permanent
and interaction of vin and yang, a noumenal institutionalized model of the
state above forms that one approaches by effcacy of coitus reservatus and
"transmuting the Ching into ch'i and the c.h'i multiple partners.
into spirit, reverting to the void and becoming Based on Marcel Granet's
onc with the zao_" The goal of sexual seminal study, Le Polygynie
cultivation is to isolate the prenatal aspect of Sororate er le Sororat dans la
each of the "Thrce internal Chine Féodale (1920), van Gulik
ch'i, the unexcited Ching, and the desireless summarizes the sexual ideology
spirit. As the adage has it, "Speaking little of imperial rule in thcsc words:
preserves the ch'i ; ejaculating little preserves
the Ching; worrying little preserves the spirit."
The Ethos of Chinese Sexual practice
In the human sphere thc union of
king and queen, the man and
woman par excellence, epitomizes
thc balance Of the positive and
ncgativc elements in the realm
and the world Since the king has a
maximum Of 'e, he needs a large
number Of female partners to
nourish and perpetuate it through
sexual intercourse.

The orthodox ideology reintorccd and

even a regimen Of
selfstrengthening sessions with wives
of Jower rank, culminating with full
climax once a month with the Empress.
The goal was both a heightening of
imperial charisma and a eugemc
pursuit of fit male heirs. The Emperor,
ever jealous of his prerogatives,
combed the countrvside for the 13
the Bedchamber
Art of
transmisSions Of sexual practices,
most beautiful women. As the whereas all other Styles represent
Emperor and his household were a less sanctioned private practices.
kind of living museum of the most The reclusive Taoist was always
cherished values of the race, there regarded by the Court as one who,
was a constant tendency for the other 14 so to speak, •'sought salvation
members of the aristocracy to outside of the Church" and, if he
arrogate these privileges to gained a reputation for perfecting
themselves. Wang Mou, a twelfth any of the arts of longevity, was
Century Confucian conservative, likely to receive an imperial
wrote in his Yehk'O ts'ung•shu, ' summons. The biographies of adepts
'Nowadays, the princes and nobility and immortals recount the various
keep large numbers of consorts and ruses employed to avoid the
concubines which they use as a kind audience hall and the kiss of death
of medicine in order to obtain the of imperial favor. Perhaps the
'true essence' and thus to strengthen emperor-tutor dialogue form
their vitality." Statuary in the form of flattered the monarch's sense of
Tantric "double deities,•• Set up by selfimportance and illustrated a
the Mongol rulers in their Peking willingness On the part Of
palaces during the thirteenth century, accomplished adepts to share the
was still in evidence well into the secrets of the sex arcana with him.
Ming, when Shen Te-fu (1578—
1642) says Of these images in his Pi-
chou-chai yü-ran, "They represent The Battle of the Sexes
pairs of Buddhas, richly adorned,
embracing with their genitals Against a background Of economic scarci
touching." Shen tells us that their ty and the perception of sexual energy as a
purpose was to instruct princes in the natural resource, the '•hattle of the sexes" in
various methods of sexual congress, China took On a more than metaphoric
and thus answer on a grand scale to significance. In Taoist circles, the sex act
the sex manuals of private was called "the battle of stealing and
households. Hence, although the strengthening" (ts'ai-pu Chih chan )
medieval court had no interest in , indicating in somewhat ominous terms the
popularizing sexual practices, as the potential for increasing One's own treasury
absence of sexual titles from the at the enemy's expense. Of course, the
official histories of the Yuan, Ming, methods of engagement follow classical
and Ch'ing attests, they also could Taoist military strategy, which forbids
not help but preserve them in their storming the gates, but employs instead a
very way of life. series of feints and maneuvers designed to
Judging from the extant corpus sap the enemy's resistance.
and titles cited in secondary sources. the On the mythological plane, the initiated
majority of works written during more hero and his Sex quest remained a literary
tolerant periods and addressed primarily convention from the Han to the Ming. In the
to the householder wcre written in the "Uniting Yin and Yang," "The Highest
emperor-counselor dialogue form , Tao," and especially the "Shih wen," the
whereas those written in a less liberal cast of heroes and initiators, including
environment, or for restricted private mortals and immortals, is large but
readerships of connoisseurs (e.g., Tung exclusively male. By the time Of the
Ilsuan tzu), religious devotecs• (e.g., Ishimpö texts, perhaps five centuries later,
Shangch'ing huang-shu kun-tu i), or the Yellow Emperor and his trio of
serious adepts ( e.g., True Tiansmission) initiatresses have becomc the central story,
adopt an alternative literary form or and the Queen Mother of the West emerges
straightforward expository style. The as the patroness of would-be women adepts.
mythoimperial convention, then, seems The Yellow Emperor and Queen Mother
to coincide with the more mainstream never meet in the mythology, but the
The Ethos of Chinese Sexual practice
dramatic possibilities of such an encounter are the power to bring forth life, but walks
intriguing to contemplate. Ibe rise of Su NO, away so little diminished (or worse,
Ts•ai Nii and Hsüan Nii does not necessarily unsatisfied) from the sex act. They
signal an advance in gender equality during this give him courage in the presence of
period, for the earlier Ma Wang tui texts are his "enemy," who is "superior to man
almost entirely free of theories preju al to in the same way that water is superior
women, although beauty contests, multiple to fire," and allow him to emerge
female partners, and essence theft already havc strengthened from his bouts in the
begun to creep into Ishimpö material. bedroom. For the patriarch of the
Metaphysically wedded to the paradigm polygamous household, outnumbered
of ym and yang. the Taoists were obliged to by the adult females, the one chink in
concede, in the words of the CFien.chin his amour is closed. and he is able to
fang, that "man cannot be without woman uphold his yang dominance over the
nor woman without man," for as the Classic yin majority. Each act ot coition with
of Su Nü says, "yin and yang require each emission exposes his ••Achilles heel"
other to funcLion; thus when a man is and saps his will to rule, but multiple
excited he becomes hard and when a contacts without ejaculation reinforce
woman is moved she opens up." However, his right to dominance. Perhaps this is
even the idea that health is impossible compensation or face saving, or
perhaps a subconscious primitive fear
without sexual contact is never as lofty an
of the death of yang observed in night,
ideal "sprouting wings and ascending to in winter and in solar eclipse? In
heaven." Obviously such tensions could China, male mastery of feminine
never bc fully resolved in practice _ The libido was accomplished not by
History Of the Former Han calls scx, ' 'The clitorcctomy as in some cultures, but
highest expression of natural feelings, the by tapping female energy through
realm of the highest tao," but the Secrets of coitus reservarus.
the Jade Chamber warns that, "Thosc who Once Taoist practices became
would cultivate their yang must not allow focused on the pursuit of pure
women to steal glimpses of this rt." Even yang, then Taoism comes full
though the earlier texts do not turn away circle and man Once again is
from thc sensuous joys of sex, they also enjoined to "'play the role of
prefigure thc planned obsolescence of the woman." to "play the guest" in sex
need for physical union Setween man and _ Outer yang is cultivated through
woman _ In the Oftrepeated legend, "The activity, but inner yang prospers
Yellow Emperor had relations With I ,200 through passive inaction. Here,
women and ascended into heaven," the however. yang is not identified
accent falls upon the ascension rather than with the hard and aggressive as in
the 1,211). The worldly obligation to the Lao tzu and Iching, but the
produce progeny is dealt with somewhat light, thc spiritual and the
grudgingly, and usually in the back pages, heavenly _ The mutual longing of
until it disappears altogether in the sexual yin and yang for each other that
alchemy texts. The "'pure practices" school marks the early sexual texts
totally rejected carnal techniques in favor of disappears in the writings of thc
the mystical marriage of male and female sexual alchemists. who are
principles within the body of thc meditator, concerned to steal a bit of
and even the later "paired practices" adepts masculine yang essence from the
regarded relations with the opposite scx as heart of yin, to repair the broken
an expedient to entering a paradise free of link, and return to the adamantine
sexual desire. state of pure yang. Woman now is
Thc techniques described in these texts defined as thc most convenient
make it possible for the malc to surmount source of prenatal yang energy.
his inhcrcnt handicap in the bed. room- to Theft of the feminine principle is
triumph over woman, who not only holds philosophical Taoism's subtlest
victory for the patriarchy; theft of :KtIOJ! ql!M Otenxas paeM01 apnune
masculine essence from thc female poss:udxa snpnguoo
body is the contribution of sexual
saop.'D.1d IDnX*S'
•uaut0M auno,'J0 91 „q1noK u!
The cult of Youth
We are accustomed to thinking Of China Jo manos •sa5uoeJd lenxas ul
as a culture that respects age above all „ •atnou Klaaa u! alqel!eae.. aq
else, where status soars as the years Isnul aul!l puoyas e J! au!ttqepal
Kulenba JO saapuapp Alpxtq pue •puu!s xas 01 SUEètu 'aauo
as•uas Kue 40 paxvdaa •aoueleq 01 a,spnpuo.' sem -Saq anueu •03uaps JO A10t1
'saîJn le.tueu Jo uoyssaadë] JO ueul paapu! q)noA . Jou pue „qs0JJ„
'uoueJapotu trogvsod uepnJ Jatttl!
-1100 sazpetutuns , 01 payape Idape DIOS
a.nse91d„ s,ut'H Jauuey Jo pue sex aq aql„ 'utd.aunx n-l
•ueavv JO auupoa palpuo'M aq leuouruq JO sÂes umun
Jo ana aql se lenxas qînoaql
-a' •sanle,s tlËpnJu0ï) alqped
Sqru Mino,' 40 qsnlq Jo
-uroou! se uaas tou snnb!utpal len -xas 'tucul oql Sugn:'tuos •aouassa lnJt11noÂ
u! apnpuoo Inq drag louue.' 'sïu!tpgal pnyas 01 suauued J!aqJ JO adoq
paqulm -Ons ueH 'uo!c tueqo uepnyuoo paqspnqn osle Inq
Jean uaaa sluot.uel uatp au!S01 Inoqe paynoM
'1a.%aMOH -sa."l.'eld lenxas JO Spiezeq queaq fsaseaspp panetusuwl
Isu!e/t pau1eM uueîe Kuenxas sreèJ paq 01
-deo 'nqs-8un,s1 u! nolN puesnot() V s».ofl ueu_l wapon
•s'*lqfinep pue suos suaeaaql Inq pue Jou anb!uqoôl „îL1!ue1û qanozqa
01 tuaeq leatsKqd Siuuq lou Lle sgu uo!l sue. ana arg Suvp,l -utn-o
01 saleuag a.u JO poutat_u pauyeld Jo uowsodxy JO ss0301d aql 101
ON una u! slsa101d (•a•v L6—LZ) assauqsaay *Rad 10 Slauued O!aetu
aueA\ -uope. Se 'du..v-::' opaq1edtuRs 310tu
ueptyuoo u! sa.!0A leogda*s autos ma." aaatu , , •qtnoK
•tu1EM aq 01 pug ss23Q1d îufle Ru!
ôuole au!dôôls u! 'suogepl lenxas aulnsaa -qS!L1 JO Kq
01 ,ûuaaas uatu pue „'Kgy JO age ato o; da,, JO uetp aq; 01 patuaas
uopoe; -sneS lenxas aernaal 01 e •Jlastuçq JO auuelsaa Aq
10 'soopoead lenxas 30 saldloupd aq: 01 alels saoena. Idôpe •aouaosal -
luatuaurue g sMoqs ••a•v 6L ug plaq sorssep ope JO aoue.eaddg pue uopounJ
uepnJ -uoO 5t(1 uo JO '(IIEH al suo! aql tuoq 01 adoq ueo sul splenfi
ssnoyp 'A!suâqêld -uno) Sunu nt/-0d •saA!1 ogm Jdape atu_ •uopeuuo;
KzaA pue 11! ît1!t1PJ snqJ '[S[enuetu xas aql u! Ittnxas JO Inq o.'uo_'ouu!
011 poaq ou 'ed [ans -egld lenxas Jo Isn! arug e S! aoua:'
saApstuaq1 uopueqe oqA% asou„ '*Jou -saqndard 'saxos q;oq 104
Kau uompag„ u! lenxas uo
JO aspuns JO aoue 1 uaoouu!
u! 'agavedtuKs Apualedde szoupo
uvH aauuoy JO Kaoas!H lenxas Jo loa(qns snoaueluods s.Âoq .<qpq aql
uo JO KpeaA1e S)sguepty -uoo ugH pue sntaJ Alleug pue atll
„'xas se qonuJ se ssausnoa paA01 uetn e 'luaosalopg lumout.l! SlueJu! JO
uaas uope'gpolî '001 •aas •ue pue ren
-xas ato ug aouo :uotu
The Ethos of Chinese Sexual practice
Itlou e Kqdexaouooy JUIndod
u! atuatll uoultuoo s! •ueut PIO ue uo
mola Ituq1noK e :sppoM tnoq JO Isaq
spas Luno.< JO aq; ul op 01
aueql pue op 01 îu!qlou
seq '1aaaMoq 'leap! •aîe PIO JO au!
uauos leqM0tuos 'auelntunooe
Iaquamppae JO
The Ethos of Chinese Sexual practice

for women, the majority of The central problems for the sexual
Confucianists were not about to set theoreticians themselves were practical not
themselves foursquare against the ethical: the depletion of female partners and
sexual arts, particular when these the need for self-control. However, issues
corresponded in principle with medical that assurnc the character ot ethical
opinion and just might lead to dilemmas within the sexual school include
immortality. Not until the Ming do the the necessity of householders to maintain
handbooks of sex disappear altogether decorurll (li G) in their sexual relations and
from the offcial bibliographic the ability Of adepts to remain detached and
catalogues, and the survival of sexual avoid using reservatus to merely prolong
texts seems to have been most earthly pleasurcs. The "Highcst Tao" speaks
precarious during the Mongol and
Manchu dynastics_ of cessive roughness and lack of
decorum," which all the texts thereafter
More serious objections than the
decry as harmful to the health of both
Confucianists could muster came from
partners and to their emotional bond. The
the Buddhist quarter. Apart from the
Wondrous Discourse warns against the abuse
Tantrists, the Buddhists in general were
Of technical skill: ' 'If this is taken as the
less Impressed that sexual practices
secret of relations with creatures of red
might lead to the accumulation Of ch'i
rough within the bedcurtains, then one will
than they were certain it would lead to
surely suffer the disaster of fanning the name
the accumulation of karma. However,
while reducing the oil." Never. theless,
because of their own celibatc stand, the
whatever tension existed tween thc claims
Buddhists could no more attack these
of technique and ethics was generally
Taoist pracaces as a threat to the family
resolved in favor of technique, especially
than could polygamous Confucianists,
when immortality was the end that justified
Who may have used these techniques to
the means_ Ethical prerequisites are
keep the peace at home. Again, given
conspicuously absent from the sexual
the low status of women in both
literature, and even in women's solo
Confucianism and Buddhism, neither
cultivation, which consistently emphasizes
could claim to be defenders of women
the need for moral development in tandem
against the biological raiding practiced
with practice, we find as in the Ten Precepts,
by some Taoists. Ironically, rather than
"It is not sufficient to be merely good; to
the Chinese Buddhists being influenced
attain immortality one must know the art."
by native sexual disciplines, a segment
Because ethics were so closely associated in
of the Taoists from the fifth century on
the minds of the Taoists with the
actually cmbraccd celibacy to prevent
conventional morality of the Confucianists.
the Buddhists from capturing the moral
it is not surprising that they refused to let this
high ground in their rivalry. Though the
stand in the way of their pursuit of the
terms "false teachings" (wei• chiao and
natural, or even as here, supernatural
'"heterodox teachings" hsieh-chiao ) are
salvation through the techniques of phy
used in relation to the sexual arts,
siological manipulation.
neither Confucian nor Buddhist
arguments have the ring of profound In the Author's Preface to the True I
moral outrage. The Buddhist notion that ransmission of the Golden Elixir, Sun Ju-
sex was sinful or attachment forming chung discusses an ethical dilemma that
was no more acceptable to the majority disturbed him prior to putting his father's
of Confuncianists than it was to any but teachings into writing. Although he hoped
the most quiescent Taoists. that publication Of this esoteric lore would
The Ethos of Chinese Sexual practice

save it from extinction, he also agonized

over its falling into the "wrong hands."
In the early sexual literature, the wrong
hands meant committing gender treason
by sharing secrets with the "'enemy,"
but for Sun the wrong hands meant,
"those who were only intcrestcd in
using this art to achieve physical health"
and did not proceed to the great work of
preparing •the elixir. It is clear from the
sincerity and urgency Of Sun's tone that
the pursuit of immortality carried the
force of ethical imperative. 17
Art the Bedckumber

of science fiction arc questions begging

further study. Certainly not all readers of
The Sexology Classics as
the True Transmission and Chang San-
Literature fcng texts were prepared to follow the
Taken together, the sexology classics are instruclions to the Icttcr, but many were
decidedly didactic, but hardly tedious undoubtedly entertained and perhaps
technical Inanuals or dry scientific inspired in the bedroom by the
treatises_ The original audience for these compelling 18 language of the writing.
works, the literati, expected all Donald Harper is perhaps the first
information to arrive in a pleasing scholar to look at the sexual texts within
literary package. Dramatic dialogue, the context of literary tradition. I agree
verse, and aphorism, as well the from a literary standpoint that the use of
balanced alternation of empirical and verse in the texts is intended to
theoretical passages all are blended with *'enchant" the reader and facilitate
special delicacy in the sexual literature. recitation and memorization, having its
As long as the Kama Sutra and Ars origins in rhetoric and magico-religious
Amatoria are revered as landmarks of incantation. At the same time I also
world literature, it would bc difficult to concur with Isabelle Robinet's
deny that status to the Tung Hsüan tzu, observation in her Médirarion Taoi'ste,
True Classic Of Perfect Union, or "'The which although not specifically
Rootless Tree," where literary values addressed to the sexual literature, applies
have created lively works of lasting equally well: '"It appears that in their
beauty. Some day the physiological present form, the great classics are the
poetry of Chinese selfcultivation may be product of the transcription and
recognized a's a literary genre in its own codification of a certain number of
right _ incantations, formulae, methods or
The Ma Wang tui and Ishimpö texts, techniques—callcd chiieh, la, or tan."
representing the early phase of sexual The sexual aphorisms (chüch * such as
practice, have the clean-edge carved-instone "nine shallow, one deep" (chiu-ch'ien i-
quality of classics that were madc to last. Shen 'L "arousal without emisSion"
The dialogue style Of these works, (tung erh pu hsieh or "enter
reminiscent of the earliest medical classics, dead, withdraw live" (ssu ju sheng t.-k'u
contributes to the aura of authority and YEA arc examples of language in its
antiquity. The texts of the third group, being most distilled and potcntized form.
derivative, are more pallid stylistically, and Intended to facilitate replication of
though the Wondrene; Discourse of the expericncc, thc chiieh are both
middle Ming returns again to the Yellow mnemonic and mantra, altering the
Emperor—Su Nä dialogue form, it now subjectivity of the practitioner to
Inerely is a format, giving structure but not catalyze physiological transformation.
life to the work. The texts Of the sexual Harper, like many other scholars.
alchemists show a new burst of technical frustraLed by philological headaches in
and theoretical innovation, and the pages the sexual literature, insists that, VI'he
fairly crawl with bizarre linguistic creatures. 'Ho Yin Yang' verse represents the
How much of the technical jargon of the earliest example of cryptic poetry
later texts was a convenient scientific composed in order to conceal a
shorthand, how much was intended to put technique in a secret code." Ascribing
outsiders off the scent, and how much was motives to ancient and anonymous
read as a kind of premodern fantasy or Chinese authors is risky business. We
Art the Bedckumber

have little enough evidence of reader

response to the content of the texts, much
less the language. Medical works of the
same period are no less difficult for the
uninitiated, nor arc the sexual texts more
diffcult than the medical after their
terminology has been mastered. Harper
himself says or the Ma Wang tui sexual
texts, "thev do not constitute an isolated set
of esoteric teachings." Is the language of
physicists Or lawyers deliberately
hennetical, or rather an attempt to
communicate with precision and economy
to an initiated readership? I believe what we
see in the sexual literature is simply the
language of specialists.
Sexual Practices and Medicine

yü p'ien," expresses the concept of
MEDICI moderation in the form of a
parable, "If one understands how
NE to bc sparing in one's early years.
thc Ching will not bc hausted.
The medical corpus provides If cold comes earlv in the autumn
our first 11mpse into the the winter will surely be warm.
principles of Chinese sexual Much rain in the spring Incans
practice. The Huang-ti nei- summer drought." -nie principle of
ching su-wen and Ling shu. of the conservalion of sexual energy
perhaps the seventh to third thus was firmly established during
centuries B_c._, established the period Of the great
conservation as the philosophers and physicians
cornerstone of medical advice several centuries before the
Common Era. Echoes of this
on sex. The Su wen, "Shang-
medical advice can be heard in the
ku t'ien-chen p'ien" decries, philosopher Chuang tzu's. '"Do not
"entering the bedchamber in a agitate your Ching" and the Lieh
drunken state and exhausting rzu's, "Sickness arises from
the Ching through desire," and starvation, satiety and sexual
the Ling shu '"Hsieh-ch'i desire _
tsang-fu pinghsing p'ien" Although sexual continence as a
warns, "excessive sexual tenet of medicine appears as early
exhaustion injures the kidneys as our earliest medical text, the Su
(Shen, urogcnital system)." An wen, sexual practice as a special
interesting casc history of branch of learning cannot be
"sexual exhaustion" from this documented until the Ma Wang tui
period is preserved in the •'[Jniting Yin and Yang" and
historical annals Of the Tso '"Highest Tao" and the Ilan shu's
chuan: "Art of the Bedchamber"
The Ruler of Chin requested bibliography. The existence of
medical advice from the state separate sexual texts in the Ma
of Ch'im Duke Ching of Ch'in Wang tui corpus and the level of
sent Physician Ho to sce him. codification and terminological
Physician Ho declared: "The sophistication they reveal suggests
illness is incurablc for thc a period of development reaching
cause may bc found in your back at least to the late Chou.
entering thc women's guartcrs Though we can say with certainty
The Dukc asked, that by the second century B.C.,
"Should women be avoided?" the "art of the bedchamber" had
Physician Ho responded, established itself as an
"Simply be moderate."
independent state sharing borders
Another pre-Ch'in historical with medical science and the vogic
and philosophical work, the practices of self-cultivation, the
IA-shih ch'un-ch'iu, "Ch'ing- regulation of sex life remained an
important aspect of medical theory
Sexual Practices and M
and practice. From thc pre-
Ch'in Su wen and Ling shu to
the latc Han Chin kuei of
Chang Chi (ChungChing ) and
Sun Ssu-miao's Ch'icn-chin
ifang of the Tang, we see a
consistent emphasis on the role
of Ching conservation in
promoting general health.
Specialized works such as Chu
Tan-hsi's Se-yri p'ien (On
sexual desire) and Chao
Hsien's Kua _yü (On reducing
desire) counsel not only
moderation in conjugal
relations but late marriage and
extreme caution in one's
declining years. Although
mainstream medicine and
esoteric sexual practice share a
common emphasis on
conservation, where the two
part ways is that the former
stresses minimizing contact
and reducing desires, whereas
the latter seeks to maximize
contact to stimulate the yang
principle and absorb sexual
essence from female partners.
A figure like the great T'ang
physician Sun Ssu-miao was
able to maintain one foot in
each camp. In his Ch'ien-chin
i•fang he put the conventional
medical wisdom on continence
in the mouth of the legendary
Immortal, P'eng Tsu: •'The
superior man sleeps in a
separate bed and the average
under separate quilt. A
hundred doses of medicine are
not as good as sleeping by
oneself. Satiety at night costs
one day Of life, intoxication
one month, hut sex a year."
However, in his earlier
Ch'ien•chin Yao-fang, ''Fang-
chung pu-i" 19
Art the Bedckumber

Of its function. The term Shen, often

misleadingly translated "kidneys" or
(Benefits of the bedchamber) he
*'renal system," is simultaneously a
described nearly every technique of the
collective designation for the urogenital
sexual alchemists, including the path Of
organs (kidneys and testes designated as
"returning the Ching" and meditative
"inter. nal Shen" and "external shen,"
visualizations for use during intercourse.
respectively) and a network of
The most important concept shared by
interconnected Systems of influencc
the medical and sexual traditions is
cxtending to include the brain, bones,
Ching. Western medicine regards
and marrow. and at its 20 outermost
sexuality largely in relation to the
limit, the teeth and hair. Its external
function Of reproduction, but for the
orifices are the ears above a penis (or
Chinese it is not only ••wbat life comes
vagina) and anus . Commenting on the
from," as the Ling shu says, but in the
significance of the shen's anatomical
words Of the "Shih "Nothing is
location, the Su wen, *'Chinkuei
more important for the ch'i of man than
chen•yen lun,•• says, ••The abdomen is
the Ching Of the penis." theoretical
yin, and the organ representing yin
primacy Of the Ching in medicine and
within yin is the Shen. Another chapter,
sexual practices is illustrated in two
the "Liu-chieh tsang-hsiang lun•' dc•
Ming texts: Kung Yenhsien's medical
scribes its special function, shen rules
classic, the Shou-shih pau.yüan and the
the root of hibernation and storage. It is
anonymous Wondrous Discourse of Su
the locus of the thing." The Su wen.
Nü, Kung states, "We must not Jet the
"Hsuan-ming wu-ch'i p'ien," outlines the
desires run wild or the Ching Will be
rincipal correspondences between the
exhausted. The Ching must not become
Ive Viscera (heart, lungs, liver, spleen.
exhausted or primal purity dissipates.
and kidneys) and various external in.
Therefore, Ching generates ch'i and ch'i
fluences and internal interactions. The
generates spirit." In parallel fashion the
text explains that when the heart's fire is
Discourse asserts, "The laa of cultivating
added to a deficiency in the Shen, one
life takes ch'i as its root. The ch'i can
expericnces feeling of 'Sfearfulness" (k
mobilize the blood and the blood can be
'ung pa). This precisely describes the
transformed into Ching. The Ching can
Yellow Emperor's condition in the
nourish thc spirit." There also is
opening para• graph Of the Classic Of
agreement between these two works on
When confesses his "'fear of danger.
the special importance of abstinence in
The exter• nal secretion associated with
aiolescence and early manhood , the
the shen is saliva, and thus the
period when the Ching is still fragile. As
Exposition of Cultivating the True
if With one voice, the Shou•shih pao-
Essence, Chapter 13, says, "The
yüan warns, •slf a man expcricnccs his
woman's •upper peak' is called Red
first emission too early this harms his
Lotus Peak. Its medicine is called 'jade
Ching. chi" , and the Discourse cautions,
spring-' The man should lap it up with
"'When a man is young his blood ch•i is
his tongue, . . . It nourishes the
not yet full and he must abstain from
'mysterious gate' (sexual organ) and
sex. " Both medical and sexual practice
fortines the tan-t'ien." 'Ihe Su wen.
serve the Ching. but each in its own way.
"Hsüanming wu•ch'i p'ien•s•' statement
If Ching is the basic unit of sexual
that, "amictions of the yang principle
sub. stance and energy, shen is the locus of
manifest during the winter," explains the
Art the Bedckumber

sexual aphorism's advice on coital

frequency: "Thrice la monthl in spring, twice
in summer. once in autumn, and none in
winter." According to the Su wen, the aspect
of human consciousness centered in the shen
is '"will" (Chih E), which explains postcoital
enervation and lack of ambitiOn in chronic
Shen deficiency. tionship among the
Shen, brain, and ears helps to understand the
emphasis in the sexual literature on
"returning the Ching to nourish the brain"
and the "buzzing in the cars" asscxiatcd
With Ching Ck•ficiency following emission.
The genital function of the shen has its
yin and yang aspects. The yin aspect ,
considcred postnatal and symbolized by the
element water, is associated with semen; the
yang aspect, considered prenatal and
Sexual Practices and Medicine
symbolized by fire is associated with sexual menses flows at regular intemls. Now she is
energy. The theorv of the pre- and postnatal able to bear children. eight a man's
aspects ot the shen accounts for why the shen-ch'i is full, his hair grows and teeth
union of yin and yang Ching (male and change. At twice eight the is replete, he
female) is necessary for con• ception, and reaches sexual maturity, and the c/ainw•h'i
overflows. If yin and yang unite
yet the reproductive potential is not
harmoniously, hc is able to sire offspring.
immediately operative in the offspring. The
prenatal aspect of the Ching passed on by This physiological account may bc
the parents continues to guide the supplemented by an attempt at
maturation of the offspring and is sustained comparative anatomy from a
by the "Ching of water and grain" until the treatise entitled Tai-hsi ken-Chih
postnatal aspect reaches repletion at yao-chüeh found in the Yin-chi ch'i-
puberty. Because of the postnatal ching's ch'ien, Chapter 58:
susceptibility to leakage, it poses a threat to
the integrity ofthe prenatal Ching. which The root and origin of the (primal
now depends upon it, and indeed to the ch'il is opposite the navel, at the level
Of the nineteenth vertebra, in the
well-being Of all the organs that look to the
space in front Of the spine where it
shen as a kind of reservoir of energy for the approaches the bladder from below.
whole body. Of course, the heart, or "ruler" It is called the "stalk of life" (ming-ti
(chün C) Of the body is the supreme "gate of life" (mingmen "root Of
manifestation of the fire principle, but the life" (ming•ken N), or ' •abode of the
'•ministerial fire" (hsiang-huo 'k) Of the Ching" (ching•shih It is here
Shen, or "true fire within water," earned for that men store their semen and
the shen the title of "tesser heart" (hsiao- wornen their menstrual blood. This
hsin 'J'.C•). The seat of the sexual fire, or then is the source of the ch'i of long
"true Yung" (chen-yang AX), in the Shen is life and immortality.
called the "gate Of life" (ming-men $ re,),
variously assigned in the classical literature It is axiomatic in Chinese medical
to the right kidney or a point between the parlance that "man is ruled by c}Üi
kidneys. The physiological alchemists, solo and woman by blood," thus it is
and sexual alike, referred to the "true yang" clear from the foregoing that the
as "gold within water" and considered it the functional equivalent of the male
raw material of the elixir. For medicine, Ching for the lemale is blood. A
however, it is sufficientsimply to preserve woman's maturation and fertility arc
the balance Of pre- and postnatal aspects of calculated in terms of blood, yet her
the Ching, which may be accomplished by transferable sexual energy in most
sexual continence and tranquil mind. of the sexual literature is referred to
Most of the primary classical definitions as Ching. For the male, Ching,
of Ching, Shen, and ming-men are more or orgasm, and conception coincide in
less male biased, and it is necessaty to cull one spasmodic event; for the female,
fragmentary references to female sexuality blood, orgasm, and conception are
in the general medical literature and not so neatly aligned. The I Ching
specialized works on traditional says_ ••Male and female mingle
gvnecology. The Su wen, 'Shangku then- their ching- 't But most medical
chen lun" explains: texts Liescribe conception as the
meeting Of Ching and blood. The
At seven a woman's shen•ch'i is replete, her
teeth change and hair grows. At twice seven
ovaries arc not dc fined as such in
she has reached maturity, her Jen meridian is Chinese medicine, much less the
open, her Ch'ung meridian full. and her ovum, but both are subsumed under
Art the Bedckumber
the categories of "womb' (poo 1B ) the unique therapies recommended in the
and "blood." For medical sexol- ogy classics. Medical theory
practitioners, the concept Of the role generally attributes sexual dysfunction to
Of blood in female health and deficiency syndrome in the shen sphere
fertility was suffcient for most and, specifically, "deficiency of yang."
theoretical and practical purposes. The homeostasis Ot the Shen is dependent
ever, for sexual practitioners, on the complementary balance of water
the object being absorption Of and fire, the "true yin" and "original
sexual energy, the concept of blood yang? Yang deficiency of the shen allows
must have proven exceedingly the water to operatc unchecked, resulting
inconvenient. in the rollowing symptoms: premature
In the early sexual literature and ejaculation, bloating, incontinence, and
throughout the householder spontaneous sweating; yin deficiency
tradition. the focus was on female allows the fire to operate unchecked and
Ching released produces nocturnal emission, irritability,
of parched mouth, insomnia, and dizziness.
To cure yang deficiency, traditional
during orgasm without prescribing Chinese medicine addresses the ch'i; to
any schedule linked to her menstrual cure yin deficiency it tonifics the blood.
cycle; however, in the later sexual The medical syndrome known as "cmpty
alchemy texts the menstrual cycle fire" (hsü-huo k) explains the anomaIous
came to be used to calculate a relationship between fire and water
woman's peak ripeness as an object principles in the etiology of shen
of "rhL•dicine" gathering. dysfunction: a deficiency of water
Accompanying this shift in focus brought about by excessive ejaculation
from orgasm to menses is a search for actually allows the fire of sexual desire to
the yang-ch'i locked within the rage unchecked
femalc body and an attempt to and results in a downward spiral of
capture it before overripening into exhaustion. Thus in the medical literature,
yin blood. Women's solo practices, sexual excess (fang-lao S) is seen as the
too, seek to refine the "starlike chief threat to shen health and Ching
heavenly treasure" before it sumciency. The Ma Wang tui and Ishimpö
degenerates into "red pearls" or the sexology texts share with the medical
"'red dragon. " The literature ot literature (e.g., Chu-ping yüan-hou lun,
traditional Chinese avnecology is "Hsü-lao hou") the use of ejaculation
dominated by problems of analysis as a diagnostic Indicator, usually
menstruation, fertility, and referred to as the "seven injuries"
childbearing, but two exceptions are (ch'ishang EB)_ However, the sexual
the Ming Wan-mi-ckai fu-k'o Of literature goes beyond the medical in
Wan Ql'üan and the Ch'ing Fu.k'o yü- tracing a host of illnesses to improper
ch'ih of Shen Chin-ao, both of which intercourse and in prescribing sexual yoga
provide detailed analysis of the stages as a therapeutic modality. The sexual
of arousal the signs of sexual practitioners reject the conservative
satisfaction, and the symptoms of strategy of the physicians in treating shen
inappropriate sexual activity, which deficiency, arguing that restriction may
parallel the sexology classics in this succeed in stemming Ching loss, but
collection. stagnant Ching then will becomc moribund
he medical literature of shen and unable to generate ch'i for the body.
dysfunction offers additional insights into The "Dangers and Benefits" states the
Sexual and Medicine
sexual school's position very succinctly: sexual and nonsexual modalities in some
"By seeking to prevent the chi from of the texts, and even their physical
becoming excited, they weaken their yang proximity on discovery point to a
principle_" 'lhis debate is reminiscent of common lineage. That there already were
the legend of Bodhidharma who is said to specialized works on sexual practices by
have introduced kung-fu exercises into the the Carly Han perhaps is natural, given
monastic routine of Shao-lin monks to the emphasis on sex life in health, and
offset the debilitating effects of sedentary may be similar to the case of acupuncture
meditation and herbology, which existed as
An interesting casc study in thc medical somewhat autonomous regions under a
significance of sex-related conditions is common constitution within the borders
revealed in the diaries of the late nineteenth of medical science. Similarly, the
century Manchu Emperor Kuang-hsü, who juxtaposition of normal and paranormal
like many emperors experienced precocious health aspiraLions in the sexual literature
sexual contact and hundred of wives and parallels the situation of herbology, which
concubines vying for his favor. He at its outer fringe gave rise to the search
recorded: "1 have suffered from nocturnal for the ternal elixir of immortality, and
emissions for twenty years. Ten years ago it acupuncture, which at its outer fringe
would occur as many as ten times a month, inspired the belief that internal energy
but during the past ten years only two or could be channeled and transformed to
three. lnstances of emission without dreams form the inner elixir.
or erection were especially serious during Whether sexual practices should bc
the winter." Here, then, is perfect example traced as an independent movement; or
of how, according to Chinese medical whether it should be seen as a branch of
theory, spermatorrhea and nocturnal medicine, yoga, or meditation or as part
emissions are the result of deficiency and of a larger yang-sheng enterprise is open
not repletion of Ching. an instability to question. What sexual practices share
resulting from the imbalance of fire and with medicine, for examplc_ is not
water. A similar confession appears in necessarily borrowed, but often seems to
Chiang Wei-ch'iao•s Yin Shih tzu Ching spring from a common matrix. Herbology
(Master Yin Shih's meditation attempts to influence our physiological
method), a widely circulated and innuential Prac\ices
work published in 1914. Correlating his state through thc digestive and
poor health and sex-life, he says, twelve circulatory systems; acupuncture
I began to masturbate and after habitual and moxibustion through the
practice began to suffer nocturnal meridians; yoga and meditation
emissions, dizziness, waist pain, blurred through the mind, musculature, and
vision, buzzing in the ears, and night respiratory system; and sexual
sweats. At twentv-two I was married . and practices through the sex organs.
was unable to control my sexual desire.' Though wc have scen many
Because the practice of medicine is examples of medicine and sexual
such a public affair, and because the practices sharing a common
corpus of received medical literature is so theoretical platform, it is rarc to
voluminous, it would be tempting to ask find a direct medical attack on the
the question, What is the influence of foundations of sexual practice.
medicine on sexual practices? However, However, in this startlingly clinical
thc theoretical consonance of the Ma analysis, the Ch'ing gynecologist,
Wang tui medical and sexual texts, their Shen Chin-ao says
equal level of development, the mixing of
Art the Bedckumber
The rao of concentrating the Ching
consists of (I) reducing dcsircs, (2)
moderating intercourse, (3) stilling SM
anger. (4) abstaining from alcohol, The Position of Sexual Practices in
and (S) avoiding stimulating foods.
Today, those who discuss health Taoism
often mention gathering yin to
supplement yang and prolonged sex From the point of view of the official
without ejaculation. This is great dynastic bibliographers, the
nonsense! The shen is the center of association of sexual techniques and
the ching_ Whenever man and Taoism was not decisively
un•man have intercourse the shen is accomplished until the Sung. After
disturbed. As the shen is agitated the occupying a rubric of its own during
Ching and blood will certainly be set the Han and sharing a section with
in motion. Even if there is no '"Medical Works" in the Sui and
external emission, the Ching has T'ang, sexual practices finally came
already left its center. Even if one to rest under "Taoist Works" in the
succeeds in restraining oneself, there History of the Sung. In fact, the
are always a few drops of "true
Sung Taoist, Tseng Tsao, writing in
Ching" which escape as the penis
becomes limp. his is hmsed on his Tao shu, 'Jung Ch'eng p'ien, "
common experience. Just as fire associates the propagation of sexual
produce, smoke and flame, how teachings with "Taoist priests" (fang-
could these return again to the log shih jj±), who confuse the scholar
from which they springo class with teachings on the "'battle of
stealing sexual essences." Looking
The normally peaceful relations back to our earliest seiual texts,
between medicine and sexual however, the '"Uniting Yin and
practice, based on a common Yang" and "Highest Tao," apart
concern for Ching conservation, are from such expressions as "immortal"
shattered here by Shen Chin-ao, (hsien ILL) and "spiritual
who dcnics any advantage to the illumination" (shen-ming which
Ching resulting from sexual arousal strike us as distinctively Taoist, there
and insists that stimulation. even is little else to indicate special
without ejaculation, causes a philosophical affliation_ Even two
tangible loss to the Although Shen's hundred years later, in the first
argument is unusual in its thrust. it century of the Common Era, Wang
ultimately reinforces the very Ch'ung tells us in his Lun heng,
traditional medical and Taoist '"Ming-i , " that Su Nü transmitted
quietist pchitions that continence is the "'method of the Five Females"
the best medicine in sexual matters. without associating these practices
This against the sexual school's with any philosophical school,
conviction that an attenuated or despite ample opportu nity to do so
homeopathic dose of sexual contact in the "Tao hsü" chapter devoted
alone was capable Of conferring entirely to condemning Taoist
immunity to leakage. macrobiotic techniques.
Sexual and Medicine
For Taoist alchemist, Ko Hung medicine Of the golden elixir. This is sheer
(283363 A.D.), writing another two folly!
hundred years after Wang Ch'ung in
his Pao P'u tzu, Chapter 8, sexual From Ko's discussion, the only one of its
cultivation was enshrined as a kind from the pre-T'ang period, it is
desideratum in a trinity of apparent that he accepted the general
fundamental techniques: "Those macrobiotic benefits of sex craft as set forth
seeking immortality must perfect the in the Ma Wang tui and Ishimpö literature.
absolute essentials. These consist of A confirmed alchemist, however, he saw the
treasuring the Ching, circulating the chief function of sexual techniques and yoga
ch'i, and consuming the great as extending life to '*300 years," the range
medicine." For Ko, what it meant to necessary for completing the true ••golden
he a Taoist in the fourth century was elixir." For KOI then, without sexual
to be deadly serious about the practice the best
business of immortality, and he had
very definite opinions about the role
of sexual disciplines:
There are more than ten masters Of the sexual
arts. Some use them to cure injury, some to
attack illness, some to strengthen the yang by
absorbing yin, and some to achieve longevity.
The essential teaching is to "return the Ching
to nourish the brain. ' This art has been orally
transmitted from immortal to immortal
without being recorded. Those who consume
the most precious medicines, but fail to grasp
the essentials of this art, cannot achieve long
life. It is also the case that man cannot abstain
from intercourse. for ifyin and yang do not
interact, this leads to diseases of obstruction.
One becomes withdrawn and resentful, and
thus sickly and short lived Giving free rein to
one's passions also shortens life. and thus
only by restrained balance can onc avoid
harm. Without rccciving thc secret Oral
transmissions of the art, not ooc man in ten
thousand can escape practicing this Without
injuring himself. The works of Hsüan [Niil,
Su [Niii, Jung Ch'eng Kung. and P'eng Tsu
realrd Only the rough outline without
the real Secrets to writing. Those
who desire immortality must conscientiously
seek to discover it. My discussion here is
based On the words of master Cheng Chun.
They are for the benefit Of future followers
Of the tao and are not merely personal
conjecture. have not myself exhausted the
secrets of this art_ One branch of Taoists seek
solely by means Of the art of intercourse to
achievc immortality Without preparing the

Art the Bedckumber
medicine is useless, but without the elixirs most complete contemporary account is that
immortality is unattainablc_ For the of Chen Luan, who in his Hsiao rao lun
purposes of our study, Ko has succeeded in (Ridiculing the Taoists) descrihcs his
defining the position of the "external elixir" personal experiences in a Taoist
(wai-ran '\f}) alchemists and at the Same congregation prior to being converted to
time has given sexual cultivation an Buddhism. Writing in 570 A.D. he says,
ancillary but assured role in the Taoist were first instructed in the practice of
curriculum. Finally, it is equally clear from 'uniting ch'i' (ho-ch'i after the teachings Of
ko's discussion that there existed by the the Yellow Book (Huang shu and the three-
fourth century, if not earlier, a school of five-seven-nine method of sexual
immortality seekers based exclusively on intercourse. In pairs of 'four eyes and two
the sexual elixir. This development well tongues' wc practiced the tao in the
may have been due to the increasing ran. /'ien."
tendency to pursue technical approaches to Knowledge of the existence of
immortality, along with the promise of life sexual rituals in ancient China has
extension already present in the earliest inspired the imaginations of
sexual literature. The sexual elixir school Western scholars such as Granet,
would continue to flourish through the Maspero, and Needham, who could
Ming, in parallel with the medical and not help but be itnpressed with the
householder traditions of sexual practices. sharp contrast between the
While Ko Hung was developing his Stereotype Of Confucian society
theories, and apparently experimenting in and the Dionysian images these
the laboratory, another movement, also practices evoke. However, recisely
marching under the banner of the tao, had what Maspero assumed to have cen
arisen among the masses Of the common "clirninuted from the Tao 'sang,"
people, Beginning a century betore Ko's Kristofer Schipper discovered
birth during the late Han, a millenarian there under the title'ing
religious and political movement by the huang.shu kuo.zu i, simply an
Mmstcrs Chang and promising to usher in elaborated version of the same title
the Great Peace incorporated w•rcmonial mentioned by Tao An and Chen
"sexual union" (ha•ch'i & , hun-ch'i or ho- Luan. The text agrees in many
ho as a means of obtaining "absolution of details and general tone with
sins" (shihtsui Unfortunately, most of what eyewitness Buddhist accounts,
we know about this extraordinary although I would concur with
movement is filtered through the lens of its Schipper's dating as •Slate
cncmics. The Sun-kuo Chih (Annals of the medieval. " The text, a complctc
Three Kingdoms), representing the liturgy for sexual ceremonies in the
establishment response to these radical 'J'aoist religion, is a remarkable
teachings, condemned them as "demonic document for social history, the
doctrines" (kuci tao Its Sexual rituals in history of religions, and sexology.
particular proved to be the exposed soft For our purposes, it is most
Rank that allowed Buddhist polemicists interesting as a synthesis of
such as Tao An in his Erh chiao lun religious ritual and sexual yoga.
(Discourse on the two teachings) and Let us briefly summarize the
Hsiian Kuang in his Pien huO lun ceremony as it is described in the
(Discourse refuting delusions) to attack text.
them as "demonic methods" (kueifa and The celebrants, not to exceed
"false doctrines" (wei-tao Perhaps the twenty in number, first bathe, burn
Sexual practtces and Taoism
incense, and offer salutations to the and transform, and the ten thousand
omciating priest (shih gif) and creatures are nourished and born.
invocations to the gods. The Heaven covers and earth supports.
participants now begin meditative May be bestowed upon the bodies of
visualizations based on colored ch'i these humble supplicants."
(white, yellow, red, green, and After a complex series of prayers and
black) corresponding to the five invocations, the text continues:
directions and five organs. The
couples kneel facing each other Raising his head and inhaling living
and carrv out more tan-t'ien chi through his nose. he swallowsyang
visualizations and petitions to the according to the numbers 3, S, 7, and
deities for health and salvation. 9, and recites: "May the lao Of heaven
Following this, the priest helps the set in motion." The second partncr
supplicants remove their garments now recites: "May the tao Of earth bc
set in motion. ' Following this he
and loosen their hair. Now the
enters the "gate Of birth'• to a depth of
couples interlacc their hands in barf the head, while reciting; "Oh,
vanous ritual patterns and recite celestial deities and immortals, I
formulas, would shake heaven and move earth
A Of that the 'five lords' (wu•chün mighi
followed by a series of gestures with hcar my plea. " NOW the second
hands and feet relating to the eight partner recites: "Oh. celestial deities
trigrams, twelve Earthly Branches, and •tan-dien palace•
and organs. After another long would move
sequence of dance, massage. prayers ear-th and shake heaven that the five
deities Of the body might each he
and meditation. there is a passage that
strong." He then penetrates to the
translates: greatest depth, closes his mouth and
With his right hand he massages her ' inhales living ch'i through his nose
•lower tan•t'ien'• thrce times. and exhales through the mouth three
Approaching the "gate 01 birth" times. Gnashing his teeth, he recites:
(sheng•men hc opens the "golden "May nine and one be born in the
gate" (chin.nen ) with his right hand midst." Now he Withdraws and then
while lifting the "jade key" (yüYao returns to a depth Of half a head.
•Em) with his left and casting it upon After another series of invocations and
the "'gate of birth" Now supporting her choreographed postures, gestures. massage,
head with his left hand, he massages and coition, the ceremony ends, Sexual
the "gate of life" (ming-men up and intercourse is integrated into Taoist
down and from side to side, While shamanism here in the same way that it is
reciting the ing three times: grafted onto inner alchemy. It provides
"Water flows to the east and clouds powerful symbolic and tual stimulation
drift to the wcst_ Yin nourishes yang
With a ch'i so subtle. Thc mysterious
on both psychic and physiological levels.
Ching and nourishing liquid rise to the That part of the ceremony involving
•tutorial gate' (shih-men The first intromission is not given undue prominence
partner now recites: '"lhe 'divine and does not overshadow the other yogic,
gentleman' (shen-nan holds the gate liturgical, and ritual elements. is no specific
and the 'jade lady' (yn-nii opens the language suggesting sexual arousal, and
door. As our ch'i is united, may yin neither orgasm nor coitus reservatus enter
bestow her Ch'i upon " second partner the discussion, though I would feel
now recites: "Yin and yang bestow confident in saying that nonejaculation
Art the Bedckumber
could bc assumed. The survival of the process effectively preserves a glimpse of
Shangch'ing huang•shu kun-tu i in the Tao this early phase of sexual alchemy. I
Sang, despite the very thorough suppression translate the relevant passage:
or censorship of works on sexual yoga, is a
I Once Obtained Master Ts'ni•s book, the Ju
mystery I will not attempt to solve. The Yao Ching, Which discusses thc "battle of
living rather than archaic Ian. guage of the mounting women: • If ••guest" and ••host••
text, together with its late date, is proof that remain in a State of abstraction. then there is
such practices persisted in codified form, shared awareness and not shared intention,
and undoubtedly in fact, long afier the Han. sharcd perversion but not shared ncfit,
Circulation ofthc ch'i is not expressed in shared intercourse but not shared bodies,
terms of "microcosmic orbit," but the tan- shared bodies but not shared in. ten-curse.
dien and ni.wan (nadir and apogee of the All of this refers to facing the sexual partner
ellipse) frequently are mentioned. Without becoming excited. Intercourse Of
We have seen that as sexual practices the spirit internally and externally Without
becarnc entrenched in the increasingly physical excitement is the of attaining
intrinsic nature. If onc bccomes excited, the
variegated landscape of "the rao of
spirit departs and the intrinsic nature
immortality" (hsien-tao Illfi) and religious declines. By remaining unstained and
Taoism, attacks were mounted by unattached, our primal sub. Stance Will
alchemists and Buddhists alike. A third remain. the c,h'i Will he stable and the spirit
antisexual front was opened up by the fixed. and combining together as torm in the '
quietest branch of Taoists themselves, who •central palace." the yin is refined away and
traced their roots directly to Lao tzu and the yang preserved. The "red snow" is thc
Chuang tzu and adhered to the doctrine of true substance of the "sea of blood" and is
"purity, stillness, and nonaction" (ch'ing- that which becomes a fetus. Within the
ching wu-wei Among these was "palace Of children" it is yang•ch'i, and when
the Sung Taoist, Tseng Tsao, (twelfth it emerges it is blood. "*hen the "tortoise"
century), who devoted a chapter to sexual enters, it must wait for the moment when this
practices, "Jung Ch'eng p'ien" (On the art of is mobilized and she is emotionally excited.
Then the ••tortoise" turns its neck, holds its
Master Jung Ch'cng) in his Tao shu (Axial breath, and swallows it, making dn effort to
principles of the too). Un• like Ko Hung, draw it in. If the ch'i is steady and the Spirit
who granted sexual practices a minor role concentrated, thc 'i will enter the "gate"
in preparing oneself for the elixir, Tseng where the "windlass" and "water Wheel" may
rejected them altogether in both yogic and be used to raise it to the "K'un•lun peak,"
religious Taoism. The chapter is valuable after which it convenes in the "golden gate
because it helps, albeit from a negative towers, " and enters the where it then
perspective, to define the position of sexual becomes the elixir.
cultivation within the tao, and because it
Tseng-s refutation of the teachings just
fills a gap in the received literature,
translated opens by denying any association
extending from the Sung to the Yüan. In
between the art of the bedchamber and the
particular, it summarizes the teachings of
ancient immortals and by claiming that
the Ju yan Ching (Wrrror of absorbing the
even religious Taoism abandoned sexual
medicine). an early work On sexual
rituals by the time of Chang -raoling. Ile
alchemy, which survives only in thoroughly
next quotes from a series of famous Taoists
emasculated form in the Tao tsang_ The
who dismiss sexual practices using
first section of Tseng's "0n the Art of
empirical. psychological and philosophical
Master Jung Ch'eng" paraphrases the
arguments. Sexual ticcs arc compared
essential principles of the Ju Yao Ching as
to "clutching a piece of jade and hurling
a preliminary to refuting them, but in the
oneself into a fire. or burying a dog in a
Sexual practtces and Taoism
golden coffin." The great Taoist laboratory conditions they may best
synthesizer, Wei PO-yang, is quoted as be transmuted. The "'nonac-
saying, "If one cuts off a piece offlesh and
inserts it into the belly, it will not become a
fetus. Thus foreign substances cannot
become elixir." Putting what must have
been a standard argument of the sexual
school into the mouth of an imaginary
interlocutor he writes, 'The lotus does not
grow in high places or nat planes, but in
river mud." Tseng counters with an analogy
Of his own, "The lotus in the mud easily
decays, like the pine that grows in
mountain crags and does not wither. In fact,
I even have a lotus that flourishes in the
midst of fiercest fire." All metaphors aside.
in the end, Tseng favors the quietest
approach to mediation and regards sexual
disciplines as producing only mental
perturbalion and constituting a dangerous
distraction from the tar'. Although
conceding its long history and association
with the sage kings of antiquity, he
nevertheless denies its efficacy in the
pursuit of immortality, which for Tseng no
less than Ko Hung was the goal of Taoism.
Theoretical objections from
within the Taoist ranks to the
position of the "paired practices"
school catne, then, from a number
of diffcrcnt directions. The
argument based on "nonaction"
holds that any deliberate technique
encourages the grasping ego and
can only obstruct the flow of the
tao. The argument of the "pure
practices" inner elixir school holds
that the gross postnatal secretions
exchanged during male-female
intercourse are inferior to the
prenatal yin-yang essences
harmonized in the body of the solo
practitioner. With all parties
agreeing on the fundamental
importance of Ching. the debate
centers not so much on the role of
the reagents, but under what

Art the Bedckumber
Of ) or marital arts methods aimed
at developing the ability to resist blows
tion" camp believed the body fares best
and retract the testicles, However, even
when undisturbed, even with the best
the most abstract and detached forms of
intentions, by the mind; the "'pure
2S Taoist meditation anticipate equally
practices" people cannot deny the role of
tangible physiological effects in the
sexual energy, but want to separate it from
genital domain, as in the phenomenon
the act of sex and carefully contain the
known as "horse hides its testicles" (ma
reaction; the sexual school itself held that
ts'ang shen where penis and scrotum
the interaction of yin and yang incarnate
shrink to prepubescent proportions and
was necessary to heat the Ching to the
Ching leakage is banished forever. In
vaporization point and enable it to rise. All
women's cultivation, too, the goal is to
parties descnbe worst case scenarios of the
regain the state of girlhood, so that the
other side, and it is not diffcult to imagine
breasts of the practitioner shrink and
actual examples of 'Spure•' practitioners
the menses ceases. Thus it can be seen
becoming "dry'• and stagnant, and "paired"
that the debate in Taoism over the role
adepts degenerating into licenti0LLsncss
of seX• uality finds those who reject
and exploitation. Wary of dogmatic
sexual intercourse, but none who cast
extremes, however, the majority of Taoists
out sexual energy, and even "pure••
instinctively appreciate that sexuality is not
practitioners engage in genital massage
'"outside the tao," but are bothered by
and eagerly await the awakening of the
exaggerated claims of effiCdcy and the
"original yang manifesting in crcclion
potential for abuse. This ambivalence is
during meditation. to set the chi in
expressed by contemm»• rary •raoist
nncrocosmic motion-
apologist, Hsiao Tien-shih, who in his
Tao-chia yang.sheng hsüeh kai-yao
(Outline of Taoist health practices)
relegates sexual cultivation to the "side •the Vocabulary ofSexual Yoga
door, left path" (p'ang-men tso-tao F. The previous section examined the uneasy
but nevertheless concedes that side door is induction of sexual practices into the
also a door. and a left path also a path." Taoist fraternity. This section attempts to
Hsiao says revealingly, "When a good man analyze the adoption by sexual
practices a heterodox method, the method practitioners Of later Taoist technical
becomes good, and when a evil man vocabulary and its integration into sexual
practices a good method the good method theory. Approaching the primary texts Of
becomes heterodox. " later Chinese sexology without an
Even among the staunchest "pure introduction to its vocabulary is like
practices" opponents of "paired practices,•' plunging into phy siCS without a
however, we find techniques that strike the background in mathematics. Sexual
Westerner as surprisingly sex' ual. practice in its early phases shared a
•thoretically, because Of the common theoretical foundation with
interrelatedness of the "three primary medicine, while developing the special
vitalities Ching, ch'i, and spirit—the sexual terminology necessary to describe the
energy (ching) may he strengthened and mutual physiological responses of both
stabilized by meditation based solely on sexes during intercourse. In the later
cultivation of imperturbabllity of the spirit phases Of its development, ext cnsivc bor•
or by yogic techniques that seek to activate rowing from cosmology, alchemy and the
the "ch'i function" (ch'i-chi IR). most direct 1 Ching gave rise to a more complex, and
nonsexual approach to strengthening the perhaps hermetic, system, but one that
Ching works with the genitals themselves, allowed adepts to communicate the
æs in "iron crotch training" (t'ieh-tang kung profound physiological and psychological
Sexual practtces and Taoism
changes observed to be associated with the Trigrams and Hexagrams
simultaneous practice of meditation and sexual
activity. What t'0110WS. then, is a primer in Yin and yang and the eight trigrams and
the vocabulary of sexual sixty-four hexagrams of the I Ching are
both the myth and mathematics of Chinese
Yin und Yang thought. These stacks of straight and
broken lines, less colorful than the
The overarching theme of Chinese sexol• oxy, pantheon Of gods of other peoples, or
of a•urse_ is the union of yin and yang. Chinese folk religion itself, nevertheless
Resonating on many levels, it is physically acquire a metaphysical life Of their own
man and woman and metaphysically masculine and even can be used in very affecting
and feminine. As technical terms in sexology , mythopoetic narratives. Yin and yang
yang may refer to the male gender, the male expressed as a priori categories in the
member, or sexual e*sence; whereas yin may system of trigrams arc Ch'ien (The
refer to the female gender, the private parts of Creative) and Kun (The Receptive). In this
both sexes, or sexual secretions. Leaner and form they represent the noumenal.
more abstract than such mythical prccrcation realm. According to '"Wen
personifications as Venus and Apollo or Shiva Wang's Sequence of Trigrams," the mating
and Shakti, the yin-yang paradigm nevertheless of yin and yang gives birth first to Chen
gives ample scope for man and woman to play (Thc Arousing) and Hsün (The Gentle),
the roles of heaven and earth and adds a and then to Kan (The Abyssrnal) and Li
metaphysical dimension to the commerce of (The Clinging), the second son and
the hedroom. The early texts are marked by the daughterFor inner alchemy and sexology,
existential loneliness of yin and yang for each however, the sexual associations with Kan
other, and their union consummates a cosmic and Li are reversed, so that K'an now
synergy; whereas in the later sexual alchemy represents the watery female aspect and Li
tradition, yang is concerned only to steal a bit the fiery male. Only in the texts on
of like essence from the heart of yin to mend women's practice do we find a reversion to
its own missing link _ the "Wen Wang Sequence" and the use of
The glorification of yin in early Taoist Li for female.
philosophy, and the emphasis on the balance of With the mating of Ch'ien
yin and yang in traditional Chinese medicine, and Kun, pure yin and yang, the
gives way to the search for purc yang in phenomenal world of mixed yin
alchemy, meditation, and sexual yoga- In early and yang is set in motion as
Taoism, yang in its aspect of hardness was to symbolized by the six offspring
be avoided and yin softness to be cultivated; in of the parent trigrams. Ihe two
later Taoism, yang in its aspect of spirit was to trigrams, K'an, with its strong
bc cultivated and yin materiality to be avoided. middle line and weak exterior,
With the development of sexual alchemy, there and Li, weak in the middle but
is a diStinct shift from identification of malc strong outside, now become the
sexual essence with yang to yin, and yin to focus of inner and sexual
yang in the female. What appears to be alchemy. In this postcreation
ambivalence or imprecision here, however, world, the two trigrams also
actually may illustrate the subtlety of the yin- represent the two '"Falls," of
yang paradigm. Thus male sexuality, humankind. During the fetal
considcred in its yang aspect, shows the vital stage of human development Li,
strength-giving qualities of male virility, the heart, spirit or fire, is in
whereas in its yin aspect, it cxpresscs wcakncss perfect harmony with K'an, the
through its instability and susceptibility to kidneys, Ching and ch'i, or
leakage. water. Birth signals the first
"Fall," as water sinks and fire
Art the Bedckumber
rises, and body and mind become
alienated. The second "Fall" takes
place at puberty as the Chien or pure
yang body is decisively "'broken"
(p'o E) with the onset of menses or
the first loss of semen.
Solo meditation seeks to mend the
vertical rift through the inversion of K'an
and Li, aided by Hsün, the breath. This is
the journey from the hexagram Wei-chi
(Before Completion) to Chi-chi (After
Completion), where fire is checked by
water and water converted to steam (ch'i),
and finally to total transccndcncc with the
restoration of Ch'ien. In sexual
cultivation, the search for yang is
horizontal. as man, I.i broken in the
middlc at puberty, attempts to borrow
energy from woman symbolized by
K'un_ The 29
the Bedchamber

An practices. The Won. drous

harmonious mating Of K•an and Li once Discourse of Su Nü correlates the
again is symbolized by the hexagram system of the I Ching with thc
Chichi. and in later texts even comes to Stems and Branches to maximize
be interpreted literally as the female the advantage of the macrocosmic
supenor position in intercourse. More yang-chi for eugenic and
rarely, the hexagram Fai (Peace), with macrobiotic ends
trigram K'un ascendant over Ch'ien. is
used to indicate this relationship. A final The Five Phases
pair of hexagrams encountered The systems Of trigrams and
occasionally in the later literature is hexagrams interlock with the Five
Chun (Difficulty at the Beginning) and Phases, Branches 30 and Stems, and
Meng (Youthful Fob In the Secret lunar phases. As in Chinese medicine.
Principles of Gathering the True the Five phases (metal, wood, water. and
Essence, '•Chun and Meng" are used to earth) appear rather late in the sexology
represent the diversity of prepubescent and then play a relatively minor role.
partners. while elsewhere in the sexual Only when the highly technical language
alchemy texts, Chun and Meng stand for of inner alchemy merges •ith that ot
morning and evening, or the yin and sexual yoga do we encounter it at all.
yang phases of alchemical tiring time. The Five Phases sometimes are used to
Use of the trigrams in mythopoesis is express correspondences with the hours.
best illustrated by the wonderful seasons, and azimuthal directions.
commentary to the Trur Transmission of though the Ter Branches,
rhe Golden Elixir. Here the • •yang trigrams_ and hexagrams also are
gold" elixir. symbolized by the middle available for this purpose, and they may
linc in Ch'ien, flees its original abode be said to reinforce each Other. For
during the mystical mating Of Ch'ien example, Fu Chin-ch•üan's Commentary
and Kun and lodges in the •'palace Of to the Ju yuo Ching explains that
Kun. •• Ch'ien•s conversion to Li, Celestial Stems, wu and chi.
whether interpreted as resulting from represcnting the emotions (cWing) and
loss or exchange , considcred a intrinsic nature (hsing, reason). both
devolutionary state. which can be belong to the earth Phase and need to be
repaired Only by reclaiming the "yang brought into harmonious conjunction.
gold" from female partners. Ilowever, Stem, keng. belonging to metal, is said
according to the True Transmission. it is to be the "white tiger." and Stem chia,
vain to seek for yang in Ch'ien. in K •un. belonging to wood, the "green dragon."
or even in K'an. for only Tui Joy• M), nesc must travel from their respective
the youngest daughter of K'un, is "of one poles in the west and east to mate.
species with Ch'ien_ " According to the "production sequence"
One of the most important functions Of the Five Phases, metal, the mother,
of the trigrams and hexagrams is as produces water, the child, but alchemy,
phase markers for the macro- and which typically reverses nature in search
microcosmic circuits of energy. This Of the supernatural, seeks the metal born
makes it possible to synchronize lunar in water. or the yang essence in woman.
and solar phases with natural biological Wood and metal also may be correlated
cycles and meditational and sexual
the Bedchamber

with the trigrams Chen, the oldest son and

the cast. and Tui, the youngest daughter and
the west.
Sun Ju-chung•s long description Of the
elixir process employs nearly every
paradigm in the Chinese metaphysician •s
repertoire. resulting in a dense multi.
dimensional text, which expresses quality
and quantity, microcosm and macrocosm
simultaneously. For example,
The first lunar month belongs to the
gram rai (Peace). which is three lines
below and three yin lines above. This
represents yin and yang poised at the bal.
ance point. like the half image Of the first
quarter of the moon , which is meta] within
Water_ Metal flourishes during y". Y" bcgins
with the first "climatic period" Of the eighth
lunar month. After reaching tbc period Of
"flounshing metal.•• tire is sufficient.
"Withdrawing the yin tally" should rest
during the eighth month.
and Taoism
This passage froln Sun's True Transmission woman, considered here K'un and not K'an,
of the Golden Elixir illustrates how the Five is said to conceal the "true
Phases function in relation to yin and yang,
the lunar cycle, hexagrams, Twenty-Four
Climatic Periods, and Terrestrial Branches. fire," which when activated ignites the
The sexual elixir is ex. pressed in the Five "common fire" of sexual longing. The
Phases system as "gold (metall within water," "common fire" threatens to "melt"
or yang in the midst Of woman, Who is the "metal" and gives rise to the
characterized like the trigram K'an as soft on impulse to quench the fire by
the out. side but hard an the inside. releasing the watery secretions of
Chang San-feng is especially partial to sexual climax. The element fire
the Five Phases, using the elements to here is seen as having a lower and
express everything from the stages of higher Octave. ''common" and '
arousal to menstrual cycle and ' 'crucible" 'true," which vibrate
qualit)'. The Summary of the Golden Elixir sympathetically during practice,
correlates water and metal with the lunar but must be clearly distinguished to
phases to determine the precise moment hold the attention unwaveringly on
during the woman's menstrual cycle when the higher note.
intercourse is most profitable to the male
adept. The Phases fire and water are used by Celestial Stems and
Chang to represent the hot and cold Stages Terrestrial
Of arousal for gathering and processing the Branches
woman's elixir. The woman's arousal level
may be gauged by the "wateriness" of her The ten Stems (t'ien-kan 3t+) and twelve
tongue and the "ficriness" of her "dates." Branches (ti-chih have been used from
Water also symbolIzes the woman's sexual very ancient times to generate a series of
secretions, and the two Stems, jen and kuei, sixty pairs that mark the progression of
belonging to that element, are used to diurnal and annual cycles. The
distinguish the precise time and kind to Terrestrial Branches have strong
gather. In traditional medicine the Five associations with the points of the
Phases are correlated with the Five Viscera compass and can be used geomantically,
so that the heart is represented by fire, and as in the Sum. mary of the Golden
the tongue is one of the remote organs Elixir, to indicate the mast advantageous
within the heart's sphere of influence. Thus, alignment of the adept's retreat. Thus if
during sexual activity, tongue-to-tonguc front and back are oriented properly
stimulati0n causes the tire Of the heart to according to the first and seventh
burn strong and also tonifies the other Branches, -Y- (north) and wu (south),
organs within the heart's sphere, such as the the "green dragon's" (male) chamber
small intestine. As the fire of the tongue may be situated appropriately on the east
reaches its peak, it is overtaken by waves of wing and the '"white tiger's" (female) on
watery secretions, signaling the arrival Of the west. In inner and sexual alchemy,
the yang essence and the opportunity for thc Stems and Branches are used
gathering and absorption. On a somewhat microcosmically to designate spatial and
simpler level, Chang San-feng uses the temporal points of interest on the map of
elements gold (metal), fire, and water to meditation. The polar points in this
distinguish the three grades Of ' 'crucible" scheme, Izu and wu, mark in anatomical
quality based on the woman's age. terms the North Pole (perineum) and
The Five Phases crop up again in the very South Pole (crown of the head), but in
different environment Of women's practice. the Chinese conception of phase
In the solo context of the Precious Raft, energetics, rzu also connotes the zenith
the Bedchamber
of the yin phase and the nadir of yang. the living tzu" is whenever we feel the
Having reached its nadir in the north, impulse to practice.
this also is the direction from which to Another critical matter Of
anticipate the rebirth of Yung. By individual biology for inner alchemy is
evoking tzu and wu, then, it is possiblc expressed with the Celestial Stems jen and
for inner alchemists to indicate both the kuei Kuei, the tenth and last Stem,
poles of microcosmic orbit circulation traditionally has been used to represent
and the "'advancing" and "retreating" puberty, as it and jen, the ninth, are both
(yang and yin) phases of the cycle. Jn assigned to the house of water in relation to
this conception, Branches mao and yu the Five Phases. Some of the later texts in
representing due east and west, this collection contain formulas for
symbolize the mid-points in cach half of calculating the accumulation of blood and
thc elix- Ching during female maturation. This
Art of allows one to predict the onset of puberty
and the peak of fertility in postpubcscent
ir cycle designated for "rest." The
women, times when the maximum yang
twelve Terrestrial Branches as a
energy is available to the sexual adept. It
paradigm of the phase cnergetics of
usually is stressed that the jen stage
meditation may refer to units as small
immediately preceding the menses (kuei)
as the inhalation (yang) and exhalation
32 should be addressed, and in some
(yin) of one complete breath cycle, or
passages we glimpse something like the
the longer course of elixir production
concept Of ovulation, or even a suggestion
over hours, days, and months.
that the very first menstrual period is
Unique to the meditation tradition,
perhaps the most potent source. Kuei is
and especially dear to sexual adepts, is
defined here as "yin within yin," whereas
the concept of the "hour of the living
jen is "yang within yin," or the gold within
rzu" (huo Izu shih Macrocosmically
water, which is the adept's prize. Jen also is
Izu represents the North, midnight, and
associated with conception and pregnancy
the winter solstice, the turning point
and, hence, perhaps the notion of fertility.
from which yang stages its triumphant
Chang San-Feng, offering a variation on
return. In the microcosm Of human
this theme, tells us that during sexual
physiology. it speaks to the awakening
arousal the woman will first produce a
Of the yang force asleep within the yin
quantity Of kuei secretion, and that
region of the shen (urogenital system),
following this the pure jen emerges, which
which manifests in spontaneous
alone is suitable for absorption by the male
erection of the penis from midnight to
early morning- During sleep it is the
As jen and kuei belong to the element
unconscious response of microcosmic
water, wu and chi E, the fifth and sixth
energies to the rising yang power of the
Stems, are both assigned to earth, or the
sun, but during meditation it sig• nals
central region between the four cardinal
the awakening of the "primal Ching'
points. The corresponding organ of the Five
(yuan-ching it"), which is free of
Viscera is the spleen, and according to
conscious sexual desire and may be
medical theory, the seat of that aspect of
channcled into the circuit of orbiting
consciousness approximating Our notion Of
energy. Some of the texts and
volition (i The ' 'wu earth" thus is the center
commentaries in this collection insist
Of K'an and the "chi earth" the center Of l.i_
on the literal synchronization Of sexual
The Will (i) within each of these, body and
prHcticc with the midnight-to-dawn
mind, seeks to unite with the other.
macrophase of rising yang, but others
Consistent with the sexual school's
consider it a matter of individual
assignment of K'an and Li to female and
biology, emphasizing that the 'hour of
and Taoism
male sexual energy rather than to ch'i and phase taboos, but again this may be traced to
spirit, Chang San-feng in his True Sun's purposes, which are exclusively
Transmission of the Golden Elixir uses the alchemical and not eugenic. From this point
term "chi earth" for the adept's sexual of view, the full moon is considered '"purc
essence (that is, the middle of and "wu yang,' and the eighth month, associated with
earth" for that of the female partner. the trigram Tui, represents the youngest
The auspicious "monarchial and daughter of Kun. This then is the perfect
ministcrial days," recommended for eugenic macrocosmic match of yin and yang for
purposes in the Ishimpö and later sexual practice. Here we are beginning to
householder texts, also are based on the cross the border from astronomy to phy
Celestial Stems and their associations. Chia siology -
* and i are the auspicious days of spring Chang San-feng completes the shift to
because of their association with spring's microcosmic physiology, using the lunar
phase, wood. Summer is assigned to ping phases metaphorically as a timetable for
and ling, or fire; autumn is keng and hsin, or computing the woman's highest
metal; and winter is jen and kuei, or water. yangyielding potential. In the early texts, the
juncture of the last and first days of the
Lunar Phases month are ruled out, for it is precisely at this
time that the balance of yin and yang is
The concept Of lunar phases appears both unresolved, but for Chang San-feng's
literally and metaphorically, biological symbolism, this is when the
macrocosmically and microcosmically in "Ching of the sun and moon shoot their ch'i
these texts. at each other." At this passage the
Most of the early texts in this collection Sexual Practices
include among the taboo days for intercourse
the first and last days of the tnoon, the two woman's yang ener&v is purest
quarters, and full moon. These prohibitions and freshest. The commentarv to
are exclusively eugenic and have little bearing The Secret principles of
on the participants themselves. The '"Health Gathering Ihe True Essencc
Benefits of the Bedchamber" lists the ten days describing this moment says,
of every month known as "lunar mansion "Wait for the right time! The
days" (yüeh-hsiu jih H B), which are most moon will come out and thc
favorable for intercourse. These are not 'golden flower' appear." The
strictly speaking a matter of lunar phases, but compound shuo„shih (literally,
rather an indication of the moon's position in moon affair") is an Obscure
relation to the twenty-eight constellations. but not unknown expression for
According to the 'Health Benefits" table, the menses in Chinese. The
several months include the first of the month, women's cultivation texts operatc
or new moon, among the auspicious "'lunar in the same metaphorical
mansion days," which is forbidden in the territory, but here the full moon
earlier texts. This apparent contradiction symbolizes the young woman's
arises from conceptual dissonance between state just prior to puberty when
the one system, which is based on the lunar the "primal or "lead ch'i," and the
phases, and the Other, which is based on the accumulation of blood reach their
moon's position. A similar lack of congruence peak. This is '"yang within yin,"
may be found in Sun Juchung's True just as the light Of the moon
Transmission of rhe Golden Elixir, where the rcprcsents the yang energy of the
most favorable day for intercourse is sun reflected in the embodiment
considered "the evening of the full moon of and emblem of yin.
the eighth lunar month When yang first AIchemy
stirs." This is forbidden in the early system of
the Bedchamber
The Taoists, who were deeply
impressed with nature's powers of
transformation, camc to believe
during the early Han that
humankind could steal this secret
from heaven and carry out in the
laboratory a process of refining
potable gold, "golden elixir," from
cinnabar, lead, sulphur, and other
reagents. Apparently daunted
more by its toxicity than its
inefficacy, alchemy eventually
gave way after the T ang to inner
alchemy, but not without
bequeathing a rich legacy of
theory and terminology. Much of
the technical vocabulary borrowed
from alchemy by the intcrnal
alchemists also turns up in the
writings of the sexual school,
often resulting in three different
definitions of the same term. The
most important ingredients
borrowed from alchemy are lead
and mercury _ In solo practice,
mercury and lead refer to the
vertical yin-yang dichotomy
between heart and kidneys, or
spirit and ch'i. In sexual texts,
mercury becomes the male Ching
and lead the woman's yang energy
locked within her watery sence.
As the True Transmission of the
Golden Elixir proclaims, "Absorb
the partner's lead to supplemen!
your mercury."
Defining the inverted process of
conception pursued by the adept. the
True. Transmission explains that
normally mer-
-01100 saul!łaułos 'ołmeu lenuł!ds no 01 -Jem snouałsKLu„ pue
s]aJa1 ($1 *1511) ałmeu pue anugu la1JEos„ ato aqł Kpoq aqł
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leafi šleaddp. leg] ued 1Eug aqł IsnL_u sosuau_l aqł JO „uoawp
Oltl! pałnłusuËJ1 pug pał„ aqł puE panpqns aq Isnuł JO
'paugał 'pałełos! aq Isntu leguałod ata 'sa3g3e]d ołos s,uau10M OJ
JO 133dst.• ato s! 11 satuoa uauŔ\ „-uoods aqł u101}
„łełgułsod„ JO Isp!uł ul Kałaua a.łnd 10 u! suods„ uaqM se
JO aouassa s! 'u0!1anp0Jd JO łxałuoo 's!uad aqł asng 01
u! ałaH •aouangu! 10 Kq pal!nb3e „uoae.łp„ •słxał JOiE1 u! zoo:
snsłaA 10 leuuafiuoo s! o: •saouassa lenxas ańpoadsu
Jago.l sułłał 'aup -!pauł LII ' KI!lEnp put! J!aqJ pue ałetu 10J se
aqł JO sołełs uoggamsod pue -ud aqł 01 pasn pup
sałldde 'soysĂqdełatu ul
„ '1Ełeułsod„ pae „łełeuald„ stułał aqł u! 1Eu!paeo aqł ul 'łsa,w
passałdxa s! _uxqa lenxas atu JO anłcu aqa pue łsea pałepossc ałe łełndod t]!
Sa_łnłg5ła „ pup SE!
-au!J2duła1 JOJ słałua 1Eq1 aqł ueu_l Puc aq 01 aułoo a_ie soouassa len -
, aqa uełuoM 'ocn pue xas S31R1_u5J put: sałeu_l
OlEL_uaJ ato Juaosaqnd
„aA01S„ Sasn aouaSS3 -ald -1Enxos u! alËtu pue alEUi01
-po Jo uousodx•đ au SE sasn uapłoo ate Jo ugauł 01 au103 'łooqos ołos aq; LI!
Omutuns aqł Inq •łau1JËd ałguraJ pasn s! Jgłds pue auguasa.1daJ
Klłełauaâ , atu „'uoaeap„ pue
'sa3!łoe1d IRnxas 01 u!qs •au!ds dn os gunp 01 ' aldmcxo '100q3S lenxas 01 010s
Hlea_łq ato Rq pauueJ 'aA0łs LL102J Sańou• auo se 01
JO ug aqł sap!A0Jd puB uaaMłaq pałnp!d -qns asaqł Inq 'uoggz!łemdaauoo JO
uauo ałqpnło Pug VDM-yu pue 'g,tp apouł e JO Jno saułoo
POE 'uawopqe pue peaq 'Kpoq pue puru_l sł!ud 50 dnofi
'quua pue uaAgaq apn131_1! looqas JOJ -121 ańła,m stuefigł aqł SE tpns
su Inq 'snoLAqo pug ałq spnnsuoo ameu_ła JOJ 'nMŕnZ1
S! SO!pn1S aS0u!LD stułał pue 'passno -sw Kpeaxle suuał
Kłeuyq ałgesłaA !souł atu JO auo 10 atuos
Kilaua uo!suałxa {q pue
lenxos JO
Kpoq adeosa uyfig
'uog;uałxa Kg -Kuaqnd ałew pue saie aqă .10Aou pue 'aeqeuugo ov 'KJ!pqos OJ
'uaałxłs pue uaaunoJ słaqułnu atu łuasaJdaJ K_łn3r2LLl
OMI„ pue „suaŃas leouatunu 40 Jas
aaqouv aldJnd JO ulJOJ cn au!qułoo Kinaaauł 'ssaooad aqł saq!ns
KJnołau1 JO e }łeq pue pgał 10 fiuąl snu -ap auaJ-ues aueqo sv •uaułas 01
'1łxqa ałoq,w dn avu_l paaueqo seq „Klnołału„
-!pu! 01 sa.inseau' pue słqË!aM JO tu01SKs 'saonoełd paued 01 ołos
asau!qo aqł uodn M.eap e Jłeq pue uogłsueu -uolłeu_l.oysupłl
Suv!l '1!Ed aaqłouv -ueauł 1Enxas ałełedas ulałsKs s,ldape aqł Quł paqaosqe aq
Keuł aqł puap!suoo Llauł s!
pup, ueaq sau!ueału atu alEL_ual aqł lenx2S ul
ałm IRnx.ns u! u!eao] anq 'Ăaołonse u101J paonpu! s! peoł poqłauł aqł
Ătuaq01E łauu! Kq paMonoq aug 'sopłs
uJaquou pug ułaqłnos ato JO suog 4aquunppag Jo
-elłałsuoo auqru ato aupuasaJdaJ
Art of the
lated with the suFrior soul (hun or spirit; life is the normal course , then logically
(ming m ) refers to Our corporeal nature, if this is reversed, and woman plays
health. or ch'i and is associated with the the host, it is man who rebirths
'*inferior soul" (p'o The various schools himself as an immortal. The concrete
of selfcultivation in China often are classed process of absorbing the "external
according to their emphasis on physical or medicine'• and raising one's own
spiritual development and their respective Ching to feed the higher centers in
order. The school of "dual cultivation" the brain is often analogized as
advocates simultaneous and balanced ••reversing the now of the Yellow
cultivation Of both natures, and interestingly River" by means of a "water wheel."
shares its name—shuang'Liu—with the sexual which pulls it up against the direction
school. which to avoid confusion. I have of the breath and the normal flow of
translated "paired practices" throughout. chi in the meridians.

Minor Systems in Phase Energelics Minor Disciplines

A number of systems appear with less Medicine and meditation, of course.
frequency than the ubiquitous Stems and are the two disciplines that
Branches, lunar cycle. and Five Phases, but contributed most to the theoretical
play a supporting role in explaining various and practical foundatk'ns of sexual
processes in inner alchemy. •lite True yoga: several others also are called
Transmission of the Golden Elixir uses the upon in these texts for their special
Twenty-Four Oirnatic Periods ('i or expertise. Physiognomy is used to
fortnightly nodes Of the solar year, in determine temperament and sexual
conjunction with the Phases, Branches, and characteristics in a partner. Astrology
hexagrams to explain the inner seasons of the and the almanac help calculate
elixir "firing time. " Another relatively rare auspicious or inauspicious days for
system borrowed from inner alchemy, the eugenic or elixir purposes. Geomancy
"Six Stages" (liu hou is based on the ancient counsels us on the negative
Chinese unit of five days and surfaces as influences of taboo places and helps
another measure of "firing time" in the later orient the layout of the elixir retreat.
sexual alchemy texts. The True Transmission Military Strategy, long associated
defines its function most clearly by explaining with Taoism, lends a number of
that the first "two stages" are devoted to concepts to sexual practices. The
gathering the "external elixir" from thc partner True Classic of Perfect Union, an
and the "last four" to producing the "inner extended metaphor on the "battle of
elixir" by uniting the *'medicine" with one's the sexes." teaches a strategy Of feint
own Ching. and parry, whereby the male is able
A final concept. •swith or against the to colonize the •'encmy" and exploit
normal course," (shun ni Q) does not mark her territory for raw materials.
points on a cyclical progression. but the Numerology also comes into play in
forward or backward flow of movement itself. several ways in these texts. On the
The "normal course" leads from the prenatal simplest level, nine, the highest si%-digit
to the postnatal. from perfection to corruption, odd or heavenly number, sym lizing yang.
while the "reverse" leads from the postnatal to and its multiples of thirty-six and eiyhty-
the prenatal and the possibility of gestating one are often used for sets of repetitions in
the mystical fetus in the body of the male sexual regimens. Drawing on the I Ching
adept. Over and over it is announced that if tradition. the numbers also correlate with
the going out of the male Ching to meet the the Five Phases, especially in the later
female Ching (or blood in somc texts) texts. where the association Of seven with
Sexual Practices fire and nine with metal is emphasized.
Multiples of seven rule the woman's life:

and Taoism
menses at fourteen, menopause at forty- general meditation theory that
nine, and forty-nine days following merge with sexual practices in the
parturition to bc rid of impurities. The late householder tradition of the
Exposition of Cultivating the True Ming and particularly with sexual
Essence applies the "seven" formula to alchemy and women's cultivation.
estimating the value of various Again, whether meditation adopted
"crucibles.•• •Ihose of fourteen, "minor sexual technique in furtherance Of
yin," arc said to "nourish the body," its goals Or sexual practices
whereas 35 adopted meditation for its purposes
Bedchamber misstates the case, which appears
to be a parallel development of
those of twenty-one, '"abundant "paired" and "pure" practices. Just
yin," merely "increase the lifespan." as the early sexual literature
The ages twenty-eight, thirty-five, assumes a knowledge of medical
forty-two, and forty-nine are theory, the later sexual alchemy
designated as '"strong," texts assume a background in
'"declining," "'major," and Taoist cosmology and practical
"exhausted," and contribute nothing experience in meditation. We will
not attempt an exhaustive review of
to the "'great work." In the the historical evolution of
Essenriats of the Golden Elixir meditation theory and
Method for Women a complicated techniques„ but simply describe the
set of calculations are used to main features of the tradition as it
compute the increments of stood during the period rcpresented
maturation by chu and liang that by the received literature of sexual
add up at precisely fourteen years to alchemy, namely the Ming.
one chin of blood- Similarly, Beginning with a sketch of the map
counting backwards, the loss of the body's inner landscape, we
through menses is calculated 50 that will proceed to a description Of the
at forty-ninc the entire chin is varieties and levels of energy in the
exhausted and pause sets in. body, together with their
A man's life proceeds by rnultiples interactions and conversions. We
Of eight, the most important will then trace the development of
passages of which are puberty at the technical processes for refining
sixteen and the '"locking of the the inner elixir, culminating in
Ching" at sixtyfour. The ten months '"orbital meditation," and the fusion
of mystical pregnancy required for of this technique with sexual yoga.
the birth of the "holy infant"- Finally, we will consider the larger
corresponds to the ten months of cycle. or "firing time," for refining
natural gestation and qualifies one the elixir over months and years
as '"earthly immortal." The degree and completing the work of
of ' 'heavenly immortal" is reserved
for those who have consumed the
The Anatomy of Inner Alchemy
"mystenous pearl" and nurture it for
5,048 days, precisely the number The model of the human body proposed by
ordained for one complete reading Chinese meditation theory agrees in many
of the Buddhist Tripicika. ways with that of medicine, but it is not
simply a copy. The goals of medicine are
normal health and lifespan, whereas the goals
Sexual Practice and of meditation, especially in the period Of
inner alchemy, arc supernormal health,
Meditation embodied immortality, or ascension to etheric
This section will attempt to paradises. Likewise, if the chief modalities of
summarize certain aspects of medicine are herbs and acupuncture, those of
Art of the
meditation arc breath and mind control.
Having said this, it should be noted that
medicine attaches great importance to the role
of mental factors in health, whereas
immortality seekers for their part often are
interested in the macrobiotic properties Of
exotic herbs. Exponents ot sexual yoga
sometimes presented their art as if sufficient
in itself to realize immortality, but most
practitioners approved of ancillary exercises
and macrobiogens.
Comparing the medical and meditational
models of the human body, one finds that
meditation adopts all of the points and
meridians of acupuncture theory, though only
a small number are relevant in practice, and
adds to these a host of others that exist only as
psychic centers, somewhat analogous to the
Indian concept of chakra_ The acupuncture
points can be directly accessed for specific
effects by needles, Inoxabustion, and
palpation, whereas the meditation points, both
those shared with medicine and

those belonging exclusively to meditation, upper Ian-diem" The Huang t•ing nei-ching yü-
are accessed through mental focus, a ching (Jade classic of the inner radiance of the
process of "turning the vision and hear. ing yellow courts) of approximately KO's time or
inward" (shou-shih fan-t'ing •g e ) and somewhat later also refers to "three fields" (san-
"focusing the mind in the points" (shou dien
ch'iao . The circuitry of ch'i now in It would be lovely at this point to
meditation follows familiar medical prcF vide one simple diagram Of the
meridians, but attempts to direct the energy "three tan-t'icn" and leave it at that, but
for macrobiotic ends. Again it should be over the centuries various authorities
emphasized that the goals Of Chinese have provided very different
meditation are physiological transformation definitions. There are those who
and not simply mental abstraction or the identify the "upper tan-t'ien" ± Y} EH
contemplation of such ideals as love, peace, as the yin-dang or hsüankuan (between
or compassion. Among the most important the eyebrows), the tsu-ch'iao (between
centers and circuits for mental focus and the eyes). the hi-wan (center of the
ch'i circulation developed in the meditation brain) or even the shan-chung
tradition are the "elixir fields" (Ian. t'ien), (between the breasts). Of the more
"yellow courts" (huang-t'ing), "three than fifty alternate names for the
passes" (san-kuan) , "nine palaces" (Chiu. "middle ran-r'ien" perhaps the most
kung) and "nine orifices" (Chiu-ch'iao), famous is the "yellow court" (huang-
Beginning students of Chinese yoga, if they t'ing located just below the
know nothing else, will be familiar with the tan- spleen in the very center Of the
I'ien ("elixir field") and able to locate it abdominal organs, which in inner
externally by measuring an inch or so below the alchemy is considered the womb of the
navel, or internally by fixing the mind, breath, "holy fetus." The "'lower tan-dien"
and ch'i in the lower abdomen. When the mind generally is located in the abdomen,
is directed to the Ian-t'ien and the diaphragm but a minority opinion identifies it
relaxed , there is a sensation of centering and with the hui-yin at the perineum, or
fullness of ch'i in the lower abdomen. This is even the yung•ch'üan at the ball of the
the most fundamental technique in Chinese foot_ Among those holding the
meditation and is described as placing "fire" majority view, estimates Of its latitude
(spirit) under "water" (kidneys). The term Ian- range from the epicenter Of the navel
flien first appears in the Huang-fling wai-ching to one to three inches below it, and its
yü.ching (Jade classic of the external radiance depth is variously defined as nearer the
of the yellow courts) at the be. ginning of the navel, the spine, or somewhere in
Chin (third century). A medical work Of the between. This even has lcd some to a
same period, Huang Fu-mi's Chen-chiu chia-i theory of '"three lower tan-t'ien" : one
Ching mie ele• ments of acupuncture), locates it anterior (in line with the Jen
two in. ches below the navel and defines it as a meridian), One posterior (in line with
synonym for the ming-men. By the end of the the Tu meridian), and one median
Chin (fourth century). ko Hung outlined a (where the Ch'ung meridian cuts the
theory of "three tan-t'ien" in his Pao P'u tzu: plane of the Tai meridian). We may
"Two- and four-tenths inches below the navel is conclude then that a tan-I'ien is a
the lower t'ien; below the heart in the region functional locus Whose effects are
of the 'crimson palace' and 'golden gate towers' catalyzed by mental focus. Experience
is the middle tan-dien; between the brows in meditation will confirm the
at a depth of one inch is the mingrang, at two observation of the Ch'ing physician
inches the rung-fang, and at three inches the Chou Hsüeh-t'ing, who states in his
Art of the
San Chih c" 'an. "The tan-r'ien is the terms ran-fu ("palace of the
below the navel. It can be felt but it elixir") and tan•t'ien
cannot be calculated in inches." Taken interchangeably, giving the
together as a system, the "three ran- anterior location.
dien" are seen, according to onc Though the thrcc fan-dien are
scheme, as the seat Of the "three defined primarily by their role in
ch'i, and spirit, meditation practice and the
respectively—and by another as the energies they represent, they are
three ventral passes traversed by the not completely independent of
ch'i during its downward progress, anatomical referents- 'l'his is
corresponding to the three dorsal apparent in the Correct Methods
passes of its upward ascent. The for Women's practice, which
harmonization and interconnection of introduces a different diagram of
the three tan-T'ien during meditation the "fields" based on the unique
then is the perfect fusion of the three features of female anatomy. Here,
energies. the "upper zanl'ien" is located in
It is clear from various citations the breasts. the "middle" in the
in the sexology texts that the navel, and the "lower" in the
authors consider the "10wer ran- uterus.
Nien" to be the primary center and The theory of the "three passes"
that its locus is the abdomen. The (san. kuan) is much less
Essentials of the Jade Chamber controversial than that of the
says, '"Fondle her tan-t'ien," and "three tan-t"ien_" If the ran-r'ien
the Won drous Discourse, are ccntcrs of discrete energies
"Swallow her saliva to nourish and the foci of concentration
your ran-r'ien_" •Ille True during meditation, thc "three
Transmission commentary very passes" are gates, often thought of
specifically defines it as the '"sea as bottlenecks, through which the
of ch'i" (C-h 'i-hai ifi), "two ch'i must penetrate on its upward
fingers above and two fingers journey via the meridian in the
below [the navel] and one and back. The lowest pass is the wei-
two-tenths inches in the middle. . lü located at the coccyx; the
It is the place to which water middle is the chiu-chi ,
reverts and ch'i converges." The located in the middlc of the
Exposition of Cultivating the True thoracic vertebrae; and the
Essence defines the tan-t'ien as the highest, at the occiput of the skull,
destination of the saliva is called the yü-chcn . It
swallowed during meditation and should be noted that whereas the
the ming-men as the seat of the wei-tü is defined structurally in
ching-ch'i, clearly distinguishing a Taoist yoga and martial arts as the
ventral/dorsal dichotomy. coccyx, and in meditation as a ch'i
Obviously subscribing to the "pass" on the '"microcosmic
"thrcc theory, the orbit," in sexual yooa, as in the
Exposüion says, "Inhale a breath Secret Principles of Gathering the
and raise it to the upper tan-t'ien." True Essence, it may refer to the
The Summary of the Golden pubo• coccygeal muscle. The
Elixir and Secret Principles of literature of inner alchemy is
Gathering the True Essence use replete with special techniques —
Sexual Practices and Taoism
posture , breath, visualization, energies is enshrined in the theory of the
andsphincter contraction—for "three treasures" (san-pao ch'i.
enabling the ch'i to rise against the and spirit— also referred 10 in some of our
current through these successively texts as the "three primary vitalities" (san-
narrower "three passes." yüan Medicine works with the
[he term "nine orifices" (chiu-ch 'iao E ) postnatal "trcasures" to maintain health,
used in these texts, as distinct from the more while inner alchemy meditation takes the
familiar eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, anus, and prenatal aspect of the "treasurcs" as thc
genitals, refers to the main points along the precursors of the elixir.
complete circuit traveled by the ch'i during The importance of Ching conservation in
microcosmic orbit meditation—the three Chinese medicine already has been
tan.Üien and "'three passes," plus three discussed, but it is worthwhile to remind
additional points. These last three arc the pai- ourselves here that the early sexual adepts
hui at the fontanel, the hui-yin at the developed their practices against a theoretical
perineum, and the ni-wan generally background that assumed that new life begins
understood to bc the center of the brain, but with the intermingling of male and female
sometimes described or pictured as the crown Ching. (Alternate formulations speak of male
of the head. Before considering the Ching and female blood, and also refer to the
functional significåtncc ot the circuit formed sexual secrelions and energy released during
by the "nine orifices," it remains to define a a woman's orgasm as ehing.) -Ihis prenatal
number of points of critical importance in the ching continues to grow from the moment of
"inner landscape_" The first is a pair of conception and is sustained atter birth by the
"magpie bridges" (ch'üeh•ch'iao $ F#), postnatal Ching derived from "water and
deriving their name from astrono[ny and grain" in the stomach and spleen. Prenatal
mythology and serving as vital links between Ching is stored in all the organs, but chiefly
the Jen and Tu meridians, which are severed in the "kidneys," or urogenital system. The
at birth as we enter the "postnatal" world and concept of Ching also braces the Western
begin to breathe and defecate. Il-ae "'bridges" notion of endocrine function and thus is seen
may bc repaired by pressing the tongue as the basis for maturation and development
against the hard palate to seal the nasal duct, of the organism. When the Ching is full to
or yin-dang area, and prevent leakage of the repletion at puberty, sexual desires arise and
"twin columns of jade" (nasal mucus) and by the threat Of Ching loss becomes inevitable.
constricting the anal sphincter in the wei-lü Ching is a highly concentrated form of yang
area to prevent the loss of ch'i through energy, but highly unstable and easily
fiatulence. Two other scenic spots in this fissions with passion as a catalyst. There is
"inner landscape" are the "flowery pool" some ambivalence in the literature as to
(huu-ch'lh g lib), or mouth, which produces whether it is Ching repletion that brings
the "jade liquid returning elixir," and the about sexual desire or sexual desire that
"twelve story pavilion" (shih-er ch'ung-lou causes Ching leakage. With early
or throat, which conducts the intervention, however, and proper training,
"clixir" to the chest, stomach, and "lower the "pure yang" body may be preserved in its
fan-t'ien_ prime without resort to supplementation—a
kind af short-eut to immortality. Failing this,
The Three Treasures the amount of supplementation required is
proportional to the history of expenditure.
Medicine, meditation, and sexual alchemy all The first step is to minimize Ching loss
take the body's energies as the fundamental throuoh limiting of intentional or
raw matenals of health or transformation. By spontaneous semen emission. The repression
far the most important model of these
Art of the
of sexual desire by will power is itself in practice to the
unacceptable as it distorts the spirit and may care and feeding of the postnatal
cause the Ching energy to atrophy. What is Ching, ch'i, and spirit. Inner
required, then, is simultaneous stimulation alchemy meditation, for
and limitation: stimulation of the Ching to
maintain its vitality, and coitus reservatus to
limit its loss to the system. The Ching energy
may be strengthened by herbs, exercise, and
even meditation directed specificully at the
genital organs, but for the sexual school, it is
the sex act itselt that is most efficacious _
Primary definitions of Ching and
ch'i often make it difficult to
distinguish these two terms at the
prenatal level. For example, the Su
Wen says, "Ching is the root of the
body," and the Nan Ching declares,
"The ch'i is man's root." At the
secondary or postnatal level, the
empirical perspective of sexual
practices, "semen and sexual
enerev" proves to be an adequate
working definition Of Ching Ch'i,
then, is a less concentrated form Of
energy, which circulates in the
meridians and is related to the front
line functions of respiration,
absorption, and defense. The state of
one's health generally is dcfined by
the sufficiency or exhaustion of ch'i,
its openness, obstruction, or
direclion of flow. Ch'i is the most
generalized tenn for the highly
volatile state of the body's energy
directly experienced as a totality and
that responds immediately to
environmental or emotional
influences. As the Su wen says:
"When one is angry the ch'i rises;
when happy it relaxes; when sad it
diminishes; when fearful it sinks;
when cold it contracts; when
animated it disperses; when alaaned
it is chaotic; when weary its wastes;
and when thoughtful it
concentrates." Medicine deals only
abstractly with the prenatal
"treasures" as a theoretical construct,
Art of the Bedchamber
its part, addresses the postnatal only transformation to dwell in distant paradises,
as a preliminary to combining the or "return to the void and revert to the tao. "
prenatal elements that form the Traditional medicine stresses the
elixir of immortality. mutual dependence and
Among the four primary aspects convertibility of Ching, ch'i, and
of ch'i—primal •(yüan thoracic spirit. Meditation seeks to get
(tsung * nutritive (Ying g), and behind the postnatal semen, breath
defensive (wei last two have special and mundane mind to the prenatal
practical significance in determining sexual energy, internal ch'i, and
suitable times for sexual relations. cosmic co-nsciousness, and to
The theory of "nutritive ch'i, for mount rung by rung to the realm of
example, explains the pure immortal spirit. As a matter of
inappropriateness of sex after eating, simple observation, loss of semen
and the theory of "defensive ch'i" was found to result in physical and
forbids sex after bathing. Similarly, mental lassitude, therefore ch'i and
ch'i connects the organs of the spirit were seen as dependent upon
body's interior with their respective sufficiency of Ching. Exhaustion of
"orifices" (ch'iao) and explains the the ch'i through overexertion of the
sympathetic resonance of heart and physical body, for example,
tongue during the act of kiss ing. likewise will depress the Ching and
The kidneys are naturally linked to spirit. Emotional perturbation
the salivary orifices, so the ch'i of influences the spirit, causing hyper-
the kidneys stimulated during sex or or hypoactivity of the Ching and
meditation rises up the Tu meridian ch'i. Medicine is concerned
in the spine, flows into the mouth, primarily with the interdependence
and is transformed into sweet of the "three treasures" and seeks to
salivary elixir. maintain their collective strength
The third of the "treasures," spirit, refers by balancing their mutual
in functional terms to the mind and nervous interaction. Meditation seeks to
system and in traditional medicine is exploit the mutual convertibility of
associated with the heart. Although spirit the three energies by promoting a
depends for its existence on the material deliberate tilt in the direction of
support of Ching and ch'i, it also acts as spirit through a process of "refining
their "ruler." Spirit rules from its seat in the the Ching into ch'i and the ch'i into
heart, but each of the other four Viscera are spirit." The Wondrous Discourse
regarded as manifesting an aspect of spirit . states: "Blood can be transformed
As the Su wen says: "The heart harbors the into Ching, and Ching can nourish
spirit, the lungs the superior soul, the liver the spirit." "Pure practices" theory
the inferior soul, the spleen intentions, and holds that conversion takes place
the kidneys ambition." Classical medical naturally when the mind is emptied
theory is wholly rational and offers no of desires. "Paired practice" theory
support for a belief in the survival of the holds that repletion of the Ching
spirit after death. Therefore, the Su wen excites sexual desire in the mind,
says: "To possess spirit is to live; to lose it which then cannot be emptied
is to die." In the popular imagination, the without distorting the spirit or
same term, "spirit," is used to refer to the devitalizing the Ching. Desire itself
gods, immortals, and ancestors; in esoteric must be harnessed for the upward
Taoism the "pure yang spirit" emerges as journey; the beast cannot simply be
the end product of inner alchemical tethered at the foot of the mountain.
The gradual transmutation and

Art the Bedckumber
drawing up of energy usually is hexagram Chun in the morning and Meng in
referred to in sexual yoga as the cvcmng. '
"returning the Ching to nourish the The first two groups of texts in this
brain." Before the Ching can be collection represent the state of sexual
mobilized, the ching-ch'i (prenatal practiccs from roughly the Han to the T'ang.
sexual energy) must be extracted The emphasis here is very much on the art of
from the ching-ye (postnatal intercourse itself and its role in health. The
semen) in a kind of steaming themes of immortality and 'freturning the
process, where the spirit plays the ching" are sounded but are by no means
role of fire and the breath, wind. dominant. Once inner alchemy advances
Be- from a few simple steps to a full-blown
choreography, then microcosmic Orbit
lief in the separability of the energetic and meditation seizes center stage and the scx act
material aspects of the Ching is itself exists merely to catalyze the elements
demonstrated in the universal theory of in the firing process _ Microcosmic orbit
"returning the Ching" and the relatively meditation marks the culmination Of a thrust
rarer teaching on the expendability of semen that be gins in pre-Ch'in times with the
after it has undergone the energy extraction concept of Ching, ch'i, and spirit and the
process. For the sexual school, there is the pathways of ch'i circulation- By the time of
additional problem of defining whether the the Ishimpö texts, the concept Of "returning
Ching involved is exclusively one's own, the the Ching to nourish the brain," the role Of
partner's, or a fusion of the two. Most of the breath in controlling and circulating the ch'i,
early texts in this collection leave this point and the value Of salivary secretions all are
ill-defined, but somc of the later explicitly very much in evidence and destined to be
state that the male Ching must be actively equally important in solo meditation. In the
mobilized to meet the partner's incoming third group of texts, roughly from the Tang
Ching and convey it upward. to the Ming, we sec the addition of specific
points—the ni-wan. and p •ing-i (hui-
Orbital Meditation yin)— and the movement of ch'i from the
tant'ien up to the ni-wan with the aid of ch'i
Having discussed the alchemical apparatws visualization. By the time of the last group of
(stove and crucible) and "medicine" (Ching, texts, a model of the complete microcosmic
ch'i, and spirit) in the previous section, it orbit is in place, with a clear circuit including
remains only to describe the path and timing the wei-lü, chia-chi, niwan, 'Towery pool,"
of the firing process _ Though the concept of "storied pavilion," and ' 'lower tan-t'ien_"
absorbing Ching and raising up the body
Tan-dien massaoc, genital gymnastics, and
appears as early as the Ma Wang tui texts,
the model of a complete circuit formed by anal constriction also are introduced at this
moving ch'i up the Tu and down the Jen point.
meridians is not described in the literature By the time wc arrive at thc last
until the Sung and Yüan. This practice IS group of texts in this collection,
now generally called "microcosmic orbit'• exclusively Ming, all of the
(hsiao chou•z'ien meditation, but in early elements of medicine, the Ching,
inner and sexual elixir texts it more alchemy, and inner alchemy have
commonly is referred to as "Terrestrial come together with orbital
Branches tzu and wu," "the ecliptic of the meditation and a comprehensive
sun,' "the zodiac," "water wheel," '"Big program of stages, or 'firing time,"
Dipper," "Jen and Tu meridians," 'thc for completion of the elixir through
movement of water and ' "advancing the sexual practice. The clearest
fire and withdrawing the tally," "the ascent expositions of the microcusmic
and descent Of yin and yang." and "the method may be found in the
following passages in this
Sexual Practices and Taoism
collection: Summarv Of the Golden living Tzu" when the mind reaches
Elixir (Chapter l), Secret Principles perfect stillness. It is the prenatal
Of yang-ching dwelling in the region of
Gathering the True Essence (no. the lower body that microcosmic
12), Queen Mother of the West's orbit practice is de. signed to unite
Ten Precepts (Precept 4), Master Li with the spirit of the heart and
Ni-wan 's Precious Raft (Chapter circulate throughout the body. The
2), and Correct Methods for "paired" inner alchemists differ from
Women's Practice (Chapter 3). their "pure' colleagues only in their
Constructing a composite of these belief that the most powerful
passages give us the following awakening of the prenatal clung
general picture of microcosmic
(sexual energy) takes place
orbit meditation. After assuming an
appropriate meditation post ure, concurrent with the stimulation of the
relaxing the body, emptying the postnatal Ching (semen) during
mind, closing the mouth, and intercourse. The marriage of
pressing the tongue against the microcostnic orbit meditation with
hard palate to form the "upper sexual yoga marks the crowning
magpie bridge," one begins to achievement of Chinese sexology.
focus the mind in the ' 'lower
tunr'ien" (abdomen) while Firing Time
practicing deep diaphragmatic
breathing. The descent of thc Microcosmic orbit meditation is the
atmospheric ch'i (air) during smallest unit of meditational practice, but
inhalation causes the internal ch'i to thcrc are greater cycles and higher stages
pass from the "lower Ian-I'ien" tp of attainment aver the course of hours,
the ht'i-yin (perineum) where days, months, and years- If the goal of
constricting the anus seals the microcosmic orbit meditation is the
"lower magpie bridge" and conversion of Ching to ch'i, then in the
encourages the ch'i in its upward next phase, ch'i is transmuted to spirit.
progress to the wei-lü (coccyx), This sometimes is called "macrocosmic
chia-chi (thoracic orbit. The term "macrocosmic orbit" also
is applied in some texts to the projection
vertebrae), and yü-chcn (occiput), of ch'i into the meridians of the four limbs,
where it enters the brain and Roods shifting one's concentration from the
the ni.wan (midbrain). This "lower" to the "middle tan-r'ien," or the
completes that half of the orbit mystical mergence of one's own eh'i with
known as "advancing the yang fire," the t:h'i of the cosmos. An example of ex.
and one now begins "withdrawing the tending the circulation beyond the Jen and
yin tally" by exhaling and allowing Tu meridians to include the extremi42 tics
the ch'i to désccnd to the yin-r'ang may be seen in the reference to "heel
between the brows and enter the breathing" (chung-hsi in the Essenrials of
'Towery pool" (mouth), where a rhe Golden Elixir- The mystical mergence
portion of the ch'i is translated into of microcosmic and macrocosmic ch'i may
"jade liquid" (saliva), which along be seen most clearly in the Queen Mother
with the ch'i, flows down the "storied of rhe Wests Ten Precep!s.
pavilion" (throat) past the 'Zerimson The deeper stages of absorption leading
palace" (heart) and stomach back to to the trans'nutHLion of ch'i into spirit are
the tan-i'ien. In the solo medita[ion described in great detail in all of thc texts in
school, the advancing "yang fire" the fourth group of this collection. As a
manifests naturally at the "hour of the result of the awakening of the prenatal

Art the Bedckumber
Ching and the mergence of the mind with calculates a prescribed number of
the breath, the "lesser medicine" (Ching completed cycles of orbital circulations for
transmuted to c:h'i) begins to circulate, the the perfection of the elixir. In keeping with
mind then detaches from all phenomena and this interpretation, the Secret of Gathering
one experiences the "'fetal breath," or the True takes the "nine revolutions" as
seeming cessation of breathing and pulse. nine times nine ascents of the ch'i. The
At this stage, havin" reached the height of second interpretation is based on the
stillness, from within stillness movement nunterological association of the number
once again is born, heralding the emergence seven with fire and nine with metal, so that
of the "greater medicine." Often this the descent during meditation of the spirit's
manifests in the form of involuntary visual fire and the ascent of the ch'i's metal
and aural hallucinations, such as fiashes of represents the orbiting of the elements that
light and peals of thunder. It is considered combine to form the elixir.
particularly important at this point to During a single meditation session. or over
prevent leakage of the "six roots" (liu ken & the course of the diurnal or seasonal cycle,
6.) by sealing the nose, eyes, ears, and the intensity of effort is determined by the
mind, and particularly by maintaining theory of "civil and martial fires" (wen-huo
tension of the tongue and anus to prevent wu-huo i 'ki-t'k)_ The "'martial fire" is
the escape of ch'i through nasal mucus and employed during the phase of "advancing the
flatulence. The "greater medicine of the yang fire" and the "civil fire" for '
golden elixir" also is called the "golden 'withdrawing the yin tally." At the midpoint
liquid returning elixir" because it is a in each phase is a period of rest, mu-yü
manifestation ot the metal ch'i of the literally to bathe, during which the intensity
kidneys, or "metal in the midst of water,' of the fire is not increased. Some authorities
rising up the yang arc of the Tu meridian in these texts interpret the notion of
and becoming liquid elixir in thc mouth as microcosmic and macrocosmic
it descends the yin slope of the Jen synchronization literally and advocate the
meridian. The well-known Sung commencement Of practice at midnight, or
philosopher, Chou Tun-i (Lien-hsi), even the winter solstice, when the yang force
sunnnarizcd this process Of spiritualization begins its ascent. Others hold that the "hour
very succinctly: of the living tzu," the individual biological
awakening of sexual enerav, is independent
Reline the Ching so that it is transformed of cosmic cycles.
into ch'i, and refine the ch'i so that it is
Stages of attainment also sometimes are
transformed into spirit. is, refine the physical
Ching into a subtle form of ch'i. and refinc
expressed in these texts as levels of
the subtle ch'i Of the breath so that it is immortalitv. The True Transmission of the
transformed into a mysterious spirit. which Golden Elixir, for example, posits three
permeates the Five Viscera and Six Bowels. levels—human, earthly, and heavenly—
corresponding to three stages each of a
The texts in this collection contain a num. ninefold process. There are minor variations
ber of other formulations barrowed from in the curriculum Of selfcultivation itself
the elixir literature for expressing the larger among the various texts in this collection, but
parameters or practice. Prominent among those elements generally shared by all Of
these is the "chiu-chuan cWi-fan " them include: "refining the self,"
cycle, which depending upon one's "establishing the foundation," "gathering the
interpretation might be translated as "mne medicine, and "returning the medicine." The
revolutions and seven reversions" or practitioner's task during the first two
"revolution of the nine and reversion of thc involvcs stilling thc mind and strengthening
seven." The first interpretation is based on the Ching and chi, stages shared by the solo
the methods of external alchemy and and paired practice schools. However, the
Sexual Practices and Taoism
sexual adept also must be prepared to inner art form—silent music,
synchronize his own state with the level of motionless dance, invisible
arousal and arrival of the partner's painting. Artist, medium, and
"medicine," the prenatal Chingch'i released audience are one, and though the

along with the postnatal secretions during goals are most often expressed in
orgasm. The ecstatic cxpcricncc of terms Of health Or spirituality,
"obtaining the medicine" is captured in a the experience itself may perhaps
verse by the great Sung phi losopher Chu best be understood as esthetic.
Hsi. Although he is writing of "'pure We now have examined most of the key
practices" experience, it parallels many conceptual tools employed in formulating the
descriptions in our own collecuon: theory Of, sexual practice. The works in this
collection follow a rough chronological
Suddcnly at midnight d peal of progression, and by isolating certain thematic
thunder; elements as tracers, we may discern some
Ten thousand gates and a thousand subtler patterns of development beneath the
doors open In succession - terminology and be. tween the lines of text.
As if from nothing an apparition These thematic tracers-also will help
appears; illuminate opposing doctrines within the
Behold with your own cycs Fu Hsi sexual school as they developed and shifted
comes. over time. Finally, although the number of
Echoing the words of the Mirror tracers could be multiplied indefinitely, these
af Absorbing the Medicine, a four have been chosen because they highlight
description of the arrival Of the ' both the evolution of sexual practices as a
'greater medicine" by the famous discipline and some of the social attitudes
Ming physician, Li Shih.chcn, that helped shape them.
declares: "'Those who receive it
feel light and healthy in body.
and even the weak appear strong. The Pleasure Principle
In a state of complete abstraction.
Onc is as if drunk or fatuous. This The Ma Wang tui and Ishimpö texts,
is proof." repres,enting the Han to Tang
Having summarized the periods, strongly emphasize
absorption of meditation theory prolonged foreplay, female orgasm,
and techniques into sexual and male reservatus as promoting
practice, it is interesting to note not only superior health but also
that "'pure" practitioners were not greater pleasure than ejaculatory
above borrowing H few SCI. Pleasure is presented in these
metaphors from their '"paired texts as a basic necessity of lite, like
practices" counterparts. Phrases food and air. The Tung Hsüan Tzu
such as "ching and spirit unite attempts to raise sex as a primal
like thc joyful intercourse Of pleasure to the level Of art, but
husband and wife" routinely clearly an art that serves to enhance
appear in the meditation pleasure as the core of esthetic
literature_ Taken together , the experi By the third group of
points, energies, circuits, and texts, the plea. sure principle, as well
stages are the elements Of an as the poetic style used to express it,
have begun to fade, though not

Art the Bedckumber
disappcar, and the threat of ruin women's sexual response bespeaks at least a
from sexual excess has become the partial accounting of women's sensibilities
dominant note. At the same time, the and health requirements. Notwithstanding the
prospect Of gaining immortality emphasis on emotional harmonization
through sexuality is beginning to between partners, it would be rash to equate
replace the poetry of the act itself as this with current Western notions of romantic
the most forceful inspiration. love, The word '•love" (ai ) appears only
Technical interest shifts from four times in all of these texts. "The Highest
postural possibilities and the Tao Under Heaven" says, "If one is slow and
intricacies of arousal to negative prolonged, the woman will experience great
prohibitions and productiOn Of the pleasure. She will feel as intimate xs with a
elixir. brother and love you like a father and
In the sexual alchemv texts, the mother.' The Classic ofSu Nü tells us that by
pleasure principle has all gut practicing coitus resenutus. "a man's love for
disappeared, and the focus has shifted the woman will actually increase"; and the
entirely to tech44 nical instructions for a Exposition of Cultivating lhe True Es-
procedure in which joy and love are
irrelevant. The sensual pleasure of sex
has hecti completely sublimated and
replaced with a transcendental pleasure,
which is a function of the meditational
process and not the sex act itself, The
focus of attention has shifted from
foreplay and sexual re. sponse to the
preliminary phases of entering one's own
meditative State- Here pleasure has
become just another symptom of
readiness in regulating the alchemical
"firing time." How far we have come
from the "exemption clause" in the re.
constructed Classic of-Su Nü: "'With
such a woman, even if one does not
practice the correct methods of
intercoursc, there will be no harm!" In
this unique passage, a woman who
combines both physical beauty and
intense passion is able to share a pleasure
So perfect that it cancels the effects of
seminal loss.

The Position of Women

In the first two groups of texts, although men
are unmistakably both authors and audience,
women nevertheless play a highly visible if
not equal supporting rolc. A woman's
pleasure is a precondition for releasing her
Ching, but recognition of her rights in the
bedroom goes beyond simply milking her for
sexual secretions. The detailed analysis Of
sence says that, "engaging in the 'battle the Chinese malc response to female
of essences' in the proper way, not only sexuality. In Le corps taoisre he says:
strengthens the body, but increases a
Making love is good for the health, but in
woman's love for the man." The Won
reading these manuals it becomes
drous Discourse speaks of "'respect and apparent Thematic Progressions
love" (Ching ai and "kindness and love"
(en ai 4.42) as the basis for conjugal that the attitude is not fundamentally so
harmony. Emotional considerations positive. IAwe is also fearful: woman is a
largely disappear in the sexual alchemy vampire who steals man's essence Onc
texts, but here in the householder manu shutters to think that it was in this very
als, sexual compatibility is emphasized manner that thc Queen Mother of the
as crucial for marital success and in turn Wcst, that great goddess, gained
the stability and prosperity of the family
and health of the offspring. Around this central ambivalence swirl a
Reading the sexology classics as host of related contradictions. The
dramatic scripts, the first three groups in faculty Of sex tutors in the Ma Wang tui
this collection show well-rounded female texts is exclusively male, whereas in the
characters, whereas the literature of Ishimpö they are chiefly female _ The
sexual alchemy portrays women as flat Ishimpö contains both the goddess
metaphysical props _ earlier texts portray initiatresses, Su NO, Ts'ai NO, and
dialogue, postures, and vignettes in which Hsüan Nü, and the Queen Mother:
we can imagine human characters, unlike collaborators and separatist. With the
the alchemical agenda of the elixir school, emergence of Su Nü as the chief
which obscures the possibility of guardian of the sex arcana, there is the
sexuality as human communion. (n the implication that the sexual secrets are
early texts, the female partner is called with woman bccausc they arc within
"woman" or "'enemy," but by the last she woman, but ironically at the same time
has become '•other," "crucible," or the Secrets of the Jade Chamber warns
"'stove. " Calculations once employed to the man to "conceal his art from his
determine eugenic possibilities and partner-" The same work gives the
fertility are now turned to predicting the female followers of the Queen Mother,
precise moment of the appearance of the *'who understand the art of nourishing
"medicine," an event that may occur only yin with yang," two choices: she may
once in a woman's lifetime. There is a use her power to produce male offspring
concomitant shift in focus from the or enjoy eternal youth herself. These
energy released on orgasm Lo the rarer essentially are the same options offered
"mcdicine" of puberty or ovulation. In the to the male practitioner, though the
full blown sexual alchemy literature, possibility of immortality for women
foreplay and fcmale orgasm have all but remains an undeveloped subplot in a
disappeared, corresponding to a shift in Story whose real hero is the Yellow
language from regarding the woman's Emperor. A second minor theme is what
essence as '"yin-ching" to seeing her as the '"Dangers and Benefits" calls "the of
harboring the "true yang." In the early man and woman achieving immortality
texts, one still feels that women hold up together." The theme of immortality for
half the rao, but by thc end of the sexual women disappears from the sexual
alchemy tradition, she has become a kind literature after the Ishimpö and only
Of sexual wet nurse. reemerges in the context of women's
Kristoter Schipper has identified an solo meditation, where women are
interesting psychological ambivalence in instructed to exploit their own internal
yang essence to revert to girlhood or

Art the Bedckumber
transform themselves into a man _ The rcplctc one must ejaculate," but provide
theme Of shared immortality becomes no specific numerical guide. lines. A
even less a possibility in '"paired significant downward revision
practices" with the development of accompanies the transition from the
sexual alchemy, and reappears again IshimpÖ material to the medical and
only in our own time with the synthesis householder manuals, and most striking.
of Chinese sexual techniques and the disappearance of numbers altogether
modern Western values. in the sexual alchemists with the tacit
The importance of physical beauty assumption of unconditional
and feminine temperament remained noneiaculation.
constant throughout the whole history of The reconstructed Classic of Su .•Vü
classical sexology, but there was a contains two prescriptive passages,
steady downward revision of the which are widely divergent in their
requirement for youth until finally in the allowances. If we consider only the first
end we reach the moment of puberty passage, which forms part Of the
itself. The escape clause in the continuous dialoguc, and ignore the
reconstructed Classic of Su Nii, granting second, which appears to be
exemption from harm when ejaculating interpolated and is identical with the -
•yith women of exceptional beauty, in Health Benefits of the Bedchamber,"
later texts becomes advice to train with then comparing the C.lzmic ofSu Nü
"'ugly stoves" to develop selfcontrol. and Secrets of the Jade Chamber we see
Contrariwise, as early as the Classic only modest belt tightening. The
ofSu Mi we are taught to repress the Essentials considers limiting ejaculation
esthetic aspect of sexual arousal by to twice a month sumcient to attain 200
imagining the "enemy" as "tiles and years of perfect health. The Clussic
stone"; while as late as Chang San-feng, allows two ejaculations per day for a
"finc women" are specified for the "strong lad" of fifteen. while the Secrets
practice of "blowing the flute." The has no figure whatever for this age _
contra. diction between beautiful women The Classic allows two per day at
providing the highest "medicine" and the twenty, but the Secrets only once in two
necessity to repress the esthetic response days. At thirty years of age the Clmssic
for ejaculation control was difficult to permits one per day, while the Secrets
resolve. Nevertheless, the emphasis on, one in three days. At forty years, the
and at times the ambivalence Classic and Secrets draw close with one
surrounding, female physiognomy and in three days and one in four days, and
feminine attributes reveals more than by fifty years converge at one in five
skindeep esthetic judgment, but indicates days. The Secrets pursues a mnemonic
the Chinese faith in the goodness Of that progression of one ejaculation in two,
which nature makes beautiful. three, four, and five days for ages
twenty, thirty, forty, and fifty, and
closes the curve with zero at age sixty.
Ejaculation Frequency and The Classic continues after fifty,
Control allowing One in ten days at age sixty,
and one in thirty at
Judging from the limited sample of Remembering that these prescriptions
published documents, there is an apply only to ejaculation and that
unmistakable cooling trend in sexual contact sans ejaculation is
ejaculation frequency as we move from strongly encouraged, the Classic and
the Han to the Ming. The Ma Wang tui Secrets tables are liberal indeed. In very
texts allow that "when the Ching is rough terms, by the time of the *'Health
Benefits of the Bedchamber," the vulnerable age and forms an interesting
intervals between ejaculations have bridge to the last group of texts wherein,
widened by a factor of approximately by preserving One's seminal integrity,
four. The '*Dangers and Benefits of puberty offers the quickest access to
Intercourse with Women" pegs the immortality.
frequency to season rather than age, hut The Ma Wang tui texts contain no
making the necessary adjustments, the discernable ejaculation control
factor also IS roughly four or five. techniques, other than stopping short of
The latest work chronologically, The inevitability, but by the time Of the
Wondrous Discourse of Su Nü, Ishimpö classics the full spectrum Of
provides not only a schedule of the methods already was in place, These
upper limits of ejaculation frequency, methods include mental imaging, breath
but an important theoretical innovation. control, perineal compression,
All previous texts, though they may pubococcygeal contraction, teeth
differ in numerical detail, are consistent gnashing, as well as eye, tongue, nostril,
in presenting the optimum interval as spinal, and abdominal techniques, and
widening in a linear progression from such practices as "entering dead, with.
youth to Old age. The Wondrous drawing live," and changing partners on
Discourse harkens to Confucius• arousal _ This panoply of self-defense
admonition, "In youth the blood ch'i is methods takes full advantage of
not yet full and therefore one must emotional, esthetic, and physiological rt-
abstain from sex." At twenty, it allows %ponsc factors. The third group of texts
only once in thirty days, the same as the adds nothing of a practical nature to this
Cla"ic allows at seventy, and by list, but the Exposition of Cultivating the
contrast with the Classic's twice per day True Essence makes two important
at the same age. At thiny and forty, theoretical contributions. The first
which the Wondrous Discourse consists of a condemnation of retrograde
considers the height of a man's sexual ejaculation; and the second, the necessity
power, it allows fewer than the Classic of simultaneous absorption through the
and Secrets, but more than the "Hcalth nostrils and penis. As explained in the
Benefits." Granting the first escape- text, if the "'gate of heaven" (nostrils) is
valve provision Since the "Highest left unsealed, then leakage will occur
Tao," the Wondrous Discourse stresses from the "'gate of life" (penis) below, but
that in midlife the Ching ig full to if inhalation and retenlion are practiced
"overflowing." and repression may lead in concert, a kind of
to illness. The last group of texts, ressions
representing radical sexual alchemy,
makes no concessions to the pneumatic draw IS created that causes
householder, and even the word the Ching to rise. Among the last group
"ejaculation" (hsieh 'g) is entirely of texts, the True Transmißion contains
absent. no reference to ejaculation control, but
To sum up then, the early texts regard the Chang San-feng texts detail most of
the immediate postpuberty years the the techniques listed earlier, though they
peak of sexual vitality and hence allow are very much overshadowed by the
as many as two ejaculations per day. The alchemical instructions. The Summary of
"Health Benefits" is far less generous in the Golden F.lixir, however, does
intervals, but reveals the same introduce the subtle new retention
incremental tendency. The Wondrous technique Of synchronizing exhalation
Discourse, initiating another school of with penetration and inhalation with
thought, takes youth as the most withdrawal. In the "art of the

Art the Bedckumber
bedchamber" texts—Ma Wang tui, liquid from her mouth. The
Ishimpö, and to some extent the medical'i will be returned and
and householder manuals— the purpose transformed in your own body,
Of ejaculation control tech. niques is filling the brain." The reconstructed
twofold: first, to prevent premature Essentials contains one passage
ejaculation and guarantee female describing a procedure for effecting
satisfaction; and second, to conserve trograde ejaculation where the
men through coitus reservarus. The diverted "ching" apparently is semen
chaste sexual alchemy texts of Lu and and not "ching-ch'i" (sexual energy).
Sun make no explicit reference to In the very next fragment of this text
ejaculation control, but the Exposition we find a wide variety of techniques
and Chang San-feng texts' innovations in for "stilling" (Chih [E ) the Ching,
this area show that interest continued all without mention of "returning" or
the way through the classical tradition. absorbing Ching from the partner.
The Secrets makes no reference to
"returning the Ching to nourish the
Sexual Energy brain," hut rather of distributing the
Ching to the "hundred vessels" (pai-
The concept of "returning the Ching to mai ) for curing specific
nourish the brain" long has been illnesses. What is absorbed from the
considered the centerpiece of Chinese woman, as described in the Secrets,
sexual practice. Over the nearly 2,000 is called "'Ching secretions" and
years that these texts represent, wc can "chi," and both malc and female
discern a number of developments in the sexual essences are called "yin-
interpretation of female sexual energy chimg." "Ching" and "ch'i" are used
and the techniques for effecting the more or less interchangeably here,
"gathering," (ts'ai '"refining," (lien *i), the woman's sexual energy in one
and "circulating" (hsing it, huan N) of instance being called "yin-ching"
her essencc by thc male adept. Although and in another similar context "yin-
the classic formulation does not appear ch'i." The shallow, one deep" rhythm
until the Ishimpö texts, the concept of is specifically prescribed for
absorption of female essence already is facilitating absorption, as is shallow
in evidence in the Ma Wang tui material. penetration. Again no clear linkage
"Uniting Yin and Yang" says, is made between absorption of
'"Suck. the 'ching-spirit' upward," and feminine energy and raising or
the "Shih wen" says, "absorb her ching," circulating one's own, and again the
"draw in ch'i to fill the brain," and the path and process are vague. The
Ching rise upward. " The various Tung llsüan !zu, the most romantic
references to energy absorption and and least esoteric of the early texts,
circulation in the Ma Wan" tui texts in only one passage lists a number of
leave room for ambiguity as to whether standard techniques of ejaculation
the essences involved are internal, control, concluding, "the Ching will
external, Or an amalgarn Of rise of itself." Ignoring the unique
of passage on retrograde ejaculation in
the two. The Classic of Su Nii fails the Essentials for the moment, to
to resolve this ambiguity, giving us generalize about the early phase of
both, "To be aroused but not sexual yoga that these texts
ejaculate is what is called 'returning represent, we may say that the
thc Ching,' and '"Gather her "return," '"circulation," or "rising" of
overflowing Ching and take the the Ching takes place naturally as a
result of simultaneous stimulation warning that abstinence not only gives
and reservalu.s; and that male and rise to "ghost sex" (intercourse with
female sexual energy usually arc incubi) and nocturnal emissions, but
trcatcd in separate passages in the "weakens the yang principle.
48 texts and never explicitly linkcd_ The Wondrous Discourse articulates
The "'Health Benefits of the the full range of topics in sexology, but
Bedchambet" includes all of the adds only one significant new theory to
techniques of ciaculation control found our understanding of the nature of sexual
in the early texts, but also adds several energy. By giving us a parabolic curve
new elements. First, it introduces the of sexual vitality, peaking at middle age,
dramatic new discovery that frequent sex it separates the concept of sexual energy
with occasional ejaculatiun is less from simple ejaculatory potency. This
depleting than occasional sex with shift in the locus of sexual cncrgy awav
habitual ejaculation. This provides from the gonads culminates in the theory
additional empirical support for the that the Ching is concentrated at twenty
theory that frequent coitus reservaZus in the intestines, at thirty in the thighs, at
heightens sexual power. Second, it forty in the lower back, and at fifty in the
introduces meditative visualizations and spine. As in the Ma Wang tui and
yogic postures for precoital preparation Ishimpö texts, the quantity and flow of
and postcoital absorption. A third ejaculate also is scen as a barometer of
element is the emphasis on the sexual fitness, specific symptoms
importance of absorption from "'above"; indicating injury to specific systems_
that is the woman's breath. The ' Similarly, later in the same text we find
'Dangers and Benefits" includes the novel idea that at midnight the yang-
everything in the '"Health Benefits,' ch 'i is just beginning to return and thus
together with some new themes. It is the is too weak to be shed. The analysis of
only text to address the question of sexual arousal, correlating stages with
postejaculatory remediation, advising organ systems, hearkens back to the
that when emission does take place. one Classic of Su Nii, further reinforcing the
should supplement the loss by engaging conception of the Ching as diffused
in exercise to "circulatc energy throughout the body and aligning it more
internally." The Classic of Su Nü closely with classical medical theory.
introduced the po*sibility Of concept of absorbing a partner's
immortality for women by reversing the energy is left for the very end of the
direction of sexual osmosis. The Wondrous Discourse and then simply
"Dangers and Benefits," however, is the described as "absorb her yin-ching to
first text to describe a path of mutual fortify your yang-ch'i." Absorbing the
immortality for men and women through woman's breath is said specifically to
a combination of deep penetration, low benefit one's "spine marrow" and her
arousal, and tan-dien visualizations- This saliva to nourish the tan•t'ien_ These are
is a radical departure from thc usual one- new clcmcnts to date, and the former, in
sided concept of release and absorption, fact, unique in all the literature. Explicit
but unfortunately the text does not reference to mutual absorption is
explain if there is an exchange of energy missing, but it does provide a theoretical
or how energy would be released basis for the possibility of two-way
without orgasm. On the issue of exchange, stating that man by nature is
abstinence, however, the "Dangers and sufficient in yang-ch'i but deficient in
Benefits" does give theoretiCal blood, whereas woman is sumcient in
clarification to the earlier teachings, blood but deficient in yangcWi,
concluding suggestively that, "Those

Art the Bedckumber
who are able to comprehend this subtle path of "returning the k:hing. 'z hut the
mystery use repletion to supplcmcnt commentary supplies a complete
deficiency. " The Wondrous Discourse description of the microcosmic orbit.
and Exposition of Cultivating the True Though common in the late sexual
Essence are roughly contemporaneous alchemy literature, this is the first
and, although they reveal some instance in the householder tradition of a
significant differences, share the notion reference to the female essence as "true
of the importance of simultaneous yang." This closes an important gap in
absorption from above and below. The the early texts by using the theory of
Exposition, however, goes a bit further, similars to explain how femalc csscncc
propounding a theory of "Thrce Peaks" can strengthen male virility. This text
in which the breast essence appears as a more than any other clearly expostulates
new element in an expanded three-stage the principles of sexual encrgctics based
sequence of absorption. This theory of on the transferability of sexual essence
absorbing mouth, breast, and vaginal and the techniques for sealing one's own
essences during sex may perhaps be seen borders whilc raiding the "enemy's"
as parallel. territory
Thematic Progressions In the fourth group of texts, the True
Transmission of rhe Golden Elixir builds
ing on an etheric level the traditional
pharmacological use of menstrual blood, on many concepts in the
placenta, and human milk as tonic presenting the most detailed analysis of
Supplements. the source, nature, and manner of
The Erposirion's radically novel refining
theory of "corrupt Ching" not only of
explicitly refutes the retrograde the sexual elixir Of any text to date or
ejaculation method, but holds that, when of any text in this collection. Ry the
the sexual energy (yüan•yang) has bccn time Of the Ming, it had become
extracted and circulated through common to characterize the woman's
protracted practice, the deenergized sexual essence as "true yang," but the
semen (pai-ching may be expelled True Transmissi0n borréwing from
without loss. The Exposition is the first alchemy and medicine refers to it also
text to clearly state that what is as "lead" and "ch'i and blood."
circulated by the adept consists Of one's According to the True Transmission,
Own Ching and the ' 'medicine" of the the women' s sexual essence is
partner's "Three Peaks." This applies released in two stages: the first,
both to the phase of intrormssion and to designated by the ninth Celestial Stem
the postcoital exercises prescribed for fen, is described as "yang within yin;"
decompression and distribution. the second, designated by the tenth,
The True Classic of Perfect Union is kuei, is "yin within yin." Only the jen
cast ms a strategy for victory in the qualifies as "the prenatal external
"battle Of absorption," and the medicine produced in the postnatal
commentary interprets the extended crucible. "
military metaphor m a fairly predictable
way_ Because the emphasis is on
Both the Exposition and the True
capturing the spoils of war. referred to
Transmission throw new light on how
variously as "truc fluid,' • "true ching,"
male and female—internal and external
and "'true yang," less attention is paid to
—energy combine in the body of the
the role of the male Ching itself, except
adept to form the elixir and eventually
to stress thc techniques of reserva!us.
the "holy fetus. The Exposition asserts:
'lhe original text is vague concerning the
"'lhe yin-ching is difficult to make secure endorse the notion of self-transformation
and strong, and so requires the lead to through the mastery of sexual energy,
control it." Cotnbining the woman's Because all of thc women's texts in their
"lead" with the adept's Own '"mercury" present forni cluster chronologically in
allows him to transmute "quicksilver" the Ch'ing, it is difficult to discern much
into "'cinnabar" or "jade paste." in the way of development, and the
Comparing the interaction of the two minor differences in emphasis do not
ments to "the attraction of loadstone for prevent us from discussing them
iron," it exhorts the adept to bilize a collectively. There is universal
bit of one's own mercury to welcome" agrccrnent that menstruation is the
the incoming female energy. The feminine analogue of ejaculation, and
implication here is that male sexual that the blood should be conserved by
energy alone is unstable, and that, only suspending menses, ' 'slaying the red
when aroused without bursting out and dragon," However, the focus of
fused with female essence, does it training is sometimes referred to as
achieve a stable state, enabling it to blood, sometimes Ching, and sometimes
serve as the raw material for inner cWi; the material aspect of feinale
alchemy_ The True Tramsnussion sexual energy is called yin and the
addresses this very directly, referring to energetic aspect yang. The fundamental
the respective contributions of male and difference bctwecn man and woman as
female as "internal" and "external described in the Essentials of the
medicine" and even "'internal" and Women's Golden ir Method and the
'"external elixir." The term "external Precious Raft is that men must control
elixir" (Wai-ran h F±), of course, IS hoth their passions and naturally active
more commonly associated with the ch'i, whereas women also must still their
classical school of alchemy, but here is desires, but simultaneously stimulatc
used to designate the '•external" energy their ch'i to overüMne the natural stasis
derived from female partners during of yin and release the yang principle.
sexual practice. The male model of The '"red dragon" of menstruati0n is the
spiritual pregnancy also gives theoretical product Of postnatal yin•ch'i, which
clarity to the process of combining the appears under the influence of mental
two energies 50 and the necessity of excitement. By eliminating the
female Ching. The three Chang San-feng excitement and employing practices to
texts share much in common with the stimulate the chri function, the "red" is
True Transmission in terms of theory said to be transformed into "white
and vocabulary, but add two new minor phoenix marrow" and sets the stage for
dimensions to the theory of sexual the appearance of the "greater medi-
energy. The first is the use Of "blowing
the flute" (fellatio) to "open the passes"
as a prelude to intercourse, and the
second is the necessity for "obtaining the
medicine" by enacting "earth over
heaven" (female superior) postures.
The last question wc need to consider
in this section is the contribution of
women's practices to the overall theory
of sexual energy in health and
immortality studies. As examples of solo
or "pure practices," of course, they deny
the efficacy of borrowed Ching, but fully

Art the Bedckumber
Cine," e'holy fetus," "pearl," or "yang school is precisely the same energetic
spirit." Showing their shared theoretical essence pursued by men in their female
foundations, it is clear that the raw partners.
material of training in the women's solo
Chinese Studies accorded its rightful place in the scheme
of human lite. He condemned the Sung
Evidencc of a renaissance of interest in Confucian "School of Reason" (li-hsneh
sexology as a branch Of science,

together with its broader social for fostering a climate of sexual
dimensions and role in culture, began to repression and expressed the hope that
emerge in the late nineteenth century in publication of the Sui.T'ang handbooks
Under Western stimulus, late Ching of sex would bring the teachings of the
reformers such as K'ang Yu-wei in his sages back to the land of their origin. A
Ta-r'ung shu (Book Of the great unity) patriot, but archconservative, Yeh did
and T'an Ssut'ung in his Jen hsüeh (The not share K'ang and T'an's vision of
learning of love) catalogued the crimes lowering social barriers between the
of misogyny and made empassioned sexes, believing it reduced humanity to
pleas for women's equality. Writing in "bestiality"; he restricted his liberalism
1896, T'an cites the theory that 'finen to relations within the bedchamber alone
have three stages of arousal and women What we see then in the late nineteenth
five" to prove the antiquity Of scientific and early twentieth centuries is the
sexology in China prior to contact with beginnings of an attempt to respond to
the West. Interestingly, Tl an's numbers, the challenge of Western sexual culture
three and five, correspond only with the by seeking out Chinese sources of
Ch'ing gynecological work, Fu-k'o yü- scientific sexology and recognizing the
ch'ih, of Shen Chin-ao and the recently need to curb sexual superstition,
discovered Han ' 'Highest Tao under footbinding, concubinage, and slavery.
Heaven _ " T'an was martyred before The influence of Western-style
Yeh •re-huts resurrection of the Ishimpö scholarship became pronounced during
classics, and therefore the source of his the early Republican era, but I can find
information is diffcult to establish. Both no titles on sexual practices from this
K'ang and T'an believed that removing period. It is not until the late 1960s that
all social prohibitions would allow sex popular works begin to appear, which
to rcvcrt to its natural role, obsessions combine the outlook and reascarch
would disappear, and a higher spiritual methods of modern Western sexologists
partnership of the sexes would be with some traditional elements. This
possible. They were impressed with genre continued in the 1970s and 1980s,
Western sexual mores, especially greater when I began to collect this material in
gender equality, the right of divorce, and Iaiwan, Hong Kong, and overseas
public mixing of the sexes. Yeh Te-hui Chinese book-stores. Because of library
in the Preface to his reconstruction of acquisition policies, none of these
the Ishimpö fragments tells us that his valuable works is available in public
motivation in seeing these works library collections, but
published was not to incite sexual qıoq Kaqı 'Kııpug xaq qxoçqp ÂlLunüOddO
license, but to demonstrate that at un pu033ş g u_qq 01 tuşEâ10 01 J13S13q jugq
earlier time in China's history sex was
pınoqş atış 'ueuı aqı poqxosqe s! 'tuse310 mg JO uopnıo,ta sugoauo ue ü!
s,ueu10M atlı 3ü!M0110A •sa1dn03 pagneuı suone,qou -ü! 'sdeqxad 'S3sc3 auıos ü!
poq13tu pag!pouı ş33np011ug aq ınq 'tloqgpexı paqsqqndun aqı JO IC3x3
'aîp ıuasald ü! Îuno 30 Âlddns Âluo 1011 'ş3!şscp ü! punoJ iç
31Bnh3pc JO sanb!uqaaı pue sıd33t103 apnpu!
40 ü! pue 'aıeuı aqı Âıuo sıgauaq poqıatu Kaqı quea,R E pue ü0!JEtu %10111!
S!qı )eqJ 3L1!âp31M0üY3V 'Ââıaua JO sanb!uqoaı lenx3s au!qtüö' IIV
Su ,ÇVld sp!q10J aşou!qo aqı uo pastq
Kııeygpadş put snl!03 SU!MOIIOJ asaueder c JO asauyqo Olup uo!
Kıaıe -ypau1Lü! daoıs 40 pogad e ırıs-uuı E 'işel aqı pue 'snoıuÂuou -
spuatuıuc»aı opnasd auo 'snoLüÂuoue s! 7110 'uo!
'H ,,•u!EJq .gıuo; OJ 31411.'31417uıuınJ
JO C3p! qJ!M 10 uopeınaxp J!qJ0 sxol!xaqu! _ıo sıaL13R3J 10 3aueıs
uoudxosqe JO ssaaoıd pauu03 löü saop aqı 1dope asaqı put 33np0Jlü! 01
aq 'U0!JU1uaS31d sçq ü! pauo!luatu axe pas oqM 'dnoıa sno!A ü! sıoqıne atlı
Âlleıuappu! -ş13pe31 uxapotu 10] pîo IPnx:Ys
'SJX31 ay!lun •üEu_10M aqı 01 sanb!uqaoı Îü!qaeaı sxaıseuı
Âıuo IP!3yauaq s! 'sÂeç uogeupatu K.ıeaoduıaıuoa JO asoqı
'1_useSıo snoaumıntü!S 'p. ıp- asau!ü--•) ü! 1U3331 JO Ssgp
Euııp um laq XLI!quos JJqıouv
11104 pue uawas ucu; •sşJ0üJ001 11M0 Kül
aqı İno îuyug -ax snqı 'yupq
3ugq pınoqs Jdape alil ü! sansş! 10 suoqeıaıdıaıü! 1!3L11
'11191310 s,uecua•,•, aqı 3ü!M01 aq apnpu! OJ q8nöüş Kısnopas JO
pınaqs 'anp!sşl ıuads u Mou 'U3U13s şqı uo!lnqpı .ü03 aqı 1 40
'1d3pe aıeuı aqı 30 Âpoq aqı saqseg
p3ü!qu.103 pup pa13Püx3 34 ;ueı osıe ınq 'sıona snoıauınu ü! suns -
Işnu_l aletli parol ıeqı pue 33 sahlasuıaqı sıxaı Jo *uqpueq
tuse3xo -xnp paseaıax Jel_lJ ( 3ü! aqı ü! JO pel •sanb!uqyaı 3!
ü311Jâuaxıs ıenxas pun 110!Jeu3Anf3J 1nauauuaq ıaqıo 10 ü0!Jeınsu03 ıe3!
sıe1J01uuJ! aqı 30 spoq131,N) xa1 Âq 1EJmına aA!1eu uo
mıs 31qıp-3üDş,tp un,tp Âlaıos saqaı ş'!şsep JO ş!şa3axa
ıenıxaı put sa!pnıs Supp Âq
las Âıoaqı s! asaqı ü! leadde JeqJ s3ü!
q3e31 ıa,tou aqı 3uoıuv pâuoddns uauo şâh!ıaadsıad un
•uıspıuex. pue tlR! -JşaM uo paseq suope,uasqo •sageıuatu
pü1 pııeıed 10 33ü3ps u.aısaM uıoq pue sjupapuaı 1E!nb01103 q1!M
sıuauıaıa Âl!ıeuouı -w! ıaıuo:; 01 'paz!upîxoa-l puu dn ınq 'suop -
saaqaeıd ıenxas 30 aqı u! .l!aqı anaışuoou s,qaA sıuau13EJJ
sşanınq auıoS -ndod 11EqJ azeın»e Qd1ü?1fÇ1 atlı paseq ale .ın0J
a.ıotu uauo pue suo!leısuen Âpeıoq3ş
umsam auıos uzqı ssaı Ou ale 10 Sl!q 's.ysseıa
'S3A1asuıaqJ sıxaı 3!şsep Jueıxa aqı JO acuos 'Âşoıoxas
01 samm J! uaq,w uıaısaM q1!M ale oqM
01 q3n0ql uo! 'sısyîoıoxas
şmuu1! pue aqı ü! ınpsn Kıaü131Jxa JO aqı Âısno!.ıqo
soqıa IPIaoaa pup ' Ââoıou!uııaı sş313quaA3ü
ü! asaqı asau!q-D JO sıuapnıs pue J!aqı 01!dsaa • J!
letuşıqoıd Âıq3!q 3!qdR.ıa E

Art the Bedckumber
q.1E7 ü! traditional Chinese and modern Western
Sıxaı J!seq •şJuaıu03 aqı 01 allJ!1 modalities. Among the concepts not
Jeaq aqJ put •paıepun İle found in other sources is the idea that
breast milk is chemically altered by
-şed ş8ü!pgaJ 3A!JBJEdtu03 puc sıq3!
şü! aıqenıeA uaaq a,qeq sexual excitation, and thus infants
pue ,4301öq1ue ıuasaıd atil ü! au_ıos should never be nursed during
10 ase.1qdE*Ed asau!qo 1E!nb - intercourse. He prescribes the traditional
01103 tl!eıuoo Âuı ü! uıaqı JO uncu compression Of the perineum and
•saloı»ooq asauyqo ü! xaıun03 tongue to palate contact as therapies for
Japun 10 xa.40 Jaqıp Âlllıopuex dn premature ejaculation, citing the Secrers
of the Jade
xaqtumpp3g 341 JO Chamber as
locus classicus.
reach climax together during which time Describing an acute condition known as
she uses vaginal contractions to absorb Wang-yang ("loss Of yang"), resulting
his Ching. from one night's excess after long
A second original method is found in abstinence, he offers an interesting first
Kung Chien Lao Jen's Chung-kuo aid procedure. When a male partner who
yangsheng ts'ai-pu shu (Chinese sexual has spent himself to death's doorstep
yoga). He contradicts the traditional experiences spermatorrhea, cold sweat,
view that the woman's exhaled breath is and near unconsciousness, the woman
a valuable source of sexual revenue, should continue to maintain genital
arguing that it is foul and should be contact while pricking the wei-lü point
strictly avoided During thc woman's
at the base of the spine with a needle or
climax, the man should use visualization
and sphincter contractions to absorb her sharp objectFailing this, she should bite
yang-ch'i. This, however, according to the jen-chung point in the center of the
Kung Chien Lao Jen, is only the first upper lip. He even introduces some
stage— acquisition—and not yet basic solo meditalion techniqucs,
assimilation. Assimilation takes place including microcosmic orbit meditation,
following the woman's orgasm as the genital massage, saliva swallowing, and
man continues to move in and out, "locking the gate of yang" by gaining
stopping each time just before the point voluntary control of prostate and
of ejaculatory inevitability. TO climax at seminal vesicles. He attributes these
this point is to bring harm to both techniques to P'eng Tsu, Chang San-
partners, he says, without benefit to fcng, and Wu Hsien, but barely hints at
oneself. Although it is important to stop the possibility of paired sexual practices
short of ejaculation, it is equally in the single crytic phrase, ' 'If onc Can
important for excitation to reach the also obtain the nourishment of K'an-
point of internal penile contractions. ching. . One can only wonder how many
After as many rounds of this procedure of his readers are aware that the trigram
as possible guarantees immortality) and K'an stands for female sexual energy or
when climax becomes Inevitable, one will catch the import of this lone phrase
simply surrenders and, in the author's in a very long work. In all of the books
idiom, "lays down one's armor.' in this genre we see a natural and unself-
The anonymous author of the Tehsiao consci0Lks mixing of Western and
mi•fang (Marvelous prescriptions) Chinese scientific paradigms_ "'Yung-
touches on nearly every aspect of ch'i" and "sex hormones" rub Shoulders
sexuality within the context of in the same sentence as if they are
monogamous maritial relations and simply two different names for the same
displays considerable clinical experience phenomenon.
in treating sexual dysfunction using both
Contemporary Chinese monographs
on traditional sexology, if they exist,
have so far eluded my bibliographic net,
and I therefore have to content myself
with scraps of scholarship in other
works. Hsiao T'ien-shih's Tao-chia yang-
shenghsüeh kai-yao (An outline of
Taoist health practices) devotes
considerable space to the issue of sexual
practices in Taoism. Both a scholar and
exponent Of Taoism, Hsiao is
responsible for seeing countless rare
works published, including several
included in this anthology. which
otherwise would bc closed to the public.
•Ibe attitude that emerges from his
discussion of sexual yoga in the Tao-
chia yang-sheng hsüeh kai-yao and his
introductions to the Chang San-feng and
Lu Hsi-hsing texts in the mohumental
Taotsang ching-hua (Essence of the
Taoist canon) is a study in ambivalence.
On the One hand, he deprecates sexual

Of example, they ignore the Ishimpö material,
relying instead on obsure gynecolog iCal
niques as inferior 10 the more rarified works and the Ma Wang tui texts.
systems of meditation, but at the same time Even Sun Ssu-miao usually is quoted here
cannot help but respect them for establishing without crediting the souru-•. As for
a secure and enduring foothold in the Taoist methods of "cultivating the ching," the
landscape. In this sense, his attitude is chapter describes only dietary supple• mentS
retiUirkably like Tseng Tsao's a thousand and herbs, omitting practices outlined in the
years before him. Hsiao also lists numerous sexual literature. However, one revealing
sexual titles in his personal collection that sentence suggests that the Chung•kuo ku•tai
have not yet been published and others that yang-sheng shou mi.fa authors were
he says he has no intention of seeing not unaware Of the broader spectrum of
published. From scattered references in his traditional teachings and practices in this
book, however, it is possible to catch area:
glimpses of gems not present in the already
published material. At times, too, he lets Our ancestors who examined sexuality from a
down his guard and presents some passages medical standpoint believed that the
from unpublished works without prefatory appropriate techniques not only pro• vided
mutual sexual satisfaction, but even more
disclaimer and with something like
important, contributed to health and longevity.
sympathy for the concept of "astral This is What is meant by, " Among the more
intercourse" involving u kind of spiritual than ten schools of sexual disciplines, some
exchange of essences. use it to relieve in• juries and ills and others to
Turning to Mainland scholarship, I have cure diseases, Some use it to gather yin for the
seen only one undated, unpublished article benefit of yang and others to promotc "
on sexology by a physician, Ch'en Hua,
It surpasses the Ch'en article, probably
entitled "Chung-i yii hsing" (Chinese
written ten years earlier, in its frank
medicine and sex), which is well researched
discussion of the romantic aspects of sex and
but confines itself exclusively to the benefits
the need for an artful and loving approach to
of moderation, the role of Shen in traditional
intimate relations,
Chinese medicine, and standard sexual
dysfunction. Its sources are mainstream Whatever reticence remains among
medical classics; and no mention whatsoever contemporary Chinese scholars to treat
is made of sexual ch'i-kung therapy, much traditional sexual practices as a worthy
less the sexual school of immortality. HC research topic arises, believe, from a concern
quotes from the writings of Sun Ssu-miao, for their own reputations and a fear of
represented in this anthology, on the dangers rekindling feudal abases. Are they afraid,
of sexual excess, but omits SLIn's perhaps, that just below the surface of the
prescription of sexual yoga with multiple male psyche lurks the attitude described by
partners as a good general tonic. T'an Ssu•t'ung a century ago:
More recently, a collectively authored It is the brutish custom of men to drool over
work entitled Chung-kuo ku-tai yangsheng ch young girls. Is this not deriving pleasure from
'ang-shou mi-fa (Ancient Chinese secrets of their pain, even from their bleeding and
health and longevity) has been published by the screaming? Looking at the period following
Chekiang Science and Technology Press, which the Sung dynasty, the raccs of Mongols and
devotes an entire chapter to traditional sexual Manchus have alter• nated as masters of the
hygiene. Here as with Ch'en's article, the authors Chinese people. That these forcigncrs
prefer to cite sources in the medical literature refrained from footbinding is in itself
rather than introducing the reader to the sexual sufficient to make them worthy of heaven's
aid; it is not that heaven is guilty of misplaced
classics. When dcscribing the stages of arousal partiality.
and the benefits and ills of sexual intercourse, for
The Development of Chinese Sexology
Internal criticism could be silenced at the hai, kuan-yüan, hui-yin, cervix. yung-ch'üan,
executioner's block, but similar statements rsu-ch'iao, and shan-c/tung. Gradually the
by foreign observers, such as the following menstrual period Will arrive later and later
by a nineteenth century missionary, remain a cach month until it disappears altogether.
potent source of embarassment to the The four women's texts in our anthology
present: "Girls scarcely twelve years old present breast massage as an integral phase
wcrc given up to the beastly passions of Of practice, but it is conspicuously absent
men. Parents prostitute their daughters, from Hu's discussion. Massage figures in his
husbands their wives, brothers their sisters— technique only as an antidote to fcclings of
and this they do with a diabolical joy _ " sexual arousal resulting from concentration
Altogether, there seems to be a lack of on the skan-chung point between the breasts,
confidence in the public's ability to separate and then the point Of application is thc
the rice from the chaff when it comes to navel.
traditional sexual hygiene, and particularly Ma Chi-jen's Chung-kuo hsüeh
in the area of male prerogatives. (Chinese yoga), one of the most
An interesting case of protecting the comprehensive scholarly treatments of the
public from the facts can he found in the history, theory, and practice of ch'ikung
editor's introduction to the Ma Wang Ilan- ignores paired sexual practices, but devotes
mu po-shu (Silk manuscripts from the Han one paragraph to women's solo cultivation.
tomb Of King Ma), vol. 4. Mysteriously, the Without citing any Of the specialized titles
editors discuss every text in this yang-sheng in the present collection. it describes the
volume with the excepnon Of the two On "slaying of the red dragon" by quoting from
sexual cultivation, the "Ho yin-yang" and the Yuan work of Ch'en Chih-hsu, Wu.chen
"Tien-hsia chih-tao t'an," while listing the p'ien chu (The wuchen p'ien with
"'Yang-sheng fang," "Tsa liao fang." and ' annotations):
'Shih-wen" as examples of "'what the Han
shu bibliography calls 'art of the When it comes to women cultivating
bedchamber.' - They then quote the Han shu immortalitv, the breasts are the site Of ch'i
editor's comment on sexual disciplines and generation, and the technique is quite simple.
conclude in their own words, '"Thus it can The cultivation of immortality for women is
bc seen that the ancients already were aware called "refining the physical form." Women:s
of the harmfulness of this art _ and it was practice involves first accumulating cWi in
therefore proscribed by later generations-" the breasts, then setting up the "stove" and
establishing the ' 'crucible" to carry Out the
"Ibis interpretation is accomplished by method Of "yin major refining the form,
taking the phrase as referring to
those who become overzealous practitioners
or these arts rather than those who ignore The Chung-kuo ku-tai yang-sheng
them. ch'angshou mi-fa takes a very different tack
Among recent Mainland publications on in describing the special problems Of
ch'i-kung are several that touch on aspects of women's sexuality, focusing On sex during
traditional women's sexual problems. Ch'i- the woman's "three periods" (san-ch'i viz.,
kung Ching-hsüan (Selected articles on ch'i- menses, pregnancy, and postpartum. General
kung), edited by Yen Hai, has an article by medicat theory forbids intercourse during
Hu Yao-chen outlining some techniques and these three periods because of deficiency
concepts not found in the texts in the present and cold in the Ch'ung and Jen meridians
collection. Describing deliberate suspension and insufficiency of blood. Basing his
of menses, "slaying the red dragon," as a summary of the tradition on Sun Ssu•miao,
technique developed for Buddhist nuns, he he warns that intercourse during the
mentions various combinations of points menstrual period can lead to menorrhagia,
used during meditation, including the ch'i- vaginal discharge, painful periods, as well as

the Bedchamber
div eases of the cervix and uterus. description in the Shang-ch'ing huang-shu
Intercourse also should be avoided during kuo•tu i preserved in the Tao ZSang_ Fltth,
the first and third trimesters •or preonancy. he apparently was unaware Of the special
Indiscretions may lead to miscarriage. branch of women's meditation and its
resulting from the simultaneous fueling of contribution to our understanding of
the fire principle and depletion of watel'. traditional conceptions of female sexual
During the postpartum period of recov- energy.
Arr of first handicap is the most serious. By
ery and lactation, one should abstain for at contrast with the painstaking detail of his
least a hundred days before resuming sexual analysis of the evolution of breath
relations. techniques, his discussion of sexual
practices is ahistorical and monolithic. Thc
lack of Han and Ming texts prevented him
Western Studies from developing a more complete picture of
Students of Chinese sexology will doubtless the periods, genres, and debates within the
be familiar with the works of such sexual literature. Another side effect of this
pioneering scholars as Hcnri Maspero, restricted base of primary sources is a
Robert van Gulik, and Joseph Needham. fundamental misinterpretation of the key
Because their studies have become standard
sources in the field, I will not attempt to theoretical aphorism, '"return the Ching to
review their positive contributions, but at the nourish the brain." His error here is
risk of seeming unbalanced in my compound. First, in taking the Esseniials of
presentation, will confine my survey of these the Jade Chamber passage describing
scholars to what appear to be weaknesses, deliberate retrograde ejaculation as locus
errors, or biases in their analyses. Any classicus for '"returning the ching," he has
review of Western studies of Chinese sexual
misrepresented the exception for the rule. It
practices must begin with Henri Maspero's
landmark work on Taoist macrobiotics, '"Les is amply clear even from the limited sources
procédés de 'nourir lc principc vital' dans la available to him, that the orthodox method,
réligion taoiste ancienne" (1937), and in in the words of thc Classic of Su Nü, was
particular, the section entitled "Pratique "To be aroused hut not ejaculate is called
sexuelle_" Maspero was operating with 'returning the Ching,' or the Tung Hsiian tzu,
several fundamental handicaps_ First, with "The Ching will rise of itself." The orthodox
the exception of the "'Dangers and Benefits,"
understanding of the "ching" that "returns"
his argument is based solely on the Ishimpö
fragments, Yeh 'l'e-hui's reconstructions, and or '"rises" IS ching-ch'i (sexual energy), and
scattered references to sexual practices in not literally semen, as a minority believed
ancient secondary works. Second, he does was possible through injaculation_
not exploit the rich resources on sexual Moreover, Maspero mistranslates the phrase
hygiene, sexual dysfunction, and female in the critical Essentials
sexuality in the general medical and passage as, "scizc (the penis) behind the
gynecological literature. Third, certain
limitations in his analysis of •racist scrotum and in front of the anus," failing to
meditation, based exclusively on Tao tsang recognize this instruction, with count. less
texts, cannot but adversely influence his parallels in both the solo and sexual
understanding of sexual practices. Fourth, in literature, as indicating manual compression
discussing the role of sexual rituals in the ofthe perineum. There is no jus, tification
Taoist religious movement at the end of the for interpolating "the penis" in this context,
Han, he overlooked the very detailed

The Development of Chinese Sexology
and the penis certainly is not located
between the scrotum and the anus.
Because of Maspero's failure in analyzing
solo yang-sheng practices to de. velop a
clear conception of "microcosmic orbit
meditation" and the process of "transmuting
Ching into ch'i and ch'i into spirit," he is
unable to recognize the same theoretical
principles at the core of "paired" practices.
His discussion of solo meditation lacks a
thorough grasp of the role of Ching as fuel
source, and his description of sexual practice
lacks an understanding of the role of ch'i
energy released front the excited Ching and
circulated throughout the body and upward

The Development of Chinese Sexology
the brain. Only this can explain his original birthplace of sexual yoga, rather than
inability to discriminate between India as commonly assumed, can be said only
mainstream and minority opinion, and to be strengthened by the discovery of the Ma
seizing upon the latter. allowing it to Wang tui texts of the second century B.C. Many
define the "'art of the bedchamber" for his readers will be frustrated, however, by the
Western readers. limited circulation (fifty copies) of the Erotic
Maspero's purpose in writing his Colour Prinrs and thc latinization of all
celebrated *'Les Procédés" appears to passages describing genital contact in Sexual
have been to delineate the boundaries of Life, a delicacy that does not wear well with
Taoism as a religious movement, a time.
perspective that may account for his Van Gulik uncovered many texts
neglect of the more empirical elements in unknown to Maspero, the most important
the sexual texts. Unfortunately, the result Of which arc the "Health Benefits': of the
is that everything in the literature that T'ang and the Wondrous Discourse, True
strikes the modern reader as rational and Classic, and Exposition of the Ming.
cnlightened is barely hinted at. whereas Missing from his study are the Ma Wang
everything that is exotic and quaint, or fits tui texts (not yet discovered) and the works
the stereotype of superstition or religion, of Sun Ju-chung, Chang San-feng, and Lu
is described in great detail. The many Hsi-hsing, plus the Shang-ch'ing huangshu
pages of translation and commentar-y kuo-ru i, and all works on women's
devoted to calendrical taboos and highly cultivation. His sources, however. were
dubious allusions to sexual practice in the sufficiently diverse and cover a long
Huang-fling Ching (Yellow court classic) enough period to begin to analyze the
might have bCen more profitahly spent evolution Of the sexual school. He
introducing the startlingly scientific troduces the Confucian, Buddhist, and
analysis of the stages of sexual arousal, Taoist ' 'pure practices" attacks on the
sexual practitioners, although hc ignores
harmonization of emotions, sexually
the theoretical debates within the "paired"
induced illness, and sexual yoga therapy school itself. Absent. too, from his
Following Maspero, the next major discussion is the role of sexual energy in
contribution is Robert van Gulik•s Erotic medical and meditation theory, and how
Colour Prints of rhe Ming Period (1951) the two strealns converge in sexual yoga.
and Sexual Life in Ancient China (196]), Though van Gulik covered a very broad
which stand to this day as the only range of topics and materials, his standard of
booklength scholarly monographs on translation accuracy was consistently high, and
sexual customs, erotic art and literature, later translators of sexual literature, such as
and esoteric sexual practices in China. Ishihara and Levy and Hsia, Veith, and
They have the further distinction of being Geertsma, even with the benefit of his models,
virtuallv the sole source for secondhand fell far short of him. Nevertheless, allow me to
studies and translations, such as the works point out just two errors whose ripples extend
of Etiemble, Won-chan Cheng, Jolan beyond local context to create minor theoretical
Chang, and Nik Douglas, all of whom turbulence. First, by misterpreting the Wing-i
trust van Gulik rather than returning to acu-point (actually an alternate name for the
primary sources The Eroric Colour Prims huiyin at the perineum) as "one inch above the
contains many fine reproductions of right nipple." he was mistakenly lead to claim
Chinese erotic art and copies ot original discovery of a new ejaculation control
texts of several rare sexology classics; the technique- Second, in the samc Essentials
later work consists of the historical survey passage mentioned earlier under Maspero, van
of the first with an appended essay on the Gulik mistranslates shih as "activated," when
relationship between Taoist and Indian herc and in countless parallel passages it means
Tantric sexual practices. Van Gulik's "ejaculate." By committing this 57
thesis in the appendix that China the
The Sexology
An of unsupported by any scientific study or even
anecdotal evidence based on a fair sample of
small translation error, van Gulik has
actual practitioners. Seen in the context of
preserved his innocence of injaculation
traditional medical theory and as a form of
and avoided promoting it as the definition
What the Classic Of Su Nii calls "tao•yin," the
of '"returning the Ching"; Maspero and
ancient term for ch'i-kunK, one has the basis for
Needham translate the letter correctly, but
beginning appreciate the preventative and
seriously misinterpret the spirit. Perhaps
therapeutic potential of Chinese sexual
van Gulik, having thoroughly grounded
his thinking in the essential principle of
"stimulation without ejaculation" (tung If Maspero looks at sexual practices from the
hsieh could not entertain the point of view of their role in Taoism and van
possibility of a second theory in the Gulik at the wider context of their role in
classics thcmsclvcs, whereas Maspero and Chinese sexual life, Joseph Needham focuses
Needham, With a weaker grasp of on sexual practices in the development of
fundamentals, could bc pursuadcd that the scientific theories and social philosophy.
exception was the rule. It is a pity, Needham's discu*sion is divided between two
however, that van Gulik was not able to volumes of his Science and CivilizaZion in
bring his difference here with Maspero China: Volume 2, '"Sexual Techniques" and
into sharp focus and to distinguish coitus Volume 5, "Sexuality and the Role of Theories
reservatus from retrograde ejaculation, the of Generation.'
orthodox from the heterodox_ The earlier "Sexual Techniques" rcviews the
Van Gulik makes three primary and secondary sources, outlines the
uncharacteristically simplistic assertions general principles of sexual yoga and the sexual
in this otherwise very objective study: the rituals of the Taoist church, and advances the
perverseness of sexual practices, the view that sexual practices confirm the
openness of ancient sexual mores, and the profeminine ideology of Taois'n. Although he
inefficacy of sexual yoga. As to the first, does not follow in Maspero's footsteps by
in a footnote to his "Sexual Techniques," mistranslating the Essentials passage cited
Joseph Needham mentions disabusing van earlier "seize the penis," nor repeat van
Gulik 'Sin personal communication" of his GLIlik's error in missing the reference to
view of Taoist sexual practices as "sexual retrograde ejaculation altogether, he does
black magic" and "sexual vampirism." commit the fatal error of accepting this single
Van Gulik evidently took this to heart as passage as locus classicus for "returning the
his second book, Sexual Life in Ancient ching." In doing this he turns away from the
Chi. na, is frec of such aspersions. mainstream teaching expressed as early as Ma
Kristofer Schipper in his Le Corps Taoiste Wang tui, '"Shih wen," as "stimulate the penis
seeks to refute the second simplification in tract the anus . . . absorb the ch'i to fill
van Gulik's outlook; namely, that prior to the brain _ . all the Ching will rise upward," or
the Manchu conquest, China was sexually as late as Chang San-feng, whose Secret
"liberated. " Schipper points out that Principles of Gathering the True Essence states,
"open love and sexual expression were not "'with repeated contractions of the wei-lü, the
favored" in the feudal family, and that the 'sea of Ching' IS aroused and the 'yin waters'
Manchus can hardly bear the full stirred. A pleasurable sensation begins to rise
responsibility for centuries of Confucian up. . . . Quickly withdraw the 'sword' and
repression. I would like to challenge the the •medicine' traverses the wei-hi
third assertion, which van Gulik sums up penetrates the 'three passes' crosses the 'jade
in the statement: '"The therapeutic pillow' . and arrives at the ni-wan_" Here in the
properties of sexual congress are, of final phase of full-blown sexual alchemy,
course, largely fictitious." Such a microcosmic orbit meditation merges with
categorical conclusion is rash and coitus reservatus to assist one's own cxcited
the Bedchamber
Ching energy and the "medicine" captured sources such as Yün Fang Chen Jen, quoted in
from the woman in rising and circulating. Hsiao T'ien-shih's lho-chia yang-sheng hsüeh
Needham's much longer treatment Of kai-yao, and contemporary informants such as
sexual practices in Volume 5, though it Dr. Stephen
offers the widest range of sources and
most comprehensive discussion of sexual
practices published to date, fails to correct Chang and Mantak Chia that masturbatory
some of the erroneous assumptions of the injaculation exists as a training technique
earlier volume and, in fact, he digs himself preliminary to advanced coital practices,
even deeper into a theoretical hole. Early there is not a sinolc bona fide reference in
in his analysis here, Needham makes two the classical literature. Van Gulik, Levy,
useful distinctions: first, between "semen" Schipper, HsiaiVcith/ Geertsma. and
and "seminal essence"; and second, numerous Chinesc colloquial translations
between "coitus and 'Scott-us all avoid the error of interpreting tao-yin
thesauratus•' (Needham's neologism for (which Needham himself correctly
retrograde ejaculation). Howevcr, hc then translates no fcwcr than ten times
proceeds indiscriminently to interpret elsewhere as "gymnastic techniques" and
virtually every appearance of "chine ' as -'massage") as • 'masturbation" in this
scmen and every "huan-ching pu-nao" as context. Unfortunately, now With
"coitus thesauratus," against masturbation on the mind, he finds it in an
overwhelming explicit and contextual even morc unlikely
evidence that what rises is ching-ch'i (not cultivation. Commenting on the Queen
ching-ye) , usually aided by Mother of the West's Ten Precepts. he
pubococcygeal contractions (not manual says. "In all matters concerning sex the
compression). Needham, like Maspero, text is aznbiguously worded, so that
completely overlooks the essential masturbation (as among the male Taoists)
techniquc of anal constriction, so common is not positively excludcd_" There is
in yang-sheng training and referred to in nothing "ambiguous" In this text (Which
the sexual literature hsi chou ("Highest teatures an excellent commentary by Min
Tao"), suo hsiu-pu (Secreß- o/ the I-te). and it is perfectly consistent with
Bedchamber), and ju jen-picn Or chia wei- other texts on women's cultivation, which
lü (Secrets Of Gathering the True prescribe breast massage but strict
Essence). Furthermore, to say that the repression of sexual arousal. Far from
passing of the semen into the bladder with being "not posilively excluded," the text of
retrograde ejaculation, 'Lalways escaped the Ten Precepts flatly states, "[f there is a
the notice of the Taoists" is simply untrue fccling Of pleasure, one must strictly avoid
_ What escaped Professor Needham's sexual thoughts," and the commentary
notice is the passage in the Exposition that adds, "otherwise the labia will open wide
clearly states, "If one attempts to forcibly and the sexual secretions will flow."
lock it, then the corrupt Ching Will ooze Allowing the imposters—injaclllation and
into the urinary bladder and scrotum. " masturbation—to usurp the rightful rulers
Once Needham has mistakenly installed of sexual practice—coitus reservatus and
injaculation at the ccntcr of his thesis, hc tao-yin—results in the serious skewing of
is now predisposed to go beyond a major study.
misinterpretation to mistranslation, Kristofer Schipper is perhaps the first student
beyond "'coitus thesauratus" to Of Taoism since Maspcto to writc at length on
"masturbation." Ncedham's rendering of sexual practices. His most comprehensive
tao-yin in the Classic of Su Nü as treatment appears in an essay entitled "Science,
'"masturbation" is one of those small Magic and Mystique of the Body," which was
translation errors with large theoretical published in Michel Beurdeley's Les Nuuges la
consequences. Though it is clear from Pluie (English editions, The Clouds and the

The Sexology
Rain, Chinese Erotic Ari, 1969). In eugenic, and macrobiotic aspects of sex,
keeping with the title, Schipper divides whereas the sexual alchemists focus almost
sexual practices into "scicncc" (art of the exlusivcly on sexual practice as a means to
bedchamber), "magic" (sexual alchemy immortality. Schipper's distinction based on the
and orgiastic ritual), and "mystique" practitioner's selfidentification as male or
(spiritualizcd sexual fantasy and mystical female may be supplemented by noting the
marmarriage meditation). Although this more fun. darnental conceptual shift from
clas- 59 identification of the male Ching from yang to
Art Of yin and of the female from yin to yang, along
with the increasing prominence of female
sification scheme is the cssays
superior postures, and thc model of male
chiefscholarly contribution. it is never
developed as such, and there is
considerable confusion as to whether these Finally in his Le Corps Taoiste ( 1982)
categories describe serial Or parallel Schipper attempts to resolve this per. ceived
phenomena, stages. or tendencies. Though contradiction between the "art of the
the scheme embraces the entire scope of bedchamber" and "sexual alchemy" by defining
sexuality in self-cultivation, translations both right out of Taoism. Now he refers to the
and citations are exclusively from the "art Of the bedchamber" as "mistakenly
IshimpO, Icaving out a thousand years Of considered Taoist"; and of what he formerly
received litera- called "Taoist practices," he now says, "It is a
mistake to see the idea Of nourishing yang at
Still seeking to distinguish and define the expense Of yin as Taoist." Is it not
the first two categories in his article unseemly for a Western scholar to take sides in
Taoist Body" (1978) Schipper says: "So as an ancient Chincse debate between "pure" and
I have tried to show elsewhere, there is a "paired" practices? This thinly disguised
difference between the sexual hygiene of agenda, and the prejudice underlying it,
say, the Yü-fang pi-chüeh, and Taoist severely compromises the objectivity and
practice. The Inost important difference is balance of his presentalion. He is tolerant of the
that the former looks at sex essentially art of the bedchamber, and actually embraces
from the malc perspective. while Taoism, spiritualized sexual fantasies, sexual
at least ideally, identified with the female ceremonies, and mystical marriage meditation.
body." The obvious counterpoint here is but is thoroughly hostile to sexual alchemy.
Needham's, "No sharp line of distinction Although he correctly identifies elements of
can be drawn between arts specific to the "selfishness," "impersonality," ploitation,"
Taoists and the general techniques of the and "vampirism" in some of the sexual
lay bedchamber.•' Although ham•s alchemists, he fails to cite a single title Or quote
denial of Our ability to make any useful a Single passage from their literature, or to set
distinctions in this regard may be them off against the distinctively chaste sexual
unnecessarily pcs.simistic, Schipper's alchemy of the True Transmission and Seeking
attempts are ambivalent and overly vague. lnstruction. Relying exclusively on worst. case
All of the texts from Ma Wang tui through scenarios, his efforts to separate the baby from
the Ming sharc at least three elements— the bathwater yield for the reader far more
male reservatus, absorption of female bathwater than baby, lnstead of building on the
essence, and the achievement of work of Maspcro and van Gulik and going
transcendent states through sexual beyond them, he actually exposes far less useful
cultivation. However. without taxing our data and exceeds them only in venting personal
powers of discrimination too much, we antipathies. Van Gulik and Needham
can also say that the householder tradition fundamentally were neutral in their attitude to
of the "'art of the bedchamber" gives equal sexual practices and somewhat disposed to
emphasis to the emotional, medical, accept their wholesome influence on Chinese
the Bedchamber
society. For this reason, they were in a
better position to survey their subject
objectively than Schipper, who was so
revolted by some of what he saw that it
became more important to share and
support his personal reaction than to give
a complete, much less fair, account of
what is there.
Schipper devotes considerable space in
Le Corps Taoisre to criticizing van Gulik
for promoting the view that prior to the
Manchu conquest and Western influence,
China was "sexually liberated" and free

The Development Sexology
of sexual pen•ersion. Though his concludes, "Similarly, I have found nothing
description of the Chinese family as comparable to the 'ten intermissions' in later
characlcrized by "furtive sex" is based on sexual literature. . . Judging from this section,
sound anthropological intuition, it is the ten intermissions refer
curious that he singles out van Gulik for of Chinese
"simplistic" thinking on this scorc rather to ten stages of transformation of the
than Needham, whose views on the woman's sexual essence during intercourse
humanizing influence of Taoist sexual _ The description suggests female orgasm."
practices on Chinese society were far more Close parallels, including instances of exact
sanguine and sweeping Just as Schipper wording, in fact do exist in the Classic of
realized that the Manchus could not bear Su (wu-shang Prescriptions Of Su Nu
sole responsibility for centuries of sexual (ch 'i-shang
repression in China, he should have equally
Wondrous Discourse (wu-shang
acknowledged that the exploitative
EiZ ), and Chu-ping yuan-hou lun
tendencies in sexual practices were the
(ch'ishang based on which it is safe to
product of patriarchal society and not the
conclude that the shih-i (which I translate as
"ten exhaustions") refer to ten abnormal
Donald Harper's 'elhe Sexual Arts of qualities of malc ejaculate seen as
Ancient China as Described in a symptoms of pathology- The shih-i also
Manuscript of the Second Century B.C." appear in the •'Highest Tao under Heaven"
(1987) is the first published philological in the same paragraph and immediately
study Of a Chinese sexology text in following the san-ehih (three stages of
English. Although his considerable arousal of the penis), a context strongly
scholarly talents are unleashed on but a suggesting continuity of subject.
single paragraph of one text, the Ma Wang
We now leave four scholars— Maspero, van
tui "Uniting Yin and Yang." he gives a
Gulik, Needham, and Harper—whose integrity
com. prehensive review of Western and
and linguistic skills were equal to their tasks, for
Japanese scholarship in the field and
two teams Of collaborators, Ishihara and Levy
provides complete bibliographic data. His
(The Tao of Sex) and Hsia, Veith. and Gccrtsma
literary, medical, and philosophical tools all
(The Essentials of Medicine in Ancient China
arc equally sharp and allow him not only to
and Japan). The concept of collaborative
dissect problems in the text itself, hut to
translation. which at its best is synergistic and
bring his new findings to bear on
helps "keep everyone honest," results here in
previously obscure references in early
much less than could bc expected from onc
literary texts. There ate few blindspots in
compctent translator. As I have devoted several
his analysis, and it is exceptionally frec of
hundred footnotes to indicating specific
axe grinding. However, his use of parallels
shortcomings in their translations from Ishimpö,
in the later sexual literature begins and ends
let me confine myself here to a more general
with the Ishimpö, and hc fails to mention
pattern of poblems. All of the deficiencies mav
obvious similarities between the sexual
be traced to three basic areas: first, an allergy to
journey metaphors in the "Uniting Yin and
handling dictionaries; second, an insuffCient
Yang" passagc he translates and
command of thc usages of classical Chinese;
instructions for ritual touching sequences in
third, an inadequate grasp of the theory and
the Shang-ch'ing huang-shu kuo-lu iMy
practice of medicine , meditation, and sexual
only serious quarrel with Harper's
practice itself. Both books have the trappings of
translations, apart trom their awkward,
scholarship—footnotes, bibliographies,
overly literal style, involves his
handsome hardcover binding—however, they
interpretation of the shih-i -f' [2 passage in
fall far short of the standard of accuracy
the "Uniting Yin and Yang," which he
achieved by Maspero, van Gulik, and Needham,
renders "the ten intermissions." HC
and indeed show no evidence of 'having profited
the Bedchamber
from the work that preceded them. '"Ways of Sex, pubfished in 1927 by Yell Tc-
Needham rcfcrrcd to Ishihara and Levy's hui." First, the significance of the date, "1927 v"
translation as "inelegant," a polite way of lies soley in its being the year of Yeh's demise;
saying that too often the translators, not 61 and second, there is no such book. Throughout,
A of the emphasis is on the worldly and exotic aspects
of sexual life in China with nary a word on
knowing what they were looking at, lapse
sexual yoga. Neverthele*S, there are some
into awkward word-for-word renderings,
rewarding art reproductions and some interesting
which constantly call attention to the plight
ob. servations on the Chinese mind, sexual
of the translators rather than the sense of
phenomena, and attitudes in various con.
the text. Another unscrupulous practice
temporary Chinese communities.
engaged in by both teams is preemptory
The text of Marc de Smedt's Chinese
excision of difficult passages, while
Eroticism may appear to the casual reader to be
promising the reader a complete and
merely an adornment to an art book on Chinese
unabridged translation.
erotic paintinø, but for the fact that it actually
Another category of Western
consists of original translations from the Ishimpö
publications in the field of Chinese
material. Considering the total lack of scholarly
sexology I will call, for lack of a bcttcr
amenities (footnotes, bibliographies, and so on)
word, "popular." They eschew strict
the quality of the translation is no less than that
scholarly protocols, are unabashedly
of Ishihara and Levy or Hsia, Veith, Geertsma,
subjective, and richly garnished with
and on the whole surpasses them for sheer
reproductions or linc drawings based on
original Chinese erotic art. Charles Humana
Nik Douglas and penny Slinger's Sexual
and Wang Wu's The Chinese Way of Love
Secrets covers the whole range of Hindu,
attempts to duplicate van Gulik's survey of
Buddhist, Middle Eastern, Japanese, and Chinese
sex life in China in a more accessible
sexual yoga. he scholarship will not satisfy the
package and with a more obvious appeal to
scholar; the art will not satisfy the art historian;
interest in exotic erotica. Even the scholar
and the practical instructions will not satisfy the
will appreciate the publication of rare
serious practitioner. Having said this, however, it
artifacts from private collections, some of
should be noted that the book rests an a fairly
the curious anecdotal information, and
solid foundation ot secondary and presumably
quotations from thc byways of Chinese and
primary Sanskrit and Tibetan sources and
Western literature, but the large number of
provides an adequate intro. duction for beginning
gross factual errors and misquotations from
practice. The novel design and organization of
primary sources are disappointing and
the book, which makes use of mainly Hindu
eminently avoidable. The authors warn us
mythic archetypes, helps create an integrated
in the introduction of their "free
thematic journey rather than a series ot stops at
translation" practices, and that
exotic ports of call—altogether a monumental
-'interpretation rather than the cxact
and seductive resource. The authors' voice
terminology has bccn considered of more
comes through as an authentic teacher and tour
importance. " My response is that when
guide, both sane and inspirational. Their
fact is stranger than fiction, there can he
translations from the Chinese are remakes or van
absolutely no rationale for tampering with
Gulik's, but fortunately they had the good sense
the letter in the name of the spirit. This
to stay away from Ishihara and Levy. Although
license to alter the original is arbitrary and
making no original contribulions to the field of
masks a basic incomprehension of the texts,
Chinese sexologv, their practical background
rather than a "wish to communicatc the
prevent them from straying too far from the
spirit and the wider Incan. ing." Among the
essence even while relying on secondary
book's many fabrications, let me cite just
one for the sake of comic relief. A long
quotation is offered from a work enlitlcd,

The Development Sexology
Jolan Chang's The Tao of Lope and Sex table of contents. In sum, the strength Of this
and its sequel, The Tao of rhe Loving highly subjective essay lies in its use of literary
Couple, is more a panegyric on the sources, though it has almost nottung to offer in
pleasures of love and the author's personal thc area of sexual yoga.
prowess than either d scholarly study or Cheng frankly acknowledges his debt to van
technical manual. More thun any other Gulik and, like many others, faithfully
account, this book is aimed at the general reproduces him warts and all. Happily the warts
public and seeks to convince the whole are few, and he makes the virtues of his model
Western world of the benefits Of Chinese all the more apparent to the general reader by
sex techniques. The author weaves adopt.
quotations from the classics with Western of Chinese
Serological studies and anecdotes to
construct a convincing argument for a daily ing a thematic rather than chronological
regimen of love making without emission. exposition. One might be tempted to say, in
As a kind of sexual ambassador, he offers fact, that Érorologie Chinoise actually is an
the gift of Chinese sexual yoga to the West illustrated version of van Gulik's Sexual
in the hopes that barbarians Will learn to Life in Ancient Chma, for it indeed is
make love more poetically. His guidance lavishly illustrated and beautifully
and role modeling should be particularly designcd_ One regrets that the author,
inspiring to older adults wishing to being a native Chinese, did not check the
maintain active sex lives. His first book sets original sources and correct at least some
out the basic argument for Chinese coitus Of the more obvious errors in previous
reservatus, and the sequel presents a translations, but his goats are more
number of casc studies of individuals and sumptuary than scholarly, and these are
couples who were rescued from various admirably achieved. In the last section of
sexual predicaments by adopting Chinese the book, the author, writing in a more auto.
attitudes and techniques. biographical vein, does contribute some
firsthand observations of sex life in the
Another logical pair of publications is
foreign concessions before World War Il.
Étiemble•s Yun Yu.- An Essay on
Eroticism and Love in Ancient China and Mantak Chia's impact on the importation
WonChan Cheng's Érotologie Chinoise_ Of Chinese sexual yoga into the West goes
Apart from both being published in French, well beyond the two books, Taoist Secrets
the most obvious similarity is that both are Of Love and Cultivating Female Sexual
the work of qualified scholars who Energy, which I to review. No one to date
temporarily put aside their caps and gowns has published such a detailed system of
for pajamas to share their very personal and Taoist sexual yoga or personally propagated
enraptured accounts of Chinese eroticism. it so widely. Chia•s stance is one Of a
Both are content to draw uncritically on the modern day master who addresses his
original scholarship of van Gulik, and both readers as potential discipies. Because the
are extraordinarilv generous with the color pair Of books representS two sides of the
plates. Étiemble reveals the Stages Of his same coin, and much of the information in
Own sexual awakening, beginning with a the first is duplicated in the second, J will
conservative Catholic upbringing and treat them as one in my discussion.
leading up to his transformative encounter In the introduction to his first book, Chia
with what he considers the freer tells us that his teachings are a synthesis of
atmosphere of Chinese sexual culture. The practices he learned from four masters in
author's delight in his discovery and the Thailand and Hong Kong. Although his
cornucopia Of beautiful art reproductions teachings accord in the main with those
compensates in some degree for the found in the present anthology, Chia's books
absence of index. bibliography , Or even show no dence of his having studied the
ancient texts in the original. only title ever
the Bedchamber
mentioned is the Classic Of Su Nia ,
which is quoted at the head of various
chapters, invariably from the
Ishihara and Levy translation, and one
passage containing a gross error is
quoted in both books. All ot this by
way of speculation that what he offers
seems largely to be the product of oral
transmission and in fact contains much
Of value not found as such in any Of
the published documents in this
Judged agairBt thc background Of the
present anthology, Chia borrows broadly 63

Arr of Eke purposes. Chia is not impressed with
modern sex therapy's 04 entphasis on
but selectively from traditional teachings, orgasm or techniques like Karezza that
making an important contribution to build heat and tension in the prostate
adapting these to the modern social and without teaching the upward cycling of
scientific setting. For example, the con, sexual energy. Like many observers of the
cept of mutual absorption, which plays a West, Chia finds that sexuality is the chief
minor role in the tradition, becomes the obsession of our culture, but comes to the
centerpiece of Chia's system. Chia ensures original conclusion that because of this
a balanced trade partnership by requiring perhaps only sex itself can servc as a
that both practitioners be schooled in the vehicle for the spiritual awakening Of the
techniques of microcosmic orbit meditation masses. TO attempt another path in such a
and absorption of sexual ener&v. sexually charged culture, he fears, can only
Introducing Western notions of love and lead to repression and all of its distortions
monogamy makes his message more of personality and society. The advanced
palatable to modern coupies, but his strict stages of Chia's system, again following
construction of coüus reservatus and traditional lines, demonstrate that sex may
suspension of menses proves that he is not not be the ultimate experience of the union
merely watering the potion for the current of yin and yang, but it is the safest and
marketplace. As radical as Chia's message surest place to start.
is in regard to ejaculation for procreation
Chia•s writings throw considerable light
only, the pleasure principle and romantic
on the critical process Of ' 'refining the
love have by no means been banished from
Ching into ch'i and the ch'i into spirit."
his system. By accentuating the healing
Arguing that the ch'i available from food
properties of pleasure still apparent in the
and air is too gross to bc absorbable in
early classical texts and combining this
large amounts, we Inust turn to Ching, a
with the later phases of sexual alchemy, he
more highly refined and concentrated
promises unimaginable ecstasies far
source Of ch'i silnply waiting to be
surpassing exoteric orgasm. Chia seems
transmuted through sexual alchemy. His
willing to allow his students to focus on the
belief that Ching energy is the fuel of
immediacy of pleasurable sensation and,
creativity, spirituality, and even kindness
by enforcing a strict code of
and compassion is reminiscent of the
noncjaculation, trusts the health hcncfits to
classical Western conception of eros. If
follow as a matter of course.
conserved, he says, the yang firc in the
Although Chia's conclusions regarding Ching burns up negativity, whereas Ching
the role of sex in spiritual practice spring loss engenders physical lassitude and dries
directly from Chinese roots, he also is the up the very "will to enlightenment."
product of cross-cultural influences and Giving an egalitarian twist to the tradition,
Western scientific theories extensively to he states that a law of sexual practices
support and even to express his own teachings. prevents onc from absorbing the partner's
Chinese and Western medical models are power without giving freely of one's own.
woven so tightly together in his system that
Chia's concept of "Valley Orgasm" or
acupuncture points and endocrine glands
"Beyond Orgasm," though perhaps implied
constantly jostle each other in the same
in some traditional texts, is elaborated in
sentence. Purists might protest his eclecticism,
great detail in his two books. He says: "No
and scholars might find some loose ends in his
technique can guarantee it will happen. It
synthesis, but most readers will sense that Chia
is a state of prolonged orgasm that
is simply availing himself of an expanding
generally occurs during the plateau phase
palate of language to communicatc authentic
when yin and yang energies come into an
experience. However, although borrowing
exquisitely delicate balance_ It is a fusion
freely from Western physiology for his own
of opposites, a meltdown _ The valley
the Bedchamber
orgmsm actually is a fusion of Ching, chi and To summarize. Chia's books contain a
shien in the two lovers." Dismissing genital wealth of authentic teachings and original
orgasm as merely "itch relief," he emphasizes synthesis, incorporating Western science,
the necessity of properly channeling sexual Of
energy, for once aroused it can travel either up
or down. but travel it must. The process Of Tantric concepts, and the author's
channeling this energy requires mastery of two own experience. They are the richest
techniques: the -'Big Draw," or docuIt1CntS for researching the
puboccoccygeal pump: and "microcosmic orbit continuity Of Chinese sexual
meditation" to circulate the energy and share it practices in the modern era and for
with the glands. organs, and finally the brain. the process of their acculturalion in
One feels simultaneously satisficd and the West _ The detail of his
revitalized after releasing the sexual energy discussion of genital calisthenics
from the semen. As the "Vallev Orgasm" rises simply has no parallel in the
from the lower tan-t'ien to engulf the middlc published traditional texts and marks
and upper ran-Éien, it permeates all the organs the debut of large quantities of oral
and fuses Ching. eh 'i, and spirit. Finally Chia transmission In print. The books
offers a glimpse of what in the present perhaps are a bit too commercial in
anthology is called, '"intercourse of the spirit thFir design, style, and format 10
without physical contact," and beyond this, attract the notice of the scholarly
cessation of semen production and direct community, and it is certainly not
absorption of cosmic energy. This breatharian helpful that nearly every citation from
state also is in keeping with traditional Chinese history or pnmarv sources
teachings and considered the next thing to reveals conspicuous factual errors.
immortality For example, the Manchu dynasty,
Meeting possible objections to his system Of actually founded in the seventeenth
sexual yoga, Chla marshals most of his century, we are told belongs to the
defenses an the Chinese front. Perhaps with "Eighth Century A.D.", and the
more than 2,000 years of experience, China has Yellow Emperor. who belongs to the
had more opportunity to judge these techniques legendary period prior to 201K) B.C.
than the West, whose only educated response is is plunked down smack in the middle
to dismiss nonejaculation as neurosis. Chia of the Han dynasty in the "Second
disarms criticisms Of the exploitative aspects Century B.C." The titles or Ko Hung
of traditional sexual practices by placing the and Sun Ssu-miao's great works are
arrangement on a strictly egalitarian footing badly mauled in translation. These
and by asserting that most of the energy gained and the indiscriminate mixing of
is from one's own store of Ching. As for the standard Mandarin Wade-Giles
"pure practiccs" objection that the sexual path transliteration with nonstandard
easily leads one astray and rarely conducts one Cantonese renderings is disconcerting
safely to the gates heaven. Chia counters by to even amateur sinologists_ The
stating that one must master sexual encru or be seriousness and value of the subjcct
mastered bv it and that it is not, after all, an end deserves a slightly better treatment in
in itself. Although he teaches a version of some Of these formal areas, if only to
injaculation as a preliminary practice, he is avoid giving skeptics a pretext for
mute when it comes to addressing traditional rejecting the work out of hand.
objections that the seinen ends up in the Stephen Chang's T he Tao of Sexology,
bladder rather than the brain and that, even if it like Mantak Chia•s works. is part of the
is forced back into the prostate, it already has author's series introducing evcrv major
"left the palace" and become •'corrupt ching.• aspect Of Taoist macrobiotic practices,
ineluding dietetics, herbology,
acupuncture, meditation, and ch'i-kung. As
Development Sexology
a practicing M_D_ and the great grandson (on negative attitudes or practices are couched
his mother's side) of a personal physician to the as "the principle of Satan" or
Dowager Empress- one is not surprised at the •'l)isintegration into Evil."
frequent packaging of Chinese pills in Western At the heart of Chang's System are two
bottles. So developed, in fact, are his powers of practices: the "Deer Exercise" and "Valley
synthesis that all boundaries of culture and Orgasm." I-ike Chia, Chang teaches
even chronology collapsc before our CYCS. •'lnjaculation" as a preliminary exercise,
Readers may he able to bear With claiming a 50 percent saving in energy and
characterizations of the sympathetic nervous resulting in the semen being "recycled into the
systent or positive ions as '"yang," but bloodstream." Outlining the benefits of the
statements such as; '"l hroughout the centuries, "Deer Exercise," Or anal sphincter contraction
Taoists understood that the 65 for men. he lists the following: tones sex
A"t Of organs. pumps energy up the chain of
endocrine glands, increases abdominal
body's Seven Glands were the energy centers circulation, stimulates prostate to secrete
responsible for regulating the flow of energy endorphins, and cures premature ejaculation ,
with the various systems of the body," seem to low sex hormones, infection in the testes, wet
put words in the mouths of the sages. The dreams, and impotence. For women, when
"Seven Glands" in question, or endocrine SYS• practiced together with breast and vaginal
tern, did not exist as such for traditional massage, the "Deer Exercise" provides
anatomists, who were far more likely to redirection of blood from uterine walls to sex
understand these functions in of ch'i than glands, stimulation of estrogen production,
hormones. This revisionist interpretalion Of improvement in vaginal tone, and elimination
Taoism rewards us With some fascinating of premenstrual syndrome, fibroid tumors in
parallels if we are willing to separate the the uterus, and breast lumps. Reverting to
ingredients of influence for ourselves, though Chinese categories, however, he tells us that
one cannot help but regret the facile the two most important benefits, when all is
homogenization. which blurs many important said and done. are the raising of energy from
distinctions in the two systems. Similarly, the sex center to the brain in the malc and thc
much terminology of his own invention is cessation of menses in the female
represented as literal translation from the Cessation Of analogous to
Taoist or medical traditions. where no actual nonejaculation in the male, is perfectly
Chinese antecedents exist. safe, he assures us, and occurs naturally
Chang's biography tells us that he also holds during pregnancy, lactation, and
dcætorates in philosphy and theology as well as menopause. Beyond this, When the "Deer
two law degrees. Many readers will find his Exercise" and breast massage succeed in
syncretism of Taoism and Christian theology halting the menstrual cycle, biological
even more arresting than his mixing of Chinese aging also ceases and one's appearance
and Western medicine. For example, "By remaim unchanged indefinitely. More.
following the Tao of Sexology, mankind will over, it is also a safe and effective methOd
even. tually incarnate God's nature to its full. Of birth control. Chang's teachings On
est." Particularly startling is his Taoist women's practice correspond closely with
interpretation of the quest for life everlasting in Mantak Chia•s, and of them accord with
Christianity: "With the appear• ance of Jesus, the traditional texts in this anthology.
immortality assumed unprecedented When the "Deer Exercise" is practiccd
importance in the West, In the Old Testament, by both partners during intercourse, the
except for a few references to Enoch and combined effect may be called '•Val. ley
Elijah, immortality was not mentioned. Jesus Orgasm," or "Superior Orgasm," as he
may have acquired an interest in immortality says he now prefers to call it. As the
during his travels to India and China." arousal level rises, the man applies the
Similarly his warnings to avoid certain "Hold Back" technique of sphincter
the Bedchamber
contraction to pump the sexual energy out of
the prostate until he drops to 60 to 70 percent
of arousal and then soars back to 99 percent.
By synchronizing inhalation and exhalation
with withdrawal and penetration, he may stay
at 99 percent indefinitcly. This also permits the
man to urge his partner to the summit of a
nine-tier ascent he calls the "Nine Levels of
yurnale Orgasm." His presentation here is very
confusing for readers familiar With the Classic
Of Su Nil's theory of the '•nine
ch'i" on which it is loosely based. For visualizations during meditation, or
one thing, the "nine ch'i" described in fantasies during sex. He also presents a
the Classic, as well as in the Wondrous complete theory of penile and vaginal
Discourse of Su Nti, arc nine levels of reflexology: exercises for enlarging,
preliminarv arousal and not nine levels shaping, and desensitizing the penis;
of orgasm. The Classic's "five signs" and prostate massage. Also outside the
and "ten movements" trace the progress classical record arc two diagnostic
from foreplay to climax, but the '"nine techniques for determining biological
ch'i" really are all prelude . For another age keyed to sexual function: one is
thing, at level "four," where the original based on measuring the anole of the
says only, "'she becomes slippery," erect penis and the other a formula
Chang interpolates, "Women applied to the
experience a series of vaginal spasms at The Deye\opmenl of Chinese Sexology
this time and secretions begin to flow."
He concludes by saying that most number of days for the male to reach
women confuse this sensation with unbearable sexual longing. Drawing on
"complete orgasm or "coming Buddhist lore, he explains the
together," and settling for this, never phenomcnon of "'she-li-tzu," or
see the five peaks beyond. This may be gemlike stones reportedly found among
a valid theory, hut thc unsuspecting the ashes of cnlightcned monks after
classics should not have been hijacked cremation, as "the semen replaces the
as its vehicle. other cells in the body and becoming
Chang's book contains a host of imperishable are enshrined in pagodas
fascinating curiosities randomly where they can be seen "emitting
distributed throughout the text. For flashes of light at night." This is
example, buried in the very back in a introduced unflinchingly as absolute
catch-all miscellany called fact. Mysteriously, the linking of coitus
'*Supplements" is a practice he calls reservatus and microcosmic orbit
"Extractive Techniques," which meditation, which marks the
demonstrates the survival of the culmination of traditional sexual
"corrupt Ching" theory of the practice and constitutes the core of
Exposition of Cultivating the True Mantak Chia's system, appears but
Essence. Here the "Hold back" briefly and without fanfar in one
technique is used repeatedly until the inconspicuous paragraph Of The Tao of
store of "nutrients, hormones, and Sexology.
energy—the csscnccs of semen" are Most scholarly approaches to
extracted and absorbed by the system to Chinese sexual beliefs and practices
nourish the endocrine chain, have been undertaken by sinologists,
culminating with the seat of whose studies have been largely
enlightenment in the pineal gland. The descriptive. But what of thc brave new
semen now is considcred a '"residue" sciences of anthropology and
that may be ejaculated without loss to psycholozv? Attempts by Western
thc system _ Chang advocates anal and anthropologists and psychologists to
vaginal hygiene and the need for account for thc Chinese of
frequent internal cleansings, but sufficiency-deficiency in sexuality have
strongly condemns as unnatural been prompted mainly by a fascination
circumcision, intrauterine devices, with the phenomenon of "korö'
hysterectomy, tubal ligation, (suoyang fig), a mental disorder
characterized by hysterical fears of
shrinking penis. One exception to this
is John Weakland's "0rality in Chinese
Conceptions of Male Genital
Sexuality,' published in Psychiatry
(1956), which attempts to understand
the very core of Chinese sexual beliefs
by applying Freud's theory of the oral,
anal, and genital phases of human

Using data gathered from van

Gulik's translations of the classical
texts, folkloric and literary material, as
well as native informants, Weakland
concludes: sum, it is clear that one
very basic and powerful Chinese
conception of sexual intercourse is an
oral relationship of feeding and eating,
like that of mother and infant, but
reciprocal." He also cites the work of
Warner Muensterberger and Virginia
Heyer, whose studies emphasize the
Chinese ideal of marriage as replicating
the mother-son relationship,
Of passivereceptive oral needs
abundantly if thc child restricts his
in which the wife plays the role of activity and autonomy, The end
undemanding nurturer. Weakland finds result might well be the development
ample evidence in van translations for 01 such highly polarized and
conceptions of the penis and vagina as Otalityfilled fantasies about genital
consumer and object of consumption. sexuality.
Though not yet discovered at the time,
passages such as the following from the Though ignored by the
Ma Wang tui '"Shih wen'• would hah.c sinological 68 community, Weakland has
been music to Weakland's ears, ••Give brought an entirely new set of analytical
breath to the penis; give food and drink tools to bear on the question of Chinese
to the penis. Feed it as if nourishing a sexual beliefs and should be
child." Weakland advances his congratulated for opening a new
explanalion of Chinese sexual beliefs as dimension to the inquiry. Rather than
alternative to Muensterbergcr's earlier responding in psychological terms,
theory that the oral fixation in Chinese however, let me point Out what seem to
sexuality might be due to oral indulgence be a number of fundamental intellectual
and a failure to master oral renunciation, problems in his approach. Weakland was
which he traces to tong and liberal breast not unaware of some of the dificultics
feeding, the general cultural obsession involved in psychoanalyzing another
with food and feasting. and castration culture, but he did not sufficiently
threats in the genital phase. Focusing on overcome the tendency to assume that
the same critical mother-son relationship, the nortnal, the natural, or the ideal either
Weakland comes to a different conclu- is manifest within or can be glimpsed
only by members of one's own culture.
This underlies his fundamental
The sexual ideas examined show fears of assumption of irrationality or mental
being drained, connected with the notion disorder in Chinese sexual beliefs. This
of somconc actively desiring and taking. response does not allow for the
Chinese mothers are conærned about
possibility of a rational basis tor Chinese
independent motor activity in babies, and
habies• hands are symbolically tied. That claims of greater health, pleaSure, or
this tying occurs Only during the first compatibility and, though presumably
month or few months, when sucking is the pronounced in the name of ascicnce,"
child's main form of activity, Suggests arrives with no epidemiological or
that the mother may primarily he anxious clinical data or hint of experimentation.
about active oral rather than manual To grant even a shred of rationality to
"graspIng. . " It seems likely that the the Chinese side, Of course, would
Chinese infant initially is less "dependent" involve admitting the possibility that one
psychologically than biologically, and has been making love the wrong way 10
wants satisfaction Of both "passive" and ' these many years, a degree Of objectivity
'active" oral desires—to be fed but also to not many can muster. There also is an
express as in sucking. Presumably, the
implicit denial Of the possibility of an
satisfaction of hoth nccds would be
conducive to Optimal development, alternative esthetic in an area that
including the development of ' 'realistic" contains, after all, such an important
and • 'rational" thought. . esthetic contponent. Many Western
The data presented earlier. however, that intellectuals have developed a taste for
the Child cannot satisfy both needs the Chinese esthetic intheliterary
becawse the mother is afraid of active andvisual arts, but thesanctity of genital
demands, although she will meet the orgasm has been a powerful deterent to a
Art the Bedckumber
fair hearing for even the theory of the ' 'art of imagining well worth the effort- As Out.
the bedchamber." lined in lhe Function of Orgasm and
Finally, there is a built-in circularity to Other writings, Reich's theory Of "sexual
psychological explanations of cultural energy" and "0rgone" in many ways
phenomena based on early childhood answers to the Chinese concepts of
experience. It is tempting to look to this Ching and eh'i. Taoist meditation, yoga,
formative period for fundamental and sexual practices are aimed at
determinants of beliefs and behavior, but breaking Con
ways of relating to children in turn are down what Reich called "muscular
determined by the culture at large. This is armour, Reich's opposition to
like looking for the roots of Chinese monogamy, Of course, sets well With the
feudalism or the patriarchy in childrearing Chinesc custom of polygamy and the
practices. Causality is very difficult to insistence in sexual practice On multiple
establish, and somehow early childhood partners. Both Reich and the Chinese
development and adult sex life both share a common fear of sexual repression
participate in a greater cultural gestalt that and belief in the importance of sexual
eludes us. Moreover, Chinese sexual contact for maintaining psychological
practices are embedded in the wider context health. However, Reich•s vision Of
of medicine, yoga, and cosmology, all of social revolution through sexual
which then must be explained in terms of liberation and China's pursuit of health
arrested orality. This is a lot to bite off. and immortality through sexual yoga
Perhaps sociologists could make something diverge in the interpretation of orgasm.
of Lu Hsün's characterization Of all of For Reich, the function of Orgasm is to
traditional Chinese society as '%nan eating" discharge sexual tension, and full
(ch'ih jen k). although it is interesting that orgasmic potency is characterized by
the imagery in the sexual literature is not Of "involuntary muscular contractions" and
hunter and prey, but of a very domesticated "the clouding of con sciousncss." The
food souru•. Or, in Freudian terms again, feeling of pleasure is derived from the
could one not also make an argument for decline in tension and the return to
coitus resenaru_s as a sexual manifestation equilibrium. This to the Chinese makes a
of anal retentiveness? To some Freudians, narcotic Of sex. For them, contact and
then, the Chinese male may look "Orally arousal are the most fundamental
arrested," but it is worth remembering that to biological needs, not orgasm. The energy
many Chinese, the Western male looks discharged during sex should not be
hopelessly addicted to the adolescent thrill of drained from the body, but shared with
genital orgasm. It is a two-way street. the Organism as a whole, and
Although beyond the Scope of Weak_land's particularly the brain. This results in a
article, Freud's emphasis on the sublimation state of "spiritual illumination" (shen-
of eros as the basis for civilization and ming dVaE), which may be said to be
creativity bears comparison with China's diametrically opposed to Reich's
channel. ing of sexual energy for health and 'Sclouding of consciousness. " The
scendence. spiritual "irrigation" experienced by the
If Freudians are appalled by the concept Chinese sexual yogis is a far cry from the
of coüus reservatus, one can imagine the Western *'waters of oblivion. " Finally,
reaction of Reichians. Unfortunately, although Reich's "sexual politics" is
imagination is all we have, as no such stud. completely beyond the purview of
ies exist; however, the striking similarites Chinese sexual yoga, the coupling of sex
and contrasts between Reich's ideas and and salvation in the Taoist church, and
Chinese sexual practices make a little its association with antifeudal liberation

struggles, would undoubtedly have caught
Reich's fancy,
Art the Bedckumber

0/ school of physicians. no activity as

needles. The Ma Wang tui medical texts great a threat to health as coitus
indeed may represent a more primitive improperly practiced or offers such
stage of the development of tnedical benefits if carried out properly to
science than we have previously known. stitnulate without taxing. Traditional
However. more remarkable for the Chinese medicine takes the "thrcc
history of sexology is that trom a purely treasures," yin and yang, the Organs.
empirical point Of view. the level of and ch'i channels as 70 its essential
development of the "Uniting Yin and working principles. Sexual activity
Yang" and "Highest Tao under Heaven" strengthens the Ching, d •i, and spirit.
was not significantly surpassed by the balances yin and yang, tonifics the
Ishimpö or later sexual literature. We organs, and circulates positive ch'i
can tentatively suggest, then, that sexual throughout all the meridians. Whether
practices had reached the height Of their expressed as '-heart and kidneys" or
scientific development prior to the ••firc and water" in medicine, or "Li and
introduction of metal needles in K'an," '*mercury and lead," or "dragon
acupuncture, or even before meridian and tiger" in meditation, body-mind
theory reached its classical "twelve harmony is recognized as the very
meridian" (shih-erh cheng-ching foundation of health. Once body-mind
formulation. Although the harmony became the goal, the
medical aspect of sexual practices integrative power of sexuality was
appear to have reached nearly fullblown difficult to overlook; once the battle
proportions by the early Han, we also lines were drawn betwc•cn positive
catch glimpses in the Ma Wang tui texts (Cheng and negative (hsieh % ) ch'i, the
Of the sexual ritual and elixir traditions. healing power Of sexuality became
-Ihe opening verse passage of the irresistible. The physicians of old fully
'Uniting Yin and Yang" may bc a link exploited the health-giving potential of
between an earlier shamanistic tradilion the bedchamber, possibly the only arena
and the sexual rituals Of late Han of athletic endeavor for the Confucian
religious Taoism. while other passages literati and their sequestered wives.
in this work prefigure the sexual elixir The absence of any Western analogue
school of inner alchemv_ to Chinese sexual yoga is perhaps the
The importance of sex in Chinese most telling indicator of fundamental
conceptions of health can be documented by divergence in the two culture's
the unrivaled sexual literature. ancient approaches to sexuality. Joseph
physicians analyzed human sexual with the Needham and Alan Watts have made
same keen intcrest and precision with which very learned attempts to account for
they approached the influence of foods, some of these differences, and their
herbs, emotions. and environment. The work may serve as useful points of
works in this collection represent an age deßtrturc for concluding this study with
when physiological phenomena were treated a brief foray into East-West com.
as susceptible to rational analysis and parison. Professor Needham in his
control. but were also capable of inspiring sermon appended to JOIan Chang'S The
wonder. an age when the mythopoctic Tao of Love and Sex laments the "Man.
imagination was as active in probing the ichean" takeover Of Christianity and the
human body as in interpreting the heavens resulting separation of ''love
and human personality. For the sexual and "love seriphick.•• He looks forward
Art the Bedckumber

to a time when the Victorian influence will

disappear, and the West. like China, will
accept human sexuality as continuous with
"cosmic libido." Anyone who considers the
subject even superficially must that
sex, as much as eating, is rooted in biology.
but is also a creature of culture, and in no
society is it not the arena for social etiquette
and religious values. The Christian (or
"Manichean") influence on Western
sexuality has been to keep us focused on the
business of biolotv and alienate sex from
pleasure and love. For the Christian. sex is
for procreation; for the Chinese orgasm is
for procreation, but sex is for pleasure,
therapy and salvation. All pleasures Of the
flesh are deemed sinful in the Qristian
Art Bedchamber
view. and Sex as an expression of love ranks abStraCt iB disarpintrnents are promjrtlonate
a poor third behind love of God and to its exaggerated expectations.
brotherly love. For the majority of Chinese. Conclusion
the sacred resides within nature. and eating themselves With the swift transition
sexuality as a part of nature belongs to the from extreme excitement to the lassitude
fundamental design of the uni• verse. Nature which acuunpnnies detumescence.
is not only sacred but the source of aftermath Of intercourse, which should be a
"medicine' • one becomes holy by becoming State Of fulfilled tranquility. is for the prude
healthy. Sex, being a natural function. also is the depression of uilt .nd for the libertine the
seen as a source of bioenergetic medicine. depression o ennui. .
However. it is interesting that the later when the mounting excitement is rceptcd
Taoists—the alchemists. inner alchemists. rather than grasped. it becomes a full
and sexual alchemists—took a path that very realintion Oi spontaneity. and the result• ing
much resembles the Western tendency. If orgasm is not the sudden end but the bursting
in upon us Of r*ace. . experience Of
Western thinking arrived at a dualism Of
sexual love is therefore no longer to be sought
*'God the father" and "Mother Earth." as the repetition Of familiar ecstacy
Chinese elixirists strove to transcend the yin prejudiced by the cxpecta• don of what we
materiality of earth and rise to the yang already know. will the exploration Of a
spirituality of heaven. drive for is one relationship with an ever• changing ever
for Gristian and Taoist, but for the Christian unknown partner. unknown because he or she
it was an act of faith backed up by will and is not in truth the at'. Stract role or person. .
mental concentration, whereas for the later All these are mayo, and the love of these is an
Taoists the substance of the body itself endlessly frustrating love of fantasy
could be transm
In his Man, Woman and Nature. Alan Some will recognize Watts's analysis a
Watts presents a masterful analysis of essentially a Zen critique of mental meddling in
Christian. Hindu, Buddhist, and early Taoist sexuality. and others will recognize in it the
attitudes towards sex. Curiously. however. position of progressive modern psychotherapy
he has omitted the perspectives of Tantrism Prude and libertine are exposed as two sides o
and Chinese sexual practices, which are the same false coin. and interpersona
really a scrcial case. Nevertheless. his communion is held out as the ultimate sexua
discussion may be said to epitomize the reality. Ihe personalities that come together fo
enlightened contemporary Western view, sexual experience. however. must have achieved
and as such, bears quoting at length to a perfect state of mental health through Za:n
highlight critical East-Wcst therapy so as to be free of grasping and illusions
It is interesting that Tan Ssu•t'ung, writing a
century ear. lier, promised that this cnlightcncd
attitudc would give sex "the taste of wax." •Ihe
*xoahty Will remain a problem so long as it are certainly guilty, for the most part. o
a.mtinues to be the isolated area in Which the depersonalizing sexual relations and making sex
inüvidual transcends himself and a vehicle for pursuing what Watts call
•riences spontaneity. Ile must first allow If '*abstract" goals, granting for the moment tha
to be spontaneous in the whole play Of inner health is abstract in the same sense that
feeling and Of sensory re• to the
everyday world Only as the genses in general
•spontaneit) and transcendence" are. However
can learn to accept without grasping, or to be Watts's perfect orgasm, "the bursting in upon u
conscious without straining. Can the Special of peace," from the point of view of Chinese
Sensations Of sex free from the grasping sexual practices is what the Roman historian
Of abstract lust and its inseparable twin. the called "creating a desert and calling it peace.
inhibition Of abstract Or "spiritual" disgust. From the Chinese perspective, relaxation should
For when sexual activity sought in the not be achieved at the price of depletion
relaxatiOn is achieved by relaxing. The function considered "low," or no arts at all.
of sex is to send a charge of bioenergetic Ching Dance falls somewhere in bctwecn. In
electricity through u conductor China, and the East in general, it is safe
OfIke to Say that gas. tronomy and sexuality
have been the domains of greater
Whose resistance has been lower-cd by
esthetic attention and refinement.
Because of the onus Of sin laid on
The Chinese have made an art. a
sexuality by religion, Western sexuality has
yoga, a ritual, a therapy, and a
taken On an esthetic Of "forbidden fruit."
meditation of sex. Watts, and the West
heightening the thrill of abstinence for the
in peneral. have left all of thew
prude and of conquest for the libertine.
possibilities wmpletely out of the
However, the Chinese sexual 72 practitioner
discussion. After clearing all illusions
is neither prude nor libertine. In China, the
away, is there not still a need for art,
medical emphasis on Ching conservation led
even a Zen art? Modern Occidentals,
to an epicurean esthetic that maximizes
very much like the early Taoists. are
pleasure by moderating the price—truly a
suspicious that technique compromises
Strategy for ••having one's cake and eating it
spontaneity and sincerity, and in many
too." For Chinese esthetes, orgasm as an
cases the fear is justified. However, to
esthetic experience is like peach blossoms.
banish technique from the bedroom is to
something painful in its transience, which
fail to recognize that sex is a form of
must be transformed by art into a more
heightened expression in the same way
durable form. Impermanence, the arch
that singing and dancing are. The artist
theme of Chinese poetry, is experienced
learns to expand his or her range of ex.
most poignantly and viscerally in the act of
pression through technique, and to
sex—the ••little death." Olinese sexual
wring themselves to the depths without
practices attempt to seize the prize of
selfdestructing. Watts seemingly has
immortality from the jaws of impermanence,
not considered that a bit Of art or yoga
to separate the desire for '•rclease" from the
may actually enhance the interpersonal
experience of loss and transform orgasm
goals he has in mind, that without art
into rebirth.
and a mastery of internal energy.
Western esthetics as a discipline fo• cuses
spontaneity may be only the spasm Of a
on the characteristics of the "objet d'art";
few seconds. and that the anticipated
much of Chinese esthetics focuses on the
human communion may become an
subjective state of the artist as a preliminary
exercise in frustra-
to producing esthetic objects. or even as an
In assessing East-West differences end in itself. Art and liter. ary criticism often
with respect to sexual attitudes, read like a form of graphology or cJfi
crosscultural comparatists such as Watts diagnosis. The ability to simultaneously
and Needham have focused on the role relax and mobilize c" •i sets the stage for
of religion as the most important inspiration, while technique channels the
normative influence. Another area, energy and erusures that it is not dissipated.
more difficult to document but perhaps Similarly, the art of the bedchamber seeks to
equally influential, is esthetics. In the elevate and refine energy_ This is an
West, the relationship of esthetics to the esthetic of happy endings rather than climax
senses is such that the arts Of sight, and catharsis. of long volleys rather than
sound, and the written word arc smash and point, of riding the swells and
considered *'high," whereas avoiding the breaking waves.
gastronomy and sexuality are The exportation of Western religious,
political. and scientific ideas to the East has
Art Bedchamber
been spectacular; the importation Of Eastern
culture to the West has been less pervasive
but a no less interesting sociological
phenomenon. The past two decades have
scen major breakthroughs in the acceptance
of Chinese medicine, meditation, and
martial arts in the West. Each breakthrough
required a radical pa. radigm shift, but just
as Indian yoga has proven to he more than a
passing fad, Chinese health practices. too,
are likely to remain as naturalized citizens of
the Wcst_ If medicine, meditation, and mar.
tial arts are here to stay, can sexual practices
be tar behind? Entering the world of Chinese
sexual yoga requires a similar
paradigm shift, the initial threshold Of
which is the disassociation of sexual
satisfaction from genital orgasrn. The
traditional Chinese meal has little meat
and no dessert, hence culinary interest
and satisfaction are shifted to the grain
and vegetables. For Westerners
sampling Chinese cuisine or sexual
techniques, some will find thcm a
coming home and others an acquired
taste; some will adopt them as a steady
diet and others as a change of pace.
Just as the suppression of discursive
thought in meditation requires
sacrificing a habitual pattern, hut results
in opening new dimensions of
consciousness, so Chinese sexual
techniques open new dimensions of
eneroy sharing and the possibility of
tasting the nectar of inner orgasm
without emptying the cup. Rather than
squandering the gold coin of sexual

energy, it is pounded thin enough to

guild the entire body in a wat of shining
armor. Methods that evolved in a
polygamous society can be adapted to
combating monotony within the four
corners of modern monogamy. These
techniques may contribute greatly to the
forging of a truly egalitarian sexual
covenant, offering as they do enhanced
sensitivity and control and providing a
greatly enriched vocabulary for sensual
communication. On an elementary level
at least, is Chinese sexual yoga so
different from Western social dance or
African religious rites, both of which
aim straight for the sex center, but
channel libido into a sustainable "all
night" farm? The Chinese perfected in
the bedroom what the West does in the
ballroom. "One yin and one make
the world go round.


Introduction "HO yin yang" (Uniting yin
and yang) and the '"Vienhsia
The Ma Wang tui sexology chih•tao t'an" (Discourse on
classics are thc long lost the highest tao under heaven):
ancestors of thc Sui-T'ang two others, the '"Shih wen"
texts which Yeh Te•hui (Ten questions) and "Yang-
rediscovered in the sheng fang" (Prescriptions for
Ishimpä_ The 1973 nurturing life) contain
unearthing of these second significant passages relating to
century B_C_ manuscripts sexual cultivation. The
in tomb three at Ma Wang original manuscripts were
tui in Changsha, Hunan, discovered untitled, and thc
confirms Ych's faith that titles used herc arc those
the Ishimpö fragments assigned by the editors Of the
preserved the Han Ma Wang tui Han-mu PO-shu
tradition. Donald Harper (Silk manuscripts from the
says of these, "Two tcxts, Han tomb Of King Ma),
both written on bamboo published by Wen-wu press in
slips, bear a particularly 1985-
close resem to the Placing all the received
later sex manuals in style sexual texts after Ma Wang tui
and content . I judge them on an evolutionary continuum,
to be thc oldest extant the "Uniting Yin and Yang'
Chinese sex manuals and and '"Highest Tao" fit rather
to represent the textual nicely into a predictable
antecedents of the sex retrogression. That is, the
manuals that circulated in further back one goes
the later Han and Six chronologically in the sexual
Dynasties period." The two literature the greater is the
texts in question are the preponderance of empirical
material and the Iceser the mention of loss of female
symbolic Or ritual. sexual cncrgy through menses,
Elcments in the IshimpO pregnancy, or orgasm, or even
and thereafter that strike the need for men to frequently
the modern reader as change partners. What the Ma
superstitious or sexist are Wang tui sexual corpus shares
almost entirely absent With its descendents in later
from Ma Wang tui. 1 here cen- 7-7
are no calendrica],
astrological. or
physiological prohibitions
on the time of intercourse
or prescriplions for the age
or physical traits of the
woman. There is nearly no
sense of onesided
exploitation, and
references to absorbing the
woman's Ching carry no
hint Of this being at the
woman's expense.
Although the concept of
mutuality is largely
subtextual, the "Yang-
sheng fang" says, "He
asked how man and
woman might achieve
simultaneous arousal and
mutual harmony and avoid
harm to the body," and the
' 'Uniting Yin and Yang"
says, nourish the
woman's Ching with my
ching." There is no

Art Of the this causes both bodies to

turies is the importance of Ching pleasurably nourished and joyfully
conservation as a theoretical base and radiant in a wonderful way. 14
the codification of the stages and signs Although full of passion do not act.
of sexual arousal, the postures and Exchanging exhalations and
methods of love making, and the embraces, carry out the tao Of
benefits and ills of dalliance step by step. 19 This is the
tao Of dalliance:
Credit foi preservation of the Ishimpö
First. when her Ch'i rises and her
classics belongs to conscientious face comes flushed, slowly
Japanese collectors and copyists. Given exhale,
the fragmentary nature of these sixth to 78 Second, when her nipples become
ninth century texts, who could have hard and her nose slowly embrace
ex#cted originals to surface from the her.
early Han? After Ma Wang tui, dare we Third. when tongue sprea•b"•
now hope that buricd somewhere in comes lubricious. slowly press her.
China are sex• ual texts of the late Fourth. when secretions appear below and
Chou? thighs are damp, slowly take bold Of
fifth, When her throat is dry and she swal•
lows saliva, agitate her.
Uniting Yin and Yang These are called the "signs of the five
Ho yin yang desires." Whcn all of the signs manifest
then mount her. Stab upward. but do not
This is the method for uniting yin and penetrate. in order to stimulate its ch'i.
When the ch'i arrives. penetrate deeply
Clup hands Over to and thrust upward in order to distribute
side of her wrists* the heat. Now once again withdraw so as
Stroke the "elbow chambers"
not to cause its ch'i to dissipate and for
her to become exhausted. Afterward,
Go beside the armpits;
practice the ••ten movements," unite
Move up to the "Stove frame"•4
acc•ording to the "ten postures," and
Go to the "neck region";
combine the "ten refinements." Uniting
Stroke the •receiving b&ket»;'
bodies after sunset, 17 the ch'i extends to
Cover the "encircling ring".6
the "ancestral gate. "IS Now observe the
Descend to the "broken basinW
over the ••sweet Wine ford"
"eight movements;" listen
to the "five sounds"; and
Cross the •Bounding Sea'
examine the signs of the "ten
Ascend "Mount
Enter the "dark mount
the "coital sinew.
The "ten arousals"'" begin with ten,
then twenty. thirty, forty, fifty, sixty.
By sucking her "Ching spint"L2 Seventy , eighty, ninety. and one
upward, one can live forever and coeval hundred.
with heaven and earth. The "coital is the Move in and Out without reaching
*'coital channel" within the "dark gate."
If one is able to lay hold of and stroke it,

One arousal Orgasm makes the ears and eyes

sharp and bright.
TWO and the is clear.
Three and the skin is radiant.
Four and the back and nanks arc Strong.
Five and the buttocks and thighs become
Six and the ' 'water course"21 flows.
Seven and one becomes sturdy and strong.
Eight and the pores arc lustrous,
Nine and achieves *'ritual illumination.
Ten and the endures_

•lhese are the "ten movements";

•rhe first is "roaming tiger_"

The second is "cicada clinging.

The third is "measuring worm."
The fourth is •'roe deer butting."
fifth is "locust spreading. "
sixth is "monkey's squat."
The seventh is "toad in the
The eighth is "rabbit bolts."

The ninth is "dragonflics." her body quivers it means that she wants the
The tenth is "fishes gobbling- man to continue for a long time.
" In the evening the man•s Ching is strong;
The "ten refinements" are: in the morning the woman's Ching is
The first is up concentrated. Using my Ching to nourish the
The second is down. woman's Ching, the anterior channels are all
The third is to the left.
activated; and the skin, ch'i, and blood are
The fourth is to the right
stimulatcd_ This opens
Hun Classics Rediscovered
titth is rapidly.
The six is slowly. closures and unblocks obstructions. The
The seventh is sparingly. "'central treasury"2S benefits from the
The eighth is frequently circulation and becomes lull.
The nineth is shallow. The symptoms of the '"ten exhaustions"2
The tenth is deep.
The '"eight movements" are:
The first is "clasping hands." With the first exhaustion Ithc semen] is
The second is "straightening elbows_ " transparent and cold when einitted
The third is "extending heels. With the second exhaustion it has the odor
The fourth is ' 'hooking from the side." of burnt bones,
With the third exhaustion it is dry.
The fifth is "hooking from above.'
he sixth is "entwining thighs ' With the fourth exhaustion it is congealed
The seventh is "calming the movement " With the fifth exhaustion it fatty.
The eighth is "quivering." With the sixth exhaustion it is slimy.
With the seventh exhaustion it is slow.
'"Clasping hands" means that she desires With the eighth exhaustion it is oily.
contact with her belly. "Straightening With the ninth exhaustion it is sticky.
the elbows" means that she desires her With the tenth exhaustion it is u)rrupt.
upper body to be rubbed and scratched. When you reach thc "corrupt"
"'Extending heels" means that exhaustion it once again becomes slimy
penetration is insuffcient_ "Hooking and clear on emission. This is called
from the side" means that she wants her "great violence. "23 The symptoms of
side rubbed "Hooking from above" "'great violence" are perspiration about
means that she wants her lower body the nose, white lips. involuntary
rubbed. ' 'Entwining thighs" means that movements of the arms and legs. and
penetration is excessive, "Calming the buttocks lifting off the mat. Death itself
movement" means that she desires approaches.28 If instead, when the ch'i
shallow penetration. "Quivering" means begins to well up in the "ccntral
that she wants to be held for a long time one conceals the spirit,
_ then spiritual illumination is attained.
When she holds her breath. it means
that she is experiencing inner urgency.
When she pants it means that she feels
intense joy. When she moans it means Discourse on the Highest Tao
that the "jade pod"22 has penetrated and
the pleasure2Y begins. When she under Heaven
exhales it means that the sweetness2 Is T'ien-hsia chih-zao t'an
Intense. When she grinds her teeth and

Huang Sheni addressed a question to

Tso Shen2 saying: "The penis3 is born
together with the 'nine orifices '4 and
'twelvc segments, '5 but Why docs it dic
Tso Shen replied: "DO not
overexert yourself; do not indulge in
excessive sorrow or Joy; do not overeat
or drink 10 excess. Its location is
extremely yin and it is not exposed to
yang. If it is employed abruptly and
violently without waiting for it to be
strong or for both parties to be fully
aroused, there will be immediate injury.
Avoid calling its name and conceal its
form. It is because of excessive violence
and lack of propriety that, although it is
born together with the body, it is first to
die." 79
An the One arousal [without orgasm) and the
If [the penis] is enraged hut not large, ears and arc sharp and bright. TWO
the flesh has not yet been aroused. If it is arousals and the voice becomes clear.
arousals and the skin 80 radiant.
large but not stiff, the sinews have not yet
been aroused. If it is stiff but not hot, the Four arousals and the backbone
ch'i has not been aroused. If Ithe penisl is
employed before the flesh is aroused, it Five arousals and the muscular ,
Six arousals and ••water course" flows.
becomes flaccid. If it is employed before
Seven arousals and One becomes Stout and
the ch'i is aroused, it hides. When the
three are all aroused. this is called "the Eight arousals and the will is magnified
three levels of arousal. and expanded
Nine arousals one follows tir Of
Discourse on the highest tae Ten arousals and manifests spiritual
under ven
Like the obscurity Of water or the ch'i Of 'lhere are "eight benefits" to the ch'i and
spring and autumn, if what passes is also ••seven ills. " Those who are unable
seen, we cannot receive its contribution: if to use the "eight benefits" to rid
what comes in the future is not seen. I themselves of the •'seven ills" find that at
feast on its gifts. Oh. be careful. indeed' forty their sexual ch 'i is reduced by half,
The matter of achieving spiritual at fifty their mobility is impaired, at sixty
illumination consists of locking. If one the ears and eyes no longer are sharp and
carefully holds the "jade" in check, clear, and at seventy they are dried up
spiritual illuminution will he achieved. below and withered above, Not exercising
The art of managing the body takes Ching their sexual ch'i, tears now ceaselessly. I I
conservation as its first task. When the There is a tao for regaining one's strength.
Ching is full it inevitably escapes; when it Eliminate the "seven ills" to revive from
is diticient it must be strengthened.' The illness; use the "eight benefits" to increase
process of supplementing loss must the Ch'i. The Old regain their strength,
address itself to the deficiency. Carry this and the strong do not decline. The
out by first sit. ting down together. The gentleman dwells in peace and
hips. buttocks, nose, and mouth each play contentment, eating, drinking, and
their part in turn. Moving back and forth, indulging his desires. Thc of his skin are
how can I stop the Ching when it is about fine and dense; the Ch'i and blood arc full
to escape? There is a fixed law governing and abundant; and the body is light and
deficiency and repletion. Engage wisely agile. However. when disease menifests
and never bc careless. If you do not harass within, it cannot be controlled. He
and do not exhaust it, the sinews and becomes sick, perspires, and pants. He
bones will be swift and strong. Arouses suffers internally and his ch'i is out of
the "jade spring"9 and nourish yourself order; the condition is incur. able.
with her fragrance. Withdraw slightly and Suffering internal heat, he drinks herbal
pcnc. trate slightly; wait for fullness, this infusions and applies moxibustion to
is the rule. When the three harmonious improve his ch'i; he takes tonic
ch'i are aroused. [the EknisJ is sturdy and mediCines to help his exterior. However,
strong. Wishing to regulate this, one must if he is excessive in Sex, illness cannot be
bc guardedlO in one's speech. and then by con. trolled and boils and swellings
locking the ••jade" during arousal, one appear. If the ch'i and blood are full and
can become an immortal. abundant, but the "nine orifices" arc not
regulated and above and below not
exercised, then boils and ulcers appear. Washing it when finished and resting when
Therefore, by skillfully employing the *'eight enraged is called "stabilizing imbalance. " The
henclits•• to eliminate the "seven ills," the preceeding are called the "eight ben-
"five illnesses" cannot manifest.
These are the "eight benefits": These are the "seven ills":
The first is "regulating the Ch'i. " Thc Suffering pain during the act is caned
second is "promoting saliva, "internal blockage."
The third is •u'derstanding the Perspiring during the is caned "external
leakage •
The fourth is "storing eh•i.••
Engaging in the act without is called
The fifth is "harmonizing the sativa." ••exhaustion."
The sixth is "stealinp ch'i. " Classics Rediscovered
The seventh is "waiting for abundance." The
eighth is "stabilizing imbalance. " Passion Without potency is called
These are the "seven ills": "incomPetenee."
Panting and internal disorckr during the Et
The first is "blockage. " is called "attiction."
The second is "leakage." •me third Forcing oneself to engage in the act when
is "exhaustion." there is no desire is called "termination."
The fourth is "absence.'• performing the act in haste is called
The fifth is ••affiction."
The sixth is "termination."
The seventh is "waste," these are the "seven ills." Thus those who
are skilled at using the "eight benefits" to
This is the method for practicing the "eight overcome the "seven ills" will find that
benefits"' the ears and eyes become sharp and clear.
Arise in the morning and sit up; straifht% ing the body light and agile, and the ch'i of
the spine. open and contract t buttocks. the sexual organs stronger. One enjoys
pressing down." Illis is called "regulating the length Of years and lives in constant
ch'i. " happiness.
While eating and drinking, relax the but. tocks; There are two thin5 that human beings
straighcning t he spine, contract the butt(Xks fail to study: the first is breath and the
and open the c:h'i. is "promoting the second is food. Failing these two, the
saliva. " remedy is none other than study and
First dally for your mutual pleasure, doing practice. Therefore, that which increases
anything your heart desires. This is called life is food and that which decreases life
"knowing the proper tune
is sex. For this reason. the sage follows
Engage in the act while losening the Spine.
the buttocks, and pressing down. correct principles in the matter Of seual
This is called "storing Ch'i.•• union. Thus,
Engage in the act without haste or rapidity, Ibe first is "tiger roaming."
moving in and out harmoniously. This is second is "cicada clinging.••
called '•harmonizing the saliva." Beyond this, the third is "inch worm,"
Withdraw, lie down, and have your partner
The fourth is ••roe deer butting. "
raise it. When it is enraged it åould be let go of.
•nuis is called "storing the ch'i. " Just lEfore Tbc fifth is "locusts spreading. " Rest from
finishing. penetrate from the rear, but do not penetration.
move; absorb press down, and still the body The sixth is "monkey squat "
waiting patiently. This is called "waiting for Beyond this, the seventh is "toad in the
The eighth is "rabbit bolts."
The ninth is "dragonflies."
Beyond this, the tenth is "fishes gobbling." The
preceeding are called the "ten pos.

The first Irehnementl is "promoting the

The second is "establishing the taste.

The third is "regulating the joints."
The fourth is "encouraging prosperity."
The fifth ig ••proper timing." The sixth
is "perfection of talent." the seventh is
"slight movcmcnt."
•the eighth is ••waiting for fullness."
ninth is "ordering life." tenth is
"resting the body."
The preceeding are called the "ten

Arr of and scratched. "'Hooking from the

The first (Of thc "eight ways") is side" means that she desires her
called"rising high.' sides to bc rubbed. "Entwining
The second is called "lowering- " thighs" means that penetration is
The third is called "going to the left," too deep. "'Extending her heels"
The fourth is called "going to the right. " means that penetration is not deep
The fifth is called "deep penetration." enough. "Hooking from above"
The sixth is called ' 'shallow penetration. " means that stim-
The seventh IS called "moving rapidly. 82 ulation from below has not yet
The eighth is called •'moving slowly. " reached her heart. •Calming the
preceeding are the "eight ways." tnovement" means that she desires
shallow penetration. '"Quivering" means
The "ten refinements" are now that she has achieved the greatest joy.
complete, the "ten postures" displayed, These are called the "eight observations.
and the "'eight ways" combined. Make '
physical contact after sunset so that the When the ch'i rises and her face
perspiration does not escape- '1he ch'i becomes hot, gently murmur to her.
extends to the "blood gate"; suck and When her nipples become hard and she
swallow, swaying in front. This opens perspires, slowly embrace her. When
the channels and loosens the sinews. her tongue spreads and becomes
Now observe the '"eight movements" to lubricious, slowly press her. When
determine the location of her ch'i; secretions moisten her thighs below,
understand the '•five sounds," which is slowly hold her. When her throat
later and which earlier. becomes dry and she swallows saliva,
These are the "eight movements' slowly agitate her. These are called the
"five signs" and the "five desires."
first is "joining hands." When all the signs appear you may
The second is "straightening the elbows mount her.
The third is • •calming the movement." If [the penisl is enraged but not large,
The fourth IS "extending the heels it means that the skin is not yet aroused
The fifth is '•cntwining thighs If it is large but not hard, it means that
The sixth is "quivering.' the sinews are not yet aroused. If it is
The seventh is "hooking from the hard but not hot, it means that the ch'iis
side." I-he eighth is '-hooking from not yet aroused. When the "'three
above. " These are thc "five sounds": arousals" have manifested you may
The first is breathing from the throat. penetratc_ The first exhaustion is when
The second is panting. the [chingl emitted is transparent and
The third is moaning. cold. The second exhaustion is when it
The fourth is exhaling air. has the odor of rotten bones. The third
The fifth is biting. exhaustion is when it is dry. The fourth
exhaustion is when it is congealed. The
Observe the "five sounds" to know her
fifth exhaustion is when it is dry. The
heart; observe the "eight movements" to
sixth exhaustion is when the Ching is
know her pleasure and openness _
like millet or sorghum. The seventh
'Joining hands" means that she dc exhaution is when it is obstructed. The
sires contact with her bellv_ eighth exhaustion is when it is oily. The
"Straightening her elbows" means that ninth exhaustion is when it is slimy.
she desires her upper body to be rubbed With the tenth exhaustion it is

brackish.14 When brackish, it once again

becotncs slippery and may [spontaneouslyl
be emitted in the early morning.
The first [part Of the female genitalia] is
called "hairpin channel.
The second is called "sealing net rope."
The third is callcd gourd The fourth IS
called ' 'tat wife.
The fifth is called "grain seed. •
The sixth is called • •wheat teeth. •
The seventh is called "'baby girl.'
The eighth is called "going back."
-rhe ninth is called • 'what dwelling."
The tenth is called "'red
The eleventh is called "red
The twelfth is caned rock. "15

Those who obtain this and refuse to let it


go only hasten the approach of death. Sni-

The pores become coarse; the waist and
"sealing net rope." When she exhales it
heart are destroyed; the lips become
means that thc voluptuous Sweetness is
completely white; and the perspiration
intense and she is beginning to
flows all the way to the feet. The
experience pleasure. Whe she bites and
afflictions of sexL1al exhaustion are
her body quivers it means that shc
wishes not to be abandoned but continue
Among the skills possessed by men,
tor a long time. Therefore, the male
a knowlege of women is
belongs to yang that is external and the
indispensibleWhen one does have a
femalc bclongs to yin that is internal.
woman, only the skillful are equal to the
The male should be rubbed on the
task _ Do not be too generous nor too
outside and the female should bc rubbed
controlling; do not be too taxing nor too
on the inside. This is called the art of
apprehensive. One must be slow and
yin and yang, or the principle of male
patient; one must be gentle and
and female. If one practices this without
sustained. If one acts as if finished hut
success, the fault lies in insufficient
not finished, the woman will be greatly
mastery of the art. The essence of
pleased _ When she breathes from her
dalliance is slowness. If onc proceeds
throat it means that being stimulated
slowly and patiently, the woman will bc
below she emits yin and is full of yang.
exceedingly joyful. She will adore you
When she pants it means that her eh"i is
like a brother and love you like a parent.
rising and her countenance naturally
Onc who has mastered this tau deserves
opens. When she moans it means that
to be called a heavenly gentleman.
her buttocks are sore and she moves her
Introduction shu (Shadow of the double plum tree
With the exception of lhc The Tung Hstian tzu is not listed in
Prescriptions ofSu ,Vü, all the works either the Han or Sui dynastic histories,
in this section are translated from first appearing in that of the T'ang, but it
reconstructions based on fragments shows every sign or being onc of the most
preserved in a Japanese compendium intact texts in the Ishimpö. Maspero
af Chinese medical literaturc, the attributes the authorship to the seventh
Ishimpö, compiled by Tamba century physician, Li Tung-hsäan, hut van
Yasuyori between 982 and 984. The
Gulik argues that the style and content
late Ch'ing-early Republican scholar
Yeh Tehoi (1864—1927) made the belong to the Six Dynasties Period (third
exciting discovery that titles in the — sixth centuries). The Prescriptions of
twenty-eighth section of the Ishimpö, Su Nü, by contrast, is listed in the Sui
"Fang-nei" (Art of the bedchamber), bihliography but is not found in the
closely corresponded to those listed Ishimpö fragmcnts_ Yeh's text of the
in the History of the Sni bibliography, Prescriptions is taken from Sun Hsing-
and concluded that these represented yen's Ping-chin kuan rs'ung-shu, which in
the survival at sexology classics long turn is based on thc T'ang work Wai-dui
since lost in China from the Han to pi-Yao fang by Wang T'ao, who cites
the T'ang- Ych included his Chen Ch'uan's Kuchin lu-yen as his
reconstructions of the Ishimpö source. Yeh supple- 83
sexology classics in a collection of Arr of the
rare works he saw published in 1903,
entitled Shunng-mei thing-an rs'ung-

The rang Classics Reconstructed

ments the five sections in Sun rulers alrcudy devc]oped this art four
text with two from Thousand ycars ago.
Sun (601— 682)
Ch'ien-chin Yao-fung (Priceless Methodologically, Ych assumed that
prescriptions) to bring the total the thirty thematic headings in the '"Art of
to seven, the number he feels thc Bedchamber" section of the Ishimpö
represents the state of the represented the standard order of
originaL appearance of topics in the original texts,
Another work published by and that dialogues involving the
Ych. but not translated in the Hsüan Nii and Ts'ai Nü
present anthology, is the ' 'Tu le originally helonged to a single classic- He
fu" (Prose-poem on the supreme is guided consistently by Tamha•s
joy), discovered in the Tun- emendations. rejecting only the most
huang material. The text bears speculativc ones. His explanation for the
the name of PO Hsing-chien relatively small number of passages
(died 826), younger brother of directly attributed to the Classic of Su Nü
the famous poet, PO Chi-i. but and his rationale for borrowing from other
bccause of its genre and the texts. especially 84 the Secrers of the Jude
excessive number of errata and Chamber, to fiesh out his own
lacunae, it did not make a good reconstruction of the Classic are best
candidate for translation. stated in his Preface:
Stylistically, it is closest io the
Tung nsüan tzu, even sharing The language of the Classic of Su is oftcn
some expressions and paralICI used in the opening passages Of the Secrets
of the Jude Chamber, the of rhe
passages. but in the end it is Jade Chamber, the Cldfsic of
more a poetical essay Chan an Physiognumy, and the Classic of Ohsre!
instructional manual rics. Thus (be Classic of Sn is the
Yeh Te-hui's motivation and progenitor of the art of the hedcharnher and
methodology have been touched all others draw upon it. Since this
on briefly ciscwhere in this knowledge was So readily available, there
studv, but the Preface to his was no need for the independent
reconstruction of the Classic of transmission of the Clussie Su
Su Nii veals his purpose most
plainly: Looking at the Classic of Su Nit and
Secrers of the Jade Chamber in light of
Today Western zuthorities nn the Ma Wang tui sexual texts: we may say
health and hygiene arc that from the point of view of content the
exceedingly thorough in their Classic and Secrers very closely parallel
study of d'I matters relating to
the recently discovered Han texts, but
diet and sex. Many new books
have been translated detailing the from the point of view of form, neither the
human sex organs, sexual goddess Su Nü nor any female initiatress
inLercourSc and n'_w theories on appears in the earlier works.
marital relations. The most By the tenth century, Tamba Yasuyori
ignorant fellow can hecome an was able to obtain only fragments of the
instant expert. But they do not texts in this section; and no originals,
realize that [he descendants of whole or fragmentary. yet have come to
China's holy emperors and divine light from this period. In style and content

the IshimpO fragments clearly are the

textual descendents of the Ma Wang
tui manuscripts. 'I'races of their
transmission up to the Ming, when
the Wondrous Discoursc was written
tn apparent mutation of the Classic of
Su ,Vü. are glimpsed but fleetingly in
official bibliographies and passing
literary references. Nothing survives
from the Sung, whose official history
still lists a few sexual titles, whereas
a number of important manuals have
come down to us from the Ming,
whose history lists nonc. There is a
gap of more than a thousand years
between the burial at Ma Wang tui
and 'l'amba's compilation of the
Ishimpö, yet they represent a direct
line of descent, and another five
hundred vears between the Ishimpö
and Wondrous Discourse. These may
be considered the maln trunk Of the
transmision whose branches include
the sexual connoisscurship of the
Tung IIsüan tZu, the yoga and
alchemy of Chang San-feng, and the
ritual of the Shang-ch'ing huangshu
kno-tu i.
The rang Classics Reconstructed
The Classic of Su Nü seraglio are many and it is important that he
know the proper method of intercourse .22 Its
Su Nü Ching essence lies in frequently Sui-
The Yellow Emperorl addressed a mounting young girls but only rarely
question to Su Nü2 saying, "My Ch'i3 is ejaculating_23 This makes a man•s body
weak and out of harmony. There is no joy light and eliminates the hundrcd ailments.
in my heart and I live in constant fear'
What is to be done?" Su Nii answered: Su Nu said:
All debility in man is due to violation of the In engaging the enemy24 a man should
tat.' Of intercourse between yin and yang_6 regard her as so much tiles Or Stone and
Women are superior to men in thc same himself as gold 01 jade. When his Ching is
way that water is superior to 6reF This aroused, he should immediately Withdraw
knowledge is like the ability to blend the from her territory. One should mount" a
"'five flavors"' in a pot to make delicious woman as if riding a galloping horse With
soup. Those who know the 'ao of yin and rotten reins Or as it fearful Of falling into a
yang can fully rcalizc the '•five deep pit lined with knife blades. If you
those who do not will die before their time treasure your Ching. your life will have no
limit. 29
without ever knowing this joy. 10 Can
afford not to view this with the utmost The Yellow Emperor addressed a
question to Su Nü saying: "If I were to
Su Nii continued: I I ' 'There is one refrain for a long time:; from intercourse.
called Ts'ai Nü12 who has a wondrous What would be the result?" Su Nü
knowledge of the arts of the tao answered:
King13 sent Tsai Nu to inquire of Peng That would be a grave mistake. Heaven and
Tsui' into the methods of attaining earth have their opening and closing, and
longevity and p•eng Tsu replied: 15 yin and yang their activities and trans•
forrnations_ Man must conform to yin and
By treasuring his ching.16 cultivating his yang and follow the four seasons. If you
spirit, and consuming herbs" a man may were to abstain from intercoursc, your
indeed attain tong life. However, if he is Spirit2S would have no Opportunity for
ignorant Of the tao of intercourse. the pansivcness, and yin and yang would be
taking of herbs will be of no benefit. blocked and Cut Off from one another, I
mutual fulfillment Of man and Woman tow could you thus strengthen yourself?
like the mutual dependence Of heaven and You must cultivate your eh 'i through
earth. Because heaven and earth have frequent practice29 and ••eliminate thc old
attained the 'ao Of union, 19 they are while absorbing the new"V' to improve
eternal; because mankind has lost the rao of yourself. the '-jade stalk" does stir, it dies
intercourse. he suffers the onset of early in its lair .31 so you tnuSt engage
death. If we could but avoid those things frequently in intercourse as a way Of
that gradually injure our bodics and learn exercising the body.32 To he aroused% but
the art Ofyin and yang, this would truly be not ejaculate is what is called "returning the
the tae Of immortality. Ching." When the Ching is retuned to
benefit the bodv. then the Of life-u has been
Ts'ai Nii bowed and said: "Will you realized>
instruct mc in the essential teach. ings?" The Yellow Emperor said: "How then
peng Tsu answered: should man and woman regulate their
This tan is easily understood; it is jltst that sexual relations?" Su Nii answcrcd;
men fail to practice it faithfully. 'I'0day the
Emperor controls the complex machinery of The Tao of intercourse has definite
rulcrship and cannot be a mastcr of all the charactcristics7' that enable man to preserve his
arts*' Ilowever, his responsibilities in the health and woman to be free of all illness- "lhey
Will be happy in their hearts and the power The Yellow Emperor asked: "What is
Of their ck'i will he strong. Those who are the rao of intercourse between yin and
ignorant Of its practice Will gradually grow yang?'• Su Nü answered:
weaker. If you wish to know this Tao, it
consists in settling the ch'i, calming the There are definite characteristics to the Tao
mind. and harmonizing the 85 of intercourse by which man develops his ch ii and
A ofthe woman eliminates all illness. The heart is
emotions." When the "three are gladdened and the eh'i Strengthened. Those who
awakened and the spirit is focused, then arc ignorant Of this Tao will be subject to decline.
when you ate neither cold nor hot, If you Wish to know this it consists in calming the
neither hungry nor full. completely mind, harmonizing thc emotions, and con the
settle the whole body.-u Now relax, spirit.4•2 Neither cold nor hot, neither full nor
penetrate shal• lowly, and move slowly hungry, you Should settle the body and compose
with infrequent thrusts and your thoughts.a• •men, with a relaxed attitude,
withdrawals. In this way the woman penetrate deeply and move slowly. Thrusts and
will bc satisfied and the man retain his withdrawals should he sparing. If you 86 observe
vigor. These arc the principles by these principles and are careful not to violate them,
Which to regulate one's sexual then woman will bc joyful and man will not
relations. decline.

The Yellow Emperor addrcsscd a The Yellow Emperor said: "Now when I try
question to Hsüan Nii saying: "l have to force% myself to have intercourse, my •jade
received Su Nil's teachings on yin and stalk' will not rise, I blush and feel
yang and begin to have a grasp of its embarrassed and beads of sweat the size of
principles. Will you instruct me pearls stand out-as Still, there is passionatc
further that I may fully understand its desire in my heart and I force myself with the
tao?" Hsüan Nü re. plied: aid of my hand. How can I regain my
strength? Please instruct me in the too." Su Nii
All movement in the world results from replied'
the interaction of yin and yang. When
yang unites with yin. yang is What Your Majesty inquires about is a common
transformed: when yin unites with condition. Whenever you Wish to have
yang, yin becomes open. Yin and yang intercourse With a woman thcrc is a prescribed
are mutually dependent in their Order Of things. You must first harmonize your
operations. Therefore, When man is ch'i46 With that of your partner before the "jade
roused. [his penisl becomes hard and stalk" will rise. Act in accord with your "five
strong, and when woman is moved lher constan• cies"47 and concentrate on the arousal
vaginal becomes open and enlarged. Of her "nine parts."4 The woman manifests
When the two ch'i (yin and yang) ••five colors'•O by which to assess her
mingle their Ching, then their fluids are satisfaction. Gather her overflowing Ching and
exchanged."' For the man there are take the liquid from her mouth .31
•'eight divisions" and tor the woman ching•ch'iSt Will be returned-e and transforrned
'Snine palaces "u If these are violated, in your own body, filling the brainp Avoid the
the man will suffer carbuncles and the prohibitions Of the "seven ills," employ the lav
woman:s menses Will be afflicted. A Of the ' 'eight benefits," and do not violate the '
hundred ailments Will appear and lite 'five con. stancies. 'i In this way the body may
will waste away, •ro know this 'ao is to be pre. served. When filled With healthy
he joyful and strong. The span of life what illness will not disappear! When the
will he lengthened and one's internal organs are at peace, one Will appear
countenance will become beautiful and radiant and glossy. Every time you have
radiant. intercourse there Wili be immediate
and your strength will increase a hundredfold.
When your enemy pays hom• agc to you, What
need is there shame?
The rang Classics Reconstructed
The Yellow Emperor said: "Sometimes time, he inserts the ' 'jade stalk." nose With large
during intercourse the woman is not [penises' should pcnetrate to a depth 01 One and
happy, she is not moved to passion .50 a half inches,ßt those whose [pe niscsl are Small
and her secretions do not flow. The •jade an inch. Without agitating. slowly Withdraw and
stalk' is not strong, but small and then penetrate again. This cures a hundred
ailments. DO not allow her secretions to spill
impotent.S7 What is the reason for this?"
forth from the four sides* When the ' •jade
Hsuan Nü answered: Stalk" enters the "jade gate," it naturally
Yin and yang respond to each other's becomes hot and excited. The woman's body
influence. Yang Without yin is unhappy; naturally will undulate upward to join the man's.
yin without yang Will not rise. SS When Now penetrate deeply, and every ailment of man
thc man desires intercourse but the woman and woman will disappear. Withdrawing to a
is not pleased, or if the woman desires shallow depth, stab her '•zither strings."" and
intercourse hut the man is not desirous. then penetrate three and a half inches. You
their hearts are not in harmony and their should keep your mouth closed while piercing
Chingchi is not aroused. If you move up her and count one, two. thrce. four, five. six,
and down suddenly and violently" the joy seven, eight, ninc.7a Now penetrate all the way
Of love will not bc shared. But when the to the sides Of the "rock Of and move hack and
man is desirous of the woman and the forth. With your mouth opposite hers, inhale her
woman is desirous Of thc man, and their practicing the method of ninc times nine. This
emotions are as onc, then they will both be then is the concluSui•
happy in their hearts. The woman is stirred Yellow Emperor asked: "What is meant
to thc quick and the man's "'stalk" is full of by the five constancies?" Su NO answered :
vigor. In full possession of his virility• the
man presses": her yü-shuQ as her Thc ''jade stalk" does indeed possess the Of the
secretions Overflow. The "jade stalk" ''five constancies. Dwell• ing in deep seclusion,
moves freely, now slowly and now fast, restrained and sclf• controlled, cherishing the
while the ••jade gate" opens and closes. highest virtue and carrying out its Work
Working but not wearying oneself. one unstintingly. the "jade stalk" desires to give Of
routs the mighty enemy. Absorbing her itself. This is "benevolence." The middle being
Ching and draw• ing in her ch'i, the "red empty is frighteOUness." The joint at the
chamber•• is irrigated.G3 Now allow me to extremity is Opropnety." TO rise when de,
elaborate the eight* possibilities that sirous and to rest when not. this is "good faith."
encompass all methods. These are Approaching the act, it fluctuates between high
extension and contraclion. lying face down and low.3•q 'Ibis is "intelti. gence. " nterefore
Or face up,63 advancing and Withdrawing, the man Of true Wisdom" relies on the "five
flexing and folding.66 I hope Your constancies" and exercises restraint. Although in
Majesty Will faithfully carry out these pats his "benevolence" he desires to give of him. self,
and never be guilty of Violating them his Ching Will suffer if it is not main. tained
intact.*n In ' •righteousness" he preServes its
The Yellow Emperor asked: it emptiness, for clearlv onc must not permit it to
important that one follow certain methods be overly This is the path Of prohibition,
in the art of yin and yang?" Su Nü but when it is appropriate to give of oneself,
then doing so with "propriety" shows restraint.
Carry• ing this Out with sincerity demonstrates
When you are preparing to mounte•S a One's '•good faith." •nuts one must under. stand
Woman, first have her recline the of intercourse. If one sue. ceeds in following
comfortablyro and bend her knccs. The man the Constancies,•• One will achieve longevity,
positions himself bctwccn them. kissing her Yellow Emperor asked: "How Can I tell if
mouth and sucking her tongue. the woman is experiencing pleasure?" Su Nü
Brandishing70 his "jade stalk," he attacks answered:
the east and west sides Of her ••gate.••
After carrying On in this manner for a short
Thcrc arc ''five "five desires," and also ''ten its peak. Ninth, when she stretches out and
movements" by which you may Observe relaxes, it means that pleasure tills hcr entire
her transformations and understand their body. Tenth, when her secretions are copious, it
causcs. These are the Stages Of arousal means that her Ching has been released. By
rcprescnted by the "five signs." first, when Observing these effects you may know the
her face is flushed, Slowly press her to you_ degrees Of her pleasure."
Second, when her breasts are hard and
perspiration appears on her nose, slowly The Yellow Emperor said: "l am desirous of
enter her. Third, When her throat is dry and intercourse, but my 'jade stalk' will not rise.
she swallows Saliva, slowly begin to move Should I force myself to perfornl or not?"
inside her. Fourth, When her private parts Hsüan Nü answered: "Absolutely not!
are well lubricated, slowly penetrate her According to the tae Of desiring Intercourse,
more deeply. Fifth, When her secretions the man manifests90 'four levels'91 that in turn
spread Out Over her buttocks, then slowly bring about the woman's 'nine ch'i_"' The
Withdraw. Yellow Emperor asked: '"What are the 'four
levels?" ' Hsüan Nü answered:
Su Nü continued: If the "jade stalk" is not aroused. it means that
the "ch'i of has not vet arrived. If it is
These are the ••five desires" by which you may
arouscd but not large, it means that the '-flesh cWi"0i
know her responses. First, if thcrc is desire in her
has not yet arrived. If it is large hut not stiff, it means
mind for union. she will hold her breath Second,
that the "bone ck'i" has not yet arrived. If it is stiff but
when her private
Art the
not hot, it mcans that the "spirit chi" has not yet
arrived. Thcrcforc_ amusal is the dawn Of the Ching;
parts dcsirc contact," her nostrils and mouth largeness is the threshold of the Ching; stiffness is the
will widcn. Third, when her Ching desires portal of the Ching; and hotness is the door Of the
to bc excited,S6 she Will quake, quiver, and cking.'-u When the four ck'i have arrived, and they are
embrace the man. Fourth. when her heart regulated by means Of the taO,OS then one Will not
desires complete satisfaction,87 foolishly release the mechanism nor shed the ching_g6
perspiration will soak her gar ments_ Fifth,
when her desire for orgasm reaches the Yellow Emperor said: "How
greatest intensity , her body will go straight wonderful! But how can one come to
and her eyes close. rCCognize the woman's 'nine ch'i?"' Hsüan Nü
Su Nü said: answered
The effects represented by the "'ten You may rccognizc thc "ninc ch'i" by
movements" are. first. When she embraces observing" them. When a woman brcathcs
the man with both arms, she desires their heavily and swallou•s her saliva, the '"lung
bodies to be close and their private parts to has arrived. Whcn she makes sound9S and
come together. Second, when she stretches kisses the man, it mcans that her "hedrt cWi"
out her legs, rub the upper portion [Of her has arrived. When she embraces and holds the
vulval •Illird. when she distends her belly, it man, it means that her "spleen ch'i'• has arrived.
means that she desircs shallow When her "yin gate" becomes slippery and wet,
penetration.88 Fourth, when she movcs her it means that her "kidney ch'i"YY has arrived.
buttocks, it means that she is cxpcricncina When in the throes of passion she bites the man,
great pleasure. Fifth, when she raises her legs it means that her "bone ch'i" has arrived. When
to encircle him, it means that shc dcsires him she entwines her feet around the man, it means
to penetrate more dccply_ Sixth, when she that her "'sinew ch'i" has artived. When she
pre*ses her thighs together, it means that her strokes the "jade stalk," it means that her "blood
internal sensations arc be• coming ch'i" has arrived. When she fondles the man's
overwhelming. Seventh, when shc moves nipples, it means that her "flesh chi" has
from side 10 side, it means that she desires arrived.NXl Having intercourse for a long
deep thrusts to the left and right. Eighth, time,101 may play with her ' 'seed"lU2 to
when she arches her body against the man's, stimulate her desire, and all of the • 'nine ch'i"
it means that her sexual pleasure has reached will arrive. If they fail to arrive, then one may
The rang Classics Reconstructed
suffer harm. 103 One should then carry out
the appropnatc numbcr104 to rcmcdy it.

The Yellow Emperor said: have never

heard an explanation of the socalled 'nine
methods.' Could you set them forth and
analyze their signifIcanceu s so that I
might treasure them as in a vault of stone
and practice them?' Hsiian Nii replied
The first of the "nine methods" is called
"flying dragon. "1116 Have the woman lie
flat on her back facing up, while the man
lies face down on top of her with his thighs
buried in the bed. The woman should raise
her private parts to receive the "jade stalk."
The man should stab her ' 'grain sced" and
attack the upper part [Of her vulval. Now
undulate slowly according to the method of
"eight shallow and two deep" and "thrust
dead and withdraw live. In this way your
powerlLS will be robust and
Tke Classics Reconstructed

strong and thc woman will be beside stalk" and stab her "baby girl."'2u Alternate deep
herscIfLC19 and wild with joy.llt' Lock and shallow to the proper mea, sure. Strike her '
yourself secure:lylll and a hundred •seed" squarely121 and the woman will
ailments will disappear. experience great joy. Her body Will naturally
The second posture is called "tiger writhe and undulate as her Ching secretions pour
stance.' '112 Have the woman lie on her forth. Now penetrate to her innermost dcpth.
stomach with buttocks raised and bead she reaches orgasm, stop. In carrying put
facing down. The man kncc]s behind her this method be sure not to lose your Ching Sui-
and embraces her belly. Then he inserts the T'ang
"jade stalk" and stabs her innermost center_
It is important to be deep and intimate. and your strength will increase a
Move in and out, pressing tightly together. hundredfold.
Carry on for a count Of five times eight, 1 The sixth posture is callcd "phoenix
13 and when the proper degree is reached. soaring." Have the woman lie fiat an her
the woman's private parts will close and back and raise her legs- "'he man kneels
open by turns and her Ching secretions between her thighs supporting himself
overtiow. Now you may Stop and rest. "Ihis with both hands on the mat. Penetrate
deeply with the "jade stalk" and stab her
prevents a hundred ailments and increases a
"'rock of k'un_" Stiff and hot, hc should
man's virility.
stick inside her ,122 while she moves her
third posture is called "monkey's
body for a count of threc times eight. As
attack.' • Have the woman lic on her back their buttocks press tightly together and
The man uses his shoulders to push her her private parts open up, she naturally
thighs and knees back beyond her chest emits her Ching secretions. When the
114 until both buttocks and back arc woman has reached orgasm, stop, and a
clcvatcd. HC now inserts the "jade stalk" hundred ail• ments will cease.
and stabs hcr "Odiferous mouse.' 'IIS The The seventh posturc is called "rabbit
woman, intensely excited,116 begins tn licking its fur_•• The man lies Rat on his
move as her Ching secretions pour forth back and stretches out his legs. The
like rain. The man should press deeply woman straddles him with her knees
with great strength, as if enraged. When On the Out side, her back to his
the woman has reached orgasm, Stop, head and facing his feet. She inclines her
and a hundred ailments will he cured. head forward while supporting herself
The fourth posture is called • 'cicada with her hands on the mat- Now he
clinging." Havc thc woman lie Eat on her should insert his • 'jade stalk and stab
stomach with her body stretched out long her "zither strings " When the woman
The man lies on top of her, face down, reaches orgasm,lZ4 her Ching secretions
and deeply inserts the "jade stalk." He will gush forth like a spring. Joy and
raises her buttocks slightly to press hcr happiness move her body and soul.
"red pearl' '117 and continues for a count When she has reached Orgasm _ Stop.
of six times nine. When she is in the and a hundred ailments will never appear
throes of passion her Ching will now. _
intenor of her private parts pulses The eighth posture IS called "fishes
urgently, while the extertor opens and touching their scales together." The man
After she has reached orgasm you may lies on his back while the woman
stop. The '"seven m] uncs- will naturally straddles him with her two thiehs facing
disappear. forward Enter slowly, and after slight
Thc fifth posture is called "turtle penetration, Stop and go no deeper, like a
rising." 119 Have the woman lie flat on child sucking the breast. The woman
her hack with both knees bent. The man alone should move, and they should stay
then pushes them until her feet reach her this way for a long time. When the
breasts. Pcnetrate deeply with the "jade woman reaches Orgasm. thc man should
Tke Classics Reconstructed

withdraw, and all conditions of

stagnation and accumulation126
will be curcd.
The ninth Nsture is called
"cranes with necks entwincd.
"12* The man sits in •
•winnowing basket" pose,l and
the woman straddles his thighs
with her arms around his neck _
Insert the "jade stalk" and stab
her "wheat teeth."'29 being sue to
strike her "seed." The man should
embrace the woman's Ouctocks
to aid her undulations. When the
woman feels satisfied, her Ching
secretions will overflow. After
the woman reaches Orgasm, stop,
and the "'sevcn injuries" will
naturally he cured

Su Nii said: "1n uniting yin and

yang there are •seven ills' and 'eight
benefits_ 89
Art of rhe has the woman raise her buttocks
and kneel on top of him. taking his
The first Of the beneti[s is called "stalk" deeply inside her _ Havc thc
"strengthening the ching_" Have the woman woman carry out seven times nine
lie on her side with her thighs spread open, strokes and. when the count is
The mun lies on his side between them and finished, Stop. I his makes a man
carrics out a count of two times nine strokes. 90 strong and cures irregular menses
When thc count is finishcd, Stop. Ihis women. Practice this seven times daily for
strengthens the man's Ching and cures ten davs and one will be cured.
bleeding in women. Practice this me-ice The seventh benefit is called "increasing
daily for fifteen days and one will be cured. the fiuids_" Have the woman lie face down
The secund benefit is called -'calming the and raise her posterior. The man mounts her
chi." Have the woman lic on her back with and carries out eight times nine strokes.
her head resting on a high pillow. She When the count is finished, stop. This fills
should spread her thighs while the Inan the bones.
kneels between them and stabs her. Carry The eighth benefit is called "regulating
out a count of three limes nine strokes and. the whole bodv."l'i Hayc thc woman lic on
when finished, stop. This hal'monizes the her back and bend her thighs so that her feet
man's ck'i and cures coldness of the female touch beneath her buttocks. The man makes
"gate." Practice this three times daily for use Of his thighs and ribs to stab her-I'S He
twenty days and One will be cured. carries out nine time nine strokes and, when
The third benefit is called • 'profiting thc the count is finished, Stop. This causes the
internal organs. "13' Have the woman lie on man's bones to be fu]t and cures
her side and draw up her thighs. The man malodorousness of the female's private
lies transversely and stabs her _ Carry out a parts. Practice ninc times daily for nine
count Of four timcs nine strokes and then days and one Will be cured.
Stop. This harmonizes the man's ck'i and
also cures coldness Of the female -'gate." Su Nii said:
Practicc this four times daily tor twenty days
and onc will be cured. The first Of the ' 'seven ills' • is called
The fourth benefit is called "strcngthcn• haustion Of the ch'i."137 '"hose who suffer
ing the bones. " Have the woman lie on her from "exhaustion Of the ch'i" lack desire.
side, bend her left knee. and strclch out her When they forcæ themselves to pertörm,
right thigh. The 'nan lies on top and stabs they perspirens and feel weak. This
her. Carry Dul five times nine strokes and, condinon causes heat in the heart and
when the count is finished, slop. This blurred vision. The cure is to have the
regulates the joints of the man's body and wO[nan lie flut On her back while the [nan
Curcs blocked menses in women. Practice Supports her two thighs on his
this five timcs daily for ten days and one shoulders139 and deeply penetrates her.
will be curcd_ Have the woman execute the movements
The fifth benefit is called ' 'regulating the herselfl'U' and, when the Ching comes
circulation. Have the woman lie on her side, forth. Stop. 'l'hc (nan should refrain from
bend her right knee, and stretch out her left orgasm. Practice this nine times daily for
thigh. The man supports himself on the ten days and one will be cured _
ground and stabs her Carry out six times The second ill is called "overflow Of
nine strokes and. when the count is Ching: ' Those who suffer from -'averfiow
complete, Stop. This Opens and promotcs Of Ching" are greedy and perform the act
the man's blood circulation and also cures before yin and yang have been properly
cramps in the woman's "gate. practice this harmonized. In this way. thc Ching
six times daily for twenty days and one overBows in mid-course. Another cause is
be cured. intercourse during intoxication. 142 When
sixth benefit is called "nurturing the one is panting and the chi is upset. the lungs
blood.' * The man lies fiat nn his back and are harmed. This can cause gasping cough
Tke Classics Reconstructed
and "emaciation-thirst" symptoms. may also should refrain from orgasm _ Practice this
he [excessive] joy or angcr, or depre«on, parched nine times daily for ten days and one Will
mouth, fever. and difficulty in standing for a long be cured.
time. To remedv this, have the woman lie on her The sixth ill is called the "hundred
back, bend her knees, and takc thc man between blockages. '•Isa The ' 'hundred blockages:
thcm_ The man should shallowly insert his -'jade result when one has overindulged in sex
stalk" to a depth of an inch and a half and have the Sui-T'ang
perform the movements herself. When the woman's
With womcn,l$l spcnding oncsclf
Ching comes forth, stop. The man should refrain
Without restraint. Repeated intercourse
from orgasm. Practice this nine times daily for ten
without the proper measure exhausts the
days and one Will bc cured.
Ch'i. When one forces Oneself to
The third ill is called ' 'weak pulse."' •u Those
who Suffer "weak pulse" fotce themselves to ejaculate, but the Ching is exhausted and
perform, and although the private part is not hard, does not come forth, a hundred ailments
they force thetnselves to ejaculate in mid-course. If all appear together. One suffers
one engages in intercourse When the e/' i/ is "emaciation-thirst" symptoms and
exhausted or one is full from eating. this injures the blurred vision. The remedy is to have the
spleen and causes digestive problems, impotence, man lie flat on his back, While the
and insufficiency Of Ching. TO remedy this, have woman straddles him and, inclining
the woman lie on her back and wrap her legs forward, supports herself on the mat.
around the man's thighs. The man supports himself Have the woman inscrt the "jade stalk"
on the mati'> and penetrates her. Have the woman and move herself.lS2 When her Ching
perform the movements herself and, when ber comes forth, stop. The man should
ching comes forth. stop. The man Should refrain refrain from orgasm. Practice this ninc
from orgasm. practice this nine times daily for ten times daily for ten days and One Will be
days and one Will be cured. cured.
The fourth ill is called leakage." •'C,h'i leakage" The seventh ill is called "exhaustion
results when one engages in sexual intercourse in a of the blood." ' •Exhaustion 0t the blood"
condition of fatigue and before perspiration has is the result Of union While perspiring
dried. This causes heat in the abdomen and parched from the effort of physical exertion or
lips, To curc this have the man lie on his back the walking in haste. After both are finished
woman him and facing his feet. The woman one lies back and continues to press to
supports herself on the mat"b and shallowly takes the very root with violence and passion.
the "jade stalk" into her, Have the woman perfortn ISS From this comes scrious illness,
the movements, and when her elhing comes forth, Rcpcatcd ejaculation with. Out rest
Stop, The man should not reach orgasm. practice results in drying up of the blood and
this nine times daily for ten days and onc will bc exhaustion of the c/"i. ms causes
cured. dcficieney and drawing of the skin, pain
The fifth ill is caned "injury to the joints.' '147 in the "stalk," dampness in the scrotum,
This results trom forcing oneself to have sex and blood in the semen. TO remedy this
immediately after urination or moving the bowels have the woman lie on her back, raise her
when the body is not yet settled. 'l•his injnres the buttocks high and spread her thighs. The
liver. Another cause is hurried and violent relations man kneels between them and deeply
and unregulated pacc_ [Jnrcgu]atcd pace wearies pencIrates her. Have the woman move
the sinews and hones, causes h]ur• red vision, and herself, and when her Ching cm-nes
both carbuncles and ulcers appear. There is a forth, stop, The man should refrain from
general failure Of the circulatory System and, if the orgasm, Practice this nine times daily for
condition persists, a tendency to withering of the ten days and one will be cured,
body and impotence. TO remedy this have the man
IVai Nii asked: 'Vlhe pleasure of
lic flat on his back with the woman straddling his
thighs. She kneels forward and slowly presses him intercourse lies in ejaculation. Now if a
into her. DO not allow the woman to move herself- man locks himself and refrains from
When the woman's Ching comes forth, the man
sion, where is the pleasure?" P'eng Tsu -113tilS S! os JO âuyulm e s!
answered: uaaq seq qsag oqa lequ saue.yptl! t15!qM
JO .úp•eas pup s! puooas
When Ching is emitted the whole body feels -u! uaaq spq aqu salt3!ptt! SNI •uonelnae(a
weary. One suffers buzzing in the cars and uggnsal o: ato S!
drowsiness in the eyes; the throat is parched and •au!pop S.unu_l e 40 suâ!S aAg alaqu
the joints heavy. Although there is brief •pa3eJ1t)0.1003 pop atp pup aoq aq IO aq
pleasure.L5a in the end therc is discomfort. If, pue iugqspnog s! S.uet_u e uaqM
however, onc engages in sex without emission,
then the strength of our ch'i wilt be more than :pnqda. nsx 9ua.d ,
suficient and our bodies at ease. One's hearing 10 s.ugu_l aipn( "cut qoyqm
will be acute and vision clear. Although Kq sujls aqa :mes (
exercising selfcontrol and calming the passion,
love actually incrcases, and one remains -noega pue
unsatiated_ How can this be considered 'aocad anoql!h-i IPJ2.%as oqM
unpleasurable? •.úxys :sed asotu pup sopunqno dopaap ISOI
s! quq8ya atu pue •2uprtnoe!a pug
O: 8uuq ll!" tPJ!q asoqM 001 S'.qastuaql IOt1 Isncu 76 s!
>S-04m uaR e "uo alelnsega Kew
ualp Rato •Kpoq ug II!IS ale Kaql J!
10 "lu!" aql le •uouelnaega
-l!tp s! qaua,vs aqJ, Egl•op Áaqt .Iatp.mJ 1001; pur 'fiunp d01S
u! aunuogs!tu 'Moq plnoqs poqaeol aSO\LL
r duvnp pa,yaauoo uupl!t15 s! q1X!S aq-L •sAep u! sp10 Ãug
zofSaat110tu 8001C -"Lu 01 011x, JO pue 's"p ug asuo
Éuvnp tlõlpl!qo s' tpJy 'DO/ ti! 3500
01 qtun33ns Kl!'sea •sÃep _lnoy u! a3ti0 01
•ualealtll pue s! uaxeaq IO smone ns 10
-Iqa!l puc 'apuntp dtl!mp ua.rp quno/ aqJ, 191 tupelnoe!a plnoqs
-,ünÇu! pue Sauo Inq aauo
-ap ICO!sÁqd lagns oqm ato JO •n3cra "etu sauo pue «ep u!
8u!Jnp pa,yaauoa s! puro anuo
10 yeap ue 'antu tuoq Retu JO uaul muo pue «ep
100 'oqm papmisqo sg pup u5Apaq 3AtJ aouo
JO 5to uaqq paspo uaupl!tp pumas au aucud Áng JO uau *uons • irlo;
oqM sauo pup «pp u!
•saunuojs! 3u!LJ,. p! Jo uau •sÁep ug anuo sauo
Ohe cn oq auo uo!un JO atal IV •
qu_10M ato u! Sun' pup upa' JO uo!un
qu_m su!8aq uctunH
M01PA aq-L
• Plogpupunq e dopsap
s. auo JO tllñuans aqu palpttnq e
unoqlk\•, aunou_1 01 s'! ,ipõu pue useq pue 01
asoql JO IIV •Ãpoq aloqm
01 saueaypu! qo!qm
IO poe sg qug atu •paln(ug uaaq
Sauoq leql sunatu qa!tlN, caolOJ
pattlnae[a aq 01 Yuyp atli lo am1!CJ S'
atu - 01
Tke Classics Reconstructed
ssugq tusesw •tuseS10 galo; pug yo q1Suans ava 02 SugpJ033e Isnu_l puc PIO 'ssau pue laadsal lawp

-al ns Inoqe 3M plnoqs moq 'uaupeqa 01 aJ!sap ax 'laxamoH -sp!ng s.auo unsea]1 pue Stotp
au!S01 u!eAJô1 01 s! Ñu!tpeol leguassa aqL„ nN nS 01 uopsanb e possuppe J0Jadtug MOIPA
•sleuotntll! JO
—uo pue uotssttua unoqug.u
Korua pue u0!sSuua Spe • JueypeJ aq m ipoq sasneo uo!
ssyura anot13!M s:oe •qd!qa pue s»ponnq
01 .•aMOd uaAaS • \acq puc suatllauans
saxetu uoyss!tua spr -aoead le lle *Ag, , puc
•s!w3 Inoql!m sne •xpaddRsgp suuatu sa*eu• uogss!tua
'.rcap aql pug ame õugeoq Si5e OM.L ato sa.%teua auo

unot11!M xas JO saSmueApe oqu JO aeaq 01 qs!." ;pyS 10Jadtua mollaA

aaqumqopag Jo J,' V
Tke Classics Reconstructed

children conceived on the nights Of the secretions should be copious. They should be
first and last quarters of the moon, or the hetween twenty-five and thirty yearsns of agc
full moon , who will become bandits and and never have borne children. While having
wildly reckless. 1M The ninth is children intercourse with them, their sccrctions should
conceived after intoxication or flow generously and they should move with
overeating, who will be afficted with abandon. Their perspiration should flow freely
insanity. ulcers, hemorrhoids. and sores. and they should follow the movcment5 of the
man. If a man can
Su Nü said
Sup rang
There is an established method]"' for
Obtaining children. Purify the heart and find this kind of woman, even if he does
banish al) cares, comp)se your girdle and not practice the prescribed methods, it
gcnvn,162 maintain humilitylfß and an will do him no harm.
attirude of solemnity. Then 00 the third The following are taboo days of the
day following the cessation of menses, bedchamhcr; . thc last and first days Of
after midnight and before cockcrow, the moon, the first and last quarters Of
begin to engage in foreplay until she is the moon, the six ting or six ping
fully aroused. Now go with her, adapting days Of the sexegenary the "p•o
to her ways and sharing her joy. days."l the twenty-eighth ot the month,
Withdrawi7U the body slightly and eclipses of the sun and moon,181 high
ejaculate, being Sure not to penetrate too winds, heavy rains, earthquakes.
deeply, but only to the "wheat teeth resounding thunder and lightning, great
Further than this and one will have cold or heat,162 and the five days Of
passed the "child's gate"172 and will fail "bidding farewell and welcom n of each
to enter the "child's door. "173 If one of the four seasons. "Ihese taboos should
follows the proper methods, the children be most strictly observed during one's
begotten will be virtuous174 and long Terrestrial Branch year. 134 One must
lived. not unite yin and yang on the sexegenary
cycle days ping-Izu and ring• ch•ou
Su Nii said: following the summer solstice and
In uniting yin and yang one must avoid keng•sken and ksin•yu following thc
certain taboos. Partners who takc advan• wintcr solsticc,iSS as well as whcn one
tage of the time when thc ch'i is most has just washcd thc hair or completed d
vigorous"5 will bear long-lived offspring. long trip, when tired, ovcrjoycd, or
If man and Wife are both advanced in enraged. Men in their declining years
age, although they may be able to should not foolishlyl•'h shcd their Ching.
conceive, the resulting children will be Su Nii continued her discourse.
short lived.
One tnust nol have intercourse on the
The Yellow Emperor said: "'What are sixteenth day of the fifth lunar month
the physical traits by which a man may when heaven and earth are mating, TO
recognize a woman suitable for transgress this brings sure death within
intercourse?" Su NO answered: three years. How can this be verified? On
the eve of this daysimply hang a onc-foot
Women possessing the appropriate traits piece Of new cloth from an eastern wall.
arc by nature gentle and soft spoken. Look at it on the following day and it
Their silky hair should be jet black, their will be stained the color of blood. This
flcsh tender, and bones fine. They should should bc strictly avoided.
be neither too tall nor too short, neither
too fat nor too slight. Their ' •bore hole" Ts'ai Nü asked: '"How is it that some
should be elevated136 and the private suffer the illness of intercourse with
parts without hair. 19' Their Ching ghosts?" P'eng Tsu answered:
Tke Classics Reconstructed

This occurs when yin and yang do not

have an opportunity to interact, and one's
desire becomes overwhelming. Then
ghosts and demoms assume human
appearance and engage in intercourse
with thccru In the art Of intercourse they
are superior to human beings. Those who
indulge in this for a long time become
deranged. They keep it secret and hide it
from the world, not daring to tell others.
Cnnsidering this something sublime ,188
they thus cnd up dying by themsclvcs
without anyone knowing the causc. If one
is amicted with this condition, the
rcmcdy is simply to have the man Or
woman engagc intercuurse for a whole
day and night without the man
ejaculating. Sufferers1&Y will surely be
cured within 93
Art the Bedckumber

Of from the antler and combine it With one

raw eight-point aconite root Take a
seven days. If one is physically too ••square-inch spoonful" three times daily.
exhaustcd tv engage in active then The effect is very good. One can also'"
Simply penetrate deeply and do not simmer'" the deer horn until it turns
move. Ibis also is beneficial. If untreated, slightly yellow and take this by itself.
one Will be dead within a few years. If This also helps to preserve youth, but the
you Want to verify the truth of this. go effect is slower and not as good as
out in thc spring Or autumn to a place combining it with aconite root. Take this
deep in the mountains Or great marshes. for twenty days and one Will feel a great
Say and do nothing*" but simply Stare effect. One can also addÄ'I to the deer
Off into the dis• tance, concentrating horn an equal amount of tuckahoe root
your thoughts exclu• Sively On sexual and sieved. Takc ••square-
relations. After three days and three inch spoonful" three times daily. This
nights, the Ix»dy will become höt and givcs a man long life and prevents
cold hy turns, the mind will become declining vigor in the bedroom.
troubled and the vision blur-rcd. A
WX*nan Will then appear to a man or a The Yellow Emperor asked Su Nii a
man to a woman. When they engage in question aod she replied.
intercourse. the pleasure will exceed that
enjoyed With Ordinary human Y*ings_ A *Oman Of twenty-eight or nine may
However, me Will become ill of a disease appear like twenty-three or four. She is
most difficult to cure. This is a result Of full Of yin-ch •i and uncontrollably
the evil influence Of resentment for being desirous Of a man. Food has l•cbt its
without a mate cursing later generations. taste, there arc palpitations in her pulse
In the case Of virgins or women of high and on testing, her "Ching pulse" is full.
position who suffer restrictions on having Secretions stain her gararnt.S and
sexual relations With men, the remedy is parasites resembling borsctails three-
to burn several lianglß Of sulphur. and inches long appear in her private parts.
use this to fumigate the woman's body Those with red heads are sluggish. While
below her private parts. She should also those with black heads cause frothing.
take a "square-inch spoon 01 The remedy is to form Wheat dough into
powdered deer horn and she be cured. the shape Of a "jade stalk" of any
You Will behold the ghost wecp• ing it Sired length or size. Apply and wrap with
departs. Another is to take two lengths Of cotton cloth. lnsert it into
onc '•square-inch spoonful" of deer horn the private parts and When the worms
for three days, adjusting dosage to, withdraw it and 'ben reinsert- This
progress of the cure. is as effective as if One had secured the
services Of the imperial physician. The
Ts'ai Nu said: have heard you speak maximum of worms is thirty and the
on the matter Of intercourse. May I now minimum twenty.
venture to ask about taking drugs and
which are effective?" p•eng Tsu
TO make a man strong and youthful. Prescriptions Of Su Mi
protect him from loss of strength in the Su Nü fang
bedroom, and help him retain his color,
nothin SurpaSCS deer horn. The metho Yellow Emperor addressed a
Of preparation is to shave ten liang Of questiOn to Su Nü saying:

Art the Bedckumber

Men are endowed With equal amounts Of

yin and yang ck'i. Howcver, Often in the
exercise of his yang, a man first suffers
amtction in the cars and cyes.i Although it
is somcthing he is very fond of. be may
fail to achieve erection. his strength may
clinc_ and he may be unable to
maintain robust health. May venture to
ask what is the remedy?

Su Nü answered:
What Your Majesty asks about is
thing that affects all people. interplay Of
yin and yang in the body is determined by
relationship with women. Because Of the
danger Of shortening one's life, a man
self-control think only Of lust for
women. Those Who violate this prixiple
will exhaust their Strength. One must not
fail to be mindful Of the conditiom
producing the ••seven

The Clmssics
ills." To be constantly aware and vigilant is the taboos relates to the times immediately after
(ao of long life. If illness and disease appear, bathing when the head,
they must be addressed with medicines. The Sui•T'ang Recon.srrucred
violations I have mentioned are seven* The
body, and hair are wet, or after heavy work
first set Of taboos relate to the last or first days
when the sweat pours down like rain. TO have
Of the moon, the first or last quarters Of the intercourse at these times Will surely bring
moon, the full moon, and the six ling days Of harm if there is a cold wind. The Iower abdomen
the sexegenary cyclc.N Intercourse on these will become acutely painful, the lower back
days will damage the Ching Of one's aching and stiff, the four limbs sore and painful,
make a man impotent in the face of the and the Five Viscera sensitive. It may rise up to
enemy. cause frequent spontaneous erections,6 attack thc head and face or cause dischargc
red Or yellow coloration Of the urine, bclow_ The seventh taboo relates to sudden
spermatorrhea, and earlv death. 'I he second set erection of the "jade stalk" while speaking with a
of taboos relates to thunder and lightning and woman. To have intercourse at this time, without
Wind and rain, for these are times when yin benefit of propriety to guard your ck'i, causes the
and yang are obscure. heaven and earth pores to opcn and pain and injury to the inside of
tremble, and the sun and moon arc without tbc ' 'stalk." Externally, it disturbs the body's
luster. Intercourse at thesc times Will produce musculature and internally injures the Bowels
childrcn who arc mad, deaf, blind, mute, and Visccra. If this happens on the first night Of
absent minded Or forgetful, emotionally marriage, it may stop up the ears and cause the
disturbed, alternately happy and anxious, or vision to became blurred, One may become
depressed. The third set of taboos relates to fearful and subject to fits of joy and
immediately after eating and drinking when forgetfulness. One will feel as if there is a pestle
the energy of the food has not yet been pounding in the diaphragm and begin coughing.
distributed, the stomach is full, and the Five The internal organs will be severely damaged.
Viscera scnsitive. TO have intercourse at these This is also extremely weakening to the woman.
times will result in injury to the Six Bowels; One must not Elil to guard against this. The
red, white, Or yellow coloration of the urine; resultsof transgrassing these seven taboos have
pain in the lower back and stiffness in the head already been graphically described. However.
and back of the neck; Or swelling and disten heaven has providcd marvelous medicines and
sion Of the chest and abdomen. This there are remedies to cure them.
destruction of the body and early dcath accord
perfectly with thc laws of nature. "Ihc fourth The Yellow Emperor addressed a question
sct of taboos relates to the time just after to Kao-yang Fug saying-
urination when the Ching-chi is weak, the
"nutritive ch'?'3 is unstable, and the "defensive I know that Su Nii clearly understands the
ch'i"8 not yet deployed. TO have intercourse at meridians, Viscera. and Bowels and conditions
this time makes d man suffer deficiency Of deficiency and excess. She understands the
syndrome, blockage of yin and yang•ch'i, and "five ills"10 and '*seven injuries" of the male,
loss Of appetite. The abdomen will feel and blockages of yin and yang, red or white
bloated and full Of knots, and one will be vagina] discharge, and infertility in the female.
uneasy. absent minded, or subject to Men are endowed with equal amounts Of yin
inappropriate joy and anger as if mad. The and yang chi; what then are the causes of their
fifth set of taboos relates to the times after illnesses? I unuld like to inquire and request an
work or a long journey on foot when the body explanation.
is weary, the "nutritive ck'Ü' is not yet settled,
and the "'defensive ch'i" not yct deployed. If He replied: •This is a profound question! The
one has intercourse at these times, the cWi Of diseases associated with the 'five ills,' 'six
the internal organs will interfere with each exhaustions,'ll and •seven injuries' of the male all
Other. It causes deficiency of ch'i, shortness of have their root causes and symptoms." The
breath, dryness of the lips and mouth, Emperor said: "Wonderful! I would like to hear
perspiration, indigestion, distenSian in the all about the illnesses associated with the 'seven
chest and abdomen. soreness in a hundred injuries.' " He replied: "The first is perspiration of
places, and restlessness. The sixth set Of the private parts _ The second is weakness of the
private parts The third is transparency of the Halloysirum rubrum. fen. If one suffers internal
Ching. pathology, increase by one-third. Radix
Of rehmanniae glutinosae (dried Chinese foxglove
root), 7 fen. If onc suffers fever accompanied by
The fourth is scarcity of the Ching. The fifth is dampness
irritability Or oppression, increase by Onethird.
and itching below the private parts. The sixth is
infrequent (Chinese
urination. The seventh is impotence and wild ginger), fen. If one suffers unclear
inability to successfully perform the sex act. These are increase by one third. Radix
the Symptoms associated with the 'seven injuries:" The scsloidis, 4 fen. If one suffers
Yellow Emperor said: "If these are the •seven in. juries,• syndrome, increase by One
what is their cure?" He answered:
There is a marvelous medicine suitable for all fourfen. seasons
If the genitals are clammy and itchy, increase
which is called (tuckahoe root). Whether spring, by autumn,
winter, or summer, the cure should follow Radixthe dipsaci (Japanese teasel root), 4 fen. If one
conditions Of the illness. If the illness is ' 'cold" add ••hot" hemorrhoids. double. Semen cnidii
herbs; if the illness is "warm," use same ••cool" liquid.12
monnieri. If 4 fen. If suffers Of Ch'i,
one suffers from "wind,"13 then add antiWind medicine. increase by one third.
Medicines should he added according to color and Semenpulsebiome orientalis larb0fr Vitae seeds). 4
diagncxsis of the illness as set torth in this classic." fen. If one's strength is deficient, double. Radix
During the three months of spring onc should morindaetake officinalis, 4 fen. If one suffers debility
"rejuvenation pills.' 'IS This cures a man of the "five and ills" increase by onethird.
and "seven injuries," weakness and contraction Of the private
Radix cynanchi, 4 fen. quick fry. If onc suffers '
parts, sores beneath the scrotum. pain in the lower 'wind" backsyndromc, increase by one-third. Radix
preventing one from bending and rising, a frequent polygulae
sensation tenuifo!iue (root Of Chinese senega)
of heat and itching in thc knees during cold weather. fen If or one is fearful and anxious, increase by
periodic swelling and difficulty in walking, tearing in theHerba dendrobii (dendrobium stem), 4
wind, nearsighted- ness, coughing, weakness fen. Ifandthe body is in pain, double. Cortex
sallowness Of the whole body, tightness around eucommiae the navel ulmoidis (etacommia bark). 4 If the
With pain extending to the bladder. blood in yang
the urine,
is exhausted and there is pain in the waist,
pain and injury to the "stalk" with Occasional discharge,increase by
perspiration that stains the garments red or yel-
nightmares, dry mouth and stiff tongue, thirst, irregular
eating or insufficient strength, and a frequent "reversal OfHerba ci5tanches (stem Of broomrape), 4
ch'i."lb If one violates the "seven taboos" and fen,thus
If one is cold and debilitated, double The
suffers the •'ills" or "injuries," the following medicine has twenty herbs should bc pounded,
provcn extremely sieved, and formed with honey into pills the
size of dryandra seeds n First take three
pills, and thereafter thrcc daily. If there
Sclerotium poriae cocos (tuck. ahoe root). 4 fen.
is no perceptihlc effect, gradually increase the
If onc suffers difficulty in digestion, increase
dosage using your own judgment_ This
by one-third. Rhizoma acon graminei ' (sweetßag
prescription also may be taken in powder form
*fen_ Ifme suffers deafness. increase bywith One- plain rice congee. Take one "square-inch
third. spoonful." effects will be felt after seven
corni Officinulis days, and one will be cured after ten_ After
Asiatic cornelian cherry). 4 fen. If the thirtybody days, the remaining negative ch'i will
itches, increase by one-third. return to normal. If onc takes this for a long
Radix trichosanthis. 4 fen. If time, cvcn the Old will become youthful agaim
one suffers fever and thirst, increase by one- While taking it, avoid pork, mutton, malt sugar,
third. cold water, raw vegetables, fermented elm
Semen Cuscutae (dodder seeds), 4 If one seedlH preparation, and so forth.
suffers impotence or premature ejaculation,
increase by half, Radix achyranthis bidenfatae, Ille Yellow Emperor asked another question:
4 fen. If the joints are stiff, double_ "'What is the best prescription for the three
Art the Bedckumber
months of summer? I would consider (Chinese wild ginger), 3 hang If
myself very fortunate to hear your one suffers unclear vision, increase
answer." [Kao-yang Ful replied: bv one-third.
Herba dendrobii (dendrobium stem), 2 !
One should take "kidney-strengthening iang. [f the genitals are clammy
tuckahoe pills" to cure male internal de, and itching, increase by one-third.
ficicncy syndrome,19 loss of appetite, fits
Herba cistanches (stem Of broomrape), 3
of elation and forgetfulness, depression, un•
liang. If the body is debilitated,
controlled rage. bloating of the body, red or
increase by One-third.
ycllow coloration of the urine,
spermatorrhca, painful constrictions in the Radix asragali (milk-vetch root), 4 liang.
bladder, pain and numbness in the calves If the body suffen pain, increase hy
making it diffcult to stretch them out and onethird.
walk, thirst, and swelling in the chest and The preceding twelve herbs should he
abdomen. All Of these symptoms are the pounded, sieved, and formed with honey into
result Of violating the "seven taboos" that pills the size of dryandla seeds First take seven
have been explained earlier- The cure pills, and thereafter two a day Avoid raw
should be appropriate to the condition. The scallions, raw vegetables, pork, cold water,
following prescription may be used: vinegar, parsley, and so forth

Sclerotiupn poriae cocus (luckahoe

Again the Yellow Emperor asked: "Now
root), 2 liang. If onc suffers that I have learned of the excellent remedies
dimculty in digestion, double. for the ills of spring and summer, what is the
Radix aconiti carmickaeli prescriplion for the three months of
praeparara (prepared accessory autumn?" [Kao-yang Fu] answered:
root of Szechuan aconite), 2 One should use "kidney-strengthening
hang, quick-fried. If one suffcrs tuckahoe pills' '20 to cure male kidney
'"wind" syndrome, incrcasc by dcficiency and coldness, internal injury of the
one-third. Five Viscera, and sensitivity to cold wind
Fructus corni offcinulis (fruit of causing a feeling of clammin•xs and itching
Asiatic cornelia cherry), 3 over the entire body. One also may become
liang_ If the body itches, distracted and oblivious while walkof
increase by one-third.
The Sui- T'ang C.'æssics Reconsmcted ing, suffer loss Of appetite, or blurred vision. The
body feels constrained and anxious and the lower
Cortex eucommiae ulmoidis back is sorc and stiff. One becomes unable to cat
(eucommia bark), 2 ['Lung. If onc suffers and daily thinner and more emaciated. Thcrc is a
pain in the waist, increase by one-third. stifling feeling in the breast and one is subject to
Corlex mou!an radicis (cortex of 'ree coughing. Help is required to turn over and
peony roc"), 2 liang. there is chi support to stand up. Acupuncture, moxibustion,
circulating in the abdomen, increase by and drugs Can Offer Only a slight improvement.
onethird Some are amicted by wind when riding
Rhizoma alismaris p!anragoaqua!ieue horseback; some fail to cover themselves indoors
(water plantain rhizome), 3 or to observe the proper measure in eating and
liang. If one suffers ' 'water ch'i't drinking; and some overexert themselves. Some
ledemal, increase by one-third. experience dryness of the mouth and parched
opposite, 3 tongue, Or drooling, nocturnal emissions, blood
liang_ If there is "wind" in thc in the urine or urinary incontinence, itchiness and
head, double. Cortex cinnamomi dampness beneath lhe private parts, a feeling of
cassiae (in ner bark Of Saigon uneasiness and palpitalions, tension in the lower
cinnamon), 6 liang. If one's color is abdomen, soreness and pain in the four limbs,
insufficient, increase by one-third. Herba labored breathing, swelling of the body, or ch'i
asari rising to the chest and ribs. Physiciams who fail
to recognize these symptoms mistaken• ty

prescribe superfluous remedies. The Again the Yellow Emperor asked: "'ltlerc
appropriate prescription is as follows: are excellent prescriptions for the spring,
Sclerotium porme cocos (tuck- summer, and aututnn seasons. What then is
Radix ledebourienae sea!oidis, 2 the remedy for the three months of winter?"
Gang. [Kao-yang Ful replied:
Correx cinnamomi cas5iae (in, ner "Life-saving tuckahoe pills" are the cure for
bark of Saigon cinnamon), 2 liang the male's "five ills" and • •seven injuries,"
Rhizoma atractylodia blurred vision, tearing in the wind, stiffness in
macrocepkalae, 2 liang. Herba the head and neck prevcnting it from turning, a
a5ari cum radice (Chinese wild fccling of pressure in the heart and hclly
ginger), 2 liang. FrucItLS corni extending up to the chest and ribs and down to
Oficina\is (fruit of Asiatic thc lower back, pain in both the cxtcrior and
cornelian cherry), 2 diang. interior Of the body. difficulty in breathing,
Radix dioscroeae opposi!ae, 2 coughing up Of food, sallowness Of
countenance, urinary incontinence,
Rhizoma aliamatis planragoaquaticae transparency Of the Ching and spermatorrhea,
(sealer plantain rhi• zome), 2 üang Radix impotence and inability to perform the sex act,
aconiti carmichaeli praeparata (prepared or soreness and pain in the feet and calves.
accessory root of Szechwan aconite), 2 Some experience mental oppression and
liang, quick fried Radix rehmanniae irritation, bloating Of the body, profuse
glutinosae (dried Chinese foxglove root), 2 perspiration, muscle spasms in the four limbs
liang. that are sometimes moderate and sometimes
Radix asteris tularici (purple aster acute, nightmares, shortness of breath, dry
root), 2 liang. Radix achy ramhis mouth and parched tongue resembling
bidenta!ae, 3 liang. "cmaciation-thirst disease,' • Ets of joy and
Radir paeoniue lacrifiorae (peony forgetfulness, or depression and choked
root), 2 hung. sobbiog. The following medicine addresses
Radix salviae miltiorrhizae, 2 these conditions and strengthens all
Radix astragali vetch "Mt), 2
Rad'x glehniae littora!is (root of
bea;h silver-top), 2 liang_
Herbu ci51anches (stem of
broomrape) liang_ Rhizoma
zingiberis officinalis (dried ginger
rhizome), 2 liang.
Radix scrophulariae ningpoen• sis
(Ningpo figwort root), 2 liang•
Radix ginseng, 2 liang, Radir
sophorae flavescen!is, 2 lia ng
Radix duhuo, 2 liang.
The preceding twenty-two
ingredients should be pounded, sieved, and
formed with honey into pills the size Of
dryandra seeds. Take five pills before
eating, using wine to wash them down.
Avoid sour pickles, raw scallions, peaches
and plums, sparIOW meat, raw vegetables,
pork, fermented elm seed preparation, and
so forth.
The Sui-T'ang Reconstructed
deficienci miltiorrh
es. It izae, 2
makes a liang.
man Stout
and C
healthy o
and r
doubles t
his e
strength. x
It taken
regularly c
this i
prescripti n
on cures n
the n
hundred m
ailments; o

Sclero s
tium s
poriae i
cocas a
(tucka e
root), 2 (
liang_ i
Rhizo n
ma n
atraczv e
lodds r
cephal b
ae,2t 2 a
liang_ r
Rhizo k
alismn O
ns f
oaquali S
cae a
(water i
planini g
n rhi o
zome), n
liang_ c
Radix n
salviae n
amon) m
, (prepared
root of
aconite), 2

ostreae z
(oyster i
shell), 2 n
liang. g
Fructus i
viücis b
cannabif e
oiiae, 2 r
Iiung i
Radix s
ue O
opposira f
e, 2 f
liang i
Cortex c
eucumm i
iae n
ulmoidls a
bark), 2 i
Ra s
cynunch (
i, 2 d
liang, r
quick i
fried e
Radix d
2 ling. g
Herba i
preridis, n
2 !iang. g
Radix e
aconri r
aeli r
pracpara h
izome g
), 2 _
hang. H
S e
e r
m b
e a
c c
u i
s s
c !
ul u
u n
e c
( h
d e
o s
d (
er s
s t
e e
e m
s) o
, f
li b
u r
n o
g. o
R m
a r
di a
x p
m e
o )
ri .
d 2
e G
o a
m n
ei g
n .
ül O
is D
, i
2 C
h i
a n
n u
i formed with
S honey into
pills the
o size of
f dryandra
A seeds. First
si eat five
a pills, Or
u take with a
c bit of wine_
c Amid
o seaweed,
r cabbage,
n carp, raw
el scallions,
ia pork,
n vinegar.
c and so
h forth.
r Again the
y Yellow
), Emperor
2 asked: "I
ki have now
a learned of
Radix for the four
glycyrrhi scasons_ Is
zac there a
uralcnsis medicine
(licorice that can be
root), 2 taken all
liang, year round?"
roasted. [Kao-yang
(tuber of
Chinese is a
asparagus powd
), 2 hang, er for
remove all
rhe hearr_ four
The seaso
preceding ns
twenty that is
ingredient called
s should "tuck
be ahoc
pounded, powd
sieved, er."
and You
nee S
d c
not l
obs e
erv r
e o
sea t
son i
al u
pro m
tion p
s o
Of r
col i
d u
Or e
If c
tak o
en w
ove s
r a
Eon (
* t
peri u
od, c
it k
will a
len k
gth o
en e
s r
yea o
rs o
and t
rest )
ore .
stre S
ngt !
h to u
the l
age u
d. c
The t
pre i
scri l
ptio u
n is m
foll (
ows s
: t
la Sem
cti en
, utae
ou (dod
nd der
. seed
M s) _
ic R
a, a
po d
w i
de x
H d
er i
ba p
de s
nd a
ro c
bi i
(d (
en J
dr a
ob p
iu a
m n
st e
e s
m e
ac r
on e
gr a
an s
nn e
er l

*fi-FA r
Semen o
bi m
ot .
ae )
en i
tal d
(ar i
bo s
ta (
e e
se u
ed c
s) o
mi e
a s
ba i
rk s
Tu (
be s
r c
as h
pa i
ra s
gi a
cn n
ch d
in r
ch a
esi f
s r
(r u
ub i
e' t
of )
in R
es h
e i
as z
pa o
ra m
gu a
Ra a
di !
x i
ac s
hy m
ra a
nr n
hif s
de p
n! l
ata a
e_ n
Fr r
uc a
tus g
sc n
his a
an q
dr u
ae a
ch t
in i
ca .
e Flos
(w chry
at sunr
er hem
pl i
an mor
tai ifoli
n i
yh (chr
iz vsa
o ntke
m mu
e). m
R cor
a eae
di opp
x osit
p ae.
ol Fru
y ctus
g cor
al ni
ae offi
re cma
n lis
ui (fru
fo it of
li Asi
ae atic
(r cor
o neli
ot an
of che
C rry)
hi Radix
es Foli
e um
se pyr
n rosi
e ae.
g Rad
a) Lx
re will bc
h perceptible
m effect after
an twenty
ni days and
ae complete
gl recovery
ut after thirty.
in Atter days,
os one's ch'i
ae Will be
. healthy
H and strorw
er ff taken
ba over a long
cz period, at
st eighty or
an ninety an
ck Old
es gentleman
(s will be like
te a youth.
m Avoid sour
of pickles,
br mutton,
o malt sugar,
o Carp, 99
m An of
ra ferme
pe nted sccd
) preparation
_ . and so
precedin Kao-yang
g Fu said:
twenty- All Of the
two prescription
ingredie s in this
nts classie
should were
be created by
pounded tbc
and immortals.
sieved Their
into a ability to
powder. curc illness
Take one already has
"square- been
inch thoroughly
spoonful discussed.
" with One must
wine follow
twice these
daily. instructions
, for from a
the s
g of time f
they have o
never r
failed to
cure an t
illness Or h
save a e
"Tuck r
ahoe o
rescue o
remed t
y•'; .
poria A
e t
(tuck e
ahoe a
root). c
Boil h
chin S
in lye t
limes a
, boil g
'he e
'en b
and o
Wate i
r l

C f
ol o
op r
ho t
ny y
hi t
n i
wi m
ng e
'h s
e .
m a
e s
m p
et a
ho r
d a
gi a
co r
ch i
in f
ch i
in e
es d
(t t
ub h
er i
of n
C -
hi y
pp Place in a
ea crock and
rs tightly so
B that no •i
ee first do not
s , cat for day.
3 Even if thc
ch desire to
in, eat ariscs,
cl do not eat.
ari Then eat an
fie $00d meal
d until you
thi ate Very
rt run, after
y which
ti eating
m take two
es. liung. After
The twenty
precedin days takc
g six four liang,
ingredien and after
ts should another
each be twenty
and days take
sieved. eight liang.
Fill a Form into
coppcr tmy pilb
vessel and take as
With hot many as
water. can be
First add one time as
the a Single
buttcr,z: dose. For
then the the second
wax, and round take
then the four "ang
honey. at first ,
When after
thcy have twenty
melted. days eight
add the hang, and
herbs and then alter
stir another
rapidly twcnty
without days two
making hung. For
sure that the third
all the round.
ingredien begin with
ts are eight hang,
thorough after
ly twenty
days two, al days"
and after and strictly
twenty avoid the
more days
four. At designated
the end hting sha *,
of this and yen A'
one Of the
hundred almanac, as
and eight well as the
day inauspiciou
period s days Of
the dose the four
is seasons.23
complete "Tuckah
. oe
Followin paste"
g this,
take S
three c
pills as a l
suppleme e
nt. Even r
if no o
longer t
takes the i
medicine u
, m
the butter p
and o
honey to n
regulate g
the e
. Best c
results v
are c
Obtained v
when this s
is taken (
with a l
sheng of u
finc c
wine. In k
com. a
v»unding h
this o
prescripti e
on, select
tbc "
'*monarc M
hial and t
ministeri )
, t
clean a
and e
ve s
(rosin), 24
P ,
n 1
e 2

n c
u h
t i
s n
, .
1 preceding four
2 ingredients
should be
c Simrnered
h to the
i proper
n mcthcxi,
. DO simmer
the pine
S and cypress
e "cr. nels,
m but pound
e and sieve
n them. Place
two and
b four sheng
i Of white
o honey in a
t copper
a vessel, add
e watcr and
decoct over
o a low name
n for a day
e and a night.
n Add the
t herbs One
a at a time
l and stir that
& they blend
v Continue to
i decoct for
seven Peng Tsu
days and
seven said:
over a The Yellow
IOW Emperor
flame. mounted
After wome
this, form n and thus
into pills achieved
the size immortality
Of small , Whereas
dates and the
take ordinary
seven man cuts
pills three his life *ith
times a just one. Is
day. therc not a
When gtcat gap
you feel between
like knowledge
giving up and
food. takc ignorance?
the whole Those Who
dose all krww thc
at once so tao regret
that you only having
are full. few
Immediat opportuniti
ely you es for
will fcel mounting.
light in It is not
clea always
r sighted, necessary
and to have
youthful. those who
but simply
those who
Essen are young,
Who have
tials Of not yet
the Jade borne
Chamb and who
are amply
er Yü- covcrcd
With flesh.
fang If one can
wcurc but
chih- or eight
yao such
women, it
will be Of
great and fill the
berk•fit. Whole
hand when
Peng Tsu held. She
said: mcwes her
There is neck
mystery repeatedly
to the tao while her
of feet
intercour agitate.
• It is Becoming
simply to passionate
bc free and
and alluringh
unhurt she
tied and suddenly
to value clasps the
harmony man's
above body_ At
all. this
Fondle moment,
her draw back
tan.t•ien slightly
2 and and
"seek to penetrate
fill her her
mouth."S shallowly.
Press The yang
deeply will then
into her gain chi at
and the
move expense Of
ever so the yin.
slightly Also the
to induce secretions
her ch'i_• Of the Five
When Viscera are
the released at
woman the tongue,
feels the or What
influence Ch'ih Sung
of yang tzu7 called,
there are "'the 'jade
subtle liquid' that
signs. allows One
Her ears to go
become without
hot as if food.'•
she had When
drunk having
good intercourse
wine. One should
Her imbibe
breasts much of
swell$ her tongue
secretion human
s and impulses, is
saliva, this not a
•Illis great joy?"
produces Taoist Liu
a feeling
Ching9 said:
openness Of
' in the mounting
stomach women is
as if one first to en•
has just gage in
been slow
instantly foreplay so
cured of as to
"emaciati harmonize
on-thirst your spirits
disease" and arouse
with a her
draught desire,LD
Of herbal and only
tea. after a long
Rising time to
sinks to unite.
its prolkr Penetrate
level, the When soft
skin and quickly
becomes Withdraw
glossy When hard,
and one making the
has the intervals
air of a bet•.veen
maiden. advancing
The 'ao and
is not far Withdrawin
to scck; g relaxed
it is just and slow.
that Furthermor
Ordinary e. do not
people throw
do not yourself
recogniz into it as
e it. from a
Ts•ai great
height, for
Nü said: this over.
"To gain turns the
years of Five
life Viscera and
without injures the
going col. lateral
against the
grain of leading to a
natural hundred
But if one the brain"
can have is to wait
intercours during
e Without intercourse
ejaculatin until the
g and Ching is
engage greatly
several aroused
tcn.S Of and on the
times in point Of
onc day emission,
and night and then,
without using the
losing two
Ching, all Sui-T'ang
will be Reconstruct
greatly ed
improved middle lingcß
and one's of the left
lifespan hand. press
will daily just between
increase. the scrotum
'2 and anus-
Even Press down
greater with
benefits considerable
are force and
reaped by expel a long
frequentl breath While
y gnashing the
changing teeth several
female tens Of times,
partners. but Without
To holding the
breath. Then
allow yourself
to ejaculate_
than ten
The chins,
times in
however, Will
one night
not be able to
issue forth
and instead
y good."
Will travel
classics from the •
on •jade stalk"
immortali upward and
ty u sav enter the
that the brain. This
of method has
"returnin been
g the transmitted
Ching to among the
nourish immortals
who are I(.N) or 200
Sworn to years will be
secrecy by full Of and
blood pact. - without
lhev dared illness.
not The
communicat following
e it prescription
carelessly strengthens
for Of the male in
bringing the
misfortune bedchamber
on and enables
themselves. him to
It one perform more
desires to than ten times
derive Without
benefit from Intermission:
mounting Seme
wrunen, but n
finds that cnidi
the Ching is mon
overty nieri.
aroused. I'
then quickly Of
lift the head. Chinese
open the senega)_
eyes Wide Radir
and gaze to dipsaci
the left and (Japanese
right, up teasel root).
and down. Herba
Contract the (s,'em Of
lower parts. broomrape).
hold the
brcath and The preceding
the Ching four
will ingredients
naturally be should
stilled. Do powdered in
not equal amounts
carelessly and a •
transmit this •square inch
to others. spoonful"
Those who taken thrcc
succeed in times daily.
shedding Duke Ts'uo
their Ching took this and
but twicc a had
month." or intercourse
twenty-four with seventy
times in one women in
year. will all One night.
gain long Prescriptio
life, and at n far
enlarging aconite). 2
the mak fen_
Sem preceding five
en ingredients should
be powdered and a •
tae spoonful"
S }
i cassiae
(inner bark
of Saigon
. 3 fen.
root of
the Bedchamber

An of Onc should be vexed only by their not

being young.' Lt one can Obtain those
taken twice daily after eating. Within ten
bctween fourteen or fifteen and 102
Or twenty days there will he enlargement.
eighteen or ninctccn, this is the best. '0 In
Prescription for shrinking the woman•s any event. they should not exceed thirty.
"jade gate": Those not yet thirty but who have given
Sulphur, 4 fen. birth are Of no benefit. My late master
Radix polygnlae tentufoliae mot Of handed down this tao and lived for 3.0W
Chinese senega), 2fen. years. If combined with drugs one Can
These should be powdered and placed in a attain immortality.
silk pouch that is inserted in the ••jade Those Who seek to practice the 100 Of
uniting yin and yang for the purpose of
If one is in a great hurry, another gaining c" "i and cultivating life must not
prescription calls tor: limit themselves to just one woman. You
should get three or ninc or eleven; the more
% Sulphur, 2 fen. the better. Absorb her Ching Secretions by
Pollen lyphae (catlu,'d pollen), 2 mounting the "vast spring" and "returning
•ntese should be powdered and three pin• the Ching Your skin Will becornc glossy,
ches added to a sheng Of hot water. Wash your body light, your eyes bright. and your
the "jade gate" with this solution for twcn• ch'i so Strong that you will be able to
ty days and she Will be like an unmarried Overcome all enemies. Old men will feel
like twenty and young men will feel their
strength increased a hundredfold.
When having intcrcoursc With women,
as soon as you feel yourself aroused,
change partners. By changing partners you
Secrets of the Jade Chamber can lengthen your life. If you return
habitually to the same woman, her yin•ch'i
Yü-fung pi-Chüeh will become progreqsively weaker and this
will be of little bencht to you.
Ch'ung Ho tzul said:
One yin and One yang are called the rao;2 Taoist priest Ch'ing Niu said:
intercourse and procreation arc its To frequently change partners brings
function.' Is this principle not far reaching? increased benefit. More than ten partners in
The guiding principles are contained in the One night is especially good. If one
Yellow Emperor's questions to Su NO and constantly has intercourse with the same
in P'eng responsess to the King of Woman. her ching-cFi Will become weak,
and this is not only Of no great benefit to
Ch'ung HO L'.u said: the man, hut will cause her to become thin
and emaciated.
Those who would cultivate their yangS
must not allow women to steal glimpses or Ch'ung HO tzu said:
this art. Not Only is this Of benefit to One's It is not only yang that can be cultivated,
yang, but it may even lead to injury Or but yin Thc Queen Mother Of thc West
illness. This is what is called. "Lend a man cultivated her yin and attain-cd the tam As
your sword and when the time comes to soon as shc had intercourse with a man he
roll up sleeves for a fight. you cannot would immediately take sick, while her
win."' complexion would become radiant without
the use Of rouge or powder. She always ate
P'eng Tsu said: curds and plucked the "five stringed lute'•
If a man wishes to derive the greatest thereby hartnonizing her heart,
nefit, it is best to find a woman who has no concentrating her mind, and was without
knowledge of this rao. If he chooses young any Other desire.
maidens for mounting, his complexion coo will The Queen Mother had no husband but
become like a maiden's.s When it cornes to women, was fond Of intercourse with young boys
Therefore, this cannot be an orthodox teaching; but you are on top, straighten your body and
can the Queen Mother bc alone in this?12 play with her leisurely.
When having intercourse With men. you must Sui-
calm the heart and still the mind. If the man is not
yet fully aroused. you must wait for his ch'i to arrive When having intercourse by
and Slightly restrain your emotion to attune yourself appzoaching the enemy from the side, and
to him. 14 DO not move Or become agitated lest lifting her buttocks with your hands, one
your yin-ching become exhausted first. If your yin- may suffer pain in the ribs. The remcdy is
eking becomes exhausted first, this leaves one in a to lie straight and play leisurely
deficient state and susceptible to cold wind When having intercourse with the head
illnesscs_ Some women become jealous and vexed lowered and throat stretched out. one will
when they hear their husbands having intercourse suffer heaviness of the head and stiffness in
with another woman. "Iheir yincking becomes the hack of the neck, •l'he remedy is
aroused, they sit up indignantly-,LS and their Ching place one's head upon the enemy's forehead
secretions come forth spontaneously. Wanness and and not lower it _
premature aging result from this. One must exercise "Intercourse when overly full' • refers to
restraint and be extremely careful. sexual play at midnight when the meal has
If a woman knows thc way of cultivating her yin not yet been digested. As a result. one will
and causing the two cWi to unite harmoniously, suffer chest pains with fullness of eh'i, a
then it may he transformed into a male child_16 If pulling sensation beneath the ribs, and
she is not having intercourse for the sake of rending within the breast. Thcrc will bc a
offspring. she can divert the fluids13 to How back loss of appetite, knotting and blockage
into the hundred vessels. By using yang to nourish bcneath thc heart,22 frequent vomiting of
yin, the hundred ailments disappear, one's color and yellow matter.'-; Fullness of
becomes radiant and thc flesh Enc:. One can enjoy stomach cWi, and slow and irregular
long life and be forever like a youth. If a woman is pulsc_ Some expericncc nosc blccds, or
able to master this tao and have frequent intercourse hardness and pain beneath the ribs and
with men, she can fast for nine days without sores on the face. The remedy is to have
knowing hunger. nose who are sick and have sexual intercourse after midnight and close to the
relations with ghosts are able to fast hut become approach of dawn _
emaciated, How much more can we expect from "Intercourse under the influence of
intercourse with wine" refers to becoming ill as a rcsult of
A Inan of twenty, as a rule, may ejacu• late once intercourse while intoxicated and reckles9
in two days, at thirty oncc in three days, at forty ly using force to penetrate to the extreme.
once in four days, and at fifty once in five days. This on "yellow jaundice" or • 'black
After sixty onc should refrain from ejaculating jaundice' '24 and pain with ch'i beneath the
altogether. ribs. If one continues in this wav, there is a
feeling between the thighs as if the scrotum
Ch'ung Ho Izu said: is full of watcr and this cxtcnd5 up to thc
shoulders and arms.2S In extreme cases
If one indulges in emotional extremes and unbridled
there is pain in the chest and back,
passion, one surely will suffer harmful illnesses.
coughing and spitting up or blood and
This is Obvious to those with experience in sexual
rising ck'i. The remedy is to abstain from
relations. Because one mav become ill from this,
wine's influence and have intercourse close
one may also be cured Iy,• it. To cure a hangover by
means of wine is an apt comparison. to the approach of dawn, dallying leisurely
and relaxing the hody_
If one has intercourse with the eyes open. 19
gazing upon each other's bodies, or lights a fire to Having intercourse when overdue for
100k at illustrated books, one will be afflicted with urination produces urinary incontinence.
drowsiness of the cye5 or blindness• The remedy is ch'i pressure in the lower abdomen, and
to have intercourse at night with the cyes closed. difficulty in urinating. One feels pain
inside the ' 'stalk" and a frequent urge to
If during intercourse you place the enemy upon
grip it With the hand. After a moment One
your belly and raise your waist from below to join
feels like urinating. The remedy is to first
her, then you may stiffer pain in the waist, tension
unnate and then lie down and settle
in the lower abdomen, cramped feet and crooking
yourself. After a short time have
Of the back-.21 Thc remedy is to turn over so that
intercourse leisureIy and you will bc cured
the Bedchamber
TO have intercourse when overdue to move the
bowels will cause one to suffer piles and diffculty in
defei:ating. After a time there will be dripping pus and
blood, and sores will appear around the anus resembling
bee hives. Straining at stool, the bowels do not move in
timely fashion Though suffcnng pain and bloating. one
шоч ало
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Tke Classics Reconstructed

her , first drinking Of her "jade fluid." and waist, and if children are conceived,
After a long time begin play with her ' they will be short lived sixth taboo
'vast spring" and then slowly insert the ' forbids intcrcoursc when one has just
'jade stalk." controlling it with your hand taken a bath and the hair and skin are not
so that it reaches only as far as the area yet dry. 'lhis Causes a man to suffer
between the "zither strings" and • 'wheat shortness Of breath, and if a child is
teeth " When the enemy is writhing with conceived dt this time, it will not be
passion and she is beside herself with whole.
excitement, always restrain yourselt and The seventh taboo forbids intercourse
do not ejaculate. Remain hard and strong when One's weapon is hard and fully
for a count Of thirty brcaths and then enSui-T'ang
slowly penetrate to the "rock of k'un.•• ragcd, but there is pain in the channel ot
When you hdVc reached the greatest the "stalk.' '42 One should not then have
depth and maximum size ,43 then n11crcuurSc, for this results in intcrnal
withdraut Rest fot a moment until you injury and illness. These then are thc
bccome limp-a and then insert it again. If "seven
you frequently practice entering weak
and withdrawing strong, within ten days Those born deaf and dumb arc the
you will bc as hard as iron and as hot as chil• dren of the last night Of the last
tire. In a hundred battles you will never month of the lunar year, for at this time
he in peril, the hundred demons assemble and do not
In the union Of yin and yang there are rest the entire night. superior man
"seven taboos." The first taboo forbids observes abstinence, but the inferior
intercourse on the last Or first days of secretly indulges in intercourse. The
thc moon and the first and last quarters children Of these unions surcly will be
of thc moon, which are harmful to the deaf and dumb.
chi, If onc conceives at these times, the Those born to injury and death are
offspring will surely suffer corporal called the "children of fire." If one has
punishment. You should be extremely intercourse beforc the candle is
cautious of this second taboo forbids extinguished, the Offspring will suffer
intercourse during lightning Storms or injury or death in the midst Of the
earthquakes when the pulse is bounding. Those who are born insane are the
If one conceives at these times, the children of thunder and lightnin%
Offspring will surely suffer painful During the fourth and fifth lunar months
abscesses _ when there are great rains and crashing
The [hird taboo forbids intercourse thunder, the superior man observes
when one has just drunk wine or catcn. abstinence, whereas the inferior secretly
be• fore the ch'i of the food has been indulges in interWursc. Children
distributed. The belly will become conceived at this time will surely be
swollen'S and the urinc milky or turbid- insane.
Children cNJnceived at these times will Children devoured by tigers Or
surely be insane. wolvesS1 are children of deep mourning.
The fourth taboo forbids intercourse Filial sons wear clothes of hemp and
after one has just urinated, when the abstain from meat. The superior man
Chingchi is exhausted. Thc channels of becomes wan and weary, whereas the
circulation become irregular, and if One interior secretly indulges in intercourse.
conccives at this time, the offspring will If a child is thus conceived, it will surely
be subject to evil influencesY6 be eaten by tigers and wolves.
The fifth taboo forbids intercourse Childrcn who drown die because their
when one is weary from shouldering father and mother have committed an
heavy burdens and one's mind is not yet error .52 They place thc placenta in a
calm. One will suffer pain in the sinews
Tke Classics Reconstructed

copper vessel, cover, and bury it beneath

a shady wall at a depth of seven feet—3
This is called "che young child cncloscd
within" and ultimately it dies of
drt_p.vning in water.
Children conceived during great
winds are afficted with multiple
illnesses. Children conceived during
thunder and lightning Will bccome
insan& Children cooceived during
extreme inebriation will surely be idiots
or mad. Children conceived during great
fatigue will suffer early death or injury.
Children conceived during menses will
die as soldiers. Children conceived
during twilight will suffer much
turmoil." Children conceived in the
middlc of thc night when everyone is
resting will either bc deaf or dumh_
Children conccivcd at sunset will suffer
misfortune from verbal disputes*
Children conceived at noon will be
insane. Children conceived during the
late afternoon will bring injury upon
the Bedchamber

Ari of delicate are in Fm-fect

proportion, and the long and the
P'eng Tsu said: short in harmonious measure,
The method for obtaining children is to this is not Only pleasing to the
Store and cultivate Ching-ch'i and to not heart and eye, but can actually
frequently shed it. If one has intercourse increase longevity.
on the third or fifth day56 after the If the yang-Ching
conclusion of menses when the woman is predominates, a male child will
clean and purc, the male Offspring will he be born; if the yin-eking
intelligent, (dlented, long lived, and predominates, a female child
honorcd; and the female pure, virtuous. will bc born. Yung-ching
and a wonhy mate for a man of position. becomes bone und yin-ding
To engage in the union of yin and becomes flesh.
yang during the hour of the approach Of 106 Wishing to have intercourse
tnorning is beneficial and soothing to the With women, onc must choosc young
body and one's radiance Will be girls who have not yet bornc children and
magnified. If children are concened at who are amply coveted with flesh. They
this time, they will be rich, honored. and should have silken hair and small eyes
10"! lived. with the whites and pupils clearly
Ifa man Of full years sires offspring. defined. The face and body should he
most will not be long lived. If a Of eighty moist and glossy. The sound of her
is capable Of mounting women of fifteen speech should be harmonious and low.
to eighteen and does not transgrcss any ot bones Of the four limbs and hundred
the taboos, the children all be long Jived. joints should be buried in ample flesh,
An Old Woman 0t fifty who obtains a and the bones should not he prominent.
young husband may also have children. Her private parts and underarms should
On the (twenty-fifth) day of the be free of hair. but if hair is present, it
sexegenary cycle. if a preyiant woman be, should bc fine and glossy.
forc the end Of her first trimester takes The traits Of women unsuitable as
the tassel of a man's cap. burns it, and partners are tangled hair, a fearful
drinks the ashes in wine. the child will be countenanee,ss malletlike neck,"
wealthy. honored, intelligent, and prominent Adam's apple, irregular teeth Y
eminent. Keep this strictly secret! husky voice. large mouth, high nose
If a woman is childless, have her hold bridge, lack Of clarity in the cycs, long
fourteens: small beans in her left hand hairs about thc mouth and chin
and with her right guide the tip of the resembling whiskers, prominent large
man's private parts into her ' 'gate." She joints. yellowish hair. scant flesh, and
should place the beans in her mouth pubic hair that is copious. coarse, and
simultaneous with the man's penetration. growing contrariwisc.t'l To consort with
When she hears that the man's Ching is thesc types of women can only rob a man
coming down. she should swallow the and do him harm.
beans. This is efficacious to the point Of You should not mount g woman
not I failure in 10,000. When the woman Whose Resh and skin are coarse or a
bears that the man's Ching is coming, she woman whose body is too thin. DO not
must not miss the exact moment. mount a woman Who habitually prefers
the superior position.62 Do not mount a
Ch'ung Ho tzu said: woman who has a manly voice and is
TO be pleasant and agreeable, virtuous assertive. Do not mount women whose
and prudent, this is the beauty Of the lower legs and thighs have hair. Du not
feminine nature. When the ample and the mount those Who arc prone to jealousy.
the Bedchamber

Do not mount those whose private parts are cold.

DO not mount those who do not have good
dispositions? DO not mount those who
overindulge in food. Do not mount tbose past
forty.63 Do not mount those whose hearts and
bellies are out Of order. Do not mount those
whose hair grows contrariWise. DO not mount
those whose bodies arc always cold. Do not
mount those whose bodies arc strong and firm. Do
not mount those whose hair is curly or whose
Adam's apple is prominent. DO not mount those
whose armpits are inclined to bc malodorous. DO
mount women who
have [spontaneousl vaginal' Ch'ung Ho
Izu said:
In the Ching it says: •'Heaven reveals signs by
which We may know fortune good bad. sage
conducts himself accordingly."67 'l'he Book of
Rites says: "When thunder is about to resound. if
one conCeives children contrary to the taboo.
calamity Will surely follow." Thus the sages have
issued a warning that we must
Tke Classics Reconstructed
n a
o n
t d

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a a
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o y

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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
e cuscutae
, (dodder
seeds), 4
" fen.
7 cirr
1 i scu ponciri
u 4 fen.
s T
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h p
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Herba s
(Mem o of
. 2 fenl _
Frucrus d
a fruit), 2
Semen o
cnidli, 4 u
Semen n
Tke Classics Reconstructed
e s
d q
, u
s r
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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b H
e c moth
g r
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
l o
e u
d n
r d
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d s
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3 e
f v
il e
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H a
e n
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a f
(Chinese o
wild ginger).
3 fen. m
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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b w
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t m
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r m
c b
o e
Tke Classics Reconstructed
r r
w za
i nlhosyli
t bungeani
h (fruit of
w pepper).
a Herba asari
t cum radice
e (Chinese
r wild
P Herba
r cistanckes
e (s!cm of
s hrnomrape)
c E
r q
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p a
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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I n
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
i n
n .

p dix
c gly
r cyr
s rhi
i za
s e
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s ale
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o (li
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s 2
c fen
v .
c Ra
r dix
a pa
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a luc
y !
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f ue
o (pe
l on
l y
o mo
w or)
i ,
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g 'en
d Rh
e izo
f ma
l zin
o gih
r eri
a s
t off
i ici
Tke Classics Reconstructed
nu w
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10 e
Ten. i
Water, 3r
P h
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Tke Classics Reconstructed
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i Slic
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a Rhizoma
t zin
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a ger
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e om
s lia
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o Cnrrex
p bar
k o/
Tke Classics Reconstructed

(jujube fruit)
, 20
the Bedchamber
A r/ o/ sings and woman harmonizes. What is
Boil three times in one fon of wine and above acts and what is below fol. lows.
drink one sheng- Avoid perspiring when This is the ctcrnal law of all things. If the
exposed to wind. One also may boil in man stirs but the woman does not re.
water. spond, or if the woman moves but the
man docs not follow, this is not Only
harmful to 108 the man but can also bc
injurious to the woman. These result from
violations Of Fin and yang or
Tung Hsüan Tzu of above "d below. To
come to«ethcr in this way is not beneficial
Tung Ilsüan tzu said: to either party _ Therefore. the man must
Heaven gave birth to the thivs. but or all rotate to the left. and the woman must
Of these man is noblest, Of that which revolve to the right. Man thrusts
tnan holds dear,l nothing cxcccds the downward from above, and woman
dcsires Of the bedroom. One must rcWives bim from below. To together in
imitate heaven and pattern oneself on this way is called "heavenly peace and
earth, take yin as compass and yang as earthly fulfillment. "2
squarc_ By understanding these The principles of deep and shallow,
principles. one may slow and fast, thrusting and twisting. and
cast and west do not follow a single path,
years. Failing to respect these natural but have lt.), (M) strands. For example,
truths, one suffers injury to the spirit and there is slow thrusting like a gold earp
Carly death. As for the methods of Hsüan toying with the honk, or the tense urgency
NO. these have been handed down from of a nock of birds facing a stiff Wind.
ancient times and the broad outline has Advancing and retreating: pulling in and
been Set forth. However the subtle details drawing Out.' up and down. following and
have not yet been fully expounded. Perus. receiving, left and right, going forth and
ing its precepts. I thought to supplement returning. Withdrawing and entering,
its omissions. to review Old customs and separation and closeness.' all need to be
compile this new classic, Although I have orchescrated and properly adjusted. One
not exhausted the finer points, I have must not forever sing the same old tune in
nevertheless collected the fundamental every circumstance.
ones. (Herein may be foundl the forms of When first coming together for the
sitting and reclining, stretching out and purpose of intercourse, man should sit on
curling up. the posture prone and supine, the woman's left and the woman on the
and spread. the methods of man's right, The man. sitting in •
approaching from the side, back, 'winnowing basket" pose, embraces the
advancing, and rctreating, the rules for woman to his bosom. He clasps her
withdrawing and cntering, shallow and slender waist and carcsscs her jade body.
deep. Tbcsc also are combined with the Expressing their joy and speaking of deep
principle yin und yang and harmonized attachment, of one heart and onc mind,
with the order Of the Fivc Phases. Those they now embrace and then clasp, their
who follow this me able to preserve their two bodies beating againsc each other and
lives, but those who violate it fan into their mouths pressed together. The man
danger and death. Being Of such bencfit sucks Woman's lower lip and the Woman
to people, how should it not be handed sucks the man's uppcr lip. Then
down for genera. tions? simultaneously sucking, they feed on each
Other's juices. They 'nay slowly bite each
Tung Hsüan tzu said: Other's tongues. or gently nibble each
Others lips; they may cradle each other's
Heaven revolves to the left and earth heads, or urgently pinch the ears.
rotatCS to the right. Spring and summer de. part Caressing above and patting below,
and autumn and winter take 'heir places. Man kissing to the east and nibbling6 to the

Tke Classics Reconstructed
west. a thousand charms are revealed and a suddenly fast, now deep and now shallow.
hundred carcs forgotten. Then let the woman take For a of twenty-one breaths Observc the
the man's • •jade stalk" in her left hand, while the ch'i as it moves in and Out.2•! When the
man caresses her "jade gate"' with his right. At this Woman is on the point Of orgasm. the
moment, the man senses her yin•ch'i and his "jade man quickly stabs and rapidly attacks,
stalk" is arouu•d like a solitary peak reach• ing up raising her high. Observe the woman's
to the Milky Way. The woman senses the man's movements and adapt to her pace. •Ilien
yang•ch'i and liquid flows from her "cinnabar With your '•yang sword tip" attack her
hole" like the trickling down Of a secluded spring "grain sccd," put. suing all the way to the
spilling from a deep valley, This is the retsult of ••childrcn•s palacc•• and grinding left and
yin and _vcmg stimulating each other and not the right. Without hc• coming excited .24
product Of human effort. When reach this carefully pull Out. H When the woman's
stage. then intercoursc is possibk. If the mati is not secretions overflow, retreat, for one must
aroused Or the woman is without copious not withdraw dead but return alive. It is
secretions,' this is a manifestation Of internal very harmful to the man if he Withdraws
illness-B Tung Hsüan tzu said: dead. One must pay speciat heed to this.
"Vhen having intercourse one should begin first Tung HSüan t7.u said:
by sitting and then proceed to reclin. ing. The
woman should be on the left and the man on the If study the postures of intercourse,
right. After reclining have the Woman lie straight there are no more than thirty
Out On her back. spreading her fcct and opening methods. Among these are ways
her arms. The man lies upon her, kneeling between that feature bending and extending,
her thighs and drawing his erect "'jade Stalk" to facing up and facing down,
the mouth Of her • •jade gate." luxuriant' like a Withdrawing and entering. and
canopied pine at the entrance of a deep valley shallow and deep. The Similarities
cave. Then they clasp each other tightly , 10 are great and the differences minor.
moaning and sucking tongues. Onc may gaze up at It may be said that herein all is
her jadc countenance Or look down at her "golden complete, collected without any
gully. t patting the region be. twecn bclly and and omissions. I have described the
stroking the sides of her '•jadc When the man is postures and recorded their names.
cntranccd and the woman enrap• tured, then with delineated their forms and given
his ''yang sword tip" he attacks in all directions. them designatioms. My fellow
He may thrust down at her ••jade veins.'%S or ram gentlemen, may you fully
the "golden gully" above," stabbing at the sides Of appreciate the marvels Of their
her "imperial college' 'l' Or resting on the right Of meaning.
her "jade terrace."16 When the woman's sexual Expressions of A trackmen!.
secretions fill the •'cin• nabar hole," he then . Declarations Of Inseparability. Not
plunges his sword tip" into her "children•s parting.
palace."l as she ecstatically releases her chingLS 3. Fish with Gills Exposed.
secretions, watering her "sacred fields' • IV abovc
4. Unicorn's Horn. external foreplay
and irrigating her ' 'secluded vale' '"I below. He
of these four postures is all part
moves in and Out wildly attac}e ing, advancing
Of the first stage.2S
and retreating, rubbing and grinding. The woman
begs for death, she begs for lifc,21 pleading for Silkworms Tenderly
her Vcry existcnce. Then after wiping with a silk Entwined.23 The woman lies
cloth, he plunges the "jade stalk" deeply into the face up, and extending her
"cinnabar hole" all the way to the "yang arms. embraces the man•s
terrace,"22 towering <eeply like a great rock neck and entwines her feet
blocking a deep mountain stream. He then around his back. From above,
executes the method Of • 'nine shallow and Onc the man embraces the woman's
deep,' • now leaning forward on his stuff and now neck. kneeling between her
prodding sideways with his pole, pulling on one thighs and inserting his "jade
side and uprooting 00 the other, suddenly slow and stalk.••
Art the Bedckumber
6. Twisting Dragon.23 The woman lies tongues. The man opens his
face up and bends her legs. The man legs and with his hand
kneels between her thighs and with his supports the Woman's raised
left hand pushes her two feet forward leg, advancing his "jade
all the way past her breasts. With his stalk."
right hand he inserts the "jade stalk" Swallows with Hears United. Have
into the "jade gate." the woman lie face up and spread
7, Fishes Lye-tv•Eye. *I-he man and her legs. The man rides the woman,
woman lie down together. The woman lying on top of her belly and
places one leg over the man's body. embracing her neck with his two
Facing each other they kiss and suck hands. The woman 109
clasps his waist with her hands. While A large fat woman uses a hoy in con-
he inserts the "jade stalk - ' into the junction to have intercourse. What
"cinnabar hole a great pleasure!
9. Kingf&shers Entwined _ 29 Have the 17 _ Soaring Seagulls. The man ap-
woman lie face up and bend her Icvs. proachcs the edge Of the bed and
man assumes the "barbarian up the •unan's legs so as to elevate
squat:' with his fcct apan and sits bc- them. With his "jade stalk" the man
twccn the woman's thighs. Embrac- ente•s the "children's palace."
ing her waist with his two bands, he Wild Horses Leaping _ Have the
advances his "jade stalk' • between woman lic face up. The man lifts the
her "zither strilws_•• woman's legs and places them on his
10. Mandarin Ducks United. Have the [leftl-19 and right shoulders, inserting
woman lie on her side and bend both his ' 'jade stalk' - dceply into her "judc
legs, resting [one] on the man's thigh. gate:
From behind the woman's back the 19. Galloping Horse Hooves. Have the
man rides on top Of her bottom leg woman lie on her hack. The man
and raises his knee, placing her ele- squats and with his left hand supports
vated thigh On top of it. HC then in- her neck, while the tight hand raises
serts the '-jade stalk. her leg. He then inserts his • •jade
the Air 31 The stalk" into her "children's palace.'
man lies on his back and spreads his 20 _ Horse Shaking Hooves. Have the
legs. The woman sits on top of the woman lie face up. The man lifts one
man, facing him, with her legs resting of her legs and rests it on his shoul-
on the hed_ Then using her hand to cler, while she pulls the other leg
assist him, the "'yang sword tip" is toward hcr_ The "jade stalk" is
advanced into the ' 'jade gate. inserted deeply into the "cinnabar

12. Wild Ducks Flying will! Backs to hole." What a great plcusurc!

Euch Orher.*2 The man lies face up 21. Whüe Tiger Pounces. Have the
and spreads his legs. The woman sits woman kneel on her knees face

on top Ot him her back his down. The man kneels behind her
Tke Classics Reconstructed
face and her feet resting on the bed. and embraces her waist with his two

She lowers her bead, and embracing hands, inserting his "'jade stalk" into

his ' 'jade stalk," inserts it into the her "childrcn's palace. "

"cinnabar hole.' 22_ Dark Cicada Clinging. Have the

13. Reclining Canopy Pine. Have the woman lie face down and spread
woman Cross her feet and point them legs. The man positions himself he-

upward.3•7 The man embraces her tween her thighs, and bending his

waist with both hands, while she legs. embraces her neck with both

embraces his waist. -Ihe "'jade stalk" hands. He then inserts the "jade

is inserted into the "jade gate." stalk" into her ' 'jade gate" from
14. Bamboos Bordering rhe I errace.31 hind.

The man and woman stand facing 23. Goa! Faces a Tree_41 The man sits
each other, kissing and embracing at "winnowing basket" and has

the "cinnabar cave." He drives3' the the woman sit on top with her back
"yang sword tip" deeply into the him. Thc woman lowers her head in

cinnabar cavc." burying it up to the order to sec and inserts the "jade

"yang tcrrace." stalk." The man passionately em-

15. Dunce of the Paired Female braces the woman's waist and
Phoenixes. nere is a man and [twol her tightly.

women, one lying face up and the 24 Fowl Aperouc:h the Field_43 The man
Other on her stomach. The woman assumes the ' •barbarian squat'•e on

lying face up bends her legs and the 'he bed and has a young girl take

one facing down rides on top of her the "jade stalk" and insert it into

so that their two private parts face the [otherl woman's "jade gate. '

each other. The man sits in ' 'winnow- Another girl pulls the [Other]

ing basket" pose, and wielding his woman's girdle and skirt from
' 'jade member," attacks alternately to give her complete satisfaction.
Art the Bedckumber

above and below,n What a great pleasure!4'

Her Fledgling _ 25. Phoenix Frolics ar Cinnatmr Hole.

Have the woman lie face up and raise it may appear and disappear like a flock of
her feet With both hands. The man seagulls on the waves. 52 This is the third
kneels behind, and supporting him• self style. Sometimes it pounds dccply or pecks
on the bed, inserts the ' 'jade stalk" into shallowly like a sparrow's beak in a crcnv•s
the "cinnabar hole.' • How supremely nest .53 This is the fourth style. Sometimes it
pleasura thrusts dccply or stabs shallowly like a great
26. Roc Sours Over Dark Sea* Have the stone Sui•T'ang
woman lie face up. The man takes the
thrown into the sea. •U This is the fifth stylc_
woman's two places them on his left and
Sometimes it rises slowly and pushes
right upper arms, and reaches down with
liberately like a freezing snake entering its
his hands to embrace her waist, inserting
hole, This is the sixth style. Sometimes it
the "jade stalk. "
charges quickly and Stahs urgently like a
Moaning Monkey Clings to Tree. The
frightened mouse rushing into its hole. This is
man sits in "winnowing basket "0 posc
the seventh style. Sometimes it raises its head
While the woman rides on his thighs and
and dcxes its claws like a hawk dragging a
embraces him with both hands. Using
crafty hare." This is the eighth style.
On: hand. the man Supports the
Sometimes it is carried up and then suddenly
woman•s buctocks, inserts the • 'jade
plunges down like a great sailboat in a wild
stalk," and With the other hand leans on
wind" This is the ninth style.
the bed.
28. Car and Mouse Share the Same Hole _
One man lies face up and spreads his
Tung Hsiian tzu said.
legs. The woman lies on top of him and When having intercourse. one may sometimes
dccply inserts his "jade stalk." Another press down With the • •jade stalk," moving in
man lies on the woman's back and with and out sawing her "jade veins." This attack is
his "jade stalk" attacks the "jade gate. '"s like prying open an oyster shell and taking the
29. Donkeys of the Three Months of Spring. shining pearl. This is the first attack _
W The woman supports her. self with Sometimes one may raise the ' •jade below Or
both hands and hoth feet on the Bcd. thrust at the ' •golden gully" above." This
The man stands behind her and attack is like splitting a rock looking for
embraces her waist with his two hands. beautiful jade. I-his is the second attack.
He then inserts his "jade stalk" into the Sometimes one may pound the "jade terrace"
"jade gate." How ex. ceedingly with the "yang sword tip." This attack is like
pleasurable, indeed! an iron pestle plunging into the medicine mor•
30. The Dogs Of Autumn. SO Man and tar. This is the third attack Sometimes onc
woman, back to back. each place both may move in and out, attacking the "impc•
hands and feet upon the bed and lean rial collegc" to the lcft and right. This attack is
their buttocks together. The man lowers like five hammers tempering iron." •ms is the
his head and with onc hand pushes the fourth attack. Sometimes one may move in
"'jade member" into the "jade gate. and out with the "yang sword tip," grinding
and plowing amid the "sacred fields" and
Tung Hsüan tzu said: "secluded valley." This attack is likc a farmer
The "jade stalk" sometimes attacks left and turning over thc earth in autumn. This is the
right like a fierce general breaking through the fifth attack. Sometimes one may allcm• the '
enemy's ranks. This is the first stylc. 'dark garden' • and "heavenly court" to rub
Sometimes it rises and suddenly plunges like and pound togcther- This attack is like two
a wild horse that has jumped into a mountain collapsing Cliffs bowing to each other nis is
stream. f: This is the second style. Sometimes the sixth attack
Tke Classics Reconstructed
Tung Hsüan tzu said:
Whenever one desires to ejaculate, one must
await the woman's orgasm and then bestow
the Ching. ejaculating at the same time. m
The man should withdraw to a shal• low depth
and play between the '"zither strings" and
"Wheat teeth." The "yang sword tip" moves
deep and shallow like an infant sucking the
breast. Thea one closes the eyes and turns
onc•s thoughts inward. As the tongue is
pressed against the lowcr palate,hi arch the
back, stretch Out the head, dilate the nostrils.
hunch the shoul-
Art the Bedckumber
of harm follow the time. Conforming to this
brings great success.
ders, close thc mouth and inhalc, and the c 10 spring the head should point east, in
%ing will rise of itself.62 The degree of summer south, in autumn west. and in win ter
control is always dependent on the individual. north.&'
One should only ejaculate two or three times Yang days are beneficial [odd days]; yin
in ten. days are harroful [even days]. Yang times are
beneficial [the period after 11:00 PM to 1:00
Tung Hsiian said AM and before 11:00 AM to I PM]; yin times
If one desires children, wait for the cessation are harmful [the period after Il -.00 AM to PM
of the woman's menses, and if intercourse and before I PM to I-.OO AM].
takes place on the first or third days Spring: Sexegenary cycle days begin
thereafter, it will be a son, and On the fourth ning with chia and i.
or fitth a daughter. After the fifth day it Summer: Sexegenary cycle days
simply does harm to the strength of one's beginning With ping and
Ching Without any beneIit.6•3 When having ting.
intercourse with emission, wait for the Sexegenary cycle days
approach Of the woman's orgdsm and bcginning with keng and
ejaculate together With her. In ejaculating
one must do so completely. First have the
woman lie straight and face up. She should Winter: Sexegenary cycle days
rectify her mind and concentrate her thoughts, begin-
close hcr cycs and direct her thoughts ning With and kuei_63
inwardly as she rcccivcs the ching-ch'i_ Bald Hen Powder cures the "five ills" and
Therefore Lao tzu said: "Chil• dren conceived "seven injuries," impotence, and inability to
at midnight will achieve the greatest perform. The magistrate Of a prefecture in
longevity, those before midnight medium Szechwan, Lü Ching-ta,fS took this medicine
longevity, and those aftcr mid• night the least, at the age Ot seventy and sired three sons.
After taking it for a long time his Wife
After a woman has become pregnant, she developed skin eruptions" of the "iade gate"
should engage in good works, see no evil, and was not able to sit or lie down. She threw
hear no evil, control her sexual desire, refrain the medicine into thc courtyard. whereupon
from cursing and reviling, avoid fright, the rooster ate it and immediately mounted
fdtigue, loose talk, and worry, and abstain the hen. He did not dismount for many days
from eating raw, cold, vinegary, oily, or hot and pecked the hcn•s hcad bald. This is why it
foods. Do not ride in a carriage Or On has come to be called "Bald Hen powder" or
horseback. DO not ascend great heights or "Bald Hen Pills." The prescription is as
approach great depths. DO not descend slopes follows:
or go too fast. Do not take druos65 or submit Herba cisrunches (stem of broom
to acupuncture or moxibustion. You should at rape), 3 fen _
all times rectify your heart and correct your
thoughts and listen often to the reading of the (schisandra fruit), j fen. Sem en
classics. In this way your sons and daughters cuscurae (dodde r seeds), 3 fen.
will be intelligent and wise, loyal and true. Radix polygalae tenuifoliae (root
This is what is cal]cd "educating the unborn." of Chinese senega), 3 fen. Semen
Tung Hsüan tzu said: cnidii monieri, 4 fen _
If a man is twicc the age of the woman. this is The preceding five ingredients should be
harmful to thc woman; if thc woman is twice pounded and sieved into powder. Take one
thc man's age, this is harmful to thc man _ "square-inch spoonful" two or three times
There arc directions to face during daily on an empty stomach with a hit of wine.
intercourse and auspicious times. Benefit and This should not be taken if one has no
Aficr sixty days onc will bc ablc
to mount forty women. It also can bc prepared
with white honey* I and formed into pills the precec%ng should be pounded and sieved
size of dryandra seeds. Take five pills twice into powder and mixed with the hilc of a
daily and thereafter be guided hy your own white dog born during thc first month
judgmcnt of its effects.
Deer Horn Powder cures the male's "five
ills" and "seven injuries," Impotence,
approaching a woman in haste and inability to
consummate the act. loss Of crcction in mid-
Medical Manuals and Handbooks for Householders
course, uncontrolled emission, leakage
Ofextra drops after urination, and pain and
coldness in the lower back. The prescription is
as follows:

Cornu cervi (deer horn). of the [lunar] year." Apply this three times Semen
biota orientalis (arbor• to the penis and wash it off with fresh wellvitae
seed')_ water at dawn, It will lengthen thrcc inSemen custutae (dodder ches.
This prescription is extremely cf•caseeds). Clous.
Semen cnidii monnieri. prescription for curing slackness and Semen
plantaginis (plantago coldness Of the woman's private parts that seeds).
immediately shrinks it'" and gives great Radix polygalae tenuifoliae pleasure
in intercourse:
(roof Of Chinese senega).

sulphur, 2 fen.
Frur;tus schisandme chinefis Radix aris!olochiae (root of (schisandra fruil).
birthwort), 2 fen
Herba cLqtanches (stem Of Fructus corni officina{is (fruit
broomrape), 4 fen of each Of rhe of Asiatic cornelian cherry). 2
The preceding should be pounded and Semen cnidii monnieri, 2 fen.
sieved into powder. Take half a ' The preceding four ingredients Should be
•squareinch spoonful''U after meals thrcc pounded and sieved into powder. Just
times daily. Ifyoa do not feel any edect. before intercourse insert a bit in the •jade
increase dosage to one "square-inch gate," but not too much lest it clmse
spoonful.'' altogether.
Prescription for lengthening the private Another prescription is to add three
parts: pinches of powdered sulphur to one
Herba cistanches (stem Of broomrape). sheng of hot water. If this is used to wash
3fen. the private parts, one will immediately
Herba sargassii (seaweed). 2 become like a girl Of twelve or thirteen,


Art the Bedckumber
Introduction based, was copied from two Japanese versions
of the sixteenth and nineteenth cenlurics_ The
The works in this section are the most preface and colophon, both dated mid-
difficult to date. We know, for example, sixteenth century and signed with pen names,
that the texts in the first group cannot bc arc not able to shed any light on the original
later than 984, the date of their authorship. Both the form and content of the
preservation in Japan; and it is Wondrous Discourse look back to the early
reasonable to assume, based on citations classics, with some original features already
in earlier sources, that the contents discussed in detail in this Introduction.
reflect the state Of sexology from as Although the text appears to be '"re-written
early as the Han. logic of the and arranged from fragrnents of older
organization of this section, however, handbooks. " as van Gulik says, it is
has less to do with chronology than surprising that it does not contain the phrase
genre and content. The first work, '"return the Ching to nourish the brain." or
"Health Benefits of the Bedchamber," even the concept of raising and transmuting
consists of Chapter 83 Of the great Tang the Ching.
physician Sun SSumiao's priceless The full title of the Truc Classic contains
Prescriptions. The text was printed and the honorific name of the Sung Immortal, Lü
Yen (Tung-pin). The commentary was
reprinted during the Sung, Yuan, and
contributed hy a certain Teng Hsi-hsicn who
Ming, and my translation is based on the identifies himself only as a disciple of Master
copy provided in Lt. The work is unique for its extended
Gulik's Erotic Colour Prints of the military metaphor„ a stylistic device
Ming. •The Dangers and Benefits of functionally equivalent to the mythical
Intercourse with Women" also is dialogue form Of Other classics. It and the
extracted from a longer work, the Yang- Exposition were published together in one
hsing yenming lu (Record of nourishing volume in Japan, probably in the late
nature and extending life). preserved in nineteenth century. Van Gulik found it
the Tao tsang, and bearing the names of identical to a Chincsc blockprint Of the late
both T'ao Hung-Ching (sixth century) Ming- I agree with his opinion that the main
and Sun Ssu-miao. Needham insists that text, "points to the T'ang period, or perhaps
the work cannot be earlier than the even earlier," but that the commentarv, so
Sung, but acknowledges that ••some essential to deciphering the text, belongs to
passages and expressions in it may well the Ming.
be." The "Dangers and Benefits" indeed The Preface to the Exposition Of
docs 113 Culrivating the True Essence, signed by Teng Hsi-
o/ hsien, attributes the text to Wu Hsien, whom van
Gulik feels the author contused with Wu Yen
share some language, concepts, and mentioned in an Ishimpö fragment (not included
even parallel passages with Sun's in Yeh's reconstiuction of the Classic of Su Nü) as
"Health Benefits," but contains none of tutor in sexual matters to Emperor Wu of the Han.
the cos. mological and alchemical Van Gulik's copy is based on four texts preserved
elements distinguishing post-Sung in Japan. The work contains much that appeals to
works. the general householder, but its detailed treatment
Of The Wondrotß Discourse of Su
of the process of absorption would be of intercst
Nik, van Gulik says: 'This is, as far as I
know, the most complete bona-fide Only to the serious adept. The Exposition also
handbook of sex of the Ming period that contains the rudiments of microcosmic orbit
has been preserved. Some day it should meditation expressed in straightforward
be translated in its entirety." Van Gulik's physiological terms. In my view, this text lays out
text, on which the present translation is one of the most complete programs of scxual
practice and, by virtue of including nearly all the
theoretical elements of both the householder maintain self-control to promote the
and elixer traditions, occupies a uniquely cultivation Of life. It does not involve the
central position in the evolution of sexology. shameless desire to strengthen one's body to
engagc in womanizing or wantonness. Instead,
one's concern should be with improving health
to banish illness. This is the subtle principle of
Health Benefits of the the bedchamber.
Fang-chung pu-i
Therefore, partaking of aphrodisiacs during
from Sun Ssu-miao's Priceless the years before forty is precisely calculated
Prescriptions (Ch'ien-chin to hasten disaster. Be extremely careful of
Yao-fang) , Chapter 83 this! For this reason, it is useless to discuss
the affairs of the bedchamber with a man who
is not yet forty, for his lust is not yct stilled. If
he consumes tonic medicines, his redoubled
It has been said that before the age of strength will be wasted, and before half d year
forty men give free rein to their his Ching and marrow will be exhausted. This
passions, but after forty suddenly is simply to court the approach of death.
become aware that their strength is Young men must be especially careful of this.
declining. As soon as decline sets in, After forty, a man must constantly strengthen
countless illnesses come swarming. If his Ching. nourish and not waste it. In this
this persists unchecked for a long time, way he can avoid aging. Consuming mical
it will hecomc incurable. Therefore, also can Cure illness and lengthen one's years.
P'eng •rsu said: " 1•o use one human After forty. refrain from taking purgatives and
being to cure another, this is the true consume tonic supplements often. This is the
way." Therefore, when a man reaches best course. Long ago, the Yellow Emperor
forty, he must become familiar with the had intercourse with 1,200 women and
art of the bedchamber. ascended into the realm of the immortab,
whereas the ordinary man cuts down his life
with only one woman. How far apart indeed
The tao of the bedchamber art is within are knowledge and ignorance. Those who
easy reach, yet nonc is able to practice it. understand the (ao regret only having too few
-lhe method is to have intercourse with women to mount.
ten women but to remain securely
locked oneself_ This is the sum Of the
art Of the bedchamber. If combined with In
Medical Manuals and Handbooks for selecting
Householders women it
tonic supplements taken faithfully is not
throughout the four seasons, the strength necessary that they be tair and beautiful, but
of one's Ch'i Will increase a hundredfold simply that they be young, have not yet given
and one's intelligence will be daily birth2 and arc amply covered with flesh.
renewed However, the practice of this These are beneficial to one's health. If
art has nothing to do with the pursuit of One's financial resources are sufficient, one
illicit gratification or the shameful quest may choose those with finc hair, clearly
for pleasure. Rather, one should defined whites and pupils Of the eye, supple
Art the Bedckumber
bodies, and soft bones. Their skin It is not necessary to proceed according to the
should bc fine and glossy and their numbers nine and one or three and five. Those
speech harmonious. •Ihe joints of their who are able to make contact a hundred times
four limbs should be suffciently covered without ejaculating will gain long life. By
with flesh and the bones should not be mounting many women 115
large. The entire body. including the
armpits, should be free of hair, but if
there is hair it should be soft and fine.
One must not be too demanding in the
area Of appearance, but the following
traits ure unacceptable: unruly hair and
hideous faces, malletlike necks and
bulging Adam's apples .3 manly voices
and large mouths, high noses and
"wheat teeth." dull pupüs, hair about the
mouth and chin, prominent joints.
yellow hair and scant flesh, pubic hair
that is stiff and coarse. and also hair
growing in the w•rong direction.
Intercourse With these types Of women
will rob you of life and shorten your

In practicing the tao Of mounting

women, do not unite before the is
aroused; that is, when the yang-chi
is still weak. One must first slowly
develop harmony, causing the
spirit to be harmonious and the
will to be stirred. and then after a
long time one may obtain the yin-
ch'i. If the'i is encouraged,
in a short time it will become
strong of itself. This is what is
called "inserting soft and
withdrawing hard. •• •Ihe pace Of
advancing and retreating should be
very slow and, When passions are
aroused. rest_ DO not throw
yourself into it With abandon. for
this upsets thc Five Viscera,
damages the Ching channels. and
leads to a hundred illnesses. Have
intercourse frequently, but take
care to be on your guard-a In this
way, all illnesses will be cured,
and one's lifespan Will daily_ This
is far from immortality.
One can absorb their ch'i. The tat' Of and exhale lightly through the mouth. In
absorbing Ch'i is to make deep Contact this way there will 116 be natural benefit.
Without becoming aroused. After a long After finishing intercourse there will be a
time, the ch'i rises and the face becomes feeling of steam heat. This means that one
hot. Pressing your mouths together, take in has obtained ch'i. Take three Ten of
the woman's ch'i and swallow it. You may swcetfiag rhizome powder and white millet
slowly enter and withdraw, but as soon as flour, mill, and dry them. This both makes
your passion is aroused, rest. Slow the a man strong and prevents damp sores.
breath, close the eyes, lie on your back and
guide the ch'i internally. Your body will
become strong and you will be able to have When one feels the impulse to ejaculate,
intercourse with another woman. close the mouth and open the eyes wide,
Frequently changing partners increases the hold the breath and clench the fists.' Move
benefit. Constant intercourse with the same the hands to the left and right, up and
woman results in a weakening of her down. Contract the nose and take in ch'i.'i, and the benefits will be little. The Also constrict the anus, suck in the
{ao of yang imitates fire; the followers Of abdomen,H and lie on the back. Now
yin imitate water. If one persists in this quickly press the p 'ing-i point9 with the
manner, the yin-eh'i becomes increasingly two middle fingers Of the left hand.
yang, While yang, On the contrary, suffers EXhale a long breath and at the same time
loss.' What is gained cannot compensate for gnash the teeth a thousand times. In this
what is lost, If onc is able to mount just way the Ching will ascend to nourish the
twelve women without ejaculating, this brain, causing one to gain longevity.
makes a man youthful and handsome. If Foolishly shedding Ching injures the spirit.
one can have intetvourse with ninety-three The classics on immortality say that to Jive
women and remain locked, one will live for long and remain youthful one must first
years. play With a woman and drink her '"jade
fluid." 'SJade fluid" is the secretion within
the mouth. When both man and woman arc
Whenever the Ching becomes insufficient, aroused, he should grasp [the penis110 in
one Will become ill; When it is totally his left hand and imagine that there is "red
exhausted one dies. One must not fail to Ch'i" in the which is yellow within and
consider this seriously or to be very white without_ll This then becomes
cautious. If one has frequent intercourse transformed into the sun and moon that
and ejaculates only once, then the ching- move about in the tan-t'ien and enters the
ch'i increases accordingly and thcrc is no ni-yüan12 point where the two halves
risk of the man becoming deficient. reunite as one. One should then hold the
However, if one does not have frequent breath and penetrate deeply without
intercourse, hut ejaculates each time one moving in and out, but absorbing chi'i
docs, then there is no benefit. After above and below. When one becomes
ejaculating, the ching-ch'i naturally emotionally aroused and feels the impulse
increases again, but it is slower and less to ejaculate, immediately withdraw. Only
powerful than when there is frequent the superior gentleman of keen intelligence
intercourse, making contact without will be able to carry this out . The tan-t'ien
ejaculation. 6 is located three inches below the navel and
the ni-yüan is located in the center of the
vm head opposite the two eyes and straight
When practicing sexual union, one should back _ In imagining the sun and moon, one
take in a great amount of ch'i through the nose should think of them as approximately
Art of the Bedchamber
three inches in diameter. The two halves lose consider it good or bad?" I answered him
their separate forms and become one. This is saying: "'This is a very bad sign. Is it
called '*sun and moon in conjunction." Even as and
you move in and out, continue to think of the
imagined objects and do not let go ot them. This possible you have not heard of the oil
is a wonderful practice. lamp? Just before the lamp is about to burn
out, it first becomes dark and then bright _
x When the brightness is over it dies out.
It is also said that the rao of mutual immortality You, Sir, have reached an advanced age
for both men and women is deep penetration and should long ago have locked your
without arousing the Ching. Imagine a red color Ching and stilled your desire. NOW
within the navel the size of a hen's cgg_ Slowly suddenly your sexual longing burns
move in and out, but when your emotions are fiercely. Is this not something highly
aroused, withdraw. If executed several tens of abnormal? I fear far you and advise great
times in a day and night, it increases a man's care." Four weeks later he took sick and
years. died. This is bcc-ausc he failed to bc
careful _ This casc is not unique, but I
simply relate the story of one man for the
The method of mounting women is to ejaculate edification of future generations.
twice a month or twenty-four times in one full
year. Those who practice this live for 200 years,
maintain their youthful color, and are without Therefore, those who excel at cultivating
illness. If one supplements this with tonic life, whenever they feel a particularly
medicines, one can live indefinitely. At twenty strong urge in the yang matter should he
years Of age a man may ejaculate once in four careful and hold it in check, for one must
days, at thirty once in eight, at forty once in not rob oneself through wantonness. Each
sixteen, at fifty once in twenty, and at sixty one time Onc is ablc to excrcisc control it is
should lock the Ching and not ejaculate. like adding oil to a flame that is about to go
However, if one's body is still strong, a man out. If one is unable to control it and
may eJaculate once per month. wantonly ejaculates, this is like taking oil
away from a lamp that is about to burn out.
Xll Is this not the tragedy of failing to protect
oneself? In their youth men do not
There are those whose strength is naturally great
understand this !ao, and even those who do
and surpasses other men's. 13 They must not are not able to practice it faithfully_ Upon
repress themselves and go long without reaching old age they come to understand.
ejaculating for this leads to boils and ulccrs_ If hut it alreadv is late and the error is
one is still strong after sixty, and though without difficult to correct. ftose who are able to
opportunity for intercourse for several weeks guard themselves in old age still can gain
yet maintains mental equilibrium, one may long life and length of years However,
naturally lock the Ching. Some time ago during those who are able to practice the tao while
the beginning of the Chen-kuan reign (627— young and strong quickly join the
649) of Emperor T'ai Tsung of thc T'ang immortals.
dynasty, thcrc was an old peasant of over
seventy who came to me for advice saying,
"'For the past several days my yang-ch'i has Someone asked: "'If a man not yet sixtv locks his
been unusually strong and I feel like sleeping Ching and holds fast to the One, is this
with my old wife in broad daylight _ In fact, I permissible?" I answered: "No. Man must not be
am ablc to consummate the act without fail- I do without woman, and woman must not be without
not know if this is common in old age. Should I man. Without woman, a man's mind will be
disturbcd; when the mind is disturbed, the spirit
is wearied. When the spirit is weary, one's lifeunsuccessful
is and the rao of the family daily
shortened. To keep the mind always on the True will and become more ill-fated. Disasters and
to bc withOut cares, this is ideal, and long life fol- misfortunes will arrive in droves. Although
A they grow to maturity. the family and nation
will perish. Disaster and fortune are effects
lows. However, there is not 1 in 10.000 who
that return to us just as shadow and echo. This
succeeds in this. Forced repression is difficult
is an inescapable principle_ Does this not
to maintain and easily lost. It causes repletion
warrant careful thought?
Of the Ching and turns the urine turbid. It may
even lead to the illness of copulation with x-vn
ghosts. In this State one loss is equal to a
hundred." If one desires children, simply wait for the
first, third, or fifth days after the cessation
of the woman's menses. the
In practicing the methods of mounting women, '"monarchial and ministerial" days and
one must avoid those days in the sexegenary those days when the moon is in
cycle beginning with the Celestial Stems ping "auspicious mansions. " If you ejaculate
and ting, as well as quarter and full moons, the after midnight, the time when the ch'i is
last and first days of each moon. and days when born, all of your Offspring will be male.
there are great winds, rain, fog, cold or heat, They will be long lived, wisc_ and
thunder, lightning, and sudden thunderclaps, honored. If you use the second, fourth, or
darkness over heaven and earth, solar and lunar sixth days after the cessation of menses to
eclipses, rainbows, and earthquakes. TO mount ejaculate, the offspring surely will he
at these times injures a man's spirit and is female. After the sixth day, do not
inauspicious. It harms men a hundredfold and ejaculate. Not only will you fail to be
causes women to become ill. Children blessed with children, but if they are born,
conceived at these times will be mad, foolish. they will be short lived_
per• verse, or stupid; mute, deaf or dim The "monarchial and ministerial" days
visioned; crooked, crippled, blind, or sightless
in one eye; sickly or short lived; unfilial and
malevolent. One should also avoid the glare of Spring: Those beginning With Celestial
the sun, moon, and stars; the interior of shrines Stems chia and i_
to the gods; proximity to Buddhist temples, Summer: Thosc beginning With Celestial
wells, kitchen stoves, and privies; and the Stems ping and ting.
vicinity of graves and cofins. All of these are Autumn: Those beginning with Cglestial
forbidden Stems keng and
Winter: "'hose beginning with Celestial
Stems jen and kuei_
If one has intercourse in the correct manner, The "lunar mansion" days are:
the womb will be blessed with offspring who are
First lunar month: hrst_ sixth, ninth, tenth,
fortunate, virtuous. wise, and good. This will cause
eleventh, twelfth, fourteenth twenty. first,
the dis. positions and ways of mother and father to twenty-fourth, twenty-ninth.
be harmonious and all of their actions to bc Second lunar month; Fourth, seventh,
congenial. The lav of thc family will become daily eighth, ninth, tcnth. twelfth, fourteenth.
more prosperous and good Omens will crowd about nineteenth, twenty-second, twentp
them_ If One does not follow the correct methods, seventh.
the womb Will be visited by Offspring who are Third lunar month: First. second, fifth,
unfortunate, stupid, and evil. This will cause the sixth, seventh, eighth. tenth, Seventeenth,
dispositions and ways of the father and mother to twentieth. twenty-fifth.
be cruel and malieious. Whatever they do will be
Art of the Bedchamber
Fourth lunar month; Third. fifth, eighth, tenth,
twelfth, fifteenth. sixteenth, eighteenth,
twenty-second, twenty-eighth.
Fifth lunar month: First. second, third, fourth,
fifth, sixth, twelfth. fifteenth.
SLrth lunar month: First, third. tenth, thifr
teenth, eighteenth, twenty-third. twenty-
Medical Manuals
sixth , twenty-scvcnth , twenty-eighth, wither and contract- same is true for the fat
twenty-ninth. of deer or swine, for this causes impotence
Seventh lunar month; First, eighth, eleventh,
sixteenth, twenty- first, twentyfourth , twenty-
The Dangers and Benefits of
fifth, twenty-sixth , twcnty-scventh, twenty- Intercourse with Women
Eighth lunar mon!h: Fifth, eighth, tenth, Yü nü sun i from Record
thirtccnth, nth twenty-first. twenty-second ofNourishing Nature and
twenty-third , twentyfourth, twenty-fifth, Lengthening Life (Yang-hsing yen-
Ninth lunar monrh: Second, sixth, eleventh,
ming du), Chapter 6
sixteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, Attributed to T'ao Hung-ching or Sun
twenty-second. Ssu-miao
Teruh lunar mon!k: First, fourth, ninth, tenth,
fourteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, The tao (of longevity] takes Ching as its
nineteenth, twentieth, twentysecond, twenty- treasure. To expend it is to give birth to
third, twenty-ninth another human being; to conserve it is to
Eleventh lunar month: First, sixth, eleventh, give life to one•s own body. If one cultivales
fourteenth, fifteenth, Sixteenth, seventeenth, the life of the body then one may aspire to
nineteenth, twcnty-sixth, twenty-ninth
Twelfth lunar month: Fourth, ninth. twelfth,
immortality; it one gives birth to a human
thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, seventeenth, being then one gains merit at the expense of
twenty-fourth. thc body- When merit is gained at the
expense of the body, then one falls headlong
If one combines the following days with into the realm of desire. How rnuch more so
the earlier "lunar mansion days," the results as a result of foolishly shedding it and
will bc even more beneficial- abandoning one's life! Failing to realize the
Spring: Chia-yin and i-mao_ extent of loss, one grows increasingly weary
Summer; Ping-wu and ling•chi_ as life declines.
Autumn: Keng-shen and k5in•yu Between heaven and earth there is yin and
Winrer: Jcn-tzu and kuei-hai. yang. Yin and yang is what men most value.
Valuing it, one should unite them according
to the Tao. This consists simply in being
cautious and not wasteful. P'eng Tsu said:
x-vm "Thc superior man slccps by himself in a
The miscellaneous taboos of the Yellow separate bed; the average sleeps under a
Emperor state that to havc intercourse when different quilt. Consuming a thousand
one is angry and the blood ch'i is unsettled packets of medicine is not good as sleeping
gives a man carbuncles. Also to have alone." Colors blind the eye, sounds deafen
intercourse when onc needs to urinate gives a the ear, and flavors spoil the palate. 1
man urinary problems, pain in the "'stalk," The "onc day taboo" means that one must
and loss of ruddy complexion. Bcvond this. not overeat in the evening. (Going to sleep at
to enter the bedchamber tor thc purpose of night on a full stomach causes one to Iosc
intercourse when one is weary from a long one day of life.) The "one month taboo"
journey will result in the '"five ills," means that one should not drink to
deficiency syndrome, and few offspring. intoxication in the evening. (Going to bed
Moreover, to have intercourse with a woman drunk at night causes one to lose a month of
hefore the cessation of her menses causes a life.) In the evening one should keep distant
man to fall ill and develop vitiligo_ Mercury from one's wife. (A single act of intercourse
should not be allowed to cornc close to a causes one to lose a year of life, which I-
man's private parts, for this causes them to annot be regained by any amount of self-
cultivation.) The "lifelong taboo" means that

Art of the Bedchamber
in the evening one should protect one's ch'i. 10,000 years. When the Ching is insuf ficient,
(When lying down in the evening one should illness ensues; when the Ching is exhaustcd one dies.
acquire the habit of keeping the mouth One cannot but forebear; onc cannot but beware. If
closed. By keeping the mouth open, one one has frequent intercourse, but only occasionally
loses eh'i and allows evil influcnces to enter ejaculates, the cWi will increase again, and this
Cannot causc a man deficiency Or harm. one has
by the mouth.)
frequent intercourse with ejaculation, the Ching will
Ts'ai Nü addressed a question to P'eng Tsu not be able to increase and will become exhausted.
saying: "Is it correct for a man when he Those who have frequent intercourse at home regain
reaches sixty years of age to lock his Ching the Ching of one emission for every time they achieve
and maintain the P'eng Tsu replied: arousal without ejaculation. If one is unable to have
frequent intercourse, then simply reckon two
Certainly not. A man does not wish to be ejaculations per month. In this case, the ching-ch 'i
without a woman. If he is without a woman, Will also naturally rise again, but slowly and weakly.
his mind will be agitated. When the mind is It cannot rise as rapidly as when there is frequent
agitated, the spirit becomes weary. When the intercourse Without ejaculation.
spirit is weary. one's lifespan suffers. If one's
thoughts are correct and one can be without (Ts'ai NO acquired this art when very
cares, this is ideal. However, there is not I such young and understood how to nourish one's
man in IO,OOO. TO the Ching by rcprcssion nature. At the age of one hundred and
is a practice difficult to maintain and casy to seventy she appeared as if fifteen. During the
lose. Furthermore, it Causes a man to lose period when she served the King of Yin, she
Ching through leakage and for his urine to be
turbid. It may even lead to the illness of
asked P'eng Tsu about this art.) p 'eng Tsu
copulation with ghosts. Also, by seeking to replied'
prevent the ch'i from becoming excited, they Licentiousness shortening a man's lifespan is
weaken their yang principle. Those who desire not the work of ghosts or gods, but the result
to have intcrcourse with women should first of base and vulgar impulses. When they feel
become aroused and cause {the penisl to rise the Ching aroused and the urge to ejaculate,
up strong. Slowly engage her and absorb her they try to please their partners. They expend
ym-ch'i. Circulate the yinch'i and after a all their strength insatiably. This does not
moment you Will becomc strong. When promote their mutual health, but rather
strong, employ it, being certain to move slowly engenders harm. Some are shocked into
and in a relaxed manncr_ When your Ching insanity or experience "emaciation-thirst"
becomes aroused, stop.-4 Lock the Ching and disease. Some lose their minds or suffer
slow thc breath. Close the eyes. lie On the malignant sores _ This IS the result of Ching
back and circu• late your internal energy. loxs_ When emis_sion does occur. one should
%'hcn the body returns to normal. onc may circulatc encrgy iotcrnally to supp]cmcnt thc
hdvc intercourse with another woman. As soon loss in that area. Otherwise, thc blood vcsscls
as one feels aroused, immediately change and brain daiIy will suffer more harm. When
partneJS. By changing partners one lenglh• ens wind and dampness attack them they take ill.
life. If one has inwcourse with iust one This is because common people do not
woman, her yin-ch i i becomes weak and is of understand the necessity Of supplementing
little benefit. what is 105t in ejaculation.
The tao of yang takes after fire; the tuo Of
yin takes after water. Water is able to control fire just P'eng Tsu said:
as yin is able to extinguish yang. If one persists in this
Man cannot bc without woman, and woman
manner, the yin-ch'i absorbs the yang, and the yang
cannot be without man. To bc solitary but long
suffers as a result. What one gains does not
for intercourse shortens a man's life and
compensate for what is lost. However, if One is able to
allows a hundred ailments to appear. Ghosts
have intercourse with twelve women Without
and demons take advantagc of this to copulate
ejaculating, one will retain a beautiful countenance in
with them. Ching lost once in this way is
old age. If one has intercourse With ninety-three4
equal to a hundred times in the normal way.
women Without ejaculating, One will attain the age Of
Medical Manuals and for Householders

If one desires to bear offspring who ministerial" days When the ch'i is most
are long lived, virtuous, intelligent. vital. Then if Ching is shed and children
wealthy. and honored, then it is best to conceived, they Will all be male and
choose the "lunar mansion" days to surely long lived, virtuous, and
bestow the Ching _ The "lunar mansion:' intelligent. The "monarchial and
days are recorded later. ministerial" days refer to those beginnine
with Celestial Stem characters chia and i
Tien Laos said: in the spring, ping and ring in the
summer, "eng and hsin in the autumn,
At birth all the "five Constant
and jen and kuei in the winter.
virtues." and this is no less true Of their
physical forms. However, there are essential principle Of cultivating life
distinc• tions Of high and low, respected Handbooks
and reviled. All Of this is the result Of lies in cherishing the Ching. If one can
father and mother uniting their "eight ejaculate only twice a month. or once for
stare • and yin and yang. If yin and yang each of the • •twenty-four climatic
are not united at the proper time, the pcriods•• Of the year, longevity of 120
offspring Will bc average. the Stars are years is assurcd_ If, in addition, onc takes
not united. but the time is the offspring tonic supplements, onc can livc a vcry
will be average to superior. If hoth stars long time. The tragedy is that either mcn
and time are improper, then the Offspring do not know this in their youth or, if thcy
will be common _ To have intercourse in do, they are unable to faithfully practice
harmony With the stars, even if wealthy it. To begin to grasp this tao in one's old
and honored Offspring are not produced, age is very late. and illnesses arc difficult
is still beneficial to oneself. is a very to cure. However. although late, by
auspicious sign. (The "eight stars" are: protecting oneself, one can still lengthen
shih Ching F, kuei n , lig chang 9k, hsin one's lifespan. If One is able to bcgin
O, tou When the moon is in these Stars practicing this tae When young and
One may unite yin and yang and seek strong, there is hope Of achieving
Offspring.) -Ihe second, third, tifth, ninth, immortality.
and twcntieth days Of the (tunarl month The classics on immortality state that
are the • •monarchial and ministerial" the tao of man and woman achieving
days When the ck'i is most vital. immortality together is to use deep
Intercotxse at these times is fivefold as tion without allowing the Ching
auspicious, and vitality Will suffer no to be aroused. Imagine something red in
harm. This cnablcs a man to be without color and the size Of an egg in the middle
illness. Making use Of the "monarchial 0t the navel. Then slowly move in and
and ministerial" days, choose the hour out, withdrawing when the Ching
after midnight and before cockcrow. Now becomes aroused. By doing this several
slowly play With her "jade spring" and tens of times in the morning and in the
drink her ' 'jade sap," dallying With her. evening, one may increase the lifespan.
If one combines the chia•yin and i-mao Man and woman should both calm their
days of %Ning. the ping-wu and ting-wei minds and maintain their concentration.
days of summer , the A-eng-shen and They need only re. member the words Of
hsin •yu days of winter with the "lunar Taoist Liu Ching: "In the spring onc may
mansion days" just mentioned, it is shed Ching once in three days, in the
especially good. If you Wish to seek summer and autumn twice a month, but
offspring, wait for the first, third, and in the winter lock the Ching and do not
fifth davs after the Cessation Of the ejaculate. The tao Of heaven is to store its
woman's menses. Select thc hour atter yang in the winter. If man can emulate
midnight on the "monarchial and
Medical Manuals and for Householders

this. he can live a long time. One

emission in the winter equals a hundred
in the spring.' • The Taoist K'uai said:
"When a man reaches sixty be ought
completely to avoid the bedroom. 'f,
however, he is able to have contact
without ejaculation, then he may mount
women. If he is not able to control
himself, then it is better to keep distant
from them. To take a hundred kinds of
mcdicinc is not as important as this onc
thing. Onc thus can gain long life."
Tao Lin said:
Source of destiny is thc root of life.
The determining factor lies in this
Those who takc the '"great elixir," engage
in breathing exercises and internal
circulation, and have thoroughly
practiced tao, but do not know the
root Of lite, are like trees who have
ample branches and luxuriant leaves but
are without roots. They cannot live long.
root of life is in

Art Bedchamber
Of autumn, and and kuei in the winter. Throughout
the entire year, days beginning with Stems and
the business ofthe bedroom. Therefore the chi all are "monarchial and ministerial" days. It
sages have said: "If Onc desires long life, onc is appropriatc to make use Of these favorable
must procccd froln that which gives life. The opportunities, for tbcy confer long life, and
business of the bedroom can give hie [o a man likcwise benefit one's Offspring. If one
but can also kill him. We may compare this to transgrcsscs these taboos, one not only will
water and fire. Those Who know how to use suffer illness oneself, but the children bcgoucn
them can thereby nourish lite, but those who do will bc subject to evil influences and short lives.
not may sutfcr immediate death. Lao tzu said: • 'If one returns the Ching to
When having intercourse. it is especially nourish the brain. one will never grow
important to avoid intoxication and satiety. for old."6The Tu Ching says: "Thc proper method
otherwise one will he harmed a hundredfold. It Of emission requires that one cntcr weak and
one feels thc need to urinate. but Withholds it Withdraw strong: (What is the meaning Of
and has intercourse. this causes urinary '"enter weak and withdraw strong?' • Insert the
problems, difficulty in urinating, pain in the "jade stalk to a depth between the ; 'zither
penis, and tightness in the lower abdomen _ strings" and "wheat teeth.' • When it becomes
Intercoursc following great anger causes very large, withdraw it. and when weak insert
carbuncles. The taboos of the tan of thc it. This is what is meant hy • •cnter weak and
bedchamber include the last and first days of withdraw strong." Continue in this fashion for a
each :noon, the first and last quarters Of the count Of eighty movements and then the yang
moon, solar and lunar eclipscs, great winds or number is complctc.3 This is marvelous.
excessive rain, earthquakes Or lightning and indeed!) Lao tiu said: ' 'Onc who enters weak
thunder, great heat or cold, and the live days and withdraws strong knows the art of life. One
when spring, summer, autumn, and winter are who enters strong and withdraws weak, even if
changing and arc being sent Off and wel comed. blesed with a favorable destiny. Will dic."g is
During these times one must not carry out the our meaning.
union of yin and yan% The tdboos of month and
day are especially important during one's
Terrestrial Branch birth year _ (One must not
unite sexually when yin and yang are crossing,
for this in, jures One's vitality and causes one to
expcl the healthy and absorb the foul influences.
The Wondrous Discourse of
This particularly injures the positive ch'i and Su Nii
should he carefully avoided ) One must not Su Nü miao lun
engage in the affair of the bedroom when one
has just washed the huir, is fatigued from travel,
or when feeling great JOY or anger _
Ed by Ch'üan T'icn•chan
P'cng Tsu said: Prefac e
One must not fail to understand conditions of The techniques of sexual alchemy through
change. Avoid great cold and great heat, great absorption and supplementation are
wind. great rain and gJeat snow: eclipses of the attributed to the goddess Su Nü (Immaculate
sun and moon, earthquakes and thunder. These Woman). The word '-Immaculate" (Su) is an
are the taboos of heaven. Intoxication and
epithet for uncontaminated. To put
satiety, joy and anger, depression. sorrow, and
fear are the taboos of man. The environs Of
contaminated words in the mouth of one
mountains and rivers, altars to ibe gods of whose essential nature is uncontaminated is
heaven and earth, wells, and stoves are the intended as a warning against
taboos of earth. In addition to avoiding thcsc licentiousness. The '-nine times" refined
three taboos, there also are auspicious days, elixir uses the dragon and tiger to play the
which are those beginning with Celestial Stem roles of yin and Yung and lead and mercury
characters Chiu and i in the spring. ping and to represent male and female. What these
ling in the summer, ken* and shen in the illustrate is not the rao of plcasure for Inan
Art the Bedckumber
and woman, for the human body naturally middle antiquity lived for 120 years. Today
contains within itself yin and yang, ch'i and some people die at thirty or
blood, extcrior and interior. If one is able to
quiet the mind and sit in stillness,
alchemically refining the elixir of twenty, some at five or seven _ or even two or
immortality in onces own body, then malc three years of age. There are few Who enjoy
and female unite in harmony, water and tire peace and contentment and many Who suffer
complement each other, and heart and disease. What is the reason for this? Please
enlighten me and withhold nothing Ot
kidncvs mutuallv interact. This is the importance.
essential teaching of the '"Three Pure Ones"l
and the mystery of the "golden Onc need Su Nii answered him saying:
only seek it in solitude to gain
All people are conceived of father's Ching and
enlightenment and then, by investigating the mother •s blood and formed of the combining of
principles of •yellow and white one will the "four elements. Tberc• fore the causes of
surely lay hold of the dragon's whisker at longevity or early demise are many. Death at
Lake Ting' and hear the cocks and dogs two or three years of age, five or seven. or up to
among the clouds_i However, it is precisely twelve or thirteen is invariablv the result of
its purity which is easily corrupted and conception without observing thc taboos. This is
dimcult to communicate in writing. why the children are not long lived. Those who
Therefore, if one is able to guard one's dic at twenty or thirty dre inherently deficicnt in
purity and not lose one's innocence, then their "four elements." They lack sturdy
those inclined toward study will reach the constitutions and fail to study the arts of self-
gate of Tsou and Lu,6 and those who cultivation. Upon reaching manhood, when the
vitality is Strong, they lose themselves in
cultivate the tao will attain the pure realm of
amorous pursuits and squander their ching-ch'i_
the immortals. Many illnesses arise, and they do not know the
I do not know who is the author of this means to cure them. Having cut themselves Off
work. Some say it was transmitted by a at the root, how can they hope to attain long lite?
Taoist priest of Mount Mao. The two
chapters entitled, "The Ninc Postures" and The Emperor asked:
"Shallow and Deep" both describe the forms When T'ai-chi (the Great Ultimate) split apart,
of breath control and sexual alchemy. These this was the beginning of the division of yin and
must not be discussed in a vulgar way and yang. The light and the pure became heaven: the
surely are not without their health benefits. turbid and impure became earth. way of C.h'ien
(Note by Master of the Yin-yüeh becamc man and the way of K'un became
Monastery: There is an omission or error in woman. Man stands in thc midst Of this and the
this sentence.) If this is taken as the secret of myriad things are born therein. How could they
carnal relations with creatures of red rouge be without yin and yang? If heaven was without
behind the bedcurtains, then one will surely yin and yang, the sun and moon would have no
suffer the disaster of adding fuel to the fire brightness. If earth was without yin and yang,
the myriad thirws would not be born. If man was
while reducing the oil. without yin and yang, the Tao of human
Sexegenary cycle year ping-yin(1566), relations would be sevcrcd. There cannot be a
eleventh lunar month, single day without the interaction Of yin and
yang. However, there dre still some things I do
Master Of the Chui-hung Pavilion
not understand about what you havc said. I beg
Chapter l. Origins you to spcak in detail Of the essentials Of
Long ago the Yellow Emperor addressed a intercourse between man and woman and the
methods of curing illness so as to promote
question to Su Nü saying:
I have heard that the sages of high antiquity
lived to 800, or 200 years. The sages of Su Nü replied'
Medical Manuals and for Householders
Splendid! Splendid! The union of man and in vain and Without pleasure.
woman is the tan of "onc yin and onc yang. "A Moreover, if the woman's Ching
Thcrcforc thcrc is yang within yin and yin secretions have not yet issued forth and
Within yang. Yin and yang, man her %ivate parts are dry, but the man
Of forces way, then the "jade stalk" simply
pierces in vain and it is a useless waste
and woman, this is the mo of heaven of spirit- Sometimes the tire Of desire in
and earth. However, if one misses its the woman has already been stirred, but
significancc. then sickness and disease the man•s "jade stalk" is not hard When
arise. It is also said that "we embrace the Ching fluid leaves his body and the
yin in our arms and carry Yung On our feeling Of comfort has not yet bCen
backs, When yang reaches its realized. The
peak, yin is born, and when yin reaches Woman is Without joy Or satisfaction
its peak yang begins to sprout. Within In her 124 heart and will he resentful for a
the woman's private parts there lifetime.
naturally exists both yin and yang, and
thcrein thc firm and the yielding cach
Chapter2. The Nine Postures
possesses the potential for pleasure. The Emperor asked: "Relations between
man and woman represent the great desire
The Emperor asked: of humanity and is the source of life for the
I have now learned Of thc Tao of myriad things. How is it that nowadays
mutual interaction between man and there are those who neglect this and fail to
wife, but have not yet grasped its grasp its significance?" Su Nü replied:
essence. Can you explain why man and
Wife somctimcs fail to enjoy a feeling must be spoken OfWith great eare and
of pleasure from their in• timacy when subtlety. The ignorant regard this as indecent,
they engage in sexual inter- but it is not a teaching that encourages lust Or
leads people to desire. In reality it is the
marvelous art Of cultivating life. The secret
Su Nü replied: of intercourse includes nine methods. Their
names are as follows: (l) Dragon Flying, (2)
If one seeks to achieve the Tao Of union Tiger Stance,
be• tween man and woman, together (3) Monkey's Attack, (4) Clinging
With the methods for supplementing the Cicada,
Ching and gathering c.h'i, the principles
(5) Turtle Rising, (6) Phoenix Soaring, )
of massage and excrciscs for ch'i
Rabbit Licking, (8) fishes Nibbling, Cranes
circulation. "rcvert. ing to the root and
returning to the source," "deepening the
root and firming the stalk," and long The Emperor asked: "1 have now heard
lasting Jove between partners, but
the names of the •nine postures.' Is there a
neglects to include the method Of
gathcring yin, then one simply grows method to their practice?" Su Nü replied:
weary from intercourse and misses its Every posture has its own method, and they
pleasure. One languishes forever in the imitate the likeness of Creatures. Therefore
dark, unable to cornprehend its joy. -niis the list of names is called the
is because people are unable to respect •nine postures.'
this tao_ If one practices these methods,
I. Dragcn Flying. Have the woman lie face
they are truly the secret of cultivating
up with her feet pointing to the sky. The man
life. When man and woman unite in
lies upon her, resting On her thighs and
inter. course, the secret of pleasure is
sucking her tongue. The woman raises her
naturally contained within the woman's
"female gate" and receives the "jade stalk" as
private parts, but those who know its
it pierces the door of the "mysterious
charm arc very few. Therefore, to be
feminine." Withdraw and tap her ' 'gate,"
full Of love but end in feelings Of
Raise your body and undulate, carrying Out
unhappiness for both partmrs is to unite

Art the Bedckumber
the method of eight decp and Six shallow. In
this way her private parts Will he firm and
hot, and his yang mcmbcr Will be hard and
strong. Thc man will bc happy and the
woman joyful. Both will perience
emotional delight, and thc hundred ills will
disappear. This method sembles the form
of a dragon rousing from hibernation and
mounting into the clouds.
2. Tiger Stance. Have the woman assume
the "barbarian squat" and lower her head. The
man squats behind her, embraces her waist and
inserts his "jade stalk" into the "feminine gate,"
carrying out the method Of five shallow and six
deep. He withdraws a hundred times, and as her
"jade pincers" open up, Ching juices gush forth.
Water and fire are in com-
Medical Manuals and Handbooks for Householders
plerncntary interaction, and the man•cls Of inserts the '•golden hammer" into the "jade
elixir and cauldron are fully realized, gate." He attacks Wildly to the left and right
Vexations are all eliminated and the blood until her private parts arc very hot and her
vessels now freely. Il fortifies the heart and body moves supplely. Carry out the nine
strengthens the Will. This method resent. bles shallow and eight deep method, and the
a tiger or leopard emerging from the jungle woman will bc satisfied and pant lightly,
and roaring into the wind. While her slippery liquid boils over. ftis
3. Monkey's Attack. Have the woman Supplements all deficiendes, fortifies thc
spread her thighs and sit On the man' s legs. Ching and marrcm•. and makes the body
When her "femininc gate" is open and well light. It lengthens the lifespan and arrests
lubricated, he inserts the "jade hammer" and aging. This method resembles the auspicious
repeatedly taps the "yin door." He then carries phoenix of Mount Tan that beats its wings,
Out the method Of nine shallow and five sways, and soars ovcr the world.
deep. When the Woman whispers ceaselessly 7. Rabbit Licking. first ttw• man lies
and her secretions Overflow, the man firmly face up on the bed and stretches both legs
secures his "yang treasure chest" and does Mt straight out. Now have the woman mount
ejaculate. The hundred ills suddenly backwards astridc thc man's thighs. With her
disappear, thc cWi is increased, life extended, hand she grasps his "middle member" and
and hunger banished. This method resembles probes for her "house gate." As he pierces her
a monkey clinging to a branch and plucking a ••zither strings," she feels the "jade stick"
fruit. Its secret lies in agility. become firm and hard. He then carries Out the
4. Cicada Clinging. Have the woman method of shallow and deep. This nourishes
stretch out her left thigh straight and bend her the blood and activates the ch •i, and
right thigh. The man squats behind her and, eliminates soreness and pain in the four limbs.
drawing his "jade scepter,' freely knocks at This method resembles the joy of a jade rabbit
her "red pearl." Carry out the method of seven leaping about, now crouching and now
deep and eight shallow, as her "red ball'•n jumping, appearing and disappearing
opens wide, Ecstatic and lively, one fully unpredictably. Because it never loses its
enjoys the pleasure of this activity. It opens natural purity, it is able to catch the in the
the body's joints and channels and over a long highest heavens.
period is very beneficial. This method 8. Fishes Nibbling. Have two women,
resembles a golden cicada embracing a tree, one face up and one face down, clasp each
sipping dew, and Chirping with a clear voice. other as if having intercourse. Their "femi•
It conceals its prize within and does not spew nine gates" should bc prcsscd together, and by
it forth. rubbing themselves, their ••fish mouths" will
5. Rising. Have the Woman lie up. naturally Open like fish swimming about
She should be contented and Vacant as if nibbling duckweed. The man sits in
unaffected by emotion. man uses the "Winnowing basket" pose beside them and
fingers of both hands to sup. port her legs and waits until the "red tide" pulses forth. First.
lifts them up past her breasts. Extending the With his hand, he probes Where the two
bead, he suddenly enters her "rcd gate," mouths arc joined and places his "stalk"
dceply thrusting at her •'grain seed. " between them. Then. above and below ag he
Suddenly retracting and suddenly extending, pleases, be penetrates both parties in joyous
it imitates the movements Of a turtle head. union. This greatly strengthens the sinews and
This is capable Of eliminating retained heat bones and doubles the strength 01 One's ch'i.
and expelling the pathogenic eh'/ in the Five It warms the interior and cures the "five ills"
Viscera. This method resembles a dark turtle and "seven injuries." This method resembles
swimming up from the deep. It protects itself fish swimming and playing among the
with a hard shell, drags its tail in the mud, and seaweed. essential thing is to consume
preserves its purity. the pure and expel the foul.
6. Souring Phoenix, Have the woman 9. Cranes Entwined. Havc the woman
lie face up with her body across the and raise embrace the man's neck and place her right
her thighs With her hands. The man tightly foot on thc bed, With his right hand he raises
embraces her waist with both hands and the woman's left thigh and supports it on his
Art the Bedckumber
shoulder. Their two bodies press tightly 'jade stalk." Next use the method of
together. He Slightly Withdraws his "jade withdrawing shallow and entering
stalk" to peek at her ''water caltrop teeth. He deep. Having the patience for
slowly thrusts at her • 'grain seed," and protracted war enhances the sublime
undulating lightly and leisurely. of pleRSure_ One must oot be too hasty
nor too slow. Also avoid straining to
carries out the method Of nine
shallow and one deep. Suddenly the penetrate deeply: for excessive depth
heart Of the flower opens and her will cause injury. Stab her "zither
scented secretions Seep forth. Guard strings" and attack her "water caltrop
your center and preserve your spirit. teeth." When she reaches the height
This aids digestion and stimulates the of ecstasy, she will unconsciously
appetite. It cures a hundred ills and close her tceth_ Perspiring fragrantly,
confers long life and resistance to she pants and sighs. Her eyes close
hunger, nis method rcsemblcs thc red and her face becomes hot. Her
crane circling back, It spreads its long scented flower bud opens and the
feathers and does not fold them until slippery liquid overflows. This is the
it reaches the land Of marvels. height of plcasure_ Now there
126 are eight names for the inside of the
Chapter 3. Shallow and Deep woman's private parts. The first is called '
The Emperor asked: "Understanding 'zither strings" at a depth of one inch. The
second is called "watcr caltrop teeth" at a
the stages of arousal and shallow and
depth Of two inches. The third is called
deep are essential for refining the "peaceful valley" at a depth Of three inches.
elixir. How, ever, if one fails to The fourth is called • 'dark pearl' • at a depth
regulate them correctly, can these be Of four inches. The fifth is called "valley
dangerous?" seed" at a depth or five inches. The
Su Nii replied: "To be shallow Sixth is called "palace Of delight" at a
and in. sumcicnt is perverse; to be depth Of six inches. The seventh is called
deep and go too far is malicious. "gate Of posterity"13 at a depth of seven
There are also the methods of the inches. The eighth is called "north pole" at
'thirty-six varieties' and the 'seventy- a depth of eight inches.
two kinds,' which are capable of The Emperor asked: "What arc the
harmonizing sweet emotions and illnesses that arise from the injuries of
intensifying the feeling Of joy, intercourse?"
However, its principles arc very Su Nii replied:
profound, "
It is critically important in intercourse to
'I'he Emperor asked; '"The rao of avoid excessively deep penetration. TOO
intercourw between man and woman great depth injures the Five Viscera. If
is such that if one recklessly penetration reaches the "valley seed," it
performs the methods Of shallow injures the liver, and one Will be amicted
and deep, the result will be much with clouded vision, caked tears, and
injury and little benefit. I have heard discomfort in the tour limbs. If penetration
of the secret of 'gathering and reaches the "palace Of delight," then the
supplementing' to promote one's own lungs arc injured and one is afficted with
longevity. Would you revcal its nausea, belching, asthma, and dizziness. If
details?" Su Nü replied: peng(r.tivn Of poster icy," then spleen will
bc injured and one Will suffer sallowness
The man must Observe the woman's of complexion, distension of the abdomen,
tional State and at the same time dcpression, and cold dysentery. If
carefully guard his own "precious penetration rcachcs the "north pole," then
substance'• and not shed it. First rub the kidneys will bc injurcd and one will
your two hands together until they suffer weakness in the waist and feet,
are hot and then firmly grasp the ' "steaming of the bones, "16 and "tidal
Medical Manuals and Handbooks for Householders
fever. "17 If penetration is suddenly
shallow and suddenly deep, this it)jures the
heart and the person will experience heat in
the face, coughing due to deficiency ,
nightmares: and nocturnal emisSions.
Therefore, in intercourse, penetra• lion
must not be too deep. The woman's "tan
point" is located three inches below the
navel. Be careful not to injure it. Also, one
must not be too hasty Or too slow. If one is
too hasty, this injures the blood; and, if too
slow. this harms the ch'i_ There is only
harm and no benefit in this.
The Emperor asked: "'Understanding
the stages of arousal is the essential factor
in regulating shallow and dccp_ This
much already has been examined and
understood. The principles of injury and
harm must also not be overlooked.
However, there remains the influence of
the prohibitions and taboos that I hope
the Bedchamber
you Witl discuss Without sparing any Therefore. it is said that if a man muntS a
hundred Women. his longevity Will equal
deSu Nii replied: that of heaven and earth. However. people
today suffer weak sinews and slack flesh
In refining the elixir, if one transgreses they reach fifty. The element of fire
taboos, then in the ease o! major
offenses, heaven and earth will take away
their allottcd spans and ghosts and will the water dries up-n Why is it
amict their bodies. The "three internal that in the end they come to ruin?
parasites"IS Will seek to invade them and Su Nü replied:
they Will harbor sickness and suffer evil.
If Children are born thew will be short All people are subject to the various
lived. They will be dull and unworthy, or conditions summarized in the "five
stupid and c".'il. They will bring harm to desires." "five injuries," and ••ten
father and mother. How can one fail to be movements." If these are properly
cautiOus? One Should not have Observed thcrc is con• tentment and
intercourse When heaven and earth are satisfaction. If cach
dark and trembling, When there is swift brings injury.
lightning, violent Winds, and heavy rain, The signs of the fn. desires:
nor during the first and last quarter of the l. When the woman's face is Hushed
moon, half and full moons, bitter cold and moist, it that feeb First
and intense heat, eclipses of the sun and insert the "jade stalk" and leisurely
the birthdays of the gods, the scxcgenary undulate. Slowly withdraw, and
cycle days keng•shen and chia-tzu_ one's remaining Outside the "gate," ex.
own birthday, the ••thrcc amine her State.
commencements"" and "eight 2. When she pants her nostriB. it mcans
festivals.'CO the fifth day 01 the fifth that the fire of passion is slight. ly
lunar month, the inauspicious dap of the arowsed. First the "yin gate" With
almanac yüch-sha and the Of the "jade stalk" and stab her "valley
nu'urning. and "red slaughter" days all seed, "N but do not go too (kep and
must not be transgressed. Further. more, wait for the next Stage Of arousal.
geographical settin5 such as thc "five
3. When her throat becomes dry
sacred and great rivers; the environs of
hoarse, it means that her emotions
shrines and altars-. temples to the gods;
are stirred and her fire is ablaze.
the presence of all images of gods and
Now withdraw the "jade stalk" and
ghosts; the proximity of wells. kitchen
wait for her eyes to close and tongue
Stoses, eaves, and toilets all are harmful
to emerge. When she pants audibly
and bring on early death. Some as a result
you may move in and out you please
may give birth to deformed Offspring.
and you Will gradually arrive at the
There also are taboos for the time Of
realm of the sublime.
intercouæ_ One rnwt not tratugrcss those
times when one is hungry, full, and 4. When the "red ball" becomes
drunk; mentally exhausted and physically lubricous, it.mcans that the fire of thc
fatigued; distres%d and anxiety reæntty hcart is at fun strength Stab hcr and
recovered from an illness; in mourning, the wetness overflows to the
or during the woman's menrs. out. side. Gently pcnctrate to the
••water caltrrv teeth" and move left
Chapter 4. The Five Desire.' Or right. slowly or rapidly, using
and Five Injuries The Emperor whatever mcthod pleases.
asked: . WTtcn shc raises her "golden
and encircles the man. it means that
If the young and strong overexert them. she has re%hed the stage of complete
selves, they suffer decline. Extreme joy satisfaction and is moved to wrap her
inevitably Brings much sorrcrw. sage feet around his waist and embrace his
regulates himself by means Of the tae. shoulders and back with her hands.
Medical Mgnuals Handbooks for Householders
When her tongue emerges and and she makes frequent moaning sounds,
does not retract, you may stab her this means that she has rcachcd the stage
"palace Of delight." NOW joy Of the height of dcsire.
permeates her four limbs. S. When she embraces her own "golden
The signs Of the five injuries. lilies" with her hands and exposes the gate
I. Wbea the "yin gate" isstiV closed and Of her "mysterious feminine," it means
not yet 0#11, one should not penctrate that she has reached the stage of emotional
it. TO penetrate it at this stage injures fulfillment and bliss.
her lungs- if the lungs are injured this 6_ When she takes the "jade scepter" in her
Will result in asthma and loud mouth and appears at once bliss. ful,
wheezing_ 127 drunk, and drowsy, and the in. side of her
of private parts longs for stimulation, then
this is the stage Of desiring Wild thrusts
2. the "golden stalk" is soft and Weak shallow and deep,
when her passion reaches its peak and 7. When she stretches out her "golden
intercourse takes place after it has past, lilies" and pulls his ' 'jade hammer" as
this injures the heart. If the heart is if advancing and retreating, while
injured, then ber menses will become emitting a low moaning sound, this is
irregular. the Stage Of the running Of her yin
3. When young woman and an Old man
Come O)gccher, the fire Of his passion When suddenly she realizes her de• sire
burns in a vacuum and not having ber and slightly turns her waist, her
desires satisfied injures the liver. When fragrant perspiration not ycl dry and
the liver is injured, the mind becomes her smile constant, then this is the
confused and the vision clear. Stage of fearing that his yang-chi may
4. When desires are satisfied and enui• be spent and his emotional interest
tions fulfilled, but the yang arousal does exhausted.
not subside, this injures the kidneys. When the sweet emotion has arrived and
When the kidneys are injured this the supreme joy gradually Creases.
causes vaginal bleeding. her Ching secretions have been
5. When intercourse is forced before the released, and she clutches him ever so
end Of the "monthly affliction," the tightly, this is the Stage Of in.
spleen is injured. When the spiccn is Complete satisfaction.
injured. the countenance becomes 10. When her body is hot and she is soaked
sallow. with perspiration, her feet become
The stages of the ten movements: languorous and her hands inert, this
l. With her jade hands she embraces the then is the stage of peak emotion and
man's back and her lower body moves Complete satisfaction.
Of itself. She thrusts Out her tongue
and presses him tightly to stir his Chapter5. The Supreme Humun
emotions. This is the stage Of arousal. Relationship
2, When her scented body reclines, and The Emperor asked: '€The supreme human
she stretches out her hands and feet
relationship consists of a man and a wife,
without moving, panting lightly from
the nose, it means that shc has reached and then children and grandchildren. Is it
the Stage Ofdesiringpenetra• Zion and not true that we must bc discriminating in
Withdrawal. respect to a woman's virtue and appearance
3. When she extends her wrists and opens 't" Su Nü replied:
her palms, grasps the sleeping "jade A woman's virtue is her inner beauty; her
hammer" and rotates her body, this is appearance is her outer beauty. First Observe
the ' •mouth watering" her skin and then observe her inner qualities.
4. When her speech becomes playful and If a woman's hair is burnt black. her bones
chattering, her eyes roll alluring. ly, large, or her flesh coarse; if she is
the Bedchamber
disproportionately fat Or thin,
exceptionally tall or short or of an
unsuitable age, then she Will be barren,
manly Of Speech, or violent and abrupt
in her NCtions. Her private parts will be
dry and her -womb cold. She will leak
red or White discharge and have a
Savage Odor. is extremely harmful to
One'S yang-ch •i.
The Emperor asked: have now heard
your explanation Of how one'S yang-
ch'i may be harmed. What do you think
of those who use drugs and special
foods as tonic supplements?" Su NG
Intercourse between man and woman
should not be for [be purCN)se of lustful
Medical Mgnuals Handbooks for Householders
pleasure. People today do not understand withdrawing. Cleanse the heart and free the mind
the meaning of self-cultivation. They force from anxiety. Do and
themselves to perform the act and therefore not play or act foolishly; do not use
most often harm their Ching and damage aphrodisiacs; and do not look at books with
their ch'i. Sicknesses arise one after another erotic illustrations. If one transgresses these,
from this. Some mistakenly consume it is harmful to the parents and
medicines that are harmful to their lives. Is disadvantageous for conception.
this not a great pity!
The Emperor asked: "Why is it that the tao
The Emperor asked: "The tao of man
of yin and yang is called 'inter-
and wife is an arrangement for children
and grandchildren, but today why is it that
there are those without offspring?" Su Nü Su Nü replied:
replied: In the union of yin and yang, the man
There are three reasons why women are bestows and the woman receives, therefore
childless and three why men are without it is called "intercourse." Within the
offspring. Men whose Ching is cold and woman's private parts there is naturally a
slippery; men who are exhausted from clear sign. First stab her "zither strings" and
excessive lust; and men who suffer fear and then penetrate to the "water caltrop teeth."
shrinking in approaching the "enemy" are When the sublime joy has reached its peak,
all without offspring. Women who are then the true treasure is released. If the yin
licentious by nature and sexually aroused at blood surrounds the yang-ching, then a male
the mere sight of the object; women whose child is born. If the yang-ching surrounds
"treasury of heirs" is deficient and cold and the yin blood, a female child is born. This is
whose "treasury gate" does not open; and what is called the tao of intercourse between
those where there is no harmony between yin and yang.
husband and wife and the fire of jealousy
rages, these are all without children. The Emperor asked: "Intercourse is the
source of human relationships, but why is
The Emperor asked: "By what it that there are those who are not
techniques may the childless obtain harmonious and happy?" Su Nü replied:
children?" The reason is that the woman is not able to
Su Nü replied: determine her husband's desires, and the
husband does not understand the nature of
The method for seeking children is based on women. Thus they fail to realize the tao of
calculating the correspondences of yin and human relations or the principles of
yang. Use yellow gauze, yellow damask, producing descendants. Each is perverted
and yellow silk to make clothing, coverlet, and licentious, each harbors dissatisfaction,
curtains, and bedding. Choose an auspicious and both are filled with anger. Some
day and write the hour, day, month, and abandon their wives and concubines and
year of birth on a peach tree26 branch and have relations with kept mistresses. Some
place this within the bedroom. Also on the betray their husbands and engage in illicit
third day of the ninth [lunar] month one affairs and deceitful lust. There also are men
may take a peach branch growing in an who are impotent and unable to fulfill their
easterly direction, write one's name upon it, desires, and others who rush in with reckless
and insert it in the bed. It is necessary to abandon and do not let up. Later they feel
observe when the woman's menses has disgust for the rest of their lives.
ceased for three or four days, then each
partner must bathe, burn incense, pray to The Emperor asked: "Between man and
the spirits of heaven and earth, and then
wife, closeness and intimacy, mutual
enter the bed curtains for intercourse. At
this time, her "palace of heirs" has not yet respect and love are the constants of
closed, and so conception can take place. human relationships. But where do respect
As for the method of mounting, follow the and love come from?" Su Nü replied:
correct methods for entering and
Art Bedchamber

The Emperor asked:

The hexagram "After Completion" repre- 'lhe Emperor asked: respect to the
sents concord; the hexagram "Before •middle member, there are distinctions of
Completion" represents conflict. When the large and small, long and short, and hard
couple's "eight characters "27 are in accord and soft. However, are there also
129 differences in the pleasure derived from
and young and vigorous partners Su Nu replied: "There indeed are dis.
come together at the proper time. tirxtions in physical endowment. Large and
then this is concord; When the "eight small, long and short, and physical
characters" do not agree and Old and differences are matters of external
young partners do not meet at the appearance. Deriving pleasure from ual
proper time. ti*n this is conflict. intercourse is a matter of inner emotion. If
When both are talented and ccme. ly. first you bind them with love and respect
and emotionally compatible, this is and press them with true sentiments, then
con. cord. When their
of what relevance are large
stupidity and ugliness
makes them repulsive and they are
130 and small. long and short?"
cruel and quarrelsome, this i' conflict. ••Are there not also
when kindness and love are in there distinctions of hard and soft?"
is respect. With respect comes Su Nu replied: 'Tong and large, but weak and
wealth, honor. and long life; soft. does not compare to short and small, but
moreover, children and firm and hard. Firm and hard, but rough and
grandchildren will be violent is not as good as soft and weak, but
gentle and refined. If one can achicvc the
"Doctrine of the Mean." then it may be said that
Chapter 6. Large and Small, beauty and goodness have both been realized. "
Long and Short The Emperor asked: "Taoist priests make use
of medicinal substances to enable the short and
The Emperor asked: "Why is it that small to become long and large, and the soft and
among men's •precious things,• there weak to become firrn and hard. Is there danger
are distinctions of large and small, Of disastrous side effects, or do they offer
long and short, and hard and soft?" strengthcning and opening benefits?" Su Nü
Su Nü replied: replied:
Physical endowments differ just as When two hearts are in harmony and the eh•i dows
men's countenances. Distinctions Of freely throughout the . then the short and the small
large and small, Jong and short. hard naturally become longer and larger. the soft and
and soft are all matters 01 natural the weak naturally firm and hard. Gentlemen Of
endowment. Thus there are short men the who this ability have intercourse With a
With heroic members and also sturdy hundred Women without softening. Possessing the
men with short members. Some men techniques of self-cultivation. onc can make use Of
are weak and thin, but possessed of yin to yang. By regulating the breath and
that are fat and hard: men "twrro•ing Water to fire," one Can strengthen the
••true treasure" and go the whole night Without
are fat and large, but possessed Of
ejaculating. After long "acticc one can achieve
mern. bers that soft and retracted.
greatct longevity and bc free Of illness. However.
Some members are like express carts,
if one uses yang stvengthening medicine
some are highly ambitious, and still
Or prescriptions based on seal penis and testes,
others have enraged flesh and
Which increase the body's fire. the name burning
bursting veins None Of these,
unchecked in the midst Of deficiency causes one's
howevcr. arc detrimental to the
true yang to be exhausted. damage Will not be
essence Of intercourse.
Medical Manuals and Handbooks for
The Emperor asked:
The Emperor asked: "Are there then not will app:ar. Therefore one must not abstain from
restrictions for those who possess the art ejaculation altogether. but it neither excessive nor
of self-cultivation?" Su Nü replied: little.
The eh 'i circulation flows throughout the The Emperor asked: "What about frequent
body. Partners come together for sexual ejaculation for the sake of amuse ment or
union and at the appropriate time they Stop. completely locking one's Ching for the sake of
One must measure One'S own strength and
nourishing the spirit?"
ejaculate accordingly. Any thing else is
simply force and 1001ishness. In this way. Su NO replied: ••This is inadvisable. Frequent
even a cultivated gentleman may come to ejaculation, but occasionally refraining from
decay and ruin. To take mediCine for three leakage. on the contrary produces abscesses. If
mornings is not as good as for orr one usually locks. but occasionally ejaculates,
night. This was the teaching Of thc wise then one will suffer the effects of sudden
men of Old. deficiency. Both are harmful to the tao ot
Chapter 7. Cultivating Life cultivating
ne Emperor asked: '*What is the root Of
the tao of cultivating life?" Su Nü replied: •'How does one
know when a man's Ching and blood are
Ch'i is the root of the Of cultivating life. G
full and his spirit and Ch'i sufficient?'• Su
•i is able to circulate the blood_ Blood can
bc transformed into Ching and Ching can Nu replied:
nourish the spirit. As long as the spirit A boy reaches puberty at sixteen, but his
survives there is life. When the spirit dissi• vitality is not yet sufficient and his mind not
pates there is death. Ch •i, then. is the root yet Stable. Jle therefore must otßerve
of spirit. Those who train their- ch'i can abstinence, When he reaches the age of
walk through fire Without being burr*d and twenty, his vitality is becoming stronger, and
submerge themselves in water Without the Ching is concentrated in the intestines
drowning. If one can protect thc Ching and and stomach. One may then ejaculate once in
not allow it to be dissipated, then one can thirty days. At thirty. the vitality is strong
have intercourse the whole night without and abundant. and the Ching is in the thighs.
ejaculating. one is unable to guard the One may ejaculate once in five days. At
Ching and spirit, and Wildly and foolishly forty. the Ching is concentrated in the lower
whatever one pleases, me surely will back, and one may ejaculate in days. At
sacrifice One's spirit and lose one's ch'i. fifty, the vitality gins to decline, and the
This is called ••the axe that snatches away Ching is concentrated in the spine. One may
then ejaculate orrc in hall a month. When
one reaches sixty-four years Of age. the
The Emperor asked: "If a man de. votes period Of One's B'tency is finished and the
himself exclusively to the tao of cycle Of hexagrams complete. The Vitality
nourishing life, but does not practice the is weak and the Ching secretions exhausted,
rites of man and wife within the hed If one can preserve one's remaining ch'i after
curtains, will not thc princi le of human sixty, then those Who are vigorous may std]
relationships be destro and the line of ejaculate. When one reaches seventy one
descendants suspended?" Su Nii replied: must not let the emotions run wild.

are young , their vitality is not The Emperor asked: "There are ignorant
yet su cient and they must observe and shameless men who relying on their
moderatim in They must not indulge in physical strength ejaculate three times Or
excessive lust or extravagant ejaculation. even five times in one day. What
When one reaches manho•xt. the ching•ch'i
is full to overflowing. and if one locks the
Su Nii replied: "Those who ejaculate
Ching and represses then strange illnesses
excessively suffer drastic deficiency. They
Art Bedchamber

The Emperor asked:

will later become weak and disabled.
To ejaculate ceaselessly is to invite
an early
The Emperor asked: ••Why is it
that in the middle of the night a
man's yangCh'i vigorously rises and
is powerfully aroused?"
Su Nü replied:
Dawn, daytirnc. sunset, and night: these are
the four seasons Of one doy- 'Ilius, yang-
chi born during the m•riod PM to I AMI
anjis represented by the hexagram Fu
(Return). During thc chou period to AMI.
two yang lines are born in the lowest
position. and this is represented by the
hexagram Lin (Approach), During the yin
period 13:00 to 57m AMI, the three yang
lines are complcte, and this is represented
by the hexa• gram •rai (Peace). If a man
ejaculates 131
Art of the Bedchamber
The Emperor asked:
excessively at midnight, his yang-ch'i will dry of these not yet arrived and a man
up and be lost. Before the age of fifty, he will transgresses it, thcrc will surely be barm and
surely suffer dizziness. pain in the bowels, injury.
blurred vision, and hearing impairment_ "What arc the 'nine
There are also "five injuries. first is when stages' of the female?" Su Nu replied:
a man and woman have intercourse and the
Ching ejaculated is very scant. This indicates If a woman is lethargic and yawning, drowSy
injury to the ch'i. The second is when the and hazy, it means that her lung chi has not
Ching emitted is copious. This indicates yet arrived. If her "gate" is not moist and she
injury to the flesh. The third is when there is bends her thighs without opening them, it
pain on ejaculation_ This indicates injury to means that her heart ch'i has not yct arrived. If
the sinews. The fourth is when the cking is her eyes do not swim and her movements are
emitted but roughly. This indicates injury to not joyful, it means that her spleen ch'i has not
the bones. The fifth is when one approaches yet arrived. When she feels the ' 'jade stalk"
the "gate" but suddenly goes limp and drools With her hand, but Without emotional
Ching. 'Illis indicates injury to the blood. In pleasure, it means that her blood ch'i has not
every case the cause is excessive ejaculation vet arrived. When her hands are limp and hcr
and exhaustion of the ching_ How can one not feet slow, and she lies across the bed without
be cautious! moving, it means that hcr sinew ch'i has not
yet arrived. When you fondle her breasts, but
Chapter 8. The Four Levels and she shows no interest, it means that her bone
Nine Stages ch'i has not yet arrived. When there is only a
slight ripple of movcment in her cycs and her
The Emperor asked: ' 'When a man and delicate mouth is not open, it means that her
woman are a perfect match,30 they liver ch'i has not yet arrived. When she raiscs
understand each other's feelings without hcr body and inclines toward the man, hut her
saying a word. This is something subtle and pcachlikc checks havc no blush, it means that
secretive _ By What method may One gauge her kidney ch'i has not yct arrived. When her
and arouse her interest?" "jade pass" is barely moist, but her mouth is
not yet parched, it means that the ck'i of her
Su Nii replied
secretions has not yet ar• rived. When the
When a man wishes to discover a woman's "nine signs" have al] arrived and one practices
private feelings, he must first use words to the method of nine shallow and one deep, then
playfully joke With and excite her interest. yin and yang are in harmony and their
One should use gestures to stimulate her emotions romantieally entwined _ This
feelings- Man exhibits the ' 'four levels" and strengthens the yang-ch'i and restores the
woman the "nine stages." If one has damage Of deficiency.
intercourse when the 'four" have not yet bccn
achicvcd or thc • •nine' • attained, thcre will. The Emperor asked: "What is the method
certainly bc a disastrous outcome. of 'nine shallow and one deep?' ' Su Nü
The Emperor asked: "'What are the It means shallow insertion nine times and
•four levels' of the male?" Su deep stabbing once. Each time use inhalation
replied: and exhalation, or onc breath. as your
measure. This is what is meant by the method
If the "jade stalk" is not Strong, it means that Of "nine shallow and One deep." From the
the yang-ch'i has not yet arrivcc_L If it is "zither strings" to the "dark pearl" is shallow;
hard and Strong but docs not move, it means from the "peaceful valley" to the ' 'valley
that the muscle ch'i has not vet arrived. If it seed" is deep. When one is too shallow, there
trembles but is not "cnragcd," it means that is no pleasure, and when too deep, there is
the bone ch'i hus not yet arrived. If it is injury.
' :enrdgcd" but not long lived, it means that
the kidney chi has not yet arrived. If just one The Emperor asked:
Art of the Bedchamber

I already have heard your description of the The Emperor observed the rules of self-
marvels of inner alchemy, the painstaking purification and bathed. Then using these
stages of refinement, and the come methods, he refined the inner elixir for
plcmentary relationship Of water and tire as eighty-one days. When he reached the age
in the hexagram "After Completion." But of 120 years, the alchemical preparation was
there still remain some mysteries whose complete and he cast a cauldron by the side
principles I wish to fully understand. These of the lake. Divine dragons descended to
include universal love, salvation from early receive him, and in broad daylight together
death, and ridding the world of the sorrow of with Su Nü, he ascended into heaven.
sickness and barrenness.
Su Nii replied
"Heaven and eat-lh combine prosperously"31
and yin and yang cooperate generously. First All-Merciful Savior Lord
examine her state of emotional excitemeat and Ch 'un-yang's
then observe whether the stages of ch'i arousal
have reached their peaks or not. Energetically True Classic of Perfect Union
withdrawing and inserting, onc realizes the Ch'un-yang yen-chengfu-yu ti-
marvel of "adding charcoal." This secures and
strengthens One's own "yang coffers." chün chi-chi chen-ching
Enjoying sw•nted kisses and pressing closely by Lü Yen (Tung•pin)
together, absorb her yin-ching to supplement
your yang-ch'i. Draw in the ch'i of her nostrils Annotated by the Disciple, Teng
to fortify your spine Inarrow. Swallow her Hsi-hsien, Great Immortal Of the
saliva to nourish your r'ien_ Cause the hot
ch'i to penetrate the ni-wan point and
Purple-Gold Splendor
permeate the four limbs. As it overflows, it Preface
strengthens the ch'i and blood. preserves the
complexion, and prevents aging. Perfect Union (After Completion) is the
name of a hexagram in the ching_ The
The Emperor said: "'Self-cultivation upper trigram is K'an and the lower Li. Li
through absorption and supplementation is represents the male. Its empty middle is true
the first principle Of refining the inner yin, therefore the male is yang on the
elixir. The wise must not fail to grasp this outside and yin on the inside. K'an is the
trigram that represents the female. fts full
Su Nii replied:
middle is true yang, therefore the female is
It is just as Your Majesty has said. "Ihis in yin on the outside and yang on the insidc_
deed is the secret Of lengthening one's years When K'an and Li have intercourse,l it is
and increasing the litespan. Ileaven is possible to absorb the true yin to supplement
deficient in the northwest, therefore a man is the true yang and thLLS become purc Yung.
more than sufficient in yang-chi, but deficient Therefore, thc term "Perfect Union" has
in blood. Earth is deficient in thc southeast,
thcrcforc a woman is amplc In yin blood, but
been used in entitling this work. I, Hsi-
deficient in yang-ck'i_3Z Those who are able hsien, longed for the tao for many years but
to cnmprehend this subtle mystery use groped blindlv without results. Then I
repletion to supplement deficiency. Even if chanced to mcct the Immortal Master
one reaches a hundred years, the pleasure will Ch'unyang [Tung-pin] and became a
be the same. Cootentment and happiness will devoted follower. I stayed with him for
know no limit. Enjoying a long life, one's many years and noticed that the more
longevity will match that of heaven and earth intimate he was with women, the higher his
It will deserve to be inscribed in metal and spirits. I was very surprised and said: "I
stone and transmitted for generations to come. have heard that scckcrs of thc Truc nourish
The beneficial influence Of one's virtue will their Ching, refine their ch'i, and revert to
not be insignificant.

Medical Manuals and Handbooks for Householders

the root, but I was not aware that this was to avoid her. If the opponent does not rub
involved." Master Lü laughing said: "To and fondle my yang member, 1 give the
supplement oneself by means of another 133 appearance of joining the battle, and then
allows a man to be called an adept. Are you again pretend to be fearful. I wait for my
not familiar with this method?" Hearing my opponent to grow weary, while cultivating
question he drew out the Classic of perfect my own comfort _
Union and secretly rcvealed the aphorisms.
The bandits rise up With a show of boldness,
In a burst of clarity I realized that the Tao
Their fiendish forces arrayed like the spines
was close at hand. The Classic consists of Of a hedgehog.
some hundred verses that explain things by My side slowly rises and with banners and
use of metaphor. I, therefore, most humbly war gongs sets forth from its camp-
attempted to explicate its profundity. I hope When lances arc crossed, I do not contend,
that seekers of the True will be able to fully But enter a state Of mental abstraction. The
realize it. opponent seeks to take up arms To breech my
The superior oeneral in engaging the cncmy stronghold.
Must be skilled in fondling, sucking, and But with dccp trenches and high ramparts, I
inhaling. rest secure in my fastness.
His mind must be detached and his hndy From time to time I provoke a battle,
entrusted to heaven and earth. And the enemy's forccs come out to daept the
He should close his eyes as if lost to him- challenge,
But I seem not to respond,
Withdraw my forces and move slowly.
"'Superior general" is a metaphor for the
adept. "To engage" means to perform the "Bandits" refers to the opponent. When
act. enemy" is the woman. When he first the opponent's passions are fully aroused,
enters the bedchamber. a man "fondles" the her power is that of '"fiendish forccs"2
woman's "yin gate" with his hand, and with arising on all sides. I must respond slowly
his tongue he "sucks" her tongue. He and engage without "contending." '
fondles her breasts and with his nose 'Contending" means to move. '"Entering a
"inhales" the pure ch'i from her nose 10 state of mental abstraction" means that I lie
move her heart. I must restrain myself and in wait serenely and do not allow my mind
"detach my mind" to roam freely above the to be stirred. When the opponent attempts to
heavens, while "cntrusting my body" to the contend, but without success, she will
land of nonbeing. I close my eyes and initiate movemcnts from below to shake me
seeing nothing lose myself, not allowing my above. I should close my eyes and hold my
heart to be stirred. breath as if restraining urine or a bowel
Feeling a desire to attack, I must not attack , movement, inhale and contract without
But withdraw my forces and avoid the enemy being startled. After a long time, I then
_ "provoke" her. "Provoke" means that I
Sharpening my spears and lanccs: move. She then will be greatly aroused and
I seem to join the battle, but then again am respond, but I must immediately retreat, just
fearful. leaving an inch or so within her.
I wait for my opponent to grow weary, While
cultivating my own comfort. The enemy brandishes her might in all
"'Desiring to attack" the opponent means Pressing me with her advancing forces. I
desiring to move. ' 'Sharpening" means that enter and then retreat again to lay an
the opponent's hands approach to rub and ambush.
fondle me. *'Seeming to join the battle" The enemy will then attack,
describes my attitude. The opponent desires Butl inform her
that I move, but I refusc to move and retreat
Art of the Bedchamber

I Will now occupy the low ground, While This is what is meant by "turtle retracts."
she may take the high. Inhale her "true fluid" in a re.
The one on top becomes complacent, verse direction so that it flows upward from
And, though the opponent harasses me, I your wei4ü point, creating a contrnuous
maintain mv concentration, And am ever circuit and directly entering the ni-wan. This
victorious. is the "inhaling" of the dragon. The serpent
"Victorious" means that I am victorious in "'swallowing" things gently holds them in
over my opponent. When thc enemy's its mouth, waits tor them to experience
passion is aroused, she will "press me with diffculty, and then swallows them down,
her advancing forces." I have no choice but refusing to let go. The tiger in stalking its
to respond and so "enter" the "gate of K'un." prey "tremb1eS' lest they become aware.
Soon, however, 1 once again retreat to the conceals its body, and watches in silence. In
outside, turn over, and lie on my back as thc end, it inevitably seizes and catches it.
stiff as a corpse _ The opponent's desire By using these four methods, the opponent
increases and again she returns to the attack. surely will tire, and I then may employ my
I am now in the lower position, and, hands to '*hake the opponent's armies."
encouraging her to occupy the upper, entice 'Shake" means to toy with; the "two armies"
her to perform the movements. In this way I are her breasts, and this causes them to
"remain trated" and victory is become intensely excited. I do not go in for
assured. the kill but maintain my vigilance. Raising
my body to a high position, I refrain from
As thc enemy occupies the higher ground,
moving or coming down, waiting for the
She must approach from above.
My forces maintain strict discipline, Opponent's true Ching to descend. 'lhe
Keeping a tight rein on the horses-
opponent then feels loathe to stir, but I
The turtle retracts and the dragoo inhales; continue to tease her in a good-natured way,
The serpent swallows and the tiger and she surrenders With complete sincerity
trembles_ _ Having captured her "treasure," I gather it
I shake her two armies And give up and cache it securely.
the opponent no rest. Again I suck her provisions,
Sensing alarm in my forces, And again dip into her grain stores.
I order them to hold to the heights, Sucking her grain-stores and dipping into her
Without descending and without contending secret parts,
I wait tor her storm, The short weapon enters again.
And in a short time
Her forces are transformed into water. This is the second time one performs the
The enemy comes to me to surrender, But act. "Provisions" refers to her tongue, and
my magnanimity and reasonableness '"grain-stores" to her breasts. "Secret parts"
Causes her to sincerely capitulate. is the "'jade gate. " "Short weapon" means
Giving up her treasure to me, that when retracted it becomes shortened.
She lays down hcr arms and puts away her '"Entering again" Ineans reentering the "jade
sicgc walls. gate" to arouse it.
The preceding is the most important When the enemy's forces join the battle agam
secret verse. The emphasis is on the eight ,
words: "Turtle retracts, dragon inhales, Their spirit will be high,
serpent swallows, tiger trembles." Close But again I lie face up, stiff as a corpse,
your eyes and shut your mouth. Withdraw Waiting for her forces to arrive
Using my stiff straightness to block the
your hands and retract your feet. Pinch
closed the anus* and concentratc the mind. Her storm rages more furiously.
My seeming to bc helpless

Medical Manuals and Handbooks for Householders
Makes the enemy more determined. I of "After Completion," I must "enter" her
warn her to halt, again and execute deep and shallow thrusts
And our two armies face each other according to the proper method. After an
Less than a foot apart interval, I once again ' 'withdraw" slightly,
I address the enemy , suck her tongue, fondle her breasts, and
Neither attacking nor laying down my arms, continue in the preceding manner. In this
But sitting and biding my time, way, the opponent's true Ching will be
Waiting for her ch'i to subside, completely released, and I then "gather" it
While my heart is dead as ashes. up. "Aftcr Completion" means that I already
With words as warm as sweet wine have obtained her true yang. "One
I adopt an attitude of deliberateness, generation" indicates a period Of twelve
Slowing down to observe the opponent. years. With one coition, if a man is able to
"More determined" means that the obtain the true yang, his lifespan may be
opponent moves without resting. But I increased by twelve years. The "arsenal" is
'"warn her to halt and not to move." The the brains and the "highest point" is the
opponent being on top and I below is ni•wan. When the battle is over one
referred to as "'the two armies. " Being "less dismounts from horseback and lies down on
than a foot apart" means that I leave just one the back to catch the breath. Stretch the
inch inside and the rest outside. Again I waist and move with an undulating motion
address her, neither moving nor giving up. so that Ithe true yangl "riscs•• up to the ni-
"Sitting and biding" means that I have the wan, thereby returning to the primal source.
woman support herself on hands and feet In this way, onc avoids illness and achieves
while waiting out the period before her ch'i- longevity.
ching4 comes down. At the same time, my Building a mountain of nine Jien7 Begins
heart becomes even more like "dead ashes," with one basket of earth.
although my speech must be "sweet and This cannot be transmitted to one who lacks
warm" to heighten the opponent's pmssion. virtue,
I, however, slow down and wait for But if the spirit is fully realized, One Will
grasp its mcaning_
I am slow, but the opponent is hurried,
As the struggle once again intensifies. "Building a mountain of nine jen" refers
When swords are crossed, to becoming an Immortal of the Nine
I cntcr and then once again retreat. Heavens. "One basket of earth" means one
Again suck her provisions, gathering of the true yang. One gathering
And dip into her grain stores. lengthens the liiespan by "twelve years,"
The turtle, tigcr, serpent, and dragon thus long life begins with one gathering.
Rctract, trcmblc, swallow, and inhale. However, this art must not be transmitted to
The opponcnt ccrtdinly will throw down her those without virtuc, for only the virtuous
arms. will bc fully realized in spirit. When the
While I gather up the spoils of battle. spirit is realized, the mind is at peace and
This is called " After Completion, "5 therefore able to grasp the meaning and
And brings about a generation of peace. practice it _
Withdrawing from the battlefield and
discharging the troops,
I relax and take a breather,
Returning it to the arsenat and raising it to the Exposition of Cultivating the
highest point. True Essence by the Great
"Intensifies" means that the passion is Immortal of the Purple Gold
rising. When her passion reaches the level Splendor
Art of the Bedchamber

Tzu-chin kuang-yuo ta-hsien

hsiu-chen yen-i

In the third year of the Yüan-feng reign [108

B_c_] of the Han dynasty, Wu Hsien
presented the Record of Cultivating rhe
True Essence (Hsiu-chen yü-lu) to the
Emperor Wu. Alas, the Emperor was not
able to make use of it. However, the book
has been handed down to later generations.
"lhose who are able to practice even a
fraction of this art will achieve

Medical Manuals and Householders

strength of body and long life. If applied the "five taboos." The fifteenth day of the first,
to the begetting of children, the offspring seventh, and tenth lunar months, the chia-rzu
will be intelligent and easy to raise. day of the scxcgenary cycle, the Stem and
However, there are somc that must be Branch of one's birth year, the "mating of
avoided and some that are tabooOnly heaven and
after understanding what is to be avoided IlandbOOkS
and what is taboo can one progrcss step
by step in this discipline- I have set forth earth,'" solar and lunar eclipses. the last
its principles in twenty chapters. Various and first days of each (lunar] month,
practices have becn explained and a quarter and full moons, great winds and
sequence established, basing the great rains, thunderclaps and lightning
practices on a graded sequence. The bolts, and exposure to the sun, moon, and
order must not be altered in any way or stars all constitute the first taboo.
the practices incompletely performed. In Mountain woods or the vicinities of
this way, seekers of the True will garden ponds, Taoist sanctuaries or
naturally gain what they desire. Buddhist temples, pagodas or shrines to
the gods, and the Yangtze, Huai, Yellow,
By Teng and Chi Rivers constitute the second
taboo. Great cold or heat, great hunger
Chapter Essentials Of
Or satiety, great happiness Or
A voidances and Taboos
intoxication; when one urgently needs to
When mounting women one must first move the bowels or urinate; or when
have a clear understanding of the
one's ch'i is either overactive or when one
avoidances." Women who have manly
voices and coarse skin, yellow hair and is disinterested constitute the third taboo.
violent dispositions, and are sneaky and Continuous Intoxication over a peliod of
jealous constitute the first avoidance. davs, recent recovery frotn a Iono illness,
Those with evil appearances and or fatigue from a long journey constitute
unhealthy countenances, bald heads and the fourth taboo. After giving birth and
underarm Odor, hunched backs and before the woman complctcs the period
jutting chests, and who hop like sparrows Of forty-nine days when impurities still
or slither like snakes constitute the exist constitutes the fifth taboo- One
second avoidance. Those who are sallow, must learn to shun these "five
thin, frail, and weak, cold of body and avoidances" and "five taboos." Those
deficient of ch'i, and 'Ahose channels of who violate them not only harm
cir. culation are out of harmony themselves, but their offspring often will
constitute the third avoidance. Women be defective, diseased, and imperfect _
who are mad, deaf. or dumb, who are 'l'his is the result Of defects in the
lame or blind in one cve, who have offspring's natural endowments_
scabies, scars, or are insane _ who are
too fat or too thin, or whose pubic hair is Chaprer2_ Cultivating the Subtle
coarse and dense constitute the fourth Ch 'i
avoidance. Women who are over forty,
have borne many children and whose yin Concerning the Ian of regulating one's health,
is weak. whose skin is loose and breasts what is most valuable is a studv of its methods.
are slack, these are harmful and confer Diminishing lustful desires is the means to
no benefit. This is the fifth avoidancc_ cultivating the ching-ch'i. Reducing rich foods
There are certain times suitable for is the means to cultivating thc blood ck'i_
intercourse, and therefore one must know Swallowing saliva is the means to cultivating
Medical Manuals and Householders

the lung ch'i. Guarding against anger is

the means to cultivating the liver ch'i.
Moderation in eating and drinking is the
means to cultivating thc stomach ch
Having few worries is the means to
cultivating the heart ch'i. Self-realization
is the means to cultivating the flesh ch'i.
If one proceeds with due respect for
these principles, the ch'i will be strong
and the spirit more than suficient. When
one passes middle age, the time of
declining yin and waning yang, one
should not go to sleep drunk 137
Art of the Bedchamber
and sated, for this can lead to blockages of spirit has not yet arrived. When havinø
the hundred vessels and stiffness and pain in intercourse, one must first observe the "four
the joints. At this stage one should first levels" of arousal, and only then carry out
guide the flow through the "four thc act accordingly.
and then stretch the hands and feet to
invigorate the body's ch'i function. In this Chapter 6_ Examination Of the
way, the "nutritive" and "defensive" ch'i Female's Eight Stages Arousal
now freely, yin and yang bccomc
harmonious, thc Ching bccomes strong and When a woman silently swallows her saliva,
the spirit whole, pathogenic ch'i cannot it means that her blood ch'i has arrived.
Invade us nor cold and heat attack us. This When she presses her body against the man,
then is the rao of cultivating health. it means that her stomach cWi has arrived.
When she touches the man with strength, it
Chapter 3. The Miraculous Elixir of the means that her sinew ch'i has arrived. When
Bedchamber she plays with the man's breast, it means
The secret transmissions state that, by using that her flesh ch'i has arrived. When her
onc human being to supplement another, brows are knit with a melancholy mien, it
one naturally obtains the true essence. In the means that her liver eh'i has arrived. When
rao of yin and yang, Ching and marrow are she grasps and fondles the "jade stalk," it
the treasures. By moving and circulating it, means that her blood ch'i has arrived. When
one achieves long life. The bed chamber can she sucks the saliva from thc man's tongue,
kill a man, but it also can nourish him. Ihose it means that her lung ch'i has arrived. When
who use it nourish life; those who abuse it her slippery secretions flow forth, it means
bring an end to life. Those who grasp the art that her spleen ch'i has arrived. When all of
of Lhc bedchamber open the joints. circulate the ch'i have arrived, then one may have
the ch'i, mobilize the Ching and supplement intercourse.
the marrow. Therefore they are ablc to
achieve longevity. Chapter 7_ Foreplay and Dallying

Chapter 4. The Precious Crucible When one desires to have intercourse, first
concentrate the spirit and settle the temper.
Within the Stove Embrace the woman and gently play with
The "crucible" is a vessel for refining the her. Suck her lips and tongue and twirl her
sacred elixir, a "wine jar" for warming the breasts with your fingers. Have the woman
true essence and cultivating the ch'i. The grasp and fondle the '"jade stalk" to move
requirements for true crucibles are women her heart. Then seek the '"yin gate" with
who have not yet given birth, who arc clean your hand, and if there is a slight slippery
and pure, and who are without bad breath or secretion, one may enter the "wine jar."
body odor. Making use of them confers Continue to slowly carry out your methods,
great health benefits. As with the "five and the woman will surely experience bliss
avoidances" earlier, all but these are and he first to go down in defeat _
unsuitable for use.
Chapter 8. Arousing Her Emotions
Chapter 5. Observation ofthe
A woman's emotions are deep and hidden.
Mate's Four Levels ofArousal How then may they be stirred, and how can
If the man's '"jade stalk" is not aroused, it one be aware of their arousal? Desiring to
means that the yang-ch'i has not yet arrived. arouse them, if the woman is fond of wine,
If it is aroused but not yet enlarged, it means offer her fine fragrant wine; if she is highly
that the muscle ch'i has not yet arrived. If it romantic, seduce her with sweet words; if
is enlarged but not yet bard, it means that she is greedy for material things, give her
the bone ch'i has not yet arrived. If it is hard gifts of money and silk; and if she is lustful,
but not yet hot, it means that the ch'i of the pleasc her with your mighty member, A

Art the Bedckumber
woman's heart has no fixed master. They are as hot as fire. With the right hand hold
respond emotionally to whatever scene the Scrotum, allowing the "'jade stalk" to
presents itself and are easily moved. If one relax freely. With the left massage the area
wishes to become aware of the state of their below the navel eightyone times to the left _
arousal. then observe that some pant and Then cxchangc hands and with the right
utter sounds unceasingly in a quaking voice. hand massage below the navel eighty-one
Some close their eyes, Open their nostrils times to the right. Now extend the right
and are unable to speak Some stare with a hand to the wei-lü and raise the root of the
fixed gaze. Some have red ears, blush, and "jade stalk" upward. Then grasping it
the tip of their tongue becomes slightly cold. firmly, slap the "stalk" against the left and
Some develop hot bands, warm bellies, and right legs. It is not necessary to keep count.
confused speech. Some bccomc mentally Now embrace the woman and slowly insert
scattered, physically weak, and lose control the "jade stalk" into the "yin gaLc_' Gather
of their limbs Some experience drying of the woman:s saliva and inhale the ch'i from
the saliva beneath the tongue and press their her nostrils. Swallow. directing it to the
bodies tightly against the man. Others '"jade stalk" to nourish it _ After this, use
manifest such signs as palpitations of the both hands as if twisting rope to rub it an
blood vessels in the "yin hole" and an indeterminate number of times. After a long
Overflow of slippery secretions. All of these time one will feel an enlargement. To
are evidence of emotional arousal. At this practice the '"battle of absorption," first use
point, the man must not be hasty. but slowly a silk band ta firmlv encirCle the root of the
practice absorption to obtain the ' 'true ' 'stalk,' and then together With the scrotum,
yang.' use the two hands, One above and one
below, to raise it up. Gather your saliva and
Chapter 9. Tempering the Sword Tip and inhale ch'i, swallowing it to the tan.t'ien.
Culrivating Sharpness Ihen raise the wei-lü up to make contact, as
it seeking to unite above and below. This
When having intercourse, if the man's "jade helps to strengthen the power of yang.
stalk" is both long and large and fills the Afterward one may cngage in sexual
"yin gate," then the woman easily is made inLcrcourse.
ecstatic. There is a method to developing the
"stalk." An old saying goes, "1f one wants Chaprer 10. Mock Maneuvers for
to do a good piece of work, first sharpen the Training thc Troops
implements. " One must not fail to
understand this. Every day after the Izu and At the beginning of one's career, one should
before the wu hour, when yin is waning and strive to eliminate lustful thoughts. First
yang is waxing, one should sit quietly in practice With a "stove" that is loose and
one's room, loosen the garments, and sit ugly- As your passion mounts, do not allow
with erect posture facing the east- yourself to become overly excited or reach
Concentrate the spirit and banish all cares. the point of intense ecstasy, and then it will
The stomach should not be full, for satiety be easy to control yourself in intercourse.
bottles up the cWi and blocks the blood. But Onc must perform the act slowly, entering
onc also must not be famished, for then the soft and withdrawing hard. Execute three
blood ch'i races about _ Expel the stale ch'i shallow and one deep thrusts cighty-onc
through the mouth and inhale the purc ch'i times as one round. If the Ching becomes
through the nose. Gather the saliva in the slightly aroused, immediately stop and
mouth, swallow, and direct it to the lower retreat. When resting, allow an inch or so to
tanl'ien, and then circulate it into the '"jade remain inside, and after the heart's fire has
stalk." This should be practiced seven, calmed. continue the procedure as earlier_
fourteen. twenty-one, or cvcn forty-nine Now execute the fivc shallow and one deep
times. Rub the two hands together until they method, and finally ninc shal- 139

Medical Manuals and Handbooks for Householders
of the nose, then one will never become
overexcited. If you fccl a slight impulse to
low and one deep. Strictly avoid haste and
ejaculate, quickly lift your waist and body,
impatience. If one practices in this way for
withdraw the "jade stalk" an inch or two.
half a month, one's skill will be complete.
and do not move. Inhale a breath and raise it
Chapter 71 _ The MaryelOUs Method to the upper tan-lien. It rises up the spine
for Winning Victory past the ribs, beginning at the wei-lü point.
Herein lies the supremely precious ching-
When a man finds a truly beautiful crucible,
ch'i that must not be allowed to slip away_
he will surely love her with all his heart.
Now inhale a breath of pure ch'i and
However, during intercourse he must force
swallow it all at once. After a moment when
himself to detest her. One should settle the
your energy has settled, continue your
mind and move slowly back and forth
techniques slowly as before. When there is a
within the stove. Some practice this for one
slight cessation of pleasure, once again
round, and some for two or three rounds.
withdraw, inhale, and settle the spirit.
Rest, quiet the mind, and after a moment
Contract, concentrate the mind. and one will
proceed again according to the method.
thus succeed in preventing ejaculation.
When the opponent's ecstasy become
Moreover, the body's channels Of Ch'i
intense and she feels it difficult to control,
circulation Will flow freely from top to
then be even more loving and she will
bottom. If control is not exercised early
surely be first to reach orgasm. At this point,
enough and one permits oneself to become
one may proceed to attack and capture the
ecstatic, the fire of passion will be difficult
spoils according to the proper method. If
to check. This results in the ch'i being drawn
you feel yourself about to ejaculate, quickly
out and the Ching issuing forth and causes
withdraw the "jade stalk" and execute the
great harm to oneself. If one attempts to
locking technique. When your power has
forcibly lock it, then the corrupt Ching will
subsided and your ch'i is settled and even,
ooze into the urinary bladder and scrotum.
then use the proper method to attack Once
This may give rise to the production of
again. In doing battle do not be afraid to go
pathogenic ch'i in the small intestines and
slow; in gathering the spoils do not be afraid
urinary bladder and coldness, swelling, and
to be gradual. If one proceeds with due care,
pain in the kidncys_ As a rule, before the
all will be well.
first sign of passion, one should perform the
Chapter 12. Locking 'he Mysreriou.s raising and withdrawing, and repeatedly
Mechanism calm the temper. Thus the "jade stalk" will
never collapse, and the strength of one's
"Locking" is the method of applying the sinews will be more than sufficient. When
hand so as to arrest the flow of the "Yel. low one has bestowed 5.000 thrusts,3 only then
River." Hot tempered people will havc to may one ejaculate the corrupt Ching. while
practice for twenty days before they can the '"original yang" and "true ch'ff remain in
master the technique of locking, but mild- the ran-dien to nourish the spirit- If one is
tempered individuals can acquire it in ten or truly able to practice this for a long time,
so days. If one is diligent for a whole one can lake on ten enemies in a single
month, the "golden pass" will forever be night. Therefore it is said: *'lock the
secure and the "jade portal" always bolted. mysterious mechanism."4
One can then participate freely in the act
without leaking. This method is marvelously Chapter 13. The Great Medicine Of the
effective. More. over, if during intercourse Three Peaks
the "jade stalk" Slowly enters and
withdraws, carry. ing out three shallow and The uppermost is called "red lotus peak;" its
one deep, and one closes the eyes and shuts medicine is named "jade spring," "jade
the mouth. breathing gently Only through liquid," or "sweet wine spring," and it issues
Art the Bedckumber
from the two opcnings beneath the woman's again, Old age is reversed and youth returns,
tongue. Its color is emerald green, and it is and one achieves long life.
the Ching of the saliva. man Should Suck it
up With his tongue. The spring bubbles Chapter 14_ hive Character
forth from the "flowery POOL " It should be Teaching
sucked and swallowed down the ••storied
pavilion'• to be deposited in the tan."ien. It The five characters are: concentrate ,
has the ability to irrigate the five Viscera_ contract, absorb. inhale, and lock.
On the Onc hand, it fills the ••mysterious 'Concen(rate" refers to the consciousness.
gate," and on the other, strengthens the During the act of intercourse, if one feels the
tan•t'ien_ It generates c" •i and blood Ihe impulse to ejaculate. quickly withdraw the
middle peak is called '-twin water "jade stalk," shut the mouth and close the
chestnuts;" its medicine is named the "peach eyes, and concentrate the consciousness
Of immortality," "Whitc snow.'• or '-jade below the chia•chi in the wei-lü point. ming-
juice," and it issues from the woman's two men point is the locus of the Ching-chi that
breasts. Its color is white and its flavor is one's most precious possession and should
sweet and fine. When a man Sucks, imbibes. not be allowed to slip away. One should
and deposits it in the tanMien, it has the relate only with the body and not with the
ability to nourish the spleen and stomach spirit, just as if paying no attention at all.
and *trengthen the spirit. Sucking it also Concentrate the a»nsciousness as
opens all Of the woman's meridians and prescribed, and even if by chance one
relaxes her body and mind. It penetrates up should ejaculate, these times Will not be
to the '•flowery pool" and stimulates the many and Will not deplete your strength _ If
"mysterious gate" below, causing the body's this is practiced for a long time, one will be
fluids and ch'i to be full to overflowine. Of able to eliminate leakage altogether. This is
the three Objects of absorption, this one is the meaning of
your first duty. A woman who has never ''concentrate_ "
borne children and is without milk in her "Contract" means to contract in fear and not
breasts confers the greatest tonic benefit dare to advance. When vou feel the impulse to
when tapped. The lower peak is called the ejaculate, quickly draw back and retreat, lifting
"peak of purple fungus." "cave of the White out the "jade stalk. " Inhale a breath and raise it to
tiger," Or '•mystericnrs gate." Its medicine is the upper tan t'ien_ Draw back and lift the wei.lü.
called "black leacr• or '•moon flower." and Now contract the lowest point in the body and
it is located at the woman's "yin palace." Its do not allow the ch'i to descend, as if
fluid is slippery and its gate normally is restraining the urge to urinate or move the
closed. When interCourse takes place, the bowels.
woman's emotions are voluptuous, her face Settle the breath and concentrate the
red, and voice trembling. At this time her consciousness. DO not move. and in a moment
"gate" up, her ch•i is released. and her your energy Will subside. Expel a breath from the
secretioms overflow. If the man withdraws mouth and embrace the woman with both arms.
his "jade stalk" an inch or so, and assumes Suck the woman 's tongue, gather her saliva and
the posture of "giving and reCeiving," he swallow it five Or six times. sending it to the
then accepts her cWi and absorbs her lower tan-Riem One can then commence
secretions, thereby strengthening his intercourse again without tiring. However, at the
'•primal yang" and nourishing his spirit. very Outset, one must strictly avoid hasty entry
This is the 'Great Medicine of the Three and direct penetration, for as soon as One
Peaks." Only one who understands the MO becomes greatly excited it is difficult to control.
is able to suppress emotion in the presence However, if forcibly l.xked, the corrupt Ching
of the object and be dispassionate in the having no means of dispersal witl give rise to
midst Of passion. He surely will achieve the other illnesses. As a rule, one should repeatedly
goal. In this way, white hair turns black

Medical Manuals and Handbooks for Householders
lift out and withdraw without giving free rein to
the passions.
Art the Bedckumber
of absorption and one inhalation, above
and below in sympathetic response, it is
In this way, it will be easy to control
like drawing Water up through a
one• self during intercourse. This is the
bamboo tube that flows upward against
meaning of the word ••contract." When
gravity. If one succeeds in following
the work Of the two words,
this method, it greatly increases the
••concentration•• and ••contraction, " is
Ching and strengthens the yang. The
carried out together without distinction
spirit 142 then is naturally steadfa;t_
of prior or latter, this then is the male
However. if practiced too long, one will
method for locking the Ching.
suffer injury, so wait for the woman to
To absorb" means to appropriate.
rest for a while, and then mount her
During when the woman
again. This is the meaning Of the word
becomes ecstatic, she will always pant
"inhale." By '*absorbing" and
and her voice will quaver. The man
"inhaling," withdrawing and entering,
should close his mouth and slowly
above and below become Open and
execute soft entry and hard retreat. One
interconnected. When there is
must avoid hasty, deep penetration, but
absorption within inhalation, and the
advance just half a step, and with one's
two are practiced together, this then is
own nose draw in the ch'i from the
the method used by the man to gather
woman's noses inhaling it to the
the woman's secretions.
"Locking" means to close the mouth.
One must not inhale with the mouth
During engagement in battle, one
for this injures the brain. One inhalation
should close the eyes and shut the
and one absorption: this is what is
mouth without allowing any outflow.
known as inhaling her ch'i above and
Using only the , gradually guide
absorbing her secretions below. " After
[the breathl so that [above and below]
a moment, One's ch'i will be in
are in sympathetic reSponse. One must
Sympathetic response and below, and
not allow oneself to reach the point of
the yang member will naturally become
panting. If onc fails to lock, the "gate of
firm and hard. If there is a slight fceling
man" then connects with the "gate of
of loss of self-control, immediately
heaven" and the "gate of heaven"
withdraw and continue the method of
connects with the ••gate of life." If the
'"concentrating the consciousness." In
kidneys and "gate Of heaven" are not
this way one can avoid loss of semen
secure. and there is escape from above,
almost entirely. is the meaning Of the
then the Ching secretions of the
word "absorb. "
yang" inevitably Will be ejaculated
"lnhale" means to gather in. After the
from below. If the '*gate of man" is
woman has released her Ching, the man
securely locked, then the ch'i of the
should withdraw the ' 'jade stalk" an
brain descends to the kidneys and flows
inch or so and adopt a posture of half
into the "jade terrace. "S There now
engagement, inhaling her nostril ch'i
being complete circulation from top to
and her slippery secretions below. The
bottom. the ching•ch'i is in harmony and
nostrils are the "gate of heaven" and
one Will never leak. This is the meaning
below is the ••gate Of life" (ming•men).
of the word "lock. " The word functions
in the midst ot the other four. At the
"gate of heaven" occupies the "uppcr
outset of intercourse, one must cherish
source" and the "gate of life" the "lower
one•s own body and seal in the eh •i.
source." If the "wonderful handle" absorbs
never letting go of it tor a moment. In
alone, then water and fire will fail to reuh the
this way, the word "lock" always
profkr balance. However, if one
operates in conjunction with the work of
simultaneously inhales from the "gate of
the other four words.
heaven" with one's nose, then with one
Medical Manuals and Handbooks for
Chapter 15. The Sequence of complete. The woman, too, is
Absorbing and Röning thoroughly satisfied from top to bottom;
and her channels of ch'i open up and
The Hsien ko (Song of the immortals) flow freely. Now exhale a breath or two
of ch'i and have the woman inhale and
A woman's passion is infinite, First swallow it to calm her spirit. When this
rouse her emotions. art is thoroughly mastered, and when
Then slowly engage in battle. the true essence" released by the partner
The superior general surely will be victorious. is obtained and one's own unshed Ching
Desiring to have intercourse. one must '"returned.' then this is of little harm to
first embrace the crucible, fondle her two the woman and of great benefit to
breasts. and suck her lips and tongue. After oneself . When yin and yang obtain
arousing her passion, one may then insert the each other and water and fire arc in '
yang in the yin and slowly unite 'perfect union," this then is the
marvelous benefit of mounting women.
_ Carry out nine times nine strokes with
eyes closed and mouth shut; repeatedly pull Chapter 16. The Time for Inner
out and the "golden spear' will never topple. Circulation
In this way, one first absorbs from the lower
peak. When the woman has released her
ching, she will invariably manifest
When the lower absorption has reached such signs as panting and trembling
great intensity, the woman's ch'i becomes voice. At this moment one must still
expansive and stimulates the middle peak the heart and calm the ch'i, embrace
the woman and absorb from the "jade
I slowly embrace her, suck the juices from spring" above, the "peach of
the left and right [breasts], and swallow them immortality" in the middle, and the
_ After obtaining their wonderful essence, "moon flower" below. Refine and
one may stop. This then is absorption from receive it, circulating it upward from
the "middle peak." When absorption from the the wei lü, ascending the two "white
"middle peak" has reached great intensity,
channels,' 6 passing through the chia-
the woman's ch'i expands again and pene
trates all the way to the "'upper peak." chi, penetrating thc k'un-lun, entering
the ni-wan, and flowing into the
I allow my tongue to explore freely mouth. Here it is transformed into
beneath the opponent's tongue Probing the "'jade juice," which should be
two openings there, I suck the secretions, swallowed down the "storied pavil
swallowing again and again. This then is the
"upper peak" of the "three absorptions." ion" until it reaches all the way to the
tan-t'ien_ This is called the '"reverse
When the upper absorption is complete, flow Of the Yellow River." and has the
the woman will be at the height of ecstasy ability to augment the Ching and
and the "true ch'i" of her private parts will be supplemcnt the marrow, increase
released. At this time, One should withdraw longevity and lengthen the years _ The
the "wonderful handle" an inch or so and
elevate the body like a turtle, raising d breath secret verse for summarizing this
of ch'i directly to the upper tan-t'ien, process is "'Raise the ch'i, swallow the
ch'i, and concentrate the consciousness
Take in the opponent's ch'i and absorb her in the meridians." This also is what is
tions, circulating them throughout your meant by, •'Wherever the spirit goes,
body. At this point, the three absorptions are
Art the Bedckumber
ch'i goes. and wherever the c" 'i goes, the
Ching goes.'
Chapter 17. Fulfilling the
Significance and Completing the
Rela ip

In human life, there [s first the distinction of

male and female, and then that of husband
and wife. Husband and wife are the
beginning of human relationships. Without
sexual intercourse there would be no means
of achieving harmony of the heart and
oneness of spirit, which would be a
perversion of human relationships.
However, man belongs to yang. Yang is
easily aroused and easilv stilled. Woman
belongs to yin. Yin is difficult to arouse and
difficult to still, Nowadays, people engage in
sexual intercourse without understanding the
art, allowing themselves to become excited
and ejaculating in a moment, thins often
leaving the woman unsatisfied-
However, if onc proceeds according to the
method of the "battle of absorption," then
when entering the "stove" one very slowly
penetrates without any haste. Slowness
facilitates control; haste makes halting
difficult. Fur. therlnore, do not allow the
woman to pat the small of one's back.
Advance and withdraw for a long time,
engaging in the "'battle of absorption"
according to the 43
A nine is hausted yin." One must
realize the importance of avoiding these.
method_ This not only is beneficial to
It is especially irnportant to avoid those
the body, but causes the woman to feel
who are too fat, for it is diffcult for their
great love. Ille man experiences great
vessels to Bow freely. Those who are
comfort and the woman feels lovely.
too thin have too little flesh and fluids.
There is a mutual balance of benefit.
•lhose who are weary have too little
This then is the 'ao of •fulfilling the
spirit and ch'i. who are weak will
significance" and the business of
actually harm a man•s yang. Those who
"completing the relatiOnShip."
are weary in spirit have cold yin. Those
who are ill have poison in their yin." All
Chapter 18. Rejuvenation through Of these arc called ••yin 144 thieves"
Grafting1 and should be avoided. Moreover,
absorbing and supplementing is a matter
Man's cultivating the True and of my own mind. One must empty the
nourishing life is like an old tree mind. calm all cares. understand the
flourishing again through grafting. taboos, and Observe the signs of
Supplementing one human being by arousal. Withdraw and till her again
means of another is precisely the same slowly; dally and toy with her
principle as grafting a branch Onto a deliberately. Enter weak and exit hard.
tree_ The Hsien ko says: pay careful attention to the point when
Those Who fail to understand the one fcels the urge Lo ejaculate, but has
principle of longevity. not yet ejaculated. With. draw and
Need only look at the grafting Of in withhold it. Clcarly distinguish the point
the midst of mulberry. between imminent arousal and full
arousal. Remember that a ship is steered
Anyone who desires to engage in this with a rudder of but one foot, and a
work must obtain a perfect precious crucible crossbow shot With trigger Of but one
whose age is above fifteen but no more than inch. Gentlemen of intelligence Can use
thirty. Women Of fourteen represent the their minds to reverse it.
'•minor yin," those of twenty-one the
"abundant yin," and those of twenty-eight the Chapter 19. Returning ro the
'strong yin." "minor yin" nourishes the Source and Reverting to rhe Root
body and the "abundant yin" increases the
lifespan. ••Returning to the source" refers to the
method of retrieval. The "true yin"
You should obtain one and raise her represented by the middle line in the
gently. Wait until her "red verges, trigram Li is formless but reveals a sign.
and then allowing neither excess nor Its tire tends to rise upward. If employed
insufficiency, employ her with profit to in the ordinary way, conception occurs
yourself_ If absorption and cultivation are and a human being is born. If the is
practiced for a long time, one's form may reversed, a precious pearl is formed.
remain in the world. hen a woman reaches This is known as the "Yellow River
thirty•fivc. this is the phase of "declining yin. turns back its waves." It is pulled back
" Forty-two is Called i 'major yin." and forty- to its source until it returns to the "gate
Of heaven." When absorbing and
refining, use mental concentration and
contraction to locklU it; use absorption and
inhalation to gather it. If one does not follow
the correct in "dismounting," how can one
expect to ••revert and return," distributing it
(throughout the body)? After finishing the
act, One must lic nat on the back, extending
the arms straight out, and relaxing the feet.
with the head resting on the pillow and the
heels making contact with the bed. The body
should feel as if suspended in space. Hold the
breath with all your might and shake your
body several times, finally letting the air
escape from the nose. Execute this in a
smooth and even manner, If one feels heat in
the face, this is because the ChingcFi already
has ascended to the ni-wan. At this moment,
one should use both hands to massage the
skin of the face and cause the heat to
disperse. NOW close the lips and stop
breathing. With the tongue,
Medical Manuals and Handbooks for

stir about in the "flowery pool" and man's passion has not yet subsided, then
swallow the "holy water" to the tan-r'ien. the Ching will arrivc late and also will
In this way one is able to circulate the not be accepted by her. It is possible
Chingch'i throughout the body and it only when the two are both ecstatic. The
becomes a very useful thing _ If man penetrates dccply with the "jade
practiced for a long time, one stalk" and ejaculates as the woman raises
may wander freely in the Milky Way her waist to receive it into her womb.
and feast in the "yellow court. They rest together for a short time and
then sepa-
Chapter 20. Conceprion and Householders
Prevention Of Miscarriage
rate _ Have the woman lie straight With
By practicing "absorption" during her face up. With IDO attempts therc
intercourse, men and women gain will be 100 successes. Also the and wu
longevity, but by ejaculating, the womb are the time of "yang major" and
is calmed and conception results. -l"here intercourse then will produce sons The
is a saying: "There are three things that mao and yu hours belong to "yin major"
are most unfilial, but the worst is to fail and intercourse then will produce
to produce descendants." •lherefore, daughters. Furthermore, if the yin blood
conceiving offspring is one of life's most arrives first and the yang-ching bursts
urgent duties. The man must first through later, then the blood opens and
supplement his Ching and strengthen his envelops the Ching. Ching penetrates,
kidneys to invigorate his yang-ch'i. The becoming the bones, and a male is
woman must regulatc her menses and formedIf the yang-ching arrives first and
nourish her blood, and then the womb the yin blood joins it later, then the
will be congenial and warm. Wait for thc Ching opens and surrounds the blood.
"'monthly affair" to be past and the '"red The blood then is in the interior and a
flow" to be finished. Precisely when the woman is formed. If the Ching and
womb is open is the most suitable time blood arrivc simultaneouslv, twins
for intercourse. On the first day one will result. This is the basic principle and it
conceive males and on the second thus is appended here.
females. based on the principlc of yang
corresponding to odd num. bers and yin Colophon
to even. If one proceeds according to the
During the reign of Emperor Shih-tsung
proper method, the children will be
[Ming dynasty, 1522—1566] I served at
endowed with virtue and intelligence_
the Imperial Court in Peking. At that
They will be free of illness and easy to
time the Taoist adept T'ao enjoyed
raise. After the fifth dav, the "yin gate"
imperial favor because of his magical
closes and it is a waste to have
powers. If we trace his
intercourse_ When having intercourse it
accomplishments, however, they were
is essential that both partners be
nothing but illusion and fantasy without
emotionally aroused, for only then will
legitimacy. However, his mastery of the
there be a successful response. If the
art of "absorption and supplementation"
woman is still unmoved when the man is
was indeed genuine. Therefore, the
already aroused and his Ching arrives,
Emperor's enjoying a ripc olci age was
then she will not be able to accept the
entirely due to this. I very much admired
Ching. If the woman aroused first and
his art and, bribing a close attendant,
her passion is already past, although the
was able to purchase some of the secret
Medical Manuals and Handbooks for

transmissions preserved there, in.

cluding two works, the classic Of Master
Lii Tung-pin and the exposition of his
disciple. I practiced accordingly but
found it difficult at first to gain control.
After a long time, however, it came quite
naturally. Thus, during a period of sixty
years, I had intercourse with more than
100 women and reared 17 sons. I have
lived through five emperors and
personally seen five reigns. Although I
am very old, I am still not weary of the
bedchamber, and when on occasion I
have intercourse, I always manage to
vanquish several womcn_ Although
heaven has blessed mc with years, the
contribution of the art of '"absorption
and supplementation" cannot be denied.
There is a saying that goes,

Art Ofrhe years of one's life. Of what concern is

that to me?
'Those who monopolize their skill will
come to misfortune." Moreover, a man's Written in the first lunar month
lifespan is less than a hundred years. I Of the cyclical year chia•wu
cannot bear the thought that when I die [15941 Of the Wan Li reign by
these two books might be lost. For this
the ninety-five year old native
reason, I had them printed to spread the
influence Of the great Immortal's virtue of Chekiang Province in the
and offer it to the men of my generation Purple
that they might reach the age of P'eng Fungus of Immortality Studio on T'icn-
Tsu. To say that this is nonsense and t'ai Mountain.
unfounded is simply to throw away
Introduction ran Chiu-cheng p'ien (Sccking
instruction on the golden elixir),
With this section we sail out of van which bears a preface dated 1564, and


Gulik's sights into waters charted only was included in his Fanghu Wai-shih
by Joseph Needham. Ko Hung (Unofficial history of the
announced the existence of a sexual Paradise). Sun Ju•chung's Chin• tan
elixir school in his fourth century Pao Chen-chuan (Truc transmission of the
P'u tzu, and Tseng Tsao's tenth 146 golden elixir) is also blessed with
century Tao shu outlined its theory. an author's preface, dated 1615, which
Our earliest complete texts in this simplifics the problem of chronology.
tradition, however, are not until the lhe three texts attributed to Chang
Ming. It is difficult to say whether San.feng, however, are beset with
this low survival rate should be formidable obstacles to determining
attributed to the secrecy surrounding both date and authorship. The Chin-
all methods for attaining immortality Ian chieh-yao (Summary of the golden
or to the sexual nature of the practice. elixir), Ts'ai-che.n chi-Yao (Secrets of
Certainly, were it not for Japanese gathering the true essence), and
interest in collecting Chinese medical Wu.ken shu (Rootless tree) all appear
texts we might have lost the in Fu Chin-ch'üan's Cheng-tao pi-shu
householder manuals of the same shih-chung (Ten kinds Of secret
period. Nevertheless, the five texts in treatises On verification of the tao), a
this section span the middle to late collection which may be
Ming, and possibly the Ch'ing, and approximately dated early nineteenth
represent the advanced stage of sexual century,
alchemy. Of the three texts attributed by Fu
Lu Hsi-hsing (1520—1601 Chin-ch•üan to Chang San-feng, the
founder of the so called Eastern Branch mary and Secrets are
(rung.p'ai) of Ming Taoists noted for their unmistakably sexual, "The Rootless
sexual teachings, is the author of the Chin- Tree" poems more metaphorically so.

Ignoring for the moment that Ming and

Ching biographies of Chang San-feng
variously place him in the Sung, Chin,
Yuan Or Ming and putting aside efforts to
distinguish several historical figures
sharing the same or homophonous names,
it should bc noted that the Summary and
Secrets are absent from Li Hsi-yueh's
(1795-1850?) Chang San •feng ch'üan-chi
(Complete works of Chang San-feng),
while •'The Rootless Tree" is included in
the Complete Works with two distinctly
anti-sexual commentaries. The twenty-four
"Rootless Tree" poems, with preface dated
1802, appear in Liu Wu-yüan's Tao-shu
shih-erh Chung
he of A!chemy
(Twelve kinds of Taoist works) the sexual and solo schools both desired to
published in 1913. Liu's notes to the appropriate it. If the sexual implications of the
verses arc adopted by Li Hsi-yüch, Who text are less than nakedly transparent, a nuttlber
also adds his own commentary. Although Of contemporary scholars have nevertheless
Liu interprets the central image of the managed to
•'rootless tree" as symbolizing the EILEir /_iterature Sexual
fragility ot the human body, and Li takes
decode its metaphors. Anna Seidel
it as the ch'i which supports life as an
reports in a note to her article, "A Taoist
imisible root system, nevertheless Liu
Immortal of the Ming Dynasty, Chang
and Li make common cause in opposing
San-feng," that she was alerted to the
a sexual reading of the verses. The first
sexual meaning of "The Rootless Tree"
edition of the Complete Works was
by Liu Ts'un-yan in personal
published in 1844, but the extant printing
communication. Huang Chao-han makes
is that included in the chi-Yao (Essence
this point even more directly when hc
of the Tao tsang) published in IY06_ A
says in his book Ming-tai {ao-shih
preface to Rootless Tree" by Ho Hsi-fu is
Chang Sun-feng k'ao (A study of the
dated 1847, and thus the poems must
Ming dynasty Taoist, Chang San-feng):
have been added during the interval
"'What is the real nature of the language
betwCCn 1847 and 1906_ Another
of "1hc Rootless Tree?' Does it really
compilation of writings attributed to
have nothing to do With sexual practice
Chang Sanfeng, the Chang San-leng I 'ai-
as stated by _iu Wuyuan and Li Hsi-yüeh
ehi lien-fan pi-chüeh (Secret
? The poem very obviously describes
transmissions Of Chang San-feng on the
'paired cultivation' and to claim that it
Great Ultimate cultivation of the elixir) is
does not is very difficult to believe:'
of unknown editorship but may be
Reading "The Rootless Tree" alongside
approximately dated late Ch'ing_ It
the sexual literature of the Ming, and
contains the '"Rootless Tree," but not the
especially the Summary and Secrets, one
Summary and Secrets as such. Oddly
cannot help but be struck by such parallel
though, six chapters of the Summary are
phrases as, "Graft peach branches onto
reproduced in the Chang San-feng Mai-
willow and pear onto mulberry," "An
chi lien-tan pi•chüeh, a cluc which may
unfertilized egg produces no chicks,"
some day lead us to the origins of all
"'Practicino only solitary meditation, the
these works.
ch'i dries up," "K'un is a human being,"
Several other factors further confuse
"The lead nowers appear when the kuei
the picture of the three texts attributed to
is over," and 'Repress your feelings as
Chang San-feng. First, Li Hsi-yüeh is at
you confront the scene." Seen in this
great pains to distinguish "his" Chang
context, ' 'The Rootless 'I-ree" appears to
San-feng from another Chang San•feng
be a rendering of the theme of sexual
whom he describes as an exponent of
cultivation in a literary form. Needham
sexual disciplines during the Liu Sung
dates these works "1410 (if genuine),"
dynasty (420—77) In at least six sections
and I arn inclined to agree with Huang
of the Complete Works Li takes the
Chao-han's 1976 Ph.D. thesis, "On the
opportunity to attack the general theory
cult of Chang San-feng and the
of sexual cultivation, and one wonders
Authenticity ot his Works," which
why he did not spare himself the trouble
concludes that the "Rootless Tree" was
Of explaining away the sexual implica-
written "by sonwonc else during the early
Of Rootless by simply attributing it Ch'ing dynasty." I fcel that the Summary
to the "Other" Chang Sanfeng and and Secrets also reached their present
tossing it out. It may he that the poem form during the Ch'ing, perhaps even by
was considered a hot property and that the same hand.
Just as the names P'eng Tsu, Su Nii subsequent conversions. Just as Chen
and Jung Ch'eng were synonymous with Luan described his turning away from
sexual practices in their day, so Chang Taoist sexual practices to Buddhism, so
San-feng symbolized the sexual school Sun Ju-chung in a short essay entitled
from the Ming forward. Taoist solo Hsiu-chen ju-men (Introduction to
practitioners have spared no effort to cultivating the, true esscncc) outlines the
distinguish the Chang San-feng (whose argument for embracing sexual practices:
name recalls the "Three Peaks" of the
Exposirion Of Culriva!ing the True Whcn it comes to strcngthcning the ch'i,
FJsence) from the Chang San-Feng 147 there arc two theories: some advocate strengthening
Of it through "purity" and others by "yin and yang "
Howcver, for those Who have already cxpcnenccd
who is rcvcrcd as a patriarch of seminal leakage, rapid strengthening is difficult to
numerous Sects Of religious achieve 'using "pule" Inethods) and it is not easy to
Taoism, as a god Of riches, as the rein in the mind that already is scattered_ This is not
creator of the internal school of as effective as the mutual strengthening of yin and
yang, for here there is something concrete to work
pugilism, and so forth. Even fel low with. This method does not tax the spirit and is easy
"paired" practitioner, Lu Hsi-hsing, for beginners. Onc must cmploy the 148 "crucibles."
felt obliged to disassociate himself First open the "passes" and "orifices," and then
from the infamous Chang when he strengthen thc ck'i and blood. What are the
says in thc preface to his Seeking "crucibles?" The Wuchen p'ien calls them "the
Instruction: ' 'When I foolishly divine father and holy mother." When carrying out
asked him Il-ü Tung-pin] about the this practicc, there is intercourse of the spirit but not
teachings of Chang San, feng, he of the bodies; intercourse of the ch'i but not of the
rejected them." As for the legendary physical form. The man does not loosen his
Lü Tung-pin, mentioned by Lu Hsi- garments nor the woman her girdle. They respect
hsing as his teacher, his association each other as divine beings and love one another as
with sexual disciplines appears as father and mother.
early as the Tao shu, where Tseng Revealing the role of temperament in scholarly
Tsao portrays him as an innocent debate, it is interesting here that Sun expresses
dupe of the sexual doctrines of Ts'ui impatience with the slownCsS Of "pure"
Hsi-fan's Ju-yao Ching. The True meditative methods and the difficulty of
Classic of Perfect Union is also controlling the restless mind, while "pure"
attributed to Tung-pin, as is the criticisms of sexual cultivation often emphasize
women's practices text. Queen their undue complexity and the difficulty of
Mother of the West's Ten Precepts. control ling the excited Ching.
Both Chang and havc been so What distinguishes the texts Of sexual
encrusted with legend that it is alchemy from the other categories in this
nearly imposible to uncover a core anthology? Above alt, it is that the theme of
of historicity, although in the immortality is no longer a literary convention
popular imagination Lii remained an but a literal and exclusive obsession. Questions
appealing figure, while the sexual of emotional harmonization, sexual
Chang seems to have gained the synchronization, eugenics, and therapies for
reputation as a bit of a de Sade. sexual dysfunction have become completely
A common thread in Teng Hsi- irrelevant. The adept enters a state of
hsien's preface to the True Classic meditative abstraction in which sexual arousal
and the prefaces of Lu and Sun is has been vitually divorced from personalized
the fruitless search for immortality passion and in which the partner has been
through solo practices, their fateful reduced to mere "'medicine." The emphasis on
meetinps with sexual masters, and timing has shifted away from macrocosmic
he of A!chemy
"avoidances and taboos" to the precise underlying the diverse developments within the
microcosmic moment when the yang sexual school for morc than two thousand
essence ripening within the female years.
reproductive system is ready for
"gathering," a moment having more to do
with a primitive concept Of ovulation
than orgasm. Finally, the yang extract, Seeking Instruction on the
collected under controlled laboratory Golden Elixir
conditions from the woman, is
centrifuged within the body of the adept Chin-Ian chiu-cheng p •ten by
by a process of microcosmis orbit Lu Hsi-hsing (Ch'ien- hsü)
circulation, which is indistinguishable
from solo inner alchemy meditation. Preface
What sets the works attributed to Chang I have perused countless works on the elixir of
San-fcng somewhat apart from the immortality, and all insist that thc great
relatively chaste (onc of Lu and Sun is medicine of longevity requires the primordial
his explicitness regarding matteß of undifferentiated truc ch'i_ If one asks from
patronage and procurement, the details of whence comes this ch'i, the answer is that it can
coaxing the essence from female donors, be found in the "other." Wc cannot find this ch'i
and the yogic techniques Of absorption. in our own bodies, but those who believe it can
Liu Ts'un-yan in an article entitled be found in others are rare while skeptics arc
'"Taoist Self-Cultivation in Ming many. From an early age I sought to
Thought" tnllected in Wm. Theodore de Elixir Lirerarure Sexual
Bary's Self and Society in Ming Thought
draws a distinction between the understand this tao; however, because of my
bedchamber art and sexual alchemy in own dullness and lack of talent, I was not able
these terms: to fathom its principlcs_ Turning to thc
Ts'an-!'ung ch'i and W'u-chcn p'ien, I found the
cultivation of thc internal pill, though path thorny and progress impossible. As first
easily confused with the idea Of dual explained to me by Master Yü Yen, these
cultivation in its sexual aspects, should not
works taught the rao of purity and non-action.
be interpreted as being identical with the
study of the •bedchamber art' Tang All practice external to one's own body was
chung)_ The fang•ckung scholars Of the condemned as heterodox, and everything to do
Former Han, during the Northern and with -'golden crucibles" and "fire charms" he
Southern dynasties, and Of the T'ang considered alchemy. Steadfastly maintaining
mainIy concerned themselves with this view he could not be shaken. Alas! If
hygienic arrangements in Chinese family purity is truly so incomprehensiblc, why is it
life, and to some extent they also madc ridiculed by so-called "inferior and
contributions to the Chinese why have critics continued to arise? At that
pharmacopoeia. But they did not often point in my studies, I could not help being
recommend the cultivation of the ch'i. skeptical. In the year 1547 of the Chia-ching
I cannot entirely endorse this analysis, reign of the Ming dynasty, I chanced to meet
and even less its conclusion. While there Master Lü (Tung-pin] at his hut in Shantung_
is surely a distinction in emphasis He encouraged me to stay and treated most
betwcen the "'bedroom art" and sexual graciously. He offered fine black millet wine
alchemy, the former more aligned with and exhorted me with words of wisdom. Only
the medical tradition and the latter with once in three lifetimes or a thousand years does
the meditative, it is the cultivation of ch'i an opportunity so rare present itself. He
which unites rather than separates tbcm encouraged those of my generation to follow
and has been the most consistent theme the highest rao. When I foolishly asked him
about the teachings of Chang San-feng, he
rejected them. In the meantime, he
transmitted the ' 'Song Of Forming the
Fetus" and the principles of entering the
chamber. The subtle words and deep
doctrines could fill volumes, and
although I recorded and preserved them,
my understanding was very superficial.
Thus for twenty years I failed to live up
to my teacher's kindness. In the last
month of the year 1564, retiring to the
countryside, I gazed into the mirror and
was saddened by the sight of gray hair
encroaching on my temples. 1 deeply
regretted the failure to realize my Just as
was feeling that time was running out, I
was visited by Master in a dream and
determincd to change my ways. After
this great inspiration, I searched my
memory for his words and was able
recollect 80 to 90 percent. I also brought
in all the classics and treatises that
explain this over and Over_ Onc night,
while in a state between sleep and
wakefulness, I felt suddenly enlightened
and wrote down 149
he of A!chemy
of "four images," the "cight trigrams." In this way, Li
belongs to Ck'ien I The Creativcl and K'an belongs to
this work. Confucius said: "Review the Old K'un t The Receptive]. In man and woman, when yin
and grasp thc new." Today, What I review is and yang have intercourse, a material being is
indeed old, and what I have grasped is new _ formed. Therefore, when Ck'ien and K'un have
My words are but the inspiration of a intercourse, Ch'ien inevitably becomes empty in the
moment, and I would not dare impose upon midd]c and is transformed into Li; inevitably
those who have truly rcaliped the becomes full and is transformed into Kan. When
Nevertheless, they are not far from the ideas male and female have mtercourse, yin cannot but
Of my Master _ embracc yang, and yang cannot but be rooted in yin.
This is the difference betwccn K'an and Li, other and
Preface written on the first day of self.
the last quarter of the moon, last
month of the year. 1564, by [Lul "Now if I understand you correctly, in the
middle of Li is yin-ching, and in the middle
Of K 'an is yang-ch'i_ Why do I not possess
Chapter One Ching and ch'i within my own body and
Someone asked Master Ch 'ien-hsü: •'What must borrow it from a partner?" I replied:
is meant by the words in the elixir classics You do possess them, but I have not yet
that the primordial undifferentiatcd ch'i must completed my explanation. I used to be mired
be sought among one's own species?" I in the theories Of Old Yü Wu, but now I have
replied: finally discovered the truth. Please listen to
mc and will attempt to explain it. I heard my
I have heard my Master say that the Tao of Master say that when yin and yang. the two
the golden elixir is based On the union Of yin fives. unite and coalesce, a human being is
and yang. Yin and yang means one man and born. At its conception, it is like an uncarvcd
one woman, one Li and one Kan, one lead and block, a perfect body of undifferentiated T'ai-
one mercury _ This is the medicine of thc great chi Go tzu said: ' 'The highest power is like
clixir. Thc truc ch'i of K'an is called lead, and the infant. Though knowing nothing Of the
the true Ching Of Li is called mercury _ I Store union of male and female, yet its penis elects.
my own pnnatal chiug, while borrowing my This is the height Of Ching, It cries all day
partner's prenatal ch'i_ How is this so? My without becoming hoarse, This is the height
partner is Kan, which is yin on the outside and Of harmony Here then is the pucity of yin and
yang on the inside. This is symbolized by water yang. At this stage, the pre. natal body is
and the moon _ In the human species, it is homogeneous and perfect. What need is there
female. I am Li, which is yang on the outside to borrow or supplemen!? What can possibly
and yin on the inside. This is symbol• ized by be added to the power Of nooaction?
fire and the sun. In the human species, it is However, at the onset of puberty, yin and
male. Thus, following the normal course of the yang begin to interact and the prenatal ch'i
tao of man and woman, or yin and yang , Bees to the middle of K'un_ As a rcsult, thc
produces offspring, but reversing it produces three lines of the purc Ch'ien are ruptured and
the elixir. The principle is thc same. it becomes Li. Li is the Sun, corresponding to
The question was asked: ' 'As explained in the departure of the setting sun in the West, or
advanced Old age. Can one survive in this
the I Ching, K'an is the middle son and Li
condition very long? Therefore. the elixir
the middle daughter. You, however, say that method borrows from K'an to repair the
I, a male, am represented by Li. What is the broken Ch'ien, supplement its empty line, and
meaning?" I replied: restore its pure yang hndy_ This is the theory
"Ihis refers to the primordial configuration. Ot the returning elixir of tm mortality.
Master Shao IYung12 said that the Ching of yin and 'Because of the flight of my middle yang
yang is conccalcd within cach other's domain. Thus, linc I am represented hy Li. Before the flight
T'ai•chi divided into the "two aspects," and the "'two of her middle line the female partner is K'un.
aspects" became the "four images," and from the
How does she become K'un?" I replied:
Art the Bedckumber
nis is an excellent question! During the Stage stowing; the tao of immortality reverses the
Of undifferentiated unity, she certainIy is a normal course by borrowing. It is simply a
K'un body, but at fourteen the yang begins to matter of borrowing the medicinc from Kan to
stir. In the middle of pure K'un, yang stirs. Is prepare the elixir in Li. Is there any room left
this not K'am Therefore K'nn is yang within for doubt?
yin. When T'ai-chi reaches the height Of
stillness, movement naturalIy manifests. This Chapter Two
is called primordial. Heaven, represented by Someone asked me: "The 'four elements" in
the number one, gives birth to water that is the
true unitary ch'i concealed in the middle Of
the body all arc classified as yin, but
Kan. A mother conceals her fetus, gold within sometimes they are in motion. In this case,
water. Wishing to produce the golden elixir, do they not belong to yang?" I replied:
Our method must be to borrow from K'an. Li is fire and Sun. Although movement be,
This is the source of the medicine and the key to yang, in reality, it is rooted in yin.
to attaining immortality. The yang in the midst Therefore, it may be said that fire. which is
of yin is ruled by movement_ Therefore, to yang: is rooted in yin. Behold the Bash of
determine the proper time for borrowing from spiritual light that nothing can restrain. Just so
K'an, one must observe its movement. Thc yin is the yang within one's body. Therefore, we
in thc midst of yang is ruled by stillness. frequently suffcr its escape. The sages,
Therefore, after supplementing Li, onc must understanding this, borrowed the true unitary
cultivate it in stillness. Only the sage is able to water from within K 'an to help control it.
understand movement and stillness without 'l'herefore passion blazing on the inside and
missing the proper time. The sage observes Ching escaping to thc outside is like fire
the Tao of heaven and grasps heaven's burning below a pot of boil ing water _
movement. Thus the waxing and waning of Borrowing thc parmer's prenatal true unitary
the moon is like the age or freshness of the ch'i to subdue my restless cking is like using a
medicine; the dawn and dusk Of each day is jar Of spring water to rescue the boiling pot.
like the ebb and flow Of the tiring time. When This never fails to save the day.
fire and medicine meet, the elixir forms.
When the elixir forms, the fetus emerges and '"Can you tell me about the method of
Immortality is rca]ized. borrowing from K'an?" I replied: "Heaven's
secret is tightly guarded. Without the
"What you have discussed relates only to
instructions of a master, who would dare to
the postnatal realm. Can you explain the
speak rashly? Please reveal a clue to
prenatal?" I replied:
enlighten us."
I searched for this in the I Ching and found, In thc I Ching, thunder from within the carth
"Ching and ch'i produce all thitws; is the hexagram Fu (Return). From within the
thc release Of the soul brings about many yin lines of the earth, suddent} yang
change. stirs. is the root of tbc cosmic process of
The yang Within yin is called ck'i; the yin creation and the pivot Of all living things.
within yang is called Ching. When the two When Confucius Came to this hexagram, he
interact things are born. Following the natural said with a sigh; "Does the hexagram Fu not
course, when the Ching arrives first and the reveal the mind Of heaven and The [Ts-an-
ch'i later, yin is surrounded by yang and r'ung] eh'i also refers to this when it says:
becomes a girl. When the chi first stirs, and "Therefore the Ching encompasses the mind
the chmg follows after, yang is surrounded by Of heaven. The hexagram Fu establishes the
and becomes a boy_5 Nevertheless, the beginninø Of It also says: "In words and
distinction between Li the male and Kan the deeds wc must follow the proper
female does not depcnd on the material time and not violate thc movement
realm, but already is prefigured at their Of the lines.
inception. Moreover, the of the golden elixir This pertains to our subject. Therefore,
comes about through the union of yin and understanding that Fu cmsists Of thunder within the
yang _ "I he tap Of man follows the normal earth, we realize that yang is born in the tnidst Of
course by beElixir Literature
he of A!chemy
yin, and that true unitary ch'i is hidden within the Did not the Master sav that the • 'true earth"
female part of captures the • 'true lead," and that the "true
lead" controls the "true mercurv"? W'hat is
ner. HOW can we avoid speaking Of this and
the ' 'true carth•'? It is the "chi earth.'" If those
illustrating it with examples?
who would gather the medicine fail to
Someone asked: "In speaking of the cultivate the "chi carth.' the subtle mercury
medicine, the elixir classics always say, 'On easily will escape and One's training wilt
the third day it appears in the West.' Can come to naught but suffeting and shame. The
classics speak of "establishing the
you explain this?" I replied: foundation" and "refining the self?' This is
K'an is the moon. The moon is Yin Major what they mean _ As a specific entity, the
(Cui-yin). It receives the light of the sun and "sclf" in man is his consciousness. It is also
shines forth. "On the third day it appears in called "self-nature.' because it functions
the west" means that the yang begins to grow evervwhere amidst the "four images" 9 and
just as in the hexagram F". The eighth day is has no fixed locus. For this reason it IS called
the first quarter. This is represented by the "earth." From beginning to end, the golden
hexagram Lin (Approach), which has two elixir relies on this. Therefore, in refining the
yang lines at the bottom. When there is medicine and seeking the lead, it is the self
fullness in the east, the three yang lines at the that receives it; in preparing the fire and
bottom represent Tai (Peace). By the last filling the crucible, it is the self that sends it;
quarter, yang is in decline, and by the last day in heating the ingrcdicnts and resting. it is the
Of the lunar month, yang is exhausted. PO self that guards them; and in incubating and
(Splitting Apart) and (Return) pursue each rebirthing, it is the self that brings the process
other, round and round, without beginning or to completion. Rectify the mind and be
end. Therefore, on the third day there is sincere in one's intentions. In this way the self
rebirth. The biological processes within the will be cultivated. the nation Ordered, and the
female partner are no different. elixir method world dt pedLR•. This is the key to refining
symbolizes this by observing the agc or the elixir. The I ck'i says: ' •To turn the
frcshncss of thc mcdicinc. wheel align the axle."lO It also says: "The
"How is this applied?" I replied: highest point in the heavens rules from the
The golden elixir is formed of the prenatal center. "11 The ancient immortals handed
true unitary eh'i. The prenatal cWi is light, down their teachings full Of commandments
pure and formless—yang within yang. Its and warnmgs. Moreover. it is from the
beginning IS :nOSt subtle and its mystery parent's pasSion that We are born, and
unfathomable. Therefore it must bc gathered therefore by nature out contact With the
quickly at the very beginning of the menses world gives rise to teeiing. Now it we have
and used as the charm Of an instant. A not succeeded in "refining the self" and the
moment too late and it becomes dregs, falling "six senses" are not under control, upon
into the postnatal realm, This is the transition entering the chamber we will be
from yang to yin. The verse in the Wu-chen overwhclmcd_ Our spirit will bc agitated, our
[p'ienl says: ' •When it becomes visiblc it is passions narc up. and thc • •beautiful
usc]ess_ " This means it is too Old. "In a split maiden"12 will escape. How can wc expcct to
second of fire and smoke the immortal quickly capture the pearl from the jaws of the
appears?' This expresses its speed. Alas! Can black dragon. It is said that if Onc explores
the wonder of creative process be understood the tiger's lair and plucks his whiskers. it will
by any but the sage? And Who but thc sage be difficult to avoid the tiger's jaws. How
can put it into practice? dangerous indeed! Only One Of great wisdom
Can emerge victorious. Only One Of great
Someone asked: '"You have said that the power can win the day. My Master has said;
mystery of the cosnlic process of creation "The mirror Of preliminary practice is one's
Own mind. If the mind is not empty, the
can be mastered only by the sage, but today
scene rcnccted will not be true." Ah! The key
there arc no sages. If one seeks to practice to emptying the mind is sirnply the principle
this, what are the essentials?" I replied: Ot "refining the self." The Ch'ing-cking
Ching says: '"Look within to End the mind,
Art the Bedckumber
and the mind does not exist; look without to
find the body, and the body does not exist:
look beyond to find the world, and the world
does not exist. When onc realizes thcse
The Alchemy
three truths. then alt is void. When even the Of
void does not exist, then nonexistcnce not
existing also does not exist." This is What is tain retreats. He practiced breathing
meant by emptying the mind. Ttlis is the great excrciscs and ch'i circulation. As a young
liberation Of "refining the self." the great man he received Ch'in Yeh-ho's methods for
peace. Thcreforc, later in the text it continues: "holding the center," "gathering the
"Eternal stillness and eternal response." Alas, medicine,' forming the fetus," and
is "eternal stillness" not the experience of '"emergence of the spirit." HC latcr
"refining the self," and is "eternal response" encountered Wang Yün-ku's teachings on
not the practice of seeking the lead? My the "fetal breath T" the "gate Of the mystery,
Master instructed me saying that the fifteenth ' "embracing the One," and "nonaction." As a
of the eighth lunar month is the medicine
result, he became a seeker of the elixir of
within the stove _ He bade me answer him. but
I was confused and could find no response. I-
immortality along with Li Jo-hai. He sat in
hen he answered himself saying that wind and seclusion for more than a year and was
fiowers are like dust on a chair. Those who are approaching a state of perfect enlightenment.
enchanted with beautiful scenery consider At the stage just before the culmination of
wind, Bowers, snow, and moon to be thc four the rao, he was as radiant as a burning
most impressive elements. Thc emotional candle. Jo-hai believed that the tao had been
respoosc Lo the beautiful scene is totally realized, but Father Master felt that this was
absorbing, but thc Master comparcd it to dust not the rao of the yang spirit that rushes
on a chair. Does this oot requirc forgetting the upward
self. forgetting the world, and forgetting He then traveled over land and water for
forgetfulness? Master instructed mc in the ' six vears until he met the 'I-aoist adept,
'medicine gathering charm" and the essentials Master Shih Ku, who gave him the secrets of
of "'refining the self." Formerly I grasped the the "tirc and tally of the golden crucible,"
essential meaning of his words, but now I "jade liquid for refining the self," and
thorough, Iy understand them. Someone
''golden liquid for refining the body." He
hearing this teaching lept to his feet and
exclaimed: "Wcre it not for your words I might then returned to Jo-hai's hut and once again
never have learned Of the principles of the prepared the seclusion room _ He spared no
great tat'. Please excuse me. I must go and effort in his practice, but yet failed to attain
practice •refining the self." the highest level. HC was painfully aware
that falling short by the thickness Of one
sheet Of paper was the same as missing by a
thousand mountains.
Truc Transmission of the One day Master An came by leaning on
his cane. His body was withered but his
Golden Elixir spirit was lively. He said to Father Master,
Chin-tan den-chuan by "What a pity, Sir, that you are so determined
Sun Ju-chung in the pursuit of your practices, but in the
Author's Preface end will never succeed." Father Master was
taken aback and said, " •what is the great {ao
I wrote the True Transmission of'he Golden that transcends life and death?" Master An
Elixir as an elaboration Of the ideas Of my slowly replied, "It is the 'golden liquid
Father Master. My master was my father, returning elixir.' To become an immortal or a
and so I refer to him as Father Master. Father Buddha, this is the one and only principle.
Master's family had lived for generations in You must first clearly understand the
Teng-huang County, Shantung. He was born concepts of the 'true yin and true yang.' the
in the seventeenth year of the Hung-chih 'true lead and true mercury,' and that 'going
reign [Ming dynasty, 1505], sexegenary contrary to what is normal brings gain. while
cycle year chia-tzu. In his youth he was a going in accord with it causes loss.' Only
lover of the tao and visited all the famous then can we dare to speak ot the tao of the
Art the Bedckumber
'nine revolutions golden liquid' and and Lhc answer was always the same. He
'returning the elixir. ' " also added. "It is easy for a master to find
Of disciples, but difficult for a disciple to find a
master." Today with Master An's arrival, the
Father Master asked him to fully
diviner's words had come true. Thereupon he
explain these ideas. and Master An
and JD-hai respectfully and sincerely agreed
answered, "If creatures were not
to carry Out the secret transniissions. The
divided into yin and yang, how could
master 154 said, "Wondcrful! If you can be
one conceive offspring by itself? When
faithful to me, I will hold nothing back but
a hen produces an egg by itself, the
reveal to you the nine stages of cultivating
chick does not form. By nature I am
immortality, The first is 'establishing the
yang on the outside and yin on the
foundation'; the second, 'obtaining the
inside, which may be represented by the
medicine'; the third, 'forming the fetus'; the
trigram or mercury. If I fail to obtain
fourth, 'refining the self'; the fifth, •returning
the true lead from a partner, absorbing
the elixir'; the sixth, 'incubation'; the seventh,
it upstream to join the mercury, how
'becoming a disembodied immortal'; the
can I form the holy fetus and become a
eighth, 'obtaining the mysterious pearl'; and
Buddha Or an immortal? The opposite
the ninth, 'proceeding to the Jade Pool
sex is by nature yin on the outside and
Heaven of the Immortals.' The first three
yang on the inside, represented by the
stages enable One to become a 'human
trigram K'an or lead. If she fails to
immortal,' the middle three stages to become
obtain my true mercury. and going
an 'earthly immortal,' and the last three
downstream combine it with lead, how
stages a 'heavenly immortal. • " He generally
could she form the mundane fetus and
explained the "three stages" and "three
give birth to sons or daughters?
asses," and elucidated the secrets of the
Therefore, going in accord with what is
'three levels Of immortality." [He introduced
normal results in a human being. while
thel *'nine zithers," "nine swords," and the
going contrary to it results in the elixir.
method for carrying Out the work Of the
"lhese indeed are guiding principles!
"ninc revolutions." It therefore is called the
The classics on the cultivation of the
"nine revolutions elixir of immortality,"
clixir invariably expound on this. The
However, if the stage Of "establishing the
elixir is obtained in the bedroom, but
foundation" is not complcted, one dare not
has nothing to do with 'mounting the
"obtain the medicine." If the process of
maiden and engaging in the battle of
"refining the self" is not ready, one dare not
stealing essences.' Every family
"return the elixir." If one's practice is not
naturally has the wherewithal, yet it is
complete, One will not obtain the
not that one's body possesses the raw
"mysterious pearl." One by one he fully
materials or 'crucible and stove,'" He
explained everything and gave him
spoke also of such things as the
instructions on the '"elixir medicine," "firing
"crimson county," "sacred district "
time," "weights and measures for gauging
"external protector." "sacred ground,"
'•companions," "yellow dame." and so
forth. However. Father Master Still did " Or freshness," and "floatmg
not grasp his meaning. or sinking.
One day he remembered having Father Master then suddenly achieved
visited Mount Hua, t where he chanced to perfect understanding and, along with Johai,
meet a mendicant monk who was a perfomed the rites of discipleship and vowed
marvelous diviner and asked. "When will I to realize their goal. Withdrawing, he
meet my true master and receive instruction compared Master An's words with the
in the tad?" The monk answered, "Your classics On cultivating the elixir and found
teacher is Master An." He asked three times that they corresponded perfectly. Therefore,
The Seaual Alchemy
he quickly set up an "elixir chamber," needed. A modest effort was made to
"vessels," •tiger and dragon," and "zither and provide crucible and stove, zither and sword.
sword." Bowing to Master An. hc entered Before my practices proceeded very far, my
the chamber, JO-hai was concerned about physical appearance suddenly changed and
the insuffiei• ency of "'elixir material," and my spirit became progressively more
so brought in his friend Tao Hsuan Ch'en Izu enlightened. Buoyantly floating, I
to help when needed. Within five months his experienced the pleasure of transcending the
physical appearance changed, in nine months dust of the world.
he obtained the medicine, and in two years When Father Master reached the age
the work of "refining the self, " "returning F_luir Of
the elixir," and "incubation" were complete.
Master An then took his leave and departed. Of 106 years he grew weary of the
Father Master remained in a state of chaos of the world and longed to
abstraction and tranquility for twenty years transcend the mundane realm. But I
without finding like-minded conirades. At together with my brother and sister
the age of sixty he went to Luan2 and had begged him to remain with us, and he
great success using the first stage of practice did stay another few months. Then he
to cure deathbed cases of illness. As a result, suntmoned me to him and revealed the
he was restrained by the local omcials and details of the teaching, bidding me to
prevented from leaving. At the agc of sixty- pursue it with courage. Sighing, he said,
eight he had no alternative but to take my I am leaving you for a long journey.
mother as his wife, and in his seventieth year The dream that I was not able to fulfill I
she gave birth to mc- At seventy-three he entrust to you. This art must not be
sired my younger brother and at eightyeight lightly revealed to anyone. Is it possible
my younger sister. However, cause he that your destiny outweighs even that of
was simply absorbing postnatal ch'i for the the ancient immortal masters? You
purpose of longevity and was not able to must take a lesson from P'ing• shu who
obtain external help, he failed to get the thrice met with heaven's re. proach_"
"great medicine. Thereupon he departed this world. At
How could he bear that this lao fall into the moment of his death he was sitting
obscurity? Therefore, he summoned me to in meditation on a low couch When a
him and commanded me saying, "This tao kind of Whitc appeared at the top of his
may be transmitted only from father to son, head. Its radiance floated in space. and
for fear that it fall into the wrong hands. an extraordinary fragrance permeated
Now you my son are good material, and we everything. The local officials and
must not allow this to become extinct." common people were all amazed and
He gave orders for an auspicious day to be paid their respects.
divined, incense to bc burned, and oaths I closed my door and mourned his
sworn to the gods. •lhen he completely passing for three years. However, I did
transmitted the art to me. Each time he not want Father Master's teachings to
taught me a section he would weep and shed remain secrets confined to Anhui and
tears. for he realized that he himself had not Hupeh provinces alone, and so I
been able to achieve it. Then he said to me. traveled north to the capitaF and
"Will you suffer thc same fate in relation to searched far and wide for fellow
me as I did with Master An?" I felt as if I seekers. I was able to make contact
had just come from an audience with the with five or six who were interested in
Duke of Chou.3 using the tao to achieve physical health,
1 discussed this enterprise with old Sheng but after succeeding in this, they all
An-pai, and he introduced me to officials in quickly took Off in pursuit Of fame and
the capital such as Chih Yiieho and 'IS'ang fortune. In the end, there was not one
Heng-wang who provided assistance when
Art the Bedckumber
who was devoted to the art of my partner and half is myself. Female
immortality and male arc two swords: one a
1 went to KaifengS in scxegenary cycle crouching tiger and the other a
yearjen-tzu [15521 and in a bookstore saw descending dragon. This is the analysis
the Yü-tung L" 'unwhu. I traced the author of the elixir medicine.
and discovered that this work was written by At that time, old Heng Lu-chang
Li Ch'u-yü. I later chanced to meet him in invited me to Stay in his olftcial residence
the Office Of Fan Shih, but because our and every day together with Ch'u Yü we
meeting was without prior introduction, he compiled this book. When the work of
shyly demurred. I bowed and asked him, explaining the nine stages Of practice was
••Among the immortals are there differences nearly completed, C.htu Yii requested that
in level?" He answered, "Yes, there arc. First we reveal the author's name to make it plain
there are the 'human immortals,' then the to all the world. I was concerned that, as my
•earthly immortals' and finally, the 'heavenly was not yet fully realized, it was an
immortals.' The •human immortals' are the embarrassment to disclose it publicly. As a
foundation for the •earthly immortals,' 155 result I relate the Eno that my Father Master
of received from beginning to end. At the head
I place the title True Transmission Of rhe
and it is from them that the •heavenly
Golden Elirir, inviting corrections from men
immortals' spring." J said, "May I ask,
of wisdom. May my Father Master's
how should one practice to become a
teachings, like the call of the phoemx or mist
•human ilnmortal?"' He answered,
and vapor: 156 spread to all people.
"First strengthen the ch'i and blood,
Forty-third year of the Wan-li reign
then create the -Ch'ien body,'h and [1616], i-mao, fourth lunar month, sons Ju-
finally obtain external medicines to aid chung and Ju-hsia touch the ground with
in forming the internal elixir. This is the tficir heads and dedicate this book.
'human immortal.' Gather the Icad and
refine the mercury until it crystallizes to Chapter I. Establishing the Foundation
form cinnabar. The 'true yang' comes
from without and the 'holy fetus' molts. If one asks about the first stagc of establishing
the foundation,
This then is the immortal.' The
Then ane must understand the bellows and the
mysterious throne floats in space, and gate of the mystery.
there hangs a single pearl. Swallowing Chasing the partner's ck'i and blood over to
it one becomes an immortal and ascends my tan •t'ien
to the 'golden gate.' This then is the Is precisely thc meaning of supplementing
'heavenly immortal.' However, 'forming Li by taking from K'an
the elixir• and 'returning the elixir' are When speaking of the blood, we must analyze
not the same: lead belonging to the the lines of the hexagrams and fractions of
Celestial Stem kuei and lead belonging ounces, the old and the frcsh; When speaking
to the Celestial Stem jen are not the of ch'i wc must understand tzu and wu,
same-7 'l'he method of forming the absorbing and augmenting.
elixir relies on myself and not another; This practice may bc completed in 100 days
the work of returning the elixir depends when the Sody becomes pure Ch
on a partner and not on myself. When it At this point we are not far from becoming a
comes to medicine we speak of kuei human immortal.
and jen. It is the jen that must be Notes: "Establishing the foundation"
gathcrcd and not the kuei. The elixir is means that the body is the '"foundation" for
divided according to two and four.8 the elixir, and "establishing" means to
Two is for obtaining the elixir and four strengthen it. The '"bellows" is the in,
tor combining it. Lead and mercury strument for establishing the foundation.
represent the two participants. Half is This is the same as the ancient saying: "To
The Seaual Alchemy
establish the foundation we must first
understand the 'bellows'; in 'refining the One
must use the hrue lead ' The "gate of the
mystery" is the entrance of the elixir. The
blood belongs to yin and the ch'i to yang_
Both come from the outside and must be
captured so that they pass Over to the tan-
t'ien_ The trigram Li represents oneself. Ille
center line in Li is empty and represents yin.
The partner is represented by K'an. K'an•s
middle line is full and represents yang.
Chasing the partner's c.h'i and blood into my
tant'ien is what is meant by "supplementing
Li by taking from K'an." The "agc or
freshness" of the blood depends on the time.
Therefore, one must analyze the "lines of the
hexagrams and fractions of ounces." In
"absorbing and augmenting" the ch 'i, one
must guard against cold and dry. Therefore,
"onc must understand Izu and wu."
"Completing the practice in 100 days" means
that Li has obtained the middle line from
K'an, that it is full, and has become pure
Ch'ien. This then
The Elixir Sexual Alchemy
is the work of becoming a "human They take error as habit and suffering as
immortal." happiness. They are busy by day
Commentary: A human being is cndowed Li!ercuure of
with the father's Ching and mother's blood, and active at night, all of which harms the Ching
and from this the body is formed. After a and damages the blood. As a result our pure bodies
process of combination and gestation, it become corrupt. When the middle line Of Ch'ien
gradually reaches the stage of manifesting as departs and enters the "palace of K'un," it leaves a
physical form. The father's Ching is stored in void and is now Li_ This then is called the "'lower
the kidneys; the mother's blood is stored in power." Being empty it is necessary to supplement
the heart. The heart and kidneys are it to make it full _ HavIng escaped, it is necessarv
connected by a channel, and following the to pursue it and make it return. Therefore _ one
mother's breathing, the Ching and blood are must employ methods for repairing and returning.
produced together. After they have Only then can one regain the condition of the
accumulated for ten months, thcrc is onc C.Wien body, Set up the elixir foundation as the
liang of Ching, and the blood being root of cultivating immortality. However, repairing
distributed throughout the entire body, it can and rcturning are two separate matters. The
separate from the mother's bellv. After it is Ts'an•t'ung Ch'i Says: lower power engages in
born, it sucks the mother's breast. 'J'hc breast deliberate action and must be employed
responds to the menses and carries the ch'i continually:' Therefore. to strengthen Yung one
upward. Red is converted to White, and thus must use yin, and to strengthen yin one must use
yin becomes yang. The breasts contain the yang. If banlboo breaks, bamboo is used to mend
Ching of yin and yang, and as the infant it; if a human being suffers injury, another human
sucks them, its Ching increases and its yang being may be used to repair the damagc_ That is,
develops, its blood increases and its yin each takes from its own kind. Therefore, the Ts'an-
develops. When accumulation proceeds for r'ung ch'i says: "'With one of similar kind, it is
one year, it reaches two liang of Ching, three easier to carry Out one's practices; with other than
liang at two years, and one chin at fifteen. one's own kind, it is diffcult to achieve marvelous
Now the (ao of the male is complete. At this results." '"Repairing" means to strengthen the ch'i
moment, the ching-eh 'i is replete and the and strengthen the blood. The blood and ch'i
state ot pure Ch'ien IS realized. This is called originally were not two separate entities. The ch'i
the "highest power." If he rcceivcs dif. fuses throughout the body providing a nutritive
enlightening instruction from an adept, then and defensive function. Flowing everywhere it
his foundation may be secured by itself, and becomes blood. When the blood travels through the
there will be no need to engagc in such vessels of the womb, it once again vaporizes and
cxercises as "strengthening the ch'i," becomes ch'i. When the ch'i is harmed it is unable
"strengthening the blood," ' 'Obtaining the to produce blood, and when the blood is harrned it
medicine," or "returning the elixir." He will is unable to produce ch'i. This is why it is
naturally exist as if hanging suspended necessary to carry out strengthening. Further. the
between heaven and earth, controlling yin circulation of the ch'i, being insubstantial, follows
and yang, harmonizing his heart with the the inhalation and exhalation of the breath in
ch'i, the ch'i with spirit, and spirit with the passing in and out. Therefore, exercises for
void. His lifespan equals heaven and earth strengthening the ch'i should be many. The
and has no end. The Wan-dung ch'i says: circulation of the blood, being substantial, once it
'LThe highest power is nonaction_ Seek not has entcred does not issue forth again. Therefore,
by deliberate pursuit." However, at this stage exercises for strengthening the blood should be
in a man's life knowledge arises and few. One should Strengthen the ch'i first on
emotions are born. When the Ching is full account of its insubstantiality and cause it to be
one is unable to control oneself; when the sufficient,
spirit is complete one cannot remain stable. of
The Elirir Literature Sexual Alchemy
and only then strengthen the blood's At this point it is called the root of the
substantiality, giving it a place to revert elixir.
to. If the chi has not been strengthened,
Notes: "Obtaining the medicine'
it is impossible to strengthen the blood.
means the prenatal external medicine
Without strengthening the ch'i and the
produced in the postnatal crucible. The lead
blood, it is impossible to complete thc
is the medicine obtained. The yin158 Ching
foundalion. The ch'i is the prenatal ch'i
is difficult to make secure and strong and so
produced in the postnatal crucible. For
requires the lead to control it. The "yellow
strengthening purposes there is a
dame" refers to the external "yellow dame."
"zither" and a "sword." One must
The "companions" refer to three like-minded
understand the correct day and hour, the
persons. The '"stove" is the other party and I
"tally" and the "firc_" The blood may be
am the '"crucible." The "tiger" is by nature
the prenatal within the crucible or it may
difficult to subdue. As in the hexagram Eii
be the postnatal within the crucible that
(Treading) (rom the I Ching, if one treads
descends by itself. To strengthen it thcre
[on the tiger's taill without the proper tao it
is also the zither and the sword. It is
will bite you. The onc "scaled" is controlled
necessary to distinguish the "old" and
by the dragon. The I Ching says [of the
the "'fresh," the ' 'lines of the
hexagram rung-jen (Fellowship with Men)l
hexagrams," and the "fraclions of a
that "first the like-minded weep aloud, but
liang." When strengthening them, the
later they laugh." (The "Great Commentary"
spirit engages in intercourse but the
of the Ching says:] ''When two people are Of
body docs not; the eh'i engages in
like mind, their strength can break even
intercourse but the body does not.
metal." The "tiger sitting on top of the
Although one is engaged in intercourse,
mountain" refers to the male tiger that howls
it is as if one was not_ This is a matter
on top of the magnificent mountain.
Of taking the partner's blood ch'i and
"Response" is the response of heaven to the
employing methods to combine it with
stars and is the moment of production of the
my own Ching spirit so that the two
medicine. The "dragon" is a creature capablc
coalesce as one. In this way, the empty
of infinite transformation. "Sleep" is the idea
is no longer empty and the injured no
of the peace of meditation. "Thc bottom of
longer injured. The elixir foundation is
the sea" is what the [Ts'an-z'ungl ch'i calls
now strong so that one may obtain the
the '"deep abyss," or what the [WuChen]
medicine. This is the first task in
p'ien calls the "bottom of the pool."
cultivating immortality.
"'Silently" means that the exchange takes
Chapter 2. Obtaining the Medicine place without words. The "'rolling of the lead
pearl" describes the condition of the
If one asks how the medicine is medicine. 'Mount K'unlun" is the highest
obtained, It is by gathering the lead to
subdue the yin-Ching
point on the human body. It is not the same
The yellow dame and companions as the note to the Wu-chcn [p'ien] that
should be of one heart. indicates that the summit of the '"lower
Then one mav arrange the stove and set peak" is called "'Mount K'un-lun." The
up the crucible _ "root" means
When the tiger sits on the mountain top that the elixir must be rooted in this before it
there is a response, forms.
But the dragon sleeps silently at the Commentary: At the very beginning of
bottom of the sea. conception one derives substance from father
The lead pearl rolling on traverses and mother for there to be life. After training,
Mount one's substance is derived from the "true
K'un•lun_ mother" to obtain the medicine. The
"medicine" is the external medicine produced
Art the Bedckumber
in the postnatal crucible. '•Obtaining the desires to decrease is not able to do so at that
medicine" refers to gathering the postnatal moment, and that which desires to increase is
crucible's externai medicine, taking it into also not able to do so at that moment. With
my body and combining it with the ch'i and tarryæng and lingering, with passion and
blood that I have finished refining to control ardor, the whole body from top to bottom is
the yinChing and transform it into "true as if drunk or bewitched. Without the support
mercury." After this, the body and spirit are of the "companions" and '"yellow dame,"
both whole. When the primal source of life is how could one circulate the "'yin tally" and
strong and secure, this then is the ladder that of
leads by degrees to immortality or
mobilize the '"yang fire"? Subduing the yin
Buddhahood_ Therefore it is said that to
mercury depends wholly on this stage of the
gather the prenatal essence within the
practice. After obtaining this several times,
prenatal enables onc to become an immortal
the "three fan-t'ien" are full of treasure and
or a sage. To gather the prenatal essence
the elixir foundation will be firm and
within the postnatal enables one to increase
substantiaL At this point, even if onc has not
longevity and lengthen years. However, the
yet succeeded in "returning the elixir," one
prenatal within the postnatal includes hoth
will still enjoy long life and earn the title of
jen and kuei. The kuei is the yin within yin
"Immortal Among Men." This then is the
and is not suitable as medicine; the jen is the
second task in cultivating immortality.
yang within yin, and this alone may be
considered medicine. Therefore, when we Chaper 3. Forming the Elixir
speak of "gathering medicine," wc do not
take the kuei but rather the jen_ Now why is [f onc asks how the elixir forms,
it that the crucible for obtaining the medicine It is when the six gates are fast secured and
the spirit concentrated.
is designated "'postnatal," whereas the
Now cause the true earth to sit in thc yellow
medicine itself belongs to the "prenatal"? court,
Although the Great Ultimate (T'ai-chi) And carefully guard the Original yang as one
divides, yin and yang have not yet paired and dreams in sleep.
remain in a state of primal homogeneity. The wood nature and metal condition should
Because the kuei is unusable, we first be harmonized.
eliminate it with the masculine sword; the Water rises and fire descends unceasingly
jen is usable and must bc gathered with the TO remain in the world in a lively State and
tnmsculinc sword. However, if one has not preserve One's true form,
prepared the '"yellow dame" and set up the It is necessary to wait for the complete
"zither and sword," what will one do when disappearance Of the yin tally.
the medicine is produced? It therefore is said
that if onc desires to catch fish, one must first Notes: "'Forming the elixir" means gathering the
weave nets and not merely sigh longingly by external medicine, concentrating my "truc ch'i."
the water's edge. Now the true medicine that and their combining to become the elixir. It does
comes to us from outside belongs by nature not refer to "returning the elixir" or "forming the
to the prcnatal Ching, a bit of original ch'i holy fetus." The '"fast securing of the six gates"
that is completely pure and whole and has refers to the "three treasures"— ears, eyes. and
never experienced excitement. l, for my part, mouth—and their "securing" so that nothing
use my postnatal substance to quickly escapes. "Concentrating the spirit" means
receive this prenatal medicine. Yin is chased "crnbracing the Source." "holding to the One," and
by yang; yang is harassed by yin- Yin seeks "incubating the inner elixir." The '"true earth" is
to retire, but is enclosed by form and is not one's own mercury. The "yellow court" is the
able to escape control. Yang seeks to assert treasury where the Ching is stored. "Sitting" means
itself, but is still immature and soft and not not stirring. "Sit ting in the yellow court" means
able to rest secure. Therefore. that which that after obtaining the external medicine and
The Elirir Literature Sexual Alchemy
transforming the Ching into mercury, it reverts to
the "yellow court." "Guarding the original yang"
means guarding against leakage of the Yung, being
careful of nocturnal emissions, eliminating mental
confusion, being sparing in one's speech, avoiding
foolish notions, and regulating the breath so that it
is slow and continuous. "Wood" is associated with
the direction east and the trigram Chen;
Art the Bedckumber
of "Eliminate foolish notions" and appear as it
stupid or slow of speech, like a hen brooding
'"metal" is associated with the west and the over its eggs. The warm ch'i is inexhaustible, like
trigram Tui- '-Nature" has to do with myself a dragon cultivating a pearl and hibernating
and belongs to the category Of wood; motionlessly. When the fire function JS
"condition" has to do With my partner and sufficient, the inner elixir naturally forms. A
belongs to the category of metal. Their point Of subtle brilliance like a red tangerine
"harmonizing" means that wood by nature forms in the tan-dien giving off a glorious
loves metal, is obedient and righteous; metal effulgence, At this point, the blood is
by predilection cherishes wood, is kind and transformed into Ching and the Ching into
benevolent. "Water," which originally flows mercury. The ••original nature" now is perfect
downward, is carried upward by the rising and brilliant, and the "truth" shines forth forever.
ch'i; 'fie," which originally flames upward. •the yin demons have retreated completely and
meets water and descends downward.all that remains is half a chin of active "true
"'Unceasingly" means that the "water mercury." This is called the "inner elixir."
wheel" turns without rest. "The complete Therefore we say that the "inner elixir" becomes
disappearance of the yin tally" means that and the "external elixir'• approaches. The 'Sinner
after the elixir forms, the yin-ch'i gradually elixir" is one's own "'true mcrcury" and is called
and naturally disappears- This together with the Ochi earth." The external elixir is one's
the previous two chapters concludes the parmer's "true lead" and is called the "wu earth."
work of attaining •'humanAfter the elixir has formed, one immediately
immortality. becomes a "human immortal." This chapter has
Commentary: My body's ch'i originally is described the practices for cultivating one's
scattered and chaotic; it does not accept control nature and establishing life. It is not yet the tae of
and is not willing to coalcscc_ This is yin-ching. *'returning the elixir" and "forming the fetus."
Only when the external medicine absorbed into This then is the third task in the process of
my body unites with this bit of my own yin-ching attaining immortality.
does it become concentrated and not disperse. -
IHS is called "forming the elixir." There is a Chapter 4. Refining rhe Self
specific location for the formation of thc elixir. If one asks about refining the self.
One of its names is the "sea of ch'i" and another
It is when crucible, Stove. zither. and sword
is the "lower Ian-!'ien." In relati0n to the navel, it arc without blemish.
measures two fingers above and two below with Before and after the quarters Of the moon
one inch and two-tenths in the middle. Open and gather the golden flowcr.
clear , it is empty. It is the place to which water TO regulate the fire use the hexagrams
reverts and ch'i converges. The ancient immortals After Completion and Before
said: 'When the chi reverts to the 'original sea,' Completion.
one's life becomes in. finite." Now how does the Nine and six are the stages of the cosmic
elixir form? It is by borrowing this external orbit.
medicine, capturing and controlling the eh •i of The dragon'S head and tiger's tail must be
the Five Viscera and preventing it from held tightly.
dispersing so that it may unify and become the Use lead to CO-ok the mercury so that
elixir. Therefore. when the "elixir foundation" is cinnabar is formed,
And then we may speak Of the process of
newly established and has not yet been refined, it
relumingthe elixir.
is necessary to guard against leakage, be careful
of noc% turnal emissions, eliminate unclear Notes: "'Refining the self" means refining
thinking, and be sparing in speech. Before the tzu the mercury contained in one's own body,
hour "advance the fire" and after the wu hour causing it to be transformed and become
'swithdraw the tally." At other times, regulate cinnabar. The "crucible. stove, zither. and
the breath So that it is slow and continuous, so sword" are not the same as those in the
that it seems to exist and yet seems not to exist.
The Elirir Literature Sexual Alchemy
previous chapter on "obtaining the come useless. It therefore is said that
medicine," nor the following on "returning "returning the elixir" is easy, but "refining
the elixir." "Without blemish" means that in the self" is most difficult. One must not fail
the midst of desire one is without desire, to be cautious, It is necessary in the midst of
that in the midst of the "dust of the world" desire to suspend dcsire and, dwelling in the
one transcends it. "Before and after the dust of the world, to transcend the world.
quarters of the moon" are stages in the Cleanse the altar, arrange the zither and
emergence of the "golden flower." In Sword, observe the "flowers Of lead," and
refining one's own "fire," one uses the two carry Out the prO• cess of alchemical firing.
hexagrarns '%After Completion" and Entrust the "yel• low dame" to determine the
"Before Completion" to divide the hours rzu floating and sinking; rely on the companions
and wu and distinguish "'old and fresh," to reg• ulate the clepsvdra. Follow the hours
relying on the '"companions" to regulate the and wu to prepare for absorption and
clepsydra. "'Nine and six" represent the yin supplementation and employ the
and yang lines of the hexagrams in the I '"miraculous flying sword" to gather lead
Ching. '"The stages Of the cosmic orbit" are from the "tiger's tail." With the '*sword that
the stages in the process of "refining the " reaches to heaven" deliver fire to the head of
The "dragon's head and tiger's tail" are the the dragon. Pursue the '*higher hun soul"
gate and entrance for delivering the lead and control the "lower pto soul" according to
fire. "Holding tightly" means securing it and the proper methods. Rely on the craftsman's
not allowing it to escape, taking from the hand to capture the mist and grasp the
other and not los• ing one's own; that is, clouds, causing spirit to propel the ch'i and
taking the quicksilver in one's own body and ch'i the body so that one's whole being is
refining it into a lump of dry mercury. This permeated. Fire refines the lead and lead
is why we speak of its ••becoming cinnabar. refines the mercury. Harmonize the "three
" When one's practice has reached this level, elements," beat back the "three maggots"
then it is possible to "return the elixir.' and "nine thieves," and crush the "six de.
C.ommentary: "Refining the self" means sires" and "seven emotions." When a drop
refining the "true mercury" within one's own of Ching fluid and blood are transformed
body until it becomes cinnabar." Although into ••jadc paste," not even half a drop of
one employs "crucible, stove, zither, sword, saliva, snivel, sweat, or tears is produced in
partner, and yellow dame," one must remain the orifices. When the blood turns to white
proper and dignified. One must be as marrow, the "true mercury" and bone chi are
reverential as of the gods and as loving as of both "goldcn ching," and flesh and skin turn
one's own father and mother. Cherish it with to jade substance. 'Illcn the process Of
virtue and treat it kindly with benevolence- '•refining the self' is perfected and these
When the mind is without random thoughts effects manifest. This cannot be
and foolish notions have been eliminated, accomplished in a single step. Only at this
only then does one receive the proper results stage may one seek to "return the elixir. "
from crucible and stove and satisfy the This then is the fourth task in cultivating
requirements for "refining the self." Now immortality.
when the elixir chamber already has been
set up, stove, crucible, vessels, and Chapter 5. Returning Elixir
receptacles respond to each Other perfectly
If one asks about the proces Of returning the
and the elixirof immortality naturally forms. elixir,
If but one thought is slightly "blemished," It is necessary to understand the prenatal
the "medicine demons" arise in legions and aspect Of theyang.
the stove, crucible, vessels, and receptacles During the last Or first days Of the moon
all When there is no extreme tendency, Steal
Of A a bit Of golden Ching.
Of the Bedchamber
During the Ifrstl two stages of practice the Commentary: The elixir is the prenatal bit
responsibility is with the partncr, of true yang gold. It is not the medicine
A obtained from without and also is not the jen
And in the [secondl four I employ my own
within kuei. It therefore is said that lead is
control mechanism. born after the advent of kuei, and yang is
Just as the infant and beautiful maiden are produced in the midst of lead. *'Returning
uniting. the elixir" means returning the gold Of the
Outside the door MasterTing is givinga War prenatal true yang and causing it to revert to
cry. the 'Opalace of Ch'ien." It therefore is said
that one must rely On the partner who
Notes: "Returning the elixir" means represents Kun to give birth to the perfected
returning the gold of the prenatal true yang body planted in the Ch'ien party's "palace of
and causing it to revert to the "palace Of mutual interaction." Thus, at the obscure
Ch'ien." This has nothing to do with beginning Of creation, before the division of
"forming the elixir" or the "millet-sized the Great Ultimate (T'ai-chi), this prenatal
pearl." The prenatal element within the yang yang gold originally belonged to Ch'ien, and
is the prenatal element within the prenatal. so we call it "Ch'ien gold." Ch'ien interacts
Wc do not call it lead, but Call it yang, and with K'un and then flees into the "palace of
therefore is the idea that yang is produced K'un_•' Therefore, it is called "gold within
from lead. "During the last or first days of K'un. " When K'un receives this gold, its
the moon" is the time when sun and moon middle becomes full , and thereupon it
mate; that is, precisely during the two days assumes the form of Kan. Kan dwells in the
that are the last day of one lunar month and north, the land Of the kuei water. When gold
the first of the following. They join bodies is concealed within water it is called '"gold
in progression. and their emerging and in water." This gold is the prenatal treasure
waning together represents the inseparability and cannot dwell for long in the
Of yin and yang. The '*golden Ching" is the postprimordial Kan, so it is transformed into
Ching Of the golden fluid that appears at Tui. Tui emerges from the gate Of Kan and
sixteen years of age. or the prenatal true ch'i. dwells in the west of the Western Heaven.
Therefore we speak of •sone drop." The This is also called "Tui gold, " [f one seeks
"two stages" have to do with the function of this gold, do not look for it in CWien, or in
the external elixir; that is, the period Of Kun, or in Kan. Seek for it only in Tui. Tui
obtaining the elixir. Its operation rests With and the moon of K•un are Of One kind, and
the partner and not with oneself. The "four therefore it is able to stand for Kun in
stages" is the function of the internal elixir, carrying out its mission. More. over, K'un is
or the period of uniting the elixirs. Its the mate of Ch'ien. Tui is the daughter of
operatiön rests with myself and not with my K'un and of One species with Ch'ien. The
partner. The "infant" is the true lead; the Ts'an-rung chi says: '"With the same species
'"beautiful maiden" is the true mercury. it is easy to carry out one's practice, but with
"Uniting" is the idea of harmonious unrelated kinds it is diffcult to achieve
combination. ••Master Ting" is the true fire. marvelous results." This is the meaning.
This is the fire used in refining the elixir. If Thus the yang gold of Ch'ien revolves and
the fire is too low, the elixir will not form; reverts to Tui_ In this way, gold once again
and if too high, there is danger Of damaging reverts to C,h'ien, and Ch'ien Can return this
the elixir_ The fire comes fiom without and original gold as the elixir. Therefore, we
reaches my body. In a process analogous to speak of "returning the elixir. 'Form. ing the
smoking or steam. ing, it penetrates elixir" means gathering and re. turning the
everywhere. With the release there is a medicine that comes from without,
sound, clearly resonating without end. controlling my own body's " 'i to prevent it
Therefore, the text says: *'Outside the door from becoming scattered, and concentrating
Master Ting is giving a war cry." it until it becomes manifest and iOrms the
inner elixir. "Returning the elixir" means

The Elirir Literature Sexual Alchemy
that when the partner's "true yang" is stirred,
we mo-
The Literature Sexual Alchemy
bilize a bit Of Our own mercury to welcome elixir. It therefore is said that eight liang Of
it. There is external contact and internal lead and half a chin of mercury combine to
excitement, producing a visible reaction; form one lump of purple gold elixir- The
there is internal contact and external Immortal [Chang] Tzu-yang said: "When yin
sensation, producing an invisible spiritual and yang find partners Of their Own kind and
awakening like the attraction of loadstone for come together in mutual intercourse. the two
iron, drawing it to the tan-dien and returning eights match each Other and unite in perfect
the external elixir. The elixir is born Of the intimacy. " This is the meaning. When
moon. moon embodies the idea of fullness. "returning the elixir" it is necessary to
On the fifteenth of the eighth lunar month understand the discourse of Yin Chen-chiin.
during the tzu hour in the middle of the night, He said: "If one desires to cultivate this art.
the inferior yin soul completely disappears one must borrow raw materials, for without
and the superior yang soul is completely full. them it will be impossible to refine the
This is called "pure Ch'ien." It corresponds golden elixir." It also is necessary to have
precisely with the quantity one chin and is three "companions," for only then can one
exactly the time for gathering and collecting, Carry Out the practices. These are the three
It therefore is said that the concept Of the friends whose heatls are of one will. Secretly,
fullness of the moon is preserved in the Oral on the evening of the full moon Of the eighth
verses and the marvelous effect of the tzu lunar month when yang first stirs, the host
hour is found in secret transmissions. The should solemnly mount the altar with the
inferior yin soul belongs to water: the dragon on his left hand and the tiger on his
superior yang soul belongs to metal. On the right. Carefully adjust the proper time and
eve of the eighth of the month, the yang soul calculate according to the movement Of
is half full and the yin soul has half Jupiter; match yin and yang and regulate
disappeared. This is called the first quarter. thcm by the clepsydra In this way, One
This yang within yin produces eight liang of achieves the union of metal and water, and
metal within water. On the night of the dragon wood be. comes pregnant with glory.
twenty-third, the yang soul has half waned One ••com. panion" sits inside a tent and
and the yin soul is half full. This is called the skillfully records thc activities from
last quarter. Yang within yin produces half a beginning to end without the slightest error.
chin of water within metal. The first uarter is Therefore Hsien Weng has said: "Everything
the period when the of last and first days of depends uvx»n the mvwer of one's practice,
the moon undergoes change and becomes the for with the slightest error the elixir fails."
Chen of the third day of the month. Changing Another companion secretly in. spccts thc
again it becomes the Tui of the eighth ot the clepsydra, minutely adjusting the process of
month. Tui is the youngest daughter and has absorption and supplementation, and directs
the responsibility of representing Kun. The the firing work WJthout confusing the correct
last quarter is the period when the Chien of degrees. If the prorV time or favorable
the fifteenth undergoes a change and moment is eueeded, it will be dimcult for the
becomes the Hsün Of the sixteenth. elixir to form. Thus it is said that to seek it
Changing again. it becomes the Ken of the without missing the proper moment. onc
twenty-third. Ken is the youngest son and has must surely p«sess the destiny of an
the responsibility Of managing Ch'ien. If one immortal. At this stage, the man becomes
uses the period after the last quarter and pregnant and the holy fetus forms. This then
before the first quarter, then yang and yang is the fifth task in cultivating immortallty.
combine together, higher soul and higher
Chapter 6. Incubation
soul unite. This is twice eight that equals one
chin. This is the full moon. is pure yang and If one asks about incubation.
the fulfillment of the tao of the During Chi'" and Meng. onc absorbs and
EILEir of supplements. using water and tire.
Elixir Literature SexualA/chemy
Duringyin and and •g, on but combining it with mercury lasts for ten
guard. months." "A moment" refers to the period
When mao and yu approach, desist from when one '"understands the feminine but
practice, keeps to the and "before the four Stages,
And kt all revert to the purple palace. obtain the elixir during the first two." "tcn
When the demons arrive, the sword 01 Wis• months" refers to the period during which
dom always must be raised. one ••understands the white but keeps to the
elixir forms and in ten months the holy black," • I or the Of one year during which
fetus is complete
one completes the *'nine revolutions."
NOW naturally the immortal appears.
Therefore, during the period of incubation it
Note: "Incubating" means that the fire eh" is necessary to employ crucible and stove and
should not be too cold nor too hot, but distinguish Chun and Meng_ In the morning,
nurtured sensitively. The hexagrams Chun advance the fire Of yang as the hexagram
and Meng represent the succession of Chun comes to the fore, in the evening
morning and evening. '*Absorption and withdraw the yin tally as the hexagram Meng
supplementation" contain the idea of comes to the fore. The hexagram Chun is
"advancing the yang tire and withdrawing the composed of the trigrams Chen below and
yin tally." "Yin and shen" are the regions Of Kan The middle line in Kan represents the
flourishing metal and fire; tzu and wu are the elixir that is returned . The first line in Chen
periods of the advent of yin and yang. It is represents the tire advanced. may be
necessary to '*be on guard" to prevent the described as the elixir above that is
loss of ch'i, lest any portion of the holy elixir approached by the yang fire below to warm
bc diminished. Calculating "mao and yu" it. hexagram Meng has the trigram Kan
refers to the gates Of yin and yang_ These below and Ken above. Ken's third line is the
two periods represent stages of rest, and one withdrawing tally and means that the elixir is
should suspend the exercises: for if fuel is below, while the tally approaches from above
added to the fire at this point, One actually to nourish it. There arc twelve [Chinese]
courts disaster_ It therefore is said, '*desist hours in a day and 30 [hexagraml lines in an
from practice." The '"purple palace'• is the hour, which, when multiplied by the twelve
place to which the "true revertS and is Stored hours. produces the sum of 360 lines. Chun.
_ "sword Of Wisdom•' is our enlightened the morning, and Mcng, the evening,
mind. The "formation of the elixir in ten represent the method Of "advancing the fire
months" and the "'appearance of the and withdrawing the tally." Carrying out this
immortal" means that the yang spirit has activity during a twelve-hour period
emcrgcd from the gate. combines to produce the sum of 3K).
Commentary: "Warming" means neither "Morning" is called "advancing the fire. "
cold nor hot. If it is cold the fire cools and the Morning belongs to yang, and yang rules
elixir will not gel, If it is too hot the fire advance, Therefore, to the number thirty
scorches and the elixir easily melts away. advance and add six. From tzu to ssu, for
Therefore. it is sary to be neither cold each thirty add six, and combine them for the
nor hot, like cultivating cinnabar and sum of 216. Thc hexagrams [in the cycle)
mercury. Ihis is what is called "incubation. " correspond to Fu (Return), Lin (Approach),
Nurture it in a relaxed manner and wait for it Tai (peace), Chuang (Power of the Great).
to be transformed of itself. just as heaven Kuai (Breakthrough), and (The
nourishes all creatures. Rain and clear Creative). Evening means the period of
weather alternate at the proper time. A ••withdrawing the tally _ " Evening belongs
mother in gestating her child regulates her to yin and yin rules withdrawing. Therefore,
eating and sleeping, and thus it naturally to the number thirty withdraw and subtract
forms and is born. This is what is meant by six. From wu to hai subtract six from each
nurturing- There is an ancient saying that, thirty. Adding these together produces a total
"Gathering the lead lasts for but a moment, of 144_ The hexagrams correspond to Kou
Ari Of the Bedchamber
(Coming to Meet), Tun (Retreat), P'i ment. This is called "rest." The work of incubatio
(Standstill), Kuun (Contemplation), po Originally is ten months, but after subtracting tw
(Splitting Apart), and Kun (The Receptive). months for rest, that leaves only eight months
Yang is born at the tau hour. and the tire actual incubation. Therefore, it requires one year
should be advanced during tzu. However, it work to fulfill the ten months for the holv fetus
is not at the tzu hour but rather the yin, for form and the infant to appear. Old [Changl Tz
fire is born at the yin hour. Therefore, yanglY said: "The infant contains the true ch
advancing the fire takes advantage of Ihc After ten months the fetus is complete and th
time of fresh Yin is born at the hour, and foundation is established." He also said: "Sons bo
the "yin tally" should be with. drawn during within the year all will ride the crane
wu. However, it is not at the wu hour but immortality. " This is the meaning. Gentlemen wh
rather the hsü, for the "storehouse of fire'.' seek to cultivate the True, in circulating the fire an
dwells in hsü. •Iherefore, "withdrawing the mobilizing the yin element. must be finely attune
tally" waits for the time of storing, and thus it to the natural world when they set the Big Dipp
is that the time Of "advancing the fire and in motion. They must follow the processes of y
withdrawing the tally" includes a period of and yang. the four seasons, and the cycles
rest within it. "Rest" means halting the fire, renewal. They must understand the principles
ceasing work, cleansing the heart, and heaven and earth, the Five Phases, and mutu
washing away cares to guard against danger creation and destruction. Our exhalation should b
and be mindful Of peril. The time Of silent and our breathing slow and continuou
"flourishing wood" comes in the mao period. Chuang tzu said: "The common man breathes fro
Mao begins With the first "climatic period" the throat, whereas the adept breathes from th
of the second lunar month. After "flourishing heels." This illustrates our meaning. •rhe O
wood"12 comes "fire advent.''13 The process Immortal Yü Ch'an said: "'When closure is extrem
of ' 'advancing the fire" should rest during the one suffers from urgency; when there is comple
second month. Therefore. on the fifteenth of abandon one suffers from wantonness." Chen I tz
the first month, one ought to know when to Said: "Regulate the clepsydra, adjust the Sundia
stop. The first lunar month belonFS to the assemble the gods and ghosts of yin and yan
hexagram rai (Peace), which three yang lines gather the positive ch'i of the 360, return the vit
below and three yin lines above. This passages of the Seventy-two stages, advance th
represents yin and yang poised at the balance yin tally Of the sixty-four hexagrams, and stir u
point, like the half image of the first quarter the yang fire of the twenty-four climatic period
of the moon that is metal within water. Metal The 'heavenly gate' is in thc hand and the •earth
flourishes during Yu begins With the first axis' proceeds from the heart, Heaven and ear
'"climatic period" of the eighth lunar month. must not conceal the secret of creative power; y
I' After reaching the period of "flourishing and yang must not harbor the root Of Stasis an
metal," the fire is sufficient. '"Withdrawing stagnation. One must achieve the level
the yin tally" should rest during the eighth boundless spirit and pure creative power." W
month. Thus, on the fifteenth of the seventh Ming tzu said: "If there are errors in the stages
[lunar] month. one ought to be aware of refining or failures in the timing, the cinnabar an
guarding one's gains. The seventh month mercury in the 'golden palace' will not sprout an
belongs to the hexagram Pi (Standstill). moth larvae breed in the •jade crucible. ' In seriou
which is three yin lines below three yang Cases. mountains collapse and the earth crumble
lines. 'I-his is yin and yang poised at the The •metal tiger' and 'wood dragon' soar into spac
balance point like the half image of the last In less sc [ious cases, rains beat and winds blow
quarter of the moon, which is Water within and the K'un male and l.i femalcIO run o
metal. The Tu-jen Ching says: "The astrolabe together. Be extremely careful!" •rhis then is th
and sextant cease their revolutions for a mo- sixth task in the cultivation of immortality.
Chapter 7. Parturition

Elixir Literature SexualA/chemy
If onc asks about the creative process Of possesses a prenatal and postnatal nature.
rturition, o can understand this The prenatal is the spiritual lather and divine
phenomenon? mother; the postnatal is the mundane father
For how long has it dwelled in the crimson and mundane mother. When the mundane
palace ? father and mother have inter. course, the
It then travels to the ni-wan where after three
mercury arrives and is projected into the lead.
Suddenly, in the gate Of the crown. there is a When yang bestows and yin receives. this is
peal of thunder, called "the natural course." When thc natural
And one clutches the infant to one's breast, course is followed, then the human fetus is
Legionsofheavenly soldiers arrivc to protect it. formed and sons and daughters are born.
And your name is already known to the Lord When the spiritual father and mother have
on High_ intercourse, the lead arrives and is projectcd
into the mercury. When yin bestow'S and
Notes: "Parturition" is something rare yang receives, this is called "contrary to the
among men. Impregnation of the normal natural course. " If carlied out contrary to the
womb takes place by following the natural natural course, the holy fetus forms and birth
course of things, and therefore parturition is given to Buddhas and immortals. 'Ibe
takes place from below. The holy womb is principle of forming the holy and the human
impregnated contrary to the natural course of fetus one and without distinction. The
things, and therefore parturition takes place difference is simply one of following the
from above. Impregnation Of the '•lower tan- natural course or going against it. After ten
t•ien•• is equally easy for both men and months the fetus is complete and with a "peal
women _ However, when it comes to the of thunder" the "gate of the crown" bursts
"crimson it is very narrow. and the open. After the •'infant"' appears, there is an
niWan is even narrower How is it then that additional stage of work to harmonize the
they can be "dwelled in" and "travelled to"? spirit, and only then does the yang spirit
"Spirit" is a way of speaking of that which is emerge three to five steps before
without bounds and without sub. stance. It is withdrawing again. Then it ventures half a
capable of penetrating even metal Or stone, [Chinese] mile or a mile and returns again,
so what dimculty is there in "dwelling in the and then two or three miles and back again.
'crimson palace"' or "travelling to the ni- Each time it fears that it will become lost and
wan"? When the "gate of the crown" bursts unable to find its way back. After a long
open, this then is the time of the dragon's time, this is thoroughly mastered. and miles
offspring emerging from the womb. The or 10,000 miles are like stretching out the
yang spirit now appears and one has earned arm. This then is the work of harmonizing
the title of "Immortal." Now the yin demons the spirit. 'Spirit" is the term for "infinite
of the dark and ghost bandits are transformed transformations. "18 When thoroughly
into the "three protectors Of the Law"; the harmonized. it becomes concentraced and
"eight realms" are sanctified, and the naturally takes on the nature of existence.
radiances" are transformed into divine Not being exclusively of the nature of
warriors. Your name will be removed from existence, it disperses and takes
the "black list" and inscribed in the "book of
the elixir. " How could the Lord on High
overlook your name? This together with the
two preceding chapters concludes the work
of becoming an "earthly immortal."
Commentary Within the great cosmic
process, the two ch'i—Ch'ien the father and
Kun the mother—blend harmoniously and
give bilü to all creation. Therefore, it is said
that in all creation only man is also thus. Man
The Elirir Literature Sexual Alchemy

on the nature of nonexistence, but it call "the precious pearl of peace" offered by
also is not exclusively nonexistent. Not the Dragon King's daughter to the Buddha.
being exclusively existent, the vang is The ••immortal once again becomes
not sub ficient to contain it, and it immortal" means that one advances from
transcends the yang; not being '"earthly immortal" to "heavenly immortal."
exclusively nonexistent, the yin is not It is imperative that not a single thought
sufficient to limit it, and it transcends remain and that the tiniest speck of dust be
the yin. When yin and yang are both transformed. There must be no perceived
transcendent and existence and distinction of self and other; enmity and
nonexistence are without limit, then 1 kindness must bc scen as one; far and near,
is transformed and becomes 10. 10 is intimate and distant must be of A
trans• formed and becomes 1(K), 100 united as one body; birds and beasts,
is transformed and becomes 1,000. and insects and fish are all of the same chi.
10.000 roam everywhere throughout One's lofty rao and weighty fe are
the "three realms," I O coming and equal to heaven's. Following this, in
going with perfect freedom. The Ta- the midst of Obscurity and utter
tung Ching says: 'The ch'i all silence, the blessing is received and
attain immortality." This is the the "mysterious pearl'• presented in all
meaning. When one's training has its splendor and brilliance, more
reached this level, one deserves to be precious than words can tell. When the
called an '•earthly immortal." then "pearl" is consumed, the body sprouts
is the seventh task in cultivating feathered wings, and "disappearing
from Mount Wu- i"20 flies to the
paradise of the immortals. Peng-lai is
8. The Mysterious Pearl as far away as the 3,000 mile course of
If one asks about the wonder of the the River Jo; Lang-yüan is located in
mysterious pearl. HsiYing, 20.000 miles from China.
It is that the immortal once again Both are regions inhabited by the
becomes immortal. immortals.
He spreads his virtue far and wide Commentary: "mysterious pearl" is not
among the realm Of man, the prenatal medicine in the midst of the
Handing down the Golden Book and post-natal; neither is it the prenatal lead in
Jade Decree. the midst of the prenatal. Receiving the
When the precious purl Of the mystery
"mysterious pearl" is not a matter of
gathering the jen after the kuei; ncithcr is it a
Inatter of obtaining yang from the midst of
Onc sprouts feathers and Ries swiftly.
lead. Rather it is the milletsized pearl
With a gust Of Wind, one disappears
produced in the prenatal crucible over a
from Mount Wu-i
And soars to the Blessed Isles of period of 5,048 days without error. It is
Peng-lai and the Holy Land of diffcult to find one or two such crucibles
Lang- yuan. among the millions Or meet more than One
in over a century. Given the difficulty of
Note: The "mysterious pearl" is the meeting such a marvelous crucible. how can
precious pearl that sits suspended in even those followers of the tao Who are
the void five chang above the earth, devoted to the '•mysterious pearl" succeed in
the size of a millet grain, exquisite and consuming it? Therefore, the pearl is
glittering. This is what the Buddhists bestowed by heaven and received by man. It
The Elirir Literature Sexual Alchemy

requires the completion of 3 practices

and the perfection of 800 exercises _
Possessed of lofty tao and weighty te,
one enjoys a state of purity and peace.
Heaven above accompanies the Jade
Emperor; earth below accompanies the
beggar. This then is the true man in the
world. Following this, in '"total
Obscurity and utter silence," th
summons is heeded and the "Dragon-s
daughter" appears. It should be noted
that the period of 5.048 days precisely
corresponds to the number required for
one reading af the Buddhist Canon,
The essences (ching) of heaven and
earth, sun and moon come together at
this time; the quintessences of yin and
yang and the Five Phases now unite. In
a spiritual and auspicious atmosphere
the "precious pearl" forms and
manifests suspended in 167
Art the Bedckumber

of Queen Mother of the West. The

"Imperial Palace" is the Brilliant Palace
space. Splendid and brilliant, its value is of the Jade Emperor. The "Jade Capital
beyond words. The Tu-jen Ching says: Mountain" is called Hsiao-t'ai. The "roc
"Mysteriously floating in space hangs a car and phoenix carriage" are the '*wind
'precious pearl,' the size of a millet car" and "feather wheels." The
grain, which is variously called the "delicacies of the immortals from the
'great Mahayana prajna (wisdom of the heavenly kitchen and "six pearl
Great Vehicle),' the •nine-storied feathered garment" are food and
pagoda.' the 'Buddha body,' •cintamam clothing that occur naturally. These are
(talismanpearl),' 'saddharma (wonderful what is known as the "delicacies of the
law),' or the •marvelous Muni pearl.'" immortals from the five Kitchens" and
When the adept consumes it, his body "scamless clothing." •'Eternal
sprouts wings and he joins the ranks of contentment" is the time that Shang-
the immortals. The "'jade lady" attends yang refers to as '"when merit is
him before and the "golden lad" achieved and fame follows."
conducts him from the side. He eats the Commentary: The •'Jade pool" is the
provisions of the "heavenly cook" and garden of Kun-lun and the park of
disdains the delicacies of the human Langfeng. This is the realm inhabited by
realm. He dons the "six pearl garment" the Queen Mother. At the beginning of
and scorns the silk robes of the world. heaven and earth, before the existence
He drives the chariot of the wind and of man, the wood ch'i of the east
rides the fabulous bird of immortality. coalesced to form a heavenly immortal.
This is the culmination of the "heavenly Its name was the Duke of Wood. The
immortal." This then is the eighth task metal ch'i of the west coalesced to form
in cultivating immortality. a heavenly immortal. Its name was the
Mother of Metal. After the two
Chapter 9. Proceeding to the Jade immortals de. scended, they gave birth
Pool Ofthe Immortals to twenty-eight daughters. It is from
If one asks about the happiness of these that humankind multiplied and
the Jade pool Of the Immortals, It is mortal and immortal came to be
enjoyment Without end. distinguished. These two immortals are
Above. one faces thc Imperial Palace On the eternal mother and father of man
Jade Capital Mountain. and of all creatures. After finishing
Coming and going in the roc car and 3,000 practices and completing UK)
phoenix carriage, excrcises, those who aspire to
One eats the delicacies ot the immortals immortality are selected by the Great
from the heavenly kitchen, Emperor of the East and chosen by the
Floating about, one wears the six pearl Lord of Fang.chu. Upon reaching the
feathered garment, Jade Pool, one is pre. sentcd With a
And all of the immortals arrive together banquet and given an audi• ence with
to congratulate the new immortal.
the Mother Of Metal who bes• tows the
Now one Will know eternal contentment.
Heavenly Mandate. One then goes
Notes: The "Jade Pool" is the garden bcforc the Jade Emperor to accept the
of K'un-lun and the park of Lang-feng post of Immortal , to oversee the
Mountain. These are the haunts of the creative processes of heaven, and to be

Art the Bedckumber

a true minister to the Lord of Heaven.

When merit is accomplished fame
follows, and the mission of the great
man's life is complete. Those trifling
official posts in the world of men are
mere sparks from flint. lightning
flashes, or floating bubbles. How arc
they worthy of envy, and why do the
jealous sigh with regret? Although the
Jade Pool cannot he reached by ordinary
men, after all, the Buddha did not
bubble up from the earth, nor did Kuang
Ch'eng and Lao tzu fall out of the sky.
The common householder, husband and
wife, are endowed with ch'i, blood,
Ching and spirit, and are not different
from the great lao. Each and every one
of them is capable of perfection. The
blaz• ing "golden elixir" can be
consumed by any man. The only
obstacle is failure of will or. if having
the will. not being stead. fast. Those
with determination must find

Art the Bedckumber
true teachers to instruct them on the emergence of the 10,000 phenotnena. Taking
"three stages" and "three gates"; transmit heaven as warp and earth as woof. it originates
the "nine zithers" and "nine swords"; from the Single Source. Therefore. if a man can
explain the order of "obtaining the fully realize this art. entering upon the path
medicine," the "elixir," and the with sincerity. maintaining it in silence, using it
"mysterious pearl"; and detail the with gentleness, and
attainments of the "earthly and heavenly Of
immortals." For these. the "feathered
practicing it with faithfulness. he can
wheels" are not needed to convey them
then be restored to life and revived from
to the Jade pool miles distant, for
death, revert to the state of primal unity,
it is just feet away. One need not mount
enter sagehood and transcend the
the celestial winds to the brilliance of the
mundane, seize the sun and moon, and
"nincfold heaven." Suddenly opening my
recover the luster of lost beauty. Oh, its
eyes, thc Immortals Chang, Ko. Chung.
glory extends from ancient times to the
and Lii2t become my comrades, and the
present! It is hidden and unfathomable,
serenity of heaven is my home. This then
but there is nothing that does not possess
is the ninth task in the cultivation Of
it and no time when it is not present. The
Tao is such that we can never depart
from it. If it can bc departed from, it is
not the too. In ancient times the
venerable Yellow Emperor Cast nine
Summary of the Golden Elixir cauldrons and ascended into heaven.
Chin -tan chieh -Yao by Lord Tung Hua* refined the "three glorious
essences"a and realized the rue. Althou its sects
Chang San-feng arc divided into northem a southern and the
teaching revealed as eastern and western , those
who have ascended into heaven are more than
The tao unfolds in three stagesl as one 10.1"), and whole families that have achieved
advances step by step from the first. immortality are more than O. The names of
Leaving the world behind, there arc five those who have trans. formed their physical
degrees2 of immortality. One begins with bodies are unrecorded, and those who have left
"establishing the foundation" and •'r.> their bodies behind and gained immortality are
fining the self" and ends with "Obtaining innumerable. These practices are absolutely
the medicine" for "absorption and orthodox and enlightened, for one may not
suppiementation." Even if one fails to ascend to the True by heterodox paths. Without
form the fetus of immortality, One will at the teachings of a master, how could one
least lengthen one's lifespan and remain realize such wonders of body and spirit? have
in the world. This lao has been handed studied OJI Of the classics on refining the
down for a long time. Only if practiced elixir of immortal• ity, but this rao of the
from beginning to end is there hope of "golden elixir" truly is the method Of the
attaining results. ne likes of "achieving heavenly immortals and foremost in all the
nirvana while sitting or standing" or world. However. in later generations it was
•'reincarna• tion by entering the bodies of rarely heard of. Students who are able to grasp
young corp• ses" are as far from the the mysteries Of this art already have
greatness of this tao as clouds and earth. developed the necessary attributes and
Truly they cannot be spoken of in the affinities. There are those who obtain some of
same breath. Moreover, this illustrious "their own kind."S and easily realize the goal.
tao Of mysterious heaven precedes the and others who fail for lack of raw material for
preparing the elixir. Can seekers of the elixir
The Elixir Literature Alchemy
not be extremely cautious? Today we are difficult. One must exercise great care
most fortunate to receive the teachings of from beginning to end, and only then is
an enlightened master and should quickly success certain.
set about the task. We should advance
with sincere dedication and strong Chapter I_ Breathingfrom the Heels
purpose to accumulate rx-)th inner virtue and Refining the 'i
and correct action through simultaneous
How great indeed is the primordial
practice. From the lowest to the highest ,
monadal c" 'i! "mysterious feminine" in its
becoming 169
Of midst is called the "great bellows." Its Origin is
The Infinite (wu.chij. How supreme indeed are
greater and greater. gradually the Two Aspects!0 All of the various species of
progres and courageously advance living things had no means of multiplying and
and success is assured _ Although came in the end to possess desire. Heaven and
we possess only a Jim. ited physical man were as one, but the states of mortal and
body , we have also an immortal became two paths. The years and
infinite spiritual body (dharmakaya). months flowed on, and in a short time thc dark
Oh. how beautiful indeed! This art and the light became 170 permanently
already is inherent and perfect in separated. Alas, heterodox shortcuts are easily
each of us. If today we are able to trodden, but the true path is difficult to travel.
firmly grasp yin and yang, tomorrow If the tao of man is not practiced. the rao of
it will be easy to match heaven and immortality will far indeed. To gain the truth.
carth in longevity. Thus, if one one must proceed from disciplined practice. Its
comes to this study in the rit of high- marvelous methods should be carned out
minded fellowship and ute sincerity, during the period of transition between day and
the teaching will not be in vain. rught_ Eat only a little, loosen the garments,
Therefore, it is expressed here in and sit within a quiet room. The hands are
plain language for the edification Of brought together in the attitude of meditation
the followers of this way and to and the heels are pressed against the '"gate of
explain the subtle mystery of the true earth. "7 The tongue supports the hard palate
tao. It has been gathered together in and the lips and teeth are closed. Regulate your
a book of seven chapters and entitled ' 'heel breathing" so that it is slow and
Summary of the Golden Elixir. continuous and harmonize inhalation and
Taken in order. the various topics exhalation. Calm your body and mind in
are all included. Students should perfect silence so that you arc at peace within
thoroughly study and savor it to get and undisturbed without. Concentrate your
to the bottom of its mysterious mind and dismiss the attachments. Close the
principlcs_ When suddenly one day •sfour to the outside and direct the gaze
it is completely comprehended and of the eyes inwardly. Imagine a beautiful pearl
there is a full realization, then the that acts as ruler of the "yellow court. "9 Then
faculty Of reason becomes clear, the maintain the "sun of your intrinsic nature" in
heart transformed, the emotions the ni-wan and place the '•moon of your life" in
calm and the spirit harmonious. the Ian-Tu. I" Hovering between existence and
When it is attained at last. it is non• existence , the spirit is focused and the ch
attained forever, and the tao of 'i concentrated. Sustain this for some time.
immortality is realized. However, if resting in a natural way. Then slowly swallow
one is careless for just one breath, and the true ch'i will gradually enter the tan-
things can go astray. If One Seeks to rien. It excites the ••life source" and following
forcibly realize this tao and attain the Tu meridian passes through the wei-lü and
immortality, it will extremely ascends to the ni-wan, Pursuing its course, it
Art the Bedckumber
activates the "intrinsic nature source, is
guided into the Jen meridian, projected
through the ming.r'ang,ll and descends
again to the lower ran-fu_ The "three
sources' • 12 above and below rotate like
wheels as [the ch'il ascends up the back
and descends along the front in a
Continuous circuit. The heart hecomes
like water, still and clear, and the body
like an ice pitcher. Lightly raise the anus
as the "heel slowly circulates. It
the ch'i becomes agitated, slowly
swallow it. If the spirit becomes faint,
then make an effort to your
thoughts. Beginning with one breath,
multiply this by a hundred and a
thousand to make a com• pletc "cosmic
and in this way one will see marvelous
results. Seekers of
The Elirir Literature Sexual Alchemy

the True should begin with this one raises the shoulders a number of
discipline. If one is unable to practice times, it naturally rises to the ni-wan and
"'heel breathing" and bc at peace with the '"great water wheel" turns _ Now
the world, then all is done in vain. 'I'his shake "Mount Kun-lun," rub the belly
is the first difficult task in cultivating and massage the waist eighty-one times.
this art. Grind the hands together and massage
the face twenty-four timcs_ pat the top
Chapter 2_ Accumulating Ch 'i of the head, rotate the eyes twenty-four
and times and then rest _ Concentrate the
Opening [he Passes spirit and knock the teeth together
twentyfour times. When doing this
The purpose of this phase is similar to exercise
the previous exercise. Assumc the of
meditation mudra known as '"inserting
the golden spade''15 and With one mind alwavs constrict the anus and hold thc
return to the "'king's treasury. "16 unify breath. Each time you finish the
exercise, clear the throat and swallow
your spirit and concentrate your ch'i. If
three times, stand up and shake the
disturbed, return to a state of tranquility body, and then twist to the left and right
and abstraction_ Now bcain hy nine times, 19 is the "moving
concentrating on your ch'i and, starting method" that can be used in conjunction
with the "bubbling spring"17 of the left with the sitting excrcises over and over
foot, proceed to the knec and calf, endlessly. If one proceeds in this way
slowly ascending to the "three passes" without lapse, success will follow. The
and finally to the ni-wan_ It then gently superior man will experience an opening
descends to the '"sea of the Now of the "passes" in three days and nights;
from the right "bubbling spring" cause it the average will experience a
to rise and fall along the right side just breakthrough in two weeks; and those
as on thc lcft_ Execute four circulations below average will experience an
each on the left and right, and then one opening after a month. Those who are
ascent from the [two "bubbling lax in their practice may take a hundred
springs"] simultaneously for a total of days for the opening to occur. If there is
nine revolutions, This then is one round. pain in the joints, proceed with the
Now exercise the anus hy gently raising practice more slowlv; and if the eves
it, and practice the "heel breathing" for become hot, add some rotations. If one
nine rounds. with nine revolutions each, is dedicated and unstinting in practice,
for a total of eighty-one as a complete no illness will bc able to attack _ At this
set. •rhe ch'i then will naturally flow time, there will be a stirring of wind in
unimpeded throughout the body and the the ni-wan as the kidney ch'i begins to
passes will bc completely open. If they rise. In a moment, there is a wonderful
sensation at thc "magpie bridge" and the
are not yet open, add some martial
"'sweet dew' begins to fall. For seekers
exercises, performing them in the proper of the elixir, anything but this is crror_
sequence. First, practice the exercise, If onc does not embark on the path in
"'lion sitting upside down," opening the this way, how would it be possible to
eyes and taking three breaths, so that the effect the upward and downward
ch'i traverses the "lower pass." Then the movement [of ch'il and conibine this
"golden ching" flies up the back, and as with '"refining the selt.'
The Elirir Literature Sexual Alchemy

Chapter 3. Jade Liquid and

Refining the Self
The jade liquid returning elixir is even
more mysterious.
All depends upon the golden liquid and
the refining Of base lead.
One must also cast the sword2D and graft the
To win eternal youth and a lifespan of
10,000 years.

The method involves selecting three

to five "precious crucibles." Each should
weigh sixteen or seventeen liang. Those
of fourteen are even better, and they
should be shiny and lustrous_22•
Having obtained a "flower," do not
hesitate to use it, and there is no variety
that is unsuitable. Dwell together in a
quiet room within the bedcurtains. There
are no limitations as to day or night. As

The Seaual Alchemy
Of times and then stop and calm yourself.
Now continue for a count of twenty-four.
bodies sit facing each other. two sights
Harmonize yourself internally and gently
reveal their forms. first "strike the bamboo"
raise [the anus). Then you can take a deep
and raise it, then "strum the zither" to
swallow Of Now continue to contract
harmonize the sound. Exccutc cach three times
your abdomen six. teen times. Practice
to bring about emotional communion. Even if
this cycle three times. using six
the urge to go in for the kill arises, not give
repetitions as a complete round.
frec rcin to your desires. Instead, slowly chase
Sometimes one may choose the normal
the "dragon" into his "cave" and then gently
Bhition and sometimes enjoy the wonder
withdraw the "sword," bringing home the
of reversing roles. After each practice
••successful candidate. •'23 Advance one inch,
session carry out your sitting meditation
keeping three to five inches out• side. Now
exercises. Or afterward, onc may revolve
immediately raise the anus. adjust the waist,
the "three sources" nine times. If one is
elevate the shoulders, and retract the neck,
afraid that the ch'i still has not ascended,
silently concentrating your mind. .0cated
then add the three martial techniques.
between the kidncvs are kinds Of Ch'i, one red
Approach the '"stove"2U and engage in
and one White, that slowly rise to the space
joint training. Practice the four exercises
within the "great void"2a and are transformed
day and night. quietly activating the
into a single sun, the brilliant "mysterious
mechanism. Frequent practice is
feminine. •'23 Close the cycs and guard your
especially effective. As the "time of the
inner concentration, allowing the yellow light
approaches and the '"noon rises in
within to shine upon the "gate of heaven. "26
the then one may arouse her. Achieving
Gaze upward, glaring as if angry, to the
the [transmutation) of base lead is not the
"mysterious valley."" Self and other are both
work of a moment. but, if accomplished
forgotten; emotion and environment both
three Or five times, it can extend one's
disappear. Withhold the •'sweet dew" and send
life to 2(X) or 3.(Å) years. While carrying
it down to the tan-rien. In this way one
out these exercises. there are some other
experiences (what the I Ching calls] "silently
marvelous techniques. Drink often of the
and without moving. one senses and
"wine Of the immor but do not
apprehends all." This is intercourse of the
pluck the ••flower that is just about to
physical body without intercourse Of the spirit,
fall'•;33 leisurely stroke the ''zither
the union of dragon and tiger. It is "preparing
without strings,'•u and slowly blow On
the stove and Sctting up the crucible."
the "flute without holes. "35 These
Blending the ingredients in the "great
techniques reach the height of mystery
cauldron" is harmonizing yin and yang. In this
and wonder. However, if carried Out with
way the two strands entwine. The four
tension and haste. they produce only
exercises, moving and sitting, constitute one
harm and no benefit. In the great of the
phase of the "cosmic orbit." Practice them
"golden elixir." the gold is found during
diligently in order over and over. Be sure that
physical in. tercourse in the mystery of
the "three passes" are completely warm and
the "jade liquid." There is no Other
that the ' 'two Ch'i "28 are in harmony. This is
method so marvelous. Therefore it is said
intercourse of the spirit without intercourse Of
that "gathering the medicine" is easy, but
the body. Activate the "great bellows," moving
"refining the self" is difficult. Be sure to
in and Out, while always guarding the mind
keep your intrinsic nature sensitive and
within. Fan continually and drum slowly.
your spirit open. The heart must be still
Move up and down like a gentle penetrating
and the mind settled. The work may be
wind, rising and falling at will, When
accomplished in a hundred days. and the
advancing, slowly exhale; when withdrawing,
"cosmic orbit" marvelously attained. The
inhale fiercely. First fan her 172 thirty-six
Ego of "returning the elixir" is none other

Art the
than this; the work Of "grafting Ithe new on nurturance of the "comrades" and "yellow
the oldl•• is simply this. With courage it is dame," Otherwise, the impulse to go in
attained easily. but with laxness it is dimilt to for the kill rises like a sharp temper.
accomplish. Truly this is the central principle Elutr of
of "the jade liquid and refining the self' and the
Chapter 7. Setting up the Elixir
critical concept of "the water of metal and
casting the Platform

Chapter 4. Choosing Resources to What is meant by "entering the

Aid in Pursuit of Tao chambed'? The chamber is the elixir room
for refining the "true essence." Altogether
It is important to obtain righteous resources. there are three levels of chamhers_ In the
One must put by a sufficient store without any front there is a great hall and facing it an
shortfall. Ill-gotten resources will bring evil open space with rooms to the left and
consequences. Be very careful in your right of the main gate. The second level is
selection. the central hall with three side rooms on
Chapter 5. Choosing a Location to the left and right, respectively. There
Establish rhe Foundation should be kitchens on the left and
storerooms on the right. In the very center
One must live in the commercial district of a one should store wealth for future use. In
city and rely on a family with position and the kitchen one should provide a tablet to
financial power. If the family has position but the Heavenly General of the Altar. In the
not financial power, there will be no way of centermost chamber one should provide
meeting thc tremendous expenses. If it has an altar in honor of the Founding
financial power but not position, there will be Masters, the Five Patriarchs.•U'
no means of controlling the myriad outside Seven and Sixteen Heavenly
disasters. Some prefer to live in the Generals. The altar table should include
countryside. The earth should bc red Or yellow pure water, incense, candles. flowers, and
and without ancient grave sites. There should vases. Arrange the ancient ritual
be a sweet spring in its midst and good implements and a clock so as to know the
neighbors nearby. It should not be close to precise time, together with a complete set
buffalo, buffalo swimming holes, or manure of the classics- One should worship here
pits. A place where the mountains and rivers both morning and evening. To the left
are pure and beautiful is auspicious indeed. and right of the central chamber are
Otherwise 1 am afraid it will not be suitable apartments for carrying out one's practice
for your needs. This is why one must be in safety. These should bc cut off from
selective with respect to location. the outside save for an Opening of
Chapter 6. Choosing Comrades to approximately onc square foot through
which to convey food and drink. The rear
A in Practice
halls should include three chambers with
One must choose like-minded comrades for a three siderooms to the left and right and
relationship of deep commitment. They should three in the center. Of these, the one on
be by nature poised, loyal, filial, friendly, and the east is the "chamber of the green
fraternal. When you are borne into the "elixir dragon." and the one on the west is the
chamber," they must be able to sustain the "chamber of the white tiger." In the
rigors without tiring and be on guard both day ccnter is the altar for making offerings at
and night lest you err in approaching the the tablet of the Founding Master. Due
"stove." At the moment of obtaining the elixir, north (tzu) and south (wu) should be
one is as if drunk or without reason. precisely aligned. On the left is the
Everything then depends upon the careful
The Seaual Alchemy
'•elixir chambcr" and on the right the '•spirit
chambet." windows should be clear and the
tables clean. The four sides should bc
surrounded by high walls to prevent people
from peeking in. Fences and barriers ensure
peace and seclusion. Plant flowers and shrubs
and raise cranes and deer to provide an area for
the gentlewoman to relax.

Art of the Bedchamber
Chapter B. Choosing the Crucible ding ko says'"There is not one word in this
classic that can save all sentient beings and
The "crucibles" are the "'true dragon" and enable them to reach the highest heaven. "
"true tiger." First choose a beautiful tiger The Ch'iao-yao ko says: "Fourteen is the
with clear eyebrows and lovely c yes. You white tiger and sixteen the green dragon."
must find one with red lips and white teeth. This is our meaning. A "Ch'ien crucible"
There are three grades of crucibles. The must obtain the services of a virtuous
lowest arc twenty-five, twenty-four, or partner, instruct her morning and evening
twenty-one. Although they belong to the in filiality, and help her perfect the correct
they may be employed in path and bc without evil thoughts. The
"practicing fire work" "'nourishing the "K'un crucible" must have faith in the
weak dragon," "adding oil to supplement direction of the "yellow dame." This is the
the lamp," and "enriching nation and great medicine of the internal and external
ordering thc Those of the middle and the waxing and waning half moons. It
grade are twenty. eighteen, or sixteen who is no mere trifle, for if collected and
have never engagcd in intercourse, but refined, before half a [Chinese] hour, one
already have had their first menses. will immediately become a '"heavenly
Because they have never given birth, their immortal." What is meant by "fire
placenta-u has never been broken; and they crucible"? This refers to beautiful tigers of
may be used to extend life and achieve eighteen or sixteen. If the medicine is
"human immortality. " The highest grade obtained two or three times from a
are "medicine material" of fourtccn. Their compatible partner of fifteen, one can
condition precedes the division of "primal extend the lifespan several hundred years,
unity" and corresponds to the kcng moon attain the immortality or the Yellow
based on the number seven?" These are Emperor, and live forever in the world as
called the "'true white tigers."41 A "Ch'ien an "immortal among men." What is meant
dragon" of sixteen who has never lost his by H "water crucible"? It refers to those of
"true Ching" is a "true green dragon." approximately twenty-one, twenty-six,
Although the crucibles are of three grades, twenty-five, or twenty-seven who have had
the principle of selection remains the same. the cxpcrience of '"green dragon plays in
One wants those whose four limbs arc water," but never given birth, or young
without blemish and whose "five facial girls whose "placentas already are broken
features"a are in perfect proportion. Those These may strengthen one's ch'i, build
who are of a harmonious disposition, one's foundation, and aid in the work of
respectful Of the gods of heaven and earth, "gold in water" and "casting the sword.
and not jealous or envious are the best. One must absolutely avoid those with the
Those who are abnormal or violate thc ' 'ten "five imperfections" Or "ten taboos," for
taboos" are all unsuitable. these will onlv cause harm.
Chapter 9. Appraising the Crucible The "five imperfections" are duo, wen,
ku, chiao, and mai_43 The tuo are those
There are three grades of crucibles. The with prominent pubic bones, which makes
first is metal, the second fire, and the third it inconvenient to gather the medicine. The
water. What is meant by the "metal crucible"? It wen are malodorous of both Body and
refers to the metal of a fourteen-year-old girl menstrual flow. Thc ku are virgins whose
represented by the trigram Tui_ When she has private parts are absent and have never had
reached 5,048 days, this corresponds with menses. The chiao are those with
fourteen years, or what the Buddhists call one masculine voices, rough skin, black faux,
At this time her menses is about to and yellow hair. They are impatient and
commence and her *'yellow path"" regularly cruel, and their ch'i and blood are impure.
opens. A woman's first 174 menses is thc "1ruc The mai are those with malaria and
metal" and is a priceless treasure. The Chen- irregular menses.
The Elixir Literatun Sexual Alchemy
Among "Ch'ien crucibles" there also on your navel. Seeking her tongue with
are 'five imperfections": sheng, tai_ h", pan, and your tongue, arouse her passion. Now have
The sheng are those with small penises and the "crucible" sit on your navel as if
whose testicles are not raised. The tai are straddling a horse. After a moment re.
impatient, reckless, violent, and intractable. The move the "crucible" and observe the pap.
hu are precocious and already have shed their er. If the paper is damp and has fluid, this
"true ching." The pan are not men and not is a ' 'broken crucible.'• Another method is
women, or what are popularly called to take a water bucket filled with clean
••hermaphrodites." The tu have yellow hair and ashes and have the partner sit on it for a
bulging eyes, body odor and sores, and are while. NOW remove the "crucible" and see
frequently ill Or dishonest in their conduct. if there is a depression on the surface of the
In choosing a crucible 100k for one with ashes. If so, this is also a "broken crucible"
well-defined eyebrows. lovely eyes, and and not usable. The status Of the "water
harmonious disposition. The year, month, and crucible" once again is completely
day of her birth should be in favorable different. Ask your partner on What dav
correspondence to One•s own _ Avoid those and what hour her menses began during the
whose birth dates are antagonistic. such as those previous month and whether it is possible
who violate the taboos of lasing Chung F' , to meet at this time. Have the 'Yellow
ch•uan F, and p'o It is recorded that those born dame" examine it, and if the color is purple
during the Terrestrial Branch year shen should Or black, or if she is early or late, these all
employ women born during a SSu year. and hai indicate unhealthy conditions, and she
men should seek yin women. Furthermore, the should not be used. If she is regular and the
"K'un crucible•s" beauty or lack of it is obvious color fresh red, this very
to all, but how can one know the quality of her
internal medicine . The method is to use one Chapter Refining the
ch'iena7 of pure gold and pound it into the form Establishing the Foundalion
Of a gold coin. Now take the finest silver and
pound it too into the form of a coin. The two Immortals and Taoist priests do not have
should then be placed together and Strung with the aid of the gods, They achieve the
a silk thread. Now place these within the '*True" by saving Ching and accumulating
"tnouth of the crucible"4S and stay together ch'i. Saving Ching means saving one's own
with her for one night. •I'he following morning Ching; accumulating eh•i means
remove and examine it. If the gold coin is accumulating your partner's c.h'i. The tav
vermilion and the silver coin is red. this is the is the essence (t'i) and the method the
highest of the high. If the gold coin is red and practice (yung)_ Cultivating both simul•
the silver vermilion, this is second best, but still taneously, one is able to imitate the rise
serviceable. That which has flowers and sccds and fall of heaven and earth and trans.
and mcdicinc and fire is the second highest form both mind and matter. Effortlessly the
crucible. If the gold coin turns pale red and the "feelings" (ch •ing) arise and naturally
silver turns black, this is the lowest of the low. revert to "intrinsic nature" (hsing). This is
That which has no flowers or seeds, and upon what is meant by "the body naturally
•'gathering the medicine" is without fire, is the possesses truc yin and yang, and true
second lowest crucible. This is not up to the husband and wife begin with [the
level of the "fire crucible" and unlike the great mundane] husband and wife. " However, if
method of the "tnetal crucible." Soak a piece of one does not first "establish the
cotton paper in a solution of alum and water and foundation" and "refine the self," how can
dry it in the sun. Now take a piece the size of a one enter the chamber and enjoy the
coin and place it benefits of the medicine? We must
Of respectfully proceed from the tcachings of
the Buddhist sects that hold that all

Art of the Bedchamber
phenomena are of the same essence as the When she exhales, I inhale,
noumenon (hsing. tsung) and only then can we preserving the ••true essence.
gain the Truth (Chen-ju)- Then gathering the Face to face with her I remain free of
med. icine is as simple as turning over the emo• tiOn, while Icad relines
The "magpie bridge" is sealed
Chapter II. A ccumulating Ch'i gnd awaiting a propitious moment.
Opening the Passes At this point. although engaged. one is
as if
The human body has "three passes" and 176 unengaged
"nine orifices." The "three passes" are the
At a depth of one and thrcc-tcnths inches
wei-lü. chia-chi. and yü-chen. When the vgry little,
"true ch'i" accumulates for a long time, the But have your partner move very slightly
"passes" and "orifices" natural. ly Open. three to five times.
Moreover, if one regularly practices a One's mental State is neither attached nor
great deal, the "'water wheel" turns, rising vacuous, but perfectly calm.
up the back and descending along the The "tiger's eye" opens wide like a flower
front, removing the impure elementS from bud spewing jade;
the whole body. This is what is known as The "dragon's head" rears erect and drinks
opening all "three passes" and orifices" from the "tiny spoon.
together- At first use four inches of the incense stick
as your mark-cr.
The second time add an inch Of stick or So,
Chapter 12. The Jade Liquid and And the third and fourth an inch again.
Lengthening Life When the "golden flowers" have completeIy
The prenatal elixir is the "medicine of fallen, invite her to depart.
ascending heaven" MThcn the "sword tip" is like fire, the medi
The postnatal medicine is the "elixir of cinc has pass-cd to mc.
lengthening life. Circulate it up to the "yellow court" and
After the full moon has passed, the last day install it in the palace.
Of the month approaches. If you want the gold to return and match the
The gentleman should take note of the ch'i and blood,
quarters of the moon. Then do not tarry in ' •mounting up to
After fifteen days there is another fifteen. heaven and completing the cycle Of
Fifty-eight and sixty. two. eighty-o
Count them on your fingers and they equal When the fire burns fiercely. count to 150.
120. And if you proceed properly the tire Will
Precisely twenty-two and a half days. subside.
This is the "tiring time." the true "waxing Now begins What is called "the method Of
and waning. " advancing the Watcr. " water and 6rc
Everything depends on the careful calcula achieve the complcmcntury relationship
of the "yellow dame_•• '•After Complelion ,•• the elixir foundation
is established. Three hundred [Chincsc]
On the fifteenth, the ••metal ch'i" is at the
hours is altogcthcr twenty-five [days).
height of its ,
This is the life-lengthening art of the
And the "water source" a bit more than 20
Every word and every sentence is a spiritual
With a piece Of thin white silk test her color
and ch'i.
HOW could one leak the secrets Of heaven
When the color is like clear Water, then
for a thousand pieces of gold?
seize the moment,
And with one hand embrace her shoulder Chapter 13. Waær of Metal and
and with the other her back. Casting the Sword
The Elixir Literatun Sexual Alchemy
My partner dwells in the palace with the water hexagram T'ai (Peace). Activate the "great
of metal, while I keep company with the fire of bellows," being careful to lock the "'three
wood. The tiger is born in the direction of treasures." Reflect inwardlv upon the mind,
water; the dragon emerges from fire. An [realizing that] thc mind is without mind,
invisible sword secretly accompanies us to slay reflect outwardly upon the body, [realizing
the de. mons and a visible sword is offered to thatl the body is Without bodv_ One
the "green dragon" to stir up the '•marvelous should apprehend only emptiness- It one
lead." In the course of practice the Ching is does not realize 'emptiness," I am afraid
aroused, but only when it does not move or one will became
shake can one approach the "stove" and of
participate in the act. Now heat the stove and
attached to appearances. Carefully guard
cast the sword to rive the greatest benefit. Be
against dangers and do not let yourself go
serious and careful
even the slightest. Wait for her "true water"
Chapter 14. The Golden Liquid to arrive at the level of two parts, and then
Great Returning Elixir use thc kidneys at the point near the anus
to mobilize a drop of "truc mercury" to
When the "elixir chamber" is ready and the meet her lead. One should effect the
"crucibles" complete, make offerings in the "gathering" in a motionless state. Now
central hall to all of the immortals, thc God Of order a "thought messenger" to issue a
Lightning, and the heavenly officials and "'fire charm"Sh from the "gate of the
generals. Three days after the sign of the mystery"-S7 that rises from thc wei.lü to
termination of the menstrual period in the west, the ni-wan, and, crossing the "golden
the two "crucibles," male and female, grasp bridge," enters the "yellow court." With
cach other's shoulders with both hands. The man your whole mind reflect inwardly like a
is above and the woman below. The man should hen brooding over its egg, or a dragon
not loosen his garments nor the woman unfasten nurturing a pearL One must not let go of it
her girdle. The ' 'yelIOW dame" harmonizes for even a moment. As soon as the adept
them, "strumming the zither" and "beating the has obtained the medicine, he should
bamboo," "calling the female phoenix-' and respectfully withdraw.
"summoning the turtle." Now hcavcn mounts The adept repeatedly toasts the '"Holy
earth as in the hexagram Pi (Stagnation). The Mother," drinking several mouthfuls of the
"K 'un crucible" uses the '"fire dates of "peach Wine Of immortality which quickly
immortality"-S1 to ascertain the readiness of the cools the fire. Feeling intoxicated and
"Ch'ien gold When the tongue is like water, fatuous, he remains confused and sensclcss
the medicine is about to arrive; when the dates for seven days. Everything depends on the
arc like fire, the medicinc is nearly ready _ Now cooperation and support of the '"yellow
quickly carry out the methad of gathering it. dame" and "'comrades.' Having reached
Closely examine the space between the this point one is now an immortal.58
evebrows, and at the moment when "the planet However, when first the "one ch'i" returns
Venus crosses the heavens," the ••white tiger" and the "holy fetus" forms, it easily
Will squeeze out a bit of "kuei water."-S2 When disperses or breaks if startled or touched.
the kuei is finished the jen is pure.s-3 Now Be even more careful to treasure and guard
observe the formation of •the "pearl. "54 When it.
"light shines through the cur the "jen
Chapter 15_ The Cosmic Orbit and
water" emerges in waves, and the "good omens"
Determining rhc Time
fall like drops, the 'tiger's" lower garments are
then removed along with those of the adept. "Time" is not the time calculated by year,
Have your partner sit on the "three-legged month, and day, but rather the prenatal
crescent Inoon chair" and assume the "'hour of the living Gentlemen engaging in
position •'earth over heaven' as in the spiritual cultivation who seek to '"return

Art of the Bedchamber
the elixir" must determine the proper time. One
must choose a crucible of from fifteen to forty-
two. Begin your calculations from the time of
her birth. There are twelve (Chinese] hours in
the day, thirty days in cach month. and twelve
months in a ycar_ Do not fail to include the
intercalary month in your calculations_ Take the
first of twelve years of age as the Terrestrial
Branch t:u, the second as cWou, the third as yin,
the fourth as mao, the fifth as Ch'en, the sixth as
chi, the seventh as wu, the eighth as
The Elixir Literatun Sexual Alchemy
An later stages" before the "living Izu
hour" (11:00 AM) of the "living first
Wei, the ninth as Shen, the tenth asyu, the
178 day. "60 Within the '"six stages"
eleventh as hsü, and the twelfth as hai. This
one may obtain the 'Smedicine" and obtain
is a complete cycle of years. To regulate
the "elixir." At the beginning of the "four
the complete cycle of months, take the first
earlier stages" observe whether the
month of the thirteenth year of age as tzu
'"crucible's" lips are purple and her face is
and continue to the twelfth month as hail
red, and if between her eyebrows it is
This is the complete cyclc of months. Now
radiant and glossy. When the kuei is over
we come to the cycle of days. Beginning
and the jen is pure, this is the time when
with the first day of the fourteenth year of
the medicine is born. The Classic says:
age, take the thirty hours of every two and
"Carcfully observe that of five parts shc
a half days as one month and calculate
has just reached two, and [her juices pour
thirty days _ Altogether 360 hours equal
forth] like fish-scale waves or drops of
twelve months. This is the complete cycle
water, for this is the beginning of the
of days. NOW as for the cycle Of hours,
auspicious moment. "
take the tzu hour of the first day ot the
ch'ou month of the ch'ou year as the
starting point and the chi hour of the third
day as the end for a total of twelve hours. Secret Principles of Gathering
This is the complete cycle Of hours _ This
is what is meant by, "On the third day the the True Essence Ts'ai-chen
moon rises in the west." Although on the chi-Yao by Chang San-feng
third day thc tnoon rises in the west, this is annotated by Chi Yi tzu
still not the true transmission. To take the (Fu Chin-ch'üun)
third day as the time for gathering the
medicine fails to consider the mating of the Establishing the Foundation
' 'true dragon." If the third day arrives and TO lock the yin-Ching is to establish the
the time of the medicine has passed and foundation-
substance is produced, this may be Establishing the foundation consists Of
compared to the last day of the lunar maintaining the feminine.
month, which is called hui, and the first By maintaining the feminine without
day of the next Inonth, which is called shaking, the lock is secure.
shuo. At the juncture of the last and first To lock the yin-cking is to establish the
days Of the lunar Inonth, the Ching of the foundation.
sun and moon shoot their ch'i at each other. To establish the foundation it is most
Thus the moon responds to the yang rays important to maintain the feminine attitude
Of the sun and becomes pregnant. If it and not the masculine. If one is able to
were the second day, the moon and sun maintain the feminine, this is called
come up at the same time and set at the "locking the yin-Ching". In this way we
same Lime. On the third day, when the sun can say with certainty that the foundation
sets, the moon appears like the mark of a will be established. Hey! Do you not
moth's antennae in keng (the west). Kcng is know? When the wind rises, the sail must
the metal of the trigram Tui; that is, the bc lowered; when the jar is set upright, the
metal of the trigram Ch'ien that already is water returns full.
returning to the house of the youngest Garhering the Medicine
daughter, Tui, of K'un in the southwest. If
one seeks the "great medicine,% it should When the foundation is securely locked.
be the "two later stages" during the "living Onc can study immortality.
hai hour" PM) of the evening TO study immortality one must find the true
of the"living thirtieth day" and the "four lead.
of the Bedchamber
When the true lead has been gathered, lock the her "thing" arrives, the '•pure sound" Will
foundation. be loud and clear. Ha! Do you know'!
When the roundahon is securely locked, one can When the string is
study immortality. Of A
The "foundation" is the Ian-I'ien. If the "true
mercury" is not wasted, one may seek the "true slack no arrow flies. When the wind
Icad_" When one has obtained the "true lead," moves, one can then Set sail.
only then cun one hope for immortality. It is Approaching the Enemy
first necessary to establish the foundation. and
then gather the medicine. The medicine does not In doing battle one must make the
come of itself, but depends upon our effort. Ha! opponeat furious.
Though the Opponent is furious, I do
DO not talk foolishness! When there is wine.
not play the hero.
what a pity not to invite guests- Without money If I do not renounce heroism, there will bc
how can one be a merchant?

Knowing the Proper rime In doing battle, one must make the
opponent furious.
One must the time when the medicine is
produced. "'Doing battle" means approaching
Only after knowing this can east and west be the battlefield, I counsel you
matched. gentlemen, in approaching thc
Before east and west are matched, it is difficult to battlefield do not underestimate the
produce the medicine. enemy. This expresses the idea that,
One must know the time when the medicine is when having intercourse, you must
produced. allow your partner to move on her
"Producing the medicine" means pro. ducing own, while refraining from
the ••lead." medicine is produced at a specific movement yourself. If 1 were to
time, and only if one knows the true tinte can move but once, I would Iosc my
one obtain the true medicine. Absorb your invaluable treasurc_ Ha! Stop going
partner's lead to augment your own mercury. wild! Cheating others is cheat. ing
When east and west are in complementary oneself; losing to oneself is losing to
rapport, the elixir is naturally formed. Otherwise others.
one runs the risk of excessive yin or excessive
yang. Ha! Wait for the right time! The moon Upside Down
will come out and the "golden fiowers" appear. Carrying out the act upside down
When the tide comes in the water covers results in tnversion.
Only when upside down do the two things
achieve completion.
Strumming the Zirher Completion depends on carrying out
the act upside down.
Beat the bamboo until it opens, and then
Carrying Out the act upside down results in
Strum the zither Inversion.
Strumming the zither and beating the bam• boo
brings Out the pure sound "Upside down" means earth over
If the purc sound has not yet arrived, the bamboo heaven _ Upside down means going
must be beaten. against the normal course. The
Beat the bamboo until it opens, and then Strum common method goes with the
the 7ither_ normal course, but the path of
••Beating the bamboo" empties my mind; immortality lies in going against it.
"strumming the zither" excites my partner's Following the normal course leads to
"thing." I use myself to excite my partner. When the fire of hell; going against it one
becomes a "golden immortal."
The Elixir Literatun Sexual Alchemy
Upside down, upside down; only then The Sign Gare
there completion. Hey! You ought to know The top Of the head clearly bears the
this! By her occupying the superior sign gate.
position, west has come to east. When the sign arrives at the fontanel,
there is perfect freedom
Utmost Sineerifv There is freedom when water and fire
join on the dragon's head.
The desire for sagchood and the true lead requires The top Of the head clearly bears the
utmost sinceritv_ sign
Utmost sincerity requires that we use mercury for
the meeting. 179
Arg The "dragon" is oneself. The
"sign" is the stage ot progress. When the
If, in meeting, Onc fails to converge, it is
vain to hope for sagehood_ tide reaches the highest point there is a
The desirc for sagehood and the true lead sign. 180 The "pearl" of the -'red water"
requires utmost sincerity. must traverse this gate and then descend.
Hey! At this point, a "column of jade"3
The "desire for sagehood" reters to the flows within the nose, while on top of the
heart's fondest hope. The '"true lead" is the head one balances the "golden pearl.
prenatal monadal truc ch'i_ Desiring that
this primordial monadal true ch'i come to With and Against the Norma!
us requires absolute seriousness, extreme Coursc
care, and utmost sincerity.2 It is especially Heaven over earth Will become earth over
important that one mobilize a bit of "true heaven.
mercury" in the region of one's own anus Only when earth surmounts heaven can onc
to welcome it. Moreover, this must be done become an immortal.
just right. Hey! Be careful! The dragon The immortals equal hcaven and earth in
must not seek the tiger, but the tiger must their longevity.
find the green dragon herself. Heaven Over carth will become earth over
The Water Wheel
Heaven over earth is called P'i
Capturing the yang-cking is called (Standstill); earth over heaven is ca]lcd rai
Obtaining the lead. (Peace). Pi represents the normal course
After obtaining the lead. it immcdiately and T'ui the reverse. The normal gives rise
ascends to heaven. to the colnmon and the reverse to
Having ascended to heaven for a count of sagehood_ Without earth surmounting
nine times ninc, it is securely captured. heaven, how can one become an immortal?
Capturing the yang-ching is called obtaining
After gaining immortality, one's years are
the Icad_
as long as heaven's. Ha! When you come
'Capturing" means that it cannot escape face to face, this truth illuminates heaven
again. "Yang-Ching" is the prenatal true and earth, but very few in the past or
singular ch'i, the gold within water_ To present have spoken of it.
obtain this is to obtain the lead. Carry out Lock up the yin-ching; do not let it wander.
the practice of ascending up the back and Sit erect in meditation and after ten
descending down the front. Rising to the [Chinese] weeks stop
ni-wan is called "ascending to heaven." Sleeping neither night nor day, maintain
Atter nine titnes nine revolutions, the your practicc with constamy_
golden elixir naturally forms. Hey! One One wins freedom when the heart and kid,
needs the secret transmissions! To ascend neys interact.
to heaven onc must start the wheel. Only When the ch'i and blood circulate
then can the water rise. everywhere there is a beautiful feeling.
of the Bedchamber
When body and spirit both reach a marveIous lead. -Ihe work of studying immortality is
State this is truly wondcr(ul. simply this.
The yü-chen and ni-wan transmit a mcs• sage in
the void, The flute without holes must not be
While in the chia-chi and double passes the spring transverse;
runs early. Simply blow it and the cWi flows freely.
It is most important to learn to Stop the breath: Causc it to fill with something,
And just herc it is necessary to [contract the anus] And wind naturally vises up in the nt-wan
as if restraining a bowel movemcnt_ at the crown of the head
In this way one begins to build the foundation.
Now wait for the proper timc and match the male Notes: For thc purpose Of ''Liger blows
and female. flute" one should employ a woman. Sit
properly opposite each other. The
Notes: This describes the process of instructions that follow all call for a
establishing the foundation and waiting for the beauti-
proper time. Do you understand? Of A
When the wind rises, the sail must be lowered; ful woman. If thc flutc is not blown, the
when thc jar is upright, the water returns to full. ch'i will not enter, and if the ch'i does not
If I am able to lock in the yin-ching, this is the enter; the path will not open. If the path ig
body's treasure. Living in seclusion in a quiet not open, the elixir will not pass. Because
room is the practice of a hundred days. Refrain One cannot blow it oneself, one has a
from sleeping night and day, and without partner blow it, causing the path of ch'i to
realizing it, there will be an interaction between open and the elixir to pass. Only then can
heart and kidneys. The water rises and the fire It be refined. When you feel wind rising in
descends. It is first necessary to raise it and the fontanel and ch'i penetrating the hi-
"transmit a message in the void," but in wan, then this is the effect of '"blowing the
preparation one must pull and then inhale the flute."
"spring." Holding the breath comes first and Appended: Song of Blowing the Flute
then "restraining the bowels." For "the spirit to One three, two fives, and three sevens.
emerge" is not extraordinary; to "leave the Four nines are carried out. then fifty-one.
body" is not exceptional. When one has Sixty-three and seventy-live.
completed the work described in the verse and Eighty-one and nine nine seven.
hus not lost the marvelous eight liang of '•true The tenth returns again to seven.'
mercury," it then is possible to begin to gather
the '*lead" and obtain the Inedicine. Altogether Altogether there are seventeen verses on
it equals one chin. Because the pure Wine the secret principles.
remains in my keeping, I drink alone by West
Pond.4 This is precisely the idea of, •'When one Number One
has mne, one may invite guests. Without money, pressing breasts together and entwining
how can onc be a merchant?" When one realizes thighs moves her heart,
that the measure is sutficient, then wait for the Leaning together and embracing shoulders,
proper time. am able to carefully guard the '•true the true pleasure is near.
mercury" without losing it, this is the ' •rhese are the wondrous tidings of the
'foundation." The most important thing is to strummed zither.
maintain the female role and not the male. No nccd to pluck with fingers produce the
Those Who would be Immortals must not only pure sound,
preserve the "true mercury," but, above all, they
must find the "true lead. " If one is not yet able Notes: ''dragon" Strums the "tiger's zither."
to gather the "true lead," it is first necessary to "Pressing breasts together and entwining thighs"
"establish the foundalion." When this is excites her emolions. "Leaning together and
completed, one then may gather and obtain the embracing shoulder's" stimulates her true
plcasurc_ When the emotions are aroused, the
The Elixir Literatun Sexual Alchemy
"'pure sound" comes; when the pleasure ariscs, thc
marvelous truth arrives. This is what is known as the
"pure sound" that comes from within the "stringless
zither. " Having obtained the pleasure from within the
"zither," why bother with the sound of the strings?
Beating the bamboo causes my thing to dance;
strumming the zither excites my partner's thing.
Having made my thing dance and excited her thing,
the '"pure sound" comes forth naturally. Therefore, we
say that if the purc sound has not yet arrived, one
ouoht to beat the bamboo. When beating the bamboo
opens it up, and the zither is well strummed, then this
is not necessary. When the string is slack, do not
the Bedchamber

An of lead arrives, then the wonderful

aphorisms of the oral transmissions
the arrow; when the wind stirs, one can
and instructions have been realizcd_
launch the boat.
Number Two Number Four
The dragon seizes thc tiger. and the When the green dragon appears. it excites
tiger seizes the dragon_ 182 the black turtle;
Dragon and tiger c ntwtne together. and When the brilliance Of the light flashes i0•
the true pleasure grows intense. tensely, it penetrates the curtain.
Hcm•ever, must use the methods handed If the head Of the green dragon docs not
down through oral and personal reveal itself,
instruction. How could the Gate Of I leaven7 resound
With oral teachings personal with earthly
instruction One must faithfully carry out
the practice. Notes: The "fire dragon" '"aptureS the
tiger. The "Gate of Heaven" is the
Notes•. When the "dragon and tiger northwest. "Earthly thunder" (earth over
entwine together," the dragon is on top thunder) is the hexagram Fu (Return).
and the tiger below. This is the method of When one yang is born in the northwest,
"installing the stove'• and "setting up the it is then the proper time for the "green
crucible." She uses her two arms to dragon" to appear and excite the "black
"seize" me. and I use mine to sci'.c her. turtle." This what is known as. "When the
This is precisely the coming together of one yang begins to stir. then the mercury
the two "sevens"6 and the leaning leaks at midnight. Warm the lead crucible
together of the two partners. The previous and light will penetrate the curtain."
chapter cannot compare with this. The
oral transmission may be found in the Number Five
chapter. When the dragon reveals himself and
Number Three seizes the tiger. the two unite.
Now is the moment for earth to play the
The oral transmissions must passed from role ofheaven.
mouth to mouth. Wishing to gain the marvel role reversal in
And, relying on them. thc path opens to the the mystery.
mystery. The true secret approaches tbc tongue.
When One comes to know the issuing fire
and the penetration of the subtle light, Notes: Earth the tiger and heaven the
Then is revealed the green dragon wOo dragon reverse positions. The ••dragon
excites the marvelous lead. reveals himself and seizes the tiger"
involves the methods for exciting the
Notes: In the art of the dragon and the partnet. Upside down and downside up
tiger, it is taught that within the body the both express the idea of longing. Desiring
heart is ruler. The small intestines and tip the truc fire to reach the top Of the
of the tongue rule the heart, and thcrc% dragon's head, one must still look for the
fore when tongue licks tongue. the fire of "true secret" beside the tiger's tongue.
the heart burns strong. When the fire of Con. tinue to study the oral transmissions
the heart burns strong, the small intestines for [the secret of] the pure sound. With
are strong. When the small intestines are earth over heaven, experiment with
strong, we know that the prenatal ''true tongue and heart. When fire has been
lead" is about to arrive. When the true transformed into water, it is time to begin.
the Bedchamber

The dragon occupies the tiger's cave. and the

tigcr seeks the dragon. The tiger stirs and the
dragon welcomes her. When the tongue is like
fire, the tide runs; when it is like ice, then yang
is horn. This demonstrates the importance Of
the practice of the "tiger's lair."
Number Six
When dragon the tiger's lair. intrinsic
nature and emotion are one. At this
moment one must play dead.
The Elixir Literatun Sexual Alchemy

In the upside down position. have your After inhaling, do not let it return to the White
partner move. tiger.
And. after a short time. one drop arrives It would seem that this is all thcrc is to the
at my east. extraordinary art.
Notes: "When dragon occupies the Notes: The tiger leaps, the dragon dives
tigees lair" means that the dragon is on deep, and again they turn upside down, The
top and the tiger below. •rhe dragon tiger receives the "green dragon," and the
enters the tiger•s gate. When the tiger dragon receives the tiger. First, open the path
acts as guest of the dragon, this is the through the back, and then inhale through the
same as the worldly method. When the nose, When
dragon acts as guest of the tiger. this is Of
the ditec• tion Of the tao. However. one the lead comes like a "fire pearl," use
must act dead to the world and be the raft for ascending to heaven.
completely passive, allowing the partner Without the instructions of a master,
to take the initiative, while we circulate how dare onc recklessly embark?
the •sliving tzu, "8 if one does not carry However, those who receive the true
out this kind of work, how can one transmission all gain resuits without
expect to obtain that kind of exception.
transforming effect?
Number Seven Number Nine
Although my partner's passion has When the east actives, then push and pull.
become intense. I am oblivious. Failing to push and pull. it leaves the pass.
With trusting sincerity, she reveals If now your practice is perfected,
her secret, as wait for the right Then naturally it Will traverse the
moment. When she lowersherhead
andClosesher eyes,the true Notes: When the tiger arrives, the
dragon points his feet toward heaven
Over a ng distance , it Comes flyinglike
raeingfire. and. holding his two bent knees with his
hands, uses strength to 'Vpush and pull."
Notes: dragon asks the tiger about her This passage involves more details than
condition, for I am unable to know the a dragon tapestry. If at this point there
level of her pleasure. Only when I ask are additional discoveries. see above for
her does she tell me. If she "lowers her mat• ters of Orefining the self." In
head and closes her eyes," I inhale, and reality, it is all here. including how to
through my nose, communicate with the effect circulalion of the whole body and
mystery. Who can understand or achieve the marvel 0t swallowing (the
comprehend this Sort of work? The elixir].
effect* is like fire Or a pearl.
Number Eight Number Ten
The white tiger Of the west receives the Firmly they believe that man and woman
green dragon. are real,
Unexpectedly, the eastern road already is And adamantly insist that K'an and Li are
open. false.
The Elixir Literatun Sexual Alchemy

Althoughbelonging toyin, the

woman•s body becomes the male
The man, though originally the yang
body, becomes the female body.
Do not be alarmed that guest plays
Ch'ien the host,
For you must teach yourself
temporarily to play the guest.
Heaven. though above, turns over
now to play the part Of earth;
Kun, though formerly below,
reverses roles to play the part
When partners alternate styles, they are
naturally joyful and adoring.
Yin andyang must never be passive.
Though free in spirit and content,
one must be strictly a.nscientious.
In an elegant and spotless chamber
One must be totally sincere
Going in the gate we know that
delicacy and tact are appropnate ,
And entering the door requires
lingering and tarrying.
At this moment, then , there is no danger
Art of the Bedchamber
And conditions are favorable for the Noles: This explains that in the beginning
preServation Of yin and yang. when we are preparing to obtain the lead,
our minds must reflect and our bodies
Notes'. This is precisely the work of begin.
recline. The hands "pull" thc two knees until
ning the process. The completion Of the act
they press against the chest. " Ascending to
is a matter of Inan and woman, For the sake
heaven for a count of nine times nine"
Of discussion we consider them Van and l,i.
allows us to maintain possesSinn. Capturing
I am fundamentally yang, but contain within
the yang-Ching is what is called "obtaining
me the height of yin; she is fundamentally
the lead." First I laugh at her, and then she
yin, but conceals within her the most
laughs at me. As the path opens for the
marvelous "true essence I take my body as a
elixir medicine, put Irrelevant thoughts
woman's body and pretend that the woman's
aside. The "water wheel" moves the stream
body is a man's. The work is sitnply a
with an impressive force, powerfully raising
matter of turning things upside down.
it and maintaining a continuous flow. Hey!
Perfectly at ease, I guard my Ching, but am
"Ascend to heaven" and heaven must rise;
never idle and lazy. Enter the hole in a
mobilize the water with the wheel and the
leisurely way, withdraw with an attitude of
water becomes circular. When you realize
sincere respect, and enter again slowly. But
that it has made the turn, then quickly sit up
whatever you do, do not bc tardy in
straight. Now, maintaining a dignified
demeanor, restrain the bowelsll and place
Number Eleven the hands on the waist without allowing it to
move downward. If you want to "open the
If one asks abouc the arrangements, it is not
chia-chi," open the nose: if you want to "Jift
The work takes only a brief moment. body up yin and yang," lift up the lips. When the
reclines while the mind plates. medicine reaches the mouth, then with
The two knees are pulled up to thc chest, as impressive confidence slowly and gently
the hands pull down. elevate it, When you have reached this
The path of the elixir is Opened, not allowing stage, clap your hands and laugh with a
blocks; great ho, ho!
The watcr wheel rotates Without pennitting
gaps. Number Twelve
Ascending to heaven with a count of nine
When lead arrives in the east, at first one is
times nine, do not be lazy,
not aware,
And the thing will circulate through the pass.
But realizes as it enters like a speeding fire
Circulating Ihrough and turning back. the pearl.
path is long
Rapidly reverting to try body , it must first
Now quickly sit up straight in a pose of leave hers.
NOW having left her body, quickly
It is esscntial that the buttocks contract as if commence my work.
restraining thc bowels, Make believe that the elixir really exists,
And most important that the hands arc placed And although there is no concrete thing,
upon the waist. pretend to raise it. 12
Inhale cWi through the nose to open the Before raising it up, we must first know if the west
Chiu-chi, has come.
And enclose your teeth with the lips as you Now when it comes to the east, I quickly pull
pull up yin and yang. down the knees.
If the entire body does not exert strength. Gently, nine times five and three times three,
How can one expect the delicious morsel to raise it up;
enter one's mouth to taste? Over and over, nine times nine and three
timcs three, elevate it.

The Of

First, passing through the wei-!ii, it traverses fire and tally in the back requires an
thc chia-ckt ; additional ten months.
Next, it approachcs the yü-chen and then
reaches the ni•wan_ Number Thirteen
When finally it has been transported to the
ni.wan pcak, Three tigers face the dragon for the practicc
HOW does it then descend the storied pavilion? Of irrigation,
Swallow mucus in the throat, repeatedly Always keep two tigers to act the roles Of
encouraging it to fall, Chun and Mcng_
A ad plantscallions in the nose to temporarily The two hexagrams, Chun and Meng.
draw itopen. should be put to use morning and evening,
In a moment, without acting, it arrives at the For we must guard against just one tiger who
mouth; monthly menstruates.
In an instant, Without moving, it naturally
approaches the cheeks- Noles: "Three tigers face the dragon"
It trickles down the throat to the ran-t'icn, means that while one tiger has her menses,
And with ten months Of careful tending, the the other two play the roles of Chun
holy fetus forms. (Difflculty at the Beginning) and Meng
Notes: When the chance meeting takes (Youthful Folly). They have not yet had
place, carry out the method of "pounding their periods and still possess their original
the chest." After ' 'ascending to heaven, yang. In this way, the crucible rests on three
quickly perform the folded-leg exercise. legs. In the morning use this one and in the
Gently, nine times nine, pull it up in the cvcning the other. When menses comes and
front and repeatedly, three times three, raise the "flower opens," then once again use the
it in the rear. Ah, "ho is capable of viewing other. Begin with Chun and Meng and end
this ascent? Only oneself knows. It is casy with Chi Chi (After Completion) and Wei
to travel on water, but difficult to Cross Chi (Before Completion). After ten months,
mountain peaks. At the crown Of the head the fire is sufficient and the 600 hexagrams
is the fontancl. When you have gathered complete.
your partner's "sign," you must transport it
to this gate and then send it down thc Number Fourteen
"storied pavilion." Thcreforc, it is said that Every month the red opens and every month
even when it has reached the ni-wan, this is there is gold
not yet the heavenly pleasure, but when it Howcvcr , one must prepare in advance to
stays in the "storied pavilion," this is the joy capture the gold.
of the immortals. Wishing to send it down When the golden flower already has fallcn,
to the ranr'ien, it must descend from the ni- how can it compare to jade?
jade flowers arc first born, this is the true
wan. When it travels to the ran-fu. then it
naturally circulates in the body's orifices. classic.
Now the '"jade column" flows in the nose
and the "'golden pearl" balances on top of Notes: When the time of gathering
the head. Fncouraoc and swallow mucus in arrives, this means watering and cultivating.
the throat. Draw it down, "planting We must come to know the time Of the
scallions" in the nose _ Now behold in the production Of the medicine _ Only knowing
brain a gradual feeling Of pleasurc_ As the this can we match east and west. If perhaps
time approaches, it arrives at the mouth. one fails to be aware, then there is danger of
Proceed with the utmost attention_ the onset of menses. Observc the movement
Following its progression, do not move of the "tide" and the appearance of the
when it nears the cheeks. The work of "golden flower. " When the "tide" comes in,
gathering in the front only uses a moment of the water DO not pluck IN the
time, but advancing and withdrawing the "golden flower" already fallen, but pick
Art of the Bedchamber
instead the "jade bud" newly born. They are At the Izu hour advance the yang fire,
sweet as a spring and congealed like practicing the upsid&down position;
ointment. Observe the arrival of the menses At the wu hour withdraw the yin tally, 14
that is just like the brilliancc and fullness of turning downside up.
a clear rnoon. Watch the rounding of the When it touches the ground then Wind
moon that is just like thc coming of menses produces fire,
in human beings. This requires that, And it seems to mount up the back and
although it is traceless and formless, we sccnd down the front.
Proceed in this way for ten months and the
nevertheless know and sense lt.
"Ork will be complete;
Number Fifteen Facc the wall and sit majestically for nine
Onc now bcgins to understand how to seize years.
One's oun life destiny, Notes: The "process of watering" means
And the necessity Of pursuing the process or incubating for ten months, or what is
watering and cultivating. referred to as "'watering the infant." 'SSix
From now on, continue to blow the flute hundred chapters" means using the two
without holes; hexagrams, Chun and Meng, every day. In
Likewise, beginning today, pluck the ten months there are 300 days, so in the end
stringless zither. we arrive at a total of 600 hexagrams. One
When the zither strings become excited, must advance at the Izu hour and withdraw
withdraw into your Own belly
at the wu. Now fire is born during the
And with fear and trepidation guard your
Terrestrial Branch yin and stored during
hsti.ts Is it possible that one need only
myriad affairs of the world should all be
put aside,
practice during and wu? Between morning
And all Of Our thoughts should be and evening one employs the methods of
concentrated on the yellow gold. yin and yang, never forgetting the technique
of "upside down." During the "'living rzu,
Note": It may not be said that having wu, mao, and yu hours" If' apply the civil
obtained it, one's work is finished. After and martial firesi7 gently and subtly. Do not
obtaining the one, plant mercury in the lead dare to make foolish interpretations, but
pond. From above, repeatedly cover it with wait for the master's instructions. Ha!
leaking and dripping; from below, Although most people in the world ridicule
repeatedly use the civil and the martial me, I laugh at their stupidity.
[fires] to transport it. Because this is carried This is the method of twelve dragons and
out month after month, it is called tigers having intercourse. First have the
'"watering and cultivating." After ten woman "blow the flute" so that the ch'i
months, Lake your leave of the crucible. It enters and the "mysterious path" opens.
thus can be seen that the method of Then press your breasts together and
cultivating the elixir requires this kind of entwine your thiahs_ Incline toward each
plan. Simply blowing the '"flute without other and embrace shoulders. Excite her
holes" is not bad; simply strumming the
emotions so that they become intense.
"stringless zither" is not foolish. Go with the
wind in blowing the fire; follow the water in Alternate playing passive and pursuing.
pushing the boat. It should be hidden in the Using tongue to suck tongue, stir up the fire
belly, and onc should bc diligent every day. of her heart and the blaze of her desire.
Guard it in the heart and be constantly When plcasurc is felt in her very innards,
cautious. and her whole face shines with a rosy glow,
then she offers up her "pearl. " Excite her
Number Sixteen and excite her again. When at last the one
From the beginning, the process Of water ing yang18 is set in motion and the "true lead"
takes 600 chapters; is about to arrive, then turn bottom over top,
Every chapter. each the same, consists of use tongue to lick the heart of tongue, and
gathering the true lead. dragon to explore the tiger's cave. Finallv,


when the tiger's tonguc is like ice and the

dragon's head is like fire, have your partner
carry out the movements. I, however, do not
move. If I were to move, I could not
overcome her in battle. Therefore, my late
teacher has said: "In doing battle, one must
know how to allow the opponent to be
aggressive. While the oppo• nent is
aggressive, I do not attempt to play the
hero." Finally, when the partner becomes
excited to the point that she can-
Art of the Bedchamber
not contain herself, she is moved to her accomplished by means Of the ''utmost
innermost part. As the '"hour of the ity." Because utmost sincerity is employed,
living tzu•s arrives, she lowers her head one must mobilize a drop of "true mercury"
and closes her eyes, and "sweet dew" from the region of the
fills her mouth. Now, when she probes Lileramre of
my mouth with her tongue, I inhale
anus to meet it- The time of the meeting must
through Iny nose, causing the path of the
be precisely the right moment. If it is not the
spine to open. Once again, inhaling
precise motncnt, it is useless to seek sagehood.
through the nose, the lead comes racing
I-ICY, be a little bit care. ful! The dragon
like a fire pearl. The thing is warm
should now refrain from seeking the white
within the stove, and the dragon's head is
tiger, while the tiger seeks the green dragon
ablaze with fire. Now, with both feet
herself. Gentlemen who pursue the True
facing heaven, grasp the crooks of the
should first sit in meditation and regulate their
knees with the hands, and using strength,
breathing, circulate their ch'i and lock the
hoist them up and then pull them down
Ching to cause the ch'i and blood to circulate
again until they are even with the chest.
throughout the body and the mind to be at
At first, be gentle and later a bit heavier.
peace. Therefore, after perfecting the practice
Have her remove herself from contact
of breath retention, restraining the bowels,
with your body. Capture the "truc lead"
hoisting up and pulling down [the knees],
as it flies through the wei.lü. Now
ascending and descending, and so forth, for
quickly sit upright and restrain the
100 days in secluded chamber the pusses and
bowels. Placing the hands on the waist,
orifices will open. However, for the time
inhale through the nose, press the lips
being, do not be hasty. Before onc has carried
together, and gently raise it eighty-one
out the gathering for 5,048 (days], first gather
times, Once again circulate it e!
for thirty [Chinese] hours, using this to refine
times, When it traverses the "double-
the heart, the intrinsic nature, the ching-ch'i,
passes" and yü-chen and reaches the ni-
and the "divine sword," to supplement the
wan, then quickly 'Eplant scallions" with
water, the fire, the bodily fluids, the ch'i and
the nose, swallow mucus with the throat,
blood, and to learn raising and lowering,
and imagine that the brain produces
transporting and lifting, and swallowing and
secretions which on reaching the mouth
sending. When all are operational, engagc in
should be deliberately swallowed. The
thc act at the proper time, "beating the
two things mix as they come together in
bamboo" and "strumming the zither."
the "central extremity."19 Then sit in
Harmonize one with the other, as earth over
meditation, practicing ascending and de.
heaven commune after thc fashion of the
scending; internalize the Ching and
hexagram T'ai. As the "white tiger's tail"
swallow the ch'i until spirit and ch'i
moves and twists, the "grecn dragon's head"
continually rises erect; as the "moon cave"
Number Seventeen
closes and opens, the '"heavenly root" is
repeatedly excited. 20 Because Of the
Seeking sagehood and the true lead, one continuous closing of the "moon cave," the
must strive for utmost sincerity, "heavenly root" is constantly excited. Through
And with the utmost sincerity I should constant excitation, the wei-lü too will be
welcome it With my own mercury.
repeatedly excited and thus repeatedly pinch
If the two fail to meet, it is vain to hope
for sagehood.
tight. As the wei.lü experiences this repeated
Seeking sagehood and the true lead, one pinching, the '"sea of Ching" cannot fail to be
must strive for utmost sincerity. aroused nor yin secrelions fail to flow. It is
almost as if one is inundated by a rising wave
Notes: The passing of the primordial of pleasure, like swift waters against sand
true lead to my body, in reality, is banks. Now by all means gnash and grind the
teeth, stop the ears and close the eyes, shut the

The Elixir Sexual Alchemy
mouth and inhale through the nose, Contract the nose and forcefully roar in a
restrain the bowels and halt the breath downward direction. Then as if swallowing
187 Above and below, the gates are mucus in the throat, cause it to travel from the
securely locked. Caress the tiger's thighs, palate to the cheeks. Having transported this
squeeze the tiger's breasts, suck the drop Of "true mercury," effortlessly and with a
tiger's tongue, embrace the tiger's waist, sincere heart and tranquil mind, send it down
and plant the tiger's knees upright. Pinch the "storied pavilion" to meet the "golden
the dragon's door, advance the dragon•s liquid" that was swallowed first. When it
fire, use the dragon's will, and reaches the "central extremity," continue to sit
concentrate the dragon's mind. Stimulate in meditation. raising and lowering it. Take in
the tiger's lead, allow the tiger to move, ch'i and swallow saliva, causing the spirit and
permit the tiger to twist, and cause the ch'i to merge. From "refining the self" to the
tiger to leak. The tiger is female, and stage of •'watering and cultivating," this is the
when her passion reaches the peak of one and only method. Only during periods of
intensity, the "gold" naturally floats up. rest and withdrawing the "yin tally" does one
When you see the tiger tightly embrace stop temporarily. Carry out gentle cultivation
the dragon's waist, when her head is and spiritual exercises, emphasizing attention
lowered and her eyes closed, then the to the minutest subtlety. If those whose destiny
water already has descended. The tigeös it is to read this book will but cultivate this
tonguc is as cold as ice and the "sweet secret virtue, they will have no difficulty
dew" bubbles forth like spring water. attaining the highest tao,
Now do not let her swallow it, but
continually take it into your own mouth.
When the tiger's tongue is as hot as fire
and the boiling water in the stove is
scalding, then have her separate from the The Rootless Tree
dragon's body and quickly withdraw Wig-ken shu by Chang
your sword. Now return (to the supine San-feng
position] with the feet straight up- Grasp
the crooks of the knees and "ascend to The rootless tree,
heaven" for a count of ninc times nine. Its flowers secluded
The nose inhales and the tongue sucks, Who among those attached to the red dust
the shoulders are raised and the chi the worldwouldcultivate it? The affairs Of
returns . Mobilize the consciousness and this floating life; A ship on a sea of
focus it in the "mysterious gate."
Driven hither and thither, out Of con• trol.
Maintain the mind on the medicine. The No sightof land orshore, howdiffcult to find
head should be erect and the back safe mooring.
straight supporting it. As it passes We drift forever in a region of cruel
through the wei-lü, sit upright and place sea monsters_
the hands on the waist. Inhale once If you will but turn your head, And 100k
through the nose and the medicine will back atthis shore.
rise one level. It should be as if Do not wait for the wind and waves to
contracting the nose to punch a hole. At wreck your ship.
the same time hunch the back and it will
naturally traverse the "three passes." The rootless tree,
Then with one beat of the head and one Its flowersso fragile.
pulling up of the lips, it pases through When the tree grows Old, graft tender
the yü-chen. Now, lower the head, and young branches.
continuing to pull up the lips and "plant Graft peach onto willow
scallions" in the nose, it naturally arrives And pear Onto Inulberry,l
at the ni.wan in the crown of the head.
Art of the Bedchamber
We may take these as modelsOfculti• Going With this prcxcss is the Common way
vating the true esscnce_ Going against it is the way Of the immortals.
This grafting method of the ancient It is all a matter of turning things up-
immortals side down_
Is the original cure for Old age.
Seek out an enlightened master 6, The rootless tree,
And inquire into the technique. Its flowers so new.
Literature Of A Production
To practice in great hæste is bad is with
practicingtoo latc_ Run, and Kun is a human being.
Pluck the flower's cap;
3. The rootless tree, Pick the flower's heart.
Its flowers so fresh. The flower bud conceals layer upon layer
From ancient times, flowers and winc have Ofspring•s beauty.
been the companions ofthc immortals People today fail to understand the principle
Houses or pleasure; contained in the flower.
Feasts Of wine and meat. One transmission Of heaven's secret is
Do not beguiltyOf flesh eatingorlust. TO worth ten thousand pieces ofgold. We
be guilty of lust is to lose the treasure Of borrow the flower's name TO explain the
long lite. flower's form.
Wine and meat pass through the Every line and every verse is solemn
intestines. but the tao is in the heart. Open
your door; Let me tell you: Without wine
or flowers, the tao cannot be realized 7. The rootless trcc,
Its Mowers profuse.
4, The rootless tree, Beautiful, elegant and as adorable as a rice
Its flowers so solitarv. cake.
Let me ask ifyin ana yang have found their Guard against [thoughts as wild as] monkeys
mates? and horses,
An unfertilized egg produces no chicks, So unworthy and foolish.
For this violates2 the creative prcress Put on the iron-faced countenancc of a stern
ofyin andyang mother.
A woman without a husband becomes And bring out the grecn dragon, the truc
resentful; precious sword.
A man Without a wife becomes embit• Gather all the fresh flowers from thc top
of the wall.
Alas, those deluded souls Are Take advantage Of favorable winds, And
lost in a daze. return with a full load.
Practicing only solitary meditation, the How could one travel for nothing to a mountain
ch'i dries up. of treasures.

5. rootless tree. 8. The rootless tree.

Its flowers inclined. Its flowers in flight.
Departing from yin and yang thc 'ao is Ihere is a fixed time for retiring and
incomplete. reopening. ne lead flowers appear uhen
If metal is separated from wond the kuei is over_
Or mercury from lead, As always, Rowers cover all the branches
Lone yang and solitary yin become in the Western Garden.
isolated from each Other. Go out gathering under the moon,
In this world yin and yang expre'is And mend your robe in the morning
themselvesas the mating Ofman and
woman, This subtlc mystery
And children and grandchildren continue Is known by very few.
the generations.

The Elixir Sexual Alchemy
One must commune with the
immortals and carefully study_

9. The rootless tree.

mucking them from the crescent moon
One may lengthen the years
And eliminate illness and disaster
Make good friends to prepare
techniques and resources.
From this point, One may become a
treasure of heaven, 189
Art the Bedckumber
Though those dwelling in delusion 13. The rootless tree.
may ridicule Our foolishness Its flowers SO numerous.
Encourage those Of worth and talent. When the Whole earth is in bloom,
And do not engagc in trouble making. keep distant from the river Of
Without an enlightcncd teacher do 00t What a pity if one falls into de.
try to guess the answer. bauchery!
Step carefully as if in a dragon or ti•
10. The rootless tree. ger's lair;
Its flcwcrs so round. Pluck the yellow flower and return to
When you harvest the fruit, the flavor the cave.
is perfect Your name Will be inscribed in the
Red oragnges purple palace, never to be effaced.
As round as pellets. Laugh, ha ha,
Be protective and watchful, Without As white clouds gather.
allowing idleness. prcpare the heavenly ladder and
Learn a hit of the head retraction ascend to the celestial sphere.
technique of plants.
so that one may restore life. revert to 14- The rootless trec.
the root. and return to the original dowers SO fragrant.
The head, now warm, rcvcals its
Choose a spiritual location precious light.
To establish your meditation cell. From atop the golden bridge,
Combine the primordial essences and Gaze at the Winding river.
complete the great circulation. Within the moon. so clearly. see the
blazing sun.
ll. The rootless tree. Consume thc crow's liver With the
Its flowers so prosperous. rabbit's marrow
Although wc speak Of rootlessness, it And remove everv speck Of filth from
docs have roots. the Old belly ana guts.
The three powers points; The realm Of fame and fortune;
And two fives essence. And the land of lovc and kindness.
q'hcn heaven and earth mate, all Never 100k back again at the vanity Of
things are born.
When sun and moon mate, cold and
heat alternate at suitable times _ 15. rootle« tree ,
When man and woman mate , preg- Its flowers so fresh.
nancy ensues. The tally fire heats the mercury and
In great detail. lead.
I set this forth, When you approach the stove,
Fearing only that receiving these The scene appears before you.
teachings you not seriously practice. While gathering the medicine, rely
on the ship Of salvation,
12. The rootless tree , Handling the rudder with skill and
[ts dowers so fine. firmness.
Repress your feelings as you confront NOW let the great waves roll from

The Elixir Sexual Alchemy
the scene and play with the moon's bottom Of the sea _
halo. Traverse the three passes
The splendor Of the golden essence And penetrate the ni-wan
dazzles the As it passes through the nine
DO not pick thc wrong flowers from of the entire body.
the garden.
The five metals and eight minerals 16. The rootless tree ,
are all false Its dowers intense.
The ten thousand herbs and thousand Identify the true lead as the real pre-
prescriptions are all Worthless. cursor.
The golden toad; Ching. and spirit
And jade crow. Are heated together in the crucible.
Those who understand the truc lead A woman can become a man and the
Will be accomplished adepts. Old revert to youth.
Literature of

20. The rootless trcc,

Its flowers extraordinary.
Plant them in the moon for a moment.
Take the cloud hands;
Climb the cloud ladder
Pluck the first primordial branch,
Drinking the wine and carrying Off the
flowers io high spirits.
Laughing himself to death, the immor-
tal seems to be in a drunken stupor
Entrust yourself to close
Who carefully help and support you.
Fear only that the first Stage Of the
essence escape from the Stove.

21 _ The rootless tree,

Its Bowers so vellow_
Production is in thc central region of
Celestial Stems wu and chi.
partner of thc cast becomes a
And the partner of the west becomes a

Matching hLLsband and wife, enter

the nuptial chambcr_
The Ycllow Dame invites them to
drink the winc of true wisdom.
Daily heat the wedding winc and drink
a bout.
the Bedchamber

The formula Of the immortals

Isa liquer that revives the soul.
Rising from death and returning to
life, this is the king of medicines.

22- rootless tree,

Its Fowersso bright

The dark side of the moon and Pole

Star press the brightnes of the sun

Marrow of the golden flower;

Ching of the jade rabbit.

Capture thc two and cook them


Thc yang fire and yin tally are

divided by Terrestrial Branches
Tzu and wu_
Now rest as you approach thc gates
Branches mao and yu.

Concentrate on the vellow court;

And cultivate the valley spirit.

A man becomes pregnant and laughs

himself to death-

23. The rootless tree,

Its flowers So red.

Pick all the red Rowers till the tree is


Shunyata is Samsara;

Samsara is

Know that the true shunyata is

in the midst of samsara;

And when one fully understands the


The Elixir Sexual Alchemy
nature Ofshunyata, samsara Is'ang-shu. Original authorship of the
disappcars. Ten Precepts is attributed to the T'ang
The dharma lives lorever, never Immortal, Lü 'IUng-pin, with editorial
falling into emptiness. contributions by Female Immortal Sun,
This is called perfect wife of Ma Tan-yang, one of the Seven
enlightenment , Patriarchs of the Northern School. The
And one deserves the title Of Precious Raft is attributed to the Taoist
Patriarch, Li, With
The ninth patriarch achieves It is Without name,
salvation and ascends to heaven. But responds to the call.
Capture and place it in the
24. The rootless tree , transformation Stove_
Its flowers disappeared, Circulate the fire ofsamadhi one
Without trace Or form, impossible cosmic orbit.
to represent its image. Strive for the true emptiness and
return to the greatvoid.
Received in the paradise Of the

Accept the heavenly tally.

Now one is truly a great man

These works on women's meditation
have been included in this anthology
of sexology classics for a number of
reasons. first, although some of the
literature on "paired practices" has PRACTICES
been translated and studied before, transcription and commentary by
this is the first attempt to make Shen Iping. The Essentials and
available in translation a significant Correct Methods both are translated
bodv of works on women's solo from the Tao-tsang ching-hua. The
practice, Second, these texts show former was edited by the prolific late
the continuation of theories of Ch'ing Taoist scholar, Fu Chin-
immortality for women glimpsed in ch'üan. who points out in his Preface
the Ishimpö fragments as they that, although men require nine years
reemerge a thousand years later in to attain immortality and women
the very different context of women's only three, nevertheless, women are
solo self-cultivation. And finally, the handicapped by their confinement to
existence of a special branch of the home and the difficulty of
women's inner alchemy, paralleling seeking out true masters. The text of
the male 'pure practices" school, the Essentials actually is a patchwork
underscores the critical role of sexual Of passages relating to women's
energy in Chinese meditation. practice from a variety of sources.
Thc Ten Precepts and Precious The Correct Methods was first
Raft both were edited by Min I-te in published in 1945, edited by Ch'en
the early nineteenth century, and this Ying-ning, who excerpted chapters
translation is based on copies in a from a work entitled Tse -pu chin-
collection entitled Ku-shu yin-lou
the Bedchamber

hua chih-chih nü-kung cheng%

instructions of the golden flower
on the correct methods of
women's practice), attributed to
Lu Tung-pin and his female
disciple, Ho Elsien-ku. An
introduction, dated 1881, also is
attributed to Master Lt. Ch'en
Ying-ning informs us that in
editing the text, he sought to
eliminate the interpolations,
exaggerations, and inelegance of
style that he felt characterized
the original.
All the texts in this section
show the confluence of
traditional gynecology, Taoist
meditation, and Buddhist
terminology. The distinctive
Buddhist influ-

Women's Practices
ence is due perhaps in part to the relatively religious feasts; do not mistreat slaves and
late date of these texts and to the servants; do not conceal the virtues and
development of many of these techniques expose the faults in others. One who is able
within Buddhist convents. Nevertheless, the to Observe these nine disciplines is worthy
playing out of the familiar law of to receive and uphold the true path. What
'"conservation" in the environment of has been promulgated here is supremely
fcmalc physiology rests on a solid precious and valuable. To teach without
foundati0n Of traditional Taoist theory adherence to these disciplines is to make a
mockery of heavenly treasures. Both teacher
and student will be punished. It is best to be
cautious and Senous_
Note on the Entire Work: Every scction
Queen Mother of the West's begins with the words, "It is said." This text
Ten Precepts on the True Path of is the product of oral transmission and
Women's Practice represents pronouncements from the golden
lips of the Queen Mother of the West. words
Hsi Wang Mu nü-hsiu cheng-t'u shih of the scribe here are similar to "Thus have I
heard" in Buddhist scriptures and "The tao
tse says" in Taoist classics.
Another Note: The masters of old placed
Expounded by Master Lü Yen these "nine disciplines" at the head of the
iTung-pin] first precept. It consists of passages on
purifying the body, speech, altar, and so
"I ransmitted by Taoist Abbot Shen forth. In expounding this text, Master Lü
I-ping, T'ai-hsü Weng placed the disciplines with explanation in
Edited by Female Immortal Sun the first precept. The idea that the rao
should not be transmitted lightly thus is as
Annotated by the disciple Min I-te clear as opening the door and beholding a
It is said that spiritual practice for women is It is said that this is the second precept in the
subject to nine disciplines. The code of true path of women's practice. Its title is "'One's
discipline states that, if maintained without Own Life," and it speaks of the yin nature of
fail. therc will be great benefit. When the women and the moon as their symbol. At the age
fruits of discipline are realized. one passes of thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen, her "original ch'i"
not through the tribulations of hell, but is complete and her "true blood" full. This is yang
meets in life with the "ten virtuou5 friends. in the midst of yin, and the light of the moon
"1 One's name mounts up to the "purple becomes resplendent. At the moment the menses
palace"2 and one takes one's place in the descends, her "original ch'i" is broken and her
ranks of the irmnortals. Now in "true blood" leaks. Following marriage and the
promulgating this True path of Women's birth of children, the "original ch'Ü' graduallv is
Practice, the "nine disciplines" are the first weakened and the "true blood' progressively
precept _ The text says: Bc filial, respectful, destroyed. Although cvcry month the menstrual
yielding. and gentle; be cautious in speech flow regenerates, in reality, it every month is
and avoid jealousy; be chaste and restrained; reinjured. Herein lies the difficulty in cultivating a
shun all wanton ways and love all living woman's life. If a woman desires to preserve her
things; be compassionate and refrain from life and return to the original state, she must seek
killing; recite with decorun: and be diligent out the transmissions on self-cultivation- If she
and careful; abstain from meat and wine; practices according to the transmissions, the work
dress simply and without ornamentation; will be completed quickly. The reason this chapter
regulate the disposition; do not let yourselt is entitled "One's Own Life:'
become troubled; do not go frequently to Art
of the Bedchamber
is that a woman's life is bound up with her to lewd speech, if she is retiring and tranquil
menses. If the menses is not transformed, in her daily routine, follows the rules for
how can her life be preserved? Because it is womanly behavior and is at ease in her
impossible to predict exactly when a woman stillness, then this one thing will remain
will succeed in returning to the state of close to its heavenly nature and revert to
original purity, nothing is more important primal unity. It will not be converted into
than beginning these practices. Therefore, "red pearls" nor he transformed into menses.
the "nine disciplines" are considered the But unfortunatelv the common girl is
first precept and '"one's own life" the ignorant, childish, and fond of action_ She
second. This is in accordance with the is given to pursuing games and Wild
principle of putting "intrinsic naLure" first carccning_ Invariably her ch'i is agitated
and then lifc_ Following this precept, the and her mind unsteady. Her spirit becomes
text continues with "'the source of intrinsic confused and her "truc unstable. Thus,
nature," and thus it is said that the effect of this starlike heavenly treasure wells up and
cultivating '"intrinsic nature" is precisely to melts. As hot as fire, it seizes the gate and
preserve one's descends, bursting through the door as it
emerges. The world now calls this
Note on the Entire Work: With the "menses". After this event, even if one
exception of the first precept, which was maintains chastity and does not marry, one
compiled by Master Lü, numbers two is still a common woman. This is simply a
through nine were all edited and compiled failure to recognize the *'origin of intrinsic
by [Sun] Pu Erh Yuan Chün, and then nature:' If onc is determined to cultivate
personally corrected by Master Lii. Because return [to the primal state], begin with the
his purpose was to be as clear as possible, next precept_
the style is intentionally accessible, lest the Nore on rhe "Inner Feminine": This reters
words obscure the meaning and later to the "gate of the feminine." Below, it is
generations be misled. Rcadcrs must not called cither the ' 'fountain gate' or the "gate
make the mistake of doubting that this is the of the feminine." Therefore, as the gate of
work of the immortals from a lack of the "yellow center," it is called the "'inner
antique elegance in the style. The whole feminine."
classic, from the begin. ning through the Another Note: The first menses is life's
tenth precept, was compiled by Master Lü. great treasure. If one knows how to cultivate
After being submittcd for approval, it, one may remain close to one:s heavenly
additions were made according to his nature and be transformed into primal
mcanino_ unity_ Among the holy women of antiquity
were those who practiced this. The great
It is said that this is the third precept in Empress of Heaven is clear proof. There is
women•s practice. Its title is "The Source of no lack of gifted women, but unfortunately
Intrinsic Nature," and it speaks of women's they are without wise fathers and mothers or
nature as water and her substance as sage teachers _ Of a thousand gifts, a
fiowcrs. When she is young but already thousand are wasted. What a great pity!
aware of things, she must be reserved and
neither playful nor wild. At this point,thc It is said that this is the fourth precept in
first evidence of menses will appear within the true path of women's practice. It is
her "'inner feminine," like a star or a pearl. entitled "Cultivating the Menses." After the
This is the prenatal treasurc hidden above menses has already descended, the ' 'true
the K'un abdomen and located in the middle ch'i" is broken and the "true blood" injured.
of the central yellow region. At this time, if If onc does not devote oneself to cultivating
the woman knows how to maintain thc the menses, the "true blood" will be
punty of her "intrinsic nature refrains from diminished daily and the "true ch'i"
looking upon lewd play and from listening destroyed daily. Even if one practices

Women's Practices
intensively, what is the ben"fit? Works On the two sides Of the waist, revolving
inner alchemy say that internaJly thirty-six times on each sidc_
"when bamboo breaks, bamboo must be After this, direct it with the mind to the
used to repair it. " What is the meaning of "navel wheel," revolving it thirty-six times
this aphorism? Those who have already to the left and thirty-six to the nght. One
experienced menses must first slay the "red will then feel that the whole belly is open
dragon"; those whose menses has ceased and relaxed. At this point. the hands should
must first cause it to resume and then "slay" be placcd below the navel and above thc
it. The first step is to use the method of "gate." Use the mind to separately guide it
"microcosmic orbit." At the two hours. tzu to the left and right simultaneously. Raising
and wu, one "straddles the crane." The them together thirty-six times, one will feel
10,000 cares should be put aside. Knock the that there is a tiny bit that enters the uterus.
teeth together seventy. two times to open the Now. neither consciously nor
two lung shu points.3 Next inhale and unconsciously, be aware of this for a brief
exhale softly through the nostrils thirty-six moment. This is the general idea Of
times to open all the blood vessels in the "cultivating the menses." 'J"hcre also is a
body. At this moment, there is danger of the technique called the "incomparable
c:h'i escaping from below, so one must be rejuvenation method" that cannot bc
more diligent in "riding the crane" and not discussed at this point, but it is none other
allow oneself to he lax. The two hands than what is meant by the phrase,
should be applied to either side of the area "awareness within stillness."
below the navel and above the ''gate." Now Nore on Points within Ihe Body:
with the mind, send it to the rear and The uterus is the '"inner feminine." It
upward. Do this for about thirtysix breaths. is analogous to the "'mysterious
and then '"push the sky" with the palms of orifice" in the male. Works on inner
the two hands. Now maintain the mind in alchemy state that the yang is called '
the wei-lü. Following this, one may relax 'mysterious" and the yin "feminine."
the hands, placing them on the sides of the Combining them gives us what Lao
waist, and elevating the shoulders in a tzu called the "gate of the mysterious
shru&ging gesture thirty-six times. One then feminine," or What the Huang Ti yin-
will feel ch'i begin to stir and rise in the fu Ching records as the "miraculous
chia-chi, "double passes," and lung shu instrument." Although there are four
points. If there are still blockages, practice names—"miraculous instrument,"
clenChing the teeth While maintaining the "mysterious Orifice,'' "feminine gate,"
mind in the back of the neck and raising the and ' 'palace of children' '—in terms
ch'i thirty-six times. One will then teel the Of location, there is but one point.
yü-chen and ni-wan open. After this, Note on rhe Expression, "Palace of
embrace the upper lip with the lower lip, Children, " in This Precept: This can
gently exerting pressure. One then feels the be illustrated from our everyday
cWi of the ni-lvan descend to the bottom of experience, for we can see it is here
thc nasal cavity. Now without any torce, that both the "holy fetus" and the
simply use the tongue to form the "'heavenly human fetus arc formed.
bridge." Maintain the mind at the point Note on the Phrase, Is None Other
where the tongue bridges and the '"sweet Than. This means that one should
dew" will descend naturally Then with a proceed only on the basis of inner
slight contraction of the nasal passage, use experience and not simply vaguc
the mind to dispatch the "dew': and swallow notions.
it all the way to the heart _ Maintain it there When onc feels a rush of warm ch'i
for a moment and then guide it with the circling in the uterus, it is most
mind down and to the rear. Now dividing it important to securely lock the "gate of
left and right, it should arrive and remain at the spring" and not allow it to relax. If
of the Bedchamber
there is a sensation of pleasure, it is Therefore one must quietly wait for the
critical that random thoughts do not "palace of children" to regain calm before
arise. There may be a slight longing ending one's exerclses.
for love, leading to a feelino Of Allow me to comment on this precept. In
voluptuousness throughout the entire carrying out such practices as "cultivating
body. If one does not immediately the red dragon" and "slaying the red
subdue the emotions. then it is here dragon," it is very important to maintain the
that the immortal and the common part body in a state of calmness, for one rash
ways. movc and the work is ruined. It therefore is
One must not be casual in speaking Of said that '-from here the immortal and the
common part ways."
Another Note to This Precept: This is the
A r! "full moon," or what is called '"returning to
the requirement to "lock securely. the primal source and reverting to the root."
locking the "gate," one relaxes ever so When the "formation of the fetus" has been
slightly, then the "true ch'Ü' will escape. achieved, then the "state of mystery" is
The text then goes on to describe an even realized. However. this precept's taking
greater danger, for at this time there will be heaven and earth and the Five Phases
an extraordinary tickle within the "gate," within the body and refining them into the
and after raising and locking, there will be supreme treasure of "returning and
an unusual sensation Of pleasure in the reverting" still is considered merely "small
'Sfemininc_" If onc fails to subdue the return and small reversion." This is
emotions, it will lead to a voluptuous feeling achieved easily through daily and constant
through the entire body, and onc will slip practice and is what works on inner
into the "'sea of emotion." At this point, alchemy mean by "grain by grain, this
even if one attempts to subdue them, it will becomes the highest treasure." Therefore,
be too late. Therefore it is said that this is this precept must be understood as "ycllow
where the immortal and the common part leaves?' However, as for collecting
ways. Master Tai-hsü has said that the true aphorisms for training, reverting to
way is difficult to sustain. If this feeling is tranquility, and so forth, these relate
not subdued, the "gate" will open like the exclusively to the "great return" and "state
mouth of a cave and the Ching spill forth of mystery"; and it is imperative to grasp
like a strcam_ What a great pity! At this them without negligence
point, it is necessary to rest the mind for a
while and quietly wait for the "palace of It is said that this is the fifth precept in
children" to regain calm. This then is what the true path of women's practice. Its title is
Female Immortal Wep called, "the treasure "'Returning Again." Arnong the women of
reverts to the 'north sea' where it rests the world there are those who reach old age,
securely." However, this is merely "yellow but whose bodies are not yet "clean," and
leaves curing a child's cough"-f and should those of only forty-five Whose "dragon"
not be mistaken for the formation of the already is suspended. Both must practice
fetus. until they succeed in "returning to the
Note: The "sea of sensation" is the "south primal state" and becoming like virgins.
sea-' and the "palace Of children" is the This exercise and method are those of the
"north see," located north of the "central first four preccpts_ However, from here on.
extremity" and the "central ycllow." This instead of raising it up the back, one must
then is the I ching's "'comprebending all allow it to descend down the front and flow
truth from the yellow center_ "6 ' 'North" back to the "stream sea. "7 One should
and ' 'south" apply to front and back, not to swallow the "sweet dew," but only as far as
above and below. Is this not proven by the and do not send it all the way
Female Immortal Wei's statement? down. Now use the hands to massage the

Women's Practices
"breast stream" thirty-six revolutions to the
left and thirty-six to the right. When you
feel an expansive plcasurc in thc "palace"
and "stream," then once again separately the
two breasts, thirty-six times slowly and
thirty-six limes rapidly. Now gently
massage each thirtysix times, and then
forcefully thirty-six times. Altogether, this
equals 144 times. When you feel the "true
ch'i" rising like mist in the breasts and
"stream," there will be a cool liquid like a
spring, which emerges from the "double
passes" and, overflowing, reverts to the
"south sea." Calmly wait for it, but do not
allow it to
Women's Practices

divide behind the heart and penetrate Z ) in rhe expression ' 'Bccoming
the two sides of the waist. Abandon all Aware"It should be pronounced as if it
cares in the '•central palace," and were the character hsien •'Aware" then
without using deliberate effort to means manifesting a sign. Only when
circulate it. simply allow it to disperse the mind silently intuits can one become
of its own. When you feel that your awareManifesting as something
entire body has reached a State Of apparent, onc then becomes intuitively
perfect purity and harmony, maintain aware. Commenting on these two
this for a whole day without characters, their meaning has many
interruption. Gradually, the weak will levels, and one must not read them
grow strong and the feeble robust. The carelessly.
old will become young again. They will
develop the complexion Of flowers and It is said that this is the sixth precept
their breasts will shrink to the size of a in the true path of women's practice. Its
maiden's, "ith thc center gradually title is "The Breast." The breasts
forming like walnuts.' If carried out for connect with the fluids of the heart and
100 days, this is sumcient to reduce the lungs above and with the "truc juice" Of
color of the menses to rouge water. the *'sea of blood" below. When.
After three days, practice the internal through training, the breasts become
exercises described in the fourth like those of a virgin or a child, then a
precept, neither adding nor changing the woman•s body is transformed into a
slightest detail, and the "red dragon" man's. The training methods simply are
automatically will be slain. When one those described in four and five, For
becornes aware of the sun and moon women, blood s the most basic element.
appearing as a pair of discs, then the and the key to this precept is refining
true victory has been won. the red so that it returns to white.
Note on the Taoist Classics Speaking However, fearing that the basic element
Of Old Women Still Having Their become exhausted. one must first refine
Menses: is not menstrual flow but the fluids and transform them into
fluids derived from food and drink that blood. In transforming the fluicE into
are formed from the drying effect of the blood, nothing is superior to
"popular" and 'iministerial•'10 fires and maintaining the "dew" in the "palace"
do not revert to the liver and spleen. It and focusing the mind in the "double
may take the form of "intestinal " The long-accumulated
"red vaginal or "reverse congealed fluid in the "passes" melts
menses. All of these are derived and reverts to the "stream sea. "14
from this same substance, and the When the blood revertS it necessarilv is
conditions are the result of in a flourishing state. subtle
"exhaustion." Therefore, just as with principle involved can be found in the
restoring the menses after menopause, fifth precept. Desiring to transform the
One must first return to the virgin state blood and cause it to return to white,
and then apply oneself to "slaying the nothing surpasses concentrating the
dragon " mind in the *'stream" and breasts.
A Note on the Word "Aware" (Chien Firmly clench the teeth, still mental
activity, and the chi will naturally revert
to the ••stream" and extend to the
Women's Practices

breasts. Use the palms of the hands to

rub the breasts, first slowly and then
rapidly, first lightly and then heavily,
altogether 144 times. As the ch'i
accumulates, it becomes doubly
abundant. Using the mind, withdraw it
to the two sides Of the waist and then
with the power of vision lead the ch'i,
revolving it to the left and right a total
Of seventy-two breaths. In this way, the
ch'i is heated as if by moxibustion. Now
without counting, guide it with the mind
to circle about the "wheel," and there
will be a sensation of boiling at the
body's lowest extremity. The red thus is
transformed into white. transformed ch
•i passes through the wei.lü and ascends
to the chia-chi ; it traverses the yü.chen
and penetrates the "valley." At this
point. though the scene that appears to
one's inner vision is unrivaled by even
the "'three islands"iS and "mysterious
garden,''V' Onc must quickly practice
forgetfulness. If suddenly all becomes
as dark as night, one must guard it in si-
Art of the Bedchamber
lence, and after a long time, one Will surely body's "'true ch'Ü' is flourishing, this
be visited by a bolt Of lightning and crash of substance is transformed in its course and
thunder. The ' 'dew" nows like stream and becomes infinitely bencficial. However, if
the "flowery pool" is so full one can hardly the "'true ch'i" is weak, then it fails to be
keep up with swallowing. Overflowing, it transformed and flows into the organs and
descends to the ' 'palace" and then reaches meridians. It is not actually harmful here,
the navel. The whole body feels pure and except if it is influenced by extremely yin
harmonious. One must continue to observe yin-ch'i, at which point it becomes
all of this in a State Of perfect composure. If "congealed fluid." This seems to be Ching
maintained for a hundred days without but is not. and it blocks the ch'i pathways.
interruption, those with mature breasts will Ihe sitc of greatest accumulation is the lower
become as flat as a young girl's, and those extremity of the "double passes." The
with empty breasts will become like walnuts. damage is greatest in the "double passes"
One first becomes like a maiden and then because, being inaccessible to the "true ch'i,"
finally like a young girl. It is from the it accumulates here _ This accumulation is
successful transformation into white that one like snow and ice on the shady side of the
regains the state of maidenhood. Not a few in K'un-lun Mountains, which does not melt
our school have completed the work of even after the summer solstice. 19 Although
transforming the red. In this connection there onc has the "chi carth" and "heart dipper"20
is a poem entitled "Phoenix Maiden," which to guard and protect it, only if the spirit is
we offer as evidence: fiourishing is all well- However, if thc spirit
is weak there is damage. Understanding this,
Sun on the left and moon On the right—a yin the wise transmitted an aphorism that says,
and yang_
Closing thc nose and circulating internally is
'"concentrate the spirit and heat the passes,"
called turning the Dipper. though few in the world have heard it _
If One desires yin and yang to revert to Sun Among practitioners who have been
and moon, recorded in poetry, there is only the
Then with true fire in the hands massage the '"Phoenix Immortal.' This is whv it was
breasts. presented as a case in point. However, if onc
Those who receive this teaching must strive to wishes to emulatc the "Phoenix Immortal"
realize it. through practice, one must return to the
starting point and first devote oneself to
Note On the "Double Passes": They are '"stilling the mind." Only after "Stilling the
located in front of the chia-chi and behind mind" can one accomplish reversion of the
the "crimson palace." Within the ' 'passes" spirit and flourishing ch'i. When the
arc two points that arc the seat of the exercises for focusing on the "stream" and
"congealed fluids" in the body. The left is massaging the breasts are added to this, then
called gao and the right huang-17 It cannot the ' 'congealed fluid" melts and issues from
be reached by the power Of medicine, and the passes- When it reaches the "sea" and is
the ;'truc Ch'i" does not extend to it. When refined. the marvclous effect of the
congealed fluids become lodged here, it complementary balance of existence and
brings harm to the whole body. In creating nonexistence can be enjoyed.
humankind, nature established a "pass" to aid Another Note: The left breast is connected
the heart, and therefore this site is called the with the liver and the right with the lungs.
"double passes." We say that the fluid is The "'stream" is connected with the heart,
"congealcd" because it seems like fluid but kidneys, and spleen. %erefore, one must
actually is not. Originally, these are "thin focus on them constantly. Normally,
which are transformed from food however. one nccd only maintain this with
and drink _ Borne by the eh'i, they reach the an attitude that is neither attentive nor
lungs and are distributed throughout thc inattentive. The heart is the root of a
body to lubricate the meridians. When the

Women's Practices
woman's life and is signified by the reception seeds: "23 one must continue to exert
of the middlc line in Run to form the trigram oneself. However, the source of fulfillment
Li that conceals the ••true fire." However, and accomplishment ultimately depends on
blood is generated under cool conditions, and the ability to still the mind. Those who
when the blood flourishes, the spirit is at receive this teaching should strive to achievc
peace. It therefore is essential to be doubly it.
serene. This is the most important Note: For this precept, we shall quote the
requirement for curing illness, cultivating words of Tsui O Hsicn tzu by way of
health, returning to thc ' 'primal state,'• and commentary. She has said: "Formerly I
realizing the rue. However. one must devoted myself to 'returning the elixir.' At
practice according to the Ch'ing.ching Ching the outset, the method I used was 'forgetting
(Classic of purity and stillness) to realize the oneself and forgetting the method. ' In due
marvel Of the "three contemplations" course I was able to perfect it to the point
meditation method.2i that I forgot my own identity and proceeded
solely from 'this now and this tomorrow.'
It is said that this is the seventh pre. cept ('Now' means today, and 'tomorrow' means
in the true path of women's practice. It is the next day. 'This' means the great task of
entitled "Jade Liquid." Men begin their 'rcturning the elixir:) I was able to forget
practice from purity and peace. When one's what day it was and what time. Suddenly
training is perfected, the cir. culation of the heaven and earth also disappeared. After a
"water wheel" is complete. When the "true long time, I awoke as if enlightened and
Ching" is safe and stficient. it does not leak simply listened and obscrvcd in total silence.
from the '"mysterious gate," but flows Finally I forgot everything and felt only
upward to the crown of the head and waters something like heat or burning. and then in
the "heavenly vale." Then descending the back something like fat or oil. (The 'back'
copiously to the "flowery pool," it is known refers to the back of thc 'north pole.' •Like fat
as the "iade liquid." When the yin spirit or oil- is the liquid of the 'red dragon' that
appears, the yang soul (kun) travels to the has been transformed into the marrow of the
"jade mansion", while the yin soul (Yo) pays 'white phoenix. ') I experienced no limits and
court to the Imperial Immortal. An aura no boundaries, as if there was sound and as if
encircles the crown of the head, a tide rises there was silence. It flowed and stopped; it
in the "mysterious sea," and reverberations splashed and spewed. Sometimes I felt
penetrate the "'realm of jade purity."22 This suspended like a cascade, white as silk;
then is the return of the elixir of "true jade sometimes I felt pure as a frozen lake. There
liquid." The ancient immortals referred to was not one time nor one place. Vision was
this as "wisdom like clarified butter irrigates not confused nor spirit weary. Suddenly my
the crown of the head." As tor women's "jade perception and hearing became as if
liquid," it is the "red dragon" liquid enchanted, but I warned myself saying. 'Do
transformed into "white phoenix" marrow. not be Reduced by appearances.' Suddenly
When the marrow is replete, one can had another revelation and said, 'Tirnc likc a
commence the process Of reversing the flow river passes by, never to return.•u I felt
without deceiving oneself. Although the omnipotent and was about to test it when
training methods do not depart from what suddenly I had another revelation and said,
has been indicated in the fourth precept, 'Heaven and earth are as one body with
realization of its subtle significance must me.'2S I reflected on this and concluded that
follow the sixth. Only when one it was thus with my own body. Whatever
accomplishes this is the benefit truly infinite. principles apply to the external world also
This is what the wise men of old called apply to the inner, and whatever is true Of
"grain by grain." How could its functioning the inner applies to the outer. Thereupon, i
ever be exhausted? After receiving the "true reflected and discovered that I was without
Art the Bedckumber
self. After a long period of stillness my self margin; boundless it is, and unfathomable.
manifested. However, when I sought to Unawares, the ancestor is myself and I am
reflect more deeply, there was no passage. the ancestor. The inhalation and exhalation
As 199 of of the nose is what the wise men of old
if in a dream, 1 felt that there was a burning called the "fetal breath." Yin and yang, the
sensation within my body like moxibustion, Five Phases, heaven, earth, humankind, and
extending from the middle to the lowest creatures all are born of this orifice. The
point, and a sound like thunder. sound of breath is influenced by the subtle
wind and tide rose up in the midst of this. mechanism, and the subtle mechanism in
Suddenly penetrating the wei-lü. it rose up to turn responds to it. This naturally gives rise
the chiachi, passed through the yü-chcn and to the six ranks Of immortals: heavenly,
reached the *'vale" .20 Like a stream, the watery, earthly, human, godly, and ghostly.
•sweet dew' dripped down from the nose, and The teaching consists simply Of achieving
the •flowery pool' became so full that I could perfect stillness. When practice proceeds
hardly swallow it. Before long the liquid from the union of virtue and the "true One,"
bubbled up from the 'southern sea, ' flowed this is thc heavenly immortal. When practice
into the waist, and circled the navel. By proceeds from the union of virtue and the
melting and fusing, J became one with *'mysterious one," this is the watery
heaven and earth. Truly, inner and outer immortal. When practice proceeds from the
were as one. At this moment, everything union of virtue and the 'ipure One," this is
followed the normal course; the training was the earthly immortal. When practice
wrnplete and I with and so forth. What proceeds from the union of virtue and the
Hsicn tzu has described essentially is ••essential One," this is the human immortal.
transformation training. Normally, one The two lowest ranks result when practice
should devote oneelf first to attaining proceeds from the union of virtue and the
stillness and then to forgetfulness. I [I-tel "emotional One." If one favors the yang, the
therefore have quoted this to verify this tech- results are godly; if One favors the yin, they
are ghostly. The fruits of the good person
alone do not qualify one for immortality. The
It is said that this is the eighth precept in origin of these various ranks lies in the
the true path of women's practice. It is influence and response Of the subtle
entitled 'Fetal Breathing." The "fetal breath" mechanism. Although it is said that this is a
is the culmination of the tao and the ladder to gift of heaven, is it not really won through
heaven. After the woman "returns the elixir," our Own efforts? Those Who receive this
her ching-ch'i is replete and her body like a teaching must strive to achieve it.
man's. Without employing the fetal breath, Carefully considerin; the content of this
"returning to the void" is highly uncertaim precept, the practice Of the "fetal breath" is
The emcacy of this breath is infinite and its truly the culmination of the tao and the
practice supremely simple. However, not all ladder to heaven. Can one dare be less than
achieve the same results, and there are many diligent?
levels of accomplishment. This is not
something that nature controls, for nature It is said that this is the ninth precept in
relies on creatures to create themselves. the true path of women's practice. It is
When one sccks this breath with stillness, entitled ' 'NamO."27 Its realization is unlike
then there is no thought or worry focused in the difficult path of Kuan-yin. The power to
the nose itself. Jf practiced morning and become a Buddha or a bodhisattva is in the
night, one day the "ancestral Orifice" will be two words nan-wu (namo). Within these two
discovered and it naturally opens wide. words is concealed the mystery. One must
Neither seeking nor resisting it, the breath preserve the truth that this body is the
aid nose unite in harmony. Vast it is, without Buddha, like a crystalline seven-story

Women's Practices
pagoda established On the summit Of Mount
Potala. Before the pagoda is a "red which is
the mental leader. When the Bodhisattva
Women Practices
allows one to seek spiritual guidance in the •s

east and west and one has consulted all the

effort. onc achieves it by merely
"fifty-three wise ones," then one holds the
sittingWithout another soul being aware, our
Buddha and comprehends all the koans.29
power rivals that of nature itself_ Thus it is
After this, the "mysterious pearl" of perfect
that with our own selves wc save the whole
peace is offered by the daughter of the
world. Yet the method is simply to
Dragon King, and one lives apart in the
harmonize the mind and rest in stillness _
"purple bamboo Before long, the
When harmony reaches the level of total
"white parrot"31 nutters freely up and down.
purity and calm, then there is peace in the
The hand, holding the pure vasc, inserts the
heavenly capital. When harmony reaches the
willow branch. Cnllect the natural "sweet
level that the K'un abdomen is open and
dew" liquid. Sit unshakably atop Mount
comfortable, then the "village gate" is
Patola, practicing the "Tara method"32 and
prosperous and populous. When harmany
placing the syllable 0m in the realm of truth.
reaches the level wherein the four limbs are
When the highest treasure is claimed. it is
open and free, then the "'four barbarian
placed in the "tish Reciting chia-lo-
tribes" are pacified. As the body is
ta-!o all the cares of the world are released
harmonized. the world is ordered. This is the
in the "southern sea.' As a result of this, the
fruit of cause and effect. Therefore, if one is
waves of the sea roll on and on. I am
able to achieve a moment of purity and
enlightened, knowing only enlightenment.
harmony, this is a moment of true power.
The internal exercises of the fourth precept
Although the result is not visible, it
arc indispensable in this great method. It is
nevertheless exists. One need guard against
especially important to follow the preceding
only lack Of sincerity in study or failure of
precept precisely, for onc will then naturally
the "'three tan-t'icn" to be connected.
return step by step to the true void and the
Moreover, there has never been one who
true stillness. When one's training is
was not himself saved who could save the
complete and practice perfected, one then
world. -Ibe teaching consists simply of
shares a glance with the Bodhisattva and
practicing day and night. '"What others do
smiles. perfectly at ease and relaxed. Those
once, I do a hundred times, and what they do
who receive this teaching should strive to
ten times, I do a thousand." Even the
achieve it.
Notc to This Precept: It is only through ignorant can comprehend this. Those who
transformation training that one masters the receive this teaching should strive to achieve
secret of transformation. One may it.
understand it only within one's own mind Note to This Precept: This was
and should not talk about it glibly _ It is authoritatively handed down by the Queen
necessary only to be diligent and sincere in Mother of the West. Pu Erh Yuan Chun
one's own commitment. Hold to the followed the Holy Mother of Jade Purity's
realization that this body is the Buddha, and oral instructions for the grcat of world
one will bc full of vitality and without salvation. The last precepts of former
spatial limitations. transmissions were collected and reviscd to
It is said that this is the tenth precept in serve as the final word for this precept.
the true path of women's practice. It is Truly, from the beginning of time, there has
entitled "Caution at the End." Women never been a more matchless classic. Master
represent the virtue of K'un. If the tar) of Lii considered it a great blessing for
earth is not yet realized, persistence will universal creation; Pu Erh Yüan Chün
bring it to completion. One thus must carry considered that it would surely promote the
out the process of assisting nature's evolution of the !ao. We thus can see their
operations in broad daylight. Here, too, the profound hope for future generations Of
training begins with stillness. Without students. (Min I-tc says:) Those who are
spending a penny or wasting an ounce of interested in reading this work should
encourage each Other to strive to realize its produces the blood, and the randien
teachings. produces the elixir. One's practice should be
Of carried out during the Izu and wu hours.
Maintain mental concentration in the "empty
Essentials of the Golden Elixir of the breasts.
Method for Women Breathe slowly, exhaling little and inhaling
Nü chin-tan fa•yao much. Wait for the 'monthly signal'" and
move it up from the ran-t'ien to the breasts.
Compiled by Chi Yi Tzu 'Monthly signal' does not rcfcr to the arrival
(Fu Chin-ch'üan) of the menses. The word 'signal' is
comparable to letters written home when
Master Lü's "Tz'u Poem in the Meter traveling abroad that arrive before one does
'Strolling under the Moon"' says: oneself_ The day that the 'signal' is about to
The trigrams Kaa and Li, Chen and Tui are arrive is known to the woman. It may be that
divided according to the Terrestrial she experiences pain in her waist or legs, a
Branches. and wu. feeling of uneasiness in her head and cycs,
You must realize that this is taken from the or loss of appetite. The •signal' that arrives
family ancestors. and becomes blood is ch'i. Two and a half
When thunder shakes the earth, there is rain days before this, concentrate on your
on the mountain top exercises. After the menses begins to flow,
That washes the yellow sprouts' Which the 'red dragon's' yin-ching cannot be seized
emerge from K'un, the earth.
_ Reckless practice at this point has killed
When you have captured the golden Ching,
then lock it securely.
not a few people. You must now wait for
To practice thc art Of longevity, you must two and a half days after the menses and
give birth to dragon and tiger. cover [the private parts] with a piece of finc
If they ask who is the transmitter Of this, whitc silk. When the color appears golden
Simply say that the gentleman's name is yellow, this is a sign that the menses is over
and you must use the method described
earlier to mobilize it upward and cut it off. If
In the Shang-yao ling-ching, the chapter you practice in this way for several months,
entitled "'nlree Lives" says: "The subtle the menses turns yellow. the yellow turns to
mystery of life is difficult to dcscribe. The white, and the white is transformed and
process of waxing and waning undergoes becomes nothing. We can sec, then, that this
1,000 changes and 10,000 transformations. is the of existence reverting to nonexistence-
Man's navel is called the 'gate of life.'2 In A woman's blood acts as her shen organ, and
the center of the body is the 'yellow court,' thus it opens to the outside. After forty-nine,
located behind the •secluded pass,'3 above the 'waist' dries up and the blood is
the kuun-yüan4 and below the 'sea of ch'i.' exhausted. There is no more life-giving
On the left is the sun and on the right the potential. However, after long self-
moon, and these are both light. Life has cultivation, one may rejuvenate the 'blood
thrce kinds of li"ht. The yellow light is the source' and be like a virgin againThis, then,
tan-t'ien, the white light is the 'embrvo is the marvel of existence ansing out of non-
source and the purple light is the 'blood existence. When you see it appear, then with
source.' The 'blood source' is the breasts. The one cut, it is transforrncd, and life is reborn.
one and two-tenths of an inch between them At this point, carry out the exercises for
is not the breasts. A man's life is in thc cultivating both 'intrinsic nature and life,'
lant'ien. The ran-t'ien is the 'true earth' that just as for men. When wind is born in the
gives birth to the elixir- A woman's life is in region of the navel, thunder sounds, and
the breasts. The breasts are the original lightning strikes, this signals the
Ching of the mother's ch'i. The 'emblyo transformation of the 'original spirit.' When
source' forms the embryo, the 'blood source'
Art the Bedckumber
clouds rise and mists drift, flowers laugh and 10,000 purple clouds face the 'Jade
birds fly, the 'highest source' is horn. Who and 1,000 'white channels' converge on the
can comprehend this mystery?' ni-wan. One will sense a subtle light, neither
Taoist Master Lan said: 'SHow is it that internal nor external, that rises from the
there are three [important centers] in a 'lower Ecld' to the palace' and ni-wan,
woman's life? These are the upper, mid, dle, and then descends the 'storied pavilion,'
and lower. The upper is the 'yang point,' thc returning
middle is the •yellow house,' and the lower WomeWs
is the Ian-Nien. When young, a woman is to the 'sacred chamber of the golden
ruled by thc upper, in her later years by the embryo.' After ten months of labor,
middle. and in her middle years by the the yang spirit appears just as with a
lower. Also a woman's interior is yang and man. At the outset, there is no
her exterior yin. She must 'slay the red difference between the two."
dragon' to preserve her body. In this way,
The Hsien-t'ien hsüan-wei says:
K'an may bc transformed into Ch'ien. After
"Before the birth of a girl, when the
this, use the male exercises that, if practiced
mother and father have intercourse,
for one year, will bring success. This is
the father's Ching arrives first and the
because the 'golden elixir' is within her."
mother's blood thereafter. The blood
The rai-yin hsiu-lien fa says: "Th 'yin surrounds the Ching and a female
major' methods of training the physical body body is forincd_9 At thc mottlent of
have much in common with those of the conception a female receives one liang
'yang major.' At the very beginning, close Of the mother's lead ch'i. First the
the eyes and concentrate the spirit, right kidney is generated. A strand of
complctcly resting for a while to calm the silk is pulled from above, and the two
heart and regulate the breathing. Then eyes are generated; a strand of silk is
concentrate the spirit and focus it in the ch'i- attached from below, and the 'golden
hsüeh (between the two breasts and just elixir' is generated. Following this, one
above the solar plexus).' Cross the hands and chu1U of menstrual fluid is generated
hold the breasts, gently massaging 360 within 12 days, and within 181) days,
times. Gently inhale the ch'i upward from one hung. Thereafter, every fifteen
the tan-Vien 24 times. Continuing to hold days another chu is generated, and
the breasts, reflect inwardly, and regulate the after every year another liang_ At
breathing. After a long time, the 'true breath' fourteen years of age, fourteen liang of
will movc in and out naturally, opening and menstrual fluid have accumulated in
closing- 'I-his nourishes the body to the the 'sea of blood' that, together with
outermost reaches The spirit and ch'i become the two liang carried over from the
full and the 'truc yang naturally abundant. woman's tetal stage, makes the sum of
The menses naturally ceases and the breasts onc chin. Three hundred and eighty-
shrink so that they resemble a man's. This is four Chu correspond to the 384
called 'slaying the red dragon.' If this degrees of a complete cosmic cycle.
practice is maintained for a long time, one There are 384 days in onc year, and
no longer needs to hold the breasts and the lines Of the hexagrams in the I
inhale ch'i_ One need only concentrate the Ching also number 384, or the number
spirit in the ch'i-hsüeh, return the light and of heavcn and earth
reflect inwardly. This is called the 'gate of
When yin reaches its peak, yang is
the mysterious feminine.' The 'true breath'
born. When the menses is complete
moves freely and easily; the mind is
the lead appears, and therefore at
complctcly empty and one experiences
fourteen the menses descends. After
profound peace. As the yang-ch'i streams
the menses descends at fourteen,
upward, the 'water-wheel' turns backward,
within twenty-six months seven and a

half days, onc liang of menstrual fluid
is expended. At fortymne years of age
the expenditure is complete. Herein
arc contained secret transmissions
which are difficult to fully explain. "
In the Hsiu-chcn picn.nan someone asks:
'LWhat is the difference between men and
women when it comes to the first stage of
training?" The answer: "For men, the most
important thing at the outset is training the
ch'i; for women, the most important thing is
training the physical body. Training the ch'i
means causing it to lie in hiding. In causing
it to lie in hiding, one should seek to make
it 203
the Bedchamber

An of There is another question: "If it is

true that the •great tao' makes no
substantial and return it. When it is distinctions between man and woman, how
returned, one reaches the height of is it that 204 there are differences here?"
emptiness and total peace. By 'reverting to The arswer: "The rao is the same but the
the root and returning to life,' the 'white practice is different. It is because their
tiger'li descends, •rraining the physical natures arc different and their bodies
body means concealing the body. In con. dissimilar that the practices are So very
cealing the body, one should seek to different, even though there is but one (ao
obliterate it. When the body is obliterated, of life."
the 'four elements' are all experienced as It is asked: "How does one go about
void. When the body has been totally cutting down the 'red channel'?" The
stripped away, the 'red dragon' is slain. In answer: "The •red channel' is a
men, after the 'white tiger' descends, they transformation Of the body's pustnatal
are transformed into the body of a youth, yinch'i. When the yin-chi is excited, the
and the postnatal Ching is not shed. In this impure blood flows. If one wishes to
way, they are able to form the elixir and transform the blood, first train the ch'i.
lengthen their lives. In women, when the When the ch'i is transformed, the blood
•red channel' is cut, she is transformed into returns upward and enters the breasts,
the body of a man and the impure blood where the red changes to white and
naturally ceases to now. She can escape circulates throughout the entire body. One
from death and enter life. Therefore, a is then free of the inflammatory influence
man's training is described as 'yang major of the fire of desire. When the fire of desire
trains the chi,' and women's training is is extinguished, the 'true fire' manifests.
described as 'yin major trains the body. " From this point, everything is settled and
There is another question: "In training proper, even and smooth. To then protect
the physical body, does the woman not one's life and preserve One's body naturally
cause the ch'i to lie in hiding?" The answer: presents no diffculty
"Women are yin by nature and their ch'i is
easily subdued, but the 'red channel' is most
injurious to the tao. That is why the
emphasis is on this. Therefore. at the outset,
force is applied to the criti• cal point. When Master Li Ni-wan's Precious
the 'red channel' is cut, the ch'iis naturally Raft Of Women's Dual Practice
obedient. It is not like a man who is by Ni-wan Li Tsu-shih nü-tsung
nature yang and whose Ch'i is difficult to
subdue. For example, if it takes a man three shuang-hsiu pao-fa
years to subdue his ch'i, then a woman can Recorded and annotated by the
accomplish it in One. If a woman of great Old Man Of the Great void,
ability receives the secret teachings of a
master and practiccs the 'yin major' methods Master Shen
for training the body, within three to five Edited by the disciple, Min I-te
years, she can realize the lao, and with less Chapter One
effort than a man. However, women of
great ability are most difficult to find. What Ni-wan said: •The sequence of women's
is diffcult to find are those whose strength practice involves first stilling the thoughts
and courage are a hundred times that of a and harmonizing the mind. When the
man, for only that will do. If their power is thoughts are stilled and the mind
simply equal to a man's. there is absolutcly harmonized, one can then begin the work of
no possibility of attainment." massage. The prohibitions of this method
are to avoid heat in favor Of C:Old- For
women, blood is the basic element. Their
natures incline to the yin, and yin by nature loves natural tendencv to be overzealous in
cold. If one does not employ massage to subtly practice and eager for progress, some
activate the ch'i function, then one easily falls Women's
into pure yin. Yin is cold and cold is icelike, If
engage in excessively aggressive
one does not engage in exercise. this may
massage. When the earth fire narcs
produce phlegm congestion and blood
up, the corn. mon fire follows,
Obstructions, making it very difficult to carry out
resulting in the problem of melting the
one's practice. One therefore must begin with
metal. Therefore, we are warned of
stilling the thoughts and harmonizing the mind_
the danger of •cock's crow rising to
Woman belongs to K'un, and K'un conceals the
heaven.' lhe 'cock's crow' represcnts a
'true tire.' When the fire lies in wait, there is
yu creature2 that, if hard pressed, Hies
prosperity, but when it Fares up, it can melt
upward. Consequently, the marvel of
metal. If one engages in exercises without
stilling the thoughts and harmonizing
harmomzing the mind, then metal encounters the
the mind is emphasized again. Thus,
cncroaching fire, and one experiences the
from beginning to end, this precept
phenomenon known as 'cock's crow rises to
represents the essential teachings of
heaven_'l Therefore, teachings on women's
women's practice.
practice must begin from stilling the thoughts and
harmonizing the mind. One should not hesitate to Chaprer TWO
practice this often and long, for within stillness
there is movement.' Ni-wan said: "'Women's practice hcgins
T'ai-hsü said: "'When the thoughts are stilled With increasing the yang and ends With
the ch'i is pure; when the mind is regulated the ch diminishing the yin. This method is highly
i is harmonious. If. following this. one practices secret, and those who understand it very
massage, then there is the potential for generating few. Those who are deluded follow the
yang. However, there is danger that the potential teachings for men; those who are wise
become depressed and impatience arises. incline toward Ch'an Buddhism. From the
Therefore, once again a warning is given. fruits of practice one gains enlightenmcnt.
Moreover, women by nature incline to the cold ignorant fall into fiendish pleasures and
and shun the hot, but when they first achieve stray far from the Euo_ For women, blood
stillness and harmony, and experience the is the most fundamental clement. When the
pleasure of peace, somc actually become blood flourishes. the Ching is full; when the
mind is cool, then blood is generited. The
depressed and impatient _ This inevitably gives ancients said that when the fluids and blood
rise to thoughts Of watering thc 'true yin' and are refined and the blood and Ching
causes turbulence or stagnation of the pure yin. If transformed, the spirit is restored and
one remains passive, the yin congeals, and if one becomes clcar_ When the blood is without
does not move, the yang becomes depressed. This fluid transformation and the fluid loses the
error is inevitablc at the beginning of training, spirit's heat, the fluid congeals and forms
and one will not be ablc to get to the root cause phlegm that flows into the spleen and
Of impatience and anxiety. It is an error to seek stomach, rises as gas to the lungs and
temporary coolness and comfort. Instead, one diffuses into the meridians. A hundred
must step up one's practice, using the method of illnesses then arise like porcupine quills.
mobilizing the body's ch'i function. When the ch'i 'lhe Five Viscera suffer calamity and the
is sct in motion. impatience naturally dissolves. Six Bowels disaster. Therefore ancient
To pursue the benefits of practice while failing to teachings on the elixir say that one must
understand this can only exacerbate the error _ first calm the mind. for when the mind is
This again becomes the cause of phlegm calm, the spirit becomes clear. Now the
congestion and blood obstruction. Therefore, one mind is cool. Therefore, one must wait for
must be strictly warned against this. The method the mind to bc cool and the fluids flowing.
is simply ta apply mæssage to prevent the After this, concentrate on the 'breast
problem Of obstruction. Also as a result of the strcant,' massaging in a circular motion
Art the Bedckumber
with the hands and fully activating the 'chi downward, re206 volve it to the lett and
function-' Now simply wait for the 'mist' to right until it is transformed into a pure
circulate throughout, and one will feel warm eh'i white moon, which floats and sinks into a
burning in the back. When there is smoke and crystalline sea. Suddenly one awakens as
flame in the 'double passes,' the 205 from a dream." Ni-wan says: "At this point
Of one must immediately reflect upon this
power penetrates the All of the congealed body. Now the ch'i is refreshed, the spirit
fluids in the passes flow into the •breast stream' pure, and the whole body is harmonious
like a bubbling spring. After a short time, guide and comfortable, When this is
the •true mind' to the 'south sea,• maintaining it accomplished, the entire body is fused for a
there silently for approximately thirty-six breaths. moment. By directing the mind to the
Maintaining an attitude of relaxation, one feels at •feminine,' one experiences a feeling of
this point that it descends copiously and flows peace and comfort. Now once again rub the
into the two sides of the waist, spinning left and hands and face and circulate the spirit
right for approximately thirty-six breaths. Now around the abdomen, Raise the
concentrate on drawing it to the depths of the 'windlasses,'S putting each into motion for
navel, revolving slowly eighteen times and forty-nine breaths. Slowly rotate the waist
rapidly forty-nine times. Observe warm ch'iin the and shake the knees and legs, Touch the
wei.lü penetrating up the back. If the force is tips of the toes in a sitting position for a
slow. onc may use the technique ot lifting and count of twenty-four breaths and then stop.
contracting the muscles that control the two Practice this three times daily for a hundred
functions of elimination and it will naturally pass days without interruption. In this way the
through the wei-lü and ascend to the chiachi. foundation for becoming a heavenly
Rising to the head. it flows into the ni-wan. When immortal will be established."
one feels the ni-wan as expansive as the sea, one •r'ai-hsü said: "The general outline of
may pause to nourish it. Following this, it this chapter is what the ancients called
descends to the 'flowery poor and 'crimson 'ascending the heavenly ladder.' Herein are
palace.' The •isle of Jambudvipa'3 is sprinkled the elixir teachings of the great tao. Ocher
with pearls. One becomes oblivious and than this, there are no great works on the
experiences unconsciousness. Neither exhaling subjects' Students should study until every
nor inhaling, neither inhaling nor exhaling, word is fully grasped, comprehending the
without consciously raising, one naturally raises, meaning in silence and serenity, After
and without consciously swallowing, One reading it ten or a hundred times a day,
naturally swallows While remaining in this state, when one comes to practice the exercises, it
one expenences a taste both sweet and fragrant. will be like entering upon a familiar path,
The ch'i and spirit are full and harmonious. and and one will not lose the way. Even if what
the 'three tun-rien' are Connected. When the one actually experiences is somewhat
whole world dissolves into obscurity. onc must different, with repetition everything will
immediately look within and let go of all fall into place. Stu. dents must strictly avoid
attachments. In a short time, one feels as if the reading this as if it were the novel Hsi yu
whole body is empty and that the earth has chi (Journey to the West).' Elixir classics
disappeared. One is subtly invaded by cool ch'i as for men come by the cartload and are piled
mist fills the four quarters of the world. Now to the rafters, but those for women could
suddenly, once again, the mist disperses and the hardly fill a single volume. If one is able to
clouds withdraw. Below appears the •sea of obtain such works as the Chin-hua ehih-
intrinsic nature'" with clear waves of green. One chih ishih-pa tse (Eighteen precepts on the
should remain in a state free of all thoughts, golden flower this may
oblivious to surroundings or feelings. Suddenly indeed he considered a secret transmission.
golden light is everywhere and a fine rain like By combining such a guide with this work,
pearls. Follow. ing the light as it flows we may say that the secret teachings of the
Tao of immortality thus are complete. If
one is able to obtain only the Chin-hua c.hih.chih,
this is merely the
Art of the Bedchamber
way of the earthly and human immortats. " intrinsic nature. Intrinsic nature is talent
and natural endowment. If one can be
Chapter Three without the 'esw•nces,' one can attain the
Ni-wan said: "'Dual practice' for men does not whole of the truth and naturally ascend to
employ a crucible. Those who use the crucible the highest rank. then is the proclamation
never succeed in achieving the tam of the Jade Pure Holy Mother transmitted
•Augmenting the oil' is minor method and not a by pu Erh Sheng Ku. May those who are
true teaching. The true teaching is that the able follow it."
'three powers" are all within the body, It is the Tai•hsü said: •• •Those Of the same
same with women's 'dual practice.' Without all species need one of their own kind' is the
three, the chances of developing the elixir are principle ofl"ai-chi (the Great Ultimate].
as one grain in a granary. When it is This is what is meant by the essence of the
thoroughly cooked in the great stove of nature, two tives18 marvelously uniting and fusing
then onc may eat." also said: "We may know together. The inner and outer chapters of
that the 'quinquennial assembly'10 exists in the the Wu-chen p'ien and the entire Ts'an-
world and that from the beginning 'seeds" t fill r'ung ch'i describe nothing but this
the universe. Borrow an altar as stove and principle. Because it has been
crucible. When the stove is eliminated, the true misinterpreted, we have the shameful
transmission is lost. " He also said: "This chant practices of [Chang) San feng. Having now
of mine will startle each of the eight classes of received the instructions of the master, the
divine beings-'12 1 might be accused Of spiritual transmissions Of countless
hollow cant and expose myself to divine generations are clearly revealed. How
retribution, but I must state that I have received fortunate l, Ping, am to have received them!
the imperial decree of the Jade pure Holy (•Ping• is Tai-hsü's sect name.) How
Mother who, regretting the disappearance Of fortunate is the world to be thus
the great ordered pu Erh Sheng Ku to solemnly enlightened! This is the final great work for
proclaim and orally transmit it to me, Her both men and women. However, without
intent was to reveal it directly without the use great intelligence, few will be able to
of pseudonym and thus avoid confusing future realize it. As I, Ping. understand its
generations." She said: "How could those who fundamental principle, the method is
have realiled a body beyond the body and who sirilply to be without attachment to the
have forgotten their physical forms stoop to the illusion of self or material things. When
likes of 'Solitary practice is not the highest tao,' things and self are both forgotten, then the
and 'Those of the same speCies need onc Of true One manifests. After the truc One
their own kind?'" Her teachings state: "The manifests, if we are able to follow and
Ch'ien essence'S is Obtained from the 'summit' maintain it, then the One naturally
the K'un essence15 is lost through the dissolves, and transformation and creation
•feminine-;16 and the human essence fills the proceeds as if without end. Within this
universe. great tae, nothing compares to the •great
•three essences' are all under the quinquennial Buddhist assembly,' Or what
command of one mind. This means simply the Taoist elixir books call 'the living
that the mind is still and the body is dragon and tiger fill all of space.' As I
without blockages. Movement and stillness understand the concept of this •assembly,' it
unitc With the •eternal reality. •l When the is necessary to follow the ancient system,
self disappears. the •essences• naturally for only then will there be no regrets. The
fuse. When the 'essences' fuse, the Onc significancc of the 'assembly' is most
does also. The one •essence• con. secret, but the signs are most obvious. Do
not misunderstand this. What js meant by
'secret' refers to the secret in the mind.
sists of emotion and intrinsic SUKX.e.SS Or failure cannot be known by
natureEmotion is the essence of any other. What is meant by 'obvious' 207 is that

Women Practices
it is as obvious as a marketplace. Not a is not a body it is mastered. When the true One is
single activity can be concealed. Only by apprehended, then apart from the One all is
following the prescribed method can one illusion. This is even greater mastery. When
avoid the world's censure. Alas, how one's practice reaches the level that there is
painstaking the wise ones were and how neither far nor near, inner nor outer, this is even
farsighted. " more advanced. When one's practice reaches the
level that there is no going and no coming, no
Chapter Four entering and no emerging, then far and near,
inner and Outer are eliminated. Beyond this, if
Ni-wan said: '•Yes. the sages of old had a one can practice to the of eliminating origination
saying that until all substance is and destruction, movement and stillness, then
transformed the Tao cannot be fulfilled, one is truly without going and coming, emerging
and until one's practice is perfected the and entering, 'Ibis then is the pure realm of the
attainment of the goal is impossible. To 'dharma-body,' but it is not found outside of the
progres by skipping levels only proves the 'physical body. ' 'u
error Of the path. Attainment before
perfection is a lesser level. a lesser fruit. Chapter Fiv
Students must take seriously this
compassionate advice. One must first Ni-wan said: •Chen-yang's words are true
refine the •dharma-bodyw SO that it is indeed. (Chen-yang is the name given to T'ai-hsü
strong and secure, and only then is the by Ni-wan.) If one prac• tices diligently in this
foundation laid for receiving training. If way. the 'dharmabody' naturally will be
this foundation is not established, the complete. If one IErseveres without retreating,
previous chapter remains meaningless. The there will be a body beyond the body. You must
previous chapter was devoted solely to the understand that the wise ones of old rely upon
work of transformation, which proceeds the writings of later generations to fulfill the mo.
step by step beginning with the physical These are simply shortcuts to fulfilling the (ao_
body. That is, the insubstantial resides However, the •true yin' and 'true yang' in One
within the substantial, or the process of body are limited_ To apply oneself to refining
reaching the insubstantial from the them is to simultaneously train the postnatal and
substantial. This then is the training the prenatal. If one faithfully practices this
method of the heavenly immortal " teaching, one will surely see the cumulative
T'ai-hsü said: "The 'dharma-body' is the effect of days and months. What a pity, though,
body beyond the body. This body is not that the body's postnatal mundane accretions also
obtained by concentration nor brought are subject to gradual increase. Even if one is
about through training. The secret teaching dauntless in carrying out one's practice,
lies in cultivation of the 'true.' What is throughout the ages, there have been many who
cultivated is none other than the physical have met with misfortune. What a great pity! The
body, and the teaching is simply to train 'true prenatal' within the body can be calculated,
the physical body. Within and without are but the •false postnatal' increases without
chaste and pure. It is a body, but is not a measure- How much more so when training does
body; it is not a body, but is a body. This is not begin from the 'prepubescent true,' but from
what is meant by the body not existing the stained and defiled. Few can avoid this. On
during practice but existing again when this account, one may have great fears for the
practice ceases. When the body ceases to world. "
exist, then all sensations of cold and heat. T'ai-hsü said: "When drinking water or soup,
pain Or irritation are not experienced as you yourself can tell whether it is cold or hot.
one's own. This is what is known as When the 'dharma-body' is complete, there is no
experience without attachment. How is this need to ask others
attained? The method is simply for the
spirit to dwell in voidness. When the body
Women Practices

concerning the 'teaching on tending and Ni-wan said: 'Yes, your words are quite true.
protecting' and the •timing of reining in •Ille flight of the woman's spirit and the
and relaxing.' Surely one's own Congealing of the man's thing are both
experience is sufficient. Even if the caused by 'mounting22 a head on top of the
•dharma. body' is not complete, the head.' What the spirit adores is Ching. When
teaching and the timing are appropriate the spirit is concentrated and the Ching
only for adjusting the waxing and unruffled, there is peace. When the Ching is
waning within one body. It is Simply a dry and the spirit isolated then it flies. The
matter Of obstruction and Openness, ignorant take this for liberation. What a great
rising and falling, cold and warm, and pity! Thus we
dry and moist. In carrying out these •s may know
practices, is there anything to it but the disadvantage Of excessive massage and
opening the obstructions, warming the concentration. What is the reason? The
cold, and moistening the dry, round and woman is yin on the inside and yang on the
round exchanging positions? The main outside.z• In relation to the trigrams, she
principle is concentration and softness belongs to and her •true ym' is constantly lost
and not to be seduced by worldly things. through the 'monthly signal.' Therefore, when
Harmonize the mind cWi and unify the tranquility surpasses activity , she enjoys
body's ch'i function. Know that this is a good fortune, but when activity surpasses
borrowed instrument. As for employing tranquility, there is disaster . For man. Ching
such techniques as massage, raising and is the root, and for woman, blood. Ching
constrictin$, and concentration , these flourishes when warm, and blood is generated
Simply act'vate the ch'i function. When when cool. Knowing this. one knows how to
the ch'i function is activated, the method cultivate them. There are two reasons why
is based on concentrating [the c.h•il and women's practice must not forsake massage
(developing] softness. As as a thought and concentration. The first is that it opens
arises, it is transformed immediately, the ch'i function, and thus allows free flow in
and as soon as it is restrained. it ceases. the meridians. The second is that by refining
Be careful to avoid 'riding an ox to go in the fluids, it prevents them from becoming
search Of an ox.' •10 exercise restraint blocked and converting into phlegm. In this
without understanding cessation is way, the fluids are transformed into blood.
called 'mounting a head on top of the There also are two reasons why the wise
head. •21 This is like empty and full. Ones of Old took tranquility and
rising and falling, warm and cool. flat concentration as their first principles. When
and embellished, which arc known by the ruler is at peace. his subjects all will bc at
one's own experience, In all things, peace. Therefore, when the spirit is clear, it
avoid imrwdimcnt and obstruction: just does not fly away. Furthermore, wisdom is
as in restraint. one must understand born of tranquility, and when one is not
cessation. Taking this as a standard for disturbed by passions. life may be securely
selfcultivation, there need bc no worry guarded. This, then. is the teaching Of the
over whether one will death or not. ms •dual cultivation• of One individual. When
is my opinion. " the ch•i function is open and the mind pure,
and fullness and harmony are added to this,
Chapter Six then with the passage of not days but months
of continued devotion, one day the whole
Women Practices

body will be as if empty, the •three

elixir fields' will be connected. and One
will feel only that every liltlb. every
ioint, and every orifice is bright and
shinIng. When one's practice reaches
this level, the body beyond the body
will prepared. If one persists without
backsliding. the spirit will bc sufficient
and the ch'i full, the thoughts will not
run wild and the spirit will not follow
the thoughts. blood will be
produced in abundanCc, and the 'true
yin' will be sufficient. The ch'i and
Ching naturally fill heaven and earth.
However. if following the thoughts they
fly away, then falls into the second
rank. Ihis is what the elixir books call,
•the spirit escaping its shell.' 209
Art of the Bedchamber
Students must not fail to be on guard against must understand that Ts'ui [Hsi-fan's] Ju
this." Yao Ching emphasizes 'intrinsic nature' and
-l"ai-hsü said: "1 have heard from the •life,' not spirit and ch'i. To speak ot spirit
masters that the spirit is the spirit of the and Ching is likc using '"yellow leaves" to
mind. Holding steadily and not flying away cure a child's crying. Without understanding
means that it cherishes the Ching and holds the 'true gold,' how can one distinguish the
steadily. As soon as the Ching is exhausted, 'yellow leaves.' Chung Tsu has said: "The
the spirit flies away. The Ching is the Ching 'four elements' in the body all belong to yin,
Of the kidncys_ The noncongealing of the but we do not know what is that thing called
Ching is accomplished through the control "yang-ching_' If one is fated to meet an
of the spirit. The congealed Ching is not the enlightened teacher, then realizing the tao
'original Ching,' but belongs to the category and gaining immortality lies simply in
of fluids, or blood that is not yet perfected. serving the body." He also said: 'Existence
As soon as the 'true spirit' departs, this and nonexistence interpenetrate and form
Ching congeals. Thc I Ching says: 'One yin the basis of the elixir; the hidden and the
and one yang is called the tao.' The chant revealed support cach other, becoming the
says: 'Half a chin and eight liang are the gold in water. Do not insist on clinging to
beginning of the true essence.' It also is said the body in speaking of this tao, for
that yin alone cannot live, and yang alone cultivating only onc thing leads to isolated
Cannot survive. The trigrams Ch lien, yin." Combining these instructions of the
K'un, K'an, Li, Chen, Hsün, Tui, and Ken; master, we may ask if the "true seeds" arc
earth and heaven, sun and moon; intrinsic present. Thus it is not to be found outside of
nature and life, man and woman; one yin this body. How profound this principle!
and one yang; round and round, end and
beginning—this is called the constant tao. If Chapter Seven
there is the slightest distortion2S in our
practice or the slightest imbalance in Our Ni-wan said: "Quite so. The Tao re Ching
influence, then the whole becomes a corrupt says: 'There is something that comes into
regime. In general, at the outset of practice, being from the primal chaos. It is born
one should strive for complcmcntary union before heaven and carth_ Silent and rarified,
within one's own body. However, there is a it stands alone, immutable. It travels in
prescribed order in this. The first is called endless cycles without wearying and may
'true' and the later •false.' Originally, the serve as mother of the world. do not know
false is begotten by the true, and the true is its name, hut if name it I must, I call it
also called the false. When the false reverts Tao.'26 It also says: 'Though obscure and
to the true, it is called the •primal source.' If indistinct, there is something there; though
in 'gathering the medicine' one misses the invisible and imperceptible, there is a subtle
proper time or indulgcs in fantasies, one will essence. This essence is supremely true and
fall into erroneous byways and suffer the reality at the center of things. '27 Now
common delusions. Serious cases may result this one 'thing' is locked in the mountain of
in personal disaster, but there still is hope of physiCal form. The ancients had a saying,
rescue. In more severe cases, nothing is 'Seek it not in the body, neither gather it
worse than approaching the perfection of outside the body.' Dimly and obscurely, it
one's practice and entering the state of pure seems to exist in the midst of the empty and
abstraction, only to have one thought go invisible. However, it is not outside the
awry and the whole enterprise become orifice of the 'Inysterious pass.' This orifice
skcwcd_ Even if one attempts to halt the is so vast that nothing is beyond it and so
process, it will be too late. For a woman this small that nothing is within it. You cannot
will result in the spirit taking flight, and for grasp it with the mind or open it by
a man in congealing of the Ching. Can one circulation. The method is simply to wait for
afford to be less than caulious! Alas, we the body to reach a state of emptiness and all

Women Practices
cares are laid to rest. In the midst of the internally_ From the trigram K'un (The
void, forget the void: in the midst of Rcceptivc) one reaches Ken (Keeping Still).
stillness. forget stillness. The spirit naturally •s

enters the shell and the ch'i emerges from Boarding the raft and entering the
within. The ch'i mass, as amorphous as mist, Milky Way, one senses a golden light
is without head or tail. This is the first like a flash of lightning and cool ch'i
appearance of the 'thing' and thc first sign of spreading in space like clouds or mist
the body beyond the body. Without opening that encircle the whole body. At this
this orifice, even if one is ablc to 'slay the point, avoid all human judgments,
dragon' and become divine, it is no more whether of admiration or doubt. As
than the illusion of 'yellow leaves.' How can soon as a thought arises, discard it.
this be called 'forming the fetus? How can One will feel as if there is a kind of
this be called •entering the gate"? What has ch'i function that fills one completely,
been described in preceding chapters still is so that there is no inner and Outer and
merely •yellow leaves' and not the 'true no boundaries. Suddenly a host of
gold.'" transformations appear, too numerous
Tai-hsü said: "Even if massage is carried to count. They are indescribable and
out improperly, to abandon it would result in inexplicable. However, there also are
a failure to activate the ch'i function_ Even those who experience total silence
if concentration is carried out mistakenly, to without flashcs of light, as if plunged
abandon it would result in insufficient ch'i in lacquer black night. All these arc
and Ching. Pursuing our practice further, called •mystenous manifestations.'
cvcn reaching the level of understanding that They also are called the 'signs of
the material world exists yet does not exist is perfection of the other shore.'2S In
still not considered the final goal by the reality, these are also images of the
Master, for it still is merely a matter of 'this perfection of the enlightened self. ' It is
side. Nevertheless, when the matter of 'this called the 'three realms Of the
sidc' is complete, then 'that side' is easily Avatamsaka, Surangama, and Lotus
opened. If •that side' is not open, then the Sutras'29 and the mysterious lands of
ch'i function is many mountains away. Its the 'three isles'30 and 'ten regions. '31
opening is accomplished by guiding it with In reality, this is the 'transformation
the mind, and then it naturally rushes in ch'i function' of the self of the other
from all sides. Therefore, although separated shore. The 'other shore' is not actually
by mountains and lakes, as soon as the c.h 'i another shore. but at the same time this
function is opened, it is like meeting face to is actually proof of the Other shore.
face. What is the method for achieving The Master said: "Someone once
this?" Hearing this the Master said: asked Yüan•chün about perfect purity,
'Projectina the light to attract it, and Yüan-chün answered: 'This is it;
concentrating the mind to wait for the proper this is it!'" She also said: "Is not men's
moment, descending when it rises and practice just the same?"
returning when it retreats—this is merely
cultivated ability and confers no benefit _ Chapter Eight
The method is simply to be perfectly still in
the midst Of chaos, to maintain an attitude Ni-wan said: "There is a verse that
of emptiness and receptivity. As soon as the goes, 'Upside down and downsidc up,
eh 'i function is activated, one feels a this is the work of Ch'ien and K'un.
pleasurable sensation- Now continue to •rhe two ch'i exchange Ching,
remain motionless and make a mental effort combining Ken and metal.'" He also
to secure it, harboring and refining it said: "The eagle catches thc sparrow
and the hawk gets the cold crow. The
Art of the Bedchamber
tine within the fine; the wonder within cold. If one is not hungry, it is because the
the wonder. This is none other than time has not come, but when the time comes
knowing the white, but keeping to the then one may eat _ •I his is the wonder
black; knowing the male, but playing within thc wonder, and the mystery within
the female. What is this but the mystery. Knowing the white, one holds
maintaining nonexistence and to the black. Through total forgetfulness one
preserving existence?' gains perfect completeness _ If we ask hiln
T'ai-hsü said: "'Though women may what is gained, it is that absolute
not be able to daily recite the Lao Izu nothingness is absolute possession. This
and Chuang tzu, nevertheless, the Ch then is the Master's subtle meaning- Thus,
'ingChing Ching should be thoroughly existence and nonexistence are mutually
studied. dependent; both taking and giving up must
The household rules for women should 211 follow the One. If the material body is not
be respected, but is there nothing beyond transformed, there is no hope for success. '
this save the two classics, K'un-ning and Chapter Nine
Chen-i? However, if one's •intrinsic nature' Ni-wan said: ' 'How wonderful are your
is not thoroughly developed, one's life will words! It is said that wishing to transcend
be difficult 10 preserve, and if one's the mundane, one must first purify the
discipline is not strict, one's work will not be mundane mind. Then one must come to sec
serious. The Master's meaning in quoting the 'three realms'" as void, but without
these verses is most esoteric and profound. violating the duties of a woman. Do not
Can this be easy to fathom? Even if one was flatter the ghosts and gods. Bc filial and
to reveal the highest method, how could the benevolent, never offending one's elders. Bc
common woman comprehend it? Many are obedient and proper, never violating the tao
those for whom it would be utterly of K'un. Follow reason in your activities and
unattainable. Thus containing the whole of be like a Buddha in your stillness. While
the Huo chi,3z thoroughly study the Huang wielding the dustpan and broom, dwell in
Ti yin-fu [Ching], the Ts'an-Cung [ch'il, and the mystery uf the tao. While managing the
Wu-chen [p'ienl. Only then can one begin to stove and cooking fire, realize the spiritual
discuss what is set forth in this chapter. Let •firing time' The Odes say: 'As majestic and
me generally reveal some clues. Upside magnificent as great mountains or the
down and downside up, round and round it Yellow River, but how unfortunate she was,
goes. Perceiving the onc within the one and and what is to be done?'3S Is this not a
apprehending the one before us, everything warning to later generations?"
that strikes us is simply the two ch'i. When T'ai-hsü said: '"The principles contained
their essences interact, myriad in this chapter arc most subtle. Among
manifestations are produced. and there is Taoists and Buddhists, few are those who
nothing that docs not appear to us. This is adhcrc to the duties of womanhood; and few
able to contain the whole universe.33 The are those who understanding the true
manifestations of the universe are brilliant dharma-nature of reality-36 are able to serve
and resplendent. Brilliance and splendor are their masters and elders with gentleness and
the be. ginning of the 'other shore,' but do obedience. For the most part, they are
not be led astray by the beginning. The envious and cruel, and violate the norms of
original beginning is my beginning. The propriety. Disciples and masters have no
beginning of the beginning is not one and respect for morality, and thereby cast
one. One and one and one are not complete. themselves into the deepest hell. Is this not a
How can one say that stillness and pity!"
immobility represents an inferior level of
achievement? The small swallow takes after
the great swallow; the cold crow suffers the

Women Practices
Correct Methods for Women's without the "middle pass." It is just that here
women's practicc is a little different. The
Practice exercises begin at the breast, or "'upper
Nü-kung Cheng-fa by pass," proceed to the navel, or "midd]e
Ling Yang Tao Jen pas.s," and end by returning to the womb, or
"lower pass." Later the middle and lower are
(Ho Hsien-ku) transformed into one point _ A man refines
Edited by Ch'en Ying-ning his Ching. This is called "yang major refines
tion the ch'i." The woman refines her blood. This
is called "yin major refines the body.
At sixteen a man's Ching becomes The secret of fire and wind is knowing the
functional. When the Ching is full it is shed. appropriate use of "civil and martial." The
At fourteen a women's menses becomes "martial" is employed in the middle and the
operational. When the menses is full it "civil" at the beginning and end. While
overfiows. If people wish to avoid shedding practicing '"cosmic orbit' circulation, do not
and overflowing, they must understand wind forget both "observation and stillness." In
and fire. Fire is the "'original spirit," and one day there are
wind is the "true breath." Bringing the spirit 's
and breath into complementary balance is twelve [Chinese] hours _ Whatever
accomplished by inner awareness. The the mind conceives can be
method is LO direct the gaze from the accomplishcd_ Whoever can grasp
"mysterious orifice" in the eye to the ch'i- both the prenatal and the postnatal ch'i
hsüeh. The concentra(ion of the ch'i and will feel as if intoxicated the whole
spirit comes from the act Of mental day.
absorption. When the natural wind and fire Common women in the world are
interact continuously, it transforms the too deeply stained by custom. They
Ching and increases the ch'i, transforms the covet flesh foods and arc easily prey
ch'i and increases the spirit. When the spirit LO lustful thoughts- They spy
has been perfected and the body someone and are given in marriage,
transformed, then there is a body beyond the but in their hearts they have regrets. In
body _ The aphorism says: the spring they are moved to love, but
If one can but keep the spirit and breath in u-
in the autumn they are wounded. even
mstant mutual gaze, to the point of suffering consumption.
Then the body witl be changed and the "jade They indulge in raw and cold foods,
liquid" flow. which bring On irregular menses.
Relying solely On the "Cave Of Life Added to this. they are easily led
Everlasting." We refine the yang spirit that astray, so that both their bodies and
manifests at the "Gate of the Highest. •• reputations are destroyed. They spend
We must undcrstand that all creatures that live the whole day harboring hatred. People
must die, should take a lesson from this and not
But we must know that when the •'original create negative karma. Those who for
spirit" dies it is horn again. bear know peace within themselves;
If we cyan cause thc "spirit of the mind" to those who repent know happiness
dwell within thc ch'i,
within themselves. The mind is content
"Ihcn the ' 'infant" will be securely nourished
and success is assured. and the heart like still water. One
If one practices in this way. should constantly emulate the golden
What danger that the inner elixir fail? statue with mouth sealed and tonguc
hidden. In movement or stillness. in
The method is to burst open the Jen and words and deeds, maintain fidelity and
Tu channels. The circulation is within and preserve decorum_ Break down the
Art of the Bedchamber
barrier of the emotions and leap out Of
the sea 0t desires- In the human body,
puberty is the wellspring for the
cultivation of life. By urgently seeking
the proper training methods. this may
be transformed through refinement into
the "true essence. " When practices are
performed over a long period in this
world, the spirit rcturns to heaven
above. You seekers of the way should
each motivate yourselves.
Chapter I _ Understanding the
Foundation and Purifying the Bear?
If you wish to understand the foundation,
you must first purify thc heart. When not a
speck of dust remains to pollute us, we will
never go astray in the world. When the heart
is empty and the desires purified, there
naturally is a sense of peace and tranquility.
With the clarity Of a mirror or the
transparency of water. the heart is now pure.
We may now speak of understanding the
foundation. Woman 213

Women Practices
Of the postnatal ch'i enters,
painstakingly preserve them.
belongs by nature to the Kun principle. Her
The woman's "breast stream" is
back is yin and her front yang. The breasts
her 214 upper elixir point. The location
are the external orifices, and the "breast
behind the navel and in front of the
stream" the internal point. The point is
kidneys is the "middle pass." The
located six-and-a-half-tenths of an inch on
"feminine gate" is the "lower pass." The
the Sixth story of the "storied pavilion,"
wotnb is the crucible. Now draw the
facing the ••palaw gate ers" of the
consciousness down from between the
tenth story. In sitting, first "straddle the
eyes to the "brcast stream" and then to the
crane," with legs and knees placed one
navel and the womb, creating a Single
upon the other. Tightly lock the "lower
connecting channel. The "primordial
pass" (the "fountain gate") to secure the
seeds" the source of life. The man's
primal ch'i. Move the "upper pass" (the
original Ching is the highest yang-ch'i; the
"breast stream") and avoid leakage from
woman's true blood is the highest yin-
the lower. The "middle pass" is one and
ching. These are the treasures that give life
three-tenths of an inch within the navel.
to the body and are the root of the myriad
If one desires to avoid the "five
trans. formations, The man stores it in the
leakages." one must guard the "three
ming-men, that is, the ch'i.hsüeh; the
passes. "1 The senses of hearing and vision
woman stores it in the 'feminine gate," that
should be constantly directed within, and
is, within the womb. When passion stirs, it
the mouth closed without speech. The ch'i
is difficult to preserve them. but when the
should be concentrated in the "breast
heart is still, they may be pro
stream" and the spirit focused in the '
However, onc needs both wind and fire to
'golden chamber. "2 One's "intrinsic
refine and transform them so that they are
nature" is settled in the "sea of
forever preserved.
enlightenment,' and the consciousness fixed
in the '"palace ofthe elixir. "4 Revert to the Chapter 2. Cultivating the Menses
One and concentrate the mind. The
*'Golden Mother"5 focuses the attention in At fourteen a woman's menses begins and
the heart, Lao tzu in the "orifices," and the her blood becomes deficient. Although
Buddha on the end of the nose. The end is every month the menstrual flow is
the "tail of the nose," which is called the replenished, in reality, every month brings
"root of the mountain"6 and it is located injury and waste. Postmenopausal women
between the two eyes _ The sages have who desire to cultivate the menses through
considered this the point at which to refinement and transformation must first
practice stillness. If one can faithfully cause it to return again. Refrain from
maintain this, it is the locus Of the highest eating raw or cold foods to avoid
good. stagnation of the blood. However, because
When [a boy] is sixteen, observe the the menstrual flow is the very foundation
term just before the onset lof puberty]. The of life, the method for beginning to refine
"seven emotions" are absent and the "five it seems to involve deliberate action. It
void. The heart is alwavs content, transforms and increases the blood and
and one is sprightly and full Gf life, like cWi so that there will be no further injury.
my teacher, Master Lü. When the '"ao Existence is the beginning* of
source" is jade pure, concentrate the spirit nonexistence; nonexistence is the end Of
at the ch'i.hsüeh, focusing on the "lower existence.
tan.t'ien-" Consciousness issues from Where there is a specific point, use
between the eyes and is drawn down to the effort so that the postnatal ch'i can flow
ch'i•hsüeh_ The prenatal ch'i arrives, and freely; where there is no specific point, use
Art the Bedckumber
the mind so that the prenatal c,h'i becomes full. the way to the ni-wan. Now press the
Wherever the mind goes the eye follows, and lower lip tightly against the upper lip.
the spirit and breath are coordinated. It 's
transforms the blood and increases the ch'i, while consciously sending the true cWi up to
refines the eh'i and nourishes the spirit. Begin the ni-wan and down to the nasal orifice _
with the "middle pass" and deliberately raise it When the tongue touches the "bridge of
straight up thirty-six times _ Raising it to the heaven," the "sweet dew" comes naturallv.
"up per pass," cause it to revolve thirty-six With one contraction of the nose, the
times each to the left and right. Now direct it to saliva is deliberately swallowed and
the breasts and revolve it thirty-six times each to directed dawn to the arca below the navel.
the left and right. If the "vale of heaven" is not Place the hand on the female part, and with
hot, the chi has not yet risen. If the "earth the idea of using effort, [press] all the way
fountain" is not hot, the ch 'i has not yet to the womb thirty-six times. When the
descended. The mind should direct the eve to *'sweet dew" enters the crucible, the hot
focus on the '"upper and lower passes." Inter, ch'i begins to circlc about _ The heel of the
lace the fingers of the two hands and place them foot should be pressed tightly. and body
over the area below the navel and abovc the and mind should both be calm. The womb
"fountain." Now, as if using conscious effort, is now settled and peacefuL As Wei Yüan-
raise it directly up thirty-six times. Bring it up to chün said: '•When the treasure returns to
the "hreast stream" and then to the inside of the the 'north sea,'9 then one is at peace and
external orifice of the breasts. Revolve to the everything is in its proper place."
left and right cach thirty-six times.
Chapter 4. Training the Breasts and
Chapter 3. Training Methods for Returning 10 Youth
Slaying the Dragon
The breasts connect with the heart and
The secret method for "slaying the dragon't lungs above and reach down to the "sca of
involves deliberate action. At the Izu and wu ch 'i" below, If one wishes to train the
hours sit as if "'riding the crane" and knock the breasts so that they acquire the form of a
teeth together seventy-two times to open the young girl's, the work consists Of ' 'slaying
"lung shi' points. Using your postnatal ch'i, the dragon Increase and direct the "sweet
breathe through the nose naturally for a count of dcw" straight to the "crimson palace."
thirty-six, and the meridians of the whole body Focus the mind on the two breasts and
will open. The heel should firmly press against
revolve to the left and right thirtysix times
the '"gate of the fountain." Interlace the fingers
and place them under the navel. NOW each. The lips [arc prcsscd together) above
deliberately raise [the ch'i] straight up thirty-six and below, the teeth are clamped together
times. Bringing it to the "uppcr pass," usc the tightly, and the nostrils are closed. Use
imagination to revolve it in each direction thirtv- internal breathing _
six times. Now extend it to the "middle pass" Apply the palms Of the two hands to the
and revolve it with the imagination in each breasts, massaging each in a circular
direction thirty-six times. The hands press up motion to the left and right seventy-two
against heaven In a relaxed manner thirty-six times. First relaxed and then harder; first
times and likewise in an urgent manner thirty- light and then heavy. In 100 days your
six tlmcs_ training will be complete and they will
When there is a sudden movement in the wei- resemble the form of walnuts. Long ago
lü, place the two hands on the sides Of thc Feng Hsien Ku•s Lien ju chüeh (Secret
waiSL, gnash the teeth tightly, and raise the transmission on training the breasts) said:
shoulders straight up. When the chia-chi, ' The left is the sun and the right the moon: a
'double passes," and lung shu points all feel yin and yang.
moved, then deliberately straighten the head and The internal circulation Ot the nasal breath
back, and raise [the to the yü-chen. and then all is called "turning the Big Dipper.•
Women Practices
[f you wantyin and yang to revert to the Sun and
The true fire must he cultivated in the two palms.
Art the Bedckumber

of Fetal Breath
Chapter S. Setting up rhe Crucible If you are able to avoid such errors
and Forming the Fetus in breathing as panting, roughness, and
For men, the "lower, middle. and upper shallowness, then the nasal breath will
tan•t'ien" are the crucibles. For women. become regulatcd. When cwcry breath
the "womb, navel, and breast stream" are rcverts to the root, this then is the fetal
the crucibles. The womb is one and breath. As long as the breath moves.
three-tenths inches from the lower tan. there is pulse in the blood vessels. but
dien and two and eight-tenths inches 216 when the breath is stationary. the
from the navel. It is also located below pulse stors. Ancient texts declare:
the "upper pass," or breasts. Above is the "Consuming ch'i does not lead to long
"breast stream," in the middle is the life. one must subdue the ch'i_•' When
navel. and below the womb. Its position the true breath circulates, one can then
extends from the exterior to the interior. subdue the ch'i. After practicing "slaying
but its function is from the interior to the the dragon." rest for a while. When the
exterior. The male is without womb and "seven emolions" no longer manifest and
instead takes the tan•t'ien as the great random thoughts no longer arise, then
crucible. This is why although the name press the foot against the "gate of the
is the same, what they point to is fountain." bring the lips together to
different. conceal the teeth, and let the mind
Master 's Chin-hua Chi says that the follow the vision in focusing on the three
two eyes "return the light." From the and eight-tenths of an inch that separate
point between the eyes concentrate the the heart and kidneys. Spin [the ch'il to
mind and focus it on the lower tan.t'ien. the left and revolve it to the right for
After the woman has carried out the forty-ninc breaths. When the "sweet
training methods for "slaying the dew" comes natural imagine
dragon," she should relax for a few swallowing and raising Ithe ch'i .
moments and then "return the light" "Raising" means causing it to revert to
from the point between the eyes and the navel. The ch'i then becomes
deliberately direct it to the "breast concentrated and after a long time turns
stream" thirty-six times. Then direct it in into the "fetal breath." By not attempting
turn to the navel and lower or wontb. to exhale, the exhalation comes
each thirty• six times. Use the mind to naturally; by not attempting to inhale,
draw the water of the "flowery pool" to the inhalation comes naturally; and by
the upper crucible, and draw the not attempting to raise anything. the
secretions of the heart and lungs there as ascent comes natural• ly. Within thc •
well, Consciously direct the "true gold •gate Of the feminine'• is a natural
from the middle of the sea" to the upper opening and closing. Naturally and
crucible. After this, deliberately direct it gently, the elixir cOmc.S into Of itself.
down to the middle crucible, and then to
the great crucible, where it is revolved Chapter 7. Return of the Muid and
eighteen times. When it is hot within, Formation of the Fetus
the fire rises; when the crucible has been
established, the fetus begins to form. When a man practices the "water
wheel." the spirit is fire and the breath is
Chapter 6. Natural Regulation Ofthe wind. What he daily gathers is returncd
Art the Bedckumber

to the stove, where it is refined into the

"lesser medicine." When the ch'i is abundant
and the spirit perfected, the "greater
medicine" forms. When the "tive dragons
serve the sage"" and the circulation becomes
natural, then move from the lower to the
middle (tan.t'ienl; as the ch'i in. creases and
the spirit is nourished, now shift to the
"upper tan•t'ien." First penetrating the *'gate
of the highest," the "jade liquid returning
elixir" like clarified butter irrigates the crown
Of the head. When the yang spirit has been
thoroughly tempercd, this then is called
becoming an immortal.
If one asks what is the woman's "jade
liquid returning elixir," it is the "red dragon"
that has been transformed into the
Women Practices
"white phoenix." When it fills the "lower guard the fetus Now once again mentally
field," it is like gestating a fetus. After one's mobilize the sound an15 and direct it to the
practice is complete, the ch'i is transformed "central pass." After nine times your work
and the spirit becomes luminaus and rounded will be completc. The yin rises and the yang
to perfection. As it passes through the "gate descends, and they meet in the ' 'central
of the highest." it approaches the state of crucible." A halo surrounds the "gate of thc
yang spirit _ The "jade liquid returning highest" as the Bodhisattva Kuan-yin sits
elixir" like clarified butter irrigates the crown atop Mount Potala.
of the head. Never departing from the
practice above, one must emulate the Chapter 9. The Yang Spirit Luminous
Bodhisattva Kuanyin atop Mount Potala_ 12 and Perfect

Chapter & Refining and During the stage of the *'jade liquid returning
Transforming the Yang Spirit elixir," the yang spirit is not yet pure, but when the
' 'pearl' • is received in the "southern sea," the yang
First transforming the Ching and increasing the spirit becomes luminous and perfect. like the
ch'i. then refining the ch'i into spirit: this is the Bodhisattva Kuan-vin atop Mount Potala. The
man's inner elixir. First transforming the blood mind like a dragonfly consults the "'fifty-three
and Increasing the ch'i, then refining the ch'i into wise ones"16 and takes refuge in the Buddha.
spirit: this is the woman's inner elixir. Both use When the root of consciousness reverts to the
fire and wind. As for the woman "slaying the primal source and the six senses are transcended,
dragon;' it consists of transforming the blood into then the spirit becomes naturally perfect and clear.
eh'i. It also is said that one must regulate the The virtuous]' daughter of the Dragon King,
breath and transform the ch'i into spirit. If the ch'i holding the precious pearl in her hand, offers it as
is nol refined, the spirit will not be sufficient, and light fills the ten directions. When the heart and
the body too will not he healthy. If one serves kidneys have interacted, the spirit and ch 'i
only the yin spirit. the yang spirit will not come naturally harmonize. Thc true sccd is formed, and
into being. -rhe method consists of entering the
the holy fetus is nourishcd_ "Purple bamboos live
stillness of meditation and using the "Six
Character Secret Transmission. "13 Mentally apart" means that the nature of the liver is
mobil- ize the sound an, arising in the navel, and benevolent. '"White parrot dances in flioht'• means
fix it in thc "'middle tan-r'ien." Now revolve it to that the condition af the lungs is righteous. The
the left and right. each thirtysix times. Mentallv "'combining of metal and wood" means that nature
mobilize the sound ma and place it to the east in and condition are unified. 'Tiger crouches and
the liver. Now revolve it to the left and right each dragon descends• means that water and fire
thirty-six times. Mentally mobilize the sound ne, complement cach other. The '"pure precious vase"
and place it to the south in the heart. Revolve it to metaphorically expresses the secretions Of the
the left and right each thirty-six times. Mentally lungs. The "willow branches" rcpresent the tail of
mobilize the sound pa, and place it to the west in the liver. The saliva of the "'flowery pool" may be
the lungs. Revolve it to the left and right each compared to "swcct dcw_" The ni-wan at the
thirty-six times. Mentally Inobilize the sound mi, crown Of the head sits unshakably as it atop Mount
and place it to the north in the kidneys. Revolve it Potala. The method of salvation is to mentally
to the left and right cach thirty-six times. mobilize the sound un and direct it to the place of
Mentally mobilize the sound hung, and extend it the "true breath"; that is, the "great crucible." The
to the niwan. Revolve it to the left and right each monk Pao of
thirty-six timcs_ By concentrating the mind, the
"hun spirit" and the "p'o An's basket18 is projected into the
•s navel. and the mouth seems to be
reciting the mantra chia-lo-fa-ro_ Ihe
ch'i"14 both revert to the highest point and mind is concentratcd and all peace.
arc refined and transformed into yang. Yin Wisdom is now pervasive and perfect.
dwells in the crucible remaining still to Allow the waves of the "southern sea"
to roll on and on. When the original light will bc pcrfcctcd and the five lights
yang-ch'i is abundant and the fire Of the unite as one. Earth thunder naturally
spirit luminous and perfect, then the resounds, and the gates of heaven naturally
orcat medicine bursts through the open. The yang spirit goes forth and atter
passes. One knows and contemplates doing so returns _ At first it stays close by
only contentment. The heart is settled and later ventures further. Be on guard
and the tnind pure. and there is nothing against getting lost, for at this juncture it is
hut contemplation. This great method is necessary to be very careful.
the mawelous true secret. It is far
superior to the method of "slaying the Chapter ll. Perfection of Training and
dragon." Carry this out for "nine Transcendence of rhe World
revolutions" and one will gain the
"seven returns." When the fruits of your When the yang spirit is able to come and go
practice revert to the navel, the yang freely and easily, then the true self travels
spirit appears at the crown of the head. comfortably at will. Still living in the world
After the precious radiance has of men, one establishes great merit. When
ascended, body and spirit both attain a One's merit is profound and the moment of
wondrous slate_ One's meritorious destiny arrives, the true master appears with
achievement has reached perfection and final salvation and brings you into the
the heavenly decree is about to arrive. presence Of the Lord on High. One next
Chapter I (L Incubation and visits all the heavens and finally the "jade
Enlightenment pool," wherc after an audience with the '
'Golden Mother," one receives appointment
When the '"great crucible" has been as an immortal. This is transcendence of the
established and the "great Inedicinc' world.
obtained, When the holy fetus has formed
and the yang spirit has appeared. it is still Appendix 1. First Cure the Menstrual
necessary to incubate it. Suckle it for three Problems
years, and meditate facing the wall for nine.
Settle the breath so that it is smooth and Before pregnancy or following childbirth
continuous, maintain undivided there may be blockagc Of the menses
concentration, and coordinate the spirit and resalting in illness. In such cases, add waist
breath. For 3,000 days one should guard it as massage to your practice, thirty-six times to
if protecting an infant. Never forget this for the left and right; likewise for the shoulders,
an instant _ Close the eyes for two days, and up and down and to the left and right each
light will follow wherever the mind focuses. thirty-six times. To this add massage of the
Maintain it in the inner orifices, and with center of the navel. With the two hands
stillness it penetrates even deeper. The ch'i interlaced. massage seventy-two times in
becomes warm as springtime and the '•sweet each direction. When the interior of the body
dew" is produced copiously. Ch'i circulates is warm, stop. If there is profuse bleeding
throughout the entire body, beginning With between periods or vaginal discharge, then to
the womb and then traveling up the hack and the preceding exercises add the upside down
down the front. The "water wheel" turns of "hanging tiger method." Hang upside down
itself, transforming the mundane body into by your feet from a horizontal beam. The
Our true form. When a man realizes body takes the shape of a golden hook with
enlightenment, white light 218 penetrates the the fingers supporting you On the ground.
crown of the head, and then black, green, Mentally focusing on the area below the
red, and finally gold. When a woman realizes navel, make a complete orbit hy circling to
enlightenment, black light penetrates the the left and right each 120 timcs_ To cure
crown of her head, and then red, green, and blocked menses, stagrant blood, and swelling
gold. When one's training is complete, the in the lower abdomen, add "right side up
Art the Bedckumber
hanging sea tortoise" to the above exercise-
Hang from a horizontal beam with the palms
together and the toes touching the ground.
With eyes closed and head low. ered,
contemplate the heart thirty-six times. The
mind follows the eye's gaze as it is directed
to the point six-tenths of an inch below the
navel thirty-six times. The eyes then
contemplate the afflicted area thirty-six
times. This eliminates every kind of
affiction. Secretly use the true fire of the
mind's spirit to curc illness. This is the secret
method of curing illness transmitted by Wei
Yüan-ehün, Ts'ui Feng, Sun Ma-t'uan, and
Yü Ch'ou-pieh.
Appendix 2. Reestablishing Menses after
If the menstrual flow has already dried up,
then it is first necessary to restore it. The
method for mentally raising it cmplayed in
the practice of "slaying the dragon" should
he reversed to send it forth- Revolving left
and right should be changed to massaging
left and right. In 100 days the menses will
return. Now wait three days and then apply
the previous practices. After another hundred
days one's practice will be complete and [the
dragon) will be "slain.
A ogui
b Chin
b ese"
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v and
i ment
a ary
t on
i Ishi
o mpö
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U shed
s ymo
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i titles
as Su
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N g
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" yüan
Coll yen•
chiu 'at-
- pu
she) CTCY Chin-tan chieh•yao
and Chung-wen ta Iz'u•rien
Su FCPI Fang-Chung pu-i
Nü Hsiu-chen yen-i
Chi HCYI mi-fang pai-ping
la Humana The Chinese Way of Love
ck'ü H.V.G. The E5senriaIs of Medicine in
an Ancient China and Japan, Vol. 2.
(Sh Levy The Tao of Sex
eng Needham Science and Civilization in China,
•hu vols. 2, 5_
o Ma Wang tui Han-mu po-shu
ch• PSN Prescriptions of Su Nti
u- (reconstructed)
pan SNC Su Nü Ching (reconstructed)
SNML Su Ntä miao-lun
Cha de Smedt Chinese Eroticism
Tung Hsüan tau (reconstructed)
Tao Erotic Colour Prints of the
of L Ming
o pe Period Or Sexual Life in
and Ancient
Sp_ T
r h
CK e
Chu H
ng- a
kun n
g- C
she l
ng t' a
WHM Yü•fang pi-chüeh (colloguial
Chinesc translation and
commentary by Wu Hsiu-ming)
YFCY Yü-fang chih-yao
YFPC Yü-fang pi•chüeh
YNSI Yü-nü sun -i
i s
c h
s o
e s
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Unit u
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Notes The Classics Rediscovered

Han Harper. Its in the "Ta le fu," how-

cvcr, gives us the best context frcyn which
absetke Of mrquivocal parallel in the sexual to capture its implications. I accept
literature for the practice of spitting on a pelvic region, the basket• Which
part• ner•s wrists, wc must begin to 100k sexual
elsewhere for a plausablc reading Of E. I
propose to read ± as in the sense of "cross" 6. llarper feels that the character fu in
or "pass over," partly by default and partly the phrase instructs the man to "cov• er" the
because it resonates sympathetically with woman's body with his own and marks the
the Other verbs of journeying in the passage. ••shift from foreplay to copulation
3. I concur with Harper's reading of coinciding with the shift in rhyrnc."
hsün as "stroke." but not without much Although Harper offers no parallel passages
soul (and text) searching The characters and in the sexual literature to support this
are interchangcablc in ancient literature, and interpretation, they indeed are rare, and fu "i
both can be madc to work in this context. in the Secrets Of the Bedchamber is the
Pulling in the direction 01 G, meaning to only example I know Of. The verb fu is used
crm• tinue or follow along, are the use Of frequently in the Shang•ch'ing huang•shu A-
travel metaphor in this and paralleB in the go. i to indicate placing Of the hands Over
medical literature, such as the Ma Wang tui the partner's hands. but never body over
Tsu-pei shih—i mai chiu-ching and Su wen. body. One cannot avoid also noticing in the
" Ku kung tun," where the verbs Z, k, F, Huangshu the frequent use Of fu chou and
and even appear in tight contexts dc. huan Often in close proximity, meaning
scribing sequences Of meridian points. •gain. all OS*r. and return. Harper
pulling in the direction Of the "stroke" associates chou•huan With and tu reinforce
interpretation are Shuo wen (Efinition Of the its reading as a noun, but unlike Other points
combination Ls'ao-hsün in the middle this or place names in this passage, it is tw
paragra#. the phrase in generic and lacks specificity Of reference. In
'"Shih wen," and most of all, the closely fact. it is better attested as a verb. meaning
parallet in "Yang•shcng tang." to circle. as in Han "Chiao-ssu chi-hsia,"
The Object Of the verb, chou•fang like most Fan Ybeh•s "She Chih HI," and in inverted
Of thc points in this topography, is form in Su wen. ••Chii t•ung Ion." We
unattested in the received literature. Like perhaps entirely rule Out the æ»ibibty
fang however, the metaphor being that the phrase may mean something like
itu•omplete allows reuonably certain iden- ••repeat the circuit again.
7. According to references and
4. I larper explores the possibilities for commentaries in the Shih chi, "Tsang Kung
tsuokang quite resourcefully, but in the end chuan," the ch 'üeh•p'en is the above thc
cannot definitively decipher the metaphor. breast." The Su wen, •'CWi fu luff' de. fines
let alone iB referent. Because it lies it as an XupunCture point in the "well Of the
somewhere between armpit and neck in Our clavicle," the sense in which it still is used
itinerary, Harper's ••Perhaps tsao kung refers today.
co the thorax or to some part thereof" seems 8. The expression Il-chin is
a safe assumption. The use Of the word in rcminiscent Of li-ch•uan (see Huang-t'ing
ana• tornical nomenclature can be seen in Ching and HCYI). Which denotes the
yang• kang an acupuncture point on the secretions of the "jade pool" under the
bladder meridian, and mu-chih-kang the tongue. Harper ack. these
ends Of the eyelids. asscriations, as well as the apparent linear
S. term is amply attested in such progression of 'Wints from breast bone to
sources as the I Ching and Shih Ching, and vagina, but he spares no philological
its feminine associations are well argued by footwork in shifting the wurce south to the
Notes The Classics Rediscovered

"vicinity of the receiving canister think it is

that ''sweet Wine ford" relers to the breasts
Or cleavage. HCYI calls the breast
ch'iung-chiang a term men. tioned as early
as the Ch'u indicating drink Of the highest
quality. We might also summon iu-hsi
"breast stream." from the literature or
women's cultivation in sup.
Of this interpretation Is it that there is a
double-entendre involving the char. Eter ,
meaning both a ford in a stream and bodily
9. Haqxr Out the of the term p'o•hai in
Chinese geography as the Of Water
Into Which the Yellow River empties. In
Chuang ••Ch'iu-shui, " we arc told that the at
its eastern extremity pours into the Wei-lu a
term of known physiological significance
denottng tbc anal area at the base ot the
spine. Unfortunately. the physiological
significance Of is not
similarly attested, though its extrapolated wherever therc was question Of absorbing Dr
position in the present sequence Of points circulating sexual zergy_ The term appears only
and Its resonance with ch'i-hai yüan-kai ita-, twice, Zwever, in the Ma Wang tui yang-shen
and pei-hai make it a likely cover for the texts, times in "'Shih wen," where once it
ran•t'ien. Harper asks, ' 'could the Spurting refers Z the "spirit" of grain in winc and later, in a
Sea refer, then, to a region below the navel ral way, to male virility. The clearest ex-
and above the genitals?" Uniting Yin and Yang
10_ 'Ihe PS editors identify amplcs of absorbing female sexual encrgy in
the northern of the Five Holy Peaks Of Ma Wang tui exist outside of the two texts
China. Harper considers its anatomical translated here. Found chiefly in "Shih wen,
referent to be "the rise Of the female absorption most Often is expressed with
genitals, the pudendum femininum." I feel the verbs shih R, yin-shih , or ju A. We
that mons Veneris, or prominence of the sometimes find Ching alone as the Object
pubic symphysis, may be more accurate. Of absorption, but never shen alone. I
The pudendum refers to the vulva itself, bclieve that here is the functional equivalent
Which then makes hsüan-men of and that it denotes the energetic
redundant. aspect Of the Ching. My translation, '•cking
Il _ Harper traces the term hsüan-men spirit," is intended to indicate the
undeniably vagina, to Lao tzu and the ' uniqueness of the Original compound;
•Hsiang erh" commentary's dermition as however, the sense should be understood as
yin-k"uag NL. It is intercsting that also essentially sexual energy
is used to designate Taoism itself, based on 13_ The term ckiao-chin translated rather
Lao Perhaps most telling -in the present stiffly here as ' 'coital sinew" (a more
context is the parallel hsüan-ktum in HCYI, colloquial rendering might be ' 'love
where it represents the "lower peak.' muscle"), though not attested in the
12_ There are a number of perplexing literature, is defined later in this paragraph
ambiguities in the phrase shang ho Ching as ckiao-mat "coital channel. " It is not
shen Is a fused semantic unit or coordinate one of the twelve vaginal points enumerated
complements? If fused, is the dominant in the ' 'Highest Tao" and it is diffcult to
aspect Ol' in other words, is it the ching-like determine if it refers to a structual locus or
shen or the sken of the Ching? Lastly, is the an energetic pathway- Harpcr calls it "the
the man's, the woman's, or a blend of the duct (ma) inside the vagina that triggers
two? Harper's ' 'the essence and spirit" Orgasm." Linfortunately the term
indicates a spearate hut equal inter, pretation which appears once in YFPC and noWhere
of the two characters, but his "thc" leaves else in the sexual literature, is equally
the source of these entities in doubt. I cannot Inysterious_ fie verbs 'Sua hsün are highly
produce a single unequivocal example the suggestive Of digital manipulation, but
two characters gs coodinate complements in whether the object is the clitorns, the vaginal
cither the earlier or later literature Casting tract as a whole, Or some third concept is
about for parallel passages, we find another problematic. Surveying this entirc passage,
instance of at the very end of this ext, where the metaphoric terminology most closely
believe the male is the subjcct; the rescmbles that of the Tung Hsuan and the
sentient rather than the encrgctic —pect Of ritualistic tone resonates with the
thc combination is emphasized. An roximate Shangch'ing hunng-shu kuo-!u i. At the
parallel exists ill SNML, Chapter same timc, the various anatomical points
where again it seems to indicate seem to repre sent a coherent sequence
c spirit." The phrase in "Shih also shows the based On medical theory. Comparison with
same tendencv. Three ogues in 'Shih wen" current acupuncture meridians. however, is
end with mutually parallel phrases using the inconclusive Stephen Chang's Tao of
term Shen-ch'i denote sexual energy. Sexology describes a sequence Of foreplay
By the time of the O texts, one would involving a two-stage stimulation of various
normally expect to the combination acupoints beginning with the mach
meridian and ending With the kidney
meridian. Although Chang does not
reveal the source Of his sequence, nor
is it a perfect match With the present
passage, an interesting similarity is
that both patterns begin at the ex
trcmities and end at the genitals
14. There are a number of
problems in the phrase I stand
with Harper's rejection of PS reading
of for and for Without
providing corroboraLive parallels, PS
emends all instances of to ,
regardless of whether the context calls
for pleasure or irritation. The
Wondrous course, Chapter 4, does
contain the phrase where
the meaning of is unmistakably
positive. The question remains,
however, as to whether denotes
pleasure. 223
Notes The Classics Rediscovered

Han ch'i is concentrated at this time because

Of the activity of intercourse Or because of
forming a synonym con-pund with le *, 0T the time Of dav_ According to traditional
retains its more standard meaning of nourish, Chinese medicine's theory of the "body
Both interpretations work satisfactorily clock," the chi is activc in the shen
rwrc, but unfortunately cannot act as a (urogeaital system) at 900 PM. It is
deciswc tie-breaker, being itself encumbered possible to use such medical expressions as
With ambiguity. PS would result in a Bung-chin , gung-ch 'i i,
synonym compund meaning joyous. and or Ch'i•men as points
interpretting as pleasure would give us four Of departure, but I can derive nothing
characters in a row with nearly identical definitive. 224 How this passage relates to
semantic values. The terms and arc both the Statement later in this text that the man•s
attested combinations, but is dominant in Ching is at its peak in the evening and the
yang-sheng texts; for example, Ts'unCh'i and qnjman's concentrated in the morning. Or to
YFPC. parallelism therefore would require us advice in the later litcra• ture
to translate as nourishment, but herc it is to seek after midnight
clearly the "nourishment" derived from unclear.
pleasure. 19. Parallel may be found in
15. I coxur in HarFr's rejectim Of Highest Tao," "Shih wen," and SNC (Ishim•
PS reading tzu for tz'u in the phrase pö, YFPC) What is unique in the present for.
m. Althowh there are examples Of this mutation is the apparent definition Of One
loan in Ma ang tui, here precisely describes tung ten thrusts, giving a kind Of
the orderly sequence Of foreplay and quantitative analysis to the phenomenon Of
congress, as against which denotes abandon arousal. The "Shih wen" version substitutes
and loss of self-control. the word Chih
16. The PS editors suggest for , Which is tir familiar for level
though the combination is unattested, except Of arousal.
perhaps for thc cxprcssion 3. Thc Shun wen 20. My translation of fang h here as
rung-hyün ting-yheng lists as a loan for e, "muscular" is tentative. The parallel
and the PS editors give for in the "Shih in "Shih wen" contributes little to our
wen." Because the expresion is not found in understanding, and PS suggestion Of Cheng
the later literature and the image is less than is uninspiring. My interpretation is based on
transparent, I consider my translation an unusual but nevertheless attested loan
somcWhat tentative Of for in the sense Of ta "large. From this I
17. side with Harl*r's translation Of derive the meaning Of fullness or amplitude-
"sunsct•• in the passage based on parallelism believe that the parallel passage in YFPC
with in Highest Tao" and with the reinforces my reading.
expression 21. Although very rare in the later
Yamada Kciji•s "finish" sccms very forced medical literature, the term shui-tao does
to ancar in Su wen, "Ling-Ian mi-tien lun,"
which says: "The triple-heater governs the
IS. translates the term gung- breaching Of ditches and is the point Of
men as "progenitive gate." The parallel emergence Of the 'water-course' Though I
passage in "The Highest Tao" gives hsüeh•men can find no specific gloss, the term perhaps
which also is unattested. Harper indicates in a general way the movement and
speculates that the may be the ming•mcn transforma• tons Of the water element in the
Or ching.she indicating "a recepticale human Indy. much as ku.tao indicates the
for storing sexual essences folhwing successful alimentary tract.
intercourse." Before attempting to identify the 22. The PS editors. here and elsewirre
. it is critical to determine Whether the in the Ma Wang tui yang-sheng texts,
Notes The Classics Rediscovered

interpret yti-chia as yüqs•e Both combina• lions

are unattested in the sexual literature, and is
Unattested anywhere. The term appears in
historical annals, metaphorically or actually, as
"jade documents" Or '•a Whip." The term is a
standard variant of R, and easily may be a scribal
error for . Because both terms ate unattested, we
must choose on the basis of metaphoric
credibility. The term "jade pod," resonates with its
vegetable relative T-t{, "jade stalk," while is
reminiscent Of a manmade implement. Going out
on a limb a bit, I must Opt for "jade pod."
23. Here is a good example Of Why the
Kuang ya defines as "pleasure." 24. The
combination is unattested and somewhat
mystifying, although thc general meamng eems
inevitable from context. The ordinary meaning Of
N, "salt." juxtaposcd with , "sweet," can throw one
of the scent
Discourse on the Highest under Heaven No res 225
a bit. Two other leads that might be followed male health of sex addiction, even including
center on the attested loan for f (Li chi, parallel symptoms of sexual exhaustion.

"Chiao t'e-sheng") and for (Tso chuan, 29. In keeping with his general interpreta-

"Hsi Kung"). The former interpretation tion of this paragraph, Harper relates the term

might translate "voluptuous sweetness" and chung-chi to the womb or vagina. The

the latter, "gorging on sweetness _ " My transla• term appears in medical, sexual, and yogic

lion, then, does not represent a solution to texts and applies equally to both men and

this problem, hut a temporary palliativc_ women. The Su wen, "Ku k'ung lun," says,

25. The unattested combination chung-fu "The jen meridian begins just below the 'cen-

43K•f I take as synonymous with Wang-fu T-.f$, tral extremity' Most medical texts list

which also is rarc but appears in the Summary it as the third point on the Jen meridian, and

ofrhe Golden Elixir as "lower um-Ciera,' • and there it appears On contemporary acupuncture

ckung-chi which appears later in this charts. The text and diagram Of the using-

text. ming kuei-chih show the as a point just

26. I am in fundamental disagreement with below the ran-t'ien where the Jen meridian

Harper's interpretation Of this whole para- Originates. The Ten Preeepls in the present

graph. He States; "Similarly, I havc found anthology says, "The uterus is the 'northern

nothing comparable to the 'ten intermis- sea' located to the north of the •central ex-

sions' (line 38) in later sexual literature. tremity' and the 'central yellow." • Inter-

Judging from this section, the ten intermis- pretations of the term tzu-kung "'uter-

sions refer to ten stages of transformation Of us," must be keyed carefully to context Two

the womatfs sexual essence during inter- alternates of kuan•yüan the fourth point course- _
The description Suggests female on the Jen meridian, arc orgasm" Thc passagc as it appears in
"Unit- and tzu-kung Therefore even a term as ing Yin and Yang" is contcxua]ly isolated, but
seemingly gender specific as may serve as
its parallel in '"The Highest Tao" is the name of a general acupuncture point.
embedded in a section devoted to the stages The use of in SNC, "nine postures," '-tiger
Of male sexual arousal and diagnosis Of stance," indicates the depth of pcnctration
sexual dysfunction_ In "Thc Highest Tao" and is not a synonym for the vagina itself as
version, the use of Ching in the sixth Harper implics_ Thc term appears in
exhaustion and the allusion to nocturnal TCCY, Chapter 16, in the present anthology
emissions in the last line further point to a as a cover for the 'an•t'ien, wherc the
male subject. Beyond Ma Wang tui, there captured sexual essence is concentrated and
are close parallels in the theory of wu•shang cultivated I believe, then, that refers here to
' •five injuries," in SNC and SNML and the the male sex center at the basc of the body.
ch'i-skang -El', "seven injuries," in SNF and
Chu-ping yüan• hou lun, "Hsü-lao hou." "I
he abundance and closeness of parallels
leaves little room for doubt that the subject Discourse On the Highest Tao
Of the present paragraph is male ejaculation under Heaven
and the properties of the ejaculate as I. According to the Wen hsüan
indicators of sexual excess _ commentary to Pan Kilts "Yu-t'ung fu," the
27. Harper's translation, "great name Huang Shen refers to the Ycltow
completion," for la flows from his Empcror.
interprcta• tion Of the whole process 2. Tso Shen is a god
described here as female orgasm. in the I aoist pantheon.
acknowledge the possibility that * may 3. I acupt PS emendation Of
mean end-point in the sense of termination yin-yang to yin yü based On the
parallel passage in ' 'Shih wen.'
or death, but choose instead to interpet it not
as but The phrase appears in "The
4. The term chiu•ck'iao
appears in works as varied as the
Highest Tao" and the paragraph dcscribing
Chou Li, Su wen,
the ' 'five injuries" in
the SNC concludes: Chuang Izu, loti Ian, Kuan rzu, Shih chi, Huai Nan and Tat-hsüan Ching,
where it is 28_ Harper rclatcs the phrase here either stated or interpreted by commentators to
Tung Hsüan rzu to establish sup- to refer to the seven openings of the head
port for the metaphor Of death and female (eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth) and the two

orgasm. I am more convinced by the phrase Of the lower body (genitals and anus). The

in "7he Highest Tao" in an un- Nan Ching version, which substitutes tongue

equivocal context describing the threat to and throat for thc last two, probably is not 225

Ilan 6. This passage, unusual for its

anthropomorphic conception of the
operative here, nor is the model of the penis, parallels two passages in the
same name in the later inner alchemy "Shih wen," where instead Of
tradition, where it stands for nine points we find the verbs and ch'ii It also
on the microcosmic orbit. resonates with SNF, "Men are
5. The Su wen, "Sheng-ch'i t'ung-t•ien endowed with equal amounts Of yin
Ian," features the terms and yang c:h'i. However, Often in the
M and shih-erh chich exercise Of his yang, a man first
sage. "twelve segments," in a suffers affliction in the ears and eyes.
single pascommentary relates the 'twelve '
heavenly ch'i" to the "'twelve meridians 7. The parallel passage in "Shih
Of the body." In view of the parallelism
between the present passage and that of
the Su wen, it perhaps is more likely that makes it difficult to interpret ske as
the • •twelve scg• ments" here refer to the anything but The PS editors provide
"twelve meridians" than to the Other a paren thetical for in the "Shih wen"
medical definition of the Same term, passage, but fail to provide a
which denotes the twelve major joints Of parenthetical here. There are some
the limbs. examples Of in the sense Of lodge or
secure in these texts, but that
Notes The Classics Rediscovered
interpretation is not arguable in the frequently in IshimpO either alone or in
present con text. such combinations as g where the
8. The graph appears twelve times in the meaning is "control oneself," though this
last half Of this paragraph. The PS editors is probably not relevant in the present
read the first two as and the remaining as case.
"t. Apart from instinctive discomfort with 14. PS interprets the character hsi
divergent interpretations of the some iihere as chi E, , but without explanation. I
graph in a single narrative context, a find no suggestion that is related to
consistent reading Of seems perfectly though a variant Of indeed is k - I can find
appropriate, whereas requires no definition Of or that seems relevant
considerable force and ingenuity. here. 'Ihe preceding nine items describe
The '-Shih wen" provides a clear the properties of a liquid, and as too,
passage from which to identify the relates to the watery realm, I find no
yü.ch'üan reason to reject it for SO uncertain a
That the term substitute. According to the Chi yün,
refers to a seminal spring or resevojr is refers to a salt pond or the process of
confirmed by Porkert, who hsts it as an mixing fresh and salt water to make salt.
alternate Of My translation, "brackish," however, is
10. I accept PS suggested reading of for impressionistic and tentative.
, although the sense remains somewhat This list appears without any
obscure. Is there a possible relationship contextual frame, but items 5, 6, and 7 (
with the phrase in "Shih wen"? and 4%), being identical with
Il. This passage closely parallels Su the vaginal vocabulary Of the later
wen, "Yin-yang ying-hsiang (a-Jun": "At forty, literature, makes the general drift virtually
the yin•ch'i is reduced by half and one's certain. The clustering Of these three
activities become sluggish. At 'itty, the body is known entities in the middlc of pack
heavy and the ears and eyes no longer sharp roughly parallels their position in SNC,
and 226 clear. At sixty, one becomes impotent, YFPC, and SNML, though with somc
the chi greatly declines, the 'nine orifices' arc inversions_ Three Other terms have one
weak, thc lower portion Of the body is character in common with counterparts in
deficicnt and the upper excessive, and tears the later literature: shu-fl' shares a shu H
and snivel come forth. " with _vü-shu and Esiu-sku and
ch'ih-(?) share a ch'ih with ch'ih-ch" ;
shares a shih i-i with k •unshih 'l'hree
12. I interpret ksi chou "contract the items, and "E, contain characters, * , and
buttocks" in thc sense Of 5é, and in the later that are unattested, unlisted, or undcfined
literature, indicating contraction of the anal in the received literaturc or lexicons. Only
sphincter. The combination so Chou actually one of these terms, appears outsidc this
appears in "Shih wen." list in the body of '"The Highest Tao," but
13. sense of the three appearances Of i unfortunately not in a context that allows
hsia Chik in this paragraph leaves some room more definitive identification. At the end
for ambiguity. The character Chik in this text, Of the reasonably intact portion Of the
whcn acting as a pronoun, usually refers either "Yang-sheng fang" is a diagram of the
to the penis Or the sex act- In two Of the three female genitalia with thc following eight
casc.s in this paragraph it follows directly after labels as reconstructed bv PS:
hsi chou , and it is grammatical]y possible that
anus is thc Object Of pressure. Thc verb in , The condition of the original scroll
fact, is used to express just this procedure in makes anatomical judgments difficult, but
YFCY_ The third instance in this paragraph the appearance of here dcmons• trates the
where hsi ch'i rather than precedes makes antiquity of this familiar term _ Whether
one think that the object may be penis, any of these terms is descriptive of
although the notion Of pressing the penis specific physical features or merely
down makes no sense here and corresponds to conventional designations for degrees of
nothing in the later literature. The term appears vaginal depth is another open question. I
tentatively accept the PS reading of mai for Nü Chi in the Lieh hsien chuan. J
kuamg in however, chu for rou in seems have chosen to render the name '
remotc from the point of view of both 'Su NW- in transliteration out Of
orthography and phonetics. It could be argued both prudence and a distaste for
With equal cogency that the appearance Of translating personal names.
in "Yang-sheng fang" anakes the loan here Maspero and Étiemble•s "Fille de
more likely or less likely. Simplesse," V.G I's "Plain Girl,"
Schippcr's "Lady Bright," Lc-vy's '
•Woman Plain," Humana's '
•Forthright FCmale," H.V.G_'s
The Sui-rang Classics "Plain-Spcaking Woman," Stephen
Reconstructed Chang's "Whitc Madame,"
Needham's "Immaculate Girl"
The Classic of su NO
demonstrate the difficulty Of
I _ The Yc]low Emperor is the third Of live achieving agreement even on the
mythical emperors who ruled during the meaning of S". The only
prehistoric period (third millennium B.C.) of interpretation internal to these texts
Chinese history. His namc first appears in the I appears in the Preface to the SNML
Ching, Shik chi, and Iluai 'Van rzu, and later, where the word is glossed as "pure"
coupled With that Of Lao is associated with or "immaculate." I can accept the
the Taoist sciences of self-cultivation Classical idea of purity as the dominant
medical and sexological texts Often arc framed association with the goddess's
as dialogues between the Yellow Emperor and name, but not candor or frankness
specialist advisors. as implied in the translations of
2. Su Nu appears as goddess and sex H.V_G_ and Humana. Chang and
initiatress in sexological works from the de Smedt concur With my
Sui to the Ming. Her name does not figure preference for transliteration.
in the title of works on sexology listed in 3. Maspero translates ch'i as
the bihliographic section Of the Ch'ien shu "Souffie." V.G. as "spirit," H V -G.
but does in those of the Sui shu. Prior to and de Smedt as "energy," and Levy as
this, she was portrayed as a divine singer "tife-force-" By now it is safe to say
and musician during the time Of the Yellow that ch'i, like Tao before it, has passed
Emperor as noted in the Shih chi, Ch iu into the English language as a loan
Yang Elsiung's "T'ai-hsiian fu," Chang word, due mainly to the propagation in
Heng•s "Ssu hsüan fu" and "T 'ung sheng the West Of Chinese martial arß,
ko," and Tso Ssu's "Wu-tu fu_" Su Nu is medicine, and meditation. Acceptancc
mentioned in the Han work Wu Yüeh in transliteration, however, docs not
ch'un-ch'iu by Chao Ye as "one who entirely Obviate the need for definition
understands yin and yang and the tao of and clarification io the prewnt contcxt_
heaven." In a commentary to the Shunhui sexologica] texts, ch'i is used very
clung, her name is linked with that of Hou much as it isin writings medicine or
Chi, god of grain, and hence the cult of mcditation_ In this opening sentence
fertility_ The Ming Sou shen chi casts Su of the SNC it refers to homcostasis,
Nü in the health, or the general cncrgy Icvcl of
The Of N ores thc bodv. Elscwhcrc in these texts.
refer to the breath, to the physiological
role Ot a river goddess, who assumes
functioning of various organs or organ
the form Of a shell to help poor but
systems in the body, to the energy
virtuous peoplc_ Apart from the
circulating within the meridians, or to
Ching and fang listed
atmospheric or celestial influences.
in the Sui shu bibliography, Su Nü also
4_ In thc line all previous
is alluded to as sex initiatress in Chang
translations correctly take as ' •
Ileng's "Yüeh fu," Hsu Ling's "Ta Chou
meaning oncself, with the exception
ch'u-shih shih," and in the biography of
Notes The Classics Rediscovered
of Levy and H.V.G. who render it
"body." -1 he concept Of oneself
subsumes that of body; and it is properly
the person, or • that experiences the state
of "fear" expressed in the verb:
Moreover the use of in the sense of ' 'I"
is by no means rare in literary Chinesc.
Tao is used in several different senses in
the sexual literature. It may mean way, art,
method, or the entire body of natural law and
rang obtained?" Among all translations,
Levy's "What pleasures and joys to be
universal principles. When used for way, art, or gotten!" stands alone in rotating the
method, the tao always implies the correct or original meaning a full ISO degrees.
natural manner, though spccific prescriptions 11_ Yeh has emended the character in
may vary from text to text. the IskimpÖ phrase to E. This is based. 228 can
6. The yinlyung paradigm describes assume. on the almost exclusive (we find only
the complementary waxing and waning phases One exception) use Of for intro. ducing
Of cyclical processes or the dominant aspects quotations from works and for introducing
or qualities Of things. At the highest level of dialogue. The possibility Of interpolating the
abstraction they approximate our concepts of character æ, and thus preserving the r IS
positive and negative, Creative and receptive, precluded by the appearance Of later in
or active and passive. In the phenomenal realm the section. ne thirty sections of this twenty—
they correspond to light and dark, heat and cighth chapter Of the Ishimpö group the
cold, firm and yielding, and opening and collected fra ments by source. Generally, utter
closing. On the macrocosmic level they stand the title 0 the work and the initial paragraph.
for heaven and earth, Sun and moon; and on subsequent paragraphs from the same source
the microcosmic, male and female. In the follow either Without heading or With the
immediate environrnent they express as characters "it is also stated." In the former case
day and night, the four seasons. and all organic it seems We can infer that the two paragraphs
processes of growth and decay. In traditional follow directly in the original without break,
medical theory the human body is secn as and in the latter, indicates a lacuna in the text.
internally, ventrally, and in its lower parts yin, 12. Ts'ai Nii appears in thcsc early
and externally. dorsally, and in its upper parts sexology classics as onc of a trio of sex
Vang- Physiologically, the Five Viscera arc yin initiatresses. Many references in the Hou Han
and the Six Bowels yang; structive and storing sku mention "ts'ai•nü" as women chosen for
functions arc yin. active and defensive are thc emperor's harem. A passage in Ko Hung's
yang. Pathologically, ficicncy is yin and Shen•h'ien chuan rc-crcatcs a dialogue between
excess Yung. Numerologically, even numbers Ts'ai NO and P'eng Tsu during which he gives
are yin and odd numbers yang. In sexology advice on sexual matters _ Although favor
specifically, Bang may refer to the male transliteration over translation, V.G.'s "Elected
gender, the male member, or virility, whereas Girl" and Maspero's '•La Fille Choisic" at least
yin may refer to the female gender Or the make grammatical eng, whereas Levy's
private parts Of both Sexes. In this sentence, "Woman Selective" leaves one wondering if
yin and yang refer to man and woman, but also Ts•ai NL is thc subject or Object of selection,
carry all the othcr correspondcnces and
associations, thus reinforc• ing the larger 13. Most translators and commentators
context in which intercourse takes place. have taken 'Xing" in the passage as a reference
to the Yellow Emperor, but H.V.G. calls him
7. In the line Yeh has emended "reigning monarch Of thc Yin dynasty.••
Tamba•s to S, apparently on the basis Of Looking at the Ishimpö text, the name does
stylistic sensitivity as the meaning is not indeed appear on the same page preceding the
altered. passage under consideration. This apparently
8. The ••fivc flavors" as distinguished led H. v who assumed that this passage
in both gastronomy and pharmacology are belonged to the YFPC, to conclude that the
acrid (pungent), sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. second "King" refers to the first. Levy,
9. According to the however, also working from the Ishimpö text,
chi, the "five pleasures" are tells us in a translator's parenth• esis that
those associated with the five sense: eves, ears, "King" is nonc other than the Yellow Emperor.
nose. tongue, and body (touch). Tie term also V'.G While purporting to translate excerpts
is used in Buddhist texts for the hve negative from the IshimpO, follows Yeh's practice of
sense attach- attributing all passages in Su Nii— Yellow
Emperor dialogue form to the SNC. although
10. The original line might be more Tamba•s format would seem dearly to forbid
literally translated: ' 'What joy thus is this. Additionally. T cannot find another
Nores The Classics Reconstructed
instance in this twenty•cighth chapter Of the Ishimpö paragraphs listed under YFPC appear
where the Ycllow Emperor is referred to as "King" consecutively in his original copy, and he
T:. but always as "Emperor" The earlier passage on reproduces them without Levy and CC
the same page Of Ishimpå text links the Yellow explicitly take '"King' • as the Yellow Emperor;
Emperor with Su Nü and peng Tsu with the "King of H.V.G_ opt for "King of the Yin dynasty;" and
Yin" Q:Æ. This association is Confirmed by an V.G. remains neutral in simply rendering
interlinear commentary in the "Dangers and Benefits "King" without comment. These differences
Intercourse with Women," which recounts the story have led to slight variations
of Tsai N", the "King Of Yin and her interview With The of su
Peng Tsu. Flaws in logic and continuity that will be in punctuation, but the most radical
discussed in note 15 also point to embarrassments in departure belongs to CC and de Smedt,
the "Yellow Emperor" theory. In fact. surveying the who preserve the continuity of dialogue,
whole of the Ishimpö fragments, the Yellow but end Su Nü's remarks with and
Emperor and Ts'ai Nu always are strictly segregated, complete the linc as if by third person
as it not contemporaries. Wherever the original text narrator. This does no violence to the
appears to link the name ot the Yellow Emperor with grammar, but there is no precedent for a
that of Hsüan Nü the third of the divine initiatresses, narrator interrupting a character-s
Tamba provides an interlinear emendation changing speech in the Y FPC _
her identity to Su NÜ_ The appearance of the two 16. For an extended discussion Of Ching
characters later in thc paragraph fails to influence the see the Introduction to this book. Here,
outcome of the casc_ The pas• sage is unique in perhaps. it is worth repeating briefly that the
several other rcspccts_ First, there is no other word "ching" alone in sexology texts generalIy
cxamplc of Su Nü playing the role of narrator or combines the aspects Of semen (or sexual
introducing the circumstances surrounding an secretions in women) and sexual energy.
exchange; and second, there is no example of the though in specific contexts one aspect may be
Yellow Emperor (if we accept this interpretation for dominant. Still less common in transliteration
the moment) dispatching someone to interview a at the time of this translation than or ch'i,
third party. fourth sex manual listed io the Ch'ien Ching fares much better in transliteration than
Han shu bibliography, Tang Pan Keng yinrao, such one-dimensional translations as "sperm,"
attributes authorship to Kings Tang and Pan Keng Of or even such contextual rendering as V_G. and
the Yin dynasty. The Lick k5ien ch'üan-chuan has "semen" and "vital essence," Levy's "semen"
King Mu Of the Western Chou sending Ts'ai Nii to and "essence," andde Smedt•s "sperm" and
P'eng •rsu, whereas the Shih-i chi casts the Queen "quintessence." Maspcm's ' I l'Esscncc"
Mother of the West in the role Ot King Mu's tutor- parallels his translation of chi as "le Soume"
Perhaps the most conclusive evidence pmnting to the and typifies thc efforts of d more innocent age.
"King of Yin' • interpretation is Pao tzu. Chapter 13, The Shuo wen tells us simply that Ching means
which says, "The King of Yin sent Ts'ai No to (Peng "to select," by implication to select the finest.
Tsuj to [carn the art of thc bedchamber. The Su wen says, '"The Ching is the body's
14_ In sources such as the Shih chi, Huai Nan tzu, root," and the Ling sku, "The Ching forms
Chuang tzu, Pao P'u Izu and Lick hsien chuan, P'cng before the birth of the human being." Tai
Tsu is described as a Taoist adept born during the Yüan-ch'ang's Tao-hsüeh zz'uaien (Dictionary
Hsia who lived 700 or 800 years and was still of Taoist studies) contains a somewhat
flourishing at the end of the Yin. Thc Yin king apocryphal but typical Taoist interpretation:
offcrcd him an offcial post, but he declined on the "l'he character clung features the rice *
pretext Of illness. In another version, the Yin king radical, belonging to grass, and on the right the
solicits Ins instruction, and then after verifying its element ch'ing , indicating the east and
efficacy, seeks to kill him to terminate the bclonging to wood. Bccausc it derives from the
transmission. The historical association of P'eng Tsu csscncc of that which man consumes from the
and the King of Yin in the transmission Of the vegctable kingdom, it is one of the body's
secrets of longevity thus is very strong and not trcasurcs_ Grass and trccs arc born of water
weakened by the device here Of Ts'ai Nu as during the 'zu period, and thus tzu belongs to
intermediary. water. The kidneys, too, belong to water and
15. A number of punctuation possibilities result may be called the 'treasury of water,' whose
from the uncertainties described in the previous three location is the north as designated by the
notes. Tamba's arrangement suggests that the four Terrestrial Branch Zzu_ Therefore Ching also
is born in the tzu position- It is supplemented co]leagues have been somewhat misled by
through the food we eat such that every seven the verbs and and that what is emphasized
mouthfuls of food becomes one drop of blood, and is not the act of creating or producing, but
seven drops of blood become one drop of Ching. of cxisting in complementary synergy and
Seven drops of Ching become one drop Of ch'i, and mutual dependence. The CC colloquial
seven drops Of chi become one drop Of spirit. By rcndcring shows general agreement with
wasting one drop of Ching we forfeit one drop Of this interpretation. The phrase
ch'i, and thus the spirit has no means Of in thc "Dangcrs and
strengthening itself. 'Iherefore it may be observed Benefits of Intercourse with Women"
that those who suffer from nocturnal emissions, illustrates my understanding of the
spermatorrhca, or promiscuity appear feeble and combination here, which is not to bcgct
unsanguinc cach Other but to support cch Other.
17. V.G.'S translation Of the phrase a f! as 19, Yeh gives for in the Ishimpö text.
"dieting and taking various drugs 229 Undoubtedly a typographical error.
7 2(J_ Levy's "second obeisance" and de
Smedt's "bowed many times" are surely
raises some questions. All other translators
in correct. CW gives no fewer than eight
simply take as a compound verb and as its
citations for to support the "bowed twice
Object. This is supported by the appearance
several lines later of the construction and by the
author's effort to maintain four-character lines. 230 interpretation
Ignoring for the moment the unhappy 21. V.G. misses the charactcr in the text and
coincidence that for the contemporary English thus mistranslates this phrase as a command,
speaker the "Ord "dieting" implies a restricted "he must familiarize himself with all the
regimen Of food intake for wcight control, wc disciplines Of Tao. "
may grant that what he probably means is the 22_ Tamba provides an interlinear * beside
consumption of foods conducive to health and the character in the linc that Ych
longevity _ Although it is true that, in Chinese accepts as dn emendation. The linc makes
medicine and culture in general, the medicinal perfect sense to me as is, though and * easily
prop, crtics of food arc much discussed, could be confused in cumvc script. If indeed
nevertheless a distinction exists between food was the intended word, it admits Of two
and medicines consumed for specific effects. interpretations: "fortunately" or "imperial
belicve clearly medicine alone is intended here. sexual favor." If the emendation were to be
18_ The line summarizes accepted, I feel the Iatter would be the obvious
in rhymed versc the cu)smic significance of the choice, but Levy and H.V.G. both translate it
sexual union of rnan and woman. •mese ten as "fortunately." Only V.G. agrees with my
characters. seemingly so lucid and individual]y preference for the original. For me the question
still so common in contemporary colloquial turns on the reIalionship Of or to I find greater
speech, hdvc inspired very different cohesiveness to the logic Of "many
translations. V -G: "The union Of man and responsibilities'• in the harem "requiting" a
woman is like the mating of heaven and carth." knowledge of the rao Of intercourse than
Levy: "The producing of man and woman is "fortunately" he has many concubines and
like the begetting of Heaven 2nd earth." Dc therefore ' •must" acquire this knowledge. In
Smedt; • •Men and women are like the earth and the second case, simply Cannot make "must"
the heavens, they are destined to unite and are follow from "fortunatcly." The English
also eternal." H. V "The mutual fulfillment Of translations do not resolve the gap in logic, but
male and female resenv bles the mutual creation the CC paraphrase translation explains at
length that what is ' 'fortunate" about '-many
Of the heavens and the earth." V.G. makes
concubines" is that, once thc art of intercourse
unambiguous sense in English, hut is not, I
is mastered, one then has an opportunity to
believe, the precisc meaning of the original. De
supplement what is lost through the wear and
Smedt•s translation is an imprcsswnistic
tear of public life.
paraphrase, while I_evy and Icavc us wondcring
if man and woman and heaven and earth are 23. The phrase is not unambiguous.
doing the ' 'producing" and "begetting" Or being character contains the po%ibility of "many," "a
produced and begotten. I feel that my few." or "times." Dc Smedt and HMF opt for
Nores The Classics Reconstructed
the last, thus translating it as "never cjaculdtc."
V.G.'s "erniuing semen only on rare occasions" and
Levy's • 'emitting semen infrcgucntly l ' take as
"many' • and, combining it with the negative agree
with my intcrprctdtion. Maspero's "san Jamals
émettre I'Essenæ• plusiers fois" takes the phrase in
another and unwarranted direction. Thc meaning of
the original surely is not that onc should avoid
multiple orgasms on a given occasion. as this has
entered the discussion. The phrases and in
Sections 6 and 7 Of the FCPI support my
interprctation, as does "Uniting Yin and Yang,"
24. There is a doublc pun in the phrase In
the military sense, means to resist and, in the sexual
sense, LO have intercourse; means both enemy
and sex partner _
2i The term fyi also means to drive or mount when
applied to horse•drdwn vehicles It is the most
frequently used transitive verb in these texts for male
initiated sexual intercourse with women. I feel that
rather than
The Classic
such neutral translations as "make love: splicing the last two characters of one phrase with the
'"have intercourse," "mount" better conveys the Erst two of thc next produces the incongruous and
concrete origins Of the word and the nature Of highly forced translation. n/ su Nore s "Reject all
the subject-object roles it connotes reasoning about sex. "
26. H. V.C% translates as "Impoverished 32. Needham-s interpretation of the line
Or limited." Poverty and limitation indeed are is hoth unique among
Of the of the character, but we translations and commentaries and extraordi•
cannot have it both ways in this context. 'rhe narily misleading. He translates: "Therefore (if
chief concern here, Of course. is longevity and you insist on refraining from women) you should
not financial Status. regularly excrcisc it (the Jade Stalk) by
27. character in the phrase has masturbation Nccdham's habit Of finding
evoked a variety Of interpretations. V _fr masturbation under every bcd in these texts is
"refrain entirely"; Levy: "a long time"; discussed as a general proposition in my Intro
Chang: "any more"; de Smedt: "abstain duction, but let me demonstrate here how a key
CC; "temporarily abstain and then translation error contributes to the skcwing Of a
resume and H,V.G.: "abstain completely." My crucial theoretical issue. First, by severing this
sympathies here lie with Levy and CC because line from the rest of thc passagc (which he
the Yellow Emperor is secking a prescription himself quotes carlicr). hc not only deprivcs thc
for a temporary state of debility and not rcadcr of the essential context, but apparently
inquiring about abstinence as a lifelong erases his Own memory Of Su Nits flat rejection
regimen. WIIM alone takes in the next or abstention from contact with women.
phrase as "aided by the woman's hand. " The Furthermore, the words in parenthesis are purely
sense is not unreasonable but for the grammar his own and in no way are justified by either the
of the original logic or intent Of the paragraph as a whole. The
28. CW gives the following definitions of paragraph contains three common expressions.
(l) miraculous ch'i, (2) subtlc ch'i Of the
Five Phases, and (3) spirit. Needham-s "the and egl , all Of which refer to the Taoist
shen and the ch'i" indicates that he is reading curTiculum of cultural exercises for health and
the two charactcrs independently. I agree with longevity. In all of the voluminous litcraturc On
Porkert's interpretation, "compcusite synonym Taoist yoga, One finds no text. commentary, Or
Of shen," and V.G_ and Iævy•s translations, gloss that supports the interpretation Of as
"spirit" and "life spirit • "masturbation." The term appears as early as the
Su wen and Chuang tzu, interpreted by
29. Nccdhäm translates the expression commentators in the narrow sense of moving
as "recast the ch'i_" Both Ishimpö and Ych give exercises, or more broadIy to include breathing
originally meaning to boil raw Silk to make it and self-massage. Needham himself translates
pliable, and by extcnsion to practice, train, or the terrn no fewer than ten times as "gymnastic
exercise. Its interchangeable homophones and exercise" in his chapters on physiological
mcan to smclt, refine, or temper, but in view of alchemy, though he takes great pains to insist
the use of in the original text and thc fact that that '*what it really came to designate is that
"recast the ck'i" is incomprehensible in English, part of them which involves self-massage." This
50rnething morc like "cultivate the chi" would narrowing of his own focus may have provided
be more appropriate for an expression, after all, the mental stepping stone whereby he stumbled
that still is in common use today. H V.G_ unconsciousIy from "self-massage" to '
mispunctuate the line, running it on with the •masturbation." In fact. in all Of these sex010Lv
next and resulting in a translation Of texts we find no references to solitary practices
as ' 'drill the movements" instead Of ' 'frequent for men, except those specifically intended to
practice. strengthen or elongate the penis. Finally. the
34). This is a standard expression in ancient critical four characters actually appear in the
texts for breathing exercises: meaning that Onc biography Of the famous physician, nua 1"0, in
exhales ' 'the old: ' and inhalcs "the new." the Ilou Ilan shu, where he is made to describe
3K Through faulty punctuation, Levy has the benefits of the exercise form, "The Play of
grouped the four characters together in the Five Animals" Proeccd•
one phrase _ though 110 translator before Or Ing to other translators, V.G. takes "Jade Stalk" as the
since has made that mistake. The result Of subject Of the verb, which he then translates literally
Nores The Classics Reconstructed
as "controlled and guided," apparently unaware wholly inappropriate here, and I therefore accept
that ggl is simply the ancient term ror what is cmcndation_
now more commonly known as ch'i-kung 36. Levy takes the four characters
Levy's "special gymnastics" suffers from the as "From the tirSt there has been a fixcd Order,"
wrong associations in English and fails to but it is diffcult to know if by "order" he means
express the 23 i ang sequence or configuration. H. V .G.'s "shapes
inner aspect of movement implied in and forms" clearly is too literal, and what is
through coorcfnating calisthenis and meant, I believe, is rather features or
breath• ing to circulate the chi. I I.V.G.•s characteristics. The exp cession actually appears
"breathing exercises and massage" again two paragraphs later where it comes very
conjures up exclusive• ly stationary close to meaning method. 37. I take in the
practices and misses Su Nil's point, Which expression in the
is precisely that intercourse itself is a 232 sense in which it is used in the medical term
highly beneficial kind Of yoga. Very much 7i-;E , the ••Fi•.e Emotions" (joy, anger, sorrow,
to the point in all of this is the parallel anxiety, and (ear). The term has many shades Of
passage in the YNSI "Close the eyes, he meaning including Will. ambition, intention,
on the back. and circulate internal energy aspiration, and desire, but none of these work With
Schippcr•s "This is why one must what precedes it or as the Object of O. Levy's
exercise it regularly," is not tar, "harmonizing the will" makes little sense in English,
and Chang's "achieve an accord Of the wills" makes
33. The word occurs With great both partners the subject Of verb and is not supported
frequency throughout all of the sex010&v by the syntax of the tCXt itself. De Smedt"s
texts. A survey Of its appearances in all "strengthen the will" attempts to make sense Of as
contexts reveals two basic meanings: (I) "will" by totally misconstruing the verb. CC's "mental
movement in the physical sense, and (2) relaxation" comes closest to my interpretation.
sexual arousal. Needham trans• lates the 38_ Levy's ••thc three phenomena" and
line, "If you can erect it (in orgasm) and "these three forces" are an apparent attempt to relate to
yet have no ejaculation," thereby forcing the three conditions stated in the previous line. but
to play the role Of erection, for Which Hies in the facc Of both logic and grammar. Actually.
thcrc is no precedent. and supporting his the line is essentially identical With one in the Huang-
thesis of injaculdtory masturbation. V-G. ding Ching, where the commentary explains as the
•s "copulate," Levy's "move," de Smedt's Chrec primordial ch'i thdt converge at conception to
tion," Chang's "make love," and produce the upper, middle, and lower portions of the
H.V.G.'S "movement" all fail to body.
appreciate thc vital link between "arousal" 39. Among standard dictionary definitions
Of the energy and "returning the Ching"
in the next line, which refers to raising Of based on passages in the Shih chi, and
this energy to the brain. Very clear Huai Nan r'zu. are •V and rendering Of
examples from Other tcxts could be cited •'erect" for thus is untenable.
on this behalf, but drawing just trom the 40_ This interpretation follows a fourcharacter line
work at hand, four paragraphs later we punctuation Of the passage, although it is
find, "Sometimes the woman is not happy. grammatically possible to break the phrase in another
Her passions are not aroused It then goes way as CC has done_
on to explain the factors that bring both 41- •mis is the uniquc ancarancc Of the terms and
part• ners into harmonization. concluding, Levy's "eight sequential progressions . nine reactions"
"There• upon the woman's passions are is guesswork, and de Smedt's "eight Stages . eight (sic)
aroused using a synonym that palaces" is literal. Both are without gloss. CC takes
precisely defines the sense in Which was them as "rules and precepts," whereas H.V .G. give us
intended. Later, too, and are used in "eight sections nine compartments," adding in a
parallel couplets proving the same point. note that thc latter arc "nine labyrinthine compartments
34. The expression first appears inside the female genitalia" and viding specific
in Mencius, •'Chin bsin Part I_ anatomical equivalents, This analysis was made
35. Following Tamba•s note, Yeh possible, wc are told, on the basis Of two premodern
emends in Ishimpöto The former is Japanese medical works that I have not had an
actualIy a standard combination, but opportunity to examine. They also suggest in note 14
The Classic of Notes
that ''may be interpreted as an alternative Levy, "harmonize the lire force"; Humana, "a
tcrm for " Unfortunately this also is the sole harmonious spirit"; Chang, "harmonize the
occurrence Of hS, which is not dchned either atmosphere"; ' 'the energy must be harmonized"; and
explicitly or by context, Does mean CC, ' 'calm mind and harmonious ch'i." Ch'i, I feel. is
something like 7ifi, Which are ana• tomically used here in the broadest possible sense Of everything
based, or Which are physiologically based? pertaining to one's mental, emotional, and physical
Does 'Lg mean something like 3L%B, Which is state, but the question remains as to whether the author
undefincd but looks to be anatomically bagd, or refers to the mutual harmonization Of both parties or
which combines anatomical points and of an enhancement of the man's condition alone. CW
physiological responscs? The two terms appear and
in the Ling sku but with definitions unrelated to Su
the present context. The in Taoist meditalion
lore, which refer to nine points and TH provide many persuasive examples Of the
corresponding spirits in the head, likewise expression describing the relationship of two
seems irrelevant. The in the "Uniting Yin and parties, and the passage in question also deals
Yang" parallel the in the "Highest Tao" and with the sexual responses of hoth man and
refer to postures of coitioru womam However, the popular ch'i•kung
exercise set known as shows the viability of
42. The phrase is translated by H.V.G. as
harmonization in the solo mode.
"the essence and vigor of life will bc fully
47. The term is defined later in this text as the
restored"; and Levy, even further from the
five Confucian virtues applied to the penis:
mark, "the spirit reverts a death state." There is
benevolence, righteousness. propriety, trustworthiness,
no reason to take as anything but "spirit," nor as
and intelligence Ignoring this, Chang calls them "his
anything but "concentration" (literally, unified
five organs _ "
reversion). Actually, the expression is common
48. As mentioned in note 41, the term is not
in meditation texts, where it invariably refers to
defined here nor does it appear again. One guess is that
con, centrating the mind and eliminating
it may be associated with the nine locations outlined
random thoughts. CC agrees with my rczding_
later in the text that are successively arOLLsed during
43. I take everything following "it con• lovemaking and manifest the ' 'nine ch'i."
sists in," as describing the preconditions for 49. According to Su wen, "Mai-Yao Chingwei
successful Levy, de Smedt, and H.V.G. break lun," the condition of the ch'i mav be dctermined by
the line, taking half as preconditions and half as observing the coloc (green, red, yellow, white, or
results. What may have confused them is that ' black) of the face_ especially about the eyes. The term
'neither cold nor hot; neither sated nor hungry" here may simply refer in a more genera] way to the
sounds reminiscent of phrases used to describe manifestation of a woman's mood in her face.
the attainments Of Taoist adepts who become SO. This text operates within a theoretical
impervious to discomfort and desires. The framework that bolds that Ching is possessed by
telling difference, apart from syntax, is the use both man and woman. Over and over irr
of along with CC agrccs with my reading. A unequivocal contexts, Ching is used for female
parallel passage in the SNML leaves no room sexual energy, secretions, and reproductive
for ambiguity: potential. One must be disabused of the modcrn
44. Only Levy's translation, "forced," of colloquial bias that reads "semen" for every
the character fully accords with my own. It is mention Of Ching. Levy and Chang err precisely
supported by the second appearance of in this on this account, whcrcas de Smedt and Humana
passage and its use again ia the same sense later simply throw the linc out. The next four
in the section on the "tour levels. " All other characters admit Of Several If is taken as
translator's have either diluted or ignored it standing for the liquid aspect of Ching in the
altogether. previous line, then the line would translate,
45. Levy's "1 am embarrassed to my "Take the secretions into your mouth." However,
and ashamed in my heart, and I perspire like a bcCause no mention is made in any Of these
bead" both misreads the Chinese lilte and falls texts Of Oral absorption Of vaginal secretions
short Of coherent English. and because simultaneous absorption by mouth
46. "Ille two characters have been above and penis below occurs in later texts, then
variously rcndcrcd; V_G., ' 'the Inan must oral absorption of the felnate partner's salivary
harmonize his mood with that Of the woman' secretions is the obvious choice. Failurc to
Nores The Classics Reconstructed
appreciate the niceties Of both these lines the word Clearly refers to the woman's core,
leads to the textual torture of Levy's, "By quick, innermost being, or very soul; and its use
gathering in your overflowing semen and in this scnsc is unique to this text among those in
by taking the fluid into your mouth this collection. Most previous translations have
51. There arc two possible readings of ching- intcrprcted it correctly, but H.V.G.'s • 'No motion
ch'i: either Ching modifies chi, or Ching and is felt in her" seems to have missed the
ck'i function as coordinate complements. The
latter is extremely rare, and I believe never 57_ The character in Ishimpö is reproduccd in
occurs in these sexolow texts, so there is every Ych's reconstruction. Throughout Tamba's copy
reason to interpret ekinwh'i as the subtle energy there is some confusion Of the characters (4,
of the eking. For this reason I must take hot) and (power or strategic position). Hcrc
exception to H. V. G.'s ' 'essence and 233 actually might be more typical in the phrase, and
Sui-rang in some passages noted later, Ych has overridden
the Tamba text and emended to y.
energy which stands alone in interpreting 58. I have translated the line
the term here as a case Of coordinate just as it appears in both Ishimpb
complements. and Veh , though it is highly unusual and suspicious,
S2- The verb rendered "return" in this Over and over through• out the text, the female sexual
translation, denotes the process Of raising response is described as ' 'joy" ( a, E) and the male 234
the Ching energy from its center at the as "erection, vigor, health, or strength" (C,
base Of the body up the back to the brain. This is the only example of a complete
53. The second character in the revcrsal. All other translations attcmpt to rcndcr in
term some way as applicable to the woman's response,
(same in Tamba and Yeh) is a variant Of except for CC who simply translates as if the more
The combination, similar to "re, means normal were in fact the text_
brain. De Smedt's "marrow" and ll.V.G_'s 59, Only Levy takes this line in the psycho. logical
"the bone marrow and the bloodstream" sense, translating, "'go up unexpectedly or go down
not only miss the mark in this instance. but suddcnly (in emotion)." All others agree With the
ignore the watchword Of the entire cuncretc interpretation of rough motion.
enterprise, ' 'return the Ching to fortify the The Ishimpö gives z, but Yeh emends to with
brain." ample justification. Thc penis is often described as
54. All previous translations have "hot," but never the whole man, The "Penal Code" Of
failed to realize that is a technical term in the O"cial HßtOry Of 'he Chin (Chin shu) States:
Chinese mcdicinc denoting the positive guilty 01sex crimes Will be castrated.
health-giving chi, which constantly does "Castrated" is expressed as "cut off their testiclcs_••
battle With the negative pathogenic Ch'i The term then, in this line may be interpreted as I-
Levy's rendering Of the line. "If your mower located in the testicles, or virility. As for
orthodox life force is moribund within standard dictionarics fail to yield relevant definitions,
every illnes-s Will disappear:' shows the but by a train Of associations from its medical usage
unfortunate result of misreading denoting energy derived from food and its
interchangeability in that context With whose
55. H.V.G. take as the subject of general meaning is flourishing, I arrive at "in full
the verb E, translating, "Arising right after possession Of his virility.'• CW cites an instance Of in
each intercourse, Your Majesty's energy the Hsun
will increase a hundredfold." The term
61. Contextual comparison 0t all appearances of
rarely if ever is used to signify elevation
in these texts strongly suRgests that the unstated
Of energy level, whereas it nearly always
subject of the verb is the man's hand and not the penis
is the verb of choice where penile erection
as some translators have been led to believe in SOmc
is concerned. Levy is guilty of the same
instances. In two cases the Objccls Of the verb are
error, but Chang, Humana, and CC are not
and These terms do not appear in any Of the several
expositions ot degrees of vaginal 9th but belong, feel,
56. The line presents an unusual
to the external geni making them particularly
use of which mote Often means
strong candidates for manual "pressure." In Taoist
something like substance or nature. Hcrc
The Classic of Notes
yoga manuals is one of several verbs used to 66. H.V.G.'s translation of the last pair as
denote the compression Of the perineum with "and the like" can hardly be considered adequate. It is
the middle two fingers Of the hand. true that this pair sounds more like synonyms than the
first three, which are clearly antonyms, but that need
62. The tcrm (yü-shu or possibly shushu) not deter us altogether from translating them literally.
is highly problematic. The term alone has
67. Real, but for the most part surmountable,
several specific meanings in Chinese mcdi•
diffculties in the second half of this paragraph cause
cine, none Of which seem to have any
all of my fellow translators to delete and interpolate so
releVance hcrc. Taking the first character at
frequently that it is impossible to point out every
face value, then, thc only promising definition
would secm to bc "dugout Canoe. " The image
of mouse in a canoe be descriptive of the 68. The term that appears on nearly every page of
clitoris. indeed, is the conclusion Of Levy and these early texts and is rendered in the present
H.V.G.•s glo«arics of female genital translation as "mount" is variously handled here by
terminology, although V is more reserved in his Levy, de Smedt, and H.V.G. as "control," "make love,"
assessment Of our ability to make definitivc and "ride." "Control" and "ride" are infelicitous and
judgments based on extant sources. The term is show a lack of initiative in discovering a
absent from the SNML list. H.V.G. adds in a Su Nii
note that actually should be without explaining word with the associative resonance of but that
the basis. We have never seen this combination also works in English. "Make love" is too
either in dictionaries or the literature, and it contemporary in its ring for an ancient text. I
brings us no closer to making sense. Looking chose "mount" both because it actually was
for a moment at the word N, it appears in the used in Elizabethan times to denote the sex act
YFPC in the combination Q N, referring to one and because it preserves the equestrian flavor of
of the points of greatest depth in the vagina and the original. The absence of this usage from
in the "Highest Tao" in as the fourth of twelve CW's list of no fewer than thirty-five
degrees. In general anatomy, the "groin" definitions of ßJ is indicative of the modesty of
sometimes is denoted by the term , literally standard dictionaries in matters of sexology.
' 'rat path." The only thing that is perfectly clear
69. The expression frt4S , which seems so
from context is that the term refers to
obviously to mean lie flat, Levy and H.V.G. translate
something quite specific; however, in the
as "slacken the hands" and "relax the hands. " The
absence of unequivocal evidence, anything but
answer to this paradox can be found only in a
transliteration would be rash.
misreading of the character as in the handwritten
63. The term does not appear in CW or
Ishimpö text.
V.G.'s appendix on terminology. H.V.G. call it
a synonym for + fi, uterus. Levy likewise 70. The verb here is somewhat unusual. At first
interprets it as uterus, but his "he irrigates her glance, both characters, which can mean "pat," look
red chamber," implies that the "irrigation" is the like a synonym compound. This, however, leaves us
result of the man's seminal emission. CC takes with the great warrior "patting" his penis, which seems
the four characters as "in order to augment his too weak a prelude for the "attack" that follows. From
physical strength," thus identifying the "red two passages in the Book of Rites, appears to have
chamber" with the male side. From the flow of been a kind of drum in ancient times and the verb-
the sentence as a whole, this actually seems the object combination does mean to beat a drum, or to
greater likelihood, but for the difficulty of the drum. Transferring this image to the present context,
precise location. At this point, regrettably, I can does the penis then become the drum or the drumstick?
do no better than literal translation. Closer perhaps to the martial atmosphere of this
64. The Ishimpö gives nine, and Levy and passage is the combination iffÉlJ, which means to
H.V.G. follow suit. I accept Yeh's emendation place the left hand on the hilt of a sword or to hold a
in view of the list of eight items in four pairs. sword. Some of these possibilities are apparent in the
65. Levy's "looking up and down" shows earlier translations: Levy, "pats and guides"; de Smedt,
the disastrous results of relying on colloquial "touches"; CC, "using his hand to tease the penis"; and
associations with such familiar words as H.V.G., "let the jade stem advance." My "brandishing"
fMfßfJ, or not looking past the first few derives from the conviction that the possessor of the
dictionary definitions, and especially of penis is wielding it in the manner of a drumstick or
ignoring its specific use in sexology texts. sword.
Nores The Classics Reconstructed
71. The Chinese "inch" is defined for
medical purposes as the distance between the
folds formed at the second and third joints of
the middle finger when its tip and that of the
thumb are brought together closing a circle. It
also may be determined by the width of the
index finger at the second knuckle.
72. CC consistently attributes to the male
partner every act associated with the words
or E, regardless of the real subject. Here
the result produces the untenable anomaly of
the male ejaculating at the commencement of
penetration and then proceeding as if nothing
happened. Again the error may be traced to the
narrowness of contemporary usage and a failure
to "stay in character" or embrace the linguistic
ethos of an earlier period. 235
The Classics Reconstructed

73. The term appears consistently throughout meaning, it could have been expressed more
these texts in association with shallow penetration. in another way. "Nine" itself, Of
Lt is absent from the "Highest Tao's" list , but course, is the highest odd number before ten
preceded by lacuna appears in the diagram. I.evy and represents bcrc, as in the I Ching and
and ll. V following Japanese studies, 'Efine it else236 Where, the penultimate yang force.
as nulum clitoridis." CC agrees. A gloss to 75. Not surprisingly. the combination
the Tang "Ta Ic ru" defines it as "unc inch within does not •near in any åctionary. Yeh
the vagina" and the Ming SNML concurs. All changes the character in IshimpO to here.
previous translations have rendered •lute." but later is inconsistent. Perhaps this
The word is used in Chinese in two way.. emendation indicates his belief that refeß to
Originally it referred to the very ancient musical the K'un•lun Mountains. Other meanings Of
instrument already in existence during Chou tinies include multitudinous, posterity, and cldcr
consisting of an elongated horizontal sound box brother. Bccausc all Of the terms
with five or seven strings running its full length for female parts are based on concrete
and movable bridges. Later it was prefixed by images. usually natural but a few
various characters to denote everything from the architecturat, one would like to make this tit
Chinese violin and "moon lute"" instruments the pattern. We know from an adequate
Of Western Origin. including the entire classical sample of contexts that always indicates a
string family, piano, Organ, and humble considerable deøh in the vagina. The SNML
harmonica. There is no reason to believe that early ranks it seven on a scale of one to eight; that
Chinese sexologists had anything else in mind is, if we accept that its and the
than the classical Chinese chin in creating their are one and the same. difference could
nomenclature. The closest Western relative by easily be ex by a scribal error given
Structure, if not role, is the Zither. V.G. suggests the form of the characters. On the Other
the "lesser labia," whose posi• tion reinforces the hand. if the earlier text prcnes to be corruß
image Of the classical ch'in and which makes on this point and the SNML turns out to be
sense in every appearance. Schippcr's "Lutc the true-transmission, could quite nicely
strings (Labia minora)" agrees. Surveying cvcry be interpreted as "gate of posterity." This is
context surrounding the term, there is no basis for unlikely. however, in view Of the ••Highest
assigning a loca• tion with the dcgrcc of s- Tao's" indicating early use Of stone
Fcificity of •frenu• lum clitoridis." V.G. secs a metaphor. V-G.•s translation, "Elder Brother
contradiction between these Oldest texts, which Stone ," shows he is prepared to put aside
seem to refer to the labia minor, and later texts. his normal caution and hitch his wagon to
which assign it to a depth Oi one inch, but this What for is a highly improbable choice.
may well be a matter Of Where one begins I.evy translates the term as "mixed rock"
measur• inc. The phrase "advance the •jade stalk• and it as "vestibular glands." H.V.G_'s "k'un
between the •zither strings"' in THT, stone" combines transliteration and
"Posture 9." Obviously denotes penetration Of the translation. but they agree With the location,
vagina. '•Frenulurn clitor• idis•' would the on the as does CC_ I cannot reconcile this
wrong trajec- interpretation with the texts. The vestibular
or Bartolin•s glands are located at cither side
Of the vaginal opening; that is, less than
74. All translations take this numerical
One inch in &pth, cVCry indica• tion in the
sct•ics as indicating a mental count Of one to nine,
texts cries out for maximum, or nearly
except de Smedt who gives us, "Insert the Jadc
maximum depth (wee especially YFPC and
Stalk nine times. ' Grammatical• ly and logically
SNML). Its position On the SNML scale
both are possible. My reason siding with the
would indicate a a»rrect obervation of
majority is that I feel the only explanation for
proportions, and the SNC in its diwussion of
writing out the whole Wries number by number is
con• cepti0n advises against maximum
to slow down the rhythm Of text and thus cwokc a
mood Of If nine thrusts was the intended
The Classics Reconstructed

penetration to avoid passing the "gate of Children"

This to shcra an awareness Of the os Of the

uterus, and my hest guess for k'un•shih would be
cervix , though more evidence would be needed to
induce me to venture beyond the safety Of
transliteration at this . A better understanding Of
the •'Highest Tao's" twelve vaginal terms in which
E is very last. may someday yield an answer,
76. The dassicus for EX, "five gtancies"
or "five virtues," On which this version is
b"cd, is Anakcts, 2.
77. The two characters in Ishimpö Seem
an Obvious scribal error and arc delcted by Yeh.
Levy and ll.V.G.'s heroic efforts to
The Classic of Notes
make sense of the original are not successtul. then denotes unstable, insecure, Or weak. BV
What remains is not without ambiguity, however missing these technical niceties, my fellow
_ It is impassible to determine from the translators have failed to sharply focus the
handwritten Tamba text whether the com, su Nü
bination intended is or Both have
contradiction posed by the exercise Of '
precedents in the classics and both can he made
'benevolence" and the physiological deficit of
to work here: one meaning cease]wsly or
Semen loss. NO one is further from this
unstintingly, and the other sclflcssly. Ych takes it
understanding than El. V.G- who give us, "in
as and I concur _
Order to preserve the semen it should never
78. The four characters occasion very
become too firm.'
different interpretations among previous
81 _ Most of my fellow translators get the drift
translators. fie term is common in literary usage,
appears in every dictionary, and is used in herc, but oncc again H.V.G. are not in striking
virtually every sexology text in the Sense of distance; "Righteousness implies an appreciation
"approaching the act. " unfortunately, has that, although it should not be cxpDscd to open
escaped every translator with the exception of daylight, its abstinence according to the Tao is in
CC. De Smedt cven strays so far as to render it reality intended to promote giving. '
'"after the act." The last two characters, on the 82. The character in the phrase -k Ii is
other hand, arc a genuine problem. Thc simple ignored hy all previous translations with the
definition is "up and down, ßuctuating bctwecn exception of Levy, who mistranslates it as
high and Icp.v." Applied to thc pcnis, this would "waiting." As used in works on Sexology, or
mean alternating between erect and flaccid. Why, medicine and meditation in general, the word has
however, does this constitute ' 'wisdom"? My four different possible mean ings: (l) to wait, (2)
colleagues arc not much help; Levy, "TO to observe, (3) sign or symptom, and (4) the
approach the matter Of lowering and raising is condition Of a thing within a dynamic process or
wisdom"; de Smedt, "droops"; and H.V_G_, ' Stage Of developmcnt. In the last two definitions
•movcs sometimes up and sometimes down." My it is instructivc to recall the combinations and 'k
best guess finally is that "rising and falling" R. Here in this passage feel that partakes both of
expresses the kind of trepidation that bespeaks the senses of stage and sign.
restraint or prudence. CW gives the combination, 83. When four translations vary as widely as
but cites no locus classic-us to support an V_G., "freely procccd with the act"; Levy,
idiomatic interpretation. CC's "calmly "leisurcly draw (the fluid) Out (front her)"; de
contemplates the methods of intercourse" scems Smedt, "pcnctratc and withdraw gently"; and
more a casc of bending the text to a preconceived H.V.G., "slowly pull," one should suspect wild
and comfortable conclusion than of deciphering guessing or misplaced literal straw clutching_
the idiom. Two of the more than forty definitions Of in
CW are '"Withdraw from" and "pull out Of." This
79_ "Ihere is no universally accepted English may well be the appmpriate meaning, especially
translation for "Sage" has more or Icss settled in in view of the terminal position Of this passage in
for and • •immortal" for fill k, but AA still elicits the sequence of sexual events.
such diversc efforts as Izvy's "man of Verity," dc
Smedt's "a real man," and "Immortal." 84_ Why there should bc so much confusion
In practice, is broadly used as an honorific over an expression that even pocket dictionaries
form of address for those Who have realized the define as "'to hold the breath in apprehension" is
ram a mystery. 'I'he four charac= ters are
subjected to the following treatments: V.G_, •
80. The four characters should he clear to 'breathing will become irregular"; Levv. • 'her
anyone with a background in Chincsc sexology breath is bated and her energy is Withheld"; de
or even gcncral medical theory. The character Smedt, ' 'she breathes rapidly"; Chang, ' 'a change
means to suffer the effects such and such a cause in thc way she breathes"; and HA' "breath
and is defined as equivalent to or B _ The becomes labored. " Due to a fundamental
characters should resonate with the familiar misunderstanding of thc grammar Of this and the
expression in Chinese medicine meaning to following four passages, Levy and de Smedt's
strengthen the Ching in the sense Of making it translations are seriously Bawcd in phrasing and
stable and resistant to Icakage. The expression

Notes Classics Reconstructed
intelligibility. Only V.G„ is sound on every count the question arises as to whether it refers
in this paragraph. exclusively to the male participant Or to a
choose to ignore and not translate harmonious rapport of both partners. Here the
the co-verh in this sentence. Levy translates as context points more clearly to the male point of
"scx awareness," demonstrating a fundamental view, but, I would contend, it is the experience of
lack of attunement to Tkc Sui-T'ang mutual harmony recorded from one side.
the basic vocabulary of Chinese scxology. 93. For the character WL V,G- gives "skin,"
The actual meaning herc of * , vagina, Levy "fatness," de Sinedt "muscular," H_V.G.
escaped no other translators, including "muscles." The word in its broadest scnsc
those who preæded him. encompasses al] of these, and I think the 238
86_ The term is used often in these early meaning here is intended to be just that general.
texts to express excitement. stimulation. Accordingly, my translation, "flesh," aims to
"hot and bothered." De Smcdt and H. V.G. avoid misleading partiality.
simply throw the vcrb out. 94. Given the Chinese penchant for paral
87_ The sense of is not H.V.G.•s lelism, the character at the beginning Of a series
"her mind is full Of desire," but closer to V including and is disconcerting. V Xi translates,
G. 's "her heart desires to be satis6ed_ " "stirred . . concentrat . inner door . . outer
88. Yeh gives for 'skimpö Levy and CC door"; Levy, 'dawning beginning shutting off
translate the error, ignoring the logical gate"; de Smcdt omits the last of the four and
progression Of the paragraph and dcals with the rest by resorting 'o transliteration
nonejacutation as the central tenet of and parenthetical translation; and H.V.G.,
Chinese sexology. "indication opening pathway gateway." CC falls
back on explicatinn rather than translation, and
89- Most translators agree in the main, but
HMF simply quotes the original. Clearly. there is
Levy's misreading of the grammar and key
much floundering. In approaching this passage I
usages in this paragraph cause his whole
make two assumptions; the four key characters
translation to be seriously skewed.
function as the same pact of speech. and they
YO. The character written in Ishimpö docs
represent some sort of progression. Ignoring for a
not appear elsewhere ia the text or as such
moment the rest Of this text, the rest Of the
in CW. Because of its similarity to a cursivc
works in this collection, and the rest of classical
variant of G, V.G., Levy, and H have
Chinese literature, and focusing just on this
all translated it as "pass through." Howcvcr.
paragraph, we find that and are all parallel
eiscwhcrc in Tamba. where unquestionably
is the character intended, it is written Yeh verbs, and that and are all parallel nouns.
does not read it as fi-, but instead gives us Now the last two, and clearly are nouns and can
R, though it in nn way resembles the real function only as nouns. The character can go
elsewhere in The text. Reviewing standard several ways, but is perfectly comfortablc herc as
variants of F: and the interpretations of a noun. -rhat leaves , which not only normally is
various noted calligraphers, I havc not an adjective. but seemingly not of the same
found one that resembles the character in semantic family as the Other three. Examining
[shimpb. Accordingly, my translation the similarity of certain cursive treatments of and
represents only an interpretation of thc r i, One cannot entirely rule out thc possibility of
intended sense and not a claim of positive scribal error involving some character with the
identifica- radical. However. making the best Of the text
Don _ as it stands, have settled on "dawn" (with the
91 _ Cf. three levels Of arousal in the blessing of CW) to keep the image concrete and
male and five in thc female in "The Highest to cxprcss the initial phase of a process. WHM
Tao" and Fu-k'o yü•ch'ih agrees. Now, if the second term in each equation
is a noun and the first is made nominal by thc
92. This second appearance of gives us an addition Of V", what does it mean to say, for
opportunity to examine the expression In anothcr example, that ' •stiffness is the gatc of the Ming"?
context _ It occurs here at the head of a list Of The distinctions between even F, and are
male responses to sexual arousal. Though the last somewhat obscurc, and it is difficult to derive a
three levels arc expressed in terms Of concrete sense of stages. Finally, , the variant Of that
loci. this first is a state rather than a locus. Again,
The Classic
appears in Tamba is Obviously misread as by 100. A note in the Ishimpö points out that one
H.V.G. who translate it as ' 'opening." Of the nine is missing
101. The four characters admit Of several
95. Putting the syntactical cart before the interpretations: when you have been engaging in
horse. H.V.G. translates as • 'the Tuo is intercourse for a long time (on a given occasion);
controlled when you have long expericncc with intercourse;
Or if intercourse is to last (Or a long time. All of
96_ Levy takes the characters at the ginning of these possibilities have their partisans among
this sentence as "opening an opportunity_ 't This previous transla• ti0ns. If my translation is
is an obvious lapse into the Wrong century and somewhat circumspect, it is hecausc I can sec the
the wrong Chinese. believe that V Ci_ has the good in all of them, Much of the ambiguity
right idea, cven if his rendering is too explicit would be eliminated if wc had a better handle on
for my literary taste, when he says, "The outlet in the next line.
of the seminal duct will not open." Out of the Nii Nores
same two characters H. V.CY get all Of, "the
way made ready and Ithc gateway) opened." IU2_ Here is a good context from Which to
•rhis paragraph needs to be carefully examined argue that denotes glans clitoris, especially as it is
from the point Of view Of dramatic the object of the verb Whether it is an
development. After a graphic analysis of the abbreviation for or an independent entity remains
stages of male arousal, the Climax. in keeping a problem.
with the principles Of Chinese sexology, must 103. H.v.G. translate as "the cause most
inevitably bc anticlimax. It we think Of as ' likely lies in some injury." once again confusing
•start the cnginc" rather than "open the throttle." cause and effect. No other translation makes this
then we have the basis for a subtle but real error.
distinction between and Whether herc rcpresents 104. My fellow translators have all greeted
the whole machine or just the trigger mechanism as an old friend, addressing him as '"numher'• and
is a relatively minor problem. If one clings to the assuming perhaps a rcfcrencc to "nine times
translation of Ching as men" as V_G_, nine" or "x shallow and y deep." Always wary of
Levy. and H_V.G. have done, then what scnsc facile modern colloquial associations, it is
docs it make to say. "Open the scrncn without instructive to remember that anciently had Over
ejaculating"? Remembering that Ching in these thirty meanings. including methods, techniques,
texts always carries the double meaning of and skills. Because of the preponderance 01
sctnen and sexual energy, wc may then take as precedent in the text linking n, the verb and
'"activate the sexual energy without spilling I the specific sets of numbers, one is virtually forced to
semenl_•' The relationship Of the last two four lean in this direction. "'Number" then should he
character phrases to the preceding sentence understood to suggest the requisite combination
could be Of the type, '"If A then B" or "'A and and sequence Of deep and shallow strokes. thus
B," each Of which will produce quite different subsuming the concept Of technique within
results. Steering a safe course between a number number as most evident in the section on the
Of defensible alternatives, my interpretation is '•sc".'en ills."
closest to CC's, "DO not get excited about sex 105. For 11.V.G. give "clear my mind" in
and When having intercourse, do not recklessIy complete violation Ofclassical grammar.
ejaculate." Fortunately, Levy's "reveal their intent" and CC'S
97. Only H-V.G. choose notto translate the •'explain in detail': a ray of hope _
verb "to observe or examine."
98. H.V.G. take and thus translate "kiss." V. G. 's "The Turning Dragon," Levy's "the
Later in the text the familiar combination occurs dragon turns over," and ll.V.G.'s "Upside-down
where is written just thc same. Yeh and all Dragon" all show limitalions Of colloquial
translations concur in intuition. The first dcfini• tion in CW Of is to fly
99. •lie translation here of as ••kidney Ch'i" (thc radical. Of course, is feather). Humana,
is for convenience only, and the reader should whose "translation" normally a tissuc Of pure
remember that in Chinesc medicine takes in all fabrication, actually titles this posture "Dragon in
urogenital functions and is intimatcly connected Flight." The author Of CC, though not about to
with bone. marrow, and rcach for his dictionary, nevertheless did suspect
that meant something other than "turn Over" and

Notes Classics Reconstructed
thus explains. ' 'Because the man's arms and legs
are bent to support his body, he looks like a
dragon. This is why it is called The
character then, is the movement of the dragon."
My final piece of supporting evidence is that the
corresponding posture in the SNML is titled
Flying Dragon It is interesting that there is no
"drason" in the Ma Wang tui postures,
107. Fortunately only Levy fails to realizc
that 9E@:'.•Eu, meaning in practice '"Withdraw
hard and penetrate soft." is One Of the key
slogans in the campaign against semen
squandering. His "death goes and life returns"
becomes totally meaningless.
108. The character in Ishimpö actually is
Notes The Classics Reconstructed

Sui•Tang simple a phrase as V. G.

translates •Salter nating five shallow
but it and are so frequently confused in the thrusts with one deep ox"; and H.V.G.,
text, it is not surprising that Tamba and Ych. "counting to fiv•e times eight.'• I agree
joined by V.G. and Levy, take it as the latter. with CC and HMF's '-forty times. " Levy
character can bc to work both in terms to be totally in the dark , and V.G.
Of sense and grammar, but can function as a confuses this construction with those
subject. and one feels the need of a stated expressing the alternation of shallow and
subject at this point in the paragraph. deep thrusts. such as
109. Again the failure to correctly interpret 114. H.V.G. omit to translate
intcnsc excitation leads Levy to translate the phrase
as "flustered and pleased" (obviously also 240 Levy Once again presses the wrong
mistaking for H -V ••anxiously pleased" shows button the time machine and translates
the same compound error. "still," as if the phrase had just been
Although it is true that the character in Overheard on the street corner.
thc text is sometimes an alternate for e, 115. For v.G. gives "Smelling Mouse,"
hence Levy•s "songstrcss•• and H.V.G. 's Levy rnouse.•• and H. V.G. "fragrant teeth"
•'musical performer ,'• it also is an alternate (taking as an error for O). By "smelling
of meaning Wild, frenzied, uncontrolled. mouse" I do not know if V_G. means mouse
The choice must work intimately With the in the act Of smelling or smelly mouse.
character and with the whole phrase. Though Q is best known today in the sense
One of the meanings Of in combination Of makxlorous. there are numerous passages
With Other characters is mental qate or in the classics (e.g., I Ching, "Its Q is like an
condition, in In this sense works with and orchid") it undeniably means fragrant. Is it
reinforces the meaning Of Finally, I know possiblc that the term is intcndcd as a
Of 00 such conceit as the "happy hook. er" doubQntcndre„ suggesting the sometimes
in Chinese literature, and find the intro. fragrant sometimes pungent of the female
duction here Of the image Of a sing-song parts? The character by itself occurs later in
girl singular and inappropriate. this text in a context Where it certainly
I Jl. character fly is one of the set that means malodorous. In view Of its
echoes from One end of these to the other. ambiguity, my translation is guar&dly
Followed by here, it simply means ••restrain noncommittal. Turning then to its
yourself" and refrain from ejaculating. H. denotation, the situation is no less murky.
V_G. •s, "This will effect a sustaining Of tir H.v.G_, CC, and HMF ••glans clitorig," but
semen'• is incornpr&nsibk•; and Levy's, "she Levy translates. "vaginal secretion " The
naturally c10Kes and firms" mistakenly term is absent from the SNML list Of eight
identifies the gender of the sub• ject. depths. The YFPC uses it as just short of
Levy translates "the tiger's tread"; k'ua-shih, the greatest depth. As the Object
V.G., '•The Tiger's Tread"; and H.V.G., Of the verb " , it is highly unlikely that
"Tiger's Step." The Wondrous Dis. course could mean "vaginal secretions." lonking at
interprets the in the following terms: ••This the Whole phrase, "Insert the •jade stalk' and
method resembles a tiger or kopard Stab her QH." one would have to first
emerging from the jungle and roaring into Withdraw again to "stab the clitoris." Which
rhe wind." My translation, "stance," rather seems like an unlikely procedure in Of the
than "tread" Or "step," is based on a straightforward syntax. PS cditors add a
nonambulatory interpretation of as in such bracketed to the lone on the diagram
martial arts W. following "Yang-sheng fang. "
113. One would not think there could 116. character in the Tamba text here
be so many interpretations of so seemingly
Notes The Classics Reconstructed

, an Old friend, Which Of course works per•

fectly. Yeh sutstitutes however, which makes no
sense and evidently is a graphical error.
117. phrase gives us an opportunity to see the
verb at work Within a Well defined context. Our
panel Of eXiErts seems to be unanimous as to the
subject Of the verb (penis but
variously inter. prets the action of the verb: V.G.,
••pene• trate": Levy, "tap"; H. V. G.. "strike"; CC,
and HMF, •'penetrate. " All agree that the
object of the verb is • •labium minor. Rc• viewing
for a moment the sequence Of events. the woman
is pronc, the man approaches from the Rat,
and raises tocks. Would it
be more likely that this was to facilitate his
"penetrating:' *'tapping." Or "striking" her labium
minor with his penis or to enable him to reach
beneath her with his hand to manipulate the
"pearls"? I am also skeptical about the identity Of
"red '*ad" Or
The Classic

"red pearls." Levy and H_V.G. render the suggests the image they have in mind is of
term in the singular form, dcfining it as the mate mounting the female. I must
"labium minor pudendi," hut always object, if this is the case, that male turtles
underStood this feature to come in pairs. may very well approach the matter in this
Further, more, the term Ek, literally pearl, attitude, but that fcmalcs certainly do not lie
strong generic associations With anything on their backs. Morcovcr, Only rarely does
spherical and glossy in apkearance, the Chincsc Re mean to ride on something,
including beads, drops, and so fort . and I believe the image is actually of a turtle
Contemporary colloquial expressions for the rising up from the deep, or if a fabulous
clitoris include and , and an abnormally specimen, soaring upward through the air.
diminutive penis is , "pearl in thc 'Turtle Hopping" Ignores the fact that in the
grass." The parallel pas• sage in the SNML fable of • •the tor-
makes several significant changcs: first, the Of Su Nü Notes
woman prone posture is not spceificd, but
rear entry is maintained; second, there is no toise and the hare," it was the harc that did
separate verb for penetration; third, thcrc is the hopping.
no mention of lifting the buttocks; fourth, 120. By deft splicing and inversion,
the only operative verb is Pß (cf. SNC Ill). H.V.G. manage to avoid dealing With thc
This suggests that at least here in the SNML two central problems in this paragraph: and
the subject is the penis, the verb denotes Although appears in their glossary, it
"knocking" as at a gate, and the Object more is excised from the text here along With its
likely indicates labium minor in this verb B. Levy, H.V.G., and CC all define it
environment than clitoris. Once again, a as "vestibular glands," hut there is no clue
better understanding of on the Ma Wang tui from other contexts to prove or disprove
diagram would be invaluable. this. It cannot be found in either the SNML
118. None of our English translators or YFPC lists. Levy and ll. V .G. identify no
have bothered to the term whereas our fewer than three terms Il", and as vestibular
Chinese colleagues incorrectly define it as glands, two bodies lying at the en• trance of
the seven internal pathogenic factors of the vagina below the level of the vaginal
Chinese medicine (joy, anger, melancholy, wall and visible only on dissection. It is
anxiety, sorrow, fear, and alarm), This list difficult to believe that a feature of so little
fact is known as the and the term refers prominence would have been given so much
in Chinese medicine to two distinct seß of attention by ancient sexologists. It also is
etiological categories. The more relevant of dif. ficult to believe that 'SPenetrate dccply
the two outlines seven different and stab her 'haby girl"' suggests anything
manifestations Of kidney (Shen) weakness: but that the "baby girl" is located at a
cold genitaLia, genital atrophy, impotence, considerable depth. In fact, it is the scvcnth
spermatorrhea, thin semen, insufficiency of item in the "'Highest Tao's" list of twelve
semen, dampness of genitalia, and vaginal terms.
incontinence. This list, quoted from the ran- 121. V.G.'s "every thrust should be right
ping yuan-hou dun, published in 610, in the middle'• for stands alone against four
coincides very closely with the set of translations on a theme "hit tbc clitoris."
urogenital symptoms of the same name, Mceting it again in the ninth posture. he
"seven injuries," in the PSN included in this translates, "It is important to insert it
anthology deeply." Given the piston-cylindcr
119. The verb "to mount" in V_G.'s configuration of components in intercourse,
"'Ibe Mounting Turtle" and l_evy's "the there is nowhere to thrust but in the "middle.
tortoise mounts" is ambiguous and may " I do not think can be stretched to Incan
mean cither to get up on or to ascend. In the "deep" either, but I can sympathize with
present context, the choice of "mount" here frustration at not knowing exactly what the
The Classic

word means and atternpting to give it a

vague rather than conCrete locus. Levy's
translation of "seed" and H.V.G.'s '"fruit,"
offered Without benefit of quotation marks
or capitalization, can only leave the reader
wondering why these foodstuffs have been
lett lying around the vagina. Once again, the
precise interpretation of turns on whether
it is synonymous with which seems
from strong circumstantial evidence to bc
just past midway in depth, or is an
independent term, perhaps clitoris. Why the
special reminder to "hit" this spot (if spot it
is) in postures five and nine docs little to
shcd light on the subject.
122. The expression is unusual if not
unique and has been ignored , side-stepped,
or misinterpreted by previous translations.
V.G. reduces to, "He moves his member
vigorously"; Levy translates, ' 'hot and hard
he guides it in"; and "pressing ioward firmly
and warmly." Levy's "guides it in"
Overlooks the fact that penetration already
has taken place; and H. v mistake for

The Classic of
context, despite the temptation Of cross-
linguistic punning.
When they arc standard adjectives for 128. The term should not
the erect penis. From the basic meaning Of
pull or drag, Comes to mean involve, bring be the prob-
together, or match by force, as in the com• 242 lem that it is. The primary rneaning Of is
bination I believe that operatcs here in the "winnowing basket," a triangular-shaped
sense of the man "pulling" himself forward to kct, widc in the front and narrow at the rear,
••stick" inside the woman. while she carries used for throwing threshed grain into the air.
out the movements. The locus classicus for is the Book of Rites,
123. All translators agree that it is the woman where it says, "in standing do not lean; in
Who has the major responsibility for moving at this sitting do not q. The cornrnentary tells us that
point, except V.G_, who cause he persists in means to sit With legs open and Out,
interpreting as "three shallow and eight deep," has stretched in front Of One, like the •'tongue'•
no alternative but to render the whole phrase, ••He of a winnowing basket. CW and TH give an
moves his mcmbcr vigorously, compelling the impressive array of classical citatiom for
woman to respond to his movement. '• I feel, and its close relative All commentators but
however. that it is this very context, where woman one define it as sitting on the buttocks With
is the prime mover, that proves conOusivcly that all legs outstretched, usually in the context of
Of the number combinations refer 10 Sums or heaping insults on an enemy or general lack
rhythms and not depths Of penetration. of decorum. The one exception says that the
knees are bent. Our various translators
124_ The verb is used *Ores Of times
contradict each Other, and even themselves:
throughout these texts to express orgasm—
V. G, , "cross-legged"; I , "squatting"
female or male. H.V. G. suffer a temporary
(illustration shows kneeling); H.V.G., '•basket
linguistic lapse here, translating it "quicken,"
manner"; CC, "kneeling with the knees spread
but cornc to their senses when it appears for
apart" (illustration Coincides); HMF,
the second time in this paraggaph, correctly
across•leggcd" (photo shows kneeling); and
translating, "climax. "
WHM, ''legs outstretched." Normally One
125. H.V G. is the only translation that would be swayed by the weight Of classical
agrees with my interpretation Of as spirit plus opinion, which almost unanimously favors
physical form. The primary definition of the legs open and outstretched. However, Other
term in CW is "spirit and form." and the methods calling for this posture seem
Seajndary is "lorrn Of a god." V-G. takes the someWhat unlikely Method 15 in the TNT
phrase as "show on her face"; Levy, ''move specifies the •Swinnowing basket" When
(her to a) divine appearance:" and CC c.311ing for the man to alternately penetrate
''becomes visible in her appearance." The two women lying belly to belly. Here I
character does mean appearance in such translates '•cross, legged," although his
combinations as and but intuition tells me illustration shows kneeling. Method 23 in the
would not be the verb of choice to express TNT features the man in "winnowing basket
causation in changc Of countenance pose" and the woman On top With her back to
126. In Chincsc medicine, the term him. Again V.G_ translates ••cross-legged,
indudes conditions such as constipation, but Ievy switches to "legs outspread"
congcstion, blockages of the lymphatic (illustration shows legs extended but not
System, and so On. open). Number 27 in the same work has
127. Jl.V.G.'s translation of as "Cranes nearly identical instructions as "Cranes," but
Necking" cannot go unmentioned. The term Levy now translates ' 'legs Outstrctched," and
does mean literally to Crass or entwine the V.G. is ever true to "crosslegged." characters
necks, and Webster does offer 'Scaress, pet" n, and appear elsewhere in the text, so it
as a colloquial meaning of "neck. " seems that When kneel, squat, and some
Nevertheless. given the strict distinc• ti0n in Other version Of squat Were called for, the
the modern English speaker•s mind between vocabulary Was available. No conunentator
•'necking" and sexual intercourse. it perhaps or dictionary suggests that meant "cross-
is best that the twain do not entwine in this legged," for which perfectly good terms exist

Notes The
in and , though these combinations never fairly tight formation, but I wish I knew thc
appear in the texts. only posture left unnamed, then, source of their ccrtainty. CW gives over ten
is that featuring outstretched legs (Whether Open pronuncaations and morc than fifty
Or not might still be cover:d by a position for dcfinitions of The character docs occur in the
Which there seems to be no ready English Su wen in a passage that by no means is
equivalent. A survey Of hundreds Of specimens Of transparent and does not relatc to female
erotic art from the Ming and Ch'ing reveals two adlictions, but is interpreted by com
examples Of cross-legged entry and approximately mentators to denote cramps or tightness. I S"
twenty With the man's legs outstretched. However, Wü No les
in view of certain still unreconciled wntradictions thus tentatively side with thc majority in the
in contcxt, wc offer a literal translation rather than absence of a better alternative.
locking the gate pre maturely 135_ The title of the "benefit" is not a
129- • 'Wheat teeth" is simply a literal rendering standard medical term, but among the nearly
of which V .G__ following Maspero's sixty definitions of in CW, perhaps or
"I'lndentation en forme de grain de Ole," calls can he applied here. Everyone comes to the
"Wheat-shaped hole", "wheat buds": H_V.G_ same conclusion, save I_evy, who chooses the
"wheat tooth"; and CC and HMF "vagina." Levy unlikely meaning of "speak, talk, or inform"
and glossaries define the term as "labium for his "informing the body." ' 'Rcv ulate" is
minor. inexplicably gives the characters precisely the meaning Of in the "Highest
YFPC and SNML list it as next in linc after the Tao's"
"zither or the second degrcc of depth. Actually, thc 136. V,G., H_V-G., and CC choose not to
very samc term appears in a scction on fcmale translate the phrase Leu opts for word-for-
typology, where it clearly indicates irregular teeth. word literal translation; ' 'The man stabs her
Later in this tcxt, during a discussion on conccFF with his thighs and ribs." chief sources of
tion, wc are told that the optimum depth for confusion here are the two appcarances of the
ejaculation is thc which would seem to indicate a character and the subjcct of the verb ill, which
level deeper than the "labium minor." The Y FPC one normally ex, pccts to be pcnis (stated or
advises that the Optimum depth for bringing about understood), but which hcrc is ' 'thighs and
the harmony of yin and yang is between the "zither ribs." Without tracing every possible
strings" and "'wheat teeth," that is, neither too deep permutation, in the end, thc strongest pull
nor too shallow, again seeming to rule Out the seems to comc from the syntax itself, which
"labium minor" interpretation. It is number six of in its simplest most direct sense means that
twelve vaginal terms in the "Highest Tao" and the man throws his thighs and ribs forcefully
appears roughly in the middle of the ' •Yang-sheng into thc act.
fang" diagram 137 _ Although I do not favor translating
130. The "Highest Tao's" system or ' 'eight ch'i, "'exhaustion of energy:' for certainly is
benefits" and "seven differs froltl the present in preferable to Levy's "stopped
significant details and is interesting for comparative
purposes. 138. Fortunately _ no one CISC save
131. Here, although the construction is exactly H_V.G. mistakes (literally "perspiration is
the same as earlier, V.G_ switches from "x shallow emitted") for • •release of semen.'
and y deep" to "eighteen strokes. " 132. All but 139. The verb means to bear on the
Levy realized that is an alternatc for what is now shoulders. It is highly specific and apropos in
commonly written W. and refers to the Five this phrase. Levy's "supports 60th her thighs"
Viscera (heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidney.) He and "carries both of hcr thighs in his arms"
renders it "profitably hoarding. " miss the mark _
133. "harmonizing the blood circulation" and H
140- For H.v.G. us, 'The woman shakes
V.G_'s "harmonizing the pulse" are acceptable, but
herself until she reaches orgasm,"
Levy's "blending the conduits" communicatcs only
demonstrating an equal disregard for both
confusion to thc English-speaking reader _
Chinese and Englislu The character is used
134. The phrase evokes the following consistently in these texts as a verb denoting
translations: V.G., "vaginal pains"; Levy. the undulations of lovemaking. One Cannot
"excessive G)ntraction"; H.V.G., "tightening of the simply run off with the first definition in a
female gate"; and CC, "spasm." 'rhe pack arrives in
The Classic of
Chinese-English dictionary. Following "Orgasm" in
their translation, H V _ff give the characters instead
of which appear in Tamba and Yeh_
141. The phrase appears here and in every
succeeding '"ill" in exactly the same position and
exactly thc same scnse_ I.evy•s, 'The man is not to
continue until he attains joyfulness" points the
reader in precisely the opposite direction Of the
intended meaning.
142. Ishimpö gives just the character 4? here,
but Yeh interpolates a tollowing it. Although is a
common verb compound

The Sui-T'ang Classics Reconstructed

Note. character titie is first introduced and

then repeated in ditto marks the
in these texts. the original stands well subject of the first sentence. The
enough On its own. Tamba text, which reads 4
expression represents a , is confusing on a number Of
set Of usually associated counts; first, the unorthodox Of ditto
With "diabetes" in Western medicine. H.V. marks; second. the exceptional
G. •s "digestive thirst, hsiao-k'o ( (diabetesl" appearance Of a four character title;
is not Only Overloa&d with transliteration, third, the identity of the character
parenthesis, characters, and brackets, but written in Ishimpö may be subject to
due to faulty punctuation leads us to believe varying Interpretations; and fourth,
that there are actually two items involved. regardlcss Of whether We take as or
Moreover, the improvised ••digestive thirst' X, there is no ready understanding Of
ignores standard translatims of the term and it in tandem With H,V.G. take it as N,
misinterprets in this context for digestion but comparing it With unequivocal
instead of emacia• tion. The author Of CC examples Of
also is tw proud to reach for his medical
244 elsewhere in the text, they are not a
dictionary and in parenthesis that the
perfect match. Taking it u, Yeh and CC have
two mean "parched throat and
done, thc four characters seem to Work well
inability to urinate." Ironically, polyuria is
enough together grammatically, but we still
probably the most comrnon symptom of thc
do not know if the term is one Oi anatomy
condition actually indicated.
Or physiology. By playing With the noun-
144. The first character in the verb roles, one can multiply the possibilities;
combination is written in IshimpÖ. Yeh amf CC, with tacit approval from WHM, has
takes it as (a variant of a) and H_V.G. and come up With the novel entry, '•what we
CC as S. Although I Cannot find a specimen mean by is (meaning a chronic disease
of calligra• phy with the upper clemcnt of the internal organs). " Seems to be
wnttcn instead of i, Wang Hsi•chih does in reading as a verb, meaning to "shut," and
one example write at the bottom instead Of thus in• dicating a "shutting down" Of the
t. Fur• 2rrmore, I find no evidence of as a body's SYSterns. then, is madc to equal Eg,
standard term in Chinee medicine, or Of both Of which are familiar characters in
alone in any medical context that relates to medical Chinese, although not together. The
this combination. The character by eontr.* is tcrrn has three distinct medical definitions,
a standard equivalent for and meaning harm, the most Common Of Which is fainting,
insult or exhaustion in such expressions as Whereas is a neral term for injury or insult
and to any part of body or its functions. The
145. H.V_G. translate as. "The man two together could bc coordinate
stands on the floor next tv bed. " (Tamba complements Or could in• dicate a type Of
now rare variants Of both characters.) in the term does not aplxar in recent medical
text sugests this interpretalion, and the dictionaries, but the Dictionary OfChinese
phrase occurs frequently the text. Everyone Medicine (Chung-Kuo hsüeh
else Sees just What is there. Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1928). Citing
146. This time rather than Strukele a passage in the Su wen, "Chüeh lun p'ien"
With the expression, H.V.G. simply throw it defines as "joints" . "Chüeh Jun p'ien••
Out. passage brings together the term abnormally
rising c" •i. and in a context that can be
147. The IshimpO copyists use the hardly anything but joints. The combination
convention as ditto marks. In ali of the
•benefits" and "ills" in this section, the two
The Sui-T'ang Classics Reconstructed

appears twice in the SNR once in a phrase

precisely matching that in the Su Wen:
nie diseases" instead Of %lOw and fast" (i.e.,
pace) is a sad day for Sinology,
149. The text here clearly says
. which cannot mean other than as we have
rendered it. However, both H.V.G. and CC,
exercising either editorial license Or negligence ,
remove the negative imperative. thus
altering the Sensc. Levy's "don't let the woman
agitate herself' amounts to a pun and is too
ambiguous for serious comment. There are many
instances 01 in these texß, but this is the
ance in the negative. Emendation might scem
justified by a consistent pattern Of usage and in
view Of the woman superior posture and absence
Oi specific indications that the man initiate the
movements. However, it was not sumcient cause
for Ych to cmcnd it, and we likewise will demur.
WUM accepts the text at face value, but
acknowledging its exceptional nature, explains
that the purpose is to avoid overstimulation of a
weakened man.
ISO, The term m revyesentS a fundamental
sy•a4flom in Chinese medicine_ H.V.G.'s •'ckning
out the hundred" seems
Notes The Sui-Tang Classics Reconstructed
oblivious to this. The condition manifests during CC's tortured efforts are even more mystifying in
a sudden change in the course of an illness where view of the perfect sense made by the original.
the pathogenic influence gains the per hand Su 2Vü No les
and as it were, "locked" in.
159_ Yang is used in these early sexology texts
Symptomatically, it can produce systemic
to denote the male gender and male sexual
dysfunction, uJma, lockjaw, clenched fists,
energy. The words masculinity, virility, and
phlegm congestion, and so on, CCs "blockage of
potency come to mind in Enghsh_ In later texts,
the pulse" is a wild guess, since ironically, %
Other dimensions of yang bccomc increasingly
syndrome is actually characterized bv rapid
important, such as thc "light" phases Of the solar,
lunar, and diurnal cycles and the "masculine"
151 _ CC translates as woman•s
element within thc female _
lust is uncontrolled,' : ignoring the norms Of
160_ The expression is perfectly
literary Chinese and the wellestablished pattern
straightforv,'ard medical Chinese. The character
in these texts of all unstated subjects referring to
refers to the genitalia and to a state of weakness
the male.
or decline in function. H.V.G.'s "testicles
152. An apparent erratum in Yeh gives for
sagging" would be laughable were it not so
embarrassing to the profession of translation_
153, H.V.G. throws this sentence Out Of the
text; and Levy, apparently not understanding its 161. The four characters pose a
meaning, gives us a word-for-word literat number Of problems. The first two characters as
translation that is devoid of sense in English. they stand do not seem to bc a standard medical,
154. Among thc seven versions of the phrase literary, or colloquial expression. The only
surveycd, only CC and W HM render definition Of one can begin to work with is or
dissenting interpretations: "Although after a brief but these refer only to distressed mental states.
time it seems that one revives again" and MV translation thus is somewhat speculative
"Although one quickly re vives_'• CC, by here. The secnnd pair appears in such
misreading the intent Of and interpreting the • familiar works as the Classic of Filial Piety and
'temporary pleasure" as referring to a second act Mencius, whcrc it means simply physical injury.
of coition in one session of lovemaking, takes the V "burned" and H.V.G.'S "injured by
beating' are unnecessarily imaginative.
whole thrust of the paragraph Off On a tangent. I
feel (and all Other translators seem to agree) that 162. The tour familiar characters
have elicited a number of very different
the force implies that, on the many
interpretations_ V_G_, "will be exposed to
occasions one ejaculates, each time provides this
illfortunc"; Lcvy, "will perform an ill-omened
transitory sensation. but that cach time it ends in
(deed) in his youth"; and H.V.G.. "will appear to
disappointment. The symptomology of Ching de
be committed to do evil and unlucky things." If
ficiency described in this passage parallels Su
these translations seem to be English confessions
wen, "Sheng-ch'i t'ung-t'ien lun:"
obtained by torture from a Chinese suspect, it
may be that the suspect is not altogether
155. I agree With the notes Of the various innocent. WHM agrees with my translation.
translators who take this as the "spirits" of the 163. All arc happily agreed that the meaning
Five Viscera. herc implies misfortune for both mother and
156. Levy's "how should one obtain leak child, except for Levy, whose misreading Of the
age" shows total disregard for English idiom. Syntax and key vocabulary results in the
157. This refers to the traditional Chincsc inappropriately oedipal ' 'will a'rnmit evil with its
"wcck" Often days. mother. "
158. Next to the characters in Ishimpö the 164. H.V.G.'s ' 'between the crescent and full
Japanese commentator Writes Yeh and I-I.V.G. moon" is nat wrong and, if taken literally rules
do not accept the emendation, but Levy and CC Out twenty-seven days of thc montlu The first
do, resulting respectively in, "If the desire for quarter occurs On approximately the eighth day
intercourse rises up irregularlv in his mind" and of each lunar month, the last quarter on
"frowning the who]c day." Thc combination T- approximately the twenty-second, and the full
•T denotes the idea of multiplicity, but is moon on the fifteenth,
exceedingly rarc and, in the only example I can 165. Again, six common characters LB
find, is applied to mountain peaks. Levy and but many interpretations: Levy, "will
The Classic of
initiate a troop rebellion and become blindly , and I believe the meaning is to
violent"; V.G., "will bc killed in war or blinded maintain an attitude of humility and
by the wind"; and H.V.G., "will side With rebel revercnce. H.V_G. choose not to translate
soldiers or be blinded by the wind.'• The two it at all; V.G. and CC both rcnder it '
bones Of contention , then. are whether functions 'concentration". and Levy's "transmit an
passively Or actively and the meaning Of The emptiness" is both Wrong and
next Sentence also employs the phrase u n. but in unintelligible. WHM agrees With my
an unambigu0us context. which precludes the interpretation.
possibility Ot passive voice. Thus in accordance
169. gjk is a general term for
With syn• tactical parallelism and the internal
Workings Of the phrase itself. I feel that must be abstinential
functioning as an active verb. The characters 246 self-purification. It has Strong Buddhist
as a wrnbinatioru cannot be round in any as"'. ciations now. implying especially abstinence
dictionary—general or medical—but must frum flesh foods, but the combination appears as
logically be either independent concepts or a Carly as the Book o/ Rites, Me,'tcius, Moh
single entity. The first alternative yields the and Chuang Izu. As used tn the Ching. it conveys
meaning ''insane and blind," where the character the sense Of an attitude Of respectful
is interpreted as an alternate Of and the which I believe is the appropriate meaning here.
second alternative, "wind blind," which could be V.G.'s "fasting" is narrow and misleading; Levy's
a form of blindness inflicted by external '"abstain" is inadequate; and "abstain from
atmospheric Wind or the inter, nal ' 'Wind unclean meats and other vile things" is adequate
syndrome." The interprctation adopted here to a fault.
instead is to take the whole phrase as generally 170. I agree With Levy and CC's interpretation
descriptive Of a State Of bhnd recklessness of as "Withdraw the body" ( does not seem to
associatcd with bandit behavior. have been used for before the Sung), but part
166, The meaning Of this Opening company When it comes to the phrase They take
phrase. is the 'mot too far" as referring to the withdrawal,
completely altered by Levy and CC whereas I feel that it advises moderate
through faulty punctuation. V-G. and penetration. CC's reading seems grammatically
H,V.G. correctly rcalized that is a plausible until he gets to the second and then
combination (equivalent to %* ) and only by altering the text is he able to complete
should not be divided. term is an even the sentence. It defies anatomy and logic to say
more-familiar combination, and, likewise, that when ejaculating, the penis should not be
must not be divided. By shifting the withdrawn beyond the "labium minor" because it
punctuation, all the Other combinations Will then be in danger of "passing" the cervix.
line up incorrectly gibberish in WHM makes the same error. For some reason
Chinese and English. V.G. translates as ••halt an inch," and then goes
167. There are many interpretations on to Say, "if deeper he will havc passed the
of opening of the uterus. First, both YFPC and
SNML indicate a depth of two inches for and no
. Levy, "scttlc the dress"; V_G.,
source suggests "half an inch"; and second, one
"sit quietly"; H.V_G., "neatly up the
is more in danger of not reaching the "opening of
clothing"; and CC, "with garments in
the uterus" from such a shallow depth than Of
Order." believe that the phrase conveys
"passing" it. phrase in YFPC
literally and ritually the proper decorum
my contention that the concept of "far" here
and attitude for conception. ll.V.G.'S
means deep.
translation is misleading in its implication
171. takc exception with Cvcry previous
Of premature disrobing and ignores the
interprctation of the phrase . which I bclievc
fact that the Chinese fold rather than "'hang
stands on its and should not be aligned with
up" the clothes. WEIM agrees with my
either the preceding or following phrases. By
following this reading (but not bending the
168. The two characters do not seem original tv a preconceived conclusion) the text
to be a set compound, but by corresponds perfectly with modern Western
extrapolation from such expression as advice to ejaculate for con'*ption from three

Notes The Sui-Tang Classics Reconstructed
quarters depth to overshooting the Os Of instead of d The FCPI offers a in a passage that
the cervix. closely parallels this one, but admits of no
172. •The term is still in use today in Chinese ambiguous punctuation.
medicine for os Of the cervix. 182 _ The phrasc has two possible meanings:
(I) the fiftecn•day climatic period beginning
173. CW defines T-V, citing a commentary January 20 or 21 and that bcglnning July 22 or
to the Su wen, as 7-Z, the more-familiar term 23; and (2) extrcmc u'ld or heat. Maspcro's "ICS
today for uterus. H.V.G, reduce both and to quinzc jours qui precedent immcdiatcment les
"birth portal" and then give us in parenthesis deux equinoxes" cannot be correct because the
as if this was the expresSion in the original text. equinoxes mark the beginning Of spring and
Which it is not. autumn _ Only CKYSTPS takes it in the first
174. The term a compound meaning sense, but I side with the majority opinion in
"virtuous," and there is no need to translate the view of parallel passages in Other texts,
two characters separately as V.G., Levy, and especially the YFPC, where context positively
H.V_G. havc done precludes the • 'twenty-four climatic periods"
175. The term "the Of life" Indy bc used to interpretation.
charactenze ch'i in anv ot its manifestations, from Su Nü
the natural world to artistic productions to man
183. Levy translates
himself. If influenced by the preceding sentence,
one would lean toward the external environment, H as "the five days before and after the Start Of
but if bv the following then toward the age Of spring, autumn, winter and summer"; and V-G.,
the partners. I am persuaded by the phrase in "The five day period betore each of the twenty-
FCPI that it rcfers to favorahle four days of solar terms in the four seasons_••
macrocosmic conditions rather than age The solar year is divided into twenty-four
176. I take the tour characters as indicating a climatic periods, and those represcnting the
relatively anterior placement Of the vulva, and beginning (7 ) of the four seasons were the
especially the opening Of the vagina. Levy and ocwasiü[l for special imperial rites known as My
H.V.G. give us "high" V.G., "the labia Of the best guess is that refers to the two days before,
vulva should be well developed"; Humana, "the the day of, and the two days after the first day Of
Jade Gate should be so placed that penetration is cach season. WHM concurs. Lcvy's "the five
easy"; and CC, incomprehensibly. • 'her calves days hcforc and after thc start of spring. autumn,
are strong. winter and summer" is ambiguous, admitting
both the interpretation Of a ten-day period of
177 In my mind there is some question as to abstinence or of five days that straddle the first
whether means above the genitalia. that is, the day. H. V -G 's "The five day period before each
mons, or upon the genitalia, that is, the vulva. of the twenty-four days of solar terms in the four
178_ This is much above the ideal age expressed seasons" produces a total of 120 days, or a
in all Other texts, Which usually place it between prohibition extending to one•third of the entire
puberty and twenty. Moreover, from everything year _
we know of social customs, to be childless at 184. H.V.G. decline to translate the phrase
twenty-five meant to Oe unmarried or barren.
, but Levy's "your birthday and New
both of which were disasters,
Year's Day" and WHM's over translates it. CW
179 The sexagenary (or sexagesimal) cycle is a defines as the year of one's birth in relation to
very ancient system of reckoning days by which the twelve Terrestrial Branches and as
the Celestial Stems 1-+ and Terrestrial Branches one's cumulative age _ 185. Levy correctly
are continuously paired, like interlocking recognizes and as four pairs of Stem-Branch
cogwheels Of ten and twelve teeth, respectively, combinations, but H. V.G. give eight indcpcn•
until they repeat again at sixty. During the Han, dent transliterated entities without bcncEt of
thc system camc to be employed for the year identification. Actually this whole paragraph as it
count as well. appears in the Ishimpö is attributed to the
180. The •'p'o days" are the most consistently (which Yeh renders and Tamba tells
and thoroughly inauspicious of the cycle of us in a note that YFPC gives for the
twelve days in the Chinese almanac. postsummer solstice period, and the SNC
181. Levy and H.V.G. give us only "lunar and Yeh appropriates thc
eclipse," no doubt by associating 8 with whole paragraph for his reconstruction Of the
SNC_ but for these taboo days he forsakes the
The Classic of
version in favor Of those noted by happen again and again," respectively. Both
Tamba as belonging to the SNC_ In their seem to have missed the point that means, among
translations, Levy and I "_V_G. mix elements Other things, to be deprived of the opportunity to
from the various versions without noting the acquire a wife, and e, Of course, means to harbor
discrepancies resentment. The focus Of the phrase, then, is not
186. I accept Ych's emendation, following to explain the future but the present.
Tamba, of for
193. Levy and translating the
187. Although I cannot find the expression
Chinese unit of weight, the liang PE, as "ounce"
as such in other sources, I believe the IS like translating meter as yard. The current ounce
meaning is the same as H, which occurs on the equals approximately 28 grams _ According to
same day. V.G. and H.V.G. agree with my historical tables in Wu Ch'eng• Iuo's Chung-kuo tu-
reading, but Levy's "heaven is female and earth liang-heng shih, the liang has been in use since the
is male (reversing the order of things)" errs Chou dynasty. From the Tang to thc Ch'ing, a period
by making too much of thc fact that in thc Of 1.300 years, it remained a constant 37.30 grams.
combination yang prccedes yin whereas in yin The documents assembled by Tamba represent the
prcccdcs yang. If this were relevant, then what of Han, Sui, and Tang, but thcse early sexology classics
customarily arc dated as Sui. At the bcginning Of
188. There is a lacuna in Iskimpö indicated the Sui (589) the liang had a value Of 41-76 grams, but
by a blank space the size of one character, which was revalued in 605 to 13.92 grams.
Yell fills with two: belonging to the end of the 194_ I accept Yeh's emendation of for
previous line; and # , to the beginDing of this. Ishimpö
The text is intelligible with the lacuna, but Yeh's 195. A spoon or spatula measuring a "Chinese
interpolation seems perfectIy consistent with the inch" on each side (i.e., I squarc inch) capable Of
intended sense. For Tamba's (or holding approximately 2 grams Of powdered
mineral medicine or I gram Of powdered
translates "'considering botanicals. H. V. G. 's "cubic inch spoonful" is
this beautiful" and V_G., "delight." which seem misleading.
rcasonably to the point; but H.V.G.'s "She never 196- The convention in Chinese medical texts
understands the seriousness [of this]' cannot be of using —E to introduce alternative
accounted for. prescriptions is obscured by Levy's "If, on the
189. Beside the Characters in Tamba Other hand, you yourself take .
offers an interlinear emendation 197. In the phrase the word is used,
which Yeh accepts. H.V.G_ give "She" as the believe, interchangeably with which means to
subject of this sentence, but all Others realize bc cured. Levy obviously took it in the sense Of
that the condition applies equally to both sexes- to he sent on a mission and thus mistranslates,
Igo_ Previous translations are split between "you will attain the right level to dispatch the
interpreting as too tired demon:
from the cure Or too tired from the amiction. I 198. The spccics in question is R, or alces
feel that the case in question is the affiction_ machlis.
Levy's rendering Of the second half of the phrase 199_ Levy translates "one should also take"
as "can't control (your semen)" is another instead Of "One may also take," which gives the
instance of misreading . mistaken impression that what follows is not an
191. H. V -G. pretends thc phrase did alternative method hut a cumulative requirement.
not exist. V.G_'s "stay there in a condition of 200. H.V.G. and CC translate as "bake," and
complete tranquility" is adcguatc, but Levy's Levy as "heat." In medical terminology can mean
"say and do nothing" can hardly be improved either to simmer in water or to produce gels by
upon. boiling herbs in several changes Of water, each
192. Three of our translators, v-G„ CC, and time collecting and filtering the supernatant,
de Smedt, who are obliged to offer only cxcxrpts, condensing and solidifying it. Bake generally is
elect to bail Out just before the phrase whereas or and even in culinary usage always mcans to
Levy and who are forced to contend with it, give boil in water. "heat" thereforc is too vague,
us, "there will always he such persons in later considering thc high dcgrcc Of specificit-y
generations," and "in future generations this will indicated in the preparation Of Ginese herbal

Notes The Sui-Tang Classics Reconstructed
medicines; and ' 'bake" cannot be Supported by
any stretch of N.
201 _ I accept Yews emendation of for in
202. An area corresponding to the prcscnt
southeast corner of Kansu Province famous for
the prcmduction of medicinals.
Prescriptions of Su Nü
l. According to the "six extremes:' theory of
exhaustion in Ginese medicine, when the Ching
is severely deficient, it manifests as impaired
vision and hearing.
2. De Smedt treats this whole passage with
fanciful paraphrase, adding language such as, •
'intercourse with a woman who is advanced in
years. . , long abstinence from sex in the case Of
a man," which is simply not in the original.
3. De Smedt adds "eclipsc of sun or 13. The word has two meanings in Chinese
moon" to this list, which is not in the OriginaL medicine. First, it is the most
4. Translation Of presents two imporPrescription.S Of Nores
possibilities: (I) your own Ching, or (2) the tant Of the "six eternal pathogens," often
Ching Of your Offspring. De Smedt's combining with other factors such as heat, cold,
"weakening of the semen" shows an inclination or dampness to produce disease. Second, it is the
for the former, and CC's "the ching-ch'i Of your or "internal wind," a symptom likened to wind in
children" for the latter. Although may function its abruptness and irregularity, but whose cause
as a polite form of address in literary Chinese, is an internal disorder. Because the emphasis
for it to do so here in thesc texts would be a here is on the effects of the four seasons, it must
unique event and all the more unlikely in a be the first meaning that is operative.
dialogue with the emperor. Unfor• tunately, the 14. These represent two Of the "four
formula for introducing the con• sequences to diagnostic techniques"; viz., inspection,
one's offspring of various sexual transgressions auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and
generally is rather than -falone. On balance, I pulse and palpation. The word translated here as
must side with CC and interpret Ching not so "color belongs to the category Of inspection and
much in the sexual sense, but rather as or the distinguishes five primary colors of the face and
hereditary aspect of the child:s endowment. skin indicating various diseases. Pulse diagnosis
"Enemy," here, of course, means sex partner involves three finger compression of the radial
_ puke at the carpal joint to assess its frequencv,
6_ De Smedt translates this and the prcccd• ing rhythm, fullness, smoothness, and amplitude.
phrase as, '-The man may also suffer from Classical diag• nosis distinguishes twenty-eight
impotcncc with a woman even when his Jade pulse types, cach indicating a specific syndrome.
Stalk erects.' cannot agree with this 15. In a note to æIE31, the name Of this
interpretation, but feel that CC does full justice prescription, Wang T 'ao tells us that means
to the line. tuckahoe, the first ingredient in all of these It is
7. The is the energy derived from difficult tn know if means that is another name
food that circulates in the blood. for or that it simply refers to it as a kind of
8. The is yang energy circulating in the epithct, "return to life_'t According to Li Shih-
subcutaneous layer Of the body, functioning as a chcn's Marena Medlca, is another name for
first line Of defense against external pathogens. chrysanthemum.
9. I can discover nothing about this figure, 16- "Reversal" indicates that the ch'i is moving
except that Z", appears to he a double surname. in an abnormal direction, especially the ch'i of
10. The term may be understood in two the lungs and stomach when rising. This
ways in Chinese medicine. ne first denotes manifests as panting or coughing in the case Of
illnesses asulting from taxing the Five Vlsccrd the lungs or vomiting and hiccups in the case of
(heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys), and the the stomach
second is summarized in the wen, • 'Hsüan- 17. The seeds Of the wu-t'ung trec
ming wu-cb'i p'ien:•' "Using the eyes for a long (firmuma plalanifolia)
time injures the blood; reclining for a long time 18. Li Shih-chen tells us that the sccds of
injures the ch'i sitting for a long time injures the the small variety of wu-i are fermented as a
flesh; standing for a long time injures the bones; strongly pungent condiment.
and walking for a long time injures the sinews. " 19. General state of wcakncss in thc organs,
ll. The represent exhaustion of the blood, ch'i, and blood. resulting in a decline of
sinews, flesh, ch'i, bones, and Ching. physiological function.
12. In Chinese herbo]ogy, herbs are 20. This is the same name as tor the summer
classifcd according to the "four temperatures" remedy _
and "five flavors" "Cool, cold, warm, and
21. Levy's ' 'White glutinous millet" is a
hot" herbs generally arc prescribed for classic case Of "faux amis."
symptoms according to the theory of opposites.
22. Dictionary definitions of 4'-# range
from cheese, cream cheese, and koumiss to

Notes The Sui-rang Classics Reconstructed
butter. Li Shih-chen tclls us that it is made by "happily" is too bland for an
bringing milk to a boil two or three times, expres_sion defined as unrcstraincd
removing it from the fire and placing it in a bowl indulgence in pleasure _
to cool. The skin that forms on thc surface is 7. The name first appears in the
then heated until an Oil emerges. The folk Shih chi, where according to one
method involves churning the cream in a leather commentary, he was a "rain master" dj3b
bag or Other vessel until the butter forms. during the time of Shen Nung, the god of
23. Yeh's in the combination believe is an agriculture. Some accounts identify him as
error for a tutor of Ti K'u * g ; and Others state that
Essentials of the Jade Chamber thcrc were two so named, onc an immortal
of the rcign of Shen 250 Nung and another
I. Maspero translates the phrase as • 'les of the Chin dynasty.
seins pas encore formés." I interpret the 8. H.V.G.'S "comfort" and Levy's
expression RS drawing on the SNCs the "purifled" are not quite adequatc
HCY1's the CTCY's and "Shih wen" for translations of the expression The basic
support. TO contend that the phrase mcaning is to suddenly become open Or
denotes undeveloped breasts must explain disentangled, usually in thc sense of
the sentence just a few lines later which sudden comprehension following a period
states, "Her breasts swell and fill the whole Of confusion. Used hcrc, it expresses the
hand when held." sensation of relief or relaxation when
2. The term tan-dien literally something "hits the spot."
"elixir field," is used loosely herc for the
9. According to the Ch'ien Han
lower abdomen.
shu, ' 'Biographies or the Immortals," E H
3. 1 feel that the line was a Taoist Of the Han, Who at 130 years
translated by H_V.G., "searching for her of age appeared like 30.
mouth and tongue," and Levy, "try to kiss 10. Both Levy and H.V.G. have
her deeply," may be bascd on the words created problems in the phrase
from hexagram 27 Of the I Ching ( 'u The where none exist and ignored them where
Corners Of the Mouth). This may have they do exist. Levy's "causing thc spiritual
bccn a rcfincd exprcssion for the act Of (qualities) to harmonize and the intent to
kissing. Or could carry the additional fccl moved" and H. V '"harmonizc the
meaning Of nourishment, which is vigor and vitalizc the ideas," when
with this hexagram. compared with V_G.'s "harmonize your
4. Levy interprets the phrase mood with his and make her emotions
as Knntinuing the theme of the respond," shows the difference between
preceding and thus mistranslates, ' 'thrust painful literalness and sensitive attune•
forward with the tongue and lightly glide mcnt. The very real problem involves the
with it." Often the focus shifts very identity Ot the subject Of the two verbs,
abruptly in these fast-paced texts, and the which might be man, woman, both, Or
clues here are that the verb always alternating. The ßcxible ambiguity Of the
expresses the idea of penile penetration, Chinese Ian guage might intentionally
and the undulations Of intercourse. allow us to look at the situation from
5. I cannot locate the character multiple angles at once. Neverthclcss,
anywhere, therefore my translation is forthc sake of transla[ion, I tee' that the
based soleIy but confidently On context. I "harmonization" emphasizes
concur in Ych's rejection Of Tamba•s harmonization Of her mood with his, and
suggested emendation to the "arousal" refers to the arousal Ot her
6. Levy renders as "her licentious desire.
appeals," and H.V_G_, "happily l l. Levy translates as. conduits'% H.V.G.,
and voluptuously." Failing to recognizc the "veins and nerves V -G, , "'blood
first two characters as a combination, Levy circulation." In medical parlance the term has
errs in translating them separately and two rather distinct meanings. The first is
literally. secondary branches of the major meridians Of
ch'i circulation, and the second is veins. The
Ling shu uses it in the former sense and the Su
wen in the latter. My choice is sheer intuition.
12. Thc [shimpö Q becomes in Yews
version by way, I suspect, of typographical
13. For some reason both Lcvy and H.V.G.
omit this passage, although it is in both Tamba
and Yeh.
14. The characters look at first glance to he
the title of a book _ Ych transcribes Vamba•s Z
ZeWlÆEA as making it appear that he was
convinced. V.G-, Levy and de Smedt all treat it
as a hook title in their translations, however,
Maspero•s "A ccrlain Book Of the Immortals
which is not designated with greater precision"
and later, "A Book of Ike Immortals says,"
indicates that he was troubled by the identity Of
this work. The same term can be found in the
"Health Benefits"

Nores The Classics Reconstructed
and "Dangers and Benefits" under similar Will not avail," although I acknowledge that
contextual conditions. I find no taking as is another p«sibility.
listing this as the title Of a specific work. The Secrets of Notes
Ming Tao tsang contains many -•orks with
long titles, thc last two characters of which arc 8. Logically and grammatically there
, but rume Of these , Of is a sexual text. Pao are the following pssibk interpretations of the
Chao's "Fa Huai Nan Wang," LO Yen•s '•Cb'i- last half of the phrase
yen and ttr Pao pu (Olapter 8) an (l) young girls who 100k like young
employ it as a generic term for works On
girls, (2) young girls or those who look like
imawrtality studies. hrases in the YO
young girls, and (3) [you! will look like a
•chi ch 'i•chien and in the WV-chen
p•'en to me to chnch the point that young girl, Levy's "They also should initiatc
was used clinvento introduce a virgins (into sex) and their facial color win get
summary Or of a general leaching when no to be (the facial color of) Virgins" leans
specific work was cited- In this it parallels awkwardly toward the third. The difficulty. Of
the Of or in the Course, lies in identifying the subject Of the
second part of the line, The sense Of the
15, misinterrKets as ••you won•t shut Off phrase in YFCY, •One's skin Will become
your energy.' • When appears again in thc next glossy and one will look like a maiden. " and
paragraph. translates. "cut Off your life the structure of the familiar expression
energy." The character influenced my final decision. Schip• per's
Of courg, is a negatÅe and means to hold the translation agrees.
breath. V.G.•s "without your breath"
shows that he under• stands all this perfectly 9. This and the "eceding arc
well. omittea by H. V.G.
16. I take exception to l*Vy's "large and 10. As it stands, text considers those be.
moving" for tween fourteen and nineteen the most desir•
17. Yews mistaking a here for Ishimpö A able. fourteen being the tradi Of puberty for
is quite misleachng. women in China. is ectly consistent with the
of maidenhood referred to earlier and the
18. H.V.G. omit this passage
general attitude of Chinesc sexual yoga. Jn
and several Others from the section.
view of this. Ych's note following the phrase,
Secrets Of the Jade Chamber which states that the text should rcad,
"younger than thirteen Or fourteen and older
I. I can discover aboat the identity of this than eighteen or nine. tccn" incomprehensible.
figure. The dimculty in the phrase is that
2. This line is from chins, "Great an unfamiliar expression occurs in the midst
Cornnwntary,'• Part Chapter 5. 01 two familiar refrains. Does mean to mount
3. I Ching, "Great Commentary," Part or to send up. and what is the Both and
Il, Chapter S. H.V.G.•s glossaries identify the as "external
4. The character B is the given name urethral orifice," 'Ct Levy translates. "HC
attrib. uted to PengTsu- elects that his semen liquid revert to the Up•
5. H.V.G.'s •'cntertaincd" for is not cor• Vast Stream (of his brain cavity)." tx»th
rcd. FCAlowing Tamba•s note, Yeh reab for turning his back on his own definition and
in Ishimpö. a character that I cannot Ekate in mis• reading the verb in its modem colk*luial
CW or lists Of variants. wnse_ I agree with H_V.G.'s interpretation of
6. There are two interpretations Of the the twginning and end of this but the middle,
char• acter in the phrase Levy and "sending it up t" the great foun• rain" is
H. V.G. favor "housc" and V .G. and incomprehensible in view his remin• der in a
Needham "experts." Exercising the tie- note that refers to the urethral orifice. I can
breaking vote. I must side With the latter_ find no Support Lcvy•s view that means
7. Levy reads -m in the phrasc as "brain cavity," but am in. fluenced by the CW
thus translating it '•&bt." I agree with V.G.'s definition Of "fcrnalc genitalia" and
"one Will not Win" and Needham's "all efforts the unequivocal use la• tet in this text Of the
term in just this Sense. Tamba admits that the
the Jade Chamber
term is problematic, but suggests "saliva" as 14. I agree with Levy and H.V.G.'S
its meaning. My read• ing takes the first five reading Of but V.G. links it
characters as theme, and the second five as incorrectly with the following rather than the
recarétulation and varia• bon, rather than preceding phrase, thus deriving, '"If she feels
linear progression. that she is going to respond." This tilting to
12. phrase is the negative was prefigured in bis
One of the most variously translated in interpretation of the previous line, which
erroneously left the gentleman on the 'verge of
this work. V.G., "The secret, however,
must not be divulged, lest Other women 15. fie phrase is simply excised
should imitate the Queen's methods"; by de Smedt and H.V.G. V.G. tacklcs it, but
Ezvy, •There• tore, even though it's not draws, think, the wrong conclusion: "Shc will
a part of the world's (commonly known) be amicced with pain while sitting and
teachings, how could it have been standing." This interpretation interrupts the
(known to) the Queen Mother alone"; de flow of the dramatic situation involving d
Smedt, "Of course shc set a bad example jealous wife overhearing her husband making
to mankind, but she was not the only love to another wife, concubine, and so on.
depraved woman in the world"; H.V.G., Although as early as the Book of Rües
"which cannot provide a model for meant sit and stand, by no later 'han the Tang
education in this world—yet what is 252 it could mean to sit up. The term has
good for her is good for others too"; WI- nothing to do with physical pain, but precisely
TM, "She was an unusual character and describes an emotional statc of rcscntment and
unsuitable as a model of morality_ The angcr_ WHM offcrs: "Thereupon she sits up
average woman should not attempt to and reclincs rcstlcssly or feels unresolved
emulate her, but perhaps she is not the rescntmcnt," which is close in spirit.
only example Of this type of woman"; 16. It is not surprising That should evoke
and Schipper, "But it is expecially such divergent interpretations as V.G.,
important not to publicallv reveal that "transformed into a man"; Levy, "convert this
this is the true nature of the Mother," into a son"; dc Smcdt. "takcs 'he form Of
(Le Corps Taoü%'e) and "But the child"; Needham, ' -she can transform herself
common people must never learn Why into a man"; H.V.G., "conceive a male child";
the Queen Mother did such things" WHM, "give birth to a son"; and Har er, "it
("Science, Magic and Mystique of the will transform to become a boy." According to
Body"). Without attempting to unravel common practice in the Ishimpö texts, refers
all the variables in these six versions. the to mature males, to Offspring of unspecified
tho critical touchstones are one's gender, to male, and k to female children.
estimate Of the author's attitude toward However, the selftransformation thesis cannot
the Queen Mothcr and thc rcading Of F] be reconciled with the example of the Queen
L. The contextual isolation of this Mother. Although Needham states in a note,
fragment makes a difinitive judgment "Qanges of sex in man and animals were quite
difficult, but there docs seem to be an well known in ancient China." I believe this
implicd expression of ambivalence. A nncept is foreign to the sexual literature at this
more concrctc ambiguity surrounds the period. The Ten Precepts, '"in this way a
characters fölu, which should probably woman may be converted to a man's body,"
be interpreted us frJ rather than its and "The Rootless Tree•s," • 'A woman
current colloquial usage, "Why is it bccomes a man and the Old young again"
neces- were written at least a thousand years later
and show, I believe, the influence of Buddhist
13. I agrec with I_evy and H.V_G.'s • teachitw_ From a grammatical point of view,
•excited" and "ready," but V_G.'s "whcn thc if we grant for the sake of argument the
man has not yct reached orgasm" suffers a author•s desire to lay equal emphasis on the
temporary lapse into the Wcstcrn mind. Dc notions of male and child, the use of alone
Smedt elects to discard the phrase altogether. seems somehow inadequatc in this phrase.

Nores The Classics Reconstructed
The most pursuasivc pull, (Or me, comes trom
the following phrase f , where believe the f in
question refers back to the

17. Yeh takes the first character in

Ishimpö as *'E, although Tamba's all look
like standard whereas certainly does not. The
Japanese scribe, in fact, simply has given us a
cursive version of Bccause and are hoth
established compounds, thc case for
emendation would necd to be cxccp(ionally
strong. Regardless of the outcome, there is
still room for ambiguity as to the au thor of
the substance, although there is an
unequivocal example of refernng to the
fcmininc secretions carlicr in this text and in
the SNC. Turning, then, to it has two rather
specific but not really relevant definitions in
Chinese medicine, as well as being a
collective term for all Of thc body's fluids.
V.G.'s *'vaginal secretions," Levy's '-fluids,"
and H. V _G_'s "saliva-like Ruid" reflect the
various sides of the debate. When both
intcrprctations can bc made to work without
undue coercion, the "beyond a shadow of
the Jade Chamber
a doubt" doctrine would favor a decision Of is * , which in different contexts may denote the
nonemendation colors blue, green, Or black. H.V.G.'S "blue"
18. V.G_ and dc Smcdt elect to bail out seems a very unlikely choice.
just before this diffcult last line; 24. Levy's "yellow and black ulcers" and
Levy and H,V.G. paraphrase the inevitable "jaundice, dark depression" are Secrets of
sense without showing a grasp of the Notes
grammar of the original, which hinges on the
use of Therefore, I have tried to render the both inadequate. The term is a standard term
original turn of phrase without sacrificing for what is called "jaundice" in Western
the sense. medicine, but , or as it is more commonly
19_ Yeh gives us % g , "with eyes closed," written now may not have a precise
but reminds us of Tamba's interlinear equivalent. Chinese medicine distinguishes
suggestion that the character be read % _ two varieties, one induced by sexual
join Levy and in accepting it as an indulgenæ and the other by alcohol
emendation; based on the internal workings Symptoms of the former include black
of this paragraph and parallelism with the cnloration of the forehead and gradually thc
many that follow in similar form. wholc body, tcn• sion in the bldddcr and
20. The combination is a standard frcqucnt urination, black stools, and fullness
mediCal term describing the tendency for a of thc abdomen as if bloated with water _
patient's eyes to close as if too weary to keep 25. The
them open. My guess is that may refer to is highly problematic both from the point of
a form Ot visual atrophy with a long view of punctuation and interpretation. Of the
course and without apparent organic defect. several logical variations, H.V.G.'S "swelling in
Thc cause in Chinese medicine usually is the hands and feet which gradually extends
ascribed to deficiencies in the liver, kidney. upward to both shoulders," is riddled With sins
spleen, or stomach. The first stage manifcsts Of Omission and commission, whereas Levy's
as a lack Of visual clarity and the second a '"when you move your hands, there is a feeling
blue, green, or reddish coloration of the in the buttocks below as if the scrotum were
perceptual field. Although we do not have a filled with water" is reasonable except for the
perfect match in terms of cause and progress, first phrase. CkYSTpS "feels like a sack"
the condition of temporary blindness inclines to the generic, but I cannot believe that
suggests a link. the author would hazard such a metaphor so
21. I basically agree with I zvy's close to the neighborhood of the ' 'sack. " In
interpretation of the phrase which accepts inter• preting this line, I have tried to tread a
Tamba's emendation Of % to as "both legs path that introduces thc fewest possible one-of-
are cramped and the back is bent," although akind novelties.
41 is feet not ' 'legs." H_V.G. attempt to read 26. Levy's interpretation Of as "catlsing
the whole phrase with a single subject, her to become slippery smooth" is corrcct in
"misaligned arches on both feet," but apart taking the woman as thc object, but H.V.G.'s
from Other reasons. refers to the back or top, ambiguous, "the organ is well lubricated and
not the palm or sole, of the extremities. then withdrawn" leaves the impression that the
22_ Levy translates as "obstructions male "organ" is that "lubricated_'
accumulatc in the stomach"; and H.V.G. 27. Levy's "and (you'll feel) godly" for
"heart beating irregularly and extra systoles. and "also improves the man:s vigor," both
" interpretation seems to be based on apply the force of the adjective to the patient
the term rather than what actually appears in rather than the cure _ Based on thc continuity
the text _ The tenn is not a standard term for Of the passage and such famihar expressions as
a single condition, but bearing in mind the and believe the words extol the
cause and location, it is reasonable to effcacy of the cure.
consider it descriptive of fullness and 28_ catch the meaning ot but Levy's,
indigestion. • 'elastic and turning aside, Wind arises and
23. For Levy gives us is carried Within." shows the unfortunate
"vomit green and yellow matter but consequences of missing the concrete image.
"vomiting of blue and yellow 29. Levy's interpretation Of basically
stomach fluids. The problem, of course, sound, but "tender ankles and
The Classics Reconstructed
knees, or numb elbows which cannot Despite the exceptionally inappropriate ' 'oozing,"
be lifted to thc head" is far more on balance, H. V.G.'s attempt to simply render the
specific than the text will bear. sense is preferable to Levy's literal approach to
30_ Levy intcrprets in the name as each word. The chief difficulty in the line, of
"Shaman," but I agree With V .G_ and course, is the apparent but unaccustomed use of the
H.V.G., Who take it as a surname. In a character as a noun.
paragraph attributed to the YFPC hy •ramba, 36. I must side with H_V.G.'S "taking nine
but 253 No Zes Sui-T'ang breaths" for against V,G.'s "pausing nine times"
and Levy's "and (then) rest." Although the
not included in Yeh's reconstruction, Wu is expression docs not occur elsewhere in these texts,
identified as an omeial under Emperor Wa neither does g alone in the sense Of "pause" or
Of the Han, who confesses under "rest." In light of the very active role of the breath
interrogation to gaming his longevity of in the mcthods described in this paragraph and the
more than 130 years through the bedroom absence Of any suggestion Of intermission, "inner
arts. This chronology is difficult to reconcile breath" is thc sole option. The expresSion is quite
with the passage later in this tcxt wherc of-E rare in the literature of Tao-
is portrayed in dialogue with the Yellow 1st yoga, but examples may be found in the
Emperor. V.G. says that is but I
Huang-Cing wai-chiag Ching (Chapter 3) and
cannot find the source. Yün•chi ch'i-ck'ien (chuan 59), where in both cases
31. H.V.G.'S "yelling loudly" is closer for it dcnotes inncr circulation of thc ch'i.
than Levy's "take a great breath,"
37. For some reason Levy translates as
which gmssly miscmstrues as inhalation.
"left and right hand. "
32_ The term is by now so familiar an
expression in these texts that "semen and 38. The expression that appears in Ishimpö is
energy" and Levy's "semen vapors" are reproduced faithfully by Yeh, but remains a
inexcusable. Evcn V_G.'S "semen" is mystery as such. The two logical candidates for
inadequate, as what is meant errata are & , which is never written in
is "sexual energy," and this form in these texts. and which
semen is represented by or brings to mind the very common
alone. ("three primary vitalities"; viz., Ching, ch it, and
33. H.V.G.'s translation Of man Will spirit) and the very rare gÉjt, which means to
have hearing difficulty until he is quite Old," swallow the saliva. Backing up and extrapolating
turns a deaf ear to the intended meaning. from , the "two" things onc might possibly be
swallowing are her ch'i and saliva Or her ch'i and
34. Levy's "if you then shrink (your
One's own. A roughly parallel passage in the FCPI,
stomach)" and H.V.G.'s "contract the
would inclinc one to conclude
[muscles of the] anal area" show two
obvious possibilities for Support for the that at the very Least the woman's ch'i (breath) was
adverbial interpretation may be drawn from in question, and the SNML's
the strong parallelism between and in the advanced mc to the
previous paragraph, together with and as a ch'i and saliva conclusion. V.G.'s transtation of the
logical pair. Only once in these early texts whole passage shows uncharacteristic disregard for
(SNC, the seventh "'benefit") is used in the what is actually there: "Placing one's mouth Over
scnsc of "rear" or "posterior," My decision that Of the 'enemy,' One inhales her breath and
was not made without giving due sucks her saliva. When swallowed it will descend
consideralion to the possibility that here may into the stomach and there transform from Yin
be used in the sense of "withdraw," as in the essence into Yang." Although exercising liberal
Essentials WHM agrccs with my translation. interpretive license, he demonstrates a grasp Of the
35_ The phrase awk-. ward enough in Structure of thc original, which cannot be said for
Chinese, has cvoked some even more Levy's; "(The man) touches his adversary's mouth
infelicitous translations: Levy, "the semen with his own and breathes through the mouth. (The
flows back centrally, and in the midst of the woman) draws in her feminine breaths and (the
flow passes through heat"; and H. V .G_, man) doesn't swallow thcm_ Whcn he reaches her
"the oozing flow returns to the stream, which life force, he suppresses (his agitation). When (his
circulates the heat energy." suppression) reaches the inner Organs, this assists
(the excitement of) the woman, and her energy

the Jade Chamber
then becomes concentrated H.V.G. take health of the man, rather than describing the
another tack, Omitting the difficulfies and limpness of the pcnis_ 45. Yeh emends Ishimpö
translating Only the most transparent with ample justification.
portion: "Putting the mouth immediately 46. combination means unaccountable disaster
against the partner's mouth. gently inhale or evil monster I zvy's "die early" seems to confuse
through the mouth her exhaled hreHth, and this with the next taboo which foretells and
swallow it. Complete this exercise in three "monstrouslv wild" describes the child
CYcles, using the mind to direct the intake rather than the tate that will befall him or her.
Of energy all the way to the abdomen to 47. Levy takes as "passage' H.V_G_ as
nourish the Yin and convert it into Yin "'stem veins:' It is dimcult to know if the term
energy." I agree with H_V.G.'S refers to blood vcsscls, meridians, or the duct, but
interpretation here Of as "penis," but on balance the duct or channel seems most likely.
sympathize with the discomfort that Of
prompted V to read the second as The
character is used in this samc paragraph in 48. Yeh changes in Ishimpö to
the sense of male Organ, but a scribal error . Again, it is difficult to know if we are
involving the two characters Cannot bc
looking at emendation Or erratum, but the change
summarily discounted.
certainly does not help the sense.
39. H.V.G. correctly renders as
49. This list is introduced as the "sevcn
"incapacitated," whereas Levy* "fixed"
taboos" , hut the section closes by calling them the
seems to be influenced by Or
"'seven injuries" It does not correspond to the
40. Yeh omits the character in Ishimpö,
"seven injuries" in the SNF and is unique among
though probably not intentionally.
lists of '-taboos," ' disas "injuries," and "ills" in
41 _ I agree with H.V.G.'S interpretation
combining the consequences to the perpetrator and
Of as "frequent," but not with Levy's
the O ffspri ng
"from time to time
42_ It bears emphasuing that this entire 50. Tamba gives an interlinear after iliA in the
paragraph is exceptionally rich in summary text, which Yeh accepts as an emendation. Levy's
material. After reviewing the three "townspeople" rejects the suggestion, but
technigues—finger compression of thc nnfortunate!y actualIy means "merchans,'• making
perineum, penile, and oral absorption—one the phrmse very difficult to manage. I intuit
would still like a clearer link bctwccn thc some sympathetic between sex by
two sets of "nine" and '"one." The intnguing candlelight and death in ' •broad daylight" in the
formulation raises morc questions than it marketplace.
Turning to the second half of the 5L Yeh changes which is a
paragraph, its description of vaginal dcpths justifiable emendation if ever there was one.
allows us to establish the following sequence 52- cannot explain why Yeh inverts the two
of levels, begioning with the shallmvest: characters in Ishimpö to give us H.V.G. avoid
"zither strings" "wheat teeth" "grain translating the verb but I endorse Le',y and
seed" "scented mouse" and "k'un-shih" WEIM's interpretation Of the line. I am aware Of
My reading Of the very last phrase coincides thc custom Of burying the afterbirth Of sons in a
exactly with H-V.G.'s, but Levy's, ' 'when hole under the bed and that of daughters Outside
you unite, don't wish to unite what is distant" the window, hut What was the norm from Which
is indeed distant from the intended meaning. the present practice deviates I cannot say. •ramba•s
43. Yeb emends in the phrase suggestion that is a mistake for Offers little
to , either by accident or design. is comfort.
interchangeable with but Only in the sense 53. For I agree with I.evy•s • 'bury it beneath a
Of "great" Or "large," which leaves Levy's shaded wall, putting it seven feet into the ground,"
"flood" Out in the cold. Both Levy and but rejcct H. V.G . 's "buried it within seven feet of
H.V.G. take as moditying the dimensions of a shadowy wall.
the penis, whereas my version relates it to 54_ Levy and translations of as
the arrival of the penis at the Fun-shih Or "undergo frequent changes" and "undergo many
greatest depth. changes" do not do justice 10 the Chinese nuance
44. Levy's "the sickly and weak again of connoting unforeseen or uncontrollable
insert it" takes as referring to the state of calamity.
The Classics Reconstructed
SS. Neither Levy's "ill-omened of mouth
and tongue" nor H. V.G.'5 : 'cncountcr
misfortune" adequately convey thc sense of
n , which I feel dcscribcs a child whosc
tongue will get him in trouble. The term
is another name for the constellation but
this probably is a coincidence, and I know
Of no particularly inauspicious associations
with it.
56. WHM alone takes as "the fifteenth,"
and thus concludes that East and West
concur in their understanding Of fertility

Tung Notes
Notes Sui- T' ang "aloofness and assumed airs beforc
57. I agree with Levy's condescending" arc a fraud, but •'womcn who
translation of • 'fourteen," but H. V.G.'S have inclinations for low-class men" not only is
'"Overfly-seven" ignores standard usage. There more plausible, but he is honest enough to add
may or may not be any significance to the number parenthetically that his translation is "uncerIain."
fourteen being the traditional age of female My own interpretation agrees With WHIM and
puberty. CKYSTPS_
58. The character in the combination is 63. All hut levy throw out thc expression
not listed in either CW or TH, and I cannot though his "high spirited" may not be
therefore account for the specificity of Levy's suffciently pejorative in its connotation. CW
"pockmarked face," "coarse face," or H.V.G.'s dc6ncs as "vaulting sky and fresh air," which is
"wrinkled face." My Own rendering is obviously not to the point. The term is paired
deliberately vague and should not imply with as a four character unit, and remembering
privileged knowledge. that in Chinese medicinc the male is ruled by ch'i
59. The two characters are not a standard and the woman hy blood, a woman manifesting
compound that has stood the test Of time. an excess of ck'i is then a "tomboy" Or
Interpretations run the gamut; V.G., "elongated masculinely asser• tivc. I am in agreement with
neck"; Levy, "mallet neck"; and H.V.G., "short WHM and CKYSTPS.
neck." Because the syntactical pattern in this 64. V G. ignores thc phrase but l.cvy•s
passage seems to be based on phrases of four, I "inauspicious Overhastiness" is a lapse into thc
take as a unit expressing the idea Of long neck wrong century. Although I cannot find the
and protruding larynx. However, as I can find no combination as such, I believe it is the sum of the
independent confirmation of the long or the short basic meanings Of the independent characters:
of it, [ am simply retaining the literal image in happy and good. 'lhs is not far from • '(a
tramslation_ disposition) not pleasantly amiable."
60_ The characters arc the samc as thosc in thc 65. Maspero suggests emending "forty" to
exprcssion for the second degree Of vaginal thirty to make this consistent with earlier
depth, although there seems no doubt that here statcmcnts. I am inclined to think that thirty as an
they describe a condition of the teeth. Levy's ' Outside limit may be a bit extreme in this context.
'dark teeth" and Humand's "grain-color slabs" 66. In interpreting the phrase there is a
take color as the point of departure, whereas consensus that refers to vaginal secretions; V.G.,
V.G.'s "irregular teeth" and H.V.G.'s "teeth "'excessive vaginal secretions", l_evy, "produces
resembling grains of Wheat" are based On lewd liquids"; a d H.V_G_, "fluid oozing from
arrangement or shape. feel confident that the the female organ." As vaginal secretions during
image refers to a dental pattern suggestive Ot intercourse (heretofore Or are prized so highly,
helter-skelter grains Ot wheat. there must be a qualitative or contextual
61. Tamba gives with an iotcrlinear note distinction between these and Ihe use of é6i* in
suggcsting for which Ych accepts as an THT in the positive sense Of vaginal secretions
emendation, although this contributes little to during sex makes it appear that the distinction is
clearing up the ambiguity. The term is a well- one Of I surmise that hcrc refers to inappropriate
established combination meaning to go against dischargc occasioned by improper thoughts.
the normal course Of nature, but the question 67. Ching, "Great Commentary," part I,
remains as to whether this applies to the woman Chapter 11.
as a whole or the pattern of hair growth. H. V -G. 68. V.G. hits on the head With "flux and
throw Out the line, but Levy's : •in most eases influx Of Yin and Yang in the cosmos," but
they grow inversely" and V.G.'s "such women are Levy's "mundane world" and H.V.G.'s "arousing"
harmful to a man" reflect this split. In the end, I miss by a mile.
am most swayed by in the next paragraph and in
FCPI. 69. Ych interprets Iskimpö RS
62. The phrase contains nothing but thc most Both Levy and V_G_ translate it as if it were
elementary words in the Ianguagc, but it is onc of I agree on the grounds that and arc easily
the most imponderable in the work. Levy's "her confused in cursive script, that is both a
constant accord with the high and affixing to the familiar and appropriate compound here, and is
low likewise cannot be controlled" and
The Classies
neither. H.V.G.'S "near grains and crops" shows
how dangerous is a little bit Of learning. Tamba's emendaBsüan Tzu
70. J can with VG.'s "kitchen fire" and
H.V.G.'s '•kitchen stove," but Levy's "kitchen tion of to E. Individually, the two characters
range" shows him asleep at the wheel Of history in the pair Can refer to spatial or temporal
again. Although modern cooking viæs are intervals. fact that is used so Often in these
sometimes called "ranges" by their manufacturers texts in the Sense of slowly or unrushed
and others, this use Of thc word hardly can be pulls one toward the temporal inter•
considered appropriate for translating a pre-Tang pretation, but the fact that all the Other pairs
text. in the series refer to spatial relations pulls
71. I take as synonymous With the Other Way_ V_G., Jl. V.G., and Chang
it*, or *'2k. This is the prenatal physiological all read it as ••slow or fast." but side With
tire Centered in the ming•men between the Levy's "laxly and tightly" for its sense if not
kidneys. its dicv tion. Of the three citations in CW
for Q, all refer to space_
72. H. V.G. incorrectly translate as "silk-
5. H. V-G, omit this last line.
73. I cannot identify the character 5' in 6. Thc charactcr translated here as "kiss"
IshimpO f'. Yeh interprets it as , which is defined and "press mouths togcthcr•• two lines earlier.
in CW as "looking like one is about to die." I do is defined in CW as "jovial appcar. aoce. " My
not know how both Levy and H. V.G. arrive at translation, then, is based solely on the pre:sent
"sparrow's eggs" as the only variant Of the context. which frames the term so tightly as to
standard J can locate is U. However, as Sparrow preclude any other interpretation. Tamba
egg whites actually are used in compounding suggests % , meaning 'to drink," for , which
prescriptions and the compound appears in Ma would give us "drinking from each other's
Wang tui, it is a forced option. mouths," in other words, "kissing." Yeh
Tung Hsüan emends Ishimpö to % , neither Of which
appear in CW. Tamba suggests for . which
l. Four Of the most common characters , denotes birds feeding. I might just add 'E ,
yet What diversity Of interpretation: V_G_, •'Of meaning '•to cluck or sip," as another candidate
all that makes man prosper"; Levy, "the place for for confusion.
man's being esteemed"; and 7. Levy's "the woman flows lewdly'• is
''sexual desire is the Strongest of man•s wrong because is obviously a variant of
desires." Of the many definitions of as a verb, I Which is a standard term for vaginal
feel that the most relcwant here is secretions, and because he misses in text,
resulting in him conveying the opposite
that Which takes it as synonymous With E, H , or meaning.
WHM agrees. 8. I agree with V.G., Levy, and de
2. H.V.G omits this last line from the paragraph. Smedt•s interpretation of
This whole paragraph Should be compared with
later works that insist on role reversal as essential H.V .G.'s "there is either a disease in the
for deriving the benefits Ot per• son Or there is some external
disturbance" takes a different and misguided
3_ The combination occurs in a series of seven tack.
unequivocal pairs Of opposites. It is easy to get 9. The expression has two possibly
the from dictionary definitions that the two are relevant meanings; luxuriant and trembling.
synonymous, but two factors militate against this: The latter is rare, whereas the former works
first the improbability on stylistic grounds Of a well With the pine tree image- Only V.G. takes
pair of synonyms in a long list of antonyms, and rather than as the subject Of the sentence,
second, previous contexts in which meant "pull translating •'that umbrageous region that
in" and 31 "draw out." V.G.. II_V.G., and Chang resembles a cluster of low-growing pine trees
have simply refused to translate the expression, in front of a deep grotto." The par.
Whereas Levy has divided the twelve character Phrase which
line into three phrases, giving us ' •Dragging occurs several lines later, he correctly assigns
forward and back" for to "his member." We should also not expect

Tung Notes
to find a panegyric to pubic hair in a culture these sexology tcxts that prove the possibility of
Whose feminine ideal was hairlessness. premodern multiple meanings.
10. The combination recurs frequently in 18. Only V.G. makes the mistake of
this text, but is not listed in cw. Individ• uany attributing this climax tu the man. Although the
means sandy, sand. or ugly, whereas means absence of a stated subject makes the author of
to bridle, rein in, forcibly control, Or Carve, antbiguous, nevertheless, the fact that the remains
My colleagues confidently render it: at the height Of his power and proceeds
V. G. , "play about"; Levy, ••presses in and undaunted. giving thc "enemy" no quarter. makes
Out"; and H.V.G., '•nestling and rubbing." any other cvnclusion unlikely. He is also enjoined
257 not to become "excited" and in the end '0 leave
Notes Sui•TanR the field
in full
Perhaps it Was a common idiom at the time that possession Of his potenCY. If, in fact, the whole
eluded the lexicographers, but from al) contexts paragraph is descriptivc Of One episode. and not
here it cannot be Other than a general term for the a collage Of several sessions, a case could be
movements Of lovemaking. My best guess is that made based On the language for multiple female
may be a mistake for meaning among other orgasms, although I find no precedent for this in
things, to grasp, hold, Or bring together, Again. the classical literature.
Cannot find this specific combination, but thc two 19. accept Levy and H.V.G.'s interpretation
work well together. combination wtosc general of "prepuce Of the clitoris."
meaning is irregular or confused, appears in the 20. I accept I.evy and interpretatiOn of as
''Ta f"'• in precisely the same sexual context. "vestibular fossa."
l l. Judging from its appearance in all con. texts, 21. NO one has diffculty With the line
I cannot but agree With Levy and H.V.G.'s except Levy, Who again forgets his century,
definition 0t as upper part Of the vulva. De translating the second half as, : 'begs for sex and
Smedt's "(umbilictus)l' is as improbable as it is destiny." The character had nothing to do with
unfounded. sex until the twenticth century. and surely is
12. Again I agree with Levy and H.V.G.'s better rendered "life" bere than "destiny." If
definition Of as glans clitoris. nothing else, the combination should have alerted
13. This context provides fairly good him.
confirmation that is indeed the lower part of the 22. Levy and El. V.G. render "glandula
vulva Where the labia meet (commissura vestibuli major." In my view, that degree Of
labiorum posterior). specificity is unjustified, hut from context here
14. Between the end Of this phrase and the and in the fourteenth posture, the depth Of
beginning Of the next. ll.V.G. interpolate. "now penetration is considerable.
beside her curling vine bush," which corresponds 23. V_G. and Levy take as the subject Of
to nothing in the original text. Neither Ych nor in the phrase and H. V-G. give that role to the
any other translator Shares this hallucination. man's penis. In this paragraph alone appears once
curious term originally re. terred to an unambiguously in the sense Of love movcmcnts,
imperial college eqablished dufr ing the Western A twice and once. The passage is far from cut and
Chou in the form of a circular island surrounded dried, but in the end I am most swayed by the
on all sides by water. Levys "left and right sides parallelism with the next linc
Of the vulva" seems reasonable, but H.V.G.'s and by the phrase in Ch'en A
"carina urethralis vaginac•• (clcvatcd ring of flBh hsien-sheng nei- ran
surrounding the opening of the urethra) sccms too chüeh. What prevents me from being totally
inconspicuous a fcaturc to merit such an elegant comfortable With this decision, however, is that
term. the Tung Hsii_an Izu most closely resem• bles an
"Ars Amatoria" and Icust resembles a medical or
16. fie IshimpÖ provides a note at this point yoga manual.
saying, ••The preceding is foreplay with. out
24. Everyone omits thc phrase , except I*vy.
who mistranslates it, •'be himself is untroubled,"
Today is used exclusively for utcr• us, and despite its repeated use throughout these texts in
and l.cvy translate accordingly, Only V G. 's the ense Of sexual excita-
"vagina" acknowledges the many examples in
The Classies
25. V.G., de Smedt, and Levy agree that the thc wrong semantic tack Or are inconceivablc as
phrase refers to the action Of carefully and gently images in English.
withdrawing the penis from the vagina. "all the 33. V.G., de Smedt, and H.V_G_ all
while maintaining a gentle probing and pulling take Il as raising her crossed feet. I agree
action" pursues a mistaken tangent. with l.vy that the meaning indicates that the
26. Following the title Of the fourth posture. toes are pointing upward, in other words,
Ishimpö gives us that the woman is supine. My reasoning is
-b, which only V.G. interprets as. "Next to these that the concept of physically raising a
four basic positions there are the following body part is ncvcr cxprcsscd with the words
playful variations." I can Only surmise that this fi_E and that mutual embrace could be
results from taking as instead of reading the accomplished onlv if the crossed feet
phrase as the operative encircled the man, which the text does not
34. The title has provoked somc
27. V.G., Lcvy, Chang, and Humana all
honest differences of opinion. Everyone
interpret as silkworms "spinning" or "reeling." I
takes as "altar" except who translate
agree rather with H. V.(i. and de Smedt•s
"Bamboo on terrace border. " The word
"intertwined" for the followinn reasons: first, it is
refers to altars used for State religious
bad enough that silkworms are required to spin
Ceremonies or raised earth platforms used
silk for us, hut to ask them to reel it off as well is
for public oath taking by entire armies.
adding insult to Injury; second, spinning, in any
There is no association between this sort Of
event, is a solitary exercise; and third, no
space and bamboos and very little
dictionary defines as having anything to do mth
resonance between the highly public nature
silk, worms spinning. In fact, it most often is used
of its function and the sex act. On the other
in the sense Of emotional entanglement.
side, supporting the "terrace" thesis is the
28. Everyone concurs in some variation of strong association between bamboo and
"turning" or "twisting" for but Humana's ' private flower terraces
'Forcing the Dragon " H.V.G.'S '"the dragon
yields" either ignore the basic subject-verb
structure Of the phrase or misinterpret the 35. For some reason H. V G. translate
meaning of As they stand, the two characters are as "brushes."
a standard com pound, but one could perhaps 36. The phrasc occurs twice in this
make a case for their being a variant of which paragraph. The second time makes perfect
means inseparable or entwincd_ grammatical and physical sense, hut the
29. Only de Smedt interprets as "emerald" first fails on both counts. Tambd Suggests a
instead ot "'kingfisher," and, of course. ' 'the scribal error. My fellow translators
mating Of emerald" makes no scnsc_ uniformly ignore the first, hut I have
.30. The various translations differ so widely— attempted to preservc it without doing too
excising What is difficult and sup• plying words much violence to the En glish _
not in the original—that it would take pages to 37. Lcvy, and HMF correctly
compare and criticize them. I have attempted to terpret this posture as a threesome; and dc
cleave as closely to the Ianguage Ot the text as Smcdt do not Bascd on internal evidence,
possible, while not pretending to have made total the man cannot logically bc both "facing
sense of it up" and in "winnowing basket" pose
3L Only de Smedt and H_V.G_ fall for as ' simultancously, and the phræ;e clinches the
'somersault," something butterflies are not So image of alternately penetrating two
famous for as Perhaps they are influenced by the partners. On comparative grounds. Posture
colloquial , but actually this title is further 8 in the SNML precisely parallels this one
confirmation Of our interpretation of in vocabulary and grammatical
constructions, but leaves no room for
32 _ "I he only legitimate difference of opin ion ambiguity. This would seem a difficult
on should bc whether the subject is singular or manoeuvcr to accomplish accepting the
plural; that is. whether both are flying or only the CW and TH definitions Of V.G.'S
party on top. Dc Smedt's '"the wild duck flies "cross-legged" is not much bcttcr_
away"; Levy's "Rearflying wild duck"; and
H.V.G., "wild duck fiying backward" cither take

Tung Notes
Kneeling would facilitate the horizontal the ground while the left knec is elevated with'
approach Of the penis to the task. the lower leg planted perpendicular. To his
38. I agrec with Levy and HMF in credit, Levy provides a note to similar effect.
reading this posture as a threesome but everybody else evades the issue, except
involving tum males and one fema]c. V.G. whose "cross-legged" sccms cven less
Everyone translates as ' 'small man," likely here than for
whereas I agree with CW's definition of • 45_ The language of this paragraph is
•boy." The HMF colloguial Chinese ambiguous cnough to admit of several
paraphrase suggests simultaneous vaginal interpretations. V_G. has the "young girl" as
and anal penetration by the two males. For principal partner, receiving the "stalk" herself,
me, the two man interpretation turns on the with the second woman in a supporting role
phrase which would bc redundant if applied behind the first. H.V.G. likewise has the
Only to the more familiar configuration _ young girl as principal, but with the "older
woman" helping fore and aft. HMF makcs the
For gives just Levy and HMF man responsible for his Own insertion, with
translate, "left and right," whereas V_G. and the "more experienced" woman helping from
simply "shouldcrs." Dc Smcdt takes Yeh behind. Based on syntax and diction, I come
at face value, accepting that both fect arc placed closest to agreelng with Levy's interprctation,
on onc shoulder. I agrec with Tamba's suggestion which has the young woman insert the "jade
259 Sui•T'ang Reconstructed stalk" into the Other woman's "jade gate" and
that the original intention was "left and then circle around to assist her movcmcnts_ In
right." the end, I feel that a careful reading of the text
40. Here is a very clear example Of f Z as reveals three women, one receiving the "jade
vagina. See also Posture 21. stalk," and One each assisting the principals.
41_ Only V_G_ secms to appreciate that This actually lends credenaz to the '
is not "mountain goat," as everyone else 'gamecock" theory, giving each of the
contestants a second _
has rendcrcd it; but simply "goat," the [Il
serving to distinguish it from sheep. 46. Everyone translates as "sea," except H.
42. HMF translates as agreeing with V V.G., who gives us "mysterious lake." 1 cannot
G. 's "cross-legged. although the find the compound as such, but the only
accumpanpog photograph shows thc man definition of is "sea."
kneeling. I know that godts arc capablc of 47. It seems clear from this context that
sitting on their rumps With rear legs can be only "legs outstretched" or "cross legged,"
outstretched On the ground, but have never and I think the use of the supporting hand favors
seen one cross leggcd. the former.
48. Only H. V.G_ agree with my
43. I apologize for vagueness in the
interpretaLion of as indicating another man.
rendering Of but CW defines it as "crane," Everyone else translates as if one man takes the
"phoenix," "chicken," Or "large bird. " inferior and superior positions stnqucntially_
Accordingly, V_G. gives us "Jungle Fowl' , HMF offers the novel solution Of man and
Levy, "Gamecock and Fowl"; H. V. G. woman locking tightly and rolling Over and over.
"Jungle Fowl"; and de Smedt inexplicably, Thc two-man interpretation not only is
"cicada." The term does indeed mean to grammatically defcnsiblc, but the only
approach a battlefield, which tends to support configuration that fulfills the promise of the title.
the cockfight image. What is unique about this There is no precedent for giving a single title to
posture is that a second woman positions what would then be two postures. If One objects
hersclf bchind and assists the movements Ot that two men and one woman duplicates '"Female
the first. This may suggest the rolc of a trainer Phoenix Tends Her Fledgling," it is po*slblc to
or "second. " the absence of a conclusive rcad• point out other examples of minimal distinction.
ing of I prefer not to carve guesswork in stone. 49. V_G_ takes -3 # as "three years Old";
44. What distinguishes from is that in thc Levy, ' 'Early, Mid, and Late Spring";
former the knees do not touch the ground.
H-V.G., "late spnng'% and HMF, "spring." CW
What distinguishes from the indigenous
defines as "thc three months of spring" Or "three
Chinese style of 1B or according to CW, is
years"; TH third month of spring." My
that in the former the right knce is placed on
The Classies
interpretation follows Su wen, "Ssu•ch'i t'iao-shen V.G.'s hammer" and Levy's "iron hammered five
ta•lun•• times" reflect some discomfort. perhaps. With the
50. H. V -G. follow Tamba's suggestion that image Of five hammers representing one penis.
should *ikE. but this objection may be overcome by poetic
51 _ I feel that only V.G.'s "bucking through a license.
stream" captures the image Of the horse jumping S9. The line is one Of special interest. It
into the stream, rather than over it, as H. V_G. features the Only Of the terms and Which Levy
and de Smedt imply. While fording the stream, and H.V.G. 'Efine re-svYC• tively as '"prepuce of
the horse negotiates the irregular bottom, clitoris" and "vestibular fossa." Neither of them
clambering up On shallow rocks, and swimming explain the incongruity of these two parts of the
the deeper stretches. female genitalia colliding with one another as
52. I concur in Yews suggestion that there is both diction and image require. I feel external
a lacuna of one character before parallelism and internal syntax should lead us to
53. v.G. and H.v.G. take as tar." I feel interpret the two terms as representing man and
that the image ot a sparrow pecking leftover woman. Gang is convinced Of this apparently that
grains Of rice in a husking mortar works well he translates and directly as ••jade and •'jade
enough, but CW clearly defines as "crow's gate." V.G. and de Smedt simply translate or
nest." citing four quotations from literature. De transliterate thc names, and even V.G.•s tWte is
Smedt takes "crows" as the subject Of the noncommittal as to the referent. although it
sentence, second only to "woodpecker" for appears that both assumed two parties. CW
implausibility. Woodpeckers eat only insects. informs us that is thc highest peak in the
mythical Kun-lun Mountains and either the lower
54. I cannot make sense Of this image. V.G.
slopes or the eastern quarter. De Smedt•s ••two
makes a valiant attempt by pluralizing the subject,
"deep and shallow strokes in steady succession.
like large stones sinking into the sea." Everyone shepherds face to face" for the last part of
else agrees that the force Of is "thrown" or the linc is a far cry from any conceivable
"tossed." rather than "sink% ing,•• and that the interpretation of the language of the text.
subject is singular. Thcrc seems no way of 60. There is a rather abrupt transition
conceptualizing the toss or sinking of a rock into in this paragraph from the first line. Which
the sca so as to produce the double image Of explains the timing for ejaculation, to the
shallow and deep balance. which describes the techniques or
55. The term is a standard combination. ejaculation control. Neither Levy, de
Which everyone correctly renders ••craf• ty," Smedt. Il .V.G., nor Chang is thrown off by
"elusive." and so on, except H.V.G. who pvc us the lack of a clear but opinion is very
"running." divided on the last line, I strongly dis.
agree with dc Smedt and H. V.G who
56. De Smedt. H.V.G.. and Chang take as interpret this to mean that onc should
"junk," "sailboat." and "sailing boat." somehow restrict the vcAurnc of ejaculate
respectively. V.G. and Levy both translate it as to 20-N) per. cent. Even if this could bc
"sail." Given the verb and the storm conditions accomplished, It is ruled out by the
described, I feet the operative imagc concerns the statement in the previous paragraph which
boat as it is heaved up and Ict down by the swells says. "when ejaculating there should be
rather than the sails being raised and lowered. complete evacuation."
Moreover, the boat itself makes a more plausible 61. The phrase is imrnediately
correlative for the human body than its sail. reminiscent of repeated in nearly every
57. The character in the phrase is a bit meditation text. ancient and modern. The
unusual. CW's first definition Of is and the use of the vcrb which specifically meatb to
second the more familiar e. It cites two classical supm»rt from below a or column. also
lexicons that define it as or I think the here. then, seems to suggest a confusion of for
is not so much literally to lift up. but to probe. Although I cannot find the come pound F g,
prod, or "raise" in the sense of stimu- CW citing the Tzu 'tui &fines as which
indicates that the floor of the mouth may
indeed be called F g. fierefore without
58. I agree With H.V.G., de Smcdt, and
stronger evidence. I hesitate to emend the
Chang's interpretation of as "five hammcrs.••

Tung Notes
original as V. G. has done. Levy and H.V.
G. make the best of an uncomfortable
predicament, but dc Smcdt•s ••position his
head immediately above his tongue" is
simply incomprehensible.
62. It is worth noting here for our
understanding of "returning the Ching" that
at the end of a very specific list of
ejaculation control techniques, which does
not include manual compression of the
perineum. wc are told "the Ching will
rise of itself."
63. For the phrase Levy translates
"injures the strength of the emission."
Ching is Ching and not "emission."
64. "Lao tzu•' is used generically here
and does not represent the putative author
of the Tao re Ching. The advice here
a.ntradicts most other proru'uncernents on
the subject of eugenic timing.
65. The combination meatb to take
drug. especially longevity tonics. Simply
looking up in a dictionary produces such
ludicrous results as Levy, "eat dumplings'•
and H. V.G., "not eat candies or cookies
except With meals. "
V.G. says. "Autumn: lie With the head
pointing north." and omits winter altogether.
67. •me Celestial Stem days for each season
Notes Medical Manuals Householders
are those corresponding to 73, The says CA , Which
the cardinal ment Of that should be perfectly clear.
period; hence, wood for V.G_'s "four grams" is
spring, fire for summer, incorrect bccausc the
metal for autumn, and water ancient valuc of the fen is
for winter. 'I'his 0.3125 grams; Levy's ••four
correspondence makes them parts" is incorrect because
auspicious for intercourse, the fen is a specific unit;
not • 'harmful" as Levy and "4 liang" is
says. incorrect because thc text
68. Ych mistakes says not
(written in Ishimpö) for IV.. 74. Interpretations Of
V.G. inverts the given name also are various. V.G.'s
transliterating "Ta- "five gr. in a square spoon"
ching. " and Levy's "five portions in
69. Primary definitions square teaspoonfuls" suffer
Of all have to do with skin from the same
disorders; secondary misapprehensions as in the
meanings inelude previous note. can almost
"affliction" and "chronic agree with • 'one-half
disease." Levy and H.V.G.'s cubic inch spoonful" hut for
"pain" may be unnecessarily the fact that the unit in
vague, and V.G.'s "vaginal question is "square" not
disease" misleading. "'cubic."
70. I agree With Levy
and inter, prctation of the 75. I agree with
line V.G.•s "one will be H.V.G.'s "'born in the first
invincible" must be based month of the year," rather
on a misreading of here in than Levy's "blended in the
the sense of "surrender. " first (lunar) month. "
71. V.G.'s translation 76. V.G. and choose
of as "wax" is wrong. not to translate the words
Levy's • 'making it urgent,
72. For Ishimpo Yeh small" would have been
gives v.G, accepts Yeh's better off not trying,
emendation (Or error), although when he meets
translating *'five Or nine again in thc next paragraph
days." If onc wished to go he interprets it correctly.
this way, "forty-five" might
be a better choice, 'lhe Medical
typical prescription pattern Manuals and
includes quantity of Handbooks for
medicine per dose, the
number of doses per day, Householders
and the number of days in "'lealrh Benefits
tm; Jf eng; of the
, it leaves no Bedchamber'
instructions as to the l. the Taoist
quantity Of dosage per pharmacopoeia, powdered
administration. From the mica was thought to
Oint Of view of contribute to a State Of
punctuation, E is a more superior health.
'kcly unit than

2. Tlie phrase determine the meaning of
provides another Remembering that Maspero
opportunity to disagree and Needham previously
With V.G,'s and W'HM's have translated the
interpretation of expression as "hold the
"undcveloped breasts." penis" and ''compress the
Apart from thc reasons perineum," respectivcly, wc
discussed in earlier notes, can see the impossibility Of
the use of here, I feel, would simultaneously attending
be inappropriate for a LD those parts and
process that does not thrashing about with the
happen overnight, but works hands in all directions.
perfectly with "childbirth." VG.'s "lirmly control
3. The phrase himself" also ignores the
appeared earlier in the technical nature of this term
YFPC, and occurs just so in _
Tao 'Sang version of this 8. V.G. translates the
text. V.G.'s Jh for seems to characters as
be an error either on his part "constraining the lower part
"The Dangers and Benefits Of Women" Notes
or in the text he was of his body so that he
copying, breathes with his abdomen.
4. The expression " I bclicvc that the two
here is from the I words mean to draw or suck
Ching, "Great in the abdomen and not to •
Commentary," 'breathe" with the
abd01nen_ It is nearly
5, V ,G.'s interpretation Of
impossible to maintain the
the phrase is fundamentally
tension Of the anal sphincter
different from my Own; the
while simultaneously
contact Jas(s too long. the
moving the diaphragm.
Yin essence (absorbed hy
9_ In a note explaining thc
the man) will grow stronger
location and significancc of
than his own Yang essence,
this point, V.G_ statcs:
whereby the latter will bc
"Secondly, wc saw above
harmed, ' First, the words in
that the handbooks of sex
the previous phrase clearly
advise to prevent emission
indicate that the subject is
of semen during the act by
man and woman and not yin
compressing the urethra.
and yang within the body of
Sun, however, states that the
the man, and, second, V.G.'s
same effect is obtained by
version irn• plies an cntirely
pressing the F l ing-i Point.
novel theory, which is
found nowhere else in this
literature. The P'ing•i point is located
6. I disagree With about one inch above the
nipple of the right breast,
V.G.'S punctuation of the and is also defined as 'yin
present inside yang
(yangChung yu yin)."'
Porkert gives six alternates
for the point located on the
7. Herc is another perineum best known as or
context from which to
Two of them are and a variation of the techniquc
both pronounced p'ing-i_ known as "absorbing the
V.G_ suggests that we radiance Of the Sun and
consult G. Soulie de moon" E described in
Morant's L'acuponcture many 'Auks On Taoist
chinOksc for further details mcdita• tion_ In some texts
On acupuncture. so this one is advised to visualize a
may be assumed to be his "red orange"
source. I can find na 12. Ni-yüan is an
primary text Or informant altcrnate of ni•wan
placing any such point especially favored in
anywhere near that Buddhist texts.
neighborhood. I also do not 13. V. G. 's translation
know Porkert•s source for Of the passagc
this particular alternate, but
the coincidence is very passion naturally has its
convincing. Another periods of great abundance.
interesting coincidence is Therefore, even superior
the point on the stomach men can not [sic' bear a
meridian located in the area protracted abstention from
of the breast known as sexual intercnursc." His first
10. V.G. translates mistake is taking as
as. ' •Then the "'passion" when it so clearly
man should press (the Ping-i means genera] strength or
Point) with the fingers of vitality. Then ignoring his
his ]cft hand." Though the own punctuation, he reads
verb has no stated Object, as a noun, "supcrior men,"
when it obviously modifies
the verb itself so clearly
in the sense of surpassing
means to grasp or hold that
the norm, Interpreting as '
to parenthetically supply the
'even" also takes the phrase
words "P'ing-i Point" is
in a direcnon never intendcd
unjustified. "'hcn it is
by the author.
mentioned just two lines
earlier it is with thc '"The Dangers
appropnatc vcrh D, to press. and Benefits of
My parenthetical "penis"
also is spe• culative, Of Intercourse with
course, but what else is Women"
there to "hold" arter all? l. Approximate quote from
Il. V.G. is obviously Lao tzu, Chapter 12.
uncomfortable with the
2_ Needham translates the
phrase , ' 'retain his Ching
entirely and guard it." The
and attempts to resolve the
term is a common Taoist
apparent contradiction with,
expression for maintaining
"ftere is a bright, red
concentration, centeredness,
essence, yellow inside and
and wholeness; in short, for
red and white outside."
Whatever the limits of our
Needham's reading takes as
own imaginations, there can
if it were
bc no justification for
translating as "red and
white." This visualization is 3. As it stands, the
phrase fhWJiIliff_ is

untenable- My translation 5. The Shen•hsien

Notes Medical Handbooks for Householders

assumes that is a mistake chuan records that when
for JE King Liu An Of Huai Nan
4. Maspero emends h achieved immortal it},
-t-æ to suggesting that it bc his dogs and chickens licked
interpreted as 9 times 12, or the remains of his elixir and
108. The Whole passage in thus accompanied him into
which this occurs, heaven.
consisting Of livc lincs of 6. Birthplaces Of
text, appears verbatim in Mcncius and Confucius,
FCPI where the number also respectively.
is 93. Admittedly, it is a 7. There are manv
strange number, hut if the versions of the "four
author Of the prescnt text elements'• in Buddhist and
did not see fit to emend it, •raoist metaphysics, but in
feel compelled to bc at Icast meditation manuals
as conservative _ specifically, i usually refers
5. A minister of the to the four constituents of
Yellow Emperor. the physical body conceived
6. Becausc this line Of as earth, water, wind,
does not appear in the work and fire.
known as the Lao "Lao Ching, "Great
Tzu" may mcan something Commentary," Part I
like the elders, Old ones, or Chapter 5.
Wise ones _ 9_ Lao rzu, Qlapter 42_
7- It seems likely that 10. The is not really a
there is an error herc, as 81, "scepter" in the Sense of a
the product Of 9 times 9, symbol of imperial
normally is regarded as the authority. but rather an
penultimate yang number. ornate implement, originally
8. This also is absent from a back scratcher, raised to
the Lao tzu_ an art form
Il. This is the unique
The Wondrous
occurrence of the term Fig ,
Discourse of Su Nii which seems to indicate the
I. "The expression refers vulva.
tn three gods Of the Taoist 12. This line echoes
pantheon or three realms of the parable in Chuang Izu,
the immortals. "Autumn Flood," Of the
2. The term turtle Who preferred the
represents a safe place for safety of his humble origins
keeping precious books. to the dangers Of imperial
3. ' 'Yellow and
White" represent gold and 13. V .G- considers
silver, which in turn stand this the unique example of
for the alchemical sex involving two women
partners simultaneously_
This is bccausc he failed to
4 _ The place where the
recogni2e the same in
Yellow Emperor cast a great
Postures 15 and 16 Of the
caldron and ascended into
Tung Hsian or see the
parallel grammatical should not be confused with
constructions that link this thc encountered elsewhere
passage to the earlier work. in these texts as the "three
14. The character in primary vitalities," rcfcrs to
the combination seems the fifteenth day of the first,
almost certainly to be an seventh, and tenth months.
error for , which it closely 20_ Celebrated at the
resembles. I can discover beginning of the four
nothing about the water seasons, cquinoxes, and
caltrop that warrants its solstjccs.
association with ' 'teeth" G, 21. The term h in the
and still less With a text must be a mistake for h
woman's privates. Thc u.
appearance Of the term in 22. The "fivc sacred
Ma Wang tui suggests a peaks" represent the four
compound Of considerable cardinal directions and
antiquity 2nd durability. center of China: Mount T'ai
Nevertheless, I have jn Shantung, Mount Heng in
stopped short of a positive Hunan, Mount Hua in
emendation. Shensi, Mount Hung in
15, The combination is Hopeh, and Mount Sung in
almost certainly an error for Honan.
I&Fi , which appears in the 23. The condition
earlier texts, although expressed here as
emendation might be also is known in Chinese
premature given the medicine as The
ambiguities surrounding the kidney stores the primal yin
term itself- The appearance (the semen) and primal yang
of in "The Highest Tao" (the fire of the ming-men).
some day will play a vital When the semen is
role in finally resolving this deficient, the fire Of desire
diffculty_ rages Out Of control,
16. Fever duc to yin resulting in the "reckless
dcficicncy, as if heat activity Of the ministerial
oriynatcd in the boncn;_ fire"
The condition often is Sccn
in pulmonary tuberculosis.
17. Fever that rises and 24. In Chapter 3 of this
falls at regular intervals like work, the author warned
the tides. against penetration the '
18. The "three internal 'valley seed" (five inches)
parasites," written here but because of the danger of
more often seen as , is not a injuring the liver.
medical term, but rather the 25. Bound feet were
Taoist belief that three said to resemble thc lily bud
spirits, variously named and in si7k and shape.
located, affict us from 26. V G. surely errs in
within and cvcn rcport our translating ME
transgressions to the Lord of ' 'prune.'
Heaven on our birthdays as 27. The four pairs Of
wc slccp. Celestial Stems and
19. The ' 'three Terrestrial
commencements' which Branches,

representing the hour, date, clearly is a mistakc for
month, and year of a
person's birth, used to
2. "Fiendish forces"
determine a couple's
is a Buddhist term
for the "army or Mara," the
28_ V_G_ translates as
"'Boy," interpreting as
"boy" and perhaps as 3. V.G. translates the
"among," although he does phrase as ••compressing the
not use the word. CX'ntext seminal duct between the
perrnits no interpretation fingers." Although the verb
herc other than "penis," but docs mean ••to pinch," thc
dictionary definitions give action actually is effected
only "an offcial rank," by the muscles Of the anal
"physician," or "card shark. sphincter itself and not the
" Although such expressions hand as an external agent.
are seldoan glossed, I Sphincter constriclion is a
believe it is a play on words very common technique in
alluding to the male privatc both Indian and Chinese
parts as literally ' 'the man's yoga and is recommended
middle. " frequently in these sexology
29. The five medicinal texts under such verbs as
minerals mentioncd by KO and .
Hung in the Pao P l u tzu arc 4. The combination as
cinnabar. realgar, alum, it aprPars in V.G.'s copy Of
azurite, and loadstone. the original text presents
However, one cannot rule three possibilities: it is
out the possibility that either a scribal error
refers to the +i_Ei cited in faithfulIy reproduced
thc Shih chi as containing Without emendation, a fresh
actino]ite, stalactite, error introduced to the
loadstone, azurite, and public for the first time, or
diamond. one Of the very rare of its
intended use. Although a
30. Whether V 's error
scribal inversion of seems
or a mistake in the edition
likely, it perhaps is
from which he copied, the
•worthwile exploring
charac• ter in the expression
the alternative. Maslxro
obviously should
interprets the in the title of
31 _ Ching, rai (Peace). Ssu-ma CYcng-chen's
32. According to Shan as "Breath and
Yung's Square arrangement Essence," With Needham
of the sixty-four hexagrams, following suit. From context
Ch'ien (heaven, man) is and other sources, I believc
located in the northwest that the Operative
(lower right), and K'un compound in this Case is
(earth, Woman) is located in actually A bona fide
the southeast (upper left). example appears where in
the phrase clearly refers to
True Classic of "ch'i and Ching. " Not
Perfect Union having seen the original
from which V. G. copied,
L. The second character however, I hesitate to
in the compound initiate an emendation.
S. ''After Completion" "fan" or excite, jusc as
(Chi-chi) is the sixty-third means to "drum" or excite.
hexagram in the I Ching, Unfortunately, cannot find a
consisting Of the trigrams gloss for the hypothetical
Li (fire) under K'an (water), compound either, but the
and symbolizing the perfect sense of executing fanning
intcraction of the two or drum. ming movements
trigrams and the optimum seems appropriate_
distribution of yin and yang 4. In "purc practices"
lines. In "pure practices" texts the ''mysterious gate'•
meditation, this hexagram usually refers to thc spaæ
represents the between thc eyebrows
harmonization Of heart and where enlightenment takes
kidneyS; and in the sexual place or the "ch'i point' •
school. the most beneficial (ch'i•ksüeh) below thc
relationship of partners. navel, but herc and in other
6. V.G. translates the "sexual school" texts, the
term (literally, "marrow "gate'• that guards the male
sea") as "marrow," though it Ching or female vagina may
is a well-established also be so designated.
compound for brain. This is 5. The term translated
not surprising as the brain, here as "jade terrace"
marrow, and True Classic (Ch'iung-t•ai) , and clearly
Perfect Vnion Notes denoting a male part, should
bones all participate in the be distinguished trom "jade
"kidney" sys— tern. and the terrace" (hsuan-f'ai) Which
Ling shu States: •Olhe brain appears in the Tung Hsüan
is the sea Of the marrow. for a female part. In both
cases, the precise location is
7. Thejen equal to yet to be positively
approximately eight feet. established, but context here
Rems to point to the male
Exposition of member.
Cultivating rhe 6. There is no other
True Essence example in these texts, nor
can I find a gloss, for the
expression . nat the
l. sixteenth day Of concept existed in some
the fifth lunar month. quarters Of the rising c:h'i
2, I cannot find a specific dividing at this point in its
gloss for the ex. pression , orbital circulation is attested
hut suspect it may be to by the phrase in the Huan
equiva• lent to or meaning h.sien.shcng fu nei-yUan.
the "four limbs. " Ch'i chüeh: "Now imagine
3. The combination two courses Of white Ch'i,
appears in which are both draw-n up
V.G.'s copy is problematic. through the chia-chi and
It is not a stan• (lard penetrate the ni-wan_"
compc•und and the literal 7. The character g,
meaning, "shoulder the translated 'True," is not a
drum," is less than clear. I philosophical abstraction,
suspect that may bc a but a state Of primal purity
mistake for meaning to of body and mind.

8. "'rcd tidc" refers to interesting variations in
thc menses. 9. I believe that the sexology corpus _ In
yin here refers to the female this text it is the first
Organ and the feminine essence to arrive that is
secretions and surrounded by the second,
associated with it. and the inner essence that
NO The Elixir Literature of Sexual Alchemy
10. I feel that the character determines the sex of the
herc is a scribal error for offspring. In the
IL "Yellow court" should Exposition of Cullivaling
not he confused with the rhe True Essence, Chapter
meditation point of the same 20, by contrast, the first to
name, but refers here, I arrive surrounds the
believe, to the earth. second, but Simi larly it is
the inner that determines
the sex. The Essentials of
rhe Women's Golden
The Elixir Elixir Method agrees with
Literature of this present text in the first
Sexual A Ichemy instance, asserting that the
first arrival is surrounded
Seeking by the second. The
Instruction Wondrous Discourse,
On the Gaptcr 5, does not
Golden mention the Order Of
Elixir arrival, but states simply
that, when the blood
l. This Cunous
surrounds the chmg, it
circumlocution is
results in
undoubtedly based On Lao
rzu (chapter 41), '"When the male offspring and vice
versa tor female.
inferior scholar hears of the
Speculations on sex
true lao, he laughts. "
determination in Ma Wang
2. Sung philosopher, tui and Ishimpö are
Shao Yung formulated in terms Of the
(1011—1077), based his precise day following the
teachings on the Ching and cessation Of menses on
considered number as fum- Which conception takes
lamental to understanding place. The Exposi• Zion
cyclical processes in the describes both systems in
natural world. The passage the same chapter, but does
quoted here also appears in not attempt to reconcile or
the Wu-chen p'ien, Part I, synthesize them.
6. Icking, Fu
3. tzu, Chapter 55_ (Return), '"Tuan' •
4. Ching, "Hsi-tz•u (Commentar-y on the
chuan" (Great decision).
Commentary), Part I, 7. Ts'an•t'ung ck'i,
Chapter 4. Chapter 4.
5. 1 cannot determine 8. Ibid., Chapter 5.
the locus clussicus for this 9. There are many
model of conception, but it interpretations Of the term
appears four times with ssu-ksiang ("four
images"), but in view of 8. "TWO" and "four"
the context created by the refer to the first two and
term "chi carth," I believe second four stages of the
it refers to metal, wood, "SIX stages" of the
water, and 6re_ elixir refining process.
10. Ts•an-l'ung chi, Book 9_ This gloss on "refining
I, Chapter I the self" ditfers from the
Il _ Ibid., Chapter interpretation of the "'pure
12. Ch'a-nü $E-Å- practices,'• or nonsexual,
("beautiful maidcn") refers school. Both identify the
here not to the female object of "refining" as Li, or
partner, but 10 the yin line mercury, but the nonsexual
in the middle of or the male takes Li as the "heart," and
Ching. the sexual as the "true
mercury," or semen. A
True Transmßswn corollary to this issue is thc
o/ the interprctation of the
character in the expression
Golden Elixir Although translating it
. Located in Shensi here somewhat diffidently
Province and one Of the ' as "self," I would like to
'five sacred mountains" of acknowledge an alternative
China A prefecture in interpretation set forth by
Shansi Province. the Ching scholar, Li Tao-p
The brother Of King Wu, ing, who rcad5 the Ts'an-
the first ruler Of the Chou r•ung ch 'i as expounding a
dynasty, and one Of the system Of correspondences
most respected figures in matching the eight trigrams
the Confucian school. Here and ten Celestial Stems so
he symbolizcs a very august that Li matches and K'an
personality. matches This provides a
4. Peking WRS the Ming possible explanation for the
capital at this time, having terms "chi earth" and "wu
been moved in 1403 from earth" representing mercury
Nanking. S. Capital of and lead. respectively.
Honan province. 10. This is a reverse
The "Ch'ien body" quotation (rom the Lao tzu,
like the trigram and Chapter 28.
hexagram of the same Il. Lao rzu, Chapter 28.
name, is pure yang, having 12. "Flourishing wood" is
rcplaccd thc wcak middlc of a designation for the period
Li with a Strong line from following the vernal
K'un. equinox
7. Kuei and jen are 13_ "Fire advent" refers to
the tenth and ninth Celestial the period beginning with
Stems, respectively. Kuci is the first month of summer.
associated with the mcnscs 14_ The period in question
and Jen. perhaps, with the is "white dew" and is the
stage just prior to puberty or sixteenth of the Twenty-
the onset of cach period, the Four Climatic Periods.
yang stage that precedes the 15_ Chang Tm-yang was
fall into yin materiality. the author of the Wu•chen
p'ien and First Patriarch of

the Southern School of I. Three levels Of practice
Taoism. in 'I aoism, also reflected in
16. I interpret "Kun male" the tripartite organization Of
to he synonymous with the the Tao "ang_
yang line in the middle Of 2. The five ranks of
K'nn; and "'Li female" to immortals from highest to
equal , or the yin line in the lowest are heavenly, godly,
middle of Liu 17- The heart. earthly, human, and ghostly.
18_ Ouotation from 3_ A god variously
[ Ching, ' 'Great described in different
Commentary," Part I, sources, but generally
Chapter 4. associated with the east,
19. The term • 'three wood, fatherhood, and
realms" is variously defined stewardship Of the male
in Taoism and Buddhism as immortals. Often mentioned
heaven, earth, and man: the as the counterpart Of the
realms of desire, form, and Queen Mother who rules the
formlessness; past, present, west.
and future; or heaven, earth, 4. Thc are Ching,
and water; desirc, form, and ch'i, and spint.
formlessncss; past, present. Of Golden Edi_rir
and futurc; the infinite, Nores
ultimate and manifest
realms; or simply this "orld. 5. A phrase from the
In this context, the term Ts•an-eung ch'i interpreted
refers, perhaps, in a general by the sexual school to
way to the universe in all its mean a human being of the
dimensions. oppositc sex.
20. Mount Wu-i is a 6. The are yin
mountain in Fukien and the and yang.
focus of various legends 7. The indicates
conccrn• ing the attainment the region of the perineum.
of immortality by a certain 8, I cannot find
Ch'ien Chicn. It also is the relevant definitions
sixteenth of the ' 'thirty-six of Most of the
cave paradises" in Taoism. very specific
2L The surnames of four meanings clearly are
Taoist immortals. Of the inapplicable, but the
scores of Taoist immortals "four directions"
and notables namcd Chang. may indicate in a
perhaps the 1110St famous general way a
are Chang Tao-ling. Chang withdrawal from all
San•fcng, and Chang Tzu- distractions.
yang. My choice here would 9. The term
be Tzu-yang. Of those generally is
named KO, by far the best understood to refer to
known is Ko Hung. Chung the very center Of the
is undoubtedly Chung Li- body in the region Of
ch'uan, and Lü, Lü Tung- the spleen, but
pin_ another tradition
Summary of 'he identifies three
'"yellow courts,"
Golden Elixir being the centers Of
the brain, heart, and formed by circulating
spleen, respectively. the ch'i up the Tu and
I cannot find a down the Jen
glo•e; for but arts _
take it as a synonym 15. Placing the
for tun•r'ien_ thumb of the right
IL According to hand within the circle
KO Hung. the is formed by thc thumb
IOcated between the and index finger of
eyebrows at a depth the left.
of one inch. 16. The term
12. Among the T.}fi has not been
many meanings of encountercd before,
the most relevant for but I surmise it is
this context is "ching, another cover for
ck'i, and spirit" tand'ien.
However, becausc 17. Point at the
the context calls for a ball of the foot.
concrete locus, and in 18. The term is
the absence Of yct another cover for
independent gloss, I the ran-Nien.
can only speculate 19. I feel that
that it may refer to the character which
the "three tan-lien" as appears in the text, is
the centers Of Ching, a rmstake for
ch'i, and spirit teel
that "sources" here 20. "Casting the

Note s The Elirir Literature of Sexual Alchemy

conveys sword" refers to
simultaneously the various practices,
sense Of locus and with or without the
primary element. benefit Of partner. for
13. The strengthening and
expression gaining supernormal
undoubtedly control over the male
originates with reproductive 267
Chuang tzu's, "The organs _ The present
sage breathes from text advocates
his heels." In a htoad "casting the sword"
sense it reters to deep by "entering the
breathing (as if from stove," though this is
one's very hcels), but condemned by the
also to various "pure practices"
techniques for school.
circulating the ch'i 21 _ A figure of speech for
from the "bubbling older men having
spring" point in the intercourse with young
ball of the foot women.
through the legs to 22. The "crucibles" W,
the tan• t'len. of course, refer to female
14. The partners, and the "weight" is
continuous circuit

an obvious reference to their 32. Either the saliva or
age. sexual secretions of the
23. A figure of speech, female partner, but I Cannot
here, from the former determine which with
imperial examination certainty.
system. 33. In the phrase I am
interpreting the character as
24. The term
a negative imperative, but
refers to heaven Or
cannot make a positive
ch'iin its primordial,
identification Of _ One
unditferentiated state. possibility is that • 'flowers"
25. The term has many approximates the
interpretations. The phenomenon of ovulation
expression first appears it' and that "fallen flowers"
the Lao tzu, where it usually thus are the menses.
is interpreted to refer to yin 34. The expression is
and yang as the bipolar reminiscent, of course, of in
power Of creation and our earliest texts; and
transformation. In later although I can find no
inner alchemy lextS, such as independent gloss or
the Huang-ding Ching and parallel text, I believe it
Chin-Jun ssu-pai tzu, it refers to the female vulva.
comes to indicate the water 35. Again, not the sort
region, or physiological of term one finds glossed.
North Pole of the body, the but I feel confident it refers
kidneys Or lower tan-t'ien_ to the penis.
26. A point just above 36. The Southern and
the space bctwcen the Northern Schools Of
eyebrows, also called the Taoism cach have their own
"Five Patriarchs" .
27 _ I am interpreting Because Of the association
"mysterious valley" Of sexual practices with the
herc on my own initiative as Southern School, one can
a svnonym for ' 'heavenly assume that these were
vale" in thc ccntcr of the Chang Tzu-yang Shih
head. Hsing.lin Hsäeh
28. Yin and yang. Taokuang Ch'en Ni-
wan and Pai Tzu-ch'ing
29. "Stove" in this
37. There are also two
context refers to the female
sets Of "Seven Adepts,"
which on the southern side
30. The term includes thc ' •Five
originally denoting Patriarchs," plus Liu
high tide and similar to is Yung•nien , and Peng
applied hcre to the approach Ho-nien
Of menses. 38. '"Post-natal" here is
31. Thc moon and its used in the special sense of
phases are intimately postpubescent.
a*sociatcd with the 39. The term here
woman's menstrual cycle should not be confused with
and enshrined in such the same combination used
expressions as h$,and elsewhere in the sense of
E fS. microcosmic orbit
40. The seventh of the alternative list, 7k, E , and
Celestial Stems, keng Eh , is defined as genital
associated With the deformity, spermatorrhea,
direction west and the castration, impotence, and
element metal. Metal. in hermaphroditism.
turn, signifies the middle
47. One ch'ien E is
line in K'an. Which is the
equal to a tenth of a liang,
bas1S for restoring Li to
or approximately 3.123
Ch'ien, or the "golden elixir.
Twice "seven" is fourteen
48. Almost certainly
Secret Principles of Gathering the True Essence Notes the
years, or 5.048 days, the vagina rather than the oral
time of the first menses or cavity.
the opening Of the 49. In Qinese medicine
connection between heart the term fers to a
and kidneys in the woman _ small measuring spatula
41. The expression with a capacity Of one-tenth
"White tiger" has H number ot a "square inch spoon and
of other related associations, also as a svnecdoche for the
including a divinity of the science of herbal medicine
western quarter, a group Of itself.
seven constellations in thc 50. The text gives here
western sky, and in the instead Of BSI , raising
vernacular, a woman suspicions of either a
without pubic hair. shortage of type or a
42 _ The "five facial practical joke, as the error
features" are eyebrows, produces the rather
eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. humorous meaning "rusty
43. The K'ai-yüan sword.'
catalogue Of the Chinese 51. In Taoist mytholaw
Buddhist canon, or is a name for one Of the
Tripitika, contains 5,048 fruits Of immortality. In
items. "pure practice" inner
44. The term ' 'yellow alchemy it is one of many
path" originally referred to covers for lead, or I cannot
the ccliptic of thc sun, but determine with certaint}
here, as in a reference in the whether it represents the
Wu-chen p'ien, it seems to energetic or liquid aspect of
indicatc the central region the woman's sexual
of the body. response here.
45. 'Ihese definitions ot 52_ fie term "kuci water"
H, as, and % are similar to, usually rcfers to the menses,
but differ in some details but herc it sccms to signify
from the Buddhist Medical a first stage of femalc
sources use the same secrctions following sexual
nomenclature and closely stimulation.
parallel definitions. 53. The diffculty here
46. This list, too, in interpreting the meaning
approximates, but differs Of jen T: is that in the
somewhat from the present context it appears to
Buddhist Some follow kuei h , whereas in
medical sources give an the system Of Celestial

Stems from which they are nadir and the yang force
borrowed, the ordcr is jen returns. In the microcosm of
(nine) and kuei (ten). the human male, thc "hour
Among the Stems, both jen of thc living tzu'• man,
and kueiare associated with Tests as crection Of thc
the direction north, the penis, which like Izu is
element water, and the located due north.
female functions of Kung Chien I_ao Jen
conception and menses. •me reduces these complex
five pairs Of Celestial calculations to the period
Stems are each assigned to beginning with the tenth day
an organ and divided after the cessation of
according to yin and yang _ menses and ending with the
Jen and kuei are associated twenty-second and a hatf
with the kidneys. thc jen day. I feel this is bascd on a
bcing yang and representing Western estimate of the
the chi aspect, and the kuei cycle of femalc fertility
being yin and representing rathcr than actually cracking
the fluid aspect. the code of the original text.
54. I take as I am not prepared to he
"mysterious pearl" a cover more specific at this point,
for the elixir. but clearly the time frame is
much nar-
55. Thc phrase
is d standard
meditation metaphor for an Secret Principles
enlightening flash of Of Gathering the
brilliancc that penetrates the
eyelids from within. True Essence
56. The second
character in the combina• l. The character in the
tion that appears in the text phrase is
is an error, believe, for unintelligible. The same
"Fire tally" 'k E is the yang• phrase appears later in the
ch'i that rises up tbc spine text, this time with in stead
durina microcosmic orbit of which makes perfect
practice, being the sense and suggests a safe
counterpart of • •yin tallv," cmendation_
the descending arc. 2. Therc is an crratum
57- The term is an in the tcxt involving
alternate for weiIü, denoting
herc the center Ot sexual
energy. It is a synonym tor 3. "Column of jade"
in HC.YJ_ is a standard term in
58. I cannot discover mediation texts describing
what more spccifc meaning the phenomenon Of a nasal
the term may have. secretion accompanying
deep stages Of absorption.
59. Tzu is the first of
the Terrestrial Branches and 4. "West Pond" is
represents. in terms of the mocc a poetic conceit than a
diurnal cycle, the Chinese specific geographic
hour 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM, location.
when the sun passes its
5. I cannot decipher
the significance of thesc
6. I cannot ascertain
the special significance Of
"seven" here. Flsewhere
seven is con• sidered the '
'proper" IL yang number, •
'the origin Of heaven, earth,
man and the four seasons,"
and a svmbol for Ere, the
south, the west, and the
trigrams Chen or Li_
7. According to a
gloss in the Iluang-t'ing
Ching, the "gate of
heaven" , refers to the point
between the eyebrows at a
depth of one inch, also
called the ' 'bright hall" The
commentary here associates
the "gate of heaven" with
the "northwest," which is
the seat of Ch'ien in the
King Wen arrangement of
the trigrams.
8. The "living Izu" is
the yang•ch'i within the
human body.
9. The text gives here
instead Of
10. It should be borne
in mind that the esoteric
theory underlving this
paradoxical couplet is that
the woman contributes the •
•yang essence" and the man
is "impregnated_"
Il _ The text mistakenly
gives here instead Of

The term • 'central
extremity" refers to the Pole Star. As
12- believe that in thc text here the epicentcr of the northern sky, I
should be believe this represcnts the "northern"
or lower portion of the body, and thus
13- Again makes more sense here
the tan-r'ien_ In acupuncture, it is the
than the given in thc text.
point on the Jen meridian just below
14- During microcosmic orbit the
meditation, half of the cycle is called
20- Clearly, "while tiger's tail"
"advancing thc yang fire" and symbolized
and "moon E metaphorically
by the six Terrestlial Branches from 'zu to
represent the female parts, whereas
chi; and the other half, ' 'withdrawing the yin
"green dragon's head" and ; 'heavenly
tally," from to kai. former is
root" rep270 resent the
accentuaced On the inhalation and the latter
on the exhalation. Sometimes, the cycle is 'i Tke Rootless Tree"
applied to one mediation session or an entire I _ The character in Chang San-Feng
series. ch'üan• chi and Chang Sun-feng t'ai•chi lien-
ran pi-chueh is nieh , which makes no scnsc
15- Tzu f and wu are the first and here _ Li is the standard character in this
seventh Ot the Terrestrial Branches, familiar phrase, an example Of which may
representing the hours Il -.00 PM to 1:00 be found in The Ex• pusirion of Cutiva!iag
AM and 11:00 AM to PM, the solstices, and the True Essence.
the poles of thc body (fundament and head) 2. Ken Iiuo in Chang San-
traversed by the ch'i during microcosmic feng eQi-chi lien-can pi-chueh docs not read
orbit. Yin and ksü are the third and tenth Of as well as pei liao in the Ch'üan-chi
the Terrestrial Branches, and is obviously d scribal error _
16- Some authorities specify 3. The yen-yüeh is a cover
synchronization of meditation practice with for the vulva.
such maci& cosmic manifestations of the 4. Shunyara is emptiness and samsara
incipient yang force as midnight and the the mundane world. Their equation here is
winter solstice. Most, however, emphasize the standard Ch'an Buddhist statement
the microcosmic movement of yin and yang indicating that nirvana is not Outside of but
as determincd by the individual's own immanent within the everyday world.
"'biological clock" rather than the sun,
moon, and stars. The significance of and wu
in meditation has been discussed in note 13;
mao (the fourth Terrestrial Branch) and yu Women 's Practices
(the tenth) traditionaily are called *MS, Queen Mother of West's
literally "to bathe," but in this context •esc
pcnods. These are the "equinoxes" during Ten precepts
which the stdtc of "adVance" or "retreat" I. Lu Fu, provincial governor of the Three
remains stable and no new phase is initiated. Kingdoms period befriended and took
17- "fire" of yang•ck'i is controlled counsel with ten eminent and virtuous men
chiefly by the mind and breath. The terms in his prownce_
"civil" and "martial" jit usually are 2. A paradise of the immortals.
interpreted to mean the application Of gentle
Or forceful breathing. The martial is 3. Two points on the bladder meridian
employed during "advancemcot of the yang On either side Of the spinal column at about
the level Of the third thoracic vertebra.
fire" and the civil during "withdrawal of the
yin tally." 4_ I suspect that Wei Yüdn-chün is Wei
Fu•jen *-30k , a wnrnan Of the Chin dynasty
18- The "one yang" is the single yang believed to have attained immortality and
line in the middle or Kun, representing the honored with the title Yüan-chün, indicating
masculine in the midst Of the feminine. a female immortal.
Notes Women s Practices
5. I can find no gloss for the expression "yellow interpret, and the expreSSIOn appears in the
leaves" but from context it seems to indicatc a previous chapter _
simple folk remedy for a minor malady. 15 _ The ELL are three mountains af the
6_ Ching, Hexagram 2, K'un (The Receptive). • immortals rising from the sea.
'Yellow" is the color earth and Of the center. 16. A paradise of the immortals located
7 _ I can only take "stream sea" as equivalent to • in the K'un-lun Mountains.
'hreast stream" The Su wen, "Ch'i-hsueh lun" says, 17. Originally gao indicated the area
"Great convergences of flesh are ku O; small immediately below the heart and huang the
convergences ure hsi • area between thc heart and diaphragm. Later
8. Thc ' 'palace" is the "crimson palace," or it came to mean a deeply seated and
heart. incurable disease. text mistakenly gives
instead of The use of the terms herc should
9. The characters as thcy appear in the text, be distinguished from the acupuncture point,
, are undoubtedly an inversion of kao•huang ,
Essentials Of rhe Golden Elixir Method for Women Notes Bladdcr 43.
From the it almost certainly is not an error 18. h
for , which is thc ruling spirit Of the od)' fluids circulating between the muscles
mmg•mcn_ and skin, which serve to warm and lubricate
10_ The two characters that appear in the text are the skin.
unusual in two First, one would expect the more 19 _ More precisely, the term refcrs
familiar combination but if this is not an error, then to the third and fourth keng, days
placing bcforc is highly irregular. Second, if indecd after the summer solstice, plus thc
is intended, the concept of a "popular fire," first keng day after the first day of
although not unknown (it appears in the Hui-ming autumn. The then, is a collective term
Ching), actually is quite rare Because the passage for the warmest part Of the year _
in the Hui-ming cking states; ' 'Within the cavity is 21] I can find no gloss for •C.F., but
the 'monarchial tire' # 'k, at its opening the interpret it as a tusion Of and both of
'ministerial fire' *€ 1k . and throughout the body Which refer in astronomy to the Big
the 'popular fire' R-'k," it seems unlikely that the Dipper or central region Of the sky
trio would be broken up and the last two be gjvcn and, according to the Hui-ming
alone, especially in inverted form. Despite this and Ching, to the "true consciousness': in
the obvious ease Of confusing and in a handwritten inner alchemy-
manuscript. J would stop short Of recommending a 21. fie Ch'ing-chmg Ching says:
positive emenda- "Contemplate the mind within to
tion_ A slightly different version can be found in discover that the mind does not exist;
the Chen-hgen •ni-chuan huo-hnu-fa that contemplate phenomena without to
designates the fires of the heart, kidneys, and discover that phenomena do not exist;
bladder as "ruler, minister, and people." contemplate forms at a distance to
I I _ Although I cannot End the specific di5cover that forms do not exist.'
combination "EL , based on the medical expression 22. The first Of the ' •three pure
I take it to mean bright red blood realms," , being that reserved for
discharged from the rectum just before moving the sages.
bowels. 23_ The "true seeds" is a metaphor
12. Viscous red discharge from the vagina for the appearance of "true ck'i," "true
attributed ia Chinese medicine to excessivc "fire" cking," or "medicine" durina
in the heart and liver _ meditation.
13. A kind Of vicarious menses, occurring 24- Quote from Analects, "Tzu Han.
cyclically just prior to, during. or after the 25_ Approximate quote from Chuang tzu,
normally anticipated period. which takes the form "Tien-hsia_ '
of retching blood Or nosebleed 26. "T'icn-ku" Xß-, literally "vale of
14. I believe there is an inversion in the three heaven," is a cover for the ' 'upper in
characters, that should read What appears the head.
here is grammatically awkward. difficult to
27 _ term (Sanskrit, namah; Pali, namo) is 6. The term is a standard for
an expression ot suhmissinn, revercncc, or menstrual period, although the author
devotion used as a formula of faith in provides a new interpretation here.
Buddhist liturgy, incantations, and so forth. 7. This differs from the male
2B. I can find no gloss for location of the , which is
29 Kung-an better known by the Japanese synonymous with the lower tan, Cien.
pronunciation, "kTan." originally meant '"legal 8. The is the abode of
cases," but in Ch'an (Zcn) Buddhist usage, it the Emperor of Heaven.
refers to hypothetical lems formulated 9. This should be compared
masters for students to ponder as a means to with the statement in the SNML: "If
enlightenment. the yin blood surrounds the yang-thing,
30 1 cannot identify this term. a male child will be born; if the yang-
31. I cannot idcntify this tcrm_ Ching surrounds the yin blood, a girl
32. The word 'Tara" (Chinese has many child will be born.'
definitions, hut the most relevant here refers to 10. An ancient unit of weight
certain female deities Of the Tantric school. The variously defined at diffcrcnt periods,
Origin Of the term is ascribed by some to the but including one twcnty-fourth or onc
root tar, meaning "to cross"; hence she who aids forty- cighth of a liang_ Hcrc, if onc
seekers to cross the sea Of mortality _ chu is produced cvcry 12 days for 180
days to equal one liang, it would sccm
33. I Cannot identify this term.
that the author took the chu as One-
fifteenth of the
Essenrials of rhe Golden Elixir
Method for Women 11_ The "white tiger" is a cover term
for the ck'i.
I. In external alchemy, "yellow sprouts"
generally refers to unoxidizcd bright 27/ Master Li Ni-wan's Precious
s Raft of
lead, but in internal cultivation the term IS Women's Dual Practice
used for the appearance Of yellow light I _ This is from the eking, Hexagram
during meditation. Neither definition seems 61, "Inner Truth" (Chung 'u) and
perfectly applicable here. generally is interpreted to mean that
2. Most classical authorities place the fowl's cry rises to heaven but the
the "gate of life" either in the right kidney _ bird itself is earth bound. The
the two kidneys, or a point between the two, implication is that calamity results
but in any event on the dorsal side. This text from overstepping the limits Of one's
agrees with the minority nomenclature, as preparation.
seen in such works as the Huang-ding Ching, 2. Yu is the tenth Terrestrial Branch,
which placc it near the navel. Even rarcr represented by the chicken or cock _
traditions identify it with the wei-lü Or the 3. •rhe expression Chinese for Jam-
eyes. 272 hudvipa, refers to a tree giving its
3. In this, as in most sources, the name to One of the island paradises
"secluded pass" is identified with the surrounding the fabled Mount Meru.
kidneys. 4. The oæan of the bhura%uhara, or
4. The three most important ventral allembracing immaterial nature of the
points from navel topubis are ME , and dharma• kaya_
but their location, dimensions, and order
differ in various sources. 5. I feel fairly confident that "wind
5. In medical terminology, "empty lass," is a metaphor for the shoulders,
orifice" refers to those Orifices that open particularly in view of the verb which
to the outside. invariably is used for exercises involving
rhythmically hoisting and releasing the
Notes Women s Practices
6- The text gives here instead of in the expression 20. Rupukaya is the physical body, as
The same phrase appears correctly in contrasted with dkarmakaya.
Chapter 5 of this work. 7 _ A popular novel with 21 _ An expression that indicates
many fanciful ments describing the adventures redundancy_
of a Buddhist 22_ The text mistakenly gives the
monk and his three disciples during a pilgrimage to character here instead of
India. 23. This differs from the more familiar
8. Ch'en Ying-ning, editor Of Correct formulation, which regards men as yang On
Methods for Women's Practice, included in this the outside and yin on the inside, and
anthology, tells us in his Preface that the original women as Vlce versa.
title of the work was Expanded structions of the
Golden Flower on rhe Correct Methods of Women 24_ This also is contrary to the "paired
's Pracrice ( Tseng-pu chin • hua chih-chik nü-kltng practice" formulation, which considers man
cheng-fa), the core characters of which are the Li and woman K'an_
same as this title _ Ch'en mentions Ending the 25. text gives here instead Of 26_ Lao
original in eleven chaptcrs, two addenda, and rzu, Chapter 25.
sixteen verses, which conflicts with the ' 'eighteen" 27_ Lao rzu, Chapter 21.
in this title. I have not discovered an independent 28. A Buddhist mataphor for nirvana.
version Or listing Of the Original title to detcrmine 29. The chief texts Of the Hua-yen,
a possible relationship. Ch'an, and T'ien-t'ai sects of Buddhism in
9. Heaven, earth, and man; from the China.
Ching, "Discussion of the Hexagrams." 30_ Three islands inhabited by the immor-
10. The Pancha parisad, in Chinese, was a
great Buddhist assembly. Which took place every 31. Ten islands inhabited by the immortals.
five years for confession, penance, and so on. 32. The is a work On the stages Of progress
Il _ In Buddhism, the cause of all phenomena, or toward immortality mentioned in the Ts'an-
the content of the "seed-store" of consciousness t'ung ch'i_
from which all phenomena spring, the a! 33. In Buddhist ternlinology, is a mdjor
ayavijnanü. chilioa)sm, consisting Of 3.1M great chilio
The are the naguS, yakshæs, gandharvU, cosms.
asuras, garudzs, kinaras, and maroragas_ 34. The "three realms" in Buddhism arc
13. The expression appears in the Ching, sensuous desire Gk•, form E; and spint
Hexagram I, ' 'The Creative.
35. From the Odes, "Songs of Yung."
14. I believe that TN refers here to the summit
This ode traditionally is interpreted to be a
or crown of the head.
criti cism of Hsüan Chiang, who appeared
15. The expression appears in the lavishly attired at the funeral of her husband,
Ching, Hexagram 2, ' 'The Receptive." Duke Hsüan of Wei, instead of looking
16. The term denotes the female gender, or as appropriateIy mournful. Premodern
synonymous with and may rcfcr to the feminine interpretations of her "misfortune"
aspect. Here, I believe, the female reproductive emphasize hcr lack of wifely virtue, but
system is intended. some contemporary critics feel her forced
17. The combination is a Buddhist term for marriage and enforced chastity in the prime
the eternal reality. or Buddha-truth. of life constituted her misfortune.
36. T
Correct Methods for Women' s Pracrice Notes
he doctrine
18. I believe that the "two fives" refer to the in such Buddhist sects as the Hua-yen, T'ien-
five yang (odd) and five yin (even) numbers t•ai, an Chen-yeo that all things proceed
described in the I Ching, "Great Commentary," Part from the dharmakaya and that all
I, Chapter 9: "The numbers of heaven are five and phenomena are of the same essence as
the numbers of earth are five." Their various noumena.
combinations and interactions symbolize the
Correct Methods for
myriad phenomena.
19. Dharmakaya is the embodiment of Truth Women's Pracrice
and Law in Buddhism, the spiritual or true body.
I. The arc "Icakagcs" from the cyc.s. nose, 10_ The editor tells us in a note Rt thc
tongue, ears, and pores, associated with the end Of this verse that other works give
Five Viscera (liver, lun5, heart, kidncys, and "two breasts" instead of "two palms.
spleen), respectively. Thc "thrcc passes," Il. The "Eve dragons" are the live spirits of
here, are not the more familiar wei•lü, the Five Phases, often designated 273
chiachi, and yü-chen, but the ears, eyes, and s •

mouth _ with thc names of the five notcS of the

2. I cannot find a gloss for and have not Chinese pentatonic scale.
encountered it previously in the literature. The 12. Avalokitesvara, "Goddess of
distinction here among and makes the matter Mcrcy," the center of whose cult in China IS
somewhat more problematic. Triangulating a sacred island, P'u-t'o, Off of Ningpo.
from thc direct objects of the verbs and 13. This differs from the more familiar '
extrapolating in light of the possibility Of 'six character transmission," which uses thc
parallelism with the woman's three "elixir fob lowing sounds and organ centers: hsü
navel, and uterus— the hest (liver); ho •J (heart): ssu (lungs); ch'ui
guess would be navel, or middle r'!en_ (kidneys); h" (splccn); and hsi (triple heater).
14_ The Chinese concept of soul consists
3. A Buddhist term for thc ocean of Of a yang aspect: kun * , Which belongs to
Buddha-wisdom. heaven, and a yin aspect, p lo * , which be,
4. I cannot find an independent gloss for longs to earth.
Ian-kung but am assuming it is a synonym for 15 Thc Chinese translitcration Of the
tan-!'ten Sanskrit 0m or awn.
5. Another name for Queen Mother of 16. From a story in the Hua-'en sutra.
the 17 _ An error in the text gives for H .
West. 18. A Sung monk who transported thc
6. Editor Ch'en Ying-ning points out the materials and constructed a large temple
confusion of terminology in the text, which cdi6cc with his own hands.
equates "tip Of the nose" with "tail of the nose"
and designates it as • 'root Of the mountain" In
Chinese physiognomy, the refers to the
upper portion of the nose between the
eyebrows. This is a reflection of the debate
within Buddhist meditation circles as to
whether the "end of the nose" indi_ cates the tip
or the bridge and which is the proper focal
point of concentration.
7. In Buddhism, the five components of a
sentient being, especially human: rupa
physical form related to the five organs of
sense; Q, functioning Of the senses or mind in
relation to affairs; sanjna mental function of
conception or discerning; Samskara , mental
judgments of like and dislike, good and evil,
and so on; and vijnana mental faculty of
perception and cognition
8. The text gives instead of the obviously
9. The lower pole of the body being
north, take to be synonymous with "sea
of ch'i"
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Wei PO-yang Ckou•i ts'an•l'ung ch'i
(Harmony Of the three). TT, vol.
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App e n d i x . D a t e s
of t h e Dy n as ti es
Hsia: approximately twenty-frrst 581-618
to sixteenth centuries B.C. Tang 618-907

Shang: approxirnHtIey sixteenth to

Five Dynasties
eleventh centuries a,C. Ten King-

Chou: 106€221 B.C. doms:

Ch'in: 221-206 Sung: 960-1279

Han: 206B.c.-220Aff)_ Liao, 907-1125
Three King- Western Hsia: 1032-
Chin 1115-
220-280 1234
Chin: 263—316 Yüan: 1279-
Ming; 1368
Period of Ching: 1644-
North-South 1911
Division: 317-581

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