NEW 7D CQ Sheet - One Airtel

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Pillar Parameter Broad guidelines

Did the advisor follow the opening guidelines? Adherence

- The of opening
call handling shouldscript
be done with
- No delay opening
appropriate behavior. The irritant scripts
- should
Hold script should be followed however not
be avoided.
Was the appropriate behavior maintained on call? necessary to follow the word by word but the
- Managing Rate of speech, avoiding
essence shouldand
interruption be there
use empathy/apology
Quality of Did the advisor followed the hold guidelines - Legitimate
wherever duration to be adhered which
Interaction - No dead
means air should
hold should not be
be there and use
kept where thefillers
(40%) Was the dead air avoided on call? to avoid it is easily available e.g. information
- The prompt
available from customer
on SS home page end whereas
advisor was silent
Did the advisor followed the closing guidelines? - Adherence of closing script

ZT Unprofessional behavior and non

compliance to defined process
How was the Quality of Interaction? - Good
- Bad
Probing should be done to identify the
Was the relevant probing done to identify the exact customer need and provide the appropriate
issue? - DT should be followed end to end as per
Was DT adhered on call? the customer issue. (Non weighted )
- Resolution
Providing endastoper
endDT, Probing steps,
resolution self
of customer
Quality of Did the advisor provide the correct & complete care would be partEven
query/complaint. of DT adherence
advisor can go
Resolution (60%) resolution? beyond to DT to help which should be
Was Recommendation/ Upsell done?(wherever relevant and not getto
- Recommendation scored off as per DT
be shared
applicable) - Upsell to be done (wherever applicable)
Was the correct tagging done? Correct tagging to done for all the issues
and raised the relevant SR
How was the overall Resolution experience? - Good
- Bad

Background noise should not be there on

Background Noise call at any point of time. No SME/Floor
support/other advisor noise.
Non weightage
Repeat APT Auditor have to gauge the predictive Repeat
based on different category
VOC: internet is not working

Advisor observations
1.Customer account was not confirmed
2. Casualness and timely Empathy/Apology
not done
3.Dead air duration 1:00 to 01:15
4.Further assistance missing while closing the
5. Unnecessary Probing.
6.Advisor was fumbling on call.
7.TAT was not shared.
(Warning Letter - Medium)
Unnecessary hold placed by advisor
(Warning Letter - Medium)
Commitment not fulfilled (Retention
Only) (Warning Letter - Medium)
Did not escalate/Denied to escalate to
supervisor on customer’s request/L2
transfer (Warning Letter - Medium)
Did- Delayed
attempt to retain(>=5
call opening
Reasons/Drop in churn
downsSec) Rating
- -Rate(Documented
Opening greetings
of speech Feedback - Low)
No Outcall done, when
Language required
(Documented Feedback - Low) No
- -Empathy/Apology
Brand name missing
- Did
Un-necessarynot seek
required) permission
missing tofor
intro Hold
- -Interruption
channel/Storetime informed
No Opening (>1 time)(usedFeedback
(Documented duration)
- -Low) Hold reason not informed
- -Uses
InternalApology missing
of Irritant fordetails
scripts long hold shared NA
- -Casualness
Further assistance
Unhold Script
(Documented missing
- Low)(Only for
not Followed
False air&duration
Dead Solitaire
observed +more
>15DTH Plat)
than 45
seconds Yes
- No Pause
Tolerance after further assistance
- High)
Un(Only for Platinum
Professional & Solitaire
behavior (Warning+ DTH No
Plat)- Medium)
- Closing nottransfers
Unwarranted done to IVR
- Brand name not used
(Medium) No
- Thank you missing
- Identification of customer issue Bad
- Incomplete
- Wrong DTProbingscenario followed
- Unnecessary Probingdone
- Wrong redirection No
- Incorrect
- Incorrect information
leg followed shared
- Incomplete
No probing Information
done when
- DT not referred to provide shared
required No
- resolution
Authentication process not followed
- Self
- Allcare not provided/incomplete
relevant information not No
self care
- provided
STA recommendation
/ incorrectly not shared
self-care options informed
- Wrong recommendation done
- Thanks appdonepromotion not done NA
Upsell not
-- Tagging not done donefor all queries
Wrong upsell
- Tagging not done for all complaints No
- Tagging not done for all requests

- Impacting conversation No
- Not impacting
- Advisor conversation
- Process Repeat Yes
- Technology Repeat
- Different
List query attached as per
of sub reasons
the category
Weightage Score






In case the quality of interaction score is
80%, please mark it as Good

Non weighted. Keep Yes/No only



In case the overall score (quality of
interaction+ Quality of Resolution) score is
80%, please mark it as Good


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