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Principles and practices of management by LM Prasad

Chapter 1- Introduction to Management
Chapter 2- Development of Management Thought
Chapter 5- Fundamentals of Planning
Chapter 6- Organizational Plan
Chapter 8- Fundamentals of Organizing
Chapter 12- Fundamentals of Staffing
Chapter 13- Employee Development and Performance Appraisal
Chapter 14- Fundamentals of Directing
Chapter 18- Fundamentals of Controlling
Chapter 19- Control Techniques

*Organizational Behavior by LM Prasad

Chapter 3 Personality
Chapter 4 Perception
Chapter 7 Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 8- Motivation: Concepts and Theories
Chapter 15- Leadership
Chapter 16- Communication
Chapter 17- Conflict Management
Chapter 20- Organizational Changes and Stress Management ( Just study organizational changes , stres
s management is not part of syllabus)

*Business Ethics and Corporate Governance by BN Ghosh

Chapter 1 Definition and Ontology of Ethics

Chapter 2 Belief, values, attitudes and virtues
Chapter 3 Theories of Ethics
Chapter 5 Ethics and Governance; Law Bureaucracy and Globalization
Chapter 6 Ethics of Care and Compassion
Chapter 16 Corporate Governance; Principle , Issues and Trend
Chapter 17 Corporate Social Responsibility
Chapter 18 Corporate Governance in India


Principles and Practices of Education by MacMillan’s Education ( This book is not written with basics)
Module A
Chapter 1 Indian Financial System- An overview
Chapter 2 Banking Regulations
Chapter 4 Role of Money Markets, Fixed Income Markets, Forex Markets and FEMA
Chapter 5 Role and Functions of Capital Markets, Securities and Exchange Board of India
Chapter 8 Risk Management and BASEL 2 and BASEL 3: An Overview
Chapter 24 Self Help Groups
Chapter 30 Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy

Bank Financial Management by MacMillan’s Education

Module B on Risk management- All chapters I.e. Chapter 8 to Chapter 15
Module C Chapter 20 Derivative Products

Financial Management by Dr RP Rustogi to study basics of accountancy and financial statements

Chapter 3 Financial Statements and Analysis
Chapter 4 Statement of Change in Financial Position

*Economics and Social Issues

Social Problems in India by Ram Ahuja- Cover whole book as it will give you a broader idea and will be he
lpful for essay writing as well

Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh

Chapter 2 Growth Development and Happiness

Chapter 3 Evolution of the Indian Economy
Chapter 6 Economic Reforms
Chapter 7 Inflation and Business Cycle
Chapter 8 Agriculture and Food Management
Chapter 9 Industry and Infrastructure
Chapter 10 Services Sector
Chapter 11 Indian Financial Market
Chapter 12 Banking in India
Chapter 15 External Issues in India
Chapter 16 International Economics Organization and India
Chapter 18 Public Finance in India
Chapter 19- Sustainability and Climate Change
Chapter 20- Preparing for the demographic dividend

Also study govt schemes

and current affairs for ESI which is the major part of the syllabus

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