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National 5 English

Scottish Text: Bold Girls

Revision Booklet
1. Plot
2. Setting/Historical Context
3. Characterisation
4. Symbolism/Theme
5. Dramatic Techniques
Understanding the Plot
On the surface, ‘Bold Girls’ is a simple play which follows the events affecting four women (Marie, Cassie,
Nora and Deirdre) in Belfast over a single day and night. The play has only one act which consists of four
scenes. Below is a summary of the events of these four scenes.

Scene One
 In the opening scene we are introduced to each of the four main characters.
 Marie is a widowed mother of two young boys and at the start of the play is doing her laundry.
 She is joined by her best friend and neighbour Cassie and Cassie’s mother Nora.
 Cassie is trying to convince Marie to join her at a club.
 Their conversation is interrupted when Deirdre (who until this point has been outside in the rain)
knocks on Marie’s door and asks for shelter.
 As the women watch an episode of ‘Blind Date’ we notice tension between Cassie and her mother.
 This increases when they talk about Cassie’s beloved father Sean who Nora claims was violent.
 Additionally, we are given a negative first impression of Deirdre who ignores many of the questions
she is asked.
 Nora even suggests that she may be on drugs!
 This negative impression continues when she takes a shower without asking and then steals Marie’s
clothes and money belonging to Cassie.
Scene Two
 This scene is set in the club and reveals more about the personalities of each of the characters.
 When Marie wins the chance to play ‘The Price is Right,’ she has to be convinced to leave her seat as
she does not like attracting attention.
 This is very different from Cassie who wears quite revealing clothes and dances in a way which
attracts attention.
 As Marie is playing, Cassie and Nora argue again. Nora is unhappy with the way her daughter is
dressed and is behaving.
 She does not think she is acting in appropriate way for a married mother.
 Cassie thinks that her mum is hypocritical as she did not act in the same way towards her brother
Martin when he fathered an illegitimate child.
 Cassie’s soliloquy in this scene reveals the fact that she was very unhappy as a child because she
thought she was treated differently from her brother.
 Moreover, as she dances with Marie, Cassie reveals that she is dreading the release of her husband
from jail.
 When the women are all seated again, Deirdre (who is a waitress in the club) re-enters wearing the
clothes and earrings she stole from Marie.
 Marie asks for the earrings back as they were a present from her husband Michael but allows
Deirdre to keep the clothes.
 Cassie thinks that Marie is being too soft and confronts Deirdre herself.
 The young waitress suggests that she has seen Cassie cheating on her imprisoned husband in the
back of a car.
 Cassie is very angry at this point and has to be held back as she tries to attack Deirdre.

Scene Three

 Scene three mainly consists of the conversation which takes place between Marie and Cassie as they
wait for a taxi outside the club.
 Cassie reveals just how unhappy she is and tells Marie of her plans to escape.
 She reveals that she has saved £200 and plans to leave even if it means having to leave her children
 We learn that Cassie feels that living with Nora has meant that Nora has taken on the role of the
main mother figure to her children.
 At the end of the scene we learn that Deirdre has found a knife and used it to destroy a roll peach
polyester Nora had earmarked for a pair of curtains. This perfectly sets up the final scene.

Scene Four
 Scene four is the story of three huge conflicts.
 First, Cassie and Nora fight about Sean. Cassie continues to defend her father as Nora remembers
the beatings he gave her. They also disagree about Cassie’s husband Joe.
 During the fight, Cassie reveals her intention to leave and is devastated to discover that her money
has been stolen.
 After Nora departs, Cassie becomes frustrated by Marie’s apparent happiness and shares a hidden
truth- the fact she had an affair with Marie’s husband Michael.
 Marie responds furiously and throws Cassie out of her house.
 At this point, Deirdre comes into the house holding the stolen knife.
 She reveals that she is Michael’s illegitimate child and demands to be told the truth about her father.
 Marie, who has lost all of her previous tranquillity, disarms Deirdre and uses the knife to destroy the
picture of her husband which had symbolised her love and devotion towards him.
 She tells Deirdre that she is unable to tell the truth about Michael as she did not fully know him
herself and had created a false ideal image.
 Deirdre returns the stolen money and tries to return Marie’s clothes. Marie refuses to take the
clothes back and invites Deirdre to stay for breakfast.

Beneath this surface, there is a play which has meaning far beyond the domestic soap opera which is played
out. To have a full understanding of the play it is necessary to look more closely at the characters, themes
and historical context of the play.

Historical Context
 ‘Bold Girls’ is set in Belfast during ‘The Troubles’- a conflict in Northern Ireland which lasted from
1968 to 1998.
 The conflict was about the position of Northern Ireland as a part of the United Kingdom.
 Unionists, the mostly Protestant majority, wanted to stay a part of the United Kingdom.
 Republicans, the mostly Catholic minority, wanted to leave the United Kingdom and join with the
Republic of Ireland.
 The conflict was often very bloody and violent. This was mainly because of fights between rival
paramilitary organisations (armies not controlled by the state).
 The main Unionist paramilitary organisations were called the UVF (Ulster Volunteer Force) and UDA
(Ulster Defence Association). They violently opposed Irish unification.
 The main Republican paramilitary force was the IRA (Irish Republican Army). They wanted the full
withdrawal of the British and Irish unification.
 More than 3600 people were killed during the Troubles.
 Up to 50,000 people were physically maimed or injured.
 British troops were sent to Northern Ireland to restore order.
 Extreme violence was an everyday reality for many in Northern Ireland during this historical period.
 The conflict ended with the signing of the Good Friday Agreement on 10 April 1998. While the
divisions remain, the organisations involved agreed to try to achieve their aims in a democratic and
non-violent way.

Talking about the play, Rona Munro said:

‘I don’t think the battles women fight, or the daily struggles they have in much of
Belfast, are particularly different from those in any other area with bad housing or high
unemployment- except that guns make a difference to everything. But this isn’t a story
about guns. It’s the story of four bold women.’

Munro is saying that her play has a message which is relevant in many places. She is also saying that the
characters are more important to the story than the setting. It is therefore important to examine each of
these four characters in greater detail.

The two families:
Marie Michael (deceased)

Michael Junior Brendan


Deirdre is outside of the families but claims to be Michael’s illegitimate daughter. She looks a lot like him so
this claim is easy to believe.
Nora Sean (deceased)

Joe (in jail) Cassie Martin (in jail)

Brian Teresa

The men and children of the play are given no lines. We see them only from the perspective of the women. It
is therefore important to develop a deeper understanding of these four characters.

We don’t even hear the male police officers speaking or the (presumably) male news readers – this is a play
of the women’s voices only.

Character Profile
Marie is a widowed housewife with two children. She works in a poor job and struggles for money. Despite this,
she appears to be very happy and always makes sure her house is welcoming for visitors.

Observation Evidence Analysis

Even before Marie ‘toys that are new and gleaming and Marie puts her children before herself. In order
speaks, we are flashing with lights and have swallowed to make sure that they have the latest toys, she
given a very up the year’s savings.’ is willing to sacrifice all of her savings.
positive impression ‘It’s pots and pans and steam and the This tells us that Marie is a frequent hostess.
of her by the stage kettle always hot for tea.’ She ensures that no guest will go without
directions. refreshments.
‘it’s furniture that’s bald with age and a The age and condition of the furniture tells us
It is immediately hearth in front of the coal fire that’s that Marie does not have much money.
clear that she gleaming clean.’ However, she makes the most of this by making
makes the most of sure that everything is clean and tidy. This tells
what little she has. us that she is skilled in domestic chores.
She is a good
mother and a good
Marie looks upon ‘There is a small picture of the Virgin on Marie’s large picture of Michael is a centrepiece
her dead husband one wall, a large grainy blow-up photo on the stage. The fact that it is bigger than the
Michael with an of a smiling young man on the other.’ picture of the Virgin Mary suggests that she
admiration which places him on a pedestal like an icon. It tells us a
matches religious great deal about Marie’s priorities in life.
devotion. “I hold him and I rock him and I say – She comforts her son with pleasant ideas to
(getting dreamy) Your daddy was a sooth him with an idealised version of Michael.
good man and a brave man and he did
the best he could…”
Marie is naïve and When trying to convince Marie to go to The idealised view of Michael held by Marie is
worships a false the club, Cassie says to Nora: not shared by other characters. This suggests to
idol. ‘Sure he was hardly here when he was us that she is possibly delusional and may
alive.’ become very unhappy when confronted with
the truth.
Marie does “I know Cassie, but he’s a child; it’s She knows Cassie is likely to cut to the hard
occasionally good for him to hear it like that…I know, truth and knows she is deluding herself and
acknowledge that I know he was no saint – but I miss him” Mickey.
she’s aware “Sometimes he said he loved me when This indicates that she wished he would have
Michael wasn’t he’d no drink in him at all. Sometimes told her more often and that it was only
perfect. he even did that” occasionally he did tell her when he wasn’t
Her grief for “just sitting by the fire and the fire dead Shows how frozen Marie felt.
Michael is huge for hours and the baby crying and
She trusted “No but I couldn’t have stood that, just She had asked Michael to tell her if he ever
Michael without the lying to you, the lying to you.” cheated and he didn’t, so she trusted him. She
question “Michael would no more lie to me than pitied Cassie because her husband did cheat
you would, Cassie!” and lied to her and Cassie knew.

Marie is kind, ‘You better sit down by the fire’ Even when confronted by a complete stranger,
caring and Marie is unable to turn her away. Instead she
motherly. When invites her in and shows concern for her well-
Deirdre knocks on being.
the door, she is Marie fetches herself a plate of food. She is selfless and shares without the slightest
unable to ignore She divides half its contents onto thought. She gives up half of what is hers, even
her visitor and is another plate which she gives to though she has little to spare.
willing to let her Deirdre.
‘Well you wouldn’t have me turn her Even after Deirdre has exploited her hospitality,
out on the street in a towel would you?’ Marie remains considerate.

Marie is shy. She ‘Oh I hate standing out in front of When she wins the chance to play ‘The Price is
does not enjoy everyone.’ Right,’ Marie is very reluctant to go up as
being the centre of everyone will be looking at her. This shows that
attention. she prefers to remain in the background.
‘Feel a bit like the last meat pie in the As Cassie dances extravagantly, Marie is sent to
shop out here, Cassie.’ get her by Nora. Her movements are cautious
and she is unhappy that everyone is looking at
them. This further shows her reluctance to take
the spotlight.
“Marie had never been out of her Shows she even kept Michael’s death quiet as
house, never told a soul till we came in she didn’t want the attention.
to her”
Not materialistic “Well, the jeans don’t fit any more so She is sentimental – doesn’t care about material
they’re yours and welcome and I never things except those things given by her loved
was desperate fond of the top so you ones
can have it, but those earrings were a
present from my husband so I’ll be
having them back.”
“I’ve got a lot to be thankful for. I’ve my Grateful for what she’s got. Marie still looks for
kids, a job, a nice wee house and I can positives in life despite hardships.
still pay for it.”

Marie is a good When Cassie reveals that she is afraid of Instead of being shocked by Cassie’s
friend. what will happen when her husband is revelations, Marie is very supportive. She shows
released from jail, Marie reassures her that she will be there even when times are
by saying: tough.
‘I’ll be just across the road, I won’t let
you go crazy. You just see what you’ll
get if you try it.’
‘I don’t know how you coped with all Marie offers a sympathetic ear for a troubled
Joe’s carry on. I don’t. You were the friend. She reassures her friend that her
martyr there, Cassie. suffering is not imagined.

Marie’s selfless, ‘she’s worried she won’t be out of her This shows how selfless Marie is. Instead of
gentle and caring bed to feed the sparrows their crusts going to bed after getting home late, she
nature is also first thing’ scatters crumbs for the birds as she is worried
evident in her she will sleep in. Her first thoughts are never for
treatment of herself.

animals. ‘She wouldn’t tread on a spider if she Cassie’s observation again highlights how caring
found it in her shoe.’ Marie is. Even when it is an inconvenience, she
is not willing to treat other beings with anything
other than complete care and affection.
Marie is a positive When Cassie asks why she is so happy, Although she is impoverished and struggling to
character who is Marie says: cope financially, Marie is thankful for what she
able to put a ‘I’ve a lot to be thankful for. I’ve my has. While she has to suffer, she is pleased that
positive spin on kids, my job, a nice wee house and I can she is still able to provide for others.
even poor still pay for it.’
Marie has low self “He was the only boy I’d ever wanted at Shows that she can’t believe that someone like
esteem all and it was still a miracle to me he Michael would want her and also that she
wanted me back – but then since I’ve doesn’t think she’s a good enough person to
always had to work hardest at believing deserve him or any other ‘miracle’.
miracles and anyway I knew they only
fell in the laps of the pure in heart”
She does have a “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” Despite always looking out for her friend and
hardness in her “Hell isn’t deep enough for you, Cassie being kind to others, when the most important
that people Ryan” thing that she had – her love and trust for
wouldn’t suspect. Marie grabs crisps, drinks, everything Michael – is ruined, she lashes out angrily,
she can lay hands on. She pelts Cassie shocking Cassie by her actions.
with them, moving closer and closer…
Marie is on top of her, a heavy plate
raised to smash down”
When she loses her Marie stands for another frozen She is unable to move and her pain breaks
ideal view of moment then she screams, a great howl through.
Michael, her grief of pain and loss…Marie lowers her
hits her all over head, hugging herself, rocking herself
She gives Deirdre Marie crosses slowly to look at Michael This is like her final goodbye to him as she takes
Michael’s picture, then she rips him off the wall and down the picture violently from its place and
showing her throws the picture at Deirdre carelessly throws it to Deirdre – it is no longer in
idolising of him is a position of worship, it is roughly handled.
She stops being When Deirdre returns and asks for a Before, she would share everything she had
such a pushover cup of tea, Marie simply replies ‘No’. without being asked. Now she is standing up for
“Oh but they think I don’t know how to She shows that she does have the darker
be bitter, they think I never learned. I’m thoughts that people didn’t know she had.
just a wee girl with a smile that feeds Marie is fully aware of the way others see her. It
the birds” is clear from this that her apparent ignorance is
Despite her ‘I know nothing at all. That’s the only an intentional construct which she has built to
apparent story I’m fit to tell you about, about save herself from complete misery.
positivism and nothing at all… Except being brave and
delusional nature, coping great and never complaining and
Marie is very self- holding the home together.’
She destroys She wrenches the knife and the picture The violence of her actions is unexpected. It
Michael’s picture off the startled Deirdre and smashes symbolises the destruction of her dreams.
and slashes Michael’s picture with swift,
efficient destructiveness

She returns to She kneels down and starts to clear up She is used to keeping a tidy home and keeping
being the tidy the pieces of the picture this façade going, it’s almost automatic to clean
housewife up again.
She becomes more Marie reaches out and touches This shows she cares about how Deirdre got
caring towards Deirdre’s shoulder…Marie turns her injured, despite everything that Deirdre has
Deirdre again gently. She looks at her bruised body done.
She explains how “they took the lying head off Michael, Her word choice shows she no longer values
Michael died didn’t you know?” him. She is brutal in her description
She becomes “The thing about daddys, all the daddys, She thinks it’s pointless to try and keep hold of
cynical is they up and leave you” men and it was pointless to try and tell the
“You see I’m just a mug Deirdre” truth to Michael about missing him, even when
they were together, as she was afraid he’d
“Your daddy…Your daddy was a man Her sing-song reassurance about Michael has
like any other. If he knew you were alive changed to an honest one which doesn’t idolise
he never told me. And he’s dead now.” him at all.
We see she didn’t It wasn’t that I lied. I just didn’t tell all This relationship she had with Michael was just
always tell Michael the truth that was in me.” an illusion.
the truth either
She is honest with “I knew who you were the first time I Instead of deluding herself that Deirdre was a
herself saw you” ghost or a memory, she admits she can see
Michael in her.
She begins to “You’ll be hungry soon… You can give She won’t let her leave in the dark, wants to
nurture Deirdre me a hand if you like…Did you ever feed feed and involve her in her routines. This shows
the birds, Deirdre?” she accepts Deirdre.
She goes back to “I like the common wee birds…It’s easy The birds are a metaphor for the bold girls and
the birds enough to build a great wee nest when the other women of Belfast – the ‘common wee
you’ve a whole forest to fly in, but you’d birds’ – who have to struggle to live in the Falls
need something special to build one area of Belfast.
round the Falls”


Cassie is an extroverted mother of two. She is the daughter of Sean and Nora, the brother of Martin and is
married to Joe. She admires her dead father and despises her husband. Her desperation to escape Belfast
reveals a lot about her character. Unlike Marie, she is not a natural mother. Moreover, she has had a number
of extra-marital affairs, including one with Marie’s husband Michael.

Observation Evidence Analysis

Cassie is not Cassie scares Michael Junior by describing Here, Cassie uses fear as a controlling
naturally motherly. what will happen to him if he keeps device. This shows that she is willing to
This is one reason eating a tub of raspberry ice-cream syrup: achieve her goals using methods which may
why she struggles ‘I’ll tell you what happens to all those hurt the child. These are not qualities we
to fit into a society men that drink whiskey and all those wee associate with good motherhood.
in which women boys that drink raspberry ice-cream
are valued for syrup; their intestines get eaten away and
being good their stomachs get eaten away and all the
mothers. other bits just shrivel up and die.’
Cassie has a sharp “Tar filled lungs – what the best bodies Making a joke of smoking too much.
sense of humour. are wearing”

“sure it’s night of the living dead here” Referencing a zombie film when talking
about Deirdre’s lack of response
Cassie is insensitive In scene one, Nora says: This metaphor portrays Cassie as a cold
and can seem ‘God forgive me for bringing a child into person who is incapable of sensitivity or
uncaring. the world with a heart of flint and a sympathy. The fact that her own mother is
tongue to match.’ saying this reveals a negative aspect of her
“Heart like a Brillo pad, that’s me.” Remembering Marie drunk in the taxi. She
admits to be harsh and rough.
Sarcastic “I’ll start crocheting a new house for us Talking to Nora about her marriage to Joe.
tomorrow.” Being sarcastic towards her mother who
thinks she should be grateful for the perfect
marriage that she has
Cassie does not ‘Oh so should I just get back in my box Cassie objects to her mother’s belief that she
agree with the and wear bin liners till he’s out should I?’ should not wear revealing clothes in the
values of a society absence of her husband. She likes looking
which values men good and wants to grab the attention of
over women. others.
‘Do you know that you never put a plate Cassie was hurt by the clear favouritism
of food in front of me before he had his.’ showed to her brother Martin. She knows
that society values men over women but
does not accept these values.
Has been taught “My mummy taught me... While waiting at bar for drinks. Reveals that
‘traditional’ values the role of women is to look after their men
when it comes to and do what they’re told and let them get
being a wife and away with anything while men can do what
mother . they want
Cassie does not “Six gin and limes, I worked it out...mind Talking about her new diet. Shows she likes
conform to her you, I could always give the grapefruit a to party/drink – not like a traditional woman

society’s ideas of miss couldn’t I?” should be. Concerned about her
what makes a good appearance/ looks.
woman. “I want something quick. You wait, Marie.
I’ll have a completely new body by the
end of the month.”

“And here’s me never stopped dancing Breaking the traditional role of a woman –
since they took mine away.” happy instead of sad her husband getting
taken away
“Oh so I should just get back in my box Sitting with Nora; discussing Joe being in jail.
and wear bin liners till he’s out should I?” She doesn’t really care what other people
“I don’t care what the world thinks.” think; wants to be able to do what she
Cassie is disgusted “I tell you Marie I can’t stand the smell of Shows she is repulsed by him physically and
by her husband him. The greasy, grinning, beer belied feels like he objectifies her.
and wants to break smell of him. And he’s winking away
away about all he’s been dreaming of, wriggling
his fat fingers over me like I’m a poke of
chips – I don’t want him in the house in
my bed, Marie.”
“First I thought of ground glass, but how Talking about killing Joe Reveals her
do you grind it?” anger/hatred of Joe by talking of various
ways to kill him.
Cassie is very When Marie informs her that everyone is Cassie is very different to Marie. While Marie
confident and watching her dance, Cassie says: is uncomfortable with attention, Cassie
enjoys being the ‘Let them.’ thrives on it.
centre of attention.
Cassie is forthright When Marie fails to confront Deirdre Cassie refuses to act in any way which may
and over the thefts, Cassie takes it upon be considered weak. She is annoyed by
confrontational. herself to do so: Marie’s submissiveness and feels that
‘I hope you’ve not taken a fancy to protecting her friend is her duty.
anything else that’s caught your eye, like
my handbag.’

“Mummy if there’s something on your mind, Frustrated with Nora’; blunt and to the point;
would you just out and say it please?” wants everyone to come out and say what
they’re thinking

She believes her

father was
blameless and
She blames her
mother for the
problems between
her parents.
She thinks Nora “Well I’m telling you Marie. It’s Mummy Talking about Sean. No matter what, Cassie
was a bad mother here had the temper in our house. We blames Nora for the atmosphere and events
to her. were all terrified to leave our shoelaces of the house growing up.

Feels trapped in “It’s desperate, isn’t it? Thirty-five years Talking about buying fruit to take to Martin
her life. old and she’s stealing from her mummy’s and Joe in jail. Depressed/ upset/ bitter that
purse.” she can’t do anything with her life – she has
no money to start over again.
“I’m getting chewed and swallowed and Talking about leaving Belfast She is angry
eaten alive by all that I’m wanting and and frustrated about the lack of control she
can’t have whatever I do.” has over her life – she feels like she is used
Cassie is selfish. ‘I could leave her the children.’ Cassie is so desperate to escape that she is
even willing to leave her own children
behind. This again shows that she is not a
kind and caring mother. Reveals she thinks
she is a poor mother -Teresa thinks of Nora
more like a mother than Cassie. Cassie is
upset by this – feels useless.
Cassie views ‘Heart like a Brillo pad, that’s me.’ In both of these quotes, Cassie shows that
herself in a ‘I’m just wicked.’ she does not have a high opinion of herself.
negative way. She sees herself as being unkind, uncaring
and lacking in humanity.
Cassie is not a good “Is it hard being good?” Being cruel towards Marie and taking out
friend. her frustrations on her.
‘That’s what I’m telling you Marie. We Cassie has not only betrayed Marie but has
were both lying to you for years.’ kept this information to herself. She
deliberately tries to destroy Marie’s
happiness out of jealousy as she herself is
deeply unhappy having learned that her
money has been stolen.

Nora is Cassie’s mother and the wife of the now dead Sean. She was unhappy in her marriage but loves
her son Martin dearly. Her relationship with her daughter is at times very tense. She is obsessed with
home improvements.

Observation Evidence Analysis

Nora is fiercely ‘“I’m that boy’s mother-in law, and As Joe is being arrested, Nora bravely
protective of before you take him you’ll have to confronts the soldiers taking him even
her family. answer to me.”’ although she is risking her own safety. Cassie
describes her as ‘lioness’ and this highlights
just how much she cares about her family.
Nora is caring. As Cassie complains about Deirdre Although Deirdre is acting in a way which does
taking a shower, Nora says: not invite sympathy, Nora is able to see that
‘That child needs help from she is a troubled young woman.
She spends lots of money on fruit for She wants to ease the suffering of family
her imprisoned son and son-in-law. members even although it comes at an
expense she can hardly afford.
Nora is old- In Nora’s house, the men are always Here, Nora shows that she thinks that the job
fashioned. served their food first. of women is to make life comfortable for the
‘You’ve a job to do bringing up that men in their lives. She is unable to sympathise
family and making a decent home with Cassie’s complaints as she does not feel
for you and your man, so get on with that women should put themselves ahead of
it.’ others.
Cares about “All my lino’s curled after that last Asking Cassie to go back to the house to make
appearances time. I’ll never find a colour like that sure the washing machine isn’t on – she is
again.” house proud and is always talking about how
her house looks
peering round the edge of the blind Watching the rioting going on outside in the
as she does it) Ahh! Will you look at street from Marie’s house. Despite
what those great boots are doing to violence/conflict going on outside, all she
my nasturtiums.” cares about is her garden being ruined. Shows
how much she cares about appearances.
“There’s only one bold girl here, Response after Cassie makes a toast to the
Cassie Ryan, and she’s broadcasting ‘Bold Girls’. Nora is concerned about how
it to the world.” (Sc 2, pg 38) other people view them/what people say
about them behind their backs
“I’d those ribs taped for months. Oh Talking about Joe being arrested. Despite
but my bamboo suite, Marie. Two being injured seriously, she is more upset
hundred pounds and I’d only had it a about her living room being ruined – ruining
week...” (Sc 2, pg 46) the illusion that everything is perfect
Unsympathetic “Jodie Foster or whatever you call Discussing the film The Accused in which Jodie
her. I’m not saying she deserved it, Foster’s character is raped. Reveals lack of
mind, but she should’ve known sympathy – she has a man’s perspective on
better, she should’ve known what’d women. Women are always at fault (contrast
be coming to her.” (Sc 1, pg 6) with her thoughts on her own relationship
with Sean)
Nora’s speech Sc 2, pg 44-45 Telling a story about one the neighbourhood
woman asking for her advice when her

husband was arrested.Focuses on appearance
of home – if everything looks okay on the
outside, you can pretend it’s okay on the
Doesn’t listen to (stroking it) Just feels rich doesn’t it? Talking about new material/going out to club.
others So are you coming out with us Talking at cross purposes – she’s not really
tonight, Marie?” (Sc 1, pg 7) listening to the conversation going on –
thinking about her new fabric
Tries to bond “Something to be grateful for Marie, Talking about life and the men being jail .
with Marie/ be we’ve a lot to weigh us down, the Shows the hardships she endures but tries to
positive two of us: one man dead and the be positive
other in a prison cell. A lot to weep
over.” (Sc 1 pg 25)
Judges other “We do not need to use language Talking about Blind Date/telly. Nora is
people/ like that Cassie!” (Sc 1, pg 27) concerned with appearances – how they look
hypocritical to other people. She goes on to swear herself.

Doesn’t “I thought birds were one thing that Discovering that Marie feeds the birds.
understand could look out for themselves in this Doesn’t understand that Marie sees the birds
Marie town.” (Sc 1, pg 29) as a symbol for freedom; something they can’t
Selfish “I was just in that chemist After the minute’s silence for the boy who has
today...They still hadn’t got my being killed in an explosion. Being
prescription in.” (Sc 2, pg 35) inconsiderate/selfish/unsympathetic –
focused on herself instead of dead boy and
respecting him

Keeps things to Nora’s monologue at the end of Sc 2, She has experienced pain and suffering. She
herself has ‘stories’. Nora doesn’t see the point in
talking about things – much better just to stay
quiet and get on with things
Loses her dream “Months I’ve planning how to make Nora’s moaning about her lost peach fabric.
over the front room. Months.” Without the fabric, she cannot keep her
illusion of everything looking okay so
therefore being okay
Dismisses Cassie “Oh you’ll be telling me a different Cassie reveals she is leaving Belfast. Doesn’t
tale in the morning! There’s no end believe her; doesn’t take her seriously.
to your wild tales, Cassie!
Becomes Nora’s exchange with Marie Nora talks about getting credit to get the
reckless fabric. Nora still refusing to accept Cassie’s
revelation. She focuses her attention back on
decorating her front room – she hides from


Deirdre is a sixteen year old girl who is desperate to learn the truth about her father Michael. She
has not had a good life. Her mother neglects her and the male role models in her life are either
absent or violent.

Roles played by Deirdre in the play:

A conventional - With a past, with a present, with a purpose.

character - With typical characteristics of a teenager.
A ‘ghost’ - She resembles Marie’s dead husband.
- She wears clothes which forces Marie to remember her past.
A parasite - She exploits Marie’s kindness and hospitality.
- She steals literally and metaphorically from others.
- Defines herself in relation to other people.
A catalyst - Reveals the past.
- Forces confessions/ uncovers the ‘truth.’
- Destroys dreams.
- Changes the mood of the play.
A link - Links Marie’s home and the violence and crime outside.
- Links the past and the present.
- Between the present and the future.
An observer and - On the physical setting.
a commentator - Evoking mood and atmosphere.
- As a spy or a detective.

Observation Evidence Analysis

Deirdre is an outsider. Stage directions: While the other characters are
‘Deirdre is not in this room, safe and warm in Marie’s
she’s crouching on all fours on home, Deirdre is trapped
her own talking out of darkness outside. She is on ‘all fours’
in which only her face is visible. which makes us think of an
She is wary, young.’ animal. It makes us think that
she lonely and frightened. She
seems suspicious, wild,
uncivilised, she is hiding
Deirdre is determined. ‘I’m wet, I’m cold. I want to get While this underlines Deirdre’s
inside. There’s burning making outsider status as an outsider
the sky black. The sky’s full of who is exposed to the harsh
rain and the sound of the outside world, it also reveals
helicopter. I want to get inside. more about her personality.
Can’t keep me out.’ Her repetition of ‘I want to get
inside’ makes her ambition very
clear. She wants to invade the
comfortable domestic world
represented by Marie’s home.
The final line shows that she
will stop at nothing in her
attempts to achieve this. Very

bleak, negative character.
Desperate for belonging/
answers? (I want to get inside.
Can’t keep me out.) Animalistic.
Appearance “about fifteen” Deirdre has just entered
“white mini-dress, damp and Marie’s home Builds a picture
grubby, battered white of Dierdre as a ‘poor soul’ –
trainers” neglected, not dressed
Legs “bare and scratched” appropriately; unsure of
Smudged make up herself; doesn’t know what to
“stands uncertain” (Sc 1, pg 18) do.
Deirdre lacks basic manners She does not thank Marie for Shows she is rude/doesn’t have
and courtesy. She is also a thief. her hospitality and takes a manners; strange; she isn’t very
shower without asking talkative and practically ignores
permission. Moreover, she the women. This perhaps
steals Marie’s clothing and suggests that Deirdre is self-
earrings as well as Cassie’s two centred as she wants takes
hundred pounds. what she wants without
Deirdre says nothing. He thinking about the possible
doesn’t look up from the fire consequences. It may also
Deirdre jerks her head without suggest desperation. She is so
turning. weary of her second rate life
Deirdre shrugs that she is willing to involve
herself in criminal activity to
escape the harsh reality of the
outside world.
She is likely mistreated at home Deirdre takes it without saying Marie brings her tea and
anything, starts to eat furtively sandwiches- eats like an
and ravenously. animal. Not polite/well
mannered. Possible hungry –
she is neglected/not looked
Deirdre is destructive. ‘I need a knife. A wee blade of She is talking about how she
my own… A wee bit of hard saw a man holding a knife to
truth you could hold in your someone. Violent, threatening,
hand and point where you confusing – she can get the
liked.’ “truth” with a blade.
‘She looks at the broad, smooth Deirdre’s determination is
stretch of material then starts apparent in her willingness to
to slash at it, ripping it, destroy obstacles to the truth
trampling it till she’s in a violent way. She believes
breathless.’ that a knife empowers her and
gives her the chance to get the
truth on her own terms.
Likes being the centre of Deirdre hands the big box over Handing over prize at the club.
attention with a model’s grin It’s like she’s on a game show.

She feels trapped “The whole town’s a prison, Club is being raided. She wants
smash chunks off the walls to be free and will use violent
‘cause we’re all in a prison.” methods to get free.
Deirdre is cunning. ‘It was in a car. A blue car.’ As the pressure is turned on

her, Deirdre subtly lets Cassie
know of the power she
possesses. She knows of the
affair between Cassie and
Michael and is willing to use
this knowledge for her own
Deirdre is neglected and ‘She’ll have locked me out.’ Deirdre’s mother is guilty of
abused. When she is asked who bruised terrible neglect. Instead of
her, Deirdre says: worrying about the
‘Just the fella she’s got living whereabouts of her sixteen
with her just now.’ year old daughter, she is willing
to leave her locked out when
the streets are a warzone.
Moreover, she continues to live
with a man who is abusing her
daughter physically. Talking
about her mum and how she
got the bruises She is
beginning to open up – reveals
she has been abused
Wants to know about her She snatches the knife out of She is violent and wants
father the chair and waves it at Marie. answers and doesn’t care how
She advances on her slowly. she gets it.
“I want the truth out of you. I
mean it.”
She may well respond positively Deirdre flinches, then allows She has returned Marie’s
to a nurturing parent the touch clothes and Marie reaches out
to comfort her. Timid,
frightened, fidgety, doesn’t
trust people. Lets Marie look at
her bruises.
Not good at relationships “I’ve got cold blood. That is Tells Marie she is used to being
what they say...” on the outside- not very caring
or loving or emotional.

Deirdre as a catalyst
Deirdre is the catalyst for the action of the play. Her arrival sparks of a chain of events which lead to the
explosive scenes between Nora, Cassie and Marie in Scene 4 – she destroys all the women’s means of
escape and forces them to confront reality.

Deirdre and - Detailed references/quotations What does it reveal?

Cassie “She leisurely reaches behind Destroys Cassie’s means of
Steals Cassie’s money in Sc 4 Michael’s picture and takes the escape – physically by taking
Almost reveals she saw Cassie money.” away her source of leaving
with Michael in Sc 2 “I saw you before…with a man. With Belfast.
him…” Deirdre has seen Cassie with
Michael and almost exposes her
early on in the play – which
would destroy both Cassie and
Marie’s reality.
Nora Deirdre destroys Nora’s peach fabric Nora can longer decorate her
Deirdre destroys Nora’s reality. at the end of Sc 3 “she starts to slash front room again – Deirdre
She takes away her means of at it, ripping it, trampling it till she’s destroys her way of escaping her
escape from the harsh truth of breathless.” hard life.
her life in Belfast.

Marie “He was my dad” Marie’s perfect domesticity is

Destroys Marie’s illusion of “Your daddy was a good man, a good ruined by Deirdre’s revelation –
Michael as the perfect and brave man, and he (Breaks Marie can no longer keep on
husband and father. down, can’t continue)” pretending that Michael was
perfect. She breaks down and
Deirdre arrives at Marie’s “thunderous knock” can’t even pretend to her little
house boys anymore.
Deirdre arrives in the women’s
lives like a force of nature – we
can tell that she is going to
impact on them immediately

Relationships between the Characters

1. Marie and Cassie

From the start of the play, we are made aware of the close relationship between these two
characters. Cassie is willing to ask Marie a deeply personal question about her underwear and even
helps deal with the behaviour of Michael Junior. The closeness of this relationship is further revealed
when Cassie confides her fears about the release from prison of her husband Joe in Marie. There are
no barriers between the two characters and Cassie even reveals her desire to escape Belfast even if
it means leaving her children behind. Beneath the surface of this seemingly close relationship
though, there is a story of betrayal. Cassie is jealous of her friend’s ability to appear happy despite
her poor quality of life and reveals a hidden secret- her affair with Michael. This causes a huge
change in their friendship and Marie screams at Cassie to get out of her house.

Description of relationship Quote/Evidence Explanation

Beginning Cassie: Can I ask you a personal Cassie is teasing Marie about her
question, Marie? Do you have a washing ending up on the
A warm, teasing relationship pair of red knickers? lamppost in the street – they have
is established between them Marie: I think I do, yes. a friendly, comfortable
at the beginning. Early hints Cassie: With wee black cats, with relationships at the beginning.
of Cassie’s frustration of wee balloons coming out their
Marie’s passivity. mouths saying “Hug me, I’m
Marie: (Stops peeling potatoes
briefly, gives Cassie a severe look).
They were in a pack of three for
ninety-nine pence.
Cassie: Look, when did you last Cassie is frustrated at Marie not
have a night out? going out more and still mourning
Marie: I was over at yours watching for Michael. She wants her friend
that video just the night before last. to move on with her life. She is
Cassie: Oh, it’ll take you a while to sarcastic towards her.
get over the excitement of that, I
can see.
Marie: A diet! What for? Marie is supportive and caring and
Cassie: To lose weight! encourages Cassie that she looks
Marie: That’s what I mean. What fine. Compliments her.
Cassie: (sarcastically) Amazing, isn’t Cassie doesn’t understand Marie’s
it Mummy? need to feed the birds – but they
Marie: I like the birds. symbolise freedom for her, just
like the money symbolises
freedom for Cassie
Middle Cassie: What are they all watching Cassie is provocative and
At the club and outside, it us? extroverted, she wants everyone
becomes clearer how close Marie: They are. to watch and revels in it whereas
the woman are despite their Cassie: Let them. Marie wants to hide and sit down
differences. Cassie is outgoing Marie: (with a shaky laugh) Feel a quickly because she’s unsure of
and provocative while Marie bit like the last meat pie in the shop herself and what people will think.
is shy and not confident. out here, Cassie.

Cassie becomes frustrated by
Marie not confronting Deirdre Cassie: I’ll go crazy. Marie is supportive of Cassie and
and Marie acts as Marie: I won’t let you. You won’t reassures her that she will be okay
peacekeeper between Cassie get a chance Cassie, I’ll just be when Joe gets out of prison.
and her mother. across the road, I won’t let you go
Cassie: you’re not letting her get Cassie wants Marie to stand up for
away with it altogether? herself against Deirdre, thinks
Marie: She’s a look about her. people walk all over her.

Cassie: You are ruining my best Share things, close friendship but
dress since that you’ve had on loan signs of tensions and frustration.
since Easter.
Conversation outside the club Cassie admits to being unfaithful
about Cassie’s marriage (Sc 3, pg to Joe and wanting to get away,
56-57) she reveals how unhappy she is
and that she is willing to leave her
children behind. Marie supports
her but tries to change her mind.
End Cassie: You see, you’re good. And Major tensions bubble to the
I’m just wicked. surface between the women.
Relationship comes to an Marie: Aye you’re a bold woman Cassie and Marie are frustrated at
explosive head with Cassie’s altogether. each other and this comes out as
final revelation about her Cassie: Is it hard being good? sniping and sarcasm. Cassie tells
affair with Michael. Cassie can Marie: I took lessons. Marie that she cannot afford to
no longer contain her Cassie: Well, tell me what you’ve live but Marie insists she is still
frustration with Marie and got to smile about Marie, because I happy. Marie doesn’t believe that
Marie goes from passive to can’t see it. Cassie is half as wild as she says.
aggressive. By the end of Marie: I’ve a lot to be thankful for:
Scene 4, we assume their I’ve my kids, a job, a nice wee
friendship has ended. house and I can still pay for it.
Cassie: You’ve two wee boys
growing out their clothes faster
than you get them new ones, a part
time job licking envelopes for a
wage that wouldn’t keep a budgie
and three red bills on your
mantelpiece there.
Marie: That’s trust, Cassie. Cassie finally loses her patience
Cassie: That’s stupidity, Marie. You with Marie’s naivety. Compares
haven’t the sense of a hen with its her to a small-minded animal.
head off! Marie still denies Michael would
Marie: Michael would no more lie be unfaithful before Cassie deals
to me than you would, Cassie. the ultimate blow by revealing
Cassie: Well we both did! That’s their affair.
what I’m telling you Marie! We
were both lying to you for years!

Marie: It’s Cassie’s now. It’ll go back She realises her friend is unhappy
to her. She needs it to dream with. and broken but knows there is

(She shakes her head) She’ll not use nothing she can do about it – the
it for much else. money will allow her to continue
her artificial reality.

2. Cassie and Nora

Conflict is central to the relationship between Cassie and Nora. They are very different women who
have very different beliefs. Central to their conflict is their differing memories of Sean. While Cassie
idolises a man she remembers as a ‘lovely,’ ‘gentle’ man, her mother recalls the physical abuse she
was subjected to. Cassie maintains that Nora brought the beatings upon herself as she would
constantly nag her husband. They also disagree about Cassie’s husband Joe. While Cassie despises
him, Nora remembers him as an ideal husband.

Cassie does not remember her upbringing fondly. She feels that she was taught only to be a second
class citizen who was to look up to men. While her brother Martin was spoiled, she was constantly in
trouble. She complains that he was always served dinner first as part of his clear role as his mother’s
favourite. There appears to be some foundation in Cassie’s complaints. When Nora complains about
Cassie’s revealing dress and failure to wear a bra, Cassie points out that she had no problem
accepting Martin’s womanising ways. Nora denies that Martin fathered an illegitimate child despite
being presented with obvious proof. It is obvious that there are double standards at work.

Another reason why Cassie resents Nora is the role her mother is playing in the upbringing of her
children. She feels that Nora has stopped her from developing a close relationship with the children.
This is revealed when she says:
‘Teresa turns to her before she turns to me and Brian’s getting all the washing and
polishing and wee cups of ice cream to keep him smiling that Martin ever got.’

At the end of the play, Nora tries to force Cassie to admit that her dad was not a saint. The
subsequent argument leads to a revelation which helps us to understand the poor relationship
between the two women. Cassie tells her mum: ‘I never hated you… I just wanted you to make it
happen different.’ From this it can be taken that Cassie resents her mum for not putting a positive
slant on things in the way Marie does with her children. She even admits that her mother has had a
tough life when she tells Marie, ‘Mummy’s heart is made of steel. She had to grow it that way.’

Description of relationship Quote/Evidence Explanation

Beginning Cassie: Will you look at what that Cassie and Nora have different
woman’s wearing? views/tastes and bicker over silly
Relationship is quite tense Nora: What’s wrong with it? things. They sometimes get
particularly when the subject of Cassie: She looks like she’s ready along but mostly argue.
Sean arises but seems like typical to go in the oven for Christmas
mother-daughter relationship. dinner.
They have a disagreement about
the washing machine and Blind Despite their differences, Cassie
Date but Cassie defends Nora Nora: I think I’m going deaf. will defend Nora if she thinks
when it seems Deirdre is Cassie: No I don’t think you are, someone is violating the
ignoring her. There is also Mummy. women’s circle or offending
humour when discussing Joe them.
being arrested by the police. Cassie: I didn’t know which of
them to go to first, Joe, or They share fond memories –
Mummy in the hedge with her Cassie gently mocks Nora during

little legs waving in the air. the story of the arrest.

Nora: (getting sharper) He had a

temper when he had a drink in At the mere mention of Sean,
him. their relationship changes from a
Cassie: (sharp back) If he was normal mother-daughter one to
pushed. a sharp, tense one where they
care ready to attack one
Middle Nora: Oh, we’re great Nora is angry at the way Cassie is
entertainment tonight, Marie. conducting herself but doesn’t
Relationship becomes more Cassie: Mummy, if there’s say it directly so Cassie confronts
fraught as more revelations are something on your mind would her. Cassie wants everything out
made – particularly during you just out and say it please? in the open.
discussions mentioning Joe.
There are still hints of humour Nora: Joe isn’t here, is he? Nora and Cassie have different
and solidarity between them. Cassie: Oh so I should just get views on how Cassie should be
back in my box and wear bin acting while Joe is in jail – Nora
liners till he’s out should I? thinks she should be in the house
being a wife and mother and
Nora: you’re just determined to waiting for him.
let the world think the worst of Nora worries about appearances
you, are you? and how other people judge
Cassie: I don’t care what the them but Cassie says she doesn’t
world thinks. care.

Cassie and Nora: (together, Still slight humour but Cassie

mimicking Nora’s tone) “Oh but shows she’s bored of Nora telling
you’ll not hit a woman.” the story of Joe’s arrest.

Cassie: And wasn’t she lucky that Cassie and Nora are on the same
Mother Teresa was ready to hand page when someone outside of
them over! the circle threatens them, despite
Nora: You should’ve said their arguments and
something to her, Marie. disagreements.

Nora: She’d come down in the Cassie and Nora’s disagreements

morning, Marie, and find me about Sean become more and
End crying on the floor with bruises more heating. Cassie blames
going black on my face and all Nora while Nora is heartbroken
Their relationship comes to an she’d say was, “Have you been that her only daughter hated her.
explosive head. The reasons for upsetting daddy again?” Cassie doesn’t believe that her
their tense/angry relationship Cassie: He never beat you that dad treated Nora badly.
are revealed in this scene. bad […]
Nora: Eight years old, Marie, and
Lots of arguments about Sean, all I saw on her face was hatred,
Cassie’s dad/Nora’s husband. of me. Of me. Cassie accuses Martin of killing
Cassie confronts Nora about her Sean but Nora refutes it causing
true feelings for her daughter. Cassie: your precious Martin put more friction and tension to build
my daddy in his grave! up.

Nora: That’s a black-faced lie!
Cassie has revealed she wants to
Nora: But your home’s here! Your leave Belfast. Nora is clearly
family’s here! upset despite the anger and
Cassie: Yes. It is. animosity between the women.
Cassie and Nora stare at each Cassie asks Nora how she
other for a few seconds. honestly feels about her
Nora: And what I feel goes for daughter. Thinks that she doesn’t
nothing, does it? have love for her.
Cassie: What do you feel,
Mummy? For me? What have you
got left?
Cassie acknowledged that Nora
Cassie: Mummy’s heart is made of has had a hard life and had to
steel. She had to grow it that way. become cold and distant to

3. Marie and Deirdre

At first, Marie’s warmth towards Deirdre and willingness to overlook the theft seems bizarre.
However, it is possible that she feels an obligation to the girl as it is clear that she resembles
Michael. Moreover, she may see Deirdre as the daughter she never had. Deirdre, at first exploits this
in a way which makes her seem contemptible. However, by the end of the play she has changed and
is willing to give back what she has taken after a stressed Marie lashes out at her. On the final page
Deirdre is invited to stay for breakfast and Marie tells her about the joys of feeding birds. This is a
positive ending which leaves room for optimism. We feel that the future relationship between these
characters represents hope for the future.

4. Marie and Michael

Marie idolises Michael and memories of their relationship help her to survive alone in a war torn
environment. She believes that this relationship was built on trust, truthfulness and respect. When
she explains her reasons for being thankful, she neatly surmises the role Michael plays in her life,
‘I’ve had better times with Michael than a lot of women get in their whole lives with a man.’

After the affair is revealed, there is a brief change in Marie’s view. Her destruction of the picture
along with her failure to finish the story she tells her children and her reference to her husband’s
‘lying head’ suggests that her love and respect for him have been destroyed by the truth. However,
she goes on to admit that she herself concealed the truth she knew about the inevitable fate shared
by men like her husband. She concludes by saying, ‘I loved him. I can’t throw that away even now. I
loved him.’

Description of relationship Quote/Evidence Explanation
Beginning “a large grainy blow-up photo of a Michael is still centre of
smiling young man on the other. He attention in family home
Michael still huge presence in has a seventies’ haircut and a despite his death and betrayals.
the house. Marie has set up moustache.” He is treated almost like a
almost a shrine to him in the religious figure. He is looking
house. She sees Michael as Marie: Just with the way he put his down on her, keeping her safe
the perfect husband and feet down, bold and happy together, and protected in her bubble.
father. and those hands that were so warm
and gentle you hardly worried where Marie feels like she didn’t
he was putting them and why would a deserve Michael and felt strong
man like that wait two hours in a cold and protected when she did
church for a wee girl in a damp marry him. She defines herself
wedding dress? through her marriage to him.

Marie: And then I was married and

Michael brought me here and the rain Michael signified the light in her
stopped. life – Marie is the ideal women
and therefore is protected from
the rain, unlike others like
Deirdre and Cassie.
Middle/End Marie: We cared about each other. Even though Cassie hints at his
We were honest with each other. betrayals, Marie still clings to
Marie is still holding onto her the notion that he was faithful
vision of Michael as a good and honest.
man before Cassie’s Marie: He was a great-looking man.
revelation. She is completely He was away a lot. There were bound
in denial, living in her own to be stories. Marie acknowledges the
reality. rumours about him but still
dismisses them.
Marie: (Eyes, shut, still rocking) Your
daddy was a good man and a brave
man and he did the best he could... Despite now knowing the truth
about Cassie and Michael, she
still clings to the idea of Michael
being the perfect husband but
she cannot hold on anymore.
End She wrenches the knife and the picture The knife, which symbolises the
off the startled Deirdre and smashes truth, is used to destroy the
Marie’s view of Michael has and slashes Michael’s picture with photo of Michael – Marie finally
finally been destroyed by swift, efficient destruction. destroys the illusion of Michael
Cassie’s revelation about the as the perfect husband.

5. Cassie and Joe
Cassie tells her mother that she regards her decision to marry Joe as a mistake made someone too
young to know better. She confides in Marie about her true feelings towards her husband when she
‘‘‘I tell you Marie I can’t stand the smell of him. The greasy, grinning, beer bellied smell of
him. And he’s winking away about all he’s been dreaming of, wriggling his fat fingers over me like I’m
a poke of chips- I don’t want him in the house in my bed, Marie.”’
This tells us why Cassie feels the way she does about her husband. Her reference to him ‘wriggling
his fat fingers over me like I’m a poke of chips’ shows that he sees his wife as a possession and an
object. He treats her without any respect as he believes that she is his personal belonging.

The full extent of this hatred is revealed in the final stanza when she reveals that she has been
plotting to kill him to avoid the continuation of their marriage when he is released from prison.

Description of Quote/Evidence Explanation

Beginning Cassie: Sure they did me a favour when Cassie is relieved to be rid of Joe
Clear that Cassie is they lifted him. when he is arrested when she
unhappy in her Marie: (laughing) You’ll be telling me next should be sad or upset.
marriage. you made the phone call
Middle Cassie: I tell you Marie I can’t stand the She is physically repulsed by him –
smell of him. The greasy, grinning, beer thinks he is disgusting. He treats
Cassie confides to bellied smell of him. And he’s winking her like a commodity, nothing
Marie the extent of away about all he’s been dreaming of, more than a disposable pleasure.
her unhappiness in wriggling his fat fingers over me like I’m a She feels like she’s being
her marriage during poke of chips –I don’t want him in the invaded/violated “my bed”
their conversation in house in my bed Marie.
the club.
Nora: So Danny says to me, “Mummy, I The boys are suspicious Cassie is
know our Cassie isn’t doing a line and so cheating on Joe and having been
do you, but there’s plenty will think she is” watching her – she should be
Cassie: And what business is it of Danny’s? playing the dutiful wife, staying in,
Nora: He’s looking out for you, Cassie. looking after children, visiting Joe
Cassie: and what business is it of the boys? in jail but she’s not. It is only Joe’s
Nora: I should think they’re thinking of feelings and how he looks to
Joe. others that matter.
End Nora: And him with his own business and Nora is angry at Cassie for not
Cassie reveals she is good money coming in. There’s plenty appreciating the easy life Nora
leaving. Even thinking would’ve been glad to be in your shoes, thinks she has had – money, a
of leaving her children Cassie. good husband but Cassie thinks
behind. It is clear she Cassie: (kicking her own shoes off) They her life is hard with Joe.
is utterly despondent can have them, anytime they like.
about her marriage
and life. Cassie: Oh I should’ve thanked him for that Nora’s definition of a good
should I? Thank you Joe for not taking the marriage is not being abused –
poker to me every Saturday. Cassie doesn’t think this is
Nora: Well you should know what it enough. Nora thinks Cassie had an
could’ve been like. You of all people easy life.
should’ve been able to see when you were
well off.

6. Cassie and Sean
Cassie looks up to her father. He is the only male she seems to exclude from her general
condemnation of the gender. Despite his obvious faults she remembers him as a kind, caring and
gentle man who was driven to an early grave by the unholy alliance of Nora and Martin.

7. Nora and Sean

Nora remembers Sean as a violent drunk who made her life a misery. Her unwillingness to
remember him in a positive way causes a great deal of conflict with her daughter.

Relationships between characters

The relationships between the characters in the play go through drastic changes as the play progresses. We have early
hints of tension between them which develop and come to an explosive head by Act 4.

Characters General comment on Detailed references/quotes What does it reveal to us?

their relationship
Cassie and  Cassie begins as  Cassie teases Marie about They have a playful friendship
Marie dominant in the her underwear in Sc 1  Cassie childlike – Marie
relationship.  Cassie confesses her fears motherly, reassures Cassie
 They appear to be about Joe to Marie  Cassie is becoming frustrated
very close.  Cassie in the club scene by
 Cassie becomes  Cassie shouts at Marie  Marie’s refusal to acknowledge
frustrated towards about having no money in Sc reality
the end. 4 – red bills, boys growing  Cassie and Marie have
 Marie assumes out of clothes faster than reversed roles – Cassie has
dominant role after you can replace them etc… become docile and passive
revelation.  Sc 4 Cassie says “I’ll put the after revealing the affair while
kettle on” then Marie starts Marie becomes aggressive.
being violent towards Cassie
Cassie and  Cassie and Nora  Nora saying she doesn’t  Nora is sick of Cassie’s grand
Nora have a troubled believe Cassie is leaving plans – doesn’t support
relationship. Belfast Sc 4 her/believe her
 They argue a lot  Nora telling Cassie about  Cassie tells Nora it was her
about silly things Sean abusing her in Scene 4 fault showing how angry she is
and more serious  Nora tells Cassie she is at her mother, blames her for
things. “bringing shame on the her troubled childhood.
 As the play family” in Sc 2  Shows Nora is embarrassed by
progresses, their her daughter because she
relationship doesn’t fulfil the typical role of
deteriorates to the women – she challenges it.
point Cassie says she
is leaving Belfast.
Marie and  Deirdre and Marie  Marie allows Deirdre into  Shows Marie has sympathy for
Deirdre have an odd her home, feed and clothes Deirdre in the beginning
relationship – her, and allows her to have  Again, shows Marie has
despite stealing shower in Sc 1 sympathy for Deirdre
from her early on  Doesn’t confront Deirdre in  Marie adopts a mother-like
the play, Marie the club about stealing her role – trying to educate Deirdre
seems intrigued by things in the ways of the world
Deirdre – almost as  Marie tells Deirdre the truth  She has taken Dierdre under
if she knows she is about ‘daddies’ in Sc 4 her wing despite Deirdre

Michael’s daughter. symbolising the end of her
 By the end of the  Marie makes Deirdre illusions of Michael.
play, Marie has breakfast and teaches her
adopted the role of about feeding the birds
Deirdre’s mother
Marie and  Their relationship  “We were honest with each  Marie believed Michael to be
Michael begins positively other!” perfect – loyal and her best
with Marie still  “He was my father.” friend.
believing her  “We were both lying to you  He betrayed her and her
husband to be for years!” illusions are destroyed at the
perfect but this is end.
destroyed at the end
after Cassie and

Conflict/Violence (both political and between characters)

The women are exposed to many scenes of violence/conflict. They fight and argue amongst themselves and
we also find out the violence some of them suffered at the hands of their husbands. The women also live
with the constant threat of bombing and violence as a result of The Troubles.

Detailed reference/Quotation relating to What does it reveal to us? (Reaction of characters

conflict/violence etc…)
In Sc 1, the women hear bombing, commotion The violence is an everyday occurrence. They have
outside. They don’t flinch or react. They remain very been desensitised to it due to prolonged exposure.
calm. It is just part of their life in Belfast during The
The women are stopped from going out by the This shows that the women aren’t allowed to
gunfire outside. move around freely because of the conflict
Deirdre talks about getting a knife. Shows Deirdre is a violent character who will harm
people to get what she wants
Cassie tries to attack Deirdre after she almost reveals Cassie isn’t ready for Marie to know and resorts to
she saw Cassie with Michael violence to stop the truth getting out to try and
preserve Marie’s illusions. Violence is everywhere
in the women’s lives.
Cassie and Nora argue about Martin getting a girl This shows that conflict and tension is always
pregnant and how she was never served food before present in the women’s lives, there is always an
her brother. undercurrent of conflict/violence simmering under
the surface.
Deirdre charges at Marie with a knife at the end of This shows how far Deirdre is willing to go to get
the play to get the truth about Michael. to the truth; she doesn’t care as she been lied to
for so many years
Marie throws things at Cassie after she reveals her Shows Marie has been pushed to breaking point –
affair with Michael. normally calm, composed – the truth has been so
devastating she has now become violent

Dramatic techniques
Rona Munro uses various dramatic techniques throughout the play which reveal vital details about
characters, relationships, settings etc...

Dramatic Detailed reference/quotation What does it reveal? What is its purpose?

technique used
Monologues Marie, Cassie, Nora and Deirdre all have  Reveals hidden details about their
monologues throughout the play. personalities and pasts
 Deirdre’s monologues:  Establishes Deirdre has an outsider – she
is a very negative character. Contrasts
with the liveliness of women. She is a
dark character who often appears in the
rain showing she is an outsider.
 A violent, aggressive personality
 That she feels trapped by Belfast, it is
like a “prison”
 That she is an outsider
 That she is lonely
 That she will get the truth no matter
what the cost
 Marie’s monologues:  her wedding day – how it rained before
she married but became brighter after
marrying Michael
 Reveals she thinks that marrying Michael
was the start of a new life – Michael
brought the light into her life, he was an
essential figure to her.
 she wanted to marry Michael
 That marrying Michael marked a turning
point in her life – she says that until she
married Michael, her life had been “rain”
but as soon she married him, the sun
came out.
 The extent of violence in the community.
 That she clings to her vision of the
“ideal” Michael
 Cassie’s monologues:  Her strained relationship with her
 Her love of her father, Sean
 That she thinks women are treated
unfairly and that they are taught to fulfil
a certain role.
 Her disgust/anger at marrying Sean
 Nora’s monologues:  That she is more perceptive than she
appears to be
 A regret about how her life turned out
 She is resigned to her life now
Stage Directions  “There is the sound of a distant  This stage direction suggests the women
explosion…they don’t appear unduly are used to conflict and just continue on

alarmed.” with their daily routine as if nothing as
 “Deirdre shields her head and face  This stage direction suggests that
but makes no move to defend Deirdre has been on the losing end of
herself” fights before as she knows what parts of
her body to protect but she is perceived
as passive compared with Cassie.
Lighting  There are over 20 different lighting  When the police raid the club everything
cues. Most of them are used to becomes brighter and helps to symbolise
indicate a character monologue. the power of the police as Holy figures
 The stage lighting would dull on the who are always in the right, all darkness
rest of the stage while the spotlight is taken from the room.
would focus on the character  The monologues all help to reveal
speaking. character’s attitudes and opinions
 This helps to focus audience attention towards events.
on the character but also helps to
highlight the isolation the women
 The lighting cue during the club scene
in Scene Two is markedly different
from the other lighting cues – the
“hard white light” serves to highlight
how violence invades the lives of the
women suddenly, without warning
and how it is out of their control.
 Lighting changes for monologues
Talking at cross  There is a lot of dialogue in the play and on the surface it seems that Marie, Cassie
purposes and Nora converse easily and freely.
 However, there are a number of points in the play where we hear the three women
talking completely at cross-purposes with nobody really listening to what the
others have to say.
 Despite it appearing that the women are very close, Cassie comments that the best
nights she has had at the club are when it has just been three of them alone, they
are all essentially really lonely women, isolated by their fears and worries and
unable to communicate to each other about how they are really feeling about life.
 This inability to communicate effectively leads to an explosive final confrontation
between the women in Scene 4.
 The women never really pay attention to each other despite appearing to be a
close-knit group – they never really listen to each other which is one reason why
there is so much tension between them and also so many lies.
Examples  The cross-purpose talking in this scene
 Sc 1: Cassie is teasing Marie about her creates a humorous effect however it
cat knickers, Nora is moaning at Cassie serves to highlight that the woman are
for leaving the washing machine on not always listening to each other.
and Marie is getting dinner ready. Nora is concerned about the quality of
her washing powder and her washing
machine, Cassie is teasing Marie about
her underwear and Marie is peeling
 Scene 2 – p22 – the women are  Again, the women are not listening to
observing a minute’s silence for a boy each other – at one point, Marie and

killed in an explosion. Cassie Nora actually say the same line, one
complains about her shoes hurting after the other – showing their lack of
her; Nora is criticising the boy’s family closeness.
for being out in public instead of
mourning at home and Marie is trying
to remember who the boy was and
talks about how much death there
has been.
Scene 2 – p42 – the women enjoy a  Cassie is busy shouting advice to Marie,
night out a club. Marie is playing a The interrupted only by her resentful
Price is Right-type game while Nora and references to how her mother always
Cassie watch on, trying to shout prices fed her brother before Cassie. Neither
at her. In between them trying to help women is listening to the other –
Marie, Nora is talking about the identity highlighting a gulf in their relationship.
of the mother of her son’s child;
Scene 2 – p46 – later on the club, Nora  The girls’ night out, far from being a
recalls how she was assaulted by a bonding exercise, shows the distance
soldier; Cassie flirts with a man between them to the audience.
opposite, Marie is reduced to making
polite noises.
 Sc 4: Cassie is talking about killing Joe,  Marie maintains her womanly duties and
Nora is talking about how amazing Joe Cassie and Nora demonstrate their very
was, Marie is serving food different ideas about being a wife.

– the women are all isolated in their own way. Identify points in the play where their isolation is
evident. Despite Marie, Cassie and Nora appearing to be a close-knit group of women – they are actually
incredibly isolated. They are all unhappy - escaping in their own ways as we previously looked at. Their
isolation is shown primarily through their interactions and dialogue. They all feel complex emotions – anger,
fear, sadness, depression – but they never communicate their feelings to one another. Because they never
properly communicate with each other, tensions bubble under the surface, eventually leading to the
explosive confrontations in Scene Four.

Character Detailed reference/quotation What does it reveal?

Cassie  “Well, it looks like none of us will be  They are isolated in their own bubble because
getting out tonight.” of outside violence/conflict during the
 “Oh so I should just get back in my Troubles.
box and wear bin liners…”  Cassie is isolated because she doesn’t fulfil the
 “No I can’t leave the children” traditional role of women – she is excluded and
judged because she goes out and tries to talk
and have fun.
 Everyone is holding Cassie back from being
Marie  “I’ve no one to watch the kids”  Marie is isolated as she is unable to socialise
 “I don’t even like dancing…(with a because she is at home with her kids and
shaky laugh) feel a bit like the last makes up excuses not go out as well.
meat pie in the shop.”  She feels alone and uncomfortable out on the
Nora  “You’ve got a job to do brining up  Nora isolates Cassie by forcing her into a role
your family so get on with it.” that she isn’t suited to
 “I could tell you stories that would  Nora is isolated because she doesn’t share her
make your nostrils burn…but tell me feelings and experiences – she keeps
what’s the point in talking?” everything to herself
Deirdre  Deirdre’s monologues – Act 1 and  Deirdre is an outsider, she is isolated in the rain
Act 2. because she doesn’t fulfil a traditional role of
 She talks about “grey” hills in Act 1 women as she is too young.
and bricks and violence in Act 2.  She doesn’t belong anywhere – her home is
abusive and she doesn’t have a father.

– families are fragmented in Bold Girls. The women are holding the families together as the men are
imprisoned or dead. They make their own family.

Character/Family Detailed references/quotations What does it reveal?

Marie – Michael is  “Just with the way he put his  Marie adored Michael – he was the centre
deceased. Two feet down, bold and happy…” of her universe and has left a massive whole
children. in their lives which Marie desperately tries
to fill by telling her sons stories about
Cassie – husband, Joe,  “I’m leaving.”  Cassie’s family is broken – she doesn’t have
is imprisoned. Father,  “Taking the rap for something a good relationship with her children or
Sean, is deceased. he wouldn’t have the brains mother and so wants to escape.
Two children. to do if they’d tattooed it on  Her husband is in jail for taking the blame
his wrist.” for something he didn’t really do – she has
been left to pick up the pieces.
Nora – husband, Sean,  “It seems to me there’s not a  Nora and Cassie argue constantly; Cassie
deceased. Three place in the world that’s complains whereas Nora accepts life as it is.
children, Cassie, different.”  Nora has had a tough life as a result of her
Danny and Martin.  “I could tell you stories that relationship with Sean and the violence she
Three grandchildren. would make your nostrils experienced.
Poor relationship with burn.”
Deirdre – abusive  “if only your daddy had given  Marie comments on the lack of father
home, no father figure you the sense to look after figure in Deirdre’s life and how this has had
yourself!” a negative effect on her – she isn’t able to
take care of herself and puts herself in
dangerous situations.

Domestic life
– life is tough for the women during The Troubles in Belfast. However, domestic life is presented in a
typical fashion. The women continue to go about normal routines and try to have fun.

Detailed reference/quotation to What it reveals

domestic/everyday life
 In the opening scene, Marie’s house is described  Life goes on despite the women’s hardships.
as a typical family home – busy, messy with toys
everywhere, the kettle is always on
 “who knows If we will live longer than that…”  Nora’s financial life is difficult as can’t afford to
pay electricity bills so jokes about dying soon so
she can escape paying them
 Joe being taken away by the police  Is an abnormal, upsetting situation but the
women tell the story with humour to try and
deal with it
 Going to the club “I tell you the best nights we’ve  They still let their hair down despite their
had are when it is just the three of us.” troubles
 “Do you know she gives me a tenner before every  Fruit would’ve been an expensive luxury for the
visit to go to town and buy fruit for the boys?” women and instead of buying it for themselves,
they waste it on the men who are in prison

Challenges/realities of everyday life

– the women face a series of hardships. What impact does it have on them? What do these hardships cause
them to do?

Challenge/hardship Detailed references/quotations How does it make life difficult?

Joe being taken away by the police Leaves Cassie on her own, lack of money,
Husbands/Fathers Cassie’s poor relationship with her
imprisoned or Nora’s deceased husband was children
deceased/lack of abusive Leads to tension with her only daughter,
money they often fight about Sean.
Marie telling her sons “Your daddy Marie tries to keep up the illusion that
was a good man…” Michael was perfect but she gets to the
point in the play in Sc 4 when she can’t
keep up the illusion anymore.
Furniture bald with age Marie doesn’t have much money due to
being a single-parent family and she
can’t afford to replace old things.
Violence Bombing/shootings outside in Sc 1 Violence is part of everyday life for the
Police raid in Sc 2 women – it makes life difficult because
Arguments between Cassie and Nora they are always on edge and can snap at
Sean’s abuse of Nora each other. It is a source of conflict
Marie’s attack on Cassie between the women.
Deirdre’s need for a knife

Role of men
No male characters speak in the play but they cast a huge shadow over events and what the women say.
Even in their absence, they are still the biggest influence in their lives. They still control them to a certain
extent. The roles the men occupy are working to provide for their family and fighting for justice. There are
double standards for men and women.

Male character Detailed references/quotations What it reveals

Michael  Marie has photo of Michael in  Michael is presented as the ideal male. Marie
living room, almost like a shrine. worships him.
 2. Nora and Cassie talk about how  Michael appeared to be the perfect man to
well respected and liked Michael everyone on the outside – he worked, looked
was. after his family and fought for justice.
Joe  “I can stand the smell of him…the  Cassie is physically repulsed by Cassie; he is
greasy, grinning, beer smell of allowed to do whatever he wants while
him…I don’t want him in my bed.” Cassie must keep up appearance
 Joe was not violent towards Cassie which is
 “Oh I should thank him for Nora’s definition of a good marriage and a
that…”thanks Joe for not taking good man, however this is not enough for
the poker to me every Saturday Cassie
Sean  “Oh my daddy was a lovely man,  Cassie worshipped her father – despite his
my daddy said that I was the best violent treatment of Nora.
girl that ever stirred her daddy’s  Sean was physically abusive towards Nora
tea for him.”
 “Sure I never got any answers at all
but bruises. Sean never was one
for words.”
Martin “your brother was a good boy, the Martin can do wrong – he gets a girl pregnant
best boy a mother could ever want.” out of wedlock and it is the girl who is called “a
“our Martin was never too good at wee hoor”; Cassie criticises her brother for his
keeping his belt buckled.” actions and is judged for wearing a dress that is
deemed “too revealing.”

Role of women
The place of women is made quite clear throughout the play. They have a specific role to fulfil and anyone
who deviates from that is viewed with suspicion and as being subversive (i.e. Cassie and Deirdre).

While Marie and Nora fit with the expected role of women in society at this time, Cassie and Deirdre are

Cassie is excluded as she has been forced to stay at home by her personal circumstances. She is unable to
create a happy household which will allow her to escape reality. Moreover, the presence of her mother
stops her from developing her skills as a mother.

Deirdre is excluded from this as she has been denied the presence of a male who she can look up to as a
child. She has not had the opportunity to develop the skills she will need to successfully integrate into such a

Role of women Detailed references/quotations What it reveals

Be good mothers  “I just don’t know if I can get a  Marie sacrifices her social life and her own
sitter” identity for her children.
 “Teresa turns to her before she  Cassie feels like she has failed as a mother
turns to me.” because her daughter prefers Nora, her
grandmother, to Cassie.
To put the interests  “I never once got my dinner  Women are second class – men’s interests
of males before before he’d his in front of him.” and comfort come before them.
their own  “Do you know she gives me a  Despite hardships, money will always be
tenner before every visit to buy spent on the men to make sure they are
them fruit?” spoiled and well-looked after – the women
don’t have much money but will make
sacrifices so the men are okay despite being
in prison.
Care about the  “Women are housewives.”  Women do not have their own identity;
appearance of their  Nora commenting that one of the they are defined by what they do in the
own home neighbours should put curtains house.
up when her husband is lifted to  Letting the appearance of your home go
jail and that her windows look tells everyone that bad things are going in
dirty. your life so you have to keep your home
 “Marie finishes the potatoes looking perfect.
before diving back into the  It never stops – Marie is always running
ironing again.” around after her kids
Be respectable  Cassie’s dress being “too  That women are expected to dress a certain
revealing” way and that any diversion from this will
result in judgement.

Men vs Women

Complete the table with a comment in the last column about what the quote reveals about the speaker’s
attitude towards men.
Quote Said by What it tells us about this woman’s attitude to
…sliding a note out of Sean’s pocket Nora Nora is angry at Sean but also scared of him – she
every time he was too puddled to know about waited until he was too drunk to refuse money.
how many fivers he’d poured down his Sean
We cared about each other! We were Marie Marie desperately clings to her illusions that
honest with each other! about Michael was perfect.
…he’d get that smile on him that made Cassie Cassie was seduced by Michael – he made her feel
you feel wicked and glad about it about good about herself.
Brian’s getting all the washing and Cassie Cassie is angry that Nora is continuing the cycle of
polishing and wee cups of ice cream to about her treating the boys better than the girls.
keep him smiling that Martin ever got son, Brian
My daddy never lied to me so it must Cassie Cassie worships her father; he can do wrong.
have been me that lied to him about
You love them better than you love Cassie The women just think it is normal for men to treat
their daddy, you love them best of all – them badly and they let them do that
that’s why they hurt you so much
Pour Martin was never too good at Cassie Cassie is angry that double standards are applied
keeping his belt buckle fastened, was about her for her and Martin
he? brother
Sure I never got any answer but bruises Nora Sean never connected emotionally with Nora; he
about was physically abusive.
- take a pillow, put it on his face, sit on Cassie Cassie is joking about killing Joe but it shows her
it. It might not kill him but at least it’d about Joe anger about the situation she is in
stop him snoring
I couldn’t sleep for you nagging on and Cassie Cassie blames Nora for what Sean did to her; Cassie
on at him about thinks Nora got what she deserved
Michael was a window. Just a bit of Cassie Michael gave Cassie a taste of freedom and escape;
excitement you know? about he made her feel better about herself
Do you know you never put a plate of Cassie Anger at Martin always being treated better than
food in front of me before he had his? about her

Loyalty and betrayal
– loyalty is a condition of relationships. Loyalty and trust. The women appear loyal to each other at first but as the play
progresses, betrayals are revealed. Betrayals that have devastating consequences. Remember that colour
symbolism plays a part in the theme of betrayal!

Guilty of betrayal Detailed references/quotations What it reveals

Cassie – betrays “That’s what I’ve been trying to Cassie has committed the ultimate betrayal –
Marie tell you…we both were…we were not only being unfaithful to her own husband
both lying to you for years!” but betraying the trust and love of her best
friend by being unfaithful with Michael.

Cassie – betrays “I’m all saved up…I’m leaving.”/ “I Cassie is abandoning her family, she has had
Nora/her kids could leave her the kids.” enough of domestic life and wants a fresh
even considering leaving her children to
“You should have left him alone!” achieve her happiness.
Doesn’t believe her mother’s assertions that
Sean was abusive; blames her mother for
events in her childhood
Michael – betrays “Good? He was a lying worm like Cassie cannot allow Marie to keep pretending
Marie everyone one of them!” Michael was perfect and faithful.

Deirdre betrays She takes Marie’s clothes and Suggests betrayal is in the DNA – she doesn’t
Marie jewellery despite Marie’s trust, she doesn’t care about other people

Colour is very important as a symbol in the play. We learn a lot about the characters from the colours they
 White is a positive colour which has connotations of purity, innocence, being angelic and of wedding
 Red has more negative connotations. As it is associated with Satan and hell, it is seen to represent
evil and sinfulness.

Wears White Wears Red

Marie Cassie

 As Cassie cheats on her husband and betrays Marie, she is wearing a red dress. The mentions of this
dress earlier in the play hint at her fallen status as a sinner.
 Marie wears white as she is pure and innocent. She is a character we are supposed to admire in
consequence of her bravery and resourcefulness.
 We are at first surprised that Deirdre is seen wearing white. Her initial acts suggest that she is not a
character we should identify with. However, the full revelation of her character shows that she is
blameless and is a victim of circumstance. The colour she wears hints that she is a character we
should feel pity and sympathy for.

– something used to represent a theme or an idea. In the play, there are various objects and repeated motifs
that Rona Munro uses to represent or relate to a theme.

Symbol Reference/quotation What does it represent?

 Deirdre says she needs to get a  The knife symbolises the truth/reality.
knife  Deirdre is the character who brings the real truth into the
Knife  It appears in Act 3 when she other women’s lives.
rips Nora’s fabric and in Act 4  The knife is a violent representation of the truth – the
when she threatens Marie. women are so wrapped up in their own realities it takes
something violent to destroy it.
 “I’ll never get anything that  Nora is devastated that her means of escape (decorating
Peach like that fabric.” her room) has been destroyed.
fabric  “I’m going to town and I’ll get  Nora cannot handle the idea of confronting reality so says
credit. I’ll give false name.” she is willing to commit fraud to make her dreams come
true – show how badly she needs her escape.
 “I like the birds.  The birds symbolise escape- Marie likes them because they
Birds  “you need to be something are able to fly anywhere they want
special to survive around the  Feeding them shows her nurturing side
Falls.”  Cassie and Nora can’t understand it because they are
much less nurturing than her.
 She respects them because they can survive in such
inhospitable and dark conditions – much like the women
 She shares her hobby with Deirdre at the end, showing
that nurture will now be given to Deirdre.
 “You know I never once got  Food is a symbol of power – women are second class to
Food served my dinner before he’d men and are expected to defer to them.
had his food.”  Men and boys are always served first
 “Does anyone want a  it is the role of wives and daughters to prepare and serve
sandwich?” meals.
 women who are expected to use their domestic skills to
make a nice home for their husbands and children.
 Nora’s treatment of Brian suggests that this is a vicious
cycle which is being repeated.
 Cassie objects to this and as such is excluded from the
form of escapism shared by Marie and Nora who use their
domestic duties as a distraction from the harsh world
outside of their doors.
 Marie uses food as a means to keep the peace/as a
 Deirdre’s appearance at  Rain is a symbol of exclusion
Rain Marie’s house  any woman who doesn’t fulfil the traditional role expected
 Marie’s wedding day of women appears in the rain.
 Cassie’s in the car with
Michael’s  “A large grainy blown up photo  Michael is a perfect husband – preserved in the photo that
picture of a smiling young man.” watches over his family. Symbol of escapism.
 “She takes the knife and rips  After Cassie and Deirdre’s revelations, Marie destroys the
the photo.” symbol of her escapism – her illusion of the perfect family

life and confronts reality.
Cassie’s  “She takes a roll of money out  Cassie has been stealing from Nora to save money to leave
money from her top and hides it Belfast (Symbol of escape – Michael had also been a
behind the photo.” symbol of escape for Cassie previously as well).
 “My money is gone.”  Cassie’s means of escape is destroyed – she is forced to
 “It’ll go back Cassie. She needs stay in Belfast.
it to dream with.”  Marie recognises how Cassie’s dream to escape gives her
comfort and wants to return it to her – she knows it will
never happen.


Truth versus Escapism

The main theme in ‘Bold Girls’ is the nature of the truth. Each of the women construct their own truth to
escape the harsh realities of their lives. Their very own coping mechanism. Each of the characters escapes
reality in different ways. While Marie, Nora and Cassie try hard to escape from the truth, Deirdre is
desperate to discover it.

Character Detailed references/quotations What it reveals

Money she steals from Nora: “I’m Her desperation to make her life better would
Cassie talking about getting out of here” see her steal and abandon her children.
Affairs with men “they smell like escape Cassie has tried to forget about her hard life
but the only place they can take you is by infidelity but has discovered it doesn’t help
the back seat of their car.”
Cassie escapes from reality in the following ways:
- By telling herself that she will be able to escape Belfast using the money she has
been saving.
- Affairs with men.
- Drinking large amounts of alcohol.

Illusions of Michael - picture remains Marie desperately clings on the image of

Marie focal point in the living room; he is still a Michael as a perfect husband because she
massive presence in the home doesn’t want to confront her suspicions about
“I know but you can’t mourn forever.” him.
Marie escapes reality in the following ways:
- By remembering the quality of her married life fondly. This is symbolised by the huge
picture of Michael which dominates her living space.
- Feeding the birds. As birds have connotation of freedom and escape, it is clear that
they symbolise Marie’s desire to flee from the truth. On the final page, she reveals
that she admires the resourcefulness of smaller birds. They are the model by which
she lives her life.
- Drink large amounts of alcohol.
- Keeping her house in good order. Houses and the inside represent safety from the
outside world. By maintaining her home, Marie is able to block out the darkness of
the outside world.
Peach fabric For Nora, if everything looks okay on the
“It’s a good heavy fabric you could do outside, you can pretend everything is okay
Nora your curtains with.” on the inside – she is concerned about
“I’ll never get another fabric like it.” appearances.
Nora escapes from reality in the following ways:
- Constantly decorating her house. The peach polyester symbolises her escape from
everyday life as her attempts to secure it dominate her mind over everything else.
- Drinking large amounts of alcohol.
Her knife, her “truth” Deirdre is the only character who actively
Deirdre seeks the truth; she doesn’t care who she
upsets along the way and isn’t afraid to use
violence to get what she wants.

While Marie and Nora seem reasonably happy in consequence of their chosen methods of escape, Cassie’s
honest assessment suggests that escapism is not successful in blocking out her reality. She tells Marie that
her affairs have not stopped her from getting ‘damp.’ The idea that escapism has not benefited her is
continued when she says:
‘Grabbing onto some man because he smells like excitement, he smells like escape. They can’t take
you anywhere except into the back seat of their car. They’re all the same.’

This perhaps suggests that escapism is not the answer. Does the truth bring happiness in the play though?

The bleak reality the characters are trying to escape is symbolised both by the colour grey and by
rain in the play. At the start of the play Deirdre is caught in the rain. It is raining on Marie’s
wedding day until she is taken to the home which she can make her own in order to escape this
reality. In saying that her mode of escapism didn’t work, Cassie reveals that she was not
sheltered from the rain.

Throughout the play, the truth is symbolised by the knife. Deirdre wishes to get one as she believes this will
allow her to find out the truth. When she finds one and destroys Nora’s peach polyester, she sets in motion a
series of event which lead to the truth being revealed.

Does the truth bring happiness?

Discovering the truth about Michael destroys Marie’s artificial reality. She is no longer able to comfort
herself with her memories of her ‘perfect’ marriage and uses the knife to destroy his picture (the symbol
representing this form of escape). For her, the truth is destructive.

Learning the truth about the unlikeliness of her escape makes Cassie deeply unhappy. She lashes out and
destroys her friendship with Marie out of petty jealousy at her friend’s ability to be happy.
Deirdre is desperate for the truth but Marie is unable to provide her with the truth she wanted as her
knowledge of Michael’s personality was flawed. The revelations she has set in motion by destroying the
symbol of domestic bliss seems to have made everyone unhappy.

Therefore, Cassie’s reflections on the nature of the truth seem to be supported by the events of the final
‘…he did always tell you the truth, but there’s only so much of the truth anyone wants to hear.’

Marie seems to agree with this when she tells Deirdre that she did not share the truths she knew with
Michael and withheld the parts he would have found upsetting as they would have required him to change.

Therefore, in reflecting upon the truth, the play seems to suggest that the full truth is a destructive force
which causes deep unhappiness. Only truths which will fall on welcome ears should be shared in order to
maintain happiness.

Answer hints and mark allocation for Scottish Text Questions
1. Questions about “summarising” the events of the extract given – answer in own words; 1 mark per
point made.
2. Analysis questions that ask you to look at character, dialogue, stage directions, lighting etc… - 1 mark
for appropriate quotation from extract, 1 mark for appropriate explanation

Bold Girls – 8 Mark Question

Below is a list of possible focuses for the 8 marker questions on Bold Girls
1. Relationships between characters
2. Conflict/violence (both between characters and the situation the women live in)
3. Dramatic techniques (monologues/lighting/stage direction)
4. Role of Deirdre (remember she is a catalyst – none of the action would occur if she didn’t appear in
the play)
5. Isolation
6. Family relationships
7. Symbolism (knife/fabric/birds/tea etc…)
8. Domestic life
9. Role of men
10. Role of women
11. Loyalty and betrayal
12. Escapism/dreams/truth
13. Challenges/realities of everyday life

This list is not exhaustive BUT if you have a list of quotations/detailed references in relation to each, it will
greatly improve your chances of doing well in the Scottish text section of the Critical Reading paper.

You should be able to write quotations/detail references in relation to each of these focuses.

Answering the “8 marker”

1. Commonality – make a general comment about the focus of the question across the play.
For example, if the “8 marker” question asked you about the relationship between
Cassie and Marie – you would comment on how their relationship changes
throughout the play. 2 marks
2. Extract – a quote from the extract in the exam that relates to the focus of the question (1 mark)
plus an appropriate explanation (1 mark). 2 marks
3. Elsewhere – a quote/reference to elsewhere in the play that relates to focus of the 8 mark question
(1 mark) plus an appropriate explanation (1 mark). (2 marks)
4. Repeat stage 3.


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