Bi Singapore Sem 1 HS Onyx Trixie

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Draw cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine,

occiput, sacrum
Where is Health ?

When talk about health my perpective and definition center to holistic health,
to see everthing connected, holistic health is used many times in literature with a variety
of different connotations. Holism also has its origin in the Greek word holos, which
means “whole.” Holism is not about any cult or religion, rather, it is an approach that
looks at things in a total perspective. As far as we know, it was first used in 1926 by Jan
Smuts, in his book Holism and Evolution. The superspecialization of scientific
disciplines has created a silos mentality—leading to a myopic understanding of
knowledge, and compromising our ability to deal with the most obstinate problems.
Holistic health typically considers the whole person—body, mind, and spirit. A
holistic approach to healing goes beyond just eliminating symptoms. Health is not just
the absence of disease; much more is needed for an individual to qualify as being in a
healthy state. The individual’s capacity to adapt to conditions like extreme hot or cold
temperatures, and the experience and expression of psychological feelings like joy or
sorrow are signs of a healthy state. Modern researchers now accept health as the ability
to adapt and to self-manage. Optimum levels of sensory and motor function are the
requirements of a healthy state, which the individual must possess in order to be able to
conduct social tasks, and follow spiritual aspirations.
From my perspective, health model is based on proactive efforts to monitor,
maneuver, and maintain healthy status, considers the surrounding environment, and the
society as part of the broad concept of health. Stresses the importance of creating an
awareness of health. Health is the process we need empowers individuals to know their
strengths, limitations, inclination, and proneness to disease, and to carry out continuous
self-assessment. Thus, we helps every individual to take charge of his or her own
health. This philosophy of “our health in our hands”
I sees health and well-being as a state of balance between a person and every
aspect of that person's context. This indicates primarily a respectful and caring
relationship with the natural environment and a lifestyle appropriate to the exigencies of
natural forces and climates. It can also be extrapolated to include relationships between
the body's constitution and the way we work and play, where we live, what we eat, how
we modulate our relationships with others and so on. The interdependence of mind and
body goes without saying in such a comprehensive view of health. Illness is not usually
an arbitrary and unlucky event but an expression of a lack of balance, and as such it is
up to the individual to take care of their lifestyle to keep their health.

Thoughts on Vertebrae
The individual bones of the spine are the vertebrae. These are the building
blocks of the spinal column. The vertebrae protect and support the spinal cord. They
also bear the majority of the weight put upon your spine. The body of each vertebra is
the large, round portion of bone. The body of each vertebra is attached to a bony ring.
When the vertebrae are stacked one on top of the other, this ring creates a hollow tube
where the spinal cord passes through. The bony ring attached to the vertebral body
consists of several parts. First, the laminae extend from the body to cover the spinal
canal, which is the hole in the center of the vertebrae. Second, the spinous process is
the bony portion opposite the body of the vertebra. I feel this part if run my hand down
back. Then there are two transverse processes (little bony bumps), where the back
muscles attach to the vertebrae. Finally, the pedicle is a bony projection that connects
to both sides of the lamina.
The vertebra, like all bones, has an outer shell called cortical bone that is hard
and strong. The inside is made of a soft, spongy type of bone that is called cancellous
bone. Most people live with the assumption that tension is bad and should be gotten rid
of. However, research has shown that tension is a natural, and potentially useful, part of
everyday life. The problem is not with the tension, but with our bodies defending against
it. Pain and problematic health patterns occur when instead of using life’s tension to rise
to the occasion and therefore surf the waves of life, we resist and contract against what
is supposed to be life giving energy.
From my experience when i feel tension it’s sign for me to pause and rest, and
when my spine send signal tension or stiffness i feel like i want to move and dance with
it. From drawing vertebrae i just realize my spine is my very very good friend that i need
to take care for the lifetime. The spine is one of the most important parts of my body.
Without it, i could not keep yourself upright or even stand up. It gives my body structure
and support. It allows me to move about freely and to bend with flexibility. The spine is
also designed to protect my spinal cord. The spinal cord is a column of nerves that
connects my brain with the rest of my body, allowing me to control movements. Without
a spinal cord, i could not move any part of my body, and my organs could not function.

1.6 Experiental Exercise

Relational field

I can say i quite confident i can feel relational field

with my client, because i’ve been practiced different
type of meditation since 2016 and it’s gave me
experience about how to build felt-sense with my
self and others too. Since learn craniosacral i’m still
learning about exploring space in clothes.

Finding place of your health in your body

I have routine physically, mentally, and emotionally

to taking care of myself, also practice meditation
help me increase my awareness about what’s going
on with me at the moment. I build habit to check-in
on myself regularly to find my health holistically.

Guide for Practice Session Write Up

Date : 15-05-2023

Name : Ai Maslinah 45th years

Major live events :

Currently she have challenge about have a good time with her family and her work.

What your perceived and your responses :

First when i touched her feet i felt disconnection between lower body and upper body,
separation and not flowing. Then slowly her system negotiation between her head and
body, i felt a bit resistance from her system to flow from head to body, but slowly
something flowing from her heat very subtle. Fluid started move from feet to lower

What i received from her system, she have a lot of tension around her shoulder. Noted
for myself sometimes to being aware of my SBA, very often i carried away by her SBA.

Describe the response of the client :

Client’s felt deeply relaxation from the beginning, and then in the middle when therapist
touch her shoulder she felt anxiety and worry, ask to therapist to touch a bit longer in
that area. When therapist touch her head, she can see observe her busy mind felt the
resistance to feel her body because busy mind. In the last session when therapist touch
her feet she felt relief, rilex and almost fall asleep.

Reflect on what you have learnt ?

Preparation before session it’s a must.

Any questions for your tutor ?

Guide for Practice Session Write Up

Date : 15-05-2023

Name : Ainul 26 years

Major live events :

Client’s not so talkative, and therapist just explain about the session and started.

What your perceived and your responses :

When therapist begin to touch client’s feets i felt his feet so tense, and his breathing
also very shallow. After a while subtle sensation flowing in his left feet, and the
breathing also change become more relax. When therapist move to to his shoulders i
received there’s a lot of tension in front body area, his chest and his heart was beating
hard. Therapist received memory about client’s story related to his father. Sometimes
client strained his eyes. His mind also very busy and resistance to feel his body.
Therapist felt this session just opening for client’s there’s a lot of memory opening.
When therapist about closing touch on his feets slowly fluid flowing to his feets and i felt
warm sensation on his feet and his breathing become more relax.

Describe the response of the client :

In the beginning client’s said he felt anxious, not respon verbal during the session, after
the session he shared his experience about his childhood memory cried. He just realize
his resistance to reject that memory.

Reflect on what you have learnt ?

To focus to time duration rather than client’s body respon to feel safety or not.

Any questions for your tutor ?

Guide for Practice Session Write Up

Date : 16-05-2023

Name : Desi 45th years

Major live events :

She have cough since 3 weeks ago, location in her throat & chest.

What your perceived and your responses :

When i hold her feet i felt disconnection between lower body and upper body, i felt her
system negotiate with my system, it takes long for client to feel safe and start tune in
with her body and slowly i felt fluid movement around her feets.

I receiving information from client’s system need touch in sacrum area, but therapist
didn’t do it.

Describe the response of the client : She felt her feet warm after that and deep
relaxation, felt like the baby is being rocked.

Reflect on what you have learnt ?

Therapist carried away feel anxious and worry, today i felt hard to maintain my SBA.
Therapist feel a bit exhausted today.

Any questions for your tutor ?

Guide for Practice Session Write Up

Date : 06-05-2023

Name : Troizi

Major live events :

Having difficult relationship with her husband, about communication, it’s hard to express

What your perceived and your responses :

When i touched her feets i feel blockged around digestive system especially stomach,
slowly client’s body started processing and activating her feets, fluid from right feet more
flowing than left feet, therapist receiving information about client’s childhood memori in
visual. When therapist touch shoulder, the breathing changed become shallow and ii felt
her system negotiate with my system not ready to open yet. Then therapist decided to
move to head and i feel SBA in client’s body.

Describe the response of the client :

She felt in the beginning of touch (feets), when therapist touch her shoulder she felt
anxious and disconnected with her breathing, when therapist touch her head she felt
deep relaxation, almost like sleeping but not sleep, and she able felt pulse in her hands,
arm, body.

Reflect on what you have learnt ? Any questions for your tutor ?

Guide for Practice Session Write Up

Date : 06 may 2023

Name : Troizi

Major live events : Having relationship issue with her husband, communication problem.

What your perceived and your responses :

Holding feet, in the beginning therapist felt there’s fluid moved to digestive area, and
then on the right feet fluid more flowing rather than left feet. Therapist received
childhood memory from client unfold during this process. (memory that open about her
little part play with her friends)

Shoulder : There’s a lot of negotiations from client’s system at this touch, and then her
breathing change she doesn’t felt comfortable, very gentle therapist move to another

Head : Therapist felt clients system at SBA, centering and flowing from head to toe.

Describe the response of the client :

On the feet she felt relaxation, shoulder anxious the mind so busy and challengin to
connect with her body & breath, when therapist touch head she felt high and almot fall
asleep, she felt pulse around her hands.

Reflect on what you have learnt ?Therapist have challenge to maintaining SBAm carried
away to clients history rather than bring client’s back to her body.

Any questions for your tutor ?

Guide for Practice Session Write Up

Date : 12-06-2023

Name : Febrina Natalia / 35 year

Major live events : Currently her challenge about communication with her partner. She
finding her way to communicate about expressing her needs.

What your perceived and your responses :

Holding feet : Her feets cold, and heaviness in frontal cortex area (forehead), slowly i
felt fluid flowing to her feet and there’s warm sensation and also the fluid flowing to
spine area.

Cradle (head) : at the beginning there’s pulse on the back of the head hairline, the
breathing pattern change become more long deep breathing.

Shoulder position hands on the top : something blockage from chest area to neck &
head, there’s tension too in the muscle after while slowly something moving and
therapist felt warm sensation around neck & shoulder.

Feet closing : maintaining SBA

Describe the response of the client :

During session client got visualisation about yellow colour, and she said after the
session felt like done vipassana meditation for 7 days.

Reflect on what you have learnt ?

The more i tried to be in SBA the more i loose it, just let it be.

Any questions for your tutor ?

Guide for Practice Session Write Up

Date : 12-06-2023

Name : Desi / 45

Major live events : Currently her problem maintaining her health because she doens’t
have much time for taking care herself. Busy with work.

What your perceived and your responses :

Feet : This is second session for her, now the fluid respond faster and flowing, therapist
feel warm sensation.

Head : Her head very hot and there’s a lot pulse from cerebellum to neck area.

Sacrum : Her sacrum also very hot at the beginning, and then slowly something start
moving and then the temperature slowly reduce become warm.

Feet : Just maintaining SBA.

Describe the response of the client : –

Reflect on what you have learnt ?

Respecting client boundaries and system. When client’s isn’t ready to open and the it’s
not the time. Respect on client’s body.

Any questions for your tutor ?

Guide for Practice Session Write Up

Date : 13-06-2023

Name : Rina Octavia / 50

Major live events :

She have issue with her husband because currently her husband doesn’t have a job
and financial responsibility on her back, she felt tired and have other emotion around
this issue but can’t being honest with her husband.

What your perceived and your responses :

Feet : Left feet more flowing, therapist felt stagnation in joint area, also disconnection
between lower body and upper body.

Head : There’s a lot tickling sensation around forehead and side head.

Shoulder : Therapist felt blockage in the throat, but slowly moving spread to the side.

Describe the response of the client :

Client feels like in the cradled and got visualisation blue colours. When therapist touch
shoulder area client’s felt like ringing sensation in her ear.

Reflect on what you have learnt ?

Any questions for your tutor ?

Guide for Practice Session Write Up

Date : 20-06-2023

Name : Ramin / 46

Major live events :

There’s a lots of stories she said about her trauma.

What your perceived and your responses :

Her body respond with seizure, everytime i touch her body.

Describe the response of the client :

Reflect on what you have learnt ?

Any questions for your tutor ?

How do i respond in this situation ?

Guide for Practice Session Write Up

Date : 25-06-2023

Name : Ayu Dilla

Major live events :

She doesn’t feel happy and content with her job right now.

What your perceived and your responses :

Feet : Therapist felt there’s a lot of confusion in client’s head and hot sensation from left
side under the rib cage.

Shoulder : tension, blockage in chest area but slowly softening and started to build
connection flowing from head to body.

Head : there’s a lots of pulse in the back of the head, and slowly something moving
spread to the other side.

Describe the response of the client :

Client’s felt softness in her body and bring gentleness in her heart, and she said she
Need being compassion with herself

Reflect on what you have learnt ?

Give space and time for client’s system negotiate.

Any questions for your tutor ?

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