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Cartoon Idea

Season a b c w (is w war what about the other letters?)

Animals fighting for freedom can stretch like jake but no face only by color ex:
crocodile face shape and mouth and stretches

Place meant for rich all white (qatar flag nice way first blinds are white with one
coored line on the top then like new pillow changing turns into flag) could work as
a war tactic in cartoon

Humans can go in through that way (white place) fancy 1 salon, 1 spa 1 of
everything very expensive feels like transit in a small airport and the main
character (girl) could get lost that way

Fancy place is elevated and has stairs that go up a plane hallway (tube thing) and
big staircase down to another world with the animals and creatures.

Each creauture has their own kingdom but there are little jail(for animals/cages)
in each kingdom.

For the girl not to be seen she sits on top of a tall robot thing (flag from the
top and robot legs and hands) that walks based on where she wants to go by feeling
not buttons or anything

Girl doesn't understand why each kingdom is seperated not litterally but they just
don't communicate

Animal kingdom, humans dressed up in rags or animal skin(like adventure time

suzan's frinds), the rich kingdom, there is more

The girl can't be seen be police/ securers of the weird place so she must always
remain elevated on the robot

Girl gets down or maybe falls by something pushing her off robot she is put in a

The girl remembers/has flashes of normal world our world and doesn't really think
of how to go back home or that she has a flight

A group of normal people who feel like they know the girl help her with their
strong powers (think captain america but not him iust the way that he is strong)OR
she was stuck in the animal kingdom and with the strechiness of the animals she
managed to make them riot and break through the cage kn the ground

Everything is very high in this place(all of it). The girl feels like she's been
there before with her parents and family because it is like a festive place that
chnages its statues/theme everytime she went. The theme she saw this time was like
mickey mouse and other mice frinds with a weird, wide,closed smile.

Is this a normal place that people some to enjoy its statues and grass (grass on
sides and the place is basically all streets that people walk on or maybe there are
a few vehicles but mostly the security (men and women one women that looked like
suzan's friends in a white hat put the girl in jail) pace around to see if
eveything is on track and there is nothing suspicious. Girl was also on a robot
with her family when they were watching mickey/ weird mice statues they all found
it beautiful except the girl who found the faces weird and diturbing compared to
the normal mickey smile
White airport/ kingdom don't have security on their own very peacful

Could add the weird mall that everyone tries to steal and kill other even the
police but this could be somewhere far in the deserts or not use this idea at all
may be too weird for a cartoon adjust

There are memorials coloful but cracked suggests its been painted long ago (like
aag staircase before going down wall was on the right hand)

Girl had a backpack on her back because she was intentionally in an airport. She
has big roung glass(like my gold ones) slightly plumped lips with a plum mixed with
flormar beige lipstick, defined nose, hands when walked in and was looking at fancy
shops was holding the backpack's straps (2 hands). When she went in she could see
without glasses. First she only sees "the white gate:people usually on walk and see
what it has but never buy or go to salon because its way too expensive." She must
of had wondered off to deep that she got lost between worlds. Of course the girl
was a very normal girl (basically me) who simply got lost between her plain transit
and gates. The white gate's plain tube/hallway had a women fainting slowly on the
wall(back sliding) then girl tried to help her (looks like her mother) she was also
crying slightly no sounds then when she turned around she saw the green/other

All lost something so they belong to this lost land (a race car racer who can't
race anymore, the girl lost her father,

Episode the group sleeps and dreams (try to resist sleep one by one they all
sleep), the dreams are what they want but they must learn to let go of what they
want and face reality/wake up

New idea: January 19,2019 (Water Gate)

The dream was 2 famous people were singing about kuwait towers or something and the
rest of the group went missing after a few years of shooting the music video. The
girl and her friends are being given medals (karate) and she rips her bronze mini
medal away from the lanyard (could be a flash back scene). The place they are
awarded is close to the scientific center or even infront of it's beach and it is
like a building with a skating ramp that is so steep. The place has drowned and no
one goes to it anymore (the award medals were given on the right side of the
building) but the girl and 2 of her friends swim under there or were standing on
the ramps and slipped.

The main place is a round table like thing and from there there are what used to be
apartments about 3 stories.

The girl was on a field trip with her school or it felt like a dield trip where the
seating area was like a place you ate your snacks/sandwhiches.

First the place is truley drowened until you go to the basment floor the place is
like an old kuwaiti 7osh or greek style in color. There are so many apartments
still lived in by chinese people the girl and her two frinds quickly leave after
being seen. Then they go to the top floor (again they are now sort of banished from
the place) and they split up and the girl hides in an old lady's apartment bath
tub. The lady wants to go into the bathroom but just when she checks on the water
temperature for the tub (girl was hiding under the dush) she slips away from the
curtain on the right to the door.

The apartments have no water in them and the people living in them see the outside
world as normal (palm trees, beach, sun ground,etc.) ONLY the people from the first
The round table/ holder thing has a mini apartment under it people can make some
karak at it.

(breathe under water/ water is not seen).

The friends are accepted and they stay but try to look for the missing people that
worked on the video clip and it turns out they are in a the layer filled with
water(water doesn't bleed toward round table area though). After settling the
friends medle once again to the layer and they free the missing people and go up
the ramp once more (wasn't easy but possible). The round table area is the source
of power and shows the girl things she likes (gravity falls,etc.) so she can stay
and not leave (if they are in too long she will never leave and forvever breathe
under water).

The captured people from the layer were in capsules or water bubbles and were
asleep this whole time (not affected by place). The girl finaly leaves and the
people thinking its the early 2000's are surprised and they try to find their
families. There was a search party for the girl and her friends so everyone was
checked by the paramedics, police, etc.

Round table also works as shelves

The layer where the people were trapped sorr of has a door shape with no door and
is big and round on the inside.

Maybe the cartoon is called gates and everytime they enter a gate

Maybe once you come near any gate the all events from past, present, and future
gets mixed up (memories/past, real life, future life, etc.)

Is this another portal to a place in white gate?

Or did she never leave white gate in the first place?

Room castle:~

"Just another dream" virtual reality game but not exactly...rope and wood
ladders...each person gets a character (ex: belle from disney)...the rooms are
different ex: anaconda river, chainsaw, etc. ... many other people its like an
attraction/mall/business tower...she remembers her mother climbing tight net-like
rope...girl meets owner (took the form of genie from aladin) and she sort of liked
the place...her entire family went in but if it was virtual reality then the only
person that was real was her and genie and maybe a guy she might meet in the future
from the waste lands?

There are no safety belts when climbing and some of the nets were low (ya3ny no
high sides)...near pink clouds/sunset. This could be another of the girls' memories
she might have remembered from when she was younger... the girl makes it out safe
and is happy to have met the creater of the game and the creator has never met
anyone who had played this well ever since her dad maybe? (But she was much
smarter)...after you unclock your room/level (total 3-4 samoa joe short and
squared, anaconda river)....we leave using escalators but the the girl woke up
from dream/virtual reality.

Sitting at gate mall's shakespear and co. cafe and thought of a restaurant that is
themed into 4 sections. Served different theme based on the seating area.

In London reading my pink pages (list of stuff to buy written in glitter pink gel
pen) and thought of dream paper.

In London at copper chimney mama said "Arkan" so maybe the themed restaurant could
be called Arkan aka sections ‫أركان‬.

The boy who heard leo english100 story. He suddenly hears leo and reads it in the
newspaper...the star sign was calling to him (the lion).

MArch 17,2022 we were freezing from the cold AC and loud sound. Razan suggested the
name Demon in the AC. I can see a see through ghost making sounds and blowing air
on us.

March 18,2022 sitting in the living room with my sisters and thought of a hand band
that is actually a paint palette for an artistic character.

March 26,2022 bathroom thoughts. Husband went back in time to re-live his life with
his dead wife. She don't know but he can't show he romantically loves her. She
somehow reads his mind in one of the dreams (sees the future and her death) and
refuses to love him romantically and they end up being best friends (age gap). He's
happy he's with her and she's happy to have a supportive friend who understands

April 3,2022 dream around 11:37 pm ramadan. Rich family, loki style dead dad warns
mother to not die because grandfather (of mother) died in the mansion's pool
because of a curse in the water, mother get close to faucet near pool but husband's
good spirit tells her to save his daughter, meanwhile there is a bounty hubter
after his daughter (woman same age as her) with a shot gun that she has bought from
the guy's eveything store (large henna 4kd/toys/ coffe/dinner/ guns), guy survives
the bounty and helps girl escape his gas station style/glass/smaboosa indian
restaurant block store/grandmother still alive always feels the grandfather but
keeps her surviving femalse daughters and granddaughters alive, the girl always
senses everything and sees it in her head the same moment others are being soul-
attacked in the mansion etc. while running away from the bkuntry hunter. After
mother is warned by dead father (all in suites and british style dresses but the
girl kodern texas style/jam3iya in batman block dream) she takes the yukon gmc to
the eveything store and saves her duaghter.

May 6,2022 I dreamt of an old arcade place in Alkout mall full of games from the
80s and games that I actually played from places like ‫أرض األطفال‬. I was just looking
until an indian man working there saw my looks and asked if I wanted to buy any of
these games. The owner didn't allow it and then I saw his daughters, sisters, etc.
(they were ‫)بدو‬. They thought they were rich cuz they owned the place and were
talking to me somewhat like a poor girl when in reality their place wasn't doing
that well. They then said that I could be an investor in their arcade business. I
can buy and be in charge of all the old game arcades section. The profit will be
split 70 on me 1000 on them or something like that. I had plans to create a new
themed place targeted at the oldbtarget audience cuz old is gold after all. Then I
woke up after baba saleh gave me a call🥲.

May 10,2022 thought before sleeping how the dent/hole thing between our neck and
chest could kind of look like a heart. True love will show if it is shaped like a
heart and not so round or triangular.

May 19,2022 I was with Rayan and we saw some fail met gala dresses and then she
shed my attention to an old Kendal Jenner dress where she was wearing a skin
colored body suit with a transparent dress with crystals. Her body suit was like my
Levi’s swimming suit so all the thighs and arms show. Although, when I was in the
bathroom I had an idea of a full skin colored body suit that also reflects in
combat yet it’s light weight (think fish scales with no texture but it’s a thick
‫)هيليهوب‬. It even covers the feet and hands (including all toes and fingers) that way
no shoes have to be worn and the sisters’ moon rituals on the beach can be sexy,
classy, and yet conservative. Each of the girl based on her power would have a
glittery/transparent overall long dress from the back (may be adjusted but usually
long think the huntsman charlize theron) and the crystals or moon crystals would
represent each one’s color.

May 19,2022 about to sleep but as I lay on my back I thought of healing pools in
Grandma’s house near the beach which makes you float since it is full of sea salt
and they draw powers from the sea and moon. Also sea mud pools for spa like

May 19, 2022 also about to sleep but they may defy gravity because the moon doesn’t
have it so they can somewhat float. Maybe another sister has the ability to stay
solid on the gravity makes her stable no matter where she is.

May 19,2022 forget sleeping ideas keep popping. Transparent nose rings for when the
girls travel to their father on his job (the moon). Basically similar to the metal
clip on ring with no piercings needed. Made of moon dust it helps in breathing in
space-like air, purifies air, and works for long trips like the sea-sick nausea
nose rings.

May 23,2022 was sitting on the bidet and the bathroom door was open. I saw my thoub
which was half way out of my prayer basket look like a demenetor shadow/ghost/
crocodile mouth. There could be a place where shadows can hurt your shadow like a
ghost haunting your shadow a crocodile trying to eat your shadow (you get hurt too)
so you must listen to your shadow (by listen I mean let it guide you cuz it can't
talk obvi).

Mat 23,2022 after drawing,listening to some disney parks soundtracks, and crying I
had an idea that the beach grandma needs to get the eldest sister out of a trapped
somewhere (no idea where for now) but to leave one must swap (think Ramona from
summer camp but an actual place?) for her to peak in her power and to become the
next leader, another canope must sacrifice the leading role. She may still be alive
but comes out in another season but maybe thats how the girls learn to become a
team. Can't raise a kitten then leave her for stray (gma canopes did that ohhh

May 26,2022 drawing with rayan on the huge paper roll. It was basically prompts
from books and then I thought of fire flowers since we were doing a frog planet
with fire and dirt.

May 31,2022 thoughts before bed. What if sword that is held by one of the girls (so
that it slits the hand on two sides) becomes lighter like moon & gravity, yet rock
solid and can only be used by the owner of the sword.

June 6,2022 walking at Safat Home with Razan and she told me of an eisode called
Fairy feast or fiery fiest (maybe its could be a two part episode).

June 8,2022 just woke up and I dreamed of a maze ‫متاهة‬-style above baba saleh's
kitchen. I could see from third person but also sometimes embodied a girl and there
was an athletic boy with her. It supposedly a school and to enter the maze start at
the lockers (in reality the blue room in baba saleh's house). The girl was bullied
cuz she's considered an outisder etc. locks the door and leaves through baba
saleh's jail like window's (the boy did it before her but she somehow knows the
maze). They team up and have to run away before the bully cheerleader girl maybe or
her half sister or something catches up with her dad (hillbilly style with a shot
gun ready to kill her and the dude for running off). Over the kitchen are metal
stairs (where I used to see the roof if the kitchen from the window) then it sort
of turns into a school except the maze is for kids with nets and water to swim
through etc. she almost gets caught at the end but makes it to the locker side of
the school (different than the start tho) and her dad and sister (or whoever the
blond cheerleader is) are very very close at the net area (go left and right
between nets like opening a curtain in a hotel). The principal she's that she has
made it and opens the door for her (it was literally the glass display where
trophies are placed) and steps on a a scale (same color of dad's wire ‫)مكينة حالقة عنابي‬
the scale somehow times or knows how long the person was in there and she breaks
the record (the dude with her comes out after breaking from her dad). It was cool
how the principal knew that the school was built on these ruins (the girl & boy
must have possessed some power to be able to enter the maze in the first place).
The principal awarded them both by announcing their athletic skills and critical
thinkkng infront of the bystander students in the locker area. (Just remembered
that the cheerleader followed them directly through the room before they entered
the maze while her dad just knew the area which is basically baba saleh's metal
staircase near the kitchen but not the maze itself).
*june 22,2022 Razan's input is that a secret club in the lockers can only be
entered by knocking a special beat on the lockers so one can open and the person
can enter the premises.

June 8,2022 with Mom and Razan at the salon and Razoon and I were talking about
school hand shakes etc. and I showed her the illuminati style handshakes we used to
talk about at school (theories theories). So its basically putting your hand (not
palm) on the other person's hand creating a triangle with the thumbs. Razoon was
like what if the sisters use this method but after the triangle they can navigate
the stars (maui style but with power).

June 10,2022 a bery weird dream that might work for gates. a guy is among his 4
friends and gets possesed by a girl. Technically they are both alive in one body or
she uses his brain to recall his memories (family etc.). In order for the girl and
her friends to survive after one was killed and the others witnessed their deaths
they took their bodies and changed it up. They now live their lives of the rich
guys and everyone is ok with the way they are acting because the bloody scene (car
crash or whatever) caused them to forget who they are/ need therapy after seeing
the scene of the first guy die (but in reality the first girl is in him now so its
fine if "he" forgets the most"). One family member knew the person was acting weird
(1st guy that got killed) but the "rest" of the family back up the normal guy
claiming he's just suffering some side effects (his soul also gates taken by these
witches). They turn into girls whenever they want (the twist is they didn't posess
the 4 guys they blinded anyone who saw them and gave the bodies to some demons or
something...the guy who speculates its not the original dude saw her in her true

June 11,2022 just stepped out of the shower and tried Rihanna's butta drop whipped
body oil. So what if there is a moon mineral that makes any moon desendent shimmer
ane shine but doesn't appear on humans (think Rihanna's body lava/when artists mix
their own paint with the glass ‫)هاون‬. It only glows in moon light. It could be put
on the skin with one of the earier transparent like dresses with a Hedy Lamar style
star hoop depending on the constellation they represent or choose.
June 22,2022 our 3rd day in turkey and we got sick. My sick dream was a train
station that no one goes to but there is a starbucks that lures people to go in. In
reality you lose your memories within 30 seconds.

June 27,2022 Razan is taking over this one. Shop that sells weird drinks and food
secret code: strawberry..cherry etc each flavor has a letter when finishing a cup.

July 4,2022 in turkey just woke up after hearing a celenia spooky boo haunted
estate episode. Use dreams and playing cards decks to draw shapes out or complete
path (think egress). Also in the dream you can pocess a different body. Dream
within a dream(dream of self then that self dreams of someone else (pearl within

July 9,2022 in turkey and dreamt of an art project gone wrong. It was a uni student
film project in a jungle or some location. There was a part where the professor
asked us to create an artist trail mix (beads, paint, supplies,etc.. they were
actually kids lunch boxes so they huge but trail mix works better.

July 9,2022 random thoughts. What if for the dream cartoon the girl was somewhat a
dream she would dream of something or walk into someone's thoughts
(in the dream) and wake up to find things that would aid her in real life to solve
the problem of not waking up. So its a dream within a dream but it will help her
escape the lady that captured her and the other girls. So for example she walked
into someone's dream took a mirror then woke up she will find that mirror in her
special bag or pocket that she wore before sleeping. This could also work the
bazaar bazaar and trading things she could actually use like weapons, magical stuff
etc. harder items=deeper sleep.

July 24,2022 in Antalya/Kamer Razoon was like what if there was a lab on an island
or soemthing and to travel they litteraly travel light. They use a cotton bud or
some sort of expanding towel tablet that turns into a boat or floaty. I think it
would also be cool if they used moon rocks as a path or moon rays to show them a
safe path maybe.

July 26,2022 finally home and first day to see mama eman after coming home from
antalya. This gave me enough time to think about japanese arrows that sound cool
but what if humans can only see the bows but the actual arrow is star dust. This
applies to other weapons like swords,etc. the weapons could be handed down to the
girls from other constellations. They cut special shapes so you know who
cut/hit/killed what. Update Aug 8,2022 saw some steven uni erse best moments
yesterday and in giant women the same concept kinda exists so tweak it a bit more
or maybe it worls with the constellations.

July 21,2022 what if the girls didn't put on any perfume but had a special essence
that makes them smell like musk, lavender, etc. They could be produced through the
hair oil or sweat?

Aug 3,2022 cooking in the kitchen with the fam and someone mentioned something
smelled good. So for a couple scene maybe the guy says something smells good while
walking into the kitchen but its actually the female character not the dish.

Aug 8,2022 just dreamt a tiny camellion attacked me but what if it went a diff way
and the cam angle went from the camellion in a forest to it being cooked and crispy
on a stick (day to night/ raw to cooked)

Aug 10,2022 toilet thoughts. What if the girls can get to their root
star/constellation or maybe even a constellation relative (think ben 10 alien x)
through a special hypnosis ritual
Aug 25,2022 just dreamt of running away from zombies to a peacful heaven on earth
sort of land but you must first open a butterfly lock. With a combo of alphabets
and numbers the password is a saying in french I guess and I wasn't the one who
opened it. Some magic or being helped out (not physically there) but eventually the
group made it in. It was green and had a salty oasis like the ones people float in
in egypt but the layered version you can drink from. There was some sort of
artifact in my pocket and it changed the setting if the place to more jungle-like
leaves. The place was securely locked using the same butterfly lock (which could
fly when it opens) and everyon was safe havibg everything natural and even modern
areas like a peaceful dinner with up-to-date info about hollywood and other topics.
The butterfly was pink on one wing and gradually transitioned into a purple wing on
the right side probably (think rapunzel's dress from barbie for color matching).
The letters did glow when they were correct but the lock also helped me I didn't
have to tell/type in anything. Not to mention the smily icons (similar to the
japanese chanel colab artist) that also smiled and opened there mouth everytime the
code was cracked (not on butterfly itself it was a metal hoop like a bike lock and
the butterfly was on the left). There was a window looking at the ruins and zombies
signifiying this society is a part of the world but chooses to remain in peace
until a successful plan is made. They seemed like they were not expecting us but no
one kicked us out because whomever unlocks the butterfly belongs in the society
(last of humanity sort of thing. Also this idea may work more for gates). Quote
code not key.

Aug 26, 2022 Bathroom thoughts. What if there was a spell that allows a female
school and male school to exist in the same building yet a male and female sense
there are other souls nearby (smells like men, laughter of girls, etc.) similar to
OTGW mansion episode. Then they eventually have to live together in one school
after the spell merges them both. Maybe the grandmother did this spell to recruit a
strong army but they eventually need to team up togther.

Sep 3, 2022 just made Razan open her nostalgia bag and thought of one of the
sisters recalling memories if she touches an item. And thats it

Sep 4,2022 second day after putting on nail polish for a long while. Mom just woke
me up to visit grandma and as I was washing up I thought of power polish. Nail
polish that the sisters could use that could grant them temporary powers.

‫ و سرقت المخدة أفكارنا‬Mon Sep 12,2022 Razan: d

‫و سرقت الرسادة أحالمنا يمكن أحلى‬
Dream pillow that catches dreams and a laundry place and worker that can wash the
dreams all away in a special washing machine or special washing technique (gucci
perfume alchemist bottles) Pillow changes color based on dream (ex: pink for
floral). Your pillow is good for today, it can

Wed sep 21,2022 what if there was a character that spoke multiple languages cuz it
helps him/her express more feelings.

Fri oct 7,2022 dreamt of 4 doors at a magic like school (cook/sing/fight/lazy I

believe) you use the aura of what you talented at to open the designated door. But
if you use your talent right all doors turn on a red strip of light that surrounds
the door like painter tape. I was able to sing and let 3 light up but not open up
on the first try. The sisters probably have the ability to surpass other students
at this practice. A few students can practice per class I wasn't able to but came
after school was over (‫ )وقت الهده‬and there were a few girls. Each person thinks they
can only use one talent to open one door but with the right focus most can open cuz
we all texhnically can do most things the teachers want us to think we belong in a
single category so it would take us longer to learn who we are.
Oct 1,2022 Razoon’s bathroom thoughts. “ what if you buy shoes from one country and
then when you run in it it takes you back to its country of origin. Time portal.

Oct 29,2022 just finished our halloween party and I'm currently watching The
Haunted Mansion with the fam. Razoon mentioned the scene where the door is
breathing. I thought it would be cool if there was a chest (like a treasure chest)
that is an actual chest is in it looks like its breathing.
^^^same day like 2am(so sat) bathroom thoughts. What if there was a love letter
that came in pink paper. It has a diff poem everyday as part of a class but the
auther never signs the poem. Poems are special because they can be bilangual or
multilangual (if thats a word) yet they still rhyme. Think Ms.grade 12 english
class poems but the teacher has to read the class prompts which the pink letter is
probably sumbitted online and the teacher prints them and he falls ij love with the
penmanship of the poet and her style.

Nov 3,2022 just about to go to the bathroom and thought of those chanel bedazzled
black heels with silver swarvoski and what if there were heels that had ends like
Dexter's mom (pointy and unbalanced). Except on these moon ground the heel actually
pokes you heels(like a small nail) and you have to balance yourself on the sand to
walk and feed the magic lands (through blood maybe the heel itself is transparent
to show that it full like a science tube/the blood could also be bluish gologrpahic
like the stars the girls are).

^^prayer thoughts (astaghfer allah) but what if there was a lion friend. Someone
wants to prank the girl(s) and she/they bow to the king...king of the jungle. To
find out it was a twist and that the lion is actually a cursed dude (think princess
and the frog/ howl's moving castle stick prince). After playing with its main and
givingit a kiss he turns into a dude...or maybe he has a choice and willingly wants
to stay in man or lion form. The lion would be cool to ride tho!!!

Nov 8,2022 afternoon dream. I skrewed up many events leading to an apocalyptic

world but using a jack in a box in rewind took me back to the of the
characters could fix the future by singing back to the past.

Nov 9,2022 jogging at our mamsha and thohght of arrows with special moon heads that
can be used to locate a person from afar. Cut palm of hand with tips and eyes will
chnage showing you where the target is withou moving. Sould also be passed fown or
guven as gifts from constellations ex: gemeni's arrow. The arrow also helps your
hand navigate where the enemy is even if its at a distance. Maybe its power is only
used when in need of it truley (like no revenge and stuff like that). Think
Coraline's water stick/ Gurdian of the Galaxy whistle arrow

Nov 11, 2022 woke up around an hour ago but still feeling sleepy. Anyway, while
watchig connerthewaffle I thought of a game within one of the worlds were you don't
need a console as the joystick itself is the console with a long wire that connecte
to the tv.

Nov 22,2022 Razan sent me a vn saying what if there was a cheating pen that a
person can wrote with from a different place but it appears on some else's paper
(ex: cheating on a test).

Nov 27, 2022 On a call with Razoon. She's telling me about her COMM230 with Akbar.
She mentioned the class's topic was Ilegal add in kuwait (guns, gambling etc.) a
student mentioned to the professor opening a course about these illegal ads and
that they should call it Devil's Advertisement COMM 666. What if there was a secret
class thats written as something in the catalogue but only special students can
attend (celestials or other human hybrids).
Dec 8,2022 after a nice dance workout in the basement I thought of hot slaps. Where
you put your palms together and create friction as if cold but then slap someone
with the heat.

Dec 23,2022 bathroom thoughts early morning. After watching japanesestuffchannel's

8 convience store ice creams I thought of a location in the show called ‫بيت البّر د‬.
Also, yesterday at Kashounah 360 mall while having lunch with mom and sisters I
thought of the business I always dreamt of (sleeping after lunch anywhere). The
name could be incorporated in the show I thought of Micro Motel cuz its sort of
like a bedroom but not a capsule yet not a hotel. Its convinient to sleep in a mall
or anywhere, anytime for a reasonable price and a comfortable safe space.

Dec 27,2022 just shopped till I dropped after my first 7kooma pay check. After
organizing the accessories and shoes, and the Swarvoski mirror gift they gave me I
thought of what mirror mirror on the wall would sound like to this modern
generation...maybe we can use it maybe it sucks. Selfie camera on my phone, who's
the cutest in our zone. Sa5eefa sure but I had to include it.

Jan 3,2023 walking at 360 mall with mom and razoon and now she gone take over to
write her idea. Turn a gumball machine, get a ball, plant it in the ground and a
tree grows. A door appears from the tree and takes you to your desired destination.

Jan 16,2023 watching Ghibli Nature Loop since I punched in at work and waiting for
my transfer to MOE and also working on KWSPE social media design. Anhyhoo, while on
a call with Mom and Razoon is sitting next to me in the living room mama mentioned
the sun coming out since today is really cold. When she said that, I realized our
door (which has glass and so the sunrays can get it) was letting in more sunlight
as if its extending. So, what if we have 2 characters (like that one day/night
character from Owl House) that extend as light (sun) and shadow (moon). Ghost vibes
but they actually shadows and light.

Jan 22, 2023 ok so I'm currently working on my study plan/statement of intent paper
for AAU and after YouTube recommended Andy Ward's Ancient Pottery. I thought maybe
the studio's name could be Ancient Animation because thats my focus (inshalah).

Jan 2,2023 at Eataly and talked about my business (sleeping rooms not hotels to
sleep after eating anywhere) and suggested that Razana nd Rayan sleep in a fitting
room adter mama suggested they book a room at the avenues' hotel. Then mama laughed
cuz they would sleep standing up so I thought of naming difrent sleeping poses.
Mummy, frankenstein, etc.

Jan 3, 2023 re-watching Moonight with Rayan and like the rest are in the living
room but don't care. As we were skipping through the episodes I read the titles and
thought it would be cool if the titles of our episodes make up a summary or give a
clue/sentence to another season.

Feb 24,2023 playing ‫ جكني‬with the fam and Kady (our cousin) I put howl's moving
castle on in the background and saw his earing when I looked to my right. Thought
of galaxy floating earings similar to Howl's

Mar 6,2023 its currently 11pm and I'm reading Coraline which has illustrations
creepier than the actual movie (Dave McKean also illustrated The Wolves in the
Walls). This gave me an idea of a creepy book perhaps bewitched or cursed that only
opens at a certain amount of time at night/fajir.

Mar 9,2023 met up with mom and razan at Bazza mishref after eating with Rayan at
Zattar w Zait (we going to the Ramadan food fair in mishref).Talked to Razoon and
thought of the tea cup game except a Kuwaiti version of a dallah in the middle and
fanajeen as the teacups all in a 9iniyah.
Mar 10,2023 in our closet room and while talking to Razoon I thought of 2 fashion
characters that have confession scenes/reality show life called The Couture Co-

Mar 16,2023 literally half asleep at 6:30 am (working from home today takleef).
Thought of the ritual clothes/ party clothes without having identity discovered by
using a vail that covers the hair the becomes somewhat transparent on the face for
breathing (back like a wedding hijab laila w eltgheeb style and it extends like an
actual vail from the top of the hoodie hat. Using grvityless rocks, like a yalwa
fabric the rocks hold up a transparent crystal fabric that floats in mid air
grabbing attention while only leaving space for someone to come under the tent-like
fabric to dance/perform ritual etc.

Mar 18,2023 Watching titans with Razan and she said she has an idea for the show
cotton candy clouds, soda lanterns, lemon lanterns, and popcorn trees

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