Lepi Syah Alam XI IPS 2.

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Nama : Lepi Syah Alam

Kelas : XI IPS 2

Honorable judges respect the audience and everyone here

today. Greetings.

First of all I'd like to thank the Almighty God it is

because of him we are all able to attend this contest.
secondly sholawat and salam always be delivered to our
prophet Muhammad SAW who had brought us from the
darkness to this bright modern era that we live in
today, and last but not least I like to thank the
judges for giving me this very special opportunity to
complete in this contest.

Ladies and Gentleman

Good Morning, My name is Lepi Syah Alam, I'm in

Eleventh Social Science Two. Standing before you all to
deliver my speech, before to deliver my speech I hope
you all are feeling as amazing, as I am right now
though, to be honest I am a little nervous but I'm not
here to tell you about what I'm feeling.Instead i will
tell you about a topic that is both fascinating and
has a profound influence on our lives:

The impact of language on culture. Language is not just

a means of communication; it is the very essence of our
culture and a powerful force that shapes our world.
Above all, language is the foundation of human
interaction. It allows us to express our thoughts,
feelings and ideas and connects us to each other.
Without language, our ability to communicate and
understand each other would be severely limited and our
rich culture would collapse.

But language is not just a communication tool; it is a

mirror that reflects our cultural identity. The way we
speak, the idioms we use and the stories we tell are
all tied to our cultural heritage. Language is the
means by which we celebrate our unique traditions and
share our common history.

As language evolves, it absorbs changes in society,

reflecting our beliefs and values. It captures the
spirit of our times and gives voice to our experiences.
Art, literature and music are products of our
linguistic expression and thereby shape our culture,
becoming a source of inspiration for future

In the era of globalization, language has profound

influence beyond borders. For example, English has
become a global language. It connects people around the
world and has a profound impact that transcends
borders. It connects people from all over the world and
facilitates international trade, diplomacy and access
to information. The widespread use of English proves
the great power of this language.
However, in the face of the homogenizing forces of
globalization, we must not forget to protect and
cherish our linguistic diversity. Each language is a
unique storehouse of cultural and intellectual
knowledge. When a language disappears, countless
cultural heritage disappears with it. It is therefore
important to preserve and revive endangered languages
to protect the richness of our cultural tapestry.

In short, language is the thread that weaves our

cultural tapestry. It is a means for us to connect,
share and celebrate our cultural identity. We must
recognize and appreciate the profound impact of
language on culture and ensure the preservation of
linguistic diversity as an essential part of our common

Finally Ladies And Gentleman that's all of my speech.

Thank you for your attention.

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