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Speech Choir (9-Integrity)

Group 1
In a world of chaos, noise, and fame,
There lived a hero, without a name,
No grand parades, no cheers, no roars,
Just a heart of gold behind closed doors.

Group 1
In shadows deep, a hero's plight,
Unseen, unheard, in silent night,
A tale unfolds, a story untold,
Of sacri ce and burdens untold.

Group 1
He wonders if the world's worth saving,
As his own mind needs careful braving,
The cost of heroism, heavy and stark,
Leaves a hero questioning in the dark

Group 1
They gave their all, without hesitation,
A lifetime spent in dedication,
To help, to serve, to mend, to heal,
Unseen acts of love that were very real.

Group 1
Questions haunt him, like whispered fears,
As he confronts his deepest tears,
Do his actions matter, do they make a change,
Or is it all a futile, endless range?

Group 2
Sorrow overcomes him, as he deems himself worthless
Worthless! Worthless, worthless it is a feeble sound but he hears
Is it true? Or is it not? He wants a response, NO! he is in great need of it
Group 2
Deep down he is fading, hope has never been this dim
An Epiphany! he dreams of it, A HERO! A hero, an elucidation for the existence of
the word is what he wishes to acquire
(Song interlude)
I'm lost in a world, don't know where I belong,
Feeling like I'm drifting, like something's wrong,
I search for a purpose, a reason to be,
But the answers I'm seeking, they're so hard to see.
I'm like a puzzle missing all the pieces,
Trying to nd where my soul releases,
In this vast universe, I'm just a speck,
What was I made for? What's my life's check?

What was I made for in this endless sky?

A question I ask as the days go by,
I'm reaching for stars, trying to touch the light,
What was I made for in this endless night?

I've heard voices whisper, calling my name,

But the noise of the world, it's never the same,
I'm searching for answers in the depths of my soul,
In the silence I nd, where my purpose unfolds.
(Song ends transition)
Group 2
Through the bustling streets and crowded square,
A small child's eyes, lled with wonder, stare,
At a gure unknown, with a heart so pure,
A hero unsung, yet a presence sure.
Group 2
To the child, this hero was a guiding light,
A symbol of kindness from near and far,
In the simplest of acts, a helping hand,
The hero made a mark in the child's grand world.
Group 2
With eyes so bright and a voice so small,
The child approached the hero, not to enthrall,
But to say, "Thank you," in a soft, sweet voice,
And in that moment, hearts did rejoice.

Group 3
The hero's eyes, lled with butter ies,
Touched by the child's sincere, wide eyes,
A smile exchanged, a connection made,
In that eeting moment, a bond displayed.
Group 3
For the child had seen beyond the fray,
Recognized the hero in their own unique way,
A tiny gesture, a heartfelt grace,
Brought warmth to the hero's tired face.
Group 3
For heroes need not the world's acclaim,
But the recognition of one heart's ame,
In the eyes of a child, they found their worths
A reminder that their dedication are just waiting to be reaped.

Group 3
In shadows cast, a hero stands,
Unnoticed by the cheering bands,
No fame nor fortune in their quest,
Yet their heart beats with purpose, blessed.
Group 3
No capes or masks to hide their face,
Just humble souls, in life's embrace,
They toil in silence, day and night,
Unseen stars in the gentlest light.

Group 4
A teacher in a crowded class,
Guiding futures, like stained glass,
Their wisdom shared, a precious art,
Molding minds, igniting hearts.

Group 4
A caregiver, with tender grace,
In quiet hours, they embrace,
The sick and frail, their hands extend,
Unpopular hero, a true friend.
Group 4
Volunteers with hearts of gold,
In sel ess acts, their stories told,
They mend the world with love, not fame,
Unseen heroes, we praise your name.
Group 4
In every corner, humble and low,
Unpopular heroes silently grow,
Their deeds, a beacon, a guiding star,
Unnoticed heroes, near and far.
Group 4
So let us honor, with due respect,
These heroes often left unchecked,
In their quiet strength, we nd our way,
Unpopular heroes, we celebrate today.

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