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Name : Nuraini Jafar

Student ID : 02042211066

Subject : Marketing Management

Class : III Bilingual

Lecturer : Ibnu Sina H. Yusuf, S.E., M.Si

Samsung Galaxy Fold Battery Life Study


Samsung's launch of the Galaxy Fold promised a revolutionary smartphone with a remarkable battery
life of up to 200 hours and an innovative folding design. However, a study conducted by CNET revealed
that the actual folding capacity fell within the range of 80 to 200 hours, sparking discussions around the
device's performance compared to its advertised capabilities.

Discussion :

Samsung has released the Galaxy Fold, a smartphone with a battery life of up to 200 hours and has a
built-in battery. CNET conducted a study to determine the best way to charge the Galaxy Fold to
200.000 hours. The study found that the battery life is around 80 to 200 hours, which is longer than
the average smartphone battery life of 3,000 hours. The Galaxy Fold also has an external battery that
can be used without needing to be charged.

Samsung has emphasized that the Galaxy Fold is a futuristic gadget, and all aspects of the device are
more than conventional smartphones. The device is also waterproof, making it more durable than
traditional smartphones. The device's design is a combination of plastic and metal, making it more
durable than traditional smartphones. However, the device's battery life is not as good as it should be,
as it can cause damage to internal components or hardware.

One of the best aspects of the Galaxy Fold is its lightweight design. The device's design is similar to
a smartphone, but the folding design is more lightweight. The folding design allows for easy
charging and charging, which can help prevent damage to internal components or hardware. Despite
the popularity of the Galaxy Fold, it remains a popular choice for many users.


Samsung has issued a warning about the Galaxy Fold, stating that it will not provide any information
about the potential risks of the display. The company has also criticized the use of the display,
which is a part of the display structure designed to prevent damage from unintentional damage.
Samsung will provide clear information about the display's potential risks to its users. The company
has also urged AS T-Mobile to avoid using the display's display. Samsung's warning comes after a
Galaxy Fold game was released.

in general cases when a product encounters issues or controversies, companies like Samsung typically
take several steps to resolve problems and restore the brand's image:

 Design and Production Improvements: The company may make changes to the product design
or production processes to fix identified weaknesses. This could involve enhancements to
specific parts vulnerable to damage.
 Communication with Consumers: Open and transparent communication with consumers is
crucial. The company can provide updated information on the steps taken to address the issues
and assure improved product safety.
 Product Replacement or Repair: If the problem involves product defects, the company may offer
replacement or repair programs for affected consumers. This could include hardware updates or
providing new devices that have been fixed.
 Quality Testing Enhancements: Improvements to quality testing procedures to ensure that
manufactured products meet the promised standards. Testing may be tightened to assess how
well the product withstands everyday use.
 Additional Warranty Offers: Providing additional warranties or extending existing warranties as a
form of compensation and to rebuild trust.
 User Warning Enhancements: Updating or clarifying warnings to users about product limitations
and maintenance, such as water and dust resistance limitations or stricter folding constraints.
 Customer Support Enhancements: Strengthening customer support services to assist users
experiencing problems and providing further guidance on product use and maintenance.

In any case, a quick and effective response from the company is key to addressing issues and rebuilding
consumer trust. Please note that additional information on Samsung's actions may be found through
recent news sources or official statements from the company.



Maulita Putri, Virgina. (October,18,2019). SAMSUNG LANGSUNG TANGGAPI LAPORAN

Samsung mengklaim smartphone layar lipat besutannya, Galaxy Fold, memiliki 'umur'
lipatan hingga 200 ribu kali dan telah melewati uji internal.

Situs web teknologi CNET kemudian memutuskan untuk melakukan pengujian sendiri dan
membuktikan apakah benar kemampuan lipatan Galaxy Fold mencapai 200.000?
Dari hasil uji coba buka tutup yang dilakukan CNET, layar rusak di lipatan ke 120.169. Ini
tentu angka yang masih jauh di bawah klaim Samsung.

Namun berita baiknya adalah 100.000 lipatan akan bertahan selama beberapa
tahun. Ya, orang memang punya kecenderungan memeriksa smartphone mereka tiap hari.
Menurut CNET, kisarannya adalah 80 hingga 200 kali.

Jika kamu bisa mengecek di kisaran 80an kali, perangkat ini bisa bertahan hingga tiga

Terlebih lagi, Galaxy Fold memiliki layar eksternal yang juga baik untuk digunakan
berselancar di smartphone tanpa perlu harus membuka perangkat jika tak terlalu perlu.

Jika hal ini kamu anggap rapuh, ini bukan aspek satu-satunya dari Galaxy Fold yang
lemah. Pasalnya karena ini adalah gadget futuristik, hampir semua aspek dari Galaxy Fold
memang tak sekuat smartphone konvensional.

Hal ini terlihat dari Samsung memperingatkan pengguna Galaxy Fold kala pertama kali
menyalakan perangkat, kalau Galaxy Fold tidak tahan air dan debu.

Samsung juga membuat sebuah video iklan di mana kontennya mengajak pengguna Fold
untuk lebih hati-hati dalam menggunakan perangkatnya.

Selain itu, setelah diujicoba oleh Youtuber teknologi spesialis uji ketahanan smartphone,
JerryRigEverything, smartphone lipat ini masih punya sedikit 'kerapuhan.'

Di uji ketahanan berupa gores, bagian luar dari perangkat ini cukup kuat. Hal ini agak
berbeda di bagian layar lipat, di mana goresan sedikit akan melukai layarnya yang
berbahan plastik. Bahkan dengan kuku pun layar bisa tergores

Namun yang paling berbahaya adalah percobaan ketahanan perangkat ini terhadap debu,
meski di awal terdapat peringatan bahwa smartphone lipat ini tak tahan debu.

Hasilnya ternyata tidak baik. Benda asing seperti debu sangat mudah untuk menyusup ke
dalam bagian dalam perangkat.

Hal ini membuat terdapat ganjalan debu dan serpihan kecil kala perangkat dilipat dan
dibuka. Ditakutkan, kemudahan masuknya debu dalam perangkat dapat memicu beberapa
kerusakan layar permanen atau hardware internal.

Namun salah satu aspek terbaik dari Fold adalah engsel lipat yang sangat kuat. Dalam uji
coba mematahkannya, dengan cara menekuknya ke arah sebaliknya, Sang Youtuber gagal
mematahkan perangkat.

Dalam rekam jejaknya, banyak sekali smartphone dan tablet yang telah ia hancurkan,
namun Fold bahkan tak rusak ataupun mati.
Jadi, jika Anda butuh perangkat yang kuat, Fold bisa jadi pilihan. Hanya saja Anda harus
lebih hati-hati agar debu tidak masuk ke perangkat.

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