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Topic purpose:
Kombo& Waiyaki (2002) define social change as any significant alteration in the society that
involves changes in social structures, civilization, cultural elements, social relationships, norms
and values.

Essentially, any disruptive shift in the status quo, be it intentional or random, human-caused or
natural, can lead to social change.

Causes of Social Change


Some would say that improving technology has made our lives easier. eg Internet, the transport
infrastucture, or electricity. technology is a driving force behind globalization

Advances in medical technology allow otherwise infertile women to bear children, which
indirectly leads to an increase in population.

Advances in agricultural technology have allowed us to genetically alter and patent food
products, which changes our environment in innumerable ways.

From the way we educate children in the classroom to the way we grow the food we eat,
technology has impacted all aspects of modern life.

Social Institutions

Each change in a single social institution leads to changes in all social institutions. For example,
the industrialization of society meant that there was no longer a need for large families to
produce enough manual labor to run a farm.
Further, new job opportunities were in close proximity to urban centers where living space was
at a premium. The result is that the average family size shrunk significantly.


Population composition is changing at every level of society. Births increase in one nation and
decrease in another. Some families delay childbirth while others start bringing children into their
folds early. Population changes can be due to random external forces, like an epidemic, or shifts
in other social institutions, as described above. But regardless of why and how it happens,
population trends have a tremendous interrelated impact on all other aspects of society.

Globally, often the countries with the highest fertility rates are least able to absorb and attend to
the needs of a growing population.

Family planning is a large step in ensuring that families are not burdened with more children
than they can care for. On a macro level, the increased population, particularly in the poorest
parts of the globe, also leads to increased stress on the planet’s resources.

The Environment

individuals and the environment affect each other.

As human populations move into more vulnerable areas, we see an increase in the number of
people affected by natural disasters, and we see that human interaction with the environment
increases the impact of those disasters.

the more people there are on the planet, the more likely it is that some will be affected by a
natural disaster.

Types of Social Change

There are two major types of social change:
Exogenous- Refers to the change that is influenced by forces outside the society. These are mainly
external forces e.g. colonialism brought about modern education in Africa.
Endogenous –This type of social change is brought about by factors within the society. For
example, high rates of inflation and unemployment could push highly educated people into sectors
such as the Jua Kali artisanship

Factors influencing social change

There are various factors worldwide that influence social change. These include the following:
i) Globalization-The world has been referred to as a global village. That means that what
happens in another section of the world has an influence in other sections and is also likely
to be repeated in other parts of the world. For example communication technology has
improved and ideas are easily disseminated and shared from one part of the world to the
other, one can communicate with and can get information from any other part of the world.
ii) Technology- Social change occurs when people find new ways to manipulate their
environment. The knowledge and tool that people use to manipulate their environment for
practical purposes is called technology.
iii) Economic/Social hardships- Changes in the economic status of a country have a major
influence on society and education. Presently, in Kenya, the economy has not been able to
to create jobs that can absorb as many of our well educated young men and women. As a
result, many are either languishing in the streets of urban areas or have resorted to anti-
social activities such as crime or drug abuse.
iv) Changes in the family unit- The family is a major social unit. It is within the family that
most children learn the values and norms of the society. However, various changes have
occurred in the family unit. Most of the close-knit social structures in the traditional social
set up are no longer in existence. The traditional family solidarity has been weakened.
v) Changes in societal values and beliefs-the cultural interaction factor in social change
provides that if and when human beings from different cultures interact, there occur
cultural exchange. If one culture is more dominant than the other, the weaker one gets
absorbed. Formal education also changes people’s perception on their cultural values and
vi) Emerging problems-Emerging social problems in societies have called for new
approaches in solving the problems. For example, the escalating rate of HIV/AIDS
pandemic has called for behaviour changes, particularly in aspects of wife inheritance,
sharing of instruments and sexual promiscuity.
vii) Aging- In traditional society’s old age was an era of great respect. The aged were treated
with respect and consulted. They were the preservers of the society’s heritage. They were
also viewed as sources of knowledge and enforcers of social customs. In the modern
society, the aged are no longer respected and at times they are neglected.

Indicators of Social Change

There are various indicators of social change. These include the following:
i) The family institution is being threatened. Family values are changing and the family size
is decreasing. Children are also becoming nagging to their parents, a scenario that is
changing parent’s perception towards children.
ii) The number of street children family is on the increase and so are abortion cases. This is
an indication that societal values have changed. The care that was there in the traditional
set up where children were treasured for continuity is no longer in existence.
iii) The number of women taking up wage employment is on the increase. Many husbands are
losing grip and control of women. Women are becoming more assertive.
iv) Divorce rates are on the increase
v) Most men have abdicated their roles especially the family upkeep to women
vi) There is hardly any respect for social institutions such as religion, family and clan.
vii) There is increase in pressure groups particularly gender and human rights activists in
viii) Education is accepted as a determining agent to change.

Education and Social change

Education in relation to change can be considered in two major categories. These are as follows:
 As an agent of social change
 As an agent that does not allow for social change

Education as an agent of social change

The role of education in social change and development is as follows:
i) Schools can be viewed as agents of social change. Reforms and innovations can be
facilitated by education
ii) Education involves training of labour force in the new skills required by an expanding
iii) Education may be used to break down traditional attitudes and lessening the resistance to
iv) Education encourages and promotes social mobility and allows new elites to threaten and
overcome the old
v) Through education, people can acquire new values, perceptions, aspirations and attitudes.
This value is transmitted in schools.
vi) Education is directly affected by globalization and learners should be taught how to cope
with it.
vii) Education influences economic change because of its role in the discovery and
dissemination of new knowledge. There is hardly any economic development without

Education plays a critical role in the society. Education affects society in many important
ways. These include;
 Education is important in the creation of a democratic society. As Franklin D.
Roosevelt says, “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are
prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.”
People need a good education if they want a good democracy.

 Education is needed to make a society politically stable. Without a proper educational

system available to everyone, terrorists could use free education as a way to radicalize
people. In other words, political stability is one of education’s most powerful effects on

 Education leads to economic prosperity. One of the most important effects education has
on society is giving the people who live in a society the skills they need to compete in the
global marketplace, and the skills they need to produce technological goods that can be
sold on the open market.

 Education gives people the knowledge they need to elect capable leaders. Plato stated,
Education helps the members of society see through the manipulations used by politicians
to get votes so that the members of the society can vote for the leader who is best able to
run the society.

 Education helps promote tolerance in a society and helps reduce common conflicts
between diverse populations in an urban setting. Educating members of society about
other people who either live in the society or its neighboring states have the power to
reduce many conflicts.
 Education has the power to help societies and the world in general, change for the
better. Education is a powerful tool that can be used to make the world a better place to
live in.
 Education reduces violence and crime in societies. Teaching people to read has been
shown to prevent people from engaging in crime.

Activity 11: Discuss the role played by education in promoting social change.


21st century skills refer to the knowledge, life skills, career skills, habits, and traits that are
critically important to student success in today’s world, particularly as students move on to
college, the workforce, and adult life.

The term 21st century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and character
traits that are believed—by educators, school reformers, college professors, employers, and
others—to be critically important to success in today’s world, particularly in contemporary
careers and workplaces. Generally speaking, 21st century skills can be applied in all academic
subject areas, and in all educational and career development throughout a student’s life.

The basic idea is that students, who will come of age in the 21st century, need to be taught
different skills than those learned by students in the 20th century, and that the skills they learn
should reflect the specific demands that will placed upon them in a complex, competitive,
knowledge-based, information-age, technology-driven economy and society.

Why Are 21st-Century Skills Essential?

The modern world is characterized by globalization, rapid technological development, and social
diversity, making 21st-century skills more essential to students than ever. These processes require
educators to create a framework for successful studying methods and to ensure young people can
prosper in a world of constant transformation.

Opportunities for 21st-century students are also expanding. They include international study
programs, global knowledge exchanges, and projects organized by companies with the possibility of
obtaining a job, etc.

The 21st-century workplace has also become more innovative and competitive. To succeed in modern
information-age jobs, students need to solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate on
social media, learn to use new technologies, and deal with a flood of information.

Top managers highly value employees who can meet these standards and have the energy to expand
their skills, even if they lack some academic or working experience. Hence, 21st-century skills have
become a must for anyone who wants a well-paying job in a modern company.

Who Needs These Skills?

The 21st century has experienced significant economic changes and breakthrough discoveries. We
now have cryptocurrency, driverless cars, and block chain technology, among other inventions. And
with these innovations, we need to learn: 1) how to use them and 2) how to adapt to unpredictable

21st-century skills are essential for high-school and college students just now entering the corporate
world. Numerous new careers are appearing in today’s labor market: for
eample, cybersecurity experts. New professions, as well as the jobs of the future, are full of unknown
challenges. Consequently, employers seek creative and observant candidates with skills to deal with
unpredictable aspects of work. So, our advice is to prepare yourself for new technologies and careers
that might not yet exist.

21st-Century Skills – Main Types

Usually, experts divide 21st-century skills into three groups: learning skills, digital literacy skills, and
life skills. These groups contain hard and soft skills that help workers adapt to the modern world’s
changes and trends. Let’s discuss each group in more detail.

1. Learning Skills

Modern learning involves much more than memorizing materials before an exam. Instead, it is a life-
long journey where every new experience can turn into a valuable lesson. These 21st-century skills are
essential for a person to become capable of growth and change. Often these skills are called the 4C’s:
critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication:

 Critical thinking
Critical thinking is essential in both business and science to achieve success. It enables you to
think outside the box and form your own ideas.
 Creativity
Creativity is key to innovation. People who think creatively can see things from different
angles. This skill can help you find easier solutions to more complicated tasks.
 Collaboration
Collaboration might be the most challenging skill to master among the 4 C’s. However, once
you learn to work with others, you learn to compromise and achieve the best results from
 Communication
Effective communication is essential for building lifelong connections with other people.
Employers highly value good communicators that can approach people with different
personality types.

2. Digital & Information Literacy Skills

There’s no doubt that social media and technology have become an important part of almost every
aspect of modern life. This set of skills is a must for people to create and share digital information.
The top three 21st-century literacy competencies are:

 Information literacy
Information literacy means finding, evaluating, organizing, and using information in its
various formats efficiently. It also enables a person to differentiate facts from fiction.
Nowadays, finding valuable information can be a real challenge since the Internet is full of
misleading content.
 Media literacy
The amount of time people spend online has dramatically increased over the past decade,
making media literacy a vital skill. This ability strengthens your ability to analyze, create, and
interact with online messages and sources. It also lets people find the most effective methods
of creating and sharing information.
 Technology literacy
Technology literacy is a hard skill connected with computers, cloud computing, and mobile
devices. Once you master technology literacy, you’ll have a core understanding of how
gadgets work and the chance to work as a data scientist.

3. Life Skills

Life skills allow people to find new ways of thinking and problem-solving and develop greater self-
awareness. Even when students do their best to improve their grades, many still struggle to gain this
set of skills. At the same time, employers consider life skills just as necessary as academic
performance, making these competencies a great advantage when applying for a job.

Consider these examples of life skills:

 Flexibility
Flexibility is someone’s ability to adapt to changes and the unknown. Many people find it hard
to adjust to new circumstances and people. However, flexibility is essential for long-term
success in your career and personal life.
 Leadership
Leadership is a vital skill for entrepreneurs and everyone who aims to achieve their goals.
Leading a team can be stressful, but good leaders are highly valued in all situations.
 Social skills
Networking has never been more significant than in today’s world. Effective communication,
empathy, and active listening can significantly contribute to success.

The Importance of 21st Century Skills

While the bar used to be high school graduation, the bar for today's students is now college,
career, and real-world success. Let’s take a look at why 21st century skills matter.

 Higher-education and business leaders cite soft skills as being the most important driver of
success in higher-level courses and in the workplace.
 In today’s world, our schools are preparing students for jobs that might not yet exist. Career
readiness means equipping students with a nuanced set of skills that can prepare them for the
 Social media has changed human interaction and created new challenges in navigating social
 The age of the Internet has dramatically increased access to knowledge. Students need to learn
how to process and analyze large amounts of information.
 Content knowledge from core subjects can only go so far; students need to be taught how to
apply facts and ideas towards complex problems.

1) Geographical Factors.

In this regard the education system cum school system is influenced by the geography of the
particular region. By and large the geography of a particular area dictates the type of building
and equipment, means and methods of transporting children to school, school going age of pupils
among others.
These are, climatic conditions, population distribution and land configuration. In regard to
climatic conditions they influence the system of education in terms of ,content of education
depend on the continental climate, for example, training of doctors in the tropics is likely to
emphasize more on tropical disease like malaria.

In hot climatic conditions especially experienced in arid and semi-arid areas, learning often takes
place during morning hours when it is cool. When it is hot in the afternoon very little learning
takes place due to excessive heat.

In regard to population distribution, which is often as a result of geographical influence also

affects the educational system. Generally worldwide, population is either concentrated in the
urban centers, or scattered in the country side.

2) Economic Factors.

From an economic perspective, expenditure on education refers to the amount or percentage of

national revenue spent on education by both individuals and the government. If the economic
condition is poor, education becomes backward in many aspects while if the economy of a
country is strong, then educational aims and the curriculum are given a special direction for
making the country prosperous.
Another economic influence on education is that, the poor in communities tend to be content
with minimum education for their children, and the richer classes are known to be able to keep
their children longest at school because they can afford to meet the costs.

In this regard, the growth of the capacities of individual citizens and national

3) The Social and Cultural Factor.

The aim of education to ensure cultural continuity through fostering the growth and development
of national characteristics that often act as stabilizing forces.

In its simplest definition a culture of a society is the total way of life of the society. Every
society consist of human beings and in whatever state they find themselves they always have
some kind of educational system. This form of education of the society will always strive to
perpetuate and protect its traditions and aspirations.

4) The Historical Factor.

Each country of the world has its own history that shapes the nations aims, aspirations, activities
and destiny. This is often reflected through the educational system. Colonialism has been an
important historical factor that can be said to have shaped the education system of many African
countries and others in the world.

This latter meant that; the colonies had to take up much of what was in their colonial masters
homeland and to date features in education of these former colonial master are reflected in their
former colonies.

The missionary factor also contributed a great deal in shaping the systems of education in most
African countries. Christian missionaries in particular from Britain, France, Holland, Germany,
Switzerland, and USA among others, have largely influenced the development of the education
system in Africa

5. Political Factor

The political philosophy which controls the government of a country often has its inevitable
impact on education.
1)The political factor dictates the kind of administration the system of education will have.
2) They also underlie the features in education system and the functioning of the same.
There is also a close relationship between the national character and the

6) Language Factor

Many languages may be spoken in a country, but only one enjoys the status of a national
language. In every country the national language occupies a special place. Also every
government tries to ensure that every one acquires the capacity to express himself through the
national language. Without one's own national language, no country can be said to be strong.

7) Religious Factor

Religious loyalties also dictate aims, content and even methods of instruction in education.
Indeed, religion and beliefs have also been known to influence and shape aspects in education

In Africa, European Christian Missionaries did influence and continue to influence the education
system. The initiative taken by the Christian churches to extend education and their power to
control development often explains many of the common elements which can be discerned in
education systems in countries that were colonized by the Europeans. For examples schools days
are from Monday to Friday and resting days are Saturday and Sunday. This is more so because
some people have their worship days as Saturday and others on Sunday.

Religious organizations have also been and are still involved in educational development through
building of educational institutions. For example, the catholic Jesuits succeeded in building up
some of the greatest systems of secondary and higher education institution known in history.
There is currently a catholic university establish in Kenya besides many catholic sponsored
primary and secondary schools. The Muslim faithful also have their own establish institutions of
learning as well as other religious groups such as the Hindus, Buddhists.

In Africa, the present systems of education have been influenced by the work which was initiated
by European Christian missionaries who included Catholics, Protestant and Muslim. All these
have influenced features in the education system in the areas, they occupied. Most current is that
the primary and secondary curriculums have religious subjects being taught in schools in Kenya.

8) Technological Factors

Technological changes cannot also be ignored in education. Technology and especially modern
technology also influence the education system of the country. Historically, emphasis on
industrial and technical education followed the industrial revolution. Technology affects the type
of education as well as the means of instruction.

With the emergence of computer technology, internet technology, this has revolutionalised the
whole education system especially in the developed countries. Through information
communication technology, home learning has been made possible. Universities are also
adopting projects like AUV and e-learning. Today the influence of technology in education
cannot be ignored. Indeed the challenge is for the educational administrators and policy makers
to see to it that the right infrastructure is in place in order to allow the use of information
communication technology fully and be able to reap its maximum benefits in the education
system especially in the developing world.


Actually, school funding consists of several income resources – national, county, and CDF. Most
come as grants from the national government . When the economy is bad bad, the educational
system will also be affected.

2)Curriculum Design

political power over content, goals, learning experiences and evaluation strategies is enormous.
Curricular materials are often used as a tool to shape a certain image and philosophy in the kid's
mind: it is done so students will later be able to find their place in society and bring profit to the

National goals of education are often derived from the values and peinciples enshrined in the
countrys constitution

3)government policy,
4)political stability or instability,
6)foreign policy,
7)tax policy,
8)labor law,
9)health and safety regulations.

Education reforms in Kenya

1)Education access-compulsory education, 100% transition to secondary
2)Inclusion of those from marginalized groups and those with disabilities,
4)change in the education system from 844 to CBC
5) Teacher management-delocalization of teachers
6)Digitalization of learning- increasing the use of ICT in education
7) School management-from Board Of Governors and School Managemen Ccommitees to
Board of Management (BOM)

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