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Title: Happiness Among Food Delivery Riders


Food delivery means the delivery of the local culinary or food product to a customer and the
pickup of one or more local culinary products from a local merchant (Law Insider, n.d.).
Historically food delivery services have been part of human life and have been traced by
historians to be found all the way back to ancient Rome. It had gone through multiple evolution
and even became part of a culture like the Indian Dabbawalas meal delivery system before food
delivery became what we know of it today (UNDERSCORE_, n.d.). In the past few years, food
delivery has become a hot topic especially during the COVID-19 pandemic that restricts people
from eating out and enjoying the food that they enjoy.

Then, comes the food delivery services that bring light to the dark situation as it not only solves
the problem of people getting food but it also becomes a solution to the rising unemployment
problem. As demand for food delivery services skyrocketed so is the demand for food delivery
riders. This in turn opens a new work path to society regardless of their background. With just a
smartphone in hand and vehicle for delivery people can register as a new food delivery driver in
just a few simple steps. Nowadays food delivery drivers can choose to do their job part-time or
full time as the job working hour is very flexible.

Food delivery riders are the people who registered under a food delivery service like FoodPanda
or Grab Food that is paid by the food delivery services and is responsible to deliver food from
restaurant to customer (Career Insights, n.d.). During the COVID-19 pandemic they are seen as a
hero and a frontliners to society as they play a crucial role in our modern lives, connecting us to
our culinary desires and ensuring we have access to convenient and timely food delivery
services. Food delivery riders experience happiness when they feel a sense of purpose,
autonomy, and control over their work. They derive satisfaction from helping others, completing
tasks efficiently, and achieving their earning goals. Positive interactions with customers,
colleagues, and platform representatives can also contribute to their happiness.

However, they are also human and can’t always be happy and unfortunately their happiness and
overall well-being often go unnoticed and overlooked. Understanding the happiness of food
delivery riders is not just about making them feel better; it's about creating a more positive and
fulfilling work experience for them, which in turn benefits us as customers, the food delivery
industry, and society.

Here are some reasons why studying the happiness of food delivery riders is important:

1. Happy riders = happy customers: When food delivery riders are happy and content
with their work, they're more likely to provide excellent customer service. This translates
into a more positive customer experience, making us happier as we enjoy our meals.

2. A thriving industry: The food delivery industry relies heavily on its workforce of
riders especially for small restaurant owners to advertise their business and generate
traffic to their store. By ensuring their happiness and well-being, we can contribute to the
industry's growth and sustainability.

3. A positive impact on society: Happy and satisfied food delivery riders are more
likely to contribute positively to their communities and families. By understanding their
happiness, we can identify ways to support their overall well-being and contribute to a
more harmonious and thriving society.

Promoting happiness among food delivery riders requires a multifaceted approach that addresses
both their work environment and personal well-being. Implementing policies that ensure fair pay,
safe working conditions, and opportunities for feedback can enhance their work satisfaction.
Additionally, providing access to mental health resources, promoting physical activity, and
fostering a sense of community among riders can further contribute to their overall happiness. In
essence, studying the happiness of food delivery riders is an investment in their well-being, our
satisfaction as customers, the sustainability of the food delivery industry, and a more positive

1. To find out the level of happiness among food delivery rider with their work.
2. To find out factors affecting the happiness of food delivery rider in their work
3. To find out when is the time food delivery rider happiness are most affected.
4. To find out the demographic and characteristics of the delivery rider whose happiness are
most effected by their work.
5. To find out how food delivery rider cope with challenges and factors affecting their

Interview questions

Demographic Questions


2.How old are you?

3.Where is your birthplace?

4.Where do you live now?

5.What is your hobby?

6}Are you single or married?

7)What is your job ?

7)How many children are you?

8)What are your academic achievements?

Objective Based Questions

Objective 1:

1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your overall experience as a food
delivery rider?

2. What aspects of your job do you find most rewarding and fulfilling?

3. What aspects of your job do you find most challenging or frustrating?

4. How would you rate your overall happiness with your job as a food delivery rider
compared to other jobs you have held?

Objective 2:

1. How do your working hours and schedule impact your overall happiness and

2. How do your interactions with customers, both positive and negative, affect your
mood and satisfaction with the job?

3. What role does compensation and financial rewards play in your overall
happiness as a food delivery rider?

4. Does having insurance provided by the delivery company makes you feel safer
and secure?

Objective 3:

1. Are there specific times of day or days of the week when you feel more stressed
or dissatisfied with your job?
2. How do unexpected delays or challenges during deliveries affect your mood and
overall happiness?

3. How do you manage your stress levels during peak hours or when dealing with
demanding customers?

4. How do you manage your expectations and deal with disappointments or setbacks that
may arise during deliveries like customer canceling order?

Objective 4:

1. Do you think there is a difference in happiness levels among food delivery riders
of different age groups or experience levels?

2. Do you think personal factors such as family responsibilities, financial

constraints, or personal goals influence a rider's happiness with the job?

3. How does the work-life balance or the ability to juggle other commitments affect
a rider's overall satisfaction with the job?

4. How do the rider's financial needs, income expectations, and reliance on tips
impact their happiness and motivation with the job?

5. Is there a relationship between the type of work schedule or delivery area and the
overall happiness levels of food delivery riders?

Objective 5:

1. What drives you to keep on going doing you job even when you happiness level is
at its lowest?
2. What strategies or coping mechanisms do you use to deal with stress and maintain
a positive mindset during challenging deliveries?

3. Have you found any support systems or resources, such as peer support groups or
company-provided training, that help you manage your happiness and well-being as a
food delivery rider?

4. What steps do you take to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent
burnout as a food delivery rider?

5. What advice would you give to new food delivery riders on how to maintain their
happiness and motivation in the face of the job's challenges?


Law Insider. (n.d.). Food Delivery Services definition. Retrieved November 22, 2023,

UNDERSCORE_. (n.d.). The History & Evolution Of Food Delivery. Retrieved

November 22, 2023, from

Career Insight. (n.d.). CAREER DEVELOPMENT What Does a Food Delivery Drivers
Do?. Retrieved November 22, 2023, from

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