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Q:1) Last month my family and I . . . . .

to the zoo to see elephant

A:) Went
B:) Go
C:) Gone
D:) Going
Kunci: A
Q:2) The negative form of “ Sinta wrotte letter for her causine last week.
A:) Sinta was writte letter for her causine last week
B:) Sinta didn’t writte letter for her causin last week
C:) Sinta were writte letter for her causine last week
D:) Sinta didn’t wrotte letter for her causin last week
Kunci: B
Q:3) The introgative form of sentence number 2...........
A:) Wrotte Sinta letter for her causine last week
B:) Did Sinta wrotte latter for her causine last week
C:) Did Sinta writte letter for her causine last week
D:) Was Sinta writte letter for her causine last week
Kunci: C
Q:4) My sister and I . . . . in bali last month
A:) Was
B:) Did
C:) Were
D:) Have
Kunci: C
Q:5) Once upon a time, lived a girl named cinderella. She lived with her step mother and step sister
Her step mother and step sister treated her badly. One day a prince of kingdominvited all girls to the ball.
Cinderella wanted to go there but she didn’t have beautiful dress.”oh god, I don’t have dress”
Adverb of time based on the text above .......
A:) Lived
B:) Once upon a time
C:) wanted
D:) Visited
Kunci: B
Q:6) She lived with her step mother and step sister” the underline pronoun refers to...
A:) Cinderella
B:) Step sister
C:) Step mother
D:) A prince
Kunci: A
Q:7) Direct spech Based on the text is....
A:) “oh god, I don’t have dress”
B:) lived a girl named cinderella
C:) Her step mother and step sister treated her badly
D:) She didn’t have beautiful dress
Kunci: A
Q:8) Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because
her parents were dead. One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the
castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow
Question : Why did Snow White live with her uncle?
A:) She heard her uncle and aunt talking
B:) Because her parent don’t like her
C:) because her parents were poor
D:) Because her parents were death
Kunci: D
Q:9) What the type of narrative above?
A:) Legend
B:) Fairy tale
C:) Fabe
D:) Folktale
Kunci: B
Q:10) Last holiday my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Morison Hotel which is not a long way
from Malioboro. On Friday, we went to the sanctuaries in Prambanan.

There are three significant sanctuaries, the Brahmana, Siwa, and Wisnu. They are truly stunning. We
went by just Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries, on the grounds that Wisnu sanctuary is being remodeled.
On Saturday morning we went to Yogya Kraton.
We spent around two hours there. We were fortunate on the grounds that a brilliant and amicable aide
drove us. At that point, we proceeded with our adventure to Borobudur. We touched base there at four
p.m. At 6 p.m. we heard the declaration that the Borobudur entryway would be closed. In the evening we
left Yogyakarta by bus.
QUESTION : The content above basically talks about ..
A:) The writer's experience at Yogya Kraton
B:) The writer's impression of the guide
C:) The writer's first visit to Prambanan
D:) The writer's trip to Yogyakarta.
Kunci: D
Q:11) The content is composed as an/an ...
A:) Report
B:) Recount
C:) Narrative
D:) Anecdote
Kunci: B
Q:12) What is the purpose of the text ...
A:) Tell past events
B:) Entertain readers
C:) Describe the smugglers
D:) Report an event to the police.
Kunci: A
Q:13) What else the big temples in Prambanan?
A:) Brahmana, syiwa, and wisnu temples
B:) Angkor wat, syiwa, and sudra temples
C:) Paria, brahmana, and temples
D:) Wisnu, syiwa, and borobudur temples
Kunci: A
Q:14) When did they go home?
A:) On Saturday morning
B:) On Friday evening
C:) On Thursday evening
D:) On Saturday evening
Kunci: D
Q:15) Why did they visit Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries?.
A:) Because there was no wisnu temple.
B:) Because wisnu temple was amazing
C:) Because wisnu temple was too small.
D:) Because wisnu temple was being repaired.
Kunci: D
Q:16) Suitable adverb to completed sentence “Leonardo registered himself for an online game competition” . . . .
A:) Next week
B:) Tomorrow
C:) Yesterday
D:) Today
Kunci: C
Q:17) My brother broke his leg after he fell from a motorcycle three days . . . .
A:) Later
B:) More
C:) Ago
D:) Last
Kunci: C
Q:18) . . . . . Tuesday I saw Enid hunt a rabbit in the woods.
A:) Later
B:) More
C:) Ago
D:) Last
Kunci: D
Q:19) Tari . . . . to the bank two hours ago she said she wanted to save her money.
A:) Go
B:) Went
C:) Gone
D:) Goes
Kunci: B
Q:20) He . . . . the paper into two parts ten minutes ago.
A:) Cuted
B:) Cutted
C:) Cuts
D:) Cut
Kunci: D
Q:21) What kind of expression is this: “Attention please?”
A:) giving attention
B:) asking for attention
C:) giving prohibition
D:) giving suggestion
Kunci: B
Q:22) These are ‘asking for attention’ expression, except:
A:) Attention please?
B:) Hello?
C:) I suggest you to …
D:) Are you ready to study
Kunci: C
Q:23) Mr. Budi : . . . . Are we all ready to learn English?
Students : Yes, Ma’am
A:) Do you understand
B:) I think so
C:) What do you think
D:) Attention, please
Kunci: D
Q:24) Rani wants to borrow rudi’s pen, what have to say?
A:) Can I borrow your money please
B:) May I borrow you pen please
C:) May I get out please
D:) Can you help me please.
Kunci: B
Q:25) The Ant and The Dove
An ant went to the river to get a drink. The water rushed along so fast that he washed off the bank into the
river. The ant cried for help but his voice was so tiny so it could not be herd clearly.

A dove was sitting on the tree that overhung the water. The dove saw the ant struggling, and quickly
nipped off a leaf and let it fall into the water. The ant climbed up upon the leaf and floated down the river
until the leaf was washed upon the bank of stream.

The ant call out in his tiny voice, "thank you kind dove, you have saved my life." but of course the dove
could not hear him.
Several days after this, the dove was again sitting on a tree,. A hunter crept carefully on the tree. His gun
was pointed at the dove and when he was about to shoot the dove, his leg was bitten by an ant.

The hunter cried out with pain and dropped his gun. This frightened the dove and she flew away.
"Thank you kind ant", said the dove. The ant heard and he was glad
QUESTION : What did the dove do when she saw an ant almost drowning?
A:) She struggled to free the ant.
B:) She nipped off a leaf for the ant to climb upon
C:) She rushed along the river to help.
D:) She sat and watched the ant to save his life
Kunci: B
Q:26) ... but his voice was so tiny that it could not be heard clearly
The word 'it' in that sentence referes to?
A:) The ant’s cry
B:) The rough river
C:) The floating leaf
D:) The rushed wate
Kunci: A
Q:27) What can we learn from the story above?
A:) A friend in need is a friend indeed
B:) The higher you are the more you need others
C:) The good man will not need other people help
D:) The weaker the creature the brave it will be
Kunci: A
Q:28) From the story above we know that....
A:) The dove was killed by the hunter
B:) The ant saved his own life from the danger
C:) The ant and the dove helped each other
D:) The hunter want to kill both creatures
Kunci: C
Q:29) The type of narrative text above is.....
A:) Folktale
B:) Legend
C:) Fabel
D:) Fairy tales
Kunci: C
Q:30) Direct speech based on the story .........
A:) "Thank you kind dove, you have saved my life."
B:) The water rushed along so fast
C:) The dove was again sitting on a tree
D:) A hunter crept carefully on the tree
Kunci: A
Q:31) Mr. Angga _____________Mr. Joe in the afternoon.
A:) Meet
B:) Have meet
C:) Has meet
D:) Met
Kunci: C
Q:32) Ignored 2. last day 3. She 4. my call
A:) 2-1-3-4
B:) 4-1-2-1
C:) 3-1-2-4
D:) 3-1-4-2
Kunci: D
Q:33) The boy __________ tell lies
A:) Did not
B:) Do not
C:) Does not
D:) Had not
Kunci: A
Q:34) At 2. yesterday 3. they 4. the 5. lunch 6. had 7. Restaurant
A:) 4–3–5–6–1–2–7
B:) 4–5–6–1–2–3–4
C:) 3–6–5–1–4–7–2
D:) 3–6–5–7–1–4–2
Kunci: C
Q:35) Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago
A:) Cooking
B:) Cooked
C:) Cooks
D:) Cook
Kunci: B
Q:36) The introgative form of “They did not go to the cinema”
A:) Did they go to the cinema?
B:) Do they go to the cinema?
C:) Are they go to the cinema?
D:) They go to the cinema?
Kunci: A
Q:37) The type of sentence above is. . . . . .
A:) Verbal Past
B:) Verbal perfect
C:) Nominal past
D:) Verbal present
Kunci: A
Q:38) The correct nominal past sentence bellow.....
A:) They have eaten
B:) He is playing football
C:) He played football
D:) He was a football player in 1998.
Kunci: D
Q:39) Last month, I went to a traditional market to buy some daily needs. As usual, I go there alone and bring a
shopping list.

After arriving at the market, I started searching for the things I needed one by one. While I was bargaining
the price of some fruits, I saw a crowded situation where there was a thief beaten by a lot of people. It
was so terrible. I didn't want to see the condition get worse so I called the police. A few minutes later,
police came and calmed down the situation. Asking the fruit seller, I knew that the thief tried to steal
someone's wallet but someone saw him and shouted loudly. After that, suddenly many people roughed
him up.

It was a scary moment I experienced last week and I hoped that it would never happen again in the
QUESTION : The type of recount text above is.......
A:) Personal
B:) Factual
C:) Imaginative
D:) Biographical
Kunci: D
Q:40) What is the purpose of the text above
A:) To give information about how to do something
B:) To give information about an incident
C:) To give information about beautiful place
D:) To entertain the reader
Kunci: B
Q:41) Where the incident happened?
A:) On the beach
B:) On the bus
C:) On the street
D:) At the market
Kunci: D
Q:42) what incident happened in the story
A:) I searching for the things
B:) A thief beaten by a lot of people
C:) police came to the market
D:) went to a traditional market
Kunci: B
Q:43) who has been beaten by a lot of people
A:) A thief
B:) A police
C:) Trader
D:) Buyer
Kunci: A
Q:44) Advetrb of time in the story.....
A:) Again
B:) Came
C:) Last month
D:) Beaten
Kunci: C
Q:45) Once upon a time, lived a girl named cinderella. She lived with her step mother and step sister.

Her step mother and step sister treated her badly. One day a prince of kingdom invited all girls to the ball.
Cinderella wanted to go there but she didn’t have beautiful dress.”oh god, I don’t have dress”

A fairy godmother helped her. She changed her dress into beautiful ones.then Cinderella came to the
ball. A prince fell in love with her. They got merried znd lived happly ever after
QUESTION : the yellow mean is.....
A:) Adverb of time
B:) Adverb of place
C:) Adjective
D:) Action verb
Kunci: A
Q:46) The purple words is . . . . . .
A:) Player
B:) Member
C:) Specific character
D:) Sibling
Kunci: C
Q:47) The green sentence is.....
A:) Passive voice
B:) Antagonis voice
C:) Indirect speech
D:) Direct speech
Kunci: D
Q:48) A dove (48). . .. . . sitting on the tree that overhung the water. The dove (49)........ the ant struggling, and
quickly nipped off a leaf and let it fall into the water. The ant climbed up upon the leaf and floated down
the river until the leaf was washed upon the bank of stream.

QUESTIN : the suitable tobe .....

A:) Am
B:) Is
C:) Were
D:) Wasn
Kunci: D
Q:49) Suitable verb........
A:) Seen
B:) See
C:) Saw
D:) Look
Kunci: C
Q:50) quickly nipped off a leaf. Tyhe synonyms of the underline word is.....
A:) Bite
B:) Kick
C:) punch
D:) Throw
Kunci: A

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