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Profesorado de Inglés –

Didáctica Específica 1
Didactic Sequences
Prof. Elizabeth Iglesias
Narella Guerra

School: State School in Santa Fe city centre

Grade/Year: 4th year - 16 students
Schedule: -

Theme: Climate change, protect the environment.

In groups of 3 or 4, students are expected to create a podcast and/or instagram stories to
introduce in their schools pollution-preventing activities. They are asked to describe the activities
that can help to reduce pollution and how they can be applied in their cities avoiding prejudices
regarding social background or social class.

By the end of the unit students will be able to …
● Listen and read texts and elicit specific information.
● Comprehend descriptive and narrative texts, even though they do not know all the words.
● Solve comprehension difficulties during readings.
● Use modals of prohibition and possibility.
● Make short guidelines using modal verbs.
● Express their opinion about the topic.
● Infer vocabulary from visual aid.
● Exchange in the target language about pollution.
● Apply the learned verbal tenses in speaking activities and discussions.
● Engage in collaborative discussions and express their ideas and opinions on pollution and
waste management.
● Analyze critically their own practices related to pollution and their views of others.
● Analyze their own personal opinion regarding other countries and their environmental
● Create content avoiding prejudices or stereotypes related to different social backgrounds


a. Comprehension Practices – Listening:

● Retrieve previous vocabulary about pollution

● Eliciting new vocabulary
● Listening for details
● One-way and two-way listening
● Use visual support to contextualize what they listen to.
● Explain vocabulary about pollution

b. Comprehension Practices – Reading:

● Anticipations about the text (or text’s topic)

● Identifying specific information

● Vocabulary related to the topic of pollution

● Reading for main ideas

c. Production Practices – Speaking:

● Activation of previous knowledge related to verbal tenses (present simple, continuous and
modal verbs).
● Producing specific vocabulary to express their own ideas about the topic accurately.
● Engaging in discussions based on visual elements.
● Developing critical thinking, problem solving and collaborative communication skills with
● Engaging in collaborative discussions and exchanging ideas with classmates.
● Cope with language-oriented tasks.
● Practicing for the final task.

d. Production Practices – Writing:

● Reading to write
● Planning writing for particular purposes
● Adapt ideas and previous knowledge to a specific format
● Implementing the use of peer feedback and self-assessment.

● Knowledge
● Skills of interpreting and relating
● Critical analysis
● Critical cultural awareness

f. Language Analysis
● Identify modal verbs in context
● Practice using modal verbs and vocabulary related to pollution


There are sixteen students and there is an atmosphere of fellowship and good vibes within them.
Most students seem to show interest and participation in the proposed activities, although some
require additional support to express themselves in English. They enjoy activities which allow them
to express their creativity and personal knowledge, either individually or in interaction with other

SEQUENCE 1 | Comprehension Practices – Listening

Activity 1: Pre-Listening.
The teacher shares the next image related to water pollution and asks the students to infer what the
next topic will be about, making a brainstorming of words related to pollution that she will write on
the board. The aim of this activity is to make a warm up activity that retrieves students’ previous
knowledge about pollution and allows the teacher to provide some basic input about the topic as well

as creating an interactive listening practice.

Student’s task: What is this image about? Brainstorm your ideas.

Activity 2:
In this activity, students will first watch a video about water pollution. After that, students have to
work in two groups, each group will read the same text with some missing words, but the missing
words will be different between groups (Text A and B). Students have to fill the gaps in the text
using the video as a helpful resource, they can also ask the teacher for help. Once each group has
completed their version of the text, they will read aloud the answers with the rest of the class.
This allows for cross-validation and peer learning, as students from other groups can check their
answers with the responses provided by their peers. The task requires students to analyze the
context, understand the meaning of the text and search for specific information in the video to
complete it. By engaging in this task, students actively participate in language production and
listening comprehension, promoting the learning and development of the L2.

Student’s task:
a. Work in groups. Watch the following video Water pollution | Water Contamination | Video
for kids (Youtube link:
b. Complete the blanks of the following text. Then, check your answers with your classmates.

Activity 3:

The teacher gives one sheet of paper to each group in which students can write the different
steps to control pollution. This sheet of paper also includes some basic questions to pre teach
students that may help with the discussion of the topic.
Students are asked to watch the video about water pollution, make notes to complete the list
of steps to stop pollution and, finally, discuss their answers with their peers.
The aim of this activity is that students elicit specific information and vocabulary to prevent
pollution, using prior knowledge, as well as listening to the view of his/her partner and
exchange about the topic in the target language.

Student’s task:
a- Work in pairs: Watch again the video from minute 1:54 up to 2:20 and complete the

Student’s Worksheet:


Activity 1:
The main aim of this activity is to create awareness about prejudices related to pollution and
foster scientific-based knowledge regarding environmental issues. Therefore the teacher will
try to elicit from students ideas from common sense about which countries/societies they
believe to be “the major polluters” in the world and which are believed to be “eco-friendly”
The teacher will write on the board a guessing activity “Top 3 Major polluters” to ask students
about a top 3 of countries who produce the major waste in the world according to their
personal opinions. The teacher can write the ones most mentioned by the students.
After that, she will do the same with the top 3 countries that are believed to be “eco-friendly”

After they make their guessings about the top 3 polluters and eco-friendly countries the
students will watch two videos about this topic to contrast with their opinions as a way to
reveal the stereotypes behind their first guessings.

Video n° 1:

Video n°2:

After they watch these videos the teacher will propose a group debate (the students can switch to
Spanish if it´s needed) where students will exchange ideas about 3 main points:
Work in groups (3-4) and answer:

1_ Which country you did not imagine as a polluter, and why?

2_ Which country you did not imagine as eco-friendly, and why?
3_ In a Latin American ranking of polluters where will Argentina be placed?

The main aim of these questions is to elicit some prejudices related to “clean” or “dirty” countries
and to compare them with their views of their own country and its environmental practices as a
way to foster the skill of evaluating critically their own perspective about the topic.

Activity 2:
The main aim of this activity is to foster critical cultural awareness related to pollution and to
enable students to make a reflection on their own environmental practices, focusing on their own
values about practices related to Argentinian national identity.
The teacher will write on the board an activity to introduce cultural awareness related to pollution
in Argentina, asking students their own views about which Argentinian traditions aren´t eco-
friendly and then she will ask students to compare their ideas with an article given by her, if
necessary the exchange can be in spanish as well as the writing.

Discuss in pairs: Which Argentinian traditions do you think aren´t eco-friendly?

Write down 2 examples of these traditions:
Now, read the text and then share with the class the main ideas

After the reading the teacher will propose the class to discuss the students first examples and the
ones provided by the text, first she will write 2 or 3 of the students examples in the board and then
will elicit from students the examples provided in the text so as to foster critical thinking and
cultural awareness about these naturalized activities that cause environmental problems.

Activity 3:
The aim of this activity is to introduce some images that students will match with the name of
a country so as to enable the ability to decenter their own beliefs about ecofriendy or
polutters countries and create awareness about how some material even images may
contain stereotypes when they ascrib certain positive or negative practices to a specific
This activity will serve as a basis for the final task since enables students to interpret the
content they may use in their instagram post or podcast from another cultural perspective.

The teacher will ask students to work in groups of 3-4, then she will give each group a copy
with the task. At the end of the activity the teacher will ask some students their guessings
and ask for further reasons about their choices. Finally, she will share the “correct” answer
and discuss with the class a definition of stereotype.

Work in groups: Match images 1-3 with the name of a country in a-c. Add one word related to
pollution at the foot of the image:


This is a chain of favors. …………………………


Nuclear power plant. ………………………….


“Green Isles”...................................

“A stereotype is a generalized belief about a particular category of people”

SEQUENCE 2 | Comprehension Practices – Reading

Activity 1: Pre-reading.

The teacher will give a copy of a word search puzzle to each student. They have to find hidden
words about environmental issues and sustainability, to reinforce vocabulary they saw before. They
can work in pairs if they want to. The aim of this activity is to familiarize students with key
vocabulary words in a fun and interactive way. By doing this activity, students reinforce their
understanding of the vocabulary and prepare them for the upcoming reading on environmental

Student’s task:

Reading Activity 2:
The teacher introduces the text “Reducing pollution of every kind” and describes the task to the
students showing the chart they have to complete.

The aim of this activity is to provide new vocabulary about the topic and assess comprehension.
The teacher can also monitor the reading by asking questions to assess how well the students are
understanding and engaging with the text. The teacher will make a stop during the reading, at least
halfway through the text, and provide advice or strategies to help the students complete the task

Student´s task:
Read the following text and complete the chart:

Activity 3:

The teacher gives instructions about the correct use of the dictionary and retrieves contents
related to parts of speech, such as verbs. Students are asked to re-read the text and search the
meaning of the verbs that are underlined (related to actions that help to prevent pollution) in a
bilingual dictionary.
The main objective of this activity is to clarify essential meanings about the topic which will serve
as a basis for understanding and in the creative and planning process of the final task.
Students can also acknowledge through comparison and contrast the meaning each of them

Student’s task:
Work in pairs: Search on the dictionary the meaning of this verbs:
Compare with your partners.

Verb Meaning




Dispose off








Turning off


Switching to

Activity 4:
The teacher introduces the task to the students, explaining the objective in a simple way.
The aim of this activity is that students monitor their own understanding about the reading and
that they rehearse speaking about the content of the text to clarify and summarize the general
meaning through reciprocal teaching. At the end of the task the teacher gives feedback about the
student's assessment.

Student’s Task:

SEQUENCE 3 | Production Practices - Speaking

Activity 1: Pre-speaking
Language Analysis

The main aim of this activity is to enable the process of noticing in students to make them aware of
the uses of modal verbs that express possibility. The teacher will share with students a short video
with restricted input, related to modals and the topic pollution in which the short sentences where
modals are used are included in the video as text, to provide visual support and improve input
After watching the video, the teacher will ask students to form groups of two to make their
hypothesis on how possibility is expressed and write two examples of the grammatical structures
used in the tips, to promote a discovery-oriented analysis of the structure. After 5-8 minutes of
exchange between students, the teacher will ask the whole class in L1 which verbs are used to
express possibility in the video and write on the board the structures to clarify.

1.Watch this video:

3 tips to prevent pollution:
One of the most critical problems that our world is facing each day is pollution.
Here we provide three examples to prevent pollution in the world:
1. We can consume less power and help to reduce the amount of toxic fumes produced by power plants.
2. We can Reduce, Reuse and Recycle our waste.
3. If your destination is near, you might try to walk, bike, or use public transportation.

2.In groups of 2 discuss: How is “possibility” express in the video?

Write down two examples to share with the class.

After they share their examples, the teacher will provide a set of images so that students can make
their hypothesis, by comparing and contrasting, about the meaning of different modal verbs.
After 10 minutes, they will answer orally to this activity in L1 to make sure they understand the
correct meaning.
The teacher will write in the board the sentences below each image, after that she will ask some
groups about their hypothesis and write the meaning of each modal below in English.

3.With your group look at the following images and answer in Spanish: Then share with the class
a_In the frts Image the meaning of the word in bold is a prohibition or suggestion?
b_And in the second image?
c_ In picture 2 and 3 is the meaning similar? why (not)?

The aim of following activity is to enable a guided practice of the modal verbs they recognized in the
previous activity. The images will resemble the previous one so as to facilitate the use of the
grammatical verb form. In this activity the students will work individually.
As a second step the teacher will write on the board another task to “choose the correct option” of the
verb form. Students will answer the task b. with another student.
The teacher will ask the whole class the answer to check, If the students get a wrong meaning she can
switch to Spanish to correct and explain.
4.a_Individually complete the following sentences with a modal verb from activity 3.

4. b_Now compare your answers with a partner and answer:

Modals are followed by:

1_ A verb in infinitive
2_A verb +ing

c_Share with the class.

After that the teacher will provide a chart to practice using the modal verbs previously discovered, by
role-playing in groups of two students. The aim of this activity is to practice the grammar form from
the previous input in a meaningful context, so the teacher will ask students to suggest to his/her
classmate in the group ways to avoid pollution using the vocabulary in the reading Activity 3. The
teacher will monitor each group production to ensure that students produce the correct verb form
and vocabulary and to provide clarification when needed.
Read the chart and think 3 suggestions to make to your partner to prevent pollution in his/her
dayly life (Use the verbs from the reading activity)

Beging with modal+ verb infinite Suggestion

You should + recycle water bottles

Maybe you can +

You Musntn´t +

You should +

After this activity, the teacher will combine with the previous inductive activity a deductive
activity to reinforce the target grammatical structures, clarify their meaning using L1, and expand
the grammatical forms of modal verbs and verbal tenses in order to achieve the following activities
and allow students to make choices regarding context.

The teacher will explain to the students how they are going to work (first in pairs, and then in small
groups). First, she will write on the board (and briefly explain) the verbal tense and modals that
students must use in the following activities. The activity works as a refresher or review of the verbal
tenses and modals, ensuring that students clearly understand before engaging in the subsequent
activities. The explanations of the usage of tenses are in Spanish so the students can understand it

Activity 2: Speaking in pairs.

The teacher will give a picture of a timetable illustrating the daily trash disposal process. In pairs, the
students will engage in a discussion based on the picture and answer orally the provided questions.
They can refer to the tenses displayed on the board as a guide, and they may also use the vocabulary
provided or bilingual dictionaries for assistance.
The aim of this activity is to start producing the language accurately, including the forms displayed
on the board, to express their ideas and opinions about waste separation. They also enhance their
understanding of waste management and the importance of proper trash disposal.

Student’s Worksheet:

a. Analyze the picture.


b. In pairs, discuss these questions:

● Did you know about this timetable? No, I didn't… /
Yes, I did…
● Did you or your family follow this timetable? Yes,
they do… / No, they don’t…
● Did you separate the waste? If the answer is yes,
how did you do it? If the answer is no, why? I do… I
separate the waste in…. / I don’t… because…
● How many categories or types of waste appear in the
timetable? In the timetable, there are…

Activity 3: Work in groups.

The teacher will now introduce the final activity. Students will form groups consisting of 4 or
5 members. Each group will receive an image depicting a polluted place in our city. Working
together, students will engage in a discussion to brainstorm and come up with potential
solutions to address the contamination in the given location. They are encouraged to use
bilingual dictionaries to assist them in their discussions. Additionally, the teacher will
actively monitor the students' progress by spending time with each group, attentively
listening and offering assistance whenever necessary.
The objective is for each group to generate a minimum of three solutions. Finally, the groups
will share their solutions with the rest of the class, promoting collaboration and exchanging

ideas for a cleaner and healthier environment.

The aim of this activity is to develop students' critical thinking skills, problem-solving
abilities, and collaborative communication skills as well as working on language-oriented
tasks related with meaning. Through this activity, students will develop their ability to
express their own ideas, opinions, and solutions regarding pollution and its impact in our
The activity not only promotes teamwork and class-wide discussions on pollution and its
potential remedies, but it also helps students to generate authentic ideas and gather
information that can be utilized in their final task.

Student’s worksheet:

In groups of 4 or 5 students…
a. Look at the pictures and talk with your group. What's the problem shown in the
b. Look now at the words below the picture, read them aloud and discuss the
definitions with your partners.
c. Think together with your group and come up with at least three ideas or solutions to
solve the pollution problem in your city. Be creative and think about practical ways
to solve it. Once you have your ideas, three members have to share them orally with
the rest of the class.

✅You can use bilingual dictionaries and ask the teacher for help if you need it.
Take your time to think and contribute to the group discussion.

TIP: You can start saying your ideas using modal verbs such as:

The first solution can be…

The second solution could be…

Another solution might be…

Group A

Pollution - Contamination - Toxic - Industrial Waste - Sewage - Chemicals -Oil Spill -

Microplastics - Waterborne Diseases - Heavy Metals - Pesticides - Aquatic Ecosystem
- Water Quality - Conservation.

Group B

Incineration - Waste burning - Air pollution - Toxic fumes - Smoke - Particulate

matter - Ash - Carbon monoxide - Dioxins - Respiratory problems - Environmental
impact - Smog - Odor -Combustion

Group C

Rubbish - Waste - Disposable items - Plastic bottles - Food wrappers - Cigarette butts
- Paper scraps - Empty cans - Discarded packaging - Polluted - Cleanliness -
Bin/Trash can - Recycling - Environmental impact - Park maintenance

SEQUENCE 4 | Production Practices - Writing

Pre- writing activity:

The teacher will share with the students some steps to create a podcast and instagram stories to
exchange about discourse and the structure of the podcast, together with a chart that will help
them to organize the structure of the script. The teacher will ask the students to use the 3 ideas
they created to solve pollution in their previous task as a basis for the student's writing task and
adapt them to the format they choose. A collective correction will be displayed at the end of the
The aim of this activity is to give students the basis to structure their writing for the specific
purpose of the task taking into consideration vocabulary, discourse, and stylistic choices that are
needed to cope with a writing task. A collective correction will help to address with the whole class
the correct discourse and format for the task.

Student´s task:
Work with your group

Read these articles about podcasts and instagram stories. Follow the steps to build your podcast
about ways of preventing pollution. Use the vocabulary you learned about pollution.
Use your ideas from our previous activity as a base.
Be ready to share some of your ideas with the class.

Writing activity:

The teacher will explain a more detailed task for students to build their script: length, due date,
vocabulary expected, main objective, and the date and type of feedback they will receive. This task
will be a home activity in order to give students more time to work on ideas and previous
knowledge about the topic.
The aim of this activity is that students generate information regarding format and stylistics from
previous input about pollution prevention activities. This global aim will assess only content and
format from the student's first draft.

Student´s task:

With your group go back to your chart.

Use the ideas you already adapt for a podcast/instagram story and build your first draft.
Remember that you are expected to give advice/solutions to prevent pollution in your city.
For your podcast write a script of 4 paragraphs you should include:

● introduction of the problem of pollution

● 1 paragraph for each solution (use the 3 ideas you have been working on)
For your IG stories write a short concise text following the 6 steps previously mentioned. Be creative!
You will hand in this first draft next class. You will be assessed about the format and vocabulary
about the topic.

If you need it, you can go back to the videos and texts worked in class to help you in your writing

Feedback activity:

After completing their initial writing draft, students are required to bring two copies of it to class.
(One for the teacher, and the other for the following activity)
During the class session, students will participate in a writing exchange activity. Group A will give
their draft copy to Group C, and in return, they will receive the draft copy from Group B, and Group
B will receive the draft copy from Group C. The teacher will provide each group with a worksheet
that contains specific questions related to their classmate's writing draft. Within their respective
groups, students are expected to read the assigned writing drafts and complete the worksheet based
on their thoughts and opinions about the drafts.
While the students are working on the activity, the teacher will read the draft copies of each group,
in preparation for providing an oral feedback to them during individual conferences.
The aim of this activity is to implement peer feedback. By exchanging their writing drafts and
engaging in the worksheet exercise, students have the opportunity to receive input from their peers.
This process encourages them to analyze and evaluate each other's work, promoting a deeper
understanding of writing techniques and styles.

Student’s Task:

a. In groups, exchange your writing draft copies. Read it with your group.
b. In the following worksheet, mark with ✅ or ❌ according to what you and your classmates think
about the writing.

c. After you finish the worksheet, give it to the group that you analyzed. In return, you will
receive a worksheet from another group that has analyzed your writing.
d. In your group, read the worksheet that your classmates have given you. Analyze and consider
any mistakes that may have been pointed out in your writing.

Sharing Feedback
Following this activity, the teacher will ask each group to share their thoughts on the writings they
have read. To ensure clear communication, students can express themselves in Spanish to avoid any
misunderstandings. They can ask questions, offer advice, provide tips, or make recommendations for
improving their classmates' writing. This open discussion allows for constructive feedback and
promotes further growth in writing skills.
After this, the teacher will call each group to give personal feedback on the writing drafts. She will
offer guidance, suggestions, and constructive criticism to help students improve their writing. The
teacher will address specific strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring that each group receives
personalized attention and support in their writing development. Additionally, students will have the
opportunity to ask the teacher any questions or seek clarification on any doubts they may have
during these individual conferences.
After the peer feedback and individual conferences, the teacher will conduct a mini-grammar lesson
to clarify any grammar mistakes and/or other errors that students have made in their writing drafts.
Providing relevant concepts and a better understanding for the next writing draft.

The aim of this part of the lesson is to foster peer feedback, individualized guidance, and grammar
improvement in students' writing tasks. By allowing students to share their thoughts, ask questions,
and offer advice on their classmates' writings, it promotes a collaborative learning environment and
encourages critical thinking skills. The personal feedback provided by the teacher during individual
conferences helps students understand their strengths and areas for improvement, allowing
guidance and support. Analyzing grammar mistakes and conducting a mini-grammar lesson
afterward aims to enhance students' understanding of grammar rules and improve their writing


After completing the previous activities, students will engage in a final task where they work in the
same groups. The objective of this task is to create a podcast and/or Instagram stories to present
pollution-preventing activities that can be implemented in their cities.
In the writing activity, students have already received instructions on how to create a podcast
and/or Instagram stories. They also have their written works that they have to use as a basis for
recording their audio or creating their stories. The instructions provided earlier guide them on the
format and content required for their podcast and/or Instagram stories. This task allows students
to apply their writing skills in a multimedia context and present their pollution-preventing
activities in an engaging and impactful way.
The aim of this final task is to consolidate and apply the knowledge and skills that students have
acquired throughout the previous lessons on the theme of pollution. By engaging in comprehension
activities such as reading and listening, as well as production activities such as speaking and
writing, students have built a solid understanding of the topic. This final activity allows them to
synthesize their knowledge and showcase their understanding by creating a podcast and/or
Instagram stories.
By integrating various language skills and providing a real-world context, this final task aims to
foster students' linguistic proficiency, their ability to work collaboratively in groups, and their
understanding of the importance of taking action to protect the environment.

Student’s Final Task:

Creating a Podcast and/or Instagram Stories on Pollution-Preventing Activities

In groups, create a podcast and/or Instagram stories that highlight pollution-preventing activities
you already have been working for your cities. Following these steps:

a. Take a moment to review the script you have already created for the podcast or the concise
texts for the Instagram stories. Keep in mind the following points:

In your podcast/instagram stories you have to include...

-An introduction addressing the problem of pollution.
-One paragraph to each pollution-preventing activity.

b. Enhance your podcast or Instagram stories with engaging and visually appealing elements.
c. Review and revise your work as a group, ensuring clarity and effectiveness.

For the podcast:

● Find a quiet location to record your podcast to minimize background noise.

● Use a smartphone or other recording device with a good quality microphone.
● Speak clearly and with enthusiasm to engage your listeners.
● Practice your script beforehand to ensure a smooth and confident delivery.
● Consider adding background music or sound effects to enhance the podcast.

📱For the Instagram stories:

● Utilize the story features on Instagram, such as text, stickers, and filters, to make your stories
visually appealing.
● Incorporate images, videos, or graphics that are relevant to your pollution-preventing
● Use captions or brief text descriptions to convey key points or messages effectively.
● Ensure that your stories have a consistent and cohesive visual theme.

Regardless of the format…

● Pay attention to the overall structure and flow of your content to make it engaging and easy
to follow.
● Practice your delivery and make necessary revisions to improve clarity and impact.
● Aim for a balance between information and creativity to keep your audience interested.
● Seek feedback from your group members or classmates to further improve your podcast
and/or Instagram stories.

Prepare to present your podcasts and/or showcase your Instagram stories in class!

Deadline: March 1st.


Celce Murcia, M., Brinton, D. and Snow, M. A. 2014. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign
Language. National Geographic Learning.
Sword, R. 2021. Metacognition in the classroom.
Kumaravadivelu, 2008. Understanding Language Teaching. From Method to Postmethod
NAP Lenguas Extranjeras, Educación Primaria y Secundaria
Teaching English in Santa Fe - Blog
Metacognition in the classroom: Benefits and Strategies.
Cómo crear contenidos podcast.
10 Instagram Story Ideas

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