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Year One English Weekly Plan

Week Beginning: 13th March 2023 Term: Spring 2 Class: Foxes Rabbits Hedgehogs
Day Learning Reading/Writing Group Work Books Computing/ Diving
Intention /Text Drama deeper
Mon LI: I am Remind children of previous learning about adding ‘ing’. Remind Layer 1:
learning to them that we followed certain rules before adding the ‘er’, ‘est’ and Children to match the ‘ed’ verb to
add ‘ed’ to ‘ing’. Explain to the children that today they are going to be adding the correct picture.
‘ed’ to verbs. What is the past tense? Practise as a class verbally
a root
saying some examples of past tense verbs e.g. ‘walked’, ‘brushed’, Layer 2:
words. ‘watched’. Explain to the children that the past tense is what has Children to be given sentences
already happened, what they have already done etc. Not all past with ‘ed’ past tense verbs and
tense words end in ‘ed’ but most of them do. colour the verb.
(Layer 2) Read some sentences on IWB and practise identifying the
past tense verb with ‘ed’, colouring the verb. Children to come up Layer 3:
to the board and identify the past tense verb themselves. Send Children to be given a list of
children to their tables to colour in the past tense verb ending in ‘ed’ verbs and write next to them the
(Layer 3) Bring children back to the carpet and introduce the rules verb with ‘ed’ added, following
about adding ‘ed’, reminding the children that some of these rules the different rules.
are similar to when we add ‘ing’ to verbs. Explain that for lots of SEN: To have a smaller list of
words we just add ‘ed’. Model using the ‘ed’ smart to show them verbs without the double
how to add ‘ed’ without changing the route word and children to consonant rule.
have a go at some on their mini whiteboards. Repeat with the other
rules – when words end in ‘e’ drop the ‘e’ and add ‘ed’, when Extension:
words end in ‘y’ drop the ‘y’ change it to an ‘i’ and then add ‘ed’, Children to write their own
when words have a short vowel sound and are 3 or 4 letter words sentences using a past tense verb
double the last consonant then add ‘ed’. While showing ‘ed’ smart, e.g. ‘I talked to my friend’.
children to practise adding ‘ed’ on their mini whiteboards for the
different rules. Children to go to their tables and change the verbs
by adding ‘ed’, following the rules accurately.
(Ext) While children are at their tables and finishing layer 3,
explain to the children that as their next step they can write their
own sentence using an ‘ed’ word. Model writing an example
sentence to the children, emphasising that the sentence will need to
be in the past tense. Most children to complete their next step at
their tables
Tues LI: I am Remind children of previous learning about the past tense and ‘ed’. Layer 1:
learning to Show the Bob true or false slide which refers to irregular verbs – ‘I As a team children to be given a
change eated a cake’. In TP’s to discuss and refer to any previous learning group of present tense verbs and a
irregular from the day before. Explain to the children that ‘eated’ is not group of past tense verbs.
verbs to the correct even though Bob has added ‘ed’. There are some verbs that Children to work together to
past tense. do not follow the main 4 ‘ed’ rules - explain that these are irregular match the verbs e.g. tell and told.
(all verbs. Share another example – ‘I seed my friend’ – and in TP’s
morning) children to correct the past tense sentence. Explain that there are a Layer 2: Children to be given
lot of other irregular verbs. sentences with irregular past tense
Layer 1: Show some words on the IWB. Share the present tense verb and colour the verbs.
verbs and in TP’s can they find the matching past tense. Share and
discuss. Explain that on their tables they have a set of present and Layer 3:
past tense verbs and as a group they need to match and discuss. Children to be given a list of
Share matched verbs as a whole class. Children to go to their tables irregular verbs and write next to
and work as a team to match the present tense verbs and past tense them the past tense verb.
verbs. SEN: To have a smaller list
Layer 2: Read some sentences on IWB and practise identifying the irregular of verbs.
irregular past tense verb, colouring the verb. Children to come up to
the board and identify the verbs themselves. Send children to their Layer 4 (next step):
tables to colour in the irregular past tense verbs. Children to be given sentences
Layer 3: Bring children back to the carpet and show some more written in the present tense
irregular verbs on IWB. Explain that there are no rules for the (irregular verbs) and rewrite the
irregular verbs that we can learn but lots of them we already know. sentence underneath in the past
Show the word ‘drink’ on IWB and in TPs discuss what the past tense.
tense verb would be. Model writing on IWB. Repeat with further
examples of irregular verbs and send children to their tables.
Layer 4 (next step): Bring children back to the carpet and explain
that they are so good at the irregular past tense now they can have a
go at rewriting some sentences changing the irregular verb to the
past tense. Show a present tense sentence on IWB and in TPs
children to say the sentence in the past tense. Model writing the past
tense sentence underneath and repeat with further examples. Send
children to their tables to change the present tense sentence to a past
tense sentence.
Books/ Handwriting/ phonics will be completed at some point throughout the week.

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