AIA 6600 - Module 4 - Using Quest With US Census Data

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Module 4 - Using Quest with US Census Data

Edna Ejimakor

Nexford University

AIA 6600 Artificial Intelligence

Professor Nicholas Bucciarelli

November 30, 2022

TO: Dr. Nicholas Bucciarelli

FROM: Edna Ejimakor

DATE: November 28, 2022

SUBJECT: Using Quest with US Census Data

Executive Summary

This memo is to explain the use of US census data with Quest and the importance of

analysing the data with Quest and a decision tree.

The United Nations defines a population census as the total process of collecting,

compiling, evaluating, analysing, and publishing or otherwise disseminating demographic,

economic and social data pertaining, at a specified time, to all persons in a country or in a well-

delimited part of a country. (Nations, 2008) The United States Census Bureau compiles

information on the population and economy of the country. Every ten years a population and

housing census is conducted where every citizen of America is counted. Also, within a five-

year period, the US agency collects data from hundreds of households and industries through

its surveys. (USA Gov, 2022).

For national planners to understand socio-economic and demographic factors present in

a nation like the United States, census’ data are highly needed. The Census Bureau is governed

by Titles 13 and 26 of the United States Code. The Census Bureau's goal is to deliver the ideal

combination of timeliness, relevancy, quality, and cost for the data and services it collects.

(United States Census Bureau, 2022).

The United Nations outlines the characteristics of a census, namely:

 Each person is counted separately, and the characteristics of each household member

are recorded separately.

 The census covers a specified geographic area and includes everyone who is present or

resides within its boundaries. Every form of building and living quarters should be

counted in the housing census.

 Each person, as well as each form of building and living quarters, is listed within a

specific period.

 The census is done on a regular basis, usually every ten years.

The Types of Data Collected in a Census include:

 Age, sex, marital status, household composition, family traits, and household size are

all basic demographic variables.

 Labor force participation, occupation, place of work, employment-related industry, and

educational qualities such as school attendance, educational attainment, and literacy are

all examples of economic indicators.

 Geographic and migratory data are also gathered.

 Planners can investigate population movements by asking questions about birthplace,

usual residence, length of stay, and previous residence.

 Some countries additionally gather data on births and deaths, particularly those without

a mechanism in place to appropriately record these life events.

 Buildings, living quarters, and related facilities are described.

How Quest may be used in general with US census data

QUEST is a source tool whose algorithm is useful in dealing with the US census data.

Generally, it can be used to boost pattern recognition research and development and are useful

for forecasting and making predictions. Like many AI systems, for it to produce results

adequate data must be fed to it. Thus, thousands of data containing US census information are

fed to it as input and its algorithm is trained to recognize patterns and trends. It can also be

trained to aid trend analysis and sales forecasting, and economic planners can use it to gain

insights into the demography and socio-economic conditions of a nation.

Due to its simplicity in interpreting and explaining technical terms, non-experts require

minimal effort to use Quest for data preparation and for the non-linear relationships between

constraints. The program also has no effect on decision tree performance in predictive

modelling. (Decision Tree - an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics, n.d.)

The data point under consideration

Data points, also called data items, are the atomic state of data. They can be likened to

one cell in a data table, or one piece of information, about an observation, at a given point in

time. (Glenn, 2021) On the surface, they are so simple. However, due to limited visibility at

the data collection level and suboptimal exclusion through aggregations, they could be


According to the census data, there are 180101 valid cases. According to the

HEFAMINC (Family Income) dataset, 3764 people earn less than $5,000, and 25,280 earn

more than $150,000. The data’s statistical result reveals that the mode is 15.00, the median is

13.00, the mean is 11.69, and the standard deviation is 3.87.

The algorithm of Quest is seen in the assessment of the US data as its threshold and

control statements improve user experience and is cost-effective in evaluating the data. It also
automates report preparation and simplifies data interpretation. It also allows anyone to derive

insights from data, hence enhancing data literacy. It also allows for query generation and

accelerates data preparation. (Parekh, 2021). Despite the efficient use of Quest in analysis, care

must also be taken in its use because the data it holds is sensitive family information.

Decision Tree - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved

July 2, 2022, from


Glenn, N. (2021, August 30). Data Point: Definition, Types, & Examples. Analyst Answers.

Nations, U. (2008, July 23). Definitions, essential features and uses of population and housing



Parekh, N. (2021, January 21). AI in Analytics: Powering the Future of Data Analytics -



U.S. Data and Statistics | USAGov. (2010).

US Census Bureau. (2019, May 2). What We Do. The United States Census Bureau.

What is a census and what kind of data is collected? (n.d.). MSU Extension. Retrieved July 2,

2022, from


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