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HOME 20/7/2011
Contemporary Glolal Challenge anJ the Reappearance ol Imam MahJi (as)
Bukhari MuhammeJ Bello ]ega
Senior Researcher anJ Youth Development Consultant
Center lor Political Research, FJucation anJ Development Aluja, Nigeria
1|is r:s:erc| is eim:c et iv:o eo eoetomv ioto t|: coot:morerv iooei c|eii:o:s vise vi: t|: r:e:ereoc:
oj t|: Imem oj oar tim:, Imem AiAsr, we Ai2emeo, Ai Eae, Ai Vaotezer, Ai Ve|ci (As) 1|: e:r
iot:ocs to ciscass Imem Ve|ci wit|io t|: rism oj oiiticei :cooomv, oot jrom t|: eoi: oj t|:oioicei oesis,
sioc: em oot e t|:oioist, oat, e stac:ot io s:erc| oj roowi:c: jrom t|: t|:oioi:s It is eeiost t|is
oecrroaoc, t|et t|: e:r iot:ocs to :xemio: t|: coot:morerv iooei cris:s eoc t|: s:erc| jor e r:c::m:r
eoc ic:oiov t|et wiiis seive: t|: rowio jrastretioo eoc coojasioo t|et tocev`s |ameoitv |ev: joaoc
t|:ms:iv:s jrom t|: aocio oj coot:morerv iooei :cooomic eoc oiiticei r:eiiti:s 1|: e:r wiii io e rioc oj
|istoricei :xcarsioo or ov:rvi:w, ciscass t|: cooc:t oj Imem Ve|cism (es) jrom t|: ariji:c jemiiv iio:e:
oj t|: Eoiv Pro|:t (sew), :vic:oc: oj r::m:r:oc: jrom r:iet:c soarc:s or |istoricei cocam:ot eoc t|: mioor
eoc meor occaitetioo Aiso es :oi: w|o er: io e cootio:ot (Ajrice) w|os: jatar: |ev: o::o :rmeo:otiv
morte:c ov t|:ir i:ec:rs io ectiv: coiieooretioo wit| t|:ir jorm:r coiooiei mest:r eoc eii :jjorts et
iio:retio Ajriceo :oi: jrom t|: s|ecri:s oj aoc:rc:v:iom:ot, jrastretioo eoc |o:i:sso:ss t|roa|
verioas sioeos, r:jorms eoc r:voiatiooerv tectics |ev: eii rov:o cijjicait jor t|: Ajriceo :oi: to c|eo:
t|:ir |o:i:sso:ss eoc coojasioo ioto ros:ritv eoc |eio:ss It wiii o: t|: ositioo oj t|: e:r t|et, t|:
r:e:ereoc: oj Imem Ve|ci (es) wiii rovic: t|: o::c:c saccors eoc iio:retioo jor t|: ioo sajj:rio oiecr
rec: io Ajrice jrom iot:roei eoc :xt:roei coiooieiism eoc ioo v:ers oj :xioitetioo, or:ssioo, iaoc:rs,
wer, :oocic: eoc aoc:rc:v:iom:ot Aoc jioeiiv t|: e:r wiii io e rioc oj ro:ctioos coociac: wit|
:x:ctetioos eoc c|eii:o:s o:jor: |ameoitv o:jor: t|: r:e:ereoc: oj t|: iest sevioar oj tim: (es)
I.u Introduction
%he vorlJ has vitness various translormation over the years. %hese translormations have
haJ a lar reaching consequence in shaping the current glolal orJer lor loth gooJ anJ laJ.
Man ly nature vas createJ lree, lut guiJeJ ly certain rules anJ regulations vhich are maJe
to make his lile easier anJ enjoy the celestial llessing anJ mercy ol GoJ, His creator. %here is
no Joult, man ly nature is not only sellish lut, he is actions anJ inactions olten are not
regulateJ ly his reasoning, lut, ly, his appetite anJ lustlul Jesires. So, therelore, the neeJ to
tameJ man's Jesire, is ol important to the continues coexistence ol human species, that is
vhy, Islam as a complete religion ol Allah (SV%), has set up rules anJ regulations tovarJs
the attainment ol moral anJ spiritual lullillment ol man in relations to his environment. But,
man's ego anJ sell love have maJe him unalle to aliJe ly these lavs ol natural selection. %he
inalility ol man to aliJe ly these lavs necessitateJ GoJ Almighty to senJ His Prophets to
guiJe anJ continue to reminJ man alout his relationship anJ Juties to His Creator in this
temporal vorlJ, therely strengthening his moral anJ religious olligations to His Creator
anJ luilJ an everlasting lounJ ol mutual unJerstanJ anJ lelicity in this vorlJ anJ the
Hovever, inalility ol man to aJhere to this simply rules anJ regulations is the lyproJuct ol
the various crises the vorlJ is lacing toJay. %he emergent ol the last Prophet ol Allah
(SAV) at the time the vorlJ ol Arals anJ the vorlJ vas in total Jarkness anJ lull ol
ignorance, heighten the Jesires ol Allah (SV%) to proviJe man vith His lelicity anJ mercy.
%he Prophet ol Allah (SAV) vorkeJ assiJuously to translorm a once ignorant anJ larlaric
people ol the vorlJ into a community that symloliteJ love, unity, prosperity, anJ the
Jevelopment ol Islamic community vith high moral excellence. %he ellorts ol the Prophet ol
Allah (SAV), not only unilieJ the vorlJ into a community ol human lrotherhooJ, lut, also,
lelt man vith guiJing principles that vill aiJ man tovarJs spiritual anJ physical lelicities in
this vorlJ anJ the herealter. %hese guiJing lights are the look ol Allah (Qur'an), anJ His
purilieJ HouseholJs (as).
%his spiritual perlection ol the human inhalitant continue through the guarJianship ol the
Righteous anJ PurilieJ HouseholJs ol the Holy Prophet (as), vho vere lest chosen to guiJe
anJ expounJ the religion ol Allah as revealeJ anJ practice ly the Holy Prophet (sav).
Although the vorlJ vas JenieJ the reservoirs ol spiritual anJ moral excellence ol the
HouseholJs ol the Holy Prophet (sav), lut, teachings anJ guarJianship continue to shine
on the tenith ol knovleJge anJ governance. %he lailure ol the HouseholJs ol the Holy
Prophet (sav) to guiJe humanity accorJing to the instruction ol the Holy Prophet (sav)
seriously enJangereJ the vorlJ inhalitants into an alysmal ol Jarkness, vickeJness,
immorality, conlusion, anarchy, injustice, anJ Jisunity. %he HouseholJs ol the Holy Prophet
(SAV) surviveJ unJer the most inhuman anJ lrutal regimes, over the years, lut, unJeterreJ
they (as) continue to propagate the pure religion ol Islam accorJing to hov it vas revealeJ
anJ practice ly the Holy Prophet (SAV) until they meet their martyrJom in the hanJs ol
their enemies.
%he lailure ol man to tame his Jesire, ego anJ aJhere to the teachings ol His Creator as
thought anJ practice ly the Holy Prophet (sav) anJ expounJeJ ly his HouseholJs (as)
have createJ the conllict anJ crises the contemporary glolal community ve are vitnessing
toJay. It saJ to say, the vorlJ is at the pinnacle ol injustice, inequality, vars, oppression,
unJerJevelopment, JepenJency exploitation, anJ conlusion. %his is as result ol the Jesire ol
man to Jominate anJ annihilate his lellov man, in orJer to improve his ovn stanJarJ ol
living. %he vorlJ is a jungle, vhere the lig anJ the poverlul enslave anJ invaJe countries ol
their choice anJ harness their resources anJ inhalitants to their aJvantage. %here is cry ol
injustice everyvhere, the glolal loJies (UniteJ Nations Organitation anJ relateJ
institutions) look helpless, unalle to proviJe the much neeJeJ ansvers anJ solutions to
mankinJ. %he vorlJ toJay is lacing challenges ol unequal proportions. Man is in Jesire neeJ
ol a reJeemer anJ saviour to salvage his hopelessness anJ conlusion. %he lives ol mankinJ
are in vhat %homas Holles Jescriles in his State ol Nature as, solitary, nasty, lrutish, anJ
%here are urgent calls ly the vorlJ inhalitant lor relorms, leaJership anJ equitalle
Jistrilution ol resources anJ opportunities ly the glolal cititens anJ leaJers. %hese calls
have reacheJ its high heave vithout any solution lrom the socalleJ glolal players. %here is
groving uncertainty anJ lrustration Jue to the inalility ol the contemporary glolal
economic anJ political arrangement to give man the neeJeJ lelicity anJ Jirection tovarJs
prosperity anJ luilJ a just anJ equal vorlJ ol opportunity anJ Jevelopment. Out ol this
hopelessness anJ conlusion lies the solution human horiton anJ celestial lelicity ol the
appearance ol Imam ol our time, Imam AlAsr, Va AlZaman, Al Hujja, Al Muntatar, Al
MahJi (As), vho vill not only clean the vorlJ lrom impurity, injustice, inequality, lut, vill
also lullill Allah's prool anJ the Prophecy ol His Prophet (SAV) anJ the eleven rightlul
guiJeJ leaJers ol the Muslim vorlJ (as).
I.2 Contemorary GIolaI ChaIIenges and the ReavaIening oI ManIind
%he vorlJ, they saiJ, is a glolal village, this is as results ol lreakthrough in inlormation anJ
communication technology. Inlormation anJ communication technology has not only
lroken the larriers ol Jistance among glolal cititens, lut, has enalle transaction anJ
exchange ol inlormation, opportunities, investment, exploitation in a vorlJ ol inequality
anJ uncertainty. Hovever, vith sophistication in inlormation anJ communication
technology vhich ought to have createJ a letter vorlJ, lut, unlortunately have Jeepens
crises, conllicts, vars anJ insecurity. %hese crises vere the proJuct ol man Jesire to
accumulate, Jominate, anJ exploit his lellov man anJ sulject him to greater harJship anJ
hopelessness. %hese uncontrolleJ Jesires ol man haJ plungeJ the vorlJ into various
centrilugal crises ol conlusion anJ JesponJency. %he Jesire ol man not to lollov the rules
anJ regulations orJaineJ ly the Almighty gave rise to the hopelessness man have lounJ
himsell. Man maJe lavs replaceJ GoJ's lavs, constitutionality replaceJ Shariah, Jemocracy
anJ the pover ol the people replaceJ the pover ol GoJ Almighty. %he question hov can
man vho is characteristically sellish give the vorlJ equity anJ justice`
It is these Jesires that maJe nations to invaJe anJ JestroyeJ one another. %he Jesire ol
certain people to acquireJ resources anJ territory vas vhat gave lirth to the Iirst anJ
SeconJ VorlJ Var, vhere millions ol GoJ inhalitants vhere killeJ anJ maimeJ to lurther
the greeJ ol some neophytes. %he removal ol the religious ethics in vorlJ allairs seriously
unJermineJ the progress anJ Jevelopment ol the vorlJ. %he vorlJ toJay, is in crises as
result ol greeJ anJ injustice, especially in the vay the vorlJ economic is leen manageJ lor
the lenelits some lev countries/people against the majority ol the people vho actually
possesses these vealth, lut are JisempovereJ anJ excluJeJ lrom the lenelits ol these
resources that GoJ have enJoveJ the people lor their lelicity. %he contemporary glolal
economic anJ political arrangement is tailoreJ tovarJs lurthering JepenJency, exploitation
anJ unJerJevelopment. %he groving glolal inequality, exploitation, anJ economic
enslavement ol veaker nations ly the stronger nations calleJ lor soler rellection on the neeJ
lor the continue coexistence ol this anarchical vorlJ economic anJ political arrangement.
Interestingly, the contemporary glolal economic arrangement is a single social community.
%his social community is a mix ol vealth anJ poverty, progress anJ Jespair, exploitation
anJ assistance, JepenJence anJ interJepenJence. Ior sure, some countries are rich anJ the
others are rather poor. %he rich countries have certain common characteristics. %hey are
economically prosperous, politically stalle, social harmonious anJ technologically
sophisticateJ. Given the link letveen politics anJ economics, the rich countries are very
competitive in international traJe anJ exchange relations. %hey have the general capacity to
largain, negotiate or responJ llexilly in the openclul market system lrom a position ol
strength rather than veakness.

Vhile in contrast, the poor countries are in the majority, anJ are characteristically
lackvarJ in economics, unstalle in politics, socially Jisharmonious anJ technologically
JepenJent. Alout 65` ol the poor countries are monocultural single commoJity exchange
proJucers. %ogether, this reJuces their capacity to participate ellectively in international
traJe. Being veak in a numler ol inJices ol Jevelopment, the poor countries are highly
inJelteJ externally. %hey seem to aJopt a similar attituJe ol legging situation in a non
negotialle competitive economic system.

%his is hov the vorlJ economy is leen stratilieJ anJ tailoreJ to suit some certain interests
in Furope anJ America. %his stratilication has haJ a serious repercussion on the vorlJ
inhalitants. %hese repercussions have given lirth to Jangerous netvork ol countries vho
leel they ovneJ the vorlJ the Juty to police the allairs ol the vorlJ to their aJvantage.
%oJay, the role ol UniteJ State ol America in enJangering the vorlJ is a major concern to
the vorlJ inhalitants. %he UniteJ State ol America has JestroyeJ vorlJ inhalitants more
than any nation ol the vorlJ. %hey have killeJ maimeJ, exploiteJ, plunJer, invaJeJ anJ
JestroyeJ nations anJ her inhalitants in collaloration vith her Vestern allies especially the
state ol Israel, in orJer to satisly their vhimsical Jesires. %he JisregarJ anJ lrustration ol the
gooJ anJ spiriteJ people ol Palestine, Iraq, Alghanistan, Somalia, Lelanon, years ol atrocities
in the Americans, anJ Alrica have shovn hov the UniteJ State ol America anJ her Allies
have enJangereJ the vorlJ peace anJ security, vhich have aggravateJ the contemporary
glolal terrorism on large scale. %errorism is nov the nev moJern veapon ly the lelligerent
people ol the vorlJ to light the source ol international capital vho are armeJ lent ol
controlling the vorlJ's resources lor their lenelits.
It is imperative to say, the greatest causalities ol these inhuman maltreatment ol the glolal
system is the Muslim nations ol the vorlJ. Ironically, GoJ in His mercy llesseJ the Muslim
vorlJ vith alunJant resources that toJay, the vhole civilitation Jeeps on, (i.e oil anJ
gas). %hese MiJJle Fastern nations ol SauJi Aralia, Iraq, Iran, Kuvait, %he UniteJ Aral
Fmirates, Qatar, Yemen, Lilya, Algeria, Katakhstan, Aterlaijan, anJ Brunei control alout
66.2 to 5.9 percent
ol the vorlJ oil reserves. But, yet, the Muslim vorlJ are unalle to
utilite these potentials to their aJvantage, until in I99, vhen Allah in His inlinite mercy
gave the spiriteJ people ol Iran the energy anJ assistance, unJer the guarJianship ol Imam
Khomeini to estallisheJ an Islamic IeJeration through a successlul revolution. %his vas a
major turning point in the historical Jevelopment ol the vorlJ. %he revolution JiJ not only
create a nation that vill checkmate the excesses ol the glolal injustice, lut, also the
Muslims vorlJs have lounJ a voice. AnJ this I lelieve raise the consciousness ol Muslims all
over the vorlJ to realiteJ that it is possille to challenges their hopelessness anJ lrustration
anJ luilJ a just anJ morally sounJ society unJer the rules anJ regulations ol Allah. But, Jue
to egotism anJ sell love ol some certain groups ol Muslims anJ their leaJers, this enthusiasm
vas seriously unJermineJ, therely alloving the enemies ol Islam to linally regain their
strongholJ on the Muslims lanJ anJ lurther aJvance their sinister evil Jesire that have
createJ lurther llooJsheJ anJ economic enslavement ol the Muslims lanJ anJ its resources.
%he glolal reavakening as experience in the Aral revolution that starteJ in %unisia anJ
spreaJ to the vhole ol Aralian peninsular shovcase the hopelessness anJ lrustration ol the
people against unproJuctive leaJers anJ glolal political anJ economic system that tenJers
to Jovnplay the leelings, perceptions, expectations anJ religion teachings ol the people. %he
Aral peoples' revolutions have not only collapseJ the liggest stooges in government lut,
also, just like the Iranian revolution ol I99, took the glolal empire luilJers unavare anJ
unguarJeJ, thus there inalility to proviJe the shock therapy they are use to. Although, the
revolution has not consoliJateJ the neeJeJ gains tovarJs estallishing Islamic government,
lut, have ollers the people anJ the nev glolal empire luilJers to realiteJ that, the people
can really inspire a lunJamental change in the glolal economic anJ political arrangement.
%here is no Joult, the Muslim nations anJ spiriteJ glolal cititens have sullereJ anJ are still
sullering lrom the cruelties ol the glolal empire luilJers. %he groving injustice,
exploitation, poverty, insecurity, anJ unJerJevelopment ol the vorlJ, vhich promote anJ
engenJereJ Jespairs anJ lrustrations are vhat is giving rise to the groving numler ol
uprising, relellions, terrorist anJ revolution across the glolal. %he Jesires ol people to le
lree lrom Jeprivation anJ unJerJevelopment vhich vas artilicially createJ ly some lev
inJiviJuals in collaloration vith national leaJers is vhat is contriluting to the groving
numlers ol agitation against injustice anJ exploitation. Irom Palestine, Somalia, Nigeria's
NigerDelta region, Alghanistan, Iraq, Venetuela, Iran, North Korea, SuJan, Zimlalve to
MaJagascar anJ Guinea Conakry. the struggle lor sell emancipations against agents ol
unJerJevelopment is assuming a nev Jimension anJ shaping the contemporary glolal
realities search lor a reJeemer anJ iJeological unJerpinning that vill proviJe succor anJ
Jirection in luilJing a nev vorlJ vhere people vill le respecteJ anJ accorJeJ lreeJom to
live in peace anJ harmony anJ enjoy lile.
It is eviJently clear toJay, that, the various centrilugal crises anJ conlusion in the
contemporary glolal vorlJ lrom instalility in the MiJJle Fast, to economic Jovnturn
across Furope anJ America, hopelessness anJ conlusion in Alrica, the vorlJ is coming to the
ganging point ol iJeological anJ spiritual lankruptcy. %he vorlJ anJ mankinJ are searching
lor a solution to the plethora ol prollems conlronting the contemporary glolal system.
%here is no Joult, vith the passage ol time the ellicacy anJ lailure ol manmaJe lormulateJ
anJ implementeJ theories anJ postulation have laileJ the contemporary glolal system, as
the universe is still grasping vith the crisis ol injustice, equality anJ unJerJevelopment.
Various revolutions anJ counter revolutions have occurreJ, lut, yet, ansvers to prollems
are still leJeviling man in the vorlJ ol anarchism. It is perplexing that mankinJ has leen
searching lor an alternative lrom the availalle options, vhich vill make him to have lelicity
anJ peace ol minJ. I make lolJ to say, it is only through aJherence to the teachings ol Islam
as thoughts anJ practice ly the Holy Prophet (sav) anJ as expounJeJ ly the Holy Imam
(as) lies the solution to man prollems, this is lecause Islam have clearout rules anJ
regulation lor continues existence ol man anJ his society. %hese rules anJ regulation vill not
only guiJe man through happiness anJ spiritual perlections, lut, vill also ensure peace anJ
unJerstanJing among the vorlJ inhalitants. As man continue to search lor a reJeemer, it is
my lelieve that man shoulJ not vaste his time thinking ol reJeemer lrom the plethora ol
leaJers ve have, this lecause Joing so, vill only le temporal, lecause GoJ Has alreaJy
choose a reJeemer lor him lrom the righteous anJ purilieJ householJs ol his Holy Prophet
(SAV), vho is Imam AlAsr, Va AlZaman, Al Hujja, Al Muntatar, Al MahJi (As).
It my lelieve that, the activities ol the Islamic Repullic ol Iran anJ the conlusion ol the
contemporary glolal orJer is not only giving us hopes anJ aspiration, lut, also is assuring us
that the reappearance ol the avaiting saviour is almost near, Jue to the groving glolal
injustice anJ oppression ol the vorlJ inhalitants ly some tiny groups ol countries lor their
vhimsical Jesires. %he time lor unjust rulers, injustice, oppression, exploitation anJ plunJer
is nearing its enJ anJ the vorlJ vill le lilleJ vith justice anJ equity as prophesy ly the
teachings ol the Holy Prophet (sav) anJ memlers ol his HouseholJs (as).
I.3 Imam Mahdi (as) the Guidance and Saviour oI ManIind: An HistoricaI Overviev
%he vorlJ vill not come to it enJ unless there rises Qa'im lrom my ollspring vho vill lill it
vith equity anJ justice alter leing lilleJ vith injustice anJ oppression
Prophet ol Islam
Man has leen searching lor guiJance in orJer to attain moral excellence in a lile lull ol
harJship anJ injustice. It is eviJence toJay, a pious person has to lirst sulJue his ovn
Jesires anJ animal instincts to achieve moral anJ spiritual excellence in a vorlJ ol
uncertainty. %he environment one lounJ himsell, play signilicant impact on his social anJ
religious consciousness in attaining spiritual anJ moral excellence, especially as regarJ to his
relationship vith his creator. %oJay, the environment, value system, the pace ol time anJ
oppression, all uniteJ to Jistract man lrom the path to righteousness. %he llooJs ol injustice,
the storm ol tyranny anJ Jovnpour ol insecurity, vars anJ Jeath ol innocents GoJ creators,
make it impossille lor man to locus his attention in Jelining the shape anJ scope ol his
celestial lile unJer GoJ giving instructions. In such situation, it is not possille lor everyone
to lay Jovn his lile lor the cause ol JelenJing the truth. IortituJe, lorlearance, patience, anJ
courage are vorJs vritten in Jictionaries anJ narrateJ as tales or legenJs or recorJeJ in
looks ol ethics. But, to Jemonstrate the actual meaning ol these vorJs Juring time ol
harJship, or aJvance lravely tovarJs the valley ol Jeath, or to quicken the staggering legs
tovarJs a real challenge, ve neeJ a living guiJe
vho vill not only call mankinJ to
righteousness, lut, vill guiJe anJ lilerate man lrom the shackles ol injustice anJ inequality
in toJay's vorlJ ol anarchy. %here is no Joult, man have try all methoJs anJ theories to
navigate himsell or country out ol the glolal unclog, lut, such ellorts in that Jirection have
leJ to greater harJship anJ hopelessness. Does that mean man cannot attain lile ol lelicity,
happiness, justice anJ celestial conJition unJer GoJ rules` %he Ansver is on the positive
siJe, as man vill Jelinitely achieve lile ol celestial anJ justice, as promiseJ ly the Holy
Prophet (sav) anJ the righteous guiJeJ Imans (as). %here is no Joult, the vorlJ reJeemer is
none other than the Imam ol our time, Imam AlAsr, Va AlZaman, Al Hujja, Al Muntatar,
Al MahJi (As).
I.3.I Imam Mahdi (as), the PuriIied Iineages, and ReIated Prohesies
%he history ol Imam MahJi (as) can le link vith the history anJ survival ol Islam. Imam
MahJi is the son ol Imam Hassan Askiri (As). He vas lorn on the I5
ol Sha'lan in the year
255 ol Hijra in Samarra. %he avaiteJ Imam vas lorn ol a Roman mother vho vas calleJ
Narjis. She vas the Jaughter ol one ol the Roman Kings. Her Mother's lineage is traceJ lack
to Shimoun (Shemon) AlSala, one ol the Jisciplines ol ]esus (AS).

%he avaiting saviour is a Jirect JescenJent ol the Holy Prophet (sav) through his granJson
Imam Hussein (as). %he Prophet (sav) has preJicteJ the coming ol the Imam ol the time
(as) in various narrations ly loth Sunnis anJ shia alike. Imam MahJi (as) is the son ol Imam
Hassan AlAskari (as), son ol Imam Ali HaJi Naqi (as), Son ol Imam MohammaJ ]avaJ (as),
son ol Imam Ali AlRata (as), son ol Imam Musa AlKasim (as), son ol Imam ]alar alSaJiq
(as), son ol Imam MohammaJ Baqir (as), son ol Imam Ali Zanul AleeJena (as), son ol Imam
Hussein (as), lrother to Imam Hassan (as), sons ol Imam Ali Iln Alu %alil (as), Cousin anJ
HuslanJ to the Daughter ol the Holy Prophet (sav), Iatimatu Zahra (as). Vhile his mother
is the Narjirs, or maryam, or Malike granJJaughter ol Yashshu the Fmperor ol Bytantine,
Jaughter ol Simon mother ol Yashshu, Simon (Shamun) the Jisciple ol ]esus (as), ]esus (as)
the Prophet ol Allah.
As it vas preJateJ just like other Imams ol Islam, the coming ol Imam MahJi (as) vas
preJicteJ ly the Holy Prophet (SAV) anJ expounJeJ ly other Imams anJ the companion
ol the Holy Prophet (sav). %he Holy Prophet vas narrateJ to have saiJ, %he vorlJ vill not
come to it enJ unless there rises Qa'im lrom my ollspring vho vill lill it vith equity anJ
justice alter leing lilleJ vith injustice anJ oppression.
Also in another narration reporteJ
ly ln Allas May Allah le please vith him vas quoteJ to have saiJ that the Holy Prophet
Imam Ali iln Alu %alil (As) is the Imam ol my nation anJ my successor therein alter me,
anJ among my ollspring is the avaiteJ Qa'im vho shall lill the vorlJ vith justice anJ equity
as it has leen lilleJ vith injustice anJ equality. By the One vho sent me in truth learer ol
glaJ tiJing, anJ a Varner, I svear that those vho persist aJhering to his imamate even
Juring this ghaylat (occultation) are more rears than reJ sulphur

Also it vas reporteJ on the authority ol AlJullahi Iln Umar (as) that the nolle prophet ol
Allah narrateJ that,
%he Jay ol resurrection vill not occur until the earth is ruleJ ly a man lrom my householJ
vhose name is my name. He vill lill the vorlJ vith justice alter it has leen lilleJ vith

Also there are verses ol the Holy Quran that are links vith the appearance ol the Imam ol the
time. In Surah alNur 2+. verse 55 Allah (SV%) vas saying that,
Allah has promiseJ those ye vho lelieve (in GoJ anJ avaiting messiah) anJ Jo virtuous
JeeJs that vill (in time ol his rising) Jepute them in the earth as he JeputeJ those lelore
them, anJ that He vill estallish lor them their religion the one vhich He has chosen lor
them, anJ that he vill sulstitute lor them alter their lear security, they vill vorship me anJ
not associate aught vith Me. Il any Jo reject laith this they are relellion anJ corrupt.

AccorJing to Imam SaJiq (as) anJ his lather Imam Baqir (as) testilieJ to the lact, this verse
vas revealeJ in connection vith Imam MahJi, that ly his hanJs the vorlJ vill le lilleJ vith
justice anJ happiness. In another verse Allah is giving glaJ tiJing to the lelievers that,
AnJ certainly Ve vrote in the Psalms, alter the reminJer, inJeeJ the earth my virtuous
servant shall inherit it. (Surah AlAnliya chapter 2I. verse IJ5).

It vas narrateJ Juring the time ol Imam MahJi (as) that humanity vill emlrace Islam anJ
justice vill lilleJ the vorlJ. %his narration vas supporteJ ly the verses ol the Holy Qur'an
vhere Allah (SV%) is saying,
Do they seek lor other than Allah's religion` Vhile all creatures in the heaven anJ earths
have, villing or unvilling loveJ to his vill. AnJ to Him shall they all le lrought lack.
(Surah AlImran, verse 83 )

AccorJing to Zahiri Najali in his look MahJi (as) narrateJ that Imam SaJiq as saying that
the holy verse vas relerring to Imam MahJi's (as) rise up anJ the verse vill lecome
apparent all over the vorlJ, lor there voulJ le no lanJ or village or country lrom vhich the
sounJ ol %here is no GoJ lut Allah anJ MuhammaJ is His Messenger is not hearJ
summation ly Imam jalar (as) vas lurther strengthen ly Allah Svt as reveleJ to the Holy
Prophet (sav), vhere Allah is saying,
AnJ there is none ol the people ol the look lut must lelieve in him lelore his Jeath, anJ on
the Jay ol resurrection he vill le a vitness against them. (Surah al Nisa (+) verse I59)

Although Jisparity exist letveen narrators, vhile some are ol the opinion that the verse vas
reveal to against the reappearance ol ]esus Christ (as), lut, my unJerstanJing at the time ol
Imam MahJi (as) ]esus Iln Maryam (as) vill not only pray lehinJ the imam, lut vill le
among his helpers, lecause ]esus (as) vill le JescenJing lrom heaven anJ pray lehinJ the
Imam. ]esus vill le lack to the vorlJ to clean his name lrom leen associateJ as the son ol
GoJ, anJ he vill help JelivereJ the people into Islam anJ the people proclaiming their
lelieve in his ProphethooJ unJer the leaJership ol Imam MahJi (as).
I.3.2 Other ReIated Prohecies oI the Coming oI the Messiah (as)
%here various religious looks apart lrom the Quran anJ the various haJiths have also
uniquely preJicteJ the coming ol the messiah. %hese unique vays anJ historical linkage are
all through the mercy ol Allah (SV%), Vho has promiseJ the pious that they vill inherent
the earth anJ lills the vorlJ vith justice anJ prosperity vith the appearance ol Imam MahJi
(as), alter it has leen lilleJ ly oppression anJ injustice as proclaimeJ ly the Prophetic
sunnah ol the Holy Prophet (sav) anJ the righteous Imams (as). %hese looks ol narrations
oroastrian BooI oI and: Contain a Jiscussion ol the collapse ol the rule ol the vickeJ
anJ the inheritance ol the earth ly peaceloving people. It state that,
%he army ol evil vill light constantly against the army ol GoJ, on the earth. Olten the victory
is lorne ly the evils ones, lut, not the extent that the army ol GoJ is JestroyeJ. At the time
ol Jillicult the GoJ ol skies senJ help. %he var vill last nine thousanJ years. %he victory
vill le vith the lollovers ol GoJ, anJ evil vill linally le JestroyeJ.

%he BooI oI shaImony: In the look ol shakmony, anJ it's messenger vho is one ol the
greatest apostles ol InJia anJ is, accorJing to his lollovers, a learer ol Jivine look, he points
to the religious unity that vill exist in the time ol the vorlJlilerating holy man. He argueJ
%he kingJom anJ government ol the vorlJ vill ultimately enJ up vith the son ol the king ol
the creature ol the tvo vorlJs, Keshen (is the hinJu name given to the Prophet). His nolle
progeny is knovn as Gha'em (meaning one vho rises up, vhich is one ol the names ol Imam
MahJi). He is the one vho vill rule the mountains ol the Fast anJ the Vest, anJ vho vill
riJe on the clouJ anJ commanJ the angels vho are his servants anJ the humans anJ the
jinns, vho are at his commanJ lrom SuJan unJer the equator till the lanJ unJer the north
pole, he vill conquer them all up to the Jistant lanJ. %he religion ol the goJs vill lecome
one anJ GoJ's religion vill lecome alive. His name is Gha'em, he is pious anJ virtuous.

%he looI oI amasel: More eviJence in HinJus sources can le lounJ in the look ol
]amasel. It also states that a man vill appear lrom the lanJ ol the Aral, lrom the sons ol
Hashim (the trile ol the Holy Prophet (sav)). He is JescrileJ as having a large heaJ, large
status anJ strong calves. He vill rise vith his army lrom the religion ol his ancestors anJ
lace tovarJs Iran, lringing prosperity anJ lilling the lanJ vith justice.

%he looI oI BasI: In the HinJu Jivine look ol lask, it is stateJ that the vorlJ vill come
to an enJ vith a just king vho is the leaJer ol angels, jins anJ human leing. Right anJ
justice are vith him. Vhatever is hiJJen in the Jepths ol the sea, high in the mountains or in
the loltiness ol the skiesHe vill knov it none vill le more nollelorn than him.
So also in
the HinJus looks ol Patikel, ]amasl Nameh, DaJang, Vash ]ook, anJ Gaats .
%he HoIy BilIe: Also the Holy Bille carrieJ a lot ol Prophecy ol the coming ol the Imam ol
our time (as), vhich is relers to as the Messiah. In the look ol DaviJ Zalur, chapter 3
vhere lorty verse vere JeJicateJ to the rule ol GoJ alout the coming ol the messiah. %he
look ol Daniel Chapter I2, the look ol Isaiah, Chapter 65 verseI625, the look ol Zephaniah
chapter 3, verse 9, the revelation ol ]ohn chapter 2 verse 2629, the look ol Mathev verse
23+2, the look ol Luke chapter 2I verse 536, etc. All these verses eulogies the coming ol the
saviour anJ messiah that vill lilleJ the vorlJ vith justice anJ happiness. May le vhen ve
make an intensive research into Alrican traJitional practices anJ religions ve might come in
contact vith lots ol postulations anJ traJitional rhythms anJ saying ol the priests anJ
ancestors over the coming ol the messiah. %here vas no time to Jo that lor nov, lut
sulsequently that vill le incluJeJ GoJ's villing.
I.3.3 Minor and Major OccuItation
Although it is still an argument letveen the tvo schools ol thought over the longevity ol the
lile span ol the Imam in this vorlJ ol uncertainty anJ spiritual suspicions anJ conlusion.
Vhile the sunnis vhere ol the opinion that the Imam is not alive lut vill le given lirth to.
%he shia lrom all historical anJ the haJith ol the Holy Prophet argueJ that the Imam vas
alive lut in hiJJen. Vhatever, peJestal lriJge you JeciJe to le, my contention is lrom the
lact that Allah's mercy anJ perlections is seconJ to knov, he can make anJ prolong the lile
ol his lrienJ Imam MahJi or anyloJy as long he vant, so I sulscrile to the notion that the
Imam is alive anJ very active vithin the realm ol spirituality. But, the questions to ask are, il
the Imam vill le lorn recently that means ve can le alle to see him` AnJ at vhat age vill
he le vhen ]esus (as) vill pray lehinJ him` Such mysteries have existeJ lelore, vhere Allah
make people to slept lor thousanJs ol years, only to le reavaken to realiteJ that they have
slept lor thousanJs ol years. But, am not saying the Imam (as) is asleep, the Imam ol our time
is active everyvhere assisting the unjust people to attaineJ lileration.
Hovever, lrom the historical Jocument it vas shovn that, the enemies ol Islam trieJ not to
alloveJ the prophecy ol the purilieJ Birth to come through, ly lrequently incarceration ol
his lather Imam Hassan AlAskiri (AS) ly the leaJership ol the Al Mu'atamaJ vho vas the
then caliph ol the Muslim Ummah, lut, vith all the Jilliculties the llesseJ inlant vas lorn
enjoying the concern anJ care ol the Divine vill. He vas calleJ MohammeJ AlMahJi In
conlormity vith a prophetic traJition quoteJ alove. %he Birth ol Imam ol our time, linally
sealeJ the hope anJ aspiration ol oppressors anJ unjust rulers ol the vorlJ, vho vanteJ/are
still continuing to oppress the lree creators ol Allah (SV%).
It is interesting to say, so many people have meant the Imam vhen he vas small anJ the
narrations have conlers the lact that the Imam vas lorn anJ active. He also appearance in
pullic to leaJ the luneral prayer ol his JemiseJ lather Imam Alaskiri at the age ol live (5)
years in conlormity ol imamate traJition ol the successor ol the Imam leaJing the luneral
prayer ol his Jeceases lather. Resting the case ol vhether he is alive or not. Since then he has
gone into occultation. It is Allah promiseJ to protect anJ elongate his lile until that time he
pleaseJ to make him reappears among people anJ lilleJ the vorlJ vith justice anJ equity
vhen these virtues might have leen lost among the people ol the vorlJ.
Belore his linal Jisappearance, the Imam useJ to speak to his lollovers through
intermeJiaries. %hat perioJ vas relers to as the Minor occultation, vhich lasteJ lrom 26J
AH 329 AH. %hese intermeJiaries/Jeputies that communicate vith the Imam Juring the
minor occultation vere namely, Uthman Iln Sa'eeJ, MohammeJ Iln Uthman Iln Sa'JeeJ,
AlHassan Iln Ravh anJ Ali Iln MohammeJ.
Since the Jeath ol his last Jeputies Ali Iln MohammeJ (ra), the Imam has gone into major
Occultation lasting this long. Major occultation vas the perioJ ol uncertainty anJ Jivine
llackout, lut the Imam (as) has hanJeJover the allairs ol the Ummah in the hanJs ol
learneJ scholars to guiJe the people through spiritual excellence. %hese scholars in the shia
vorlJ are relers to as Marjans or ayatollahs. Ve hope anJ Pray to Allah to hasten his
Appearance anJ make us among his helpers Amin.
I.4 %he Oressed AIricans and the Avaiting Saviour (as):
Although the appearance ol Imam MahJi (AS) is not only meant lor any specilic group ol
people, lut, as a mercy to mankinJ, vho vere injureJ anJ oppresseJ ly some vickeJ, sell
centereJ anJ ungoJly groups ol people anJ their country. But, in a nutshell I intenJ to
Jiscuss the appearance ol Imam MahJi (AS) visavise the lileration ol the Alrican continent,
vho have sullereJ long years ol unJerJevelopment, exploitation anJ plunJering ol her
Jestiny. Alrica is one continent that has sullereJ lrom the lrutality ol the glolal empire
luilJers. Over the years the Jestiny ol the continent has leen tieJ to Jestiny ol Furope anJ
America, vhile Furope anJ America are progressing, serious unJerJevelopment is occurring
in the Alrica continent. %he Alrican continent is linally cageJ anJ mortgageJ as primary
supplies ol rav materials anJ consumers ol linisheJ gooJs. %his has not only stagnateJ the
economy, lut, has luilt the ratio ol JepenJency anJ unJerJevelopment.
%he case ol Alrica is quite pathetic. %his is lecause, this is one continent vhose Jestiny has
leen solJ ly her leaJers in all season to international capital lor maximum exploitation.
Vhile some nations ol the vorlJ are lusy conlronting their hopelessness anJ Jespair vith
courage anJ Jetermination, nothing seem to le happening in Alrica, except malnutrition,
poverty, spreaJ ol Jiseases, inter/intra ethnic/religious crises/conllicts, hopelessness anJ
Jespair, sitsighteJ leaJers that have nothing to contrilute than lurthering
unJerJevelopment, anJ JepenJency. All attempts at lilerating the continent lrom the strong
holJ ol the Vestern countries have all proven alortive. %oJay, Alrica is looking like a
permanent state ol acciJent, nothing seem to le vorking apart lrom acrolatic Jisplay ol
incompetence anJ policy somersaulting. %his is one continent that Jesire lileration, various
leaJers vho attempteJ to change the course ol history vhere either eliminateJ or overthrev.
%hese leaJers incluJe, late Patrick Lumumla ol Zaire, late Amilca Calral ol Genuine Bissau,
late Michel Samora ol Motamlique, late %homas Sankara ol Burkina Iaso, late General
Murtala MohammeJ, General MuhammaJu Buhari anJ AhmeJ Seko %oure ol Guinea etc.
It saJJening to say, the Alrica continent have lecome the sick chilJ ol mother earth, all
attempt at salvaging her have leJ to ultimate crash lelore taking oll. Betveen leaJership
lailure anJ Jocility in the hearts ol the lollovers vhere lies the solution to the general
hopelessness anJ Jespairs the people have lounJ themselves` It is only vithin the horiton ol
the light ol AlIslam as expounJeJ ly the householJs ol the Holy Prophet (SAV) can lring
us out ol this JesponJency. Since all attempt at lilerating Alrica has proven alortive, then it
vas our lelieve, that, the appearance ol the avaiting saviour (as) vill not only lilerate us
lrom the shackles ol poverty, lrustration, Jespairs anJ unJerJevelopment, lut, vill proviJe
the much neeJ synergy lor the enhancement ol the economic potentials anJ happiness ol the
people. Ve take consolation lrom the Prophetic teaching, that assure us that, %he vorlJ
vill not come to it enJ unless there rises Qa'im lrom my ollspring vho vill lill it vith equity
anJ justice alter leing lilleJ vith injustice anJ oppression
il not ve coulJ have sullereJ
in this vorlJ ol lost opportunities, loth spiritually anJ physically anJ also suller in the next
vorlJ ol uncertainty lecause ol the almost ol Islamic ethics in Alrica.
%he people ol Alrican have sullereJ tremenJously vithin the context ol glolal economic
arrangement. %his sullering have enJeJ up lragmenteJ the societies into vorlJ ol unequal.
%he crises ol nation luilJing conlronting the continent have seriously crippleJ the
potentials ol Alrica to play any Jominant role. %hese injustice have leJ to var, crises anJ
conllicts in the continent leaJing to Jeath ol millions ol vretcheJ Alricans in RvanJa,
Somalia, Lileria, Sierra Leone, SuJan, Nigeria, BurunJi, Congo, South Alrica etc. it is our
prayers that, ve the people ol Alrica vill le among the major helpers ol Imam MahJi ly the
time he appears. %he avaiting Saviour is the panacea to the crises ol nation luilJing
leJeviling Alrica toJay.
Iinally, there is no Joult there are greater expectation lrom us to reJoulling our religious
olligations. Ve are lucky Allah in his inlinite mercy has llesseJ the Alrican continent vith
a helper ol Imam MahJi (as) in person ol Mallam Ilrahim Yaqul AlZaktaky (H), vho is
not only reavakening our consciousness as regarJs to our olligations to our Creator, lut,
has shovn consistency, JeJication, Jetermination, courage, honesty anJ reJirect the minJs
ol the people against the lrutal lorces ol oppressors anJ treasure looters on these part ol the
continent. His tenacity anJ courage has senJ lears anJ conlusion in the hearts ol the
oppressors vhenever his name is mentioneJ or that ol his lollovers, making us to le lirm in
our commitment anJ loyalty to him that the coming ol the avaiting saviour is nearer. Ve
can only pray lor Allah's support, gooJ health anJ protection lor him to see us through.
I.5 %he Avaiting Saviour (as) and %he Exectations oI ManIind
Dear lrothers anJ sisters in humanity, there is no Joult the challenges ol our time are real
anJ ve cannot say they are not comestille, they are comestille only il ve relineJ our hearts
vith the lears ol Allah anJ Joing the olligations that ve are all saJJleJ vith as Allah's
creators . %he Imam (as) have a lot ol expectations lrom the people ol the vorlJ. %he people
must return to Allah lor support anJ mercy. %here is no Joult man maJe lavs anJ
technology cannot guarantee happiness anJ tranquility to the people ol the vorlJ, real
happiness comes lrom aJhering to the teaching ol Islam as explaineJ ly the Holy Prophet
(sav) anJ expounJeJ ly the Holy Imams (as).
Brothers anJ sisters in humanity ve must light our inJiviJual Jiseases that lies lurieJ in our
hearts. Chiel among these Jiseases is the Jisease ol egotism anJ sell love. It is on recorJ these
tvo Jiseases are the major lacilitator ol violence anJ corruption in the vorlJ toJay. I take
solace in quoting a teacher, mentor, motivator anJ the 2J
century Islamic revivalist anJ the
guarJian ol Islamic revolution in Islamic Repullic ol Iran, Imam Khomeini against the
ellects ol these Jiseases, Imam argueJ that,
It is ve vho are lying in a vell that is as Jark as possilly can le. %his Jarkness is that ol our
egotism. So long as ve Jo not give up our egoism, ve cannot get out ol this Jarkness. Ve are
sellish anJ sell conceiteJ. %hat is vhy ve Jo not attach importance to others anJ consiJer
ourselves alone to le all important. Il thing is aJvantageous to us, ve accept it. Il it is not,
ve reject it hovsoever right it may le. Ve lelieve only thing, vhich is in our lavour. All
these egotism anJ sellishness. It is this attituJe that is the cause ol all troulles anJ is
responsille lor all mislortune ol humanity. %here can le no goJliness so long as sellishness
persists. %hem vhat is remeJy` Man has vithin himsell an iJoltemple. It is not easy lor him
to get out ol it. He neeJs Divine help, a hiJJen hanJ vhich may take him out ol this
Jungeon. %he Prophet has come lor this very purpose.

It is important ve strive to sanitite our minJs anJ hearts against the ellects ol these cancers.
Also lrothers anJ sisters in humanity, ve neeJ to seriously checkmate our morals
uprightness. %here is no vay ve can aspire lor spiritual perlections vhen our actions anJ
inactions are not in consonants vith the ethos ol Islam. Moral excellence conquers hearts
more than one thousanJs svorJs ol jihaJs. %he alility lor others to access us as gooJ
Muslims lies vith our moral uprightness. It is the moral conJucts ol the Holy Prophet (sav)
that maJe him to conquer the hearts ol the Arals anJ vorlJ in general. It is very important,
ve legin to see ourselves as the mirror that rellects our imperlections, not to Jaily llame the
next person. In every ol us lies sinlul Jesires anJ aspiration, il only ve can concentrate in
ourselves as the starting points relorming our characters anJ attituJes, prolally ve can
inlluence our chilJren, vives, sisters, lrothers anJ others, insteaJ ol all these llames in all
circle. I take solace in the sayings ol the MartyreJ Ayatullahi MurtaJa Muttahir
A laithlul man holJs himsell responsille lor his lackvarJness anJ vill not llame his
country anJ its aJministrators lor that. He lelieves that il there is anything vrong, that is
lecause he anJ others like him have laileJ to Jischarge their Juty properly. %his leeling vill
naturally arouse his sense ol sellrespect anJ impel him to move lorvarJ hopelully. In
contract a Jisleliever is in the universe like a man living in a country alout vhich he
lelieves that its system, lavs anJ lormations are unjust anJ corrupt anJ that he has to
accept then against his vill. %he heart ol such a man vill alvays le lull ol malice. He vill
never think ol improving himsell. He vill think that there vere everything is vrong, his ovn
uprightness vill le ol no use at all. Such a man never shall enjoy the vorlJ. Ior him the
vorlJ vill alvays le like a JreaJlul prison.

It is therelore important to llame our inJiviJual sell lor the conlusion anJ Jespairs ve lounJ
ourselves. Ve have to reavaken our spirits to prayer harJer to Allah (Svt) to get His lelicity
anJ mercy over our situation. Ve have Jerailing lrom our commitment to Allah, ve have
pickeJ others as our iJols such as money anJ lame. %he vay ve struggle Jaily to acquire
vealth anJ lortunes, il only ve can Jevout one thirJ ol such energy to the sincere vorship ol
Allah, our situation coulJ have change ly nov. %his has reminJeJ me alout the varning ol
Allah (Svt) to mankinJ in Quran Chapter 2J verse I2+ vhere Allah is saying that,
He vho turns avay lrom rememlering Me, his lile vill le lurJensome

Brothers anJ sisters in humanity, ve must seek knovleJge ol Islam anJ the Vestern
eJucation too. %hese knovleJge must le seek not vith the minJset ol getting a certilicate
that vill le use as a meal ticket, lut a knovleJge that vill le use to promote humanity anJ
luilJ a society ol righteousness anJ happiness. %his knovleJge must le sanctilieJ. Ve must
unJerstanJ ve have the Juty to reaJ looks anJ pullications on Islam. Knoving the history
ol Islam anJ vhat happens immeJiately alter the Jeath ol the Holy Prophet (sav) until
present era is sacrosanct to our overall unJerstanJing anJ Jevelopment ol vhich Islam
vhich ve are practicing anJ vho are really on the siJe ol Allah, His Prophet sav anJ the
righteously GuiJeJ Imams (As). Ve must unJerstanJ that ve cannot unJerstanJ Islam ly
listening to preaching through the raJio cassettes, DVD, CDs or attenJing lecturers, lut ve
must have anJ Jevelop a culture ol reaJing lenelicial looks on Islam anJ it lranches, that
vill give us more inlormation than just listening to the alove mentioneJ process.
Dear lrothers anJ sisters in humanity, ve must le vary ol nev teachings anJ some egotistic
scholars vho leels happy seeing us JiviJeJ along sectarian lines. %here is groving misuseJ ol
the hopelessness anJ conlusion arounJ us to make us commit crimes against innocents'
people in the vorlJ. %hese set ol Islamic preachers are using the injustice anJ oppression ol
Muslims to ginger people into committing atrocity in the name ol Islam. %he recent Boko
Haram episoJe, anJ Decemler 23, 2JJ9 attempteJ lomling ol the Delta airline lor example
in my country Nigeria ly Iarouk Umar Mutallal are some lev classical example. Islam has
specilication on hov to conJuct jihaJ as practice anJ thought ly the Holy Prophet (sav)
anJ the righteous guiJeJ Imams. It is our Juties to lollov these steps please lor our ovn
Dear lrothers anJ sisters in humanity, there is neeJ lor us to see ourselves as one anJ
vicegerent ol Allah on earth, so therelore there is neeJ lor love anJ compassions among us
irrespective ol religion, trile anJ sectarian JiviJe. %here is no neeJ lor all the name calling,
since ve agreeJ vith the coming ol Imam MahJi (as) let us use that as a yarJstick to luilJ
peacelul synergy anJ unity among Muslims. Ve must stop the name calling lut, to emlrace
each other in Jialogue ol civilitation in other to unJerstanJ ourselves letter anJ overcome
our challenges lrom the Jomination ol some psychos pretenJing to le the police men ol the
Iinally, ve must strive to light injustice anJ oppression in our enJeavour. Allah is just anJ
love just people, so vhy shoulJ ve see injustice anJ remains silent. Oppression anJ injustice
are the greatest killer instincts ol man. Allah has llesseJ us vith the entire thinking laculty
anJ the povers ol strengths, so vhy Jo ve lecome covarJs alike in lacing the realities that
conlronts us. Have ve all querns up in a line to oppress the people. %his is the crisis ol the
country ve are living toJay. NoloJy vants to take the right step, lecause ve have all
Jevelop the minJset ol vaiting lor our turn. I assure you most ol us, our turn vill never
come, except in the Jens ol poverty anJ conlusions. So, lrothers anJ sisters in humanity, let
remove lears anJ material inclinations in our heart, anJ emlrace the lears ol Allah as
Sustainer anJ ReJeemer ol our hopelessness anJ conlusion. It is only vhen ve lelieve in the
avesome povers ol the Almighty Allah that ve can conquer our lears anJ laces our
challenges vith certainty ol Allah's protections anJ mercy, lecause He has promise lelievers
in the Glorious Qur'an that Allah Joes not change the conJition ol any people until they
lirst change vhat is in their hearts (Surah AlRa'aJ I3.II).
%hese are the expectations anJ
challenges lelore us lrothers anJ sisters in humanity lelore the reappearance ol the Imam ol
our time (as).
%here is no Joult the challenges ol our time are too enormous lor us tackleJ, therelore ve
neeJ Jivine guiJance anJ celestial mercy lrom the Almighty Creator. %hese challenges vere
createJ ly man to satisly his vhimsical Jesires. %here is also no Joult that Allah is Fternal
anJ Mercilul to His creators, that is vhy alvays he sent a relormer to clean the people lrom
sins anJ injustices. %he reappearance ol the last Imam, Imam AlAsr, Va AlZaman, Al
Hujja, Al Muntatar, Al MahJi (As), is a testimony to the Benevolence anJ Mercy ol Allah
(SV%) to his servants, as reporteJ ly the Holy Prophet (SAV) that, %he vorlJ vill not
come to it enJ unless there rises Qa'im lrom my ollspring vho vill lill it equity anJ justice
alter leing lilleJ vith injustice anJ oppression
%he VorlJ has translorm lor loth gooJ anJ laJ. %his translormation has haJ a lar reaching
implication to the vorlJ. %his implication has enJangereJ the vorlJ more than ever lelore,
this is lecause the groving gap letveen the rich anJ poor has call lor soler rellection. Also
the tenacity anJ Jetermination ol the Islamic Repullic ol Iran in conlronting glolal injustice
especially as regarJs to protecting the sanctity ol Islam anJ Muslims all over the vorlJ, have
raise our hope ol the coming ol the avaiting saviour ol mankinJ. the Islamic Repullic ol Iran
is not only a trailllater, lut have shovn that vith aJherence to the teaching ol Allah
(SV%), as practice ly the Holy Prophet anJ expounJeJ ly the Holy Imams, Islam can le re
avakeneJ again to take her glorious place in the sanJ ol time. %his has also rekinJle our
hope anJ enthusiasm ol the reappearance ol the Imam ol time, so, that, he can lullill the
prophecy ol the Holy Prophet (SAV) anJ the rightlul guiJeJ Imams ol lilling the vorlJ
vith equity anJ justice alter it has leen lilleJ vith injustice anJ oppression. It is my prayers
that Allah vill make us among his helpers anJ lieutenants anJ lighter to conlront the glolal
empires luilJer vherever they are amin.
I. AkpuruAja, .A (2JJI). SelecteJ %hemes in International Fconomic Relations.
UnJerstanJing %renJs ol Glolalitation & Regionalitation. Fnugu, Rhycee Kerex
2. IliJ
3. ChossuJovsky, M (2JJ). %he Demonitation ol Muslims anJ the Battle lor Oil. In Muslim
VorlJviev, Ielruary 2JJ, page 2J.
+. SayyeJ Ali Naqi Naqvi (I99J). Biographies ol leaJers ol Islam. %ranslateJ ly Natir H.Z anJ
FJiteJ Yasin %. A. Lelanon, Imam Hussein lounJation
5. IliJ
6. %he Iourteen Inlallilles. %he AvaiteJ Imam. MohammeJ AlMahJi (AS), %ranslateJ ly
M.N Sultan, FJiteJ ly Yasin %. A, I998, Lelanon, Imam Hussein lounJation.
. Atarmi, A. (I999). Vhen %he %ime Comes. %ehran. Salir Solh pullishing
8. As citeJ in IliJ
9. Qur'an 2+.55
IJ. Qur'an 2I. IJ5
II. Qur'an Ops cit
I2. Ops cit (Atarmi I999)
I3. Quran +.I59
I+. Ops cit (Atarmi)
I5. IliJ
I6. IliJ
I. iliJ
I8. Ops cit (Ali Naqi)
I9. Allamah Mutahhari, Allamah %alatalai, anJ Imam Khumayni, (2JJI). Light Vithin Me.
Qum, Ansariyan Pullication, Page. I39I+J
2J. Mutahheri, M (I99). Man anJ Universe. Qum, Ansariyan Pullication
2I. Qur'an 2J. I2+

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