Script Drama Anne Green Gables

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Anne of Green Gables

L.M Montgomery

1. Aulia Nur Dewanti (A1B022047) As Anne Shirley
2. Alfiatun Najah (A1B022069) As Marilla Cuthbert
3. Dinda Dwi Putri (A1B022057) As Matty Cuthbert, Prissy andrew
4. Jenny Aprillia (A1B022038) As Diana Barry
5. Alfiyero Ramadhan (A1B022072) As Gilbert Blythe
6. Imelza Astiningrum (A1B022045) As Mrs. Rachel Lynde
7. Lensi Apritasari (A1B022058) As Mrs. Barry and Mrs. Blewett
8. Andini Carolina (A1B022061) As Josie Pye
9. Dela Utari (A1B022053) As Mrs. Philips
10. Atikah Fawwaz (A1B022070) As Ruby Gilis
11. Okta Velia Triana (A1B022068) As Stationmaster, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs joseph
12. Shinta Auliyah (A1B022056) As Jane Andrew and Minnie may
13. Hanum Fatikah (A1B022039) As Tilie Boutler
14. Rossa Jumalia Anggita (A1B022054) As Narrator
15. Sri Wahyuni (A1B022041) As Director
16. Nindia Permata (A1B022055) As Script Writer
17. Stevy Mardita Ziani (A1B022066) As Sound Setting
18. Jestita Aishara (A1B022059) As Property
ANNE SHIRLEY (f) : An imaginative and fiery orphan. Ages 13 to 16 during the play.
MARILLA CUTHBERT (f) : Stern woman, no nonsense lady of Green Gables.
MATTY CUTHBERT (f) : Marilla’s sister. She is quiet and a girl of few words.
DIANA BARRY (f) : Mannered girl and kind.
GILBERT BLYTHE (m) : Handsome, Popular, and a tease.
RACHEL LYNDE (f) : Out spoken and noisy neighbor to the Cuthberts.
MRS. PHILLIPS (f) : A killer and pretentious, ill equipped schoolmaster.
MRS. SPENCER (f) : Makes a mistake in bringing Anne from the orphanage.
MRS. BLEWETT (f) : Frightening woman who wishes to adopt Anne.
RUBY GILLIS (f) : Innocent and good schoolgirl.
JOSIE PYE (f) : Anne’s schoolyard rival.
PRISSY ANDREWS (f) : Smart schoolgirl
MINNIE MAY (f) : Diana’s sister.
MRS. BARRY (f) : Diana’s strict mother.
STATION MASTER (f) : Citizen.
JANE ANDREWS (f) : Often with anne for parties and adventures
TILIE BOUTLER (f) : Silly classmate of anne.
MRS. JOSEPH (f) : Kind and logic and wise woman
Act One
There’s a story of an extraordinary young girl, who would change the lives of all who
knew her, Her name is Anne Shirley, a spirited and imaginative orphan. Join us as we step into
pages of Anne’s story, where the beauty of friendship and the enduring bonds of family come
alive in the cherished tale known as “Anne of Green Gables”
One day there lived 2 unmarried sisters they were old now and the work they did was
getting harder and harder so they decided to adopt a boy, Matty dressed neatly with his horse
carriage through the paths in green gables to the city to pick up his son, until this shocked
everyone who lived in green gables and of course Mrs. Rachel who did not want to miss the
news went straight to the house of Marilla, Matty's sister to find more information.
Scene: At Cuthbert's kitchen
Rachel : You, Marilla, Marilla! (Knock on the door and enter the room) (Panic voice)
Marilla : Oh, good morning, Rachel. This is a really fine evening, Isn’t it? Won’t you sit
down? How are all your folks? (Said Marilla briskly as she poured the tea)

Rachel : Good morning Marila, we’re all pretty well, Is Matty sick? I saw her heading for
town, I thought maybe she was going to the doctor’s.
(Marilla's lips twitched understandingly)
Marilla : Well Rachel, Matty wasn’t going to town, she’s gone to the train station we’re
getting a little boy from an orphan Asylum in Nova Scotia (said Marilla calmly)
(She demanded when the voice returned to her)
Rachel : A boy! You can’t be serious. You know nothing about raising a child (angry
Marilla : We told her to fix us up with a little boy, eleven or twelve; old enough to do the
Rachel : Well, I think you’re doing a mighty foolish thing bringing a strange Child into
your home not knowing a single thing about him. Why just last week I read in the
paper an orphan poured poison down the well and the whole family died in
Fearful agony. Only it was a girl in that instance.
Marilla : Well, we’re not getting a girl.
Rachel : Well, I hope it will turn out all right,” (said Mrs. Rachel in a tone that plainly
indicated her painful doubts) Only don’t say I didn’t warn you if he burns Green
Gables down!
On the other hand, a girl arrived at the station where she was waiting for someone to
come to pick her up with a happy feeling. Anne Shirley stood up with a pounding heart. He knew
that this moment was the beginning of his new adventure in Green Gables. With his faithful sling
bag by his side, he looked with anticipation at the train track that stretched out endlessly. Anne
could feel the excitement coursing through her, ready to welcome her new home with open arms.
Then Anne entered, sitting on the bench at the end of the platform, continuing to practice
introducing herself.
Anne : Hello, my name is Anne Shirley, but please call me Cordelia. I think Cordelia is
a much better name for me, don’t you think? (Keep practicing the introduction)
(Stationmaster and Matty Cuthbert enter and Anne doesn't notice them)
Stationmaster: About time you got here Matty (murmuring)
Matty : Is the afternoon train due soon?
Stationmaster: Well, been and gone a half an hour ago. But There was a passenger dropped off
for you. She’s waiting for you on the platform.
Stationmaster: (pointing to Anne) There she is at the end of the platform
Matty : But I’m not expecting a girl (said Matty blankly) It’s a boy I’ve come for. he
should be here.
Stationmaster: Guess there’s some mistake (while clucking) you’d better question the girl (said
the station-master carelessly)
Matty : But, but, I can’t tell Marilla there are some mistakes and I can’t ask her why
she’s not a boy.
(Stationmaster exits. Matty walks toward Anne and Anne stops practicing the introduction when
she sees Matty)
Anne : Hello, are you Mrs. Matty of Green Gables? I’m very glad to see you.

Matty : Yes its me, I’m sorry I was late now Come along
(Anne crosses with Matty to a separate bench)
After passing through the station gate, Anne and Matthew began their journey home. The
evening sky displays spectacular colors, splashing shades of orange, red, and purple across the
horizon. They walked hand in hand, enjoying the cool breeze caressing their faces.
Anne and Matty stopped for a moment to gaze at this natural wonder. They could feel the magic
radiating from every second they spent together in that place. They took home sweet memories
from this trip, knowing that this moment would always fill their hearts with eternal happiness
and love.
They arrived in front of the house and met Marilla immediately.
On the other side, Marilla was clearing the table and heard Anne and Matty return and
immediately approached them.
However, Marilla was shocked by what she saw.
Scene: The interior of Green Gables
Marilla : Matty Cuthbert, who is that? Where is the boy?
Matty : There is no boy Marilla
Marilla : What do you mean? We sent word to Mrs. Spencer to bring a boy! (Glaring at
Matty : There's only her Marilla, I couldn't leave her at the station
(They both turn to look at Anne)
Anne : You don't want me! You don't want me because I'm not a boy? (She cried)
(Matty walked out of marilla’s house)
Marilla : Well, well there is no need to cry about it, What's your name?
(Anne starting kneeling)
Anne : Anne Shirley but please call me Cordelia
Marilla : Anne is a really good name. You have no need to be ashamed of it
Anne : (approaching Marilla) please call me Anne spelled with an E.
Marilla : Very well, then, Anne with an e, now Come with me (move to the bedroom)
This is where you will sleep for tonight, good night Anne with an e
(Marilla left the room with no care)
(Matty approached marilla)
Matty : Let her alone. She’s had a hard time
Marilla : (To Matty) We'll send her back to the orphanage tomorrow!
Matty : Well, you know, it’s kind of a pity to send her back, I can hire a boy to help me
and she can be company for you
Marilla : No! I'm not going to keep her!
Morning comes

The morning sun shone into Anne's room, illuminating Green Gables warmly. However, before
he could truly digest the beauty of this place, Marilla's firm voice interrupted her reverie.

Marilla : Hurry up, child!

Anne : Wait a minute Marilla I want to keep Green Gables in my memory….
Marilla : You can think about it later.
Actually, Anne is an interesting child for Marilla. However, Marilla could not deny the fact that
they only wanted a son to help them in the gardens and fields.
Finally, Marilla is determined to meet Mrs. Spencer to exchange her for a boy.

Act four
(Marilla explains her intentions and goals...)
scene: Meet on the road to Mrs. Spencer place
Mrs. Spencer : Well, well, how are you Marilla and how are you, Anne?
Anne : Tragical Mrs. Spencer
Marilla : Mrs. Spencer, there seems to be some mistake. We sent a word for you to bring
us a boy from the asylum.
Mrs. Spencer : Oh my! I'm so sorry Marilla Then we will take the child back because Mrs.
Blewett asked me if I could get her a little girl. She has such a large family, you
know Ten children and another one on the way, she really needs help for that.
Mrs. Blewett : Mrs. Spencer!! (Over the stage)
Mrs. Spencer : Here (waving hands to Mrs. Blewett) oh Mrs. Blewett you just came right in
time, Ms. Cuthbert here received this girl by mistake. And yesterday you
mentioned you needed one!
Mrs. Blewett : Mrs. Blewett (shake hands to Marilla)
Marilla : Mrs. Marilla Cuthbert (shakes hands to Mrs. Blewett)
Mrs. Blewett : How old are you, Anne? (Looking at Anne from Anne from head to foot)
Anne : Thirteen
Mrs. Blewett : You don't look as if there was much to you. Hmm, I don't know but if I take you,
you'll have to be a good girl, you know, good and smart and respectful. The baby
has been crying a lot lately and I'm tired of taking care of it. If you like Ms
Cuthbert I can take her right home now.
Marilla : (Marilla looked at Anne and felt an uncomfortable conviction) Well, I don't
know (she said slowly) I didn't say that Matty and I had absolutely decided that
we wouldn't keep her. I'll just take her home again and talk to Matty.
Mrs. Blewett : I suppose it'll have to (said Mrs. Blewett ungraciously)
Marilla : Then excuse me, ladies
(Marilla held Anne's hands and left Mrs. Blewett and Mrs. Spencer)
Anne : Oh thank you so much Marilla, thank you.

Anne was silent and in disbelief, as Marilla prepared to look after her. Her face was full of smiles
with sparkling eyes, now Anne had found the place that would be her home. Finally, Marilla
opened her arms to Anne. They are two souls who have finally found each other, preparing to
start a new chapter in their lives together. In a house now full of hope and love, their new
adventure begins.

Act Five
The next morning, the news of what happened crossed the entire town that Mrs. Cuthbert
adopted Anne and it's cath by Mrs. Rachel, then tomorrow morning in a hurry Rachel comes to
Mrs. Cuthbert's house
(Rachel enters, looking about the room as though she expects to see the “orphan girl” at any
Scene: Mrs. Cutberth's kitchen
Rachel : Good morning, Marilla
Marilla : Good morning, Rachel, Come in and take a sit
Rachel : Well, where is the girl?
Marilla : She will come here in a moment
Rachel : Marilla, Marilla, you doing such a foolish thing to bring a strange child into your
Marilla : I will admit I've gotten shock over myself
Rachel : Couldn’t you have just sent her back?
Marilla : We’ve put her on a trial. Still considering.
Rachel : Considering on it? What is there to consider? A boy would have been.
(Anne came running in presently, her face sparkling with the delight of her orchard rovings.)
Rachel : Well, they didn't pick you for your looks, she’s skinny, Marilla, Come here child,
and let me look at you closely, Oh my god this is awful, a hair red as a carrot, a
face with many freckles

Anne : How dare you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! How dare you call me skinny,
red hair, freckled? You’re a rude, impolite, unfeeling woman! I hate you!
Marilla : Anne!
Anne : How would you like to have nasty things said about you? How would you like to
be told that you're fat, and ugly, and like to gossip? I don't care if I hurt your
feelings by saying so! You have hurt mine worse than anybody ever told
me! And I'll NEVER forgive you for it, never, never! (She walks away and
walks toward her room)

Rachel : Did anybody ever see such a temper like that? (Said Rachel in disbelief)
Rachel : Well, Marilla. I don’t envy you for bringing up that child.
Marilla : Rachel, you shouldn't say about her look
Rachel : Marilla Cuthbert You're tolerating her behavior
Marilla : No (said Marilla slowly) I'm not trying to excuse her. She's never been taught
what is right. And you were too hard on her, Rachel.
Rachel : Well! I see that I’ll have to be very careful what I say after this! Marilla, Come
down and see me when you can but don't expect me to visit here again if I'm to be
treated in that way. goodbye, Marilla!

Rachel left marilla’s house feeling angry and Marilla approached anne.

Act Six
Scene: Anne's room
Marilla : Anne
No answer
Marilla : Anne get off that bed and listen to me! Are you not ashamed of yourself?
Anne : She had no right to call me those things!
Marilla : And you had no right to talk to her that way. I was ashamed of you Anne.
Anne : But there's such a difference between saying a thing yourself and hearing other
people say it (wailed Anne)
Marilla : She is your elder and my guest, not to mention my friends She deserves an
apology. You will go to her and apologize.
Anne : I can never do that. You can punish me any way you like. You can lock me up in
the dark with snakes and mice, and feed with bread and water. I won't complain.
But I cannot ask Rachel Lynde to forgive me
Marilla : If you want to stay here you must apologize
Anne : Then you'll have to send me back

Marilla exited the room in disbelief

Not far from Ann's room, Matty had heard everything that happened and then entered anne’s
Matty : So, you want to leave?
Anne : Yes, I rather leave than apologize to Mrs. Rachel
Matty : You don't have to be exactly sorry you know, you can just be pretended
Anne : You mean acting like you're apologizing?
Matty : Yes
Anne : Yes, yes of course I can do that (jump excited)
Matty : But don't tell Marilla I said anything let's this just be our secret
Anne : Yes, thank you Matty (hug each other) (and both laugh together)

After that, Anne's feelings warmed again, she accepted all of Matty's suggestions. Anne will tell
Marilla that she wants to go and apologize to Mrs. Rachel.
That morning, Anne met Marilla feeling determined to go and apologize to Mrs. Rachel.
Anne : Marilla
Marilla : What is it, Anne?
Anne : I'm sorry I lost my temper and said rude things, and I'm willing to go and
Say sorry Mrs. Rachel Lynde.
Marilla : Very well, now get ready we're going to Mrs. Rachel's house
Act seven
In the very presence of Mrs. Lynde, who was sitting knitting by her kitchen window…
Scene: Mrs. Rachel Lynde's yard
Marilla : Good morning, Rachel. Anne has something to say to you.
Anne : Oh, Mrs. Lynde, I am so extremely sorry, It was the truth; every word you said
was true. My hair is red and I'm freckled and skinny and ugly. What I said
to you was true, too, but I shouldn't have said it. Oh, Mrs. Rachel Lynde, please,
please, forgive me. Please say you forgive me, Mrs. Rachel Lynde.
(Despite the initial pretense, Anne carried good intentions to apologize sincerely
and restore their relationship. Anne clasped her hands together, lowered her head,
and waited for the decision.)
Rachel : There, there, child, I forgive you. I guess I was a little too hard on you. And
don't worry about your hair. You’re pretty enough with your red hair.
Anne : You have given me hope, Mrs. Rachel. I will never forget your kindness
Rachel : Marilla, trial or no trial you really need to put the girl in school.
Marilla : Yes, I think you're right
Anne : A school? I'm so excited about school Marilla, I've always wanted a real friend
(Rachel and Marilla look at each other)
Rachel : I will speak to Mrs. Barryy. Her daughter Diana is about your age. And she’s
quite mannered.
Anne : Oh, thank you, Mrs. Lynde! Thank you, Ms. Marilla

Act 8
Because Mrs. Rachel had promised to introduce Diana to Anne. So, the next day they sat
together in the kitchen, waiting patiently for the arrival of Mrs. Barry and Diana. In the
enthusiasm of waiting, they started talking, sharing stories, and laughing.
(Mrs. Barry, Diana, and Minnie may enter the stage came to marilla’s house)
Scene at Mrs. Cutberth's kitchen
Anne : Oh, Marilla, you'd be excited, too, if you were going to meet a little girl you
hoped to be your true friend and whose mother might not like you…..
Mrs. Barry : How do you do, Marilla?
Marilla : Fine Mrs. Barry (sit down)
Mrs. Barry : And is this the little girl you have adopted?
Marilla : Yes, this is Anne Shirley (Look at Anne)
Anne : Oh spelled with an e
Mrs. Barry : This is my girl Diana
Mrs. Barry : Diana, stop reading that book and greet Anne. (to Marilla) She reads entirely too
many books.
Diana : Good morning, Anne
Mrs. Barry : And this is my little girl Minnie may
Minnie may : Good morning, Anne
Anne : Good morning Minnie may
Mrs. Barry : Marilla, we brought you some cookies to drink along with tea
Marilla : Thank you
(Marilla arranged the cookies on the plate)
Mrs. Barry : Please everyone enjoyed it
(They all start eating cookies)
Mrs. Barry : What do you think about the cookies Anne?
Anne : I love it, Mrs. Barry
Mrs. Barry : I’m glad you like it
Minnie May : I love cookies, what are your favorite cookies? (to Anne)
Anne : Umm, gingerbread
Minnie May : I love gingerbread too especially with chocolate milk but Mother won't let me
eat too much chocolate
Anne : Why not?
Minnie May : It's bad for my teeth
Anne : Well, I agree with that too
Minnie may : How about ice cream?
Anne : I.. I never tasted ice cream before..
Minnie May : That's sad, I like vanilla
Mrs. Barry : Ehem, Diana why don't you talk to Anne? I have something to discuss with
Diana : Yes mother
(Anne takes Diana to the garden)
(Marilla and Mrs. Barry leave the house to discuss)
Under the warm sunshine, Anne and Diana played in the yard. Their cheerful laughter filled the
air, filling the space with infectious joy. They find similarities and joy in each other, forming a
unique bond of friendship. With every laugh and secret they share, they create memories that will
last as time goes by. Anne and Diana, with their true hearts and adventurous spirits, became
inseparable friends and sources of happiness for each other.
Diana : It seems you enjoyed the cake.
Anne : Oh, of course, I enjoyed it
Diana : Mother let me help her bake to make it special, you like it, didn’t you?
Anne : The cake was scrumptious
Diana : Scrumptious….?
Diana : Do you like to read a book?
Anne : Yes. I like to read when I can
Diana : I like reading too but my mother prefers that I do needlepoint
Anne : Oh, Diana, oh, do you think you can like me a little enough to be my true friend?
(Said Anne at last, clasping her hands and speaking almost in a whisper)
Diana : I guess so (Diana laughed)
Anne : Will you swear to be my friend forever and ever? (demanded Anne eagerly,
pinky promise)
Diana : I swear (pinky swear)
After playing with Anne, Mrs. Barry took Diana home while Anne left the garden with cheerful
steps and met Marilla who was cleaning up in the kitchen.
Marilla : Well, did you find Diana as your true friend?
Anne : Yes, Oh Marilla, I'm the happiest girl in the world on this day

Marilla : Well, I have discussed with Mrs. Barry that you will go to school tomorrow, and
Diana will pick you up in the morning.
Anne : Thank you thank you Marilla I can't wait to go to school tomorrow (Anne ran to
the room with excitment)
After Diana and Anne enjoyed the delicious cake they had shared, the atmosphere became more
intimate between them. The sun was shining brightly, and Anne's spirits were soaring. Anne was
a child who had just met a new best friend, and joy swept through her heart. The day that felt
lonely was now no longer lonely, and the fact that Marilla said that tomorrow she and Diana
would go to school together made her very excited, there were many things that Anne imagined
about tomorrow.

Act nine
The next day, gilberth finally came to school after long time visiting his cousins in new
brunswick, meanwhile Diana picked Anne up to go to school. On the other hand, there are two
students who are picketing class. They are Gilbert and Josie. However, when Gilbert was
arranging the class, he was confused because there were more chairs…
(Before Anne and Diana reach the school) (Gilbert arranged the chairs with Josie)
(Gilbert talks to Josie)
At schools
Gilbert : Josie, what's this extra chair for?
Josie : Mrs. Philips said there's a new student, you know the orphanage girl, red hair but
isn't that red hair something awful
Gilbert : Maybe, then again maybe not
(Students came to the class)
Ruby : Hi Gilbert, how was your summer?
Gilbert : All right I guess….it was nice in New Brunswick
Anne : Well, I agree with that too
Jane : How is it going?
Gilbert : It’s good to be back
Prissy : Yeah, welcome back Gilbert
(All girls say “Hi Gilbert” and Josie starts to take Gilbert hat and playing catch with Gilbert hat)
Josie : Girls, Gilbert hat, cath!
(all the girls start playing with Gilbert hats at each other)
Gilberth : Stop it guys (gilberth catch the hat)
(Gilbert moves away and starts reading the book meanwhile the girl starts talking gossip)
Tillie : Have you seen the orphanage girl?
Prissy : No but I heard she talks a lot and is kind of strange
Ruby : But why does Mrs. Cuthberth send her away just to retrieve her?

Jane : I saw her yesterday and I heard they even didn’t want a girl, I heard they wanted
to adopt a boy (giggles a little)
(All girls giggle a little)
Josie : I just talked to Gilbert, doesn’t she have awful red hair and many freckled
Ruby : Oh my that’s kinda of awful
Josie : Do you think she should be the daughter or a servant?
(All girls laugh)
Tillie : Mrs. Rachel says she has a terrible temper
Josie : Oh, I also heard she likes to talk to the three and flowers
Prissy : Don’t say too much thing maybe she’s nice from the inside
(Anne and Diana arrived at school)
Anne : Oh Diana, I think I'm going to like school here
Diana : Would you like to meet them?
Anne : Not yet. I’m nervous.
Diana : That's Josie Pye (pointing at Josie Pye) She fell from her own boat on purpose
to show off, it was dramatical

Diana : That’s Prissy Andrews (Pointing at Prissy andrews), she’s studying for her
entrance to Queens College, you can sit with me since Prissy will sit in the
back to get more lesson)

(Anne noticed Gilbert and Gilbert noticed her, then smiled)

Gilbert : Who's your name?

Anne : Anne Shirley
Gilbert : Oh, miss Shirleeeyy…
(Gilbert made eye contact then winked at Anne) (Gilbert walked away )
Diana : That’s Gilbert Blythe, isnt’t he handsome?
Anne : Yes, but it is not good manners to wink at the strange girl (upset)
(prissy walks closely to Anne)
Prissy : Never let the boys know when they’ve upset you
(Ruby walks closely to Anne)
Ruby : Never let them know when you like them, either
(Tillie walks closely to Anne)
Tillie : Gilberth is smart actually, always first in the class
(All girls walk closely to Anne)
Diana : This is Jane Andrews, Josie Pye, Ruby Gilis, Tillie Boutler, and Prissy
Andrews everybody this is Anne
Ruby : Hello
Prissy : Hello
Jane : Hello Anne
Tillie : Nice to meet you
Josie : Hi
Anne : Well, I agree with that too
Anne : It's my pleasure to meet you all and I will prove myself worthy to be your
Diana : Oh, Anne loves to read a lot of books
Josie : Is she always talking like that?
Tillie : I like to read too
Ruby : (look to Tillie Boutler) Nо you don't
Tillie : Oh right, no I don't
Jane : I saw you yesterday, I'm sorry I should Say hello
Josie : Why are you wearing that dress? It looks like grandma
Anne : It's a new dress actually (Shock)
Josie : Oh yes of course you're an orphanage if I were you I'm not wearing that dress
Diana : Anne is not orphanage anymore, she has been adopted
Anne : No Diana once you're orphanage you always be an orphanage (with a sad voice)
Tillie : Goodness, I hate to be in an orphanage
Ruby : I feel sorry you Anne
Josie : Anne, have you ever been to school?
(Mrs. Philips enters the stage)
Mrs. Philip : Children All of you take your seats! (Stops at Anne) And who are you?
Anne : Anne Shirley.
Mrs. Philip : Ooh yes. The orphan girl. (All students laugh.) Silence! I expect you to meet our
standards like Prissy Andrews (prissy Andrews stand) she studying for college
Prissy : Hi..(waving hands)
Anne : I’m sure I will! I’ve taught children younger than myself to read before. But
before we go further, if you're going to call me please spell my name with an “e.”
(Mrs. Philips ignored Anne and the girl in the back started to laugh a little)
Mrs. Philip : All right let's start our lesson, you ruby write “ravishing”
Ruby :ravishing
Mrs. Philip : Correct, Tillie wrote “awful”
Tillie :awful
Mrs. Philp : Awful like your handwriting
Tillie : But but… I'm trying my best Mrs. Philips
Mrs. Philp : Well not good enough,now quick quizzes we will do lesson spelling everyone,
Jane spelled "star"
Jane :star
Mrs. Philip : Josie "omitted"
Josie : o m m i t (look at notes) e d
Philips : Okay
Anne : (Stands) Mrs. Philips I think it should be two T's, o m i t t ed “omitted”
Mrs. Philip : (Looks at dictionary) Right, now Anne try to spell epitome…
Anne : epitome…? umm.. e p i t o m i……
Mrs. Philip : Well your pronunciation is not good like you think, sit down
Jane : I bet Gilbert can spell it
Diana : No, Gilbert can’t spell it either
Mrs. Philip : Miss Prissy please spelled epitome..
Prissy :epitome
Mrs. Philip : Remember that Anne, now Gilbert spelled knowledge
Gilbert :knowledge
Mrs. Philip : Good job and your pronunciation is good
(Gilbert winked at Anne and Anne ignored it)
Mrs. Philip : Now everyone please read pages 17 until 20 while I teach Miss Prissy for his
exam and remember to be quiet
Gilbert : Psst
No response
Gilbert : Psst, psst, psst, hey, hey carrots (while pulling anne’s hair)
(Anne stood and hit Gilbert with the board)
Anne : You mean hateful boy (hit gilberth with the board)
Anne : How dare you
(Crack everyone in class shock and start collecting the mess)
Ruby : Oh no Gilbert
Mrs. Philip : Anne Shirley what is the meaning of this?
Gilbert : It's okay Mrs. Philips, it was my fault, I teased her
Mrs. Philip : Sit down Gilbert Blythe (Mrs. Philips started to write "Ann Shirley has a very
bad temper") Now read it so loud that everyone can hear it
(Anne added E to the sentence)
Mrs. Philip : Do you hear what I said anne?
(Anne started to speak)
Mrs. Philips : From now on you will sit next to Gilbert Blythe
(Anne starts to sit with Gilbert)
Mrs. Philip : I hope this can teach you how to control your temper, Class dismiss
(After finish)
Gilbert : I'm sorry Anne, honest I am….please don’t be mad Anne
Anne : I will never forgive you, Gilbert Blythe
(Anne ran and exit the stage) (Diana, Ruby, and Jane follow from behind)
Anger welled up inside Anne.When the lesson ended, Anne left the class with turbulent
emotions. Anne felt very annoyed and disappointed with Mrs Philips' treatment. While walking
home, Anne couldn't hold back my angry tears. It felt like all the pressure and anger exploded
inside of Anne. the journey that Anne took used to be enjoyable, but now it's no longer the same,
Anne doesn't want to greet anyone and listen to anyone, even Diana, Jane and Ruby who follow
her, Anne ignores it.

Act ten
When Anne finally arrived home, her anger was still difficult to subside. Anne felt unfair and not
understood by Mrs Philips. He went home and took out his anger on Marilla who was cleaning
up the kitchen.
Scene: Marilla’s house
Marilla : Anne Shirley! What on earth?
Anne : I’m never going back to that school again
Marilla : What!
Anne : I hate Mrs. Phillips and I’m never going back there again! Ever!
Marilla : Nonsense
(Matty entered the stage)
Matty : What happened Anne?
Anne : That Gilbert Blythe!… (Begin to cry) Oh, I can’t talk about it now! I can’t… I
can’t see anybody now...
(Diane, Jane, and Ruby knock on the door)
Marilla : Diana please come in
Diana : Mrs. Cuthbert can we see Anne?
Marilla : She said she doesn't want to see anyone
Jane : I told you (nudging diana hands)
Marilla : Can you tell me what happened girl?
Jane : It was Gilbert.
Ruby : Gilberth blythe.
Jane : Teased Anne
Ruby : Anne loose temper, Anne loose temper
Jane : Anne hit Gilbert Blythe with the board
Jane : I just said that
Ruby : Oh
Diana : Then Mrs. Phillips made Anne go to the board and she wrote "Ann Shirley has a
very bad temper.” She spelled it without an “E,” Marilla!
Ruby : Then she made Anne sit beside Gilberth
Marilla : Oh, Anne will come see you, Diana. When she’s ready. You girls can go home
now. And thank you for coming
(The girls exit stage) (Marilla comes to Anne again)
Marilla : All right since you don't want to go to school again how about I arrange your tea
party with Diana
Anne : Really? Oh Marilla thank you thank you
Marilla : And maybe next week after this you will feel you want to go to school again
(Matty and Marilla exit stage)
Marilla, who was concerned about Anne's change in attitude, took the initiative to invite Diana to
visit Anne to restore her spirits. They throw a fun tea party to lift Anne's mood and give her
support. This tea party created a warm and welcoming environment, giving Anne a sense of
gratitude and motivating her to return to school with renewed enthusiasm. However, something
unexpected happened...

Act eleven
Scene: Dining room/Marilla kitchen
(Diana knocked on the door)
Anne : Please come in
Diana : Why thank you
Anne : And please sit down
Diane : Thank you (sit down)
Anne : Would you like tea or coffee
Diana : Tea, I love raspberry tea
Anne : Well then please enjoy your self and I will grab raspberry tea
(Anne goes to the kitchen to search for raspberry)
Anne : Hmm which one....I think this one
(Came to Diana again and pouring the tea)
Anne : Please Diana
Diana : Thank you (Diana drinks the tea)
(They booth start drinking)
Diana : Oh this is a nice raspberry, Anne. I never tasted raspberry like this
Anne : I'm glad you like it
(anne poured more tea but they didn’t drink it yet instead they eat cookies)
Diana : It's been so lonely without you at school Anne, You've been missed ever so much
and Gilbert he's…
Anne : I shall never forgive Gilbert Blythe
Diana : But he's truly sorry Anne
Anne : Please diana, stop talking about gilberth, lets drink again
Diana : (Drinks again) Well it's so good and I'm so thirsty
Diana : Please another one
(they both started to get drunk)
Anne : Of course, you can drink as much as you like hahahaha
Diana : I could drink this for the rest of my life hahahaha
Anne : I love bright red drinks, don’t you? Hahaha
Diana : I do love red drinks hahahaha
Anne : Hahahah it’s so wonderful we agree on everything
(Anne's took diana hand and walked to anne’s room) (they start laughing, dancing and singing)
(Mrs. Barry and Marilla entered)
Mrs. Barry : Diana, what is going on?
Anne : We were just having lovely tea
Mrs. Barry : Diana! what is wrong?
(Mrs. Barry checking on diana)
Mrs. Barry : She's drunk…
Anne : Drunk? She's just drinking tea, Mrs. Barry
Marilla : This is not tea Anne this is a wine
Mrs Barry : You, you naughty little girl, you give my Diana wine!
Anne : I didn't mean to, I thought it was tea, I'm sorry I'm sorry Mrs. Barry (cry in
Mrs. Barry : (to Marilla) Your daughter having a bad influence on my daughter
Marilla : It's not her fault (look at Mrs. Barry) I forgot to tell her where the tea was
Mrs. Barry : (to Anne) No! From now you will stay away from my Diana
Anne : You are not saying that Mrs. Barry, please forgive me (kneeling)
Mrs. Barry : (to Diana) No! Diana, you're not coming again to this house
Marilla : I agree the children must be punished but how about just two weeks?
Mrs. Barry : My word is final, I will never let an orphanage child be friends with my
(Mrs. holds Diana's hand and exits the stage) (Anne starts crying)
Marrila : There! There! Child
Act twelve
After several weeks of the bad events that Anne had caused, Mrs. Barry didn't allow
Diana to play with Anne anymore, and that made Anne very lonely. However, one day everyone
was out of town except for matty and anne Diana suddenly came to Anne's house and cried for
Scene Mrs. Cuthbert's house
Diana : Anne… Anne.. (called hastily), help me please…(while begging her hands)
Anne, who heard Diana's voice, immediately opened the door. But, Anne was surprised to see
Diana carrying her sister who was very weak
Anne : What’s wrong with your sister Diana?
Diana : Please help me... minnie may is getting Croup
Without waiting long, Anne immediately ran and told Matty that Minnie May was sick. She told
him to call a doctor in town. because there was no doctor in Green Gables.
Matty : I'll go to the town to call the doctor, stay here, please! And help Diana.
After that Matty went straight to town on his horse and Anne returned to see Diana who was
Anne : Don’t cry, please. Matty is heading to town to call a doctor and I know exactly
what to do for Croup.
(Anne get a water and Diana put Minnie May on her lap)
Anne : Lean her over
(Minnie may coughing) (Anne stood up and looks for medicine)
Anne : There is only one more dose (holding a bottle of medicine)
Diana : She's burning up
(Minnie may coughing)
(Anne took a cloth and soaked it in cold water and put in minnie may’s mouth)
Anne : Breathing cold air will help
(Mrs Joseph came to marilla house)
Mrs. Joseph : What on earth do you think you're doing? Do you wish her to die?
Anne : Cold water or cold air is a doctor's best friend in helping croup patient
Mrs. Joseph : But you are not a doctor! I do not allow this!
Anne : I know what I'm doing, please stay out of the way

(Anne stood up again and wet the cloth with cold water)
Mrs. Joseph : Well...
(Minnie may start coughing again)
Mrs. Joseph : Dear god please save this child.
Diana : It’s all right Minnie May
Anne : I'll fetch an onion (search for onion in the kitchen)
Mrs. Joseph : How much longer before the doctor came?
Diana : It took 2-3 hours to arrive at green gables
Mrs. Joseph : Oh how I hate the country
Anne : Please stay out of the way…
(Anne starts to fetch an onion)
Mrs. Joseph : You can not help the child
Anne : Please, I'm trying to help
Mrs. Joseph : Only a professional medical can help her
(Anne puts the onion in Minnie may sock)
Mrs. Joseph : What stupid thing are you doing?
Anne : It helps to bring the fever down, never heard that?
Mrs. Joseph : Why would I have? I know nothing of children and their illnesses
(Anne stood up and fetched the onion again)
Mrs. Joseph : You were a servant,So the cuthberth brought you to look after them when they
Anne : No,they decided to raise me
Mrs. Joseph : How extraordinary
(Minnie may start coughing again)
Diana : Anne...Anne...
(Minnie may begin to shortness of breath)
Anne : Come on Minnie may cough, cough Minnie may. Mrs. Joseph….!
(Diana lightly beats Minnie May’s back)
Anne : Well, I agree with that too
Mrs. Joseph : Come on child cough!
Anne : Cough Minnie may cough!!
(Minnie may cough and problem solved)
Anne : (To Mrs. Joseph) I believe the worst case is over
Mrs. Joseph : Thank God
Anne : Let’s get her to bed
(after that tense incident, everything became a little calmer but suddenly matty came in hurry)
(Matty comes on stage in a hurry )
Matty : The doctor...the doctor will be late...
Mrs. Joseph : There is no need doctor again
Matty : Why?
Mrs. Joseph : Your girl is a smart girl, she saves Minnie may life
Matty : Really?
Mrs. Joseph : Yes, I must admit she a totally a unique girl
Matty : And I'm so proud of her
(Mrs Barry came and marrila just came home from town, mrs barry shocked that her child at
marilla’s house)
Mrs. Barry : What is going on In here?
Mrs. Joseph : Minnie may is awfully sick and Anne saves her life
(Mrs Barry cried a little)
Mrs. Barry : Oh Anne, (to Matty) May I see you wonderful Anne? (Cry a little)
Matty : She's probably still sleeping but I'll wake her up
(Matty went into Anne's room and woke Anne and Diana up)
Mrs. Barry : Oh Anne, Mrs Joseph tell me that you save my Minnie may, I hope you can
forgive me and please can you be friends again with Diana
Anne : Really? Oh,thank you, thank you Mrs.Barry
Mrs. Joseph : Anne you have impressed me,if you become a doctor,maybe you can discover a
cure for old age
(Everyone starts laughing)
Mrs.Barry : Now if you excuse we will go home it's late now
Diana : Oh Anne I can't wait to see and talk to you very soon again
Anne : Me too Diana
(Mrs Barry family exit the stage)
Anne : Matty, Marila is it alright if I'm going to school again?
Matty : It seems to me,you should decided for yourself what you want to do and be and
set your mind to it
Anne : Maybe school wouldn't be so bad now,that I have Diana again
Matty : If that your decision,then so it will be
(Hug each other )
An atmosphere full of happiness reigned in Marilla's house after Anne saved Minnie
May's life. Everyone felt grateful for Anne's good deeds. Mrs. Barry, who had previously arrived
confused, was now smiling happily because his child was safe thanks to Anne.
Anne's life became even more colorful when she became friends with Diana again and
went back to school. Everyone felt happy and proud of Anne's good deed in saving Minnie May.
And Anne also received recognition from Mrs Joseph about how smart she was

Act thirteen
Today, as usual, all the other students went to school. The journey they took to school
was not simple; there were so many beautiful views to enjoy before arriving at school.
Below the garden is a lush green field with clover sloped down to the hollow, where the
brook ran and where scores of white birches grew, up springing airily out of an undergrowth
suggestive of delightful possibilities in ferns and mosses and woodsy things generally. Beyond it
was a hill, green and feathery with spruce and fir; there was a gap in it, where the gray gable end
of the little house she had seen from the other side of the Lake of Shining Waters was visible. Off
to the left were the schools, and beyond them, away down over green, low-sloping fields, was a
sparkling blue glimpse of the sea.
After their long and beautiful journey, they would arrive at school and as usual when
Mrs. Philips had not yet entered the classroom they would gossip
Scene at schools
Josie : I think Anne treats Gilbert horribly
Jane : But it's fun to watch haha
Tillie : I heard Gilbert ask for forgiveness but she didn't forgive Gilbert
Josie : Gilbert says sorry?
Prissy : Oh please, you weren't there
Tillie : And you were there?
Prissy : No.. only ruby, jane and diana were there
Josie : Then, jane and ruby. Did Anne forgive Gilbert?
Ruby : No she didn't
Josie : Exactly, anne doesn't deserve to be friends with everyone even when Gilbert
says sorry
Jane : But Gilbert said something awful to Anne's hair
Ruby : Yeah I can't imagine someone tweeted me about my look, I'd be crazy
Tillie : Yeah, i'd be crazy too
Ruby : Poor Anne, I can't bear to watch when she gets humiliated by mrs Philips
Josie : But Anne gets to sit next to Gilbert remember?
Tilie : Yeah, what kind of punishment is that, right Josie?
Josie : I hope she doesn't hurt Gilbert brain
(All laugh)
Jane : Anne looks so sad that day actually
Josie : But it's her fault anyway
Tillie : Yeah, she's too sensitive about her hair
Prissy : Hmm, I wonder when Anne will come to school again
Josie : I think she's never coming back to school again
(All girls laugh)
Jane : If she's not I can be best friends with Diana again yeey
(Anne and diana came to class)
Anne : Diana will Gilbert come to school today?
Diana : Yes Anne
Anne : But I still don't want to see Gilbert
Diana : That's okay anne, everything will be just fine
(Everyone sees Anne enter school)
Prissy : Oh, is that Anne?
Tillie : Anne comes back to school?
Ruby : Oh anne, we miss you awfully, where have you been?
Anne : Nothing, just at home
(Gilbert enter the school)
(Gilbert put an apple on the Anne chair as an apology but Jane saw it)
Jane : Anne I found an apple on your chair
Diana : Oh is that from Gilbert?
Jane : Maybe, Gilbert's father has an apple tree
Anne : Iew no, here catch Tillie. He called me carrot remember?
Prissy : That's a month ago
Jane : yeah,Why you so mean to Gilbert?
Anne : ugh! Do not mention that name
Tillie : Gilbeerth....
Josie : Owh, what is this? Gilbert love Anne?
Ruby : Oh how romantic, right Gilbert?
Gilbert : I did not put that apple
(Everyone starts mocking "Anne love a Gilbert" 4x)
Gilbert : ugh! A lady with red hair? never in your life
(Mrs. Philips entered the school)
Mrs. Philips : Quiet everyone. Let's start our lesson, today we will have a spelling contest...
Mrs. Philips : Wait, is that you Anne? I thought you never wanted to come to school again
Anne : No Mrs Philips, I do want to come to school again!
Mrs. Philips : Well then, let's continue, who wants to come in front of this class to do the
(Anne, Gilbert, Josie and Tillie raise a hand)
Mrs. Philips : Alright you four come here
Mrs. Philips : Let's begin, first tillie spell amorous
Tillie :Amrus
Mrs. Philips : (groans) Wrong! Sit down!
(Everyone "boo that's easy")
Mrs. Philips : Josie spell gorgeous
Josie :Gorgi
Mrs. Philips : Ugh! You're wrong, sit down!
Mrs. Philips : Gilberth spell ostracize
Gilbert :Ostracize
Mrs. Philips : That is correct
(All cheering)
Mrs. Philips : Anne speel haughty
Anne :Haughty
(Class cheering)
Mrs. Philips : Gilberth speel callous
Gilbert :Callous
(Class shouting)
Ruby : You can do it Anne
Josie : You can do it Gilbert
Mrs. Philips : Anne speel penitent
Anne :Penitent
(All cheering)
Mrs. Philips : Gilbert speel intentions
Gilbert :intentions
Mrs. Philips : Persevere
Anne :persevere
(All cheering)
Mrs. Philips : Last, gilbert engagement
Gilbert :engagm
Anne : Well, I agree with that too
Mrs. Philips : That is incorrect
(All class cheering)
Gilbert : Congratulations Anne, I should have added the e
(Anne ignored it and started to sit) (Gilbert sit)
Jane : Anne you won
Diana : Anne congratulations
Josie : You did a great job Gilbert
Gilbert : Thanks josie
Jane : (write "Gilbert love Anne") Hey ruby look at this
Ruby : Hahahah that's funny, Anne look at this
Anne : Ruby Gillis! (Throw a paper to ruby)
Mrs Philips : Anne Shirley! What are you doing?
Anne : I'm sorry Mrs Philips
(All Laugh)
Mrs. Philips : Alright everyone, attention! I have an announcement this night we will do a
little show for school’s annual event dance and this show will be watched
by all people in avonlea
Tillie : A concert?
Jane : This night ?
Tillie : Isn't that too fast?
Jane : Yes Mrs Philips, we haven't practiced anything
Mrs. Philips : It's not gonna be so hard, we will do the easiest one.
Josie : What kind of concert?
Diana : I think we should do it dance
Ruby : Yea, wouldn't that be lovely
Josie : I guess we just sing
Tillie : yeah, sing is more lovely
Gilbert : Um..Mrs.Philips let's just do the voting
Mrs. Philips : Well then, whoever wants to dances raises their hands
Mrs. Philips : And whoever wants to sing raises their hands
Mrs. Philips : Alright we will do.....
Diana : Oh Anne, I can't wait to show it to my parents
Anne : Me too Diana
Jane : Ugh! I'm going to hate practicing
Tilie : I don't know if I'm a very good dancer
Josie : What so hard on dancing, it's
Gilbert : So...what do we wanna do for a concert?
Tillie : Oh...oh I know, I want to be a fairy in the show
Josie : You can't be a fairy
Tillie : Why?
Josie : Because you don't look like you're a fairy queen! And you don't look like a fairy
at all! I should be a fairy
Jane : No you cannot too
Josie : Ugh! Why?
Tilie : Cause you ridiculous
(All girls laugh)
Gilbert : Okay, stop this, maybe Anne wants to be the fairy
Josie : No! Red-hair fairy is ridiculous too
(All girls laugh)
Mrs Philips : Now now silence! you can rest a little bit then we will continue a practice
(all “Thank you Mrs Philips”)
(Mrs Philips just nodded)
(all girl starts to sit in a circle and eat lunch)
Ruby : Someone said the key to a man's heart is by the food
Diana : Then we have to make sure we bring the best lunch
(All girls laugh) (and started eating and sharing the food) (Jane looks at Gilbert)
Jane : Don't you think Gilbert looks even more handsome when he's sad?
Prissy : I didn't notice
Ruby : He does
Jane : I know
(All girls laugh)
(Mrs. Philips enters the classroom)
Mrs. Philips : Alright, rest time is over, let us practice
Mrs. Philips : Pay particular attention to the pattern
(Sound of music and they started to dance)
Mrs Philips : Ready? Here we go and 1,2,3
Prissy : I don't know what I'm doing
Jane : Did you see me dancing?
Josie : Oh god I think, I don't like this
Mrs. Philips : Slowly
Mrs. Philips : Remember not to get tripped
Mrs. Philips : Change partner
Mrs. Philips : Stop stop this is a total mess
Prissy : What's the matter ruby?
Mrs. Philips : Especially you ruby! Why don’t yo want to hold hands?
Gilbert : Yeah, why ruby?
Jane : Are you feeling faint again?
Josie : She's shaking
Tilie : You can tell us
Ruby : What.. what if I'm pregnant?
Ruby : My mother said,if a boy touches you, you might get pregnant
Jane : How could this be?
Tilie : But whose the father?
Josie : (to Mrs Philips) How can you let this happen?
Mrs. Philips : Girl please calm down yourself
(Prissy and Gilbert laugh)
Prissy : That's not how it works guys
Ruby : I'm afraid to dance
Josie : Dance is so stupid
Jane : Ugh! How much longer do we have to dance?
Tillie : I'm hungry
Diana : Now guys, let's practice seriously so we can finish quickly
Mrs. Philips : Now quiet! Quiet, let's continue the practices
Mrs. Philips : One more time and 1,2,3
Mrs. Philips : Very well, I can see the improvement
Mrs. Philips : Now you all can go home and gather here again at 7pm and also don't forget to
bring your parents to watch
(All students "Yes Mrs Philips")
After all the effort and practice, the students were exhausted. They had struggled
wholeheartedly to prepare for their performance. They had faced exhaustion. However, when the
time came, the students felt proud of the progress they had made. They had practiced their
choreography and perfected their music.
Finally, as the sun began to fade, they returned to their homes. There, they carefully call
their parents to come and watch their performance. They want to share this special moment with
the people they love and respect.
When their parents arrive, the students feel a mixture of emotions, from nervous to excited. They
know that all their effort and hard work will pay off when they perform in front of their parents.
Mrs. Philips : Alright, are you ready?
(All students "Yes Mrs Philips)
Mrs. Philips : Don't forget what practices were okay?
(All students "okay Mrs Philips)
Mrs. Philip : this our perfomance and please everyone enjoy it
(All the student invited all people to dance together)(After they finish they are all clapping)
Marilla : Now let's go home Anne
Anne : Oh Marilla, can I play a little more?
Marilla : Sure but don't be too late
Anne : Yes Marilla
Anne : guys lets play a game….
(all “lets go”)
Jane : Let's race, whoever reach that three first,they win
Josie : Not in your dream Jane
Tillie : Watch me reach first
Diana : I'll try
Prissy : Let's do this
(All “Yeeey”)
(They ran as they could but Anne falls because of her skirt and nobody saw that except Gilbert)
Anne : Oh no, help….help…..(scream for help)
Gilbert : Are you alright Anne?
Anne : No, my knees hurt
Gilbert : Let me help you Anne
(Gilbert nurse Anne's wound)
Gilbert : There I hope you're okay now
(Anne was relieved,she wanted to thank Gilbert but then she remembered that she would not
forgive Gilbert for what he did to her.) (Anne Walk off)
Gilbert : Anne, anne are you forgive me for what I did to you?
Anne : No gilberth
Gilbert : Seriously anne?
(Gilbert felt sad, so he walked away and left Anne, but then Anne's friends came back to search
for Anne because Anne wasn't around them)
Jane : Anne, what happened?
Ruby : Yea Anne, were so worried
Diana : What took you so long?
Tillie : We thought you were lost
Prissy : So we were looking for you
Josie : What happened to your knees?
Anne : I fell and hurt my knees but Gilbert helped me
Tillie : How romantic
Jane : That is so sweet
Ruby : I'm glad you two are friends now
Anne : Umm no we are still not friends
Prissy : Alright, it's already late now. Let's help Anne go to her home.
Everything that happened that day felt very meaningful, that day also finally Anne really
felt that she could adapt to the many changes she felt. Now nothing disturbs her beliefs anymore,
she really likes this place and her friends.
The days went on with joy, Anne went through her day as usual, she was still a child who
was full of enthusiasm and imagination.
Act Fourteen
The days would slowly pass by without her realizing it. Year after year so changed now
Anne is an adult, she is turned sixteen. For a moment she could not remember where she was.
First came a delightful thrill, as something very pleasant; then a horrible remembrance
The green gables was a very different place from the morning four years ago, The
morning had come. this signaled a new change now it was time for Anne to think about her
future to study at queens while Diana, Anne's best friend was in trouble, her mother did not allow
her to go to college, Mrs. Barry thought that home was where a woman should be. Because of
this, her aunt Mrs. Joseph came to the green gables to convince Diana to continue studying and
take the queens exam.
Scene at marilla’s house

In the marilla’s house mrs joseph came to see diana

Diana and Anne : Aunt Joseph!
Diana : I'm happy to see you again, what's bring you to here?
Mrs. Joseph : You… Your mother said you were here...
Mrs. Joseph : Hello Anne, Matty, marilla
(Matty and Marilla “Hello”)
Mrs. Joseph : I heard the queen entrance exams are tomorrow, take them
Diana : But, I haven't prepared
Mrs. Joseph : But you're smart, you can do it
Diana : I'm not going to the queen. I'm going to stay in green gables
Mrs. Joseph : Diana! Time have chage, go to college! Learn!
Diana : I'am going to learn.
Mrs. Joseph : About what? How to be a good wife? You have potential diana. Demand from
Diana : I don't have a choice
Mrs. Joseph : Really? Well, nothing to fear, you're beautiful, you won't be very interesting but
you'll be success.
Matty : Diana, what's Mrs Joseph said is true if they love you, they won't deny the thing
that you truly want
Marilla : That is right, it's your future, not theirs
Anne : Good luck Diana, I hope we can go to the queens together
Diana : Your right, thank you Mrs Joseph, marilla, Anne and Matty
After that Diana went home she convinced her mother that she could take the queens
college exam but even after being convinced her stubborn mother still forbade it, this did not
discourage Diana she still intended that the next day she would still try to take the exam and
hoped that by showing her exam results her mother would approve her to go to college.

Act Fifteen
This day was the college entrance exam that she had been anxiously awaiting for months.
Everyone's mind is filled with questions and doubts.
They all reflect on the material they've learned, trying to remember every detail and
necessary formula. They open their textbooks, scribble notes, and try to grasp all the concepts
they've been taught. Anxiety about the exam results and the uncertain future made the feeling of
tension even stronger. Plus the pressure of fear of disappointing their parents was running around
in their heads. However, the shadow of uncertainty still hangs over their minds. But they try to
calm themselves down by joking and gossiping in class.
Scene at schools
(All girls students in class)
Ruby : Are Gilbert and Anne still competing?
Jane : That's the way their friendship is..
Josie : She doesn't want to be friends with him
Tillie : Well that's nothing new
Josie : Gilbert doesn't want to be her friend either
Ruby : Yeah…..I think you're right
Ruby : Guys, have you prepared for the exam?
Tillie : Oh god, I'm so scared of the exam
Ruby : I Think Gilbert can pass the exam easily
Josie : Of course, she is the smartest student anyway
Jane : I agree
Josie : No, you don't, a week ago you said Anne is the smartest person in the school
Jane : Well, she is! She beats Gilbert anyway in spelling competition
Josie : Well maybe, but don’t you think being beauty is more important than being
Jane : I think you Josie Pye just jealousy on Anne
(all girls laugh)
Josie : Iew, I rather dead
(Anne, Diana and Gilbert walk to school)
Diana : Anne, so how's Gilbert?
Anne : Hahahah not funny Diana
(Josie and Jane walk closely to Anne and Diana)
Josie : Diana, what are you doing here?
Jane : What about your mother?
Diana : They still forbade me but I want to prove myself..that I can
(Mrs. Philips came to school)
Mrs. Philips : Gather around everyone! I will tell you again that the exam will be held this
afternoon and all of you should be thinking about your future
Jane : I think you could be a writter Anne
Anne : Thank you Jane
Josie : I can finally wear my hair up
Mrs. philips : Well, there are more important than that
Ruby : I'll be a teacher if I pass the exam then I'll teach for junior and then get married
Jane : My sister is independent now, she's probably never going to get married
Diana : I think you tilie will end up as a politician
Josie : Or a clown
(all girls laugh)
Tilie : That's the same thing (upset voice)
Jane : I want to be a government but Mrs Rachel said only boys can be the government
Diana : Same with my mother, she said home is the woman proper sphere
Gilbert : I'll go to queens for a year, if I make good grades and if my father could afford it
Anne : I love to teach at school but the queen.. isn't expensive?
Josie : Oh, I don't have to worry about that, cause I'm not a poor girl like you
Tillie : My relatives can send me if I pass the entrance exams
Mrs. Philips : Remember class,If you want to make it happen you have to study hard, now you
may study a little, before the exams started
(Everyone "yes Mrs Philips")
Diana : Anne I'm going to ask you a question but don't be mad please
Anne : What is it Diana?
Diana : Anne do you have a crush on Gilbert
Anne : I don't....but now....(while glancing at Gilbert)
Jane : Anne tells ruby to focus,the exam is coming and all she can do is turn geometric
shapes into hearts
Ruby : But it's romantic isn't?
Anne : I don’t know.. ask Gilbert
Tillie : I'm dying I can't breath
Josie : My heart is beating too fast
Tilie : It's about to explode
Diana : Relax, it's probably just nerves (appealing the situation)
Ruby : Try to relax your mind
Tillie : When I think about taking those exams I feel sick
Josie : PEI became the British Colony of Sr John island in 1769 (while memorize)
Jane : 1873
Tillie : Happy thoughts, you can do this
Ruby : Help my hands is sweating
Josie : Uh 12 times 12 is a 121 (keep repeat)
Anne : What are you muttering?
Jane : (to anne) Don't mind her, repetition keeps her calm
Josie : Prissy said last year they threw a trick question to mess you up
Ruby : Oh no…. I will disgrace my parents
Gilbert : I wish this is just a dream and wake up it's already over
Josie : I heard prissy staying up all night and learning before the exam
Gilbert : I Think I'd be sleep walking
Mrs. Philips : Alright let's begin, you have one hour per subject write in pencil or pen, no
reference book
Anne : May I borrow a pen (while whispering and asking friends)
Mrs. Philips : And no talking
Anne : Sorry, might you have a pen could I borrow?
(Mrs. Philips lent Anne a pen)
Mrs. Philips : If you have done it, you can give the paper to me and you can go home
Mrs. Philips : and for the announcement of the result, I will deliver it to marilla’s house
because we will not come to school anymore, understand?
(All "Yes Mrs Philips")
Mrs. Philips : Begin, Best of luck for your exam
(all students take exam tests)
(All students finish the exam)
It was a stressful day, one that they had been looking forward to for months. They had
faced the college entrance exam, an event that triggered anxiety and doubt. Now, however, the
sun had faded, and the exam was over.
They left the exam room with mixed feelings. They felt a mixture of relief and deep
anxiety. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off their shoulders. They reflected on their
journey during exam preparation, on all the hard work they had put in, and on the future dreams
they wanted to pursue. There is a sense of pride in this accomplishment, albeit humbly. Although
they don't know the exact result of the exam yet, they know that they have given their best
Act Sixteen
Time passed slowly, Mrs. Philips said she would bring the exam results today but since
they were no longer in school they agreed to gather at Marilla's house and Mrs. Philips agreed.A
feeling of tension hung in the air as they thought of all the hard work they had put in during the
They exchanged glances, trying to support each other with hopeful looks. Anne mused
about all the exam questions she had answered, trying to remember the answers she had written.
Others felt doubtful and unsure whether they had given the correct answers.
Scene at marilla’s house
(all students come to marilla yard)
Ruby : You think I can pass the exam?
Jane : Of course, I don't wanna go unless you're going
Josie : God, I want to leave this village as soon as possible
Tillie : Does anyone have a paper a bag? (feel want to vomit)
Jane : I don't think I got in
Tillie : Oh god this is the worst
Ruby : I can't imagine I pass
Diana : Anne if I pass will you catch me when I faint?
Anne : I think you will pass Diana
Gilbert : Everything seems would be easier if I pass
(Mrs. Philips came with the exam result)
Mrs. Philips : Look at this your entrance exam test score
(Everyone oh god)
Mrs. Philips : I'm proud of how hard everyone has worked, you've made a great showing for
avonlea and now...(giving the exam result)
Josie : Oh my god
Tillie : Let's see
Ruby : Diana got in
Jane : Oh goodness
Ruby : Diana, you got in
Diana : I got in?
Ruby : Gilbert and Anne tied for the first
Tillie : That's amazing
Diana : I'm going to college Anne
Anne : Congratulations Diana
Gilbert : Congratulations Anne
Anne : Thanks, congratulations too Gilbert
Mrs. Philips : It's heavy but with a proud heart that I say to you for the last time "class dismiss"
(Everyone “thank you Mrs Philips” while the hat)
(Everyone left Marilla's house)
Everyone leaves the room happy, it's a memory they'll always remember.
Especially Diana, she couldn’t wait to show her mother the exam result. However, this suddenly
became a disaster, Diana's mother found out that Diana took the exam secretly so she
came Marilla's house feeling angry because her daughter went against her will.
(Mrs. Barry come to marrila house)
Mrs. Barry : what is this? What have you been doing?
Diana : Mother look (showing the paper) I pass the exam, I can go to college
Mrs. Barry : Deceitful child! How could you! How could you be so selfish! Oh…oh…my
Diana : But mother…it’s my future…
Mrs. Barry : It’s not your future it’s my future!
Diana : your future?
Mrs. Barry : If I had a son things would be different…
Diana : Why? Why mother? (Diana cries)
Mrs. Barry : Enough of this! You have one job and you will do it
(Diana ran away from marilla’s house)
Anne : Oh matty and marilla, my poor diana…
Matty : Im so sorry your leaving without diana but your future is still bright
Diana : I want to be happy, I just can’t be. I'm really worried about her
Marilla : Don’t worrry, I’ll do something to help diana
Because of this incident Anne, Marilla and Marry felt very sad about what Diana was going
through. But Marilla didn't give up hope, she planned a small gathering.

Act Seventeen
The next day she gathered Mrs. Rachel and Mrs. Joseph to persuade Mrs. Barry to allow
her daughter Diana to attend college.
Scene at marilla’s house
Mrs. barry : Why are you all here?
Mrs. Rachel : It's you why we all here
Marilla : Come and sit down first Mrs Barry
Matty : I know it's very disappointing for you Mrs Barry
Mrs. Barry : What do you mean?
Mrs. Rachel : We all worry about your Diana
Mrs. Barry : She's my child and I know the best
Matty : Your kids are growing up, she's not a child anymore
Mrs. Rachel : I’ll have to tell you Matty, I don’t believe in the higher education of women.
Mrs. Barry : You see..even Mrs Rachel understands
Mrs. Rachel : was a long time ago, time has changed Mrs barry
Mrs. Barry : What exactly do you mean Mrs Rachel?
Mrs. Rachel : Now it's time where education is a concern to men or women
Mrs. Barry : You mean Disobedient, sinful and against their parents?
Mrs. Joseph : Oh goodness! How long will you keep Diana and lock her in the house?
Matty : I know it has been a difficult year for us (cough)
Mrs. Barry : Yes, and you have to face it
Matty : it's normal for them to fight about what they truly want
Mrs. Barry : I did everything for her all my life now she betrayed me.
Mrs. Rachel : I know you are scared about changing, but you cannot know joy unless you have
known sorrow
Mrs. Joseph : Sometimes in this scared way you will understand
Marilla : It is true, the more you hold her, the more you will lose her
Mrs. Barry :(stand up) Well I think enough of this conversation and good day
Mrs. Rachel : Do you think she will change her mind?
Matty : Well, we don't know but hope she will (cough)
Mrs. Joseph : Are you sick Matty?
Marilla : Yes, She’s been getting sick a lot in this spring.
Mrs. Rachel : You’ve been working too hard today, Matty
Mrs. Joseph : Why don't you rest a little bit matty.
Matty : I can't, anne is going to the college and I have to prepare about the bill
Marilla : Take a break first matty and then think about it later
Matty : Well I think you're right

After the discussion, Mrs. Barry felt the anxiety inside her, what they said was true but the
fear of losing her beloved child Diana made Mrs. Barry frustrated, on the other hand she also
wanted her child to be happy. After weeks of thought, the decision was finally made, she decided
that her daughter could go to Paris to study on the condition that she had to keep in touch with
her often. Diana who heard this decision was very happy, finally her mother allowed her to go to
study. She can't wait to tell Anne this happy news tomorrow.

Act eighteen
But on the other hand sadness came to Anne's family, Matty who had been sick for a long
time, was getting weaker day by day. Anne had cared for her lovingly, but Matty's health
continued to deteriorate.
Anne felt anxious and worried about Matty's condition. She monitored every sign of
weakness, every heavy breath, and every expression on Matty's face. Until the dreaded thing
Scene at marilla’s house

(Matty had just returned from the field and sat down)
Matty : Well I think you're right
Matty : Anne! (Coughing)
Anne : You’ve been working too hard today, Matty (while massaging matty’s back)
Matty : (coughing) Hmm..
Anne : Why won’t you take things easier?
Matty : Well now, I can’t…. So much to get done
Anne : If you’d let me do some… some….
Matty : Oh, I’m just getting old, don’t worry about it.
Anne : I could do…
Matty : No, No, today I’m just a little too tired
Anne : I wish I was a boy so I can help you..
Matty : Well now, I guess it wasn’t a boy that took the queens college ? It was a girl that I’m proud of. (Coughing)
(Anne hugs Matty, Matty hugs her back)
Anne : Rest now, Just a little, For me.
Matty : Well… All right, For you. (start reading magazine)
(Diana Came to Cuthbert house)
Diana : Anne... Anne oh my god your not gonna believe this, my mother let me go to the
Anne : Really? I'm so happy for you diana
(Mrs. Rachel came to Cuthbert's house)
Mrs. Rachel : Any bank that Mr. Abbey runs are not good enough for Green Gables! This is a
bad news
Matty : No! Oh, no!
(Matty appears holding on to the table, ashen, shaking, unable to breathe or speak. She is shaking
a newspaper. We might be able to read “BANK FAILURE” on it.)
Marilla : What?!
Anne : Matty?!
Matty : The…Bank!!…
(She gasps and falls. Outside the mare stamps and whinniesloudly.)
Anne / Mrs rachel: Matty! Matty!
Mrs. Rachel : Let's get her to bed, diana could you go to town and call a doctor
Diana : Yes mrs rachel
After that, diana ran to find a doctor while the others took matty to bed
Matty : Listen anne, I have something to tell you before I go (in bed)
Annes : Don’t say that matty
Matty : I need you to be strong and please take care of marilla
Anne : Of course I will
Matty : College is the next chapter of your life and I want you to face it with all your
Anne : I promise and ill carry your love with me
Matty : Good daughter, remember to study hard and also cherish every moment with
friends. Life is beautiful anne. Be happy my child
Anne : I will
Matty : Marilla thank you for all this time and sorry if I often trouble you
Marilla : Oh matty, youre not giving me any trouble (while crying)
Matty : And mrs rachel, thank you for always helping our family
(Then immediately matty’s heartbeat was no longer heard and matty died.)
Marilla : Matty! Oh, my dear lord! (crying)
(They crowd around her. Marilla is shaking her.)
Marilla : Matthew! Are you sick? Matthew what is it? (crying)
Matty : Matty….Matty….(crying)
Mrs. Rachel : (Feeling his pulse)....Marilla…(shaking her head)
Marilla : She’s fainted! That’s what it is! (denied)
Mrs. Rachel : Marilla!
Marilla : Anne and Diana, quick run into town! Get the doctor!
(Anne jumps up and starts for the door.)
Mrs. Rachel : Anne! (shaking her head)
(Anne stops, Mrs Rachel turns and stills Marilla)
Marilla : There’s nothing we can do for him now.
Marilla : (Falling on Matty in tears:) Oh no! Oh no! Oh! Matty

Act Nineteen
In the days since Matty's death, Anne felt uneasy; she didn't want to leave Marilla alone because
now there was no Matty anymore. Finally, she decided not to go to college, but she promised to
keep studying and one day return to reach her goal of studying, but now she thought she was
better off working first as a teacher. This was finally discussed with Marilla.
Scene at marilla’s house
Anne found marilla at the dining table alone and sad
Anne : You won’t have to stay here alone. I’ll be with you. I’m not going to Redmond.
Marilla :What do you mean?
Anne : I’m not going to take the queens. I could not leave you alone, Marilla
Marilla : Oh, Anne, I can’t let you sacrifice all your ambitions for me.
Anne : I’m just as ambitious as ever. I’m going to be a good teacher, I will study at
home and take a college course all by myself.
Marilla : I don’t think I can let you.
Anne : You can’t stop me. (Anne's crying) I don't want to go, I want things to go back
the way used to be
Marilla : Oh Anne, I should stick around and make you go to college But I know I can't,
so I won't try. I'll make it up to you, Anne.
(Marilla hugs anne tightly)
Mrs rachel, who heard the news that anne was not going to college, visited marilla’s house and
gave her a little suprise
Mrs. Rachel : Marilla, Anne (while knocking the door)
Marilla : Evening, Rachel
Anne : Beautiful evening
Marilla : Yes
(Mrs Rachel sits down)
Mrs. Rachel : I heard you didn't take the queens, so what are you planning now?
Anne : I’m going to stay here and study everything that I would at college.
Mrs. Rachel : Oh! Anne Shirley, you’ll kill yourself.
Anne : Not at all and also I’m going to teach over at Carmody, you know.
Mrs Rachel: No, you’re not.
Anne : Yes, I am.
Mrs. Rachel : No, you’re not. I guess you’re going to teach right here.
Anne : But…but they promised it to Gilbert Blythe!
Mrs. Rachel : So they did. But Gilbert suggested you. He said he was going to teach at
Anne : Mrs. Rachel!
Mrs. Rachel : I must say I think it was real kind of him And he’s already signed papers with
Anne : But…I can't…
Mrs. Rachel : Why don’t you talk it over with Gilbert. (Calling Gilbert) Gilbeerth...
Anne : Oh… I… I…
(Anne looks over and Gilbert takes a tentative step toward Anne)
Marilla : Umm Rachel I think I have something to talk to you (A wink to Mrs Rachel)
Maybe you could walk me to the garden?
Mrs. Rachel : Oh! Yes.
(They exit with a chuckle. Gilbert and Anne look at one another. Through this scene the sunset
deepens toward dusk.)
Anne : Gilbert, thank you. (She walks over to him.) It was very good of you—and I
want you to know that I appreciate it.
(She extends her hand. He considers it, but doesn’t take it. He’d like more.)
Gilbert : I was pleased to be able to do something for you
(They look at each other. he is a little frustrated that this isn’t going better.)
Are we going to be friends after this? Have you finally forgiven me?
(Anne moves away, a little embarrassed.)
Anne : I forgave you a long, long time ago.
Gilbert : When!?
Anne : That day when I fell down. I just didn’t tell you. I’ve been—I’ve been real sorry
ever since.
Gilbert : Well. Now we are going to be the best of friends
Anne : Yes.
Gilbert : We can… I think we can be a real help to each other.
Anne : Oh, yes.
Gilbert : You are going to keep up your studies, aren’t you?
(She nods.)
Gilbert : So am I
Gilbert : Maybe we could study together, evenings.
Anne : Yes. (A beat.) And maybe mornings.
Gilbert : What?
Anne : At seven, maybe. Before school.
Gilbert : Yes.
(They look at each other. He smiles.)
“Morning’s at seven!”
Anne : Yes!
Gilbert : Should we start tomorrow?
Anne : Yes!
Gilbert : All right.
(They are unsure how to part.)
See you at seven!
(Offers his hand. They shake again.)
Anne : see you at seven! (waving hands)
(gilbert walk out from marilla’s house)
the path set before her feet was to be narrow she
knew that flowers of quiet happiness would bloom along it. The joy of sincere work and worthy
aspiration and congenial friendship were to be hers; nothing could rob her of her birthright of
fancy or her ideal world of dreams. And there was always the bend in the road!
The end

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