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X(Ist Sm,)-Mathematics-H/CC-2/CBCS


Paper : CC-2
FullMarks : 65
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.
Throughout the question the symbols N, Z denote respectively the set of natural numbers, set of integers.
The other symbols have their usual meanings.
1. Choose the correct alternative with proper justification, 1 mark for correct answer and 1 mark for
justification : 2x10
(a) Number of equivalence relations on the set {1, 2, 3} is
i) 2 (ii) 3 (üü) 4 (iv) S.

(b) Letf: Z’ zt, Z* is the set of non-negative integers,is defined by f() =x+|x), then
() fis injective but not surjective
(i) fis not injective but surjective
(ii) fis injective and surjective
(iv) fis neither injective nor surjective.
(c) The remainder when 6.7+ 7.9* is divided by 4 is
(i) 1 (i) 2 (iii) 3 (iv) 4.
(d) The principal value of (- 1)' is
(i) et (ii) e (i) et/2 (iv) e-2
(e) If gcdla, b) = p, a prime number, then gcd(a023, b) is
() p (ü) p2023 (i) 2023p (iv) p²:
(f) If the roots of the equation x*- 7x + ax + 2023 = 0 are
integers, then the value of a is
() 1 (ii) 289 (ii) - 289 (iv) 119.
(g) For positive real numbers a, b and c, the least value of a +
b-l + c-l subject to the condition
atb t c = 2023 is
1 9 3
(i) (i) (ii) (iv) 2023
2023 2023 2023 9

Please Turn Over

3. Answerany 2.

(b) (a) Answer (g) () (e) Sturm'sUse(d) (c) (b) (a) () (i) (h)
Give Iff:A show Show Solve Solve roots. Find 1+b+c+d
If 1+ which Find
If A The The
P, sin(0 particular
() ()
be any a, (i) rank points
an that the b, the 1, in
that a : the represent questions
four :
example ’ relation four uy + c, roots for of an
equation values ip)
Bbe the P,=Tun--12un-2 d the ellipse
function >0 solution every =x+ z
relation is questions tan = of matrix
a an
defined of and them
tomapping 1+a+b+d a+c+d
ß the n iy
equivalence x* k, + equation
show f or to atbtctd=i in of on
P +11x show secß, the the
on : which the (i) (ii) (ii)
that andP, U difference
=|(x the +3" +10x z-plane 3 2* 2, Argand
f(PUO)=f(P)Uf(O). that prove z" for
f(PAg) is relation. set th e +4 straight a
given =(z+1)", every
)x,yeZ, roots that
are of +50 equation 1l, are plane,
integers that = prove equation
two 0 cos
of 1+a+b+c n line (2)
If the 7 collinear. satisfying
f(P)nf(Q). P, u, by 20 where
non-empty x-y=3n, Ferrari's
method. equation
x* cosh that
be Z =0;4 u,)
not another such +4-2x-12x 20 n
is (ii) t (11) (ii)
transitive. = =3. 4 a ut e
neZ} that 2,(n x+3x positive 2,
subsets 7
in =
relation except
t a -1
R eN). u, circle lie
=(, -3=0 =
of integer>1.
defined =k 2=-I n
A, y)lx,ye 1S
then has are
(iv) (1v) (iv)
show as four real
Z, Show in
x-y=Sn, and 3 2* 1,
real except a
that that parabola.
and distinct.
n unequal =-1. n
e points
3+2 3+2 3+2
Z. 5 5 5 5 5
Answer (e) (d) (c)
(b) (a) (g) (t)
by Find values For equivalence If Solve 1=
X that If
(i) s d (ii) )
reducing any ()
the what d is A
of Find Find be(mod
the the Find Consider
one a au function
rank valuesA gcd
to :
question the relation system
the relation. 7), + left a
of numbergeneral x bv. of corresponding the
its of f:
the = Are twinverse o
row-reduced 2 defined 4 of z set
matrix the : Is (modlinear nonzero u ’z S=
solution, it and off,
following integers a is {1,2,
A, partial on 5). v f(x) defined to
congruences if
echelon A=\ where N unique? integers it the
3x x+ 2* in 3,
positive order by exists. =7, =*, above 4}
06 |3 (13
405 17 - x+y+z
+ =2 system
2y 3y y a by and
form. 3 + + than sb Justify a if if (3)
t 2z 3z relation? and
4 z of integers,
900 by is
x isx partition. the
if odd even
-36 7 2 =
k =5 = linear and Chinese your b, partition
1 and prove
4 9 2) Justify
equations prime of only answer.
the that {1},
your remainder
equation la there Sm.)-Mathematics-HCC-2/CBCS {2}, X(Ist
is 900. answer. -
solvable? b| exist (3,4)}
12x <
1, two
-7y then of
Then integers
= prove : Find
8. x
solve = the
that u
it (mod
1 and equivalence
for S v
those 4+1 3+2 is
5x1 17), 3+2 such 3+2

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