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It is taught that the Emperor can show mercy just as he may show wrath. For His avowed followers faith can mend wounds, heal
minds and strengthen souls against the degradations and decay of the warp. Mercy is not always kind or gentle however, and those
that beseech the Master of Mankind for clemency or respite may well find his ministrations bloody and final. The servants of the
Ecclesiarchy accept this as their due and pass such mercies on to their flock as the just rewards of a lifetime’s service to the God-
Emperor; a service that can only be fulfilled in death.
Faith Talents of the Emperor’s Mercy are focused on mending the body, minds, and souls of the faithful, though usually at a cost
(only in sacrifice can one serve the Emperor). Mercy Talents can also harden the body and mind against terrible trials and impart
divine strength and fortitude when in the service of the God-Emperor so that the faithful may complete vital tasks despite hideous
Grace Martyr’s Gift

Divine Spiritual
Mental Calm Respite
Ministration Cleansing

Miraculous No Rest for the

Revelation Resurrection
Recovery Faithful

The child of the man holds within him the seed of the God- Emperor’s divinity, which may be nurtured and grown only through the
power of true faith. With this Talent the faithful imparts a fragment of his divine connection to the God- Emperor onto his allies,
blessing them with a powerful Grace to shape their destiny and protect them from harm.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith
Effect: The faithful can choose to share his Fate Points with his allies, allowing him to spend a Fate Point to allow an ally that he can
see to re-roll a failed test. In addition to this effect the faithful also enhances his own fate and will recover any Fate Points used in
this encounter (including the one spent to activate this Talent) on a 1d10 roll of 8, 9 or 10. If the faithful is a Void Born this roll
replaces the roll from the Charmed Trait.
This Talent only works on humans (i.e. not mutants, xenos etc) and only on those with 20 or fewer Corruption Points.
Burn: In addition to the above effects, at the end of the encounter every ally that the faithful can see regains one spent fate point
and immediately regains a further spent fate point on a 1d10 roll of 8, 9 or 10 (replacing Charmed).

Only through pain and blood is the body made pure, its fragile flesh made whole through the sacrifice of the faithful and the tears of
the willing martyr. With this Talent the faithful can heal the injured, knitting together bloody flesh and mending splintered bones.
Such a great gift comes with a heavy price however, and for every cut or rend the faithful restores he will himself suffer a similar
Prerequisites: Pure Faith
Effect: The faithful can heal wounded creatures by laying on his hands and taking their injuries onto himself. This is a Full Action and
requires the subject to remain perfectly still (i.e. they may take no actions themselves). The faithful can then transfer any amount of
Damage from the subject to themselves at ratio of 1:1. The faithful can also transfer Critical Damage from the subject in the same
way, suffering 5 wounds for each Critical effect healed while the subject will be miraculously healed of them.
Note that it is entirely possible for the faithful to kill himself if he uses this Talent to heal multiple critically wounded subjects. If the
faithful suffers critical damage from healing it is considered energy damage.
Burn: The faithful may use this Talent to bring back the recently deceased (provided of course their body is relatively intact) as that
the character survives whatever it was that would have killed him, but only just. So for example, if the character was shot with a
lascannon and suffered a Critical Hit that would have killed him, instead he will only be horribly wounded, hideously burnt and
rendered unconscious on 0 Wounds. In more extreme circumstances, such as being trapped on a space ship during a warp drive
implosion, this Fate Talent cannot help. Allowing this miraculous recovery however immediately removes all the Faithful’s wounds
down to 0 and inflicts 1d10 points of Energy Damage (which is now effectively causing Critical Hit from Damage) upon him which
cannot be affected by Fate or Resilience nor reduced by Armour or Toughness.

In the service of the God-Emperor a man will endure as the Imperium has endured and he will stand unbowed and unbroken as has
the Imperium of Mankind. With this Talent the faithful imparts the ageless endurance of the Imperium, realm of the God-Emperor,
into his allies, allowing them to press on even when their bodies grow tired or their limbs weary—motivated by visions of the glory of
the Emperor’s domain which has lasted millennia.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith
Effect: The faithful can grant this ability to himself and a number of his allies equal to his Fellowship Bonus. While it lasts, both the
faithful and his allies will ignore any Fatigue levels they suffer, regardless of the source. In addition, any Fatigue levels they may have
already suffered are ignored for the duration of the ability. At the GM’s discretion he may extend the duration of this ability to last
for the course of a journey (provided it is for a suitably holy purpose) such as a trek across a world or climbing a mountain. This
Talent can be combined with the Master Orator Talent to affect more allies.
Burn: Those affected by Divine Endurance also again the Unnatural Toughness (x2) Trait for the duration of the encounter.

The strong are bolstered by the word of the God-Emperor and the prayers of the faithful. With an open heart and a vengeful mind
the songs of the just will lift him up and allow him to soar like a holy warrior striking fear into the souls of the unclean. With this
Talent the faithful may pray for one of his allies, granting them the strength and spirit to overcome their wounds, cast off their
mortal shackles, and push on to the very edge of death itself.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Divine Endurance
Effect: The faithful may choose a single ally which can both see him and hear his voice. As long as the faithful then spends a Full
Action each round praying, the ally will gain respite from his injuries and may ignore the effects of Fatigue and critical injuries. Note
however that this does not heal the subject in any way and missing limbs, bleeding and the like will continue to affect them. It also
does not prevent the subject from dying if they suffer a fatal critical effect.
Burn: The faithful may affect a number of allies up to twice his Fellowship Bonus.

Blessed are the hands of the healer that they may restore the mangled limbs of the faithful and send them back into the fray. This
Talent allows the faithful to enhance his healing abilities and dispel the effects of fatigue upon his allies, restoring their vigour and
allowing them to continue to bring death and ruin to the God-Emperor’s foes.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Martyr’s Gift
Effect: The faithful can use this Talent to add their Willpower Bonus to the amount of Damage they heal using the Medicae Skill. This
ability only works once for each test made, though it may be activated after the faithful has successfully passed a skill test and may
effect multiple skill tests performed on multiple targets in succession. Alternatively the faithful may use this Talent to remove all
levels of Fatigue from allies who can both see him and hear his voice. Finally such is the intuitive healing ability this Talent imparts on
the faithful that all Medicae tests, even those made without activating the Talent, are made easier by one step (i.e. Difficult (–10)
Tests become Challenging (+0), Challenging (+0) become Routine (+10) etc). This Talent only works on subjects with 20 or fewer
Corruption Points.
Burn: The faithful restores all Wounds to a single ally when using the Medicae skill to heal them.

Potent is the power of the God-Emperor that even the greatest of injuries and the most grievous of wounds are as nothing when
bathed in his divine light. This Talent allows the faithful to perform a miraculous healing and mend broken limbs, torn flesh, and
missing ears. Only the faithful may benefit from this miracle however and they seldom survive Completely Intact.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Divine Ministration
Effect: The faithful can remove a crippling injury from a creature by spending a night praying over their body and beseeching the aid
of the God-Emperor. In the morning the creature can remove a single crippling injury (such as broken limb or missing nose). However
missing limbs and eyes cannot be restored with this Talent. Such is the strain of this ritual on both the faithful and the subject that
upon its completion both will suffer 1d5 Insanity Points which cannot be prevented in any way (such as with the use of other Faith
Talents). Only subjects with 20 or fewer Corruption Points can benefit from this Talent.
Burn: Even missing limbs or eyes can be restored.

Clear your mind of fear, madness and decay; in the service of the God-Emperor no man need carry humanity’s burden alone—we are
the teeming masses of humanity and rightful masters of the galaxy. This Talent allows the faithful to wash away recent horrors and
reinforce a sense of purpose and might in his followers focusing their minds to the single task of service to the Emperor.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Grace
Effect: The faithful can use this Talent as a Full Action in the turn after he or any of his allies gain Insanity Points. The ability washes
away the taint of madness, negating 1d5 Insanity Points gained by either the faithful, or one of his allies, in the previous round. In
addition the calm instilled by this ability will remain for the rest of the encounter and reduce any further Insanity Point gains by 1.
Burn: The Talent will affect both the faithful and a number of his allies up to twice his Fellowship Bonus.

Your body is a temple to the God-Emperor, your blood and bones your sacrament, your soul a symbol of your faith; let none foul
your temple lest your faith be likewise fouled. This Talent allows the faithful to purge his soul of some of the taint of the warp,
casting off a portion of its dark power before it has time to take root and begin a slow decay of spirit.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Divine Endurance
Effect: The faithful can use this Talent as a Full Action in the turn after he or any of his allies gain Corruption Points. The ability purges
the touch of the warp negating 1d5 Corruption Points gained by either the faithful, or one of his allies, in the previous round. In
addition the warp protection invoked with this ability will remain for the rest of the encounter and reduce any further Corruption
Point gains by 1. Characters with 20 or more Corruption Points cannot benefit from this ability—they are too far gone already.
Burn: The Talent will affect both the faithful and a number of his allies up to twice his Fellowship Bonus.

Free the mind from doubt, fear, and darkness! Look to the light of the God-Emperor and let his divine presence remind you of your
purpose—you are the faithful of the Imperium and you cannot falter in the face of its foes. This Talent allows the faithful to free his
mind, or that of his allies from the grip of fear or the insidious powers of the psyker, restoring them to clarity and control.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Mental Calm
Effect: The faithful uses this ability as a Full Action affecting both himself and a number of allies equal to his Fellowship Bonus that
can both see and hear him. Those affected will immediately overcome the effects of Fear (i.e., the results of their roll on the Shock
Table) and may act normally on their following turn. In addition recipients of this ability may also make a Challenging (+0) Willpower
Test to free themselves of any detrimental ongoing psychic powers. This Talent can be combined with the Master Orator Talent to
affect more allies.
Burn: Those affected by this ability automatically pass all Fear Tests for the remainder of the encounter.


Only in death does duty to the God-Emperor end, and only when faith is extinguished will you truly die. With this Talent the faithful
push themselves beyond the frailties of their mortal frames, shaking off wounds, casting aside injury and ignoring pain so that they
may serve His will until the end. Such a divine drive has its price and once the faithful’s task is done his body may never recover.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Respite
Effect: With this ability the faithful and a number of his allies up to his Fellowship Bonus may ignore the effects of critical injuries for
the duration of the encounter, with the exception of those that would result in limb loss or death.
However, should they suffer a critical effect that would result in death they can instead choose to permanently lose 1d10 Toughness
and choose to suffer another lesser critical effect (of the GM’s choosing) to the same body location and of the same damage type as
the one that would have killed them (which will affect them normally). This ability is also hugely taxing and once the encounter ends
any of those who have benefited from it will suffer 1d5 Fatigue levels (quite possibly knocking them unconscious).
Burn: Those affected by this ability may ignore the effects of limb loss just as with other types of critical damage, but only for the
duration of the encounter, after which the critical damage will take effect (i.e. a lost limb kept functioning for the battle will now
return to its crippled state).

And he rose anew, as if lifted from the grave by the hand of the God-Emperor, restored by divine providence and ready once again to
face the foes of mankind. With this Talent the faithful channels the power of his faith into a fallen comrade, filling their broken frame
with life and purpose and tasking them once more with carrying on the Emperor’s holy crusade.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Divine Ministration, No Rest for the Faithful
Effect: Whenever the faithful or one of his allies (who can hear him) would die, he they or the Faithful may burn all their remaining
Fate Points (at least one) to avoid death and the Faithful may spend a Fate Point to use this ability to revitalise them. The target is
immediately restored to full Wounds, has all critical damage and levels of Fatigue removed, crippled limbs and blindness are healed
(though not lost limbs), and the effects of any toxins are negated. In effect, the target is restored completely.
Burn: For the duration of the encounter (provided the faithful is alive) whenever the faithful or his allies burn Fate to avoid death
they will benefit from the effects of the Resurrection.


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