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1. What do you understand to be the nature of God's promises?

ANSWER: For me, my understanding of the nature of God's promises is that it is
faithful, sure, and certain. it does not lose its validity, it does not make people hope, but
it is experienced by all people, especially those who believe and serve God, it is not a
promise that is broken or a promise that is nailed like a human promise. even if the
promise is impossible in the eyes of man, God will make it happen, because God's
promise is faithful and certain because the God who promised is faithful.
2. How does your Congregation teach the promises of God?
ANSWER: God's promise is taught by my congregation through our lives, we use our
lives as a living testimony to God's promise as we experience it. By sharing our
experience of God's greatness, goodness, and faithfulness to his promises. With our
testimony, we can teach and let others know how faithful God is in his promises. Apart
from our lives, the Bible is our strong weapon that is used to teach people the promise
of God, because in the Bible all His promises are stated for all people, so we use the
opportunities when our church is invited to share the word of God at birthdays,
anniversaries, memorial services, retreats. we don't miss the golden opportunity
because this is the chance that we can teach or inform other people about the promise
of God, especially the teaching of God's most important promise, the life that is full and
satisfying and the life that is his eternal gift for every one of man.
3. Where do you see evidence of God's reign in your church and/or community?
ANSWER: I see the evidence of the reign of God in my church or community through
people's lives, especially in the lives of people who believe, serve, worship, and praise
God. Because through the life of a person who believes in the Lord, the goodness of
God is seen which proves that the reign of God is in the world and in the church
because it is seen that the Lord God reigns in our lives. Because I believe that the lives
of believers are evidence of God's reign.
4. What does your Church teach about the relationship between faith and
ANSWER: What our church teaches about the relationship between faith and service is
that "Service is the fruit of Faith." When a person believes in God and accepts God as
Lord and Savior, it should be seen in his life that the Lord he accepted is the one he
serves. It is true that a person is not saved by works but by faith, but it is seen in works,
living, and serving if a person truly has faith in God. Our Church teaches that the Lord
should not only be accepted as a savior but as Lord. That's why because we accept
Jesus Christ as our Lord we have to serve him faithfully our whole life.
5. How do you help group members identify and use their spiritual gifts in
ANSWER: I help my group members in the church to recognize and use their spiritual
gifts by involving them in the ministries of the Church, I always invite them and I include
them in the activities inside and outside the church so that they can use them. their gifts
because I believe that they can better identify and use their gifts if they are always used
and their spiritual gifts will certainly be more powerful if they are used to serve the Lord.
6. How can your congregation develop a culture of giving and self-sacrifice
(rather than viewing service as an activity?)
ANSWER: I can develop my congregation in giving and self-sacrificing rather than
seeing their service as a task by teaching them about true service that is in line with the
service that the Lord revealed in the Bible. Besides always teaching using the Bible, I
also use my own testimony as a living testimony to give myself to the Lord as a
sacrifice, especially in the field of service. besides these things, I do my best to develop
my congregation in the culture of self-giving and self-sacrifice through service by always
reminding them that their work and self-sacrifice are not a service or work but a service
to the Lord that shows faith and love for the Lord.
1. What is Christian Education?
ANSWER: According to what I have learned, a Christian Education trains to understand
the truth in the Bible and then share their fruit confidently with others. Meaning Christian
Education is teaching the Bible to people so that they can have knowledge of the Bible
that they can use as a guide in their daily lives, Christian Education is to educate people
not only to know the Bible but most of all to know Jesus and the truth about Him so that
he can be recognized and believed by people, and God's salvation can be delivered to
them and this is also what they will share and teach to others.
2. Think of an image/object that represents Christian Education and explain
ANSWER: For me, the image/object that represents Christian Education is the Bible
because it can truly reveal lessons about Christian Education and it is also the center of
learning about Christian Education.

Goal setting for the future:
1. Cite an example of difficulties in the current situation of your church
appointment, then extract how to resolve the situation in accordance with the
Christian Education Reports.
ANSWER: The difficulty in the current situation of my Church is the ministry of giving.
There are many plans and many ministries that our church wants to do but we can't do it
because we don't have enough financial budget to carry out the plan and ministry that
we want. Why? because many members have the ability to give but do not give, they
were taught but they are not faithful when it comes to giving especially their tithes, they
do not live the lesson from the Bible about it. In order to solve this problem, a belief that
progressivism can help, members should be actively engaged in their learning about the
teaching about giving. John Dewey said "Learning by Doing" What is learned from the
Bible must be practiced and practiced, and one of the teachings of the Bible is to be
faithful to the Lord and one of them is to be faithful in giving the tithe. If the views and
beliefs of progressivism can be applied to the church, it will certainly be successful not
only in one aspect but in all aspects of the ministry the church has.

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