Easy Link 5 - SB - Answer Key

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Curriculum Integration Reading Program

60 words

Lesson Components
Big Idea Read and Stick

Contents Map Read and Answer


Warm Up Question
Graphic Organizer

Key Words
Word Fun Let’’s Read

Chapter Pro ects

Music Sweets

Art 1 Make a Drum Set 6 Social Studies 9 Sweet Jobs 58

Science 2 The Animal Band 14 Social Studies 10 More S’mores, Please! 66

Science 3 Musical Glasses 20 Science 11 Healthy Chocolate 72

Literature 4 Hermes and Apollo 26 Literature 12 The Sultan and His Wife 78

CHAPTER 2 Chapter 1 - Project .......................................................... 87

The Sea Supplementary

Chapter 2 - Project
Chapter 3 - Project

Science 5 Special Sea Animals 32 Stickers

P.E. 6 Sea Walking 40

Science 7 Sea Water Colors 46

Literature 8 Salt in the Sea 52


Music Mak

e a D r um Set

i ma l B and

rt ie
A nc


4 te
re Sc
i en
Hermes Mu s
and Apo l l o i c a l G l a s s es

BIG When do you listen to

Art Key Words

Mus i c
Make a Drum Set A Listen and say.
1. can

2. drum 3. hit

4. lid 5. bottom 6. side

B Look and match.

can drum hit lid bottom side

What is the boy playing?

the drums the piano

8 9
Make Read three times and stick.

a Drum Set
Do you have old cans? There is a soup can.
You can make drums! I hit its bottom.

Ta-da! This is my drum set. There is a soda can.

My drumsticks are pens. I hit its sides.

There is a coffee can. You can paint pictures on them.

I hit its lid. They will be fun drums!

What can you recycle?

10 11
Comprehension Graphic Organizer

Choose the best answer. Fill in the blanks.

1. This story is about .

1. Get some old cans.
a. listening to music b. making drums c. cleaning cans soup
Use coffee, , or soda cans.

2. I hit the soup can’s .

2. Get some pens for drumsticks.
a. lid b. sides c. bottom

3. What are my drumsticks? 3. Hit the lid, bottom , and sides of each can.
a. b. c.

4. Have fun with your drums!

4. The coffee can has a lid. Yes No

5. I hit the soda can’s sides. Yes No

Let’s Read!
Word Fun Roll and read. Check!

Circle and write the words. Do you have old cans?

There is a coffee can.

I hit its lid.

1. 2. 3. 4.
There is a soup can.

I hit its bottom.

drum bottom can side You can paint pictures on them.

12 13
Science Key Words

Mus i c
The Animal Band A Listen and say.
1. low

2. high 3. flute

4. trunk 5. trumpet 6. singer

B Look and match.

low high flute trunk trumpet singer

Who makes a higher sound?


14 15
The Animal Read three times and stick.

“I can play my trunk,” says Elephant.
“I am a trumpet.”
Good afternoon, everyone!
“I can hit a tree,” says Woodpecker.
Please clap for The Animal Band.
“I am the drums.”
“I can make a low sound,” says Cow.
“And I am a singer!” says Bat.
“I am a bass.”
“La, la, la!”
“I can make a high sound,” says
Let’s start the show!
Hummingbird. “I am a flute.”

Can you make animal


16 17
Comprehension Graphic Organizer

Choose the best answer. Fill in the blanks.

1. This story is about . The Animal Band

a. a song b. a zoo c. a band
I can make a low sound. I am a bass .
2. The hummingbird makes a sound.
I can make a high sound. I am a flute.
a. high b. low c. bad
I can play my trunk. I am a trumpet .
3. Who hits a tree?
a. b. c. I can hit a tree . I am the drums.

I can sing. I am a singer .

4. The cow makes a low sound. Yes No

5. The bat plays the drums. Yes No

Let’s Read!
Word Fun Roll and read. Check!

Find and write the words. Please clap for The Animal Band.

1. 2. I can make a low sound.

I can make a high sound.

flute high I can hit a tree.
3. 4.
I am a singer!

Let’s start the show!

trunk singer
18 19
Science Key Words

Mus i c
Musical Glasses A Listen and say.
1. glass

2. add 3. tap

4. different 5. orchestra 6. kitchen

B Look and match.

glass add tap

different orchestra kitchen

Who is NOT playing music?


20 21
Musical Glasses Read three times and stick.

Guess what! Tap the glasses with a stick.

You can make music with water. What do you hear?

First, get some glasses. Every sound is different!

Put a little water in one. Now you can play a song.

Put more water in the next one. It is like an orchestra in your kitchen!
Add more water to each glass.

Can you play music

at home?

22 23
Comprehension Graphic Organizer

Choose the best answer. Fill in the blanks.

1. This story is about .

1. Get some glasses .
a. drinking water b. making music c. cooking food

2. You should tap the glasses with . 2. Put a little water in one.

a. a stick b. your hand c. a spoon

3. Add more water to each glass.
3. Where do you put the water?
a. b. c. 4. Tap the glasses with a stick .

5. Play a song .

4. All the glasses have a lot of water. Yes No

5. Every sound is different. Yes No

Let’s Read!
Word Fun Roll and read. Check!

Circle and write the words. You can make music with water.

First, get some glasses.

Put a little water in one.

1. 2. 3. 4.
Put more water in the next one.

Add more water to each glass.

glass orchestra add different What do you hear?

24 25
Lite ure Key Words

Mus i c
Hermes and Apollo A Listen and say.
1. god

2. turtle 3. shell

4. instrument 5. steal 6. trade

B Look and match.

god turtle shell

instrument steal trade

Which one is NOT an instrument?


26 27
Hermes Read three times and stick.

and Apollo
“Give me my cows!” says Apollo.
Then he sees the lyre.
He loves it!

Hermes is a god. “Let’s trade,” Apollo says.

One day, he sees a turtle shell. Hermes takes the cows.

He makes an instrument with it. Apollo takes the lyre.

It is a lyre. He plays it well.

He becomes the god of music.
His brother Apollo has many cows.
Hermes steals the cows.
Apollo is angry.

Do you know any stories

about music?

28 29
Comprehension Graphic Organizer

Choose the best answer. Number the sentences in order.

1. This story is about .

a. a turtle shell b. Apollo’s cows c. the god of music 4 Apollo sees the lyre.

2 Hermes makes a lyre.

2. Hermes the cows.
3 Hermes steals the cows.
a. steals b. buys c. makes
6 Apollo takes the lyre.
3. What does Apollo take?
5 “Let’s trade,” Apollo says.
a. b. c.
1 Hermes sees a turtle shell.

4. Apollo can’t play the lyre. Yes No

5. Hermes becomes the god of music. Yes No

Let’s Read!
Word Fun Roll and read. Check!

Find and write the words. One day, he sees a turtle shell.

1. 2. He makes an instrument with it.

Hermes steals the cows.

god shell Give me my cows!
3. 4.
Apollo takes the lyre.

He becomes the god of music.

trade steal
30 31

The Sea Special


Sea A n i mal s

Sea Walking

n ce P. E
ie .

The Sea

8 te
re Sc
i en
Sa l t i Sea Water
n t h e Sea Colors

BIG What can you do

at the sea?
Science Key Words

The Sea Sea Animals
A Listen and say.
1. lantern

2. light 3. find

4. leaf 5. fin 6. octopus

B Look and match.

lantern light find leaf fin octopus

Where are the animals?

on the beach under the sea

34 35
Special Read three times and stick.

Sea Animals
Welcome to the sea! I am a sea dragon.
We are special sea animals. I look like a leaf.

I am a lantern fish. I have many fins.

I have big eyes. They help me hide.

My body can make light. I am a Dumbo octopus.

It helps me find food. I have big fins.
They look like elephant ears.
They help me swim.

What lives in the sea?

36 37
Comprehension Graphic Organizer

Choose the best answer. Fill in the blanks.

1. This story is about . Lantern Fish Sea Dragon Dumbo Octopus

a. sea animals b. water plants c. ocean pictures

2. The lantern fish has eyes.

a. deep b. big c. many
• has big eyes • looks like a • has big fins
• body makes leaf • fins look like
3. What does the sea dragon look like? elephant ears
light • has many fins
a. b. c. • light helps it • fins help it • fins help it swim
find food hide

4. The sea dragon makes light. Yes No

5. The Dumbo octopus hears with its fins. Yes No

Let’s Read!
Word Fun Roll and read. Check!

Complete the puzzle and find the hidden word. I have big eyes.

I look like a leaf.

f i n d
l i g h t I have many fins.
l a n t e r n They help me hide.

They look like elephant ears.

They help me swim.
38 39
P.E. Key Words

The Sea
Sea Walking A Listen and say.
1. helmet

2. breathe 3. underwater

4. floor 5. coral 6. mermaid

B Look and match.

helmet breathe underwater

floor coral mermaid

What can you see under the sea?


40 41
Sea Walking Read three times and stick.

My family is going sea walking today. I am on the sea floor.

It sounds fun! I walk on the sand.

I put on a helmet. There are so many fish!

It is a special helmet. I see beautiful fish and coral.

It has air inside. I feel like a mermaid.
I can breathe underwater! I want to stay under the sea!

Do you want to go
sea walking?

42 43
Comprehension Graphic Organizer

Choose the best answer. Fill in the blanks.

1. This story is about .

Where I Am How I Breathe
a. swimming b. beautiful fish c. walking underwater under
• the Sea Walking • put on a special
water helmet
2. I can breathe underwater with a special . air
• on the sea What I See • it has
a. sand b. helmet c. mermaid floor inside
• lots of beautiful
3. What did I NOT see?
• coral
a. b. c.

4. I walk on the sea floor. Yes No

5. I don’t want to stay under the sea. Yes No

Let’s Read!
Word Fun Roll and read. Check!

Circle and write the words. My family is going sea walking today.

It sounds fun!

I put on a helmet.
1. 2. 3. 4.
I walk on the sand.

There are so many fish!

coral floor helmet breathe I want to stay under the sea!

44 45
Science Key Words

The Sea
Sea Water Colors A Listen and say.
1. bright

2. shallow 3. pool

4. wave 5. dirty 6. poison

B Look and match.

bright shallow pool wave dirty poison

What color is the water?

blue brown

46 47
Sea Water Read three times and stick.


Is sea water always blue? Sometimes, sea water is brown.

No. It has many different colors! The waves move the sand.
Then the water gets dirty.
Sometimes, sea water is bright blue.
This water is shallow. Sometimes, sea water is red.

White sand is under it. Little red plants grow in it.

It looks like a swimming pool! These plants can make poison.

Don’t swim here!

Have you been to

the sea?

48 49
Comprehension Graphic Organizer

Choose the best answer. Fill in the blanks.

1. This story is about .

Sea Water Color Why?
a. cleaning the water b. plants in water c. colors of the sea
• The water is shallow .
bright blue
2. Sea water has many colors. • White sand is under it.

a. different b. bright c. dirty • The waves move the sand.

• The water gets dirty .
3. What moves the sand?
a. b. c. red • Red plants grow in it.

4. The brown water has poison. Yes No

5. You shouldn’t swim in the red water. Yes No

Let’s Read!
Word Fun Roll and read. Check!

Find and write the words. Is sea water always blue?

1. 2. It has many different colors!

It looks like a swimming pool!

dirty wave The waves move the sand.
3. 4.
Sometimes, sea water is red.

Don’t swim here!

bright poison
50 51
Lite ure Key Words

The Sea
Salt in the Sea A Listen and say.
1. giant

2. island 3. sail

4. bite 5. fall 6. salty

B Look and match.

giant island sail bite fall salty

Where are the boats going?

to an island to a mountain

52 53
Salt in Read three times and stick.

the Sea
The giant stretches out his leg.
The people walk on it.
Then ants bite the giant’s foot!

“Ouch!” He moves his leg.

The salt falls into the sea.
A giant lives on an island. That is why the sea is salty.
People sail to his island.
He gives them salt.

One day, there is a storm.

The boats can’t sail.
“Giant!” the people say,
“Stretch out your leg!”

What foods do you

put salt on?

54 55
Comprehension Graphic Organizer

Choose the best answer. Fill in the blanks.

1. This story is about .

1. There is a storm. The people can’t get salt.
a. the salty sea b. some ants c. an island

2. The giant stretches out his leg. The people

2. Ants the giant’s foot.
walk on it.
a. move b. stretch c. bite

3. What do the people walk on? 3. Ants bite the giant’s foot. He moves his leg.

a. b. c.
4. The salt falls into the sea. The sea becomes
salty .

4. The giant lives on a boat. Yes No

5. The giant pours the salt into the sea. Yes No

Let’s Read!
Word Fun Roll and read. Check!

Complete the puzzle and find the hidden word. A giant lives on an island.

People sail to his island.

i s l a n d
g i a n t He gives them salt.
b i t e The boats can’t sail.
f a l l
The giant stretches out his leg.

sail That is why the sea is salty.

56 57

Sweets LESSO N

S w e e t Jo b s S ’m

M o re
o re s , P l e a s e !

l S
c ia s St oci
ud al
So udie ie
St s


12 te
re Sc
i en
The Sultan Hea l t hy
an d H i s Wi f e Chocolate

BIG What is your favorite

sweet treat?
al Studie Key Words

9 Sweet Jobs

A Listen and say. 18

Swe e t s 1. shop 2. decorate 3. pastry

4. restaurant 5. dessert 6. pie

B Look and match.

shop decorate pastry

restaurant dessert pie

What is the woman making?

a cake cookies

60 61
Sweet Jobs Read three times and stick.

I am a chocolate maker. I am a pastry chef.

I work in a chocolate shop. I work in a restaurant.
I make chocolate every day. I make desserts every day.
My chocolate is like art! My apple pie is amazing!

I am a cake artist.
I work in a cake shop.
I decorate cakes every day.
I am making sugar flowers now.

Which job do you

want to try?

62 63
Comprehension Graphic Organizer

Choose the best answer. Fill in the blanks.

1. This story is about .

Who? Where? What?
a. jobs b. candy c. restaurants
chocolate works in a chocolate makes chocolate
2. The pastry chef makes every day. maker shop every day

a. art b. desserts c. chocolate decorates cakes

cake artist works in a cake shop
every day
3. What is the cake artist making?
pastry makes desserts
a. b. c. works in a restaurant
chef every day

4. The chocolate maker works in a restaurant. Yes No

5. The cake artist decorates cakes. Yes No

Let’s Read!
Word Fun Roll and read. Check!

Circle and write the words. I work in a chocolate shop.

I make chocolate every day.

I work in a cake shop.

1. 2. 3. 4.
I decorate cakes every day.

I work in a restaurant.

dessert shop pastry decorate My apple pie is amazing!

64 65
More S’mores,
al Studie Key Words


A Listen and say. 20

Swe e t s Please! 1. camping 2. tent 3. marshmallow

4. roast 5. cracker 6. delicious

B Look and match.

camping tent marshmallow

roast cracker delicious

Which things can you eat?


66 67
More S’mores, Read three times and stick.

I love camping!
My family sets up a tent.
We make a campfire.

“Let’s make s’mores!” I say. We use two graham crackers.

Mom says, “Of course!” We put chocolate and a marshmallow inside.
Dad takes out the marshmallows. Mmm. They taste delicious!
We roast them over the fire. I want some more s’mores!
Now they are soft.

What do you need

to go camping?

68 69
Comprehension Graphic Organizer

Choose the best answer. Number the sentences in order.

1. This story is about .

a. buying crackers b. making s’mores c. cooking dinner 6 We put chocolate and a marshmallow inside.

3 We roast them over the fire.

2. The family roasts the over the fire.
1 “Let’s make s’mores!” I say.
a. chocolate b. crackers c. marshmallows
5 We use two graham crackers.
3. What is inside the s’mores?
2 Dad takes out the marshmallows.
a. b. c.
4 Now they are soft.

4. The family sets up a tent. Yes No

5. Mom takes out the marshmallows. Yes No

Let’s Read!
Word Fun Roll and read. Check!

Circle and write the words. I love camping!

We make a campfire.

Let’s make s’mores!

1. 2. 3. 4.
Now they are soft.

They taste delicious!

cracker tent roast marshmallow I want some more s’mores!

70 71
Science Key Words

Swe e t s
Healthy Chocolate A Listen and say.
1. dark

2. strong 3. wake up

4. protect 5. piece 6. fat

B Look and match.

dark strong wake up

protect piece fat

What is the girl eating?

chocolate ice cream

72 73
Healthy Read three times and stick.

Dark chocolate is not very sweet.
But it is good for you.
Why? It has lots of cacao!

Cacao can help your heart.

It keeps your heart strong. Cacao can help your brain.
It makes you wake up.

Cacao can help your skin.

It protects you from the sun.

Eat some dark chocolate.

But only have a small piece.
You don’t want to get fat!

What is your favorite

kind of chocolate?

74 75
Comprehension Graphic Organizer

Choose the best answer. Fill in the blanks.

1. This story is about .

• good for your heart
a. sweet chocolate b. cacao trees c. dark chocolate
• keeps your heart strong

2. Cacao keeps your heart .

a. strong b. fat c. sweet
• good for your • good for your
brain skin
3. What does cacao protect your skin from?
• makes you • protects you from
a. b. c. wake
cacao sun
up the

4. Dark chocolate is very sweet. Yes No

5. Cacao makes you wake up. Yes No

Let’s Read!
Word Fun Roll and read. Check!

Find and write the words. It has lots of cacao!

1. 2. Cacao can help your heart.

It makes you wake up.

dark fat Cacao can help your skin.
3. 4.
It protects you from the sun.

Eat some dark chocolate.

strong piece
76 77
The Sultan and
Lite ure Key Words

Swe e t s His Wife
A Listen and say.
1. upset

2. cook 3. new

4. boil 5. flour 6. rose

B Look and match.

upset cook new boil flour rose

Which ones are desserts?


78 79
The Sultan Read three times and stick.

and His Wife

One day, a sultan’s wife is upset.
“I want to make her happy,” he says.
“My wife loves sweet things.”
He tells his cook,
“Make a new dessert!”

The cook boils sugar, water, and flour.

He brings the dessert to the sultan.
It is soft, and it tastes like roses.

“Wonderful!” the sultan cries.

His wife loves it!
Today, people call it Turkish delight.

How do sweet things

make you feel?

80 81
Comprehension Graphic Organizer

Choose the best answer. Number the sentences in order.

1. This story is about .

a. a happy wife b. Turkish delight c. the sultan’s life 4 He brings the dessert to the sultan.

2 The sultan tells his cook, “Make a new dessert!”

2. The sultan’s wife loves things.
6 People call it Turkish delight.
a. sweet b. pretty c. new
1 A sultan’s wife is upset.
3. What does the dessert taste like?
3 The cook boils sugar, water, and flour.
a. b. c.
5 The sultan’s wife loves it!

4. The sultan makes a new dessert. Yes No

5. The sultan’s wife doesn’t like the dessert. Yes No

Let’s Read!
Word Fun Roll and read. Check!

Find and write the words. One day, a sultan’s wife is upset.

1. 2. I want to make her happy.

Make a new dessert!

flour cook He brings the dessert to the sultan.
3. 4.
It is soft, and it tastes like roses.

Today, people call it Turkish delight.

new boil
82 83
Supplementary Material
Chapter Pro ects
Chapter 1. Music

My Drum Set
Decorate the cans and make a drum set.

Write about your drum set and present it to the class.

Ta-da! This is my drum set.

pens pencils
My drumsticks are . crayons

There is a(n) can. soup soda

I hit its .
lid bottom
They are fun drums! sides

Chapter 2. The Sea

An Underwater Trip
Stick and complete the picture.

Write about the picture and present it to the class.

I am going sea walking today.

I put on a . breathe

I can underwater. fish coral

a starfish
I see and . a crab

Chapter 3. Sweets

Sweet Treat
Draw something sweet on the plate.

Write about the sweet treat and present it to the class.

I am a(n) .
pastry chef chocolate maker
I work in a(n) . restaurant bakery
chocolate shop
I make every day.
chocolate pies
They taste sweet! desserts

Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1

Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 2

Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2
Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Lesson 3
Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 4

Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 4

Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Lesson 5
Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 6
glass add tap different
flute trunk trumpet singer
bottom side low high
can drum hit lid
Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Lesson 6

Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Lesson 7

Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 8
Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Lesson 8
fin breathe helmet octopus
lantern light find leaf
shell instrument steal trade
orchestra kitchen god turtle
Lesson 9 Lesson 9 Lesson 9 Lesson 9

Lesson 9 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 10

Lesson 10 Lesson 10 Lesson 10 Lesson 10
Lesson 11 Lesson 11 Lesson 11 Lesson 11
sail bite fall salty
dirty poison giant island
bright shallow pool wave
underwater floor coral mermaid
restaurant pastry decorate shop

tent camping pie dessert

delicious cracker roast marshmallow

protect wake up strong dark

Lesson 12 Lesson 12 Lesson 12 Lesson 12


Lesson 12 Lesson 12 Lesson 11 Lesson 11

cook upset fat piece

rose flour boil new


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