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International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26


Buckling behaviour of large steel cylinders with patterned welds

A. Hübner a, J.G. Teng b,*, H. Saal a
Lehrstuhl für Stahl- und Leichtmetallbau, Universität Karlsruhe, D-76128 Karlsruhe Germany
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Received 17 August 2004; received in revised form 19 August 2005; accepted 18 October 2005


Steel silos and tanks are commonly constructed by welding together a large number of curved steel panels. The panels are first connected with
short meridional welds to form circular strakes (or courses), which are then connected by continuous circumferential welds to form the entire shell
wall. Associated with the large number of welds are welding-induced shrinkage deformations and residual stresses, both of which may have a
significant effect on the buckling strength of the shell wall. In this paper, a simple method for the simulation of the weld depressions and associated
residual stresses is first introduced. The results of a series of finite element buckling analyses of a typical steel cylinder with such simulated
welding effects are next presented and discussed, leading to a number of significant conclusions. One of these conclusions is that a weld depression
pattern produced using the present weld simulation method can offer a suitable equivalent imperfection form for use in the non-linear analysis of
shells for stability design, as it leads to buckling loads in close agreement with predictions by the new European code for steel shell structures.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Buckling; Cylindrical shells; Silos; Tanks; Weld depressions; Residual stresses; Geometric imperfections

1. Introduction Existing studies on the buckling strength of such shell walls

with the welded joints explicitly considered have been
Steel silos, tanks and other large civil engineering steel shell predominantly concerned with their buckling strength under
structures are commonly constructed by welding together a axial compression. As a result, researchers [2–10] have
large number of curved panels (Fig. 1). The panels are first focussed their attention on the effect of continuous circumfer-
connected with short meridional welds to form strakes ential weld depressions on buckling strength, with the
(or courses), which are then connected by continuous meridional welds considered to be unimportant. These studies
circumferential welds to form the entire shell wall. The have led to the conclusion that the circumferential weld
circumferential positions of the meridional welds in one strake depressions are severely detrimental and lead to the lowest
are usually offset from those in the adjacent strakes by half a buckling strength among practically credible forms of
panel width. In this paper, such welds are referred to as imperfections. The effect of associated residual stresses has
patterned welds for brevity where appropriate. Associated with also been examined [3,6,11] and has been shown to be much
the large number of welds are welding-induced shrinkage smaller than that of the associated geometric imperfections
deformations (or weld depressions or geometric imperfections) though still significant. This effect has been found to be
and residual stresses, both of which may have a significant beneficial by recent studies [3,6,11], although an early study
effect on the buckling strength of the shell wall [1]. While [4] found this effect to be detrimental.
local depressions at welds may have contributions from While buckling under axial compression is often the
other sources such as the plate rolling process [2,3], in this controlling failure mode, in general, the shell wall in steel
study, only depressions from welding-induced shrinkage are silos and tanks also needs to be designed against failure under
other loading conditions such as external pressure, for which
considered, as they are believed to be the predominant
the meridional welds in the shell wall may have an important
effect. Indeed, for a general case of loading, which may involve
the combination of a number of fundamental loading
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C86 852 2766 6012; fax: C86 852 2334 6389. conditions or a non-uniform loading condition which gives
E-mail address: cejgteng@polyu.edu.hk (J.G. Teng). rise to significant values of all three membrane stresses, the
0308-0161/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. buckling strength is likely to depend on the weld depressions
doi:10.1016/j.ijpvp.2005.10.003 and residual stresses associated with both the meridional and
14 A. Hübner et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26

Fig. 1. Silo (left) and tank (right) under construction with pattern welds.

the circumferential welds. This paper therefore presents the 2.2. Temperature history approach
results of a recent numerical study into the buckling behaviour
of steel cylinders considering both the meridional and the In the temperature history approach, a temperature field
circumferential welds. In this study, a two-stage analysis was with very high temperatures (e.g. 900 8C) in the vicinity of the
adopted in which the first stage involves the simulation of the weld is imposed at the beginning of the analysis. The
welding process to determine the weld depressions and residual temperatures are then allowed to reduce step by step to room
stresses, which are then used in the second stage in which a temperature. The change of the mechanical properties of steel
non-linear buckling analysis is conducted. Only the main with temperature is taken into account. Pircher et al. [15] and
results of the study are reported with the emphasis being placed Banke et al. [11] recently used this method to obtain residual
on the buckling behaviour, but further details can be found stresses and shrinkage deformations due to a single circumfer-
elsewhere [12]. ential weld. This method requires reliable information of
temperature-dependent material properties and an appropriate
temperature field [12].
2. Simulation of welding
2.3. Shrinkage strain approach
2.1. General
The initial shrinkage strain approach is another approach for
The welding process is complicated, and the accurate simulating the welding process for the resulting weld
predictions of local variations of welding-induced residual depressions and residual stresses. In this approach, initial
stresses is still an active subject of research (e.g. [13,14]). For strains are imposed in a zone centred at the weld to simulate the
the present purpose of evaluating the effect of welding-induced welding process, and so far a constant strain over the entire
imperfections and residual stresses on the buckling behaviour, zone has been used (i.e. the strain block is rectangular). This
the use of overly elaborate approaches for modelling the approach has been used by Rotter [6], Holst et al. [16,17], and
welding process is not necessary as the computational cost Pircher and Bridge [3]. Despite the simplicity of the approach,
needs to be kept reasonably low and the buckling behaviour is the resulting weld depressions and residual stresses are realistic
believed to be not sensitive to highly localized stress variations. in form. This approach requires the definition of both the width
For the present purpose, a simple view of the welding (width of the initial strain zone) and the height of the
process is believed to be adequate, in which the consequence of rectangular strain block. The width of such a rectangular strain
the welding process is described in terms of the shrinkage block leads in most cases to a tension zone of nearly the same
deformations and residual stresses resulting from the cooling width. By suitable choices of these two parameters, weld
stage only [12]. During cooling, tensile residual stresses are set depressions of desirable amplitudes and associated residual
up in the highly heated area whose shrinkage is hindered by the stresses can be obtained, but researchers have so far used this
colder parts where compensating compressive residual stresses method to obtain only residual stresses for buckling analysis;
develop. Since the shrinkage depressions and residual stresses the resulting depressions were not directly used as their
are results of the same process, a rational approach for amplitudes were often too small due to the use of relatively
modelling the welding process for buckling analysis must small shrinkage strains. For example in Ref. [6] a constant
simulate the cooling process in some way. Two approaches are initial strain equal to the yield strain in a zone which covers
currently available: the temperature history approach and the 50 mm on either side of the weld for a shell wall thickness of
shrinkage strain approach. 12 mm was assumed. This initial strain block led to a weld
A. Hübner et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26 15

depression of around 2.5 mm in amplitude on an initial weld 3. Example cylinder

depression profile with an amplitude of 9.48 mm.
A single cylindrical shell with realistic dimensions was
investigated in this study, as the issues being explored can all
2.4. Trapezoidal strain field approach
be answered by examining the numerical results obtained for
this cylinder. This example cylinder has the following
A comparison between these two approaches showed that
dimensions: radius RZ12 m, thickness tZ12 mm and height
the shrinkage strain approach can closely approximate results
HZ15 m, leading to an R/t ratio of 1000. These dimensions are
from the temperature history approach provided the width and
the same as those of the thinnest part of the cylindrical shell in
height of the initial strain block are appropriately chosen [12].
the steel silos at the Port Kembla Grain Terminal in Australia,
The shrinkage strain approach is therefore the preferred
which have been the subject of several previous studies
approach given its simplicity. There is however a significant [6,10,19].
disadvantage with the use of a rectangular strain block: there The chosen cylindrical shell consists of 5 circular strakes of
are abrupt changes in the initial strain at the edges of the block. 3 m in height, with each strake being made of six panels. The
As a result a very fine mesh needs to be used near the edges, meridional welds on one strake are offset from those on the
which can be a major disadvantage when a large number of adjacent strakes by 308.
welds need to be simulated [12]. To overcome this deficiency, a pffiffiffiffiffiThus, the meridional welds are spaced
at approximately 33 pRt ffiffiffiffi,ffi whilst the circumferential welds are
trapezoidal strain block centred at the weld was proposed separated by nearly 8 Rt. The steel was assumed to be elastic-
instead [12]. Fig. 2 shows a rectangular strain block with a perfectly plastic with an elastic modulus EZ200,000 N/mm2, a
width of 8t (t is the shell wall thickness) and a trapezoidal block yield stress syZ250 N/mm2 and a Poisson’s ratio nZ0.3. The
with the same total strain loading. buckling behaviour of this cylinder was studied for four
The trapezoidal strain field is obviously more realistic common loading conditions, including three axisymmetric
than a constant strain field considering the continuous loading conditions (axial compression alone, axial com-
reduction of temperature away from the centre of the weld. pression with internal pressure, and external pressure) and
Of course, this strain block may be further refined by global shear. Global shear was studied instead of uniform
having a smoothly varying distribution, but such refinement torsion as a shear dominated loading condition, as the former
is not believed to lead to significant further improvement. can be more efficiently dealt with by the use of a half-cylinder
With the use of the trapezoidal strain field, much fewer model while the latter requires the entire cylinder to be
elements need to be used for the same accuracy. The modelled.
predictions of such a trapezoidal model with suitable strain
block parameters were found in the present study [12] to
compare well with results from others including the 4. Finite element modelling
measured residual stresses given in Ref. [18]. A typical
comparison is given later in the paper for the example 4.1. General
cylinder with a single circumferential weld.
Using the trapezoidal strain field method, the depressions All finite element results presented here were obtained using
and residual stresses in a cylinder with a large number of welds the general-purpose finite element program ABAQUS [20].
can be easily simulated for use in subsequent buckling analysis. The general-purpose shell element S4 was used, as it was the
The following sections present the results from such buckling most robust of the shell elements provided within ABAQUS.
analysis to examine the effect of welding-induced depressions The meshes were chosen based on convergence studies to
and residual stresses on the buckling strength of an example ensure accurate predictions [12], taking into account the
cylinder. localized nature of welds and wavelengths of the buckling

Fig. 2. Constant strain block with a width of 8t and equivalent trapezoidal strain block.
16 A. Hübner et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26

modes. In particular, the need to model the response of the shell displacements and rotations except for the meridional
in the first stage, in which the welding process is simulated by displacement and the meridional rotation. In addition, the
an imposed shrinkage strain, required the use of very small meridional displacement of a single node on one of the
shell elements. As fine meshes had to be used, only a part of the meridional edges was restrained to avoid rigid body motion. It
shell was analyzed. The shell segment and the related boundary should be noted that while these boundary conditions were
conditions adopted in the analyses differed depending on chosen to provide as close as possible an approximation to the
whether an axisymmetric loading condition or global shear was real assembly process, the real process involving the sequential
under consideration. For integration across the shell thickness, assembly of strakes places restraints on the shell which are
the Simpson rule with nine integration points was adopted in all likely to be significantly different.
analyses. The boundary conditions adopted in the second stage of
As mentioned earlier, the entire analysis consisted of two analysis simulating the buckling failures were chosen based on
stages of nonlinear analysis. The second stage analysis considerations of the particular loading condition. Under axial
involved a non-linear analysis with bifurcation checks along compression with or without internal pressure, the buckling
the path so that both limit point buckling and bifurcation analysis was carried out assuming full clamping for both ends
buckling could be predicted. Bifurcation buckling was found to except that the top edge was allowed to have meridional
be critical in most cases due to some inherent symmetry of the displacements. Under external pressure, the boundary con-
imperfection form generated by the simulated welds. Both ditions used are the same as those used during the initial
geometric and material non-linearities were considered in both shrinkage analysis. This corresponds to the classical definition
stages of finite element analysis. The plasticity of the material of a simple support for external pressure loading.
was modelled using the J2 flow theory. The accuracy of the
finite element results from ABAQUS was verified by 4.3. Buckling analysis under global shear
comparison with results from other sources before the
parametric study presented in this paper was conducted [12]. For the loading condition of global shear, a symmetric half
of the cylinder was modelled in the finite element analysis with
4.2. Axisymmetric loading conditions the imposition of symmetry conditions along the two
meridional edges, in order to model the shear buckling mode
For the three axisymmetric loading conditions, only a correctly. For both analysis stages under global shear, the top
segment of 608 was modelled to save computational effort, end nodes of the cylinder were joined to a rigid ring whose
covering the circumferential width of a single panel but the movements were governed by the motion of a reference point
entire height of the shell, with symmetry conditions imposed at the centre of the top ring. The shear force was applied to the
along the two meridional edges. The inclusion of only one- rigid ring at the reference point.
sixth of the shell is believed to be acceptable for the present
purpose as the buckling mode generally involves a large 5. Welding induced deformations and residual stresses
number of circumferential waves for the loading conditions
considered here. Each weld was simulated by a trapezoidal Fig. 3 shows welding-induced deformations in the cylinder
strain field with a base width of 12t (equivalent to a width of 8t for three situations from finite element analysis: circumfer-
for a corresponding rectangular block) (Fig. 2) and an initial ential welds only; meridional welds only; and patterned welds.
strain magnitude of 5.5 times the yield strain. These parameters The amplitudes of the three weld depression patterns are
have been proven to lead to a weld depression and residual respectively: 1.02, 1.53 and 1.85t. Obviously, the amplitude is
stresses comparable to those from the temperature history increased through interaction between the meridional welds
approach using the temperature field of Pircher et al. [15]. and the circumferential welds.
In the first stage involving the simulation of welding Fig. 4 shows the residual stresses induced by the patterned
shrinkage, the same boundary conditions were used regardless welds, where the residual stresses are normalized by the yield
of the subsequent loading to be applied. During this first step, stress sy. Along the centrelines of the welds, the residual
both the top and bottom edges were restrained against all stresses in the direction of the weld are high and the peak

Fig. 3. Weld depressions due to different patterns of welds; (a) Circumferential welds only; (b) meridional welds only; (c) patterned welds.
A. Hübner et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26 17

Fig. 4. Residual membrane stresses due to patterned welds; (a) meridional stresses; (b) circumferential stresses; (c) shear stresses.

values can exceed the yield stress slightly due to the two pattern, two cases were investigated: the residual stresses were
dimensional nature of the stress states. This figure shows that included or ignored (stress-relieved cylinder). The buckling
circumferential welds mainly cause circumferential residual loads normalised by the corresponding classical buckling load
stresses while meridional welds mainly cause meridional or the linear elastic buckling load of the perfect shell are given
residual stresses and residual shear stresses. in Table 1. For axial compression with or without internal
To demonstrate that the initial strain parameters were pressure, the classical buckling stress is calculated from the
appropriately chosen, Fig. 5(a) shows the meridional profile of following classical formula for a Poisson’s ratio n of 0.3:
the weld depression due to a single circumferential weld on the
example cylinder predicted by the present shrinkage strain scl Z 0:605E (1)
approach in comparison with various shapes proposed by R
previous researchers [2,21–23]. Here, the weld depression When the cylinder is subject to a uniform external pressure, the
magnitude w at any arbitrary point is normalized by the weld classical linear buckling pressure is given by [24]:
depression amplitude w0. It is clear that the weld depression
R  t 2:5
produced by the present approach with the chosen parameters qcr Z CBC 0:92E (2)
is close to shapes assumed or deduced by previous researchers. H R
The associated residual membrane stresses predicted by the in which CBC depends on the boundary conditions and is equal
present shrinkage strain approach and by the temperature to 1.0 for the case considered here [24]. Due to the use of a 608
history approach using the temperature and material property segment in the finite element model, the finite element linear
data of Pircher et al. [15] are compared in Fig. 5(b), showing elastic buckling load of the perfect shell is 9% higher than that
close agreement. from the classical solution as the number of buckling waves
was forced by the imposed symmetry conditions along the
6. Buckling behaviour meridional edges to a buckling wave number of 12 instead of
14 as predicted by the following well-known equation [24]:
6.1. Buckling loads rffiffiffiffi
2 R Rp 4
mcr Z CM 36ð1Kn2 Þ (3)
H t
Buckling loads were obtained for all four loading
conditions. For each loading condition, three weld depression where H is the height of the shell and the parameter CMZp for
patterns (Fig. 3) were considered and for each weld depression the present boundary conditions for the shell ends. As a
18 A. Hübner et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26

Fig. 5. Comparison of deformed profile and residual stresses due to a single circumferential weld between the present shrinkage strain approach and other
approaches; (a) radial deformation; (b) residual stresses.

Table 1
Normalised finite element buckling loads

Axial compression Axial compression with internal External pressure Global shear
With residual Without With residual Without With residual Without With residual Without
stresses residual stresses residual stresses residual stresses residual
stresses stresses stresses stresses
Normalised by Eq. (1) Finite element analysis Finite element analysis
linear buckling
load from
Circumferential 0.340 0.260 0.495 0.445 1.010 0.855 1.045 0.955
Meridional welds 0.370 0.305 0.715 0.760 0.780 0.600 0.935 0.990
Patterned welds 0.290 0.235 0.470 0.440 0.820 0.630 1.025 1.065
Eurocode predic- 0.226 0.445 0.750 (Class A) 0.750 (Class A)
tions for pat- 0.650 (Class B) 0.650 (Class B)
terned welds
A. Hübner et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26 19

consequence, the results in Table 1 for the case of uniform These results are consistent with the well-known conclusion
external pressure were normalised by the finite element linear that internal pressurisation is more beneficial for cylinders with
elastic buckling load of the perfect shell. asymmetric imperfections than those with axisymmetric
For the case of axial compression with co-existent internal imperfections [27]. The buckling loads for the cases of
pressure, the internal pressure p chosen corresponds to a value circumferential welds and patterned welds are almost the
of 0.25 for the following dimensionless internal pressure, same, indicating that the addition of the meridional welds has
which is often used to characterize the level of internal almost no effect on the buckling load under this loading
pressurization: condition.
Under external pressure, a comparison of the buckling loads
p Z (4) for the three depression patterns shows that the circumferential
tscl welds have a small effect on the buckling load. On the other
This internal pressure was chosen to ensure that it has a hand, meridional welds have a much greater effect on the
strengthening effect as at very high internal pressures, plastic buckling load, reducing the buckling load by 40%. Addition of
collapse occurs and the internal pressure reduces the axial the circumferential welds to the meridional welds leads to a
buckling strength [6,25]. very small increase in the buckling load. These results show
For the case of global shear with the adopted boundary that the circumferential weld depressions, which have been
conditions at the two ends, the shear buckling stress of a perfect used as an equivalent imperfection form for axial compression
cylinder is that obtained for buckling under torsion [26]: to derive realistically low buckling loads (e.g. [6,9]), cannot be
rffiffiffiffi used for the same purpose in buckling analysis of cylinders
1 t under external pressure.
tcr Z 0:75ECt (5a)
uR In contrast to the other fundamental loading conditions, the
in which buckling strength of the shell under global shear is rather
insensitive to the three types of imperfections. This insensitiv-
H ity is consistent with previous research findings [28,29]. In fact,
u Z pffiffiffiffiffi (5b)
Rt with the pattern weld depressions, the shear buckling strength
and increases as a result of weld depressions (Table 1).

Ct Z 1:0 for 6.3. Effect of residual stresses on buckling loads

R (5c)
10% u% 8:7 ðmedium length cylindersÞ The results in Table 1 show that for most of the cases
considered here, the residual stresses have a beneficial effect as
which is the case for the investigated cylinder. has been found in previous studies (e.g. [6,30]). This effect
Mesh convergence studies showed that the shear buckling varies with the loading condition and the form of weld
problem is highly mesh-sensitive. The shear buckling stress depressions. An increase of around 30% is found for three
from the finite element analysis differs from that given by Eq. cases: axial compression with circumferential welds; external
(5a) by around 2%, although a very fine mesh was already used. pressure with meridional welds; and external pressure with
Hence, in deriving the normalised buckling loads of imperfect patterned welds. In cylinders under axial compression,
shells presented in Table 1, the shear buckling stress of the circumferential weld depressions alone lead to circumferential
perfect cylinder obtained from the present finite element compressive stresses in the vicinities of the welds [2] but the
analysis was used. associated residual stresses are tensile at and near the welds
(Fig. 4). The residual stresses are thus beneficial. Under
6.2. Effect of weld depressions alone on buckling loads external pressure, the beneficial effect of the residual stresses
from the meridional welds is also mainly derived from the
The effects of different weld depressions on buckling loads longitudinal tensile stresses in the vicinities of the welds that
can be revealed by a careful examination of results given in strengthen the cylinder. For the loading conditions of axial
Table 1. First, by comparing the buckling loads of the cylinder compression with internal pressure and global shear, the
under axial compression alone for the three depression residual stresses have a much smaller beneficial effect or even a
patterns, it can be concluded that the circumferential welds detrimental effect on the buckling load; when only meridional
lead to a more severe reduction in the buckling load than the welds are present, the residual stresses lead to a 6% decrease in
meridional welds. The meridional welds however also lead to a the buckling load for both cases. Buckling of a cylinder with
low buckling load. The patterned welds considering the meridional welds only under combined axial compression and
interaction between the two types of welds lead to a small internal pressure is induced by the high axial stresses in the
additional reduction in the buckling load compared to the case segments between the welds and these stresses are increased by
of circumferential welds only. the presence of residual stresses. Under global shear, the
The addition of an internal pressure enhances the buckling residual stresses lead to a 4% reduction in the buckling strength
load significantly for all three weld depression patterns. The for the case of patterned welds. This reduction can be attributed
highest increase is found for the case of meridional welds only. to the high residual shear stresses (Fig. 4(c)).
20 A. Hübner et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26

6.4. Effect of residual stresses on buckling modes limit point buckling and the bifurcation mode gives the
incremental mode of deformation at the limit point.
The buckling mode may or may not be significantly affected Fig. 6 shows the buckling modes of axially compressed
by the presence of residual stresses. All the buckling modes cylinders with or without the welding residual stresses. It is
shown in Figs. 6–9 are non-linear bifurcation modes obtained seen that the residual stresses have little effect on the buckling
at a load equal to or lower than the non-linear limit point load. mode if only circumferential welds are present (Fig. 6(a) and
It should be noted that when a non-linear bifurcation analysis (b)). For the case of meridional welds only, the buckling mode
delivers a buckling load equal to the limit point load of a non- features very localised deformations at the centre of the
linear load-deformation analysis, it means that failure is by segment where there is a large inward depression (Fig. 3(b)) if

Fig. 6. Buckling modes under axial compression; (a) circumferential welds only, with residual stresses; (b) circumferential welds only, without residual stresses; (c)
meridional welds only, with residual stresses; (d) meridional welds only, without residual stresses; (e) patterned welds, with residual stresses; (f) patterned welds,
without residual stresses.
A. Hübner et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26 21

Fig. 7. Buckling modes under combined axial compression and internal pressure; (a) meridional welds only, with residual stresses; (b) meridional welds only,
without residual stresses.

residual stresses are ignored (Fig. 6(d)) but becomes a little less dimple depths Dw0 are assessed in terms of the following
localised when the residual stresses are considered (Fig. 6(c)). dimple parameters U0:
Under combined axial compression and internal pressure,
U0x Z Dw0x =lgx U0w Z Dw0w =lgw
the residual stresses again have only a small effect on the
buckling mode except for the case of meridional welds alone U0q Z Dw0q =lgq
(Fig. 7). In general, internal pressurization leads to buckles,
which are more elongated in the circumferential direction (e.g. It should be noted that the first two parameters are applicable
Figs. 6(c), (d) and 7(a), (b)). when only axial compressive stresses are present, while the last
Fig. 8 shows the buckling modes of cylinders subjected to two parameters are applicable when only circumferential
external pressure with or without the welding residual stresses. stresses or shear stresses are present. All three parameters need
A significant difference between the two modes can be seen for to be considered under combined stress states. These
the cylinder with patterned welds while the buckling modes for parameters have to satisfy the following conditions with
cylinders with a single type of welds are not significantly U0,max from Table 2:
affected by residual stresses.
U0x % U0;max U0w % U0;max U0q % U0;max (6b)
Under global shear, the buckling mode of the cylinder with
patterned welds may be significantly affected by the presence In this study, the ‘measurements’ of the dimples were made
of residual stresses (Fig. 9(e) and (f)). Again, for cylinders with using two dimensional initial deformation plots of various
welds of a single type, the residual stresses do not have a paths after the weld shrinkage. Applying the ‘gauges’ to the
significant effect on the buckling mode (Fig. 9(a)–(d)). plots, the dimple depths were read [12]. This method is not very
precise due to reading inaccuracy and the discrete nature of the
7. Comparison with code predictions chosen paths, but these errors are small. The measurements of
the example silo led to the results shown in Table 3. By
The buckling loads predicted by the present finite comparing the dimple depths (Table 3) with tolerances
element buckling analyses are compared in Table 1 with specified in this code (Table 2), the example cylinder was
predictions by design rules in the recently developed found to belong to quality Class B when axial membrane
European code for steel shell structures [31], which forms stresses are present in the shell but when only circumferential
part of Eurocode 3 and is the most advanced design code membrane stresses or membrane shear stresses are present in
for steel shell structures in the world. In this code, shells the shell, it belongs to Class A [12]. Here, the presence or
are classified into three quality classes according to absence of a membrane stress component is determined on the
geometrical fabrication tolerance definitions. Three tolerance basis of the perfect shell geometry.
parameters are used to judge quality: out-of-roundness, The buckling strengths of this cylinder based on the design
accidental eccentricity and dimple depth. The only relevant rules in this code were then determined and listed in Table 1. In
tolerance parameter for the present cylinder is the dimple obtaining the code predictions, an extra safety factor in the
depth arising from weld shrinkage. axial compression design rule used to account for effects such
Even for the measurement of dimple depths alone, Eurocode as unintended non-uniform loading was ignored. It is
3 specifies five different gauge lengths of the measurement rod interesting to note that the numerical results for the stress-
(Fig. 10), each of which needs to be used at a given location. relieved cases are very close to the code predictions for all
Details of the defined gauge lengths can be found in three axisymmetric loading conditions if the shell is assumed to
Eurocode 3. For the different gauge lengths lg, the measured be of Class B fabrication quality. As a Class A shell under
22 A. Hübner et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26

Fig. 8. Buckling modes under external pressure; (a) circumferential welds only, with residual stresses; (b) circumferential welds only, without residual stresses; (c)
meridional welds only, with residual stresses; (d) meridional welds only, without residual stresses; (e) patterned welds, with residual stresses; (f) patterned welds,
without residual stresses.

external pressure, the prediction of the code for the stress- fabrication quality class of the present example cylinder
relieved cylinder is unconservative. The fact that the same shell changes from A to B when a small axial compression co-exists
can fall into different classes of fabrication quality, depending with a large external pressure.
on the nature of stresses, may be an undesirable feature of the ENV 1993-1-6 [31] specifies that the stability design of a
present rules in ENV 1993-1-6 [31]. For example, the steel shell can be carried out using a global numerical analysis,
A. Hübner et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26 23

Fig. 9. Buckling modes under global shear; (a) circumferential welds only, with residual stresses; (b) circumferential welds only, without residual stresses; (c)
meridional welds only, with residual stresses; (d) meridional welds only, without residual stresses; (e) patterned welds, with residual stresses; (f) patterned welds,
without residual stresses.

the most advanced type of which is the geometrically and shells under combined loads or a non-uniform loading
materially non-linear analysis with imperfections (GMNIA). condition which gives rise to significant values of both the
This approach offers a powerful alternative for problems for meridional and circumferential membrane stresses, as it
which simple design rules have not been developed. The most possesses the required realism and severity on buckling
difficult issue in such a GMNIA analysis is the construction of strength. Adopting the present shrinkage approach, this
an equivalent imperfection, which is realistic (i.e. can be equivalent imperfection can be easily and unambiguously
associated with constructional details) and leads to buckling defined for buckling analysis of any large cylinder with many
loads comparable to those given by the code for simpler cases. welds.
The comparison shown in Table 1 suggests that the present The present results show that the effect of the weld
imperfection consisting of meridional as well as circumfer- depressions on the buckling strength of a cylinder under global
ential weld depressions may be used as an equivalent shear is negligible. This is consistent with existing research,
imperfection in non-linear stability analysis of cylindrical which has shown that buckling under global shear shows very
24 A. Hübner et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26

Fig. 10. Measurement of depths Dw0 of initial dimples (after ENV 1993-1-6 [31]).

limited sensitivity to imperfections [26,29]. However, the the weld depressions as an equivalent imperfection needs to be
relevant design rule in the European code does provide an further examined.
imperfection reduction factor for shear stresses similar to that
for the external pressure loading condition. This suggests that
the existing rule in Eurocode 3 for global shear is overly 8. Conclusions
conservative. Alternatively, this may be interpreted to mean
that if shear stresses are predominant, the appropriateness of This paper has presented a two-stage analysis method for
predicting the buckling strength of steel cylindrical shells with
a large number of welds as used in large steel silos and tanks. In
Table 2 the first stage, a simple trapezoidal initial strain field is
Values for dimple tolerance parameter U0,max specified to simulate the welding process to obtain the welding-
Fabrication tolerance quality class Description Value of U0,max
induced depressions and residual stresses, which are then used
in the second stage of analysis simulating the buckling failure.
Class A Excellent 0.006
The results from 24 buckling analyses of an example cylinder
Class B High 0.01
Class C Normal 0.016 have been presented, covering four loading conditions (axial
compression, axial compression with internal pressure,
external pressure, and shear) and three types of weld
depressions (circumferential welds only, meridional welds
only, and the combination of the two referred to as patterned
Table 3
Dimple depths and dimple parameters for the example silo
welds). While several assumptions had to be made in the
analyses, including the simultaneous shrinkage of all welds and
Direction Type Length (mm) Dw0 (mm) U0 the initial strain parameters, the following conclusions drawn
Meridional lgx 1518 11 0.0072 from the study are believed to depend little on these
lgw 300 3 0.0010 assumptions.
Circumferential lgx 1518 9.3 0.0061
lgw 300 1 0.0033
1. In all but three cases discussed in this paper, the welding-
lgq 496 2 0.0040
induced residual stresses have a beneficial effect on
A. Hübner et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2006) 13–26 25

the bucking strength. The degree of strength enhancement y transverse distance from weld.
depends on both the loading condition and the type of weld l0 linear meridional bending half-wavelength;
depressions. For shells with patterned welds, the effect of n Poisson’s ratio;
residual stresses can be conservatively ignored in numerical s membrane stress;
buckling analysis for design use. sclclassical buckling stress of cylinder under
2. For shells with the residual stresses ignored, circumfer- axial compression;
ential depressions alone are only slightly less detrimental sy yield stress;
than combined circumferential and meridional depressions tcr classical linear buckling stress of cylinder
due to patterned welds for the case of axial compression. under torsion
For the case of external pressure, meridional depressions u dimensionless length parameter.
are the principal source of buckling strength reductions.
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