Mpi Guidebook Module 12

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Master of Passive Income

Module 12 Guidebook

MPI Module 12:

Bonus Deal-Finding Scenarios

Key Points and Exercises

MPI Module 12 – Bonus Deal-Finding Scenarios

Table of Contents

OVERVIEW OF MODULE 12 – BONUS DEAL-FINDING SCENARIOS .............................. 3

Key Points ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Topics Covered in the Deal-Finding Scenarios Audio Segment........................................................... 3
Exercise: What Are Your Biggest Takeaways from the Audio Segment?.......................................... 5
CAVEATS AND DISCLAIMERS ........................................................................................... 7

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MPI Module 12 – Bonus Deal-Finding Scenarios

Overview of Module 12 – Bonus Deal-Finding Scenarios

Key Points
Module 12 consists of a recorded discussion with earlier participants of the Master of Passive Income program.
During the discussion, the participants shared their ideas regarding a variety of deal-finding scenarios they had
been considering, while Jay and Spike provided feedback and suggestions. You can listen to the audio segment
in the video presentation; look for the link labeled “Module 12: Deal-Finding Scenarios (Audio Segment).”
The main topics discussed in this segment appear below.

Topics Covered in the Deal-Finding Scenarios Audio Segment

1. Ken mentions how he was reluctant to try bartering, but was talking to a contractor who wished his credit
were better. Ken offered to repair the man’s credit rating in exchange for some contracting work. Ken then
received a $20,000 building addition in exchange for an hour of his own time to clean up the credit. He
realizes that it’s the other person who often determines the value of the exchange.

2. Ken also describes his progress (first discussed in the Q&A segment of Module 9) of converting a self-
storage facility into condos, allowing people to buy a fractionalized interest in a facility if they couldn’t
afford a whole one. This concept is particularly useful in 1031 exchanges. He is now selling out his first
complex of 645 units, ranging from $5,000 to $40,000 each, depending on the size. Most people need to
finance these units, and he provides financing as well. The model works well in many areas.

3. Linda has an online product that is very useful for both online and offline businesses: a third-party tool to
collect reviews and ratings from their clients. The developers are very knowledgeable and well-respected
in their field. She can get the product at low cost, and wants to promote it to other people’s lists. She needs
to determine the best way to market this product.

4. Will has been working on a deal for about four months with someone who provides printer supplies over
the Internet. When they get a contact through pay-per-click, they put a sales team on it and close about
50%. Their problem is that the organization got into it as a side venture, and they’re trying to build around
what they think is a good future and get rid of the part of the business that they think is driving them down.
Will has been trying to find a way to initiate a better marketing solution or possibly buy into the business.

5. Thomas is hoping to work with Jay and Spike in initiating a deal with either a 5,000-member professional
association of photographers, or a smaller real estate company that rents space to incubator businesses in
New York. The latter company has been in business since 2001, and will probably double by early 2009.
That business puts a lot of effort into locating and promoting benefits for their clients, as well as increasing
the attractiveness of the office space for current and prospective tenants.

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MPI Module 12 – Bonus Deal-Finding Scenarios

6. Suzanne is considering the idea of working with several friends and acquaintances (potentially eight total,
and growing) to combine their resources, assets, and contacts into a common database. They would then
use this shared database of pooled resources to attract more participants.

7. Leon is in the process of obtaining an unrestricted, perpetual license for a marketing program on “how to
stand out in a crowd.” Once he’s licensed, he will have a compensated speaking engagement lined up. The
licensed program fits nicely into his consulting practice and will be a source of new business.

8. Leon is also helping his wife, who owns a custom frame shop and often works with photographers who
often display their framed work in their studios. They have started putting his wife’s information inside
the frames, which is bringing her business. A commission from every sale goes back to the photographer,
and they extend an introductory offer to new customers. He would like to take the marketing system he is
perfecting to other framers, and certify them in his methods for frame marketing.

9. Catherine is giving consulting help to her father regarding his small hobby business in New Zealand,
which is becoming much busier than he had bargained for. Together, they tried to isolate where and
when the majority of his business is coming from, and how he could start arranging his time so that he
could shut down and do whatever he wanted. Catherine’s ability to analyze her father’s business came
from the insights she derived from the MPI program.

10. Patrick is interested in the general idea of acquiring an existing business, which he has always wanted to
do but did not have the tools. He sees the wisdom in the idea of buying a business from someone who is
retiring, as it could be much more advantageous than starting a business from scratch.

11. Sally is formulating some ideas for helping her friends who are in business.

12. Steve has been working with someone who has an art business, and has trained her in ways to increase her
income. Using his background in marketing commercial art and framing, he is now planning on doing the
same kind of consulting for other artists.

13. Doreena has a technology that her husband developed years ago for cameras that can see under the skin.
That capability would be a tremendous boon to cosmetic companies like Nu Skin, and she aims to talk to
them and some of the other big companies. Right now, that technology is used for microscopic surgery, but
could be refined for the cosmetic application to see how your skin is aging, and how products are affecting
the skin. They would probably need a couple hundred thousand dollars to develop the technology.

14. Josh is speaking to a duct-cleaning business owner, and finds the margins to be very good. They market
very traditionally, and he thought he could market them through heating and air conditioning companies,
which usually don’t offer duct cleaning. He needs guidance regarding the extent of the affinity that the air
conditioning companies have with their clients, and whether it is better to work behind the scenes in the
business with the duct-cleaning company, or help them more overtly brand and market their services.

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MPI Module 12 – Bonus Deal-Finding Scenarios

15. Perry works in commercial interiors, and there’s significant need in this business with regard to attracting
and retaining employees. One of his main clients has done a lot of research on keeping Gen Y employees
happy. He would like to schedule an event addressing this topic, and obtain sponsorship from one of his
manufacturers. He wonders how to attract local businesses to this event, as well as create follow-on events
and related offerings.

16. Juanario is working on a deal in affiliate marketing, promoting and marketing other people’s products. He
is using contacts in his area that are well established with good products, such as teaching others how to be
an Internet marketer. He would do the marketing, keeping a portion of the sales, up to 75%. He needs to
know how to drive traffic to the Web sites.

17. Marlo has created a game for people to take action and get healthy, which she is planning to market. She
wants to seek investment money, but first wants to know how to either trademark or copyright her process
or otherwise protect it as she shops it around.

18. Dan is working with the home energy efficiency franchise, looking at creating income centers throughout
the state. He wants to begin first in his city by building a sales team, office staff, etc., to support the effort.
He wants to initiate JVs to gain access to other home service providers’ lists. He’ll offer free home energy
checkups to their clients and split the profits with the providers. He wonders what kind of split to propose.

Directions: After listening to this scenario audio segment, please return to complete the exercise below.

Exercise: What Are Your Biggest Takeaways from the Audio Segment?
As you listen to the scenarios discussion, jot down your most compelling insights and epiphanies below.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________________________
11. ___________________________________________________________________________________

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MPI Module 12 – Bonus Deal-Finding Scenarios

12. ___________________________________________________________________________________
13. ___________________________________________________________________________________
14. ___________________________________________________________________________________
15. ___________________________________________________________________________________
16. ___________________________________________________________________________________
17. ___________________________________________________________________________________
18. ___________________________________________________________________________________
19. ___________________________________________________________________________________
20. ___________________________________________________________________________________
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22. ___________________________________________________________________________________
23. ___________________________________________________________________________________
24. ___________________________________________________________________________________
25. ___________________________________________________________________________________
26. ___________________________________________________________________________________
27. ___________________________________________________________________________________
28. ___________________________________________________________________________________
29. ___________________________________________________________________________________
30. ___________________________________________________________________________________
31. ___________________________________________________________________________________
32. ___________________________________________________________________________________
33. ___________________________________________________________________________________
34. ___________________________________________________________________________________
35. ___________________________________________________________________________________
36. ___________________________________________________________________________________
37. ___________________________________________________________________________________
38. ___________________________________________________________________________________
39. ___________________________________________________________________________________
40. ___________________________________________________________________________________

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MPI Module 12 – Bonus Deal-Finding Scenarios

Caveats and Disclaimers

We have made every effort to accurately represent this product and its potential, but there is no guarantee that
you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. The examples in these materials are
not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person
using our products, ideas, and techniques. We do not purport this to be a “get-rich scheme.”
Monetary and income results are based on many factors. We have no way of knowing how well you will do
because we do not know you, your background, your work ethic, or your business skills or practices. Therefore,
we do not guarantee or imply that you will get rich, do as well, or make any money at all. If you rely on our
figures, you must accept the risk of not doing as well.
Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to our
program, ideas, and techniques; and your finances, knowledge, and various skills. Since these factors differ
among individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level, nor are we responsible for your actions.
The Use of Forward-Looking Statements
Materials in our product and on our Web site may contain information that includes or is based upon forward-
looking statements within the meaning of the securities litigation reform act of 1995. Forward-looking statements
give our expectations or forecasts of future events. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not
relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as “expect,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “project,”
“intend,” “plan,” “believe,” and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of
potential earnings or financial performance.
Any and all forward-looking statements here or in any of our sales materials are intended to express our opinion
of earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results. We make no guarantees,
express or implied, that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else’s. In fact, we make no guarantees
that you will achieve any results from the ideas and techniques in our material. Success in any job or business
opportunity is the result of hard work, time, and a variety of other factors.
Where we cite specific income figures and attribute them to an individual or a business, that person or business
has earned those amounts. However, there is no assurance that you will do as well. Any and all representations
or claims of income earnings are not to be considered average earnings. We make no assurances that any prior
successes or past results pertaining to income earnings will be an indication of your future success or results.

Do Your Own Due Diligence and Seek Professional Advice

All products and services our company offers are for educational and informational purposes only. We always
advise users of our products, services, and Web site to do their own due diligence when it comes to making
business decisions. Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals before making a decision to
purchase any of our products or services. Check with your accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor before
acting on this or any information. Your own qualified professionals should independently verify all information,
products, and services that we provide. Carefully evaluate our information, products, and services before reaching
a business decision regarding whether to rely on them. Our company is not responsible for the success or failure
of your business decisions relating to any information presented by our company, products, or services.

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