Double Sword English Translation

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Translated by: Jack Chen

Copyright © 2011 by Jack Chen Jiayi
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
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This book is a translation and interpretation of the
3rd Scroll of (Muye Dobo Tongji),
Double-Sword chapter, drawn and written in 1790 by the

Please visit for other

translations and interpretations of historical martial arts manuals.

In dedication to the bravery and wisdoms of Men
before us.

For my grandparents.

Blade is 2-feet 5-inches long.
rèn cháng èr chǐ wǔ cùn

Handle is 5.5-inches long.

bǐng cháng wǔ cùn wǔ fēn Overall weight is 400grams.
zhòng bā liǎng

( (Today, this type of sword is

jīn bù bié zào not specially produced.

The shortest type of

zé yāo dāo zhī zuì duǎn zhě
Waist-Saber is being chosen
yòng zhī for use.

Thus, no diagrams are drawn.)
gù bù liè tú yān

It is stated in “Diagrams of
lǐ qì tú shì yuē
Note: This is a 1759 book
that documented the various
Imperial China equipments.
Scrolls 13 to 18 touches on
military equipments.

That in the “Green Camp”

lǜ yíng

(Camps in the various

( ) provinces that consisted of
zhí shǔ gè shěng hàn jūn yíng Han-soldiers with green
yuē lǜ qí flags.)

The Double-Saber is held in

shuāng dāo zuǒ yòu shuāng chí both left and right hand.

Overall length is
tōng cháng gè èr chǐ yī cùn yī 2-feet, 1.1-inches.

The blade is 1-feet and 6-
rèn cháng yī chǐ liù cùn kuò yī inches long, 1-inch wide.

The “Qiong”, handles of the

qiōng sabers

(In the definition found in

“Fang Yan”, “Qiao” refers to
fāng yán yuē qiāo wèi zhī qiōng the “Qiong”.

In the definition found in

“Zhu”, it refers to the lower
zhù jí máo rèn xià kǒu mouth region of the spear’s

In the saber, the handle is

zài dāo zé huán yě round.

In the Double-Saber, the

shuāng dāo gè wéi bàn guī zhě handle is half-round

So that both sabers can fit

yù qí bìng róng yī qiào into one sheath.)

Are half-round, 0.2-inch
wéi bàn guī hòu èr fēn bìng nà thick, and fit together.
yú shì

The handle is 4.9-inches

bǐng cháng sì cùn jiǔ fēn mù zhì
long, made of wood and
chán hóng wrapped in red material.

The base end of the handle

mò zhān

(Pronounced as “Zhan”,

yīn zhān similar to the character .

In the Chinese dictionary

“Zheng Zi Tong”, whenever
zhèng zì tōng yuē fán qì liǎng the heads of 2 devices are
tóu jiāo hé joined together

And secured by a metal

yòng tiě piàn gù zhī piece

Or secured by a metal piece
huò zhuǎn jiǎo chǔ tiě piàn liǎng at the bent-joints
tóu jū dìng zhī

These are called “Zhan”.)

jiē yuē zhān

Is made of metal.
yǐ tiě

(In the “Green Camp”, the

lǜ yíng shuāng dāo zuì duǎn zhī
Double-Saber is the shortest
dāo of sabers.

Both sabers can be drawn

ér shuāng dāo yī qiào kě yǐ qǔ from a single sheath.)

In “Wu Bian”, Martial
Compilation, it was
wǔ biān yuē documented that

Song Tai-zong, 2nd Emperor

sòng tài zōng xuǎn yǒng shì
of Song Dynasty, picked
shù bǎi rén hundreds of brave warriors

To be taught sword-dancing.
jiào yǐ jiàn wǔ

All of them can toss their

jiē néng zhì jiàn kōng zhōng swords in the air

and catch it while leaping

qí shēn zuǒ yòu chéng zhī left and right.

The Bei-rong people

huì běi róng

( ) (This is the Qidan ethnic

qì dān yě group in ancient China)

Attended a feast in the
palace hall, and were treated
yí shǐ yàn biàn diàn yīn chū jiàn to a performance by the
shì shì zhī swordsmen.

The swordsmen bared their

upper-body and created a
tǎn tì gǔ zào din.

They entered by wielding the

huī rèn ér rù swords by the blade.

Tossing and catching the

tiào zhì chéng jiē swords while jumping.

The sabers were flying all

shuāng dāo xuě dāo fēi wǔ mǎn
over in the air like frost and
kōng snow.

When the Bei-rong envoy

saw the performance, fear
róng shǐ jiàn zhī jù xíng yú sè was shown on his face.

By performing such
měi xún chéng yào wǔ jiàn wǔ
spectacular sword dances
qián while patrolling the castle

It drove fear into the

dǎo zéi zhòng shèng chéng
enemies as they look onto
wàng zhī pò dǎn the castle.

Documented in “History of
Yuan Dynasty”, under
yuán shǐ wáng yīng chuán “Legend of Wang Ying”

Wang Ying

(Courtesy name: Bang-jie.

zì bāng jié yì dū rén jǔ zhōu
From Yi-Du, Military Guard
qiān hù of Ju-Zhou.)

Was good at wielding double

shàn yòng shuāng dāo hào yuē
sabers, and was named
dāo wáng “King of Saber”.

In “Military Strategies from
the General’s HQ”, it was
bīng luè mù wén yuē stated that

Ming Dynasty General Liu Xian

liú xiǎn

( ) (From Nanchang Prefecture.

nán chāng rén guān dōu dū
Commander-in-Chief. Father
tíng fù yě of General Liu Ting.)

Had absolutely no fear.

bù wèi bù jiè

He faced his enemies by

yù dí tí liǎng dāo téng yuè soaring forward with 2 sabers

And leaping with superior

chāo yǒng qiāo jié agility and speed.

It appeared that his sabers

were flying, like only the
ruò fēi dāo qǐ jiàn rèn bù jiàn
blades were visible and
gōng General Liu Xian cannot be

Sabers and swords are devices
dāo jiàn zhī qì wèi shēn ér shè designed for self-defence.

The ancient people must have

gǔ zhě bì yǒu fǎ shù methods and techniques.

If the later generations wrote

ruò hòu shì zhī yǒu pǔ jué manuals and songs.

It was based on Lu Gou-Jian’s

shì yǐ lǔ gōu jiàn

( ) (From Handan Prefecture,

Warring States period.
zhàn guó hán dān rén yǔ jīng
Travelled with Jing-Ke.)
kē yóu
Note: Jing-Ke is the famous
assassin who attempted to
assassinate the Qin Emperor.

Exclamation and praise of

tàn jīng qīng zhī cì yú jiàn shù
Jing-Ke’s swordsmanship in
yě assassinations.

Since the period of Zhou and
zhōu qín yǐ jiàng wú suǒ gǎi
Qin Dynasty, there weren’t
zhèng any evidence to disprove this.

However, in the book “Sayings

of Confucius”, it was stated
rán jiā yǔ yuē

Note: is short for

(Sayings of

Zi Lu (top disciple of
Confucius) arrived in military
zǐ lù róng fú jiàn yú kǒng zǐ attire to meet Confucius

Drew his sword to dance, and

bá jiàn ér wǔ yuē said that

In the past, gentlemen used

gǔ zhī jūn zǐ yǐ jiàn zì wèi the sword for self-defence.

In “Record of the Grand
shǐ jì yuē Historian”, it was stated that

When Xiang Yu (the

Conqueror, 232-202 BC) met
xiàng yǔ huì pèi gōng
with Liu Bang (1st Han Dynasty

Note: (Pei Gong) here

refers to (Liu Bang).

Xiang Zhuang and Xiang Bo

drew their swords and
xiàng zhuāng xiàng bó bá jiàn
qǐ wǔ

Note: History went that Xiang Zhuang, a General under

Xiang Yu performed a sword dance as a cover to attempt an
assassination on Liu Bang. Xiang Bo, sensing the intent, then
joined in the sword dance, while at the same time positioning
himself tactically to protect Liu Bang.

In a dance, the sword is used.
fū yǐ jiàn wéi wǔ

If one were to hold the Gan-Qi

ruò chí gān qī

(The word (Qi) is the same

as the word (Qi), which is a
qī yǔ qì tóng fǔ yuè yě
type of battle-axe.

In the “Classic of Rites”, a jade

lǐ jì zhū gàn yù qī battle-axe with a red shaft

) Is used to dance the “Da-Wu”

in the presence of the imperial
miǎn ér wǔ dà wǔ

Note: (Da-Wu) is an
ancient dance with elaborate
costumes and weapons.

And dance with it

ér wǔ

How can techniques of striking
and thrusting reside in the
yān zé yù jī cì zhī shù dance moves

For one to be prepared in case

the need for martial
ér yù wǔ bèi yě applications arise?

If performing a sword-dance,
zhì ruò wǔ jiàn dāng yòng the Double-Saber is used
shuāng dāo

And not the pole or battle-axe

yǐ qí fēi gàn yǔ qī zhī xiū due to their length.

(The character refers to

mù cháng yě long wood.)

Furthermore, they’re heavy.

qiě zhòng yě

In the book, “Rich dew of
spring and autumn”, it was
chūn qiū fán lù stated that

The sword on the left has the

yuē jiàn zhī zài zuǒ qīng lóng image of an azure dragon.
xiàng yě

The saber on the right has the

dāo zhī zài yòu bái hǔ xiàng image of a white tiger.

In “The Legends of Martyrs”, it

liè shì chuán yuē was stated that

Gan Jiang
gàn jiāng

( )
(A swordsmith.)
jiàn gōng yě

Made a sword for the Lord of

wéi jìn jūn zuò jiàn the Jin Kingdom.

There was a male and female
jiàn yǒu xióng cí versions of the sword.

This can be considered

cǐ kě yǐn wéi

To be used as a Double-Saber
shuāng dāo jiàn zhī shǐ yòng or Double-Sword.
yún ěr

In “Wu Bian”, Martial
Compilation, it was stated that
wǔ biān yuē shuāng dāo for the Double-Saber

If he uses the “Subdue Tiger”

tā ruò shǐ yī fú hǔ

( (“Subdue Tiger” is a stance

shǐ dāo shì míng yě name for the saber.

) It describes a low stance, like a

pì yù wéi mù xià jiē fǎng cǐ low-lying tiger.)

To strike at my head or leg

dǎ wǒ tóu jiǎo

I shall use my left-hand to

yǐ zuǒ shǒu jiān zhù restrain him

And right-hand to “Mo”

yòu shǒu yī mǒ mó yě zhuó yě (“Mo” means to chop).

If he thrusts in with a wooden
ruò bèi tā chè bàng Staff

I shall retreat then turn

zǒu le fān shēn yī mǒ dāo around to deliver a cut.

If he holds his spear straight

tā ruò shǐ yī shuǐ píng qiāng and parallel to the ground

To thrust (and pull up) my leg

lái zhā bá yě wǒ jiǎo

I shall use my right-hand to

yǐ yòu shǒu jiān zhù zuǒ shǒu
restrain him, and deliver a cut
yī mǒ dāo with my left-hand.

If he uses the “Bald-Turtle”

tā ruò shǐ yī tū guī technique

To chop at my leg or face

lái zhuó wǒ jiǎo miàn

I shall restrain him with my
yǐ zuǒ shǒu jiān zhù left-hand

And use my right-hand to

yòu shǒu zhuó hǔ kǒu chop at his “Tiger’s Den”.

(“Tiger’s Den” refers to the

webbing between the thumb
mǔ zhǐ cāng zhǐ zhī jiān and forefinger.)

If he attacks my with a
tā ruò shǐ yī dān tí lái dǎ wǒ single-handed attack

( refers to the flank of the

xié yě torso.)

Regardless of left or right, one

bù jū zuǒ yòu yǐ shǒu jiān zhù hand shall restrain him

The other hand shall deliver a

yī mǒ dāo cut.

If he uses the “Old Monk
tā ruò shǐ lǎo sēng tuō zhàng
Drags Cane” technique to
sǎo wǒ jiǎo sweep at my leg

I shall restrain with my left-

yǐ zuǒ shǒu jiān zhù yòu shǒu
hand, and cut with my right-
yī mǒ dāo hand.

If he thrusts in, I shall shave

ruò chè bàng zǒu le jiù xiāo hǔ
down on his “Tiger’s Den” as I
kǒu retreat away.

If he uses the “Horizontal

tā ruò shǐ yī héng lóng qiāng Dragon Spear” to thrust at me
lái zhā wǒ

I shall restrain him with my

yǐ zuǒ shǒu jiān zhù yòu shǒu
left-hand, and deliver a cut
yī mǒ dāo with my right-hand.

If he uses the “Immortal
tā ruò shǐ yī xiān rén jiào huà lái Teachings” technique to

( is pronounced as “chuo”,
yīn chuò zhuó yě and means to chop.)

I shall restrain him with my

wǒ yǐ zuǒ shǒu jiān zhù left-hand

And deliver a cut with my

yòu shǒu yī mǒ dāo right-hand.

If he uses the “Old Crane Bites

tā ruò shǐ yī lǎo guàn xián shí Food” technique

To chop at my legs
lái zhuó wǒ jiǎo

I shall cross both my sabers

yǐ dāo shí zì jià zhù into a X-shape to block

Then use 1 saber to chop at

yī dāo jiù zhuó hǔ kǒu his “Tiger’s Den”.

If he uses the “Single Whip”
tā ruò shǐ yī biān pù lái dǎ wǒ technique to attack me

I shall restrain with right-hand,

yǐ yòu shǒu jiān zhù zuǒ shǒu
and use left-hand to deliver a
yī mǒ dāo cut.

If he uses the “Raise Hand

tā ruò shǐ yī jǔ shǒu cháo tiān
Skyward” technique to attack
lái dǎ me

I shall use the saber in my left-

wǒ yǐ dāo zuǒ shǒu jiān zhù hand to restrain him

Then deliver a cut with my

yòu shǒu yī mǒ dāo right-hand.

If he uses the “Resting Tiger

tā ruò shǐ yī hǔ xiē shì lái dǎ Stance” to attack me

Regardless of left or right

bù jū zuǒ yòu

I shall use one hand to
restrain, the other hand to
yī shǒu jiān zhù yī mǒ dāo deliver a cut.

These are the techniques to

the usage of the Double-
yòng zhě yǒu fǎ Saber.

shuāng jiàn pǔ

Double-Sword Manual

First, get into the Hold Sword
chū zuò chí jiàn duì zéi shì Face Enemy Stance.

Rest the right-sword on the

yòu jiàn fù yú yòu jiān right-shoulder.

Raise the left-sword above the

zuǒ jiàn jǔ yú é shàng forehead.

Stand upright, then whirl into

zhèng lì xuán zuò jiàn zéi chū the Draw Sword Stance
jiàn shì

Raising right-hand, and

yòu shǒu zuǒ jiǎo tiào yī bù jumping a step with left-leg.

Do the Fly In Attack Stance
zuò fēi jìn jī zéi shì

By striking with right-hand and

yòu shǒu yòu jiǎo yī dǎ right-leg forward.

Then go into the

réng zuò chū tuì fáng zéi shì Retreat Defend Stance

By clasping the right-sword

yòu jiàn xiá zuǒ yè under the left-armpit.

Retreat by turning around 3

yòu sān huí tuì times.

Whirl into the
xuán zuò xiàng yòu fáng zéi shì Defend Right Stance.

Then go into the

réng zuò xiàng zuǒ fáng zéi Defend Left Stance.

Make a right-turn.
yòu huí

Do then Wield Sword Stance.
zuò huī jiàn xiàng zéi shì

Deflect left and right, and

zuǒ yòu xǐ qián jìn advance forward.

Go into the
réng zuò xiàng yòu fáng zéi shì Defend Right Stance

Then into the

yòu zuò xiàng zuǒ fáng zéi shì Defend Left Stance.

Make a right-turn, and

yòu huí zuò jìn qián shā zéi
advance forward into the
shì Advance Kill Stance.

Clasp the left-sword under the

zuǒ jiàn xiá yòu yè right-armpit

Delivering an attack with the

right-hand and right-leg
yǐ yòu shǒu yòu jiǎo qián yī jī forward.

Make a left-turn to face and
zuǒ yī huí hòu gù guard behind.

Whirl into the Five Flowers

Wrap Body Stance (to wrap
xuán zuò wǔ huā chán shēn and circle the sword around
shì the body in a flowery manner)

And retreat until the original

rù yuán dì starting point.

Then do a
zuò xiàng hòu jī zéi shì Strike Backward Stance.

Turn around to face forward
huí shēn xiàng qián zuò zhì
in the
niǎo liàn yì shì Hawk Folds Wings Stance

By clasping right-sword
yòu jiàn xiá zuǒ yè zuǒ jiàn xiá
under left-armpit, left-sword
yòu yè under right-armpit.

Give a cry, and make a right-

yī hū yòu huí réng zuò cáng jiàn turn into Hide Sword Stance
shōu guāng shì

By clasping left-sword under

zuǒ jiàn xiá yòu yè right-armpit.

Raise right-foot and jump a

yòu jiàn jǔ yòu zú nèi luè tiào yī
step to do an upwards-cut
bù with the right-sword.

Deflect left and right, then

zuǒ yòu xǐ jǔ yòu zú raise right-foot.

Deliver a thrust forward with

yǐ zuǒ shǒu zuǒ jiǎo qián yī cì left-hand and left-leg.

Do the
Xiang Zhuang Dance Stance
réng zuò xiàng zhuāng qǐ wǔ shì
(Xiang Zhuang is a historial
figure, as mentioned

Use the left-sword to do a

deflective motion towards
the right, resulting in a
zuǒ jiàn yòu yī xǐ zuò dà mén stance that resembles
opening a big door.


Jack Chen is the President of Historical Combat Association
(Singapore). He believes deeply in preserving and promoting
historical wisdoms and knowledge for future generations.

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