Buzau Newspaper: Dream Come True

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Buzau Newspaper


TheAmericans get

I involved
n 2018, the unilateral withdrawal of In November and December 2019, a
the Americans from the Vienna dozen attacks hit American targets.
Agreement on Iranian nuclear
They left one dead and several wounded
energy and the restoration of sanctions
in the ranks of the Iraqi army and caused
against Iran also causes
the deterioration
material damage on the outskirts of the
of relations between the United States
American embassy.
and Iraq.
In August 2019, French President Peace is always
Emmanuel Macron tried to ease tensions Currently, both the Americans and the
at the G7 summit in Biarritz by inviting welcome
Iranians have realized that this conflict
the Iranian foreign minister.
can lead to massive losses of
people and
Neighbors weapons, even lead to an Iran-Iraq war
so that in 2022 they stopped this conflict
But in September, after the attack on
Abqaïq and Khurais, US President
after the meeting with Donald Trump
with Hassan Rohani, where they decided
Donald Trump stepped up economic
that the USA should no longer get
sanctions, saying they were "the most
involved, so that Iraq had to give in to a
severe ever imposed on a country".
peace pactsigned in Baghdad.

Written by Sorin Stefaniu and Craciun Claudiu, students of the Orthodox Theological Seminary
"Chesarie Episcopul" from Buzau

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