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My Unique Interest and Background

Coming from a law and legal practitioner background here in Nigeria and seeking a LLM
International Commercial Law with International Corporate Finance leaves me with reflecting on
the transformative potential of blending my experiences as a Mechanical Engineer with a growing
interest in quantum science. My unique journey raises some questions;

What transformative insights can be gained from applying previous experience in thermal
systems to the development of cutting-edge quantum materials and technologies? What unique
perspective can a Graduate Student with previous training in Thermal Science and Mechanical
Engineering bring to the Quantum Community and to the understanding of Quantum science and
its counterintuitive nature? What opportunities lie at the interface of mechanical engineering and
quantum science to redefine the boundaries of heat management, energy storage, and materials
engineering? What role would Python for data science play in navigating the vast datasets
generated in quantum research and extract meaningful insights into quantum thermodynamics
and materials? Can the precision and predictability of classical thermal systems be combined with
the probabilistic and often counterintuitive nature of quantum mechanics to advance our
understanding of energy conversion and heat transfer? As I pursue a PhD in Physics with research
interest in Quantum Thermodynamics and Materials and a unique background in Mechanical and
Materials Engineering, Data Science and extensive hands-on with thermal systems and machine
learning, these questions will drive my research.

My journey to quantum science began with a challenge that I faced as part of a design team at
Kwara State Polytechnic. We were tasked with the engineering analysis and materials testing
and selection forthe constructionofa filmblowing machine with capacity of blowing out cylinders
of 10-to-20 liters. The design analysis was thorough and the technicians constructed the machine
with the design parameters presented. However, six months after commissioning for use, the
metal bars of the walls of the blower began to show signs of failure under thermal stress. The
reinforced nylon rods used on the conveyor belts also began to buckle at certain temperatures.
Soon the machine went out of use. A team of experts were called to look into the design analysis
and the material selection. The team concluded that the design met all engineering standards.
This perplexed me. If everything was perfect, why then did the design fail?

This persistent question sparked a quest to appreciate materials beyond the explanation provided
by classical mechanics. I realized that classical mechanics and engineering standards alone were
insufficient to explain the intricate response of materials to thermal stress. I
decided to pursue further education in Mechanical and Materials engineering and physics to gain
a deeper understanding of the behavior of materials at different scales and conditions. In 2021, I
bagged another Bachelors of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in
Thermo-systems and control. In the same year, I returned to the university to study for a
bachelor's degree in physics, where I learned the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, Statistical
Physics, Nuclear Physics and Mathematical Physics and how they apply to various physical
phenomena and systems. I have also gained extensive hands-on experience in Python for data
science and machine learning, which I applied to various projects, such as analyzing the thermal
properties of such materials like graphene, Cadmium Selenide and refines of petroleum products,
modeling the quantum property calculator, and simulating the Schrodinger equation using novel
differential equation techniques. These projects not only enhanced my skills and knowledge in
physics and data science, but also ignited my passion for research and discovery.

Research Interests and Goals

The correct measurement of thermodynamics properties of materials at the nano-scale will

greatly enhance our understanding of materials for engineering applications specifically to energy
storage systems. Here lies my interest and goal. I am captivated by the pocket of information on
materials that could be unraveled if the fundamental questions and problems arise at the
interface of material, mechanical and quantum sciences. I believe that the proper definition and

measurement of temperature, entropy, and free-energy in quantum systems, the emergence and
manipulation of quantum coherence and entanglement in thermal processes, and the design and
optimization of quantum materials and devices for efficient and sustainable energy and heat
management will be a significant progress in the work of Materials Engineering.
To address these questions and problems, I intend to blend the trio of theoretical, computational,
and experimental methods and techniques, drawing from my interdisciplinary background and
skills. I propose to develop and test theoretical models and hypotheses using machine learning
and data analysis techniques, and to validate and refine them using advanced experimental tools
and techniques. I aim to produce novel and significant results that will advance the state of the
art and the public good in the field of quantum science and technology.

Choice of Case Western Reserve University

The choice of studying at Case Western Reserve University for a PhD in Physics is based on the
tripod ofa highly interdisciplinary nature of the Physics Department, the inclusive curriculum and
the style of PhD mentorship available.

At Case Western Reserve University, Prof. Jesse Berezovsky and his Berezovsky research group,
as I admire their focus on exploring the quantum interactions that take place between spins and
photons in solid state devices. Their interest in exploring quantum interactions using novel
materials systems, new techniques, and tailored nanoscale electronic, magnetic, and photonic
devices aligns with my quest to unravel the dynamics of materials at the nano-scale and their
suitability for energy storage devices.

I think that I have the necessary passion, curiosity, and creativity to excel in this program and
become a valuablemember of the Quantum community. I have a solid background in Material
Science, thermodynamic studies, and Quantum mechanics, as well as extensive experience in
Data Science and Machine for Physics Applications and Research work. I have also demonstrated
my ability to conduct rigorous and original research, collaborate with diverse researchers, and
communicate my insights effectively. I believe that my additional to the quantum community at
case western reserve will bring a unique twist to the
understanding of materials. I ameager tolearn from theoutstanding facultyandstudentsat case
western reserve University, and to benefit from the rich resources and opportunities that the
program provides. I am confident that Case Western Reserve University is the perfect place for
me to fulfill my academic aspirations and make a meaningful contribution to society.

Post Graduation Goal

Quantum physics and Science is an emerging field and holds the potential of revolutionizing the
design of thermal systems, heat energy storage and Nano-technologies. In Africa, research into
quantum materials is still in its infancy. Hence, after earning my PhD, I aspire to return to Africa
and continue the research into design of thermal systems and related products with the
consideration of the nanoscale behavior in mind.

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