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N0 Definitions Terms

1 Inflammation of the bladder CYSTITIS

2 Protrusion of the bladder CYSTOCELE
3 Stone in the bladder CYSTOLITH
4 Inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney GLOMERULITIS
5 Abnormal condition of water in the kidney HYDRONEPHROSIS
6 Inflammation of a kidney NEPHRITIS
7 Kidney tumor containing developing cell (malignant tumor) NEPHROBLASTOMA
8 Condition of stone(s) in the kidney NEPHROLITH
9 Tumor of the kidney NEPHROMA
10 Enlargement of a kidney NEPHROMEGALY
11 Inflammation of the renal pelvis PYELITIS
12 Inflammation of the renal pelvis and the kidney PYELONEPHRITIS
13 Condition of urine (urea) in the blood URENIA
14 Inflammation of a ureter URETERITIS
15 Herniation of the ureter (protrusion of ureter) URETEROCELE
16 Condition of stones in the ureters URETEROLITHIASIS
17 Narrowing of the ureter URETEROSTENOSIS
18 Inflammation of the urethra and the bladder URETHROCYSTITIS
19 Excision of the bladder CYSTECTOMY
20 Incision of the bladder to remove a stone CYSTOLITHOTOMY
21 Suturing the bladder CYSTORRHAPHY
22 Creating an artificial opening into the bladder CYSTOSTOMY
23 Excision of a kidney NEPHRECTOMY
24 Surgical fixation of the kidney NEPHROPEXY
25 Creation of an artificial opening into the kidney NEPHROSTOMY
26 Incision of the renal pelvis to remove a stone PYELOLITHOTOMY
27 Surgical repair of the renal pelvis PYELOPLASTY
28 Excision of a ureter URETECTOMY
29 Creation of an artificial opening into the ureter URETEROSTOMY
30 Surgical repair of the urethra URETHROPLASTY
31 X-ray image of the bladder CYSTOGRAM
32 X-ray imaging of the bladder CYSTOGRAPHY
33 x-ray image of the kidney NEPHROGRAM
34 X-ray imaging of the kidney NEPHROGRAPHY
35 Record of the kidney RENOGRAM
36 Instrument used for visual examination of the bladder CYSTOSCOPE
37 Visual examination of the bladder CYSTOSCOPY
38 Visual examination of the kidney NEPHROSCOPY
39 Instrument used for visual examination of the urethra URETHROSCOPE

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