Aula 03

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INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

Aula 3

How are you? Welcome to Class 3.

Estão motivados e focados em seus objetivos? Vejam o ‘esquema’ abaixo...
Vocês estão no caminho certo para o sucesso?! Espero que esta aula 3 lhes
ajude a chegar ao lá...

Parte 1 Questões: CESPE/CÂMARA/2012; CESPE/TCU/2010;CESPE/EBC/2011

Gabaritadas e comentadas

Parte 2 Questões INÉDITAS

Parte 3 Teoria e Dicas

Parte 4 Lista de questões desta aula e gabarito ‘seco’

Animados?! Então vamos à aula

Parte 1 Questões gabaritadas e comentadas


INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

Text 1

Information is a cornerstone of political education and

socialization. The ability to find out about issues of public
importance, and the capacity to inform oneself about the
4 workings of government and its policies are examples of how
information can be essential to the education of the informed
and responsible citizen. Yet in this era of information overload,
7 the subtle but vital difference between information and
knowledge needs to be drawn in order to create virtual places
that promote political education in the broadest sense. It is not,
10 in fact, information per se which is useful but knowledge,
information which has been distilled and contextualized so that
it can impart meaning.
13 The Internet is the ultimate reference library, chock-full
of data supplied by individuals and institutions from around the
world, usually for the free use of all comers. The danger of the
16 Internet is that it threatens to overwhelm us with so much
information that, instead of democratizing and enriching our
political lives, it is actually drowning us in irrelevancies.
19 Internet users know well that the abundance of informational
riches can have a paralytic effect, rendering the viewer helpless
to find anything. The huge quantity of information available
22 creates an inverse relationship between speaking and listening,
between information and understanding. The more people
speak, the fewer people will actually be heard. In fact, the
25 deluge of data ensures that we cannot find anything. It has also
the effect of making us even more dependent than in the days
before the flood on unaccountable, commercialized search tools
28 and information filters to sort information and make it
meaningful. Although these editors are machines, they are not
neutral. The values and choices are embedded deep within the
31 code and often not obvious to the user.
Beth Simone Noveck. Paradoxical partners: electronic communication and electronic democracy.
In: Peter Ferdinand (Ed.). The Internet, democracy, and democratization.
London: Frank Cass/Routledge, 2000, p. 23-4 (with adaptations).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.


INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

_____In the text, the expressions “comers” (line.15) and “Internet users”
(line.19) refer to the same kind of people: those who access the Internet for

Perfeita, Guys! O autor do texto usa ambos os termos para se referir aos
usuários da internet

Veja as traduções dos trechos:

• “…usually for the free use of all comers.”
= geralmente para o uso livre de todos os que a acessam”.
Comer = pessoa que chega ou vem
• “Internet users know well that the abundance …”
= os usuários da Internet sabem que a abundância ...


___ In “it is actually drowning us in irrelevancies” (R.18), “it” refers to “The
danger of the Internet” (R.15-16).

Watch out! o termo “it” perguntado na assertiva retoma só Internet. Veja:

“The danger of the Internet is that it threatens to overwhelm us with so much

information that, instead of democratizing and enriching our political lives, it is
actually drowning us in irrelevancies.”


3) CESPE/TCU/2010
___In line 27, “unaccountable” is the same as innumerable.


Oops… MALDOSA ! O examinador tentou confundir o candidato com os termos

unaccountable e uncountable. São parecidos, mas totalmente diferente. É
importante reconhecermos os prefixos IN e UN que expressam contrário,
negativo. Veja Dicas para mais exemplos.
Então temos:
• countable = contável
• Uncountable= incontável
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

Veja agora:
O texto diz “unACcountable” e não uncountable!!!
UnACcountable = de que não é possível responsabilizar (vem do termo
accountability, lembram? (matéria de administração púbica!) Cairá em sua
A assertiva traz innumerable, esse sim igual a uncountable = incontável,


___The author sees information as having a fundamental function in the
political life within a society.

O texto deixa esta idéia (que a informação tem uma função fundamental na
vida política na sociedade) clara desde suas primeiras linhas. É a introdução da
argumentação. Veja só:

“Information is a cornerstone of political education and socialization.

The ability to find out about issues of public importance, and the capacity to
inform oneself about the workings of government and its policies are
examples of how information can be essential to the education of the
informed and responsible citizen.

Check o significado das palavras negritadas no Vocabulary Builder (Dicas), ok?


___There are reasons to doubt the reliability of the Internet as a source of
useful, relevant and neutral information.

A assertiva está correta quando afirma que há razões para duvidar (reasons to
doubt) da segurança / confiabilidade (reliability) da internete.

“…the flood on unaccountable, commercialized search tools and information

filters to sort information and make it meaningful. Although these editors are

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

machines, they are not neutral. The values and choices are embedded
deep within the code and often not obvious to the user.”

Vocabulário :

Reliability está no mesmo campo semântico de unaccountable = confiabilidade /



___The difference between information and knowledge should not be taken into
account in the promotion of political education for that distinction is too subtle.

O erro está no “not”. Na verdade o texto diz que a diferença entre informação
e conhecimento deve [sim!] (should = needs to) ser levada em conta ( take
into account ) na promoção de educação política, posto que essa diferença é
muito sutil. Lembram de should (modal verb)! Se não, revise Dicas da aula 2 !

Veja o trecho:
“…but vital difference between information and knowledge needs to be drawn
( tem que ser traçada )in order to create virtual places that promote political
education in the broadest sense.”

Cuidado com a leitura apressada, ok?


___The Internet has caused people to become dependent on devices and
machines which sort information based on value free principles.

A ideia final da assertiva (based on value free principles) está oposta ao teor
do texto. Ela diz que os aparelhos e instrumentos de busca são baseados nos
princípios de valor livre. Por sua vez, o texto diz que os valores e escolhas [de
instrumentos de buscas] estão profundamente inseridos no contexto de códigos
e geralmente não são óbvios ao usuário.


INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

“…search tools and information filters to sort information and make it

meaningful. Although these editors are machines, they are not neutral. The
values and choices are embedded deep within the code and often not
obvious to the user.”


___The Internet creates a balanced relationship between speaking and

O erro está em BALANCED= balanceado, equilibrado!
O texto diz exatamente o contrário: há uma relação inversa entre falar e
ouvir. Veja:

“…creates an inverse relationship between speaking and listening,…”


CESPE/Câmara dos Deputados/2012

Text 2

Technology Legislation

1 Technology-related legislation can have a huge impact

on growing businesses, and some interesting issues are likely
to pop up with the new Congress of the United States this year.
4 Of great interest to growing businesses are the topics of data
protection and net neutrality.
Laws that lay out more stringent requirements for
7 retaining and protecting employee and customer data could be
on the horizon. “The laws that apply to big business are going
to trickle down to small business,” says Ann Westerheim,
10 founder and president of technology consulting firm Ekaru.
“Businesses need to have that on their radar. You don’t want to
get hit with a fine because you’re not complying.” She suggests
13 looking at laws like Sarbanes-Oxley to get an idea of where
new tech laws could be heading.
The good news is that proper data protection is
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

16 something businesses should be doing anyway. “A lot of the

measures required to protect employee and customer data are
just good business practices,” says Westerheim. Growing
19 businesses can head off potential compliance costs by gradually
shoring up their IT security and data protection now.
Net neutrality is likely to be a hot issue again after
22 stalling in the Senate last year. Net neutrality proponents want
regulations to prevent network providers from prioritizing
certain Internet traffic. “Net neutrality is a big issue for small
25 businesses,” says Westerheim. A net neutrality law stands a
better chance of passing with strong Democratic backing this
year, but it figures to be a hard-fought battle. Digital copyright
28 issues could also come to the fore in Congress. With the
changes brought about by the last election, it will be an
interesting year for entrepreneurs to keep an eye on the
31 goings-on in Washington. Internet: <>.

Judge the following items according to the text above.

9- CESPE/Câmara dos Dep/2012

______The phrasal verb “lay out” (line 6) could be correctly replaced in

the text by avoid.

Lay out é um phrasal verb! Vocês conhecem os phrasal verbs? Phrasal Verb é
um verbo que tem seu sentido/tradução alterado em razão do acréscimo de
uma ou duas preposições
Eles sempre caem em prova e são considerados difíceis porque a mudança da
preposição muda totalmente o sentido do verbo original.
Exemplos: Watch = assistir Watch out = ter cuidado
Blow = soprar Blow up = explodir
Put = colocar Put up with = Tolerar
Caso você não conheça o significado do phrasal verb, não se desespere!! Leia o
verbo e veja se você conhece seu significado original e releia o trecho em que
ele está inserido. Muitas vezes conseguimos inferir seu significado.

lay out= dispor de

avoid = evitar

Sugestão: Faça uma listinha com os que você aprender em nossas aulas para
servir de revisão antes da prova!! It might help you improve your vocabulary!!
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson


10- CESPE/Câmara dos Dep/2012

______In the text, the verb to comply, in ‘You don’t want to get hit with a fine
because you’re not complying’ (lines.11-12), means to act in accordance


Questão de vocabulário! Esse tipo de questão NÃO exige releitura do texto!Na

verdade, para aqueles que já dominam a língua, nem é necessário leitura. Isso
é arriscado então sempre sugiro uma leitura superficial ( skimming – técnica de
leitura da aula 0 ). É importante reconhecer questões desse tipo!!
Caso não saiba o significado da palavra em questão, tente julgá-la pelo
contexto. Releia o trecho na qual ela está inserida, ok!!

to comply= cumprir, agir de acordo!


11- CESPE/Câmara dos Dep/2012

______The word “entrepreneurs” (lines.30) can be defined as people who

organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.

That´s right folks!!
Entrepreneurs= empreendedores


12- CESPE/Câmara dos Dep/2012

______Growing businesses can keep potential compliance costs from rising by

gradually strengthening IT security and data protection.

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

Guys, sei que já disse isso, mas vou repetir...o Cespe adora reescrever partes
do texto usando sinônimos ou palavras do mesmo campo semântico. Então faça
um LINK entre vocabulário do texto e da assertiva.


“Growing businesses can head off potential compliance costs by gradually

shoring up their IT security and data protection now.”

______Growing businesses can keep potential compliance costs from rising by

gradually strengthening IT security and data protection.

• head off = afastar

• keep from rising = não deixar aumentar
• shoring up=shore up= assegurar, fortalecer
• strengthening= fortalecer


13- CESPE/Câmara dos Dep/2012

______ The Senate has voted to retain net neutrality regulations.

A assertiva afirma que o Senado já votou ( has voted ) no assunto.
Vamos analisar o trecho que menciona o Senado:
“Net neutrality is likely to be a hot issue again after stalling in the Senate
last year.”
[Neutralidade de rede provavelmente será um tópico quente (polêmico)
novamente depois de ser sido adiado / parado no Senado, ano passado.]



Text 3

The UNESCO Office in Brasilia is launching a series

of projects aiming at encouraging and deepening the debate on

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

media development in Brazil. The new projects will include

4 activities promoting research, the organization of seminars, and

the publication of documents. Internationally renowned experts

will attend field events in the framework of these projects.

7 The changes brought about by digitalization and

media convergence have increased the debate about the most

effective legal frameworks to organize “media ecosystems”. An

10 international consensus exists about the importance of the

media for the development of contemporary democratic

societies, as well as about its role as an agent for change. Such

13 change compels governments around the world to develop

specific policies and Brazil is part of this movement.

The UNESCO Office in Brasilia also intends to

16 conduct a study on the decisions of the superior courts in Brazil

regarding freedom of expression and freedom of the press, as

well as to start a discussion on methods of accountability of

19 public media in the country.

With these new projects, UNESCO hopes to ensure

that Brazil can take part in the international agenda of media

22 development, implementing key actions to promote the free

flow of ideas, which is one of the fundamental strategic

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

objectives of that Organization. Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

14) CESPE/EBC/2011
_____Brazil is yet to participate in the international agenda of media

Verb tense!! Tempo dos verbos!!

Brazil is yet to participate= O brasil ainda está por participar ( referência ao


“…is launching a series of projects aiming at encouraging and deepening the

debate on media development in Brazil. The new projects will include…”
“…renowned experts will attend field events in the framework of these

O texto diz que a Unesco está lançando projetos para encorajar e aprofundar o
debate da mídia no Brasil. O texto faz menção a tempo futuro, com o uso de
will em vários trechos, como salientado acima.
Veremos mais tempos verbais em DICAS dessa aula!! OK?!


15) CESPE/EBC/2011
______In the text, “brought about” (R.7) is the same as about to be brought.

Brought about é um phrasal verb. Adicione a sua listinha!!
“The changes brought about by digitalization….”

brought about é o passado de bring about = produced by; caused by =

produzidos por

about to be brought = [está/estão] prestes a ser trazido(s)

São construções diferentes, como significados diferentes. Pegadinha!!!!

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson


16) CESPE/EBC/2011
_____The forthcoming projects will encompass at least three activities.

Students, Forthcoming significa vindouro, próximo a acontecer. O texto
realmente menciona três atividades: pesquisa, organização de seminários e a
publicação de seminários.


“The new projects will include activities promoting research, the organization of
seminars, and the publication of documents”


17) CESPE/EBC/2011
_______Notorious specialists will take part in field events.


Pegadona!!! Students, Notorious é um false cognate!!! Parece uma qualidade

positiva como notável em português.

Notorious = well-known for some bad or unfavourable quality, [conhecido por

uma qualidade negativa].

Veja o texto:

“Internationally renowned experts will attend field events in the framework

of these projects…”

Especialistas reconhecidos internacionalmente = tem sentido positivo! A banca

tentou confundir o candidato induzindo-o a pensar que notorious seria igual a
Internationally renowned experts= especialistas internacionalmente

Atenção, galera!

18) CESPE/EBC/2011
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

_____Digitalization and media convergence have encouraged the debate about

the most efficient legal frameworks to organize “media ecosystems”.

Guys, esta está muito sutil. Atenção é fundamental.


digitalização e convergência de mídias ) genericamente como os elementos que
incentivaram o debate...

O texto traz :

…THE CHANGES brought about by digitalization and media convergence

have increased the debate about the most effective legal frameworks to
organize “media ecosystems”…

Então, de acordo com o texto, AS MUDANÇAS produzidas pela digitalização e

pela convergência de mídias têm aumentado o debate.

O foco do texto é na palavra “The Changes” que é o núcleo do sujeito!!


19) CESPE/EBC/2011
_____ Digitalization and media convergence changes made not only Brazil but
some other countries the world over to become obliged to develop specific
policies concerning the media role nowadays.

Veja o trecho:
“…international consensus exists about the importance of the media for the
development of contemporary democratic societies, as well as about its role as
an agent for change. Such change compels governments around the world
to develop specific policies and Brazil is part of this movement…”

Vamos aos links quanto ao vocabulário da assertiva e do trecho?

not only Brazil but some other countries = international consensus exists
to become obliged = compels= obriga
its role as an agent = media role nowadays.


INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

20) CESPE/EBC/2011
____ The UNESCO Office in Brasilia is interested in the superior courts so as to
assure freedom of expression and of press.

A assertiva generalizou!
Veja o trecho:
“…The UNESCO Office in Brasilia also intends to conduct a study on the
decisions of the superior courts in Brazil regarding freedom of expression and
freedom of the press, as well as to start a discussion on methods of
accountability of public media in the country…”

O texto diz que a Unesco no Brasil quer conduzir um estudo dobre as decisões
da Corte Suprema quanto à liberdade de expressão e não que tem interesse
em suprema cortes ( em geral) como forma de assegurar a liberdade de
expressão, como diz a assertiva. Cuidado com generalizações feitas por


Text 4


1-The biggest company in Brazil and the 8th biggest in the world in market
value, we are present in 29 countries. We perform in an integrated manner in
exploration and production; downstream; trade, transportation and
petrochemicals; derivative distribution; natural gas; biofuels, and electric
6-We have upwards of 100 production platforms, 16 refineries, 30,000
kilometers of pipelines and more than 6,000 service stations. Our proved
reserves are around 14 billion barrels of oil, a figure expected to double in the
next few years. With the discovery of oil and gas in the pre-salt region, Brazil
may become the world's fourth biggest oil producer in 2030.
11-We have built a track record of overcoming challenges since 1953, when the
company was created. The main one was developing technology to explore and
produce oil in deep and ultra-deep waters, where upwards of 90% of our

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

reserves are nestled. With innovation and daringness, we are now the Brazilian
company that makes the applies for the most patents in Brazil and abroad.
16-We undertake our activities with socio environmental responsibility, and
that is why we are among the world's most sustainable corporations. We have
been listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index since 2006, with the spotlight
on the ongoing improvement of the corporate governance practices and on the
adoption of international transparency standards.

_____The main purpose of the text is inform readers about the company’s
activities and figures.

Guys, com essa questão eu quero alertá-los para a palavra FIGURES que parece
ser figuras, mas que significa números (dados numéricos)

O texto realmente traz as atividades da Petrobrás e também os dados

numéricos da empresa.


_____“ongoing improvement” (line 19) can be correctly replaced by “real

Vocabulary!! Ongoing= in progress= em andamento



_____“…and that is why we are among…” (line 17) the expression in bold can
be replaced by “therefore”.

Essa questão foi para revisar sentence connectors da aula passada. É desse
jeito que a banca gosta de cobrar esse assunto. O examinador pergunta se um
connector pode ser substituído por outro ou pergunta se ele expressa result,
• why= por que
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

• that is why= essa é a razão …

• therefore= portanto, então



_____ Brazil will become the world's fourth biggest oil producer by 2030.

A assertive traz um afirmação: O Brasil se tornará ao passo que o texto traz
uma possibilidade ( may expressa possibilidade ). Veja:
“Brazil may become the world's fourth biggest oil producer in 2030.”

• May= talvez

Caso tenha tido dificuldade com essa questão releia Dicas sobre Modals da aula


Parte 3 DICAS e Teoria

A utilidade de se saber sobre a formação de palavras, do ponto de vista daquele
que está desenvolvendo familiaridade com inglês, está no fato de que este
conhecimento permite a identificação da provável categoria gramatical (se é um
verbo? adjetivo?) mesmo quando não se conhece a palavra no seu significado.
Essa identificação é de grande utilidade na interpretação de textos,
especialmente para inferir significados de palavras desconhecidas.

• Prefixos :

Os prefixos i , im , dis , un expressam negativa, ou seja, NO

Exemplo: partial / impartial
Legal / ilegal
Respectful / disrespectful
Able / unable
Suffix: er
Podemos usar o sufixo er em verbos para formar o agente da ação.

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

Own – owner (dono/prorietário)

Build – builder
Teach – teacher
Make – maker
Paint – painter
Run – runner
Swim – swimmer
Speak – speaker
Farm - farmer
Read – reader
Write – writer
Listen – listener

VOCABULARY Builder Text 1 TCU 2010

Vcs estão fazendo o Vocabulary builder de vcs??
cornerstone issues

Find Workings of
out Government

knowledge Broadest
Deluge ultimate

Virtual threatens to
places overwhelm

English Portuguese English Portuguese

Electronic Comunicação issues Questões/problemas
communication eletrônica
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

Electronic Democracia Workings of Trabalhos do governo

democracy eletrônica Government
cornerstone Pedra Broadest sentido mais amplo
fundamental / sense
a base
knowledge conhecimento ultimate
Find out descobrir
Deluge of Data Dilúvio de threatens to Ameaça a sobrecarregar
informção overwhelm
Virtual places Lugares
enriching enriquecer

Phrasal verbs

Vai uma listinha para motivar vcs a fazerem uma também! Agora continue
adicionando mais phrasal verbs!!


Figure out Solucionar Get away from Sair. Ficar longe
(problema, de
Do over Refazer Put up with tolerar
Get over Recuperar Make up Inventor
(doença, (história)
Keep on Continuar Start over Recomeçar
Leave out Omitir Take off Tirar (roupa,
Break up with Separar (de Put off adiar
Catch up Alcançar Get back to retornar
Come up with Inventar, Look up to admirar
End up with Terminar com Stand up for Defender uma

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

Verbo to be conjugado:
Simple Present am / is / are (not)

Simple Past was / were (not)

Future will be

Present Continuous is / are being

Past Continuous was / were being

Present Perfect has / have been

Past Perfect had been


O Simple Present é usado para falar de rotina e fatos e generalizações

S / es / ies são sufixos que indicam terceira pessoa do presente


Ex.: The company finances research on technology.

Ex.: she studies everyday after breakfast (routine)

Ex: CGU deals with internal control. (fact)

O Present Continuous é utilizado para expressar ações no presente, as
quais acontecem no momento em que se fala, e (ou) para indicar
eventos futuros que tenham sido planejados confirmados ou ainda
para expressar certeza de que algo irá acontecer.

Presente continuo tem a seguinte formaçãoassim:

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

verbo to be (am/is/are) + o verbo principal com a

terminação –ing

EX: I am reading now.

Time expressions (Palavras que indicam presente continuo):

now (agora), right now (bem agora), at this moment (no



O Simple past é usado para ações completas e terminadas no passado.

ied /ed são sufixos que formam o passado de verbos regulares.
Eles também formam o particípio passado dos verbos regulares.
Watch (assitir) – watched
Provide (prover, fornecer) – provided
Finance (financiar) – financed
Carry (carregar) – carried
Lembre-se de que há os verbos irregulares, ou seja aqueles cuja a
forma passada pode ser totalmente diferente de sua forma no presente.
Você SHOULD saber os mais comuns.
Is /Are (ser/estar) – was/were
Do (fazer) - did
Go (ir) – went
Seek (buscar) – sought
Catch (pegar) – caught
Buy (comprar ) – bought
Run (correr) – ran
Time expressions ( Palavras que indicam passado): last day (week, month,
night) , yesterday, past (month, day…), the day before yesterday, ago e outros.

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson


WILL indica future e é usado antes dos verbos em sua forma básica
Will + verbo
EX: You will become a CGU employee soon
[ Você se tornará um servidor da GCU em breve]

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa

I will / I’ll I will not / I won’t Will I …?

You will not / you

You will / you’ll Will you…?

He will / he’ll He will not / he won’t Will he…?

She will not / she

She will / she’ll Will she…?

It will / it’ll It will not / it won’t Will it…?

We will / we’ll We will not / we won’t Will we..?

You will not / you

You will / you’ll Will you…?

They will not / they

They will / they’ll Will they…?


I + have + verbo no particípio passado

He, She , It + has + verbo no particípio passado
You + have + verbo no particípio passado
We + have + verbo no particípio passado
They + have + verbo no particípio passado

Present Perfect: Ação aconteceu em algum momento ou repetidas vezes no

passado sem um tempo especificado; ou iniciado no passado e o impacto ainda
não terminou.
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

• I have lost my car keys.

[Perdi as chaves do meu carro]
A ação ocorreu no passado, sem tempo especificado, e o impacto ainda é
presente, ou seja “não estou com elas agora, portanto não posso entrar no
• Have you done your homework?
[Fizeram a tarefa? ]
Refere-se a uma ação feita no passado, sem tempo especificado, e cujo impacto
remete ao presente: a professora pergunta querendo ver a tarefa feita agora.
• I have broken my glasses.
[Quebrei meus óculos] .
Refere-se a uma ação acontecida no passado, sem tempo especificado, e cujo
impacto remete ao presente: não posso enxerrgar o quadro
• He has lost his job.
[Ele perdeu o emprego]
Refere-se a um fato acontecido no passado, sem tempo especificado, com
impacto no presente: Ele perdeu seu emprego. Agora não tem dinheiro para
comprar o carro.
Observe que existem indicadores deste tempo verbal, que são:
ever, never, lately, recently, since, for, yet.
Estes indicadores são na verdade advérbios de tempo.

Para saber o particípio passados dos verbos irregulares veja lista de

verbos no final!


I + had + verbo no particípio passado

He, She , It + had + verbo no particípio passado
You + had + verbo no particípio passado

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

We + had + verbo no particípio passado

They + had + verbo no particípio passado

Past Perfect: A ação ocorreu no passado, antes de outra ação também

ocorrida no passado (simple past). A ação que ocorreu primeiro (a mais antiga)
é que se expressa com o Past Perfect.
• I had already gone when you arrived.
[Eu já tinha ido quando você chegou]
• She had traveled many countries when she visited Paris.
[ela tinha viajado para muitos países quando visitou Paris]

• They had eaten all the popcorn by the time the movie started.
[ Eles tinham comido toda pipoca quando o filme começou]
ALREADY , BY THE TIME, WHEN são muito usadas com
construções que involvem esse tempo verbal!
Infinitive Past Participle Tradução
be was, were been ser, estar
beat beat beaten bater, derrotar, pulsar
become became become tornar-se
begin began begun começar
bite bit bitten morder, picar
soprar, tocar (instrumento de
blow blew blown
break broke broken quebrar, interromper
bring brought brought trazer
build built built construir
buy bought bought comprar
catch caught caught agarrar, pegar (doença)
choose chose chosen escolher

vir, chegar, aproximar-se,

come came come
cost cost cost custar
cut cut cut cortar

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Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

deal dealt dealt negociar, distribuir

dig dug dug cavar
do did done fazer, executar
draw drew drawn desenhar, puxar, arrastar
dream dreamt/ dreamed sonhar
drink drank drunk beber, embriagar-se
drive drove driven dirigir
eat ate eaten comer
fall fell fallen cair
feed fed fed alimentar (se), suprir
feel felt felt sentir
fight fought fought lutar
find found found encontrar
fly flew flown voar
forget forgot forgotten esquecer (se)
freeze froze frozen gelar, congelar
get got got/ gotten conseguir, ganhar
give gave given dar, conceder
go went gone ir
grow grew grown crescer, cultivar
hang hung hung pendurar
have had had ter, possuir
hear heard heard ouvir
hide hid hidden esconder, ocultar (se)
hit hit hit bater
hold held held segurar, manter, conter
hurt hurt hurt machucar
guardar, manter, permanecer,
keep kept kept
know knew known saber , conhecer
lay laid laid pôr, colocar, botar (ovos)
learn learnt learnt aprender
leave left left deixar, partir

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Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

lend lent lent emprestar

let let let deixar, alugar
jazer, deitar ou
lie lay lain
mentir, enganar
light lit / lighted lit/ lighted iluminar, acender
lose lost lost perder
make made made fazer, produzir, fabricar
mean meant meant significar, ter intenção
meet met met encontrar-se com
pay paid paid pagar
put put put pôr
read read read ler
rid rid rid cavalgar, livrar, desembaraçar
ride rode ridden viajar, cavalgar
ring rang rung soa , tocar a campainha
rise rose risen nascer, surgir, erguer-se
run ran run correr, administrar
say said said dizer
see saw seen ver
sell sold sold vender
send sent sent enviar
set set set colocar, fixar, arrumar
shake shook shaken sacudir
shine shone shone brilhar
shoot shot shot atirar, disparar
show showed shown/ showed mostrar
shut shut shut fechar
sing sang sung cantar
sink sank sunk afundar, naufragar
sit sat sat sentar
sleep slept slept dormir
slide slid slid escorregar
slit slit slit fender, rachar
smell smelt smelt cheirar

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Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

speak spoke spoken falar

spend spent spent gastar
spread spread spread difundir, divulgar, espalhar
stand stood stood ficar de pé, aguentar
steal stole stolen roubar
strike struck struck fazer greve , bater
swear swore sworn jurar, blasfemar
sweep swept swept varrer
swim swam swum nadar
swing swung swung balançar
take took taken tomar, pegar
teach taught taught ensinar
tell told told contar, dizer
think thought thought pensar, achar
throw threw thrown arremessar
understand understood understood entender, compreender
wake woke/ waked woke/waked acordar
wear wore worn vestir, usar
wed wed wed desposar
wet wet wet umedecer
win won won ganhar, vencer
wring wrung wrung espremer
write wrote written escrever

That’s all folks for now! Não se esqueça de fazer seu ‘vocabulary
builder’ dos textos. Também, usem o fórum para sanar suas dúvidas,

Bons estudos! See you next class!

Seguem as questões e o gabarito ‘seco’ para você praticar.


Vladia Mattar

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

Parte 4 Questões e Gabarito ‘seco’


Text 1

Information is a cornerstone of political education and

socialization. The ability to find out about issues of public
importance, and the capacity to inform oneself about the
4 workings of government and its policies are examples of how
information can be essential to the education of the informed
and responsible citizen. Yet in this era of information overload,
7 the subtle but vital difference between information and
knowledge needs to be drawn in order to create virtual places
that promote political education in the broadest sense. It is not,
10 in fact, information per se which is useful but knowledge,
information which has been distilled and contextualized so that
it can impart meaning.
13 The Internet is the ultimate reference library, chock-full
of data supplied by individuals and institutions from around the
world, usually for the free use of all comers. The danger of the
16 Internet is that it threatens to overwhelm us with so much
information that, instead of democratizing and enriching our
political lives, it is actually drowning us in irrelevancies.
19 Internet users know well that the abundance of informational
riches can have a paralytic effect, rendering the viewer helpless
to find anything. The huge quantity of information available
22 creates an inverse relationship between speaking and listening,
between information and understanding. The more people
speak, the fewer people will actually be heard. In fact, the
25 deluge of data ensures that we cannot find anything. It has also
the effect of making us even more dependent than in the days
before the flood on unaccountable, commercialized search tools
28 and information filters to sort information and make it
meaningful. Although these editors are machines, they are not
neutral. The values and choices are embedded deep within the
31 code and often not obvious to the user.
Beth Simone Noveck. Paradoxical partners: electronic communication and electronic democracy.
In: Peter Ferdinand (Ed.). The Internet, democracy, and democratization.
London: Frank Cass/Routledge, 2000, p. 23-4 (with adaptations).

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Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

_____In the text, the expressions “comers” (R.15) and “Internet users” (R.19)
refer to the same kind of people: those who access the Internet for information.

___ In “it is actually drowning us in irrelevancies” (R.18), “it” refers to “The
danger of the Internet” (R.15-16).

3) CESPE/TCU/2010
___In line 27, “unaccountable” is the same as innumerable.

___The author sees information as having a fundamental function in the
political life within a society.

___There are reasons to doubt the reliability of the Internet as a source of
useful, relevant and neutral information.

___The difference between information and knowledge should not be taken into
account in the promotion of political education for that distinction is too subtle.

___The Internet has caused people to become dependent on devices and
machines which sort information based on value free principles.

___The Internet creates a balanced relationship between speaking and

Text 2

CESPE/Câmara dos Deputados/2012

Technology Legislation

1 Technology-related legislation can have a huge impact

on growing businesses, and some interesting issues are likely
to pop up with the new Congress of the United States this year.
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

4 Of great interest to growing businesses are the topics of data

protection and net neutrality.
Laws that lay out more stringent requirements for
7 retaining and protecting employee and customer data could be
on the horizon. “The laws that apply to big business are going
to trickle down to small business,” says Ann Westerheim,
10 founder and president of technology consulting firm Ekaru.
“Businesses need to have that on their radar. You don’t want to
get hit with a fine because you’re not complying.” She suggests
13 looking at laws like Sarbanes-Oxley to get an idea of where
new tech laws could be heading.
The good news is that proper data protection is
16 something businesses should be doing anyway. “A lot of the
measures required to protect employee and customer data are
just good business practices,” says Westerheim. Growing
19 businesses can head off potential compliance costs by gradually
shoring up their IT security and data protection now.
Net neutrality is likely to be a hot issue again after
22 stalling in the Senate last year. Net neutrality proponents want
regulations to prevent network providers from prioritizing
certain Internet traffic. “Net neutrality is a big issue for small
25 businesses,” says Westerheim. A net neutrality law stands a
better chance of passing with strong Democratic backing this
year, but it figures to be a hard-fought battle. Digital copyright
28 issues could also come to the fore in Congress. With the
changes brought about by the last election, it will be an
interesting year for entrepreneurs to keep an eye on the
31 goings-on in Washington. Internet: <>.

Judge the following items according to the text above.

9- CESPE/Câmara dos Dep/2012

______The phrasal verb “lay out” (line 6) could be correctly replaced in

the text by avoid.

10- CESPE/Câmara dos Dep/2012

______In the text, the verb to comply, in ‘You don’t want to get hit with a fine
because you’re not complying’ (lines.11-12), means to
act in accordance with.

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

11- CESPE/Câmara dos Dep/2012

______The word “entrepreneurs” (lines.30) can be defined as people who

organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.

12- CESPE/Câmara dos Dep/2012

______Growing businesses can keep potential compliance costs from rising by

gradually strengthening IT security and data protection.

13- CESPE/Câmara dos Dep/2012

______ The Senate has voted to retain net neutrality regulations.


Text 3

The UNESCO Office in Brasilia is launching a series

of projects aiming at encouraging and deepening the debate on

media development in Brazil. The new projects will include

4 activities promoting research, the organization of seminars, and

the publication of documents. Internationally renowned experts

will attend field events in the framework of these projects.

7 The changes brought about by digitalization and

media convergence have increased the debate about the most

effective legal frameworks to organize “media ecosystems”. An

10 international consensus exists about the importance of the

media for the development of contemporary democratic

societies, as well as about its role as an agent for change. Such

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

13 change compels governments around the world to develop

specific policies and Brazil is part of this movement.

The UNESCO Office in Brasilia also intends to

16 conduct a study on the decisions of the superior courts in Brazil

regarding freedom of expression and freedom of the press, as

well as to start a discussion on methods of accountability of

19 public media in the country.

With these new projects, UNESCO hopes to ensure

that Brazil can take part in the international agenda of media

22 development, implementing key actions to promote the free

flow of ideas, which is one of the fundamental strategic

objectives of that Organization. Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

14) CESPE/EBC/2011
_____Brazil is yet to participate in the international agenda of media

15) CESPE/EBC/2011
______In the text, “brought about” (R.7) is the same as about to be brought.

16) CESPE/EBC/2011
_____The forthcoming projects will encompass at least three activities.

17) CESPE/EBC/2011
_______Notorious specialists will take part in field events.

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

18) CESPE/EBC/2011
_____Digitalization and media convergence have encouraged the debate about
the most efficient legal frameworks to organize “media ecosystems”.

19) CESPE/EBC/2011
_____ Digitalization and media convergence changes made not only Brazil but
some other countries the world over to become obliged to develop specific
policies concerning the media role nowadays.

20) CESPE/EBC/2011
____ The UNESCO Office in Brasilia is interested in the superior courts so as to
assure freedom of expression and of press.

Text 4


1-The biggest company in Brazil and the 8th biggest in the world in market
value, we are present in 29 countries. We perform in an integrated manner in
exploration and production; downstream; trade, transportation and
petrochemicals; derivative distribution; natural gas; biofuels, and electric
6-We have upwards of 100 production platforms, 16 refineries, 30,000
kilometers of pipelines and more than 6,000 service stations. Our proved
reserves are around 14 billion barrels of oil, a figure expected to double in the
next few years. With the discovery of oil and gas in the pre-salt region, Brazil
may become the world's fourth biggest oil producer in 2030.
11-We have built a track record of overcoming challenges since 1953, when the
company was created. The main one was developing technology to explore and
produce oil in deep and ultra-deep waters, where upwards of 90% of our
reserves are nestled. With innovation and daringness, we are now the Brazilian
company that makes the applies for the most patents in Brazil and abroad.
16-We undertake our activities with socio environmental responsibility, and
that is why we are among the world's most sustainable corporations. We have
been listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index since 2006, with the spotlight
on the ongoing improvement of the corporate governance practices and on the
adoption of international transparency standards.


INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

_____The main purpose of the text is inform readers about the company’s
activities and figures.


_____“ongoing improvement” (line 19) can be correctly replaced by “real


_____“…and that is why we are among…” (line 17) the expression in bold can
be replaced by “therefore”.


_____ Brazil will become the world's fourth biggest oil producer by 2030.


2010 CÂMARA/ 2011


1)C 9)E 14)C 21)C

2) E 10)C 15)E 22)E

3) E 11)C 16)C 23)E

4) C 12)C 17)E 24)E

5) C 13)E 18)E

6) E 19)C

7) E 20)E

8) E

Queridos alunos, força nos estudos!


The End.

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson


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