Grade 6 Social Sciences Paper 2

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JULY 2022 Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Section A
Answer all questions.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question USE
Section A
paper. 1
Section B 3
Answer any three questions. 4
Section B
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question

Section C
Section C
Answer any two questions.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question

This question paper consists of 7 printed pages and 1 blank page.

ZRP Schools Examination Board, 2022 Examinations
[Turn over]

2022 Grade 6 Mid-Year Exams: Social Sciences Paper 2 Page 1

Section A
Answer all questions in this section.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper.

1. a) The story of the prodigal son teaches about

b) Who taught using parables?
c) Identify any effect of family dynamics.
____________________________________________________________________ [1]
d) State any one function of totems.
e) Which way of marriage in Indigenous Religion violates human rights?

2. a) People need not to infringe on other people’s rights.

i) State one right of a person
ii) What do you do when you have been abused?
b) What is the legal age of consent to marriage and sex?
c) State one social service provider.
d) Suggest one way of helping the needy

3. a) What is a hero or heroine?

b) Give one result of the second Chimurenga
c) Who became the first president of Independent Zimbabwe?
d) Who was killed in Zambia by a parcel bomb?
e) Name one country where freedom fighters were trained.

4. a) Who makes the laws in a country?

b) A bill is
2022 Grade 6 Mid-year Exams: Social Sciences Paper 2 Page 2
c) Who signs the bill?
e) What is a motion?
___________________________________________________________________ [1]
d) Who presents a motion to the Parliament to be discussed?
___________________________________________________________________ [1]

5. a) Name any one STI

b) Identify any one cause of Gender Based Violence
c) Identify any one result of Gender Based Violence
d) Give any one way of abusing children.
e) What is the legal age of majority in Zimbabwe?

2022 Grade 6 Mid-year Exams: Social Sciences Paper 2 Page 3

Section B
Answer any three questions in this section.

Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper.

6. a) Who is the founder of Christianity?

___________________________________________________________________ [1]
b) Who sentenced Jesus Christ to death?
c) Which one of the twelve disciples betrayed Jesus?
d) State one artefact for Christians.
___________________________________________________________________ [1]
e) When do Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus
___________________________________________________________________ [1]

7. a) The Jewish supreme being is called

b) Jews believe in one Supreme Being. This is called
c) Jewish boys become sons of the law at what age?


This symbol of Judaism above is called_____________________________________[1]

e) Moses was given the Ten Commandments on mount

8. a) The month of fasting in Islam is

b) In which country did Islam originate?
c) The name Ishmael means

d) A _______________________________ calls believers to come for prayers. [1]

e) One important pillar in Islam is almsgiving. This is about
2022 Grade 6 Mid-year Exams: Social Sciences Paper 2 Page 4
9. a) Name any one indigenous ceremony celebrated in indigenous religion

b)What is a taboo?
c) Why are ancestral spirits important in traditional religion?
d)When asking for rain, the traditional leaders go to which shrine
e) Eternal life refers to

10. a) i) HIV stands for

ii) State one way HIV can be contracted
iii) Identify one way of preventing HIV and AIDS.
(b) i) Who should exercise personal hygiene?
ii) Which disease requires social distancing and wearing of face masks?

2022 Grade 6 Mid-year Exams: Social Sciences Paper 2 Page 5

Section C
Answer any two questions in this section.

Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper.

11. a) i) Which culture allows people of the same totem to marry?

ii) Bride price involves payment of a beast for the mother in-law called
b) Which dance was done celebrating good harvests?
c) A person who shares and distributes the property of a dead person is
called an
d) State an Indigenous ritual ceremony done immediately after the death of
a family member, to establish the cause of death

12. a) What is shelter?

b) Why do people need shelter?
c) There are many problems caused by shortage of shelter.
State any one problem.
d) The diagram below shows a type of shelter in Zimbabwe.

Name the shelter.

e) What do we call people who live in igloo?

2022 Grade 6 Mid-year Exams: Social Sciences Paper 2 Page 6

13. Mr Gote has one wife and two children and owns some domestic animals.
a) Name the type of family Mr Gote has.
b) Give any other type of family that exists in communities.
c) State any domestic animal.
d) Explain how family members depend on each other.
e) State the importance of family interaction.

14. a) Define courtship.

b) Give one duty of a chief.
c) Name any one heritage site in Zimbabwe.
d) The badge of Zimbabwe is known as
e) State the any one arm of government.
____________________________________________________________________ [1]

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