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Invention that are wrongly associated

Do you know why people have always interest in them being credited for anything they do, invent,
discover, derive, expose, experience, raise, or reveal? People are so much obsessed with credits that
sometimes they take credit of others. Sometimes the spectators wrongly give credit to anyone else
other than the person worthy of credit. In the history of different inventions we witness such incidences
as well. Few examples are given below


Alexander Graham Bell is largely credited for inventing Telephone after he secured his patent in 1876.
But in 2002, US congress declared that the real inventor was poor Italian inventor Antonio Meucci. In
1860, he demonstrated his patent named teletrefono before Italian American press in New York. Meucci
sent his invention to the Western Union company in an attempt to bring his telephone model to market,
but no action was made by Western Union, two years later he asked company to return him his patent,
to which Western Union claimed they have lost it. Graham Bell who shared same laboratory with
Meucci made lucrative deal with Western Union and filled his telephone patent. Meucci sued Bell for his
patent claiming Bell has stolen his patent. But while the case was still in court Meucci died and hence
the invention went into pocket of Bell.

Light Bulb

Joseph Swan who also independently invented light bulb in England is not even known to many while
Thomas Edison is considered the sole inventor of light bulb. Probably, because he merchandised light
bulb which Swan couldn't do. Next time you see a light bulb with two pins on its tail or a pin and rings on
its tail. Understand that, this is because Swan's model had pins on its tail, while Edison's model had a pin
and rings on it. This way one of the biggest invention is credited wrongly too. They say it right when they
say; invention makes sense if it is innovated.


Guglielmo Marconi? Nope! Marconi was not even a scientist. He was an industrialist who brought radio
into market. He went to Nikola Tesla to work as his assistant and stole Tesla's Radio patents. He filed his
patents in England. Over the following three years he applied for his patents in US too, but US patent
office rejected his patents as about 17 of them were almost similar to what Tesla filed already. Although
Marconi had backing of powerful businessmen in the US. So, US patent office reversed their original
decision and accepted Marconi's patents for radio. Later he was given Noble Prize for this invention
while the real inventor seeing all this happening. When Tesla was asked about Marconi he quoted
Marconi is a dog.


Thomas Edison is the person who is most oftenly attributed wrongly for inventions Those he didn't
invent. One such invention is X-rays. Many people believe X-rays were invented by him but he is not real
inventor. If you google out you may find William Roentgen. But even Roetogen was not the first person
to experiment on X-rays. It was Nikola Tesla who made a single electrode vaccum tube and created a
first picture of human bones through flesh. Roentgen later experimented on it and when he came to
know about Tesla's discovery, he contacted Tesla and asked if he is interested in X-rays technology or
not. Tesla allowed Roentgen to work on it as he had other inventions to work on too, So this way
Roentgen worked on X-rays and made further improvements. Luckily he was given the 1st Noble Prize in
Physics for his X-Rays discovery. While Edison and Tesla were never given Noble Prize in their lifetime,
even though they invented many other things too. It is believed they were asked to share stage with
each other to receive Noble Prize which they both rejected.

Cars /Automobile

Henry Ford is wrongly associated with inventing cars, he was undoubtedly the one who brought cars
into market and dominated car industry by selling in such as way that people started buying it. While the
real inventor is German mechanical engineer Carl Benz who fully designed world first fully practical

There are other inventions as well which were wrongly associated or stolen such as Laser, Telescope,
Steam Engine, Monopoly game etc.

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