What My Children Should Know

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What my children should know

My children should know how to be confident, having confidence can make you do
whatever you wanted to do without thinking what people will think of you, by having
confidence you know that you can do it you know that you can achieve it. Second is
how they manage their money, it’s hard to make money, most children think they can
have whatever they wanted because their parents are buying it for them, but they don’t
know that the money that they have spent is from hard work, they must realize that not
all things that they wanted will be granted because there are more important things to
pay rather than toys that will be left behind and be forgotten, money is made from hard
work not by praying but just doing nothing. Third is how to live healthy, eating junk food
is never healthy and can lead to diseases, by very young age I will feed them healthy
foods like vegetables and fruits, so they will get used to it and will not be a picky eater,
they will be stronger and healthier that they can benefit it as they get older. And most
importantly my children should know how to be kind and respect others, by respecting
others you are also valuing their existence and you also building relationship amongst
them, having respect is a sign of having good behavior.

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