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Marketing Question Bank

Summer 2021-2022

1. c 1. Greg Williams now has the buying power to purchase the desktop
computer that he has wanted for the last six months. Greg's want now has
become a (n)
a) Need d) Exchange
b) Necessity e) Transaction
c) Demand

2. c 2. The most basic concept underlying marketing is that of

a) profits c) human needs
b) products d) Services

3. b 3. Henry Ford's philosophy was to perfect the Model-T so that its cost could
be reduced further for increased consumer affordability. This reflects
the ……… concept
a) product d) Marketing
b) Production e) Societal marketing
c) Selling

4. a 4. A market Is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product or service

a) true b) false

5. a 5. Marketing mix refers to the set of marketing tools the firm uses to
implement its marketing strategy
a) true b) false

6. a 6. Which of the following statements is true about creating customer loyalty

and retention
a) Losing a customer means losing the entire stream of purchases that the
customer would make over a lifetime of patronage
b) Customer delight creates a rational preference and not an emotional
relationship with the brand
c) The aim of customer relationship management is to focus solely on
customer delight
d) Losing a customer hardly makes a difference to a company's sales

7. c 7. Losing a customer once means losing the entire stream of possible

purchases that the customer would make over an extended period of
patronage." The above statement specifically indicates loss in terms of
a) customer-perceived value
b) Marketing offering
c) Customer life time value
d) Partner relationship management
8. b 8. Market offerings are limited to physical products
a) true b) false

9. b 9. For most marketers, customer relationship management (CRM) is

exclusively a matter of customer data management
a) true b) false

10. a 10. The societal marketing concept calls on marketers to balance consumer
wants and desires, company profits, and society's interests
a) true b) false

11. b 11. Customer-managed relationships are marketing relationships that are

controlled by customers; therefore, they are of no significance to marketers
a) true b) false

12. b 12. Fast Food, Inc. views marketing as the process of finding and retaining
profitable customers by providing them with the food they want. Fast Food,
Inc. practices societal marketing
a) true b) false

13. a 13. ……….. includes the actors and forces outside marketing that affect
marketing management’s ability to build and maintain successful
relationships with customers
a) Marketing environment c) Marketing intermediaries
b) Marketing mix d) Company

14. d 14. All of the following are elements of microenvironment except

a) Customers c) Publics
b) Competitors d) economic factor

15. a 15. Supplier provide the resources to produce goods and services
a) true b) false

16. a 16. Natural environment involves the natural resources that are needed as
inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities
a) true b) false

17. a 17. ……… consists of institutions and other forces that affect a society’s basic
values, perceptions, and behaviors
a) Cultural environment c) Technological environment
b) Political environment d) Competitors

18. b 18. Technological environment is important because it involves people, and

people make up markets
a) true b) false
19. a 19. Buying goods and services to produce public services or transfer goods
and services to others who need them, this market is called
a) Government markets c) International market
b) Business market d) Competitors

20. d 20. Any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an
organization’s ability to achieve its objectives is called
a) Competitors c) Customers
b) Company d) Publics

21. a 21. Cultural environment consists of institutions and other forces that affect
a society’s basic values, perceptions, and behaviors
a) true b) false

22. b 22. ………….. is the study of human populations in terms of size, density,
location, age, gender, race occupation, and other statistics
a) social factors c) Economic environment
b) Demography d) Customers

23. b 23. Nondurable Product Benefits accrue to consumer over period of months,
years, decades High involvement
a) true b) false

24. b 24. Core Product Consists of the physical good or delivered service that
supplies the desired benefit
a) true b) false

25. a 25. Consists of all the benefits the product will provide for consumers or
business customers
a) Core Product c) The Augmented Product
b) The Actual Product d) intangible Product

26. b 26. The Augmented Product Consists of all the benefits the product will
provide for consumers or business customers
a) true b) false

27. b 27. The Actual Product Consists of all the benefits the product will provide
for consumers or business customers
a) true b) false

28. a 28. Fixed Costs Costs that don’t vary with the number of units produced
a) true b) false

29. b 29. Variable Costs Costs that don’t vary with the number of units produced
a) true b) false
30. b 30. Intangible service We can see, touch, smell, hear, taste, or possess
tangible goods
a) true b) false

31. a 31. Durable Product Benefits accrue to consumer over period of months,
years, decades High involvement
a) true b) false

32. a 32. The Augmented Product Consists of the actual product plus other
supporting features such as warranty, credit, delivery, installation, and repair
service after the sale
a) true b) false

33. b 33. The Augmented Product Consists of the physical good or delivered service
that supplies the desired benefit
a) true b) false

34. a 34. The Actual Product Consists of the physical good or delivered service that
supplies the desired benefit
a) true b) false

35. a 35. Tangible good We can see, touch, smell, hear, taste, or possess tangible
a) true b) false

36. b 36. Shopping product have unique characteristics important to buyers at any
a) true b) false

37. b 37. Consists of the physical good or delivered service that supplies the
desired benefit
a) Core Product c) The Augmented Product
b) The Actual Product d) intangible Product

38. b 38. Specialty product: purchased with considerable time and effort
considering price, attributes, quality
a) true b) false

39. c 39. Sum of the Fixed and Variable Costs for a Set Number of Units Produced
a) Variable Costs c) Total Costs
b) Fixed Costs d) Innovation

40. a 40. ….…… provide the resources to produce goods and services
a) Supplier c) company
b) Competitors d) publics
41. a 41. A firm has fixed operating costs of $10,000, the sale price per unit of its
product is $25, and its variable cost per unit is $15. The firm's breakeven
point in dollars is
a) $25,000 c) $15,000
b) $50,000 d) $3000

42. a 42. The art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable
relationships with them is called
a) marketing management c) marketing mix
b) Positioning d) Differentiation

43. d 43. In the context of customer relationship groups, a potentially profitable

and short-term customer is referred to as a
a) Stranger c) true friend
b) market maven d) Butterfly

44. d 44. The consumer market is made up of which of the following

a) households that purchase goods or services for personal consumption
b) individuals who acquire goods or services for personal consumption
c) businesses that purchase goods and services
d) A and B

45. d 45. Are human needs that are shaped by culture and individual personality
a) Demands c) Values
b) Necessities d) Wants

46. c 46. When backed by buying power, wants become

a) social needs c) Demands
b) physical needs d) self-esteem needs

47. d 47. Which of the following customer questions is answered by a company's

value proposition
a) What are the costs involved in the production of your brain
b) What is the budget allocated by your company for research development
c) What is your company's estimated customer equity
d) Why should I buy your brand rather than a competitor’s

48. c 48. Environmentally sustainable strategy is feature of

a) Political environment c) Natural environment
b) Legal environment d) Social environment

49. d 49. The set of marketing tools a firm uses to implement its marketing
strategy is called the
a) market offering c) promotion mix
b) marketing effort d) marketing mix
50. a 50. Many companies now use customer profitability analysis to identify and
weed out unprofitable customers
a) true b) False

51. d 51. Which marketing philosophy proposed that achieving corporate goals
depends on knowing the needs/wants of your markets and delivering the
desired satisfactions better than your competitors
a) production concept c) selling concept
b) product concept d) marketing concept

52. c 52. Which of the following statements is true of the production concept
a) It considers customer focus and value to be the paths to sales and profits
b) It calls for sustainable marketing
c) it focuses on the quality of product
d) It follows the customer-centered sense-and-respond philosophy

53. c 53. Which of the following marketing management orientations focuses

primarily on improving efficiencies along the supply chain
a) product concept c) production concept
b) marketing concept d) societal marketing concept

54. a 54. Which of the following follows a customer-centered rather than a

product-centered philosophy
a) the marketing concept c) market segmentation
b) the production concept d) marketing myopia

55. a 55. At final level of planning products, planners turn actual product into
a) Augmented product c) Core benefit
b) Actual product d) Deaugmented product

56. b 56. BlackBerry 'on go connectivity' specific feature is part of

a) Augmented product c) Core benefit
b) Actual product d) deaugmented product

57. a 57. The following four steps defining the setting objectives,designing a
portfolio, and developing plans is called
a) Strategic Planning c) Differentiation
b) Positioning d) Market penetration

58. b 58. Sally recently purchased Brand X lotion. In comparing her perception of
how the lotion made her skin feel and look to her expectations about Brand
X lotion, Sally was measuring her level of
a) Share of customer d) customer-perceived value
b) Customer satisfaction e) Customer lifetime value
c) Customer equity
59. d 59. Some fast-food restaurants offer tasty and convenient food at affordable
prices, but in doing so they contribute to a national obesity epidemic and
environmental problems. These fast-food restaurants overlook the ……….
a) Marketing concept d) Societal marketing concept
b) Product concept e) Selling concept
c) Production concept

60. b 60. ….…… is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering
something in return
a) Donation c) Market offering
b) Exchange d) Valuation

61. a 61. The production concept and the product concept are marketing
management orientations that are more likely to lead to marketing myopia
a) true b) false

62. c 62. Jolene's firm markets preplanning services for a mortician. She finds that
most of her target market avoids discussing future funeral needs. She
convinces people to invest in the firm's services through her large-scale
promotional efforts. Jolene's firm most likely practices the
a) Production concept d) Product concept
b) Marketing concept e) Societal marketing concept
c) Selling concept

63. a 63. Railroads were once operated based on the thinking that users wanted
trains that would offer the most in quality, performance, and innovative
features. The railroad managing companies overlooked the fact that there
could be other modes of transportation. This reflects the ………. concept
a) product d) Marketing
b) Production e) Societal marketing
c) Selling

64. b 64. Iceco Inc., an ice-cream manufacturing company, encourages all

stakeholders, including the top management and employees at all levels in
their stores, to consider individual and community welfare in their day-to-
day decisions. This action undertaken by Iceco reflects
a) Environmentalism d) Partner relationship management
b) Social responsibility e) Marketing myopia
c) The selling concept

65. d 65. The art and science of selecting target markets and developing profitable
relationships with those markets is called marketing
a) profiles c) selection
b) maneuvers d) management
66. d 66. Which of the following statements reflects the marketing concept
a) Focusing on making continuous product improvements
b) Undertaking a large-scale selling and promotion effort
c) Emphasizing an inside-out perspective
d) Considering customer focus and value as the paths to sales and profits
e) Focusing on a product-centered make-and-sell philosophy

67. c 67. Marketing is

a) the same as advertising and sales
b) not used by small corporations
c) about satisfying customer needs
d) making a profit

68. d 68. Marketing is

a) part of manufacturing c) part of the finance department
b) sales promotion d) managing customer relationships

69. d 69. Which marketing philosophy purports that achieving corporate goals
depends on knowing the needs/wants of your markets and delivering the
desired satisfactions better than your competitors?
a) production concept c) selling concept
b) product concept d) marketing concept

70. b 70. To build lasting customer relationships, organizations should focus on

delivering ………. and ………. .
a) High quality products, low prices
b) Customer value, customer satisfaction
c) customer satisfaction, customer growth
d) customer value, high profits

71. a 71. the set of benefits/ values a company promises to its customers is called
a) value proposition c) supply and demand
b) advertising d) production concept

72. b 72. companies that research current customers, gather new product ideas,
and test purposed product improvements are
a) Profit-driven c) Sales-driven
b) Customer-driven d) Cost-reducing-driven

73. b 73. which of the first four steps of the marketing process asks, ³what
consumers will we serve?´ and how can we best serve target customers?´
a) Step 1: Understanding the marketplace
b) Step 2: Designing the marketing strategy
c) Step 3: Constructing the marketing program
d) Step 4: Building profitable relationships with customers
74. a 74. human welfare, want satisfaction, and profits are the three
considerations underlining the concept known as
a) Social marketing c) Sales-driven
b) Customer-driven d) Production

75. d 75. The ………. is the nation’s 24th largest advertiser with an annual budget of
more than 1 billion
a) Procter and Gamble Co. c) Levi Strauss Co.
b) Boeing Co. d) U.S. Government

76. b 76. a company’s ………. consists of its suppliers, marketing intermediates,

customers, competitors, and publics
a) Macroenvironment c) Business environment
b) Microenvironment d) Marketing environment

77. d 77. ….…… include resellers, marketing service agencies, and financial firms
that help a company to promote and sell its offering to its final customers.
a) Advertising agencies c) Intelligence firms
b) Suppliers d) Marketing intermediates

78. b 78. Banks, insurance companies, and credit companies that aid in financial
transactions are called
a) positioning c) marketing services agencies
b) financial intermediaries d) physical distribution firms

79. c 79. Financial, media, government, and citizen-action are several types of
a) taxing authorities c) publics
b) legal departments d) marketing mix elements

80. b 80. The baby boomer generation is made up of the period

a) 1960-1971 c) 1980s
b) 1946-1964 d) 1920-1929

81. a 81. There are three trends in the natural environment that marketers are
monitoring. These are ……, ……. and ……. .
a) increased pollution; increased government intervention; shortages of raw
b) shortages of raw materials; increased legislation; increased consumerism
c) the green movement; shortages of raw materials; increased pollution
d) increased consumerism; increased population; increased ethical

82. c 82. macroenvironment consists of all of the following except

a) demographic forces c) competitive forces
b) economic forces d) technological forces
83. c 83. In exercising their corporate social responsibility and building a more
positive image, companies are now linking themselves to worthwhile causes.
This is referred to as
a) marketing mix c) cause-related marketing
b) marketing concept d) Engel’s law

84. b 84. Which of the following is not one of the reasons business legislation is
a) to protect companies from each other
b) to protect companies from consumers
c) to protect consumers from unfair business practices
d) to protect the interests of society

85. c 85. Yankelovich identifies consumer segments whose purchases are

motivated by self-views. Two examples are…….. and …….. .
a) Generation M; Generation N
b) Refilled Nests; Do-It-Yourselfers
c) Do-It-Yourselfers; Adventurers
d) marketing mix; positioning

86. a 86. A company has several options with regard to its marketing environment.
A strong company takes a(n) ……… approach.
a) proactive c) ingenuous
b) reactive d) peaceful

87. d 87. Which step of the marketing process is the most important
a) Step 1: Understanding the marketplace
b) Step 2: Designing the marketing strategy
c) Step 3: Constructing the marketing program
d) Step 4: Building profitable relationships with customers

88. b 88. Which of the following marketing orientations calls for aggressive
promotional efforts and focuses on creating transactions rather than long-
term customer relationships
a) The product concept c) The social marketing concept
b) The selling concept d) The marketing concept

89. c 89. Which respondents are react and adapt to forces in the environment
a) reactive c) uncontrollable
b) proactive d) None of the above

90. d 90. Selecting which segments of a population of customers to serve is called

a) market segmentation d) target marketing
b) positioning e) managing the marketing effort
c) customization
91. d 91. ….…… is defined as a social and managerial process by which individuals
and organizations obtain what they need and want through value creation
and exchange
a) Research c) Innovation
b) Manufacturing d) Marketing

92. a 92. A ……… is some combination of products, services, information, or

experiences provided to consumers to satisfy a need or want
a) market offering d) market segment
b) value proposition e) market mix
c) brand positioning

93. d 93. Which of the following refers to sellers being preoccupied with their own
products and losing sight of underlying consumer needs
a) selling myopia d) marketing myopia
b) marketing management e) the product concept
c) value proposition

94. d 94. Which of the following refers to a set of benefits that a company
promises to deliver to customers to satisfy their needs
a) Market segmentation c) Marketing mix
b) Marketing offering d) value proposition

95. c 95. Cathy's Clothes is a small yet successful retail chain that sells women's
clothing and accessories with a focus on buyers who have relatively modest
means. For this specific purpose, the firm has rolled out several marketing
initiatives aimed at women of
a) Social marketing c) Target marketing
b) Societal marketing d) Cause marketing

96. c 96. ….…. refers to Socially and environmentally responsible marketing that
meets the present needs of consumers and businesses while also preserving
or enhancing the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
a) Database marketing c) Societal (sustainable) marketing
b) Evangelism marketing d) Ambush marketing

97. d 97. building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering

superior customer value and satisfaction is called
a) Customer lifetime value b) Customer-perceived value
c) Partner relationship management
d) Customer relationship management

98. c 98. Use or consumption that might satisfy a need or want

a) private brand c) product
b) service variability d) service encounter
99. b 99. ….…… is determined by a customers evaluation of the benefits and costs
of a market offering relative to those of competing offers.
a) Share of customer c) Partner relationship management
b) Customer-perceived value d) Customer relationship management

100. b 100. Hank is an assistant marketing director for a firm in a market with many
low-margin customers. What type of relationship with these customers
would be the most profitable for him
a) Full partnerships c) Inverse relationships
b) Basic relationships d) Casual relationships

101. d 101. According to the five-step model of the marketing process, which of the
following is the final step in creating value for customers?
a) designing a customer-driven marketing strategy
b) understanding the marketplace and customer needs
c) constructing an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value
d) building profitable relationships and creating customer delight
e) capturing value from customers to create profit and customer equity

102. a 102. Involves the natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or
that are affected by marketing activities
a) Natural environment c) Technological environment
b) Political environment d) None of the above

103. b 103. Study of human Populations in terms of size, density, location, age,
gender, race occupation, and other statistics
a) social factors c) Economic environment
b) Demography d) None of the above

104. b 104. Product quality level is considered as part of

a) Augmented product c) core benefit
b) Actual product d) deaugmented product

105. c 105. all of the following are layers of product except

a) actual product c) product positioning
b) augmented product d) core benefit

106. a 106. Category of products that come with warranty offered at time of
product buying and expires at some specific date is an example of
a) Augmented product c) core benefit
b) Actual product d) deaugmented product

107. b 107. All of the following are elements of the marketing mix except
a) product c) price
b) profit d) promotion
108. c 108. This type of business plan involves adapting the firm to take advantage
of opportunities in its constantly changing environment. This type of
business plan involves adapting the firm to take advantage of opportunities
in its constantly changing environment
a) annual plan c) strategic plan
b) marketing plan d) operational plan

109. b 109. ….….. are low-growth, high-market share businesses or products

a) Question marks c) Dogs
b) Cash cows d) Stars

110. d 110. ….….. are high growth, high-market share businesses or products
a) Question marks c) Dogs
b) Cash cows d) Stars

111. a 111. ….….. are high growth, low market -share businesses or products
a) Question marks c) Dogs
b) Cash cows d) Stars

112. a 112. _____ are Existing products, new market - businesses or market
a) market development c) market penetration
b) product development d) diversification

113. d 113. _____ are new products, new market - businesses or market
a) market development c) market penetration
b) product development d) diversification

114. c 114. _____ are Existing products, Existing market - businesses or market
a) market development c) market penetration
b) product development d) diversification

115. c 115. Anything that customers perceive as new and different

a) Shopping product c) Innovation
b) Specialty product d) Nondurable product

116. d 116. A firm has fixed operating costs of $253,750, a sales price per unit $100,
and a variable cost per unit of $65. The firms operating breakeven point in
dollars is
a) 625,000 c) 906,250
b) 800,000 d) 725,000

117. d 117. ________ costs are a function of time, not sales, and are typically
a) Operating c) Semi-variable
b) Variable d) Fixed
118. b 118. ________ costs are a function of volume, not time.
a) Operating c) Semi-variable
b) Variable d) Fixed

119. b 119. the assignment of value, or the amount the customer must exchange to
receive the
a) Promotion c) Place
b) Price d) Product

120. c 120. costs that don't vary with the number of units produced
a) Total costs c) Fixed costs
b) Variable costs d) Fixed and variable costs

121. d 121. ________ means the coordination of marketing communication efforts

to influence attitudes or behavior
a) Product c) Pricing
b) Marketing offerings d) Promotion

122. c 122. _______ Provide marketers with total control and provide information
to consumers
a) Personal selling c) Advertising
b) Sales promotion d) Exchange

123. c 123. _______ can be expensive and lack credibility.

a) Personal selling c) Advertising
b) Sales promotion d) Exchange

124. e 124. Promotion mix consists of

a) Advertising b) Public relations
c) Sales promotion and direct marketing
d) Personal selling and word of mouth
e) all of the above

125. c 125. _______ includes communication activities that create or maintain a

positive image of firm and its products.
a) Personal selling c) Public relations
b) Sales promotion d) Exchange

126. b 126. ______ like (such as) coupons and other incentives designed to build
interest product purchase during a specified period.
a) Personal selling c) Public relations
b) Sales promotion d) Exchange

127. b 127. The first step in marketing process is to design a marketing strategy
a) True b) False
128. a 128. Firm moves products through channels by channel members to offer
them which is called _______ strategy
a) Push c) Selling
b) Pull d) Marketing

129. b 129. Firm moves products through channels by building desire among
consumers, retailers to respond to demand which is called _______ strategy.
a) Push c) Selling
b) Pull d) Marketing

130. a 130. All of the activities necessary to turn raw materials into a good or
service and put it in the hands of the consumer which is called _______.
a) Supply chain c) Selling
b) Product d) Marketing

131. d 131. The management of flows among the firms in a supply chain to
maximize total profitability which is called
a) Marketing management c) Customer relationship management
b) Pull strategy d) Supply chain management

132. d 132. _______ consists of series of firms or individuals that facilitates the
movement of a product from producer to final customer
a) product c) Selling
b) Pricing d) Distribution channel

133. a 133. ____ interact producer directly with customer

a) Direct channel c) Indirect channel
b) Pull strategy d) Marketing

134. c 134. _______ consists of two or more intermediaries.

a) Direct channel c) Indirect channel
b) Pull strategy d) Marketing

135. c 135. Formal cooperation among channel members which is called _______
a) Selling c) Vertical marketing system
b) Marketing d) Horizontal marketing system

136. d 136. Two or more firms at the same channel level agree to work together to
get their product to the customer which is called
a) Selling c) Vertical marketing system
b) Marketing d) Horizontal marketing system

137. a 137. ______ means selling only through a single outlet in a region
a) Exclusive distribution c) Intensive distribution
b) Selective distribution d) Marketing
138. b 138. ….…… means using fewer outlets than intensive but more than exclusive
a) Exclusive distribution c) Intensive distribution
b) Selective distribution d) Marketing

139. c 139. ______ means selling through all suitable wholesalers or retailers.
a) Exclusive distribution c) Intensive distribution
b) Selective distribution d) Marketing

140. a 140. Tony's Beach T-Shirts has fixed annual operating costs of $75,000. Tony
retails his T-shirts for $14.99 each and the variable cost per T-shirt is $4.99.
Based on this information, the breakeven sales level in dollars is
a) 112,425 c) 208,995
b) 125,495 d) 108,995

141. a 141. Which of the following follows a customer-centered rather than a

product-centered philosophy?
a) The marketing concept c) Market segmentation
b) The production concept d) Marketing myopia

142. d 142. Which of the following is the most likely result of a marketing strategy
that attempts to serve all potential customers?
a) All customers will be delighted
b) Customer-perceived value will increase
c) Customer evangelists will become unpaid salespersons for the service or
d) Not all customers will be satisfied.
e) The company will need to follow up with a service campaign.

143. c 143. Consists of the actual product plus other supporting features such as
warranty, credit, delivery, installation, and repair service after the sale
a) Core Product c) The Augmented Product
b) The Actual Product d) intangible Product

144. c 144. ________ analysis is a technique used to assess the returns associated
with various cost structures and levels of sales.
a) Time-series c) Breakeven
b) Marginal d) Ratio

145. c 145. Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of modern

a) Marketing involves managing profitable customer relationships.
b) Marketing is the creation of value for customers.
c) Marketing emphasizes selling and advertising exclusively
d) Marketing involves satisfying customers' needs
146. b 146. According to the five-step model of the marketing process, a company
should ________ before designing a customer-driven marketing strategy.
a) build profitable relationships with customers
b) construct an integrated marketing program
c) use customer relationship management to create full partnerships with key
d) determine how to deliver superior value to customers

147. b 147. An organic farmer has identified three distinct groups that might be
interested in his products: vegetarians, health-conscious individuals, and
people identified a strend setters who try out new products in the market
before others. These three groups are examples of
a) Marketing mixes c) Value propositions
b) Market segments d) Market offerings

148. c 148. FedEx offers its customers fast and reliable package delivery. When
FedEx customer sweigh these benefits against the monetary cost of using
FedEx along with any other costs of using the service, they are acting upon ... .
a) Brand loyalty c) customer-perceived value
b) Customer equity d) A societal marketing campaign

149. b 149. Your state's department of education has budgeted a significant amount
of money for a radio, print, television, and online advertising campaign
emphasizing the long-term benefits, both educationally and professionally,
of reading every day. This is an example of a(n) ________ campaign
a) Ambush marketing c) Inbound marketing
b) Social marketing d) consumer-generated marketing

150. a 150. Costs of production that do vary with the number of units produced
Processed Raw Materials
a) Variable Costs c) Total Costs
b) Fixed Costs d) Fixed and Variable Costs

151. a 151. Now that we have created value for customers, the final step in the
marketing process is to capture value from them.
a) True b) False

152. a 152. Outstanding marketing companies go to great lengths to learn about

and understand the customers needs, wants, and demands
a) True b) False

153. a 153. Customer relationship management (CRM) deals with all aspects of
acquiring, keeping and growing customers
a) True
b) False
154. a 154. There are five alternative concepts under which organizations design
and carry out their marketing strategies: the production, product, selling,
marketing and social marketing concepts
a) True b) False

155. a 155. The customers evaluation of the difference between benefits and costs
of a product/ service as it relates to the competition is called customer
perceived value
a) True b) False

156. b 156. Customer satisfaction depends on the product/ services perceived

performance relative to a sellers expectations.
a) True b) False

157. a 157. Baby boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y are the three largest
generational groups in the United States
a) True b) False

158. a 158. Countries that consume most of their own agricultural and industrial
output are called subsistence economies
a) True b) False

159. a 159. Federal/state regulations can encourage competition and ensure fair
markets for goods/services. Thus, governments develop public policy to
guide commerce
a) True b) False

160. a 160. Marketing is managing profitable customer relationships

a) True b) False

161. a 161. The selling concept holds that consumers will not buy enough of the
firm's products unless the firm undertakes a large-scale selling and
promotion effort
a) True b) False

162. b 162. An organization's department follows a customer-centered sense-and-

respond philosophy. The department is most likely practicing the product
a) True b) False

163. b 163. Direct channel consists of two or more intermediates

a) True b) False

164. b 164. Personal selling can be expensive and lack credibility

a) True b) False
165. a 165. Customer-perceived value is defined as the customer's evaluation of the
difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a market offering
relative to those of competing offers
a) True b) False

166. b 166. Strategic business units (SBUs) are classified as stars, cash cows, cats, or
a) True b) False

167. a 167. Core Product Consists of all the benefits the product will provide for
consumers or business customers
a) True b) False

168. b 168. Development process by which a customer begins to buy and use a new
good, service, or idea
a) True b) False

169. a 169. price elasticity of demand price and total revenue work in opposite
a) True b) False

170. a 170. Variable costs of production that do vary with the number of units
produced processed raw materials
a) True b) False

171. a 171. Price inelasticity of demand price and total revenue work in same
a) True b) False

172. a 172. Public relations includes communication activities that create or

maintain a positive image of firm and its products
a) True b) False

173. a 173. Advertising can be expensive and lack credibility

a) True b) False

174. a 174. Firm moves products through channels by building desire among
consumers, retailers to respond to demand which is called Pull strategy
a) True b) False

175. b 175. The meaning of value is perceived identically by all consumers

a) True b) False

176. a 176. Environmentally sustainable strategy is feature of natural environment

a) True b) False
177. a 177. The marketing environment includes the actors and forces outside
marketing that affect marketing management's ability to build and maintain
successful relationships with target customers
a) True b) False

178. a 178. Shopping product: purchased with considerable time and effort
considering price, attributes, quality
a) True b) False

179. a 179. Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size, density,
location, age, gender, race occupation, and other statistics
a) True b) False

180. a 180. The Augmented Product Consists of the actual product plus other
supporting features such as warranty, credit, delivery, installation, and repair
service after the sale
a) True b) False

181. a 181. Durable Product Benefits accrue to consumer over period of months,
years, decades High involvement
a) True b) False

182. b 182. Price inelasticity of Demand Price and total revenue work in opposite
a) True b) False

183. b 183. Core Product Consists of the actual product plus other supporting
features such as warranty, credit, delivery, installation, and repair service
after the sale
a) True b) False

184. a 184. Adoption: process by which a customer begins to buy and use a new
good, service, or idea
a) True b) False

185. b 185. Price Elasticity of Demand Price and total revenue work in same
a) True b) False

186. b 186. Fixed Costs of production that do vary with the number of units
produced Processed Raw Materials
a) True b) False

187. a 187. Direct channel interact producer directly with customer

a) True b) False
188. b 188. Indirect channel interact producer directly with customer
a) True b) False

189. a 189. Indirect channel consists of two or more intermediaries

a) True b) False

190. a 190. Firm moves products through channels by channel members to offer
them which is called Push strategy
a) True b) False

191. a 191. Advertising Provide marketers with total control and provide
information to consumers
a) True b) False

192. b 192. Sales promotion Provide marketers with total control and provide
information to consumers
a) True b) False

193. c 193. We define a ………. as anything that can be offered to a market for
attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a need or want
a) Private brand c) Product
b) Service variability d) Service encounter

194. b 194. Government Mark Online B2B marketing is huge because more firms are
connected to the internet than consumers
a) True b) False

195. b 195. Business Market Online B2B marketing is huge because more firms are
connected to the internet than consumers
a) True b) False

196. c 196. The consumer market involves marketing goods and services to end
a) Business Market c) Consumer Market
b) Government Market d) Market targeting

197. b 197. Is the process of grouping individuals or businesses, according to use,

consumption, or benefits of a product or service
a) Market targeting c) Market positioning
b) Market segmentation d) Market differentiation

198. a 198. The Balanced Scorecard provides several metrics for evaluating the
customer perspective. What are these specific metrics
a) Customer Loyalty c) Customer perceptions
b) Lifetime Value d) Penetration of target market
199. b 199. Market targeting is the process of grouping individuals or businesses,
according to use, consumption, or benefits of a product or service
a) True b) False

200. c 200. The internal perspective of the Balanced Scorecard gives particular
attention to
a) Market Share c) Supply chain value to the company
b) Shareholder value d) Customer satisfaction

201. b 201. The Balanced Scorecard is based on three stakeholder perspectives

a) True b) False

202. b 202. As one of the social media performance metrics, action metrics could
include all of the following except
a) Clickthrough c) Event attendance
b) Share of Voice d) Purchase

203. b 203. Is the process of grouping individuals or business, according to use,

consumption, or benefits of a product or service
a) Market targeting c) Market positioning
b) Market segmentation d) Market differentiation

204. a 204. Is the process of selecting market segments that are most attractive to
the firm
a) Market targeting c) Market positioning
b) Market segmentation d) Market differentiation

205. b 205. Market segmentation is the process of selecting market segments that
are most attractive to the firm

206. a 206. Market targeting is the process of selecting market segments that are
most attractive to the firm

207. b 207. The U.S. government is the world’s largest buyer

a) Business Market c) Consumer Market
b) Government Market d) Market targeting

208. a 208. Government Market The U.S. government is the world’s largest buyer

209. b 209. Government Market The consumer market involves marketing goods
and services to end consumers
210. a 210. Online B2B marketing is huge because more firms are connected to the
internet than consumers
a) Business Market c) Consumer Market
b) Government Market d) Market targeting

211. b 211. Consumer Market Online B2B marketing is huge because more firms are
connected to the internet than consumers

212. b 212. Business Market The consumer market involves marketing goods and
services to end consumers

213. d 213. All of the following Market Segmentation Bases and Variables except
a) Geographic location c) Behavior with regard to the product
b) Demographics d) Situation analysis

214. a 214. Countries may be segmented based on internet usage based on

a) Geographic location c) Behavior with regard to the product
b) Demographics d) Psychographics

215. a 215. Three market segments are of great interest to e-marketers Millenials,
Kids, Online opinion leaders
a) True b) False

216. d 216. All of the following Psychographic Segments except

a) Personality c) Lifestyles
b) Values d) Kids

217. a 217. E-marketers select a targeting strategy which

a) Locations c) Values
b) Personality d) Lifestyles

218. a 218. Marketers using benefit segmentation form groups of consumers based
on the benefits they desire from product.
a) True b) False

219. a 219. ….……. is the subset of e-business focused on transactions that include
buying/selling, digital value creation, and virtual marketplaces
a) E-Commerce c) Digital technology
b) E-Marketing d) ESP

220. a 220. Marketers can segment users as brand loyal, loyal to a competitive
product, switchers, and nonusers
a) True b) False
221. a 221. Marketers often segment by light, medium, and heavy product usage
a) True b) False

222. b 222. Marketers often targeting by light, medium, and heavy product usage
a) True b) False

223. b 223. To determine benefits sought, marketers can look at what people
actually do online
a) True b) False

224. d 224. The internet consists of all of the following except

a) computers with data
b) users who send and receive data files, such as e-mail and text messages
c) technology infrastructure to create, move, share, and consume content
d) Central mainframe

225. a 225. Data, such as digital coupons or customer complaints, exchanged

between companies and consumers typically travel via _____, while off-line
electronic data collection, such as bar code scanners or databases, shared
internally within an organization, travel via ________.
a) Internet; intranet c) Extranet; intranet
b) Extranet; internet d) the Web; the social network

226. b 226. Corporate level business strategies that include information technology
components, such as internet, digital databases are known as
a) marketing strategies c) E-marketing strategies
b) E-business strategies d) corporate strategies

:‫شكًرا لطلبة علج طبيعي اللي كانوا قائمين على هذا العمل وأتمنى ننهي التعصب بين الكليات ومن ناحيتي بقولها اهو‬
‫الااام‬......‫ علج طبيعي البابا‬،‫طز في كلية هنداة واللي منها أكتً كلية وبني آدمين أوفً ريتيد ع الكوكب‬

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