CCT Survey Questions

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1. How often do you feel tired during the day due to lack of sleep?
2. Have you ever taken a nap on campus? If so, where did you nap?
3. How long do you typically nap for?
4. How comfortable are the napping areas on campus?
5. Would you be interested in using a sleeping pod on campus?
6. How likely are you to use a sleeping pod if it were available on campus?
7. What features would you like to see in a sleeping pod?
8. How important is it to you that sleeping pods are safe and secure?
9. Would you be willing to pay to use a sleeping pod on campus?
10. Do you have any concerns about the implementation of sleeping pods on campus?
11. What comes to mind when you hear the word 'rest'?
12. What does rest mean to you?
13. Do you always get enough rest after a tiresome day in school?
14. Have you ever felt the need to rest on your vacant time in school?
15. What do you do during your vacant classes? Do you sleep?
16. Where do you sleep? Is it comfortable?
17. Why do you think it is essential to have a regular sleep schedule/enough sleep as college
18. What do you think can well rested body achieve academically?
19. What time do you usually go to bed and wake up on school days? How about on
20. Do you follow the same sleep schedule on weekends, or does it vary?
21. How many hours of sleep do you aim to get each night?
22. Do you have any bedtime rituals or habits that help you relax before sleep?
23. Do you experience difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep during the night? If so, what
do you think contributes to this?
24. What factors, such as work, family, or lifestyle, influence your sleeping patterns?
25. Are you a morning person, a night owl, or somewhere in between?
26. How do you handle sleep deprivation or changes in your sleep routine?
27. Do you get enough sleep? If not, what stops you from sleeping enough?
28. How many hours of sleep should a person get each day? Does everybody need about the
same amount?
29. Are you a night owl? If so, how late do you usually go to bed?
30. Are you a morning person? When do you like to wake up?
31. Do you tend to sleep through the night without waking? If not, what usually wakes you
32. What is your before-bed routine? Is there something you need to do in order to sleep?
33. What kind of weather and temperature is best for sleeping?
34. Do you tend to sleep on your side, back, or front? Does it matter which position a person
sleeps in?
35. Can you sleep in an unfamiliar place? How about on an airplane or on a bus?
36. Have you ever slept outside? If so, explain the situation.
37. Do you eat before going to sleep? Why or why not? Have you ever eaten in bed?
38. Have you ever used medicine, tea, or something else to help you fall asleep?
39. Do you remember your dreams? If so, what kinds of things do you usually remember?
40. Have you ever woken up from a nightmare in a cold sweat? Can you remember what
was so disturbing?
41. Do you take naps? How long should a good nap be?
42. Have you ever fallen into a food coma? What had you eaten?
43. Which is more comfortable: sleeping alone or sleeping with someone else?
44. What is the longest you have ever slept for? What made you sleep for that long?
45. When you have a problem, do you try to solve it before going to bed, or do you prefer to
sleep on it until the next day?
46. Have you ever suffered from insomnia? If so, how severe was it, and how did you deal
with it?

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