Process Checked

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The following pictures illustrate the way tomato ketchup is being produced.

Overall, there are ten stages in the process, beginning with picking tomatoes and
ending with sending them for consumption.

To begin, a person needs to pick tomatoes and put them in the basket. Once it's
done, you will need to sort all of them by which ones are bad and which are good.
The tomatoes, that were deemed good, then get sent to a factory where they go
through a process of removing things like stalks, seeds, and skin. After this was
done, all the tomatoes were put into a container where they performed several
actions on them.

First, they crush all of them causing them to turn into liquid, and then add sugar,
vinegar, and salt into them. Following this, the container gets boiled and left for 2
hours. Next, all that needs to be done is to pour all the sauce that you got from
the container into specially made ketchup bottles, label them, and send them
through quality control after which they get packaged and sent to various
supermarkets for consumption.


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