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Overview: Balakrishnan Kavikkal (Bala) founded Servion along with four other partners in 1995 to provide strategic consulting, Systems Integration, and professional services and to build multimedia products for the Contact Center industry. Bala brings with him 18 years of experience in the telecom and IT industries. His strengths in marketing helped him set up full-fledged major account and channel management programs for Motorola as the Head of Sales. Prior to his current position as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Servion, Bala was president of the North American operations. He was instrumental in setting up the Sales and Delivery infrastructure in the US leading to aggressive sales growth even as the US economy underwent a downturn. Under his leadership, the US operation has grown 100% every year. Bala's ability to build global sales networks has helped setting up operations and partners for Servion across Asia Pacific, Europe, and the USA. Bala has been the driving force in leading Servion's sales. marketing efforts worldwide in the IVR, CTI, and Call Center domains, making available best-of class solutions since 1996. Widely traveled, he has been associated with the conceptualization and design of numerous global Contact Centers. Bala holds a bachelor's degree in electronics and communication engineering from National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, India.

As is always the case in the first years of a companys life, the Servion story is really a fabric of multiple stories woven together.

The story of five intrepid managers and technocrats who decided to cut their lifelines to secure jobs in large multinational corporations and set sail on the stormy seas of entrepreneurship The story of a company that started with ten employees working out of the second floor of the home of one of the founders and today numbers over 450 people The story of a company that started small in one region of one country and is today present in 5 continents with over 1000 installations across more than 60 countries The story of a value added reseller of hardware that has evolved into an organization with powerful intellectual property in the Customer Interaction Management (CIM) domain

These and countless stories like these have brought us to where we are today the only global end-to-end consulting led specialist in CIM.


To be the preferred partner to enable and empower our customers with Contact Optimization solutions that create a differentiated customer experience To create an institution that is singularly focused on performance, delivering outstanding results to all stakeholders


Respect the individual and encourage freedom of thought and practical innovation Disciplined in our work habits, respect boundaries, and adhere to process Careful with and value company resources as our own Responsive, customer centric organization and display high levels of ownership Provide an energized work environment, focused on continuous improvement, with emphasis on collaboration and team work

Management team:
We are a board-managed, unlisted Public Limited Company with Promoter Executive Directors and Independent Non Executive Directors. Our board comprises management professionals and specialist software engineers who stress on high standards of corporate governance and business ethics in managing the organization. In addition, a team of experienced and dedicated professionals hold functional responsibilities in specific management areas to assist the board.

Members of Board: V.S. Narayanan - Chairman Baskar Subramanian - Vice Chairman Sarosh J. Ghandy - Independent Non-Executive Director Girish Kulkarni - Independent Non-Executive Director N. Raghunandan - Director S. Madhavan - Director K. Balakrishnan - Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer M. Rangarajan - Executive Director

Management Team K. Balakrishnan - Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer M. Rangarajan - Executive Director G. Shankaran Nair - President Corporate Strategy

Why Servion? The Value Proposition Domain expertise: As specialists in the CIM domain, no one understands customer interaction and its benefits as we do. We provide a process and mechanism for customer communication to capture conversations across all channels of communication, and convert that into meaningful customer knowledge, all in real time which you can use to tweak or enhance applications as required. Customized applications: Provides tailor made applications based on customer interaction patterns and requirements. This ensures that all your applications are designed for maximum effectiveness. Customized performance monitoring: Allows you to approach performance monitoring on a very scientific basis, fine tune applications based on user statistics and scheduling workforce accordingly; consequently resulting in higher utilization and substantial savings. Customized infrastructure: Focuses on reducing complexity of managing Contact Center infrastructure and gives you the ease and flexibility to scale up or down as per business requirements. Customized skill sets: Ensures that you dont have to hire or (and) fire depending on customer, business or market requirements. Customized technology adoption: Enables you to keep pace (access new versions, upgrades and standards) with the changing technology landscape. Customized financial investments: Enables you to pay only for what you use without having to make an upfront investment. Pricing models are customized based on your business requirements. Additionally, it gives you the advantage of not worrying about maintenance, upgrade or replacement BUSINESS MODELS: Servion adopts two models:

Contact optimization model.

Servions 4DO model.

To the customer service at the point of interaction means nothing but meeting the expectations that she has of you as a brand. Service failure at that point to her means that you have failed to meet her expectations of you as a brand and therefore she has to revise her opinion of you as a brand. Leading from that point the starting point of customer service failure is the failure to align service strategy with brand promise. And Customer Interaction Management is therefore a core part of the brand management process how many organizations view it this way? This is why we at Servion call this the 'Moment of Truth' as brands live and die at this point.

This is the thinking that drives us at Servion. We believe that customers experience the brand only in two ways one when they use the product or service of the organization and two when they contact the organization. And that customers contact organizations for only three reasons. One is for information, the second is to conduct a transaction, and the third is to complain! With organizations today increasingly becoming faceless and all interactions being conducted remotely the need to ensure best service when the customer contacts the organization cannot be more urgent. However, this process is not as simple as it sounds. There exists a huge gap in the perspectives of three fundamental stakeholders in the contact process the consumer, the service provider (brand owner), and the contact technology provider. The perspectives of the three stakeholders

are often conflicting. The constant interplay of these stakeholders views creates a GAP between the current and ideal states of contact. And this is the GAP that the consumer experiences whenever he contacts the organization and many times forms his opinion with that single contact. Brands and loyalty take birth and die in this single moment of truth! Servion's experience and expertise in having handled more than 1000 installations has been that contact and customer experience are generic to all businesses and can be modeled, analyzed, and improved in a planned way, which aids in understanding, analyzing, and reducing this GAP. This core philosophy has gone into building the Contact Optimization Model. The model maps a single instance of contact, takes into consideration all layers of contact and consultatively works with organizations to enhance / optimize contact to deliver the desired contact experience. There is a constant interplay again of often opposing demands of cost containment and meeting customer expectations. We use our Contact Optimization model to understand the contact process and design a solution that minimizes the gap between customer expectation and experience at the moment of truth. At the heart of our organization therefore is our consulting led approach. If managing customer experience in line with expectation is your challenge then the value we bring you is customer experience by design. That is to design your contact management strategy to align perfectly with your brand promise and deliver the expected experience every time. We achieve this by deploying the cyclical process we call the 4DO model depicted above. We adopt this approach across the total engagement cycle as well as within each phase of the engagement cycle. Servions approach Customer Interaction Management Blueprint (CIM-B) is a knowledge framework and implementation methodology. CIM-B is 1. A specialized diagnosis methodology to assess the maturity of customer interaction management of an organization 2. An optimization model that attempts to arrive at the improvement opportunities for customer interaction based on its strategic alignment to the enterprises positioning 3. A top down design methodology which cascades decision making from the business layer to the financial layer to the operation layer and then finally to the technology layer 4. A knowledge framework which has practices seen in a wide variety of centers across the world arranged and indexed by their natural influence to impact cost per call, customer experience and revenue per call as the key levers to optimize 5. A benchmarking tool to assess Contact Centers on their maturity to introduce and operate good practices in their centers

SERVICES BY SERVION: Servion offers services like: Hosted services Consulting services Managed services Product services Professional services

HOSTED SERVICES: Overview: Improving customer service and cutting costs are everlasting business goals, regardless of the economic climate. With capital expense budgets shrinking, organizations are seeking innovative approaches to achieve these goals. Rip and replace is no longer a viable option for 95 percent of Fortune 1000 companies that have made significant investments in their enterprise technologies. In such a scenario, Hosted Contact Centers are fast gaining acceptance. Hosted Contact Center solutions are faster and less expensive to implement than customer premise-based Contact Centers and require no ongoing capital equipment or maintenance fee investment. Your business environment is dynamic and evolving, so are your customers and the business challenges you face. What you need is a focused solution to your business challenge, something that is designed just for you. As experts in the contact management domain, we understand the importance of tailor made solutions. Our Hosted Contact Center solutions offer access to technology without having to buy software licenses, hardware, building infrastructure, and dedicating IT resources to implementing, maintaining, and upgrading the technologies.

Servions hosted services:

Consulting Services:
Overview To the customer service at the point of interaction means nothing but meeting the expectations that she has of you as a brand. Service failure at that point to her means, that you have failed to meet her expectations of you as a brand. Therefore she is forced to revise her opinion of you as a brand and shop for options. Leading from that the starting point of customer service failure is the failure to align service strategy with brand promise. And Customer Interaction Management is therefore a core part of the brand management process how many organizations view it this way? This is the core thinking that has gone into constructing the consulting arm of Servion. Organizations creating their customer service strategies are often at a loss how should interactions be handled? Customers expectations are changing so rapidly that organizations are often unable to respond quickly or efficiently. At the same time, processes and technologies to enable interaction are frequently not able to keep up with growing customer needs. Different interactions need to be handled differently. The choice of channels, sizing, and processes need to be assessed before setting up interactions.

The risk of taking a decision without a structured approach results in either over investment, or poor customer experience; which leads to brand disillusionment and customer churn. Servion consulting constitutes all structured services that enable you to a. Understand the strategies of business, financial, operational, and technology stakeholders of customer interaction b. Identify gaps within or across the layers c. Diagnose the root causes d. Design suitable solutions to reduce gaps This ultimately helps you reduce the gap between your customers expectation and her experience at the moment of truth delivering customer experience by design.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: Servion utilizes best-of-breed technologies; products and systems integration capabilities to design, develop applications and services. Our professional services arm comprising the Integrated IP Contact Solutions practice, the Self-service practice, the Contact Center Applications practice, Managed Services and Support ensures that your solution is effectively deployed, managed, supported and optimized.

Consulting Strategy & planning Operations assessment / process planning Needs assessment Capacity planning Change management

Integration Site preparation Test and de-bug System configuration and migration Relocation services Training

Operations Service level management Configuration, fault and problem management Security management Asset management Help desk operations

Support Telephone support Remote diagnostics Electronic support Onsite support Parts repair


INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN SERVION: Servion has its base in providing custom-made solutions to its clients, most of which are global clients. Servion overcomes this geographic handicap by excelling it the IT and networking. Right from the hosted services to the professional services, it utilizes IT as a fundamental to their business model. Everything else is framed around well rounded use of IT services. Servion is involved in jointly marketing products of its business partners. Apart from the implementation of solutions, it also provides services and support on their behalf. Servion combines the proprietary technologies of partners with its technical expertise to develop custom-made applications for its customers. These applications are backed by our formidable after-sales-service and customer support systems. It works with global leaders as its client like TCS, Infosys, IBM, 3i InfoTech, HP, Cisco, iflex and the list goes on. It provides custom-made solutions. So the IT is at the heart of servion business model.

Let us start with the services that are hosted by servion: As capital expense budgets shrinking, organizations are seeking innovative approaches to achieve these goals. In such a scenario, Hosted Contact Centers are fast gaining acceptance. Hosted Contact Center solutions are faster and less expensive to implement than customer premise-based Contact Centers and require no ongoing capital equipment or maintenance fee investments. The Hosted Contact Center solutions offer access to technology without having to buy software licenses, hardware, building infrastructure, and dedicating IT resources to implementing, maintaining, and upgrading the technologies. It has all the licensed resources that may not be feasible for our clients to have, so servion provides them with the services part .In other words servion enable organizations to achieve their goals irrespective of the IT resources they possess.

Now coming on to the managed services: At the core of Servion's Managed services is a library of services, working together with the single aim of making sure that the technology resources deployed in a Contact Center work closest to their designed performance.

Professional services: Servion utilizes best-of-breed technologies; products and systems integration capabilities to design, develop applications and services.



Contact center servicesservion constantly hire and train employs which are well versed with the IT to fulfill contact center requirements. Integrated contact IP solutions-Conventional wisdom points towards emergence of IP (Internet Protocol) as the platform on which the future of enterprise communications shall reside. Servion strongly shares the vision with Cisco that the Network is the Platform and provides professional services around the Cisco UC (Unified Communication) suite of products. Servion goes one step further and believes that not only is Network convergence one of the proponents of Unified Communication, but Service convergence is the most dominant driver behind this. Servion has the domain expertise in voice applications.


Product engineering division (PED): The companies have many challenges. They could include consistently getting more work than you can successfully handle; and frequent client requests for customization that eat up your time. Or, it may need technology upgrades but not even know where to start. And those processes that are manual are all in someone's head? It is preferred that they were automated. These are the kinds of problems that PED helps you solve.

NETWORKING OF SERVION: Again IT is at the heart of the whole thing because we work with customers by utilizing our strong networking. 1) Custom software offering It makes better business sense to focus on your core product development and rely on Servion PED to expertly handle customizations and professional services for your solution. We have experience working with diverse customer software development projects, including:

Mobile applications Work force management CRM integration CTI applications Call recording applications Voice applications

2) Software testing: Servion PEDs independent testing team offers a complete range of services to clients across the globe. Servions certified quality assurance engineers are skilled in automation test tools; and offer robust and proven framework and testing methodologies. Our services leave you free to concentrate on core software development.

Servion performs:

Automated testing Application testing Load testing Unit testing


Regression testing Usability testing Security testing Globalization testing

3) Support and maintenance: Many of the major Contact Center vendors and product companies depend on Servion PED for their application maintenance and support Servion helps organizations save time and resources IN FOLLOWING WAYS SUCH AS fixing bugs, Performing root cause analysis, Providing quick SLA turnaround times and providing support during short-term application spikes. Servion understands current engineering thoroughly and can assume a number of tasks, enabling organizations to concentrate on your core software development work. Servion offers extended maintenance and support as your products reach users and begin to stabilize in the market.

Areas of Expertise

Remote infrastructure Remote monitoring NOC services IT help desk services

Technology expertise: Servion helped many companies to recruit, identify and manage a team of software developers with systems and processor knowledge and .net technology skills. The proactive approach of the management, the technical skills of the team and the openness in communication were some key reasons why the companies chose Servion over other organizations. Our technology expertise includes:

Self-Service (IVR, speech & VXML) Emerging Technologies (SIP & VoIP) Multi-Channel Contact (CTI, Dialers, Loggers, WFM) Systems Integration (Host, OS, CRM) Telephony (PBX)


Network Operations Center (NOC) Services One of our strengths is in providing offshore NOC infrastructure support and resources based on:

Knowledge and experience in how to build world-class, scalable, NOC teams Well trained and experienced system administrators, network engineers. Strong data security policies and a dedicated network. Comprehensive services: incident management, change management, and knowledge management.

RECENT INITIATIVES OF SERVION: Servions roll out of its customer interaction management( CIM) at sri lanka telecom. CIM-blueprint a consulting service offering from servion- is designed to enhance contact centre performance and deliver distinctively pleasant experience to customers at each contact point of organization. This assignment with sri lanka telecom aims radically enhance the service providers customer interaction process leading to improve touch point experience and user satisfaction.



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