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Class 10 - Science
Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 54

1. Define a chemical reaction. State four observations which help us to determine that a chemical reaction has [1]
taken place. Write one example of each of the observations with a balanced chemical equation.
2. i. What happens when a solution of potassium iodide is added to a solution of lead nitrate taken in a test tube? [1]
ii. What type of reaction is this?
iii. Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the above reaction.
3. A student adds water to a substance X taken in beaker. He feels the beaker turning hot and a hissing sound is [1]
produced.Why does this happen? Write a chemical equation for the reaction. State the type of this reaction.
4. Justify with the help of an example that displacement reaction is also a redox reaction. [1]
5. Identify the type of reactions taking place in each of the following cases and write the balanced chemical [1]
equation for the reactions.
a. Zinc reacts with silver nitrate to produce zinc nitrate and silver.
b. Potassium iodide reacts with lead nitrate to produce potassium nitrate and lead iodide.
6. Give the characteristic tests for the following gases [1]
i. CO2
ii. SO2

iii. O2
iv. H2

7. What happens when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to iron filings? [1]
8. Give reason and name the type of chemical reaction taking place in each case: [1]
i. Dissolution of ammonium chloride in water leads to cooling of the glass apparatus used for dissolutions.
ii. Silver chloride powder which is white in colour, turns grey when kept in sunlight.
iii. Blue colour of copper sulphate solution fades when an iron nail is dipped inside the solution.
9. A compound X on heating with excess conc. sulphuric acid at 443 K gives an unsaturated compound Y. X also [1]
reacts with sodium metal to evolve a colourless gas Z. Identify X, Y and Z. Write the equation of the chemical
reaction of formation of Y and also write the role of sulphuric acid in the reaction.
10. Identify the type of reaction in the following [1]
a. ZnCO3 + 2HCl(aq) ⟶ ZnCl2(aq) + H2CO3(aq)
b. 2NaBr(aq) + Cl2(g) ⟶ 2NaCl(aq) + Br2(aq)

c. 2CuO(s) −−→ 2Cu(s) + O2(g)

11. A brown substance X on heating in air forms a substance Y. When hydrogen gas is passed over heated Y, it again [1]
changes back into X. Name the substances X and Y.

12. Explain the following in terms of gain or loss of oxygen with two examples each: [1]
a. Oxidation
b. Reduction
13. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions and identify the type of reaction in each case. [1]
i. In thermite reaction, iron (III) oxide reacts with aluminium and gives molten iron and aluminium oxide.
ii. Magnesium ribbon is burnt in an atmosphere of nitrogen gas to form solid magnesium nitride.
14. Write the balanced chemical equation for the following reaction: [1]
i. Phosphorus burns in presence of chlorine to form phosphorus penta chloride.
ii. Burning of natural gas.
iii. The process of respiration
15. A solution of a substance 'X' is used for whitewashing [1]
i. Name the substance 'X' and writes its formula.
ii. Write the reaction of the substance 'X' named in (i) above with water.
16. Aluminium is a reactive metal but is still used for packing food articles. Why? [1]
17. On heating blue coloured powder of copper (II) nitrate in a boiling tube, copper oxide (black), oxygen gas and a [1]
brown gas X is formed.
i. Write a balanced chemical equation of the reaction.
ii. Identify the brown gas X evolved.
iii. Identify the type of reaction.
iv. What could be the pH range of the aqueous solution of the gas X?
18. What happens when CaO is dissolved in water? [1]
19. Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution change when an iron nail is dipped in it? [1]
20. Translate the following statement into a chemical equation and then balance it : [1]
Barium chloride reacts with aluminium sulphate to give aluminium chloride and a precipitate of barium
21. State one characteristic each of the chemical reaction which takes place when: [1]
i. Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to sodium carbonate.
ii. Lemon juice is added gradually to potassium permanganate solution.
iii. Dilute sulphuric acid is added to the barium chloride solution.
iv. Quick lime is treated with water.
v. Wax is burned in the form of a candle.
22. Why do fire flies glow at night? [1]
23. A magnesium ribbon is burnt in oxygen to give a white compound X accompanied by emission of light. If the [1]
burning ribbon is now placed in an atmosphere of nitrogen, it continues to burn and forms a compound Y.
(i) Write the chemical formulae of X and Y.
(ii) Write the balanced chemical equation when X is dissolved in water.
24. When solutions of silver nitrate and sodium chloride are mixed, white precipitate forms. The ionic equation for [1]
the reaction is
Ag+(ag) + Cl- ⟶AgCl(s)
i. a. What is the name of the white precipitate?
b. Is it a soluble or insoluble compound?

ii. Is the precipitation of silver chloride a redox reaction?
25. 2g of silver chloride is taken in a china dish and the china dish is placed in sunlight for some time. What will be [1]
your observation in this case ? Write the chemical reaction involved in the form of a balanced chemical equation.
Identify the type of chemical reaction.
26. Identify the substance oxidized and substance reduced in the following reaction. Write the ionic equation for the [1]
substance oxidized and reduced.
H2(g) + Cl2(g) →
​ ​2HCl(g)
27. A metal salt MX when exposed to light, split up to form metal M and a gas X2. Metal M is used in making [1]
ornaments whereas gas X2 is used in making bleaching powder. The salt MX is itself used in black and white

i. Identify metal M and gas X2.
ii. Mention the type of chemical reaction involved when salt MX is exposed to light.
28. Why are decomposition reactions called the opposite of combination reactions? Write equations for these [1]
29. A student burns a metal A found in the form of ribbon.The ribbon burns with a dazzling flame & a white powder [1]
B is formed which is basic in nature. Identify A & B. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction
30. i. Why are the chips packets puffed when we buy them from market? [1]
ii. Paint is applied on articles made up of iron, why?
31. A sulphate salt of Group 2 element of the Periodic Table is a white, soft substance, which can be moulded into [1]
different shapes by making its dough. When this compound is left in open for some time, it becomes a solid
mass and cannot be used for moulding purposes. Identify the sulphate salt and why does it show such a
behaviour? Give the reaction involved.
32. Write uses of [1]
I. Acids
II. Bases
III. Salts
33. During the reaction of some metals with dilute hydrochloric acid, the following observations were made by a [1]
i. Silver does not show any change.
ii. Some bubbles of a gas are seen when lead is reacted with the acid.
iii. The reaction of sodium is found to be highly explosive.
iv. The temperature of the reaction mixture rises when aluminium is added to the acid.
Explain these observations giving appropriate reason.
34. Does Tartaric acid helps in making cake or bread fluffy. Justify. [1]
35. A chemical compound X is prepared using sodium chloride as starting material. The compound X is used for [1]
faster cooking. It also finds use as an ingredient in medicine to treat indigestion.
i. Identify the compound X.
ii. Give an equation for the chemical reaction which takes place upon heating X during cooking.
iii. Which quality of compound X makes it suitable for treating indigestion?
36. A dry pellet of a common base B, when kept in open absorbs moisture and turns sticky. The compound is also a [1]

by-product of chlor-alkali process. Identify B. What type of reaction occurs when B is treated with an acidic
oxide? Write a balanced chemical equation for one such solution.
37. Write the chemical name for Plaster of paris. Write the chemical equation of its preparation. Why should Plaster [1]
of Paris be stored in a dry place.
38. While eating food, you spill some curry on your white shirt. You immediately scrub it with soap. What happens [1]
to its yellow colour on scrubbing with soap? What happens to this stain when the shirt is washed with plenty of
39. In the following schematic diagram for the preparation of hydrogen gas as shown in fig, what would happen if [1]
following changes are made?

Instead of dilute sulphuric acid, dilute hydrochloric acid is taken.

40. Rahul was playing with his friends. Suddenly, Rahul was stung by a honeybee and was in great pain. [1]
Immediately, his friends call his mother. She applied a coating of toothpaste on the affected area and then took
him to the doctor.
Read the above passage and answer the following questions.
i. What could be the reason for this burning pain?
ii. Why did his mother applied toothpaste on the affected area?
iii. What qualities are possessed by Rahul's friends?
41. Define water of crystallisation with two examples. How will you prove their existence in the examples given by [1]
42. Explain the following giving equation in each: [1]
i. Baking soda is heated.
ii. Washing soda is heated.
iii. Gypsum is heated at 373 K.
43. Describe an activity to show that the effect of base is nullified by addition of an acid and vice versa. What is the [1]
name given to this reaction? Define it.
44. To the three solutions listed below, a few drops of phenolphthalein and blue litmus were added separately. [1]
Specify the colour change in each case, if any:

Name of the solution Colour change with phenolphthalein Colour change with blue litmus

(a) Sodium carbonate

(b) Hydrochloric acid

(c) Sodium chloride

45. Name the three products of the 'chlor-alkali' process. Write one commercially or industrially important material [1]
each that can be prepared from each of these products.
46. State reason for the following: [1]

a. Lemon is used for restoring the shine of tarnished copper vessels.
b. A metal sulphide is converted into its oxide to extract the metal from the sulphide ore.
c. Copper wires are used in electrical appliances.
47. A milkman adds a very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk. [1]
i. Why does he shift the pH of the fresh milk from 6 to slightly alkaline?
ii. Why does this milk take a long time to set as curd?
iii. What do you expect to observe when milk comes to boil?
48. A white shirt has a yellow stain of curry. When soap is rubbed on this shirt during washing, the yellow stain [1]
turns reddish-brown. On rinsing the shirt with plenty of water, the reddish-brown stain turns yellow again.
i. Name the natural indicator present in curry stain.
ii. Explain the changes in colour of this indicator which take place during washing and rinsing the shirt.
iii. What is the nature of soap (acidic/basic) as shown by the indicator present in curry stain?
49. In the following schematic diagram for the preparation of hydrogen gas as shown in fig, what would happen if [1]
following changes are made?

In place of zinc granules, same amount of zinc dust is taken int the test tube.
50. With the help of a chemical equation, explain how a soda-acid fire extinguisher helps in putting out a fire. [1]
51. Sugandha prepares HCl gas in her school laboratory using certain chemicals. She puts both dry and wet litmus [1]
paper in contact with the gas.
i. Name the reagent used by Sugandha to prepare HCl gas.
ii. State the colour change observed with dry and wet litmus paper.
iii. Show the formation of ions when HCl gas combines with water.
52. A compound which is prepared from gypsum has the property of hardening when mixed with a proper quantity [1]
of water. Identify the compound. Write the chemical equation for its preparation. For what purpose is it used in
53. When zinc metal is treated with a dilute solution of a strong acid, a gas is evolved, which is utilised in the [1]
hydrogenation of oil. Name the gas evolved. Write the chemical equation of the reaction and also write a test to
detect the gas formed.
54. Justify HNO3 and KOH are respectively strong and weak acid and base. [1]


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