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S03: Nerve Function & Dysfunction PBL A & B

Devised by Dr Austen Spruce


We are considering a patient who has received a knife wound which completely and cleanly
severed a peripheral nerve supplying part of the hand. Such an injury will have both immediate and
also long-term consequences (sequelae). What are they? You should attempt to describe the
signs and symptoms following such an injury, giving also an explanation of the cause(s).

Make sure that you are familiar with the morphology and understand the function of normal
peripheral nerve before attempting to address the problem.

The Group Activity will be divided into three stages:

Stage 1: (a) Discussion of learning issues raised by the scenario.

(b) How much does the group already know?
(c) What additional learning is required and how can this be divided among the
members of the tutorial group?

Stage 2: Individual learning; Sharing of information within a subgroup.


Stage 3: Feedback and discussion with other subgroups and tutor.

The better you prepare for this session, the more effective it will be. Each subgroup is responsible
for delivering an organised and informative presentation to aid the learning and understanding of
the other subgroups (who have not researched the same material).

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