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INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

Aula 4
Dear Students,
Chegamos ao final do nosso curso. Thank you so much for joining us. I
really hope that vocês tenham gostado e aproveitado bastante. Tentei ser
bem clara e objetiva para ajudá-los nessa tarefa árdua de ser concursando!! A
viagem é dura e cansativa, mas Rewarding [RECOMPENSADORA].

“Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to
make them come true.”


Mas... nossa comunicação continua pelo fórum, OK?! . Estarei lá para

esclarecer todas as suas dúvidas!!

Parte 1 Questões:CESPE/CÂMARA/2012;
Gabaritadas e comentadas

Parte 2 Questões INÉDITAS

Parte 3 Teoria e Dicas

Parte 4 Lista de questões desta aula e gabarito ‘seco’

Animados?! Então vamos à aula

Prof. Vladia Mattar 1
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

Parte 1 Questões gabaritadas e comentadas

Vamos trabalhar com essa prova que foi aplicada em outubro, tá super
quentinha, acabou de sair do forno...rsrs!!!


Text 1
1- In order for young people to do better in school, it helps if they actually
are in school. Schools basically have two options when it comes to fighting
chronic truancy. There’s the positive approach, in which students are rewarded
with iPads, sneakers, gift cards, and other incentives merely for showing up at
5-school. Then there’s the flip side, in which students and parents are
penalized for unexcused absences. In the past, parents have been sentenced
to jail time for failing to get their children to school. Prosecutors have also
suggested jail time as a penalty for missing parent-teacher conferences. Now
there’s a school system in the news because its superintendent plans on fining
10-families $ 75 for each day a student skips school.
In New Britain, Connecticut, a new superintendent of schools named Kelt
Cooper wants to end high truancy rates among public school students, and
he’s proposing monetary penalties to get the job done. A plan to fine students
$ 75 per skipped school day is now being considered by New Britain council
The concept of fining kids for skipping school may come as a shock, but
it’s not new. In Ohio, the guardians responsible for a student guilty of habitual
truancy can be fined up to $ 500 and/or be required to perform up to 70 hours
of community service. Until recently, students in Los Angeles could be hit with
a $ 250 penalty for each count of truancy; in early 2012 the law was amended
21-and the expensive fines were removed, though a $ 20 penalty may still be
handed out for the third offense.
Internet: <> (adapted).

______Some lawyers have considered the possibility of sending parents to
prison if they missed meetings with teachers.

A alternativa reescreve o trecho:
“Prosecutors have also suggested jail time as a penalty for missing parent-
teacher conferences.”

Prof. Vladia Mattar 2

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

Veja as palavras usadas na alternativa e no texto que estão no mesmo campo


Prosecutor= promotor de justiça Lawyers= advogados
Jail= cadeia Prison= prisão
Missing= perdendo Missed= perdeu ( não compareceu )
Parent-teacher conferences= Meetings with teachers= reuniões com
conferência entre pais e mestres professores.

É sempre importante fazer esse link entre as palavras, Guys!!


______Kelt Cooper’s proposal resulted in a debate about fining truancy in a
city of the state of Connecticut.

Para resolver essa questão precisamos saber essas palavras:
Truancy = ato de faltar aula.
Skip school day= matar aula

Agora, vamos achar no texto o nome próprio, Kelt Cooper, e ler todo o

“In New Britain, Connecticut, a new superintendent of schools named Kelt

Cooper wants to end high truancy rates among public school students, and
he’s proposing monetary penalties to get the job done. A plan to fine students
$ 75 per skipped school day is now being considered by New Britain council

[Em New Britain, Connecticut, um novo superintendente de escolas chamado

Kelt Cooper quer acabar com as altas taxas de evasão escolar entre alunos de
escolas públicas, e ele está propondo sanções monetárias para ter o trabalho
feito. Um plano para multar estudantes em US $ 75 por dia de falta
injustificada agora está sendo considerado pelo conselho de 15 membros de
New Britain.]

______The novelty of fining students who play truant is shocking to most
people in the USA.

Prof. Vladia Mattar 3

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

A alternativa afirma que a novidade de multar estudantes que matam aula é
chocante para a maioria das pessoas nos EUA.

Cuidado pra não cair na ideia do senso comum...!

Você pode pensar: é realmente um absurdo isso! E marcar essa questão como
verdadeira já que o texto traz a palavra shock. Mas vamos reparar na
palavrinha MAY= pode ser.


“The concept of fining kids for skipping school may come as a shock, but it’s
not new.”

[O conceito de multar as crianças que matam aula pode até chocar, mas não é

A alternativa generalizou bastante quando afirma: chocante para a maioria das

pessoas nos EUA.

______The article admits there are two ways of dealing with the problem of

É isso aí pessoal! O texto realmente traz 2 maneiras de tratar esse assunto.
Uma abordagem positiva e o oposto, o outro lado.

“Schools basically have two options when it comes to fighting chronic truancy.
There’s the positive approach, in which students are rewarded with iPads,
sneakers, gift cards, and other incentives merely for showing up at 5-school.
Then there’s the flip side,…”


______There are schools which award students iPads if they never miss a day
during a school year.


Prof. Vladia Mattar 4

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

Essa tá tinhosa!! Eu ví até bons professores de Inglês errando essa questão!

Não basta saber o idioma, tem que ter a maldade de entender as pegadinhas
da banca!!

O texto diz que:

“There’s the positive approach, in which students are rewarded with iPads,
sneakers, gift cards, and other incentives merely for showing up at school.”

[Há uma abordagem positiva em que alunos são premiados com iPads, tênis,
cartões de presente, e outros incentivos por frequentar a escola.]

A alternativa especificou muito quando disse que premeiam alunos com iPads
se eles não faltem a nenhum dia de aula durante o ano.
O erro da questão está em NEVER= nunca.

Guys, vcs têm que estar atentos a generalizações de trechos que estão
especificados no texto, como aconteceu na questão número 3 , e o contrário
como aparece nessa questão!


Text 2

Europe and North Africa could be powered solely by renewable electricity by

2050 through the implementation of a “SuperSmart Grid”, according to a
report issued this week by global advisory firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
According to Energy Source, the achievement of 100 per cent renewable
electricity would address energy security and supply concerns, while
decarbonizing electricity generation and reducing energy poverty, according to
the study. The proposed SuperSmart Grid would allow load and demand
management for power independently of where and when the electricity is
generated. The system would capitalize on natural resources and established
weather patterns and would incorporate: southern Europe and North Africa’s
solar power potential; the hydro capability of Scandinavia and the European
Alps; onshore and offshore wind farms in the Baltic and the North Sea;
Europe’s potential for tidal and wave power; and biomass generation across
the continent. According to Gus Schellekens, director of sustainability and
climate change at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Europe is now at a crossroads,
where the choice and ability to achieve renewable power at scale is evident.
“Opportunities to use clean and affordable natural sources of electricity have
been flirted with over the past 150 years. This study lays out a clear
Prof. Vladia Mattar 5
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

framework of how this time could be different”, he says. The dominant source
of European power is fossil fuels (55 per cent), while nuclear power provides
30 per cent and 15 per cent is derived from renewable sources. According to
the PwC study, a renewables-powered Europe would change the landscape for
consumers and business. Electro-mobility could be introduced on a mass scale,
eliminating the carbon costs of day-to-day transport for people and goods.
Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text, judge the items below.

___ Europe and North Africa will be powered by renewable electricity in forty
years’ time.

Já que vocês já estudaram todos os Modal Verbs da Aula 2, essa está fácil, não
é?! O texto traz “could be” e a alternativa, “Will”

Sabemos que could be = pode ser, e will be = será

Veja o trecho:

“Europe and North Africa could be powered solely by renewable electricity by



___ The complete substitution of the current sources would be directed to
energy security and supply concerns as well as decarbonizing electricity
generation and reducing energy poverty.

Achei muito difícil essa questão, pois a alternativa nos induz a marcar correta,
pois o erro é MUITO sutil!! Mas... vamos lá!!
O erro está no comecinho da assertiva!
Diferentemente da assertiva, o texto NÃO fala em substituição COMPLETA
das fontes atuais de energia, mas sim de se alcançar um patamar de 100% de
energia renovável. Não é possível dizer, pelo texto, que isso implica a TOTAL
substituição (complete substitution ) dos meios atuais...

Veja o trecho:

Prof. Vladia Mattar 6

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

“According to Energy Source, the achievement of 100 per cent renewable

electricity would address energy security and supply concerns, while
decarbonizing electricity generation and reducing energy poverty”


_____ Europe would contribute with some different sources of energy.

O trecho abaixo lista as “different sources of energy” (= diferentes tipos de

The system would capitalize on natural resources and established weather

patterns and would incorporate: southern Europe and North Africa’s solar
power potential; the hydro capability of Scandinavia and the European Alps;
onshore and offshore wind farms in the Baltic and the North Sea; Europe’s
potential for tidal and wave power; and biomass generation across
the continent.
• solar power= energia solar
• hydro= hidro
• wind farms= parques eólicos
• wave power=energia das ondas

____ Wind farms located far away from the coast are also supposed to take
part in the project.

Vocab guys!!
“…onshore and offshore wind farms in the Baltic and the North Sea”

• Onshore = na costa
• Offshore= far away from the coast= longe da costa


10) CESPE/ANEEL/2010 It is possible to infer from the text that

____ the use of not dirty and inexpensive natural sources of electricity has
been considered during the last 150 years.

Prof. Vladia Mattar 7
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

Vcs já sabem!!! A banca gosta de reescrever trechos do texto usando

sinônimos e palavras que estão no mesmo campo semânticao!!
A resposta está abaixo:

“Opportunities to use clean and affordable natural sources of electricity have

been flirted with over the past 150 years.

• “have been flirted with” (= têm sido paquerado, sondado...) está no mesmo
campo semântico de “has been considered”( = têm sido considerado )
• Clean= not dirty= limpo ( a)
• Inexpensive= affordable= de pouco custo, acessível.

11) CESPE/ANEEL/2010
____ electro-mobility introduced on a mass scale can make everyday transport
for people and goods cheaper.

Again!! A alternativa reescreveu o trecho abaixo:
“Electro-mobility could be introduced on a mass scale, eliminating the carbon
costs of day-to-day transport for people and goods.”

[Electromobilidade poderia ser introduzido em grande escala, eliminando (

para eliminar) os custos de carbono do dia-a-dia do transporte de pessoas e

• Can e could expressam possibility

• Everyday = day-to-day
• Goods= produtos

Vamos a alternativa agora!

“_____electro-mobility introduced on a mass scale can make everyday
transport for people and goods cheaper.”
[ Electromobilidade introduzida ( se for introduzida) em larga escala pode
tornar o transporte diário de pessoas e de mercadorias mais barato].

Perceba tanto o texto como a alternativa traz a electromobilidade como meio

de diminuir custos de transporte caso seja introduzida.


Prof. Vladia Mattar 8

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar


Guys, trabalharemos com essa prova da CESGRANRIO que traz um texto com
um vocabulário pertinente, sobre assunto relevante ao seu concurso!! Vamos

Text 3
Peak Oil for Dummies
by Tom Rogue - August 09, 2009

Over the past decade, a fierce debate has emerged amongst energy experts
about whether global oil production was about to reach a peak, followed by an
irreversible decline. This event, commonly known as “Peak Oil” far outreaches
the sole discipline of geology. From transportation to modern agriculture,
petrochemicals and even the pharmaceutical industry all of them rely on one
commodity: cheap and abundant oil. In order to sustain the needs of an ever
globalized world, oil demand should double by 2050. Nonetheless, geological
limitations will disrupt this improbable scenario. In fact, a growing proportion
of energy experts argue that Peak Oil is impending and warn about the
extraordinary scale of the crisis. According to the 2009 BP Statistical Review,
the world has precisely 42 years of oil left. Those numbers come from a very
simple formula, the R/P ratio, which consists of dividing the official number of
global oil reserves by the level of today’s production. Nevertheless, this
methodology is dangerously defective on several key points as it ignores
geological realities. Oil production does not consist of a plan level of production
that brutally ends one day; it follows a bell-shaped curve. Indeed, the
important day occurs when production starts to decline, not when it ends. As it
is a non-flexible commodity, even a small deficit in oil production can lead to a
major price surge.

Finally, the R/P ratio does not acknowledge that production costs increase over
the time; the first oil fields to be developed were logically the easy ones and so
the most profitable. It is well recognized that remaining oil fields consist of
poor quality oil or remotely located fields which need high technologies and
expensive investments. Therefore, relying on the R/P ratio gives a false
impression of security while the actual situation is critical.

Oil is a strategic resource; therefore having oil is a key political and economical
advantage for a state. This is why politics interfere in the evaluation of oil
reserves, especially in countries with poor accountability records; that is, the
majority of OPEC countries. In fact, OPEC oil reserves have dramatically
increased during the 1980s and 1990s. However, they have not discovered
major oil fields after the 1970s. At this conjuncture, the question of what lays
Prof. Vladia Mattar 9
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

behind these fluctuations needs to be asked. The geologist Dr. Colin Campbell,
founder of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO),explains
the hidden reasons that led to these changes: “In 1985, Kuwait, added 50% to
its reserve. At that time, the OPEC quota was based on the reported reserves
the more you reported, the more you could produce.” Fellow OPEC members
who were unwilling to see the influence of Kuwait growing, simply raised their
reserves soon after. Moreover, OPEC countries continue to present their
reserves as flat despite having extracted huge amounts of oil during the past
twenty years.
At this point, we should not forget that oil reserves reported by these countries
are not audited by independent experts. In 2006, the notorious Petroleum
Intelligence Weekly said it had access to confidential Kuwaiti reports which
stated that reserves were half the official numbers. The question of oil
reserves is most relevant. As oil exporting countries have less oil in their
ground, Peak Oil will arrive faster.

Oil optimists who argue Peak Oil is still decades away rely on these same
erroneous data.
In addition, if importing countries assume oil reserves are abundant as they
do, the crisis will be unexpected, unprepared and misunderstood; in one word:
overwhelming. Similarly, once oil shortages occur, oil importing countries may
assume that exporting countries are deliberately reducing their oil exports to
harm their national interests. Such a flawed assumption from oil importing
countries is likely to have serious repercussions, and eventually lead to new oil
wars., access on March 14, 2010.

12- CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 The aim of text is to

(A) announce to the public the consensus on the exact number of years left to
end global oil reserves.
(B) complain against the complex methodology used to calculate the volume of
remaining world oil reserves.
(C) warn about issues concerning the evaluation of future oil reserves and the
possibility of shortages.
(D) denounce the OPEC countries for extracting more oil than needed for their
(E) minimize the relevance of the threat of a crisis in the oil industry caused by
devastated reserves.

O caput da questão: “the aim of the text is”/ ”the purpose of the text is” = o
objetivo do texto é...

Prof. Vladia Mattar 10

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

Vamos fazer uma listinha com os verbos que aparecem nas alternativas?!!

English Português
Warn Alertar
Denounce Denunciar
Inform Informar
Complain Reclamar
announce anunciar

Veja o trecho: “…experts argue that Peak Oil is impending and warn about the
extraordinary scale of the crisis…”

Peak Oil for Dummies= Peak oil para leigos.


13- CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 In relation to “Peak Oil”, the author of

text shows a concern for the
(A) conflicts among specialists about whether oil demand is growing or not.
(B) globalized crises among geologists and politicians about predictions for oil
(C) imminent collapse of modern society’s major source of energy subsequent
to the recent declines in supply.
(D) geological limitation of farming soil and the decline of the substances used
in the pharmaceutical industry.
(E) need for cheap and abundant alternative sources of energy to sustain the
petrochemical industry.

O caput da questão traz: que o autor do texto demonstra uma preocupação (
concern) em relação à

A resposta está clara no trecho:

“…From transportation to modern agriculture, petrochemicals and even the

pharmaceutical industry all of them rely on one commodity: cheap and
abundant oil. In order to sustain the needs of an ever globalized world, oil
demand should double by 2050. Nonetheless, geological limitations will
disrupt this improbable scenario.”

["... Desde transporte até agricultura moderna, petroquímica e mesmo a

indústria farmacêutica, todos eles dependem de uma mercadoria: o
petróleo barato e abundante. A fim de sustentar as necessidades de um
Prof. Vladia Mattar 11
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

mundo cada vez mais globalizado, a demanda por petróleo deve dobrar até
2050. No entanto, as limitações geológicas vai atrapalhar esse cenário

A palavras in bold são as key words (palavras-chave)!

Vamos entender as alternativas:

(A) os conflitos entre os especialistas sobre se a demanda por petróleo está
crescendo ou não.
(B) As crises globalizadas entre geólogos e políticos sobre as previsões de
substitutos do petróleo.
(C) O colapso iminente da principal fonte de energia da sociedade moderna na
devido as recentes quedas de fornecimento.
(D) A limitação geológica do solo agrícola e da redução das substâncias
utilizadas na indústria farmacêutica.
(E) A necessidade de fontes alternativas de energia baratas e abundantes para
sustentar a indústria petroquímica.


14- CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 The fragment “oil demand should double

by 2050.” expresses a(n)
(A) improbable guess.
(B) future permission.
(C) past ability.
(D) scientific certainty.
(E) reasonable expectation.

Caso tenha dificuldades nesta questão, vale revisar Modal verbs da Aula 2.

Should é usado para expressar um conselho/ sugestão/expectativa


15- CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 Based on the meanings in text, the words

reveal opposite ideas in
(A) “…fierce…” – passionate.
(B) “…disrupt…” – disturb.
(C) “…impending…” – approaching.
(D) “…defective…”– faultless.
(E) “…acknowledge…” – recognize.

Prof. Vladia Mattar 12

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

Guys, O examinador quer o ‘opposite’ = oposto.
A) ERRADA. Fierce e passionate estão no mesmo campo semântico.
B) ERRADA. Jogo de palavras...disrupt = romper e disturb = atrapalhar.
C) ERRADA. Impending e approaching estão no mesmo campo semântico.
D) CERTA. Lembra que o sufixo ‘less’ é sem? Então “faultless”= sem defeito
≠ “defective”=defeituoso.
E) ERRADA. Podem ser sinônimos.

16-CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 The boldfaced marker is synonymous

with the expression in parentheses in
(A) “In order to sustain the needs of an ever globalized world,” (So as to)
(B) “Nonetheless, geological limitations will disrupt this improbable scenario.”
(C) “Nevertheless, this methodology is dangerously defective on several key
points…” (Consequently)
(D) “Therefore, relying on the R/P ratio gives a false impression of security…”
(E) “Moreover, OPEC countries continue to present their reserves as flat…” -

Guys, vocês têm de saber sentence connectors!! Pode cair na sua prova!
Let’s review?

A) CERTA. In order to = as to = com o objetivo de/para.

B) ERRADA. Nonetheless (no contexto) = withall = todavia, mesmo assim.
Moreover = além disso.
C) ERRADA. Nevertheless = however= contudo. Consequently = therefore =
consequentemente, por isso, como resultado.
D) ERRADA. Therefore = por isso, portanto. Yet = ainda (não).
Ver Dicas: yet vs still .
E) ERRADA. Moreover = além disso , além do mais. However = contudo

17-CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 According to the text, the R/P ratio is

inefficient because
(A) geological factors are not fully taken into account in its calculation.
(B) oil production costs tend to become more accessible as time goes by.
(C) oil production will abruptly come to an end in the next few years.
(D) poor quality oil fields have already been explored in their totality.
(E) remotely located fields will be economically viable.
Prof. Vladia Mattar 13
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

Veja o trecho: “…this methodology is dangerously defective on several key
points as it ignores geological realities.”
[Essa metodologia é perigosamente deficiente em vários pontos críticos pois
ignora suas realidades geológicas.]

“This methodology” refere-se à “the R/P ratio”

• are not fully taken into account= não são totalmente levados em

18-CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 The sentence “Indeed, the important day

occurs when production starts to decline, not when it ends.” means that

(A) the deficit in oil for industrial use is the only issue the governments need to
worry about.
(B) the end of oil supplies will mark the decline of modern civilization as we
know it today.
(C) the most important event in the history of oil extraction was the day the
price of this commodity reached a peak.
(D) it is absolutely essential to be aware of the point at which a decrease in the
need for oil will happen.
(E) it is more valuable to know when a decrease in oil production starts than to
know when no more oil can be extracted.

Questão pede o significado de uma frase do texto.
Key words para responder esta questão:
Indeed = na realidade
Decline = cair
End = acaba
“Indeed, the important day occurs when production starts to decline, not when
it ends.”
["Na verdade, o dia importante ocorre quando a produção começa a diminuir, e
não quando termina]

(E) it is more valuable to know when a decrease in oil production starts than to
know when no more oil can be extracted.
[(E) é mais valioso saber quando a diminuição na produção de petróleo
começa, do que saber quando o óleo não mais pode ser extraído.]
Prof. Vladia Mattar 14
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

19-CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010The section of Text that is highlighted could

be preceded by the subtitle
(A) “Global Oil Reserves: Lies and Manipulations”
(B) “The Industrial Civilization at Risk”
(C) “Any Viable Alternative Energy?”
(D) “No Need to Fear Peak Oil!”
(E) “42 years of Oil left?”

Uma estratégia que podemos usar para esta questão é buscar as e expressões
mais importantes, recorrentes do trecho e daí ver qual alternativa elas dão
Vamos lá:
English Português
Oil resource reserva de petróleo
Evaluation Avaliação
Poor accountability pouca transparência ( no contexto)
Lay behind Estar por trás de
Unwilling to see Não disposto a ver
Despite Apesar de
Oil resources are not audited As reservas de petróleo não são
Erroneous data Informação errônea
(A) "Reservas mundiais de petróleo: mentiras e manipulações"
(B) "A civilização industrial em Risco"
(C) "Qualquer energia alternativa viável?"
(D) "Não há necessidade de temer Peak Oil!"
(E) "Restam 42 anos de Petróleo?"


20-CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 Kuwait is mentioned in the text to

(A) explain the reports that informed about the poor accountability records of
industrial countries.
(B) illustrate the case of an oil producing nation that reported having more
reserves than it actually had.
(C) justify the announcement of more oil production by nations that had
discovered new and abundant reserves.
(D) show that independent experts have done a good job in auditing all of the
recently found reserves in most oil exporting countries.
(E) exemplify the fact that there has been a dramatic increase in oil availability
since major oil fields have been discovered after the 70s.
Prof. Vladia Mattar 15
INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

Use scanning ! Escaneie o texto e ache a palavra Kuwait e suas referências:

“In 1985, Kuwait, added 50% to its reserve” e “Petroleum Intelligence

Weekly said it had access to confidential Kuwaiti reports which stated that
reserves were half ( metade ) the official numbers.”

Kuwait é o nome do país; Kuwaiti refere-se à nacionalidade.

[(B) ilustram o caso de uma nação produtora de petróleo que relataram ter
mais reservas do que realmente tinham.]


21-CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 According to the text, all of the following

reasons could, directly or indirectly, lead to new oil wars, EXCEPT

(A) unreliable reports of oil reserves from OPEC countries.

(B) oil shortage that, will affect all major producers in the world.
(C) suspicions that the national interests of major importing nations may be at
(D) alliances among the largest oil exporting countries in the world and their
target markets.
(E) misunderstandings between oil importing and oil exporting nations
concerning oil shortage.

ATENÇÃO para a palavra except!! Procuramos a alternativa que não dá
suporte a ( não apóia ) “oil wars”= guerra de petróleo.

Perceba que as alternativas usam palavras relacionadas a conflito: “oil

shortage (falta de oleo), misunderstandings ( mal entendido ), suspicious
(suspeito ), unreliable ( não confiável )”. A única alternativa que traz uma
palavra positiva: “alliances” é a alternativa D.


Text 4

Prof. Vladia Mattar 16

INGLÊS para ANP/2012


Profa: Vladia Mattar

Guys, aqui vai um tema que está na moda: CORRUPÇÃO

Brazilians rally against corruption

7 September 2011 Last updated at 19:35 GMT

The protesters say corrupt politicians are the real clowns

Thousands of people have joined anti-corruption demonstrations in

Brazil, as the country marks its Independence Day.

Wearing face paint and clown noses, protesters joined crowds watching the
traditional military parade in the capital, Brasilia. Similar protests were held in
other cities across Brazil. Three government ministers have left office amid
corruption allegations since President Dilma Rousseff took office in January.
Dozens of government officials have also lost their jobs or been arrested, and
several other ministers have been accused of corruption, though all deny
wrongdoing. Some of the protesters chanted slogans in support of President
Rousseff, who has promised a zero-tolerance approach to corruption. Others
gathered outside government ministries and the Congress with buckets and
mops in a symbolic gesture to wash away corruption.

The demonstration in Brasilia - dubbed the March Against Corruption - had no
political party affiliation. Many of the protesters were students, who organised
the demonstration using social networking websites.

22-VLADIA/INÉDITA/2012 It is correct to say from the text that:

a) Three ministers leave the Government every January.

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Profa: Vladia Mattar

b) Lots of Ministers have left Government since January

c) Three ministers have left the Government since January
d) Some Ministers are going to leave the Government next January.
e) Three Ministers will leave the Government by January


A questão trata de dois pontos: verb tenses e quantifiers. Vamos


A lot of =Lots of = many = Muitos(as)

EX: A lot of students (or, many) have classes at night

SOME e ANY indicam quantidades indefinidas, e correspondem

aproximadamente ao nosso algum(ns) e alguma(s), às vezes a um pouco
de e no caso de ANY, nenhum ou nenhuma.

SOME é usado em sentenças afirmativas:

EX: I drink some water first thing in the morning.

ANY é usado em sentenças negativas e perguntas:

EX: There aren´t any students in the classroom.

EX: Do you have any money on you?

Vamos ao trecho do texto para respondermos a questão.

“Three government ministers have left office amid corruption allegations since
President Dilma Rousseff took office in January”.

a) ERRADA. A alternativa traz o tempo presente (leave). O trecho está

escrito com o tempo verbal chamado de Present Perfect (Have left ).
Este tempo verbal é utilizado para expressar algo que aconteceu no
passado, mas que de alguma forma se relaciona com o presente. Ele é
formado por:
verbo auxiliar have/has + verbo principal no Past Participle.
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EX: I have lived here since 1998.

b) ERRADA. Lots of Ministers have left Government since January. Lots =
d) ERRADA. Some Ministers are going to leaving the Government next
January. (próximo ).
Are going to leave…next January expressa futuro
e) ERRADA. Three Ministers will leave the Government by January. Will
expressa futuro.

23-VLADIA/INÉDITA/2012 The demonstration, The March Against

Corruption, in Brasilia…

a) Was fully supported by many political parties.

b) Was arranged by some political parties.
c) Was thought by politicians.
d) Was carried out by public servants.
e) Was not linked to any political party.

Vamos ver o trecho do texto que trata da informação?

“…The demonstration in Brasilia - dubbed the March Against Corruption - had

no political party affiliation…”

Note que o texto informa (apenas) que a manifestação não teve vínculo
partidário, ok?

a) ERRADA. Was fully supported= foi totalmente apoiada.

b) ERRADA. Was arranged by some political parties. Não foi organizado por
partidos políticos.
c) ERRADA. Was thought by politicians. Não foi pensado por políticos.
d) ERRADA. Was carried out by public servants. Não foi conduzida por
e) CERTA. Was not linked to any political party.( Ligado à )

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• Dubbed= apelidado

Judge the items 24 and 25 RIGHT or WRONG:

____ According to the text, all the ones accused claim to be not guilty.

A assertiva afirma que todos os acusados afirmam ser inocentes.
not guilty= não é culpado.
Vamos buscar a palavra accused no texto!!
A resposta está no trecho:

“Dozens of government officials have also lost their jobs or been arrested, and
several other ministers have been accused of corruption, though all deny

though all deny wrongdoing= Embora todos NEGUEM ter cometido



____ the word others in “ Others gathered outside government ministries and
the Congress” refers to the Ministers.

A banca pode cobrar esse tipo de questão no qual perguntam o que o pronome
Precisamos achar a palavra others (outros) no texto para ler o trecho anterior.
Então descobriremos o que others está retomando! É importante lembrar que
esse pronome retoma algo já mencionado, ok?!

“Some of the protesters chanted slogans in support of President Rousseff,

who has promised a zero-tolerance approach to corruption. Others gathered
outside government ministries and the Congress with buckets and mops in a
symbolic gesture to wash away corruption.”


Prof. Vladia Mattar 20

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Profa: Vladia Mattar

Parte 3 DICAS e Teoria

PRONOUNS- pronomes

Subject pronouns ( I, You, He, She, We, They, It ) têm a função de

sujeito na oração:

He is very small. (Ele é muito pequeno.)

They passed the law. ( Eles aprovaram a lei.) It é usado em orações

sem impessoais - sem sujeito em português.

It was cold. (Estava frio.)

Object pronouns ( Me, You, Him, Her, Us, Them, It ) na oração tem
como função de objeto direto ou indireto:

I Love him very much. (Eu o amo muito.)

Tell her the news. (Conte-lhe a novidade.)

They never talk to us. (Eles nunca conversam conosco.)

Possessive adjectives vão concordar com o possuidor, sendo ele

sujeito ou não:

• my – meu, minha, meus, minhas

• your – teu, tua, teus, tuas, seu, sua, seus, suas
• his – dele, seu, sua, seus, suas
• her – dela, seu, sua, seus, suas
• its – dele, dela, seu, sua, seus, suas (coisas ou animais)
• our – nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas
• their – deles, delas, seu, sua, seus, suas (pessoas, animais, coisas)

Where are your parents? (Onde estão seus pais?)

Relative pronouns são: “that, who, whom, which e whose”.

Eles se referem a termos citados anteriormente e devem ser usados sempre

para se introduzir uma oração subordinada a uma oração principal.

Cada pronome possui sua função, por exemplo:

• That (que): relativo a pessoas, animais e coisas.
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He is the man that changed the world.

(Ele é o homem que mudou o mundo).
That is the dog that bit my arm.
(Aquele é o cachorro que mordeu meu braço).
This is the TV that I bought.
(Esta é a televisão que comprei).
• Which (que, o qual, os quais, a qual, as quais): relativo a
coisas e animais.
This is the train which I take to go home.
(Este é o trem que eu pego para ir para casa).
• Who e Whom (que ou quem): relativo a pessoas.
The girl whom Peter married is from Brazil.
(A garota com que Peter se casou é do Brasil).
There is a man outside who wants to see you.
(Há um homem lá fora que quer falar com você).
• Whose (cujo, cuja, cujos, cujas): relativo à posse, é usado para
pessoas e animais.
That is the girl whose brother was arrested last Saturday.
(Aquela é a garota cujo irmão foi preso sábado).

Interrogative pronouns and Demonstrative Pronouns

what Qual, o quê

where Onde
when Quando
why Por que
how Como
This ( sing ); these (plural ) Este(a ); Estes (as )
That ( sing ); those (plural ) Aquele(a); Aqueles (as)

False cognates são aquelas palavras que parecem com palavras em português,
mas não são:
Exemplos: Lunch não é lanche! Lunch = almoço
Figures não são figuras! Figures = números.
Segue listinha para vcs não caírem na pegadinha do falso coagnato!

Actually (adv) - na verdade ..., o fato é que .

Adept (n) - especialista, profundo Conhecedor

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Agenda (n) - pauta do dia, pauta para Eventually (adv) - finalmente,

discussões conseqüentemente
Amass (v) - acumular, juntar Exciting (adj) - empolgante
Anticipate (v) - prever; aguardar, ficar na Exit (n, v) - saída, sair
expectativa Expert (n) - especialista, perito
Apology (n) - pedido de desculpas Exquisite (adj.) - belo, refinado
Application (n) - inscrição, registro, uso Fabric (n) - tecido
Appointment (n) - hora marcada, Genial (adj) - afável, aprazível
compromisso profissional Graduate program (n) - Curso de pós-
Appreciation (n) - gratidão, reconhecimento graduação
Argument (n) - discussão, bate boca Gratuity (n) - gratificação, gorjeta
Assist (v) - ajudar, dar suporte Grip (v) - agarrar firme
Assume (v) - presumir, aceitar como Hazard (n,v) - risco, arriscar
verdadeiro Idiom (n) - expressão idiomática, linguajar
Attend (v) - assistir, participar de Income tax return (n) - declaração de
Audience (n) - platéia, público imposto de renda
Balcony (n) - sacada Injury (n) - ferimento
Baton (n) - batuta (música), cacetete Inscription (n) - gravação em relevo (sobre
Beef (n) - carne de gado pedra, metal, etc.)
Cafeteria (n) - refeitório tipo universitário ou Intend (v) - pretender, ter intenção
industrial Intoxication (n) - embriaguez, efeito de
Camera (n) - máquina fotográfica drogas
Carton (n) - caixa de papelão, pacote de Jar (n) - pote
cigarros (200) Journal (n) - periódico, revista especializada
Casualty (n) - baixa (morte fruto de Lamp (n) - luminária
acidente ou guerra), fatalidade Large (adj) - grande, espaçoso
Cigar (n) - charuto Lecture (n) - palestra, aula
Collar (n) - gola, colarinho, coleira Legend (n) - lenda
College (n) - faculdade, ensino de 3º grau Library (n) - biblioteca
Commodity (n) - artigo, mercadoria Location (n) - localização
Competition (n) - concorrência Lunch (n) - almoço
Comprehensive (adj) - abrangente, amplo, Magazine (n) - revista
extenso Mayor (n) - prefeito
Compromise - (v) entrar em acordo, fazer Medicine (n) - remédio, medicina
concessão; (n) acordo, conciliação Moisture (n) - umidade
Contest (n) - competição, concurso Motel (n) - hotel de beira de testrada
Convenient (adj) - prático Notice (v) - notar, aperceber-se; aviso,
Costume (n) - fantasia (roupa) comunicação
Data (n) - dados (números, informações) Novel (n) - romance
Deception (n) - logro, fraude, o ato de Office (n) - escritório
enganar Parents (n) - pais
Defendant (n) - réu, acusado Particular (adj) - específico, exato
Design (v, n) - projetar, criar; projeto, estilo Pasta (n) - massa (alimento)
Editor (n) - redator Policy (n) - política (diretrizes)
Educated (adj) - instruído, com alto grau de Port (n) - porto
escolaridade Prejudice (n) - preconceito
Emission (n) - descarga (de gases, etc.) Prescribe (v) - receitar
Enroll (v) - inscrever-se, alistar-se, Preservative (n) - conservante
registrar-se Pretend (v) - fingir
Private (adj) - particular

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Procure (v) - conseguir, adquirir Refrigerant (n) - substância refrigerante

Propaganda (n) - divulgação de idéias/fatos usada em aparelhos
com intuito de manipular Requirement (n) - requisito
Pull (v) - puxar Resume (v) - retomar, reiniciar
Push (v) - empurrar Résumé (n) - curriculum vitae, currículo
Range (v) - variar, cobrir Retired (adj) - aposentado
Realize (v) - notar, perceber, dar-se conta, Senior (n) - idoso
conceber uma idéia Service (n) - atendimento
Recipient (n) - recebedor, agraciado Stranger (n) - desconhecido
Record (v, n) - gravar, disco, gravação, Stupid (adj) - burro
registro Support (v) - apoiar
Tax (n) - imposto
Trainer (n) - preparador físico
Turn (n, v) - vez, volta, curva; virar, girar
n=noun; v=verb; adv=adverb; adj=adjetivo
That’s all folks for now! Não se esqueça de fazer seu ‘vocabulary
builder’ dos textos. Também, usem o fórum para sanar suas dúvidas,

Bons estudos! See you next class!

Seguem as questões e o gabarito ‘seco’ para você praticar.


Vladia Mattar

Parte 4 Questões e Gabarito ‘seco’


Text 1
In order for young people to do better in school, it helps if they actually
are in school. Schools basically have two options when it comes to fighting
chronic truancy. There’s the positive approach, in which students are rewarded
with iPads, sneakers, gift cards, and other incentives merely for showing up at
school. Then there’s the flip side, in which students and parents are penalized
for unexcused absences. In the past, parents have been sentenced to jail time
for failing to get their children to school. Prosecutors have also suggested jail
time as a penalty for missing parent-teacher conferences. Now there’s a school
system in the news because its superintendent plans on fining families $ 75 for
each day a student skips school.

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Profa: Vladia Mattar

In New Britain, Connecticut, a new superintendent of schools named Kelt

Cooper wants to end high truancy rates among public school students, and he’s
proposing monetary penalties to get the job done. A plan to fine students $ 75
per skipped school day is now being considered by New Britain council
The concept of fining kids for skipping school may come as a shock, but
it’s not new. In Ohio, the guardians responsible for a student guilty of habitual
truancy can be fined up to $ 500 and/or be required to perform up to 70 hours
of community service. Until recently, students in Los Angeles could be hit with a
$ 250 penalty for each count of truancy; in early 2012 the law was amended
and the expensive fines were removed, though a $ 20 penalty may still be
handed out for the third offense.
Internet: <> (adapted).

______Some lawyers have considered the possibility of sending parents to
prison if they missed meetings with teachers.

______Kelt Cooper’s proposal resulted in a debate about fining truancy in a
city of the state of Connecticut.

______The novelty of fining students who play truant is shocking to most
people in the USA.

______The article admits there are two ways of dealing with the problem of

______There are schools which award students iPads if they never miss a day
during a school year.


Text 2
Europe and North Africa could be powered solely by renewable electricity by
2050 through the implementation of a “SuperSmart Grid”, according to a report
issued this week by global advisory firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
According to Energy Source, the achievement of 100 per cent renewable
electricity would address energy security and supply concerns, while
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Profa: Vladia Mattar

decarbonizing electricity generation and reducing energy poverty, according to

the study. The proposed SuperSmart Grid would allow load and demand
management for power independently of where and when the electricity is
generated. The system would capitalize on natural resources and established
weather patterns and would incorporate: southern Europe and North Africa’s
solar power potential; the hydro capability of Scandinavia and the European
Alps; onshore and offshore wind farms in the Baltic and the North Sea; Europe’s
potential for tidal and wave power; and biomass generation across
the continent. According to Gus Schellekens, director of sustainability and
climate change at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Europe is now at a crossroads,
where the choice and ability to achieve renewable power at scale is evident.
“Opportunities to use clean and affordable natural sources of electricity have
been flirted with over the past 150 years. This study lays out a clear framework
of how this time could be different”, he says. The dominant source of European
power is fossil fuels (55 per cent), while nuclear power provides 30 per cent and
15 per cent is derived from renewable sources. According to the PwC study, a
renewables-powered Europe would change the landscape for
consumers and business. Electro-mobility could be introduced on a mass scale,
eliminating the carbon costs of day-to-day transport for people and goods.
Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text, judge the items below.

___ Europe and North Africa will be powered by renewable electricity in forty
years’ time.

___ The complete substitution of the current sources would be directed to
energy security and supply concerns as well as decarbonizing electricity
generation and reducing energy poverty.

_____ Europe would contribute with some different sources of energy.

____ Wind farms located far away from the coast are also supposed to take
part in the project.

10) CESPE/ANEEL/2010 It is possible to infer from the text that

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____ the use of not dirty and inexpensive natural sources of electricity has been
considered during the last 150 years.

11) CESPE/ANEEL/2010
____ electro-mobility introduced on a mass scale can make everyday transport
for people and goods cheaper.

Text 3

Peak Oil for Dummies

by Tom Rogue - August 09, 2009

Over the past decade, a fierce debate has emerged amongst energy experts
about whether global oil production was about to reach a peak, followed by an
irreversible decline. This event, commonly known as “Peak Oil” far outreaches
the sole discipline of geology. From transportation to modern agriculture,
petrochemicals and even the pharmaceutical industry all of them rely on one
commodity: cheap and abundant oil. In order to sustain the needs of an ever
globalized world, oil demand should double by 2050. Nonetheless, geological
limitations will disrupt this improbable scenario. In fact, a growing proportion of
energy experts argue that Peak Oil is impending and warn about the
extraordinary scale of the crisis. According to the 2009 BP Statistical Review,
the world has precisely 42 years of oil left. Those numbers come from a very
simple formula, the R/P ratio, which consists of dividing the official number of
global oil reserves by the level of today’s production. Nevertheless, this
methodology is dangerously defective on several key points as it ignores
geological realities. Oil production does not consist of a plan level of production
that brutally ends one day; it follows a bell-shaped curve. Indeed, the
important day occurs when production starts to decline, not when it ends. As it
is a non-flexible commodity, even a small deficit in oil production can lead to a
major price surge.

Finally, the R/P ratio does not acknowledge that production costs increase over
the time; the first oil fields to be developed were logically the easy ones and so
the most profitable. It is well recognized that remaining oil fields consist of
poor quality oil or remotely located fields which need high technologies and
expensive investments. Therefore, relying on the R/P ratio gives a false
impression of security while the actual situation is critical.

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Profa: Vladia Mattar

Oil is a strategic resource; therefore having oil is a key political and economical
advantage for a state. This is why politics interfere in the evaluation of oil
reserves, especially in countries with poor accountability records; that is, the
majority of OPEC countries. In fact, OPEC oil reserves have dramatically
increased during the 1980s and 1990s. However, they have not discovered
major oil fields after the 1970s. At this conjuncture, the question of what lays
behind these fluctuations needs to be asked. The geologist Dr. Colin Campbell,
founder of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO),explains
the hidden reasons that led to these changes: “In 1985, Kuwait, added 50% to
its reserve. At that time, the OPEC quota was based on the reported reserves
the more you reported, the more you could produce.” Fellow OPEC members
who were unwilling to see the influence of Kuwait growing, simply raised their
reserves soon after. Moreover, OPEC countries continue to present their
reserves as flat despite having extracted huge amounts of oil during the past
twenty years.
At this point, we should not forget that oil reserves reported by these countries
are not audited by independent experts. In 2006, the notorious Petroleum
Intelligence Weekly said it had access to confidential Kuwaiti reports which
stated that reserves were half the official numbers. The question of oil
reserves is most relevant. As oil exporting countries have less oil in their
ground, Peak Oil will arrive faster.

Oil optimists who argue Peak Oil is still decades away rely on these same
erroneous data.
In addition, if importing countries assume oil reserves are abundant as they do,
the crisis will be unexpected, unprepared and misunderstood; in one word:
overwhelming. Similarly, once oil shortages occur, oil importing countries may
assume that exporting countries are deliberately reducing their oil exports to
harm their national interests. Such a flawed assumption from oil importing
countries is likely to have serious repercussions, and eventually lead to new oil
wars., access on March 14, 2010.

12- CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 The aim of text is to

(A) announce to the public the consensus on the exact number of years left to
end global oil reserves.
(B) complain against the complex methodology used to calculate the volume of
remaining world oil reserves.
(C) warn about issues concerning the evaluation of future oil reserves and the
possibility of shortages.
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(D) denounce the OPEC countries for extracting more oil than needed for their
(E) minimize the relevance of the threat of a crisis in the oil industry caused by
devastated reserves.

13- CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 In relation to “Peak Oil”, the author of text

shows a concern for the
(A) conflicts among specialists about whether oil demand is growing or not.
(B) globalized crises among geologists and politicians about predictions for oil
(C) imminent collapse of modern society’s major source of energy subsequent
to the recent declines in supply.
(D) geological limitation of farming soil and the decline of the substances used
in the pharmaceutical industry.
(E) need for cheap and abundant alternative sources of energy to sustain the
petrochemical industry.

14- CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 The fragment “oil demand should double

by 2050.” expresses a(n)
(A) improbable guess.
(B) future permission.
(C) past ability.
(D) scientific certainty.
(E) reasonable expectation.

15 - CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 Based on the meanings in text, the words

reveal opposite ideas in
(A) “…fierce…” – passionate.
(B) “…disrupt…” – disturb.
(C) “…impending…” – approaching.
(D) “…defective…”– faultless.
(E) “…acknowledge…” – recognize.

16 -CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 The boldfaced marker is synonymous

with the expression in parentheses in
(A) “In order to sustain the needs of an ever globalized world,” (So as to)
(B) “Nonetheless, geological limitations will disrupt this improbable scenario.”
(C) “Nevertheless, this methodology is dangerously defective on several key
points…” (Consequently)
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(D) “Therefore, relying on the R/P ratio gives a false impression of security…”
(E) “Moreover, OPEC countries continue to present their reserves as flat…” -

17- CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 According to the text, the R/P ratio is

inefficient because
(A) geological factors are not fully taken into account in its calculation.
(B) oil production costs tend to become more accessible as time goes by.
(C) oil production will abruptly come to an end in the next few years.
(D) poor quality oil fields have already been explored in their totality.
(E) remotely located fields will be economically viable.

18- CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 The sentence “Indeed, the important day

occurs when production starts to decline, not when it ends.” means that
(A) the deficit in oil for industrial use is the only issue the governments need to
worry about.
(B) the end of oil supplies will mark the decline of modern civilization as we
know it today.
(C) the most important event in the history of oil extraction was the day the
price of this commodity reached a peak.
(D) it is absolutely essential to be aware of the point at which a decrease in the
need for oil will happen.
(E) it is more valuable to know when a decrease in oil production starts than to
know when no more oil can be extracted.

19- CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010The section of Text that is highlighted could

be preceded by the subtitle

(A) “Global Oil Reserves: Lies and Manipulations”

(B) “The Industrial Civilization at Risk”
(C) “Any Viable Alternative Energy?”
(D) “No Need to Fear Peak Oil!”
(E) “42 years of Oil left?”

20- CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 Kuwait is mentioned in the text to

(A) explain the reports that informed about the poor accountability records of
industrial countries.
(B) illustrate the case of an oil producing nation that reported having more
reserves than it actually had.
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(C) justify the announcement of more oil production by nations that had
discovered new and abundant reserves.
(D) show that independent experts have done a good job in auditing all of the
recently found reserves in most oil exporting countries.
(E) exemplify the fact that there has been a dramatic increase in oil availability
since major oil fields have been discovered after the 70s.

21-CESGRANRIO/PETROBRÁS/2010 According to the text, all of the following

reasons could, directly or indirectly, lead to new oil wars, EXCEPT

(A) unreliable reports of oil reserves from OPEC countries.

(B) oil shortage that, will affect all major producers in the world.
(C) suspicions that the national interests of major importing nations may be at
(D) alliances among the largest oil exporting countries in the world and their
target markets.
(E) misunderstandings between oil importing and oil exporting nations
concerning oil shortage.

Text 4

Guys, aqui vai um tema que está na moda: CORRUPÇÃO

Brazilians rally against corruption

7 September 2011 Last updated at 19:35 GMT

The protesters say corrupt politicians are the real clowns

Thousands of people have joined anti-corruption demonstrations in

Brazil, as the country marks its Independence Day.

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Profa: Vladia Mattar

Wearing face paint and clown noses, protesters joined crowds watching the
traditional military parade in the capital, Brasilia. Similar protests were held in
other cities across Brazil. Three government ministers have left office amid
corruption allegations since President Dilma Rousseff took office in January.
Dozens of government officials have also lost their jobs or been arrested, and
several other ministers have been accused of corruption, though all deny
wrongdoing. Some of the protesters chanted slogans in support of President
Rousseff, who has promised a zero-tolerance approach to corruption. Others
gathered outside government ministries and the Congress with buckets and
mops in a symbolic gesture to wash away corruption.

The demonstration in Brasilia - dubbed the March Against Corruption - had no
political party affiliation. Many of the protesters were students, who organised
the demonstration using social networking websites.

22-VLADIA/INÉDITA/2012 It is correct to say from the text that:

a) Three ministers leave the Government every January.

b) Lots of Ministers have left Government since January
c) Three ministers have left the Government since January
d) Some Ministers are going to leave the Government next January.
e) Three Ministers will leave the Government by January

23-VLADIA/INÉDITA/2012 The demonstration, The March Against

Corruption, in Brasilia…

a) Was fully supported by many political parties.

b) Was arranged by some political parties.
c) Was thought by politicians.
d) Was carried out by public servants.
e) Was not linked to any political party.

Judge the items 24 and 25 RIGHT or WRONG:

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Profa: Vladia Mattar

____ According to the text, all the ones accused claim to be not guilty.


____ the word others in “ Others gathered outside government ministries and
the Congress” refers to the Ministers.


2010 2010 INÉDITAS


1)C 6) E 12) Letra C 22) Letra C

2) C 7) E 13) Letra C 23) Letra E

3) E 8) C 14) Letra E 24) CERTA

4) C 9) C 15) Letra D 25)ERRADA

5) E 10) C 16) Letra A

11) C 17) Letra A

18) Letra E

19) Letra A

20) Letra B

21) Letra D

Queridos alunos, força nos estudos!


The End.


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