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IEC 61850

Edition 2
From substation automation to power utility automation
KLAUS-PETER BRAND, WOLFGANG WIMMER – The final part of IEC 61850 Edition 1 “Communica-
tion Networks and Systems in Substation Automation” [1] was published in June 2005. Among
the standard’s greatest achievements and benefits are the use of standardized semantics and
a formal system description (the latter being the key to efficient engineering of substation
automation systems) as well as it being embedded into the broader scope of power-system
management. Since its introduction, IEC 61850 has established itself as global standard for
substation automation. An example from Switzerland is the system installed in Sils ➔ 1 [2].
This is, however, far from the conclusion of its development. Additional application areas are
being considered by IEC. The standard is thus being extended.

IEC 61850 Edition 2 47

changes. In many cases, only a These extensions do not only concern
subset of them is needed. the application-data model itself, but
– The basic substation-automation also the capabilities of the SCL (substa-
related data model has to be extend- tion configuration language) to support
ed only by additional logical node new data models and enhanced engi-
classes needed for functions from neering processes.
these other domains.
– The communication stack used is very Remaining challenges from Edition 1
common (especially TCP/IP and 61850-9-2 defines the standardized
Ethernet). communication of current and voltage
samples across an Ethernet-based serial
The standard extends beyond the link. Besides transmitting such analog
switch yard samples, the link also transmits switch
There is a significant advantage for utili- positions, commands and protection
ties if data from substation IEDs can be trips. According to IEC 61850-8-1, this
used directly on higher system levels for combination results in a complete pro-
control and monitoring purposes, without cess bus between primary and second-
there being a need for protocol converters ary equipment ➔ 3.
or having to handle numerous different
protocols. Therefore two working groups The response time and throughput re-
of IEC TC57 have looked at the use of quirements on this bus are determined
IEC 61850 for real-time applications such mainly by the samples. The advantages
as line protection and also other applica- of such a process bus are:
tions that involve communication between – It permits the replacement of many
substations as well as monitoring and copper cables by a few optical cables
control applications involving communi- (lower cabling costs)
cation between substations and network – Optical cables achieve the galvanic

he development of the control centers. The results will be pub- decoupling of primary and secondary
IEC 61850 standard is con- lished as technical reports. equipment (makes maintenance and
tinuing. This work is primarily replacement easier).
aimed at remedying various The report that handles communication – The serial interface makes the applica-
shortcomings that were identified during between substations is published as tions independent of the physical
the first installations, but it also seeks to IEC TR 61850 90 1 [8]. Its results are principle of the instrument transformer
enhance its application range – as is re- being integrated into the second edition (electromagnetic, capacitive, optical,
flected in its changed title “Communica- of the base standard. Besides discuss- others) allowing more flexibility on the
tion Networks and Systems for Power ing direct tunneling of Ethernet-level primary equipment side.
Utilities” [3]. This work is resulting in Edi- messages on high-bandwidth links, it
tion 2 of the standard, which is being also looks at the usage of proxy gate- Edition 1 of the standard did not define a
published in 15 parts during 2010. ways with low-bandwidth links ➔ 2. solution for the time synchronization re-
quired for the communication of samples
Expanding into new application areas The report handling communications at rates in the region of microseconds.
IEC 61850 was originally defined exclu- between substations and network con- Therefore, and to achieve the accep-
sively for substation automation systems trol centers will be published as IEC tance of a faster process bus, the user
(including protection applications). It has TR 61850-90-2 [9] and any resulting add- organization, UCA International [11], de-
since been extended to other application ons to the base standard will be integrat- veloped an application recommendation
areas. These are automation of wind ed into an amend-
power systems [4], hydro power systems ment to Edition 2,
[5], and distributed energy resources or at the latest in IEC 61850 was originally
such as combined heat and power sys- Edition 3 of the
tems or photovoltaic plants [6]. The fact base standard. defined exclusively for substa-
that the standard is being applied in the
domain of distributed energy resources Work on a third re-
tion automation systems, but
indicates the significance of IEC 61850 port handling the has since been extended to
for smart grids. automated trans-
formation and map- other application areas.
Aspects of the extension of IEC 61850 to ping between the
these domains include the following: IEC 61850 data
– The services of IEC 61850 have been model and the IEC 61970 Common known as IEC 61850-9-2LE (Light Edi-
proven to fulfill the known require- Information Model (CIM, [10]) has just tion). This recommendation is based on
ments of these other domains and begun. the concept of a merging unit (MU) that
may hence be applied without delivers all current and voltage samples

48 ABB review special report

1 IEC 61850 based substation automation system in Sils. This implementation is also discussed on page 38.

Engineering workstation Station HMI Remote control

Station Backup
server (NAS)

Ethernet switch RSG2100

Bay side
Ethernet switch RSG2100 Ethernet switch RSG2100
Transformer 2 Transformer 1

central unit
REB500 REC670 7SA612 REC670 7SA612 REC670 7SA612 REC670 7SA612 REC670 7SA612

REL670 REL670 REL670 REL670 REL670

BCM800 BCM800 BCM800 BCM800 BCM800




380 kV BBP 380 kV line 1 380 kV coupler 380 kV transformer 2 380 kV transformer 1 380 kV line 2

from a given bay in a time-synchronized the conventional current transformer of

manner. It defines a telegram format type TPY for protection. This allows the More components
containing voltages and currents from type testing of the combined set of NCIT
the three phases and the zero compo- and MU. This has been done success- will facilitate the
nents. It specifies two sample rates (80
and 256 samples per period) and a time
fully for ABB’s NCIT CP, (combined cur-
rent and voltage sensors for GIS) which
adoption of the
synchronization by a pulse per second are now ready for use. architecture of the
(1 pps) with a synchronization accuracy
class of T4 (± 4 µs). Meanwhile, a profile Some questions remain unresolved, es- SA system and
of the standard IEEE 1588 [12] is being pecially how the signal from a conven-
worked on, which will support high-pre- tional transformer (CIT) is changed due
permit the better
cision time synchronization across to digitalization in the MU. These ques- physical distribu-
switch-based Ethernet. tions are addressed by the IEC TC38 (In-
strument Transformers) that has started tion of the primary
The numerous features and benefits that replacing IEC 60444 by new standard
the process bus offers are considered in IEC 61869 [14] in a step by step manner.
equipment, provid-
a discussion on optimal processes in
connection with communication archi-
It will define in its part 9 the “digital inter-
face” covering the whole issue of MUs.
ing the full advan-
tecture. The interoperable application The result will not be available in time to tage of the process
has been delayed, however, because the be referenced in Edition 2 of IEC 61850.
dynamic behavior (step and frequency bus.
response) of the samples has not been Several manufacturers are already offer-
sufficiently defined to guarantee applica- ing MUs as pilot products. However, the
tion-level interoperability. The behavior of electronic interface to a switch (often
conventional instrument transformers is called a breaker IED or BIED) is rare even
defined in the standard IEC 60044 [13] as as a pilot product. Sometimes “normal”
is the behavior of electronic current and controllers are used in a similar way to
voltage transformers, thus summarizing BIEDs, eg, by receiving GOOSE (Generic
all NCITs. It is stated, eg, that the elec- Object Oriented Substation Event) trips
tronic current transformer behaves as from protection devices. This can for ex-

IEC 61850 Edition 2 49

2 Communication principles between substations based on 3 Process bus with merging unit (MU), switch interface (BIED) and
IEC 61850 external Ethernet switch

Fiber optical
Special Station bus
Station A Communication Station B
Mechanism Currents (I)
Function (typically low Function Voltages (U) MU
A1 bandwidth) A1
Merging Unit
Protection Fiber optical
Trip decision Process bus
Function Proxy Function BIED
A2 B2 B2 Breaker
Protection trip Interface

“Teleprotection Equipment” IEC 61850-90-1

acting as Gateway
Secondary equipment Primary equipment

ample be used for the two affected verified that the Edition 1 devices used
It is possible to breakers of a 1 ½ breaker switchyard di- already implement resolutions of all tech-
ameter, or for breaker failure protection. nical problems identified up to Edition 2.
use Edition 2 engi- This can be done by means of the so

neering and SCL There are also ideas to combine a MU

and a BIED into one product. However,
called TICS document, which should be
available from the manufacturer for each
descriptions with this is not a matter for IEC 61850 but for certified IED type.
the optimized application of the process
IEDs still having an bus. The benefits of process bus appli- Beyond Edition 2
cations can already be reaped today. IEC standards are being developed in a
Edition 1 data More components will facilitate the adop- time-consuming procedure involving
model. tion of the architecture of the SA system commenting and voting by the national
and permit the better physical distribu- committees in several steps and via dif-
tion of the primary equipment, providing ferent drafts as they work towards the
the full advantage of the process bus. final international standard (IS). There-
fore, some task forces have already
IEC 61850 Edition 2 started work on topics for amendments
Besides the correction of errors and or for a future Edition 3, which will fulfill
many small details, Edition 2 will contain further user requirements. Some of the
the add-ons laid out in ➔ 5. topics being considered are:
– Ethernet network architectures within
It is planned to publish all parts of Edition substations including redundancy and
2 with the exception of 7-5xy as an inter- Ethernet switch configuration.
national standard during the course of – A setup for the supervision and diagno-
2010. The question of when correspond- sis of primary equipment, called CMD
ing tools and products will appear on the (condition monitoring and diagnosis).
market depends on the manufacturers
and appropriate requirements from cus- To provide an overview of the standard’s
tomers and is difficult to predict. All error fast-growing data model for both present
corrections, clarifications and restrictions and future application domains, and to
contained in Edition 2 with respect to be able to realize extensions more quick-
Edition 1, however, should already be ly than is possible in the normal stan-
followed by the next releases of Edition 1 dardization process, the introduction of
devices. In this context it should also be an IEC database for model definitions is
mentioned that it is possible to use Edi- under discussion. This would be acces-
tion 2 engineering and SCL descriptions sible via Internet. A standardized formal
with IEDs still having an Edition 1 data description of the model definitions de-
model. Edition 2 and all following edi- fined in Edition 2 will help with the rapid
tions will be backwards compatible to integration of new models into the tools.
Edition 1 (with the exception of error cor-
rections). A customer or supplier today IEC 61850 and Smart Grids
deciding to apply IEC 61850 Edition 1 The discussion around the future of the
will thus benefit from all present advan- power grid with more and more decen-
tages and future benefits of this stan- tralized power generation, flexible power
dard. To assure as much compatibility to buying and high grid reliability often labels
future editions as possible, it should be this objective as “smart grid”. An as-

50 ABB review special report

5 IEC 61850 Edition 2

Besides the correction of errors and many small details, Edition 2 of – Management hierarchies of logical devices: Especially complex
IEC 61850 will contain the following add-ons: multifunctional protection IEDs require more functional levels for the
management of common parameters. For an example see ➔ 5b: The
– Clarifications of unclear parts such as: logical device Ocp controls the mode of the lower level logical devices
– buffered reporting OpcPhs and OpcGnd by group reference (GrRef) which additionally could
– mode switch (test mode) be controlled individually.
– control access hierarchy (local / remote) – New data objects and concepts for testing of function parts in the
– Data model and SCL extensions for communication between running system: This feature allows now a standardized application of
substations: discussed above and outlined in ➔ 2 the test and test-blocked mode which was already introduced in Edition
– Support for redundant IED interfaces: discussed in "Seamless 1 and is now clarified in Edition 2. It supports the handling of test
redundancy” on pages 57-61 of this ABB Review Special Report. messages in parallel to the real messages.
– Data model extensions for new application functions: supervision of – SCL extensions to describe new IED properties and better support
non electrical quantities, etc. (These new logical nodes have been mainly of engineering processes and retrofit: The data exchange between
introduced by other application domains such as hydro-power plants) different projects in a controlled way allows coordinated engineering in
– Statistical evaluations of measurements as contained in the logical parallel running subprojects.
nodes MMXU and MMXN: Triggered by power-quality discussions and – SCL implementation conformance statement (SICS): stating
other application domains such as wind power ➔ 5a. mandatory and optional features of IED tools and system tools. This
– Support for tracking and logging of services and service responses: feature allows judging the degree of interoperability between different
This feature makes service parameters and service handling visible engineering tools, system tools as well as IED tools.
without the use of protocol analyzers by the standard’s existing reporting – An informative part 7-5x with examples of modeling important
and logging facilities and allows, eg, the logging of negative answers on application functions in the system: This part is intended to support
service requests (negative acknowledgements). This feature is useful both common understanding of modeling and to move towards broadly
for commissioning and security supervision. accepted modeling solutions

5a Example for statistical methods (ClcMth) applied on MMXU 5b Management hierarchy for logical devices

MMXU 1 Clc Mth MMXU 2 IED1

TotW Total Active Power TotW Total Active Power
TotVAr Total Reactive TotVAr Total Reactive
Power Power
TotVA Total Apparent TotVA Total Apparent
Power Power GrRef = IED1.Ocp.LLN0
TotPF Average Power TotPF Average Power
Factor Factor
AVG OcpGnd OcpPhs
PPV Phase to phase PPV Phase to phase
Voltages Voltages
V Phase to ground V Phase to ground
Voltages Voltages PTOC 1 PTOC 1
A Phase Currents A Phase Currents
....................................... ...... ....................................... RDIR 1 RDIR 1

sumed prerequisite to the functioning of References [9] IEC/TR 61850-90-2, Communication networks
such a grid is that more information can [1] IEC 61850 (Ed 1), Communication Networks and systems for power utility automation – Part
be made available in a reliable and timely and Systems in Substations, 14 Parts, 90-2: Use of IEC 61850 for the communication
2003-2005, http://www.iec.ch. between substation and network control
manner to more and more distributed ap-
[2] Brand, K.P, Reinhardt, P, 2008, Experience center, in work
plications and users, permitting control to with IEC 61850 based Substation Automation [10] IEC 61970-301, Energy management system
be optimized. This will assure the grid’s Systems, Praxis Profiline – IEC 61850, 66-71 application program interface (EMS-API) – Part
stability, make electrical energy available [3] IEC 61850 Ed 2, Communication Networks 301: Common Information Model (CIM) Base,
and Systems for Power Utility Automation, 2003-11
where needed, and permit interactive
scheduled for 2010, http://www.iec.ch [11] IEC 61850-9-2LE (Light edition) Implementa-
communication with consumers. This re- [4] IEC 61400-25-x, Wind turbines – Part 25-1: tion Guideline for Digital Interface to Instrument
quires the needed data to be made avail- Communications for monitoring and control of Transformers using IEC 61850-9-2, UCA
able within a common information net- wind power plants, 2006-12 International Users Group, www.ucainterna-
[5] IEC 61850-7-410, Communication networks tional.org
work and according to standardized data
and systems for power utility automation – Part [12] IEEE 1588, Precision Clock Synchronization
semantics. This is precisely where IEC 7-410: Hydroelectric power plants – Communi- Protocol for Networked Measurement and
61850 fits in. Therefore IEC 61850 has cation for monitoring and control, 2007-08 Control Systems
been taken up alongside IEC 61970 in a [6] IEC 61850-7-420, Communication networks [13] IEC 60444 Instrument transformers
and systems for power utility automation – Part [14] IEC 61869, Instrument transformers – Part 1:
smart-grid related report from EPRI [15]
7 420: Basic communication structure – Distri- General requirements, 2007-10 (others parts in
and adopted by NIST as a key interest. buted energy resources logical nodes, 2009-03 work)
[7] Swiss Chapter of IEEE PES, Hydro Power [15] Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI),
Klaus-Peter Brand Workshop I (Handeck, 2008) und Workshop II Report to NIST on the Smart Grid Interoper-
(Genf, 2009), http://pes.ieee.ch ability Standards Roadmap, June 17, 2009
Wolfgang Wimmer
[8] IEC/TR 61850-90-1, Communication (www.nist.gov/smartgrid )
ABB Substation Automation networks and systems for power utility
Baden, Switzerland automation – Part 90-1: Use of IEC 61850 for
klaus-peter.brand@ch.abb.com the communication between substations, to
be published summer 2009

IEC 61850 Edition 2 51

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