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Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab



Format and Guidelines for Writing Thesis

Title Page
Approval Sheet
Dedication (if any)
Abstract (200-300 words)
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures (if any)

The above titles should be written in 14 bold Times New Roman in upper case and
centered. All text should be written in 12 Times New Roman. The specimen of title
page approval sheet and guidelines for acknowledgements can be seen at the end.

Chapter 1 (14 font size, bold, Times New Roman, Centered)

Introduction (14 font size, bold, Times New Roman, Centered)
It should go from general to specific; the last paragraph(s) should reflect the justification
of the study; and content organization should be well observed so as to avoid gaps.
Rationale or justification of the study may be clearly written under heading of
significance of the study. Under introduction, following headings are included.
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Objectives of the Study
Research Questions and/or Hypotheses
Assumptions (if applicable)
Limitations (if applicable)
Delimitations (if applicable)
Operational Definitions of Key Terms (if applicable)

Note: All of the above headings should be written in 14 font size, bold, Times New Roman
style and left side adjusted. Other recommended type styles of APA 7 may be used as per
instruction of the supervisor.

Chapter 2 (14 font size, bold, Times New Roman, Centered)

Review of Related Literature (14 font size, bold, Times New Roman, Centered)
 It should focus latest researches in the field (both local and global contexts) in
the field.
Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab

 Different primary and secondary sources should be used such as books,

journals, Internet, national or international reports, master, MPhil and PhD
theses etc.
 The headings should appear in 14 font size, bold, Title Case, Times New
Roman style, and left side adjusted.
 The 1st level subheadings should appear in 12 font size, bold, Title case,
Times New Roman style, and left side adjusted
 The 2nd level subheadings should appear in 12 font size, bold, Italic, Tile case,
Times New Roman style, and left side aligned.
 The 3rd level subheadings should appear in 12 font size, bold, sentence case,
Times New Roman style, and left side indented
 The 4th level subheadings should appear in 12 font size, bold, Italic, sentence
case, Times New Roman style, and left side indented.

Chapter 3 (14 font size, bold, Title case, Times New Roman, Centered)
Research Methodology (14 font size, bold, Title Case, Times New Roman, Centered)
Nature of the Study (qualitative/quantitative/mixed-methods design)
Population/Universe of the Study (mention nature, size)
Sampling Design (number of participants, sampling technique/s used)
Instrumentation (if use more than one instrument, then give detail of all
instruments about main themes on which questions designed, types of
questions included, and validation mechanism of instruments).
Data Collection Procedure (It should include answers of questions: When data
were collected? Who were involved? Whether personally collected or
team were involved or data was collected via email, Skype, telephone etc.)
Data Analysis Techniques (possible data analysis techniques should be
mentioned for each of the instruments of the study. If study is qualitative,
then better to draw a flow chart/figure showing steps of thematic
Ethical Considerations

Chapter 4 (14 font size, bold, Times New Roman, Centered)

Data Analysis and Interpretation (14 font size, bold, Times New Roman,
 After an introductory paragraph, analysis and interpretation of data should be
presented in some logical order e.g. objective, research question/hypothesis-wise,
instrument-wise etc.
 Unnecessary tables and figures should be avoided. Wherever tables serve the
purpose, figures should be avoided and vice versa.
Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab

Chapter 5 (14 font size, bold, Times New Roman, Centered)

Summary, Findings, Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations
(14 font size, bold, Times New Roman, Centered)
 Summary should reflect key objectives and significance of the study, brief of
methodology/research design, data analysis procedure and key findings.
 If more than one research instruments were used for data collection, then findings
of each should preferably be discussed separately.
 Discussion should be supported with previous studies findings in an analytical
 Conclusions should be aligned with the findings. These are written in present
indefinite tense.
 Recommendations should be specific related to the key findings and conclucions.
There should be also some recommendations for future research.

References (14 font size, bold, Title case, Times New Roman, Centered)
 All references should be written in alphabetically by last name of the
 References should be made as per APA manual 7th edition. A few most
commonly used examples are given below.

American Psychological Association (2019). Publication manual of APA 7th edition.

American Psychological Association.
Creswell, J. W. & Plano Clark, V. L. (2007). Designing and conducting mixed-methods
research. Sage.
Elliott, S. M., Busse, R. T., & Shapiro, E. S. (1999). Intervention techniques for academic
performance problems. In C.R. Reynolds & T.B. Gitkin (Eds.) The handbook of
school psychology, pp. 664-685. Sage.
Government of Pakistan (2009). National Education Policy (2009). Islamabad: Federal
Ministry of Education, Curriculum Wing.
Madise, N. J. & Mpona, M. O. (1997). Child malnutrition and feeding and feeding
practices in Malawi. Food Nutrition Bull, 18, 190-201.
Shafqat, H. & Saeed, M. (2012). Assessing performance of secondary school head
teachers: A survey study based on teachers’ views in Punjab. Educational
Management Administration & Leadership, 37(6), 766-783.
Appendix A (Title case, 14 font size, right side adjusted)
Appendix B (Title case, 14 font size, right side adjusted)
Appendix C …..
 Each appendix should be reflected at the separate page.
 The title should be written in 14 font size and centered.
 Appendices should appear in sequence the way presented in the text.
Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab




Ayesha Bibi






Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab




Ayesha Bibi


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of Master of

Educational Research and Assessment at the

Department of Educational Research and Evaluation

Institute of Education and Research
University of the Punjab

September, 2019
Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab


The thesis titled “A Study on Students’ Satisfaction with Their Teachers’

Teaching and Assessment at University of the Punjab” is accepted hereby at the

Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, Institute of Education and

Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the award of the degree of Master of Educational Research and Assessment (MERA).

Thesis Evaluation Committee

Name Position Signature

______________________ Supervisor _______________________

_______________________ Internal Examiner ________________________

_______________________ External Examiner _______________________

Dated: ______________ _____________________________________


Department of Educational Research & Evaluation

Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab

Following sequence should be observed while writing acknowledgements.

Internal member
Chairman of Department
Other teachers at Department/IER who taught and/or provided guidance in course work
and/or thesis
Other professionals and friends who helped at any stage during research work (if desired)
Parents and other relatives (if desired)
Any other persons (if desired)

 Length should be 200-300 words.
 Write up should be in double line spacing as of the main body of thesis.
 Should be written in normal text type and style (i.e. 12 Times New Roman)
 Should include few background sentences, key objective/s, brief methodology
(sample, instrumentation, data analysis procedure), key findings and pertinent
Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab

Table of Contents
Chapter No. Contents Page No.

Approval Sheet ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgements iv

Abbreviations v

Abstract vi

Table of Contents vii

Chapter 1


Statement of the Problem

Significance of the Study


Research Questions and/or Hypotheses

Delimitations of the Study

Operational Definitions of Key terms

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature


What is teaching?

Indicators of effective teaching

Effective teaching at university level

Assessment and its Types

Definition of assessment

Purposes of assessment
Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab

Types of assessment


Definition of satisfaction

Indicators / elements of satisfaction

Students’ satisfaction about their teachers’ teaching

Students’ satisfaction with their teachers’assessment

Chapter 3


Nature of the Study


Sample Selection

Instrument Development and Validation

Data Collection Procedure

Data Analysis


Ethical Considerations

Chapter 4

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Chapter 5

Summary, Findings, Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations





Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab



Appendix A: Instrument of the Study

Appendix B: Permission Letter for Data Collection

Note: In chapter 5, the titles and headings under it may be changed as per advice of the
supervisor, keeping in view the nature of the study.

General Guidelines
1. Paper Size: A4 size/22am x 28cm/8½” x 11”
(except for drawings and maps)

2. Paper Weight: 80/90 gms (computer paper)

3. Margin
Left hand 3.81 cm (1½”)
Top & right 2.54 cm (1”)
Bottom ` 2.0 cm (0.75”)

4. Type/font size and style

Text type 12 Time New Roman(TNR) left side margin

Main Headings 14 TNR (bold) text left side margin, Title case
1st level Sub-heading 12 TNR (bold) text left side margin, Title Case
2nd level Subheading 12 TNR (bold) text left-side aligned, Italic, Title case
3rd level Subheading 12 TNR (bold) text left-side aligned & indented, sentence case
4th level Subheading 12 TNR (bold) text left aligned & indented, Italic, sentence case

Chapter Numbers 14 TNR (bold) Title case, centered)

Chapter Titles 14 TNR (bold) Title case, centered)

5. Typeface/composing
 The thesis should be error free. No correction ink shall be acceptable on
any page of thesis.
 Typing should only be on one side of page.
6. Binding
 Rexine/cloth, edges uncut, dark green colour
 The spine of thesis should show name of the author in the middle,
and year of approval at the bottom across the width.
Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab

7. Spacing
 Line spacing should be double in normal text throughout the thesis, except
in tables and figures. In tables and figures, line spacing should be either
1.5 or single as per advice of the supervisor.
 Leave an additional double space before any heading and sub-heading.
 Indent five spaces from left side of page for all new paragraphs and
block/long quotations (more than 40 words).

8. Page Numbering
 Preliminary pages (title page, dedication if written, acknowledgements,
abstract, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures etc.) should be
numbered in lower case Roman numerals, i,ii, iii etc. at the center bottom
of the thesis.
 The main body of the text of thesis i.e. from the first page of chapter I to
references be given in Arabic numerals i.e. 1, 2, 3 etc. to be indicated at
the right top of each page
 Appendices should be numbered in English numerals (A, B, C) in upper
right hand corner like main text of the thesis without introducing into the
margins. The page numbers will be in Roman letters at the bottom in the
 Each chapter should start from a new page but numbering should continue
from the last page of the previous chapter.
9. Preliminary Pages
 The titles of all preliminary pages (e.g. acknowledgements, table of
contents and references are to be written in upper case (TNR 14 font size,
bold, centered). However, the title of topic should be written in TNR 16 or
18 font size in upper case and centered.
 The chapter titles are to be written in upper case (TNR, 14 font size, bold,
 Leave two or three single spaces after the title.
 Each preliminary page should begin from a separate page.
10. Tables
 For citation purposes, only highlights of a table should be written. Long
titles of tables are to be avoided.
 Table titles should be written in Title case and Italic in normal 12 font size.
 In case title of table is not completed in one line and extended to next line,
then line spacing should be single.
 Discussion/interpretation of data should be followed after the table.
 A table should be separated from the text by leaving three single spaces
above the text.
 All tables should be numbered throughout the thesis including the ones that
appear in the appendices.
Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab

 A table may be composed/ typed in landscape format in consultation with

the supervisor but it should be placed in the way that table title should be on
the spine/binding side and whole text should be visible.
 Reference of tables be given by indicating their numbers e.g. Table 3.1,
Table 4.1, instead of writing as shown in the following or above table etc.
 Avoid using the same data of table by adding a figure or vice versa, as it
would be unnecessary replication. The choice of table or figure rests with
the researcher and his/her supervisor as per meaningfulness/appropriateness
pertaining to nature of data.

11. Figures
 Figures should be drawn where deemed essential. Especially where the
same data has been explained/discussed by drawing tables, figures are to
be avoided or vice versa.
 Choose the most appropriate type of graph (line graph, bar graph, pie
graph etc) for explaining your own data.
 Figure title should be brief and be written in Title case in 14 font TNR.
 Figure title should be written above the figure. Leave double space after
the figure while writing figure title. The text should be written after
leaving three single spaces.
 Number of all figures should be given consecutively in Arabic numerals
with respect to chapters (e.g. 3.1, 3.2, 4.1...) including those appeared in
the appendices.
 Text in the tables or figures should be written in lower case in 12 font size
(TNR) unbold. If table or figure is complex, font size may be reduced to
 A figure may be given in landscape format in consultation with the
supervisor but its title should appear on the spine/binding side.

12. Numerals
 Use figures to show numbers from 10 or onward, e.g. (10, 25, 110). But
show /write numbers in words if up to nine e.g. five, seven, nine etc.
 Use the symbol for percent only where preceded by a number.

13. Other Instructions

 Keep uniformity or consistency in regard to writing each part of the thesis,

e.g. uniform font and style of headings, sub-headings, text; English style
(British or American); tables; figures/flow charts/graphs; writing
references; line spacing, etc.
 Consult your supervisor from time to time and do work under his/her close
 Consult your internal member at least at the stage of proposal
development, instruments development and validation, and before
submission of thesis for viva.
Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab

 Preliminary pages should be in proper sequence.

 Chapter 1: Introduction. It should include the global, national and local
scenario in respect to the problem of the study. There should be logical
sequence in the text and it should end with paragraphs indicating the worth
importance or justification of the study. All other headings and sub-
headings should be in logical sequence. The students can delimit the study
but in this regard they need to clearly understand the difference between
Delimitation and Sample.
 Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature. It should include relevant
literature mostly drawn from the latest published books, journals and other
sources. However, quotations from founding books in the relevant field
can be added even old (e.g. Bloom, Piaget, Dewey etc). Avoid
unnecessary details that have either the least or no concern with the study.
It contains some methodological procedures and findings of the relevant
previous research studies of worth importance. Avoid too many long
quotations. The long quotations should be indented as per APA style. The
short quotations should be written within inverted commas “……….” In
continuing form.
 Chapter 4: Research Methodology. It should include the topics and sub-
topics indicated in the format. Appropriate sampling technique(s) should
be used. The size of the sample should be adequate. The sample should be
the true representative of the population of the study. The instrument(s)
should be developed after sufficient literature review. These should be
relevant in regard to the nature of the problem. The instrument(s) should
be validated as per advice of the supervisor. If instrument is adapted/
adopted, then some details must be added such as expert/s who developed
that instrument, year, key constructs, reliability etc. Appropriate data
analysis techniques should be written. It would be better to mention
separate technique(s) for the analysis of data pertaining of each
 Chapter 4: Analysis and Interpretation of Data. It should include only
necessary tables and figures. Each table is followed by its interpretation/
discussion. If there is large data in the form of tables and figures, then
some tables and/or figures may be shifted to Appendices in consultation
with the advisor. In case, if data belongs to two or more instruments, then
some harmony may be observed in regard to the analysis of data. For
example, the sequence should be according to the sequential order of the
objectives and research questions/hypotheses OR the order of description
of instruments in chapter 3. The key/striking findings should be supported
with previous research. This will increase the validity of your study. The
numbers of the tables and figures should be as per APA style.
 Chapter 5: Summary, Findings, Discussion, Conclusions, and
Recommendation. It should be properly written in sequence. The
summary should comprise of one to two page/s. There should be Findings
about research questions and/or hypotheses, and should be written in past
indefinite tense. Wherever necessary, refer to respective tables and figures.
Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, IER, University of the Punjab

The conclusions should be concise and are written in the present indefinite
tense. The recommendations should be specific and viable indicating some
implementation strategies. These should be drawn from findings.
 Add the letters written to different personnel, schedules, instruments,
further details of analysis, etc. in Appendices. The Appendices should be
enclosed in sequence form i.e. the way these are indicated in the main text.


1. Consult APA 7th edition to know further details about format/style.

2. Avoid Plagiarism.
3. In case of any query, please consult your supervisor.

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