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1. Aim 1
2. Introduction 2
3. Working 3-5
4. Diagram 6
5. Theory 7-9
6. Applications 10
7. Conclusion 11
8. Bibliography 12
To Make Study Of A Step-Up Transformer.

A transformer is a passive component that transfers
electrical energy from one electrical circuit to
another circuit, or multiple circuits. A varying
current in any coil of the transformer produces a
varying magnetic flux in the transformer's core,
which induces a varying electromotive force (EMF)
across any other coils wound around the same core.
Electrical energy can be transferred between
separate coils without a metallic (conductive)
connection between the two circuits. Faraday's law
of induction, discovered in 1831, describes the
induced voltage effect in any coil due to a changing
magnetic flux encircled by the coil.

Transformers are used to change AC voltage levels,

such transformers one of which converts low voltage
(LV) and high current input from the primary
portion of the device to high voltage (HV) and low
current output from the secondary section is known
as Step-Up Transformer.

The working principle of a step-up transformer is based
on the principles of electromagnetic induction and the
behavior of alternating current (AC) in coils. A step-up
transformer is designed to increase the voltage of an
incoming AC supply.

Primary and Secondary Coils

A step-up transformer consists of two coils of wire wound
around a common iron or ferrite core. The coil with more
turns is called the primary coil, and the one with fewer
turns is called the secondary coil.

AC Input
An alternating current (AC) is applied to the primary coil.
As the current flows through the primary coil, it creates a
changing magnetic field around the coil. The magnetic
field strength varies with the alternating direction of the

Electromagnetic Induction
The changing magnetic field around the primary coil
induces a voltage in the secondary coil according to
Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. The
induced voltage in the secondary coil is directly

proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux
through it.

Voltage Transformation
The key principle here is that the ratio of the
number of turns in the primary coil to the number of
turns in the secondary coil determines the voltage
transformation. In a step-up transformer, the
secondary coil has more turns than the primary coil,
resulting in a higher voltage in the secondary coil
compared to the primary coil.

Voltage Output
The induced voltage in the secondary coil is
transferred to the load connected to the secondary
winding. The load experiences an increase in voltage
compared to the input voltage on the primary side.
This is why the transformer is referred to as a "step-
up" transformer because it steps up the voltage.

Conservation of Energy
While the voltage increases on the secondary side,
the current decreases proportionally due to the law
of conservation of energy. In an ideal transformer
with no losses, the power on the primary side is
equal to the power on the secondary side, meaning

that the product of voltage and current is constant.

In summary, the working principle of a step-up

transformer is based on electromagnetic induction and
the ratio of turns in the primary and secondary coils.
When AC voltage is applied to the primary coil, it
induces a higher voltage in the secondary coil, which is
useful for a wide range of applications where an
increase in voltage is required while keeping the power
constant or nearly constant.


When an alternating e.m.f. is supplied to the primary coil
p1p2 , an alternating current starts falling in it. The
alternating current in the primary produces a changing
magnetic flux,which induces altering voltage in the
primary as well as in the secondary coil.

In a 100% efficient transformer, the whole magnetic flux

linked with primary is also linked with the secondary, and
then the induced e.m.f. induced in each turn of the
secondary is equal to that induced in each turn of the

Thus, if Ep and Es are the instantaneous values of the

e.m.f.'s induced in the primary and the secondary and Np
and Ns are the no. of turns of the primary secondary coils
of the transformer and,
dф/dt = rate of change of flux in each,we have,
Ep = -Np dф/dt-->(1)
Es = -Ns dф/dt-->(2)
so by dividing 2 by 1,we get,
Es / Ep = Ns / Np
As Ep is the instantaneous value of back e.m.f induced
inthe primary coil p1 , so the instantaneous current in
primary coil is due to the difference (E-Ep) in the
instantaneous values of the applied and back e.m.f.

further if Rp is the resistance of p1p2 coil , then the
instantaneous current Ip in the primary coil is given by,

Ip= E- Ep/Rp(E-Ep) = lp Rp
When the resistance of the primary is small, Rp,lp can be
neglected so therefore
E-Ep = 0 or Ep=E
Thus back e.m.f = input e.m.f Hence final equation can be
written as
Es / Ep=Es/E =output e.m.f / input e.m.f= N/Np=K
Where K is constant, called turn or transformation ratio.

In a step-up transformer,
K>1,Ns>Np,so from the transformer formula,
Es / Ep = Ns / Np=K
That is,in a step-up transformer the Voltage (EMF) gets
increased up and the current gets decreased.

Efficiency of a transformer is defined as the ratio of
output power to the input power.
n = output power / input power = Es Is / Ep Ip
Thus in an ideal transformer, where there is no power
But in actual practice, there are many power losses;
therefore the efficiency of transformer is less than one.

Energy losses
Following are the major sources of energy loss in a

1.Copper loss is the energy loss in the form of heat in the

copper coils of a transformer. This is due to joule heating
of conducting wires.

2.Iron loss is the energy loss in the form of heat in the iron
core of the transformer. This is due to formation of eddy
currents in iron core. It is minimized by taking laminated

3.Leakage of magnetic flux occurs inspite of best

insulations. Therefore, rate of change of magnetic flux
linked with each turn of S1S2 is less than the rate of
change of magnetic flux linked with each turn of P1P2.

4.Hysteresis loss is the loss of energy due to repeated

magnetization and demagnetization of the iron core when
A.C. is fed to it.

5.Magneto striation i.e. humming noise of a transformer.

1.Electrical Power Transmission:By increasing the voltage
of electricity, they reduce energy loss during long-distance

2.High-Voltage Power Generation:Power plants, such as

thermal power plants and nuclear power plants, use step-
up transformers to increase the voltage of electricity
generated before it's sent to the grid.

3.X-ray Machines:Medical and industrial X-ray machines

use step-up transformers to generate high voltage needed
to produce X-rays.

4.Particle Accelerators: In scientific research, particle

accelerators like cyclotrons and linear accelerators use
step-up transformers.

5.Microwave Ovens: Microwave ovens use a step-up

transformer to increase the voltage from the standard
household voltage to the high voltage needed by the
magnetron, a device that generates microwave radiation
for cooking food.

6.Neon Signs: Neon signs require a higher voltage to create

the luminous glow. Step-up transformers are used to boost
the voltage for these lighting applications.

Step-up transformers have revolutionized the world
today by providing a more efficient and cost-
effective way of transmitting electrical power over
long distances. These transformers have enabled the
integration of renewable energy sources, such as
wind and solar power, into the power grid, making it
possible to power homes and businesses with clean
and sustainable energy. Additionally, step-up
transformers have improved the stability and
reliability of the power grid, reducing the risk of
power outages and blackouts.

Hence,step-up transformers have made a substantial

and positive impact on the world by improving
energy distribution, supporting technological
progress, and contributing to economic development.
They have become an integral part of modern life,
powering essential services and devices while helping
to conserve energy and reduce environmental


•NCERT Textbook Class 12.

•Project-on-Transformers-Class-XII (

•Transformer (


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