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Contoh dialog Ability and Inability

Contoh 1
Teacher: Zacky, Do you know how to operate Linux?
Student: Sir, I am learning.
Teacher: When did you start training?
Student: Only two days back Sir.
Teacher: Be confident. Don't be shy. Can you see the programme?
Student: Yes Sir. It is well planned.
Teacher: There is your friend Mugesh. Look at him.
Student: He is also having training under Mr. Gopal only from yesterday.
Teacher: How much time will you take?
Student: I will take only 30 minutes, Sir.
Teacher: Our H.M. will go round all the computer classes today .
Student: Yes Sir. We are happy to meet him.
Contoh 2: Hi, Jonathan! How are you today?
Jonathan: Oh, Hi Wildan...! I'm fine, thanks.
Wildan: Do you have any planning for tomorrow?
Jonathan: No, I haven't, why?
Wildan: Would you like to going with me to my uncle's house?
Jonathan: Of course, I would.
Wildan: But, can you drive a car?
Jonathan: "Don't worry, It's easy. I've took a course and got a driving license, but I am
not able to drive a big car."
Wildan: It doesn't matter, My car is a carry. So, you don't need to drive a big car
Jonathan: Yeah. So, when we will go?
Wildan: Wait on your home, I will come there...
Jonathan: OK!

Soal Pilihan Ganda Ability and Inability

Exercise: Answer the following questions!
Nadine : Besides English, what language can you speak?
Indy : ____________________
1. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. I can speak Javanese fluently
B. I could speak Javanese fluently
C. I want to speak Javanese fluently
D. I will speak Javanese fluently
E. I would speak Javanese fluently

Ery : __________________
Kevin : Yes, I could play the piano since I was four.
2. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Can you teach me playing piano?
B. Can you buy the piano?
C. Can you play the piano?
D. You are great pianist
E. I love your music

Complete the dialogue below (for number 3 - 4)

Andy : Can you explain me about the process of extraction in the laboratory?
Dony : Yes, no problem.
Andy : Do you have experience to lead the physics seminar?
Dony : No, I have no experience to lead physics seminar.

3. Based on the dialogue above, what kind of expression Andy used?

A. Expression of ability
B. Expression of like
C. Expression of annoyance
D. Expression of surprise
E. Expression of happiness

4. The underlined word has similar meaning with ....

A. Ascent
B. Rear
C. Spend
D. Assist
E. Preside

Dewi : Can you help me to lift this heavy table?

Dena : I am sorry, I am not able to lift it in that way. It is too heavy for me.
5. The underlined sentence shows . . . .
A. Surprise
B. Incapability
C. Capability
D. Like
E. Advice

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