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Virgin Regina A.P.

Musrifah Eka A. (17202241060)

1. Speech Act Analysis of Winnie the Pooh

1. “well,” said Owl, “the customary procedure in such cases is as follows.”

2. “What does Crustimoney Proseedcake mean?” said Pooh. “For I am a Bear of
Very Little Brain, and long words Bother me.”
3. “It means the Thing to Do.”
4. “As long as to do is as follows. First, Issue a Reward. Then”
5. “Just a moment,” said Pooh, holding up his paw. “What do we do to this - what
you were saying? You Sneezed just as you were going to tell me.”
6. “I didn’t sneeze.”
7. “Yes, you did, Owl.”
8. “Excuse me, Pooh, I didn’t. You can’t sneeze without knowing it.”
9. “Well, you can’t know it without something having been sneezed.”
10. “What I said was, ‘First Issue a Reward.”
11. “You’re doing it again, “ said Pooh sadly.
12. “A Reward! Said Owl very loudly. “We write a notice to say that we will give a
large something to anybody who finds Eeyore’s tail.”
13. “I see, I see, “ said Pooh, nodding his head. “talking about large somethings,” he
went on dreamily, “I generally have a small something about now - about this time in the
morning, “ And he looked wistfully at the cupboard in the corner of Owl’s parlour; “just
a mouthful of condensed milk or what-not, with perhaps a lick of honey -”
14. “Well, then, “ said Owl, “we write out this notice, and we put it up all over the
15. “A lick of honey” , murmured Bear to himself, “or - or not, as the case may be.”
And he gave a deep sigh, and tried very hard to listen to what Owl was saying.
16. But Owl went on and on, using longer and longer words, until at last he came
back to where he started, and he explained that the person to write out this notice was
Christopher Robin.”

Direct Speech Act

Declarative Interrogative Imperative
Assertion “well,”

“Just a moment,”

‘First Issue a

“We write a notice

to say that we will
give a large
something to
anybody who finds
Eeyore’s tail.”

“I see, I see”

“talking about
large somethings”

“I generally have a
small something
about now - about
this time in the
“just a mouthful of
condensed milk or
what-not, with
perhaps a lick of
honey -”

“Well, then”

“we write out this

notice, and we put
it up all over the

“A lick of honey”

“or - or not, as the

case may be.”
Question “What does
Order/request A Reward!

“Excuse me, Pooh,

I didn’t. You can’t
sneeze without
knowing it.”

“You’re doing it
again, “

Indirect Speech Act

Declarative Interrogative Imperative
Assertion “the customary
procedure in such
cases is as

For I am a Bear of
Very Little Brain,
and long words
Bother me.”

“It means the

Thing to Do.”

“As long as to do is
as follows. First,
Issue a Reward.
Then -”

You Sneezed just

as you were going
to tell me.

“Well, you can’t

know it without
something having
been sneezed.”

And he looked
wistfully at the
cupboard in the
corner of Owl’s

And he gave a deep

sigh, and tried very
hard to listen to
what Owl was

But Owl went on

and on, using
longer and longer
words, until at last
he came back to
where he started,
and he explained
that the person to
write out this
notice was
Christopher Robin.

Question What do we do to
this - what you
were saying?
Order/request he went on
“I didn’t sneeze.”

2. Issues in Intercultural Communication

Even within the same culture, communication isn't always easy. Spouses get
divorced, friends fall out and workers change jobs -- often because of
misunderstandings. Add cultural differences to the mix, and the sources of potential
problems multiply. Whether you're a student, businessperson or traveler, knowing
the barriers to intercultural communication is the first step to overcoming problems.

a. Language Differences
Language differences are an obvious barrier to intercultural communication. If
you speak only English and a shopkeeper speaks only Japanese, you won't be
able to communicate verbally. Even if you've studied the language or an
interpreter is available, dialects, different accents and slang can cause problems.
In addition, words don't necessarily translate from one language to another in a
clean one-to-one correspondence. The same English word may have different
meanings to people from different cultures.
b. Body Language
People sometimes take offense because of differences in body language across
cultures. For example, a businessperson from Latin America might stand closer
to a client than someone from North America would. This may make the North
American feel crowded and want to back away. People from southern Europe
typically use more eye contact than Britons and Americans, which may make the
English-speakers uncomfortable. Because the French typically smile less than
Americans, sometimes Americans think they aren't friendly.
c. Level of Context
Most English-speaking cultures are low-context, meaning they put a message
into explicit words. In these cultures, saying "no" when you mean "no" is just
considered straightforward or honest. High-context cultures, such as Japan,
expect the listener to pick up more meaning from the general situation. For
example, Asians sometimes say "yes" or "maybe" when they actually mean "no,"
according to the Diversity Council. Asians often consider an outright refusal
blunt rather than honest.
d. Value of Time
Not all cultures think about time in the North American linear fashion. In the
U.S., punctuality is important, but Latin and Middle Eastern cultures put a
higher value on relationships. For example, you'd finish your conversation with
someone even if it makes you late to a meeting. A culture's view of time also
influences how it sees deadlines. For example, North Americans consider
making a deadline crucial -- whether on the job or in college. People from Asia
or South America are more likely to view deadlines as less important than
results over the long haul.
e. Negative Stereotypes and Prejudices
Stereotypes and prejudices about people from other cultures can cause
communication problems and give offense. Ethnocentrism, or a belief that your
own culture is better than that of others, can lead to acting superior toward other
groups and not treating them well. For example, a teacher in an American
college may think that students from a certain culture lack strong English skills
or are incapable of good work. This prejudice can lead the teacher to treat the
students unfairly.
f. Feelings and Emotions
Individuals from the United Kingdom and Japan typically keep a tight control of
their emotions, while Italians and French are more comfortable showing their
feelings. Loud talking might embarrass an Englishman, for example, but an
Italian may just be expressing excitement. Differences in culture and
communication styles can even cause fear. As a result of this anxiety, people
from different cultures may pull back and avoid trying to communicate at all,
reports Kathy McKeiver, Coordinator of International Student Academic
Advising at Northern Arizona University and chair of the Global Engagement
Commission of the National Academic Advising Association.


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