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Culminating Task 1 10% Solutions

Sara Al Dahais
November 1, 2023
Polynomial Functions and Architecture

Polynomial functions are mathematical expressions involving variables raised to whole-number

exponents and combined using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and constants. They are

versatile tools in mathematics used to model various real-world phenomena, including

architectural designs.In architecture, polynomial functions find application in designing curved

surfaces, such as arches, domes, and curved facades. Architects and designers utilize polynomial

equations to create aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound shapes, enabling them to

describe and construct intricate architectural forms. By manipulating polynomial functions,

architects can generate curves and shapes that enhance the visual appeal and functionality of

buildings and structures.These functions help in calculating and determining the curves, angles,

and dimensions needed for designing elements like archways, vaulted ceilings, and curved

facades. The flexibility of polynomial functions allows architects to precisely model and create

architectural designs that meet both aesthetic and structural requirements, contributing to the

uniqueness and beauty of various architectural masterpieces.

Background Research

In the standard form of a polynomial– P(x) = an xn + an-1 xn-1+... + a0, where a0 a1,…,an are

constants. Graph: Depends on the degree, if P(x) has degree n, then any straight line can intersect

it at a maximum of n points. The constant term in the polynomial expression, i.e. a0 here

represents the y-intercept.

Understanding polynomials in their standard form P(x) = an xn + an-1 xn-1+... + a0, illuminates
various fundamental aspects of their behavior and intersections. The degree of the polynomial
determines its shape and the maximum number of times it intersects a straight line; for a
polynomial of degree n, intersections with a straight line can occur at most n points. The constant
term a plays a pivotal role as it signifies the y-intercept, indicating where the polynomial crosses
the y-axis. This value holds significance in analyzing the behavior and positioning of the
polynomial function in relation to the coordinate system, contributing notably to its graphical
representation and fundamental properties.

Polynomials are mathematical expressions consisting of variables raised to non-negative integer

powers, combined through addition, subtraction, and multiplication by constants. The standard
form of a polynomial is typically expressed as:


Here, 'P(x)' represents the polynomial function, 'x' is the variable, 'an' to 'a0' are constants, and 'n'

denotes the degree of the polynomial, which is the highest power of 'x' within the expression.

Polynomials elements:
❖ Degree: It signifies the highest power of the variable '×' within the polynomial. For
example, in
3x2 + 2x + 5, the degree is 2.
❖ Coefficients: The constants (an, an-1, ..., a0) multiplied by the respective powers of 'x' are
coefficients. In 3x2 + 2x + 5, '3', '2', and '5' are coefficients.
❖ Graphical Representation: The graph of a polynomial function visually represents its
The degree of a polynomial affects how its graph looks. Quadratic ones make parabolas,
while higher degrees create more intricate shapes.
❖ Intercepts: The y-intercept (where the graph intersects the y-axis) is determined by the
constant term 'a0'. The x-intercepts (where the graph intersects the x-axis) are solutions to
the equation
P(x) = 0 and are crucial in understanding the roots or zeros of the polynomial.
❖ Roots/Zeros: These are the values of 'x' that make the polynomial equation equal to zero.
They correspond to the x-intercepts on the graph and are essential in solving polynomial
equations and understanding the behavior of the function.

In the context of architecture, polynomial functions are pivotal in designing curved surfaces and
forms. Architects leverage mathematical concepts to create buildings that blend functionality
with aesthetic appeal. The application of polynomial functions in architecture is
well-documented in scholarly articles, engineering journals, and architectural textbooks.

Architects employ polynomial

functions to define the curves and shapes of various architectural elements within a bridge's
design. These functions help in conceptualizing the structure's aesthetics, determining the arcs of
support columns, or the curvature of the bridge deck. Polynomial equations aid architects in
creating visually appealing yet structurally sound designs.
Graphs of polynomial functions

❖ In any polynomial expression, the exponents on the variable must be whole numbers.
❖ A polynomial function is any function that contains a polynomial expression in one
❖ The nth finite differences of a polynomial function of degree n are constant.
❖ The domain of a polynomial function is the set of real numbers, {X ∈ R }.
❖ The range of a polynomial function may be all real numbers, or it may have a lower
bound or an upper bound (but not both).
❖ The graphs of polynomial functions do not have horizontal or vertical asymptotes.
❖ The graphs of polynomial functions of degree zero are horizontal lines. The shape of
other graphs depends on the degree of the function. Five typical shapes are shown for
various degrees:
a) Function that is shown in the graph

b) Domain and range of the function

a) y+a(x+2)2(x-3)2 –Write the equation of the correct family of polynomials using factors created
from the zeros. Because the function must have positive values on both sides of the ×-intercepts,
the factors are squared.
The parabolic shape of the graph near the zeros × = - 2 and × = 3 confirms the order of 2 on the
factors (x + 2)2 and (x - 3)2

Let x = 2 and y=4 –substitute the coordinates of the point marked on the graph into the equation.

4=a(2+2)2(2-3)24= a(4)2(2-3)2 –solve to determine the value of a.

4=16a –solve to determine the value of a.

4=¼ –solve to determine the value of a.

y=½(x+2)2(x-3)2–Write the equation in factored form.

b) b) Domain = {x ∈ R}

Range = { y ∈ R|y ≥ 0}-- (All polynomial functions have their

domain over the entire set of real numbers.
The graph has an absolute minimum
value of 0 when x = -2 and x = 3.
All other values of the function are greater than this.
Sample Problem

Polynomial functions play a pivotal role in both the aesthetic design and structural integrity of
architectural marvels like bridges. From shaping the curves and forms of the bridge to
calculating stress and load-bearing capacities, these mathematical tools serve as the backbone of
the design and engineering processes. In architectural design, polynomials enable architects to
craft visually captivating structures by defining curves, arcs, and shapes that contribute to the
overall aesthetics. This aspect allows for creativity while maintaining functionality. Conversely,
engineers heavily rely on polynomial equations to ensure the safety and stability of the bridge.
Calculating stress distributions, determining load-bearing capacities, and predicting how the
structure will behave under various conditions are critical aspects of engineering that are
facilitated by polynomial functions.However, there's always more to explore in this fascinating
intersection of mathematics and architecture. Exploring advanced applications of polynomial
functions in intricate architectural designs, such as those involving irregular shapes or
dynamically changing structures, could provide deeper insights into their utilization.
Understanding how advancements in technology, such as computational simulations and
sophisticated modeling software, integrate polynomial functions into the design and analysis of
complex architectural projects would be another intriguing area to explore. Moreover, delving
into case studies of iconic bridges or innovative architectural designs and analyzing the specific
polynomial equations used in their creation could offer a more detailed understanding of their
practical application in real-world scenarios.Overall, while recognizing the significant role of
polynomial functions in architectural design and engineering, delving further into their nuances,
advanced applications, and technological integrations could expand our comprehension of their
impact on creating safe, visually stunning, and structurally sound architectural structures.

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