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“Los Agricultores Filipinos” (The Filipino Farmers)

This essay dated March 25, 1889 was the first article of Rizal published in La
Solidaridad. In this
writing, he depicted the deplorable conditions of the Filipino farmers in the Philippines,
the backwardness of the country.

Luchas de los Agricultores Filipinos

by: Ignacio, Keizzer

The article is all about Filipino farmers, specifically, those from La Laguna and their
experienced struggle, discrimination, and injustices from Spanish government officials
and Guardia civil. It was written by Dr. Jose Rizal addressed the Minister of Colonies
and Spanish authorities. He himself was from Laguna, his father was then a farmer
capitalist. It was clear that his heart was with the Filipino farmers, that’s why the primary
purpose of the letter/article was to cite the government's faulty organization and use of
power, and also to propose a reform that will favor the rights and welfare of Filipino
farmers in La Laguna. Personally, I am very curious with regards to farmers and how
Spanish government officers treat them. Questions in my head are: Do they experience
injustices? How were they being aided as part of the agricultural sector? That’s the
reason why I chose this article tom put on a review.

The article/letter exhibited from the start to end the injustices that was happening
between farmers, Guardia civil, and tulisanes. It also highlighted how the government
was always- in any case favored rather than prioritizing its people (citizens of the
islands). Negligence, poor organizational skills, and abuse of power was evident as Dr.
Jose Rizal ran down his comments in the letter. Some of those includes: The
government’s exclusion of the farmers themselves in formulating decrees, plans, and
projects for the land, unaddressed natural and man-made calamities, warrantless arrest
of farmers, incompetence of government on stopping farm-related crimes done by
tulisanes and other robbers, very slow processing of farmers’ license on firearms,
and unauthorized claiming of farmers’ land. At the end, he concluded that the said
behavior of the government hurts the real interests of Spain and through that this way of
making discontented men; the government appeared as the foremost filibuster. Hence
he asked for representation in the Cortes and freedom of press in Manila in order to
expose abuses to public opinion. He also concludes by proposing to the Minister a
reform concerning the granting of licenses for the use of firearms.
Upon reading the article/letter, I saw that Dr. Jose Rizal was of a great stature, he was
very professional and diplomatic. He was able to expose the lapses of the Spanish
government but he followed with proposals of appropriate plans of action to address the
problems. Always eager and always seeking fairness and justice at all costs. I could say
that his arguments/findings were valuable and valid, because it was based from a
day-to-day experience and it was well manifested throughout all the lands of the
country. In that era where many Filipinos were silent and muted, he stands through
diplomacy to fight for the rights of our countrymen by exposing, opposing, and
proposing. His words were not shallow, but it really impacted the authority and
influenced our countrymen to strive for freedom, justice, and welfare. He saw that the
farmers were very oppressed, being deprived of their own lands, being neglected to
their own rights, That's why he stood and wrote directly to the Minister of Colonies and
Spanish authorities. The intended results may not be seen right after his move. But we
all know that his works were not in vain, it really helped the farmers of our country.

Overall the letter is a bold expression of the desire for rich fairness and justice to those
who were in the marginalized sector of society, the farmers. Dr. Jose Rizal bravely
exposed the faulty ruling of Spaniards particularly in the agricultural sector and peace
and order, proposed reforms and actions to address those rampant incompetence and
negligence. He really fought for the rights of farmers through his writings.

The essay is all about the farmers, guardia civil and the tulisanes. The government was
favored to any of them, the government is not favored with his peoples or the citizens of
the island. The government wants to keep out the farmers to stopping farm-related
crimes done by tulisanes and other robbers, very slow processing of farmers’ license on
firearms, and unauthorized claiming of farmers’ land. The government was hurt because
the government knew the real interest of the spain. The farmer’s capitalist has to deal
with the constable who takes away from his laborers for personal service, some public
works, repair of roads, bridges, and others. Farmer capitalist has to deal with the civil
guard who arrests them for various reasons, sometimes for not carrying with them their
personal cedulas, for not saluting properly, for being suspicious persons or for no
reason whatsoever, and they menacle them to clean the barracks.
That’s why Rizal wrote this essay to state the hindrances of why there was no
improvement on Filipino farmer’s lives and the Philippine agriculture itself. He depicted
the deplorable conditions of the Filipino farmers in the Philippines, hence the
backwardness of the country. These hindrances were mainly divided into two: due to
natural calamities, and due to petty tyrants and robbers.
It was clear that his heart was with the Filipino farmers, that's why the primary purpose
The letter/article was to cite the government's faulty organization and use of power, and
also to propose a reform that will favor the rights and welfare of Filipino farmers in La

Impact or Effect
Farmer capitalist has to deal with the constable who takes away from his laborers for
personal service, some public works, repair of roads, bridges, and others
Farmer capitalist has to deal with the civil guard who arrests them for various reasons,
sometimes for not carrying with them their personal cedulas, for not saluting properly,
for being suspicious persons or for no reason whatsoever, and they menacle them to
clean the barracks.

In Jose Rizal’s essay and article, he writes about the Filipino farmers that sadly the
the government of his own island didn’t favor them because of the Spanish government
and they experienced injustice between the farmers, guardia civil and tulisanes. And I
am amazed by Jose Rizal because of what he does. Jose Rizal was of great stature, he
helped to expose the lapses of the Spanish government but he followed it by proposals
of appropriate plan of action to address the problems. Dr, Jose Rizal bravely expose the
wrongdoing of the Spaniards to have peace and order, He really fought for the rights of
farmers through his writings and it was a really big help to the Filipino farmers.

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