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Factors of video games addiction and its effects on society

Assalamualaikum and good morning to sir Khuzaimi. My name is Ahmad Izani Bin
Hasmi and my matric number is 159943. Today I will present about factors of video games
addiction and its effects on society.
Addiction is an excessive human action when doing something. This problem can make
someone to do something repeatedly, despite knowing the adverse effects of his actions.
Addiction not only involves the problem of drugs and cigarettes alone, but also happens to those
who like to play video games. In this discussion, I will explain about the factors of video games
addiction and its effects on society.
Firstly, the main factors that causes this video games addiction is loss of control from
parents over their children. Normally, the parents nowadays very busy with their careers to fulfill
the necessities of life. In this situation, their children will be victim when the parents do not have
a many time to spent with their child. The parents action will get worse when they replacing
video game equipment as a friend for children at home. The loneliness feeling that children
facing will make them to spend a lot of time with video game to eliminate the feeling of
boredom at home. Children will be addiction with this video game when their parents letting
their kids spend excessive time on these video games without advises and guide in using it.
Secondly, video game is an interesting and very fun to play. Many of people today
especially young people like to play video games as hobbies. But, in the same time, video game
can make someone addict. This situation occurs because of video games have are diversity plan
like football, war, fighting, and more. Video game also can make a connection to play together
with friend even at a great distance. According this advantage, many of people was addict in this
problems day by day.
The problems of video games addiction also can give are effects on society. The first
effects about a person’s health. Human health can be disturbed when facing problems with
insufficient sleep and rest. This situation will occur if the community does not manage the time
to play video games properly such as playing video games until late night. Eyes health also can
be affected with myopia if someone looking at screen of video game in a long time.
Lastly, game addiction can make relationship with people around affected. The people
who facing this problem will give more attention to video games than people around. They prefer
to be alone with the video games and do not like to disturbed with people around. This situation
will make someone communication lack and more dangerous if they ignore the people around
including a parent.
In conclusion, the problems of video games addiction should not be allowed to occur.
This problem must be resolved quickly before it becomes more severe in society.

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